
1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Councillor Clarke



5-10 3.1 Resolution RESOLVE, That the Committee of the Whole receive the following Board and Committee Minutes for information purposes: 1. South Grey Museum June 10, 2010, Curator's Report 2010, Garden Committee 2010 2. Kimberley Hall June 15, 2010 3. Maxwell Hall June 16, 2010 11-17 3.2 Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for information purposes 3.3 Business Arising:


5. NOTICE OF MOTION 5.1 Notice RESOLVE, That the following items be added to an agenda for discussion:

6. DELEGATIONS 6.1 10:15 a.m. - Flesherton Residents Opposed to OPA.01.2010 & Z05.2010 - Collingwood Street, Flesherton 18-20 6.2 10:30 a.m. - Jason Vurma - MultiSport - Simcoe Shores Relay August 2010 21-27 6.3 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 2009 Public Works Committee Meeting



7. PROTECTION (Silverton)


28-33 8.1 Terms of Reference - Boards and Committees

9. FINANCE (Mullin)

10. PLANNING (Fawcett)






15.1. Action Items 34-35 15.1.1 Eugenia District Improvement Committee - Fencing

15.2. Information Items 36-44 15.2.1 Tourism 7 45 15.2.2 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority 2009 Annual Report - (Distributed) 46-57 15.2.3 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 58-59 15.2.4 Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Partnership - Web Site



15.3. AMO

15.4. Resolutions Circulated from Other Municipalities

16. Communication Resolution 16.1 Resolution RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole directs the following items from Communications be added to the next Council Agenda for necessary action.

17. MEETING DATES 17.1 Dates

2010-07-12 4:00 p.m. Council 2010-07-15 3:30 p.m. Cemetery Board 2010-07-19 10:00 a.m. Committee of the Whole (Fawcett) 2010-07-21 1:00 p.m. Committee of Adjustment 2010-07-26 10:00 a.m. Council 2010-07-27 9:30 a.m. Police Services Board 2010-07-30 10:00 a.m. Committee of the Whole (Halliday)


19. CLOSED SESSION 19.1 Closed Session RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole go into a closed session to discuss an item which relates to: ● The security of the properties of the municipality; ● Personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or local board employees; ● A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of real property for municipal or local board purposes; ● Employee negotiations or labour relations; ● Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipalities or local boards; ● The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor - client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. ● A matter in respect of which the Council or Sub Committee has authorized a meeting to be closed under another Act; ● For the purpose of education and training. Present:



19. CLOSED SESSION Time: ______19.2 Open Session RESOLVE, That Comittee of the Whole return to Open Session.

Time:______19.3 Confirmation of Action from Closed Session RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole confirms the actions of the Closed Session as follows:

20. ADJOURNMENT 20.1 Adourn RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole adjourn until the Call of the Chair.

Page 4 of 59 South Grey Museum Board Meeting Thursday June 10th 2010 Minutes

In attendance: Colleen Boer; Jan Trimble; Kevin O’Brien; Councillor Lynn Silverton; Councillor Stewart Halliday; Josie Kruzick; Christine & Mike Kirby; Peter Ryan; Sarah Redmond – Curator.

1. Agenda: Moved by Josie Kruzick, seconded by Jan Trimble that the Agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED

2. Minutes: Moved by Jan Trimble, Seconded by Christine Kirby that the minutes to the meeting on April 2010 be approved as presented. CARRIED

3. Matters arising from the minutes:

3.1 Sarah got a copy of the Committee of the Whole resolution, approving ‘2009 surplus funds to be carried forward to 2010 capital fund’ from Deborah Crawford and will bring to Michelle Freeling

4. Financial Report: Treasurer Michael Kirby presented. Moved by Micheal Kirby, seconded by Peter Ryan that the Financial Report be accepted as presented. CARRIED

5. Curator’s Report is attached

A discussion took place regarding staff requirements for maintaining the washroom facilities in the park and at the pond.

MOTION: Moved by Peter Ryan, Seconded by Christine Kirby, regarding the situation of the washroom facility in Memorial Park, we wish to continue to provide access during museum open hours, but the maintenance/cleaning is not our responsibility. And, we respectfully decline to get involved with the pond washroom.

Summer students, Sarah Timmins and Kira Wright reported their project work to the Board.

6. Committee Reports

6.1 Health and Safety Report: Peter’s report included light fixtures not working in gallery space. The Board agreed an electrician should be called in. The eavestrough on the pavilion has been damaged and probably needs replaced. The garbage bin at the pavilion is now gone. There are plenty of weeds around the building which need attended to. Curator will look into the lights, and the garbage and the Board agreed to schedule a work party to tackle the weeds and have a look at the eavestrough.

Resolution Page 5 of 59 6.2 Garden update – Christine reported, please see attached. Kevin volunteered to provide a screen for the water barrel so it can be used and not confused as a garbage bin. The water barrel will remain in the shed until the screen is attached.

7. New Business

7.1 The Board agreed that having the Curator as the secretary may not be the best situation as the Curator reports to the Board and logistically is sometimes called away during the meetings. Lynn generously agreed to take over the role for the time being.

7.2 Stewart will take his fax machine back and the other expired equipment will be disposed of at a recycling depot.

7.3 The Fire Safety Inspection Report was received and reviewed.

MOTION: Moved by Stewart Halliday, Seconded by Jan Trimble, that the Fire Safety Inspection Report was read, reviewed and accepted. Changing the doors poses a problem at this time, but will be a budget consideration for 2011.

