Weather Forecast Guide for Readers Page. Page. High today near 55. Clear, cool to- Amusements A-9 Obituary. A-8 night, low near 38; frost in suburbs. light B-15 Fair tomorrow. Comics ... B-14-15 Radio_ Editorial_ A-6 Society. B-3 Temperatures today—High, 51, at 1:30 Edit’l Articles.. A-7 Sports_A-10-11

p.m.: low, 35, at 5:50 p.m. Yesterday- Finance .A-13 Where to Go .. B-4 High, 72, at 3 a.m.; low, 43, at 11:50 p.m. Last and Found A-3 Woman's Page B-10 Late New York Markets. Page A-13. An Associated Press Newspaper City Home Delivery, Daily and Sunday BJ /■'iTr,\TTnC' 93d YEAR. No. ★★★★ ** -L lO. 36,862. Phone NA. 5000. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1945—THIRTY PAGES. 80c a Month. When 6 Sundays. $1.00. 9™ ARMY """' FIVE ■■ ■ ■■ MILES * BEYOND___- WESER RIVER Coal Operators First Army Scores 32-Mile Gain UNITED ( ATTABOY, JOHN. S Quit Parley; Plan PUT'EM IN THERE! national In New Drive Past ...WE CAN'T FINISH CLOTHING OUR JOBS WITH ) Appeal to WLB ♦-i- OUR COATS ON. COLLECTION J ) • ■ "■■■ • Union Allied Forces ANY WAV! / Negotiators Japs Claim They Are Prepared ^ For WAR RELIEF In Two Red Armies Demand Continuance Closing ■r APRIL 1 30 For Future Russian Action Of Talks On Hannover Any Wage Both Parties Bound Speculation Lacking In to By JAMES Y. NEWTON. BULLETINS. Closing Soft coal broke In Moscow Over New operators up NEW YORK <£>).—'The Brit- By Agreement Until the mine wage conference here ish radio said today that the Turn of Events this afternoon by announcing 1946, Tokyo Says would take Allies were “3 kilometers”— Cut Ott Vienna they differences over a work less than 2 miles—from | By the Associated Press. Ey the Associated Press. contract to the War La- Hannover. SAN FRANCISCO, April 6.— MOSCOW, April 6. —Soviel bor Board tomorrow. i Tank-Led Units Push The Japanese foreign office has Russia’s denunciation of hei operators and John L. Lew- (The is’ United Mine Workers, PARIS G1).—The American formally acknowledged Russian five year nonaggression pacl To Within Miles attempt- 4V2 ing to draft a new contract for the 9th Army’s 2d Armored Di- of the Soviet-Japa- with Japan unquestionably ha; abrogation bituminous industry under threat vision drove 5 miles nese but a dealt a terrific blow to the sag- Of Heart today past nonaggression pact, City's of Government seizure of the mines, the Weser River and said who were left to- were in possibly government spokesman ging Japanese, Ey the Associated Press. complete disagreement as know- within 18 miles of Hannover, “both parties are bound to main- day in the position of not to the future status of the con- LONDON, 6.—Two Rus- while the British 7th Tank Di- tain the for another what the Russian April ference. neutrality ing precisely » 1 / sian armies today sought to close Ezra vision closed within 25 miles | year at least.” action means. Van Horn, conference chair- however a giant pincers around Vienna announced of the city. The American 1st i A Domei news agency broadcast The Japanese know this, man, following today’s Russians seldom if ever as tank-led Soviet storm units,; negotiating session that the Army’s new drive carried a ! recorded by the Federal Communi- —that the op- cations the act without reason, and they knifing through a Nazi defense erators had moved that conference distance of 32 miles past the Commission reported good know the Russians believe have belt at the southern rules be suspended and the meet- Ruhr pocket. foreign office action after declaring they city limits, between Japan and the a good reason for ending the pact drove within 4V2 miles of the ing recessed subject to the call of A wholly unconfirmed Ger- (“relations the chairman. Union may see a 6wift The Russians themselves made center of the Austrian capital. The operators, he man broadcast said other [soviet this clear in the said, voted "yes, and the union denouncing treaty Deployed along an 83-mile siege American have been [change.'’ that not negotiators “no.” troops I Foreign office circles were reported declaring bluntly Japan arc, the Russians were within 46 reinforced in “the area an of the Soviet Union's Mr. Van Horn said that un- of I by Domei as saying that “regardless only is ally miles of completely encircling then, der conference he Eisleben.” 