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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1937-04-01 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1937). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1626. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TO SERVE TO SPREAD THE STUDENTS THE XAVERIAN NEWS THE SPIRIT OF XAVIER ... Official Newspaper Of Xavier University· OF XAVIER ~ .. VOLUME XXII.. CINCINNATI, OHIO,. TH1JRSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937 NO. 17 Plans Completed For Two Social .Events; Prom April·.· 16; Mililary ···Ball· Tomorrow . ~~,._.~>4119C>-..t~~~....u.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~- Clyde 'McCoy Will Bring Colonel Fuller To Attend ! Junior Promenade Com4ittee I Sword And Plume . ' ·His Band, His Trumpet Affair At Hall Of Mir· •.·~~c~..-..~~~· Applications Sought ·and His "Sugar Blues" rors As Guest Of Honor To The Hall Of Mirrors All rosters of campus organi~ zations must definitely be sub mitted to the Student Council JACK SPRATT before the next meeting, April FAMOUS AS 15, Joseph Kruse, chairman, an TO ENTERTAIN . RADIO ARTIST nounced today. Comparatively few clubs have handed in their 'list of: members Prominent Military Fig· and officers to council officials for McCoy. Wins Student points for Sword and Plume ures To Attend First membership, honorary graduate Ballot By Wide Margin fraternity of Xavier University. Annual Military Ball. To Prove His Popular· .Seniors who are eligible for membership should urge officers BY JACK BRUDER · · ity; T~ckets Now Avail;. of their respective -organizations ,to submit their personnel within A surprise announcement was able. the next two weeks. received this week by the cadet officers arranging for the Military Ball of Xavier University to be Clyde 'McCoy, nationally fa Annual Covers held tomol'row night at the Hall mous exponent of the trumpet of Mirrors of Hotel Netherland and "The Sugar B1ues", will Being Made. By Plaza. They were informed that ·bring his 14-piece collegJ.ate or Col. and Mrs. A. L. Fuller, C. A. :chestra. to the Xavier Junior C., of Columbus, Ohio, have ac 'Promenade in the Hall <>f Mir Chicago :Fi~m cepted the invitation to attend rors on Friday, April 16, accord- the affair as guests of honor. Photography Fo.r An· Colonel Fuller is in charge of The drawing for the winner the Civilian Component of the ·.of the .all-expense ticket to the . nual Nearly Complet· Fifth Corps Area with head Junior Prt1menade will be held quatters at Fort Hayes, Colum : .at the ·Military· Ball ill the Hall ed; Evening . Section bus. The Civilian Component includes such . units as the R. O. ~f Mirrors f'.riday_ ey~~g'. _ -Already. Finished... ,, .·. · .. T. c. · . ' While in the city Col. Fuller ing: to an anaouncement :Oy Al During the past week much and Mrs. Fuller will be the house bert A. Stephan, Junior Prom has been done toward the com guests of Major Arthur M. Harp Chairman. pletion of the Musketeer. The er arid Mrs. Harper at their home · McCoy, one of the· ace- maestros work for the night school section on the Xavier Campus. of the country, recently scored and the photography, except for an overwhelming triumph in a Jack Spratt · the .a:.em,aining social functions ·cadet Robert F. Meyer, Bat student.ballot to select this year's has been finished according to Prom band, outdistancing other talion Commander, who is chair Leonard Griffith, editor. The man cif arrangements, has secur nationally known orchestras such covers for· the annual ·are now as" Johnny Hamp, Emerson Gill being made by a Ch"icago firm ed the services of Jack Spratt 'and Frank Dailey. · · and will be ·completed in the :Clyde McCoy's collegiate pop near future. ularity has arisen from his re <> ROB.t::R-T F. .The redrafting <>f editorials is cent motion picture shorts, for M£YER.... under way at the present time. Warner. Brothers, ·and his num Though no tiip·e is set for the ap- erous recordings .in addition to . pearance of the finished copy of his past record runs in some of annual i.t is thoug11t that it ~he nation's leading supper clubs. ·od Fellowship Meeti·ng willth~ appear m the latter part of More recently starring in th.e Go east, in Boston and Philadelphia, mid-west fans will remember his lengthy :visits to the Drake Will Be Held BY_ Dads Oub ~~sh and.' M-0.rrisc;m HoteJS in Chicago, Prize the Claridge in Memphis, the Campaign For Attend· imum attendance at the April Lowry in St. Paul ·and the Brown meeting. Be Presented in Louisville. Radio fans will anc~ At Meetings Is In· Dr. Clear, Mr. Janson, Mr. · (Continued on PaJ?e 6) Meyer and Mr. Moorman will itiat~d; Social Program constitute a special committee to ........ prepare entertainment for this Latin Winner Outlined By Commit· meeting. • • • The tee Of Eight. lntercolleg i ate Latin W-E EK Dante Club To Contest Held Today In ·At Xavier ••• A goOd fellowship meeting for the members of rthe Dad's Club v1·s1•t Academy Mary G. Lodge Read· JACK SPRATT 11o;;;;;;;;;;o;r,;;__,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;c;;;;;;OOiiiii;,;;~---.:a of Xavier University will be held - ing Room. and his orchestra. A :fifteen-min- ODAY: Intercollegiate Latin _on Monday evening, April 19, at ·In We St WOO d ute broadcast over the Nation's T. Contest sponsored by Jesuit. the Hotel Alms, according to an Station, WLW, has .been sched- Colleges held for Xavier Latin announcement this week .by J. Annual Intercollegiate Latin uled and will feature the famed st.udents in M;ary G. Lodge read- B. Moorman, president. Contest took place today in the. (Continued on Page 5) ing room. ·_Friday: Judge Graber, At a ;special meeting Tuesday, "Dante's Divina Corned· Mary Lodge readin1: room of the Chicago jurist wi'll present lee- attended by Adam F. Meyer, J. Xavier University library, spon ture· on lawlessness and domestic J. Schmidt, Nicholas J. Janson, ia" Subject Of Lecture sored by the Jesuit colleges and Believing t h e President's unhappiness and their remedies E. G. Harper, Dr. J. T. Clear, univers'ities of, the United States. Message which appears on before the Bellarmine Society of Frank J. Norris, President Den- Tp Be Given Next Wed• The award for ·the ·winner, page two to be of unusual ·in Xavier · University in Mary G. nis F. Burns, S. J., and Mr. Moor- which was formerly a medal, will terest this week, The Xaverian Lo<lge. reading room. • • . First man, a definite social program of nesday• be cash this year, and will be News will offer a cash prize of annual Military Ball for R. 0. T. three events was decided ·upon presented by the Provincials of one dollar to the student who c. cadets will be held in Nether- for the interval before the sum- "D te' D" . C edi ,, . the Missuori and Chicago Pro- presents in fifty word-; the two land Plaza . Hall of Mirrors . : . mer vacation. an s ivma om a is vinces. most logical conclusions to be Monday: Intr:a-Semester examm- Two monthly meetings and a the lecture to be presented by -the The morning period was occu drawn. Entries may be either ations "begin and will run through commencement week celebration Dante Club next Wednesday a~ -pied 'b!,/ translating an English typed or handwritten and will the entire week . • . Freshmen are to be held ·by the Dads. These ternoon · ~t Mother -Of Mercy passage to idiomatic Latin; and be judged, on the basis of style will present debate in regular three events will be utilized to Acad~my m W~stwoo~. in the afternoon the twenty and content alone, by a jucy of fortnightly meeting of Poland cement the organization and to This lecture is considered one eight contestants of Xavier trans faculty judges. The contest Philopedian Society . , . Wednes- outline projects·for a greater Xa- of the best w-0rks in the reper- lated a classical: Latin selection will close Saturday a week, day: Dante Club .lecturers will vier University. toire of the lecturers. into English. April 10, at midnight. Entries present "Divina. Comedia" before All members are to· receive a Students preparing for the Raymond J. Kemble placed may be made in the publicity faculty and student· ibody of roster of the Club within the next lecture are Raymond J, Kemble tlfth last. year in the tourney, office in Room 47, Biology Mother of 'Mercy Academy in week and a definite campaign and Leonard C. Gartner, seniors, and thereby retained the reput- Building. Westwood. will betconducted to have a max~ and Vincent E. ·Smith, junior. able standing of Xavier, · · !'AGE TWO THE XAVERIAN NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937 The recent Guadalajara victory of the I CLASSICS THEXAVERIANNEWS Madrid government has occasioned un- Published weekly during the school usual rejoicing in the public press . y Q u ARE FEATURED · year by the students of Xavier Now that a "boom" is under way in SAID ITI University from their offices in Room America, the crime rate has e~erienced IN XAVIER 56, of the Biology Building. Phone a sharp rise ... Science makes new boasts JEfferson 3220. about solving the problems of man . THE MODERN DANCE EDUCATION Entereil ns second-clnBR matter Februl'ry 18, 1937, nt the 11ost ·orflce nt Clnclnnl'tl, Ohio, under Modern education is praised highly ·by 1 Is partly stance the Act of llfarch 3, 1870.