Next meeting: Thursday July 8th, 2pm

The meeting adjourned at 3:50pm.

______Colleen Boer, Chair Sarah Redmond, Secretary

Minutes prepared June 19th 2010

Resolution Page 6 of 59 Grey Highlands= South Grey Museum Curator=s Report

June 10th 2010 Board Meeting

Education/Programming: 1. Night at the Museum – Sat May 22nd – only two families attended, but had very good feedback from attendees and a sense of disappointment from them that more people didn’t come out. 2. Youth Arts Festival – Sat June 5th – approximately 30 people attended. Made approximately $50 net profit. 3. Outdoor Movie Nights – June 18th (Alice in Wonderland) and July 16th (TBA) 4. Emancipation Celebration –bus trip to Harrison Park on Sat July 31st as fundraiser – will start marketing soon 5. Summer Camp – Kira is working on programming for the summer, including a summer camp 6. EduKit – has gone out again to teacher in Dundalk (6th time)

Exhibits: 1. Child’s Play – many positive comments on this exhibit so far.

Grants/Donations: 1. Young Canada Works – Two summer students started last week. 2. Summer Experience Program – Student confirmed for the position of Museum Assistant to start on July 13th 3. Flesherton Foundation – application made to cover materials for summer documentation project – still to hear from them. 4. Community Foundation Grey Bruce – approved for $500 to purchase tables for use in programming (4 portable picnic tables and one folding 6’ table), also receiving $728.81 through Margaret Norquay Endowment Fund. Colleen to attend cheque presentation on June 14th. 5. In-kind donations – water from Ice River Springs, pop from Foodland and sausages from Maxwell Meats much appreciated. 6. CMOG – application has arrived, will be submitted by deadline of June 30th 7. OMAFRA - $2.00 supplement for summer student wages has been approved.

Building: 1. Graffiti – new graffiti found on washroom and table and small amount on sign. Removal is in progress. 2. Bench Installation -

Other: 1. New printer and router - new printer/scanner/fax and router purchased and installed, all computers are now networked and online. Thanks to Andy Fawcett, a GHSS student for installing free-of-charge. 2. Curator on holiday – June 12th -17th. Summer students will be here. 3. Summer student updates – students to report.

Resolution Page 7 of 59 South Grey Museum Heritage Garden

th The Garden Committee met on May 28 to discuss this year's plans for the gar I ens, now coming out of hibernation. S\V?- ~ said that she hoped the rock seat will be installed SOOll. If not, J I sie will ake another look at her supplier.

The new raised beds on the boulevard were uncovered and

fill, and Fay Jensen will look at the original plan and make tecommen I atiohs frIrePlacements. Sarah will he putting the hose out shortly as there beds dry but quickl . ThJre te some gaps in the hydrangea bed which will be filled. .1

Sarah has arranged for the concrete bases to make sure the green meta bench if strongly grounded, and she will need some help at the time of instal ation ..

The paths meed regular hoeing and raking as the weeds are taking roo . w 11be done by members of the committee.

There are several small graffitis this spring.

Sarah has given up on the water butt idea - all it ever holds is garbage.

Resolution Page 8 of 59 MINUTES Kimberley Hall Board Meeting 10.6 5:05pm Tues 15 June 2010 Present: Kerry Baskey, Erika Gillis, Bob Gillis, Peter Ferguson Absent: Ken Stephenson, David Clarke, Brian Mullin KCA Delegate: Denise Hall Advise minute-keeper of any errors or omissions.


10.06.1 Treasurer report: Bill for new toilet has been submitted. No June rentals at present. MGH treasurer to have library pay rent arrears. EG

Business Arising

09.10.1 K Baskey to arrange payment for window contract, reducing payment to cover KB kitchen window to be done later. Kitchen should be here in 3 weeks. KCA to process payment as needed beyond MGH and GIC contributions. DH

10.03.3 B Gillis getting pricing for steel handrails at north and south end of front BG stoop stairs.

10.03.4 KCA intends to submit letter confirming chattel arrangements to Board DH and MGH.

10.05.2 E Gillis to confirm rental form arrangements re insurance, SOCAN, etc. EG

10.05.3 P Ferguson to install latch on furnace room door per Fire Marshall instruction. PF

New Business

10.06.2 By these minutes, MGH is asked to prepare a blanket rental form for the KCA. MGH It would list all dates during a calendar year and require a single cleaning/ damage deposit cheque. KCA to coordinate with MGH for agreement signature. DH

10.06.3 P Ferguson to ask MGH to have hill at parking lot mowed. PF

10.06.4 P Ferguson to see whether the cleaners can do garbage and damage check after PF events. B Gillis to provide garbage container flag. BG

10.06.5 K Baskey to coordinate with Wilda Allen on possible new signage for the KB building/library, reporting back on deliberations.

Next meeting: 5:05pm, Tues 14 Sept 2010.

Resolution Page 9 of 59 Maruelil @ammanfrGyz @enGne

# 408014 cREy Road 4, Maxwel, Chair: Dimitri llaritun , NoC 1J0 Secretary: (:arrie ll,,lc Int)re I reasurer: Julia Emonts i irst | rce Chur llldyne llrisht Reservations (5191 922- 2t24 Seconl l ite ( hair. Delhert iinrers C ha i r- Fundra i s ing : Denn is Mw ards

Minutes of Hall Board Meeting _ June 16, 2010

Members present: Dennis Edwards, wayne wright, Manrey Rislq Dimitri Haritun, Julia Emonts.

