1. PCS President’s Report 2. PCSF President’s Report

3. Chapters’ Reports • Cordillera Chapter • Northern Luzon Chapter • Central Luzon Chapter • Metro Chapter • Southern Tagalog Chapter • Cebu Eastern Chapter • Northern Chapter

4. Surgical Specialty Societies’ Reports • Philippine Urological Association • Philippine Association of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery • Philippine Society of Pediatric Surgeons • Philippine Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons • Philippine Orthopedic Association • Philippine Society of General Surgeons • Academy of Filipino Neurosurgeons, Inc. • Philippine Association of Training Officers in Surgery, Inc. • Surgical Oncology Society of the • Philippine Academy for Head and Neck Surgeons, Inc. • Philippine Spine Society • Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Surgery • Association of Women Surgeons of the Philippines • Philippine Association of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeons




2020, the year of the pandemic and on-line activities will be a year punctuated by so many firsts for the country let alone our College. Let me detail to you the developments and events we went through as the year progressed.


We hit the ground running as we started meeting as early as the first week of the year with meetings by the Trauma, Injury and Burn Care Commission, the Task Shifting program and the Strut for a Cause, Surgeons in Couture modeling show scheduled for March which were first on the agenda for the year. The 1st BOR meeting soon followed on 1/11/2020 which was mainly organizational in nature plus discussions centered on the task shifting program that the College wanted to pursue to address unmet surgeries in the rural areas. That evening I was the inducting officer for the new fellows and new diplomates of the PAPRAS at the Novotel Hotel. The following day, 1/12, the Taal Volcano erupted serving as the harbinger for more problems that the country will be facing for the rest of the year. Coordinating with the Southern Tagalog Chapter, the BOR was able to provide funding assistance to the evacuees and to our fellows hit hardest by the outburst of that infamous volcano in Batangas.

Like any other January, we started our trek to the different chapters of the PCS, starting with the supposed host for our MYC in May, the Bicol chapter (Naga). came after at the Marco Polo Hotel. The STC would have been next but Taal led to a postponement of that visit. On 1/25, the Philippine National Red Cross in cooperation with the WHO, called for a meeting among the different medical societies to discuss preparations for a looming medical outbreak, the 2019-nCov.


The PCS Cancer Commission sponsored the “Alliance for Life: A Cancer Summit” at the PMA auditorium on 2/4 attended by representatives from the oncologic community including the DOH and lay people to discuss priorities to get the National Integrated Cancer Control Law running as well as discussions on cancer policies, politics, funding and accessing of clinical trials.

Along with the 7 other specialty division and PMA presidents and representatives, we had a series of meeting this month to discuss issues related to DOH’s circulars on residency training and accreditation/certification, posting of PFs in clinics and manpower data. In relation to the latter, a few regents met with the DOH Health Human Resource Development Bureau to discuss data on specialist’s distribution around the country including the possibility of carrying out the task shifting program in underserved regions of the country with the help of the DOH. Visits to the following chapters occurred this month: Cebu-Eastern Visayas (the host for next year’s MYC), Negros Island ( City), Panay () and the Northeastern Luzon (Santiago, Isabela) Chapters.


We started the month with a meeting at the House of Representatives with the Committee on Civil Service & Professional Regulation along with the PRC, the DOH, the PMA and all the other specialty division presidents to discuss the Physicians Act, Bills 1103 & 1443. A technical working group headed by Congresswoman Angelina Tan of the Committee on Health was tasked to finalize the House version. That same evening, the PMA met with all the specialty division presidents on issues related to PHIC accreditation, and other plans of the PMA for the year.

Visits to two chapters were carried out on the 7th and 8th to the Cordillera Chapter in City and at for the Northern Luzon chapter. While there in Vigan I got a call from one of our surgeons where I practice in Pasig that she had contracted the virus. Things were starting to hit close to home.

The SURE Commission headed by Juvie Villaflor, along with its partner in missions the World Surgical Foundation, signed an MOA with the League of Municipalities of the Philippines headed by Luis “Chavit” Singson at the Marriott Grand Ballroom on the evening of the 9th. Ominously absent among the LMP members that night were the mayors from Metro Manila as they were called to an emergency meeting at the Palace by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte regarding the possibility of a lockdown.

True enough the countrywide quarantine was announced to commence on the 15th of March and for the first time in the history of the BOR, we had an on-line board meeting on March 13 and resumed on the 14th. Zoom subsequently became a word of mouth and the board decided that we had to issue advisories and guidelines during this period of the lockdown. In total, the BOR released 11 guidelines between 3/15 and late April. All other surgical specialty societies under the wing of the PCS subsequently followed suit. Despite the standstill, we kept ourselves busy with on-line meetings and updating ourselves on what was the best response from the

surgical standpoint knowing that we were not the main medical specialty society being consulted to by government agencies but that we also could provide advice for peripheral concerns.

Since we had not visited with four chapters before the lockdown was announced, the Executive Committee (myself, Tony Say, Panching Lahoz, Rhoel de Leon, Dexter Aison, Mon Inso & Boogie Montenegro) started administering our chapter inductions on-line starting with the Davao-Southern Mindanao chapter on March 25 and the three that followed were held in April & May – Southern Tagalog chapter (4/13), Central Luzon chapter (4/21) & the Northern Mindanao chapter (5/8). We used these opportunities to connect with our colleagues from these chapters and updating them on goings-on in the college and our dealings with government agencies and the HMO organizations.


With the government mandating continuous quarantine, many meetings continued to be conducted on-line via the various platforms available. Notable among these were the meetings we had with the National Task Force plus presidents of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the PMA on April 7 regarding confidentiality issues and COVID patients to facilitate contact tracing as well as with presidents of the 22 surgical specialty societies under the PCS, boarded and allied on the 14th. On the 15th we met with all twelve (12) PCS Chapter presidents. Just like the meeting of the night before, we met to update them on issues relating to COVID in their communities and specialties, on problems affecting their fellows and trainees as well as offers to provide financial assistance to the chapters to purchase PPE and other essential needs. It was also around this time that, with the help of the Telemedicine Network of the Philippines, we were able to start a series of webinars in association with the different surgical societies under the PCS. Guidelines from the surgical societies also started pouring in and these were released and shared in our FB page and website and the various other social media platforms like Viber. One of the most attended webinars was the PCS Committee on Continuing Surgical Education sponsored 3-day Certifying Training Course on COVID response in cooperation with the Project Hope, the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation and Brown University. While this started in the latter part of April, two other similar courses were conducted by the CST in early May.


Traditionally, we hold our Mid-year convention and business meeting in the month of May and usually outside the Metro Manila area. For this year the 46th MYC should have been held from May 6-9 at the city of Naga, Camarines Sur but as all such activities were still disallowed, we opted to have it via the on-line route and with the help of Docquity, we conducted the first ever on-line convention in the country last May 28 & 29 with no registration fees including having an on-line business meeting with the approval of our legal counsel. The attendance exceeded our own expectations and was so well received that other specialty societies like PCP and POGS decided to carry out their own conventions the same way. This despite only having a few weeks of preparation as we had only decided to pursue the convention some time in April.

The on-line platform became such a convenient way of conducting meetings and webinars that there were times the BOR would meet 2-3x/week especially in the 2nd half of March & in April. By May everyone was practically Zooming regularly anywhere from 2-4x/week for committee and board meetings, department and hospital-wide case conferences, M&Ms, journal clubs, even with relatives and friends from here and abroad whom we couldn't meet physically. People also discovered the use of virtual backgrounds allowing creative ways to feature popular or pleasing backdrops behind them.

Some hospitals also started conducting elective surgeries already this month using guidelines provided by the PCS and from international sources. Most surgeries were being done only in an emergency setting at the early part of the pandemic but with the guidelines we provided along with international and PSMID/PCP recommendations, a number started slowly re-introducing elective surgeries to the cases performed especially with creation of COVID-free surgical pathways in their centers.


A number of surgical societies conducted webinars in June including the PAPRAS, the Metro Manila chapter, PATOS, PSPS among others. It was also during this time that we were invited to attend the DOH Sub-unit on Clinical Management Technical Working Group which was created to come up with simplified pathways and algorithms for the management of patients in the period of COVID and which would be shared with all the LGU hospitals in the country. Our VP, Tony Say was appointed co-chair of this Sub-unit and I was in charge of the surgical component of the manual. All specialty divisions were involved in this undertaking including inputs from the PMA. Likewise the PMA also at this time started compiling a compendium of all the guidelines produced by all medical and surgical societies to be shared with all the doctors in the land. The Senate also coordinated an on-line Joint Congressional Oversight Committee Meeting this month to discuss the Universal Health Care Law with the PMA and specialty division presidents invited along with reps of the OFW organizations around the globe and the problems of contributions to PHIC was the main issue that was tackled. Senator Bong Go, the chair of the Senate committee on Health requested the opinion of everyone invited but nothing concrete was decided upon.

At around the latter part of the month, the Board of Regents recommended for the Execom to meet with the boards of all the surgical societies under the PCS. We started first with the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology and issues on HMOs, membership with the PCS, training of residents, updates on the 76th Annual Clinical Congress and other matters were discussed. It was also during the month of June when we decided, during our board meeting, that the registration for the annual clinical congress for December will be waived. We released a statement called the State of the College Address regarding this and which we shared to the different social media platforms on June 23, the 100th day of the lockdown.


The PCS Execom continued meeting with the boards of the 10 other specialty societies this month in the following sequence: PUA, POA, PAPRAS, PSTS, AFN, PATACSI, PSPS, PSGS, PSCRS & PSO/HNS. We had the same agenda for all the meetings and we heard the concerns of all the surgical societies at this time. The zoom meetings were an excellent way to connect with our colleagues in the different subspecialties of Surgery and I felt a great deal of satisfaction after each meeting having reached out to the leaders of our constituents in the boarded surgical societies.

The House Committee on Health led by Congresswoman Angelina Tan along with the Committee on Civil Service & Professional Regulation called for a meeting of the Technical Working Group for the revision of the Physician’s Act early this month. The presidents of the PMA, the different specialty divisions and societies, the PRC and other medical pseudo- specialty society reps and even their legal counsels discussed much of the contentious issues of the bill particularly the creation of a post-graduate medical education council. The discussions on this bill will probably continue for some time as even the Senate has yet to release their own version of the bill.

More webinars and on-line meetings occurred this month like the on-line convention of PALES, the start of the PSPS “Jun Resurreccion” series of webinars, etc. The COMELEC of the PCS met this month and the decision to hold an on-line election for the BOR for 2021 was agreed upon.

The second week of July, starting this year, was declared by President , via Proclamation No. 971, as National Infection Prevention & Control (NIPAC) Week and the second Saturday of every July as Surgical Infection Prevention Awareness (SIPA) Day highlighted by a virtual inaugural commemoration last July 11. This was achieved through the efforts of our very own fellow, Esther Saguil, the chairman of the Surgical Infection committee of the College and the president of the Philippine Surgical Infection Society.

It was also in July when the One Hospital Command was created by the DOH and one of our fellows, Dr. Leonardo Vega was appointed an Undersecretary of the DOH to head this important group. Thus he was labeled as the government’s treatment czar against COVID.


The start of August saw the creation of the Health Professionals Alliance Against COVID or HPAAC led by mostly internists & IDS but which was a loose assemblage of over 150 medical societies, including the PCS, which became one of the vanguards in the scientific approach to responding to the pandemic in cooperation with government. There was a sudden increase in the number of critically ill COVID patients being admitted and treated in several hospitals in the metro in late July almost akin to the crisis-level problems of late March and April and the HPAAC responded by recommending a 2-week return to a Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) or time-out which President Duterte agreed to. The next few weeks saw press conferences, radio appearances and other media conferences featuring the HPAAC and its members to clarify its stand on the various health protocols against the virus and how we could work with the government and businesses to open up the economy.

The PSGS, the largest surgical society under the PCS, held its on-line surgical forum on the first week of August.

At the request of the Board of Regents, the board met en banc with Usec Vega and special guest surgeon, Dr Sammy Ang to raise up to Usec Vega the plea of the College to create a One Hospital Command also for non-COVID cases especially for cancer patients whose treatment had to be delayed due to the halt in elective surgeries in many centers especially in COVID- designated hospitals and other government health institutions or feared treatment due to the possible exposure to the virus within the hospital environment. We presented to him our position paper based on gathered evidence on the science behind this request. We received a response from the Undersecretary weeks later that the request could not be accommodated because the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act already mandates certain percentages of patients for COVID & non-COVID to be admitted in each hospital and so mandating purely non-COVID hospitals is not feasible.


In the first week of the month, the Execom once again met with the Presidents of the 11 allied specialty societies under the PCS such as PATOS, PALES, AWSP among others. The agenda for this meeting was almost similar to the meetings we had with the specialty society board meetings last June & July. For the month of September, the External Affairs committee was busy coordinating our Foundation Week activities which usually culminates in a Foundation Day dinner on September 12 to celebrate the day the College was born. For this year, the different chapters initiated several activities but most were muted and subdued due to the prevailing need for physical distancing and rules on limited gatherings. The 84th Foundation Day celebration held on the evening of September 12 was an on-line event and Dr Gerardo “Gap” Legaspi, a fellow of the PCS, the director of the Philippine General Hospital and the head of the PGH COVID Crisis Management Team was the keynote speaker. An audio-visual presentation and video of the torch relay involving fellows in all the chapters of the country were likewise presented. To quote from our FB page, “This torch is symbolically passed on or transferred from one PCS chapter to the next. Its journey symbolizes the movement of what PCS stands for through the years, which is the passing and sharing of ideas, ideals and knowledge among surgeons.

Today on the occasion of the 84th PCS foundation, this same torch also stands for PCS as a beacon of hope in the country's fight against COVID-19. Nothing can stop us from moving beyond the confines of surgery to upholding values of compassion, resilience and excellence in all we do as we help in nation building.” The evening ended with the presentation of the Kapit Bisig fund-raising program in which the College hopes to raise capital to help our health care workers and frontliners deal with the present pandemic in whatever way we can. The PMA held its virtual convention this month of September and fellows of PCS were actively involved in the preparation as well as in some sessions as lecturers. Two of our active PCS fellows, Dures Tagayuna and Hector Santos are presently the treasurer and the secretary- general respectively of the PMA for 2020-2021 and we hope to continuously work harmoniously with the PMA now led by pediatrician Benny Atienza in the coming years.


