A Scientific Characterization of Trumpet Mouthpiece Forces in the Context of Pedagogical Brass Literature
A SCIENTIFIC CHARACTERIZATION OF TRUMPET MOUTHPIECE FORCES IN THE CONTEXT OF PEDAGOGICAL BRASS LITERATURE James Ford III, B.M., M.M., M.M.E. Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS December 2007 APPROVED: Kris Chesky, Committee Chair Gene Cho, Minor Professor Leonard Candelaria, Committee Member Graham Phipps, Director of Graduate Studies in the College of Music James C. Scott, Dean of College of Music Sandra L. Terrell, Dean of the Robert B. Toulouse School of Graduate Studies Ford III, James, A Scientific Characterization of Trumpet Mouthpiece Forces in the Context of Pedagogical Brass Literature. Doctor of Musical Arts (Performance), December 2007, 61 pp., 7 tables, 2 graphs, references, 52 titles. Embouchure dysfunctions, including those from acute injury to the obicularis oris muscle, represent potential and serious occupational health problems for trumpeters. Forces generated between the mouthpiece and lips, generally a result of how a trumpeter plays, are believed to be the origin for such problems. In response to insights gained from new technologies that are currently being used to measure mouthpiece forces, belief systems and teaching methodologies may need to change in order to resolve possible conflicting terminology, pedagogical instructions, and performance advice. As a basis for such change, the purpose of this study was to investigate, develop and propose an operational definition of mouthpiece forces applicable to trumpet pedagogy. The methodology for this study included an analysis of writings by selected brass pedagogues regarding mouthpiece force. Finding were extracted, compared, and contrasted with scientifically derived mouthpiece force concepts developed from scientific studies including one done at the UNT Texas Center for Music & Medicine.
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