As carrie Mclntyre, the Secretary,.is absent Julia has agreed to take minutes. Dennis read minutes of May meeting; Manley Risk motioned to accept; Den"nis Edwaros, seconded; Canied. Business arising frorn minutes: Dimitri wrote another e-mail message to.Dan Best during May requesting the promissory note of our last loan to be retuned to us as we fulry repaid the roin on'oec l,2009. Michele Freeling, Trasu-rer of Grey Highlands asked Dimitrifor some d"t" inio.n'ut.n regarding the amount of $1000 that was paid towards the from "i u r.pur"," runJ. ouring ttris eoara meeting Juria Emonts, Treasurer, located a document'oan which iowed that the source ofthe $ r 000 was the "Reserve Fund". She also rocated a signed "official ne"eipi." ou, tinal payment towards the loan Dimitri will give Michele a call io provide further clj;fication. Draft rental rules prepared by Dimitri were di."u.r"a anJ were made. Dimitri will prepare final version which shourd be laminated unJ jo.i"E,n"hffis/additions tr.," Hurr. Dimitri read a draft retter he prepared on reducing ttt"."nLt tut"s for some community groups which have made important contributions to the ilaxwe Hatiuna to tne general, such as the Maxwelr Seniors, "nti." women's Institute, Early Leaming years,"o-rufitv-i"n and others. The lefter is addressed to Mayor Mu[in and the Grey Highrands councir. Dimitri wi finalize the letter and e-mail to Grey Highlands. The feasibility future ofa fundraiser event was discussed. There was generar agreement "Trivia.Evenings" that are not that popular any more. For this reason it w; fert tha; w; ;h;;rdl; something different. Dennis Edwards recommended that we shourd organize a steak and robiter evening. '---.-' In the following discussion overall expenses, required profit i'na approximate ticket fees were estimated. This issue is to bi discussed further"o^"qu"nity in the nexi meeting. Dimitri signed wayne wright's invoice for $160 on care taking for May 20r0 prior to this meeting. Meeting adjoumed. Next meeting on July 5,2010 at 7:30 p.m.


Present: Lynn Silverton (Chair), Mayor Brian Mullin, Deputy Mayor David Fawcett, Councillors David Clarke, Stewart Halliday, Paul McQueen; Manley Risk and staff: Clerk Debbie Robertson, CAO Dan Best, Interim Deputy Clerk Deborah Crawford

1. CALL TO ORDER The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None with the items listed on the agenda. 3. OTHER BOARD AND COMMITTEE MINUTES

3.1 Resolution: CoW 10 - 171 McQueen - Clarke RESOLVE, That the Committee of the Whole receive the following Board and Committee Minutes for information purposes: Heritage Committee May 2010 Feversham Park June 1, 2010 Police Services Board (Draft) May 25, 2010 CARRIED.

3.2 Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for information purposes

3.3 Business Arising: Police Services Board Minutes - The Chair of the Police Services Board clarified that any expenses relating to overtime for Municipal resources for the G20 event will be paid by the Province.

The Clerks Department will contact MultiSports to request their attendance as a delegation as they did not attend the last meeting.

Maintenance items for the Olde Firehall will be reviewed once a report is received from the Markdale Chamber of Commerce.

4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.1 Air Cadets Organization within Grey Highlands Councillor Silverton reported that an officer of the Air Cadets is looking to restart the Air Cadets program in Grey Highlands and will be requesting support from various organizations within Grey Highlands.

5. NOTICE OF MOTION 5.1 Notice CoW 10 - 172 McQueen - Clarke RESOLVE, That the following items be added to an agenda for discussion:

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 11 of 59 information purposes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - MINUTES JUNE 21, 2010,

1. Update on Flesherton Pond and Parks; Basketball Court 2. Curator, South Grey Museum CARRIED.

6. DELEGATIONS 6.1 10:15 a.m. - Ed O'Neill, Beaver Valley Ratepayers Association - Beaver Valley Subdivision Application Mr. Ed O'Neill and Ms. Cathy Little represented the Beaver Valley Ratepayers Association. They presented an overview of concerns with the Beaver Valley Village Subdivision regarding the quality and quantity of wells that would be constructed, especially in areas that have existing problems on their wells. Although the Association supports sustainable development in Grey Highlands, they are requesting the Committee address their water concerns prior to moving forward with the proposed Subdivision.

6.2 10:30 a.m. - Randy Dryburgh & Carol Gott, President, Highland Community Cooperative - Letter of support Mr. Randy Dryburgh was unable to attend the meeting. Ms. Carol Gott spoke on behalf of the Highland Community Cooperative to request the Municipality's support in partnering with the Highland Community Cooperative by the following: 1) a letter of support for the project; 2) a representative on the project committee; 3) financial support, if possible. The CAO will be attending the general membership meeting on June 24, 2010 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the former Delphi Centre. The Committee requested further information come forward prior to a decision on the requests from the Highland Community Cooperative. Staff were directed to provide an in- depth report on Ms. Gott's request.

Recessed – The Committee recessed from 11:05 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

6.3 2:00 p.m. Jones Consulting, Ray Duhamel - Micro Systems and potential establishment of policies Mr. Ray Duhamel reviewed the potential establishment of Municipality permitting by-law for the collection of fee recovery to cover expenses relating to municipal expenses for rural energy facilities. The expenses could be related to items such as staff time for review of projects, consulting costs, any additional costs. The Green Energy Act does not restrict Municipalities from establishing recovery fees. Mr. Duhamel reported that any municipality that adopts the Arran-Elderslie By-law will be challenged by renewable energy companies and that, if challenged, the Municipality will be unable to put a fee recovery permitting policy/ by-law in place. It was clarified that the Chief Building Official is obligated to follow all applicable law within the Building Code when renewable energy companies apply for building permits; permits requests for renewable energy structures cannot be denied.