90 miles from Ber- j of the existence or nonexistence-’ of greatest enemy—Adolf Hitler—but is Vienna. One Russian wing seized rules, ordered the in her war meeting adjourned until 10 a.m. to- lin. This was 40 miles beyond the pact “the Japanese government helping against positions 13 miles south of the Dan- | to for the U. S. S. R. morrow, since the joint group last-reported positions of the i intends continue its efforts ube River town of Tulin, 10 miles op- with All Soviet the erates under a rule, and 3d at Schlotheim. There [ the maintenance of neutrality newspapers printed northwest of Vienna. The capture majority Army of the there are a like number Soviet Union.-’ official announcement denun- of Tulin sever of union was no confirmation at su- (the would all Vienna sj “Under the present circum- ciation, but none commented or westward communications along the representatives and operators in the preme headquarters of the | conference. lolent Nazi Artillery * ire. Hotel for the from Hannover, as the 1st Big Americans Gain surrender” of the German Denies Soviet wage conference at Army Army A The suburbs of Ober-Laa and TJn- Nearly Secretary 10 a.m. opened a powerful new attack is a great tribute to the Reich’s ter-Laa, adjacent to the boundary 2 Miles in Advance UMW officials would Cruiser and U-Boats 175 Soldiers, Marines war effort. Contention That Powers not comment which carried 22 miles eastward Eight and 4';. miles southeast of famed St. "Gen. Eisenhower’s statement as to whether Mr. Lewis, as he did close to the reaches of the Church in the center by upper Other 798 Wounded Stephen's of North of Azzana to two would rec- Included; Many Killed, itself shows that our unshakable Agreed Oppose Change years ago, refuse to river. the were in the city, captured face jognize the authority of the-iWXB. Nazi Craft In First Four E? the Associated Press. steadfastness has been worthwhile, GARNETT D. HORNER. British on the north were across Damaged Days of violent German artillery fire from By It was that it has been the decisive factor stressed that Mr. Lewis has the Weser at three or more places the capital's parks. Two of Vienna's ROME. April 6.—American 5th A insisted that ! By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. in this said DNB, Secretary of State Stettinius the board lacks the vital links with the war arse- war,” commenting and fighting over the North German supply Army troops, attacking through said that the United to make its orders stick LONDON, 6.—At least 21 GUAM, 6.—The main on a letter from the Allied com- today States authority plains within 25 miles of Bremen. April April nals of Germany and Czechoslo- the mountains near the Italian anc mander to President Roosevelt and other countries that it is a "purely advisory" The 9th crossed the Weser German warships and merchant battle for Okinawa appeared to- were cut. sponsoring Army vakia west coast, have gained nearly 2 made the body. a cruiser and to be on the The Russians also battled into the which was public yesterday. Dumbarton Oaks proposals at several places northwest as well vessels, including day shaping up miles in an advance north of In the miners “It manifests absolute justifica- for a world today's sharp break, as south of Hamelin and deepened 8 submarines, were sunk and southern end of the island, where outskirts of the industrial suburb of security organization held the that Azzana, Allied an- tion of our to position conference site of a aircraft' headquarters uncompromising fight would be free to propose amend- its original bridgehead to 3 miles. others were damaged in the were putting up Schwechat, big ! should continue and many Japanese nounced today. the very last,” the German broad- negotiations This drive threatened imminently to resistance plant, captured Laxenburg and ments to them at the San Fran- that the recent RAF and American increasing among The announcement said the drive cast added. the chairman could comply outflank Hannover from the south. thrust a 2-to-3-mile-wide wedge cisco United Nations Conference. air attacks on Bremen, Hamburg fixed positions in caves, gullies and with the WLB request for a report through the famed Vienna Woods. began yesterday heavy fighting •Nazis Flee Toward . and 4 miles north of the as His view, expressed at a news I by telephone. Wilhelmshaven, United and ridges is was continuing the Germans met The old imperial Austrian castle The it was will The Germans were in the with mortar conference, contrasted with an ar- operators, believed, flight to- States Strategic Air Force head- capital city of Naha. located in Laxenburg, 6 miles south onslaught strong Will Head ward the last river MacArthur ticle published in the Soviet Em- hold to their contention that con- Elbe, before Ber- quarters announced today. