BASIC INFORMATION TO BE FILLED UP FOR ToR PROPOSAL Name of Project Expansion of Rolling Mill capacity from (Expansion/Green Field(New); IPP/Captive ) 3,00,000 TPA to 5,00,000 TPA If expansion, state status of implementation of The existing project has already been project for which EC has been accorded. established and under operation with valid CFO from SPCB. Existing project: 1. Pig Iron unit , 7,00,000 TPA 2. Rolling mill. 3,00,000 TPA 3. Sinter plant, 10,00,000TPA 4. BF gas based power plant, 8MW Name of Project Proponent M/S. KALYANI STEELS LTD Mundhwa, Pune–411 036, Maharashtra Phone : 020-66215000, Fax :020-25881532 E-mail :
[email protected] [email protected] Name of Consultant M/s. ULTRA-TECH Environmental Consultancy & Laboratory Unit No. 206, 224-225,Jai Commercial Complex, Eastern Express High Way, Opp.Cadbury, Khopat, Thane (West)-400 601 Sl.No. SALIENT FEATURES 1. Location of Project Village Ginigera Taluk Koppal District Koppal State Karnataka State 2. Capacity & Unit Configurations Pig iron 7,00,000 TPA Rolling mill 3,00,000 TPA BF gas based power plant 8MW Sinter plant 10,00,000 TPA 3. Land requirement, Hectares No additional land is required. Existing land is adequate. 6. Area reqd. for ash pond/dyke Not required. 7. Fuel to be used BF gas as captive source from the existing industry. 8. Quantity of Fuel Required. 500 Nm3/hr 9. Source of Fuel (Domestic /Imported) Domestic 10. Source of Water Tungabhadra river 11. Quantity of water requirement 200 m3/d 12.