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 12 of 59 information purposes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - MINUTES JUNE 21, 2010,

The Committee agreed that a decision on following the Arran- Elderslie by-law must be reached prior to any decisions on a fee recovery/permitting by-law.


7.1 Municipal Portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax The Treasurer, Michele Freeling, was in attendance and presented report FIN.10.07. The Committee requested that Treasurer review the user fees and charges by-law in regard to the GST that was included in the hall rental fee. The price should have been reflected 'as applicable' as opposed to being included in the price. It was confirmed that updates to the 2011 fiscal year to the user fees and charges by-law will be presented at a public meeting. CoW 10 - 173 Halliday - Risk RESOLVE That the Committee of the Whole receive FIN.10.07 for information purposes and that the Fees and Charges By-law be reviewed and updated for the 2011 Fiscal Year. CARRIED.



9.1 Update on Road 91 (Fawcett) Deputy Mayor Fawcett provided an update on Simcoe County Road 91. The County of Grey's TAPS Committee will be forwarding a recommendation to County Council to enter into an Agreement by by-law with Clearview Township and Walker Industries. The Agreement will include the clause that Sideroad 26/27 will be hard surfaced if the road use reaches 400 cars per day. Councillor McQueen requested this item be added to the in-camera session of today's meeting to discuss information he has been provided with on this item. The Clerk confirmed that this item may be discussed in-camera only as it relates to legal advice. The Deputy Mayor confirmed that Grey Highlands was not a participant in the OMB Hearing and therefore does not participate in the signing of the Agreement.


10.1 W&WW10.11 Review of Hydro Costs at Wells #3 & #4, and Well #1 - (Item from May 10, 2010 Council) The Water/Wastewater Superintendent, Shawn Moyer, was in attendance. CoW 10- - 174 Clarke - Halliday RESOLVE THAT the Committee of the Whole receive report W&WW10.11 - Review of Hydro Costs at Wells #3 & #4, and Well #1 - for information and that the Water & Wastewater Superintendent be directed to investigate

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 13 of 59 information purposes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - MINUTES JUNE 21, 2010,

energy saving incentives in conjunction with an electrician and provide a report to Council. CARRIED.


11.1 Marklevitz Architects - Flesherton Library Tender Report - for information purposes only Council is to receive a monthly report regarding the Flesherton Library. Council also requested a copy of who was in attendance during the tender opening. The final contract has been signed by all parties.

11.2 CSA 10-34 Centre Grey Recreation Complex Project Update - (Item from June 4, 2010 CoW) The CSA, Laura Camilleri, was in attendance and presented Report CSA.10.34. The Committee requested the CSA provide a full accounting of all monies that have been and will be applicable to this project. Once provided Council will then set an upset limit on this project. The CSA was also directed to look at money saving options for additional items requested for the Complex as the project is over budget. The CSA will provide pricing on rubber floor mats at the June 28th Council meeting. CoW 10 - 175 Halliday - Risk RESOLVE THAT the Committee of the Whole receive Report CSA.10.34 Centre Grey Recreation Complex Project Update; and direction be given regarding the additional elements. CARRIED.

Basketball Court - Memorial Park The CSA reported that the basketball court at Memorial Park in Flesherton is close to completion. Fencing will be completed the week of June 28th. The Contractor has offered to paint the white lines on the court. The Committee reported that tree branches around the court require trimming,

Lunch – The Committee recessed for lunch from 11:57 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.




14.1 Cemetery Board Action Item: Part Lot 9, Concession 10 former Township of Osprey - Unconfirmed Burial Site (report to follow under separate cover) The Clerk, Debbie Robertson, was in attendance. The Clerk will obtain preliminary pricing for a licensed archaeologist for a Level 1 and Level 2 assessment and will provide the information at the Council meeting of June 28, 2010. CoW 10 - 176 Risk - Clarke

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 14 of 59 information purposes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - MINUTES JUNE 21, 2010,

RESOLVE That the Committee of the Whole receive CL.10.21 Unconfirmed Burial Site - Part 9, Concession 10, former Osprey Township and supports investigating the costs for an archaeological assessment by a licensed archaeologist for the property known as Roll Number 42 08 140 006 05201 Part 9, Concession 10, former Osprey Township. CARRIED.

14.2 Terms of Reference - Boards and Committees This item was moved to the July 5, 2010 Committee of the Whole meeting.

15. COMMUNICATIONS 15.1. ACTION ITEMS 15.1.1 City of Kawartha Lakes - Request for funds regarding legal matters pertaining to the Ministry of the Environment The Clerk confirmed that AMO have not responded at this time to the City of Kawartha Lakes' letter dated February 2010.

15.1.2 Osprey Museum - request for Funding of Property Taxes Staff were directed to provide a full report of all donation requests at the next Committee of the Whole meeting.

15.2. INFORMATION ITEMS 15.2.1 Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Minutes May 12, 2010 The Clerk will contact the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority to request an update as to when the local half day watershed municipality meetings will be taking place.