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz's com- of Vienna. fire. information bulletin here ference negotiations have broken lin. The American 3d Army, on the The cruiser Koeln was listed Near Porta, American elements bassy's light con- Southeast, east and northeast of down and that the time has arrived central was closest munique today, announcing which thrust forward from Strettoia recently which contended that the Thuringen Plain, as sunk in the shallow Wilhelms- Vienna, Marshal Rodion Y. Malinov- tinued American on all Oki- U. S. Forces in Dumbarton Oaks vir- for WLB to take over the case. to the miles gains were driven back a Nazi counter- agreement capital—130 away. haven Harbor. Seven submarines, sky's 2d Ukrainian Army surged for- by Army The destruction of the German attack. tually bound the United Five Pits Reoponed. including one of 1,200 tons, were nawa fronts, reported remarkably ward in gains of 7 miles along both States, continued. Great Britain, Russia and China There was indication, meanwhile, Army i sunk at Bremen. One 740-ton U-boat low American casualties for the first banks of the Danube. (The German radio reported Four of the nine armies Final Drive on “not only to refrain from repudi- of a back-to-work movement at attacking was sunk on the raids on Ham- On the south bank, his the launching of the American Japs four of a 325 troops top- 23,822 days campaign only ating or amending them, but to de- mines that supplied fuel to vital captured prisoners yesterday, burg, the communique announced. the defense bastion of attack last night, saying it was miles from itself—175 soldiers ] pled key fend them steel mills. Five additional in raising the captive toll east of the The raids were carried out by Japan an Admiral Nimitz Named against possible attempts pits, Bruck, 12 miles southeast of Vienna, preceded by artillery barrage * * * above 330,000. The 9th and Marines killed, 798 wounded. to amend or weaken them." the Pittsburgh area owned by a sub- Army fleets of planes numbering as many after hurdling the Leitha River and lasting several hours.) took the 3d the 1st No were for naval Joint Chiefs of Staff sidiary of United States Steel 17,404, 8,254, as 1.400 heavy bombers. figures given ! By Mr. Stettinius said he had not i$ere breaking the defenses of the Brati- Terrain 2,064 and the French 1,100. casualties. Nor were Japanese cas- Important Captured. read the Soviet article, reported reopened today. Large Warships Damaged. ; slava Gap. They also took Hain- As Naval Commander republished A thunderbolt of Canadian armor ualties listed, although they are Initial official accounts failed to from K. C. Adams, a UMW spokes- I Several other unidentified large burg, opposite the confluence of the the Moscow publication. War struck 25 miles north of the cap- known to be considerably higher. 1 indicate whether the American and the but man, said the union was making warships were believed to have been Danube and Drava Rivers. By the Associated Press. Working Class, pointed tured Dutch linen center of Almelo 3,000 Yards Gained. attack was on a major scale. The out that the Dumbarton every effort to get its members to damaged seriously. Gen. Douglas MacArthur had Oaks pro- to within 44 miles of the North Sea High-Speed Highway Cut. the return to work and that he believed On the south end of the American surprise advance enabled Ameri- posals had been offered only as a A Swedish dispatch said the Ger- Marshal units on the; his “On to Tokyo” marching or- the mines would be in full and 12 miles of the Zwolle-Groenin- Malinovsky's cans to capture some important ter- basis for discussion at the San operation man cruiser Leipzig had arrived at line, Maj. Gen. John R. Hodges’ north bank within 3 miles ders hard on the heels of gen railroad, last railway escape road pushed rain features. today, Francisco Conference. by Monday. Aarus in Jutland in a crippled con- 24th Corps infantrymen ran into of the of the two riv- of her for Field Marshal Johannes Blas- meeting point From Strettoia, 2’-.