With the easing of some of the quarantine guidelines, we had our first hybrid board meeting on the 17th of the month with 4 regents physically present at the GT Singian Board Room which was outfitted with the required safety protocols while the rest of the board joining via the Zoom platform. Much of the work in the month of October centered on the preparations for the virtual 76th Annual Clinical Congress of the College set for Dec 6-9. As in the MYC last May, a lot of technical issues had to be settled with our on-line platform partner in this endeavor, Docquity. We hope it would be as well-attended as the MYC last May. The elections also for the Board of Regents for 2021 will likewise be held via the on-line route and preparations are underway to ensure the integrity of the process. As in the past months, we would meet regularly with our counterparts in the different specialty divisions of the PMA as well as PMAs Commission on Professional Specialization, chaired by another PCS fellow and past PCS president, Rey Melchor Santos to discuss issues affecting training of residents and fellows, how certifying and accrediting exams can be given either on-line or face-to-face as well as continuing discussions on the Physician’s Act.

Despite the lack of mobility during the period of the pandemic & the seeming lack of activities, 2020 was a year like no other, chockful of meetings, webinars and numerous other device- related this and that. I will look back at this year with fondness despite all the trials and tribulations. This year, to quote Rhoel de Leon, we were truly proud to be Fellows of the PCS.

Thank you to the Board of Regents, 2020 and the committees/commissions they handled:

Tony Say – Conventions; Admin Concerns, PCSF Rhoel de Leon – Finance Panching Lahoz – Publications; Membership; Information Technology; By-laws & Amendments Julyn Aguilar – External Affairs Dexter Aison – Building; Council of Surgical Subspecialty Boards; Internal Audit Rodney Dofitas – Research Glenn Genuino – Trauma; Trauma, Injury & Burn Care Commission Ramon Inso – Continuing Surgical Education; SURE Commission Rex Madrigal – Hospital Standardization & Accreditation; Socials & Sports Joselito Mendoza - HMO Renato Montenegro – Surgical Infections; Fellows Assistance Fund Alberto Paulino, Jr – Quality Assurance & Patient Safety Manuel Francisco Roxas – Cancer; Cancer Commission Josefino Sanchez – Surgical Training Annette Tolentino – Executive Secretary

The Committee on HMOs headed by past president Dr Fernando Lopez & RIC, Joey Mendoza were able to secure a commitment from the PAHMOC (Phil Association of HMO Corporations) to adopt our recommended 2019-2020 RVS. The possibility of additional meetings may occur in the next few weeks and in all likelihood we will be signing an MOA with them by year end.






Dear Fellows and Members of the Foundation,

The Foundation had the following activities for 2020

Meetings: February 8, 2020 April 18, 2020 June 20, 2020 August 15, 2020 October 17, 2020 October 27, 2020 (Special) November 13, 2020 (Special)

• Updates on the BIR/PCNC Application • Election of Officers and Committee Membership

Election of officers a.) Chairman -Dr. Jose Antonio M. Salud b.) President -Dr. Antonio S. Say c.) Treasurer -Mr. Angelito F. Teh, Jr. d.) Secretary -Dr. Esperanza R. Lahoz

Constitution of committees a.) Management Committee Members (5) Chairman -Dr. Jose Antonio M. Salud President -Dr. Antonio S. Say Treasurer -Mr. Angelito F. Teh, Jr. Secretary -Dr. Esperanza R. Lahoz Member -Dr. Rey Melchor F. Santos

b.) Resource Generation Committee Members (5) President -Dr. Antonio S. Say Treasurer -Mr. Angelito F. Teh, Jr. Secretary -Dr. Esperanza R. Lahoz Members -Dr. Robert C. Sy -Mr. Lito Tadena

c.) Fund Management Committee Members (5) PCS Finance Chair -Dr. Sherry O. Cunanan PCS Treasurer -Dr. Jose Rhoel C. De Leon PCSF President -Dr. Antonio S. Say PCSF Treasurer -Mr. Angelito F. Teh, Jr. Members -Dr. Josefino I. Sanchez -Dr. Dexter S. Aison

d.) Election Committee Members (3) President -Dr. Antonio S. Say Treasurer -Mr. Angelito F. Teh, Jr. Secretary -Dr. Esperanza R. Lahoz

• Presented the following Board Resolutions for the following purposes:



• Approved to enroll the PCS to a payment gateway with a bank other than the Paypal to facilitate online transactions and ease of payment for Fellows. • Creation of an Audit Committee with hiring of an Internal Auditor (outsourced); study the process /flow of the different financial transactions of the College to be able to comply with the requirements of BIR and PCNC. • PCS Kapit-Bisig Fund Drive launched during the Foundation Day celebration • Approved to develop a PCS Mobile Application and hiring of an IT staff.


Cancer Commission • 1st Cancer Summit attended by the different stakeholders from other oncologic societies and NGOs • SEC Registration is in process with Philam Foundation, Inc. (PFI) partially funding the seed money for this purpose in the amount of Php500,000.00 covered with a Memorandum of Agreement. • During the COVID height of the COVID Pandemic, a letter of appeal was sent to the DILG and DOH to protect, safeguard and sustain the treatment of cancer patients and cancer survivors. • PCS CanCom FB page was launched on April 2020 with the aim of public engagement • Formulation of a Training the Trainors manual – ongoing • Established tie-ups with other organizations: “Hope from Within” with PFI, CNAG-PH • Organization and mobilization of the Tumor Boards

Trauma, Injury, and Burn Care Commission • Released an Interim Guidelines on Handling Trauma and Burn Patients in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic • Attendance to the ALTC International Conference (online) • Operational Manual was presented • Bicycle Safety Committee was formed with the organization of the Cycle Safe Ph with the incorporation of the STOPTHEBLEED training.

• Hospital Care Cluster presented their proposed modifications of ONEISS to DOH Dr. Tayag • MOA with the DOH for the implementation of the STOPTHEBLEED training. • PCEM Recommendations for Pre-Hospital and Interfacility Transfer Interim Guidelines within the Healthcare Provider Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic and n Pandemic Respiratory Illnesses were reviewed. • PRC-PCS-MOA-Emergency Medical Services (PRC-EMS): Dr. Ted Herbosa as the representative of the PCS to the Medical Advisory Group (MAG) • TIBCC logo was approved • Participation in the Annual Clinical Congress

SURE Commission • Meetings and Tie-up with World Surgical Foundation, Society of Philippine Surgeons in America • Review of the Primary Care Manual is ongoing to be used in the task shifting project of the PCS • Introductory webinar in partnership with ASSIST and Project Hope gathering possible partners of the Commission

NOTE: Most projects of the Commissions were placed on hold due to the Pandemic.







President: Lydana C. Casuga, MD Vice-President: Gerarld P. Libatique, MD Secretary: Maximo L. Sucdad, Jr., MD Treasurer: Joey S. Lucas, MD Auditor: Michelle C. Payagen, MD PRO: Jason Ngalob, MD Board of Directors: Joselito B. Bringas, MD (Abra) Ludylene Besarino, MD (Benguet) Frances Irol Aspili (Mt. Province) Noli Velasquez, MD (Baguio) Representatives: Elizabeth M. Solang, MD (OB-Gyne) Antonio T. Tactay, MD (Orthopedics) Ener Baysapee, MD (Urology) Roel Domingo, MD (Neuro) Alfredo M. Igama, MD (Senior Fellow)

Governor: Annie Claire Pekas, MD


1) January 25, 2020: Participation in the PSGS MIS Hybrid Online Learning Program Face to Face Workshop held at The Medical City, Clark

2) May 28-29, 2020: Participation in the Online PCS 46th Midyear Convention, “Current Directions in Philippine Surgery”

3) June 30, 2020: Interhospital Online Journal Club. Moderator: Jeff Fontanilla, MD Topics: a) Post-operative Complications in Patients Undergoing Early Closure versus Delayed Closure of Ileostomy: A Meta-Analysis b) Hand-Sewn versus Stapled Closure of Loop Ileostomy: A Meta- Analysis c) Prophylactic mesh placement to avoid incisional hernias after stoma reversal: a systematic review and meta-analysis

4) July 11, 2020: ATLS Lecture (online). Speaker: Samuel Cosme, MD, FPCS

5) August 22, 2020: Lecture on Suturing and Knot Tying Techniques (Online Zoom link). Speakers: Banny Bay Genuino, MD, FPCS and Roberto Organo, Jr., MD, FPCS

6) August 28, 2020: Stop the Bleed Campaign, Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital, Speaker: Annie Claire Pekas, MD, FPCS

7) September 12, 2020: Interhospital Interesting Case Presentation, Cancer Center Training Hall, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (with online Zoom link)

8) September 12, 2020: Lecture on Hemorrhoidal Disease, Cancer Center Training Hall, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (with online Zoom link). Speaker: Lydana C. Casuga, MD, FPCS, FPSCRS

9) September 18 and 21, 2020: Lecture and Workshop on Patient Safety and Occupational Health, Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital. Speaker: Annie Claire Pekas, MD, FPCS

10) October 3, 2020: Suturing and Knot Tying Techniques Hands-On Workshop, Cancer Center Training Hall, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

11) October 17, 2020: Evolving Practices in Surgical Infection Prevention and Control; Speaker: Esther Saguil, MD, FPCS (webinar)

12) October 24, 2020 (AM): Suturing and Knot Tying Techniques Hands-On Workshop, Levesville Hall, Notre Dame De Chartres Hospital, Baguio City

13) October 24, 2020 (PM): Suturing and Knot Tying Techniques Hands-On Workshop, Department of Surgery Conference Room, Saint Louis University Hospital of the Sacred Heart, Baguio City 14) October 29, 2020: Interhospital Journal Club (Online)


A. Lay Forum / Lectures / Media Campaign:

1) March 22, 2020: Radio Guesting at DZWT “Payong Mediko Mula sa Eksperto,” hosted by Dr. Benito Sunga, a senior PCS fellow. Speaker: Lydana C. Casuga, MD, FPCS (Topic: Rectal bleeding and Colorectal Cancer)

2) September 6, 2020: Radio Guesting at DZWT “Payong Mediko Mula sa Eksperto,” Speaker: Gerarld Libatique, MD, FPCS (Topic: Appendicitis)

3) September 8-11, 2020: Breast and Colon Cancer Awareness Campaign through Audio-Visual Presentations and distribution of pamphlets at OPD, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

4) September 13, 2020: Radio Guesting at DZWT “Payong Mediko Mula sa Eksperto,” Speaker: Gene Estandian, MD, FPCS (Topic: Burn Care, Cleft lip and palate, Maxillofacial Trauma and Skin Cancer)

5) October 5, 2020: Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital

6) Medical and Surgical Mission:

December 14, 2019: Operation Tuli, Health Services Office, Baguio City

B. Socio-Civic Activity

1) March 19-24, 2020: Participation in several meetings with the local medical society (Baguio-Benguet Medical Society) and City Health Services to formulate guidelines and discuss issues concerning the Baguio City Quarantine Facility (BCQF) developed by the Local Government for quarantine of possible Covid patients. Several PCS fellows also rendered duty and services in the facility during the initial month of its operation.

2) March 26, 2020: PCS Cordillera Chapter Cash Donation to Baguio-Benguet Medical Society for purchase of PPEs for distribution to its members

3) April 2020: Several food donation to frontliners in the different institutions and sectors c/o Dr. Sherry Ong-Cunanan, PCS Cordillera Past President

4) April 2020: Preparation and distribution of customized hazmat suits and Anti- Covid kits to PCS fellows

5) April 21-22, 2020: Distribution of donated customized hazmat suits and other PPEs to surgical consultants and residents in the different institutions in the locality and to the surgical staff in Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital and Dennis Molintas District Hospital


1) March 7, 2020: PCS Cordillera Chapter Induction Ceremonies and General Assembly, Paragon Hotel and Fortune Restaurant, Baguio City

2) May 18, 2020: Retirement celebration of PCS Senior Fellow Dr. Esteban Belmes, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC)

3) September 9, 2020: PCS Cordillera Chapter Bike Ride, Strawberry Farm Area, La Trinidad, Benguet

4) October 30, 2020: Election of new set of officers


1) November 2020: Bowel Anastomosis Workshop 2) December 6-9, 2020: PCS 76th Annual Clinical Congress (Online)




PRESIDENT: Crispin Allan T. Viado, MD VICE PRESIDENT: Mary Ann Yasay – Luis, MD SECRETARY: Ernesto R. Tagorda, MD TREASURER: Niño R. Realin, MD BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Leslie V. Rafanan, MD Michael Mercado, MD Sixto R. Ordoño, MD Darius R. Pariñas, MD Lordwin Z. Posadas, MD

GOVERNOR: Edgar A. Biteng, MD


1) May 19, 2020, Fellow Jose Orosa III . “ The New Normal: Guiding Principles and Strategies during the Pandemic “ on FB live, Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center HEPO and Public Health.

2) May 28 – 29, 2020, PCS 46th Midyear Convention: Current Directions in Surgery. First Online convention.

3) September 27, 2020, PCS-NLC president Dr. Allan Viado talked on Traumatic Brain injury awareness Broadcast live on .


1) September 6, 2020, “Operation Tuli” Rotary club of Vigan Building , Bantay, . Served 20 patients.

2) Regular Cancer screening ( for Breast, Thyroid and Prostate ) and patient Check-up. KLINIKA NG BAYAN, led by our Fellow, Dr. Anita Tarectecan. PMS building, City, Pangasinan. The PCS-NLC “ KLINIKA NG BAYAN “ is the only surviving KNB from the original program launched by the PCS nationwide in 2009.

3) Breast Cancer awareness Month “ Pink October : Fighting back against Breast Cancer “ Free Consultations at Lorma Medical Center, San Fernando La-Union.


1) September 20, 2020, launching of the 4C’c Village Nutrition and Feeding program, A joint project with Ilocos Sur Medical society and Rotary Club of Vigan, 4 C’s Village, Vigan Ilocos Sur.

2) September 26, 2020, clean-up and Tree planting project, in cooperation with Provincial Environment and Natural Resources, Caniaw, Bantay Ilocos Sur.