15.2.2 Warden's Forum Minutes April 29 2010

15.2.3 Land Use Council, May 28, 2010 - COSSARO

15.2.4 Clearview Township Consents B08.2010 & B09.2010

15.2.5 Land Use Council - Correspondence to MMAH on Greenbelt Plan Draft Performance Monitoring Framework Paper

15.2.6 Ratepayer concern regarding the proposed Tim Horton's development (Markdale)

15.2.7 Ratepayer concern regarding wind turbines

15.2.8 Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority - 2009 Annual Report Cover Letter (report distributed to Council members)

15.2.9 Centre Grey Health Services Foundation - Newsletter

15.2.10 The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario - Nominations for Physicians Award

15.2.11 Pretty River Valley Country Inn - Application to LLBO for special occasion permit

15.2.12 Maxwell Hall Young at Heart - Request for five year lease The Seniors Group will be invited to attend as a Delegation to formally request a five year lease.

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 15 of 59 information purposes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - MINUTES JUNE 21, 2010,

15.3. AMO 15.3.1 Delegation Request for Ontario Ministers meetings at AMO August 16 & 17, 2010 The Clerk will complete Ministry delegation requests as follows: 1. Health - hospital, health issues 2. Gas tax re: municipalities with public transport 3. Green energy 4. Joint meeting with West Grey Municipality regarding the ongoing problems with coyotes killing livestock and bureaucratic regulations imposed on local / rural abattoirs


15.4.2 City of Kingston - Payments in Lieu of Taxes

16. COMMUNICATIONS RESOLUTION 16.1 Resolution CoW 10 - 177 Clarke - McQueen RESOLVE That the Committee of the Whole directs the following items from Communication be added an Agenda for necessary action. Item 15.1.1, Item 15.1.2, Item 15.2.1., Item 15.2.12, Item 15.4.1., Item 15.4.2 CARRIED.

17. MEETING DATES 17.1 Dates No change to dates as noted on the agenda.

18. OTHER BUSINESS 19. CLOSED SESSION Recessed - The Committee recessed from 2:40 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.

19.1 Closed Session The Mayor left the closed session at 3:50 p.m. and returned at 4:10 P.M. 10 - 178 Fawcett - Risk RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole go into a closed session to discuss an item which relates to: Personal matters about an identifiable individual including municipal or local board employees;

The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor - client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose - Arran-Elderslie By-law

Litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipalities or

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 16 of 59 information purposes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - MINUTES JUNE 21, 2010,

local boards - Durham Stone; Simcoe County Road 91; Best Pit

Present: CAO, Clerk, Interim Deputy Clerk for all sections,

- CBO, Junior Planner, Public Works Superintendent and Ray Duhamel of Jones Consulting for the Arran-Elderslie By-law - Junior Planner for Durham Stone Time: 2:55 p.m. CARRIED.

19.2 Open Session

CoW 10 - 179 Risk - Halliday RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole return to Open Session.

Time: 5:10 p.m. CARRIED.

19.3 Confirmation of Action from Closed Session CoW 10 - 180 Risk - Fawcett RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole confirms the actions of the Closed Session as follows: Direction as provided to staff CARRIED.

20. ADJOURNMENT 20.1 Adjourn CoW 10 - 181 Fawcett - Mullin RESOLVE, That Committee of the Whole adjourn until the Call of the Chair. Time: 5:11 p.m. CARRIED.

______Lynn Silverton, Chair

______Debbie Robertson, Clerk

Approved Prior Committee of the Whole Minutes for Page 17 of 59 information purposes file:///C:/Users/robertsond/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temp...%20Internet%20Files/Content.Outlook/VG4LCGFA/stage_four_map.gif

file:///C:/Users/robertsond/AppData/Local/Microsoft/W...%20Files/Content.Outlook/VG4LCGFA/stage_four_map.gif [26/05/2010 4:06:22 PM]

10:30 a.m. - Jason Vurma - MultiSport - Simcoe Shores Page 18 of 59 Relay August 2010

3 Ironwood Trail, R.R. #4, Coldwater L0K 1E0

Debbie Robertson Clerks Department Municipality of Grey Highlands

Dear Debbie,

This letter is to serve as our formal request for permission from the Municipality of Grey Highlands to help host our 1st Annual Simcoe Shores Relay! The event is to be held on August 21st & 22nd, 2010.

The event is a 240 km, 24 hour Running Relay beginning in Barrie and ending at The Blue Mountains. Modeled after an event we created for a Charity in Southern Ontario and a number of highly successful events of this format across North America, teams of between 5 to 8 runners will complete a route that starts in Barrie and follows rural roads and rail trails through Oro-Medonte, Orillia, Severn, Tay, Midland, Penetanguishene, Tiny, Springwater, Wasaga Beach, Clearview, Municipality of Grey Highlands, Town of Blue Mountains and County of Grey ending at picturesque Craigleith Ski Club.

As with all of our events, all major intersections on the event routes are controlled by the local police and warning signage will be placed at significant roads adjacent to the event route as well as on the course itself.

We also formally request usage (with NO CLOSURES) of the following roads and trails from the Municipality of Grey Highlands:

Early Morning August 22nd • Pretty River Valley Rd (from Municipal Limits – 12th Line/Grey Rd 31) • Sideroad 25 (from 12th Line to Osprey-The Blue Mountains Townline) • Osprey-The Blue Mountains Town Line (from Sideroad 25 to The Blue Mountains 4th Line)

10:30 a.m. - Jason Vurma - MultiSport - Simcoe Shores Page 19 of 59 Relay August 2010

3 Ironwood Trail, R.R. #4, Coldwater L0K 1E0

We would gladly be available for any conversations with you, or any of your staff, regarding any and all details of our event, including our safety policies and proven safety record of hosting over 130 outdoor endurance events over the last 9 years. And, as the Municipality of Grey Highlands’ portion of the race does stretch into the still early part of the morning, we would also like you to know that each runner must wear a reflective vest and use their headlamp/flashlight and red rear flashing light between 8:00PM and 6:00AM. Team support members must also wear this equipment during these times any point where they are outside their vehicle and/or on the race course.