- miles inland Russia’s denunciation “No work stoppage in any mines dition after being hit by a torpedo stifler fighting as they moved ahead tandenberg Wants Changes. kowitz's H in ers by taking Lamac, 4 miles north- and 19 miles southeast of La neutrality treaty with Japan. has been inspired by the UMW,” Mr. Army Group Holland, 3,000 Spezia. in the Baltic. yards. west of Bratislava. war thus Mr. Stettinius' comment indicated Adams told "wherever once numbered at 90,000 men. captured one American stab made limited With the Pacific por- reporters, the Reconnaissance photographs Field officers said the Japanese While that the is for Marshal Tolbukhin's forces initial it ran into the tending possible new and startling way open the United operator or management has agreed The rested tank and infantry di- commander had the gains until showed widespread damage to sub- evidently pulled cut the high-speed highway linking Allied military lead- States delegation to consider and to meet the terms and conditions of visions of Lt. Gen. H. bulk German counterthrust near Porta, developments. Courtney marined building yards and naval of his garrison—estimated at some Vienna with Linz and Munich. Mar- a mile strettoia. From Az- ers were in agreement on the quiick- possibly sponsor officially such the extended work agreement. We 1st drove both east more than beyond Hodges’ Army repair facilities at the three North 60,000 troops—into the shal a amendments as those Malinovsky’s troops severed zana, 6 miles inland in the same est way to end the fighting in Eu- ; proposed by are not responsible for differences and west. Columns striking eastward Sea ports. Attacked March 30 by southern end of Okinawa around 9-mile stretch of the railroad Senator of along a 3,000-yard gain rope: Vandenberg. Republican, which arise locally and become ag- from Paterborn reached Bruch- and Liber- Naha. The airdrome is the neighborhood, United States Fortresses capital the Morava River’s east bank link- Kill or Hitler. j Michigan, a member of the delega- gravated as between 4 miles west of northwestward outflanked 3.000-foot capture management hausen. the Up- ators, was blasted largest in the Ryukyu chain. who favors definite Hamburg again ing the Austrian capital with Mo- Monte Folgorito. Capitol Hill, quick to speculate tion, provisions and the men.” per Weser and 164 miles from Ber- in a raid RAF Lan- In the north, however, Maj. Gen. for followup by ravska Ostrava, Czechoslovakia’s American heavy bombers pounded that the Moscow decision is a fore- bringing peace settlements fol- “We are still trying to get them lin. casters the next Roy S. Geiger’s 3d Marine this war under day. Amphib- third city, and Bruenn (Brno), 50 Northern communications for runner to Soviet participation in lowing review by the back to work. We are going to use Drive Into Ruhr ious Corps swept ahead 4% miles to Italy’s Trap. Other U-Boats Sunk. miles northwest of Soviet spear- the second consecutive day the Pacific conflict once formal Nazi projected new international organi- every measure at our command in overrun the today, Gen. Hodges’ who moved islands’ narrowest isth- heads. The was same zation. troops the other U-boats sunk railroad severed bombing the Verona rail yards, resistance ends, at the time getting them to return to the job.” in the direction drove Among mus and invade tiny Yabuchi Island opposite at Malacky and Zohor, 22 and 27 crowded with traffic, and read diplomatic implications into Asked if there were any indications Mr. Adams contended that a good were two of the 740-ton class, one off the east coast. military into the Ruhr trap on a 70-mile miles northeast of Vienna. and the Russian action. of progress in part of the mine absenteeism was of 500 tons and three 250-tonners. Associated Press the Verona-Parona rail bridge Anglo-American-Rus- front .seeking elimination of up to Correspondent Elsewhere the eastern front sian due to In air a force of along other Come Fast. consultations at Moscow look- long hours of work. He said operations today James in a field objectives. Developments 150,000 Germans sealed off ip the Lindsley reported Soviet flattened a toward a this reaction was 650 American heaVy troops partially The bridge is on the lower end of In brief, this was the picture in ing creation of new Polish physical espe- industrial basin for annihilation. approximately dispatch that the Marines had ad- German bulge that had extended Brenner Pass route. as provisional government of national cially noticeable in the “captive” bombers, escorted by more than 600 vanced 8.000 the this war Capital today develop- The 9th like the was