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Second Olau Portage Paid ' Vol. LXXV. No. 41. 4 Sections, 26 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY,-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1968 Trafilford, Kew Jersey O7pl8 15 CENTS : ,1535 Prinj Distorted, Incorrect Information Public Safety Commissioner Mal- on colm S. Pringle charged that a as flyer—distributed—htst^weekend Democratic candidates, for Town- ship Committee contained not only "distorted'^ but, "entirely incorrect" At Municipal Information regarding the manage- srvicetn tor: 'The Leagueof Women Voters "will present the candidates fbr ment of the township's finances. local off Fees Toiiied., Township Committee, Francis J. O'Donnell and James M. Bell, Demo- Speaking at a candidates' night publican0 aspirants this we€ crats, and Malcolm1 S.1 Pringle and Jack, C. McVey, Republicans, at ameeting 61 the Cranford Jaycees ip. takirig a stantf agaiiist/ Candidates' Night meeting in the community room, of the Municipal Tuesday evening" at Marisa's Res- placing local police, firemen" Building at 8 Obdock tonight. • " •'<>•." taurant, the GOP candidate for. re- Weekend and municipal employes under electioB chided his opponents "or : .Local issues will be discussed .'' . •" ' o^ ' .' • f"- •,•••'..•-.' "• • .' ' •;'' ' ;.'•'•;, '• , - ...'.. • '.,-,. '. '• .' •• '• . Civil Service, ^particularly whoever, prepared' the flyer" as •Halloween events for young rpeople will be featured here this and questions, from ther audience either unable to understand a fin- when the employes themselveV weekend, including 'tHev annual ^costume" parade sponsored by theare against it." The questiojl will be answered. The public, is in- ancial statement.or "deliberately Cranford' Recreation Departmentr on 'Sunday afternoon and "trick-Or- misrepresenting the facts." wilt be decided by the vpter|- vited to attend. • „, treat" collections for the United Nations Children's Fund on Saturday 1 Commissioner Pringle explained by referendum at ttie November . Mrs. Nathan Rodstein, league : ;v - APPEifelNGIN'TOWNTOMORROW—,Mrs; penftisIrlbeck and Al the township actually received $55,- and Sunday. , 7 "'.• •',.' ':•••:"':" ~ . '•' '• ' • '• '•• v 5 General Election. past president, also'will introduce Jack Thompson of the Cranford Jaycees, general chamnanforjthe ....-..-.-..•;!:- ;.l afcleftCranford coordinators for Kanarie-Durkin-Brinkerhoff, 000 in interest from theinvestment ) the candidates for tax collector', if fay if1 JSills are shown witjvThe 'Republican county candidates, JMUS8 xMary-Gr- nounced their stand on Civil Sery-j Kanane, incumbent candidate for surrogate; Vincen^;!Ll; Brlniker- , , , _- . , Harold J. Seymour, Democrat, land certificates of deposit. The interest judging of costumes will take place ice in response to a question during; r,.- Township; Committee^Tuesday, ^gnes Matlaga, Republican, as;well rate rangeg d from 5p percent in Ap- at the Walnut Avenue School at a • candidates' night meeting at; hoff, running for sheriff, and Joseph Durttin, seeking reelection as' U% t i Otb r—'county-register, ";&[ they' meft on the.jjersey. Central Railroad night presented Mrs. Charles G, ^ John pVUe^>Jr;;-unop^^ f U;T1967, to 5% percent in. October, 1:30 pirn. Sunday, following which Marisa's Restaurant Tuesdayd , nightj arith a resolution citing . 1988. He^aid that, wi&.all thiiSgs beirtg equal, -lie "favorea~the-€iB^» ; because the money remains in local tieir pbsitipji "on known last week. starting at 2; 15 p.m. - d United^ Nattpm Arthur KJfltnle, prestd.gnt Of ^pp^^ The parade'~will be-led-by-tlie Cranford Firemen's Mtl thetownsMp-made-one-investment and7:thelp!^families milt obtained ajiighe: MSH^Mcr on succeeding investments in local trjtouxe .tijtt T league president, will explain the spooks, and SgoblihSt lul m SUUi-wldUUld e yubliblei quoBtinnti t fm measure will be November i2. personnel program;. designed spefrft tomorrow her,.4bng the ballot as well as the one local didate, had charged the township -^^Uft^ftllv^to^^t^Cr^^^''' *i~*L.i> question concerning Civij. Service left most of the approximately $1% costumes in the following age cate? exceeds that wh^ch bfc v gbriesi 2 to 5 years/ 6 to 8, 9 ii>crease the department's pumpmg —•--• Miss for township employes.' ' million collected at the beginning ; fered undet (Jivil Service," he saidT' Durkin, seeking-rieleciionn as couco^ regtefe^^regtefe^ ^ andnd: : yii'^i of each tax payment period in non-:ll;and712 to.17. ''•';; :r77 77 capacity, will replace a 19^9 utility"sHe added that local employes can-' offia4^n||fr'jra^^ ';' 7" interest bearing accounts, in local Ty collection in Crajaf booster tank truck. Funds for the not uhdei^tand^the_ motivattoiijtfiL financial institutions "where the ford is sponsored by the ChUr^hpurchase will come from the town- thexpeople whTb cffcuTated'tfie pett* banks and not the local taxpayers tion calling for adoption of (CivU;, Women United, and planning iot djbtip's capital fuii^.> ••7.;, ' / 7 1 : made money." He also said he fav- ServiceJ&ere;^: "' ;'":'"< "•' - /;. f. the -UN1CEF Weekend : pronto Harold B. Sny^| Sr. of Kenil- r ored investing in 'Treasury Bills this Saturday and Siiifedajy1 was in ' "Local^administration of person-, bj^cj*thic^Ao|Jteppjit,because worth wasthe sucoa^jful bidder on nel programs based on more conv1 the yieldl^aa: equally as "^r"jr~=^j charge of y com^tee headed b lection schedule fdr the coming MWillii^Crii^Ti 7 severa^Jots on LUdloly Ave in In-prehensive information available Collections will be made on both" iter. efacienf {uT?d^and^^ndab^^^# dustrial, ^ark on hk~bid enta tha^town He plans to construct a building" uig .,...,. r d andi vicinity the The Ttemocratie candidate also participating. Childiireh are to hecostin affet least, $80,000, on tWii and in costume, "obey all safety, rules proper^ which, he -now contended; the .all-Republican Town* and be'accompanied' by an *""" iteand poin^ and- they. are. ihstiucted iibt to -go :rproves:unsati*i | pollution an^;. is eff to'Jbii; more fhta 400 resolution^ ^acttUfy,- 777._. ' 7 , pejrsans suffering from lung coh- passed or rejected during jthe ery l»y which a-»munidpality can year by unanimous vb.te» with oi ^ In cbnTtounications, IrcUe^a^elfjol'thiB btirdenV' he : ; ; said, townspeople have cooperated one (WeeeKtion.: -• -v v<>- ' i •' -;-.'^ ' • _,.jVian.... with the "no burning" pro- Mr,-Bel,p l alw[chargeg d the gov Civic and president urged his: gram testitufed}'Jiere^^ three erning body: withnot taking proper children throughout* the United registered comjp,^,— ~,— 4iitener«^6i'vote nt>--•on-Publie agO. 7 '-:^-^^r:-^±^^--~- steps 4o^cufb the^idespread-use; ^Statesvfi\l helpBupportfljeUnitia caused by the no, parking Question No; 5 in: the coming elecf of narcotics among young people Nations organization which works tionT^ajid Continue, to place you* , A warning also was issued to through oVer 500 lpng-range pro- one Side of'Raritan Rd. and ; parents to urge "children not to liehere. He estimated that "about raising' of the speed limit t faith/in'bur-elected officials /tb c grams to improve the lot of needy whom you: have: entrusted this (re- * Mr.. Nixoncaptured -45 percent include service ^lso oh state^aiid w play in.piles of leaves i» gut-50 percent" of the- township's that area. : of the, vpte,.feytett tijbugh -only 21county UN groups from the earliest young people between 17 and 21children and mothers in over w sponsibility." -' ;' ' 7'..v7 > • ''"/•. ters. SeviBralsnfiajraccidents! have I countries throughout the world: v Mayor Edward K.,Gill; who *~-.- percent of the sludents consider days of the organization, formation been reported wher^Tnotorigtfionly [Haiave us^Tnarcotics in. one form or aided, referred the matteri to the A. R Mangjone, district super- themselves Republicans. Twenty- |-anpther.\ . ".' • .;. "Children must be helped tb;© visor .of the Newark Civil Service" v ! of the GotdeaAge Club, activities chanced' ito notice youngstefs~TBhV jby thej-ight to grow up p police department for study and twb percent, consider thertaeMs ting or lying in piles, of. leaves as Tlte^candidate * advocated more report, noting that the speed limit Office, said this, "merit" system Democrats, while the remaining 57 in -Trinity Chur?h;artd a host of recreational and educational pro-mentally, morally, spiritually was; introduced' to replace the" they pulled up at the curb to park. socially healthy' in freedom aioid had been changed at the request I $46,232/7^ percent say they are independents. other organizations spanning many. ; The collection schedule for thegrams- to help alleviate,the prob> of state authorities and tiie parlc- ''spoils" system in public employ* .•'•:, The "Diamond-GoldehrSUyer" di- ; ; dignity^' «a spokesman for the'Sf ^ > An overwhelming. Majority of lem.-. 7 '•• , ',••'•.•••• •':••• •'•'•••. ' .7 "' He' noted that about-2'" vision of the Cranford United Fund years.>,.L, „.:-,,."."" • ,.•• '-..'- coming week follows: . ••..-••• :ject said.—It-is-tb-these^rid^fch^ ban was the reauILnf" jffl the students poUe^ think the Viet- Mrs.'Albury said, that almost Today? Election Districts l^fos. 4, "W« muist first inform- the^peoplep - dies. of the 568 municipalities in New. .iaiiearing its;goal of $23,0(10 •with nanv War is'the overriding issue in of CranforC d thah t thihsi bl d the United Nationa , r^i every organization i7ta 7, 17-aHdT19TT^S^iDistricts Nb. roblem does JlundJbas-dedicated-efforts-and-wiU ^t jresporise. to queries "Jersey;; 20 of 21 counties and nino a, current-report qf-pledges-total- the presidential campaign,..^Sixty 16 and 18; JUtoiJclay; Districts Nbsi in "fact tarTKoester, 11 Oneida PI., spbkes- school districts have" adopted Civil - ^h $19,374:62." Homer,,.:. Fisher, continue to tfedicate them. Our siip- SerVicfe, which is financed by sd '• percent consider it .the major issue. Jhe Dfetricts Nos!7 eMclHona]rp^ogram& so as to ad- matt for.the Osceola group, Mayor J ; patete^dhIis being-the first division to Law and order Was li&ted as. the TJnited Nations and sift paid trib- 12 (Continued . •'• J succeed, at tonight's all division secondinost important-issue; while ute to Miss .Mary gullivan^ her a 35-mile-per-h0ur speed liinit through that area ot Raritan ,j Service does not condone incompe? "right haild," who. has aideS her ; ienceror-rmiscondueii-nbr—doe&-4t -Building. .7 About '75 percento^tfrtfonCol- and 15. 7 . Whethether this constitutess a hazarhazard (Continued biti Page 8)- • in carrying on the UN activities. A full-page advertisement listing Law have to b e studietdid further, he Reports received from alt divi- wanted jobs. He said it does p iotiB lost w°frk wypflfod 8 total of ' _77_...77' ""ri.—' i -"h - whskk added: He suggested that repre- geritatives bTlhe two groups con tert-employes^gdnst indiscrinain--- $46,232.40 pledged against a goal through November 27 as well as•<& . (Continued on Page 8) of $98,000. • ••'- •-,;••'• k map of districts will be found else- fer with Police ^Chief. Matthew T. .Scoreboard by; divisions indde: American Chemist Institute where in today's Citizen and "The Changeless Church Ever Changing" will be the subject of Hangy after the new police survey cuseed by Willard Heckel, dean of Rutgers^ Law Sdhool, at the Craiilbt'd 7 Commercial, Ellis. Robinsoni chair-, [Chronicle. —— v has been carried out. man, reported $6,594.50 against a Chapter Headed by I)r. Hall Clergy Council's second annual Reformation Sunday <5cumenicai Representatives of the govern- goal of $9,500;- industry, Norman service this Sunday at 8 p.m. in St. MichaelYGhurch. - •: _ ing body will meet with Cranford Roden', chairman, reported, $5,- j. Dr. Homer J. Hall of 310 Prospect Ave., information analyst at th* Clergy from all Christian churche's in Crahford have been invited Post 212, American Legion, to dis- 1 017:72 against a goal of $28,000; /Esso Research Center in Linden, has been selected chairman of the Week^s Weather to march in the procession along* cuss the post's request for a delay Win school teachers and employes, Wil- New Jersey Chapter of the American Institute of Chemists. ' with laymen and youth. Eight lo- in razing the old .Casino at the liam Martin, chairman, reported The chapter will j^old its first meeting of the season in pranfordi . UC Me»«orol6fl!cal StatloA corner of Riverside Dr. and Casino cal ministers will participate in the Ave. The post contends it would OfPlanBoan • $1,229.50 against a goal of $4,300; at Union College ,# 8 p.m. Tuesday. Featured speaker will be State HAROLD DUFIOCQ, ftUtoorofoflltt • A site developnjen|; plan provid : clubs and organizations, Charles service. •» be a hardship_to carry out the Senator Fairleigi Dickinson, Jr. High temperature for the week township's request at this time. It ing for five additional building Stevens,. Jr7 chairman, reported The last Sunday in October is and a major expansion of the $683 against a goal of $1,500, and of the Beton-Dickinson Co., East was the 79 degrees.recorded last selected for the service to com- was stated they are endeavoring a toVHspose of the property. ' Campus Center on Union College's! residential, CarlUmland, chairman* Thursday, and the low reading of memorate the anniversary of«4he 30-acrecampus was approved .unanr reported $137203.06 against a goal isjator's view of''A .Pure Environ- 40 dejprees^jiccurred on Tuesday. In response to a query by Frank Protestant Reformation and the imqusly last Wednesday night by. of $31,000. ment of Air and Water." Rainfall .dudnfi the week totaled O'Donriell, 205 North Lehigh Ave,, the Cranford Planning Board. 1.05 incites, most of it occurring on Catholic Feast'of Christ the King. Maypr Gill said the matter of ap- Norman Roden will hold a "spe- The public is.invited to attend Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, acting cial industrial report meeting to- Saturday. Thirty degree days were Last year a standing room only pointment of public safety and the lecture, which wUl be preceded president, said the master plan is morrow at 12110 p.m. at the Coach recorded during .the week. crowd of 1,000, persons- attended. public works •administrators is still designed to provide for an enroll»_*_ and Four Restaurant. Co-chairman by a dinner for new members. ' For the same period one year Dean Heckel, who holds an A.B. undar study by the governing body. nvent of 2,000 ^full-time students • Royal Burpee and Seymour Flisscr This will mark the start of the ago, the maximum temperature degree from Dartmouth College, and 2,000 part-time students by\ will assist. —- - year's program on the general was 75 degrees and minimum 33, an M.A. degre from Columbia Uni- 1980. The new buildings proposed Major industrial gifts included with a total of -79 degree days re- versity and a bachelor of laws de- Dog Captured; are an Administration Building, > "theme" of "Civic Responsibilities of corded ior the week. Rainfall this week, are as follows, Skinner : gree from the University of New- Library-Learning CenteU, a class- Uniflow Valve, $250; Rudolph the Chemist and theAIC for the | totaled .71 inches for the week a ark Law School (now Rutgers Victims of Bites room building, a parkingldficjc jnd .. Faust, $125. 1970's," as announced by Dr. Hall tyear ago, all of it on October 18. School of Law), has been a mem- a Community Services Building. Outstanding recognition of thein a letter to the membership. This week's temperature read- ber of the law school faculty since Urged to Report The addition to the .Campus Center week was given to district majors The chapter headed by Dr. Hall ings: 1946. ; A stray dog reported to have bit- will include a swimming pool and * for the greatest number of pros- includes 400 fellows of the. Insti- Degree Active in community service, he ten several persons jn the past two other athletic and cultural facil- pects visited. Citations were made Max. Min. Days is a former chairman of the New- Weeks finally was captured in back ities. - " - •„ by Albert Gessler, general" chair- tute, who have attained senior Thursday 79 50 0 of the First Aid Squad building standing as chemists or chemical ark Mayor's Commission oja Hu- Tho master plan calls for de- man, and Carl Umland, residential Friday 77 •54' 0 man Rights, former, chairman of. DEAN WILLARD HECKEL. yesterday morning through coop veloping Union College's 30-acre divisionjchairman. engineers on the basis of training Saturday 70 61 0 the Newark Citizens' Committee on erationyof the local police and the campus in six steps between now Recognized were: and years of experience. Another 63 52 Union County SPCA. Arthur Bur- Sunday 5 Municipal Government, past presi- American,' New Jersey and Essex and sometime between 1975 and ditt, District 2, .$1,120.50; James 50 members or associates are grad- Monday 67 49 7 dent of the Newark Chapter of the In investigating a report that a 1980, Dr. Iversen explained. The Hicks,/District 16, $l,484«.OO; Rich- uate chemists of less experience. Tuesday 69 40 10. American Association for the Unit- County Bar Associations. person had been bitten by a black first'stagcf'will be the construction " ard Robey, Distrjct 20, $1,720.50. DR. HOMER J. HALL Wednesday 70 -44; ed Nations and a past president of ' In May, 1965, -he received the and white beaglc-type .dog on Oc-of the Administration Building at The new chairman has served in 8 Woodrow Wilson Peace Award Other partial reports from dis- past years as program chairmani , the United Community Corpora- tober 7, the police later learned a cost of about $500,000, with •'. tricjs in tho residential division chapter secretary and chairmon where ho received his Ph.D. de-Time Approaching tion of Newark, an anti-poverty from the United World Federalists that severaltfther persons had been ground breaking scheduled for were : ^ . . "" elect in 1967-68. gree before joining Esso. qouncil. of New Jersey. " nipped by a dog answered the February 1, 1969. He said the Ad- District 1. Mrs. Dora Kuzs'ma, Dr. Hall is a member of the Active in a number of church To Set CIockrBack ' His church i activities include Local ministers assisting in thosame description, including -three ministration Building is proposed $327.50; District 3, James Coburn, Government' Research Laboratories and civic organizations, Dr. Hall Cranford.residents can look for- membership in the Bloomfield service will participate as follows: Hillside Avenue Junior High as the first step because it wilt - $654; District 4, Roy Zachary, $54f7.- at Esso Research, where he is cur-is a past campaign chairman of theward to an extra hour's sleep next Presbyterian Church on the Green Call to worship — Rev. Rudolph P. School boys who never reported immediately, release nine alnss- 50; District 5, theqdorc WatKIns7| rently working on a research con: Cranford United Fund and is now Sunday as the time comes to re-and service as moderator of theGibbs of St. Mark's AME Church; the occurrence. rooms and seminar rooms now be- $338; District 6, Joseph Mountain, tract for the U. S. Public Health serving as its vice-president in turn to Eastern Standard Time. ' Presbytery of Newark and Moder- prayer of confession — Rev. Rob- Police Chief Matthew T. Hanfey ing, used for administrative pur- $581"; District^7, George Ross, Service on nitrogen oxides as nircharge/ of publicity. Daylight Saving time, which be- ator of the Synod of New Jersey of ert Bizzaro; Trinity Episcopal urged any other porsoris who may. poses. $632; District 8,' Mrs. C. D. Ledcr pollutants. .../.. He is chairman of the Cranford gan the last Sunday in April when United Presbyterian Church in theChurch; Old Testament lesson — have been bitten; by a dog answer- The entire project will cost an. man, $419.05; District 9, Arthur He previously served as a regis- Chapter of the American Field clocks were pushed ahead an hour1, U. S. A. Rev,. Alfred G. Currall,' St. Miin- g the description to contact the estimated $7.5 million, Dr. Iversenn '"J Snydcr, $280. tered Jptitent agent, general secre- Service, trustee chairman of thewill officially end at 2 a.m. Sunday. Dean Heckel member of chael's Church;' New Testament les- police department* or Board of said. ' • -' District 10, Mrs. Richard Meyers, tary of the 'company patent com- Cranford Historical Society and the To keep properly behind the time, Phi Beta'Kappa, national scholastic son — Rev. Ralph Drisko, retired Health so that proper precautions ' The master plan was developed $695; District H,' Mrs. Ramon mittee and a group head in explor- authof of numerous 'articles and residents should set their clocks honor society; the JJac.of the State Methodist minister; Apostles Creed may be-taken jf the animal, nowby tho New York City architectural Greenfield, $307.75; District atory research: He also taugjit pamphlets on the history of Cran- buck an. hour before retiring Sating of New Jersey, the'board of direct- •=- Ecv. A Id Dahlquist, CatvafV |"Under observation in quarantine firm of Fofdycc.'Hamby and Ken- 12, - (Continued on Pdge 8i chemistry jit Olyo State University, fqrd.. day night, \ ors of Bloomticld Coljcg°Me aud tho (Con ucd on Page 8) proves to be rabid. uerly. / '

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y>:", . " . • .:',ro~ — KJ" • '• - vidV1QGe a XOITLIILforuraI '1OFfor1 youth.V4JU ul ,' ttOo' BJexpresC s

conducted for Township Committee. •7V le e disapproved and 38 Were undecid- vraa Releaseannounced thid s.tha weet k20 by2 Jamereplies sM.'Bel r.. l and Francis J. O!Donnell,;it. ed. •• ...,. v were received from approximately ship in the next four years, 128 A proposal for construction, of a 5,Q00..survey forma:,distribjiitfid....diibitd . Mt.eiJ.for finding the money-to-pay second municipal pool brought 147 A total of 202 persons .answered for th.e increasing demand for serv- favorable replies, 93 opposed-and they favored,such periodic meek, ices^SiJor. improving, the school 23 .undecided; I • ' . , LIMITE& TIME ings,, ll'y/hte for informal cbn- .system and 54 were undecided. •' There were^94 & ^vor of .^ long sultations- 110 who favdreid an health, schools, flood control).drew cate of appreciation and desk set to Dr. Clark Wi McDermith, elected council and mayor with an 1.86. favorable replies while .38 retiring 'superintendent of schools.. Dr. McDermith was •cited for appointed; full-lime town -manager. voted to continue ihe present pro- bJ&io;years. of service, to the -school system. The presentation tdok Twenty-eight wfcre .unitecidea.. gram and 37 answered they were place jMotiday. after a business mee.titigi.of ,the Cranford HighiSchool x^Heavy rainfall last Saturday pre- :i - Iji resjiqns^ to, a jqufiry as. tb the undecided; •.' .' ;? .; .-•'... •'...;•' •].••'•),, •', . PTA in jthe school auditorium. Mrs. McDermith received .a floral Considering the present tax binv vented completion.'of ithe fund dtlye' canvass of the C^anfotd Pa- bouiquet^from Mr$; Richard Mauter, Vice-president,.of.the-PTA. - trlots Drum and .Bugle Corps. •v • ,-i -, Members in uniform will be1 visit- MEN ing locfll ho%es flgajip. this.'.Satur- de^iii'lfh final: phase Jf &e ?ojicita- tiori for funds ^b help 'pay for the SPECIAL SALE! ^CQflblS-j^gw^uwSbrms' and 'provide additional equipment. .^SINGLE SHIRT 28c Vincent >. Flanagan, corps "direc- ^ ••-••• '^rPP^w9,n* 9 ,diversif(eid tor; this vt(eek announced the fpl-. holdled or 6n Hangers mulfT>multi-rriiltioh.,d6llarj cofpOTation Is exfughdinQ • > -50c* loHng newly-eleoted 7officersMOf f operation's and; is seeking pien who (he,.,'•• Patriots! ,.AU^ciliaiy; , Calyi|n FALL - INTO^V WI^EK SHIRT MAKERS are interestedvin /?' \ • - -'- , ] ••'•. : ai) Walqlt,Jp.resi^e^jt; B^. LpUise,lrY- . ^ . Luscious Assorted! Colors NO EXTRA CHARGE iRTI^MAfeY liig, ylce-^resiaieht; Iflrs."Bet% Thq-

INGSPEClAt! Regularly $14.00j FULLY INCLl^ligGr ^iru^teei Other members J& a u • Vacation/ Paid 51ck Leave. 11 Paidl • j\

Don't JVfcrOuTon ' ^William Martini; ._. v- hese Opportonitiles personnel, director; reported tha.iL o^ witli the deUyerJr yof ^he.^rp-'s pew Jtorna scheduled 'for November; ' 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Weekdays and 9 a.m. - I p.m. Saturday. 150 Fir MARKETS GEM Elizabeth Shopping center, .._,_ __r-'epuritj^resi(|feiUg between CORPORATION fl^e "ages of lo and 17 years. ^" AND. SAT. .OPEN DAILY ANliLSAT. Gtf-ORF (l 1Q AJMt to 6 P,M. lO^Jtf. to«P# (live•":Voiir* "iFair isfiar^" MONi AND, TipURS., v THURS. AND FBI., ; It 12, Carteret, N^w Jersey Turnpike ,4ft A..M. to 9 P.M, , ., 10 A,M. tq 9 P,3«. . Art Equal Qppbrtynitft Irnpioyer THE DRESS RACK GOES DRESS CLUB • CALL FOR DETAILS F ff V P. ".' CLF/MMiMG S-. SHiPT LA!;"' im O r A. * H C !H A K G f -r ..!' AP •'PICE' ON' ^^^vbmij;-/.^-/9.^'.-. .•••'••••• :•.-.•••< •••••••^-.-i-.i-^rv'i • m % (It Is ".. Si

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< CEANFORD7N«J) CITIZEN'AKiS CUHONTCtE-THURSDAY, O€TOBEE 24, 1968 tfhd Labor of the HQUS^ bf,°Repre- /'• 'closer' look," af Awhat type oil itativQS. Injthis capacity she was clothe^ are available in ready-to- resporisibJe for all -matters' per' wear, as well.^ as gaining uhder^r - -Slight- Cranford:;: women. ,of tairt'ing to legislati.on affecting c!d-' Standing of label information^in re- Achievement Were Honored by the v lationto care and upkeep of par- at^oirt and, rolated subjects. ticular clothes, ' - Business artd Professional 0Wom- Dr. Wolfe has had rainy years' en's.Cli^b' oi_ Cranford ..at A meet- experience "in education, having jng Monday at Mariga's Resijau- taught and held administrative po- Public Notices - rant. Mrs. Ruth Battaglini, chair- man of' the -club's National Busk sitions from elementary school through graduate work. Her lee- TOWNSHIP OF charge of the presentations. tures ancTwdjrk haVe taken her to ^ (ANCE NO. 68-82 She was assisted by club mem- almost^ all' 50 states, practically AN ORQHrttNCE FOR THE. OP-tatCHABE bers who introduced the following OP PIK» APPARATO8 AND/AfpUBTEN- every country in Europe and the ANCES -THEBETOJ AND APPROPRIATINO women selected for , achievement MONEY THEBEPOB. in their respective fields: Middle East, portions of Africa.and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP to Russia^-aptl. the Far East. COMMITTEE O#. THE TOWNSHIP Mrs. Sophie-fiaranski, a special CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, th»t:.. i"" Before going to Queens College, Section-X-The:, TownsWp- of cranford agent, in insurance, who has been purchase fire aDparatug. designated ss a named to the highest honor for Dr. Wolfe served on the profession- triple combination pumper, with, acoea- women in the life insurance indiis* al staffs of numerous universities s(>Hes, equipment and appurtenances there- and colleges. BeUfiuse of the wide to, for- the use of the -Fire Department. • try. As special agent for the Gar- *DRUG DANGERS DESCRIBED —Talks"on the dangers of drug abja were given by Police Section 2. There Jit .hereby appropriated ACHIEVERS IN VARIE£ FIELDS — Shown as local women of xperience, training and outstand-" the sum Of THIRTY-PIVE THOUSAND den State Life Insurance Co.v she, Frank Burr (far right) and Joseph-Grail (second from left), assistant director of the Union County COILARaC$3JU)0(U>0)lthf was elected president of Women achievement. wer... e. "honored b.y the CranfbroV Busines__s ajidJProfes,_z_ ing contributions to educatioih-Dr. financing the purchase of said lire appar- eader^-Round-Table-of-the-^ra—iBhmsl-Woln¥n%^au¥~aferTeIt to right: Mrs. Ruth" Battaglini, Wolfe has received many honors. Narcotics Clinic, at Hillside Avenue Junior High Schooloji-Monday and Tuesday. The two officersalso atus, tahlch sum shall be. paid from the ' answered questions from-the students and ,showejl , member of the .Women Leaders' photograph was taken wefeV'Mrs.tee Dietrich, volunteer services; will'be staff workshopsr^Picture show's exhibit .pijepared by Capt. Burr and Mr, Graljr Others shown Mrs. Sarah Raddin, literacy world, and Dr, Deborah' Partridge to Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society. Round Table. Members: of the She is (listed in "Who's Who in left to right areJWrraarnowski, Beth Johnson, an eighth grade student, and 'Robert FitzpatrJck, a The- Ioreg6lng ordinance was' Intro- Wolfe, education and human retetfons. :.''.-';. duced and iNusea on llrst readtajr at a Round Table each 1 have an annual America," "Who's Who' of Ameri- tenth gradjer^Arti work was done by Cefla Lenk and .Thomas timone,:ninth;"graders. \~ '. -••—,• "' meeting ot, the Township Committee of average saleg. production of over can Women," "Biographical En- the Township of Cranford, . N. J» held $5O6,6OO. For her long-tihie mem- on October 22, 1968, and wjll be consid- chapters that are. members, of the\Board of Education appointed Mrs> :yclopedia of United States" and, of these Clothes as a nucleus. For with liew accessories. For eample, ered for. final Passage,' after public hear- bership in National Association of Lyons Council and Lyons Hospital. itykllis .to her, present position in 'International Biography."-"" ,• ln«, at another meetlnc olrsald Town»hlp Life Underwriters state and local s example, if your winter coat ward- a^ good skfirf/that you have'na^Tfor Committee' at, Uonlotpal ^olldlac, Oian- Mrs. Dietrich has received recog- 1966. Mrs. Lallis is a member of =*• Twice she has been, nailed ford. Mew Jersey on , associations Mrs. Baranski was hon- Sausage robe consists. of a very dressy- coat, years can be "revived by perhaps nition for 3,000 volunteer hours Kappa Delta Pi, nationfii^fibndr so- 'Woman^ of the Year," once by a. car coat, and perhaps a sport shortening to the new. length and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1868 . ored as 1967 "Man of the Year" by ciety in education. She- iaJncluded belta Beta *Zeta .Chapter of Zeta coat, decide which of these can be at ^8:30 o'cloqk PM. (PreraUln* Time). '. the New Jersey State Association at Lyons V. A. Hospital and wasin the 1963^64 edition- of "Who's For purchasing a new top and jewelry : ... JOHM P., L-km^.A, JR.' Phi Beta ..Sorority, and once by »rn every day and how soon it !#n-Mn of Life, Underwriters. She was therecently awarded a.silver pin byWho in American Education."1 • .By ANNE L. SHEELEN to make it a current looking outfit. DatedJ XJctober 23. i«68 ^° •"'*** first women to be so honored. the Veterans Administration, for Women, of Morgan State College. will need to. be replaced. This de- If time and talent is available, Adv* Pee: $11.52 ' . , v Mrs. Agnes Matlaga, who holds , County Home Economist ision also, indicates a color theme Mrs. Lee Dietrich, who joined outstanding leadership.' Dr. Wolfe has had her writings many/older clothes can be made 1 one of the highest offices of Cran- Include bologna and other sau- that can. be expanded to include over to fit a new way of life. Per- . the American-National Red Cross, Mrs. Marica Lallis, -director - of appear in 18 different publications. ford Township, that of,,treasurer. At the.present time she is serving sage meats Jn your dinner menu dresses, suits and accessories;. haps a wool dress can be made; into Cranford Chapter, in March, 1056, curriculum and instruction, of the"In September, 1957, she was named plans.' They" are not ineairt to be as a "Gray Lady,". Since that time as a-member of New jersey State In studying the clothes you have a sleeveless, jumper, or the materia" Cranford Public School System. clerk to the.-township treasurer, served only for breakfast or lunch. r r n -PW.faring she has served in- many positions Board of Higher Education. on hand m relation in feom=tHFoid sult 'UaH. b«i made into Mrs. Lallis has a distinguished rec- arid then- acting treasurer in 1966. ^The—wid rh it^ssm NATIONAL .•"•• ord in the field of education* Heir Among her' other present respon- ties, perhaps some" clothes- can bff a sKirt and vest outfit meats" available' can result in an HtiliKfiri • • with-A^little—change—or 1 -Veterans' Aririnnistratinn Hospitalitl . experi aft t" *» pc conomicai main course dBHTTfieir WOMEN'S WEEK J_ariuary._l, . sheJ»ras_ap- mentary. school,; secondary school smokehouse flavor,makes" them es- ; iSradult.educatioh. Before coming member on board of• directors* polnted hospital representative "By 'Mrs, Sarah Raddin. director of Cranf ord*Welf are; AsjpdLatlqn, and pecially good when combined^with tBTAmericah National RednCrptsT t«f€raiifprd'asPa the-Cranford Public Library—prom oti This volunteeEiappolritment-is^fQE rcurriculumr- been •principal a casserole, , view of Higher Education Among '(• flfe/Ai^nV-^ ?o. years, and involves coordinat- of. an elementary school and a di- en Mrs. ecame Ar-recipe-is-given-fbelowwhich y- has shown-^teadyu growth. callg-for—thickly—sliceypd pieces~of r bologna. Polish or Italian sausage ^nd-coordinating—the-activities-of- t the library' staff, which is com? posed of lO full-time and 10 part-' New Valuations more,.; '.-..- time members plus pages. She also . To add to the appeal of this FOR YOUR supervises the purchase of books meal, serve either a crisp salad or and the planning for any future Of $107,900 cooked green vegetable, The va- growth' and, expansion of the li Permits for three one-family and riety in color, texture^ and flavor, i .wellingssJ quested to serve, as consultant in among 10 building permits ap- well as aM'^ulble™vifannns and the planning of, construction and proved Tuesday night by Township minerals. operation of libraries. in' several Committee for new valuations ag- If your family members ask you DIP YOU WWW WE HAVE IHVAUD AND HOSPITAL EOiflPMBff .other.'.communities.' gregating $107,900. what's for dinner as each one ar- •Mrs. Josephine Rudnicki, presi- The new dwelling permits were rives home from schoojL or work, BOTH FOR SALE OR FOR HOT? dent of. the Business and Profes issued to Harry E. Parker, Jr., 708 just answer by sayinga super^dup- -Club^of-rCranford Fl nf j Visiting Kmitti, ?3r C r_ SAUSAGE^GASSERO us Association of Cranford, $25,700; and J.VDiFabio, 100 Birch- tt poiaiye, siiccu Kehilworfli and Garwood. Mrs. wpod Ave., $25,000, and a two-fam- 1 csn-cream ctf celery soup Rudnicki has the Responsibility of ily permit was approved for Liddy 1 soup can of milk. , correlating the work, of thev office and Viaaone for 8 New St., $24iO00. 1 teaspoon minced onion t «md^tHat-of the nine visiting Permits-f orrfddditions_or_alteri salt and pepper to taste iiiirMS^of-iAe^assfiA^ ^ The ations were~ granted toi- Michael ^lbis7^logmi^lirittt hursea make approximately 300 pa-Qachko, 421 Dettnian Rd., $1,400; Arrange sliced potatoes in a flOSPITAL-BEDS iient calls y per month. Ordering PredM. Purdy, 229 Columbia Ave CRUTCHES AND WHEEL CHAIRS Supplies and fequipmehtrand~planr greased 2-quart casserole.' Blend soupVmilk, onion, salt and pepper. riing in service ^programs for theAve., W.; $3,000; R. C. Stewart,-48 nurses are additional responsibil- Pour over the potatoes, cover, and PLUS Nohiahegan Cfc, $800; and ,W. J. bake1 at 375 degree F. for .45, mjte- Itijes I connected with '-Mrs. Rud- Thompson, 1036 Raritan Rd., nicki's^positjon.-. ; : : utes. Add V* inch bologna slices, MANY OTHER $2i5O0.'v- '--- - ;r ---T-v;--^ or other sausage meat, bake un- Mrs. Dorothy C. Weeman, who Also approved was k permit for a became employed at the Cranford covered 20 minutes longer or TYPES^MC office of the. Union County Trust pool to Drv Frank Tomasulo, 625 til the meat is crisply browned. Co. in January, 1951,-as secret LincolnJBark. E.. $3.000:.' . CONVALESCENT In October, 1964, she was elevated to officership* Although her formal Four Drivers Fined ' Out-of-Home education did not prepare her for The business suit a career in banking, she was for-,For Carele¥s Drivitig Activities Require WALKERETTES turiate to work with three gentle- • - Four area motorists were among yotf to't have to wear toen extremely knowledgeable in several fined $25 each for careless Larger1 Wardrobe the field of ^banking. Mrs. Weeman driving by'Judge Charles. J. Stev- CAROLYN 1. -^. has found banking a very exciting ens in Municipal Court here.Mqn- Senior County Home Economist •_• ,At tiie stroke of five the drcKnarylbuBinesa suit f iel

•• t 1

- •/- .

i i — :;••;• . -;• 'if •: : .•• • . 4 • .-•• • -I" '.