The event will carry an insurance policy of $5 Million in third Party Liability and the Municipality of Grey Highlands will be named as co-insured.

When your staff is satisfied with the details of the event, we request a letter, or email, of support for the event by July 1st, 2010 so that we can forward this information to our provincial governing body, for sanctioning and insurance purposes.

Thanks in advance for all of your support, and we look forward to a safe and successful run in 2010!


Jason Vurma Technical Director MultiSport Canada Ph: 705 719 4394 Cell: 705 730-8795

10:30 a.m. - Jason Vurma - MultiSport - Simcoe Shores Page 20 of 59 Relay August 2010 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 21 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 22 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 23 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 24 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 25 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 26 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January 10:45 a.m. - Vera Lloyd & Glenn Weatherall - Dufferin Page 27 of 59 Grey ATV Club - ATV By-law 2005-09 - Item from January Name of Committee/Board - ______

1. What type of Board/Committee are you: (ie ongoing or specific task)

2. Is your Board/Committee applicable by legislation (i.e. – Committee of Adjustment, Police Services Board)?

3. Do you report to Council or a Committee of Council?

4. What would be the functional relationships between the Board/Committee and Council?

5. What is the general purpose of your Board/Committee?

Page 1 of 6

Terms of Reference - Boards and Committees Page 28 of 59

6. What are the goals and activities of the Board/Committee?

7. Describe the nature of your committee’s membership (citizens and/or organizations, numbers in each category)

8. Are there specific membership qualifications – (i.e. – must have training background)?

9. How many members are necessary?

10. How many consecutive meetings is a member allowed to be absent before they are no longer considered a member of your committee?

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11. Who on your committee would be responsible for being the main Council Liaison?

12. Is Municipal staff support required for your committee?

13. Identify the various roles and expectations of your members (members, Chair, Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary, staff participants, staff liaisons).

14. How does your committee appoint members to the committee?

15. What are the expectations of your committee when a member resigns?

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16. Do you request the resignation in writing or are verbal resignations acceptable?

17. Which committee member will be responsible for advising the Municipality in writing of the resignation in order that staff can update the Appointment By-law?

Although all Board/Committee members shall observe the Rules of Procedure as outlined in the Council Procedure By-Law, as far as applicable, some committee members may feel more comfortable and appreciate the opportunity to exchange views with fellow committee members in a more informal atmosphere.

18. How formal or informal are your meetings?

19. What are your scheduled meeting dates – (i.e. the 2nd Monday of each month, quarterly meeting dates, bi-monthly only)?

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20. What time will the meetings commence and what time do they generally end?

21. Where are the meetings to be held – (i.e. at the library, at committee members homes, at the arena)?

22. Are the agenda and minutes prepared in Word format? Are they typed or hand written?

23. Does the Recording Secretary distribute the agenda/minutes or does the Chair?

24. Minutes of all meetings, whether closed to the public or not, shall be recorded and must identify names of members in full for attendance and on action items.

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25. Who is the Treasurer/financial appointee on your committee that will work as the liaison with the finance department staff at the Municipality regarding the budget process and financial reporting?

26. Do any of your committee members receive expenses for travelling to meetings?

27. Which member of your committee will be reporting to the Treasurer to request expense refunds?

Please return the completed form to the Clerks Department, Municipality of Grey Highlands, 206 Toronto Street, P.O. Box 409, Markdale ON N0C 1H0 or via e-mail at [email protected]

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Terms of Reference - Boards and Committees Page 33 of 59 June 20, 2010‐06‐20

Members of Council for

Municipality of Grey Highlands

To Those of the Council‐

I am writing to you to update you on the current status of the Eugenia Community Park.

Myself, and other Volunteers have been keeping this Community Park maintained to allow safety and enjoyment of this community property.

As you are aware there have been positive changes to this Community Park and with these changes increased usage of this park is being observed by those around it.

It has now come to the final phase of a long process of installing the Secure Outer Chain linked fence to establish the ball park. Landscaping and new grass has been effective to establish a multi‐use area for the community to use.

The reason I am trying to complete this final task, is that the Vandalism continues to be a ongoing problem in this area. The new grass for the out filed and the gravel on the infield, are subject areas to be ripped up by motor bikes, 4 X 4‘s and even Argo’s.

I have a group of Volunteers that monitor and repair damaged spots, frequently.

We have the supplies to complete this next phase.

I have 2 quotes to have this fence completed with the best of being cost effective is $1500.00.

This would be completed by Rob Hanley from Collingwood. He is aware that there is limited monies, and is doing a favour to me to get this much needed fence installed.

I have updated Scott Betts. He will come and resurvey this area at the back of the field. This will mark out Simpson street that meets Inkerman street.

I am asking for you to allow funds to be released from the Eugenia Ball Park Reserve to make payment of this project. The Eugenia Improvement Association are aware of this request and support this much needed completed phase at the Park.

Completion of this fence is estimated to be completed within the next few weeks.

If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at –

[email protected] or 519‐924‐2816

Sincerely, Sharon Wickens.