yards northeast of the into Eastern or Army, 1st, at deep Slovakia, captured ments tumbled one another: unity which could send representa- steel-owned mines which have fignters, bombed railway yards isthmus. He said were Thunderbolts Attack. upon into the Ruhr as well they captur- industrial in Southwestern driving trap two main traffic Zywiec 1. The chiefs of staff as- tives to San Francisco, Mr. Stettinius been operating seven days a week. Halle and Leipzig, if Oki- of the 12th Air Force joint as thrusting columns eastward into ing and, necessary, killing Poland and seized Thunderbolts said he could that The miners, he continued, saw a centers on the linkup route for the Dolnja-Lendava, signed Gen. MacArthur, together only say negotia- the heartland of nawans organized by the Japanese shot up enemy troop areas and the Reich. Lt. American and Russian Armies. 56 miles north-northeast of the Cro- with Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, to tions are going on and that he is chance to get a rest and took it. into home guardsmen and near La ahead of the Gen. William H. Simpson’s troops equipped atian puppet capital of Zagreb in dumps Spezia, massive offen- hopeful of early results. An 8th Air Force announcement with command the final Union Blames Operators. fought within 3 miles of sticks, knives tied to poles and Northern Yugoslavia. Capturing 5th Army's forces attacking along the assaults said the sives against Japan. He announced that a meeting of Mr. Adams made public a number in the Ruhr disclosing main similar makeshift weapons. in the the Ligurian coast. and also beat across 6,500 prisoners Yugoslavia, 2. Disclosure that Gen. George C. United Nations called of from union officials station at one of the The Marines were legal experts, telegrams the Hannovarian Plain over a railway Leipzig, still finding Russians to 63.500 the num- On the opposite end of the Italian .jumped Chief of Staff, told to draft a for an interna- in coal fields in was one of the Marshall, Army proposal Kentucky charging Weser south of Hamelin. ! largest Germany, only scattered resistance. If the ber of taken in that front British 8th Army troops swept crossing enemy troops the Senate Military Affairs Com- tional court to be submitted to the that management had inspired work The 1st advanced 9 miles prime objectives. Japanese had chosen to stand on the sector and in Southwestern enemy remnants off the narrow spit Army Hungary mittee that death or capture of San Francisco Conference, will open stoppages in several instances. A west into the Ruhr Other targets in Germany—not 3-mile-wide neck of Ishikawa Isth- in the last five of land separating the Valli di trap beyond days. Hitler would contribute tremendous- at 11 a.m. Monday in the Interde- telegram from a Kansas union offi- where the 21 ! immediately identified in Allied mus they could have made the Comacchio lagoon from the Adriatic Winterburg, trapped Par to the north other Russian ly to a collapse of the already fal- partmental Auditorium. cial said the operators there wanted announcements—also were Americans fight on short lines, but as far north as the Valetta Canal enemy divisions were their attacked forces hurled remnants a offering enemy back tering Nazi military machine. 29 Nations to Attend. the miners to work only couple most by Fortresses and Liberators the Yanks drove well beyond that adjacent to Porto Garibaldi, the violent resistance. Flying into Danzig Bay in a cleanup of 3. General belief among law- of days a week. in their fourth assault on stretch of ground into the town of seaport for Ferrara. Twenty-nine of the 47 United Na- Farther south, other routed enemy straight coastal territory north of the cap- makers that President Roosevelt had The railroads, meanwhile, were the Reich. Kin through terrain growing in- In night landings 8th Army units tions so far have indicated their in- troops were beating a retreat into tured port of Gdynia. extracted from Premier Stalin at reported feeling effects of dwin- creasingly rough and difficult. also seized four small islands near tention to be represented at this Czechoslovakia before Lt. Gen. The German radio indicated these Premier Stalin revealed that Gen. the Yalta meeting a promise that dling supplies of coal. A rail official Advance Slowed. the center of the lagoon. Official preliminary meeting, Mr. Stettinius George S. Patton’s 3d Army. targets were in the Magdeburg, Des- Andrei