'«• "•"•'. "" ' /"

. „ . - . „,. ^-- - »- ^- , dCTOBER 24, '•' ' *•• •': ' • ./ ' ' T '--; -..•-••'> •:'•-•;' . '• -'.•:.•.. •. •-'. •' • ''• - :'.•'• -,-•'' *-.''••''. ••-"• ; ••• .. Bora in Changcswater, Mrs. Mil- moved to, Rabway as a girl and la- Mrs. Katlicrjne Starkeli. 143 Ji 1 •»"•• JlCe» No. 10 common Wails "lar lived in Westlield 10, years, ter-to Westfield after hejf marriige. o.ibwn ,00, the map CAlUlcd "Map of Pf 0Dr l.*3-9»7-OX» % J1C, -Meial door- . " dajje, N,;Y.,.Mrs. Adlebejd 56hmidt home", after a brief - illness.' Inter- My- formerly owned.by John K4i'«toorth /" ... »u!tal frame and lock. Garwood 14 years and- Dayton, ih 1908 to Chester A. Moffett. Foi- of Petersburg, N. ¥., Mrs. fiesiria iuid iltfhiptdn c. Williams Hltuat; betweep ment was in St, Mary's Cemetery, Stoscllo and Cranford In Union County Ohio, 25 yqa'rs before moving re- lpVying ,hisy death, she rqade lier Springer, of Jamaica, N. Y., and • taetal irame and lock • ~ ,..:'. . East Orange. . . -'•.'• "" , Rjid survoyed by A. M. Woodruff, ^arwypr i-'/i'.'XB" bolts »nd washers. cently to Maryland. Sh6 wad a homie with* her daughter, Mrs. Lyc M^rs. Meta: Ney df Bayside, N. Y. of Bosello'V filed In the Union CoUntf• »W»- ' l-ltoB-Jta' K,teel elrder it' :»• '• ,»• me'mj>etf of tj»e *n> 300-corambn bricks •. . • JRiver an'd Mrs.'Catherine-Maclc of Anna Lelbel Heithmar; two sons, ntentlon of using It for such purpose ip flOOei'xft^lB*u - concrete blocks Russian Otthodok Church, Rahway, Saireville, and nine grandchild contributions be made to the New Presbyterian Hospital,:" Newark. the Wture, und • •-.••:,. ,•• •• • • •• 4floi?;xBxiaa conc«tt« bfbfoo i She had been ill for about a year. John add Edward, >nd tljree daugh- '. WHS&EtEJA^i' the Tpwpohlp l-bdle, JB", pui>»jrafl r.. and interment was in Rosedajje dren. jersejy Division of the American of tlje Township of Crajifprd hi . Bemhard Asl^ildsen Cancer, Society, 512 Westminster Born in Pringle, Pa., Mrs. Fer- ters, Mrs; Mary Selzan, Mrs. Evlyn quested QJ)4 deems )t advisable "" Cembtelr& linden. jest Interest.of:Vto« Towbship , Rev. John R. Dexheimer, pastor Aye., Elizabeth. • raro lived in Newark for 23, years Bipchbji| and Mrs. Eilsle NfejsSp, vacate WJdwttoguisb ' ' pf -Cranford ^ fnitedr; Mejthodist before; moyink to Garwood four sl I)j3>xrputt »ny pubUb ••: prop* ;?ear WllowlM »coept»nee of $d States 5? years .Yl^riendS^y7i!Wi/it:JSray n ^JFlbrid^;; a .s)ster,;Mrs. Elizja-. -'— h»ve «rJ«en Jjjr »ii Church, conducted funeral slices years ago. She was • a former com- : -M ago. He resided the tiast 25. years Mrs. posaJfVos.of Berkeley '2 t6 4 and 7 to 9 p.in. tPday. ; j|;h\iBpeit:,pi ;jjnipn,' Bine, •grand- M*BS W7- • Heighte, a former Cranford resi- Tuesday at Gray fltembrial !?&- municant 6t Sacred !^eart Cathe- property\6 . , children ahd 16 great-'grahdthil- vote the same to Industrial'use; aenij,, alea Mouvuy &\ npme—a*ier- neral Home, 12 Springfield ..Aye-, dral, Newark. . . dre'n. .". •, • .•,...• /' :. . •.•• • ' a long iU'nfss. She was 81. for Bernharfi AsJtildsen.rHl), of .JJ1JT Surviving ib : : )Sythe ir! Elm St. Mr. Askildsen died Satur- Walter Stelling, §5,; of Rahway, fmietal way Elizabeth, brfore., retiring more $.. .native- ojf bjevejand, 3VJrs. Peter ^, ^Ferraro, Jr.; ,threb spns, worth Funeral Home,. 51X Wash: . /.}. Any pi Javos llvei in(Gi;anford 30 years day, at Cranford Hall .Cursing formerly.,of Cranfprd, died. Tues- Peter 3rd, Alan and Michae), and for parDark"ok r any Home after a brief illness. . r ington Ave. ftglneer' diirlntf tits. busln*cs i&r between Surviving, a.ls*. are his wife, Mrs. before moving to, Berkeley Heights day , in. Rahway, Hospital, after a a;,daughter, Theresa, all at, bojge; \o jsaid tot_ 'Born in Arandel, NprwaV, h,e long ilbiess.jFuherfti Bervices will son of :&e filing of 11 C 35yeaVs ago. 3he -was the widow three brothers, Michael., an<|; Eu- ;wid 130i!C,jM. #fi>rn ATI-TCP !*'-•' W}f>'u-i'T"'^-E ^™ of-Charles D. Javos. lived hef&TJi^yeiirSf. residing, w^th be. h,eW,.J;oday. at ,1. pjk at the dplph Stanko, both ; of Qar^opd, same ,-Tier^bJr are r«li Jt to'-rejeot any or all'bids if «qch ac-. a nfecip, Mrs. fiWge G; Gunq£rsen, P^ttijt Funeral Home, Hallway, and KENILWORTH r- Rev. Edward n-;.,ylU'.best serve Oie, Interests of She leaves ?, son, Deiter 'ft. .pf and Joseph Stanko of Sloyervjlle, 2 t TojfDshlp, '• .' v i.-"3 ..'•':'.'•,'.'.•.• -. Jr.Hevjyas^a tetfred house palntej:. intierj^ent \irlll be., in Hazelwbod* 1 D, Hennessey; pastor, .celebrated » t ; N. Y.,;and Ji BaVvUle; a daughter, Mrs. Albert Ps.; three suiters, Mrs. Mai " " effibt upori pdbllcaUon ifter Also survivitig ^re two. pth^er benietery, Rahwayl! Bedhar p£, "ftucksWlie,: ,P^» high,.Bja«s .of reflujem; Monday ,|ja as prorlded by statute. • R.!'.Titiift .of.. T6rnd River and five nieces,1 ttire'e nephews,flVegreat- • 1$. Steliing, a native of Germany, St. Theresa's Church for 'GeorgQ W; 10-31 grandchildren. ... pitiidja P.'alagarip. oif,Be)lfcyP ^.r_ nieces and six grear -'-^--'-'- came t6 this Country.: in 1922 and jvixs. I^a?y' Waugh 'of Center More;. Jacob! of 45. Arbor St., who died Chairman, Towiuhlp Committee, - Fuftfcral arrangements are under : lived in Newark,; Sorderyille and\ last .Thursday in St.« Elizabeth Hos- 'Attest:. • •; .• •;; ••'..: • : •••..' ••••'... lan^, Pa.. y \ a x fihiei dii#6tipn of Anderson,^ Camp »N V.'<•X*AE3S3it{t JR.' • • - • • • " ' Cranford before moving t6vRahwaV The funeral, pajfeJ^B71. ;;•.:, •. •..•• v">-;"; Township Clerjc . "'"'; 703 Main St.,- ' -Mrs,,E; several years ago. . . ^ Mrs. Emma H. Mpjtteft, , 78. tomorrow frpfc thb Dierprestp, E- •"•'.<• mother, of Benjamin J. Moffett, of A, baker, he was employed, by rjer'^l 'Home,' Newark,, and iiiterr loved^er? 2^ years ago aft^c a ^ .'The .foreeoui'^'ordlp^nce ,xw^if the Millar,PiB^Co; of Lyndhurst for Mjj ye^r,.,residency-, 'in. Lindep. ,• -,H^ ii5;Hoily St,v died Tuesday at the ment ^iU *e in ^jjapjy .f * r , seven years tintll leaving in Feb- served' ynjth. the Army ,'^i 'J^opcp N.'J.,.'on ©ctotier Vt Pine Acre,s Nursing~lffl6rae,/Madj- r Cemetery^ /Bast Orah^ev' t i S. Mil- 3t son. Rev. Dr. Robert G. Lqngafcier, ruary because of jljttess. r M Appirwti^'of ofeoRofc b. Hit- , Md., He is survived by his wife* Mrs. past ,,presl'd'ent f>f the Kehilwqrth , .died, Satur- pastpr -of. the .First Presbyvenian Church, jyill eopduct funeral SJKV; Bxeresa.Bae.r Stelling; a son,; Wal- Michael Heitlimar ••'*'•'••' V Ceniter anil Pbst:2iS0, ^NIE^C^ftTH;—' \A 'high "liiass icesjtftirnpjrrpw at i^L a.m. at^ray ter F-' of .Rahjj'ay; ;two, brbtheirsr ; : Memorial' Funeral Home, . 12 Peter StelUtig of .C.alicqpn.:Ceriter;, of xequieni- wis , ceieferafed Tues- ;V^;.--J^bt.ir>^f jn.:i^la|te)? SprjngiEield ,"' JST. X"-, u and Henry, , stelU^jat — ,- -:..~i—- •. li. I*.I^LA^LL^1I -; - >'••• •» "• •' • • • • ijTsratersr Wm^^mM^m^s^m^m te was a memper pi Inter aSd ^ eb&iniunicant of ^t. phufcK J

»REPARED^ND i^kins Jacobi; six sons, c ose ay^ November 5,-1 v« Polls Open: 7 j*.m. ! » 8 p.m. < Etettion w6riSI 'fihomaS•% and Jamfe it.o'l •«t stiaU quoW.prl^'on fau to • bB ttoUverea tc i»te of propbwd^ mated, at the -JSngineer.'• t." | to oon»Wer th« •;•".••. ;. • ^ " Thefo^ The materials th»t may be reaulie;•:•;..,. ^; .;,. :•_..._• re^ct:tibe.yiews;^.the,teaguev ...... -\ ,. :, : -;. ';'••'.- • .••• ' . '. " - •,•.•.- , - . : . ' .:.•-•' ' • ;^jl&MJ-% ^ €ANDIDft*ES FOfe TOWNSHIP t^MMllTTK er.;;o:i fart Mge; ah

FUNCTION:-The ToWnsliip CbnuillHee iis the Governing,-Body of Cranford. a: M, Davia, assistant .pasto It is composed of five memliers etected at liar>. The ComAittee_selfec6 one^ti mrtbris Ch>irma4wh6 serves asiSi^^^Jiltt^^jM^^u^ he^U^^oJW 'Wy^^r^^^ aiV administrative >leyj..Eunerat JHome, 21 au^ 5forth -Aye., W., Cranford. ; Mirsi Heniry EvansV. CRANFORD'S MEMBERSHIP IN A REGIONAL ORGANIZATION WHICH WOULD WORK OUT WtaS, • Bvelyn Jjinjers tevaWsJ'biE GRATIA Brha^toe;jto^7^|^ A. Myer| pf Ctanf6rd', died jmt^-' 4Ay^ in :MbrrU*pWh 'tfeiiaorlaV'Hos-

Frfaticis J. ^estfield before 'moving 1 ,," 30 Brpwi Tferrace 4|rdsv^ie. Sh«-was m P^i^E 2Q5 N. iLeWgh Avenue , - % . Biographical: : , v x Biographical: '-.: '. • r. • - .-• ••-. •,. •• u-,,;: • ;;••,,-.,.' -i-V • " -.-•.•. Age: 3ft Area;Supervisor, E. I. DuPoht i>x. Sfeni^ C, J. Evaiisi TpresideHt of Xggi:M; Acttwniuig Dept., SeavL((ind Service toe, s; South Dak«Ji SMe College, B. S., CivU Engine^•-«.,,.. . . -, ^ Soj^^iCou^cSlege:^cSlege:- ,V-.,.V-; Attended Cirtinf*dSeh••,;1 • ';.;•-,•.»• n>.- <• .^ k''w • •>• .•'^••^;,' r,-.)-^-.-^- ; ; y Sixteen vears ; busjitess eJcppnence with DuPonJjji personal supervuidn, Mnbral SeHiifces will : 6? Ghairman of Union, N. J. Legislative tynimittee. , • ,,. „ • , budget preparation,' lSBor relations, and hiaintenan^ construction and gutted at 8 p.m. today at the West- Member, Office and Professional Employees Internationl Union, Iiocal production i J signments. -: ' ., 133, AfL-cio. •:• : - .. -?'-r ' '-':-'> ••';'• -, •. • -. " Answer to Ciuestion /l^: ; ', , . .: . ••. >-.• A range ents ire .#• Gray*^ West Former Chairman, March of Dimes. , . . .,-...• •'••;•, ;x. •• %Althougl, I believe that; most .cpnimunity problems should WJ »olv«i •fill., ~ ' ner. Member. Memorial and Iijidepeiidance par'Committee. by local a«^^i(U:.|Ha|^.U^.'#^l^j^lAm arid(% wtfeir MMut^jO IS^itgio^En^^^ problem wh 1cli &ffecj£ i1^^cpn)lpuriltife3-must-l^corj«6ted^ I feel this is a must arid fe long overdue. / • .... basis. Mayor : Gill and th§ Towpsnip Committee, promptly initiated regioSaT studies. Muai progress has alre'ady b6eii hiide. L mil UrigpFqu^iy support ,; GAEWpOp -- Mjs; Mary Answer to Question'2: these regional studies along with the establishment of a formal organiza- Iak.j75i of ,345 Second A died '; i,(^6rjfsj :aI|»itJ!ier4a.wa a^ written $vA itttended; Form citizens • tion to car^y oitv±he solutions to both problems. to'fbsw Understanding amon^ all people. ' ' suddenly, on Tuesday wihg vttK Answer to Question 2: ••_.. • . v/- friends w Westfield. The funeral : : ..' " •' •', - C •••••.- •——:•• • • ;'."{ '(Signed) -FRANCIS J. .Fair hoiusmg is a moraljsstie and to be a desirable, Viable, and work- Hll bfi. on Saturday fit; 0:15; able undertaking reduces th> volui?tary-*o9Beraiipn M *ll citjzens^f ihe the Dpoleyv Funeral tjS commu'riity ^ This «*p

TlTgchnical^Wire - Products, Mrs, tawylak was born in Aus- fit dhemieanEngineerihg, grftd^ tri(f-aBd-catne totheUiiiiatLStatfifi

J James M. Bell • " * ' in im. A bawi/ood resident 55 as Finance Cpmmis- 29 Grebes Place - ye'irj,"sKeiwas a conttnunic'airt «f sioner, Public Works ConwnisSioitter at. Commissioner. graphic*):^ ...... ,. . ^ , ',_* • '••- ; thfe ChorbH of S|. Anne atgl•& niem- J ^^ "- - d Welfare. Association. • • • vwreiwSvJM Chamber of Commerce,. Suburban Symphony, Santa F^e ColtefCe;.)M. I'brdhaiu bniversity; Doctbr of 1 ... __ . Gare Center, Elise Street Fund, Cranford* Boys' Camp and Member Union County, Essex County and New Jersey Stale Bar Assoc- iations. . v '• •• i. • • • Past President Cranford Denipciratlc Club. larwood;;three daughters, Mri. a^d Sunday School Superintendent, First Presbyterian DiNlt% of Clifton; Mrs. Fow Carapaijfn- Manager, 19ST, for Charles G. Siegfried. y*L.'*'' i U jiv'it . Church.. •-. ice '£ij;ariello of Milltowti, Former jjDhairWian, iMEarbh of Dimes. , . s. Jerome Ramsey of Garr The Republicanw rfecoml&e'niiii thafc branfbrd take & leadership Atiiwer to bo^rtr^ri 1; " .. • • .• '..'%. . ,,< wood; eight grandchildren and role in siich an orga - •— '•" iy Rtyer ^ the principal storm UnqueslionaHly, the flbodihg. ahd water pollution problems withlb.our eight, greatgrandchildren. iro coutttles with JtTpppulatioii approaching paTo\irnshir p cift only be alleviated .If all those tbwfriships similarly situated drainage for-communillei Friends tn&V call at the funeraj 500,000. W« kndw; thi of floodfiig and pomition often lies in one or iclpate fit a icoordintited prbgram directed or supervised by a regional community while the w, ^Jcurf In btnerS. I will, therefore, actively hib Uve for iVf- ^aisjtlbnalble.asto Whether such home, today, and tomorrow from 2 push for Crrinford's ipation jn any regional- orgafHttitlon that treats federalect wouffl brganization,. . • TjjetprpbienasrT, ftost 6f, "goino dateg , ithert alonee ha"s beewttuWn aL be t»o prb- to 5 and 7 to 10 jE>.tn. the watershed as a tbs snee by the of any efforts ih this direction. Anlwer to JL-^—;,-.Ci_. . ; _v . • . Patrick DeCaprio r%w Jersey Has & strdng; Fair Housing taw, but It has had little effect The ap uftibre, New Jersey Statutolry Law .specifically prohibits d^ on the character of most neighborhoods. Laws, do not change peobies crimination jaseU on tolpr, cfrejad of"nitionallty. ih selling, renting or heid- GARWO0D —-Funeral seryicei inner feeling, yet this is the gbal We must strive foiq. The way to dissi- tiattng to-se,R or rent teal estate. T,nere ^ ho q3estioii that thisi law, wftb Jvere held Saturday at the Dooley pate fear arid suspicion is to let individuals of different races meet, know Its provision for flnesi and penalties Is bompreheiisivfe enough to indudte Funeral Home, $18 North Ave;, W,, Fourdecl In tS' • " >a pspersonal basis, v^prk together and interchange ideas. As a1 neai-ly every fornt of discrimination. I believe we all have the obligation "for Patrick jNT. DeCaprio of LindetL ™ ^" Xki to provide such opportunities t- *-' - and, duty to disclose tb thft prope r authorities al-1l incidetits til dtsctirninatlon formerly .,pf i(5arwQQd*_a'K() died re&ate and trust- each other. so as to assure fair housing. last Wednesday In St. Elizabeth j '(Signed) iiALVOLM S. PWNGLE I (Signed) JAMES M. BEtL Hps)>ita|;. He was 59. - .Born in New York,City, he lived of New in the Qarwood-Westfield area for 15 years before moving to Linden Finest CemMitet- T«rn» ol Office: 4 Years TOWNSHIP TAX COLLECTOR three years ago. A retired section FUNCTION: TfieTwc collector. aitd rnili* all tax bill#; receives payment of taxes; IcefepY records df taxpayer*' account*; makes a monthly foreman for the Central Railroad NotuFrofH mtd report to the Town*) of JNTew/Tersey, Mr.' DeCapriq had Worked for the railroad for 3S 1 REPUBLICAN years before retiring in 1962. NonSeeiartan eymour, Jr. , He is survived by his wife, two Agnes Matlaga daughters, including, Mrs. Rita 604 Orchard 6treet - 2Vfe Washington Plac7 - ' Rhodes of Garwood; two sons, his Blograph Biographical: 7 . father, two brothers, two sisters Age •Township Treasurer. . • } and thre'e grandchildren,^ On* y«ar Deferred PayrntntiPlkn, lnt«r«M g. Certificate in Rutgers University, Course in Municipal pinince. AvallabU for Pr<»-N««d Buyem niclpal ' Momber:: . • • 'N • Cranford Business and Professional Women's Club, „ br&mm Municipal Receivers, Tax Collectors and Treasurers Association of New Public Notices Jersey, . Cranford Republican Club, County Cerebral Palsy League. Republican Citoens Committee, , ' • t . TOWNSHIP OF fcilANFORD Offtc* Honorary member/ Flremeh'B Mutual Benevolent Association of Cran- Crtnford, * New Jersey ' OODINANCK NO. 88-S1 1)00 EAST BROAD airt i?!und And member Board of Directors, ford (one of two Cranford women's© honored). , All ORPUJANCB VACAtlNO t25ElMSTREtt B1OHTS, TP ANY. XN AND TO LO? 8 Tel. AD 2-0781 (Signed) AGNES MATLAGA IN BLOCK 143 Tel. AD 3-0130 WHEREAS, William laloue Is the ownsr ugle Corps. . of Lot 2 • In Dlook 143 on tho Cranford Tax Man. which ho acquired by the fore- closure of Tax Sale "Certificate No. 3029; / and . • ' "•'."'"• CIOM at 6:00 J> WHBPEAS, U» said William lalwe da- ulrti t«> *>veloil~BkM tut X Wodc •tjA (Sifitted) HAROLD J. SEYMOUR, JR. toi-Industrial purvosesi and"

',— •_ ~""^f~

. ri * -.*• • ->'•• r. • -1; .- ,' ]V

./• •• ••

..,—., -1....L. „.»._,._.•:... %S) ClWpN'A^;C^ONICLE^1^RS^AYt C each child n day for personal care ing poverty and, we find .it hard making schedule? If you haven't Reported to have crashed into a Through jts program, UNICEF dolphin.' . ' planned for interruptions by your cat parked in front of 751 Walnut children, as"well as telephone calls Ave. shortly before 3:43 a.m. AJori- , and other common interruptions in day, Joeeph A. #alya,' 26, of U the home, perhaps, it's time to sit down land analyze a commorMay Bastman St>, wnsgivfuthiieitii^ Have you been cross with your jmonses charging fcarele'ss driving, J children when they -have needed leaving; the scene of- art accident; *•,' ProfessiQnal yqur prqmpjt attention while yolu ; and failure to haVe driver'^ license were engrossed in preparing a meal Dog Grooming 6r planning-your shopping list? in possession. ; • • ' " -JV.' /With .youngjchildren in the home Responding, to a call from neigh- \a number bTtfrtei'i'up lions' by-^ihii- -hors-iepnrMng that there had, been Specializing In ^ dre.n are just as important to be ah accident, -Patrolman Salvatore planned for 'is telephone calls and R. Manuri took Paljya into custody >dles • Schnciiizers a neighbor's or friend's unexpected two blocks from the scehe, where visit. ., „'. his car had stalled, v .' . Terriers • Cocker Spaniels . The. younger your child is, 4he According to' the police; report, more time for personal care1 will the Palya car apparently was be required, according to a recent travelihg south oh Walnut Ave. Free Pick Up and Delivery Study reporting the hours of physi- when it veered over t)»^ce|tifer cal attehtion required for. young and struck the parked car -pfa the T children. v :;•••••.,• -•—••• ••.••;:••;- •••• opposite side of the rtiai "•',• -r^ THRU THE WANT ADS " 'Frtr example, children one year The front.ends of hoth oars

old.or younger, allow two hours a damaged, • arid' tHei parked vehicle, • ".-tf-'v•i.V,«1'- ' day for interruptionsi by each child. owned by Anthony Chelston of ;th

yjacandidate ••for ' ^ef^) ii showa beingibrieied by Senator " : p^p^ jjprljt^ leader' of the Sfcate'Senate, on the There Is A Difference * Aged Trimmed implicati6nL:qjE.Senat,e Bill S-721 entitled "State Sale's "Tax J»istrir .bution to Local Munleipalities.'* This bill was drawn up* by" the ~^|fattbIicgnrroaljo^1^Tin^^ Senate to ensure that a portJoiT" of* the salesnlax^^enues^cpllected.Jri jthe towns be rfetuflaed to the . local municipalities. Th© bill .ptojwdfcs tJhat;10ii>erceht ol sales iteic1 community UP to $25 million do!

-ovftf-tHft-vato-nf flAvftt^iof Hughes The focal ivcan&date said: "^721" will' help alleviate! the tak :>RENCtt'SPI.^ ie^ of Cranford property owners and is a valuable contribution 1 i! •-••'• • •' '- .'•\,^:-' . ' CALIFORNIA

Cojnj In •nc* Vjslt Our Stor* Kr 6u> In-The-Stor* Specif -"-- Fish and' chiiiis will be featured - .:—J,^\. as the annual Election Day dinner bf ttie\€oiipW5eHuibi of the1 First lllW"9H6ws--colofM drama, advenr ture^-eomedy, /mbyiBsy)andv;tti^^ •.-••' ^ m will be avail- spectaculats for your ehtite family. ' able so the whole family can be , QUALITY served;' Tickets will be available Orient, has been gaining in popu- at t|e door. ' iarity among Americans. Market re- SPORTS • 763 MOUNTAIN AVE. ports show: jthat its1 consumption OIymt>ic 0aDdesj2coHege and: nro WEDEUVER If You Have Items of is steadily rising each year. 0 id£b INTHECRA Social Interest —Taster—versatility" and- econoriiy are three factors which combine t account for its popularity, im- proved processing methods .have yqiir favorite candidates. •. yptfll s&e made rice a quick-copjdng conven- -it best o& Magoavox ience food and also have ad(Jed to its Increased: use.; ;. ; ' Regular.white milled *lce makes up thebulk 6f sale&'in the United States. The most easily stored*1!*^ •V- stable form, it is dehuskedrrice v"'^-'" ••••'•' •''• ""' • '': i-"'!!Ji;?1:^:-" which is washed, cleaned* polished editerranean—model 6976, Avocado-green cook & serve- and graded in milling, ^en-sold prepackaged it does not reqyiire With JFired-on Teflon lin- ^washing before it is used...; .'. dugh you Serving fluffy rice is a g HUM brings you perfect pictures AUTOM|ir(CfttpP! * of many homomakers. The metb chosen for cooking rice has a'gr< • InstaniAutomaMcCblor—givesyoua^exfecUy tu^ relationship to its fluffiness. Clio every change!, fev^rj; time, ptheriadvaiiped features jjncludb; Brilhant CJoIolf 295 sq.'Sii; ly follow the \directors^on.'tKe ^Ictiifrek wih.^:mcii$'^vtvii COXQTC'ey^i. C%oma|o:jij16jwe^i!fl tiie rice covered in a small amount for W^ejstif^biHty/pius superb ^ of water over Jow heat-for a Spe- _-_-_.L^.^^,i ~--i*!-±.-. •rt.%^iiJ.-i»'j.•>_'.:.?*i „-^L-ti>. M). j^ii-.^- jjjgjajj^ Aiitpiiiatid Rettiote-CJoiifabl 'ifie'd amount of time. Stirring diir- new ing cooking is usually-not recom- mended. Once" the rrice is cooked, it should be served within 10 min [ng and'Btrpkine.Fjtulfing-tho coq|c '" "m4&l' ed rice with'a forVbr a' slotted spoon before serving £dds to Its attractiveness. The uses for rice include menu suggestions which "can" be" served around the clock. Rice, served with fruit, makes an appealing break- fast cereal. Rice pudding,; served |?lain or with raisins, currants, dates or apricots added, makes a tasty destiert f6r lunch or dinner. Used in stuffings, soups, or chowd- ers, croquettes; stuffed peppers and casseroles,, the bland flavor • dishwasher-safe porcelain of rice makes it^an excellent ex- exteriors -v tender for other foods which are • fired-bn hird-coat Teflon popular dinner suggestions. . linings For a'quick and easy variation a heart of smooth-heating of Spanish Rice, combine 1 cup of ^aluminum / ' . uncooked rice and a tyo.2'ca n (2% cups) of stewed tomatoes. Cook covered over low heat for about Danish Modern- model 6972 FAMILY/KOMEMAKER SET includesJ^-qt. SaucettOm^Vfe-qt.^Sflucepot/server, 10" Skillet, fifteen minutes. Early American—model 6974, on concealed swivel casters. 5 qt. Dutch OV^ri (with covertfiat fits the skiMSt, top), and.40-page color Recipe1 Booklet. Here's Country Inn by West Bend . '. . each piece extra-thick aiuminuin for 2-YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE 15"* COLOR PORTABLE smooth even cooking. Colorful avocado green outside '— color that won'i ever UNICEF Projects fade, even if Vpu waah^lj.day-in-day'dut in an jjmtbmatic dishwasher, Inside, it's No Matter Wherq You Live or Where You Sllm-and-trlrn— take along and dou,ble_ca&ted wlfh no-Btick^biaver-acoujf black teflon. Teflon that resists scratch- Aid Children .Move-Anyplace In the U.S....your enjoy this ruggedly-built, highly ing, Welcomes your favorite l^etal spoons and spatulas. • Magnavox Gold Seal Picture Tube War- dependable Magnavox value wher- ' * \ In 130 Countries ranty is valid (or 2-years! If defective ever you go. Its 117 sq. in. screen In 1960, inspired by the Declar material or workmanship cause failure is 16 sq. in. larger than most other ation of the Rights of the Child, In normal use, tube is replaced by.tbo color portables. Model 6000, with 'the execuive board of the United authorized Magnavox Dealer where pur- - telescoping dipole antenna, plus chased-or in any new service area Nations* Children's Fund decided many Other Magnavox quality fea- to' consult governments to see If you've moved to! In-honfie serOlc^JaJior there were any further ways in required to replace tube (carry-in service tures. Ideal far shelves, or tables- WE SALUTE THE — which UNICEF could help coun on model 6000 only) also furnished with- wakes the Ideal second j«t. tries protect children's rights. out charge for first 90-days. * ~*d[*gonal measure scr«*n r CRANFORD BUSINESS A PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB As recently as one hundred years ago, most people saw nothing DURING NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK wrong in the fact that young chil- dren had to earn their own living 26 Eastman St. by working long hours under diffl (Opp. Cranford The«tre) cult conditions. They took for granted the fact that more than half Open Mon., Thur^. the children born would die before and FH. Eves. reaching adulthood. HOUSEWARES * HARDWARE * GADGETS * OIFTS / " The vast 'majority of children 276-1776 have,, in fact, always lived short RADIO INC. 109 N. UNION AVE. -*. Open Thuri. Eve^ — 276-0866 and painful lives., They have beei^ doomed- to ignorance and how • •/

•,-—••„ .*."-

nounced.the birth "of .ttieir thjrd Jq child, a daughter, Debra Jpan, on October' 12 at St. Barnabas Hos- .BntCeM: pes'Activities, pital,. Livingston. She joins"a sis- ter, Victoria, 7, and - a brother, hiincheon Meeting Richard, 5 ydars old. <'"'" l in 'Mr. and Mi's. Roy S. Zachary of The Cranford Newcomers' Club The chapel at. Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, wasr the'settMg i 128 Ma*atom Dr4 have announced kicked ojjfcits couples' activities Mr.,and Mrs. Peter E. .French September 6 for the marriage of Set Birucie M. Cudd, USAF, son of Mr. the engagement' of their daughter, Saturdayevening with a progres- bf Detroit, Mich., announce the and Mrs. Joseph p. ©tidd of 289 Bloomingdale Ave.," and Miss Victoria Miss < Kathryn. Anne Zachary, to sive^dmner. The evennjegan with birth of a daughter, Judith Hop- Susan' Akin,.daughter of M/Sgt. and Mrs. Emsley V. Akin, of Guam. Ens. Richard Christian Kjeldsen, detail party at he homVof Mr. kins, on September 24. The new Capt. Mai-tin W,, Foutz performed the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. son of Capt. and Mrs. Nofman C. "andJ Mrs. Martm Pollock, 2()hLen- baby joins a brother, Peter "E. Linda Burson was matron of honor —Kjeldsen ^^Morningside-Fn^ iromBriDr^andrmDVEd^to-ji g The bride-elect, a graduate bf hostesses for dinner. Dessert,was ternal grandparents are Mr. and school students in the tenth, elev- best man. Ushers-A**ie T/Sgt. Rob- Cranford High School, is a senior served at the home of Mr. amTMrs. Mrs. p. Richard French of 20 Madi- enth and twelfth grades. Entrants ert Becker and Sgt; Edward M. it Centenary College for Women Peter Moschello, 110 Severin Ct. Sori Ave. ' .. . • niust write and tape-record a ' " •d. in Hackettstown. ., A bowling-pizza party is the next three-to-five minute . broadcast Following a reception at the Ens.: Kjeldsen is a graduate of couples' activity scheduled for Nor script expressing, their personal ^ of the bride's parentsp , ||h the Pingry school, Hillside, ant" Member 16 at Clark Lanes, Clark. couple left on.a .wedding'trip to 1 Eastern Star views_(HV freedom.- From the state the U. S. Naval Academy 'in An- The next luncheon "wimrcrsrTfiveynatiqnal winners are Saipan. napolis, Md. He is presently serv- at Geiger's Restaurant, Westfield, chosen to receive a.total,of $13,500 Mrs.' Cudd is a graduate, of ing aboard the-rdestroyer Brownson, on November 6. in college scholarships. Bellevue (Nebr.) High School and stationed at Newport, R, I. Interested persons who havclived Next Wedhes^iay Further information ;s available is employed at the air base. Sgt A summer wedding is planned , in Cranford for 25 months or less Azure Chapter, 87, Order of East- from the contest chairman for the Cudd, a 1984 graduate of CranfOfd are; requested.to contact Mrs. Rob- ern Star, will hold its. annual ba- Cranford post, Jerry Pujat, of 15 High. School, is an aero medical, ert HoAy,.28B^arkway Village, for zaar and roast beef dinner at the Omaha Dr. specialist assigned to the 863rd informati6n» Persons residing in Masonic Temple, South Ave. and Medical Group, Strategic Air Com- Concert Soloists Crahford foivmore than 2 years Thomas St., beginning at 10 a.m mand, and is presently stationed in, who may be interested in the club's Wednesday. Dinner .will be served Guam. ".'.'.' To Be Honored activities are asked ^^contact Mrs. from 5 to 7 p.m. ... „ County Auxiliary An after-concert reception be held by the Suburban Symphony Chairmpn' of hnynnr bnht.fiR will Society of New Jersey and its guild MISS B3VTHRYN A. ZACHARY past-president. "be;. Baked gdod^f, MrsT Muriel My-: Three Cranford' residents were Miss Janet-DeMaio of ii6 Rutgers on Sunday, November 3, at the ers; pock.etbooks, Mrs. Dorothy Hal- named committee chairmen last Rd., Miss karilyn Jones of 356 home of Dr. Herbert Paskow of Sen: cards and gift wrap,' Mrs. Thursday at the. October meeting North Ave., E., and Miss Patricia; Westfleld jn honor of Eugene List, Colony Club Holds Frances' Guemple; faricy/W'orjc, Mrs. of »the Union County "American Mattina of 349 South Union; Ave. pianist—and- Miss- Carroll -Glenn,, Mari9n Gdnano .and Mrs. Florence Legion Auxiliary at Martin Wall- are among new students.enrolled violinist, soloists: for the opening Johnson; Christmas,." Mrs. Freida berg Post 3, Westfield. „ at the Berkeley School in East Or- Hostess for bridge this; week is Schenker; jewelry, Mrs.' Blanche ange. •. ; •••••/•••. J- ' '" ••••..: •/ concert pf the/Suburban Symphony The fine arts department ot ..the Mrs. Thomas Donahue of 209 They are: Mrs; Jack Irving of 12 Orchestra, .'.../ ' Anner; and boys, Mrs^ Louise O'- Connecticut St., cHild welfare; Mrs. Colony Club of Cranford held a Scherrer, St. Guests will be Mrs. FIVE GENERATIONS-^- Fivti.generations of the family of former Briett. , ' William°Cox of 28 Oteaha Dr., mu-Mother Rescues Baby \ , The all-Tchaik6vsky concert Is Edward Robinspn, Mrs. John Mac- Cranford Police/Lt.\Harr; ey Jr., were present as the 19th Mrs. Toni Jacobi is . general scheduled for November 3 at West- workshop on leaded glass mobiles sic, and Mrs. Mitchell Koury of 82 Police: reported this week that kenzie, Mrs. Richard Schofield, birthday anniversary of Ms>granddaughter, Cindy' Anii Page, chairinan and Mrs. Jessie Manning Wina.ns-Ave., poppy • poster. field High School. Mr. List will last Thursday,. at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Frank Heick, Mrs. James M. Mrs, Gloria Ulsamer of 33J Walnut August Barberi, 15 Tuxedo PL daughter of Harry R. Page of Weslfieidand the l^t^Mrs, Page, v^as' is dining rooni cHaifmani*^rhey' Miss .. Kathy Fus. of ^Cranford Aye. rescued her 2-year-old daujgh- play tlje Concerto No. 1 in B Flat Bell and Mrs.-James Kelly, all of will.be assisted by officers and ac- Minor,, Opus 23 for piano and or- Cranford, and Mrs, Joseph Wddjen- celebrated at her home oh Saturday/Seatedleft t;o. right.in^; the was among the Girls'. State dele- ter on Monday aftei the child ap- Mrs. jlobert Seavyir,iZ6 picture; above are, former Lt. Page's daugl\ter, Mrs. Adelaide tivity committee members of the gates introduced. She represented p'arentljr wandered into the shallow chestra-and' Miss Glenn will play Ph, showed members how tivjcut ski of Scotch Plains. chapter. the ConcettoMD Major, Opus 35, colored glass- and .assemble "the mo- Penebre of Port Chester,'N*. Y.,"hblding her grandson,. John Chrisr Unit 212 at the annual citizenship ppar t of the Rahway River, behjinj d Mrs^Sal .Conti-of; 3A Parkway Dinner tickets are available from prbgram last June at Douglass Col i h Th bb t in : ^--tiano,-and tjhe J^ Adl ' their home. The baby was; not in- for violin.and orchestra, .bfles.V. •••/•••••.,, .,-.^":-y-'' - , •'•:'••' :'.,••••. Village Is convalescing at home Adelaide T'age, 88,' officers, .activity committee mem lege,lffew_ Brunswick. , T^e orchestra.^ • Members present . \y>f' fha EdgewOTd iui; is Mrs. Jdhn: Grune- WUHdrnMichals. Mrs. firanford T»t>1ice DeiSnrtment. Gt^tieiilse^4ncluded^ahot3ier Son of WEDDINGS aWer and MfS. Jlland Cunning- walski" and Mrs. Maurice>•'•$$.•• % Mrs. C. C. Goodfellow of 20 West the fornier lieutenant, Bradley M. Page of 25 McArthur Ave., and. * 4 '^pUyjStv)iaye''returbed home from JJgwrQfe"" L£ ' h^^tbiy lihls-wife,; j^rol,_whose .birthday anniversary .also was observed at ___ BLACK AND WM\ visited-Mrs; James Wagstaff. . the party. Former Lt. page', wlnrreth^e^nri95^^ 1 s e local police department, is, now associated wi{h Sh^Hcross mocracy" contest for college scjbiol !rships,Iurider^ derwayV it was announced this week IK North Ave.,W. Crahf from York, Pa"., ^heretthey -spent -buffet—luincheon^jidLreception in lows Hiir^^lton^W<^bTcrw5kr blpThomas Senk, commander of N. ••'• ..' • •, .'••' .j. i; ... •. ••• - ., . ithe! weekend visiting with friends. e^ grand ballroom of ffieTiotel; of-31—Burchfield_Av.e.mand Miss ,R ,.Fiske.Post 335, Cranford. ; • ;v: t T 1: 276-4700 Karen Wall nt 2b HeTmirick Cir. Jn^he-ieven~ye"ai S' that the VFW : •.::,::•'Tel. Mrs.. Robert McTJowell of 28 has been sole sponsor di the contest, BERGEN Princeton Rd. is at borne convalesc- Miss Laura Maryy, p*Andrep a of 8 more than 1,500,000 high school 276-1024 ing after her five-week stay in eglctne* Yalle TeTerr . hshas'' been named a first students have participated. 34 WEEKEND SPECIAL! Overlook Hospital, Summit group scholar at Smith Cojllege, This year's theme is '.'Freedom's ONLY — field St; w4s hostess at bridgridge arid" Mrs., •Wednesday evening to Mrs. AJex 31 Park^Ave., has .enrolled for the Cloud, Mrs. T1. Wilson, Mrs. J. D. fall quarter at Transylvania Col' ing academic 'year. She is a mem- FALLL m POM* *»>»• 1 ber of the Class of 1969. Bridge land Mrs. 'Jean Montene- lege in Lexington , Ky. He is a court^ all of 6sanfor'd; Mrs. Frank member,ot {he^senior class. -:'••-/ Persons-and-iMr8i L.-C.iMarsac -bf, Westfield and Mrs. Bradford Little- •Mark Gutierrez, son, of Mr- and .Cj»£hamV.:::-.i.-:.:i-'.. •'-..••••.,;..,';,.: ^^Brid water, formefl^o'f Cranford, Mr^and, j ^g^g^ •entere^"'~.«^*flreshman~""yeaMt^Wy r at Mrs; Robert L. Jdhn^Jn. of 38 Van Buren Ave. announce the birth Georgetown * UStiyersity, Washing- of:a soiri, Gregory Walter, qnOcto Glenwwd ftd. Her Quests thifl eve- tori, D. C. - He is\ attending the Ed- ning, will be Mrs. C; H. GraSy, Mrs. ber 8 at "Muhlenberg Hospital, mund Walsh School of Foreign Plainfield. The new baby,.joins a W. F; MJcCanh, Mrs, C. J. Smolin- Service at Georgetown. " ske Mrs. Richard Carlson, Jr., Mrs. sister, Gayle, 3 years old. The pa- f ternal grandmother, is, Mrs. Cath- walder and Mrs. Kenneth Egan, .Brian Bazflus; ison of Mr. and erine Roth of 457 Brookside PL tdl of Cranford. ^ Mrs. Joseph Bazilus of 120 Thomas ahd the maternal grandmother is St., is a member of the freshman basketball team at the University Mr; and Mrs, G. Jr Quatrano of Orange' Ave." 103 Beech St."; recently spent a of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla/ weekend in Atlantic City attend- ,' Mr." arid Mrs. William.P. Wheeler ing an electrical' league conyeru Miss Janis Mellquist'of 356 Ret- ford Ave. is enrolled as a freshman df.Edison havejinnounced the birth tion. Mrs. Quatrano was enter- of.a daughter, Suzanne Pendleton, tained at luncheon on Saturday and at Montclair State. College, where she 'is* majoring in business educa- on October 16 at Rahwayjtospital. attended a dinner-dance that eve- They also have a son* Robert, 20 [ tion. . . . ning...... , '.''. ..w ••'•• • •; months old. Mrs. Wheeler is the Students former Miss Carol Lewis, daughter The Wednesday Afternoon Can- of Mr;.and Mrs. William Lewis of asta Club; visited, on Wednesday list for wit^ former Cxanford reside'nt, Montclair College include^ Mrs. Louis Lerda, ntjw of Doyles.- the following from Cranford: Wil- _ —o— toovn, Pa. Mrs!, David Muirhead, a liam Shramek of 25 Mansion Ter;* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Briscoe, Jr., fo rmer parkway Village resident .Misi s WinifreWiifdd BurkBke d^h^^ the -reunion with' Mrs. WW.K' K. Powell, Mrs, J. C. 'MasQuch, Mrs. Fik Mrs;. V—JL I Grunewalder, Mrs.' Herman Oemcke Swan's exclusive professional process: and.Mrs. John Kinney, all of Crajv I ford.. . ( » I Hostess for Monday evening I bridge was Mrs. Lawrie Montgom- BY FLORSHEIM I ery of 22 Colby Lane. Mrs. Mbnt- gomery had as her guests Mrs. I DRAPERY SMVICI Donald Weaver and M,rs. F. C. At- kins, both of Westfield, and Mrs. MARVELOUSLY I S\yan's ,famous cbstonrj service for homes, , Richard Bradf ield,' Mrs. Robert I banks, restaurants; rnbtels is recognized by In^-v ' Wilson, Mrs. A. H. Vail, Mrs. Ken- terjor decorators' and drapery manufacturers i%,) neth C. Kau and 'Mrs. T. S. Mar- COMFORTABLE I ,"best-in-the-trade"l/v . " r ' r shall all of Cranford. • GONTEMPDRARY "" I Swan "unconditionally .guarantees" no shrinking, v> Mr. and Mrs. F- T. Deacon of "no distortion, no sagging, no bulgingJiningj -117-Spring Garden-St. are -vaca- 1 Swan "uncbnaitionally guarantees" every fold will tionihg this week at Williamsburg fall beautifully in placet ' Inn, Williamsburg, Va. Swan offers complete removal, rehanging r and cus- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Boland tom storage service I , of 32 Stratford Ter. entertained re- contiy following tho. christening of Iruly makeT'ybur draperies more beautrfull" their daughter, Pamela Leigh, at St. Michael's Church. "Gue?tt!rwAtt&i from Ocean Grove, Spring Lake Heights, Maplewood, Elizabeth and free estimates, Cranford. ' pick-up and Mrs. William J. Evans III of 44 delivery Brooksidc PI. entertained 25 guests 276-33OO at her home last Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Arthur F. O'Brien of 213 Scherrer St,, who is mov- ing to Grand "Rapids, Mich.,'where Mr O'.Brien has accepted a posi- tion-a8rengineeB-with~W$rncr-Ma- chinc Co: / Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rudd, Jr., of 408 Central -Ave. have re- turned home after spending a week In New Orleans, La., where Mr. bryeleanefs, Shirt Launderers, Rudd, director of manufacturing Cold Fue Storage, Rug Cleaners" and planning- for E. R. Squibb & CRANFORD - 44 North Avo., E. Sons, New Brunswick, attended the pharmacouticalmanufacturcrs' con- WESTflELD - )08 North Ave., W. vention. They stayed at the Royal jane s ELIZABETH - 4 W. Jersey St. Orleans Hotel in the French Quar- 232-4800 Quimby at, Central 129-139 CENTftAL AVE., WESTFIELD ELMORA - 190 Elmora Ave. / ' ter and visited man'yof the famous restaurants and historical sites in Free Customer Parking at 1?2 Elmev Street (Next to Food fair) > the nrea. They also took a boakride Store Hours: Daily till 6 — Mon. till 9, up the MissitisjpPi and attended a mmums •1-

:•/• 7 •r-~> f


•< . \-f

•>rss— '. ..i

CILVNFOJtD CNt J.) CITIZEN OCTOBER 24, 1968 : V%Vfit openings Tin, California, Connecti- Rprformed in operas' .in Shreyeport Residents Invited cut and West . Leiterq to the Editor " Flo^tsAttend i In th&,$ranf orfl ^'Speakj Out'v- cit- arid Ne*w Orleans, La. • •• • sW has been a church sojoi&t for t p pd izens will record their opinions or . , ' . " October 21, 1968 'D,ay in^Cofnege' 15 years. Active in oratorio as well questions on tape at the Hospitality Dear Sir: ' ^ ,•••;- , Garden State florists were at the.. Queries ft)r Nixon as ORera, she has performed as a -the. Utfited Citizens j^ iixonv Center. The tapes .be sent to Please present this, with appropriate apologies for plagiarism, College of_ Agriculture*and Envirr'< Agnew will offer Cranford resi- Nixon Campaign Headquarters. soloist with the New Jersey Choral to the hippies, yippies, kooks, dropouts, etc., etc., etc, , - onmental Sqience in New Brunsr, l Arts' Society under the direction 1 dents the opportunity to speak di- Mr? Nixon himself will listen to •""•- - last Thursday for an annual" ~rectly^to "theT'candidates-via-tape- .flfog.-_,• ,_ILvou can keep your cooUwhen all about your ' tapes seTecteS'.'af'rand6m, but ah ". Are losin1 tfieirs and"layin"'Tt~ori~you. . ' " ^-Day—if " recorded messages tonight between rj^ificat" and the Mozart - "Requ'ii A toiir ofThe floriculture green- Will be reviewed- by° campaign, If you can do your thing without disturbin', 7 and 9 o'clock, and all day Satur- aides. All questions will ,be ans^ em," • ' houses"'opened the schoolday, fol- day at the Republican Hospitality The local fuzz, the friendly boys in •b^ue..,''" lowed by morning and afternoon wered by letter. Questions and '•: The role of Siebel in "Faust" is If it's your bag, to" hang in Cleveland school yard, Center in ^ho Manger Building on opinions of special importance will talks.' - ' .. . ,. " ,; . ;..v. •'. that of a young boy in love with With pant legs belled or skimpy miniskirt. North Onion Ave. - be answered by Mr. Nixon in hijs iljiam J. Roberts, extension the; heroine Marguerite and is tra* With head and shoulders elegantly hairy, _ • • specialist in agricuitiU'al" erigijc " The 'fSpeak Out" .program, which speeches. . ' . • , . „ " : is being conducted in more than ciitipnaliy 'sung by.'a" mezzp soprano. And yards and yards of love beads on your shirt. ee'ringering; reported-on-a-tiereportedon- w 1,000 communities across the "na- : vMle.tropolitan Opera stars Licia of iCoyerinCoyering plastic g^eg^Koiisesg^eg ; tion';' allots people' to put their Albanese and Jerome Hines will Well, you're a citizen, friend — but just barely. and Herbert TV Sireu>pt 'tie de- • a partrriient of entorri^Wgy and'econr yieWs before th,e candidates! Both re the major rolerof Marguerite " Some people say you clutter up the scene* candidates have mentioned specific Your thoughts aftd practices are vaguely frightening. ^mic zoology at itutgers spoke on and Mephistopheles. -• '• • new" developments in mite; and in- questions and responded to Voters Tickets for the November 6 per- You're precocious, under-age, and not" quite clean. : b^*nam«" in* answering,,them,' • .sec't control."'ontr ' °; •' ' ••''.'' •''"' formance are available at the Sym- Your parents are delighted by your-absence. 1 " in Chicago 100. people attended, In Symphony Hall phony Hall box; office. There also I'nvafraid the township readily agrees. RAIN CHECK OI^ CAR "WASH';.£-^ Gary OtU'e" atid ^earihie Strbbl the .opening of the "Speak Out," Anne E. Eritz of Westfield, will will be a special student perfqrm- But with winter coming on>, kids — find a hangout, faced an empty pjrking'loti at? St; Michael's Church- parking-lot as sing-the role of Siebel in Opera aace Of^'Faust"^ on November before you freeze., ^j-am washed out fliWCk^aar i for Nixon-Agnew prograripi '^s| S$u£< Subjects .induing V ietnami ' civisinlr ^eatre^f-New^fcrsey'sTproductioir 2p.m., and" student tickets 1 v • •- ' ' Rudyard K. Poulson ~da^7&ui!Do1i^h^KMStter^^ disorders, social' security- and his. •of.Gounod'ber 6 in, s "Faust" onNewark: Noyem--. rj^irchased from Mrs. R. Allen 1 1 I, "J. ' Aft .%-_ *^« , _ ¥.* '.---• ^MT 11* ' ^*r" _ ' '•_ »j 9 Holly Street up to have his, car washed by the; two in ihe rain. Mr. tj^efr is «()wn Jegislatiye and, administrative Jl strahgert ; ^o - Qjplera Claiton of 157 Lincoln Rd., West- .^tjc&di* Several of these were men* audiences,•,-_-.-MMi. -,,—^^i| , h«-,;-rrr.. field,' guild education chairman. J. tibned by the candidate in later'. \n ip(anyVni,ajpr, ^oductions' of w. . campaign.- ' addressed - - The progra theatre since';'':^7* '"-'): V [-* .Will meet hi-Xitvlngiton Avenue School, bmngston Avenue. -;--••—•--•-•-.-.•.-.^.. ,:.•. auo to U» Bahwa^ River; ~'I^'• DISTRICT, NO. W . • gat a point, In the cen * UdTf N