3) September 26, 2020, Coastal Clean-up, a Joint activity with the Ilocos Norte Medical Society, at Barangay La Virgen Milagrosa, Badoc, Ilocos Norte.

4) Charities for Surgery “ Tiwala ako sa Villaflor” COVID-19: Compassion in adversity, Ongoing accepting Donations for Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE) and Test Kits ( COVID 19 Rapid test kits/PCR Test kits ) in partnership with World Surgical Foundation Philippines, Dagupan City, Pangasinan.


Promoting Safety and Improvizations during Surgery in the fight against COVID-19.

1) April 2020, Use of improvised Scuba Diving mask with air intake and exhaust valves, Light source and Loupes attachment for use during Surgery with PPE. Intended as low cost alternative to Powered air purifying respirator ( PAPR ).

2) Early days during the Pandemic, Use of protective Barriers during Tracheostomy at Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center.

3) August 12, 2020. Establishment of RT-PCR testing: “Testing before Surgery without delay” at Dagupan Doctors Villaflor Memorial Hospital, Dagupan City.


1) September 13, 2020, #PCS84on84: 84 Kms Bike ride - In a simultaneus nationwide campaign for Safety in Cycling, the PCS-NLC joined riders from Ilocos Sur in pursuit of 84 kms for Bike safety. It also commemorates the 84th FOUNDATION day celebration of the Philippine College of Surgeons. Vigan to Sinait, Ilocos Sur.

2) September 6 -13, 2020, Simultaneus Torch Relay for the PCS Foundation week celebration, Led by our PCS-NLC Fellows, It was notable that all Covid-19 referral Hospitals from Region 1 participated during the Torch Relay. Ilocos Sur Provincial Hospital, Vigan Ilocos Sur / Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center, Batac Ilocos Norte / Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center ( ITRMC ), San Fernando La Union / Pangasinan Provincial Hospital / Dagupan Doctors Villaflor Memorial Hospital, Dagupan City, Pangasinan.

3) Regular Monthly activity, “ Zoom-Ba, Dance the COVID blues away “ PCS and Association of Women Surgeons of the Philippines, Zumba fitness exercises Via Zoom


1) 2021 Project Approved with funding from the PCS: STOP THE BLEED: Bleeding control basic course. This Project was approved but due to the Covid – 19 Pandemic, it is temporarily on hold. This project shall commence once IATF protocols on social distancing will allow.

2) Induction of New PCS Fellow Jose P. Bulatao, MD, FPSGS, DPBS, AMPAHBSI

3) November 25, 2020, Election of New set of officers, Ilocos Norte Fellows presiding.

4) Cancer Screening Project for Breast, Thyroid and Prostate “IWAS KANSER SA BAWAT MUNICIPIO NG HILAGANG LUZON” shall commence ONCE IATF Pandemic protocols shall allow. The project had so far served 6 municipalities with over 200 patients screened ( 3 positive patients underwent early surgery )




President : Dr. Raymund Noel C. Mallari Vice President : Dr. Domingo A. Sampang Treasurer / Secretary : Dr. Armando M. Cepeda

Directors : Dr. Dindo Dela Cruz (Bulacan) Dr. Joselito G. Tantoco (Nueva Ecija) Dr. Arturo S. Mendoza III (Olongapo) Dr. Raymond Rodel P. Marquez (Pampanga) Dr. Jericho O. Caibiran (Tarlac) Dr. Ramil R. Pizarro (Bataan)


January to July


1) Creation and design of Chapter Logo

A call for new designs was extended to all PCS CLC Fellows. The wining PCS CLC logo was selected through an online poll, and the winning design was from Dr. Dindo Cajucom. This new design henceforth appears in all of our internal communications and posters.

2) Creation of PCS CLC Social Media Page

The CLC created its social media pages on Facebook and Instagram for the purpose of increasing its digital communications capability among its Fellows and to provide a platform for its advocacies.


The first PCS CLC Webinar in cooperation with PSGS CLC

Last 29th of September 2020 we conducted the 1st Webinar of the Chapter entitled: Maintaining Financial Well Being in Times of Crisis: What to do Before, During and After. It was attended by a total of 380 physicians. This is the first of a series of academic and non-academic webinars planned by the Chapter.


The PCS CLC in ccoperation with PSGS CLC will conduct the 1st Central Luzon Chapter Virtual Grand Rounds: Case Vignettes in General Surgery on October 14, 2020 at 6 PM. The first topic is on a Trauma case, with Dr. Eric Talens as the guest reactor and lecturer and Dr. Andrew Jay Pusung as the moderator.


The PCS CLC in cooperation with PSGS CLC and PALES CLC will conduct its 2nd Webinar on November 14, 2020 entitled “Minimally Invasive Surgery in Daily General Surgical Practice: Made Accessible”. The event will be hosted online by Jose B. Lingad Memorial Hospital, featuring local surgeons (majority PCS CLC Fellows) as speakers. Topics include lap surgical techniques done in daily GS practice.


The Chapter will hold its first Online Art Activity featuring artworks created by our Fellows. Hosted on an online platform, it will be a showcase of the talents of our Fellows and trainees alike.




standing, from left to right (1st Row): Dr. Alfred Phillip O. De Dios, Treasurer; Dr. Alfred Q. Lasala II, Vice President; Dr. Elvis C. Llarena, President; Dr. Jose Antonio M. Salud, PCS President; Dr. Maria Cheryl L. Cucueco, Governor; and Dr. Andrei Cesar S. Abella, Secretary. standing, from left to right (2nd Row): Dr. Joan S. Tagorda, Dr. Paul Anthony L. Sunga, Dr. Neil C. Mendoza, Dr. Stanley U. Kho, Dr. Jose Modesto B. Abellera III, Dr. Carlo Angelo C. Cajucom, Dr. Ferdinand Y. Syfu, Dr. Leonardo O. Ona III, Dr. Ida Marie T. Lim, and Dr. Roel C. Pena, Directors.

Not in picture: Dr. Enrique Hilario O. Esguerra, Director.


1) Strategic Planning Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, January 9-11, 2020.

2) Induction Ceremonies and Fellowship Night, Marco Polo Hotel, Ortigas Center, January 23, 2020. The officers of the chapter were formally inducted along with the total of new 35 fellows. The traditional pinning ceremony was followed. Dr. Max Elgar, chair of the chapter commitee on elections proclaimed the board while PCS president Dr. Jose Antonio Salud delivered the keynote address and administered the oath taking. Dr. Ferdinand Syfu delivered an informative lecture on updates in post-operative pain.

3) Scientific Lecture on Pain Operative Pain Control, January 23, 2020 at Marco Polo Hotel, speaker: Dr. Ferdinand Y. Syfu.

4) Cancer Summit, February 4, 2020, PMA Auditorium,

Topics Speakers • Lecture on breast cancer - Dr. Ida Marie T. Lim • Lecture on Men’s Health Awareness - Dr. Joseph Lee • Stop the Bleed workshop - Dr. Alfred Phillip O. de Dios

5) Administrative Innovations

General Assembly goes Virtual – May 5, 2020 Tuesday, 10:00 AM. Attended by 594members. Agenda: a) Creation and Organization of Chapter Sectors, b) TLC-19 Volunteer Project to Help in the Efforts Against COVID-19

6) Webinar, June 8, 2020

Topics Speaker • The Surgeon is in; Restarting the - Dr. Cristobal C. Dumo, Jr. Clinic and Operations • The PPD ePrescription - Mr. Emmanuel U. Lantin

7) Webinar on Medical Research and Data Protection, July 4, 2020

Topics Speaker • How to do Research in the New Normal Dr. Venus Ivy C. Rosales • Data Privacy 101 - Mr. Rolando R. Lansingan • Protecting the Digital Crumbs - Mr. Manuel Joey A. Regala

8) Webinar on The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Healthcare Financing, July 25, 2020

Topics Speaker • Philhealth: During and After - Bgen Ricardo Morales the Pandemic • HMOs and the Country’s Health - Mr. Carlos Da Silva Delivery System • Challenges Facing Philippine HMOs - Mr. Christian Argos During the Pandemic and Beyond

9) Stop the Bleed Workshop held at Pasig City General Hospital last August 19, 24 and September 4, 2020.

10) Stop the Bleed Online Workshop, September 10, 2020, speaker: Dr. Alfred Phillip O. de Dios.

11) First Virtual Surgical Stapling Workshop, September 12, 2020 hosted by the South Sector. The Hands-on Workshop was held at the Asian Hospital and Medical Center with 24 participants attended, both consultants and residents

12) Ostomy Care Workshop, September 21, 2020. Speaker: Dr. Andrei Cesar S. Abella, moderator is Dr. Willmar Jayve M. Añoso. Total of 127 participants attended composed of consultants, residents, postgraduate interns, junior interns and nurses

13) Basic Research Methodology Course, September 21, 23 & 24, 2020. Joint Activity by the PCSMMC, PSGSMMC and PALES. The Course Director is Dr. Maria Cheryl L. Cucueco.

14) Hands-on Stapling Workshop, October 17, 2020, Saturday, 12PM at the PCS Boardroom, PCS Bldg., Total of 6 participants from UST, MH, and MJH, 7 Facilitators attended


1) Relief Donations to Taal Volcano eruption victims thru the PCS-STC and Cotabato earthquake victims.

2) Interview in DZRH radio program “Kaya mo Yan”, September 5, 2020. Guests: Dr. Rodney B. Dofitas and Mr. Joe Zaldarriaga.

3) Webinar - Lay Forum on “Ngayong Pandemya, Kailan Dapat Komunsulta sa Siruhano”, September 8, 2020. This is a part of the 84th PCS Foundation Day Celebration. Speaker: Dr. Leonardo O. Ona III; Reactors: Usec Epimaco V. Densing III, Undersecretary for Operations of the Department of the Interior and Local Government; and Dr. Peter B. Miguel, Vice Mayor of City, South Cotabato. Moderator: Dr. Roel C. Peña

4) Share a Shield Project, Fellows and friends were encouraged to make or donate the faceshields which will be distributed to frontline facilities and selected communities. To date, the Chapter has already gathered close to 2,000 faceshields and distributed last October 22, 2020, at DOTR, Clark, Pampanga.

5) Tree Planting, Norzagaray, Bulacan, 4th quarter of the year

6) Adopt a Mountain, Rizal Province, 4th quarter of the year

7) Following the National Action Plan (NAP) of The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), the chapter, in coordination with Department of Transportation and Philippine Coast Guard embarked on a volunteerism project to man quarantine facilities for returning overseas Filipino workers (OFW).

This project aims to supplement the low supply of doctors and nurses from complement government agencies. Tulong Laban sa COVID-19 (TLC19) is a project implemented by the PCS MMC to help deploy health care personnel in quarantine facilities for returning OFWs.

As a result, the PCS Metro Manila Chapter was able to prepare a volunteer system in any event services will be needed.





1) Abdominal Wall Hernia Updates: February 15-16, 2020 at the Surgery Conference Room, Batangas Medical Center, Batangas City

2) Best Practices for the Surgeon Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: April 27, 2020 via Zoom

3) PCS-CST COVD-19 Response Certifying Course, via Zoom, April 28, 2020 to May 1, 2020

4) Continuing Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: May 18, 2020 via Zoom

5) Minimal Invasive Surgery Approaches to Esophageal Malignancy: July 2, 2020 via Zoom

6) Interesting Case Presentation: “Multi-modality and Multi-Disciplinary Management of Complicated Hepato-cellular Carcinoma”, September 7, 2020 via Zoom

7) Webinar on the Evolution of the New Surgeons: September 8, 2020 via Zoom

8) Webinar on Thyroid Lecture Series: Part I: September 10, 2020 via Zoom

9) Webinar on the Emerging Trends in Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis and Management, September 26, 2020 via Zoom


A. Environmental Projects

1) Lake Pandin Freshwater Mangrove Planting, Friday, March 13, 2020, Brgy. Sto. Angel, San Pablo City, Laguna

Bamboo Raft Donation to Pandin Lake Oar – Women School Bags Donation to Children of Pandin Fisherfolks

2) Plant in Your Own Backyard – Part I, Monday, May 18, 2020, 9:00 AM monitored via Zoom. A simultaneous individual planting activity during COVID lockdown by the Fellows of the STC.

3) Plant in Your Own Backyard - Project II, Sunday, September 05, 2020, 6:30 AM monitored via Zoom Repeat performance of the fellows in protecting and caring for the environment.

B. Voluntary Blood Donation Programs

1) Mass Blood Donation, Tuesday, February 04, 2020, San Pablo District Hospital, San Pablo City, Laguna

2) Give Blood Save Life, Saturday July 11, 2020, Philippine Red Cross Laguna Chapter Building, Sta. Cruz, Laguna

3) Blood Donation Program, September 12, 2020, Perpetual Help Medical Center, Sto. Niño, Biñan City, Laguna

4) Blood Letting Activity, September 12, 2020, Philippine Red Cross – San Pablo City Chapter Building, San Pablo City

5) Blood Donation Program, September 23, 2020, St. Frances Cabrini Medical, Sto. Tomas, Batangas

6) Blood Donation Program, September 26, 2020, Camp General Malvar (Batangas Police Provincial Office), Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City

C. Basic Life Support Program

1) Conducted at the Panlalawigang Pagamutan ng Laguna-San Pablo City District Hospital, in preparation for the opening of the COVID ICU of the hospital. May 15, 2020 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

2) BLS/ACLS Training in Preparation for ICU PATIENTS, Friday, May 15, 2020, Panlalawigang Pagamutan ng Laguna-San Pablo City District Hospital

D. Outreach Programs

1) Pagsasabog ng Tulong: The Taal Volcano Eruption 2020, Tuesday, January 14, 2020, San Jose, Batangas

2) Minor Surgical Mission, Wednesday, January 20, 2020, Lipa City, Batangas

3) H.E.L.P. Taal Humanitarian Activity, Thursday, January 23, 2020, San Pascual Rural Health Unit, Batangas City and San Jose Batangas

4) M & M (Medical & Material), Sunday, February 16, 2020, Ground Zero, Brgy. Pamiga, Agoncillo, Batangas

5) San Pablo City Mission, Sunday, February 16, 2020, San Pablo City Gymnasium, San Pablo City


A. Officers’ Meetings/Committee Meetings

1) January 09, 2020, Thursday 6:00 PM at Contis’ Cakehouse, Solenad, Nuvali, Sta. Rosa City

2) February 06, 2020, Thursday 6:00 PM at Contis’ Cakehouse, Solenad, Nuvali, Sta Rosa City

3) April 7, 2020, Tuesday 7:00 PM via Zoom

4) May 11, 2020, Monday 7:00 PM via Zoom

5) June 2, 2020, Tuesday via Zoom: Committee meeting for the Taal Volcano Project

6) July 3, 2020, Friday 7:30 PM via Zoom

7) August 21, 2020, Friday, 7:30 PM via Zoom

B. Induction Ceremonies

1) Original Schedule: January 26, 2020 at Lake Pandin, Brgy. Sto. Angel, San Pablo City. It was postponed due to the various activities of the Chapter in response to the Taal Volcano Eruption.