I. Yeremenko, former com- the neutrality treaty would be de- in Cincinnati was quoted as saying reports said buildings on these dots said. Advance Continues. sau and Chemnitz areas. Their advance was slowed only be- mander of the 2d Baltic Army, had nounced and that Russia would en- that roads were operating on a day- of land—Casone Fossa di Porto, Ca- Green Hackworth, State Depart- One 3d Army column, from the There were no major raids on cause of the necessity of establishing succeeded Gen. Ivan I. Petrov as ter the war against Japan. to-day basis and that one line serv- sone Caldirolo, Casone de Fosse and ment legal adviser, will represent the 11th Armored Division, advanced to Germany last night, bad weather supply and communications lines commander of the 4th Ukrainian 4. Belief, too, that Russia’s action ing a large portion of the East Casone Agosta—had been valuable United states at the meeting of a point 23 miles southeast of Gotha keeping even the RAF’s Mosquitos behind them. Army now fighting across the west- would cut passenger mileage 80 per observation points for the Nazis. (See MacAR’iuUR, Page A-4.) what is called the Committee of and 58 miles northwest of the from paying their nightly visit to In five days the Yanks have over- ern Beskides Range on a 43-mile cent in case of extreme emergency. Jurists. Czechoslovak border. At that posi- Berlin. run more than 100 square miles, or front in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Officials here did not believe that Mr. Stettinius will open the first tion it was within 32 miles of Sax- Yesterday, however, more than about one-fifth of Okinawa. widespread mine work stoppages plenary session Monday with an ad- ony and 50 miles of the big rail 2,000 Allied planes hammered the Observers suggested that the Jap- Western Front Units this week could have been reflected Key Ready dress of welcome and will preside center of Plauen, the capture of Reich during daylight hours. (See OKINAWA, A-3.) Iwo Commander so rapidly in railroad coal supplies, page Japs' the election of a chair- which would cut Germany in two. pending man. He said the Monday meeting (See COAL, Page A-4.) (All Allied airborne landing on For Pacific on 'Hour's Notice' And Admiral Killed and subsequent plenary sessions will the Langen-Salza airfield, in a the Military Order of the World Yanks Gen. George C. Marshall, Army be to the but that busi- Seize Foil Plot By the Associated Press. the Hotel. For open public, Manager, in an Wars at Mayflower Chinese Strike Back SAN 6.—The Chief of Staff, declared ness meetings of the committee and Eleven additional men from FRANCISCO, April more than a year the War Depart- deaths of Lt. Gen. Tadamichi Army Day speech today that the subcommittees will be private. the District area have been re- ment has been working on these To Blow War is to Memtlfcrs of the American delega- At Shensi Drive ported killed in this war. See Up Explosives Factory Kuribayashi, commander of Japa- Department prepared plans which constitute, he said, “the Japs' WILLIAM nese on after V-E tion to the San Francisco Confer- ‘‘On the Honor Roll" Page A-2. By H. STONEMAN, plant of Favce, a Nobel subsidiary, forces Iwo Jima, and Rear shift men from Europe greatest problem in administration By the Associated Press. War ol The Star ence and United Nations diplomats Correspondent which produced TNT. Like the Admiral Tohsinosuke Ichimaru, day to the Pacific “literally on and logistics in history.” CHUNGKING, April 6.—Chinese and the Chicago Dally News. commander of air in Washington are expected to at- (See WESTERN FRONT, A-3) Wasag plant, it specialized in mak- Japanese naval an hour’s notice, whenever that He declared that "it is imperative forces unleashed a large scale, three- Page 6. forces in tend the opening session. ALLENDORF, Germany, April ing the explosive content in sea the island sector, were hour strikes.” that we start the movement through pronged counteroffensive against —Dr. Walter Naumann, managing and announced the the Panama Stettinius to Preside. mines, 1,000-pound one-ton today by Japanese. Gen. Marshall was mindful of the the Suez and through Japanese troops striking toward Estate of Lou director of the great Wasag ex- bombs and the warheads Kuribayashi, the 41st units needed in Gehrig of V-ls Japanese “overwhelming urge in every man” Canal of the high- President Roosevelt today desig- Shensi Province, guarding the plosives