"Sil'** ^ .""T'^V^viffivS.^l DAT, NOVEMBER 5.; 1806 : .'.. " the hours of.'VzOff^JM-.ai"' -aluim the- lroad o'New northeasterly" along the 'Various course* •if- .produced; thence

Volley fcal] ra-for In Bhrtriisn Hohool. IJnnnln itenfflnl Avenue: Member ol the House of Hepresenta- Centennial Avenue to ^ ConscreBSlonal District, two- pton Street mln£ • ^T^V- '•' f.'--•A" or place Of northerly along Sp ••',' Also to be *ot*#'oii, wfll! tje tlie-i< „. Park Drive: thence Publlb A Questions abd ' Constltul niMt In Uvingston Avenue SohodU Oriv« -to- i(s teiiiunus-. fiJtMT' 1 rlT; through lands of .'Union , ••'PubUe'-Quiis^bn. ilo.' •.%,—• Me,w Jersey V Rahway'' River; thence southerly along •tyblllj: auUdJJSBiV Construction Bond Issue. 1 - Rahway River-to Springfleld Avenue '_'';.:rftfflB4/'An ''Bet'W^ortgltt( ice. northerly along SpringQeld Ayettue ty•;'^a^B/^:a''^jfr^APltto Btate of New Hampton Street; thence' ;w€sterly v Hampton Stfeet to Berkeley PJace; the Irain dt $237,300,000.W) for public j southerly along Berkeley Place *^ lildlnri, th«ir construction, reconstruct > .to..JPark-Avflnue,'--flhence . easterly.--» tori Sfceet; tHtace '^^ •^^ - jo,-develppmentf-exteniionr-linprovetnent' W-^tUjBBtftritr'pwtldlwt sthftr,•ways •and Ml- Li High Bchool r.-ii-i^_ _DISiHttJT .NO. Xi ...•.. election," be apDrov.eaw*•-•--.-«:^.-..t .•,.,- .jmmm^^Sm/'mSSSt, westerly-a: .Beginning at a point iij the center ,line ythf. bontSa 'Rallroftd'-of Now Jixses ot' Orchard Street shd^Torbush Street: '•'' [i•••.'•-• • U?ubllo Question No. II ^—^ New, Jersey o Uienc,e easterly along th« center line.of I- 1/ t I Transportation Bond Issue; 'shall the,.act chtt"Oarvu>od boundary line and point or U tll h t lil - ' .-'il entitled- "An' act authorizing the-creation place rfbe**,**, „. ., ^ ^ T6rjbush': Street tor lands of Board" of of a deW'of -toe atfltjtfof New Jersey:by Education; thencje northerly along lands lrau»nc^Tof'bonds of,-the'State In the suw Of Board of Education 417,32 feet to'• point;' thence continuing along salcVisnds •. • .1 of, #940,000,000,00 f>r. the >urpoB« of inlf- .••.~ provl$ut ^ti&^'ihfyDUo^transportfttlon system Beginnings atJ a"p3iht o* the ttahway, of Board of Kdueatton- westerly to the • • :..' '• - - .Una of Spruce Street; thence I".:- ••.>••• --i .., ..... ••.••J'Jjf o| thfe ^wtej.lncludiijir the. improvement tUyer and the Centu^J|aU{pad of N«J •ly along the' center Un« Ol Sriruce '•'••'.;• ] Jersey; thence easterly alons; the Central 4 of State;hi«hWay^; and'the toprpyement I-.--' --- ,.„._.,,.— ,. - *'>{,'!*V>1' of maw- ttansiiorlatlptt facilities;'providing Railroad to the BtaeUef Park: boundah/ Street to the center Une of • Brookslde-"^^^ H I t Place; thence westerly' alontf'the center .•••>,.. •>, • 1 We •way? andi'nieana;to pay end discharge : K •• ' • J " I-.;: , fsh^ Une'r Athenc* northMly; a-" '" line-of • Brookside PlAce - produced .to the ^Pg Ui'< o*fl^' Utti of Albany AVeni H 9oad; thence westerly along the center •J.Tpi&Uc Question No.T JSTK" Bbuslne fi- M" Adiiins .^^B^UBJ ^thisnee Muthweste^ ^ sfatanee.Borid Issue. Shall the act entitled . BlliaD«thAven«al S55""W^Di«aotttff: RoadFwoo^ feet" ta Vto eet authorliUn»- the creation of debt thane*'southeasterly*-along Ellzaboth Aws* tts intersection, with the center Une. oi .of the States of Kew Jersey by• the is^uaric* hue to^HamHton Avenue; thence tttuti* Cornell Road: thence westerly along ,th* of bonds of the State In the sum ^f $J1.S' tefly ateni Bamuton Avenue to ForStt oenter.' line of Cornell Koad Ptoduoed •'WUUbn-^r-provldtr-^moner to':spur'T-ebb- _ southeastexly along *vir- to '.the center line' of Gallows HU1 ltoad;' s^tuctioa - and rehabilitation .of hoiislnei Sjorth Avenue: ihence westr thence northerly along the center line to Pliable , such housing to be occupied by iter line of North Mi- of GaU6wa HUT RoAd to the WostflWd families of .low and oioderate' lncomM; y River; thence souti- Boundary line: thence southeasterly, to provide ways.and means to pay-thW Bahway Hlver • to tw along the »We«»fleId boundary' Une' to Interest of said debt and also W. pay and of New Jersey and pofat the Oa^ood boundary line; thence'along .discharge the principal', thereof; and, to said Ga^ob^DVftndary line Tts varKul mroVM8>'rtir< tfie::'iaBn^lo^o!nUils apt io JnaMe" Aveou* Courses to the oenter line of Gallows Bill the people tttv»\ eener'ai election," fi».': goad: thence northerly along the. center Une of Gallows HiU Road to the: (jentei. 1 Public QuesUw* Ko. -IV i—i.' tu* "and Bianor line of - Park Avenue; thenoe easterly Ifcgtslature CMnstitUtional Am* along Otaijge along .the center Une of Park Avenue to 8haU the amendment of Article ,3 Boundary 11 the'center line of Orchard Street; thence, stM-seatM Sol southerly alone the eentex Jibe or-Or- V, paraeraph 14-of. the Constitution, a alone chard Street to the center Uneof Tor- 'I to by the Legislature and provld (0 to the oenter bush Street and point or place of >e* -'-ning '•' '- ' - •• ' ••'•• .farms, of 2 years, for the. holdtog•' __r line of Manor Avenue — _,, ^ WtH meet In Brookslde PUce School. T .:.... M. thereof and wT* b^and polrt ot rtart o; Wsdnninr, "''• session, upon' (junior Huth Beginning at theproduetionbt the eenter ^tt in oi»W4" Ine of Henley Avenue with '"

wlttees or before tae (Sovetnor. in. g at the Lehlgfa Valley HaU- center Una of Henley Avenue to the center t(xst annual session, be odApUd?. v Hahway River: thence mul^> Una of PunhattfAywUis::thenbe1 alone-said - ; PUhllo Question- No. V •*- ^Shall eenter Une of• Dunham"- Avenue easterly to the center line- of Matior, Avenue; thence i of Subtitle 3 of Title 1; thence along Harltan northerly' elorig-the center Une of Uanor d Statutes "of- the Stated 1 direction ttt Lexington A* Avenue to the KenUworth. Boundary line; (The Civil Servltfo Act t ^_ northerly along thence westerly. along .'the' K<*nUwortli . amendments thereto whip; Av I Atan OkeU Place; thence w«*t- Boundary line'.to an ankle Point In said Ate the employment, tenure van j Hun OkeU Place to WalnUt Boundary line; thenoe oon»lnutn« along said of tertaln- officers, and • *iy •elontf Wp' Boundary Une northerly' to the'KenlUrortb i the']- -->«—•• ^ • • ••' • nuelf same Boulevard; thence westerly along the cennk line of KenJlworth Boulevard to the 'RWh- way River; thenoe southerly along the of Lexington Avenue; tfcihway River "to thS p*oduoUbh; of the the Lehlgh VaUey RaUroad; thonce «a| oenter Une of Henley Avenue' and point or •ly along the tLehlgh Valley BaUroad i ^*^ ^Lt and point or pUe* pUee of beglnnlnst. the Central ftaUwad oi WUl meet In Roosevelt Bchool. Oftnay J«gev an4 XOgh .StiSeet H^«du^l; Walnut Avenue Bdhoil. Atenue., - ' rustRifar NO. w . «Md to 14neow Avenue/ WMI; theaoe _r NO. If •» ja..n.u.-'.. to the Lehlgh Vafley RaUroad and thence easterly and thru the lands of nit b* place of beginning. ,' oenter line of the. Rahwsy River; thence \ytBl meet In Bhennan School, Uneots northerly and ut> stream ^alona the T WUl>e«t in HUlalde Avenue Junior H^h boot Hillside Avenue. - - ^^ center line of the Rahway River to the tttsnucr NO. si Township of Springfield boundary Une: B«glrittlng k* •-iwlntln Hlgh;itr*at UISTBICT NO. U theheo westerly along the Springfield • •• until it starts raining!* Lincoln, Avenue: thence' westerly ' at a point in Adams Avenu* J boundary Une to the Township of West- ' ~ oln AVent|4r to Denrriart Road; _ kh Avenue: thence easterly flolU boundary Une; thence southeasterly Mrly along Denman Road to, 1 olpng Adattut Avenue to Albany Av«ni|e: along the Westfleld boundary Une its .* • ° . . ' *• Avenue; thence southeatteriy . thence northerly along Albany Averiue to various courses to the center Use ot Avenue to the WWk Vi Hosella Avenue; thenoe northeaster^ London Fogs incorporate so many fine details along RoseUe Avenue- to- the RoseUe"PaTK Gallows BUI Road: thence southerly 1 along the center Une of dallowa Hill Road Railroad to High boundary' Une; thence northerly along tt* RoseUe Park boundary lhut to the KlUiUr to ,the center lino of Cornell Road, pro- in styling, fabric and tailoring that you enjoy Bbfeetvt»uei thenoe ;«asterly ^8, Orange -Avenue to Xlnden Place: thi of Brown Terrace; thence southerly . Avenue to forest Avenuei southerly nlong Linden Place to BUxal point or place of beginning. exclusive weather-resistant Calibre Cloth (65% •wy along Forest Avenue to Hsjto- Avenuei fteue* southerly along * Utott Aveaue; thence northeasterly al<)dg both Avtnoe to Adaust Avenue and p< WUl meet In Broolcsldo PUce School. Iton AVtntw to Hlxabeth A» jnuei o* platw of b««iutUng. DlffmiCT" NO. SO *~ Dacron polyester, and 35% combed cotton) backed along KUxabetb WUl meet In RooscvelLnecbool Orange Beginning at the Intarseotion of the tvenue to Linden Hice; th*n*e northerly AyeiiuJ. ^jr , •• • oenter Une of the/Rahway River and the by Third Barrier Construction in the shoulder; Linden Plaee to Casino Avenue; NO. Ul production of Casino-Avenue: thenoe east** westerly along Casino Avenue to Beginning at •'point of th» C*nl sriy-along the center line of Casino Avenue London Fogs belong-everywhere .. . except in de Drive; thence southerly along RaUroad of New Jersey and Centent to the oenter line of Linden Place; thence .llverslde Drive to North Tjnlon Avenue: Avenuei thence' easterly along the r northerly along the center line of Undw the closet. The» Poole, shown above, $42 50. thence southerfar along North Union Av*- liral Rauroad of New Jersey to the Roi Place to the center Una of Orange Awnuei ttue to the Rahway River; theno* soUth- boundary line; theue* southerly along thenoe easterly along the center Une oi ejrly along the Rahway Hiver to North HDgellsi 4nd Tr<*^^^ boundavy Une Orange. Avenue to the Center-Une ol Other unlined London Fogs from $42.50, with Avenue and point or place of fcegwinlng. Oaritan Road; thence southwesterly al Manor Avenuei thence northerly along UM WiU w*«t In Community Boom, Mnnl«- Rarltan Road to Centennial AvantMr otnter Une of Manor. Avenue to the centei tip-out linings from $65. -psl TtftirtlHfct.-a-Hnrinsytlflij A**-. line of Dunham 'Avenue! thence wtwterly th«nce northerly uong Centennial Ay«- along the oenter line of Dunham Avenu* nue to the Central RaUroad of New Jto- to the center line of Henley Avenuei thenw Wogitinlng . . central RaUroad of sey and point or place of beginning. continuing westerly along the center Une and the Rahway Rfverr Will meet in Lincoln School, Centen" of Henley Avenue to the center Une of th* ly along th« Central KaU- ni»l Aventle. » • - Rahway River: thence sontherty along th« mad of New Jersey to the dividing Uae tttBTBJtrtf AO. 14 center Une of the' Rahway River to the ' e*a NoV 111 and No. 1XB North Ave- BaclnnlUK at s> point of Lexlniton A*»- production of the center line of Riverside Wwrt; thence northerly along s*4d nu« and the boundary Une of aarwoed: Drive; thence southerly along the cento* As Ah Added Convenienco, Uee 'p.un*'9O Day Charge Accouut Service " line to North Avenu*, WeM, and thence southwesterly along the Oarw( pa. Une of Riverside Drive to the eenter line of Street: thence along Orchard, boundary Une to the Westfleld bound: iry Casino / Avsnue and point or place of gtrut northerly to Hatribton Btreeti line;/thence southeasterly along Uie West- beginning. ^ ' ' : • _•. ,. .__••>_ • • ..._...... • •••.:•••' >• easterly along Hamptori Street to OeULand-Clark boundary Una to Rarlun' Berkeley Pt*ce: thence northerly along Roal; thence easterly along Rarttsn nd>d WIU meet In Roosevelt School, Orang« Berkeley Place to Bampton Street: thenoe to Lexington Avenue; thiaice northwest- Avenue, ' , . ..along Hampton Street to Bpring- erly along Lexington Avenue to Alan' NOTE: In reference to streets, railroads, 207 EAST BROAD ST., WESTFIEID • 233-1171-2-3 Hvehue; thencethence , southerl.. . y. alon. ._g OkeU Place; thence westerly along Alan . and river, it Is the Intention to follow Okell Place to Walnut Awnfe; thence center Une throughout, • ___ • C~ ••-/-• -Avenue to the Ha>iliiy-aw»V)- northerly along Walnut Avifiiue' to. 1' L. , OPEWMOMDAY EVENINGS'TILL 9.1 , easterly along the Rahway River Ington Avenue }t said Lexington Av. - - • _ . iywn«hlD Cl*Vk '" L&L"" th*aM wm«h*rtf alflag »sb*id; April ll, io«8 • • • • ributherly along North uSS{iTAve- alongs^ha prodUotioH of Lexington Ave- AdV. Vi • .-/•'•'• •. •' -.•»• H

••'•' '".**.' ".. ••• .„.' I ' ..• ..'.••*•• •

---. •-• , ' • • . . ir- . .„ • -r. <•

•**' ' •' ;" '•'"• . •' •'-' ' ''"•'. ' •' '•''-•' ' . •. •*.' •."'•'•.'.'' Page Eight ' CRANFORlJ (N.l.) CITIfcfitf AND CHEONICIJB^T^RSDAY/pCTOBfeR54, 1968 pther w.eajther factors affecting air. good faith by fixing up the backs missioner Pringlo- said, there are Ballmm Release pollution. ...•'--' "' of their stores and buildings. Mr. 2 'Registered narcotics users in ,QlBqnnell charged' thea Tojwnship >anford. The auestipner reported In charge^were^ Joseph jTf Sopor- Air Week owski and,' FranJkjUn B. Flower, Comniittlec was '.'irregpcmsible" for. r, F. Grail ofnhe Uriidn Cpuhtj/ spending :$80?bo6 fln this projdbt Narcotics Commissibn had>tbld a EvehhM Kiil&etS specialists in envirpjunental sci- before the merchants and land- kyjal audience recenily^there are ences at the college; Present were lords at least made "a gentlemen's 5 registered narcotics^ users hejre Dozens of balloons soarec&lnto 25 air pollution control "officials the sky fprii theRutgers College agreement" that they would do and "probably Jive times that attending, 'a training course on something. . many" who ape^not registered. ' of Agriculture and Environmental smoke observation:, f Stevens, Jr., served MEAT MARKET in. Mow Brunswick on ^-TrEdueation-to-oveFcome-air-polIu- He also said permitting the Man- ^e^fficedjuildingrtorbjerconstructr uon needs new emphasis, accord- PhjkfT GOP7 campaign 'manager, Tuesday. , . ing to Mr. Sopprowski.' - . ed in the central business area, fac- I The colorful etfent' was- part of ing a municipal parking lot, repre-^ ^n'd Edward J. Toy, Democratic 8 to 5 PJVI. * Lunch Hour — Mo2P^l manager^ introduced^-the- candi- the »doilege's observance of Clean- "Ait pollution .eduoation does- sented poor planning. ]He. suggest- n't belong on .the last pages of the ed it should have been on the'out-i dates. Dr. Frank Krause, past pres- A ' • CLOSED MONDAYS " er Air Week, which began Sunday. last chapter of a science textbopk," skirts of the community where ade- ident of the Jaycees, welcomed the . To each balloon was* tied an ad- he declared. "It's not wise to make quate oft-street parking.^ for em- large audience who attended the ' " • Open Friday ~ &to 6 PJ\l "^ T-'pnstrarrl requesting the h study--of. such environmental ployes in the building would not meeting. Also present were Agnes T shopper or com- II WALNUT AVE. ~— : CRANFORD tion and mail to the Air Pollution of the serious investigation it muter parking in the area. The Ter, Republican—and—^Democratic" Control-Association. The idea be- serves." ( township^he charged, needs more candidates, respectively, hind the balloon- release, taking At a preliminary.to Cleaner-Air allncjay and niore off-street shopper collector, iand John Laepacf GOP place this week in, many areas, is Week, the college received a cer- .parking. candidate for township^dferk. to make a check on winds and tificate -and blue ribbon from the The candidate also asserted there DENTAL SPEAKERS AVAILABLE —"Dr. Herbert Pask'ow, chair- should be closer liaison between Law Sc|jom '•*•' .man of- the Union County Dental Society speakers' ^,b(ireau, the governing body and Board of (Gefttinued-from-Page-lr) ""annpTOCetTthis weeK that speakers are' available in all communities "Education~ainl~thaTThe Township Committee should have observers Lutheran Church; evening praters in Eastern Union County. Members of the bureau .shown above at all school board budget hearings — Rev. Johh R. Dexheimer, Cran- include, leff to right: Seated, Dr. Paskow, Dr.^AIfred Schulman of "so they will be prepared tp/tfet" fofd United Methodist Church, and Clark and Dr. Charles Berwitz of-Cranf oird^standing, Dr. Stanley in event the voters reject the offertory sentences — Rev. Paul H. Goldstein of Cranford.;ParentjbusinesSj,servi(ie and church groups school budget. \ ' ^^ " Letiecq, First Presbyterian Church, interested in'having.speakers at their.meetings may call one of the Jack McVey, the'other Republi Mrs. Thomas H. Poulson will foll6wing dentists in their area: Dr..Clair iFlinn, Dr. Goldstein, Dr. can Township^Cpmniittee candi- serve as choir director and Robert Wilfred'Jordan or Dr. Be'rwitzJnjCranford;"Dr.'Justin Brenner in date, waOn Cleveland on business Grube, Jr., as^ organist 'The music Garwood; Dr." H. Foster Mitchem in Kenilworth; Dr. Alfred Schul- and former Mayor Wesley N. Philo, will -combine contemporary folk type hymns with traditiorialiiymni7 man. or Dr. Barbara Ball in Clark. Preventive dentistry .films and ip campaign manager, read : a irepared statement in which Mr. After the service refreshments ..; flip charts are available as well as films depicting dentistry as^ will be served in the cafeteria of a career. . . »y' '. . ' . " .-. '.•_..__/' McVey said that "the Republicans believfi* in_splyjiig_pjroblems at the St. Michael's School. HALF ROAST lowest level of - government possi- / Control, Association staff from industnj^cblleges, the ble, 'Starting with the - municipal last "Wednesday for the excellence, amed .serviceSj-'-imd the Public level, while the Democrats believe United Fund of its CleanerAir Week-.activitie8 Health Sery •• (Continued f^rom Page I) : 4n-taking3Verything..!to_the_highesi. lasl; year. Leland G. Merrill, Jr., possible levels hopefully- Washing- Mrs. JphnOa1ho.ut^:$5i22;!District: three dean,' dhWd^t ton or at least to.^Trenton." 13, Mrs. E. J. Geiger^490: Dlstrid tea: ' 'grief-saving lunctoon Jh JBedmtoster. "If | a community^ wants" the max- 14, Mrs. William Cpllins^5 (Continued from Page 1) imum say iji irunning their govern- District ISS, MMrs. Frank Biribaul answers are: ate ousteif because of I political or t $432; Districri7; Dominick JSIellis; companies, not just one. We'reindependent NicholaslMankiw, $391—. quired to enforce provisions of the ^Qg^p T ; gadget ^vhfch focuses light energy ment is Wdermanned and repprted j^i,: xha^y St^^'C9m] Slate—Veterans .-.jAct—in-: providing^ Union College Hst» Of-eilHlbliS-for appoin' (Continued fromPage 1) said^thatra flefinitlocEof Biran-^hanges-periodically. center of the..busin.esjs_disfeict." He residents ( certain ypurcoverageis kept up-to-date, shbuld not be overlooked. -s Mr. Kiamie contended that town- : is considered a swing- county-politi- ship voters should not accept the added that while more firemen and This was one of the conclusions volunteers responded later only cally. •* . . ' lb ' constantly r^flecjting the finest available that Robert Pressley of the Radio Civil' Service program unless, "we When: Mr. Nixon Jan for the, are thoroughly convinced' that' it three or four paid firemen were in coverage at t^eloVvtesl available cost rVirpni-ntinn nt-•.^mffiica—TeacJhed- ithe^firehauseLJhatjaight presidency against the then ",S.ena- Monday at the opening of a short diUa^h 3. If you hayfe a clairni we Handle the that municipal employes who have was favored by 46 percent course in' "Evaluation o£ LSser there were 35 firemen at the diner a. fetajls. We work-for you, not for any one Hazards" sponsored by th& Col- researched Civil Service are op^ Union College students polled, TJBgebt~to~it~aiia urge townspeople -fu^withioT^bur-minutes—after- fav-r A^riMiltnrft and Environ- alarm was turned in. . • ' xouFintef estSi . mental Science at Rutgers. to vote-against-it;—'-—~— pred by 45 percent. At that time, 43 percent of the students said . "I Would describe the.danger as 1 high in a very limited sense," Dr. In reply to Mr, Bell's charges-re- they considered themselves Re- s symbol is your asSurante that we are Children's Halloween garding narcotics, Mr. Pringle said publicans, and "42 percent said they Pressley said;' "The (total power essional independent agent?. output of the average laser is not (Continued from Page 1) he doesn't, know where the statis considered themselves Democrats; great, but the ligh|; is very tightly port of the UNICEF program is an tics come from that "50 'percent of In a similar poll fpur years ago, absolute necessity for its e'ffec- the youth here iise> narcotics." He' President_Lyndon B. Johnson was tdI^4 r tivenesSr said he believes the actual use here an~~&verwhelming JEavorite over All types of lasers cab cajuse doesn't doubt that local': youth Senator Barry GoHwai eye ' va- know xyhere: they can. obtain the dent Johnson receive^ 73 percent rieties emit light which is invisible. Piingje. :Says/ stuff. • \ ';'$ of tiie v6tejxr^l percentfor Sena- —"Withinabuilijing,:theproblem .-^-(Gontinuecl-from-JPage -I}— ^efilaisdJocal^oliceJ^e tor-Goldwaiter. '•' ' ' . '," ' dd done a good lob in making arrests The^poll was conducted by Alpha SALT is sometimes compounded by laser v^s^ e our youtth a° our aduldltt popopup - light bouncing off glas^and" metal lation of the detrimental effects of and in* eptatrolling tHe narcotics JPHT Omega,- service fraternity, in LEAN problem. Th^ pepple who throw^ cooperation with the Day Session surfaces," he said. He commeiited narcotics," he said. - .. . •v • , the statistics around, he .asserted, Student Council. - '"•... .. that further' research Is necessary \' Francis J. O'Donnell, also a-Dem- will not tell authoritfes^how they to analyze the different types of ocratic Township Committee can- obtained their infpwnatioh^or will li^ht within a single laser.beam. . didate, declared "we haye.'.no\lead- they sign '-complaints which would Give Y6ur "Fair Tl^elco^rse, which is the first of ershipi ""in Cranford,'' adding that help tp^further control the pr6b- Its tyjfre: ever held in this.counlay, local government should be re- In Grahford's is also sponsored by the U. S. Pub- sponsive to the needs of residents United Fund Campaign lic Health Service, the State Com- and act to avert crises aqd not aft- query, Com mittee on .Non-ionizing Radiation, er a crisis has arise'n. ^-~" lb and the N. J. Department of : He saidtthe Demogratsiiad con- HEDENBERGMacBEAN Health.. • tended that the^-triahgular parking 7 1 - CftLF LVER SOUTH AVEHU$ opp. RAILROAD STATION* T*k BR 6-3000 About 40 attended the first ses- plaza inJaekrof North Ave. stores OUR sion. The course will continue f be ctlmpleted until mer )N through Friday, .with,..a teaching^cljaiits^ afhd.landlords showed their

SUGGESTION •--' ••• A • -•• :•:•

-!•— i mini MOUNTAIN RED WINE Center Cut A light burgundy prepared and bot- t -*^- • tled by one of California's finest wineries. It may be served at room temperature or slightly chilled and goes well with almost any dish other DUBUQUE FRANKS FRIENDLY than fish. — Inexpensive, yet high- lb ly enjoyable. 1 KRAUT SERVICE SHOP IN CRANFORD BOTH 4/5 Quart J . - •'• CHICKEN PAHS GREATER Yes, most ^plldirj^i^nyiijCr^ord stayjn,Cranford in the form of WE SALUTE THE ... VARIETY salaries, tasteSj donations to lotal charities and in other ways that Cranf ord Business and LEGS BREASTS ,-V help your Home Town. Dollars spent elsewhere stay elsewhere. Professional Women's Club GENUINE PARTS • NOT QUARTERS -And-Granfbrd^shoppin^^ during who carry quality merchandise at reasonable prices and are anxious NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK TOP ROUND BETTER to serve you. Parking facilities are so, convenient here, too. Come $ on down town and shop! Remember, dollars spent here are an London Broil ib. l.09 VALUES investment in the greater prosperity of your own community! FREE BR 6-1044 DELIVERY * ALL CHOICE CUTS! FREE PARKING IN REAR 30 Eastman Sn FREEZER SPECIAL

This Message Sponsored By PORK LOIN FAMOUS WHOLE CENTER * 10 to 14 POUNDS BRANDS Retail Division ' Chops. Roasts Cranf ord Chamber of Commerce WINES AND LIQUORS

.' I

/-• ' • • • " . *.''• '•' '•. ' • • *,'.•*•

••• ". V. '•'•• • t" ... ' '• * -•." 4 :: f* A ~ VV .. >•» > y : : ; : • ," * . > • :..-;:;. .4 .*• - • . w • .• • •":•';'' ',:' ""-'- '*'':.;. ^; l, --v yr-'y"'''/^-'-';-}^.'

Bruce EJ., Thompson of 9 Preston !J48 Hillside Ave., R. Weber 235 Denman Rd-., .and Gerald J. erarl Aniline and F|ilm Corp." : the U. Sj, Aimy stationed in Ger- Av.e. • ..." • . • •of 716 Oranfic" Ave., John J' Wher- Zulewskt of 707 Gallows Hill iUL •Priftr^o Joining GAF, Mr, Mon- "Miss Ratten M,. Town -of-468 Or- many. r' a natibhwlde^rgatiizatioh of/ cnard St.,.Miss Judith A. Townsend rity ^of 13 Ramapo Rd.. Raymond tini Was. manager of cost account^ leading Lincdjn-iilercur^ dealer- " W: Wiblepf 1 Mohiean PI:, RbberJ. i»g for Alc^rj ; Metal Powders,, t: atUhton e jdf 1040 Raritian Rd?,. Ronald 3. ship, salesmen/ V - i ., a •» i Cost Accountant ^ Union, He is currently attending n Tretola; 6f 112 K.enilworth Blvd.; A. William.s ofAl Doering Way., Bfpughton Leader iHis S£()es record places him"" Ninety-nifte Cranfprd residents are among 684 .Union County Miss Patricia M. Turley of 446 Lex- Rutgers University everiihgs work- Jftichpd P. Winters' of 217' Post to Montitii Mar Sales among.the top third of all Lincoln- residents who have received tuition aid grants of $300 for the fall ington Avev Frederick G. Uhle of Stoughton Ave», Miss Pamela JD, Walter Mpntini pf 8 WPodlawn, ing towards a' B.S. degree in ac- semester at Union College under the tuition aid plan financed by. the 3V Hillcrest Ave. Wood pf.707 Springfield Ave., Miss Ave. has been named chief cost ac- counting. IJbn ?. Broughton of 2 Iroquois Mercery salesmen and earned him Union. County Board of Freeholders and the state. , Clemens J. Voelk^l of M34 Rari- Carole L. Wright of 250 North countant, in the controller'^ depart- From 1953 to 1956, Mr. Montini PI., employed by Thomas Lincoln- special recognition from the Lin- All Unioh County "residents who win admission to Union College's tan Rd.> Miss Ellen Ar Watson of | Ave, W., Richard P; Yuschak of ment at the1 Linden plant of Gen- served as a personnel sergeant in Mercury, Inc., Westfield, has beeri coln-Mercury Sales Council.

."' are eligible for grants ,/under the irko of 111 County Park Dr., liliss plan adopted'by Union College and Joanne B. Fox of f Roger Ave., Lawrence P. Fuhro of 457 Brook- the Union, County Board of Free- side PL ' >. holders., , Miss Suzanne E. Gevber of 546 During last year's fall semester, Lexington Ave., John R, Goodwin,- 512 Union County residents re- Jr.'bf 41 Wadsworth Ter,v^Michael ceived -tuitionejBid grants of $240 Gorsky of 534 Orchardf'St., Robert . at Union College, Dr. Kenneth W. M. Grasing of 330 Stoughton Ave., .,./• Iversen, acting president; reported. Miss' Jeanne K/^Grasing of 330 Students from all of Union Count, Stoughton', AveT, Miss Adeline. E. , — AT All/6 STORES ty"s 21 icipalities qualified, this Griffin of.215 Stoughton Ave., Paul seme for tuition aid grants, Dr. W. Hampson of 227 Locust Dr. Iver___s . said. The largest delega- on~or69 is Stom CrantPrd, while" -^amesMTHaney6f96BelmomV Winfield has only three students- Ave., Miss Eileen M. Hawkins, of •benefitting from the program; ,' 32 Hillcrest Ave., Miss Ann"!. Hen- rich of 16 Berkeley PL, Wayne P. The totals for other UniPn Coun- Hess Qf 167 Wilder St.. Curtis W. ty municipalities are: Westfieldr Holowchak of 23 Shawnee Rd. 76; Elizabeth, 80; Linden, 66; Union, 48; R^hway, 41; Wainfield, William B. Kanzler of 118 Beech .43;, Scotch; Plains; 31;.. Clarjk,' 29; St., Thomas J. Kennedy of 2 Hick- • Roselle and Roselle Park, 28 each; ply St., Daniel,A,.K^awer of 21 Fahwood, 21; Springfield, 19) Ken- Elm St., Miss Jane E. Kraemer of ilworth, 14; Hillside, 13; Summit, 131 Roosevelt- Ave., Miss Patricia L. Kraus of 110 Ridge St., Salvatore 12; Berkeley Heights, 9; GarWood, v - 8; Mountainside', 10, and NewV. LaFerrara of. 463 Ludlow,A e., Providence, 5. , , William R. Laing of 10 Samoset Rd. oos tu , Cranfprd residents who have re- Gregpry^T. Lautenslager' ceived tuitionaid grants at Union Noinahegan i Charleshl , JJ.XeonoX - College jirt: 57 South Unioi nA Ave., Brian • Miss( Diana L.. Avery of 1059 P. Maloy of 10: Roger Ave..,. Charles Cpplidge St, Arthur J. Beaman of p. er^leyr^ny ^teven~LTMinion. p f 81 Sprucp e St., SHOf 6 NIGHTS TO 9:30 4i Rutgers Rd., Itforman W. Bell yt i tfbrilliant Miss i Cynthia ip. Moskdwitz of 33 of SJJrFairtield ^ve., Jeffrey A. Lenhome Dr., Chris J. Niedziocha Benford of" 1 Hillside PL, Robert of 12,Pershing-Avi;,gvi . j 4 , " L. Biach of 10 Indian Spring Rd., •, GregqrG y Nprril of 48 Burnside ' Tff W, B" A^iaitta4 Wffltaait"P; ,6't'drinor o Herning Aye., Miss i>usan_ M, O'Dea of 24 Connecticut St, Stah- r*06kap|lMkeial«n^^ • Caldwell of 17 Wade Ave.; Miss Jsyne Mi Carey of 49 CpncPrdSt., man St, MisiTDeidre E* Petuck of c289,rStoughton-Ave of 229 Locust Dr. nnial Ave.. Randall R. and Ralph •^bert'RrClay of 10 ppe r \\ of 44 Hawthorne St, John L. Colineri of 120 Cen- Richard P . RadiRdis of 24 LenhomLh e tennial Ave., Jorge I* jCbllazo of D>.> , ; WUUam Raftery IK of 2115 220 Manor Av^.,Cra;g.S. Connplly rifprti h Lehighihh Ave., MMisi s Margaret * of 24) Iroquois Rd., Miss Patricia At Ry off 2,,vH^wth6rn^ e St, M. Connolly of 106"Centennial Ave. Jf v102 d 3MLHarr. yMis Ms. RaUj.Jr^o .Vjyiajn: F«f .10 Rega2 Edgewool of 2d1 tane, George Ev Cubberly of 303 IBetf.prBetf.prd Aye.; Mjss,GaiMjsGak A. Denmaii _ James J. and PeterJ. Rinaldi 6f off 131300 Htt Httlcresl t AAve w Chafes;-MChfs;M . 100, Veronica „ Ave., i Rooney of .170 North Lehigh Ave., Herbert j. Sanford pi zo (jneroKee an OfceU:.,Pl.i Miss Rd., Miss Nancy E. Sharkey of 100 n^Mtr Donovani or 112 Hill- KenUwbrfli Blvd. y^Jr3^ lows Bill Rd., Michael L.'iSihrmattn of 107 Besler Ave., AJan J. -Sjachiw ^^j^t,! Stephen vRv; Slo- binski. of, 41 rrincetpn Rd., &

at the Carriage House

CARRIAGE A Fine NorWierh HOUSE Italian Cuisine by Carlo of^Venice CRANFORD HOTEL

%> '•-.• •.••'1. S..Union.Ave, '"? '? Cranford -'•;••-.;• 5 A For Res«rvatloni ^B <^iijS

Here comes the 8 year old Goodwill Ambassador in big half gallons for New Jersey SAVE *2.49

All the great new looks for '69 are here, come explore the entire collection-. . . design studio ceramics', jewel- bright hanging lamps, turn-of-the-century, reproductions with the look of stained glass, more! All by. Quartite.