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June 15, 2010

Dear Tourism Partners,

One of the key points outlined in our last correspondence was the need to move forward to incorporate a Regional Tourism Organization for Region 7 (RTO7) to ensure our region is ready to take advantage of recently announced funding opportunities from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture. It is in this spirit that a strong RTO7 Transition Team has been established that will carefully oversee the transition of our region, which encompasses the Counties of Bruce, Grey and Simcoe and includes the separate cities, towns and First Nations lands within these three counties, into a dynamic new Regional Tourism Organization that is governed by a democratically elected board. Accompanying this letter is an overview document on the Transition Team, its mandate and areas of responsibility, input on how you can get involved and a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Our region will soon be in a position to apply for RTO7 funding, now that a Transition team is in place. The other two pieces of this funding puzzle that your team is working on, is to assign an accountable organization as a Banker for the region and to establish a Terms of Reference Agreement. And both of these requirements will be expedited in the weeks ahead, so that organizations within our region will be able to begin submitting funding applications for new tourism marketing initiatives. After reviewing the attached document, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or suggestions you might have.


RTO7 Transition Team

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) 1 Transitioning to Success

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Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) Transitioning to Success

Transition Team Responsibilities & Mandate The areas of responsibility for your Transition Team include: Guiding the planning process for the establishment and incorporation of a permanent RTO7, including developing Terms of Reference, By-laws and a Board of Governance for RTO7 Establishing guidelines for the application and transfer of payments from the Ministry during the transition phase (formally known as the Transfer Payment Agreement or TPA with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture) Identifying specific initiatives or promotional activities that can be implemented quickly and will increase tourism activity in the region, with the authority to decide on the allocation of TPA funds until RTO7 is fully operational Acting as a direct liaison for the region with the Ontario government throughout the transition phase Providing ongoing communication to tourism partners within RTO7

It goes without saying that we take these responsibilities seriously, which is consistent with the team’s mandate to: Function in a fair, reasonable and transparent fashion Do everything in our power to expedite the transition phase through to the establishment of a formal RTO7 Ensure that during the transition phase, our region is well positioned to compete for and procure its fair share of Government of Ontario funding Support projects and initiatives that are well thought out and have a positive, meaningful impact on the growth of tourism within our region

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) 2 Transitioning to Success

Tourism 7 Page 38 of 59 Your Regional Transition Team The Transition Team for RTO7 was carefully selected for their skills, knowledge and experiences that will be needed to develop a viable regional organization. In other words it was appointed using much of the same criteria that will ultimately be used to elect the board of directors for RTO7, once it has been incorporated. And it is a team that is geographically representative of the region and is comprised of the following individuals:

Laurie Adams, Developer/Project Manager, E’Terra

. During her extensive career in travel and tourism, she has been a chair, director and member of associations ranging from the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve to the Provincial Board of the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation to the Canadian Sustainable Tourism Advisory Council.

Don Braden, President, Blue Mountain Village Association Don has been President of the Blue Mountain Village Association for five years and has over 20 years experience managing associations -- including establishing new associations, developing marketing plans for these associations and leading effective government relations programs. Don is also on the Grey County Tourism Committee, is the current Chair of the Georgian Bay Destination Development Partnership and is the President of the Village at Blue Mountain Foundation.

Peter Cowley, Executive Vice President, Prior to assuming his current position at Horseshoe Resort, Peter spent 23 years with Intrawest. His responsibilities with Intrawest included supervision of several hotel properties, negotiating franchise agreements with various hotel brands (including Westin and Hard Rock Hotels), evaluating new business opportunities and overall resort operations.

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Tourism 7 Page 39 of 59 Mark Downing, Owner/Operator, Fern Resort Mark has extensive experience working on community and regional committees. He is one of the founding Co-Presidents of Ontario’s Lake Country, an association that involves the collaborative efforts of local industry, the municipal government and the chambers of commerce from four municipalities. He has also been an active member of Resorts Ontario since 1999, helping to market the group in Ontario, across Canada, in the U.S. and overseas markets.

Tibor G. Haasz, General Manager, Super 8 Motel - Midland Tibor has been in the hospitality industry for over 20 years. He currently sits as Chair of the Georgian Bay Tourism Group, comprised of industry stakeholders within the Midland Penetanguishene and surrounding townships. Tibor also sits as a Board Director on the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce.

Mylisa Henderson, Owner/Operator, Scandinave Spa As Co-Owner and Director of Sales and Marketing for Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain, Mylisa has transitioned her business from a relatively unknown start-up in 2006 to what is now a destination spa with over 60,000 annual visitors. On behalf of Scandinave Spa, Mylisa has formed strategic partnerships with close to 50 tourism and business operators within the region.

Ray Lapp, Owner/Operator, Park Place Motel & the Heidelberg Inn As owner/operator of the Park Place Motel in Wasaga Beach and the Heidelberg Inn in Collingwood, Ray is the current President of the Georgian Triangle Tourist Association. A former practicing lawyer, Ray is a lifelong resident of the Southern Georgian Bay area who has extensive experience working with small and medium-sized tourist businesses in the area.

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Tourism 7 Page 40 of 59 Brenda Lucas, General Manager – Hampton Suites & Inn by Hilton Brenda has over 20 years experience Hotel & Hospitality Industry in the Midland and Barrie area. She is the President of the Board of Directors of Tourism Barrie and has held the position on the Board of Directors for the past six years. Brenda is also the Chair of the Barrie Hotel Association and has been appointed to represent the Simcoe County Accommodation Association.