plant at Serrenweld, near and V-2s. general the for acceleration of the reported by Tokyo to his wife or after est priority nated Secretary Stettinius to be northern approaches to China’s was rejoin family Is Valued at here, bent on causing one of Together the two cover radio to have died since in the Pacific. an- $159,475 plants May, 1944, V-E day, but he stressed that it will campaign temporary president of the San capital, the high command Ey the Associated Press. the largest noises in history when more than three miles of was promoted to full he loss and nounced square posthumously be “imperative” to start the move- “Any delay,” added, “any Francisco Conference, Alger today. NEW he arrived back from Berlin about a wooden and and 123d admiral in that YORK, April 6.—Henry country employed 10,- general Ichimaru, the Pacific as as in momentum campaign Hiss, director of the Office of Spe- The Chinese command said Gen- week ment to quickly Louis Gehrig. Yankee baseball star ago. 000 workers, of whom half were to die since last to vice ad- loss or mu- of State a n May, possible. means the unnecessary cial Political Affairs the eralissimo C h i g Kai-shek's who died June 2, 1941, left a net es- His mission was to blow foreigners. Neither has been miral. tilation of more Americans. to be forces out of Southwestern up 2,600 plant Calling on the people on the home young Department, secretary general pouring tate of $159,475, an estate tax bombed, Dr. Naumann The Federal a of how ap- tons of explosives before we could properly told Communications front to understand and support It is not merely question of the conference. Honan annihilated a Japanese bat- praisal showed today. it. for all the ear- us, although our “heavies” had half- Commission recorded the broad- would be the in terms of The Stettinius con- talion and encircled a number of get Fortunately this move, he said: long delay appointment His widow, Eleanor, received the drums, windows and china in this heartedly dropped 8 or 10 bombs on cast, which said Kuribayashi “died but rather one of how much forms to custom as the chairman west of on the “Unless we are to accept an un- days, strongholds Neisiang residue after a trust fund to of it on 10 different occasions. his in a or renewed resist- of the host to international Honan-Shensi provide part Germany, the doctor was gallantly” leading troops avoidable increase in our casualties, or reorganization country highway. an income of $205 per month for his nabbed our tanks as Dr. Naumann showed us final the would be able to over was by he and his through charge, customary Japa- unless we are to leave our millions ance the Japanese conferences generally presides The Chinese counteroffensive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. laid sheds full of V-l and V-2 warheads. nese notice for of that the session until formal or- a dou- helpers busily charges through- obituary generals of young men in the far Pacific effect by reason delay.” opening launched yesterday against Gehrig. Upon the widow’s death, out the woodland The former type accommodates 1,825 in action. an directive to re- can be effected. site occupied by dying waiting for the final support they Under Army ganization ble Japanese drive deep into China's the residue goes to her mother, Mrs. the pounds of and the latter of the is a 31 factory. explosives will so urgently need, we shall be strict observance Army Day, Mr. Hiss’ appointment to per- hinterland. In fighting about Nellie Twitchell. The doctor’s 1 ton. Is of United States’ entry manent miles from the Shensi which plant occupied the Envoy Confirmed unable to meet these very human anniversary post. border, The estate included An oldtime the mortgages, forest on one side of the main Kas- professional explosives The Senate yesterday confirmed desires.” into the World War, posts In Other members of the security preceded the counteroffensive, more cash and insurance of $128,085 and man, a Nazi member District and sel-Frankfurt line. Across the rail- openly party Fletcher Warren of Texas as Am- Gen. Marshall discussed the ques- Washington Military conference secretariat will be ap- than 1,000 invaders were annihilated •tocks and bonds valued at $28,662. way, lies the even larger explosives (See EXPLOSIVES, Page A-5.) bassador to Nicaragua. tion at the Army Day luncheon of (See ARMY DAY, Page A-3.) pointed by Secretary Stettinius. and nine enemy tanks destroyed.