Contemporarj^blue Y£r Contemporary tex ceramic, 37"__34,9S fured base, 43"_ B. Modern hlue pottery F. Contemporary, gold lamp, 47" tall 24.95 . & walnut, C. Antiqued chestnut G. Tiffany style with multi- and olive, 42"LrAto.&& colored fruit'—J19.9&

D- Carved black and v ' Hs Chestnut stick lamp • Worlds Lightest Scotch ever to be jnustaxd, 43" 29.9S slate look-iron __39.9S bottled in«Scotiaiid , , Cojiven^BiU Terms • ••••-' . • ' , • • . . • •'•'"..' ' •

" ••.."•• • ' , , • • , • . - • ' ' • •; • "'I-,.'' lltKBIB SC01CU mWi. It MOOF. tH( jOl. UIHUU CO., HIM VMU, N. V. 91SU Rdhway, 1^1. 27, 388-3700 • Freehold, Rr. 9, 462-032.3 • P9r«ippany, Rt. 46, 334 -4100 t Trenton, Rt. \, 882-6880 • Eewt Bruiwyiek* «*• 18» 257-4800 • Someryille, Rt. 32, 324«065|

, / :A. -,V ;> .' * V / •


•''.•.' •'••

'••"•:..''*"• '.'-.••'£• . ;^ •'-..'. :'•'"••- ..'•'/'•.-''^''•J-•':-"

MN.J.) MlttlfeN Af»CI»O»tt<;tE-Tnt*SBAV, "X"— THE BORN LOSER by Art'sarubm suit "TRICK OR TREAT, v' y- ' ' •:..., (Combined in 1921)- .•.:'; _' '.. agea

M' CHARLES M. \, .3. WEStEY Editor JiYNN C. BARRETT, Gen>Mgr/ "-"?.• 'ti-r' •••- •'• •—"••- -a > .- 4s •of*icul.tree was Imposed by Br^^^elaaieriof gOT-^Tesi The ft =,?!?"••/ All five public questibhs,oh|he;b^r - ThePjBA and'FJVtBAresohitipns e&- by Sylvanus J. Shaw, Jr., of 26 .§M^irfTbAa^l^<*ertfc-lB teagui lot for the November, 5; elecfibn deserve press the feeling" that "addption of this Tu%J^TaeJ^^was^ to be the second.) largest of its careful consideration by the. voters, $rid system; Skroiild have an adverse effect on specfes li the United States. Question No. 5 is of gj^^ia^impprtance to botfe dejpaalinents" anji that Gi^ilService - • • ;;•• yi *. *•£-. *••'.• • • : ^ '''*PM****'.*W*r '• -•• •; • BoU|pd^ir. Cranfoitl's 15,000 ;t,A total of $600 was turned.in at petitionetitidd tthhe T4hi I them.justknowingthewudSese. ^^^^^lZ citizens; and taxpayers to vote in-• the initial rflfeort meeting of the tee ihat the: stfe"etibe 0 whebningly agreed to oppose the no Vote on Pubhe Question Jejjjjgently'is now. . • <^Anfoj-dATfe^d^iF4ind^t^the-^taa^^ we urge a ; tion of Civil Service." -,; ' MXiSSSr—^thafJpoks-like-a^maU^^thruslrwith . . • . Murray L. Rose. ; ShaheenlAg^^r 15 Norths Ave, trees on, No. i-rto-your-pulse and ^^ -^ ^^g, • He.u ^ : your whole sense of being." .'4I4-'-Orchard St. i E/;4t''W^j^aj|6o(iln^fcdi;te ' iTbhii'OD*.' three; familie&; scratching with both feet at the Cranford, N. J. Biach/eK^^^rve. cbairman. The called ClayAve^ M ^ft^shes^jfeo^ ie or perhaps stocking up painted.a beauUM fbW-Wcjdev; piekiBg; up between Manor Ave. and South UNICEF l h outdoors as he goes every seeds -tibeybluejays "throw; on ;the Garden in wiuiwuyif. wiux ;uiy v»acivau^ ^^uy.vp^ga^guii^fi ^ll^SsifeJL^IIL^Ug^^ger-This-whole-story-ris- coi Another winter,;, visitor - in -the Your Rutgers •. ti to today of United iSTatibnsDayrwp e suggest7^ anHrfattdT (recognizedby the rusty in, cap and. black stickpin 'on a plain ''•\ • TuttC To ''FoGfl. ''XTCCS •' • T--T7 lec- *••.--.1.V-^•i—\r<.-w, •-*<• ,\-;••'"• , sjin' eVeri. qpf the- ^oldest day in rbreast, Those oifiyou Uving«i6ng. There's no better time than • f HS??ft repreiekted*t Johnson: 1 a oad the upjper \reaches. of Riverside r^ht now to fertilize your trees. ; ^*^ bly of the dub. ' yrint^t ,, bring to> mind dW * Di'. should be the first to spot this T^esigjial to Start comes Worn w?" v 'The United the; tree"nftSeT3f~::::::i^wJien leaves : iHus! ^ ie^ c®4re^pl^1^ change color. /." • .•••'•••••: •'•"•: •••-ttve'iu formula for solving -•"-• -io/\; __w.«i.^:—_'.;».i.».^,.^t.--i.'.i.1 iii*« - •^•'lur.• "BoorlandS:~ inood fitted Give njje' a Upp v plex toroblenis of i 'about winter arrivals.so>bur fig- v^This year'"especially; ,pay atten- ••*- 120 countries tnrpyghouP the ^|^ in^ l^e teday JScause i tires will , get! into the ^govern- Its failures have disKe; had •;Diepi^-^^ng-^Tne;-'W'|MM:^ u ^Canada Gbo^e," by; Joe yjkn saW in"it"the Hoover and for. al|- \ world torn by stnfe. ^ , __ ._.. ___.^^ WpiTO6^neiof;a,^56f ieS of •Living |>urihg the summer's dry wea im T 4T>Ti r World Books published by J, B. J&Mere to the ther and heat, the leaves of some . can candidates. Mr^'S^Eu^fwbo failures, it has acftieyea touftb, that x^uld oui the townsfti Saturday <$jj& ^|h- Litpincott Of Philadelphia and trees scorched from* their edges •^repairs.'on-..^awftp^i jnraS: 9j8r year^ o^j^ had been, a Re- -1. z inward.Dogwoods and -Japanese North Unlonl Avel-aiiid 1 publican booster since he first '; ^.•nothave " ''" "™ ™> -'-•-•-'-*-•*it-. :vlj;-.- - ^|i---••-•^ <^^sse«|4' —^^ ""* New York. The series is a superb ; i one,With pictures you'll fihd hard October 20, 1968 maples particttlarly suffered this- • ^^X>**-'-TI^iw^i8lJj|R^.^l|4^iii(e^5|e.^..|tran^g^ became of- age and bad once seea ' was born in Dear Sir: Iiridbln. •.: JV-v-: ' -'- . -y',. •'•;•-• .i man's desire t^'= ,, „, bfc cowiis tpL the; Oiarks, grew; up, irj Siwida, It is inconceivable that a man For a tree that had scorched cav%M$^^|am structure was .- , : * V ••.. . \;i Pim^s^n "attended^coliege;;in^Missouri aiid of -MhighvmoraLpr,incipXes" iwuld leaves, tacey: recommends a being iu^d-in'before It reached As a token of die community's ~ quarrels and niake ^eabe with his neigh- spent 12 years as a OPA in Ore- be\"tricked" into puttinig-his vot- bor." ~ ••. '• ;T;,';..,..:- -,:rtIu'i.^H^i- m gon. - Then-the call of nature ing'signature and address' On a tends to harden the leaves so that ' the whole dam. ' ' done |p^^'Qr§|U^J'.ifluiy''Ui:hour.,tak>'' against" a system, whicbi could in the fertilizer because it can third straight win. The. tlnion board. A.stiver fcray was presented jiig^ portraits of our f^athertstl provide the-1 Cravnford citizens (Continued op Page 3) Blue Comets, only other previous- to bint by tb^ citizens of Cranford. . An active events has h,as! been represehted otf the neighbors, I can appreciate tfie qualified and competent munici- countless-••\veeks-.,and months* of. been planned iness ciinijcu. pal employefes, and.then- berate iivork: that must have gone into the the present system for failing to »•.«_•• *•« .u con- pictures in the book. There are dd"tH^ jdb"now.7~ • i : .,/ ITection wil ^ well oyeir 16j) sllotSjgwnTBhrirtrriiy- ,' .It is. incomprehenstble^^how sn week of National BeerT _ of individuals can pMwo-and4 taken means Van W«>r- disregard' "'the sentimet_ nmeiTTSiu^b:ave:takeTorver-lT5Q^ -V-J- hajj tbiis^of .cloth^g have been,collected . While, washing the breakfast ed" -—••; Crawford's citizens and dishes one; day about the middle tion of the iptal , wHIclv has Been, sinqe $953 for less fortunate families in taxpayers. In.; any business the of the month, Mrs. H. M. Kuhn employers want qualified and one of the monspred wish it many nibre successM years of * • * * promote its .own employes, ex- programs for many local organizations, productive civic activity oil both the 1b- As if there were not troubles cept that it will be done on the enough in this world, Swiss sol- basis of competitive examination supported a variety of fuhd drives and cal and state levels. diers accidentally fired five mor- supervised by an impartial agen- tar shells into Lichtenstein, the- cy. It is most unfortunate that llttle 62-square-mile principality. PBA and FMiBA members were Back in the 30's when Hollywood given misinformation on that re- • Two-Year teriti Would Increase Legislature Efficiency was grinding out those musicals cent, fIyer, about Civil Service. A by the dozens, that incident could Civli Service bulletin states "The Largely overshadowed by.|uiblic dis" 1970, which coincides with the start of have been the nucleus for one; local government retains fuU- terms of two-year assemblymen. (Jan't you just see Nelson Eddy, authority on the rate of compen- cussion of the bond issue questions on captain of the hussars, his uni-sation of any employe." The the November election bailotts a propOs- ; - As visualized by advacates, includ- form dripping with gold braid, township does not negotiate sal- leading his troops off to war,aries with Civil Service. •\\ singing something about^ giving It is inconceivable to Bee how "it actually would cost Cranford the term of the State Legislature from lative term wpuld provide OppOrtumty for him stout-hearted merfTAnd from PER ANNUM ah upper window of the "burgo- much needed tax dollars and one to two years during which there r potential economies and a smoother leg- mastei"3 house, where she is would not result in any benefit would be two annual sessions islative operation. The sizeable cost working as a maid, waves Jean- to municipal employes or resi- Although state sena,toris now are of bill printing could be reduced by per- ette MacPonald. 0f course, in the dents of Crariford." With more elected for four years an

A'I —'.'•—. -6 z. _._

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*i..,iut iii • i jfti I ll Mr, „

* exRoriohces with lawn "fertilizer: bb held on the afternoon of Decent Ip'the studio of the Artist and"'through ihe month of February at '••.." ,. weed, killer combinations that ber. 8 and .the evenings of Decem- •Craftsman Guild, 17 Eastman -St:,- Now. York'te Radio City Music Hall, - yp too_cjggojtojtrceti and. ber 13 and 14 at. Orange Avenue Jif. 2:Sf)'n.Tn. Itiic Rnfiir^ln'v/ • *. TicketsTil-hail? 7 ad*n1 re onn saif x-^i^portion^s ^ ^ioi^nT ^|eTn1maV^~-sci;oid per'fa- all during October and into the will direct the show, assisted, by 1 guestt s of thth e AmericaAei n homhm e ddee blood pressure' on the heart. He The" co-chairman of the New Jer-. a performancmance that' witl run mance will be' giveh a't 3:30.' cbri61ij.dedjvith the statement: "Be first of November. For these DowPearsall, musical director, and partment of-the-"Village Improver, jy Bonds YES •Committee today Lacey favors the 5-10-10 mixture- assistants Pat Klug and Ray Haney-. kind t6 your heart ftnd you will ^ported encouragement in the . •*• jbouglas A. Rae, son of Mr. andmont Association on iTriday after- also. Mr. fend Mrs. Edward Robinson are nobn, at thfeir ffrtt nieet(n| o£ tile Jiave bettef odds for a longer life." 3Hv6 for passage of the three bond By finishing these jobs chairmen of the event, and Rev, FOURTH QUARTERLY '"p. James A. ]Rae of 408 IJigh'St., season,on . A lttiuiheon was given prjor gr,am for the .group's November.-8 issues in the Npvetnber 5 election, ybu^l have less to do next spring. Richard J. Hallinan, assistant pas: pointing to support of more than sntly • completed... 12 "syeeks of. tr\rt of SStt Mlh^' < hnnornfhfy INSTALLMENT OF 1968 Ining in Hilo, Hawaii, and has WWestoVer, , departmenp t chairman IQ- influential- dtatewlde-prgaMza^ meet|ng. tt will indude a program •Jons and k far-reaching education- chairman." - • been named a Peace Corps volun- and Mrs. .Elwool d MMiller, co^chairr f AIL members 6f the community by ft diet councilor1 from the1 Union" al campaign,, 1 te !T assigned to Malaysia. , u man, at the home dfr IVirs.' Arthur are invited to participate in-thQ 1 {, "pur campaign is on schedule : Venperi-I t *•••'•;?• •> '.'••,. ,'• • ?~\'"V County. Home Extension^ Service show/ • ':•' AT. Rae is one of 2Q new volun- and will peak in the last two, weeks Sets Rehearsals (Representing in© pnipH ^oi«ity Who will dlscuss,weight.control. •-. / . te ire who wiU work in Agriculture, Heart Association, Br. Mineur dls- befdre Election Day," said co-chair- Annual Revae V *•-i,. • • • :•. •> • . Mark Anton and John T. Cori- fo •esixjr and: V Rehearsals will begin tonight for Joncslo Display JtK>r.f: •-••.';;•.•.•..••• ,-:'; •••/ ;i •-•;*;:• • ..:-.k^ :,,:•• iriaored by. the; .Government; of : 'St. BticKael's annual spt ; Odds for Loafer UfeV' 1& <&aid igher Education , The organizations which have :• M, ilaysialaysia.: He"h&S;1jeeir^psIgnedHe has tteeh ifisigned ;to signified their support include such ;e!em b ' than; half aw Teenage participants .will re- wqrk with fishtery'yoli '^le; "eacji year"iri tnis cbuntjry,' ^ se; grouj^' as .the Association Of Chamber pf 'TCphihierQe; hearse in the school auditorium at 'op econoirnic studies in. 17^6 iajiayadiUts^wiU tneet ,at^8:S0. Peter Jones, theiPUppeteer^ who £paration ' •£pr, $he; fptmatiqn pi *iVes, League of ^bnlen Voters;, the r < ^TeWf Jpri^y Congress <, of Parents Putwre rehearsals have b^eri.sched- taught many.»phildren'hpw« to malce I - -; cooperative fisheries;; ampliations. uled: lot. $oy«pber• 1, 7,14, 18 and pjappets in a^class sponsored by the M Tea^ei^si jttie NeVir Jersey State ; :*_ >uririg training, emphasii wa^ 25:and D!$cemper?:.: ;. •- : ;—^ CraniorCranford Jte*«^aUpn,v^PjartmenRecreatloa., Department ' . Association, the. New Jersey: fJ ced on technical anAj language Tbe.reHruei to^consist of singing, laBt.y&ar,1 ~m'*iA* kA'^'iAMk '' wulta^Jfli i\ Yw;^p'wJ^\-1^'-~0'!iimh ^ . i1 i h •••!£"• I a 'T * T i" "~ ri •'•••iiT; -sti dies. •: The' xffi~ ~~ danClhg-dnd.toinedyASketches,. will, .crjeatipn&'.in "A Musical:P,otpp'urri" c al Development Associ- died the ure ation. laysia. Their arrival*this month before middle age abpt-oa brought-the total of Peace Corps risk- factors * include ' & According to the reselution VO unteers in Malaysia to.550. ijppted by • the State Board of »Telephone-276rl332 ;.;_. EYB •BXAMiNATIONS.-. 1 |«V* b||ter Education, "citizens groups gram on Roses: . Aftei? Bis discusSipn^ - *^nion CQuntJ:»,iflS, WoW,jfts county .take N6 Interest Charged If Paid By 'roots In liquid forni. r SpadenhoeClub . Union • This is "another "good reason for;;, L slide-illustrated talk on the . inty Dgrams i^ertilizi^g, ,AOW. .Fallgrains and DR; CAIMAN fceypnd the high,, jjeh'ool," and 1 itory of rosetf was 'presented; by ; l^nte------^ snsnpwo s carry the fertilezdr wike Closes ^t 4 RM. ^_ V1I •. ;'(v George^ Drinkwater of West- J^UnioJCL _JColle,ge sSpa the . Union ^solutionJi where .it will do County Technical Institute are now Off ice Will Be Open Tues. E ve., Oct. 22,7 to 9 PJML fi$d at a meeting of the Spaden- some, e'siF6rd Chapterof the cooperating to provide programs Gardeh ;c)|jfa^$#4t<*irijQC< I; be |feure, pot to use, any CranFord, N. J. chemical. During the past TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD indicated their willingness to con- summer manyr gardeners had sad program was preceded by ^^hhihd a ^business meeting conducted by ings Association in Unison. ,tlpnal needs of Union County citi- idt Plans were - discussed •f.or •;••'.•» •zens."'' i '• •-•.'..! ' ' —~The r

have nine members, -including Dr. William; H. West of Cranford,; coun- 8-Week Cowrse—• tyisuperihterident-o£-school^ IZ.1.:... representativetti s each off yynioyi n Col- Ifa^^vWa^ lege and the Union County*TechniTei- cal. Institute,, and four citizens n6t ited^ With- either ii Under the plan, students at the •;•••:/ Union -County Technical Institute >, >. i ^lle^ra<^%ge(^itoand^^^

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Ye»f you ean «»unt;«n liuUvldwal ««vJ«» from m.- Just «X. toyoW1 door )


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Each Week Receive In - t»IU8 END DRY NASAL DISCOMFORT Save: 50 Weeks: Interest* $ 1 $ 50 $ .50 ;- CAU US ABOUT THE fNUMIfa-iillii^ HUAAIDIFIER Christmas Club 2 100, . 1.00 will earn S 160 i,5p ; I •> 5 250 2.50 interest , 10 500 5.00 STRONG FUEL CO. L Clubs completed on schedule ^PPiNDABLE, ii # ltitf«lltH«n« Humidifiers AtVnjtm Coti&iy Trust Company, service h more than just a promise.., 276-0900 Electronic Cioanert iay«r nion Office: - OIL Yard: ELIZABETH • tlNDEN • HILLSIDE • CRANFORD • SUMMIT • BERKELEY HEIGHTS 3 North Av».# E. fieafs besf? Lexington Ave. at LVRR ( •• Member • Federal Reserve System • Federal Deposit/isurance Corporation ••'..: i

Wi Siluteth* Cranford Boiinew & Pfofwtbnal Women's Club during National Business Wornen's Week

- -._ i_ . :•: ••- • •••' <*•'.'• ' •/•••>*•,-• -•••

.-/-• •.•'; ;t .;_ \ ••; ,

Pace FdUT CRANFpRI>. CHRONlfcLE—THWtSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1968 •: '•!. '<• ••• Funds required from the state will present its second topic, " Ibe $473 million 'between now and CYOPlah 'Sensitivity* the group through a "sensitivity- Youth for Nixon fivity,;' on Sunday at 4 ^.ni^t'St., exptjriience" of. group dynamics asd'•'' 1975, after deducting self-liquidat- Michael's School. - • .. ing facilities; funds - already avail. Prbgram for Sunday personal relationships. • /' To Hear Address The Ihformbd Chrifitiaikv Ypuh RajTllibn'd 'Mofaar, director:-*of: The'nieeting is open to all teen- abl^dlikl^deiJUassisiancc ; "Now that the final study, is Series of St. MtehaelfeV CYO will CI^O for TJhidrt Couh'ty.wjll-guide agers in the parish. •' •'•• /• completed, the data and the.recom- New : Jersey Senate. Majority Scheduled meridations will.be' most useful.to Leader Francis X. McDermott of It .is expected that over 500 new the" Department of Higher Educa- Westfield will keynote the October

members will join the Boy Scouts tion and the State Board of Higher Rally of the Union County Youth .&• Educationin developing the state's ror Nixon in Ballroom C of the master-plan for higher education,"7' WifildSttHlfiib PUBLIC NOTICE Eastern Union County dpen their 7 Chancellor Ralph A. Dungan said. 8 p.m. Wednesday. . doors to scouting, John J. Radigan, "The Heller Study ^provides de- president of Union Council, Boy Senator McDermott will speak tailed support for what has been on "The Need for a. Nixon Vic- THE UWIOM COUNTY BOARD 0F FREEHOLD'S CONSISTS Scouts of America, reported this said often before r—that New JelN week. '• '' ' . ;. - '; tory" at the rally and Carl Olden- 1INE (9) MEMBERS. THERE ARE PRESENTLY SIX REPUB- sey is far behind in providing the burger of" Westfield, chaiptian of Scout leaders of the council will higher education the state requires, the Citizens for' Nixon-Agnew iU AND THREE DEMOCRATS. ON NOVEMBER 5th, ELEC- be present .in most of the neigh- and that the cost of catching tip county speakers' bureau, will speak TION DAY,jroy WILL BE XIHARGED WITH THE RESPOMSU borhood schools that evening to will be^great. «The Heller Study on Richard Nixon's "Black Capital- explain the scouting program to __ iasjzeT~aga!a»«:tii«i_yitaV impor- ism" proposals. BILITY OF EITHER RETAINING THE PRESENT BALANCE OF tance of, the bond issue before the A newly-formed advisory board SIX (6) TO THREE (3) OR GIVING THE REPUBLICANS COM- new members; Boys will be as- voters in November."-; of the Youth for -Nixon includes signed to existing packs and troops According, to the Heller Report, Miss Frances Johnson and Mrs. PLETE CONTROL OF THE BOARD BY A NINE (9) TO ZERO (0) wherever "possible, while new units the six state college^iTinclUding Gerry Matson of Cranford. ' ' MAJORITY. ONE OF THE GREATEST OF THE CHECKS; AND will be organized to absorb many Newark' State, enrolled 20,795 stu- more. . ' »• . dents in 1967tand they and two ad- BALANCES OF OUR DEMOCRACY IS OUR TWO PARTY SYS- Union Council presently serves ditional state colleges — one in.the District Bead 10,00t) boys, and plans to increase TEM. WE URG6 VOIJI TO KEEP A VOICE IN OUR COUNTY -GOV- north and one in the south — NEW RESIDENTS HERE — Mr. andformer Crane property at 239 Walnut area. "'•. ' -\'' •'' •• '"' toVFW Auxiliary In addition, the study Said en- Ave. ^Miss Annie Cranefformer owner, is now at the Ashbrook The School Night chairman for rollment should be increased as Mrs. JoKn Kopic :of Rahway, Cranford is Herbert L. Sjursen. follows in the other public institu- Fifth District president, made.her Nursing HOme, Scotch Plains. Multiple Listed by Doris Kling of Re-Elect Freeholders Schools opening up;:at. 7:30 p.m. official visit to the. Ladies' Auxil- .tions:; _Rutgers yniversitjr, 12,000 L Deacon Agency, the property was sold by the McPherson^Agency.. are: Brookside Place"™Schoolr to 20,800; Newark.i&birege'of'EK" iary of Capt, Nf R. Fiste Post 335, Blbomingdale Avenue School, gineering, 2,600 to 3,400, and coun- VFW, at a meeting last week at Sherman School and St. Michael's ty colleges, 5,500 to 42,000. Veterans'Memorial Home. Parochial Sch'ool. v • It was announced that the post, Harding School in I£enilworth and auxiliary Halloween dance wiU' also will be open at.7:30 pjn. Tues- be hejd^this Saturday. Prizeij^wiU day for this program. The School Talk oh Physical be awarded for dostumingin sev- Night chairman there is Matthew eral categories^ Ticketsmay be ob- ^Liiikeli Activity.Programs tained from anjptiember or at the ARTHUR FRIED i^Brinkerhoff-ret StudyCharts Are children handicapped by thaj^the plans have been completed special learning and coordination the annual carcUsbcial to be Higher Education disabilities receiving effe held at Veterans' Memorial Home physical activity programs to^meet ^trO-p;nirMondayrMrsrHarry"Sny- Anthony ^ParentU-44aiHw»r* BtI, Scotch'Plains Thomas Korner a A, study released last Thuisilay pupii,"cc schoschoool sys in charge.olj?! to Trenton by the State Depart- This and othpr-^uestipns on "The Bird and Mrs. Philip Healey will be Hi gW-Tlducation and the. Howof Phjrsical Activities for the refreshment chairmen. Tickets will Higher Education, .Facilities Com- Bisabilitiea Jbe-availat)le-at-4he_door_or_iEo: ii shows that Union County discussed by Rudolf any member. •-:.-|.i: v:--^>'.'^d .'••L,-J.:;:,c.-^:;..". '•' ,'.-: '-••:';:' :- r-^t^^ilt r. ilitii professor utf *Me ^Veterans' y students in twayear tiqn at Rutgers Be served^t 9 arm! on Sunday, No- t ^ii Me study7^nfitled^2S5plan for County Organization to Aid'jChild- made-.by.cpn I^^B iv: jMJMting-New-JerseyGrjeipllege and ner. MrsT li_,o _ "Elekner~\rfll-have tiniyersi^r^JP^cilitie s Needs 8:30 p.m. Wec(nesa%? at the West- charge of the arrangements and Throurii 1980?' was prepared by field YMCA..The, public is "r catering. ' RobertHeller .Associates. • Prof. Mueller presently 'is Refreshments were iserved in a According to-tho cfrldyj 10,30& gecting- two. I'ecreatluiial" Hauoween setting by Mrs. Bird, Union County residents will be programs for over 100 handicapped iy&fc enrolled, as understates in* col- children at Rutgers in New Bruhs- leges" aM ' uuiyuiaitiea wiL_ - outside New Jersey in i975-80. The The UCOj established by paren study predicts 3,800 of them will, 'and professionals to develop edii-; Four mernbeirs of the Cranford attend state colleges, -1,850 Rutgers cational, diagnostic, recreational public school system's staff will and counseling services for chil- attend the ninth annual Industrial igia^CThigj, 3,700 twp>yeat^ col- "drenTwith~learning—disabilities^ Arts Conference at Montclair State mam, leges; and 9,550 privateDColleges sponStes- Camip Union, a Suinmer College ^morrbw^THey ire: Jlidhi- within New Jersey or colleges and day cimp^at^^Ne^k^ta^teddltege: Scotch. universities itmtside New Jersey; in Union; a winter play program Avenue Junior High School; Har- -. -~r-iy—,rv.. •The study confirms, the figures for 5-to-15-year-olds at Walnut Ave-' yeV Madsen aqd Jonathan Miller, announcedrecently by Union1 Col- nue School in Cranford on Satur- industrial arts teachers at Orange day afternoons, and a bowling pro-1 Avenue JHS,-and William Massa, "v^oi^ng^a^inaster^iplatt 4*W. for its 30-acre campus. Union Col gram for young adults on Satur- industrial arts teacher at Cranford lege announced it plans to provide day afternoons at .'Echo Lanes, High School. for 2,000 full-time students by Mountainside,." - 1975-80 and it is anticipated that Additional information may be the Union Cbunty Technical Insti- had from 'the, president of tfie or- tute in Scotch Plains will provide ganization, "Mrs. Irving Dickmari TO THE f OF CRANFORD for the ifemain«ig 1,700. These of 94 Kenllwofth Bld plans are based on the assumption REPUBLICAN that a Coordinating Agency for INDEPENDENT • DEMOCRATIC Higher Eduction will be in Oper- 841 Club Sees ation and making use of two exist- institutions; Slides of Hawaii The study proposes that Newark A lecturie and slide program on State College at Union be expanded their respective tripi to Hawaii to serve 5,400 full-time students by was presented by ...Mrs- Edward In the«jming four years your T^xGollector-will b6,asked to handle and account 1975-80- It'had 3,186 full-time " Cushmeyer and Mrs. Metro Baran, for approximately .$2^,000,000,60 6f your tax-dollars. In addition; the Collector dents in 1967. , . members of the 8-11 Club, at a dub meetiag last Thursday nights at has the responsibility of Official Tax Sbarcher, whospfunction is, to ^rtifyvthe . State-wide, the study says, the present and past tax status of every piece: of propert\cf hat 'is^oldoVtransfejrecJ in demand for undergraduate educa- the home - of Mrs; Herman 1 tion will increase by 57 percent Oeincke, 45 Spruce St the township. ",The.Collector Is also Custodian of Schoohfunds,.and musjvreconcile between^pw and 1980 froin 140^- • DresseJ in native costumes, they • al| accounts of the Board of Education, sign all checks (both payroll^cl regular) If your car is in bad shape, you ^^ 000 in 1967 to 220,000. in 1975-80, described Visits to the islands, of and balance the Bond Indebtedness Account. l and the full-time undergraduate en- Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii and to houseribld *nc>n^ You b&rrow and pay^ ftpff v Hgte rollment of New Jersey, students at Pearl Harbot. IT IS EVinfeNT THAT A TH0ROU6H KNOWLEDGE OF ACCOUNtlN6r bWICE PRO- CEDURES, BIUING, MACHINE OPERATIONS, AND ADMINISTRATION IS REQUIRED. the New Jersey Bpridfe are all about flection Day *i k^l the__public |hje_meeting yrts r ^tete:4fi^ le^iicatioii^ ^lllncrease^^^from 41,000 T in 1967 to 109,000 by A program Ott-'-^TheArt.bl Sand* wich Making" will be. featured at ahd to improve commuter i^ilroads^ T ^ Heller Study says the total ing ft" toe-next-mepting.on FOR THE NON-POtmCAL POSITION OF ities at public colleges and uni- at the home of Mrs. Jeremiah versities, will be $738 million. DePre, 15 Sutton PI; —- ^V Bonds will not require'a pers^ir^ -pkay the Bonds he said w^'ll be- I^ft with two chqices: I out hgdly-needed.facilities or pay for them witrta hew tak, prbb* ably^n income tax. Get in there and vote Bonds Yes, taxes m Opponent EDUCATION High School: Hiflh School: Here are some examples of bond issue projects Gdd • Amended Springfield Reg. High School in Northern New Jersey, Collttgo: College: ., • Graduate Rutgers University, B. S. Degree A new state college located in Bergen Couniy; facilities for 8,500 more .. ' in Finance, Accounting students at Jersey City State, Montclair State, Newark. State and Faterson Oilier: Other: « State; ten new buildings for Bergen, Essex and Morris County Colleges, • Certificate In Business Administration, • Courses in Municipal Finance, Rutgers three buildings for Rutgers-Newark; space for 1,000 more students at Alexander Hamilton Institute University'—. non-certificate. • NCE; and confpletioh of the "College of Medicine and Dentistry. - • Certificate in Municipal Finance," Rutgers University A modernized rail transit system is planned for the Erie-LackaWanna, • Graduate Courses Northeastern Univer- Jersey Central and other lines carrying.passeiigersr .Electriflcai^nijiew^ sity, Newark College of Engineering cars; improved stations; more parking; better connections and grade PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS crossing eliminations are among the improvements. Highway travel will be improved with the construction of 140 miles • Vice-Pres. Union County Tax Collectors • Member Cranford BPW CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS and Treasurers Association • Member State of New Jersey Receivers, of new freeways in 14 areas throughout North Oersey,. Major improve- • All makes and models cars fully equipped • Executive Board, State of New Jersey Tax Collectors and Treasurers Ass'n. ments are slated for the following routes. • Rent-it-here . . . Leave-it-tiiere service Recievers, Collectors and Treasurers -Id"""" 46 206 7 17 22 31 • Free world-widle reservation service Association 3 .94 4 9W 20 23 • Long-term truck leasing COMMUNITY SERVICE Bonds will also pay the State's share of vocational education facilities • Low rates by day, week or month Board of Directors, Union County Cere- including 10 new schools in Bergen, Sussex, Morris^Union, Passaic and bral Palsy League Warren Counties, and improve other vocational schools in North Jersey. • Insurance and all gas and oil included Treasurer, March of Dimes Alsd: new community mental health centers in Bergen, Morris, Hudson 7 Past Chairman, Cranford Heart Fund and Union Counties; an area unit for neglected children; and community Rent A New Plymouth v Board of Directors, Union County Heart retardation centers for each" cpurjty. -=-' -"' ' '" _.r > Or Other Fine G*r At Fund J..... Past Division Mgr., Cranford United fund Member Board of Directors, Cranford GRECO'S GAR ACE Drum and Bugle Corps 301 SOUTH AVE., E. CRANFORD 2724090 YOU BE THE JUDGE VOTE BONDS YES, ELECTION DAY . 24-Hour Service , [ v A PROFESSIONAL MAN FOR A PROFESSIONAL JOB -• . B. GRECO, CUy ilamger Paid for by Republicans iat Harold Seymour, WiUiam It Cross* 21 Sutton PL, Cranfonl paid for byNew Jersey Bondfr-1E£-Comjnlttee, Albert H. Acken, Treasurer. Ho]j| Rggert Trcal, Newark, N, Jk • : '

collection program on October 21,1968 and will continue mfter 18, 1968. s ii| the areas showii on the aceompanying schedule and map will be made xm

^^ '• . •.-•'•'. ... ' • ' •',••••, '•' ' ' on i street separating y^ for the atea situated onYOUR tl assist the in you better service

your leases in ^i itter. as illustrated in the sketch

- "* * *•- ..i • _»>J* * • • •• .-~4-' : .»


:..._; _',i._;.v. --•* Hi

. • '.-.-,•-».;• ..;_,. Trf^-igrj^ag-^.--^-,, ... ,^-f .7»-— .:- J.-*.^.- _ .V

S5ii V .-"• UW TOWNSHIP OF: ^ UNION COUNTV W1J NEW JERSEY is in evidence^

-J— . ,„ -__ -T--i oil jfched-


Monday, October 21 Election Pistrictsl, 6 and 15

, October 23 »<»u Thursday, October ?4~~ 4r 7. 17 fll^d1 9 '—4 Friday, October Monday, October 28 ...,..• -lection 0Utricts 9 and 20 Tuesday, October 29 Election Districts 3, 8 arid 12 "1 Wednesday, October 30 Coventrate on heavily covered areas Thursday, October 31 \....//..,.....:. Election Districts 1, 6 and 15 Friday, November 1 ./... Election Districts 2,10 and 14

Tuesday, November 5 .'.... ;. Election Districts 4*7, 1 * aim^1 * Wednesday, i|t»^ber^ f lection JE>istrictst6 and 18

Friday, November 8 ...:....,. Eleefidn Districts 3,8 and 12 ^ November 11 Concentrate on heavily covered areas lay, Noitembtr 12 .Election Districts 1,6 and IS "Wednesday, November 13 ElectionDistricts2,10 and 14 Thursday, November 14 : Election Dfsfflcts 5,11 and 13 ,„, M> it J LM Friday, November 15 Eieetjon Districts 4,7,17 and 19 Monday, November 18 ., . Election Districts 16 and 18 Tuesday, November 19 El^cHon PUtricts 2 and ^0- Wednesday, November 20 Election Districts 3, 8 and ll Thursday, November 2t ....'. - :,... Election Districts 1,> and 15 Friday, November 22 _ ^ ^. Election Districts 2,10 and 14 Monday, November 25 Election Districts 5,1J and 13 Tuesday, November 26 Election Districts 4,7,17 and 19 you for your cooperation. Wednesday, November 27 Election Districts 16 and 18

Township Committee Note: Districts referred to above are Township of Crawford Election Districts as shown on the map atleft


\\- :• .».

— "7' ~'~- -:-;--^— •-.••-•---I- -;.-• -—^:-.;:..:^,V-.:r-..-,^::-:,__-..._.... -..I,..:, ..,:,...., Page Sk CfeANFORI* ClVlZEN ANP CiBRONIClE—THURSDAVJ OCTOBER 24, 1968 ~ .y.f •• jr. - Y"f •Ijr •' ;' JC TY I I* form of financial aid this semester* atbout what the" candidates stood for and * shared news clippings and History. 7 Culture of Dahlias «* ™. <*.••«.«* *™ ™* ««» ** • . ' . one type jof- assistance. pictures. / ••"•• • • . I _ __The percentage o£ studentsare- _'-Bul)et)H hoprris and fiompositions -7T—W- fceiv'inij' sorofe^typelof-iijiiancial-aid- is slightly higher this tyear than a in tne fifth grade are reflecting . i l>r. Joseph F. Nelson, an authority on dahlias, spoke to the jnem- year ago, Mrs. Selby said. the pupils' studies of United' Statej tijers of the Wednesday Morning Club on the culture of dahlias, from Sqverriment. ° v ** ' J ipot to ^perfect bloom, at a meeting in the Public Library last ..<*•: ^Tednesday.'*" ",„ ^ . " * .. Voting Machine The fourth graces are currently ^ [Dahlias. Dr. Nelson-stated-were first discovered by the'Spaniards involved-in an enthusiastic discus- WM. sion-of-%iie-nafi6n'al-eie"cttoii:~an"d" ifi 1519 when Cortez invaded Mex- ©peration^Stttdied- : •-«•• this ejxperience added va,.; new^di- MO, where this flower grew wild. T. G. Bentsqn and Mrs. W. T..Ep- ; pler. ' By School Children mension. The slxtlTgraders, having . when they returned to Spain fhey Members who participated in Approximately 701 young citi- held their vown*? election campaign tbok roots and seeds'back With making, Jled Cross ditty bags for zens of Walnut .Avenue and Liv-and election were further con- them. For 2d6 yeard nothing much servicemen were Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. ingston Avenue ' School indicated Howard Cpwperthwaite, Mrs. E. C. their interest in the democratic vinced.that one oi their slogans was done about their cultivation. important — "Get out and vote." j1 Then, during £he latter |>art of Fortenbaugh;. Mrs. Japob Stanley, privilege of voting by casting their tpe'1700'sv the speaker related, An- Mrs. C. F. Yon Lynn and Mrs. votes on the sample voting ma- drew Dahl, a Swedish botanist and H. E. Young. chine, panel which was available pupil of Linnaeus, became inter- Joan Rankin, the club's 1968 del- recently for all classes, kindergar- Literary Herald$ ested in them. He developed new egate to Girls' Citizenship Insti- ten through sixth grade. varieties, colors and petals; thus, tute, told the dub members of her Kindergarteners learned -'what Elect New Slate this wild flower from JMexico and experiepces and impressions of the Mommy and Daddy do on Election Mrs. Daniel Scuro was elected ; South America eventually came toinstitute at Douglass College last Day." president of'the° Literary Heralds be known as a dahlia. ; > June. Joan is the daughter of Mr. First graders discussed the ad- aTa recent meeting at the home of and Mrs. D. W. Rankin of 30 Colby vantages of using a voting machine .1 Dahlias were introduced in the Mrs. Eugene Galllicci, 23 Mohawk Lane. Mrs. Jacob' Stanley intw over the individual written ballot. Dr. .Ignited States from England. To- duced Joan and her-mother to the Pulling the lever, reading the day, Holland, Australia, and, the club members. . • panel gnd exercising- a democratic _. XJthers elected for ensuing year United States . have "become the choice W.3S a neW experience for were: Mrs. George Santulli, secre- MALCOLM S. PRINGLE qhief producers - of „ new varieties, tary; Mrs. Gallucci, treasurer, and most second graders who were un- FOR TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE .-.••'."»_,.• . _u tive awards, state educational op-'. dude Mrs, fi'G. Tonllinsbiv'chair- Public Question No. V i;Mrs.H.J. HlghorEdufatiuit Assistance Auth- eknan, Mrs. ritv loans. Union College scholar ^ plederaljvfaUonaj l Defens ^denWoahs-and-oh-campUs-fitudehfr FOR TOWNSHIP COMMIHEE iglish. mployme " : ": v: ^Statutes of thei State of NewrJersey; CEhe-Gi UBionL e|s financial aid of- Service"-Act of 1908) and the anpiendnients thereto made by/Mrs. Toinlinson, Mrs. cer saia — f certain,officers and employes of.the 1^^^^ monicrpality?"

iue, Cranford. JOHN F. LAEZZA, JR. Township Clerk Suburban Apartment Living

l\ ..•:-. -^

JOHN F. GdPCahdidajtes 1 • FOIttOWkSHIPttEllIC^: 2,300 Youngsters' EnrdUM At Municipal Pk^grotmds

Civil Service-Question

AGNES MATLAGA i * FOR TAX COLLECTOR Union College, Technical Institute To Serve as Joint'County

Registration Begins Tonight Adult Suhool fall Term

9 V. L. BRtNKERHOFF FOR SHERIFF VOTE ROW '»' v unm\vi*WV - • »


V 1"' ' THIS TEAM WILL KEEP CRANFORD 'ON THE MOVE!' Paid for by Wo»loy N. fh\]a, 9 Iroquols RA We Salute the Cranford Business & Professional. Women's Club during National Businoss Women's Week *»•

v *-••..• , OCTOBAI n, »68 SJ5CTIDN THREE BBfipaiQWCiter LeWRdMng, FullCUanup "Now that funds for more jjchol- Police Scholarship arsl^ips have been id^d Aid Available Through IES Open House di i in reaeh ofJ niany of $te 'n}jen who protect the A •'. kindergarten through sixth iiHHBmploymeht lives and property of the people in "The passing of Senate Bill grade book exhibit is; on display 'rake leaves and help^with fall cleanup, it was announced by Mrs. Warren on September l^is a step ift ih%djjfUnion Codnty." - • : . ; : Sechrjst, president,; at a recent YES board meeting. in the curriculum and instruction' rection we-must take?Jf we are to division office in ^Lincoln School These Cranford youths are prepared, 'not/tiiMy to help takje care restore respect for the law and of collecting leaves but alsorto assist, with all types of home chores. ' Y'^Staff Member through-.tomorrow. - • • They can clean put garages, base- bring about '.orderly progress,". Teachers* !f6m Brookside Place and attics, put away "suin- Police Lt. VincentL. Brinkerholf Wins Professional and .Cleveland Schools - will visit mer~furniture, paint, assjst^with " the fall planting and pruning and CranfonTcampus. 4Statiis=©ertiflaitei fthe—exhibitT-today^and—Lincola- A highlight of the' open house for sheriff, said .today. ,'•"•.' James E. Newell, director ".off- perform a variety of other tasks. . The bill provides funds to the School teachers will' vfeit° tomor- The services, of a YES regist- Installs New was the public' display of a model New Jersey State Police Training community and extension programs row.. Teachers frtbm the other ele- rant may be obtained by telephon- of the master plan for the long- for the Westfield YMCA, has been mentary schools visited C the ex- Commission for scholarships in the, awarded a certificate from the. Na- ing the YES office in; Sherman .range expansion of Union "College's fields of. police -science and ad- Officer Slate tional • Council of YMCA's .for hibit Monday, Tuesday and yester- School between the hours of 2:30 30-acre site, which provides, for art ministration. day.' ••'•'•.•,'•;•."•""''"•••• and 4:30 p.m. Monday thrpugh-Eri^ —Reginalds Janowski of 25 Elizas " Lt'. Brinkerhoff has long been an achieving full professional staff administration building, library- status. The presentation was made ..,, The exhibit features a. variety day. The YES office is staffed, ex- beth Av<* was installed as com- 1 advocate of :police education" and; learning center, classroom build- at a recent * board of directors' of individual titles for use in the clusively by volunteers and per- mander of Cranford Post 2-12, has actively encouraged in-service forms its services on a no-charge ing, community service building meeting. ' : elementary classroom reading pro- American Legion, Friday evening1 training arid comp'etitiori for avail- basis.. The sole purpose of the or- and parking deck, and a major ex- able scholarships. According to Edward C. Ewen, gram, i.; ; • u • '• , •. • ' •. ganization is to help' tjie young in ceremonies held at .the'Casino. pansion b& the Campus Center. "During my 22 years as a polite 'YJ executive director, the certifi- people :bf .Cranford' find gainful Installed with Mr. JaHpwski were The students conducted campus officer," Lt. Brinkerhoff continued', cate is awarded to those^staff mem- employment.' Herbert. Clausnitzer, first vice- tours, which included the Sperry "1 have found ipvaluable the bers who have a minimum of three Students who wish .to register BloomingdalePTA commanpler, William Turk as sec- Observatory, the Computer Center, training I received at the Univer- years of service and have com- with YES may obtain application the Arthur L. 'Johnson Memorial sity of Maryland in police supejr- forms from the guidance office of ond vice-commander, and George pleted a specified academic pro- Sets Open House Library -and other facilities. vision. Courses offered by the FBJ, gram with at least the equivalent Bloomingilale Avenue School either the junior high schools or Hein as third vice-commander. The open house, marked the the New jersey State Police Acad- 1 the high school. Registrants must .qualification for a bachelor's de- PTA will open its new season to-' The installations were conducted founaing of Union College on Octo-" emy and the Union County Police gree. •; '.:.'"' " ' • • ' ".../; night at 7:30 (with an open house be at least 14 years; of age and by past commanders of Post 212 -OPJERATION BIG SWEEP — Cranford collegian Ted Robinson ber 16, 1933, as Union .County- Jun- Chiefs' Academy. also have been must have the approval of .their " Mr. Newell received his bachelor for parents. assisted by Roy Hammond, member (at right) faced up "to the realities pf life at New Hampshire ior College., " . . major contributors to the measure of arts degree in 1961 from Buck- Thomas Tipaldi, principal, will, 'parents. ••..'; : .oL proficiency I .have achieved in of the local post who has, been a College #of Accounting and Commerce, Manchester, N. H.( as he Mr. Dejka ,son of Mr. and Mrs. ] : riell. University, and completed introduce the teaching staff, who William J. firejka, and Mr. Brittle, my. .career.;.; ';J ' ';' .".''".." '•_' .'. continuous member.-of the Ameri- ^•wielded the big: brttom in'a clean-up of one of Manchester's down-; other qualification courses , at visits with parents in classrooms. son of. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbitf A. Brit- "In recent years crime in this Springfield College,'".Tempie Uni- Mrs. Vasgen Bakerian, PTA pres- can Legion for 50 years. town parks, completing a two-week freshman initiation period at country has grown nine times as f i - tle, are Cranford High School grad- versity and the University of Penn- ident, will conduct a short meeting Commander Janowski, a native tte coiiege-with7 a.i>ublic service to his adopted community. His uates and'enrolled in Union Col- fast as the population. Weiaust sylvania. and present the budget for ap- of Pennsylvania, moved to Cranford co-worker is Joseph Panaro of Stamford, Conn. Ted is the son of lege's day session. Mr. Drejka is take "the. offensive against- the •• Mr. NeweU is reldted to Indian proval. There also will be a guest lilyer Medal 15 years ago. He has served Post Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Robinson, 32 Cornell Rd. He is a June graduate majoring in business administra- criminal eleinent-4,n our^ society; Guides, Adventure Guides, day speaker from the Boarji of Educi- we must' equip'.'. bur Iavir"ehfofcer H"d'^.p^/ t - of Cranford High School'and will be studying business management tion,' while Mr. Brittle is"a liberal camping and community extension .tion. :, . whose work is currently on exhibit arts major. merit.agencies with the most"for- in a two-man show at the gallery, cently as membership chairman. at New Hampshire College. ' . services.;''; . ' •• -!••••••;.• •;;;... Jt* Refreshments will be served. . of Artist and Craftsman Guild, 17 EastmaSrSt., has been awarded the silver medal by' the New Jersey Wafer jgolor Society;' in,' its 36tb annual Open "ExmbitiSnT'iibw' at the Morris'County Junior Museum, istownV'thl ~ '^ .^tejniraxil is the „ gjven lo a member by ibp..'Water

* show, and the1 two-man show in Mr. Monti is one o£ 24 i -Water Color Society which begins its 1968-69 tour at Marshall.Univer- sity, Huntington, W. Va. The tour, which ladts till June, will travel to Carver Museum of Tuskegee Insti-

eum of Great ._. ,, , both in Oklahoma; Central Louisi- ana Art Association in Alexandria, t&.; Nazareth College, In Keutuckyr * College pf Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass;; . Wesleyan University, and Mobile Art Gallery, rffobite^Ala showr of 23 of ti|di

en's Arrtjr Cprps Veterans .Associa- tion, will meet at 8 pirn, today at Veterans' Memorial Home, 479 South Ave., E; Plans will be dis cussed lor a permanent meeting "jplace. •' ';.' ••• ' : •" . •;;•'¥ .; ' The, chapter, whose members come primarily from Upton,-, Mid- d uii§£ been meeting in various locations th Cranford members include Mrs. Boreas Chilfoh of '24 North Ave;, !L - W.r-Mrs. -Normari-Hoglund-of-506 .tijti'den TI. jtod Mrs. Sherman Kis- , herof. 7 Henley Ave;, "who is treas- urer of —r-—A^fbrmer-WAGs^are-invited-to

'»•• •• • ; •''•' • L . '.' ' - .

mmm?®^. • • %• -$LJ£-

* Re-Elect • Sheriff Ralph wonderfully warm corduroy stormcoafs ORISCELLO SJbrHV Melph OtHttlh bu t*mt law •Hfotetmtut tHktr wHfc MH Let the northwinds blow..»you'll be nice and cozy in our ^Weatherbee" coats. •utttmdlM word *f 35 yaori •AjMrhiie*! Burlug hit 25 yturs wffkihetltiabtth Mitt topart- m»ttt — 1h»~l

:"\ .yL '•••*.