Rick McArthur, Owner/Operator, Fisherman's Cove Tent and Trailer Park Rick and his family have operated Fisherman’s Cove since 1972. The tent and trailer park in the heart of Bruce County, has a 5 star rating with Woodall’s, and a 5 star rating with Camping Select. Rick has been instrumental in working with the Private Campground Association of Grey Bruce, the Provincial Ontario Private Campground Owners Association and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs.

Bev Philp, V.P. Marketing and Sales, Blue Mountain Resort Bev has been the Vice-President of Marketing and Sales at Blue Mountain Resort, Ontario’s largest ski resort for 27 years. Over this period, the resort has matured into a major four-season resort with over 1,000 lodging units, a conference centre and a championship golf course. In addition to her role with Blue, Bev is the current Chair of the Board of the Blue Mountain Village Association. She also sits on the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation – North American Committee. Additional committee experience includes Attractions Ontario, the Special Olympics World Winter Games, the Canadian Ski Council and the Georgian Triangle Tourist Association.

Bryan Plumstead, Tourism Manager/Economic Development Coordinator, Grey County For the past seven years, Bryan has been involved in numerous product development and marketing campaigns for Grey County and Grey Bruce. He has served on the board of the former Southern Ontario Tourism Organization (SOTO), was founding chair of the Georgian Bay Destination Development Partnership and is currently Vice-Chair of the Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Partnership.

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Tourism 7 Page 41 of 59 Linda Simpson, Executive Director, Georgian Triangle Tourist Association Linda has over 17 years of Public Relations and Marketing experience, working in both the public and non-profit sectors. Linda assumed the role of Executive Director with the Georgian Triangle more than two years ago. She has steered the development of a Regional Tourism Plan for South Georgian Bay, utilizing solid Research to brand South Georgian Bay as a destination region. Her role includes extensive stakeholder communications and engagement, fund development, product development, marketing and knowledge in governance and the development, by-laws.

Kathleen Trainor, Executive Director, Tourism Barrie Kathleen is the Executive Director of Tourism Barrie and has been in the position for the past seven years. Kathleen has over 15 years experience working in the non-profit sector, which entails skills and knowledge in governance, Board of Director development, by-laws, reporting to stakeholders and funders and managing a non- profit. In 2007-2008, Tourism Barrie was the lead organization for the Premier Ranked Tourist Destination Framework for the Barrie, Orillia and South Simcoe area.

Making the Transition Team’s Job Easier The burden of responsibility of our Transition Team is considerable – we take the task at hand seriously and feel strongly that in order to properly fulfill our mandate to the satisfaction of all of our constituents, we need your support, input and participation. Here are just a few ways you can help us to better represent the region’s interests: Submit ideas on tourism initiatives that will help the region to aggressively grow its tourism base Share our commitment to managing a process that is fair, reasonable and transparent Get involved in the process of helping to nominate members of our future board of directors Participate in the election of our future board of directors

Regional Tourism Organization 7 (RTO7) 6 Transitioning to Success

Tourism 7 Page 42 of 59 Next Steps The Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture has just announced renewed funding for regional tourism initiatives within the province and with the Transition Team in place, we are ready to move forward in a responsible manner. As such, we recognize the need to expedite the transfer of funds once they become available. Equally important is the need to ensure funds are wisely allocated to the greater benefit of RTO7 and in the interest of continuing to grow the tourism industry within our region. In the spirit of communicating effectively and openly with our tourism partners, the Transition Team will be running a two-day workshop in the coming days designed specifically to develop communication tools and strategies that are designed to keep you informed and hopefully involved throughout the transition phase.

FAQ’s - Frequently Asked Questions Q. How was the Transition Team chosen? A. The Transition Team was chosen based on the desire to create an experienced, capable team coming from all parts of our region, with a strong emphasis on including private sector members. People whose skills will enable the Transition Team to do an effective job of overseeing the transition phase from strategic, logistical and legal perspectives.

Q. Who chose the Transition Team? A. The Transition Team was chosen by the Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) team – which was chosen by you our stakeholders to respond to the RFEI on behalf of RTO7, on the basis of fair and reasonable geographic representation. The RFEI team consisted of Linda Simpson, Executive Director of the Georgian Triangle Tourism Association, Don Braden, President of the Blue Mountain Village Association, Chris Hughes, Manager of Bruce County Tourism and Kathleen Trainor, Executive Director of Tourism Barrie.

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Tourism 7 Page 43 of 59 Q. Why were there no information sessions or meetings prior to establishing the Transition Team? A. The Transition Team was fast-tracked based on the need to move quickly and the shrinking window of time with which to ready ourselves for any new provincial funding.

Q. Now that renewed government funding has been announced, the province is emphasizing the need for quick spends and quick wins. What is the Transition Team’s perspective on this? A. We share the perception that it is important to expedite the process of procuring and allocating funds. However we strongly feel the need to ensure that we spend this money wisely, for the greater good of tourism within our region and not on initiatives that either aren’t well thought out or will have a negligible impact on RTO7 tourism.

Have Your Say Whether you have an idea, a question or concern, we want to hear from you. To have your say, call (number here) or email us at: [email protected]

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Tourism 7 Page 44 of 59 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority 2009 Annual Page 45 of 59 Report - (Distributed) Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 46 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 47 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 48 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 49 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 50 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 51 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 52 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 53 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 54 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 55 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 56 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Niagara Escarpment Commission - Additions to Niagara Page 57 of 59 Escarpment Planning Area - Regulation 235/10 Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Partnership Page 58 of 59 - Web Site Grey Bruce Regional Economic Development Partnership Page 59 of 59 - Web Site