2) Re-scheduled March 13, 2020 at same venue, with the same additional activities for the day. It was postponed for the second time due to the declaration of the pandemic caused by the novel corona virus later termed COVID-19

3) Chapter Induction via Zoom: April 13, 2020, Monday

C. General Assemblies

Three general assemblies were held by the chapter. Updates on the situation, especially on the COVID pandemic. Reports were provided by members from different hospitals.

1) Wednesday, June 03, 2020, via Zoom. In this general assembly, an echo of the seminar of the concluded COVID-19 Response Certifying Course conducted by the PCS Committee on Surgical Training. The echo/summary was done by Dr. Ronan Inso. Other agenda: Update of Taal Fund, b) Chapter Activities for the Year

2) Friday, July 24, 2020, Via Zoom

3) Saturday, September 13, 2020, Via Zoom, Foundation Celebration Culminating Activity. This general assembly was part of the PCS 84th Foundation Day Celebration, as the chapter’s culminating activity where summary of the week-long activity, plus the remaining activities for the month, also in the name of the Foundation celebration was done.


A. Membership Assistance

1) Cash Assistance to Fellows who suffered due to Taal Volcano Eruption

a) Amando H. Caraos, MD, FPSGS, FPCS b) Aldrin B. Cuasay, MD, FPSGS, FPCS c) Dr. Jose M. Tenorio, MD, FPSGS, FPCS d) Ernesto C. Tenorio, Jr. MD, FPOA, FPCS

B. Participation in the National Activities

1) 84th Foundation Day Celebration

a) Torch Relay: 7 Hospitals participated in the Virtual Torch Relay. These are Panlalawigan Pagamutan ng Laguna – San Pablo City District Hospital, Batangas Medical Center, Quezon Memorial Medical Center, Perpetual Help Medical Center – Laguna, Dela Salle University Medical Center, St. Frances Cabrini Medical Center and Oriental Mindoro Memorial Hospital

b) Foundation Mass, Live Streaming, September 6, 2020, Sunday

c) Public Information Campaign via Radio/TV/Live Streaming Guesting, Wednesday, September 09, 2020. This live interview was broadcast live via Facebook Livestreaming media, and later on can be viewed on You Tube. Dr. Emmanuel Loyola discussed with the host and co-hosts the history of the Philippine College of Surgeons, and that of the Southern Tagalog Chapter. He enumerated the activities lined up for the month of September in commemoration of the College’s 84th Founding Anniversary.

d) Public Information Campaign Via Radio/TV/Live Streaming Guesting, Thursday, September 10, 2020. Pediatric Surgery Webinar Series" Part 4: Financial Management Options for Doctors. Livestream via YouTube

ELVIS L. BEDIA, MD, FPCS, an active member of the PCS-STC and a Past President served as one of the Resource Persons in the PSPS Webinar on Financial Management Options for Doctors. Dr. Bedia has an MBA and a PhD and is currently the President and CEO of Unihealth Southwoods Hospital and Medical Center

e) Public Information Campaign Via Radio/TV/Live Streaming Guesting, Saturday, September 12, 2020. This live interview was broadcast live on- air over 96.3 MHz Frequency Modulation radio whose station is in Calamba City. It was also aired via Facebook Livestreaming media. Dr. Emmanuel Loyola discussed with the host and co-hosts the history of the Philippine College of Surgeons, and that of the Southern Tagalog Chapter. He enumerated the activities lined up for the month of September in commemoration of the college’s 84th Founding Anniversary.

f) Multiple-center Blood Letting Campaign

g) Tree Planting Activities

h) Foundation Dinner

2) Dialogue with the National Officers/Chapter Presidents Meeting

C. Representation in the Philippine Medical Association Regional Assembly

On January 12, 2020, the Philippine Medical Association had its Regional Assembly for Southern Tagalog in Taal Vista Hotel. Regional/Chapter Presidents of different specialties and subspecialties were in attendance together with the National Board of the PMA. PCS-STC was represented by Dr. Emmanuel Loyola. Also in attendance who are members of the chapter were Dr. Randy Melo, Dr. Amando Caraos and Dr. Ericson Reyes. It was historic because it was on this day that Taal Volcano erupted, witnessed by the doctors who attended the assembly.

D. Public Information Campaign Via Radio/TV/Live Streaming Guesting

1) Radio Programs

a) Via 87.9 FM Radio Guesting, "Bantay Kalusugan" on Aug 22, 2020, Dr. Ramon Inso as the guest and resource person in this live broadcast

b) Radio Guesting at 96.9 Radio Natin in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Thursday, September 12, 2020, PCS-STC Fellows as Broadcasters

c) Live Broadcast over 96.3 FM, Calamba City, Laguna hosted by Domingo Fullo, Jr., simulcast via Facebok Livestreaming, September 12, 2020

2) TV /Live Streaming Programs

a) One-on-One with Doc Jeff Sumague, Live Stream on Sunday, September 06, 2020

b) One-on-One with Doc Jeff Sumague, Live Stream May 25, 2020. Also on Youtube.

This live interview was broadcast live via Facebook Livestreaming media, and later on can be viewed on Youtube. Dr. Emmanuel Loyola discussed with the host and co-hosts the college’s advocacy in the battle against COVID-19. He emphasized the importance of proper hand washing and social/physical distancing and also of the value of the quarantine. He discussed the Drumvatory project of the Philippine Red Cross San Pablo City Chapte, of which he sits as the Chairman of the Board. He mentioned that the college also participated and donated in the Drumvatory project (Hand-washing station).

3) Collaborative Activities

a) Philippine Red Cross

• Drumvatories • Blood Letting

b) Local Governments

• San Pablo City LGU/DSWD • Batangas LGU/DSWD • Laguna LGU/DSWD

c) University of Perpetual Help System d) Malinaw Masonic Lodge No. 25 e) Malinao Foundation, Inc. f) Panlalawigang Pagamutan ng Laguna – San Pablo City District Hospital

E. Disaster Response and Relief Operations

1) Taal Volcano Eruption

a) “Pagsasabog ng Tulong: The Taal Volcano Eruption 2020” Relief Activity: January 14, 2020 b) Minor Surgical Mission: January 20, 2020, Lipa City, Batangas c) H.E.L.P. TAAL Humanitarian Activity: January 23, 2020, Batangas City and San Jose, Batangas d) M&M Mission (Medical & Material): February 16, 2020, Sunday at Brgy. Pamiga, Agoncillo, Batangas e) Distribution of Emergency Bags/First Aid/Survival Kits to Rural Health Units of the Municipalities of Taal, September 24, 2020, Agoncillo, Sta. Teresita, Lemery, Laurel and Taal, all in Batangas

2) COVID-19 Pandemic Activity

a) Advocacy to Stay at Home (Videoclip shared via Facebook) Link: 369691&id=00002557715923 titled: “Do your share, stay at home!”

b) Distribution of PPEs and Goggles to Fellows

• June 2020, For the Fellows practicing in Southern Tagalog • June 12, 2020, Friday,United Candelaria Doctors Hospital • June 12, 2020, Friday, St. Frances Cabrini Medical Center • June 15, 2020, Monday, Los Baños Doctors Hospital • June 15, 2020, Monday, GEAMH, DLSU and St. Paul • June 16, 2020, Tuesday, Laguna Medical Center • June 16, 2020, Tuesday, Unihealth Southwoods Hospital And Medical Center

• June 17, 2020, Wednesday, General Emilio Aguinaldo Memorial Hospital, Cavite • June 18, 2020, Thursday, LPH – San Pablo District Hospital • June 20, 2020, Saturday, Perpetual Help Medical Center • June 23, 2020, Tuesday, San Pablo City General Hospital • June 24, 2020, Wednesday, Batangas Medical Center • June 25, 2020, Thursday, Quezon Medical Center • June 28, 2020, Sunday, Barnsley & District General Hospital

Several hospitals and Fellows in the Southern Tagalog Region benefitted from this PPE distribution. The first tranch of the PPEs came from the allotment from the National Office, initially shouldered by the chapter. The second tranch came from the benevolence of the Malinaw Masonic Lodge No. 25 and the Malinao Foundation, Inc. through the efforts of the chapter president, who incidentally is the Immediate Past Master of the said Lodge

c) Toast to Our Partners in the Operating Room: Individual Fellow’s gift of PPEs to select Orderlies

d) Advocacy to Hand Washing: Drumvatory Donation/Information Drive via Radio/TV/Livestreaming Program guesting.

e) Information Drive via Facebook Live Streaming and Webinars

f) Co-sponsored the Seminar on Proper Swabbing Technique, (Face-to- Face, with precaution protocols and with Live Streaming), conducted by the Chief of the Molecular Laboratory of the San Pablo City District Hospital, participated into by representatives from Local Health Units of the various towns of Laguna.

F. Collaborations/Participations

1) With the Philippine Society of General Surgeons – Southern Tagalog Chapter

Moving Forward Together: 21st PSGS Founding Anniversary: May 22, 2020 via Zoom

2) With the Philippine Society of General Surgeons – Central Luzon Chapter

Webinar on Maintaining Financial Well-Being: What to Do Before, During and After: September 29, 2020


1) Officers’ Meeting via Zoom - Septembe 30, 2020, 7:30 PM

2) 2ND PCS/PSGS Art in Surgery Webinar Series Current Evidences Based Practice: Conservative Breast Surgery, Monday, October 05, 2020 via Zoom

3) Webinar on Legalities of Telemedicine and On-Line Consultation, with Atty. Joel U. Macalino, MD, FPCS and ATTY. Emmanuel D. Loyola, MD, FPCS, Via Zoom, Date to be announced.

4) Another one on Breast with Dra Mascardo and another Fellow Breast Surgeon, together with the Southern Tagalog Association of Medical Practitioners, date TBA




Standing from L – R: Doctors’ Immediate Past Chapter President Jose U. Tan Jr., Chapter BOD Neil S. Bacaltos, Chapter BOD Loreto B. Ong, Chapter P.R.O. Harem P. Deiparine, Chapter Auditor Gilbert C. Oporto, Chapter Treasurer Josef Conrad S. Lim, Chapter Secretary Tess Annette S. Libron, Chapter Vice President Ron R. del Mar, Chapter President Luisito R. Co


Research Competition (Sept 2020) – put on hold due to Covid Pandemic


A. Public Education

• Colorectal Awareness Advocacy Campaign (March 2020) – put on hold due to Covid Pandemic

• Breast Cancer Awareness Advocacy/ Lay Fora (October 2020) via Telecast/ Virtual Platform

B. Medical and Surgical Missions

• Operation tuli – April 26, 2020 (put on hold due to Covid Pandemic)

• Free breast Clinic (whole month of October) - (put on hold due to Covid Pandemic)

C. Socio-Civic

• Distribution of tube carriers to different hospitals


• Pink Run and physical activities (Oct 11, 2020) – put on hold due to Covid Pandemic


• 2021 PCS Midyear Convention Date: May 8, 2021 Venue: Radisson Blue




President Dr. Vilma Jane Yacapin ( City)

Vice-President Dr. Srilansky Osigan ( City)

Treasurer Dr. Rose Belle Sucgang (Cagayan de Oro City)

Secretary Dr. Hanisah Guro (Marawi City)

PRO Dr. Jimmy Balacuit, Jr. (Cgaayan de Oro City)

Governor/Immediate Past President Dr. Natasha Elazegui (Cagayan de Oro City)

Representative - Butuan City Dr. Alice Pepito

Representative - Bukidnon Dr. Lorah Lyn Del Rosario Representative - Cagayan de Oro Dr. Herbert Tagab City Representative - Iligan City Dr. Victor Anton Valdez

Representative - Marawi City Dr. Alexis Gutoc

Representative - Ozamiz City Dr. Dennis Ybañez

Virtual Induction of PCS - Northern Mindanao Chapter


1) PCS Midyear Convention, May 28 to 29, 2020, virtual platform

2) 15th Dr. Frances Dizon Memorial Lecture on Breast Cancer, October 30, 2020, virtual platform


1) Surgeons’ Forum: January 25, 2020, Republic Act 11223 or the Universal Health Care Act, Speakers: PHIC X and DOH X representatives, Dr. Peter Quiaoit and Dr. Jesus Jardin

2) Blood Letting Activities:

a) February 21, 2020, simultaneously done in Cagayan de Oro City (Northern Mindanao Medical Center), Iligan City (Dr. Uy Hospital Incorporated) and Ozamiz City (Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro, Sr. Medical Center)

b) May 15, 2020, Cagayan de Oro City (Provincial Capitol Grounds)

3) Personal Protective Equipments Distribution to the Surgical Residents at the Northern Mindanao Medical Center and the Mindanao Consortium on Surgical Training (MCOST of the Maria Reyna - Xavier University Hospital and Capitol University Medical Center) as well as to Surgeons in Butuan City


February 8, 2020, Luxe Hotel (Cagayan de Oro City), Pre-Valentine Dinner-Concert for a Cause


PCS-NM webinar on November 15, 2020, virtual platform






Standing from L-R: Juvido P Agatep, Council Member, Eli Paulino F. Madrona, Treasurer, Aristotle Bernard M. Roque, Secretary, Harry G. Longno, President, Ernesto L. Gerial, Jr., Vice President, Diosdado C. Limjoco, Auditor, Michael Eufemio L. Macalalag, Council Member, Samuel Vincent G. Yrastorza, Past President 2019