• •V'j yy '..st.

at fl llPhrii;t»j(is_;BputiqiH'," spon. Club at vHs. rtt^Tr The fioaV(i~bT-TrtisfpoB. of frie'lJppor school'couftyara bertjitificaiion pro-, tbber 29, rhVeting, Debbrah; mom-;, ; sored iiy the .Junior Loatffio of.Eliz- and ^biu- lic'styurant'aj 0:30 New Jersey, Chapter ,Qf. tjie Na-^ pud wlth-the. installation bf-a kid- bors will- b*> modeling ilplRlngJ. Tuesday. ' . ''" •'-*- ", tipnar MulUple Sclerosis Society. abct'Ji and (Jranford,. to be held in ney-shaped patio made; of .slate. from its, merchandise shop;: Pro;;. As governor of 'District 18E of Lt."BrinJierhof\- has\serv£d;the the parish, h'tousfi'-'of- the ..First, Cou- Lasf'spriRg trees were, pjarited' in. cbeds«from thJe mefchahdise sold; Lion rntewia'UBnal, which includes society fcs 1967 Cranford MS H6p6 tHe ar-ca>- More Ir'ecs and bushqs For District Governor greRiitional Church of Westfield on Chest chairman of volunteers and go to'Ceborah Hojpitaj at Browns B5 clubs in .Union, Essex, .Morris Will he plunted this fall. V'.# The Cranford Rotary.Club will November 13* and." 14. . and'Warren Counties, Mr.,Jackson as 11)68 Uhton Cbyrity M& Hope TWillsi •-,•••• „" ~ a .sponsor JPitst,:'Present Arthur In addj'tipn to the shop displays, Visits each, club at least once diir? Chest chalrnfan of volunteers. (He'l •o Mrsc Ajrnold .Wolfe' of! Crarif6rfl BUrditt as a candidate for gov the Junior League alsn-will have ing his' term/He also dii'ects .dis- is a past state coniniander of the j arid Mrs. Geotgie fcing.'pi Spfirii' ernor pf the 751st Rotmf District, its own bopth at < w.hich various trict committees arid Server as VFW and is currently the VFW j Held' are hieraia"ndise chBirmen, ' it was decided at last Thursday's National Council member ropre-i handc,rafted items — including council chairman to the New Jersey The group is planning a hpsjiital > business,,. luncheon meeting " at State Council.of Lions Internation- serttlhg Maryland and New Jersey. Fashion Show. . 1 wood plaques, hand painted note /Visiifatlon on Sunday, November 3,-- Marisa's Restaurant. '• al ancl its state-wide activities. £t. Brlnker^ftff isthe Republioan A fashion "show will be given ^pa L for KUhufhrin beborah at. its Oc- "' [ 7\ Piffl- ' i • ' '•• • In addition-to-his A—natlve-of—NewrarfcTTMr.—Jack- TiaTid Ida te for——Unlo ii—. ,C u ' the local club, ttpr. Bur. ditt served —willfie offered for sale. Proceeds will, benefit the Com- son attended- West Side liigh sheriff. '..»•. as the district/governor's repre- School, St.- Benedict's Preparatory in accepting,the b'oard appoint- sentative for/the organization of munity Trust Fund of the Junior EVERETT J. JACKSON • TWO WEEKS lieague. . School and the American Institute menit, Lt. Brinkerhoff stated that thes Rdtary/Clubs ofGarwood and of Banking there. He. served three he hoped to'be of aid in furthering kerkeleyjleights, district Historian years in the Field Artillery in the the .society's dual ptograj) of Ve- ^5 yd; /aha injiteveral other capacities. European Theatre of Operations search ahd patient care. Th6 Up^ier Th^club voted a donation of $50 Lions during World-War li,^:-":--- -New- jlesrsey-ehapter -t>f= the~Na- Patterns tt>J4ie local League of ^ Women RedDa^Chih He is a member of the Newark tional 'Multiple'. Sclerosis, Spci'ety Plenty of, Rug« to Choose From wte'rs to hel{> them carry "on tjieir To ^ Lions Club.' -- • serves J^ssex, Hudson and Union Also LINOLEUM arid TILE •/work throughout! the.ye^r. Plans Hears Talk Tounttes,"—4-r-:--— :. : / were discussed for a "salute to €GAGH industry" meeting December 5 and Brinkerhof f * Named DistrictiHead Beau Richard Sap^rifp, PVdp for a ladies' night pi-bgtam next On Shrubs ' District Governor Everett J. to MS Spcifefy Board Charles R. Haag of 711 High St., spring. • '"•'... jacfcso'n of Kenilworth Will pay his Police Ll; Vincent L. BHn . Broad S^. - iM 1/ past-president - of the Rhododen- ' Vice^reslcfent Nelson M. Light- official visit, tb the Cfahfbrd Lions of Cranford has been aftpolhwd to cap; presided. President Glenn dron Society, was guest speaker at Klinefelter 0>nd several" members a meeting of the Red Oak Garden participated in the district golf tourhament last Thursday at Shack- Club lasfThursday at the home of atnaxon Golf Club. ... . •Mrs.. John Baytala, 30 Cornell Rd.. Plans 4 niitiunced Mr. Haag spoke on the "Propaga- THE 1 •' ReceivedDejgree ;., ;> tion of shrubs and Plant?. ' f.A bachelor of science degree in p electrical engineering was,.con- LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN AREA! ferred on Matthejv K>ss of 5 Blake oyer the business meeting and re- ] . Ata.., thls.umontii ' by. Fairleigh A wide varieiy^oS articles suit- ported that a \yprfcshop will be /:':':•••. •• thai :-;- '•-. ••'..• .::. jiickinsoh yriiversity. aass a .result able iptChrMxfas, gifts from, shops held at"her liorap today for the rovincial Color Glaie And Wobd Tones - 24 Colors 'pf-completi'o'pfcompleti'on .oof "degree xeiixeiiubu e making of Delia Robia wreaths. jmerrts- during th'e suniiner session. and .Pennsylvania Ivfil be displayed The dub's next meeting will be ALBlERTA R. COOKE ^ECtMl^dil COLORS ii a i^ held- November 21 at th& home of "Mrs.: "SVaytte Peters, 411 Maiidr SALMON NEW WC^= 24 i^ Ave., with Mrs. Richard Hammerl is associated and. Mrs. William Hay serving as --- Latest (toiors - 1 co-hostesses. . TONE-N-TIQUE WOOD TOEJES AND

Real Estate^ Salesman Postmaster Arthur Boertminn postal rnstnnters-today thatMgheriKtrceVjpos^nd--catalog -^^ spates wenHnto"effect~on "Saturday; The rate increase will, average- -^rVhblisiBiyr Retail • 10.5 percent arid in most cises will Since 18$} mean an additional 10 bents post- DEACON AGENCY Pine Paints and Wallpaper •; "J 324 WPSTFIELD jti/&t W> '4 age per parcel. . .•'".'- 1.11 NORTKj^VEv 1jyrtferinterfta1 mission in July. ijfnder the new rates, the liVery will go from. 46 to. 50 cents. .' • o The, minimum charge_far^-patcels- , outside the local delivery ib;id^0l Almost all parcels that are charged up to $1.10 under present rates will go up 10 cents. This ac- •—_• . . . counts for'more than. 80 percent

• • ' •• p - • . r -- • of ""all parcel post, Postmaster ' - \f BoertmankTpointed out. ' * * There \will be a 15-qent hte o)ft 'most parcels now charged between $1.10 and $4, -and a 20-cent in- crease on parcels now charged over $4. Parcel post jrates are based on the weight of the package and the distance it is mailed. Higher rates for the delivery of packages and Catalogs are , re- quired to bring revenue from this Though Republicans tiavct been the minoritf through ier 12 years in Cori- vtype of to^irwithinr^^rcent-of- operating costs, as required by law, gress, Fid DwVer's decisive contributions to. major legislation beeri recognized PostmasteT Bqertmanh explained, by three Presidents who presented her with 24 pens used in a the higher rates are designed to _put parcels aha catalogs, which laws including niany listed below: ,'. Gas are; fourth-class mail, on a break- even basis,' he said. • FOR PEACE—persistent efforts to persuade trie FOR CONSUMER RROTECTION-with .*. Admin|str;atioh to seek negotiationsi rrioVe vl^- "TrOth^Ih-Leridlrig" law, improvetsl meat s orously^plUs her 'own-, constructive pro|tosals f>bu(t»iy Irispectldrl, jigtbrnqbile safety and car^ Save yourself hours of hand ironing with .for a genulhelyjitiyrual ceasefire to end the ihsurah.ee, protectioh against flammable fab-" a new Norge Permanent Press Clothes —waHn-Vietna.m. ', *'."* rlts, radiation halzards arid jet noisei arfd safe- ty bfndriigs. . .^-X^ • FOR ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY-enforce A Halloween costuhie party was ftv . T . W hbW wort- tield at itie ijist "pack meeting of reduce non-essential spending flgjit _.^.^^p Clu(jirig .^e Rbdw^ood^ fci-featlono f the Great manent press fabrics School and awards were presented Swirrip. Wilderness Ariba, establishment o,f the are. And with a new by Cubmaster Richard Stevens; • FOR QUALITY GOVERNMENT-through mod- Scer»l<: ft)virs dnd ScenW: Trails systemsy, , and Perrtaneht Press Gas . Recelyihg awards were: William , ernizatiort of Congress and' the Exe'ebtlve ImproveId d air 6ndd Water pollutiolli n controll. Clothes Dryer, you Downey, William" Behan, Michael Branch, higher ,eth[ical standards, better Fed- simply Wash, dry and' Galluppo, Michael Devlin, Ricky eraNState-Local cooperation, and greater re- Steyehs, Robert Tudor, Keyin forget ironing. • suits from programs in education, health, Jobs Adair, Rocky Mountain,, Thomas FOR HEALTH AND EDUCATION - expanded Mason, .William Doh'ehy', Daniel and housing. Nurse Training, rnbre .food for school children Today's Norgejls an and the poor, hospital construction, improved example, has a McCarthy, Neil Gallagher and" Den., nis Stratton. • FOR CRIME CONTROL-aid to law enforce- collecje and,student aid programs, help folr special big six cubic pbbrer school distrUts. " •. foot cylinder and-a i Future plans for the Cubs in- ment agencies, a Federal crackdown bn "Idan- 40-minute "Cool clude attending the Rutgers-Con- shatkmg,^jQdJ.QU5her__penaities ahcLtafttter Down" lo make hecticut football game on Novem- enforcement against drug and narcotic Vio- P-errnanent Press ber 9 at Rutgers University, New lators. FOR THE 12th DISTRICT - flood control and garments truly per- Brunswick. . ^ „•--; . f • *• ->•.«_!_: "•""""'' flobci;ln.suraricj6, continued free use.of thejGar- . At the November 10 meeting, re- deri State F/arlcWay, improved commuter trans- BOJ-7B2O manent press and • FOR THE ELDERLY-increased social' security wrinkle free. sults of the candy sale will be an- benefits, ban on age discrirhihatidh Itt 6m- portatloh prograr/i, cooperation with local gov- nounced and the Pinewood Derby ernment and business, service to constituents. will be held. ployrn'erit, beHer health and housing assistance Marge Permanent Press Automatic Gas Dryer NEW JERSEY HI (As little as. $5, a month puts one in'your home) SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AND A No better time of the year to buy a "miracle" dryer HftlRY LEWIS than right How during the Elizgbethtown Gas Sale. Musk Director If you help elect a. Republican House. 1H November, Congresswoman Dwyer / Elizabethtown Gas offers these features: . 1968-69 Season Opening will become chairman of the powerful Committee on Government Operations, better (1) Nb down payment. (4) Free 5-year service! ' /placed than ever tb bring sense to and get results front every agency of the Federal (2) Free normal installation. (5) Free delivery. . ,„ OCT. 25 ' "' "i^Jj venting-, " 8i30 P.M. Government. Lwhere can you get a better deal than that, partner!- School SATURDAY, OCT. 26 Big $30-o» discounts'. 8i30 P.M. MHIbum High School Your choice pf nationally famous 1968 clothes dryers i ZARA NELSOVA KEEP such as Norge, Maytag, and Whirlpool. * Cello Soloist Works By HAYDN CalPzSq-SOOO TSCHAIKOWSKY IN CONGRESS RAVEL SALE ENDS THURSDAY, OCtOBER 31. BLOCH TICKIYSi *5.S0, $4.30 $3.00 lizabethtownGas - Sludonlii $2.00 fW KttI**ttH I UfnitWN I HDTHAUIMV I I RAHWAY I WMTHHB Avallabla PERDUE'S RADIO "(to lUubWiUwn Hui 1492 MXn VfM 1230 MjrKtt MfHt |il»C«l>lnl AWUM | IM Uu SUNI SHOP, MONTCLAIR Paid foriby: Frtondi of Flo Owyer, Edw.Bsglln, Chairman, 521 Central Ave., Plainfiald, N. J. OR CALL 624-8203 FOR RISIRVATIONS •- I

•'. U - • - • - - • • -—•--.•;•>—-.. . . i • •••''•'.' •• :. fc

•v; -'••,. - ;^" ' . i . yr '.'•>• ''."'. • '•-'•. t'f'l* WCT fogs Three- he greator/Tlio jprptejct(6n afforded lojtte•''LetJ.uc; sr raernber' of'the' cVe the* ^ranfor^^esifiejd'. area; on c,olle;ge. v- *' ,. he children. • • .'••',• SafMrdey. / ,... * .... "Anyone wishing .to" have battles .' After the business meeting, pafc Vifll committee.' - .' " • Proceeds..from the'deposits on picked, lip is aske^ to call Miss ' nte visited the teachers in theit the*,botltes-^wilLbe••• donated to a ^Adeline Griffin of % 215 Stoughtort classrooms, where they heard a report 'ort, the .convepiiion held at fund, for a second^librar'y at theT^Ave. r Seniors siimi)iary of the teatrhing program Atlantic City. It was announced The first college aqcejitanpes for. for the co'ming.year. Refreshments that some lodge members plan to ii ;j^el(C/|iinfordH^h School C?lass of were served after Visitation. attendUa dinner on Saturday for L9Q9 hqve Jbeen reported by Dr. Grand Master Robert Jdssen joi the' COAST-TO COAST MOVERS •i i I0QF. ;w: Charles f Post, principal, as fol- Anywhere in the U.S. or Canada . lows: , . .'ji • •. _ ." triage Tree Refreshments were served by New Officers Vice-Grand Garole Schiridler and' Safe, Reasonable and .^ ;, Lifcda Browii, dtyiighter'of Mrs. Autumn her committee. A HaUoweten poem Immediate Service taurely-^A—Metlelland also wasreadr Institute of Minneapolis; William Foppert, son of Mr. and - Mrs. Henry Pryor, president of The famous Qranford Pepperidge HENRY P. TOWNSIND, Agent Mrs. William Foppert, 4 Indian 'Sherman*"School PTA.,,, introduced tree* located on Lincoln Ave. near Bottle Drive Planned the foliowlngWcers fotythe 1968- Benjamin St., Was at the height of ALLIED VAN LINES, Spring Iay>1>ake salfe and a ty.; ••'•;'' ''.,'.•.;'""' ind,Mrs. Paul Penvenne, 8 Baleigh inid-wJnter ^uare dahce. A photogriph, \vfe;,' Cedar Grest College, and Mrs. PjtfbT ihtrbdueed doiiimifc J finien't Walsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. facts ftboiit the " (But Only 6 Show Up This Year) mittee 'chairmen and announced > . . • • \ atnes Walsh, 111 Pawnee Rd., the

(6 an institution of higher Warn- V. ' • noted -several pilot programs in, TT-'.- '"' *•••• '.:• ' ' :'' time ef the students cited curriculum going on in Sherman No. Mt m *,.* v^W • t f • •-. • • • for 22 were admitted under the , "*k;. afcthisttwe. Mrs. Johnj Crrite; of 501 North Early Decision Plan." Others were A report on the progress of the tied for regular decision on Unidn AVe. was elected president lot 14 "Human r nfewli^fornled udvie group bf the Sherman SchOi)Lstof£-wis-giv«a 'itizens for Com- '• .••. •• '.I-' •.: •••>'.' • "•:••••>• . • . record by Mrs; Elizabeth Medearis. Shemunity Pride, which met Monday Board scares. • . . , ' told of plans for a parents', meeting 1 evening at the Grice home td dis- : Ihe guidance office is urging stu- on sejf education to be held on No . cuss the formation, of 9. civic group is LESS THAN dents vtb submit their applications yember 13. . ' " ' ' to benefit Cr^nfOTd' and its citizens. afp ^^ p^sical-fitQesfi-demonstration <>thffii^td are: Julius cqunselora are.working individually Was presented by Rol

Rpme;o£ the ways in which

hfi-guidance dftice: third Monday of each month. .. yincent Vied, chairman of -Jpe^toB^te;res^d^n^eTo Iziitioii:iare-M dsked to contact committee,' asked".for more, volun- Maney at 514; Centenhial Ayti'.'. teers as "Child .Shield1? mothers. SheiexplHinedrtbT^th^lpa^Tfie^ United Fund Campaign number df participating mothers,. Rebekahs Plans,

Mrs. Agnfes Jjissen was Weledriied as the^ hewiyjfistall^d distritefe dep- iity pi^tfeint ftt fa rtecwrttf Jm^Bafaff -'-/,--• ^^milO^AtE OF UNION CdOWfY of Rose Rebekah Lodge 99 Vorontca Leonard amended John Grand Beverly Silv« prodded. Macihall tbjlecio arid w6|\t on to ##o members 4i the ldag« are IdV^ irtodles it fotg«rs Liw School. serving on-4he Rebekah Statet As- SHe frai b^an; an dttofnriY /or i$ sembly. They ore Mrs. Jane Wil- •' ' -' Paid for by H^ner C. ttedroire/"i241 Shawoeo Dr., Scotch mi MM Hams, color bearer, and Mrs. Ghar- r With h»r hUib»hd> ChsHes; hi their Linden hW firm. Shb Is admitted to (yactlce bafote th» U.S. (ne Court arid Is 8 member of " Uhlort Co. a^nd U.h Bar

\t\ civic

yaark, inclOdlng Boy Sb^ta> PTA, Menfal Health arid VetetaM groups, pre^dent of - Leagoo of. Wometi. Voters \n 1«2» .in& rtemb^r of. BP.^. of Linden, Soroptorritot Itu ternatlonal of Elizabeth, legal ad; \ihdt' 'fy tlnicjen fcfab. Scholarship Foundation and various church Snd poll

Custom dries all SSTi fabrics, gives

.W !('.

,M n

-2automatic cycles -.--^|^i Wt Pre^SMxM Bo there's no itoft- PRESS plua timed drying 4 C^>iH Df> w / New Finish Guard* control hWps custom drying • TUMBLE &B8S* cofltw* dto ftttet cycle is tm&M^Wwr' top-mounted lint screen *.".Mii':iQjitet Automatic shut-off when door i« opened. * Uryini rack* nal GAKV and GRETCHEN COSTUMES — $1.98 to $2.!>8 another one of those values Removal Of Old Machine! VVL1 are famous for FREE! ~ Delivery _ We Salute the Cranford Business & Professional Women's Club TWO PER CUSTOMER c During the Observance of National Business Women's Week; 99!each WITH THIS At) Exclusive WHIRLPOOL Dealer In Cranford • CANDY CORN * WITCHCRAFT MIX Established Thirty-Eight Years' In Cranford • LOLLYPOPS • CANbY BARS * ETC We Repair ALL Makw~Of * . .-• » INTERIOR aecor DRYERS • WASHERS •DISHWASHERS FURNITURE • CARPrTTING • ACCESSORIES — We Service fiverythlng W« Sail — — Op#n Thuitday Evenings 7 to 9 PJft. — 102 N. Union Av©. 276-0893 Cnnferd

SAIUTE THE CRANFORD BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL 29 Alden Street . 276-2224 Cranford, N. J.

WOMEN'S CLUB - DURING *.,-••••". . . ' - --- —' /• ' BROWN'S *Vttt* Miut Ba cotuiaotad to PuhUo Btrvlos Un«a ^. ; . • NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK W1H. Union Av«. * Open f hurt! £v«. • Cr»n

iC^^NictEi^raMbAfrb nvited as" Well"as any. boys Who; "After a^g'Night.""$ervicea are ISfew York Life agents wjioalchiev by Straight" Arrow (Stanley Ian to join-the choir. The tegular held at 0^0 and 11. v ed significant sales - records *, in *w$k£. -J*.%'aif l Running, Howe', - o'clqclc evening- rehearsal, .will, After the final class session of 1967-68. •< As. members QJL the Stat (evih.O'Donneliy,; :• The plosing'^ ake plabe^fpllowing the, supper, instruction for new members on Cliib, the' local residents have been ceremonies were • 'conducted^ "byS ' Church School students, of the Sunday evening at 7 o'clock,- the invited' ttfTTttend an educational Chief Long/BbW.- - ' !/| ioiirth," fifth and sixtR grades will group, will me.etj with the session at conference 'at Grossinger, N. Y. ; 8^0 prt. to be officially .^received J J p PKESB1 Brescnha "vand '•'Miss Margaret on Saturday aftorndon from 1 to ^mcmbirshJp-Tof:the cHurch Mrg.Baranski Attends CHURCH Romick.' 3'p.m. At 3. p.m. the children are v Choirs meet as follows: Baptists Sunday — 9:40 a.m., Church minster at 6:30; Senior at 8 p.m.JMncapeep Washington Conference Rev. Dr. Robert G. Longafcfer, j to report to the Guild Room t6 turn School- for all ages. Nursery facii today,; Junior at 6:45 p.m. Monday. Mrs. Sophie B. Baranski of j Pastor in their collections and to attend Holds Powwow, Hire New ities are available at all Sunday a parjy. - Committee on^hlfistiah'" educa- Cranford, president pt the Womerf'i Rev. smton B. Eastwlek; services. :: ^he- -~a«nual-Hiiocfe8an^—Acolyte tion me%ts jin roOm B tonight at hf thfi — 4:30i).ra;rYouth Choir 7:30r Wiener Road Hev. Paul HL Letlecfl, Festival will take piace at Trinity The', Chincapee Tribe of, the tional Association of Life Under-'( rehearsal;- 7:30 p.m., Chance} Choir athedral, Trenton, on Sunday Se.venth and eighth.grade young Mrs. Frederick, Fischer of Plain- AsslBtant Minister rehearsal. ,, YMGA Indian Guides recently held writers,-represented her organiza-: afternoon at 4' O'clock. Acolytes of people are jnvited to a Halloween a tribal pow wow on the hunting field, .a former resident of Cran- Rev. Milton B. Eastwick will Monday — 8 p.m., Bast Associa- )arty to be held in Fellowship Hall tion at the sixth Congress of!' preach at both the 9:15 and 11 the parish are welcome to .attend grounds of Walking Horse (Frank ford, has been hired as the new tion meeting to be held in Fellow- as. are other members,of the par-from 7:30 to 9 p.m. tomorrow." Career Women Leaders in Wash-!) jp!clock worship services Sunday ship Hall. Future plans of the as- O'Donnell) near the River of the oganist and.choir, director' of the ishes of the diocese. ' ., "',.. , All students in the junior depart- Great Spirit of Falling Waters at i>lgton, D. 'C, on /Friday and Sat-1 jrjorning. His message will be "The sociation will be discussed. Cranford* Baptist Church. Members- of the parish .Altar ment who.have -collected on- behalf 363 "Lincoln Ave.. The pow wowurday.., • .' ,-' •' •' •. ,, "•;;.• . Mr,s. Fischer; who served .as as- 'Shoemaker las PHesti" The lay- •Tuesday t-+ 9:45 a.m., morning "of UNICEF will have a Halloween > The Congress is sponsored by thei. 4 men's ''Minute for\ Mission" ~.'will Guild will make their corporate was conducted by. Chief Long.feow sistant organist and youth choh idi- Bible group will meet at the home communion at the 9 ,a.m. service party at ,the» church on Saturday (Stanley Qlszewski).» • • „ National" Federation of - Business be .given by Charles G. Goodfellow, of Mrs. John Becker., 465 Jt/hite- rector at the. Wesley. Methodist next->4RM»«day. October 31. Light :rom 3 to 4 p.m. . . . The younger braves of the Chin and Professional Women's! Clubs] Church of Hdselle from* 1957-59, is clerk of session, At the '9:15 serv- wood Rd., Union. . • - breakfast and business meeting Rev. Mr, Elliott and.ruling elder capee tribe were active in various to gather leaders of national or-< a graduate of Ohio : Wesleyan Uni- ice the Senior High Choir will Wedriesday — 7:30 p.m., mid Frank MunJteJ will represent Os- .sing "Sing Ye to the Lord a New will take place in the guild room Indian hunting and tracking skills. ganizations serving career .women*} versity ,and received her bachelor week Victory Hour will meet at the following the service. \ , ceola at the meeting of Elizabeth These activities Were conducted by of music degree in June, 1964. S6hg/'by'Bedell, and at 11 o'clock parsonage. Presbytery at the First Presbyter- to discuss the responsibilities and] the Chancel Choir will have as its Names of departed loved ones Medicine Man Sitting Bear (Wil- future of working women and the; -While in~OM6jh.eJwa^jo^ganist and: who are .to be remembered at! the ian Church of R^hway on Tuesday liam Hicks)." """""•" - cjioir\. director of the ORnstener anthem "A Mighty Fortress Is Our ALLIANCE CHURCH ' it 2 p.m. Meiribers of the commun- organizations which serve thenv. i God," "by Luther-Mueller. Both altar on All Saints Day,- Saturday, 1 : This was followed by the telling Presbyterian Church of Delaware, Rev. J. F. Shepherd, November 2, at the 9a.m. service, icants ' class will also attend this of an Indian tale by Walking choir's are under the direction of meeting of Elizabeth Presbytery in ohio.:_ ••• .••• ;;•. ,:••"• •'•\ •..• '• Harold Hedjgpe th. Robert Grubei Minister ' should be. turned in to the parish Horse. A wiener rost was enjoyed s the. evening at "8. Those /planning by all of the tribe, followed by a Give Your "Fair Share" I She also sing& in the Westmin- MRS. FREDERICK Jr./ will «be at the organ. The J. Edward Boon, office-by next Thursday. ster Presbyterian Church of Eliza- Director of Christian Education to go are asked to meet at^Osceola marshmallow roast by the-.young In Cranford's 1968 • church time nursery is available at 7:30 p.nu , > - braves of the tribe. beth, is a member of the Summit FIRST CHURCH OF CHttlST, for children,'2 years-old whose par: --Sunday-Bible School — 9:30 ajn. TEMPLE BETH-EL Chorale and is a former member ;of The executive board of the wont- The stone ^fireplace was set up United Fund Campaign ; ! ^^ enfs attend" either of the morning Sunday worship service -r- 11 Rabbi Sidney D. Shanken ' the.N..X Symphony Chorus. Mrs. i|i;'y ' Spiritual Leader '„ en's;. Association meets Tuesday at Fischer is now; teaching private flr^ipie|vic^s;tLr_Ly, ,u.. ,„: ^J Samuel Lavitsky, Hazaan 8 p.m. in the church parlor. At 9:15 a.m. Sunday the Couples' Youth Fellowship--6p.m.,Sun- Weekday Presbyterian nursery piano students in Plainfield, Clark, . - for-very jrc-img day. ' ', '• ' .'. ., •••'• '•' ••. '•' • ' Services .aref held' as follows: Millburn and Short Hills,) in ad- Nursery service Bible class- wjjl meeVin jthe jiinior class meets on Wednesday morning ;;childr>en .available for paVentswho ribbm lounge: The Senior, High Fel-i Sunday evening service — 7 pjn.Sunday — 8:30 a.m., breakfast dition to her duties at the-chureh'. r at 9 o'clock. Also on this date, Special Limousins Service attend Sunday morning service. Wednesday — 7:45 pjn,, midminyon- ; Monday through Thurs- ; lowship will meet^it 7.p]m. inFel-; mothers of preschool children will • Wednesday -!-' 8:15. pjnr,; -;te's'<3- week Bible study and prayer meet- day^Saturday and Sunday — 7:30 : ; lowship, Hall and at 8 p.m. an' continue their discussion on "The Trips to all airports, railway stations & pier* .___. CRANFORD UNITED nrtmy'meeting.",'' ' ".;-'."•••- Ecumenical Reformation Service ing. •. ^ •.'•• • •[•'•' p.flK5 minyon;: Friday r- 8:30 p.m., ipiritual Growth of Children," un- •a METHODIST CHURCH Reading, room hours.,~ 115- N. will, be held at St. i Michael's service; Saturday — 9:30 ant, der the leadership of Mrs. Charles Call CHestnot 5-2581 — BRIdg* 6-2271 " Rev. John R; D ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH Service.' ;, Denzau at 9; 15 am. This will be Rev. Edwin P. Williams, r Todiay:-^-! 7:30-9 p.m,, youth active ; Limousines for weddings - Trips to anyplace day, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, .' .Mpnday./.rr?..S.,'BJh.»..ilhe division Rev. Alfred G. Currall, Pastor the last class session for the group. Associate Pastor 1 to 4 p.m., and Thursday night, of adult. education : will meet in Rev. Joseph V. Derbyshire, ities. As part of the 25th anniversary - Prices Very Reasonable - In observance of Youth Sunday ' Assistant Pastor . Tomorrow — 8:30 p.m., bat mitz- 7:30 to 9. •• •' -., ' ..;•••;•••• •••.•:'•;••!': the; junior room and the weekday celebration of Osceola Church, the vah of Alexandra Garbei/, daugh- at the Cranford 'United Methodist /- "Blessed -is- the -man, that- -en-; nursery committee:will meet., •-,. • Rev. Richard J, board of trustees will sponsor a ; ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Garber Church, Hey. Edwin P.! Williams dureth temptationp : for when^ he' Tuesday 4^9STO a,mVthe Prayer .Assistant Pastor. . fish and chip dinner in Fellowship will use as his sermon lupin? "You Group, will meet iffi^k Sifellavynnnatm — 7, 8,9:15,10:30 of 25 WadsworthTer. ;'-•'•••••; . - Hall at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday. The Have to Tell It Like It Realty is tried, he shall receive tlw crown of liie,'which the I^d hat^ pfimi- In; the jilnioir high room;>3j30 p.m.; and noon. r 25th anniversary _ committee, ,_jn j£t" at both the 9:15 and 11 a.m.; fhatrlQyab!n.; Qi^USe>UJl^ill:|teet ^tiithieyi unib •yah of JfeffreV; talbert,rsoii; df"Mr. service. 'A' coffee time'iwill be held t -Dally masses—7,8 and 8:3fra.m "flnd 'Mrs. Jerome • Taibert of • 35charge ;of thts J^tp^im. following h; rpom;V;7:36- &eJa^m|^3ght^yppjBr^tt^h^ between services. , • ••"'."• "™ Glark-Stv—— —r~-^~ itih Fll WITNESSES two movies featuring members of eting of the^ official p^,ve^!^ Monday — 7-8:30 p.m., gradua- Osceola Church-and Church School for 2*30 read; in,. all .Christian meet in; the junior -room. -—.. PresidiniJ Minister araiiig-ihe p.m. Sunday by Dr. Buxiday^^S ^^^^ the jun-; \ Tuesday —, 1-2:30 p.m., rabbi's Jr^7L30_ pin;, ministry church. Colored slides of-various issa; clae^;_ 7-8:30 p.m., class Yud. church activities will also : be ior, Youth Group will meet, fol- l be read from the dfettomina SirTTIieiJuilding-eommittee-will at 8:25. shown. WiflrsV Jb'rank^ lowed at 7:30 by a meeting of the textbook is the foUq^njg^jJg meet. a,t .8. p.m. in the junior room, iYoung Adults; -.^lile'''..cotogregatioii' Sunday —f 9:30 ajDU. public lec- the: sensual- ages,^ aljsolutet<3bjpi!sr tToday'^ 1:15 p.m.» the Margaret ture ll^bthtt* has been urged to attend the Refor- tian Science may not be achieved tionsiio later than Sunday. mation Ecumenjqal Service at St. Tuesday — 8 pjn., Bible study. Rev. Arnold J. DahKprist and A1J local officersojthe Women's ^aePftdGhurcli ^ iiot'the/power Choir !will rehearse at 3:30 p.m: Rev. Gordon L. Huff, Pastorg Association are invited far attend The-Chancel Choir will meet for N ; onstrate what we do ^not (under- and the Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. Identical services oi worship a»e •the training aeaaiuu to be held at rehearsal at8 p.m. today.' t ; " stand; But the human self must be At"g PimI Tfobjp^86 will ST. MARK'S mornings at the church on Monday from 16 ^J^azaar and, flintier ^ SniaLin Fel- P. Gibbs, Pastor 10:45. Sunday Church School for a.m, vtmlf 2 p.mi and at 7 pjn. wilf be .hp-ld from [s ustpaccept lovingly today, morrow .' .... • .•••: •:-,-••• •'/•. • :,. and to-abandon so fast as prac- . Tomorrow,;—- 7:30 p.m., thvice,e . at the same hours. The .adult class are asked to bring then* own lunch The fourth, fifth 'and sixth tical the material, and to work put Webelbs pen will nteet in Fellow^ - Wednesday —• 6 p.m., Children's meets at 9 a.m. in the lounge, with and a cup. Coffee and tea will be AMERICAN-STANDARD OIL BOILER grades of the Sunday School will the spiritual which detemines the ship Hall. : Choir rehearsal one of the pastors as leader, and isprovided. • didtli!!id Thursday — 7:30 p.m., Bible open to all adults at any time. Chil- • Gffldant dfttim trims your fue* costs • VfaSm CM! fcWl tibn on Saturday from. 1 to' 3 dren under' 3; years are cared. for cbnstructkMi • Comptct styling-ne*d«onlr2 fcy 3 Issl «ff Health tyith Key to; tti ! ~ONDB!rBAFnS£, and return to ihe church Mary Baker: Jiddy): CRANFORD BAFHST CHURCH in the baby-sitting nurserj " - Rev. Peter H. Burgess, Pastor - party given' by, the Junior Youth TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH h- Rev. Robert J. Romick, PMter the>10:45 worship .service.- Sunday — 9:4? /a.n>;; Sunday Fellowship. v Rev. Robert Bhzaro, Rector Today -r ^'Changing World- In ^ecqgniltidri' of;! Ri^orKnatipn' School; 11 ajn., sermon on the On Monday at 8 p.m. commission Sunday, Rev.1 Robert J. Ro»nick^as Rev. J; H. Witherlngton, Asstt Changing Family" ^ study i course on "education andA the Mother's, . WRST BAPTIST CHURCH . . Sunday services >^_ Feast of Book of^Genesis; 7pA,jMryice; Key, George JBL WMte, Jr., PajtM chosen as: his sermon, topic "Be- with Pastor Stiff, meets in th'0. li- , Wednesday •— 7:30 pj^i., prayer ffiub will meet • • '••;••« - yond Reformation1' at the 11 aim.Christ the Kingi 7:45 a.m.,: morn- brary .at 10 am. Junior Choir : -7Jj: Tuesday —- 9 aim.a.m., WSCS3 Prayer ing "prayer; 8 a.m., holy euchar- hearsal, 4 p.m.; tce^itod-^BjIblett School; 11 ajit, worship aeryico. i^iiiSd Sit Ic Group; 8 p.m., commission on fi- reference is II Kings 22:8^20. a.m., hearsaOrp.m. nance and Credit Union. ••. Monday -—8 pjsu, choir rehear •Tomorrow "••<-*'• Lk:.;:...... ;J;_u...:.. .:^^::^ ,.i-j--At A6:9O |p:tn.i(^ Sunday/ a ichurdi 11 atm., irtorning prayer and eer- 7 Wedriesday — 9:30 ani, WSCS loyalty dinner will btii held in Fel- aeSi 3:45 ahd 7 jiltd.; Pastor, Huff Prayer Group; 4:15. p.m., Youth Wednesday —- 7:80-8:30, priyer num.' 1 : lowship Hall. The faith proposal will lead, a discussion in the library Gift Iflfif service. : ./•..'; "i- -"^'' :' •"•"•• ': \ x v Weekday services. — The holy Choir; 7 p.m. Chapel Choir. c : win" l?e'preseftted.'. There will also eucharist is offered on Thursday on the bobk "Prayer in the Secular be a paherskit, contestants. «nd a*at 9 a.m., with healing service, and City," by Douglas RhSmies, at 8 1 A CHRISTTAN SCIENCE CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL mystery guest. Members of the fi-on Saturday at 8 a.m. The service P-ni.; ' . •....•.••.;'• :.'. ' ',' ."'•' RADIO PROGRAM nance campaign committee are of morning prayer is read in the Saturday — Senior Teens Hal- Rev. A. R. Bdbngione. PatUr Paul JSullivan,, chairman; Peter church Monday, Tuesday and Wed-loween dance, 8 p.m. A demonstration of gift wrap- Sunday * -* Johnson, Rioy Sallee.i Robert nesday at 8:45 and on Thursday Monday — First year confir- ping by a representative of the R. and Saturday 15 minutes before mands, 3:45 p.m. J. Goerke Co", will be featured as Charity-Sewittgr-10 iheCranford JuhioF WbmaCs Club ning prayer is read each weekday, Boy Scout Troop 84, 7:30meets tonight at 8:15 in the hall Call

except Friday, at 5. -. j p.m;•:,. .•'•••• of Cranford.Baptist Church;' Sessions of the Churchy School Wednesday — Luther .Choir, A continrgent, beaded by iSxs. are conducted at 9 and if o'clock p.m.; first year confirmation class, Richard Kimball, president, will .;./••• Inc. each Sunday morning. Baby-sitting 3:45 p.m. " attend the Sixth 'District fall con- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 is provided during both the 9- and Sandra Lee VergaUa, daVighter ference at the Arbor Ban on Mon- 11 o'clock services. A coffee hour of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vergalla of day at 8 p:m. Included in" the BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS HOME IMPROVEMENTS and class for adults takes place in 109 Walnut Avenue, was resceived group will-be Mrs. William Al- 'dredgerfMrs; John Barrangerj Mrs. ; Jesus loved all mankind with a Sherlock-Hall on Sunday-mornings into the holy Christian cjhurch by Wvntdvws * Sri from 10 to 10:40. Rev. Barry Miller the sacrament of baptism last Sun- Rdger Brown, Mrs, Hugh Delano, jiure;atfebti6h7 Such' ah utfselfish Mr& Al. Goer tz,Mts.* John Hughes," FUEL COMPANY love dissolves the; discord in rela- is in chargo-pf this class. day, atithe 10:45 service. > Awnings ^ Sfe&iters - PdrcK & S^Mf) —Adasslforjhigh school students Mrs. Arthur Kiamie, Mrs. Paul 230 Centennial Av#. . "Sinca 1895" CranfoH tionships With otherirbecausfe it of grades 10,11 and 12 meets witH -o- -eliminatesselftcentered views.:Li8-_ Mrs. ^ -ten Sunday," October 27, to "The themtraiIO^manaeff hour also takes place in Sherlock . CHURCH dan> PacnblQk, junior ,' adviser Pg Thai! Heals Broken Rela-, VestWijihs • Jalousies will-acy?ompany' tlonships." i Wflllam M. Elliott, Jr. r ti Jhik e preaident, willf y(a«r«s4S AM. »rvice A supper meeting for members The services of worship'on Sun- present the ftoial Report on the »aies am of the Boys' Choir, sponsored by .day are specificallV designed to lasagne dinner. BUY IT WERA~(1590) fl:lS AM. the David H. Riely Memorial,' wU provide- the opportunity for per- The annual card party and. fash-" WVNJ-(620) 9:45 A.M. SHOWROONT * 102 SOUTH AVE., W. take place today at the paris sonal rededication. of the members ion show, under the direction of *WMTR-(1250) 5:05 v Mrs. Brown, will be discussed and 2764205 E*M953 house at 5:15 p.m. Boys who areof the Osceola congregation. The •(Hrrt Sunday of Eich Mtmtft) already members of the choir are message of the morning will be tentative plans formulated. Members will take their Thanks- giving basket contributions to the meeting and Mrs Krugh will com- plete the project. • __ • . ' Hostesses 'foFTho evenkTg~wlll be Mrs. Elmer Applegate, Mrs. Michael and Mrs. Henry Oxley.

Paper Drive Date The Union County Catholic Young Adult Club will sponsor a paper drive on Saturday, Noycm- Area residents wishing to aio> the drive arje requested to take their papers to collection points as follows: Cranford and Garwood —Church of St. Anne parking lot,1 Second Ave., Garwood; Kenilworth Mercnants: —St. Michael's School parking lot,' Kelly St. and-Vauxhall Rd., Union. (Papers should be tied in bundles and dropped off between 10 a.m. ain additional enstomers and 41 p.m. on November 16 4 the points indicated, where members of the CYA will be present to re- POOLEY mm newcomer's moving ceive them'. Books and magazines arc not deajred. Purpose of the drive is to raipo THRU THE WANT ADS FUNERAL HOME nto your area, funds for an orphanage outing the CYA is planning for the spring. 218 NORTH AVE, W. 276-0255 hi TURN TO THE CLASSIFIEDS RIGHT NOW. Swvfet. THERE'S SCORES OF BARGAINS A Funeral Borne of homelike atnuupiiere, completely b thaw wttk yaur mnk»t Insurance Agents . WAITING TO BE PICKED UPI • mioderrt, air conditioned, off*tr*ei pttrUng facilities Join* Star Club wmfkmmmmmmm Two Cranford agents have qual- CRANFORD . ' • • ' " ' ' 'aba _ •' . •. ,'•..': ". • • • ified as members of the 1968 Star DOOIEY COLONIAL HOMi Club of New York Life Insurance Co. They arc Victor L. Arrington CITIZEN & CHRONICLE IM WtilffAld Av».f of 601 Lincoln ffct'Krand <5on«J 21 ALDEN STREET 276^000 233-0003 Stephens of 208 Arbor St. ' - wewnon mi. JERSEY 07090 The Star Club is composed «*.

