CENGIZ KOCAK1) Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Hydrobiology, TR-35100 Bornova-Izmir, Turkey

ABSTRACT The Mediterranean endemic , Inachus parvirostris (Risso, 1816), is herein reported for the second time from Turkey. Until now, there existed only one record of the species from Turkey, i.e., Ate¸s et al. (2008). Those authors recorded this species based only on an empty carapace from the continental coast of the southern Turkish Aegean Sea. The present study reports a nearly complete specimen of this rare crab species (the dactyli of both second pereiopods and the rigth fifth pereiopod are missing) from the Turkish seas for the first time. This is also the first record of the species from deep waters of the eastern Mediterranean Sea (at depth 350 m depth). The record further extends the known distribution of this species to the central Aegean Sea, in Turkish waters.

RÉSUMÉ Le crabe endémique méditerranéen, Inachus parvirostris (Risso, 1816), est ici rapporté pour la seconde fois de Turquie. Jusqu’à présent, sa présence n’avait été signalée qu’une seule fois en Turquie, par Ate¸s et al. (2008). Ces auteurs l’avait identifié à partir d’une carapace vide collectée sur la côte continentale du sud de la mer Egée turque. La présente étude décrit un spécimen presque complet de cette espèce rare de crabe (les dactyles des deux seconds péréiopodes et le cinquième péréiopode droit sont absents) des mers turques pour la première fois. C’est aussi la première fois que l’on trouve cette espèce dans les eaux profondes de la mer Méditerranée orientale (à 350 m de profondeur). Cette découverte étend la répartition connue de cette espèce à la mer Egée centrale, dans les eaux turques.

INTRODUCTION Inachus parvirostris (Risso, 1816) is known only from the Mediterranean Sea (Noël, 1992). It is one of the seven species of the Inachus occurring

1) e-mail: [email protected] © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2010 Crustaceana 83 (9): 1135-1139 Also available online: DOI:10.1163/001121610X520975 1136 CENGIZ KOCAK in the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (Falciai & Minervini, 1996), which are: Inachus aguiarii De Brito Capello, 1876, I. communissimus Rizza, 1839, I. dorsettensis (Pennant, 1777), I. leptochirus Leach, 1817, I. thoracicus Roux, 1830, I. phalangium (Fabricius, 1775), and I. parvirostris (Risso, 1816). I. parvirostris was recorded for the first time from Turkish seas by Ate¸setal. (2008). These authors recorded the species based only on an empty carapace from the continental coast of the southern Turkish Aegean Sea. A nearly complete specimen of this rare crab species (the dactyli of both second pereiopods and the rigth fifth pereiopod are missing) is herein recorded from Turkish seas for the first time.


One ovigerous female specimen of the species was collected at 350 m depth with a commercial trawler, with an either not, or only low selectivity codend on a modified bottom trawl net at a site in Sigacik Bay (38◦0513N26◦3508E to 37◦5927N26◦5447E) in April 2009 (fig. 1). The specimen was fixed in 5% formaldehyde and later rinsed with fresh water and then preserved in 70% ethanol. Carapace length (CL) and carapace width (CW) were measured with digital callipers to the nearest 0.01 mm. The specimen was identified following Manning & Froglia (1982) and Falciai & Minervini (1996).


Family INACHIDAE MacLeay, 1838 Genus Inachus Weber, 1795 Inachus parvirostris (Risso, 1816) (fig. 2)

◦ Material examined. — One ovigerous , Sigacik Bay (central Turkish Aegean Sea), 38 05 13 N ◦ ◦ ◦ 26 35 08 Eto37 59 27 N26 54 47 E, 350 m depth, muddy bottom, bottom trawl, 21.iv.2009. Measurements (mm). — CL, 11.3; CW, 10.4. Description of the ovigerous female specimen. — Size small. Carapace slender, longer than broad, length 1.08 times width. Gastric region with 4 tubercles, outer two largest, in transverse row, anterior to slender, erect gastric spine, the latter higher, more inclined posteriorly than the slender, erect cardiac spine. Each branchial region with erect slender spines, inclined laterally, with dorsal tubercle or patch of tubercles anterior to each spine, and with anterolateral spine directed