1) Strat Planning – January 18, 2020 at Bayanihan Annex, Unilab 2) PESinar: Urology Practice in the Philippines in the COVID-19 era – May 8, 2020 (Webinar) 3) E-Consult 101 – A Guide to Telemedicine – May 13, 2020 (Webinar) 4) PESinar 2: E Consultation for Urologists: How I Do It – May 15, 2020 (Webinar) 5) Patient-Centric Approaches in Androgen Deprivation Theraphy for Prostate Cancer – May 20, 2020 6) EAU Guidelines Recommendations in the COVID-19 ERA – May 22, 2020 (Webinar) 7) COVID-19 in Europe The Lessons Learned – May 26, 2020 (Webinar)

8) PUA Mindanao Chapter Principles of Reconstruction (Urethroplasty): Basic Considerations, Patient Assessment and Introperative Tips - May 30, 2020 (Webinar) 9) PCNL During Covid-19 Ultra-Mini PCNL (UMP) Complication of PCNL – June 3, 2020 (Webinar) 10) ESWL During COVID pandemic – June 18, 2020 (Webinar) 11) Ureteroscopy Stone Treatment Virtual Expert Panel – June 23, 2020 (Webinar) 12) Laparoscopy and Retroperitoneoscopy – June 27, 2020 (Webinar) 13) MIS Preparation Precautions Expectation during the COVID-19 Pandemic – July 4, 2020 (Webinar) 14) Management of LUTS in the Covid-19 ERA Sponsor – July 10, 2020 (Webinar) 15) An Interactive Forum: Adapting Urology Training Program in the Pandemic - August 7, 2020, Webinar 16) Optimizing Systemic Theraphy for Advanced Prostate Cancer in the Era of COVID- 19 – August 15, 2020 (Webinar) 17) Webinar: Pataasan ng Ihi Topic: Minimizing Encrustation with Inlay Optima – August 31, 2020 18) Rebooting your Practice in the Pandemic – September 4, 2020 (Webinar)


1) August 5-8, 2020, 1st Virtual Review Course 2020 2) June 20, 2020, Men’s Health Awareness (TAYO NAMAN), 36 Urologist together with Insitution. 3) September 15, 2020, PUA House warming and Townhall Virtual Meeting via a Zoom 4) September 26, 2020, Tayo Naman Online 2020 Promotion of Prostate Health Awareness Online Lay Forum and Discussion (cUro-cUro sa Panahon ng Pandemya) 5) November 7, 2020, Over Active Bladder -OAB at all Training Institution 6) November 7,13-14 & 20-21, 2020 62nd Philippine Urological Association, Inc. Annual Convention, “The Best of EAU Bringing Europe to Southeast Asia”, Virtual Convention

Foreign Speakers: • Prof. Nobuyuki Hinata • Prof. Janak Desai • Prof. Masato Fujisawa • Prof. Guohua Zeng • Dr. Chang-Chung Ngo • Prof. Li • Prof Soki Kashima • Prof. Zeng • Prof. Samuel Yee • Prof. Sanjay Kulkarni • Prof Takashi Yoshida • Prof. Krishan Venkatesan • Prof. Hidefumi Kinosita • Prof. Pankaj Joshi • Prof. Motohiko Sugi • Prof. Justin Chee • Prof. Tadashi Matsuda • Prof. Paksi Satyagraha • Prof. Seok Ho Kang • Prof. Chis Chapple • Prof. Young Eun Yoon • Prof. Jens Rassweiler • Prof. Deok Hyun Han • Prof. Arnulf Stenzl

7) November 14, 2020, Induction of New Fellows and Associate Members, by a Virtual Induction

• Fellows- 15 • Diplomate- for Examination • Associate - 19


March 13-14, 2020, Quezon Outreach Mission, Quezon Medical Center, Lucena City, Quezon Province


November 21, 2020, PUA Fellowship Night via a Virtual


• November 13, 2020, Philippine Endourological Society (PES)- East Asian Society of Endourological (EASE) • November 14, 2020, Philippine Alliance for Urolithiasis (PAU): Miniaturization of PCNL • November 20, 2020 Philippine Society of Urologic Oncologists (PSUO) • November 20, 2020, Philippine Society o Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeons (PGURS) – International Society of Reconstructive Urology (ISORU): 1st International Virtual Meeting in Reconstructive Urology • November 21, 2020, Philippine Society for Pediatric Urology (PSPU): All about our balls- Updates on the management of testicular disorders • November 21, 2020, Best of EAU – EAU Philippine Chapter • November 21, 2020, Fellowship Night




Doctors’ Laurence T. Loh- President; Nikki Eileen S. Valencia- Board of Director; Rocelyn Ann P. Gannaban - Board of Director; Christina Christopher P. Aro – Treasurer; Gene SJ Tiongco- Secretary; Maria Redencion B. Abella - Board of Director; Ma. Arlene C. Cala-Or-Board of Director; Hector M. Santos, Jr. – PRO

Benjamin G. Herbosa Gerald C. Sy Kathrina Victoria B. Angeles Vice President-Internal Affairs Vice President- External Affairs Board of Director


1) “Plastic Surgery During the Covid-19 Pandemic Times”, May 9, 2020 via Zoom Webinar

Keynote Speaker - Horacio F. Mayer, MD, FACS Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of Plastic Surgery, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aeres, Argentina

Nelson Piccolo, Sr., MD, FACS Chief, Plastic Surgery Division, Pronto Socorro para Queimaduras, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Ernest S. Chiu, MD, FACS Director, Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel, Advanced Wound Healing and Hyperbarric Center, NYU-Langone Medical Center, New York, USA

Aris Sterodimas, MD, MSc PhD BMARCS Head, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Metropolitan General, Athens, Greece

Dariush Nikkhah MD, MSc FRCS (Plast) Consultant, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Royal Free Hospital London, University of London, United Kingdom

Narayana Murthy, MD, FRCS Head, Institute of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Global Hospital and Health City, Chennai, India

Jose Joven V. Cruz, MD, FPAPRAS, FPCS Associate Dean for Planning and Development College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, UP-Philippine General Hospital Philippines

Gordon Lee, MD, FACS Director of Microsurgery and Associate Chief of Medical Service, Stanford Plastic Surgery Stanford Medical Center, California, USA

Moderator: Laurence T. Loh, MD, FPAPARAS, FPCS PAPRAS President, Chief , Section of Plastic Surgery, Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center, Assistant Chief of Plastic Surgery, St. Luke’s Medical Center-Quezon City, Philippines

2) PCS Weekly Webinar - “Burn Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, June 5, 2020 via Zoom Webinar

Topic: Proposed Interim Guidelines in the Management of Burn Injuries During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Initiative of Metro Manila Burn Centers and Units

Speakers: Gerald Marion M. Abesamis, MD, FPAPRAS Gerald C. Sy, MD, FPCS, FPAPRAS

Panelist: Hector M. Santos, Jr., MD, FPCS, FPAPRAS

3) Philippine College of Surgeons together with the Committee on Trauma - Present a Webinar: “Trauma, Critical Care, and Burn during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, June 12, 2020 at 2 pm via Zoom Webinar

Speakers: Gene Gerald Sj Tiongco, MD, FPCS, FPAPRAS Kevin R. De Asis, MD, FPCS Anthony Joseph, MD, FACEM

4) Recommendations for the Safe Practice of Aesthetic Procedures in the COVID 19- Era, June 12, 2020 at 5 pm via webinar

Speakers: Dr. Laurence T. Loh – PAPRAS President Dr. Peachy G. Paz-Lao – Phil. Dermatological Society

5) Philippine Medical Association – New Officers Induction, August 28, 2020, PMA Auditorium North Ave QC

Dr. Hector M. Santos, Jr., FPCS, FPAPRAS – PMA Secretary General

6) OPSMILE International Cleft Surgery Webinar, September 16, 2020 via webinar

Speakers: Dr. Laurence T. Loh – PAPRAS President Dr. Hector M. Santos, Jr., - PMA Secretary General Dr. William P. Magee Jr., - President & CEO, OPSMILE Dr. William P. Magee III – Plastic Surgeon at Shriners Hospital, Los Angeles, USA Dr. Edwar Alvarez – Plastic Surgeon, Ecuador Dr. Eric Cembrano – Dentist, OPSMILE

7) American Society of Plastic Surgeons - Plastic Surgery The Meeting, October 16-19, 2020

a) vPSTM- On demand-- will run from Oct 9- Nov 20, 2020 8-10am

• A simplified Method for Dimple Creation Carlos I. Lasa Jr., MD, FPCS, FPAPRAS

• Optimizing Aesthetic Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction Catherine Y. Asedillo, MD, FPCS, FPAPRAS

Faculty: Ma. Arlene C. Cala-or, MD, FPCS, FPAPRAS

b) vPSTM - Resident Abstract- Poster Presentation – Accepted Abstracts for residents poster presentation:

• The Effect of Alar Cinching on the Nostril and Alar Widths of Patients with Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip who Underwent Primary Cheiloplasty and Nasal Repair In : A Pioneer Study Dr. Robert Berina -- SPMC

• In the Eyes of the Beholder: Preferences Regarding the Aesthetically Pleasing Female Face Among Filipinos Dr. Philip Calimag – UST

• The Feasibility of a One-Stage Procedure in the Management of Basal Cell Carcinoma in the head and Neck: A Five-Year Review of Frozen Section and Final Histopathology Report of Patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma Dr. Joana Pajarillo- DLSU

• Congenital Bilateral Upper Eyelid Coloboma with Corneopalpebral adhesions and Exposure Keratopathy Secondary to Poor Bell’s Phenomenon Dr. Juan Carlos Marzan- VSMMC

• Outcomes After Tumor Resection with Reconstruction of Facial Skin Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study Dr. Juan carlos Marzan- VSMMC

8) 24th Annual PAPRAS Scientific Research Forum, November 28, 2020 via Zoom webinar

Research Paper Titles: a) In the Eyes of the Beholder: Preferences Regarding the Aesthetically Pleasing Female Face Among Filipinos

b) The Effect of Alar Cinching on the Nostril and Alar Widths of Patients with Complete, Unilateral Cleft Lip Who Underwent Primary Cheiloplasty and Nasal Repair in Davao City: A Pioneer Study

c) Costs Analysis of Burn Care Delivery in a Tertiary, Government, and Teaching Hospital in the Philippines

d) Buccal Fat Pad as an Adjuct Flap for Cleft Palate; Multidisciplinary Team Experience, Southern Philippines Medical Center

e) Feasibility of a One-Stage Procedure in the Management of Basal Cell Carcinoma in the Head and Neck: A 5-year Review of Frozen Section and Final Histopathology Report of Patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma in a Tertiary Institution

f) Factors Associated with Mortality, Nosocomial Pneumonia, Skin Graft Loss, and Amputation Among Electrical Burn Patients Admitted to the UP-PGH Alfredo T. Ramirez Burn Center from January 2013 to December 2018: A Retrospective Cohort Study

g) The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Plastic Surgery Residents in the Philippines: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study

h) Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil as Adjunctive Treatment on Palatoplasty Wound Healing

9) 76th Annual PCS Clinical Congress

PAPRAS Scientific Session, December 7, 2020 at 10 am to 11 am via Doquity

Topic: “Where Plastic Surgery Fits in the Surgical Spectrum” Speaker: Dr. Peter C. Neligan, FACS


A. Public Education/Information Campaign:

• DZRM – “ITANONG MO KAY DOK” -Everyday 6 pm to 7 pm by Dr. Juan P. Sanchez, Jr.


1) Induction of New Fellows and Diplomates, January 11, 2020, Monet Ballroom, Novotel, Cubao Quezon City

• Inspirational speaker/inducting officer: Dr. Jose Antonio M. Salud, FPCS PCS President

2) Induction of New Fellows, August 15, 2020 via Zoom webinar

Inspirational speaker/inducting officer: Dr. Jose Antonio M. Salud, FPCS PCS President


1) Board of Directors STRATEGIC PLANNING – February 14, 2020

2) Plastic Surgery Training Program – Fellows-In-Training/Resident’s Activities

• January 30, 2020, Journal Club - Topic: Scars, Lugang, Megamall

• May 30, 2020 – via Zoom meeting, Journal Club - Topic: Upper face restoration (aesthetic)

• June 27, 2020 – via Zoom meeting, Morbidity/Mortality and Interesting Case Forum

• July 25, 2020 via Zoom Meeting, Journal Club – Topic: Flap Survival/ Monitoring

• August 29, 2020 – via Zoom meeting, Morbidity/Mortality and Interesting Case Forum

• October 17, 2020 via Zoom Meeting, Journal Club – Topic: Aesthetic Rhinoplasty

• October 24, 2020 via Zoom Meeting, Journal Club – Topic: Neck Lift

3) Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery

December 5, 2020 - Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery Annual Certifying Written Examination - Tentative

4) Awareness Campaign - PAPRAS- COVID IN ACTION VIDEO




From L-R: Dr. Rodolfo G. Tuazon, Jr. (Treasurer); Dr. Edrick H. Lim; Dr. Ma. Celine Isobel A. Villegas; Dr. Santiago C. Aquino (President); Dr. Dures Fe E. Tagayuna; Dr. Jose Modesto B. Abellera, III (Secretary) and Dr. Richard B. Pascual (Vice President)


Scientific Meetings:

1) March 21 - NCH & JRRMMC – 1st Tri- Annual Inter-Hospital Conference

2) May 29 - Scientific session during the 46th PCS Mid-Year Convention (Online) on “Directions in Philippine Surgery: Spotlight on Sacrococcygeal Teratora”

3) July 30 - Dr. Jun Resurreccion Pediatric Surgery Webinar Series on “Challenges in Pediatric Surgery in the Covid-19 Pandemic”.

4) August 13 - Dr. Jun Resurreccion Pediatric Surgery Webinar Series on “Stem Cell Therapy in Pediatrics”.

5) August 17 - UP-PGH & VSMMC – 2nd Tri- Annual Inter-Hospital Conference

6) August 27 - Dr. Jun Resurreccion Pediatric Surgery Webinar Series on “Social Media & Telehealth: Tips, Tricks and Medicolegal Implications”.

7) September 5 - PCMC & SPMC – 3rd Tri- Annual Inter-Hospital Conference

8) September 10- Dr. Jun Resurreccion Pediatric Surgery Webinar Series on “Financial Management Options for Doctors”.

9) December 9 - Scientific session during the 76th PCS Annual Clinical Congress (Online) on “Hirschsprung's Disease through the Looking Glass”.