-•/ r V :^,~^—-~ K.j.)^iii2EJLANii-QnMi^ Page five has jia.d to «|ii4lW'ylty.sueccssf.iillyj sand" you.ngsters wha should be ••• .'.ft 1 Wright Appointed passing u'jgitl tests and examiiia ti'catcd in in8titul.i.«ns\arc'. n,ol. i to \ conducted-by ..the Stale Board' of help," lien pf.I'iianuacy." •"_ . * *'••. '• - tram gchwarfa, rircsiacht of, tlic Anniversary Adyiser Post urtit, said. 'Triere just isn't enough ,,. • Wheni|thc-annual Iiifiathcring 9f the 'CranfotdBranch of the ill Richard"O. Wright of 204' Bump- Children's Unit Urges f . room, for 'them at any of the. niaie NeedleworkGuncrof America is held at ^he^Mtihicip/gl Building at 9 ton St. ty'as been named organiza- An appeal for, a "yes" vote on Schools fof"the retarded. .-.•".' / aW, on Tuesday, Noyfifmbci" 12,-,thejeveiiit will marjc the 65th i tfpn and .personnel adviser at Esso the P.ubl/c Buildings Bond. Issue in "Passage bf-thia bond issue'will sary of ihe'guHd's^'existence in Cnmfordj „ .<>•. Research and Engineering Co.. Lin- the November 5 election wad issued alpw construction to start, of facili- r The Needlework Guild is a Rational charitable' organization whose den. • ••'•• ' .. this wejplc, by,v the* Union; County ties that would cut this waiting Unit of "the'New" Jersey Associa- purpose is to gather and distribute In his new pcfet, he i$ responsible list in half. Several of our.,fixisting for coordination® of the, personnel tion for Retarded Children* which. liriLJBjE tetitutioriiraiijqOT^d^^ hold linens. The distributing agen- requcsts from : the agencies are gineciing and for coordination of vard, Kenilworlh., crowded.' A/ 'yes' vote wottld ~al- WINNER. AAA TRAFFIC 8AFETV cies here are the Cranford Visiting satisfied. " . operations and improvements "Right now, ajlmost one thou- 'low modernization to tslke place." POSTER CONTEST Nurse ' Association, the Crawford Director — an individual or an studies conducted by Esso En- Welfare Association and the local gineering. '•public health nurse. ' organization pledge to collect from Mr, Wright had; been serving as Any. persQrt wishingto /join in 10 or mpi-e people, either garments professional development adviser this effort -^ which "requires afc or money. ' .", "•" v . since February and prior to that tention only once a year — way had been assistant general man- ; Further information is available —become; a member in one,of. the from any one of the following offi- ager of the petroleum and new in- following categories: vestments department since I966. Garment member—one who con-cers of the local branch; Mrs. He joined Esso in 1939 as a stu- tributes" two p;r more new articles" Charles F. Hansel, president; Mrs;- derit engineer and became a.group • each.year. ; .'• •''. •''".."; •• '•*.'.•'• .' Steven Hoyt, secretary; Mrs; Wil-head irt" the-~process engineering •:,' Money jhember v one who cbn-Hnm H. Old; treasurer. _ and economics divisionJn 1948, He BUYS *W0-FAMtLY HOME — Mr. and lirs. Eugene H. Thommeri . have purchased this two-family property at 74-76 Burnside Ave., from Mrs. Gorrin, who has moved to Matawan. The property was . 'Multiple Listed by G.

became an assistant sjiperyising en.-; participate in and familiarize girieer in 1952 and* W^s a4vi(nced ip themselves with'school affairs. Hte- supervising -engineer in 1954. j ediphasized. the' responsibility, of • Mr; Wright .was nfl«ied an assist- citi?ens to select their board rep- ant director in 1956 andheld tha^t resentatives. '^ .• • ••: .•'.•' • .• • posi^qn'in; the; ^antiing engineer Mrs. George Chase, ?TO,presi- Reg. $5.75 Gal. ing division uritii 1958, the design dent', introduced the following offi- engineering division until 1960 ah| cers: First vice-president,' Mrs. the process efrigiheeringj flivision Eugene Somniers; second vice- until 1962, when he was appointed president, %s. W. yr, Smith; thiyd Gal. acting associate director of thp. r vice-president,—Thoma^s ^ipaldi; general engineering" division. In coirresp&iidin^ secretary, Mrs! jfyhn 1963, he was'hamed associate d Eichiiiger;' recording secretary, actoUht and take aWay that beautiful bowl. , ^ll~New^1?6? Wallpaper an {^^j^d Mrs. Rojbert We)ber, and tre.asuretr h i-

Phannaeiat Certificates Two Cranford residents were ouse amdng 143 jmen ajjg

urant^nwest Trenton The luncheon followed' the an- irtg; of the WQ ww held at whidi. nual registrants' certificate awards 3?» WftTFIEin AVP,, m. - CH 5 783T-2 - ROgELLE PARK guest speaker. Mr., Seavy outlined ' Open ._ 7:30:'A»(y\. t6 - - Pfi.: Ev£ T'l! • $ 'J^'^- .' Cfased Sun the responsibilities of the 'Board} au4ijflriuip.4n Trenton, ^IT" v < •'•'•: ••-"'•'".' ." - ••'" J ;•.:'•< •• ••••:• v-.y- ••-.:..•• • ••-,..>; \ ••,-••-y of Education 'and urged parents tq ocal recipients were* !Fredericlc. C. Lubas and Mrs! Elizabeth A. Simpson. "The certificates represent at Jenst f.»ve years of intensive $tqdy at a college of pha,rma,cy plus a full 12 OFFICES IN UNION, ESSEX AND MORRIS out by Leo Dubrow, association _ CRANFQ8D QFftCE ' K^ILWqgTH Of f ICE president "Further, each applicant



ew enu \ SPAGHETTI MACARONI *;. with Small. Large Tomato Sauce '.'...,...."..: .1.25 Tomato Sauoe ...1.25 Plain (Cheese)...... 1,25 1.75 'etc ree '7Maflnara Sauce .7.'..7.".T.".:.:.: 1:50 Ex.. Cheese^.vTTT77rrTl.^v^ 5 M^at Balls ,...... 1.60 Sausage....,;. ,.v...... l.75 Peppejis ".:. ...IM Sausage ...: ..;.. 1.60 Onions ;:::;.. 1^5 2.15 Mushrooms .;.....^.00 RAVIOLI (Cheese) -#.-Adopted by r6solution~of Tovmsliip €pinimttee a^srCranfbrd's official tree March 10, 1964. MeatBalls. 1.75 2.25 • Dedicated April 29, 1904 as-"iargest sour gum tree in the Northeastern States" by Cranford His- Clam Sauce (White or $ed)..2.00 Tomato Sauce Mussels i 2.00 Meat Balls; .....'...... 175 Sausage ..., 1.75 2.25 torical Society. Pepperoni ...1.75 2.25 • Described as. "truly magnificent" by Richard' W. West, head of Forestry I)ept, Rutgers Uniyer- ScungilU (Conch) , 1.75 Sausage ;..•.•...•..•. .1.75 v Mushrooms .1.75 2.25 . sity, in October, 1963. '.;..• , . " Calaraari (Squid) ...1^75 MANICQTTA .— Anchovies .,,.... 1.75 2.25 • Described as one of. the world's finest specitnens of the "Nyssa" species by Richard H. Eyde, -fomato^auce V7-.-.T.v.-.-. <...... 1.50 Mussels—™.: r.. ,2.00 2.50^ " assqSate cytrator of p|arit^attiolpgy; U; S.1 Smithsonian institutiQn, September, 196^77" MUSSELS MeatBalls ' .2.00 Roma Speciap l : .2.25 2.75 • Colored Post Card(S of the Tree may be piurchstse4 at the-Town and Country Gift Shop; 28 East- Sausage 2.00 (S p M manr St., and at Brown's 5c, 10c & $1 Store; 11.7 N. Union Ave. On the Hall Shell -t 1.50 (Sausage, peppers, Mushi?opj9s) Each year during early October, I like to remind our residents of the color change about to * ALL DINNERS SERVED WITH BREAD * take place in our beautiful To.wnship Tree. We are all pardonably prpud^of its size, beauty and his- toric background. SANDWICHES It has become a symbol of civic pride and has produced an awareness of Cranford's rich, SUBMARINES natural, heritage. ' . '..." • '. HOT Meat Ball .,....: ; .•55 No. 1—Spiced Ham, Salami & Proyokyne.... .80 We urge our residents to visit THIS WEEKEND one of nature's masterpieces, the Cranford No. 2-~Boiled K(am, Copocola & Provolone. .95 Pepporidge Tree. It is located on Lincoln Ave., between Benjamin St. and South Union. Aye. Sausage with Peppers and Onions .65 .80 No. 3—Roma Super Combination 1 & 2 ..... 1.15 Sincerely yours, Steak ..:...'...:..'...; (includes Tomatoes, Lettuce; Onions, Oil & Vinegar) Crawford's Trees Are Peepers and Eggs .60 Worth Saving! Sylvanus J. Shaw, Jr. Sausage and Eggs .65 ANTIPASTO GARLIC BREAD .65 Large 1.50 Large .90- I .- :.'.,. . , ' ' ' .r&~~\ ' Proprietor Mushrooms and Eggs Small .75 Small .45 -I . , r This Message Presented As A PU(DI'IC Service By , ^ £ Ciirtjs W. Holpchak of 23 Shaw- ton Rd., Gregory B. Storz of 107 iors to iqore than 400 colleges and 17'Wade"Ave., Miss Jayne M. nee Rd., William B.Kander of 118 Balmiere Rd., Miss Karen M. Town DID YOU KNOW that our community will not gain anything universities throughout the United Carey of 49 Concord St., Miss Beech St., Thomas J. Kennedy of, of 468 Orchard St. Miss Judith, A» -States. , '. •-••.•. Evelyn Clausnitzer of 201 South 2 Hickory St, Daniel A. Knauer of Townsend of 1040 Raritan Rd., by the adoption of this state program which it does not already Ronald J. Tretola of 112 kenil- Cranford residents who launched Union Aye., John L, Colip.eri, of 120 21 Elm St., SalvAtbre'V. LaFerrara v : 'their college careers at Union Col- Centennial Ave., Jorge L. Collazb of 463 "Ludlow Aye., Gregory T. wortH Blvd., Miss Patricia M, enjoy?'- . ^-^ •-." , .••'•••.",.••' .•"•;. .. ,. ' •.-•', •• -'^J-.-.'•' ''•'•':/'-'\-' '.. lege are: " _ •• of 220 Manor Ave., Craig S. Con- Lautenslager of 9 Nomahegan Ct, Turley of 446 Lexington Aye., Miss Miss Diana L; Avery of 105d nolly of 24 Iroquois Rd., Miss Pat- Chris J.'Niedziocha of 12_Persh- Pamela D. Wood of 707 Springfield 3. DID YOU KNOW oar present personnel program exceeds that Gdolidge St., Arthur J. Beaman of riciaM. Connolly of 1Q6 Centennial ing Ave.V Stantbh E. Ottmah "of. ve^rMiss Carole L> Wright of 250 North' Ave., W., and Richard P. provided by Civil Service in areas such as Selection and Re- Yuschak of 235 Denmah Rd. . - ' cruitment, Job Classification, Training, Testing and Salary and Wage Negotiations? Cranforcl's present program exceeds that Garden Club ; : ; offered by Civil J5ervice..- •.. >.•,.,.. .]]-.:, ,•••):<..":.,• ••'••.• .',:'-^ ^j:^ji):'••.;";;:

Mrs.. Charles Boillbd

Examinations Set

— I' , For Summer Jobs GAI I 1 f^-^T Cotano— REQ.U [ ;examinAtidrifrfor;6t|ta. Uier^obs-i^iht?' Ppst /Otfice?, pi TiMvehrttfitceratorfinbli Niwiciff-t-tcrab vinyl i^iiQfilwh mm other federal agencies-has been-an- nounced by. the Civil {Service Com- • On»Corteowtr»wh«n| • Rebels dirt and i > appiMwdinctMiml •• ••«*«* . "; • - mission. The exa on mmemuef •no odor tferkltch«ILbt

summer employment examination arenot rejauired to taie tte writ, t. R. ten test, to be considered for suhi- mer jobs in 1969. They will be eeht Buy a gallon of S^poHn FSshlon Color Ulex Flat or Satin . a special form to complete to up- tnsmaal l and gg»t « ggallon of Sapplln^Mgular $5.76 Celling ' ' " tMML. 13*1. Capt. White at this apodal low prlca date their qualifications and avail- "'••*.". . UMITEBTIIUONLV ability. However, if they; Mbfitr ttr Fir\eman R. Ditzel Vari Ilergen •imprbveTttteiir^ sa>re,~they maV take the 1969 summer employment ex- FMehiati '. MvCMiM^ amination. : . i. ret PAINTSHOP Students- away from > their homes Fireman tdihlhlgppy f tCummings isEdmonds -— Closed! Wednesdays. their home state can have arrange- ments made; to test them at their Firernan Wr.. Ditzel temporary school locations^ V 276^540 Announcement with^a^pplication l Fireman C, J&ardel Helen Ogjien 161 N. UNION AVIV CRANFORD enclosed may be secured at any r Post O^ficejrt Union County, or by fiweman J. Xanzer JohfcDuryee y-, ;' -• -/^ contacting Michael St^ffan, examin- er-irt-charge, Post Office, Elizabeth.; Firem^xh^Dv GeUmde^^Kanzler^r^ y H. Merwede FiremarF~K: Kirhnaii Marguerite Ztilick ffi^lSKr" IPOWER® Tel. 276-0505 the giant1 Manpower® fireman N»: BBown& George (iQrbisero talent search Fireman' Af Kiamie Ray Ingram ..___•. is-onl— Lou^Spirloch need* women for lem* fireman W* Brown porary office work this fall. - Fireman- W. Schmitz Ben Mandoni ROOF CEMENT You'll earn top. pay. Travel aroumj 5-Gallon Pails the city. Meet new. people. Do varied, Jim McNally Interesting-work.^" And work the day* you want! David. Fdrlms~ Answer the Call of the Manpower Talent Spajpch ... calLS33^965 todayt lb CRANFORD POLICEMEN I® 15 ROOFING MANPOWER Chief M. T. Haney Det. SI SctiUtpak Off. L. Casper , ~ 500 Sq. Ft. Per Roll 20 Pro*p«t St., Wesiffold, N.J . Capt. A. F. Burr * Det. D. Curry Oif. L. Miller ,An Equal Opgerjunlty Employer - Capt. R. Koury Off. J. Kovacs Oft W. Connell Per Roll l^ieut L* Boiinell ^ffrjvititerzerj JrWaM^uriie Lieut L. Guertin Off. R. Nylen A. Sharo * ROOF SHINGLES Lieut. H\ Polidoro Off. S. Cymbaluk Off. J.Pugksi- I 240 Lbs. Per Square Lieut. M. Cymbaluk Off. R. Hand Off. R. Moffett WHITE or BLACK Del. Sgt. Fedroff • Off. A. Anderson Off. T. Boivne Sgt. Grickoivski Off. J. Korsch Off. G. Oslrowsky Q ^ P«r Square Sgt. G. Haney Off. R* Cbsmas, Off. L. Schaeffer SgU G. Kane, Jr. Off. L:'Erwkson Off. S. Manuri Sgt. H. Wilde ~~ Off. R. Guertin Off. M. Cavalla Full Thick Fibreglass Det. T. Benton Off. M. Deane Off. JR. Thomas INSULATION Off. T, Kane' 100 CSq.,Feet Par Bundle on Public Question (These are "picked up" prices) 7 I ' ,\ ~~^r n-~ • - - - —. - • , —— —.—. ..— -•• ^ ••'• r *~ *»w

Classified Advertisin Sports Business Directory

.--. • • •'•••.•• ••• • •••-*• .. . ,-•;«•<-- • . •••• -.-* *» '••••r.. • . r. KENILWORTH GARWOO

15 CENTS Vol. LXXV. No. 41. SECTION FOUR GBANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1968 OP Program Would MeanHalloween tax Hike* DenwcratsSag Parade Here •/ I KENILWORTH — The Democratic candidates for JJorough Council, Councilman Richard L'omax and Thomas McHale, have October 31 charged their Republican opponents with advocating a program, "that GARWOOD — The annual Hal- will eventually overburden the people with increasecTTaxes and lo^eeh~patade sponsored""for bor- practically bankrupt the elder citizens." • • , ough children by the Glarwood iionsXlub^ilLlQrjiLaiJ^OLim^ jpiNILWORTH— Mayor Wiliiam J. Ahem, Jr., and Borough " At" a'rally Saturday in their campaign headquarters, the two next fhursday at Willow Ave. and Council have again called for the state legislature to enact a laty Center St., it was announced this GARWOOD — The-Garwood For.* placing responsibility for flood control on county governments. ..." . Demoofats cited-a Republican bro- Criticizes m League has scheduled a meet- - chure calling "for. replacement of week by -Lawrence" Ditzel, parade • A* motion was approved at a council ^'meeting Tuesday night chairman for the Lions,; - ing to consider an appeal of the* '.., authorizing the borough attorney to jtiriaft 'a resoliution, on,the. subject publip works, arid safety .equip- EduiGiational Starting at 7 p.m.,. the masquer- Superior Court's dismissal of the_* and sen.S copies,to all riieinbers of —:J-iJ •' •'"" ••••''•'•'• ment and expansion, of. library, rec- aderfi will march to Lincoln School, league's suit to block purchase of. ' ~\ the legislature and all boards of •eation, sanitation and drainage led by a police escort and fire the Magnus Building for use is a.V" 4 municipal building. :\ \ 'J / facilities as part of a long range l^cilities * engine. At the school, 'awards! will , freeholders in the state.. • |" on, •— Union County This was revealed "in a. lettern- planning program.. be presented in various age .cate'- ', A similar resolution was passed hould reassess on a month;tor gories for the prettiest, funniest from the'league read at Tuesday'' Running, bn the GOP ticket are night's Borough Council meeting j last June a few weeks after the month basis the need for estab- •and most original costumes, Can- J.; William Gutekunst. '.former in which it was charged th^t> "the I floods,:.bui Mayor Ahem-said no ishing a county college, Mayor dy also will be distributed to all Board x>t Education president, and participating children. ^ * Magnus Building will prove! to ^e| It. -. ,,.. action had resulted from- it. . Wiliam E.Conrad. J William J. Ahem, Jr., declared ait less .desirable, more costly to, bu^f' Wit's/difficultfor municipalities KENILWORTH:^-Mrs. Cecelia Walter Reinharat, president of ind renovate and more expensive^ : ,"The; opposition's cry for long the Borough Council meeting Tues- the" Lions Club, will head a panel ML to coordinate and finance flood M Upton) 64, ofgt. Petersburg, range planning is actually a plot to .maintain than-' a new-facility» of judges from local organizations, designed for municipal purposes." J . rth^v mayor: emphasized.: ^a^-former,. Kenjlworth welfare -for long range spending," Council- -i^embers, of - the-paradevcommiti manLomaxrdecdTy _^TJielmay6r-poiritedrdut-tnat-Un" Reading pf the letter ^as fol-J ; dlfwt^^^C ion College in Cranford. because tee also include: Police Chief Fred lowed, 'duriiig , the portion 61 £tie y ment, and the problem always promising the voter additional pro- Falzonei Jajpes Mataraizo,; BBer- ( 1 grams, services and expansion of high admission requirements Falzonei meeting open to the public, by. * • comes up of whp&gpingJcLpayfor hospital. Funeral services were g, rv xp g q tram J. Bertolomy, Louis, J. Fpn- h(Bid^yestei^ay^.^^i^4_j9htf i6 li h ththe further discussion by citizens for* revealing where nd spa€e* limitations, can only ac- tenelli,-Dr. C. G. Cabot, Borough and against the projects Mayor Ahern. a member of the Church, St. Petersburg^andjnter _with6ut_ ^h is ^A I1. MjEMosca, Erank k HirschHih, County Board of Freeholds money hftwnB-(Insale. Herbert~WeftF 1 : rid ^haWc/ao: alwayti, thi^v _ ier announced that the clbs- u months ago ery iii ,iuat:cityr'' '•'!' •"."£— .'•..., 0 Weiri, Richard Nearing, 'Joseph ing dkte fpr purchase] of the build"* Inldre^; a-resolution asiung own wallet." maypr, is a law which strengthens Petroiziell6, ;J6hh J. Salarid and Mrs. XJpton, a native of Brooklyn^ pointed out that "no bv re- ing, originaUy scheduled for Sep-jj p.ta^eAyer£^j--fj<)ding'- Mxu. i^ teinber-l^but held up by thev problems, but it w&s defe^ettrbjr ^iete in this brochure is there quiring.JCJnipn County residents to V the six EepiJLblicair'fifeeholders menfldnf of any^intent to hold the league's, suit, now has been set for J-. ~—~^ltelia%6tetE^o^Bet^l^r -Hno on i^lt ijti next Wednesday, "and all neces**- years."She i "—arrangementar 2have_; been * studyicomnuttgiil slface^ :U 1958r^fld soonaftertobk-oweOs i^^eg —'Young :; county- college Afte£;the Council*'• meeting, To^th7^^y pernoanerilt; 4isecfor. : She xetired UnitedJNatiojnis: Children's Pund'_are, shown as th..^^^^.^^,, •ael-JiGlbdic, president "of^ the F^or*! "and nothinghas Iteendone." 1 Rotarians -HEither this law has got to be their aitouallHall.oj«reein ^Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF" collections urn League, said that the meeting J He added that the studyco At the time of her. retirement, . - ~T " '••ma . . ' ^i- >•>•' • . • « J. in Garwood next.Tliursday. Left to right in the picture are:- Jaines of His.group to discuss ihepossifj tee has yet to hold a meeting. Mrs. Upton/ was treasurer of the repealed orTJnidirCpllegerhas got Kramer (in UNICEF bag) of St BaiiJiolomew's <&urch, Scotch bility of an appeal had been set for * """""' dJihJ asked for the co- Union County Vi/'elfare Association Talk on Abuse to reassess its entrance require- GARWOOD — Seventy volun-' ments to accommodate nvore resi- PlaihSi wjio has been named (iMr. UNICEF"; Robin McKluskey of ~. November 1, . - — * p^p Of Narcotics teers will be calling on their neigh- Taking exception to the findings- "of Wbnfen Voters, who recently Catholic/Daughters; of America ana" ti St. Paul's United Church of Christ. Janic..r.er Costa of^ th^i Church' of published a pamphlet dealing with a member of the local assistance TCF.TJn'.WORTH — i ISducatin'g Ahem said.- "Otherwise^JHdiat-JKS- ^ram-of-the-lt-Girl-Scout-troops- um League showing opposition to ij flooding fro^h^RhBi : r youngsters about the dangers o£ arje doing is paying for our/chil- ita Garwood in. a drive to be con- Boafd7 Bhe also was active in civil the Magnus Building project, G Councilman Waltei E. Dorigl . Tfafa^Ht-mirl lnrwV nharitv drives drug abuse is the responsibility of dren, in .other." counties and build- ducted here on Sunday, November every adult, said Joseph Mr Van=- 4ng up education hard Walsch of 903 Willow jr., chairman ^of buildingaf and and was a communicant-of Assumpr J 3) health, reported that the Board of tion Church,-R6selle Park. , Tass^ell j Jr., representative of a He noted that if a county institu- The drive is part of the annual Health is considering ther imple- iMrs. Upton leaves her husband Philadelphia pharmaceuticahtil l ffirmi , tion were established, Union Coun: Washington Rock.Girl Scout.Coun- mentation of a water- testing prof Clarence J. Upton; two sons, Wil in an address last Wednesday be- ty would qualify for state arfd oth- cil fund raising campaign held in «rmCjiatlamilflbleito2lInion *^^%(" .'I™T*^_. gra^toj^carriedput by the Ga*\ liam i J. of Engiisbtown and Clar: fore theJKenllworth.Rotary Club communities which do not support ~n,O3!5aingtpn Wth^TouTSeasons PT^mlRec lege, whifch is, private. • .••••/ the agencies serving"them.through GARWOOD —' SeveralAajtf^lergyinen Will participate, lA". the frfi a United Fund.••...;•••• dedication of Jfie; educ|lionanB^ing^ 1 ^Washington Rock provides the $300: •• •••.•:^i'l:riil:;; Matthews_gf Spo'tswood; MArmed with the facts, we can gton Rock provides Church at':3,'p'cloek-Sunday aftei:noon.;..;i : .•. ., ,."V ,-• ? ' , • [ f6rcfe;'irt a "sla'p'f ai the Cririfolrd" college, d Girl &eput> Community 1 t Council passed ott first: efsf Ge0*ge.»UHipiell}f "CJtianiord an*: .V ^a^clpal^g^iii^ei ,^^ Askbclatioh with professional •and Shdh SZabo, ^pastor;-* **-•'»-">-• tnjtTerrnarii dangerous game^-a kind of'cneni clerical.services, •yeaisrPUBd; jcatnp* tion pflahds lyip^'in the bed left Russian roulette^ »• Mr. Van ihg fapUities and"[ equipment, pro^ jer!)ay7':AttirlMl: „ Pomp^toh IRtiiris; e!JM grand- Julian'^Alexiander;; «i*.>. vj«i?«wT^Yr ,5erto^8lter^R0uihwd|t^haicn^^ : l straW hats/ a committee jif mem4, N.:l2tii~ St. near liafayette Ave. children and -four gi;eatrgrahdchil- Tassel -declared;- — = gram materials and a continuous the Willow iQroye ' PresbVwrifif i i 1 ^f 'the boar4of trustees,: ;i • bers of the .'Garwood W/omeii's"'B^ ? •l^'dMMajrA7P^p K dren;:..-;- .^ -'-.rji^Sr ',- ., '••''• "Youngsters who experiment training program for adult VOIIUK Church, Scotch .plains; ^Rey-AAttok s Rev." Ajtr.' Kepnedy," guest 'preach- publican Club, led, by Mrs: Victoe|i valy w«re, appointed schoQl with:drugs may: esciape harm the f KENILWPRTH — The"Pleasure Pals of Kbnilworth, headed by Mr. % Kennedy,, mpderaliiir of *th :r at the dedication, will speak on L, Neme'th,' local. !c6ordinat6iv;fd»f-« ; d ' ' ' '•••-•• first time or the second, but at one Throughout the year, the coun- abeth Presbytery and pastor point in the.-gamethe loaded cham and Mrs. A. B.OsVanderstel of cil sponsors . activities beyond the' ' " :Oli Mrs. Dwyer, wiM n^eet thecongtess-SJi, 378 Lincoln ,Dr.V have >ust returned Bethlehem .United /PresVy terian woman's constituent^ on the streets^ ber will come up," he continued. tropp. This past spring* 3000 area Churchy Clinton, "and Rev: J66h Aj. Mri Vian Tissel, a member of the fro^ a iCMlay chartered bus tour Girl Scouts attended a special.re- his text ori I Corinthians 14:12; and speak in her behalf^ •; g of Miami, . ( McHale, pastor of the Church of The Scripture'lesson from the Old Mrs. • pwyer, jspeking reelection <, Speakers Bureau of Smith Kline duced-rate performance of "the St. Anne, Garwood.. "':•,';•.;. On Election Day & French Laboratories, pointed out The' group stayed. at\ the Monte opera at Symphony Hall, -Newark. Testament yO} be P^alm 127. and to her seventh', term in Congress, | Carlo Hotel in Miami Beach. They Presentation of the keys wiii te • • . (Cpritirtued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 2) f, KENILWORTH — The Women's kENlLWORW^rSev;v Sylvester. thaf although legislation- and law Others attended a concert and bal- Society of Christian Service oi P. McVeigh Cbtincil '4186; Knights enforcement are important, they visited the Parrot Jungle, the Sea let performance of the "Nutcrack- Community United A Alethddisl of Columbus, will hold its first an- will not wholly eradicate.or pre- Aquarium, and took a scenic boat er Suite." :-.'•' cruise, around Miami. From there Church, 455 Boulevard, will, spon nual fashion show; and card parts vent drug abuse. "Hie basic solu Washington Rock SerVes the 210; sbr its annual Election t)£ty smorg at 8 p.m. Wednesday, .^Npyeriiber tion, he said, is.to. overcome they headed to the west coast Girl Scouts.in1 Garwood at a cost asbord at the church o» November 13, at Council Hall; lfl.l Market St. pic's deed to escape reality; >- through the_ Everglades; fill byjiir- pf-$10.70per-girl. 5 from 4to T p.m;,'.; •..:;•'•.•:..:!.':'::- .,- ^TheHiashron^howTwiltilltBtratTheHiashron^howTwiltilltBt e coHditioned Bus, to St. Petersburg, "Scouting,increases a girl's un- The-menu-willihclude-roast-beefr Army Pfc Anthony M. Fevola 6learwater,'and the Budweiser: Gar- ham, Swedish meat balls, assorted fall fashion attire, •% hair styling L jderstanding_of-ihe_resBonsibilitieS- ^-Jhqt-and-cold^alads-and^hoftielmadei t bll td- ^embnstratibn-and^rdrpartjrwill ^onT^MrrTandMrsMicheFv HOT3^n TaTnT>£ ''" T of citizenship with its obligation " . pies and cokes. • " ' , follow. ^ . ... . • bla of 529 Washington Aye., wa The.Pleasure Pals is a group of of seirvice to the community," Ed: Tickets: may be purchasedatthe The money raised -will be usei assigned October 1. to tbe Fourth retired and . semi-retired .people ward—SigetyrV-residential—nirive^ •fbrToTIthEactivitf pro;jeqts~in~tlT vision near who have been - associated for 15 chairman, said. "I'm sure the peo- years. Next; year the gtpup plans community. Chairiinan for tin nam, as a fire, direction contro ple of GSrwood vwill show their, ap- ticket chairman,' of 516 Quiftton to |;ake a 21-day tour- of California. Ave. event is Daniel Golonka. computer operator. proval of the values of scouting ijiroughrtheir-generpsityr1——- EiFe-Ladiesi Elect Tonight GARWOOD—Election of officers* will .be held tonight at 8 o'clock at a meeting of the Ladies' Auxil- aiid the j(^ she's doncr iary of the Garwood Fire Depart- ment at the Borough Hall annex. Guests will be" members of the as Suri^ate oJ^Unioti County Union County Fire , Auxiliary. Women from Garwood, Kenilworth, Winfield and BerRclcy Helgfitslvill attend. • • Mrs. William Severage, president of the Garwood group, and Mrs. Edward Silver are in charge of arrangements. It was announced that Mrs. Louise -Britz sold the largest amount of cookies in the auxiliary's recently completed cookie sale. Mrs. John Haferkorn, past pres- ident, attended the state conven- tion recently in" Atlantic City. Republican Groups Hear Garwood Candidates It takes a lawyer to fully understand and 'appreciate GARWOOD — The local Repub- Mary C. Kanane's accomplishments in the complex job lican candidates, Councilman of Surrogate of Union County. Charles J. Horbacz for mayor and Councilman William "J. Trelcase Here are just a few of her accomplishments that have and Thomas McNee for Borough brought the office of Surrogate of Union County tojts Council, were-speakers at a joint meeting held by the Garwood Wom- present high level of performance: * Evening Surro- Is this the most beautiful phone in the world? en's Republican Club and the Re- gate Court. ie' 24rH6ur Availability to Public. publican Club of Garwood at Bay * Prompt • Service., on Probating Wills, Processing 6nly you can answer that question —for yourself. • How much docs it cost? Only pennies a day. AncI Leaf Memorial Home. there's no extra charge for color, If you want Touch- Guardianships and Issuing Certificates. - * All THetrimlinc* Telephone is.'howevcr, the only phone -„ \ Joseph McMahon, co-campaign Tone service, the additional Touch-Tone charge covers manager, introduced the borough Records Now Microfilmed to Conseryfl-Precious Space. ever to be selected fdr the permanent design collection all the.phones on your line. in NewYork's Museum of Modern Art. candidates, who held a question- * First Mechanized Filing System in Union County. To order in cither wall or table models, just call your ancVanswer period after their talks. Ibis compact. You lift the handset, and ten Touch- Telephone Business Office. Tcttie® pushbuttons, which let you "dial" twice as fast,, It was announced that a house- Re-elect MARY C. KANANE to the important job of light up ami come to you. It is conyenicnt. V you'ro Also available with Standard dial in new compact hold demonstration will be held by Surrogate of Union County. Your attorney can tell .making more than one cal!, don't hang up. Just press i '-••.- the women's unit at the home, of New Jersey Bell Mrs. Trelease, 353 Hemlock Avc, Whyh . Paid for Mary C. Kanano Campalgh Fond thciicw/m»// button to gc\a dial tone. S. S. Shannon,' Troasuror, * Since* yoiLdonltliiivc ttnee the base to call, yon enn Put Dl live NdUonwiilB Uell Syslom at 8 p.m. next Wednesday. Mrs. Trclca.sc and Mrs. McNcc arc co- 13S0 South Wood AvcnUa, Linden,' W J. put the Trimlinc phone in odd, out-of-the-way places.-. chairmen. . ^ It's a teal space- wjLb a coid lbat'& 18 iftcbes looser,)

-r -V-i.

> "•

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<*•'.. . V • ' * • .. •• I

•••Jri""' ' " "1 ' * ' - •' Ilnecpin splits converted by-Tfoni Mustc^soh; .ilO, yiialo S'iiow,' •• 1C3 aiia"15n; G.loiia Enz', 401, 'vyltji ))ocn invited to partici- Mrs. Edward st' conducted 101 Market St;';;_.. '..••' , 2-7-fi...and Miirioi) 'Ciciba, Team staiidingH: JHKII aalnos of.. lliJT;md -159; Mary pate Stimn. C'to'8 p.m. in-the ahop- the flag ceremony. Invocation.was CochairLadies are the candidates' Garwood fl-10. 'E11C457, 'with.higii' game, of 171,ping oeriter- of tHe'tjpwn. .. by tiqy. fipbert, J; Rischmaqn, as- wives, OtHer-committee members,;, '. Team standings;- Easy AnCh ,.,-. 1:1 atul\hi\. Reynolds,. 45Q',._wjMf high Assisting Mr^.;- JNfemeth' will be sistant pastor of- the Church of are Ski .George Burness, Mr^.- " ••• w Bull nutUoi-H : 12' games.of 168 ana 164. .»' :.' Miji. WHlliam J. Trelease, whose' Alley Cijis .:.*?:.:. v St, Anne. ; JaihcK Carell, Mrs. Joseph Walytis Flower Power -, 10 1 li Jr. League qanliiers :;:..v... . 10 husband is seekipg ^ecTectioij:,iAo Kelly Girls 10 .. Other high games were recoFded and Mrs. ,B. R. Emmeirt. Debs .' : 0 Jolly Four s sufollows:. Lydia Carrajat, 173; the Garwood Borough Couticil; Jlrs. Wliei'lec Driers ' * a 1 !The affajjr will Include cocktails, ' 7 Qutter BOIIB' .lleanora Kutl^era, J67; Edith Guer- Thomajj",Mc)N[ee, whose husband PiGARWOOn ResultD — JRcsultss in %c-Foil? HODS ...-.;,;.., 7 t seeking election'for la firstAtirm" to a, buffet aupper,' rafitic for dancing ', Jets ' :'. ,...••..... G - rJero, 164 and 152; Claire Martin, and a community sing-along. Tick- . iton. ot-tha-Gar-waod Junior-Bow} Suburbnnltcs ;.-.\. fl ' Borough > Council; Mrs. Charles Alley CntS; ,....-.:.,... 163; Belle McMillan, 161; Dot ing at Garwood llanos over the 5 N Horbacz, whose hjusband is funning BcheHulm Sunday ets. ni'ay be purchased at_the door- Ba ck, 161; Eleanor Thaler, 158;. or from conrnnittee members. weekend were reported as follows: Women's Pin Marie Hartung, 157; Pat Lawrence*1 for Garwood Mayor; Mrs. Walter VFW LEAGUE Rejnhardt, and Mrs. Joseph m 156; Fran" Vardalis; °3;52; Lottie KENILW^TH A" Coicktail- SchanackcnbergrlSTF^ette-Snowr \—buffet—party 785^high team series, Quality Mar- 150. ..."''. ket, 2,136; high individual game's^ , Gutekunst and William E. Conrad, Social Interest Jblin Taylor, llT, Thomas Polidore, Mixed League In Garwood difficult splits were converted as Three-Way Tie jjacpublican -candidates .for Borough Call Mrs. Donald Berger 136; Carol- Mejendy, .$1; Nancy Pi- — Ed: Vail had high GAEWOOD -r JMiddlesex Stain-; follows: Lil Refynolds, 2-,7 and 5-10; Council, will be held from 3 to 5 on> Sunday afternoon at ihe CoJ- fiattisti, 72, and Kelly Williams, series for Men of 533. and Millie l^Titt scored the only clean El'danora Kutsera, 5-7 ~ahd 5-JO; An- For Attendance *; g gle Simoriet, 3-10. and 5;7; Mary 72; high incfividuaj series, John Wrbel posted a 448.series to lead, sweepSdn action of the Garwooid d Taylor, 433, and Nancy DiBattista, League at Gar- Garrajat, Dot Miller, Fyan Var- Award of PTA the women in the Sunday Night : • GARWO0D; — A three-way tie 191. Mixed League at Garwood 'Lanes, .wood Lanfes^last Thursday, night by dfalis.pot Back, Littifl Schanacken- •Team Standings taking thre£\ games from Sunset berg and Edith Guerriero, 3-10. for the attendance award developed KENILWORTH FUNERAL HOME High games' were recorded as at last Thursday night's meeting of IN VIETNAM — •' Army Pfc. v .W follows: Ybaje Snow, 194 and 186; Television; H.r: ".,.'. • ' team standings: •.'•"" '/ ' Conrad J.Wpzniak, Mgr. ;-.»". Meycrhoff Weldlne ...... > - . • •• •' •• W- .L the Garwood PTA at Lincoln Daniel jSaporito, son of Mr. and T^m No. 4 '%.;..."."....:...... »...".".1 7 John iNadasky, 192; Ed Vail, 190 R & D Phmibing rolled twowins Ens-Bros, ...i 12 9 School. ,'•..".'•' Mrs. Daniel Sapprito of 329 Sect Enz Bros ....; 6Va • ove Enz' Bros., while Dittrick's Career Girls .'. 12, 9 "^ •'•; J|]1 Washington Avenue ' Suburban Trust ., ; -IVb and 177; Millie Wchel, 188; John Sharing the honor were^th© aft- ; Dlttrlck's Wines ...; < 12 ,9 - ondAve., was assigned Septem- : ; Johanson Co 4 VanJiorn, 184, and 177;;' JRobert Wines & Ligubrs- and the Career Middlesex Stainless :... ..12 0 Tca&l No. 3 ...'. , 3 ernoon kindergarten- class of Miss ber IS to the F^urih irifeji^y •: 'S/zO-^i •• KanHworrti.N. J. -. K '. C-'V V^:; VFW .....v.,; v.; ji 1R. ; quality Market ...... i.... ,2Vi Sinclair, 180; Elmer Granjtski, 133 Girls.'sach took two games, iErom- Linda Moleen,' Miss Linda Posun- pitisioh iiear Dak TbJ: VlCsthajin,' .. V (Cbr. N. 21st StjT . -• and 171; Pauline Casale, 153 and"VFW" arid the Crauwood, respec- R&D Plumbing IT) 11 Oranwood ; n 9 12 fcVs first grade at, Washington ' as a rifleman. ; \ 152.' .- •' . ,_•' .••-•_ tively* Sunset Television 6 IB School and Mrs. Lucy Jones' sec- K OF £ LEAGUE Afr Telephone High team game, K of C, 748; Spljts were converted as follows: Bert Koneskrrolled'a 496 series ond grade at Franklin School. ship' drive was., continued, before ' high team series, K of C, 2,065; 3-10, Dot. Martin, Elmer Granitski wjjth high ganies of 171 and" ^79. A musical program was present- and after, the ftieejting. ' • Parking Other high "series. were: Evelyn (Continued frtim.Page 1). ed by the Junior "Coral Mummers • Members.of Srdwnie troop 414 high individual games, Jamey Wil- and, Vic Greene;_4-7'1Q^ Bill XJul- ?:'•••':.:'. , Mams, 134; Gary Costell.Qt 119; Ste-kin; 4-5-7, MUlie Wrhel; 5-7, Judj'^awler, 463, withi high,games of now to the 13th Conigressional Dis- String. Band, the PTA member-' under directiori Of their leader,

