96 HARDlNGSTONE. -NORTHAlVIPTONSHIRE. [KELLY'S :misehievous persons, who had been allowed to dis-1 & 6,40·p:m.; sunday, arrive 7·30 aoID.; dispat~hed 5'45 figure the monument, a committee was for. for its p-m restoration and protection; and in 1877 t~e Vapidated IllRDINGSTONE RURAL DISTRICT OOUNCIL. steps were renewed and the cross otherwIse renovated 0 under the direction of Mr. Edmund Law architect, of Meets at th{, Workhouse every 4 weeks after the meetIng , at a cost of £r50, towards which Her I. of the Har~ingst{)ne Board of GuardianS'. Majesty the Queen gave £25. The cross, with the oonsent ChaIrman, J. S. SmIth of the trustees of the Bouverie Estate, has now been en- Clerk, John Haviland M.A. 2 St. Giles' sq. Northampton trusted to the charge and care of the Treasurer, Alfred Page, Union Bank, Northampton 'County Council. To the south-west of the cross is Medical Officer

the yearly value of [,85 I'!-S.: a !early.rent-charge oof I The union comprises the following places ~-Brafield-on- £1 6s. 8d. on. land In Collmgtree I~' applIed to the relIef the-Green, Castle Ashby, Cogenhoe, , Cour- of. the :r:ecessItous poor. Mr: Ben]amm. Green, late of teenhall, Denton, , Great Houghton, Hackle- thIS pansh, gave. £60, ~o whIch the pansh added £40 ; ton, Hardingstone, Horton, Little Houghton, Milt{)n or the ~hole was laId out m land, and .the rearly rentB are Middleton Malsor, Piddington, Preston Deanery, Quin. applIed to the purchase of br.ead, to be gIveon to the poor ton, , Rothersthorpe, Whiston, Wootton & Yard. -on Easter Monday: the chanty estates, whICh are under ley Hastings. The population of the union in Ig01 was the management of trustees, produce £55 7S. 8d. yearly, II 932 ' area 32 924 acres' rateable value in Ig02, which is applied in ,appr~nticing and in the .distribution £;9:4;4 ', -of bread and coals: the mterest of £270 , gIven by Mr. Chairman of the Board of Guardians, R. G. Scriven John Clark, is annually expended at Chris.tmas in the Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Committee, John 'Purchase of warm coats for the most neceSSItous poor of Haviland M.A. 2 St. Giles' square, Northampton this parish: M:s. Elizabeth .Mu:ray, ?f NortJhamp~n, Treasurer, Alfred Page, Union Bank, Northampton gave £300, the mterest of WhICh IS applIed yearly to the Relieving Officer for the Union John Alfred Bennett 'Purchase of clothing for poor women of this parish: Far Cotton ' • "General Everard William Bouverie, by will, in 1871, left Medical Officers & Public Vaccmators, Brafield district, £500 in 3 per cent. stock, the interest to be given to 10 Edward Parker Norman M.D. Yardley Hastings; Hard- 'Poor industrious families, after .the . dec~ase of two re- ingstone, George Henry Percival M.B. 66 Abington latives of the benefactor, and these dIed In 1886. James I street Northampton' Milton district, Waiter Henry Hervey MoA.. author of "Meditations among the Tombs," Ryan 'MoRoe.p.l. Road~ and some time rector of , was born here Superintendent Registrar, John Haviland M.A.. 2 8t. 26th February, 1714. Delapre Abbey, the. property. of the Giles' square, Northampton; deputy, John R. Phillips, trustees of the ~ate John Augustus Sheil Bouv~rIe esq. 2 St. Giles' square, Northampton -and now ~he reSIdence of John Cooper esq. J.P. IS a1;Jout Registrar of Marriages, Frederick Russell, Piddington; balf a mile south from. Northampton, and stands ID a deputy, Clarence Russell, Piddington well-wooded ~nd undU;latmg park of 346 a~res; the abb~y Registrars of Births & Deaths, Brafield sub-district, 'Was founded ID the reIgn of Stephen, by SImon de St. Llz William Jones, Denton; deputy, Miss Agnes Robinson, tbe younger, Earl of. Northampton, for nuns of the Denton; Hardingstone sub-district, Frederick Russell, Clun.lac o.rder, and dedI~ated to St. Mary de la Pre or de PiddingtoIl; deputy, Clare:nce Russlill, Piddington; PratIs; ItS revenues,. ID 26 Henry VIII. (1534) were Milton sub-district, John Alfred Bennett, Far Cotton; valued at £IIg, and It was s~J.rrendered Dec. 16th, 30 deputy, William Wright, Far Cotton Renrf V~I1. (r538): of ~h~ anCIent structure,.part of the Workhouse, Wootton, to hold 130 inmates, Rev. George dOl;mlte-rles and the prIDcIpa~ entrance remam as when Lynch Kemp, Wootton, chaplain; Waiter Ho Ryan, bmlt, but the sou;thern portIOn of the abbey ha~ been Roade, medical officer; Samuel Crowther Crompton, :uuch altered at dIfferent date~.. J. A. S. Bouvene esq. master; Mrs. Oaroline Crompton, matron; Sarah 1S lord of the manor. The SOlI IS clay and loam; sub- Judkins assistant matron 'Soil, stone and gravel. '!he chief crops are wheat, barley Hardingst~me Rural District Council Infectious Diseases and grass. The ar~a I~ 2,480 acres; rateable value, Hospital is a corrugated iron building, erected in 1893, £8,835; the populatIOn ID 1901 was 760. to hold 14 patients and Far Cotton, formerly hamlet!! in this School Attendance Committee. parish, were incorporated in the borough of Northampton Meets at t~e Workhouse eve;y two months. ior parliamentary purposes in 1868, and constituted the Clerk, John Haviland M.A. 2 St. GIles' sq. Northampton vivil parish of Far Cotton under the" Local Government School Attendance Officer, In. Alfd. Bennett, Far Cotton Act, 1894." In pursuance of the Local Government Board A ISchool Board of five members was formed Nov. 22nd, Provisional Orders Confir=ation (No. 14) Act, r90o, 1895; Thomas Porter Jones, clerk & attendance officer which came into operation 9th November, 1900, the Schools. grea~e: part of Far Cotton ci~il parish was a~ded to ~he Board (mixed & infants), built in 1866, at the expense of mUDlClp31 boroL1~h of Northampton, the remamder bemg the late General Bouverie, & enlarged in 1895, for 160 annexed to Hardmgstone. children; average attendance, 85; Arth. Blick, master; Post & M. 0., T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., & A. & I. 0.- M'rs. Georgina l"ield, infants' mistress John Ogden, sub-postmaster. Letters delivered from Carriers to Northampton :-John Jackson, daily; Charles Northampton at 7 a.m. & 4.35 p.m. ; dispatched at 1.45 Cox, daily Bouverie John Augustus Sheil COMMERCIAL. Higgs Francis, Crown inn Bouverie Mrs Abbott WilIiam, sanitary inspector for Jackson John, shopkeeper & carrier Brice Ernest Edward, The Firs Hardingstone Rural District Council J ackson Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Cooper John J.P. Delapre abbey Anderton John, dairyman & farmer, Jones Thomas Porter, clerk & atten- Ewen Alfred, Hillside Bottom Lodlre farm dance officer to Hardingstone school Gibson George Langford,The Heights Blunt John, carpenter board "Gray William Parker, Rush J\