10) December 12 - Scientific Meeting on “Wound and Stoma Care”


1) Interim Guidelines for Pediatric Surgery during Covid 19 Pandemic (https://20028034-2041-46c1-accc-

2) Pediatric Surgery Covid-19 Guidelines ( L.pdf)


1) PSPS Clinical Congress 2) Participation in PCS Midyear and Annual Clinical Congress 3) PBPS Written and Oral Exams will resume in 2021 4) Webinar Series???




Board of Trustees: Dr Omar O. Ocampo, Dr Robert B. Bandolon, Dr Carlo Angelo C. Cajucom, Dr Andrei Cesar S. Abella, Dr Orlando F. Basilio, Jr., Dr Michael T. Catiwala-an, Dr Joseph Roy F. Fuentes, Dr Marc Paul J. Lopez, Dr Hermogenes J. Monroy III (Ex-Officio), Dr. Jose Nemesio T. Granada, and Dr. George G. Lim (PCS President)

Not in picture: Dr Manuel Francisco T. Roxas

President: Robert B. Bandolon, MD Vice President: Carlo Angelo C. Cajucom, MD Treasurer: Andrei Cesar S. Abella, MD Secretary: Omar O. Ocampo, MD Trustees: Orlando F. Basilio, Jr., MD Michael T. Catiwala-an, MD Joseph Roy F. Fuentes, MD Marc Paul J. Lopez, MD Manuel Francisco T. Roxas, MD

Ex-Officio: Hermogenes J. Monroy III, MD


1) June 13, 2020 – Total Mesorectal Excision: Maintaining Quality Amidst Adversity

2) July 04 and July 11, 2020 – Let’s Talk Colorectal Cancer

3) May 28 - 29, 2020 – Scientific session during the 46th PCS Midyear Convention on “Colorectal Surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic” with the theme Current Directions In Surgery

4) August 06 - 08, 2020 – Session during the PSGS 18th Surgical Forum on “The use of Endorectal Ultrasound in the Rectal Tumors” with the theme PSGS at the Forefront of Specialization Integration and Collaboration

5) September 19, 2020 – Stapling Workshop and Energy Management Lecture

6) September 30 - October 03, 2020 – Asean Society of Colorectal Surgeons Online Congress

7) Monthly Nationwide Combined Colorectal Conferences May 08, 2020 May 22, 2020 Jun 05, 2020 Jul 24, 2020 Aug 14, 2020 Aug 28, 2020 Sep 11, 2020 Sep 25, 2020 Oct 09, 2020 Oct 23, 2020

8) September 11 - October 23, 2020 – IBD Lecture Series by Dr Robert Chang

9) Monthly Board of Trustees Meetings via Zoom


1) Participation in the Philippine College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress.

2) A possible hybrid face-to-face/online meeting for the postponed 11th Annual Clinical Congress of the Society last April 2020. The plan is to hold it at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel on March 11-13, 2020.




Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) was established in 1952

President: Paul Ruel C. Camiña Vice President: Peter B. Bernardo Secretary: Frederic Joseph F. Diyco Treasurer: David L. Alagar Trustees: Melito Antonio P. Ramos Justinian Aquilino Cyril LL. Pimentel IV Peter S. Quiaoit Marcelino T. Cadag John Andrew Michael A. Bengzon Kathleen Ganal-Antonio Renan B. Abellera Ex-Officio: Edwin Jerd T. Siatan


1) Philippine Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (POSSM) – First Quarterly Meeting “Presentation of Interesting Cases” – January 16, 2020

2) Council for Orthopaedic Education (COrE) – “Training the Trainers” – January 18, 2020 – Richmonde Hotel, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City

3) Philippine Shoulder Society (PShS) – “Case and Journal Presentation” – January 29, 2020 – Festival Mall, Mintinlupa

4) POA North Luzon Chapter – First Quarterly Meeting: “Pediatric Lower Extremity Conditions and Miracle” – February 15, 2020

5) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP) – 1st quarterly meeting held at MMC – Topic: “Osteogenesis Imperfecta” – February 20, 2020

6) Philippine Hip and Knee Society (PHKS) – First Quarterly Meeting “Presentation of Interesting Cases” – February 22, 2020 – Discovery Suites, Ortigas, MMla

7) POA South Mindanao Chapter – “Back to Basics: Approaching Peri-articular Fractures of the Knee” – March 7, 2020

8) Philippine Orthopaedic Wound Care and Diabetic Limb Society (POWCDLS) – With POA-Western Visayas Chapter – “Hands-on Workshop on Basic Wound Care” – March 7, 2020 – JIC Bldg., SPMC

9) Philippine Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (POSSM) – Second Quarterly Meeting “Presentation of Interesting Cases” – Online – May 11, 2020

10) Philippine Shoulder Society (PShS) – “Case and Journal Presentation” – Online – June 10, 2020

11) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – “Online PSS Research 101 Workshop” – June 10, 2020 – October 14, 2020

12) Philippine Musculo-Skeletal Tumor Society (PMTS) – Webinar “Challenges in Managing Musculoskeletal Tumors in COVID-19 Pandemic” – July 02, 2020

13) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP) – “Joint Webinar with POSNA / Resident Master Series on Supracondylar fractures” – July 15, 2020

14) POA North Luzon Chapter – “TELEMEDICINE: Overcoming Barriers to Patient- Physician Consultations during CoViD 19 Pandemic” – July 25, 2020

15) POA Central Eastern Visayas Chapter – “Getting Into My Nerves” – July 29, 2020

16) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP) – 2nd quarterly mtg / webinar “Pediatric Orthopedics in the Office Setting” – August 13, 2020

17) Philippine Hip and Knee Society (PHKS) – Second Quarterly Meeting “Presentation of Interesting Cases” – Online – August 27, 2020

18) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP)– 3rd quarterly mtg webinar hosted by Jose Reyes Med Ctr – “Femoral fractures in Children” – September 25, 2020

19) Residents and Orthopods Lockdown Encounters (R.O.L.E.) POA

May 1) 7 – POFAS – Quarterly Meeting: “Ankle and Hindfoot Trauma” – CLMM Regional Hospital 2) 11 – POSSM – Quarterly Meeting: “Interesting Cases on Sports Medicine or Arthroscopy” – PGH/TMC/JRMMC 3) 20 – PHKS – ROLE Online: “Perioperative Management in THA” – Drs Villamin, Syquia, Cadag 4) 23 – PHKS – ROLE Online: “Overview of Surgical Approaches in THA” – Dr Arandia, Dr Tabberrah, Dr San Juan 5) 26 – PHKS – ROLE Online: “Performing THA” – Dr Lim, Dr Valenzuela, Dr Kokseng 6) 29 – POWCDLS – Webinar: “Advanced Wound Care in Times of Covid/Quarantine; PPE Related Injuries: Skin at Risk” – Dr Lopez, Dr Divya Panicker 7) 29 – PHKS – ROLE Online: “Avoidance and Treatment of Complications” – Dr San Juan, Dr Guloy, Dr Paner

June 1) 2 – PHKS – ROLE Online: “Complex THA” – Dr Tanchuling, Dr Tabu, Dr Monicit 2) 10 – PShS – Quarterly Meeting: “Journals/Interesting Cases” – Chong Hua Hospital/UP/UST 3) 13 – POSSM – Webinar: “How to Cope with Covid-19 in our Practice (Resuming clinic, Telemedicine, EMR)” – Dr Jurilla, Dr San Juan, special topic by Chong Hua 4) 18 – ASAMI – Webinar: “Options for Management for Nonunion” – Dr Atutubo, Dr Balce 5) 19 – PSOWOSI – “Recommendations & Practical Application of covid-19 Guidelines to Ensure Clinic Safety for You and Your Patients” – Dr. Cristobal C. Dumo 6) 24 – POWCDLS – “Pressure Ulcer in Times of COVID – Is It any Different? Updates and Practice” – Dr. Ramadhinara, Dr Panicker, Dr Ronquillo

July 1) 2 – PMTS – Quarterly Meeting: “Challenges in Managing Musculoskeletal Tumors in COVID Pandemic” – PGH, POC, Jose B. Lingad Memorial MC, Southern Philippines MC 2) 9 – PSS – Webinar: “Metastatic Spinal Tumours” – Dr Rosario, Dr Mella, Dr Pasion 3) 15 – POSSM – Quarterly Meeting: “Interesting Cases on Sports Medicine or Arthroscopy” – POC/UST/EAMC 4) 22 – AHSP – “Teleconsultation Strategies in Evaluating Hand Stiffness” – Dr. Jovy Angeles, Dr. Carilo 5) 29 – AHSP – “WALANT and blocks for ORIF” – Dr. JJ Pua, Dr. Ahmad 6) 31 – POWCDLS – “Ultrasonic Assisted Wound Debridement: The Biofilm Slayer” – Dr. Jay Asuncion

August 1) 5 – PShS – “Tendinopathies: Research Findings, Pathology, and Most Effective Treatments” – Dr Neal L. Millar 2) 6 – POFAS – Quarterly Meeting: “Mid- and Forefoot Trauma” – POC 3) 7 – PShS – “Cuff Healing and Adhesive Capsulitis” – Prof. George Murrell 4) 12 – PShS – “Clavicle Fracture and Proximal Humerus Fracture” – Dr Apalisoc, Dr Asuncion

5) 13 – POSP – Webinar: “Office Paediatric Orthopaedics” – Dr. Vicente Patricio Reyes Gomez 6) 14 – PShS – “Instability with Bone Loss” – Dr Sugaya, Dr Neviaser 7) 19 – PShS – Prof. Castagna 8) 26 – POWCDLS – “Approach to Non-Healing Wounds of the Lower Extremities: A Vascular Specialist’s Point of View” – Dr. David Salvador 9) 27 – PHKS – Quarterly Meeting: “Interesting Cases on THA and TKA” – JRRMMC/UST 10) 29 – PSS – Webinar: “Anterior to the Psoas Approach to Tumours” – Dr Jet Luna

September 1) 1 – POFAS – Webinar Series: “Ankle Trauma” – Dr Coruña, Dr. Alpuerto, Dr Gonzales 2) 3 – ASAMI – Webinar: “Interesting Ilizarov Cases” 3) 8 – POFAS – Webinar Series: “Forefoot & Mid Foot Trauma” – Dr Alvarez, Dr Lacorda, Dr Musni-Fabia 4) 9 – AHSP – “Mutilating injuries of the Upper Limb” – Dr Sibonga, Dr Roces 5) 15 – POFAS – Webinar Series: “Ankle Sports Trauma” – Dr Ang, Dr Visperas, Dr Eusebio 6) 17 – PSOWOSI – “Shoulder injuries in women, THR in women” – Dr Italia, Dr Gervasio 7) 19 – POTS/FFN – “Orthogeriatics during the COVID-19 Pandemic” – Dr. Lon Mangubat, Dr. Don Magno, Dr. Foster, Dr, Shelley Dela Vega 8) 23 – PShS – Quarterly Meeting: “Interesting cases” – POC, VLUNA, JRMMC 9) 24 – ASAMI – Webinar: “Ilizarov Surgery Post-op Woes: Surgery does not end at the Operating Room” – Dr Javier 10) 25 – POSP – “Femoral Shaft Fractures in Children” – Dr Apalisoc, Dr Panopio 11) 26 – PSS – Webinar: “Navigation in Spine Surgery” – Dr Ed Santos


1) “CoViD 19 Guidelines for Fellows” – Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA)

2) “Guidelines on Surgery for Fragility Hip Fractures during the CoViD 19 Pandemic” – Philippine Hip and Knee Society and Philippine Orthopaedic Trauma Society (PHKS / POTS)

3) “Guidelines for Spine Surgery During the CoViD 19 Pandemic” – Philippine Spine Society (PSS)

4) “Guidelines during the CoViD 19 Pandemic” – Philippine Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (POFAS)

5) “CoViD 19 Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Musculoskeletal Tumor Patients – Philippine Musculoskeletal Tumor society (PMTS)

6) “CoViD 19 Surgical Algorithm of Trauma Patients” – Philippine Orthopaedic Center


1) Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) – “A Multicenter Implementation of the Combined Ortho-geriatric Fragility Fracture Management (OFFM) and Fracture Liaison Service (FLS): Challenges and Clinical Impact on the Elderly with Hip Fractures during the New Normal” – Irewin A. Tabu, MD, FPOA

2) Association of Hand Surgeon of the Philippines (AHSP) – “H.A.W.A.K. Kamay for 2020” – Handog ang Wastong Alaga at Kaalaman sa Kamay

3) POA South Luzon Chapter – Relief Operation – Taal Island relocated to Ibaan, Batangas – February 1, 2020

4) POA South Mindanao Chapter – Relief Operations and Medical Mission – New Israel, Makilala, North Cotabato – November 9, 2019

5) POA South Mindanao Chapter – Second Wave of Relief Operation – Davao del Sur December 15, 2019 – Piape, Padada, Davao del Sur – December 28, 2019

6) Philippine Society of Orthopaedic Women Surgeon, Inc. – Donations of Reusable PPEs – NCR and different point of Luzon, including Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija and Zambales, all the way to Davao, Mindanao – Total of 217 pieces of jumpsuits were distributed to ten institutions.

7) Association of Hand Surgeon of the Philippines (AHSP) – Launching of official website ( – To help patients and colleagues to find hand surgeons anywhere in the country


1) OrthoBalita Issue (Official Newsletter of POA) – Volume One POA Newsletter Published – July 2020

2) OrthoBalita Issue (Official Newsletter of POA) – Volume Two – November 27-29, 2020.


1) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees - Monthly Meeting – January 18, 2020

2) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP) – POSP Officers Meeting and Planning Activities – Omakase GH – January 23, 2020

3) POA South Mindanao Chapter – Chapter Meeting – February 1, 2020 – Rekado St., Davao City

4) POA North Luzon Chapter – Induction of Officers – February 15, 2020

5) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – 1ST Meeting of 2020 PSS Board of Trustees – Belmont Café, Pasay City – February 15, 2020

6) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Meeting – February 21, 2020

7) POA South Mindanao Chapter – Ratification of By-Laws – February 29, 2020 – Café Demitasse, Torres Ct., Davao City

8) POA South Mindanao Chapter – Induction of Officers – March 7, 2020 – Yellow Fin, Buhangin, Davao City

9) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Meeting – March 14, 2020

10) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Online Zoom Meeting – April 15, 2020

11) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – April 29, 2020

12) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – May 23, 2020

13) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Online Zoom Meeting – May 27, 2020

14) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – June 13, 2020

15) POA North Mindanao Chapter – Zoom Meeting with POA – June 2020

16) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Online Zoom Meeting – June 27, 2020

17) POA South Mindanao Chapter – Zoom Meeting with POA – July 1, 2020

18) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – July 18, 2020

19) POA North Luzon Chapter – Zoom Meeting with Members – July 25, 2020

20) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Online Zoom Meeting – July 25, 2020

21) Philippine Board Of Orthopaedics (PBO) – Virtual Town Hall Meeting – July 29, 2020

22) POA Central Eastern Visayas Chapter – Chapter Meeting – July 29, 2020

23) POA North Luzon Chapter – Zoom Meeting with POA – August 11, 2020

24) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – August 15, 2020

25) Philippine Spine Society (PSS) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Online Zoom Meeting – August 25, 2020

26) PHILIPPINE ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – September 19, 2020


1) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP) –4th quarterly meeting hosted by PGH – “The Limping Child” – October 2020

2) Council for Orthopaedic Education (COrE) – “Orthopaedic Education in Covid Times: Shifting to Online Learning and Evaluation Methods” – Virtual Training Course – October 2020

3) Residents and Orthopods Lockdown Encounters (R.O.L.E.) POA

October 1) 7 – POWCDLS 2) 15 – POSSM – Quarterly Meeting: “Interesting Cases on Sports Medicine or Arthroscopy” – CHH/VMMC 3) 22 – PHKS – Quarterly Meeting: “Interesting Cases on THA and TKA” – V. Luna/ East Ave 4) 24 – PSS – Webinar: “OLIF and XLIF” – Dr. Jonathan Sembrano 5) Philippine Hip and Knee Society (PHKS) – Third Quarterly Meeting “Presentation of Interesting Cases” – Online – October 22, 2020 6) Philippine Orthopaedic Association (POA) – Board of Trustees – Monthly Zoom Meeting – October 24, 2020

November 1) 5 - POFAS – Quarterly Meeting: “DM Foot” – JRRMMC 2) Philippine Hip and Knee Society (PHKS) – Fourth Quarterly Meeting “Instructional Course Lecture on TKA” – Online – November 2020 3) Philippine Board of Orthopaedics (PBO) – Launching of “The Curriculum for Resident Education and Training I Orthopaedic Surgery 2020” – November 28, 2020 4) Orthopaedic Research Committee – Pre-Convention Residents’ Research Forum and Research Free Paper Presentation – November 26, 2020 5) 71ST Annual POA Convention - Online – “The New Normal: An Orthopaedic Challenge – Adaptive Changes in Surgical Practice” – November 27-28, 2020 6) Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of the Philippines (POSP) – “Annual Pediatric Orthopaedic Interesting Case Contest (for Residents)” – December 2020 7) POA North Luzon Chapter – Fourth Quarter Meeting – December 2020




President: Roberto A. Sarmiento, MD Vice President: Jorge M. Concepcion, MD Treasurer: Jaime B. Lagunilla, MD Secretary: Leonardo O. Ona III, MD

Directors: Roberto J. Alfabeto, MD Mario T. Bautista, MD Stephen O. Bullo, MD Dean Cyril Y. Catot, MD Shalimar C. Cortez, MD Ron R. Del Mar, MD Jose Macario V. Faylona, MD Alfred Q. Lasala Ii, MD Miguel C. Mendoza, MD Edgar M. Palacol, MD Ricardo Dl. Riego De Dios, MD


In an effort to provide meaningful learning through alternative means, the PSGS jumped into the webinar bandwagon by conducting its series of webinar online.

1) 18th Surgical Forum - The Annual Convention of the PSGS Webinar Series held via Docquity platform on August 6-8, 2020 2) Best Practices for The Surgeon Amidst The Covid-19 Pandemic, April 27, 2020, 10AM via ZOOM 3) Continuing Medical Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic, May 8, 2020, 10AM via ZOOM 4) PSGS Head and Neck Study Group Participates In The PCS CSE Series Of Webinars, May 22, 2020, 10AM via ZOOM 5) PSGS Breast Study Group – PSBS Webinar 6) PSGS Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month Webinar Part 1 – Sep 19 7) PSGS Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month Webinar Part 2 Management of Thyroid Malignancy – Sep 26 8) Chapter CME Activities a) Metro Manila Chapter Breast Cancer Awareness Month Webinar “Madibdibang Usapan Ukol sa mga Sakit sa Suso” Part 1 – Oct 17, 2020 10AM b) Metro Manila Chapter Breast Cancer Awareness Month Webinar Part 2 “Madibdibang Usapan Ukol sa mga Sakit sa Suso”– Oct 24 c) Metro Manila Chapter Head and Neck Virtual Symposium, September 11 d) 18th Surgical Updates – Global Perspectives on Surgical Education and Training Programs in the New Normal – November 7, 2020 600PM e) Share a Shield Project (PSGS MMC, PCS MMC, PALES) f) Southern Tagalog Chapter Current Evidence Based Practice – Breast Conserving Surgery – October 5, 2020 7PM g) Central Luzon Chapter 1st CLC Grand Rounds: Clinical Vignettes in General Surgery – TRAUMA – October 14, 2020 6PM h) Central Luzon Maintaining Financial Wellbeing in Times of Crisis: What to do Before, During and After – September 29, 2020 7PM i) Bicol Chapter The Breast is Yet to Come, A Breast Awareness Virtual Lay Forum – October 26, 2020 9AM

9) PCS Midyear 2020 Convention – Symposium, May 28-29, 2020 via Docquity

PSGS – PBS Memorandum of Agreement and How it will affect eligibility

Speakers: Dr. Andrea Joanne A. Torre Dr. Roberto A. Sarmiento Dr. Jose Ravelo T. Bartolome Dr. Jose A. Solomon Dr. Orlando O. Ocampo

10) PCS 2020 Annual Clinical Congress - Symposium ACC 20/20: Surgery Through The Looking Glass December 6 – 9, 2020

Dember 8, 2020 (Tuesday) 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM Topic : Unresponsive Tumors of the Breast (30 mins) Speaker : Anees B. Chagpar, MD Chair : Ray B. Malilay, MD

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Surgical Options for Unresponsive Rectal Cancer Topic : Pelvic Exenteration Speaker : Carlo Angelo C. Cajucom, MD Topic : Lateral Pelvic Node Dissection Speaker : Mark Anthony G. Fontanilla, MD Chair : Omar O. Ocampo, MD

December 9, 2020 (Wednesday) 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Topic : A Review and Discussion of General and Specialist Surgical Training in the United Kingdom Speaker : Ahmad Nassar, MD Moderator : Deogracias Alberto G. Reyes, MD Panelists : Cenon R. Alfonso, MD Jorge M. Concepcion, MD Joseph Melbert O. Gulfan, MD Ray I. Sarmiento, MD

11) The Ceres Exam, 2nd week of December 2020


1) PSGS Joins PCS Alliance for Life Cancer Summit 2) The Pink Run D’Feeting Breast Cancer 3) PSGS National Provided Financial Assistance To The Chapters During The Covid – 19 Pandemic 4) Financial Assistance To The Southern Tagalog Chapter During Taal Volcano Eruption 5) Share a Shield Project 6) Financial Assistance to Fellows who died of Covid-19 7) Celebration of the 21st Year Founding Anniversary a) Moving Forward Together, May 22, 2020 Friday 2PM via ZOOM b) Backyard Tree Planting of Southern Tagalog and Panay Chapter


1) PSGS Head and Neck Study Group Lays Down Plans for Year 2020 a) Future plans include a National study on thyroid cancer it incidence and clinical outcomes, possible a collaborative work with the PCS Cancer Commission, PAHNSI and PCS Research Committee. b) Another plan is the formulation/ assignment of modules to be cascaded to the different GS programs and US Workshop with PSUS. 2) PSGS Pink Run Virtual Pink Run 2020 – Oct 20-25 3) MIS Face to Face Virtual Workshop - Nov 4) Euro – Asia Congress 2020 – Nov 4 5) PSGS Hernia Webinar – Nov 14 6) Car raffle Fund Raiser for Fellows Assistance Plan – Nov 28




Seated left to right: Dr. Michael Sabalza, Dr. Michael Louis Gimenez (Secretary), Dr. James Soriano (President), Dr. John Mata, Dr. Ronald Cruz, Dr. Maria Lourdes Gutierrez (Treasurer), Dr. Jude Antonio Gonzalves. Standing left to right: Dr. Elmer Jose A. Meceda, Dr. Eric Dennis Legazpi (Vice President)


1) March 2 – “Updates on the UHC and PHIC”, lecture by Dr. Shirley B. Domingo, Philhealth Vice-President for Corporate Affairs. Bayanihan Hall, United Laboratories, Mandaluyong, MM. 2) May 6 – “Kumusta na kayo?” an Online Conversation with Philhealth President Dick Morales 3) June 3 – Webinar: “An Alternative Microsurgical Visualization in the time of Covid- 19: 3D Exoscope Surgery”. 4) August 13 – Webinar: “AFN Webinar: Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Surgery”. 5) September 15 – Webinar: “Back to Basics: Stereotactic Radiosurgery”. 6) Oct 20 – Webinar: “ICG-Assisted Surgery: AFNI Regional Scientific Meeting and Symposium”.


December 2, 2019 – AFNI Annual Business Meeting and Fellowship Night


1) First Neurosurgery Residents Research Forum November 30, 2020 2) First AFNI Virtual Annual Convention and Business Meeting December 1-2, 2020 3) Monthly Virtual/ Physical Scientific Sessions with each Neurosurgery Training Program 4) Quarterly Meeting with the 4 Regional Sections of the AFNI: Northern Luzon, NCR and Southern Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao 5) Participation in PCS Midyear and Annual Clinical Congress 6) AFNI Midyear and Annual Conventions




From left to right: Raymond Joseph R. Manzo, MD, Stanley U. Kho, MD, Carlo Angelo C. Cajucom, MD, Directors, Alfred Q. Lasala II, MD, Secretary, Ida Marie T. Lim, MD, Director, Andrea Joanne A. Torre, MD, Treasurer, Jorge M. Concepcion, MD, Past President, Malen M. Gellido, MD, Vice President and Joseph Melbert O. Gulfan, MD, President.

Not in the picture: Warren M. Roraldo, MD, Director


June 12, 2020 – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM - Webinar on Issues in Surgical Training Amidst the Covid 19 Pandemic.


November 28, 2020 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Webinar on Surgical Training Digital Solutions




Standing from L-R: Doctors’ Alex L. Tan, Jose Rhoel C. de leon, and Dakila Delos Angeles, Trustees; Samuel D. Ang, President; Gemma Leonora B. Uy, Secretary; Nelson D. Cabaluna, Vice President; Karl T. Morales, and Gerald T. Alcid, Trustees; Rodney B. Dofitas, Treasurer.


1) SOSP hosted a Webinar on “Surgical Management of Cancer during Covid-19 Pandemic” on May 12, 2020.

Speakers: Dr. Daphne Ang Dr. Rodelio Lim Dr. Leopoldo Vega Dr. Veronique Tan Dr. Chieh-Han Chuang Dr. Rodney Dofitas Dr. Gerald Alcid

2) Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Management During COVID-19 Pandemic”, A Discussion and Open Forum” on June 4, 2020.

The Panel was composed of representatives from the Philippine Society of Breast Surgeons, Surgical Oncology Society of the Philippines, Philippine Society of General Surgeons, Philippine Breast Cancer Society and the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology. SOSP was represented by its president, Dr. Samuel Ang.

3) 2020 PCS Midyear Convention

Panel Discussion: Surgical Oncology: Navigating Through The Covid Crisis

Panelists: Samuel D. Ang, MD, FPCS Nelson D. Cabaluna, MD, FPCS Gerald T. Alcid, MD, FPCS Rodney B. Dofitas, MD, FPCS

Moderator: Jose Rhoel C. de Leon, MD, FPCS

4) Training

a) Feb 29, 2020 – The SOSP Board met with the Section Heads and Training officers of the 6 accredited Surgical Oncology Training Programs to finalize the plans of making the Surgical Oncology Fellowship a boarded specialty. The 1st written exam for the diplomates will be administered this December 2020.

b) July 30, 2020 - The Philippine Board of Surgical Oncology officially received its SEC registration.

c) Accreditation of the 6 Surgical Oncology Programs was extended to 1 year due to COVID-19 Pandemic. The following training programs for the fellowship in Surgical Oncology were granted re-accreditation:

• University of the Philippines -Philippine General Hospital • St. Lukes Medical Center • University of Santo Tomas Hospital • Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center • Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center • Mindanao Surgical Oncology Fellowship Training Program


Dr. Samuel Ang, SOSP President, was appointed as Member of the National Integrated Cancer Control Council under the Department of Health for a term of 3 years by President Rodrigo R. Duterte. This multisectoral Council will act as the policymaking, planning and coordinating body on cancer control, attached to the DOH. It will provide technical guidance and support and oversee the implementation of the National Cancer Control Act. He was one of the 2 doctors to be part of the Council which will be headed by the Secretary of Health with other members composed of representatives from DSWD, DOLE, DILG, PHILHEALTH, FDA and 3 representatives from Cancer Support Groups.