ven Leitman,'-119; Diane. Wrees- ' v-:•:<;:• Wian, 74j and Lauren Chalenski, 67; high individual series, Jamey Willianis,. 3.46; Steven Leitman,1 326j Nancy Morgan, 155, and Diane . Wreesman, 154. ' . „ ' LISTING „ Message Before -'•"•' Team Standings 7J70 Familiw • •' ••..••••:• • • ••' w " t On This Page BUSINESS DIR •K pi C ; ~ - T Petro Plastics : ;. „....;.. 7 . &-Y'OO. ...,..; - ..;.;•. 7 Call 2744000 RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE B(JSiN£SS HOUSES Accurate pushing ;...... S M.'alripft .& Son ...,;...... '. ..3 Team No. 2 .....".„ ;...... '.... 5 . T«)Bm No. 3 ...... ,... 2. ' A. >i}lman L...... '..:..-. 2 Auto Dealers Auto Dealers Card and Gift Tele vision Service PRA LBAGUfi > iGrariwood, 007;-. V; high' CLARK STATE BANK ELIZABETH CRANFORD HALL individual games, 6omamixvpBEB.rux MEMORY LA Teen McCaskill, 381-4S00 146; high individual series,; John Raritan Rd. at Commerce PL 1 Yawlak Idberg, 39?, and Diane TWIN BORO . ;«.7jffl|ibrted & Domwtlc Gtftr •'.'•. .Oil JJyrn^rs Team Standings Stewart-Warner Produds firtl O«.Wr Sine. 1MO VOLKSWAQfN 687-2071 Gririjvood ....;..... :,...(. 8 4' Bakeries .Boiler burner Units — ConweraloMr •Vr-BllJngkas-BroSi-nTTT.'.Tr.Tr.v..". V...;.T.... 7" B i Air Ccmdltlonlng . '. Wfyrian's Club 7 5 CaH HUnter 6^200 Gahoping HflliRd. ToWp Pharmaoy :..,.:....:...... :'.' 7 . 5 x C»M352-7«30 . • £>BA , ,.„.;.,..;...j.....'...... L.j-6''~ 6 158 E. We«ffi»ld Av 900 Elizaboih Ave., E, linden RAYMOND E. WHEELER BETTY ANN/S 554 Wettfield Ave. Elizabtth 218 Cantennlal Ave. Cnmlord: K & K Trophies Roselle Park— 245^100 IH Sunsfet. TV ...... TEENER' LEAGUE Reilly Oldsmobile, Inc. MONARCH PUCES & PASTRIE? E$SO HEAT - FUEL OIL 923; high team series; Nick's piz- 4 TWew^JerMy * Larg«rt Sale* ' P»pmj>t/ (Courtaoui SaryU* • ' GlftUM • Plato «» Wx •, , zeria,, 2,685; high individual games,. BAKED FRESH DAILY . SALES »nd SERVICE '• &.Servta» • Ifichael "Gsrrfty, 182; 3Fre4 iWa v tOVELAND Fuel Co., Inc. Hom 181; Jflyeo Yaww, Wft, »nri f8n 232-7651 Chrysler >, Op)?n Sundays 7 a.m. fo 1 TRAVEL BUREAU, Wolski, 155; high individual series, Fred Mas^nj {tyS; AngeldLardj •STRONG FUEL CO. MelkaV Two Convenfont location* >!•,: f riMidly S.yvki» Sine* IM4 1988 Morric Ave. Union To Servo You 362 North Aver, E. Cranfortl .Wok's Pizzeria,....;.... 505 H. *rp*d •••!». 3$|4«00 ,1 HEATING OILS -Cokf Bay Point Landing Teamsters' tJnton ..:,...... 1477 N. Bro^J St W3-18OO HUUId. Bowling if Qar.woodkanes-...... garwood Hardware Silas «ndl Service i SDray Drying ...... *i Good WyiUted C«r« ' Itlnahari's T BENICK MOTORS CLARK LANES j Wes*fi^W, N.J. & DOAVIE5T1C — Authorized —• dodge SALES & SERVICE Margwst Erdet TJTJAMI ConiUItwtt END STORES, INCr Cray Memorial WHILE Profe»^:S^lcf;Wt)^:--C)^ Dodge 'Vob-Rated" Trucb ¥• • Bowli 381-0260 or *S7-W07 y Dial 245-7222 clean sweep of their series with Union County Buick Co. rtwn' Bobber ' DN4- BOWLING the Alley Catj; tied them with-the 130 W. Westfleld Ave. . H»rdw»tt) —* 1NTBB- JTleweiT 9V9KXB for nest place MI . SNACKBAR Roselle Park COCKTAIL BA1 SMESUUJSXS action this week of the Hits and l Misses Bowling—League—air Gar- • •" vv urn"• ';•• Call ... 688-9416 pbOLEY, - wood Lanes. ' . -• . Centra] A vAfiQC , FUNERAL SERVICE , fUMEBAl MKCOOAS the league split the SULLIVAN (IHEVROLET ShiyvMwnt Av». -Unlwf( Ayrtiorlwd games 2 to 1, with the Fowc Hops Btll<3K Phone: IWfi-»256 . over the Jets, Suburbanites over Noriti Av*;, W. : '"••'•'. " -CfMi the Flower Powers and the. Debs Beauty Shops i,\ - . j . . . , OMC over the Wheeler Dealers, - AotKorlMd - Bowling high'series of 474 was SALES 8. SERVICE SCARBROUGH Contractors Mary jielierman, captain of the 3544306 o ivunof"H0|M Lumber Kelly Girls, with high .games of SalacHbn Of BEAUTY 173 and 167. Teammate Joan Ifitc GEO. SANGIUMANO 1 ^m ^GENERAL Caiticfipshared .top "^ame honors ELECTBIGAI. CONTRACTOR With a 173, with Naomi Lawrence Dial 241-1414 105 ttOln St Cranlord , > HMHMI Wiring • .' Women's Wear ing fthSbbitteHSh3 10 Wr Wettfield A • biabw .posting a 172. 2313-1020 Roselle Park g p • Mttiwirit - Other high games were bowled 443 Narih An* W. 276-9529 Dial 276-0505 W«tfeU W6 South Ave^ B. Cnurford by Carol Evans, 165; Dolly Gut- M6RTZ M Building 12 Myrtte SL Cwnford kowski, 165; Marie Tedesco, 162; Auto Body ' Ruth Nead, 158 and 153; Karen. Materials CRANFORD-WESTFIELD Kane, 154, and Miriam Choborda, CHAPMAN BROS. ELIZABETH " Repairs Food Markets Building Supply Co. PluuiMaf ft Bea^ (^ntractei* FASHION 151 1 • Farmkl Appvd Splits were converted as follows: AUTO & AIRCRAFT BUILDERS GENERAL • KnHs . 340, Fran Harris and Gale "Wflaon; SUPPLY CO. LINDEN PORK STORES LLWUBEft •• BUILDING MATERIALS 5-6, Pat Lurski and Carol Evans; BODYART • BUILDING MATERIALS . DUI 276^1600 or 789-1100 North Jb^Ji^desjouStO^ancL^S, George W. Kocherii ii • Mlllwork HOMEMADE ^ 10 South Avenue Garwood Miriam Chobbrda. There also were ColIIsloii SpecUdlsito ,.__.. Dial 2/6*0505 BOLOGNA & SA1AM1 |t Bttnim HourtiMon.-Thort.-lTl. 10 to 9 Jkato & Track ReflnlfihlMg 336 Centennial Ave. Cranford PRUME MEATS AND POUUKY < tt-Hour Towing W* Nil Horn* 9f*a*n-"—,-- CRANFORD-WESTFIELD SUNW MAWCBT - ClAIWTOM Body & Fender %hoy Storage Custom Made 1120 Rarftan Road Clark CtU Building Supply Co. R«r»tn Roaii, Clark SHOP: 9894830 PN* D«Uv«ry — 3M-78M' 7M Tmrnbun St COMPLETE LINE OP BUILDING MATERIALS RES.: 1894604 • • ' • . 6lal 2744600 or 7^9-11.00 CRISANTI • Boutlr^i. : Gtnrood 2945 E. Pries St., Undtn SUBURBAN SHOWCASE Uhlgh Ptwmlum Airthradhi CO, 10 South Avenue ' Garwood SHOE HOSPITAL J. S. IRVING COMPANY irtd OrSwpidfe SHOES - CMIMI, Oowm WIT^STOWE • Dodor't Pr«i«l(rtl**» «ll*d • suits Aluminum Lumbar & Mlllwork of Every Deierlptton Heart patients traveling to g ft • 95 Rial Oil • Oil Buman er climatea can help their bodies • lbt0«ri* • Brai, OJrdlw • ACMUOTIM • Sp«dal ShtMi for Children Products HENRY P. TOWNSEND For PMHM, Junior* t> M1*NM Hardware) • Paint* adjust to the oxygen-poor "thin- *24 TOM air" by making the ascent gradual- AD 3-1492 MOVING AND STORAGE Dial 276-1482 381-7057 PEA COAL $22.95 • CADILLAC LIFETIME ALUMINUM ly, says the Union County Heart 600 South Ave., W. Wettfleld Association. If thin is not feasible, PACKING 904-06 ^Centennial Are- 1069-71 RarHan Road Clark Gownuiteed PRODUCTS, Inc. rest before, during and after the Ham* lm|$rov«inint Product* 211 JNorth Ave., W. (ClttfctoN Sb«M>li»8 CMHM) ttbm Window* and Door* trip may help you, avoid high al- 1M-S241 Building titude discomfort. 2324464 Opwi Dally 10 to &30 - (H ^1 ® 276-3205 K, Fifth S*««* 102 South Ave., W. Cranford Contractors DAVIS BROS.- THOMAS ALUMINUM SIDING Roofing-Siding HAROILD F. BENNER theBuitedira I'lNTYRE'S E L Wt LINCOLN - MERCURY BENNINGER CO. LAWN MOWER SHOP OAL ROOFING ^GUTTERS . LEADERS Jack Davis - Chuck Berminger you give to 01 OW* 1B0 OWL Inc. Gutters-Leaders Automobile Painting SALES • SERV1CI IMmtum Oil. N*rton»1 irlmdL — Aufhwlwd - if Alterations Authorised DUCO Combination PARTS • WEUMNO 24-Hr. UrAcm on AN Matei if Lincoln Continental WINDOWS • DOORS - AWNINGS •Ar Additions Since 1936 BODY w»d tedamMt of Ikirhart. rENOEH W011 if AAercury. Eclipse • Yard Man * Remodeling Many Othi* Vwnem MaluB CERTIFIED SERVICE CO m nmvtce SIMONE BROS. FREE ESTIMATES Welding — Truck Lettering •a* N. •uu*r.)|i. UNDEN, N, J. . SALES & SERVICE 276-2394 John J« Di Fabio BSIdge e-HU W«ttitU.N. j. HU 6-2726 • HU6-005f Call AD 2-6300 12 Pine S/. Cranford Call 276-1474 — Cranford 276-1105 W8 8OUTTT AVENU*, 1. BoyScouta ADamt 2-2528 301 South Av«7 W. .-.. or 232-7195—Scotch Plains

rf -.3" -.X • /, ->•? •- -•"- if .7;;;• k • •• »?'.* •"; ••.' ^ '• • ','

#».• (.- '

• • • . "«« ^ ;. ... - - . • . • ' • 7 * ' .. * * • * • •

•;' « > 3(kicre site, which- provides., for-an motion pietujc about the arts foK' eople when tbisf- matter first' cantc adrriinistration l)uH4in^, iiWary- iowcd-lijya dHfeuKsion. ,r^——-"• ' leans learning center, classroom building, Oh Saturday, reveille was Jield 1 'lM»!>'" .. • "this show has got to slop, *-Re. corjinriin ity eervices'c b« ild^n^ g >• rind at"7-a.m.,' ifollpwed by breakfast at declared. "The courts have acted parkingki - dk d j 8.\JQ.in, an;d- workshops on" murfic, and proved' that»the d qjf the oCarnMj and sa Center major, expan- visual jjids-and/drama and,puppet* 11 1 nothing wronwronii " >= I The stiidentfi^bontkHEted' dampus $19:36 a'.rn .'Ait'er'dinner therfe * oufs; which includc.d the Sperry was singing and folk dancing, 'SchrriMt of 22% GARWOOD—Assemblyman Petei4 ir.wood's' for a ncUf Observatory, the Computer Center, ii' and breakfast' fbliow6cl J. IWcDonoligh of' Plainfield offic- Library 'declared: "We the Arthur L. Johnson Memorial the same schedule on Sunday, fol- building just for iated at ribbon-cuttihg ceremonies library jind other facilities. lbwed by age-level, workshops frqnv the space provide fdjp'the. at the fbrhial opening of Garwood The .open house, marked 8:30 to -' 10:30 a.m. ^,fter, bnmch library.1^ College^otf-de- ^aijitslngirigqatrio ^30 fifa. Ujst'e^wafe meeting~1was~"cpnducted~b3r ter;$ at 99 Center St. last Wednes-' tober 16, 1933, as Union County ah ecumenical worship^nd folk neil President William 3f?Tre- day night. Qvqr 100 ,persbhs at- Junior College. .-.' •,.. " <; • mass at 12:15 p.m. ajtenddd by the ease in the absence of Mayor Ed*, fe^«i tended the ceremonies. Mr. Buss, a • gradliate of David entire camp: They'ieft at 2 p ward . pg g be compared fairly to the* Magnus fiasle-were witfioiit foundation, foir Robert Feathe'rstohe, chairman. dept, tne' Gai-Wttiid Fbril^i Le&gue Dr. and -Mias Beynajlette Trengrbv^ Building. He added that the Map- "ihis wepk raised a question aais to ^of the Blue Ribbon plant to -tjrHV-govaj-ftjng; bbdy has. the-jight^- ' Thte' 'first plricfe winners in 1 Michigan Ave. ber 8, 1068, at the'regular meeting of the hu$ purchase also included "landi under the law, to condemn, prop- hnrniiffti fnntoirffl WiPlrft Schftfl ^jStgjriSr municipamlp l ptii;p;- ent'dr^eahinl ahtl lauHdrjNipera - Planning Board of-the Borough of Kenlli- : -among • ineiw- students • enrdlled. ai worth, in' the DluHibiiJal Building, Konilf ^tlidi Was "hit included in tne oth-.ertir needed for municipal pur- pose ever ekisted ioi the purchase tiohs in ttxe.riaiioh* in'wJrining: : > ,gtf on to regional competition. the Berkeley School,• ..East. Orange!. worth, Now. Jersey; •• •'-.'., •.-..-.- er figures quoted. poses. / • -./• - • '. •.' ..-,.-.,^ •-. ,>.; of the Magnus jCo, parking lot,'' " • plant was^-eyaluated The subject of" the hearing will be th : 1 J Scores were • recorded here -as appllcatlpn ,„ of ,-^iyiyton.. Construction Co.. ;, Jlr ., Accardi W8ed ifvirtJier, tha{; i'ouowing is,tpe ,st -for—picHfritnpTy pp^oy^ bf a imaior subfi- 0WS:— ,... •. • • ih^jMagnus Building purchase "We' furtfier contend that thte division — Mich- "In i 'MmmmUkm division of premises owned by A. Roesslfe" e jlE; \%~ will prove- to be n the valuation put. on ^be build.- ie «ad-lire August liTBorbugh uounci aX-JAap8iJBor6ugh of Ken and/'rehovattTana Trnqre expensive • Bran- g^y ; dohj^njbee,, 149%; Neil Guerrie- the- Magnus parking lot coiild the^hnuaLconventiop'-^f the Na- ^igned-for^-TOuriicipai-purposes; 'Halinstitute-ofrprycleaning-nextr KENILKENILWORTW H r- Kenneth R. ,Carihy^JDemocrati(r_candidate_fot J'Wff. .havfi schp-ffylp.ri_a..mp-ftt toward th^i feprcha^ be_iirjiu ^ussrof-659 TpTjea i u giig^and Union AveT w. i fice for public Inpsectlbn, %®j!!fa\ffl£d "whwhj ,lfalfae iriiinlci^liriiinlci^l- of our..group (the^Garwood Forum in the JanuarJanuariyr j9 Union ,.; At the said hearing, frjl p^wons interP- to bring "in % cbmhiercial ratabld. j9 Union College students wb <$ permitted, the Magnus Co. to League)' and. we_ intend to ask thte K ©avid Cldughiy, 119%. issue of trade magd- ested.in said subaivlslbn will be. glvep :swhgtime Jijiiit on thte piirchiise.; group tb suppbrt us ut an appeal. yOLANDA B. CORVKLEVI* Atthe summary judgment of - thb zine. served as hosts and hostesses fo: E^eveti^rear-ttld division •—Dan- Euperior" Ciwirt iii- Elizabeth, thfe an open house in observance ot y diflio't, tfte. mayor and of tjie low^r .eoiirt'a decision. We iel BUlon, 172; Gary/Trish, 170; ^t^i Fdl©dtthj ^ MllhhreTepr^e MSSs30tinrear_ u : Gary Rhbads/164%. uition Aid Grants Crariford caiiiptis. -people and should let She Statei o i.N6^'^r&ey^s~a~npli ^ woodacquire-itie parking lot acros - A highlight of the open house SfiPlJe. a sayin the matter be!- political organizaHbh init I see ry • Fensternian, 205j Gary^* Miccio, was the public display of a model fore final action 19 taken'?" k nothing to^ present advising; bur from—the^,/ayn jieaving. it w|th pply mechanic, fie is assigned to the Sfra- parkiAg. lot; Tlie. municipal,Rark- thjj state. ' ; •. .:••••'. .•. ••• ••-' • General Election l i in pursuance at the provisions oi ^ X «wl.8:do W irisfeaa bi the. $247^)0 it tbgib Air tomniahd. He ptevioqsljf iffg lot contains l2,50D square ,fer Ail Union Gpurity i-esidehts. who Apt entitled 'tAn Act to.Begulate Kl«e. purpose «f, ^hl^theljdipp^h;./, ,.;v served at U-Tapao Royal Thai AFB, A contract "was subsequently ":::~" wM admission to XJhiott Cpllege's \ipiuti" W* 18* Hevised 3Ututo» of NeW 1 S Ad t^ ^i dl '. James,Sc>]qie%if 422 Locusjt Thaiiand. fiae sergeant; a graduate day session as fuli-time students ,it|f ^rabam Clairk High School, are >. eligible. :ipfc grahjts ut>der, the - - KOTTOiB „ vote upon candidates for the toUowttit,p^;pt^'^^9^m,Leagu^ ti hereby glyen that the.; troublet Jl'oselle, entered the;'.Air^ Fipwe JH- aif Idayit comDletfeT^ i|: plan'aaopted' by tFniohCpllege and Boabd* In and lor. the •^fflSelors "• for' - ,x>jr^alj«j^tJin* J?l*^*fesii! e existence of this bbrougntJMJ&iPJPLjP<)U»tji- f tibardjjf Free- W6od W1U »lt at thoi 4e«ienBl(.d bn ; r. ' '• A Member of the House of RepreeenUi- holders. • '. •- - TDBSOAT, NOVEMBBK 8; 10«8 , thres, Twelfth Congressional Dlstrlot tw3- "As of.September 26, the kehiiworth recipients are: wiween tho hoUH of 7:00 A.M,. and 8id VoaV veraQ..'-. •- -• > -• . /" 1 ." - ' . - ' -, : PJU., prevattna- time, for tfca tftnfeoia i ough indicates that it plans to use Miss Kathleen A. Alfieri of 127 oouduotlnc a . • - ^fcte, the'iiagnus parking lot fof park- North 21st St., Miss Janice P. Ari- A' Resiatei1 « ing and not- re'sale *te previously dem of 370 Lincoln Dr., Miss Jandt General Election five-year term. .. . ~e Tote upon candidates for the ioUovtak Three member,* of the. Board of ChoaeK stated. irViiftni Where? Wny^ this C. BoeSgaard bf!;4 Commonwealth Freeholders, thre*-yeSr terms. ; plan fchange occurred and, if it difl Rd., Kerineth R. BUss of 659 Union Elcctot-s for President and Vlee-lPreai- TwoMemheii ot Borough counell, 8-ye4t "HOW m SAVE YOUR dent of the ttoitcd Btatbfi. ofec^r, is ,S fact tssiid going to this A Mombw of the Souse,of 55nsij to be voted on will'bo real que&tipri «f whether or not a v Joseph A. Deckhut pf 60 South tlvos, Twelfth ConercsBlonal Dlstrlot, two- PubliPblic '- questions ' and 'Ci MARRIAGE AND year term. -•• , • Amendments niiuiicipa^.pwrpbse ever existed for 20th St., Frank J. Fiamirigp. of 37. A Sheriff, three-year term.. Public- Oues'tion No. I — l$tr(Se|f thb i purchase of the Majgnus park- North 23rd St., Michael Hauran- A Surrogate,' five-year ten» Public Buildings .Cdnstructitm Bi; IS : A' RogUter of Deeds and MortgsBeJl, spall the act .entitled "Ah act . -MAT. ONLY ing -Jot.'•-,.. - -. ,". -..-.• , , -••- chalk bf 734 Faltoute Ave'.,» Mis& Hve-year ternj. the creation of a debt of th« ese Are a few of the facts Linda C. Hoerth of 637 FairiSeld Three members of the Board of Chosen aersey by issuance bf btrndft Freeholders,. three-year terms. in ihe sum "of $337,500,000.00 for publli wwi ^eajf wt !ourv cpntentipn itha't ve.,' Miss. Agnes I. Maglodi of -53 the 'Magnus affair' is >sorljr platt A Mayor, 2-year term. enc extensioni' Improvement AFTER SCHOOL MATINEE FEIDAV : North Seventh St. Two Members of Bbrougn counoll, 3-yeir and equipment; .providing the ways, an 1 ned, wasteful and hot ip the .best Gaprge G, Munley of 42 Colum- terms.. - . • •• '.-*•, means to pay the interest of'said . debi;, ; Also to bo voted on will bo the following • i»w •*» i « 4 ••".,.< ;7l'i nnd alsojpay an4 dischw»e the B^lncipojl 4 the people of Garwooc. bia Ave., Raymond F. Papete of 21 Public. Questions and Constitutional Amendment: •: , ' - • . . jin ..„ ^iately 80,#Sr#jiit dd'n«t North. 31st Sj.,' Miss Kathleea A. )1. t!bi^ act to the people a' a general Raimondi of 44 North 21st St.,, Public Question .No.' I —• New Jersey aectwni"'be approved?' agree, with the uetion taken by ths Public. Bunding* Construction. Bond Issue. , Werte r mayor and. council of the Borough Charles J. Reuter of 30 South 23rd Shall the act entitled "An act authorizing rrans^ortaUon tiond issui. ifiSfl'ijjhV'iioi St. aiid NiM Pi Swen'sbri of 24 the. creation of a debt of the State of New mWtted/ "Ail iel authorljingWe efeatio i oi Garwoou. • ; Jersey by Issuance of bonds of the Bta Inelutline the improvement *'THE HL&Rri$ A GARWOOD —' Loyalty SUttday The club rooms in Kasbariah of Btato highways'and the Improvement million td brovldfc money to spur con- itall were decorated with orange of mass transportatloh facilities; providing struction and rehabilitation of houslht; will be observed *t the U a.*n. wor- the ways and inoans to pay arift discharge to enable such housing to be occupied,by ship service at St. Paul's United and yellow flowers. Poems were the principal thereof and interest.thereon; famiUes of low and moderate income; recited, songs sung and birthday and providing 'for the submission of thjs to provide ways and metns to pay the 'How to Make^a Monster' Church of Christ this Sunday as Interest- of said debt and also to pay atid Rkhiu-a BOONE cake arid cdffee served. act to. the people at a feerieral election/ discharge the principal thereof I and' io pledges.ih support of the 1969 bud- be apprpved? . . • . - - , provide for the submission ot .this act to "Invasion Of " Vera: f/OLES •••:.— Honored gbests were Sophie Public «utsllori NO.HI >— Housing As- the people at a general election," be ap- SIZE BLACK WALL WMlTE WALL get are dedicated. * sistance Bond Issue, shall the act entitled Strack/ David MariortL Jean Me- proved? Star Sunday Schttol will cdjftvene. at "An act authorizing thc'-creatlQO 0/ Public Question m: IV •— T*t).ye*r 650x13 19.60 I 21.50 Of 9:30 a.ni. and the church library tareri, Marie McCarrbl, Ktelen of the State of New Jersey .by tfie issu v. Legislature . Constltutlonkl Amendmenit. STARTS WED., OCT. Beeh, Anna Helm, Theresa Perkins, ot bonds of the state in Khe sum of $12.5 Shalt the amendment of Article IV, Set- 20.60 22.65 will open at 10 a,m. /fhfe Ybuth million to proyldo money to spur con- tlo.n I, paragraph 3 *na Artlole V, Beetle n •Mimi Freidrickson, Rose Rapa, struction and rehabilitation of housing; 695x14 "THE HEART )S A V Pertc*r Fellowship will hold a HWloween 0 1. paragraph 14 of the Constitution, agreed 20.85 22.75 1 Duncan McLaren, Beftha Helt- to enable &uch.hous!nc to lie occupied by to by the Legislature and providing itt tbN£t*HUtoT§RT§ " party ai tfie cfiurcfi"il 7 p.m. Sufi families or low and' moderate incompi tfte constitution of ,th«,LejrlslBtur* i^ir 735x14 23.75 day. mann, George Borger, Elsie Gil- tb provide ways and means.to pay tfie terms of 2 years, for the holding of ,2 MAKES 0Uf let, Katherine Fiiliger and George Interest of said debt and also to nay aid annual sessions thereof and for actlop, 775x14 2300 25^5 Rehearsals wili. be h>ld for the discharge the principal thereof; and to In the.second unqua) sesjlon, upon legis- Senbr Choir at 6:30, Women's Myers. »-.••• provide for the submission of this act to lative measures pending and undetermined, 25.25 27.50 the people at a general electiori." be ap- before the Legislature or any of Its com- Guild Choir at 7:16 arid,Sanctuary Among coming events is a Hal- proved? ., mltUeg or. befbre the Oovernor,-Jp.-the 855x14 27.50 29.50 Choir at 7:80 this evening. Cherub loween party on October 29 at 2 Public Question No. IV — Tw6-ye^r first annual session, be adopted? Legislature Constitutional Amendment. ^llowlntf is a Jut oi polUtiw 885x14 30.00. 33.00 Choir will rehearse St 10 a.rfi. and p.m. . . Shall the amendment of Article, IV, Sec- Various election districts" Ot tion 1, paragraph 3 and Article V, Section 6f KtnUWOHh: 560x15 19.50 ihit 1015 iJ5t irparagraphi4-aftb:rcongtttutloir,:ii greed urday., to by the Legislature and providing for totlum* Bbulevat 7S5STS 23^5 Halloweeii Party the Constitution of -the Legislature for B^bottd DUtrlct Plrt H6u«e, Gonfirmatlon class will Meet with terms of 2 years, for the holding of 2 ton Avenue. 775x15 23.00 25.25 the pastor, Rev. Stephen Szabb, at annual sessions thereof and for action third DUtrict—Kenllworth Vetanui* Tomorrow at Y *" In the .jBocond annual session, uppu Jegts. 815x15 25.25 27,50 4 p.w. Monday. lattve measures pending ana undetermined ut«r, 33 Bouth Hit titeMfc, UNION — Members and friends before the Legislature or any of its com- 855x15 27.50 29.50 of the Five Points YMCA will have mittees or before the Governor, in tho _ OyOynnv 34.50 Matthee W*d., Sat;, Siin. .... 1 p.rti their annual family Halloween par- first annual session, be adopted?, m, Boulevard. . , 885x15 Reformation Day Follwlnn la a list of the PoUlnv Plaefaa ouomoK o* ttotrnnARus oi 900x15 Mon. Thru Sat.; 8 p.m. Sun " "' ty tomorrow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at In the various election dlstrleU of thi 34.50 Bprough of Oarwood: Woyowkg Is. • disorlpfton oT the yak Box Office Open Dally 12:30-9:30 To Be Observed the YMCA Building, 218 Salem Rti. Ikt DUtrtot —, Borough Hirtt. Center (Oljs Mectlon Districts oi tint Borough oi 915x15 37.50 Those who attend will enter the Street . ~ : 1 ind Diitriet — Washington School, rnw? Disumer*! AH th*t ~, w»u All Prices Include F.E.T. — No Trade-la Required party thrttugh the "Haunted Cave" ftt ths Borough North of thit" Kenllwo By Methodists Boulevard and West of North 14th 8' KENILWORTH — Reiormaticto fbr~an evening of fun and excite- 3rd Dlitrfot—*"ranklln SehooL Walotrt SKCorm OlffTBlCT In 70mm. and stereophonic mteht. There will be prizes for the Street. trf the Borough North ol Ken v Sunday will be obseryed this week 4th Dlstrlot — W» Cranwood. 310 North ''* '••• " DAVIDtiSEtfNICKS two boys and two girls judged the Boqlevtxrf wd dalloptof HU1 «oad Stop lit dud See at the 9:Sp and ll a.m. worship ORBOBIVVION OV BOtnKtASUM O* .. .&tt services at Community United best oh the basis of the funniest, KLKOVION DlflTUOTt uat DOHIMI el BILL MONAHAN, Our Expert Methodiet Church. Pastor James R. most origlnaTor most frightening CoUowinf Is a description oi UM van GONE WITH costunoe-^Cdifl'tfij too, are encour- iua lBection Districts ot the Bftraunh ol Cooper, Jr., will preach on "What iarwood: the 6*rd«n Bl»te P*rk*iy, < * aged^ocome in costume to "add to ~ District 1. All that portion oi UM Bor- . j by tn«l,Kotlfi»rly »UB Ot twl»- On Front End Alignment, THE WIND' Is Protestantism?" >ugh oi Qarwood lying south oi the Up* _ _ Avenue, on thk-Win I Sunday School classes for pre- the fun of thfc evening. it the Central, RsUrosd ind north o sldr of South aist Street Games will be organized accord- Ipruce Vvenue. vomtra DISTRICT: All that portion Brakes and Shocks kindergarten pupils through eighth District I. All that portion of tha Bojr of the Borough bounded on the North ty graders will meet at 9:80 a.m., and ing to age level with crafts for (tilth oi Qanvood lying south pi th* UM isrbr side ot Qulatoa Avmtfe, Using Tfie Latest .*,-'. the younger children. Refresh- if th« Central j-Railroad and south bJ jesiterly • aide of Garden Start* VIVIEN LEIGH ^» a high-school class will meet at 11 jpruce Avenue. Psrk*«* »nd ths «ou(ht>Hr side of Oil- a.m.. Children too young for Sun-ments will be served and color car- District 3. AU that portion of the Bor- loping HllTroadHiuro , on the Kjwitt by Uithe nneuiu - Bear Alignment Equipment LESLIE HOWffllD toon movies shown. iuah of Qam/Qod lying north of the llfeo nlclnaUtles o' selle TarkT . dn day Schoo} are cored for in a nffre- iftli* Central Railroad and wS«t oi Cadar th South by hfily sidid e of colfacolfax ery during the worship services. Itreet'' ' " • venue, andd oonn the Went by thh e TTown- IN METROCOLOR District 4. All that portion oi the Bos- lp oii OranfordOf . The Methodist Youth Fellowship At Berkeley School nian of dsrwood lying north oi the Uas rtrra msTRicTi AU that DAILY fiL 6 PWL will meet at the church at 7 p.m. KENILWORTH — "Miss Barbara .if The cwotedlUlSwd and east oi —- the Borough South of the Sou- RESERVEDSEATTICKET^

-r •-.- . .» -• u •-!• ' ' '•

-.1 • ;• • v •-. ? •- •'•'' r i- ''•'•'• \ i •• • '••*• •' '-i - - * •,. -i •••• '•.„'•"'• %~-r' • •'• ••*••• ••


REAL ESTATE •J CLASSIFIED RATES APARTMENTS Presjbyterians FOR SALE TELEVISION REPAIRED FAST. For the COMPLETE UN* FOR RENT iglnal owner, PS, PB, 6-way power seat, (Continued from Page 1) FIRST INSERTION'— 3 cents a word, 90 cents minimum, c«sh beat and fastest service oaU ECONOMY INTERIOR AND EXTERIOB . . factory air' conditioned! R&H, rear ELECTRIC, 276-3835. day or nlglrt,^" tf APARTMENT FOR-RBNT !..P speaker, defogger, 6 wheels with good rota the New Tegtament will be with order* (A 10 cents service charge is made for «ach PAINTS - tiros. A-l condition. $625. 276-5205. ALUMINUM TORCH enclosures POUR-ROOM MOD.ERN apartment 4n Gar- Corinthians 14:1-12. billing)^ •" " - - . r ' REDUCED TODAY wood. Tenant fiirnlshes his own utilities Jalousies, awning type wlndovet; com LATEX WALL PAINT ° and heat. Adults only. No pets. Avall- 961 LARK SEDAN, automatic transmis- In addition to the four new class- Price reduced over' $2,500 on 4-bedroom blnatiop storm windows and^'screens or 3,000 Colors „.,; *q oe nfkV aa] . able November 1st.-Rent $115. Call 789- sion, radip. $100". "Cair-272-8550 to see. REPEAT INSERTION — (OwsecUflve^^e«k^^vlthpu^«>p/-~ CapeiC.odJn-thBJKooseyeJitBehool district. "combination doors. LIFETDJE ALUMI- to ohoo»e from ' OODLBS ;— Black; miniature, only two '. ^py* '••• • •: '-. '• ••'••'. ".••.' -'• ,.;,'- ":"'•••* . -i Ev«Snhnw Call 4- . For Quality "workmanship and fair ttrlew CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLB, females lbft. 7 weeks old. AKC, home new heating system, plumbing MarJorlo O. Peterson ...... '-...„.... 381*3330 31 Alden St., Cranford. OFFICES FOR RENT raised. 276-3451. • NOT^^ RESPONSIBLE- for.errors In adstaken by telephone W»lt«r Ui Bctoawm ...... 233-2038 and wiring, remodeling of the^ kit-* TftORLEIP JOHNSEN NEWLY. DECORATED.' 8 private; offices, K«thlee« Jenkins" ,...,..,^._...... ,^272-8647 ALTrFOR WATER SOFTENERS, OODLES (MINIATURE).,, white, 3 males, N 1 Contractor and Builder Blnco 1MB' ' ~~ lnunedfate occupancy. 118 Bridge St., Ro- chea and relocation of the pipe DEADLINE FORtOPY- Tuesdays^ 5 P.M. OPEN TH ered. Refined, 'rook, pellets and Wat- selle Park. CaU 272-7211, 9-aim. to 5:30 1 female,. 6 weeks, champion sired, AKC 1 276-9548 kins coarse. All loo-pound bags. l and shots. CaU 276-7319. organ in new organ chambers on •"..•> tehphom 2764000 - V • R & R Salt Service. 341-2720 — 376- 1786.O-- ,..•", -"•• tf the;^ third floor .tequiririg the in- ELECTRICIANS COW OR HORSE IMANURE, well rotted. stallation of new tone openings in CONGRATULATIONS DANIEL 3. HBYBURN 4f SON \ Farm-rich topsoll, fill dirt, shavlnia. De- WANTED TO BUY CEMETERY PLOTS the sanctuary. ; ' ...... 'the B.P.W. during UshtinE — JHeatlng — Repalrim, 230 Tolt --liver anywhere. Call anytime. CHEST- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE toll hoUMDOwer. Fans — Kltcheai «nd attic NUT FARMS. 688-4888. tf I WANT A STEINWAY or other good FOR SALE — 4-arave plot in a choice Special music will be included • NATIONAL exhaust. S Bunulde Avenue. , . pianb, grand or small. size. Kindly call location at Qraceland Memorial Park, PLATE GLASS and walnut showcases. Ex- MA 3-6595, .vV ' 10-24 Kenllwortti. Valued at $225-$250" each in. the program. There wilL'be'.aii ' l iq.H 276-1230. gfave. will consider reasonable ' offers; 276560O Phone 238-6237.' ' . : tt open house with refreshments fol- • G.G.NUNN WE bU« .UHtilTIUMS^€Ho 0 Brookside School — TJnlon College WORLD BOOk ENCYCiLOPEDlA/CHILD- Center,^38-Notth Ave.; E. (opposite RMltor* The finest of the line. ' CRAPT —•" order now for Christmas, call hpusej. 276-1569. . ' ' ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR DORM DALLAS. 233-.7171. 12-19 : "Chrjstiaii Hobgoblihs of Hal- 7-^looni, ROOFINO — BIDINa — LEADERS — TWO FIRESTONE TowfTttnd Country used Public Notices loween" has been chosen:by Bey:. •CALL 272-5580 GUTTERS' >- ALTERATIONS ^ADM snow tires, raBttnted di wheels, 5775-14. r Superbly built;, plaster >ftall, 3-bedroom TIONB' ->. RKPAJRB -Call 276-2499. DRESSMAKER hX X'V7tfalb'6l^s°o*ii','' "pastor, "as. nyaztihap ;..'.. ,FOR-BALE_ % NOTICE TO CBJEDITOBS : It chen plus -30'- ; sermon. topicr fpr...the, 11 • a.m.. boon e dry_bose«eiitdb f hot water—baseboard ; ; ^jnih9it'any~"drUin' table, $30. Call" 276^ ••••--•-• i; ^ilrlyrjirlcWl, Wgh j BEDROOM' SPIiitT • LBVEb, DTMINOl 2790. TTT — - A ~ ^— EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, designer. Pursuant- "to the .order. ^"M^ -TO- j^31ttli^3768013L^t JCANANE, Surrogate .of '.the county of -Unlori,-,made_onZ-th» 27th d.ay bf 'Sept; A.D., 1968, upon tEePappTicatlon^of-the TRUCK CRANE and TJ?. undersigned, -. as Executor, of the .estate we^wSoiarr - S- tahw. B. W OLIVER, INC.. 376-3150 and HELP WANTED fid-deceaged^-Jiotlc.e'lg hereby 'given elude theiYoutrii pihdrus p)nj.; •TWO-CAR OARAOE. ^fld4irtX v HEATINC} UNTTB $44,900 hiblt to the subscriber \>nder~oat»Toirafi AND WOW! 478 Morris A *-> Union : Realtors tirmrttion—'-$****•'" i^nlmf and .demands ffigh ' ' • •, Open UdJtUrd BM>ROOMCOt6mAI. DININO ^POODLE (iROOKIING_^ against the estate of said deceased VJltfrtr BOOM,- TWO-CAR OARAQE (Oar- REAL ESTATE J3ALEHWOMAN WANTED ^7 p Toir4'>nd Minuture* — W. Free piokup six:.months Jrom the date of said o'der wbodV' ^r*' : ' ASl FOR ACTIVB OFFICE.- BXPERnSNOB orr they will be"?9revier""btaTed7*fom4>ro«-r- and .deliver*,. Indudeii bath, trlmmtaur, NOT NECESSARY. WILL TRAIN. OAR fOTTS What dinner parties you c •alls clipped, ears cleaned and fInishlnr. • ecu ting or r«poverlng-ttie-sameragalnBt _the_ | this Extra: Large Dining roo 9-ROOM COLOlDAIi, XHCLtnxmO. • CaU 378-9417. V ESSENTIAL. • . . • .."••'• We .are "on the move"' -^-' anol'tour tx* subscriber. •'• •'•.•.' ; : - . .'. *•:••' AND ANOTHEItBl—- -BROKER . • 372-8887 pension has created openings lor-auallfled xjMSiTTonmio ROOM, .2 tf .tfxonlaon on 1 on Monday ?^»5 •TUKKE'i 13XTHKB" Attorneys; . BY CABINETS . . ./THE BRICK TttB procraras, tlok;et», bookleUi letterheads, SURFACE GRINDERS tees 'Will meet,,at ;8 ip^iri^< 3-BBDROOM COLONIAL, TWO-CAB NICHOLS, THOMSON & PEEK FLOOR AND THE MC&E THAN 8PACIOTJS envelope*. CRANFORD CITIZEN AND REAL ESTATE MILLING MACHINES - 210 Orchard :Bt: • .. • day; These meetings were.posfc- DINETTE ttOXlt.. SALUTE . :.' OABACffl . H.MUjrZ.M....>~r_. «21,900 CHRONICLK. 91 Alden St., Crantord Westfield, N. J. ; NfcND WOW! 376-6000.- -: ; O.D. — I.D. GRINDERS "inrii from'Jnf^tnhoi rilV • - to the B.P.W. dwittflf ', 5 AND 5 ROOMS, PRICED Ode of tits largest,'- most-attractive real . . . ^ 4 I ^"'" K • •• u ^ M - '*^ - Adv. Vee:;tai.iSl: THIS IS A ¥Jai,D KPPUSSM **• not essential.' Pleasantt, congenial office 1Bclul«Hpaid fracationri, Trna -Ttfn.Jnjmrt fOTIOE TO CBEPITOBS cussion at the midweek prayer^ahtl rr^OT?^iMnttT-^B . MODERN KITCHBN, 100X VftJM. 278-3356. ance, pension plan, birthday pay, anni- ESTATE "OF toTTlH A with tremendous established earning po- versary pay, 10 paid holidays, etc., we AND itfOVE INTO •: • ., '• .:. ' _--• '•;••: , • • ..Deceased tential. 376-2300. tf ; THE HOME YOU'VE ALWAY8W TWO^FAMILT, ~K3SWrrS~ROOMS,—- JBST. lusE POWER offer TOP RATES plus premium differ- -Pursuant to the order Of (MARY C ADMTOBD! : '.» .' ential for night tsWftS' 4-12 and 12-8. W« KANANft Surrogate Of the Coinity. ':. . \;: CONVENIENT LOCATION (Oar- 320 volt VOl^CAiibINGYOUllrIfyoUwant_tO 1 colms^4.^ ,M*'kMl.....hM.*..MMMMi.,«-. $20,200 ZIMMERMAN earn money, for Christmas, start now. wnr"trstortrttaHfiedJtf»pllcaiitis' Union, made on . the. 27th day of Sept. Eleotrlcal' Contractors Call .383-4880. 10-31 pAvr-tiVio^mnpiicatl"" \4 ROOMS, GOLF CAR 'ATTENDANT. Assign, cars to IBS FT. DEEP LOT. CONVENIENT interior and exterior carpentry. Rootina DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, Terrific Oppor- against the. estate of) said deceased within will infeet from 10i aim. to noon oil HAS 3 BEDROOMS . J" and aU types of sldinB.. Fully huured. patrons, check batteries,, cleto oars, as- Bix months from ,the date of said order, - e rooniB jceramlis tllft'bath. Hr'epia'ee,. AND TILir BATH. ON TB LOCATION ,.—:...; .....,«„...... «6,800 LOU 8AVARE8B. 373-8351. tf tunity for dictaphone, - operator of ex- 'slst ftolf malntennnco crew. In. «reetts- 1 t : perienced typist willing' to learn,- For or they -will "be "forever barred itrompros TOllrhofr >»ater-he»t .-BO X-125 lot- •wlth-very RLOOR:./..:YOWlit. WKB • keeping .and othar miscellaneous duties.' : RJpAI#d«AM I>OFF —-3-BBDROOM. "-" appointment eair 276^9,000, Unit:,- 9V ^ :. nlr'rt. trM»'•Mni-i'b"''"'- —>,.: --'- -- — '- ib l J - Must: be-*esMent-of--Union-County~and NIOBT8 .... ,.,THE KXrCTOBKjiHlS5K, LANDBOAPINO ——Complete -landscape Butiscriber.- PRICED TO SSUi AT $23,900 ! TELEPHONE ORDER CLERKS."Tbp'BPOt -oltltien of the United Btates. Apply jwrteatl^m^SIPSa^Ufa^^ BRBAKPABT NbOK . «.v-.-'TH«Bi S A RAGE, MANY BXTRAB „....-..'.... *29,feOO service; sprtae oleanlnc, build and repair Union County Park Commission, Acme lawns, wddinti, vbtotlllliur, Oearint for gals .with tolephqno' order taking . ' ; - -. • •'. '.-•:.,..y,B'»Bcutrlx--' equipment necessary tolandscajie • BIO BACKYARD FOR THE CHILDREN experience • for ;.manufa9turerls>; sales St., Elizabeth, Monday to Friday,' Oa.m Attorneys • ,-'. ''• , • * AND: ureas, shrub plantlns and monthly care. to 4 p.m. •••.:•. • • - and clean up tfjfe grounds for tho 100 X 160 LOT.- WILL- BUILD TO SOTT, Tree and drainage work. Free estimates. dept. For appointment call 276"-9Q0O, Ryan, pafos," Davis ic Stone • ' , "Ext. ».>--"• . . ••;•,, : > V G.ti;NUNN > ( '' '" • 876-3165. •. . tf 280 NI Broad St, . LOT FOR TWO-FAWHJY DISTRIBUTORSHIP •Ellzabstb, N. J, , ' ^Chancel. Choir will rehearse'at 8 Realtors and Insurers ^26,500 HOUSE IN HTtiLSTT'E ,...... „„....; $10,500 MASON WORK. WATERPROOFING . . INSURANCE Adv. Fee: $21.12 ' , " : 1>24 RBPAms. gteps, wallcs,' patloa,. drains^ JOOPBJR MONTH o'clock this eyeningi r^ , • i No lob too nnall. 272-8044. After'B pjn, • FTJLL-TIME . ' oaU 376-3820. :- ^" •• *f _i:^-PART TIME / FILE CLERKS 3 w 8f. hrs.^VxWk. to service it collect ESTATE OF HERBERT GINSBERG •OOT OI| CKNTBNlrtAL AVTOUS . ' > , UNFURNISHED • i. '- '•• •.'.-. Month ALL TYPES OF RUBBISH cleared away We have an outstanding opportunity money' from eatSfirtstfed accounts In .your' • • • ' ... • • ":• . • • ,.-. Decease and removed'. .Oellarar attics and yards for you. We offer- a good starting area. No' selling otxoxp. aocessafs'. $995 Pursuant to the order Qf MARY C 8 Hootns „,., ...»..™,, Ii4D expertly cleaned. Prompt service. Call salary, opportunity tar advancement,' to' $1,29S investmentOKfl.'iflill also Invest KAMANE,. Surrogate of the County oi 6 ROOttUl HMH«.«.MMI««£- : 276-1660. tf OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE GROUP to-exhibit to the.subscriber under oath'or to the B.P.W. during .2;Aldeia St 2401 Morris Ave., Union .964-0650 , sential —r- muir bo' a closw. PHHi F> Tfflrmatlon their .claims and demands • -•^ NATIONAL,;:"• - FOR FORTHER! INFORMATION, CALL HENEHAN, Realtor, 25 Alden 8t.,-Cran- ist the estate of satd.deceased within ORDER FILLERS, full-time and part-time, ' ford. 276-7933. npnths from the date of said order, • BUSINESS WOMEN'S. WEEK —1:30-6:30. KETCHUM-JERSEY DIVI- or they^wlll' be forever barred Womwose- -POODLE .GROJOJVIIMG _, BaTCHBN HELP — Dishwasher, porter and Toys end Miniatures — $8. Free-pickup "SIONMO South Ave,,. West. Cranfor-d. otrting _ olxrocovorlM: tha» EOMO agains A 276-7000. • „ kltohen help. 'One of Union" county's the subsorlbfeK. and delivery. Includes bath, trimming,, finest restaurants, The Lynn, 824 west . S. WKiLOUGHB^ nailB flipped, -ears^ideajisd^anttJinlshinK. ^ Mautta I. Greene r field.Ave., Elizabeth. EL 2-J1654. ,^__^ ^ .. • AdmlaBafBtor CONOtiATVLATl6N$: • Real Estate" Cor '2^5580 Call 276-6233.' f - • •~'~ ——it = v P W. during v. V.. •, Attorney: ""^ "*" I :ta IMH HIS* OWN } 12 Clark-3t., jGt&nttitil iBrbkfers Donald M. Legow ^ •NATIONAL ••>•'•• ' ' WOBK WANTED* MESSENGEH/DRiyER ioi 6. Livingston Avev : alnut Aye., Cranford Opei 9-9 Electrical Contractor- _.' HEDBjaoNT"'"' •.""".••;' BUSINESS WOMAN'S WEEK •" "No-'Job'Too* Small Livingston,-N.-J.—= FREE ESTIMATES on all instaUaUoriS WOMEN Miscellaneous Officei'idutijes, -waif pick- Adv. Fee: $25.8d „ • >fa this spacious, eradous • • • c • . , New. Jersey State liiccnso" ups and deliveries^' MuBt have clear, CBNTBR HAWJ COtONIAli HOPS IFE CAN DO light typins -a- driving record. Excollent benefits. . home — monmiy —and-addreflsefcrOn.TlftbeJfcand/envelopea, J lApply^or caU.pefspflnel 278?8000.,_ leot in the- iuir-Wied formal dining room. THEDJSAG0N AG! -VOt(-<)AN-OW»—— ^ 7B0 WrtlnuJuBWilHiCJttit AVe. "• .Cranfpr&d DEACON Serving dtunfptdnSa ——fPharmacouticals-at-Toilotrles^.-.. _ •_ CALL JIO 8EB ban-TTnlnn nnnn An Equal Opportunity Employer WE CARE... «•*•«•*•••***•' DELIVERY BOY1 ,TO LEARN blueprinting If you aid • ' •••• t .. buslnesa. Must be over 18, have driver' MEN OR WOMEN license. B-Y Reproduction Service, -211 WE EASE MOVING OUT OF STATE COLONIAL CHARM CAL£ 276-1749 - Interested In A South Avo., E.,( Cranford. 276-0774. t YOUR INTER-CITYRELOCATION 8BRVICE, INC, Here Is the setting' for gracious living and YOUNG MAN for gqnoral offhse work.Op CA*J HELP YOtTI - - true comfort, from" the classic center hall "Career In Real Estate?" portunity to start career as Architect- entrance through the modern kitchen. The If you aro qualified and can work ful! ural Draftsman. Call 623-9195. Epple ic MOVING G, E. H0WLAND, INC. living room lias a lovely stone fireplace time, you may attend our annual - . Seaman, Architects, .Newark. to warm the heart and toes; 6 bedrooms, PAINTING MAN WANTED full-time in Ro'celvlng Do- Realtor •-.'.. 276-5900 2 Mi baths, 2-car garage. >- BOYLE SALES SEMINAR PROBLEMS . . . starting pet. '26 for 6 conseoutivi partmont, deliveries • anoV- porter work. 13 Eastman St., Cranford SALUTE , DECORATING Saturday mornings at the In-Town Motpi Contact Mr: St, John in person. JANE Lodge, Elizabeth. Learn "Tho Gallery o: SMITH, 137 "Central AW., Wostfleld. to the B.P.W. during T. A. CRANK — Painting and Deooratln*. Homes" method of listing, showing ant selling homes. Guest lecturers include ex MEN WANTED part-ttm4> as drlvors. Appl: . . NATIONAL EVELY^f WADE & SONS 343 Walnut Ave. TeL 376-0080 ta at.Villa Roma- of cranford, 215 Cen •ttbnatw. . ' tf perlenced Boyle executives, lawyers, mort BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK -guge men. etc. Call, write, or stop in fo jtennial Ave., Cranford or oall 276-072: 2764053—— dctails-todayu only a limited rtumber " •for appointment. .-•. .-__•_* '' to the B.P.W. during rimmSBir Int«rl6r aad people can be accommodated. Ask for Mr OBBINS & ALLISON, PaintlnK. Skilled mechanic*. Per. Smith'. ' PART-TIME, $3.15 an hour, Alcoa Sub — NATIONAL 2S North Ave., ~E\ Cranlord •onal lupervulon. 430 Manor. Ave., sldlary, interviewing now, Chrlstma -• '&». 1913 s-~ " •...•:...;.. BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK .Oranford. Call 376-3718. tf help, 15-20 hours weekly,-no-oxporlonce THE BOYLE CO. ncccsBary, COIICBO studehts accepted. Call 213 South Ave., E. 274-0898 Cranford CRANFORD . —, EVENINGS CALL — MICHAEL M. BARICH — Paperhanglng . Real cstuto Hlncfi 1905 755-6535. 10-3 and Interjor painting. Kjtpert workmau- "Tho Oallery of Homes Realtor" ' Salesmen " • «hlp. oauonabla. Call 376-6830, ave- Offices In Union, bomerttot &, FULL-TIME WAREHOUSE. KETCHUM- SHAHEEN AGENCY 507* Spdngfield AVeV Beverly Ayro <••••> 276-538 nmw. tf Morris Counties JERSEV DIVISION. 40 8outh Avo., Wont Tom MeCloskey 272-6624 1143 B. Jersey St., Elia. 353-420' 'Cranford- 276-7D0D. : Realtors Open Sunday l^* :, ~~ \ Patricia O'Brien ..'....: ...: 276-8208 INTERESTED IN BELLING real ostato^ 15 NorlK Ave., 6UJB..01L,ll^!i^i^id ERNEST MILLS 27&4395 Excellent opportunity for right porson 15 N , ? Carolyn Potts ...~..:~.:Z :..,..zn^T278^30 Bxperl'onca"" prcTcrrea but will- train -CUSTOM BUILT Vlralnia Bchmttt 276-011 ^Painting; &; Decorating C. GRANT NEWMAN. Realtor. Ill N 2764900 and 276-0777 SPLIT LEVEL WUla- H. Taylor t 278.136' FttEB ESTIMATES — FtfLLY INSDRSD Union Ave, 270-5774. . . JUMBLE STORE OPEN WEEKENDS • MANAGERIAL ASSISTANT for lntcrna .Evenings Call 4 bedroom executive type borne, 2Vi baths Monally known company.' Above uvcruE< JUMBLE STORE Balesmen Bpacioua 1st ft. plan, wall-to-wall carpet- oiirnlncs. Group lnmirnnco — prof 10 South. Ave.. E., Cranford 270-02B2 Everard kempshall .r 276-0072 ing. Larite family room., plus laundry room sharing. Position available Novembo: Fall Schedule — Open Tues., Wed., Marguerite Rearwln 270-4408 Many extras. 2-car Karaite. .Home U Just 1 FURMSHED ROOMS MUSICAL 1st. Wrlto to Box 706, c/o Cranford Clt Thurs., 0:30 a.m. to 12 noon, 1 to 3:30 yr. old and a real buy. Priced In the izon and Chronicle, 21 Alden Bt.,' Cran Eleanor Bradfleld 276-7310 40'fl. p.m.; Frl. and Sat. morning, 0:30 to INSURANCE Irehfl- Kowalnkt 2^2-5672 WANTED INSTRUCTIONS ford. 12. Consignments accoptod Frl. morn- •Ruth.P. Petcrine 276-8922 Ing between 0:30 und 12. For piokup Eleanor T. Craig 276-1118 FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, con M.R. BENNETT, TEACHER of piano. Lat- call 276-0222. FIRE - CASUALTY - LIFE Paul P. Hampson < 276-6570 $18,500 venlcnt town center location. Break est methods. Classical and popular. Les- fast privileges, if desired. t sons In your home. 666 Dorian "Rd., Hurry to ace this 6-room spacious colonial. Westfleld. Call 233-839*. tf CALL US FOR DETAILS ON .THE 52 Yeffls:Of Service Natural woodwork, aome modernization I LIGHTING FIXTURES needed but a real buy. Be first to BOO \M S IT I N G NT7RBB ASSOCIATION and.«take advantado of this low priced PIANO . CRANFORD — KBNILWORTH — OAK- NEW HOMEOWNER'S POLICY homo. _ WOOD, Officer hours: Monday throtuf E. T. WILLIAMS LAMPS ROOM WANTED CLASSES and PRIVATE Friday. 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.I 8atur YOUR ONE-STOP LAMP HEADQUARTER* SALUTE WANDA B. OILMORB 276-3300 days, 0 A.M. to 1 P.M. Emergence nurs- Lighting flxturou — Swag lights BROADER COVERAGES LOWER RATES to the B.P.W. during YOUNO BANKER returning.from ovcrscu Bachelor of Music Dcgroe, graduate work . ing available. 24-hour telephone servlea. Lamp rcatyllnu—-lump repulnt-rofinluhlnB, assignment sccltlnB furnished room -It Teaohors Collogo, Columbia University. ^78-0787. > '" . Lump BhaduH re-covered '— also repaired NATIONAL McPHERSON REALTY Co prlvato residence. Will furnish exccllcn Certified by. Now Jersey -Music Teaohors 7«5 Central Aviv (ncur OrovoSt.) Westfleld roferDnces. Wrlto to Box 705..o/o Cran Association. tf Rear cull unco and nurklna. > 232-2131 BUSINESS WOMEN&-WEEK- REALTOR ford Citizen und Chronicle, 21 Aldcn St. Open Daily 0-5 Sund&v!.-6 Cranford. PIANO LESSONS — Beginners. Call Evelyn I ' Open, Taettday, Thuruduy and frlday Polli, 372-6665. 11-28 WANTED SHAHEEN AGENCY Evening11. 6:30 - 0 p.m. C. GRANT NEWMAN WANO AND OROAN INSTRUCTION. Chll- COURAGEOUS REPUBLICAN VOTERS TO REALTORS - INSURORS 10 ALDEN ST. ^ .276.0400 -dren und utlultu. Modern mothodji. Call CROSS PARTY'LINE AND REELECT PERSONAL Realtor 276-3721. , 10-31 HAROLD J. 8EYMOUH TAX. COLLEC- I • Or by Appointment APARTMENTS TOR OF CRANPORP. '/ MONEY — SPARETIME OPPORTUNITY — PANELISTS AT HOME WANTED BY "Over nm n Century of Service" 111 N. Union Ave/ — Evcnlnua Call —• WANTED NEW YORK — J.oadln Salesmen research firm' eeoking pcoplo to'Iurnlsl Cranforji . 276-5774 LLibby Biowster :.....'27B'-100 honcbt opInlonH by Mall from homo. Pay! •Hopo MUlus .....V /.....;. 216-B21 YOUNQ WORKINO mathor .With one chili TUTORING FREE cauh for nil opinions rendered, clients' • • - • . . ' Evonlnna Coll Dora Kuzmiia .'. • /. 27(MM0 arid pot desires 4 robmsl proferubly 1 products supplied at n'o coat. For Infor- is • I^KOTO^AVE^JE^ ; BbiDOE Bruce Boll 7. 278-360 Dorla Coylc 276-170 Cranford,' anrwood or Konitworth. Ca 8PA FOR CHILDREN. TutorlllB for T\VO KITTENS -- LonR hnlred.-bliick arid mation wrlto: Research flag, Minoola, N. Y. 11B01, Dopt. N507. ••" U Judy Polrlcr u 276*401 Xuctllo Arendt .; 2.JJ.W7 asi-8t33 after 7 p.m. high uchool. Phono 2U2-7QU. 10-31 hlt froo to udod UQIHO. Cull U7U-555'!.

