Welcome to Kangaroo Island Catholic Community (Part of the Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Cluster of Catholic Parishes) SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - YEAR C Vol 7 : No 09 KANGAROO ISLAND CATHOLIC PARISH Parish House: 22 Giles Street, KINGSCOTE, SA 5223 Phone: 8553 2132 Postal address: PO Box 749, KINGSCOTE, SA 5223 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.kicatholic.org.au NOARLUNGA DOWNS CATHOLIC PRESBYTERY FIRST READING all of them. The particular way in Phone: 8382 1717 Isaiah 62:1-5 which the Spirit is given to each About Zion I will not be silent, about person is for a good purpose. One PARISH TEAM CONTACTS Jerusalem I will not grow weary, may have the gift of preaching with PARISH PRIEST until her integrity shines out like the wisdom given him by the Spirit; Fr Josy Sebastian (8382 1717; dawn and her salvation flames like a another may have the gift of in emergency - 0452 524 169) torch. preaching instruction given him by the same Spirit; and another the gift Fr Roy John (8382 1717) The nations then will see your of faith given by the same Spirit; integrity, all the kings your glory, another again the gift of healing, PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL and you will be called by a new through this one Spirit; one, the Mr Peter Clark (8559 5131) name, one which the mouth of the power of miracles; another, Lord will confer. You are to be a prophecy; another the gift of PARISH NEWSLETTER crown of splendour in the hand of recognising spirits; another the gift Mr Peter Clark (8559 5131, the Lord, a princely diadem in the of tongues and another the ability to
[email protected]) hand of your God; interpret them.