1) Seminars in Oncology – Comprehensive Course in Hormonal Treatment for Breast Cancer. Part 1: Nov 16; Part 2: Nov 23

2) SOSP Session during PCS Annual Convention

Dec 9, Wednesday a) What’s New in the Management of Thyroid Nodules • Radiofrequency Ablation of Benign thyroid nodules – Dr. Ralph Tufano • Latest Perspectives on the Management of Malignant Thyroid Nodules – Dr. Anil D Cruz


Panelists: Samuel D. Ang, MD, FPCS Cristina G. Galvez, MD, FPSMO Jennifer R. Bellon, MD, FASTRO Prof. Armando E. Giuliano, MD, FACS, FRCSEd

Moderator: Jose Rhoel C. de Leon, MD, FPCS



I. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 2019 -2020

President : Jeanette Marie Matsuo, MD, FPSOHNS Vice President : Mel Anthony Cruz, MD, FPCS Secretary : Theodore Nicholoff, MD Treasurer : Alfred Philip O. de Dios, MD, FPCS, FPSGS Board Members : Marwin Matic, MD, FPCS, FPSGS Rainier Lutanco, MD, FPCS, FPSGS

Immediate Past President: Ida Marie T. Lim, MD, FPCS, FPSGS


1) May 22, 2020 PCS –PSGS –PAHNSI- PSUS-PTA Webinar the “Management of Thyroid Conditions in the Time of Covid 19: Challenges and Mitigating Its Impact “

2) PSGS Surgical Forum head and neck session participated in by PAHNSI fellows:

a) The Road to becoming a GS Head and Neck Surgeon by past PSGS President Dr. Ravel Bartolome

b) Multidisciplinary approach in managing Oropharyngeal Carcinoma:

Lecture on: “Basics of Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: Epidemiology and relevant anatomy” by Dr. Cherry V. Montealto FPCS, FPSGS

c) Interactive Cased based discussion on the diagnosis and management of Oropharyngeal carcinoma

• “The surgeon’s role in the management of oropharyngeal cancer (Pre- treatment assessment – how to do biopsy and airway management; Provision of nutrition: NGT vs PEG; Surgical considerations)” by Dr. Manuel S. Tesoro, Jr., FPCS, FPSGS; • Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer by Dr. Warren Bacorro, MD, radiation oncology, and • Chemotherapy protocols for oropharyngeal cancer by Dr. Katherine Villanueva, medical oncology


A. Public Education

• January 19, 2020 – DZRH radio program

Topic : In line with Cancer Awareness week and Goiter Awareness month by Dr. Ida Marie T. Lim

• February 4, 2020 – participation in the PCS led National Cancer Summit • Web posts in PCS Cancer Commission Guidelines in time of Covid • May 22, 2020 – International Thyroid Awareness week • July 27, 2020- World Head and Neck Cancer Day • September 2020- Thyroid Cancer Awareness week (participation in PSGS webinars and PTA lay forum)


1) PAHNSI joins PCS Alliance for Life Cancer Summit, February 04, 2020 at the the Philippine Medical Association from 7:00 am to 12:00 nn 2) PAHNSI participated in webinars in observance of International Thyroid Awareness Week 3) May 22, 2020, a webinar in collaboration with Philippine College of Surgeons, Philippine Society of General Surgeons, Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Surgery and the Philippine Thyroid Association. Topic: “Management of Thyroid Conditions in the Tome of Covid 19: Challenges and Mitigating Its Impact” 4) July 25 was World Head and Neck cancer Day which was supported by PAHNSI 5) PAHNSI participated in the Philippine Society of General Surgeons Surgical Forum last August 8, 2020


A. Close collaboration with relevant societies to:

• Update existing guidelines in Thyroid

• Conduct Multi-institutional research in Head and Neck

B. Close collaboration with relevant societies to improve on Resident’s Training or come up with Innovations in Training




From L-R Dr. Ryan Conrad A. Carnero (Auditor); Dr. Jose Miguel T. Lumawig (Treasurer); Dr. Ronald P. Tangente (Vice-President); Dr. Antonio B. Sison (Past President); Dr. Francisco P. Alterejos (President); Dr. Richard V. Condor ( Secretary); Dr. Anne Kathleen Ganal-Antonio (Chairman - Scientific Committee); Dr. Romel P. Estillore (Chairman - Research Committee)


1) The Philippine Spine Society 1st Research Workshop Online from June 17 to October 14, 2020 from 6 study groups:

a) Cervical Group: An Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mild Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM) b) Deformity Group: Evaluation of Normative Values of Radiographic Spinopelvic Parameters in the Asymptomatic Filipino Population c) Degenerative Group: Clinical and Radiographic Characteristics of Patients with Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae and Bertolotti Syndrome

d) Miss Group: Comparison of Minimally-Invasive TLIF and Open TLIF in Patients 65 years old and Older: A Prospective Cohort Study e) Simot Group: A Descriptive Study of Kummell's Disease in Filipinos f) Trauma Group: The Effect of Mean Arterial Pressure on the Neurologic Status of Acute Cervical and Thoracic traumatic cord injury: A Prospective Cohort Study

2) The Philippine Spine Society Webinars:

a) July 9, 2020-8:00 pm, PSS/POA Webinar Workshop “An Interactive Online Activity Metastatic Spinal Tumours”

Speakers: Dr. Mamer S. Rosario-Clinical Presentation and Instability Dr Mark U. Pasion- When is Surgery Feasible? Dr Pierre M. Mella- Treatment Algorithms

b) August 29, 2020- 9:00 am, Webinar on Anterior to the Psoas Approach for Spine Tumours

Speaker: Dr Jeffrey Thomas Luna Spine Surgeon/Tumor University of Minnesota

c) September 26, 2020- 9:00 am, Webinar on Navigation in Spine Surgery Speaker: Dr Edward Rainier Santos

d) October 24 2020-9:00 am, Webinar on OLIF, XLIF and ALIFs Speaker: Dr Jonathan N. Sembrano

e) November 27, 2020-1:05 to 1:50 pm, POA Annual Convention-November 27- 28, 2020

• The challenges in telemedicine: Diagnosing, Treating Spine disorders Paul Julius Medina, MD, FPOA • Decompression in Spinal Metastasis in Relation to COVID Mamer S. Rosario, MD, FPOA

f) December 9, 2020-1:30 PM, PCS 76th Annual Clinical Congress

• The challenges in telemedicine: Diagnosing, Treating Spine disorders Julius Paul Medina, MD, FPOA, • Decompression in Spinal Metastasis in Relation to COVID Mamer S. Rosario, MD, FPOA


1) November 23, 2020, PSS Annual Meeting and 25th Anniversary

• Spine Fellowship Dr. Rolando M. Puno • Research Dr. Leah Carreon

2) November 24, 2020, Induction of New Members for 2021

3) PSS Annual Business Meeting & PSS 25th Anniversary

IV. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES/ FUTURE PLANS-Pipeline Projects (2020-2025)

1) ADHOC Committee for Spine Fellowship 2) PSS Spine Registry full swing on 2021 3) PSS Newsletter/Journal 4) PSS Research- presentation of finished papers on March 24, 2021 5) Amendments of By Laws and Constitution




PSUS BOARD (Taken last December 3, 2019 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel - during the Oath of New PSUS Officers): From Left-Right: Dr. Alfred Phillip O. De Dios (President), Dr. Joy M. Gali (Vice- President), Dr. Jeryl Anne Silvia R. Reyes (Secretary), Dr. Maria Kaiserin S. Lipana (Treasurer), Dr. Marco Jose Fulvio C. Abad (Board Member), Dr. Jose Modesto B. Abellera III (BM), Dr. Orlino C. Bisquera Jr. (BM), Dr. Joel P. Merced (BM), Dr. Charlton S. Sibal (BM), Dr. Juan Alejandro R. Sotto (BM) / Not in photo – Dr. Joseph Alfred B. De Leon (BM), Dr. Rico D. Estrella (BM), Dr. Saleshe Tracey Anne B. Fernandez (BM), Dr. Beverlee Verona L. Mante (BM), Dr. Derek C. Resurreccion (PRO), and Dr. Arvin G. Briones (Immediate Past-President)


• February 15, 2020 - Basic Ultrasound Course, Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center, Manila


• May 22, 2020 - PCS-PAHNSI-PSGS-PSUS-PTA Symposium (WEBINAR)

Topic: Thyroid Nodule Evaluation Using Neck Ultrasound to Select Patients Needing Immediate Care – Dr. Alfred Phillip O. De Dios

• August 6, 2020 – PSGS 18th Surgical Forum (E-Symposium)

Topic1: Role of Ultrasound in Wound Management – Dr. Joy M. Gali Topic2: Use of Endorectal Ultrasound in Rectal Rumors – Dr. Joseph Alfred B. De Leon

• October 17, 2020 – PSUCMI Virtual 18th Annual Convention (Day 1)

Topic1: Anorectal Ultrasound – Dr. Jeryl Anne Silvia R. Reyes

• October 24, 2020 – PSUCMI Virtual 18th Annual Convention (Day 2)

Topic2: Assessment of the Vascular System in COVID 19 Patients – Dr. Zue Loraine Resurreccion

• December 6-8, 2020 – PCS 76th Annual Congress (Webinar)

Topic1: Ultrasound in Pediatric Surgery - Dr. Jose Modesto B. Abellera III Topic2: Breast Ultrasound in Surgery - Clinical Applications, Anatomy and Scanning Techniques - Dr. Erwin B. Alcazaren

Session Chair: Dr. Maria Kaiserin S. Lipana


• May 2020 – PSUS Recommendations for Ultrasound Use in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic





SCIENTIFIC Session during the PCS 76th Annual Congress

Symposium on “Urban Gardening 101” December 8, 2020, Tuesday, 2:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.

• It’s the new Quaran-thing: How to be a certified plantito and plantita” Bernice C. Navarro, MD, FPSGS, FPCS

• “Laparoscopic Gardening” Ma. Celine Isobel A. Villegas, MD, FPSPS, FPCS


1) Public Education/Lay Forum in collaboration with Philippine College of Surgeons, Cancer Awareness activity “Alliance for Life: A Cancer Summit on February 4, 2020, at the PMA auditorium, Quezon City. Apart from a lecture on breast cancer awareness, we did breast screening for the lay Persons in attendance.

2) Public Education/Lay on Webinars

a) June 19, 2020, Friday, 10:00 am – 12 NN; “Dance Away the Covid Blues Away” Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Dancing; Ms. Anna Kathrina Halili Cruz-Bueno, National Artistic Director - Halili Cruz School of Dance.

b) September 10, 2020, Thursday, 10:00 am – 12 NN: “EXERCISE The Covid Blues Away” with Coach Marc de Guia, Head Trainer – Active Central.

c) October 15, 2020, Thursday, 10:00 am – 12:00 NN: “Zoom-ba The Covid Blues Away” with Coach Ellen Geronimo-Labuca, Certified Instructor: Cardio Kick Boxing and Yoga Pilates.

d) The Pink Run 2020, D’ Feeting Breast Cancer

Joint activity with Philippine Society of General Surgeons – Metro Manila Chapter - held a lay forum for breast cancer awareness “The Pink Run” on a virtual run format.

Day 1: October 17, 2020, Saturday

Lectures: a) “Demystifying breast disease: common misconceptions surrounding breast disease” - Dr. Christine Joyce M. Santicruz b) “Breast conditions in the Pediatric and Adolescent age groups: when should we worry?” - Dr. Esther A. Sagul.

Day 2: October 24, 2020, Saturday

Lectures: a) “Breast reconstruction and Body Image Concerns after Breast Cancer Treatment” - Dr. Reden B. Abella b) “Financial Support for Breast Cancer Treatment” - Ms. Imelda A. Pedrosa.


1) Annual AWSP Meeting and Fellowship Program, December 8, 2020, Zoom Online 2) Committee on Ways & Means: “The Surgeons in Couture V2” Strut For-A-Cause, has been “POSTPONED” until further notice.


1) Lay fora during the National Breast Cancer awareness which will be held during Women’s month in March. 2) Surgeons in Couture: “Strut For-A-Cause 2” 3) Lay fora and breast screening it will be held in different barangays, municipality/s also included other on women’s diseases. 4) Block screening on the movie: 5) Session during the PCS Annual Congress in December.





A. Trainings, Workshops and Conventions

1) March 7 to 8 – Basic Laparoscopy Workshop and MIS Training for Nurses, Philippine Center for Advanced Surgery (PCAS) 2) July 17 to 19 – PALES 2020: Virtual Congress, A 10th Annual Convention, “Optimizing Outcomes in MIS during Challenging Times” 3) September 21, 23 & 24 – in collaboration with PCS Metro Manila Chapter and PSGS Metro Manila Chapter, Basic Research Methodology Course 4) December 7, Scientific Session on “Anastomoses in MIS: Updates” during the 76th Annual Clinical Congress of the Philippine College of Surgeons with the theme ACC 20/20: Surgery through the Looking Glass

B. ZERO BDI Campaigns

1) March 20 – First Virtual Zero BDI Campaign with Live Surgery, Collaboration with PALES Northern Luzon Chapter, St. Paul Hospital of 2) October 17 – “How Advancement in Imaging Modalities Improve the Safety of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Reducing Bile Duct Injury”

C. Monthly Webinars

1) April 24 – First PAHPBS and PALES Webinar, “Impact of Covid-19 on Innovations and Planning in Surgery 2) April 30 – PALES Unified MIS Fellowship Program Quadripartite Conference, Maintaining a Culture of Safety During Pandemic 3) May 15 – Essentials of the New Normal Part 1 4) May 21 – Essentials of the New Normal Part 2, “Hospital Operational Preparedness for Surgery in the New Normal 5) October 3 – Is it Okay to not be Okay during this Pandemic, “A Safety Practice Webinar to Protect not only Yourself but also your Patient, the Entire Surgical Team and your Family” 6) November 7 – PALES and PSGS MMC Webinar, “SCOPE: A Comprehensive Discussion on the Techniques and Updates on Laparoscopic Appendectomy”

D. Endorsed PALES Activities

October 8, 15 & 22 – UMIST and SEAL Weekly Webinar, Bariatric Lecture Series


1) Continuing Surgical Education and Research 1.1. PALES Annual Convention 1.2. Monthly Webinars 1.2.1. Series of Comprehensive Online Procedural Exhibition (SCOPE) (Collaborative effort with other societies) 1.3. Zero BDI Reload (Collaborative effort with other societies) 1.4. Zero MIS Use

1.5. Metabolic and Bariatric Management Advocacy 1.6. PALES Instructional Videos (Videos on Demand) 1.7. PALES Data Registry, Publications, Textbooks and Manual for MIS

2. Participation in PCS Midyear and Annual Clinical Congress

3. Surgical Training and Workshops 3.1. Basic Laparoscopy Workshops 3.2. Basic Surgical Endoscopy 3.3. MIS Training for Nurses 3.4. Hybrid Advanced Laparoscopy Workshops 3.5. Unified MIS Curriculum and Surgical Endoscopy Fellowship Programs

4. Surgical Missions on Minimally Invasive Surgery