^•••-1: ••"••--'T: T •t, _.—• • •* , .' •.-. •• •• 1 r "•.-• f *.-. ••/••.--W •<••• '-.-!•

'.(• •.»•.• SB '•»• •. : .lit ^V,^7'77^ ,./' ."- L' • A . _.+..-. .:., ., , 664 ..\ .... «. ... ' '', I'.. . • *' * M ' '. ' r. n '. • ' • ' ' H. "* • Of to r . ' Ra.lling'Stewart of'the First Baptist, Kcnilworth, learn r,olled a big Cranford High School's varsity JSrripQ Trucking-won a swepp from Cranford: Hotel Friday-night— 7 JSWin 664. scries Tuesday night, a new seasoif high, in the Inter-Church j»t Clark'jt^nb's and jumped, into first place in th^ Cranford Bowling soccej^teafli lost 3-0 to Westfie}d Bowling League. The Baptist team's anchor pinner°put,togethcr gamtis last Thursday and. played to a V1League. Sfiaheen Agency lost two gamos to Better Business Dealer^ of 224, 2l9 and 221 as he paced his mates to a'^two game win over FirsJ tie with Clark Tuesday in %o Wat- §uf remaitapd in second place, a half game behind tHe leaders. Cranford ~° ' Presbytqrian 1 and helped them hold second place, a game and-a half chung Cehferenco contents. Tpe HptelUifilthtfd, a full game behind Errico. behind Temple Beth-Ell. , • —,—^r~ " team now has a season" log-of 2-33 pt^r^swe(?{»s7FriKay night were - ^nromenis-latcirdHancvr and a.conference standing.of fl-1-3 It was a nighFof htglFserics-as ^ttroj^n.iD^byiiJ>chme|is^ghi!g broke .through the Rahway lino to "While ttie~Cbugaf^otiteTs*played'Shop|)e over Fritz Insurorsi-tind pin Baker and force another three other keglers also posted .'s Come well against Westfield and domin- ated play during:most jpf the cqn-Linq'§ pharmacy over Cranford fumble which was recovered by totals over the.600 mark. League e Sjjiqrt Cpnj«ir. •;''. •' .' Mike Mershon on the Indian 14. From Behind to jiest, the Blue 'Deyils collected t|» For Second in President Bill Lingo of St. Paul's goals. Russ Cree, pave Cluff gnd Cr^wfqW's Gulf racked Ut> some to his right, DeLpnge UC of C ieamu put together^ games Defeat Rahway new>r^cqrfls'as they won two frpm Pin League raced to the six. Plunges by Maz- Tom Peer all turned in fine per-, of 214, 223 and 196 for a 633 By MARK EICHlNfGEK formances for the local ud/ ^epn's^cmor jtore.^^^Thgy rp^ed ind's Jewelers wpn a ;swepp . w a 2 Rm. meeting'WitU • through the middle to the threr^e? £ella"' arid Nordstrom gained brilv 1 ^arti^-Jbe-feandolph of St. Mark ^ The Cougar JC's topped off Sat- Lancaster tallied a first ^ quarter frq^i-P-lainfield Enigravirig Tuesday ' the Comets in an endeayftp B*4(J"'then^ plunged "Tfirough }eijt ''two yards. Nofdstroni then started lirday's varsity' victory over the the season; a _, ,.. _ , _, , night jh,the Cranford 850 League' contini« tbpit ir yic|qyy-"df- -t1 ft e for {he TI): Rpn nge toward the middle but cut to hisrolled a 620-series on'games of 234, goal on a J.01 yard kick ijt tKeiifst T r Indians by defeating the -Rahway quarter-to give Cranford a 1-p jead high; andanplio,r nian Joe FJgurelli ip move into a ,four-way tie fojr Jhe |ifsf of his twto\ right and went four yards for-the 185 and 201,' "and Herb Cory of JVs 26-14. •• • <— ••- put: togewer scores of 227, If"second, two games behind Inman conversions^ -, •'• touchdown. ' over Cl^rk Tuesday.' "fhe lpcal with last Saturday^ shown? Cranford Methodist 2 had. a 602 The game opened with a Cran- squad, held the margin upjM, {fieaijd 2i%t 'for, jr flS8 'series, vvtiich is Golf Range, The-latterTwon a paii* "' agajnst Rahway, is hopefijl |IJL from Suburban Barbers to hold total on scores, of 194, 215 and 19 ford funable giving Rahway, fhefinal period when the Crusaders : charges; may. have "found Only two sweeps were turned in. ball on Cranford's 3&. fHe' Indians scored on a freeVpenglty sbjt. the top spot: :' \ •' . \ .. themselves." and will turn in marched for a touchdown in seven Cree, Peer and^Jerw7$rgS£ •gU Lesky pi jGpgc^ ?pq Fpiir ^ho had Also t|ed fOK second are Moderti Garwood' Presbyterian took three : better perfohnapces frpni here plays with Joel. Davion plunging rfeirned in "outstanding".,' perfor- a 803 fptai on games of 1^7, 226Barb,ersf who won a single game from St.. Mark's 2 and Temple Beth- ; "the final four yards. mances in this game! "Wi and 100.-••>• iy.',. . ,- ••-••••.•.•••.• ,|rom Bluestone, .Cleaners; Barin- , the Cotigars. will go,into Sfotuj? onElevens El 3 won three from Trinity Epis Qthets hitting.the double cen-.worth Funeral Hoihe, also a one. In the second quarter the In- The Cougars face.Hillside here J day's tilt minus twojpf their' copal 2. r . . ltd figures, vere: petersen;'r " game winner Over Chapman Bros;, By SANFORD ••.•'••> dians returned to~Cranfdrd terri- tomorrow-afternoon. • • «. starttlrs, sjd^elined fgr at ,|east *a •ed a pair of victories Sunday over Other games of 200 or above tory, marched 27 yards on the q4 und~B-Y~-Go7r whortoofcrtwo-froni—" the IJfnion Soclcets by identical1?*| scores at Memorial Field here! were rolled by Simonson,. 202, ground and went to the air wit^ ford's iGulf;; Roberts, , 201, Errico All-state/ : "/ -.•/-•-. ,• 7••••'. ."•.•: -a- • - are karryrage, "who pjajs'mrfjer Crawford Methodist 2; Morris, 205 a touchdown pass to John Johnson. Trucking} l-awlor, 207 and Mer- Qnly other sweep._of the eye; man on defense and ^tjtopk Pn The >Mjdgets, irailing.,7-0 at' jlalftime, scored twices5in the thir«J and 226, Community Methpdist-2; The half ehtjed vyith a 14-0 Rahway shon, ifSk,: Shaheen; ,-Agenpy; andning* was recoi'ded "by Colonial,, pJ (, | lpwn came .after; S|irling" IJearns , y . offense, and John VanBrunt, i$rom- quarter 't^ win.' The first tpujhj PitmanPitman, .22.0220, SStt; Paul's.Paul'sMethoijjst. Methoijjti 'siwJ sxtrthomorf-) wbo is* JW offfiU* )Wi Perry, 209, and Labey, 201, <}Wf*•'. Don Watson Jed ,off, tfie second *" Bowl On W:- Games of. 200 or* abdve- wer£_ give lineman and a defensive line- and.a run b/ Jeff wood" Pfesbyteriari; I". Riuldrow, half for Cranford with a 68 yar'jl In Upset Viy \ir^ie'^;ln ^y ^usk§V 2l7i' and Bulr backer. Qtherwise, the Cranford 200, First Baptist 2;' Macciachera, run from the Cranford 30 yard Two, Cranford brqtJi^rs, Jay a: ^en A«enfcy ...... 24 liYj va$r#ll^|n^s7Audip; Di^ Frank Woglpfli,. §ons pf'Mr. a |ico"':.;"rr 28 •. 13V4 ((plunged 205, Calvary Lutheran; Hoffrflan, line' setting up Al DiFabiO;'s - twp p|rtp, 3ii, Bjnliw^rth;,Josell, ^Oi, 214, Linden Fresbyteriani ShC- yard touchdown plunge. Bill Kres- Mrs. John^ T/Wpglom 0^11^ nd fehapmaff, 20i; Onapman Bfoi^ Hearns scotettTthe second den" St., were*'members oi 2° . 13 ' 1 Instruction at pi.ro', 201,' Tejnpje Beth-El, 2; ge kipRed -the extra point Aftej den" £t were*'members oi 8ft J3 , tied; powerful Berkeley % a 4g-yard. p^ss-ruu play that \yp 1 Seton Hall football te'anv whioh Upj 30 .13 9 Droege, 214 , Osceola Presbyterian a' 20 yard pass from Bob Reynolds ..31 12- . 0 iearlier-contests. They also Set-up when fJerry Hahey "x6-. W 1; Sopper, 201, -Dixotn 217 gnc(to toave. Yeager, and running by set Jersey City State 14rT Saturday Cocci,^^- 20i2,1i^l|En1 ial;"^ arid "Protz, night at Roosevelt Stadjum, Jersey mt^4m&^..^... 33 • u id' 1 ooyered a fumble deep inside A complete, ice, skating instruc- 201, anjd Roberts, 203, Tcinity Bob McLeod and Watson, the Cou- Sp2,*''6ropafc$;'-il4;>'ha';;Miw|gMa, . . -^uttbaek-Maric 1 City. ••• . : • •' •!_ -: u tipirprogram wiibberoffer ^dl^dhbli^iS -gars-went for their-second-touc|»- sirj|' It {i\t § - •^T'm/Ut'fjfi II - |ljf ***• QIC* 3« . . • • . * _. .; .. ,thrpugh for^bpth ...,_ ... ,... , .. ; The local residents, graduates ; 1 % T Warinantio Park Ice Skating' Cen- - ,i Baptist;. dpwn; This time a pass from Rey- ^ea^ ptanflhigs |ojjow: ' the final period here last Saturday ' The TJhibn tally came in the. cjosr of Roselle Catholic High School, standard immudf...... i...... 13 • ter this season. Instruction will be Team standings fpllpw: nolds, to Rich Hoolko and Kresgels 1 to igiye the; Cougats* tfi|tr |irst: wih ^ the first.half W extra point tied, the score. •did nQt play football prior to go- inman OoUiRftiige; .....;...... 15 f . . available. for bjeginniug an^ figure tfemple Bpth-El 1 Bowl51 O.n 17 '4' ing to Setpn Hall.. _^_ Preund's .Jewelers ;.'.....;;;.... J3 " • 8 •'."' jinderjtiieir new coach."""''•'' ;. ' — -i..,^^ , -.^ • •-, • - yd Berry took a riirie^ard IU5; ..V^T. 11 . 8. Modern Baybefs'-;;...,; ....).„..,..•..".. 13 > Cranford scored" In th* second Comm^toHMfe«wr "™JSy7~"a senior;-, is a "veteran; of '"' 8 tW end zone. The Rockfetsw Zloij Lutheran ....i..,..' 52' Id.- Swan cleaner*. ...^...-,.-...".. TS ..18 •'•.•: when Wnnpy nnfl with- an' onside kick recovered by three yearg ;pn the-xHall team and : - •staff includes-jfa«et-and- Raymond •Wmf6rd-a«iptl3fc .'•...•..mi 53^-43— Hciudckd. fcaTrv aPrcrce^ toofc tfT£Wiphf*uVm ~::r.:±ri0-:-f ••••- ike~lhrbugh~the:'Ilahway-liBe-to, bj| the; march,- also, inrthe closjn St, VbuVs PQ of C ...... 61 12 9 was voted the "lineman of the,MethodTatVMen'sdub ...; 21 e Dusman-o|EIizabeth,-iortner-mem» ^1lrsrT>rasBytBrlan-l-^Tr.-nr.~3'if~12- 9— pass. 31 yards to. the Rahway i&- Pjantor4 ;8^qy^ Cfintgr ...•• ^a _• •;:;::::;:::;.;.. w ip. .11 smear L tbTlOJSH minutes .ofrtherf6urth~perlod^i; :wq0k'| in£geton Bfajl's^5lfljD|§^ 1 Fftst Baptist 1 ....64 12. 9 and George Backinoff carried jt tfietHfliqsefptid, fffflrt ?cq|)p,ed. ^\^\ iPb^^ihtfetd^$ Cbmaiunity-MothodlBti2-,..^48-—12_ 9 of the Connecticul Cougars a wee Plalafleld Bnkraving -.....-...;;.: it up on the 30 and, rgioeql flyer fqr, Linden Presbyterlgn ...... GO '• 11 10 another fiver-Watson went-the-finsjt -earlier,—markihg-the^irst^thjie :i to •ciinch th«j| victory' for CIranfcad. . Jvnw iU sa. ii jJLlyarrlfi for thfj touchdown. Kres- estone fcleaners ...... :...;«. • -thev • - '• •••••• • "•• aJee of ^jjg Temple Beih-El 2 SO 11.i.i iho'ol' history the bonox. had" goti sessions held. weekTy.. 'First Baptist 3 47 11 10 ge's kick went wide leaving tfye. 59 io 11 to an offensive' lineman. ...• :•"•- gefc-of fort second half when -11= Cougars with a 20-14 lead. Frank; a freshman, plays at Tail- ari^. instructional-., program A4- will be he^ld on.Wednesdays at_R[ Mrs Charts Metcalf,-90;l&,75. , " fleet receiver dashed ifpfljrp the The Pee' Wees also .came frpni. a.m. beginning J^Ovember gtHiuTTSIBTHOH v LJ Temple Beth-El 57 Horse Show Open Friday ;V l;fi^elinet and:outran the. )a$$ |WO *' $ to rack up their vicf - ' Fors women, a "kaffee Match' St. Mark's 1 46 12 nelly took the ball 30 yards in two .•'•• Cpugar defenders. '•• ' '•'•: 7 • '• ' irapford eleven session will be held on Wednesdays Osceola PrcBbytcrlan . 62 12' plays, McT.flOfl T;nrHpfl for oigfyf- The 35th- Annual Watchung at 10:30 a.m. beginning Novem- Community Metliptilst 49 yards and- Reynolds for 10 yards. 'i;roop Autumn Horse Sho\Sf, a inid la ignited a 48-yardi I lay from scrimmage, w! First Presbyterian 3 42 season event for nearly 700 "young- tallied :WJT29^ followed By Mrj. *pg L.eap9. qthfrcWB SSPfes ^Onto^sKi^rilii^ * ber 6. First Presbyteriar n 2 41 13 After a five yard penalty Reynolcjji ; were Chick Copa, ^3,. apg Te^f Boys arid girls, over six years Cranford Methodisi t 1 .-.....;. 56 carried*ttje bijl seven, yards for tile sters enrolled in the trqpp/fiU sej- iirpy^ ySotiflell, 101-24:77. Mra. diving interception of a Baker | I- • Trinity Episcopal 3 40 . 14 son, will...bp.,held.'.^Jfe' thp v~'''~ ^n,»rSh;jwgn.low putts with 2]. Zamorski, ail. " :•,.'.'.,•• . • . Nordstrom did the heavy.we ^backintheth of agp, will be offerjBd^lesgohs on: Trinity Episcopal 2 39 18 final touchdown. The kick agajn i Saturdays at^9:3(PaSm from be- went wide leaving the score 26-ljt County Park po,n |missiqn,'s- l^'. ^aM^Bjfr^v Jr: H.. L^wis cam^ on a chung Stable, in the Watchung in^ jfjrat*^wnfc^ilOiti-Sl^ Tied for 'skatingi JTt|fi .TV's \nfi ffl l lif take, a;This program will'belgn oh Novem- garnet to l^estfield and Clark. latter tea^i; is tieci ^^J t Ccflp1i*iZ'ln Karen Andersen in ber-3i p.m.; Saturday,'/ . UT, ,.„„. ..,. : x ••• •; •-•••.!.• Set in VF^ Aux. League Barbers forsecor-* " • •,'New. An aduji .group lesson program June DeHart rolled a 511 series a.m.; ana Sunday,' beginning at sPiS5iP86, and Mrs.: ± n the fourth qj r noon,_Qyg.r. 45 horsemanship> events t: Settler,-"U)fl^807ljrs. M. $ Will-be held.on Monday evenings on games of 194, 160- and 157 dur- : -MuldroW ca! Three Teams Tied in are lis,tecl..iiit tHe show. In addi- Smith wpiii lpwApujtts with S3. If pf Mr: ^d Mr*.^F7 P. Ande at 8:30 p.nj,2_feg^"nj"g ; Novem- ing tHe "past-week in" the Crahfdrd BuroH's ',.:.;....;....; , -....„.;. 13 , 6 VPW-Auxiliary-BowlingJLeague. ^ pfggi|0 -p'Dartmputh Jtf., will We ha went 52 carde.d 121'36-85 •-. •• '-•'-.•''•• •". 'l jriv addition, to the above instruc- The DeMarco team is out front "The Galliicci"team-woh- a three privately-owned horses,, bridle trail J two Cdlby Cl^ |^ Komoroski hacks, children's jumpersrwbrking ill across from there. tion programs, : there also will bein "the league^by^ One gamerover game sweep to pull into a three-way SS^v'••*•• tie with the Heinly and. Orlando hunter < hacks, and open'junior teams Jn^the--Suburban-Wpii|fien^ sweepstai^BS.,:.^.-. _•_ ;±::. ....:.i;'"a: which open tqmorrow at .'J fiowling League tiuring tjfi^ past French, ilark Iliaria, Keyin These classes ytill lie held on week- ICay Hetisphkei, 487; Muriel Meyer, week at Clark Lanes. Trie <}eist '"Mass. .. ;' •;.;•'. ;. • , •;•; •• 461; Ruth SenimerV 45,8;. Marg^ Bit- t b day aiternootns. The fee ^s $1.15 team ilso scorejd a three-game win -;- .The local student, a junioir at per girl per, f'eek. zerti ;4&5; vBeyprly Sanitate, 446;' a,n^ are in a three-way tip for Barbara Huppert, 437; Mary Herb- ; Colby, wil} be>. playing Jjer first Applications for the instruction fQUrtlj, a ganjp behind the leaders. \ programs are, now available at thegter, 435; CaroLWest, 4133; Carol Tony Heinly posted a 177 game "player^ of .'the -Warinanco P,ark Ice Skating Cen- Cahady, 428; Pat Schmitz, 426; and and a 458 series. Connie Wood jthe Maine singles title last monjh! ter or the recreation department Marlpii Cyinbaluk and. Kathy Leon- .". A year ago she was runner-iin |n the previous week's lolled a 462 .set while Pat against Hillside, Terry Guy of the Uhjqn Coupty Park Commis- ardard , ^^25 " Paganelli also hajj a 458 series. tp Maine competition, Miss Afl- sion. •'•"•'•• Team standings follow:- Diane Wagner rolled a 174 game. igjygd, Jthe best SS^iyoffensivee W L rjMarco's IS 6 Team standings follow: DeHtttt: 14 7 •• .. •• . - '' ' w TZ Blue ,ti Gold Co. 13 8 Heinly •...... ;.. ;.,.•„...,. 13- Correct Temp.";;.; 13 8 1 Gallucci .r. .•..•;:..„-...' 13 Mtl dbartes - -9 -Orlando-s.,,-. ^^r.;:..7...t....^T:."~ 13 " Grow 4' j..... 11 10 Spoor ,:.....„ ; 12 liCljiBll ESSO 10 11 Golst ...... :. .„,.„ 12 peppermint Room .' 11 .10 Ellbacher ', 12 Jay-Mar ;:; ~ 12 Pallltta ; 11 Look into VFW Auxiliary 12 Witt 10 Hnyeck's ....:...... *. 13 DeNlsl ."„ .• a aiVolksWdgMt at Brrlco's - :...v , 13 Min'czoskl :. i 8 Miss Nelllo^Iric." •. 14 Wossels ; ,„....„.,'.,• 7 - : .'-•• ;,•'.•.•*•..•'' •"••".•••• " S k : 15 Rowo ; , : is- UIIAHI, N. J. WIHB .? ~ Give Your "Fair Share" Walsh - Jenewein Mrs. James Walsh of Cranford Volkswagen teamed with^ Mr$. ttnbprt Payne In Cranford's 1968 ;dt- Beckeley - Hfeights^ to^win, the 900 1- bBtter--ball of-nartners4ournament 4BA-6100 impaign T last. ThtirsdayZia:-jLhe--Ashi-JBrook. WcitieiTs"GoIFAssociation X8-hole group. The Walsh-Paynie combine had a net score of 68. %s. H Check 'the time and places 6elow SELL IT McNally of Cranford and Mrs. Hor- ace Morgan' of Plainfield^won first ittfiit convenient runner-up prize witha net 68, while Mrs. George Weisgjprber of Crjfln- ford and Mrs. Bob Jones of West- With. | ^rpei |ike ArajE|?i(?an fe|ephpne ^ Tgl^c^raph Co. 1 w fipld took second runner-up with you don't hayg •to guess ' vyjiV ?QP^* H\ffi '" be open- net-6'9.-j:—'•—-—'— 1—i 'i-i- inig its new Computer ^erjte;ri^ the Garden $tate. There _are full time and temporary ttpenlngs for Clerks . . . -^tl^Typist^^^Kaypu^ch -QpflMtorsr-—— ' So why pot vjsjf u^'?7Yqi3i^^ |flay p|me ^?y With 4 bflttpr • HOCKEY job. See us anytime bdtweeh 10 a.m. atid'9 p.m. EQUIPMENT • BAUER Edison . IGE SKATES , gdober-24r?5r26r-:

• Mid.Sl.te Cf nter • CRANFORD Brunswick J SPORT October 38, 29, 30 • CENTER^ • Sayrewootl* Shopping Center w Wm. Fredericks, Prop. Sayrevijl^t \ • (OPP. FIREHOUSE) October 31, November 1, 2 J 38 North Ave., E. 5 276-1569

THRU THE WANT ADS 'Hi: n Municipal TURN THOSE ARTICLES YOU'RE NO Whenyou ^ venue LONGER USINGMNTO CASH! Pjainfield thetJaitedWay 1 November 7, .8, 9 Only 90c for 30 Words you give; to (C«h With Order) . CRANFORD

An equal opportunity employer, m/f CITIZEN & CHRONICLE 21 ALDEN STREET 27^6000 Bed dross ''•••• "*•>•/ * • ' V i

• -• ;:..;•'.-•?•.•... • •••»••

_£__ ir Si*! Dost, Lt. Brir{ker.hoff has tti.be fev-'been'authorized'td send out/a fi^ eojijhty Board^of Freeholders and n an edgtf in youth and vitality, nal notioe, following which the the state. . " • . .. EaglciScpiit for in thift day nhd age.when dem- matier will be turned over to ttie All Union County residents who onstrations have" replaced the bar* borpugh attorney for any necessary win- admission, tq Union College's in an Indian Court of Honor day session as full-time students »Ceremony, Boy , Scout Troop 80 ;aining table in *8jlvt disputes, be legal action. they labor, racial or religious, the are eligibk for grants' under the and Explorer Scout Post 80 of the "The stateffias taken over the plan adopted by Union College and First Presbyterian'' Church will man elected to this post should be able "to contend with the, changing collej^loiiand we. would like to get the Union" County Board of Free- award the rank of Eagle Scout to < 4herevenue in and close oiit our holders. two troop,members in Fellowship times under all conditions. _>.-^ books," Councilman Gallagher said. Garwood recipients are: Peter Hall at 7:30 this evening. They are "I, therefore, support^LtTBrink- Councilman Edward W. Kfempa, A. Bilinskas of 423 Myrtle Ave., James Seavy of, £6 Tuxedo PI.- and rhoff, and we, in.sponsoring the buildjrig and grounds chairman, an Charles J. Horbacz of" 165 Spruce iter<3addle-oP?37 Willow St pounced that work on construction James wHl become the 49th scout' of the new municipal parking lot Fourth Ave.. Louis J. Martel III, of Troop aijd P£st 80 to attain the adjacent to the Borough Hall an- of 3?8 Third Ave., Francis D. Pap- rank of Eagle in,the troop's 40 nex was scheduled to get under andrca of 328 Secdnd Ave., Fred- yeaifs of organization. He began his rder Li way this week. erick J. Perry of 110 Willow Ave,, scouting,career as a cub in Pack Miss Claire M. Van Pelt of 161 103 in December, I960, and entered Willow Aye:, and William R. Volk,; -~~Troop780"in January, 4964. For Holidays Garwood Students jr.\of 527 Willow Avo. ' 1 GARWOOD —Borough Council BARON'S In Troop 80, James advanced to at its meeting Tuesday night auth- Given Tuition Aid "^^ LIGHTED " '^T" tW rank of .Star Scout by April, orized a^ contract with Csupa Bros, Camera Club Meeting 1967, serving the troop as assistant of Newark, to. install eight strings At Union College Competition in the categories-of patrol leader, patrol leader and of Christmas lights and wreaths'in GARWOOD — Eight Garwood nature, pets, animals and garden AUTO VAHITY MIRROR ••assistant senior patuol leader. the town center for the holiday residents are among 684 Union flowers in color, and black and ; v He received his Life Scout award white (open) will be featured at >v season at a fcnsf nf $1360 . County residents who have re> ; in December, iti&T arid is continu- Finance Commissioner-John E. reived tuition aid grants of $300 a meeting of the Cranford Cainera j\ .'• ing in scouting;as an Explorer^JBe- Gallagher issued notice to residents for the fall semester at Union Col- . Club in the educational buiidirigjof. . attended summer camp jiJ^Winne- Cranford United Methodjst Church JAMES SEAVY .PETER CADDLE delinquent in personal, property lege, Cranford, under the tuition ONCE-A-YEAR SPECIAL! . bago for the p^ist four^ears and taxes that the tax collector has aid plan financed by the Union at 8:15 p,m. Monday. . participated .i}i^the junior leader" training^prflgram. ,- • » role of breadbasket for the whole ARPEOE , who will become' the World and must limit underprivih Brinkerhcrff troop's 50th Eagle .Scout, joined eged countries to .assistance in TOILET WATER AND PERFUMt )•'." . ••'- the- scouting i program; as a cub in eiPiffetp programs^ '•sne said. GI^TSET $ft.(K) Pack 103 and"received his-Webelos : Among the 15 department chair- A pre-election rally in honor of award in. June, 1964, having served nien who reviewed their proposals as ddnner. After joining Troop 80, the ftepublican" candidate for sher 2,000,000 Knots to be tied for progress with projects and out- he became^StarScout in October, iff; Vinceh^ L'. ^rinkerhoff of Cran- lined their year's plans were Mrs. 1965, andv served! his troop as as- f ordi* will be held Su&day af ternooii sistant patrol leader and patrol Howard, Ulsamer of the, Colony Abbut 2 million marriages will take place' in 1968, if the pres- at the Cranford Elks Hall-^n Lin- .Jea'der. '•.....,.' . .••'.• ilub, district civics and legisla- coln Ave., B. . •'•• ^^\. ent trend continues. Statistics show that the median/..age for the He received the Life Scout rank tion chairman; Mrs. Monroe West- in December,-1986. Peter attended The rally will be an "Open brides is 20.5 and 22.8 years for the men., This year's marriages, junior leader training' cqurses at over of the Village Improvement House1' type affair and will start at ,-._::... *»«—u_i_ — on several oc- Association,. , district American 1. p.m. It is being sponsored by are the highest in number in the last 15 years. We had noticed Democratic and independent casions , _ i a rapid/rise in iheJnOmber of wedding gowns "we have been camp at Camp Winnebago for Larseri, also of- the VIA, district :riends"TJf-goljcertfc -:B] years, this jjast year serving as. who wish to give/his'campai^n a due to the increased popular- AFTER SHAVE LOTION publicity chairman.,; a ranger.".'- ."".''""'••"•'''..:"'- .''.' ', last-week boost. our WisrlHiirig GoWh As an Explorer Scout, Peter par- Mrs, HerbertIDwyer, theatr^ par? Nicholas Manfredp, spokesman ty chairfaatj, announced" sthean- for the groiip, stated: ptrmber of weddings. Now", we can attribute it tobofh factors^ ticipated' in. both the 1967 and 1968 c Philmont Exp nual scholarship benefif "will be --^There, are times - .^hen" over-aU held November lratthe Paper ; quali: ,-in. New Mexico. ; ' ^~~- Playhouse jn Millburn at 8;30 p.m. xleaned-at,P,an American-._..; and find In addition to the double Eagle Theplaoinl^^ FOR HALLOWEEN award, the JhdiSn Coup CoTEcff leiaeratioh had awarded issues involved m. this ^contest and Indian danc- $3,000 in schdiarships last yea? while there is little on which to t»atfc4Jfeae two^^mett oineitrned tinder the "^irecstlon Of. at numerous~SjEout affairBfithrough-r All Dryclaining, UunJarlng andf Tailoi'Ing Done o out the coUntryr^KaTSk~advance» We Salute menfs and merit badge awards wjULl box be made to many boys who attend- CRANFORD BUSINESS AND PRbFESSIONAL ed summer camp. \ • WpiVlfeN'S CLUb , . : During The Annual Observance Of .' - - HEAOQUARTLRS L NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK

Mary Louise-Wetjen •jtmwuuuuwx AiCorit&eme 4 AldenSt; 276-7663 —'-Among:the,32 in the Sixth i : districtt attelRlin^r^th^^lttlRi | feience of the, JSTew. Jersey State CBOC(HJlTES Federation ofWomen'sCliubg^OxiofWomen^ L -;; ••«••=(*:'•. Tuesday were the three from Cran- 9 ford, Colony Club, Village improver » ment Association and Wednesaay TWSTWEI Morning .Club. • o "Seventy-five Years 6f,. Service oooop(ioopoo»itjo and Educational Milestones/'' the thpme of Itoe" federation, was ac ' cented ;jat the luncheon meeting which took place at.Rally's on.the NEW i COVER GIRL PLUS 3 Green in Watchiin^ Mrs. Joseph $|.5O Kenna,; of Eahway,-district vice- ; president, presided. • Mrs. deprge Weinhehner^Jr., - lust mcmeui northern vice-president, sjoke on -""The—Federation-rahd—the New .You;"•• She said the,programs of MOUTH WASH . self-inrichment-found in the fed- •V> eratioh j*oSi8ted • the actiuisition of knowledge and -hew skills 1 through;cluVworkV ': •-"<•• • k- Mrs. E. C. Chase, state .chairmah W;international^fairs, outlined NEW!!! her programs and discussed in, de- tail^he new project called KIT. "yjitji the increasing population, NUMERO UNO America can ho^dhger assume the FOR MEN .00 c; iNSPECTIONWQRK and 1969 CHRISTMAS CLUBS ONE-YEAR SUPPLY

SO. ELMORA IMPORTED E55O SERVICENTER *••'•• Your Check Will Be ST. JOHN BAY $1.00 a week Totals:. . .$ 50.00 — $ 50.50* FROM VIRGIN ISLANDS Work Don* ttaelodnur Buaa«r») . S VJL' Can Vat AttMlntmwU $ 2.00 a week Totals "...;...*. % 100.00 — $ 101.00* $4-00 $3.(» aw^To^l^^ $ 5.00 a week Totals . $ 250.00 — $ 252.50* $10.00 a week Tbtak ., $ 500.00 — $ 505.00* SQUIBB VIGRAN M Hptsparks $20.00 a week Totals ~ $1000.00-$1010.00* : VITAMINS .. * Ort Regularly- Paid Completed Clubs -FREEMAN 2 for $2.98 As we look upon the big cam- paign it comes to us but once WE SALUTE THE ... , again . . . Cranford Business and though politic- ians surely try STOP IN TODAY AND JOIN OUR 1969 CLUB Professional Women's Club it ends up that the little guy N . , • • • during will make deci- NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK sions, hopefully, Checks will be mailed November 1 to our 1968 Club Members to keep all people truly We Salute the Cranford Business & Professional Women's Club during National Business Women's Week free. The cloak 1 lot freedom that DRUG STORE you wear brings ions you PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY must bear. FREE DELIVERY — Tel. 276-6100 We have an obligation to you, 34 Eastman St. * Opp. Cranford Theatre the cuii^omer... and that is to We Reserve The Right bring you beat possible burner To Limit Quantities ,. serviced And that's just what we SAVINGS ' • • •• • '• do,' Call-JJie Rarikin Juel Com- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION STORE HOURS: pany for complete dependant '••.:• Est. 1887 - Critnford's Qldest Financial Institution 8:30. a.m. to 10 p.m. ity. Located at 230 Centennial Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Avenue, Cranford. Phone BR 6- Corner North and Union Aves. ^ Cranford 0200.: -.' • / . ; \-:.' .,

r . • •••-/•