foreigners who may settle among you, and will aid you In accordance with Commander Meade's treaty or the hope of working some needed reforms In that branch LOCAL ITEMS. "by Its influence and protection to establish a soirad and annex the Islands. THE CAPITAL, stable form of government, under which the Samoan of trade. Oleomargrlne, or beef suet butter, an artifi- people can grow prosperous and happy. The directors of this company view with regret the cial articles, will also probably receive some attention. PUBLISHED WEEKLY "The Government and the people of the United impossibility of carrying out a scheme of such vital lm-. Some butter men declare this to be more palatable and I'HAVE at present BY THJS States seek your friendship ana welfare, and will aid you to establish yourselves as a nation by peacefully portance to the trade of the Pacific coast and the manu- nutritious than the real article, but on this point there CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, exerting its influence to prevent your independence factures of this- country in opposition to an English is a wide difference of opinion. A French chemist re- from being taken away from you by any foreign power company receiving a subsidy of $400,000 per annum from cèntly demonstrated to his own satisfaction that butter whatever." 927 D Street, Washington, D. €. the British and colonial governments, and In conse- is tallow subject to a certain process* in the cow, and FIFTEEN DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. BONN PIATT Editor. quence have determined to sell the entire property in that cows furnish about the same quantity and quality Acting upon the report of Commander Meade, the ' the harbor ,of Pago-Pago, and elsewhere on the Samoan of butter when they are put on a very low diet as when SUITINGS. Secretary of the Navy, in 1872, made the following re- TERMS.—$2.50 per year in advance. group, as your bill calls for,, and upon such equitable well fed. Tills theory will also be discussed. port on this subject : Clubs: Ten copies to one address, $20 in advance, with terms as may hereafter b,e agreed upon; still, in the Inter- " In February last, Commander R. W. Meade made, GOVERNOR GROOME. one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 In hi the Narragansett, an extended/ orufee among the est of commerce and the future developing of the tradp, Two weeks ago It was charged in this correspondence Which I make to order at $20 and $25; will not be able advance, with one copy free. islands or the South Pacific Ocean, In the course of of Polynesia In connection with this country, the com- that Governor Groome had pardoned two men out of which lie visited the group known as the Navigators' or pany would much prefer a protectorate or annexation, to replace at the same prices. Samoan Islands, which lie north of Australia, andr the penitentiary, where they were incarcerated for the CONTENTS OF INSIDE. almost north of New Zealand, and consist of nine without which THE BRITISH colonies of Australia, commission of a nameless crime. The correspondent VALENTINE, islands, the largest of which is called Upolo. These through the recent action of the has since learned from official sources that these men Second page, the "Kit-cats " and " Gay Balti- islands are capable of producing in abundance cotton, sugar, and all the ordinary tropical productions. They • BRITISH GOVERNMENT IN ANNEXING FIJI, were pardoned out by Governor Whyte about a month Merchant Tailor, corner Seventh and E. more Gossip." are Inhabited by a fine, muscular race, mostly christian- ,WU1 certainly absorb the entire-trade of the South before Governor Groome's inauguration. The corres- ized, and of a higher order of Intellect and cultivation Pacific. KNIGIIT, "Artist In Typography," 428 Seventh street. Third page, the letter of " G. H. S. II." than almost any natives of the Pacific Archipelago. pondent makes this correction the more readily because Sixth page, the conclusion of Beanry's " Sea- The island of Tutuilla, though by no means the largest, I desire to Impress the faet upon your mind that aside before the appearance of his article there was a wide- BROWNING'S BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, indi- Is the central island, and possessing the beautiful liar- from a commercial point of view the Samoan group are spread impression that the present executive had re- bor of Pago-Pago, is the key of the group." gestion, and constipation. For sale by the druggists. coast Sketches." not only the most fertile, the most central, but the only leased the two prisoners referred to, and it was not be- u "These Islands lie directly in the track of commerce Seventh page, our Baltimore letter, Stray and steam navigation between the west coast of Ameri- group of importance in all Polynesia that Is not at fore hearing the assertion reiterated by parties whom TIIE bestfand, coldest soda and mineral waters aro to ca and the islands and semi-continents of the East; and present occupied by European governments or under lie considered well posted and the very best authority, be had only at Thompson's drug store, 703 Fifteenth Leaves from a Social Journal." the bay of Pago-l'ago, situated about midway between Honolulu and Sidney, affords not only far the best and the protection of France or England. Such being the that he used it. Governor Groome has enough sins of street. * tf fact, when the time rolls along, as assuredly It will, that safest, but absolutely the only land-protected harbor his own to answer for without being saddled with those CHEAPEST printing In the city at Knight's, 428 7th st. among the Islands ot the South Pacific. Its position, lu our ships of war require a coaling station and our mer- of others. For instance, as was foreshadowed In last AMERICAN INTERESTS IN THE relation to New Zealand, Australia, the Sandwich Islands, the ports of South America, and the Isthmus, chant ships a harbor of refuge, there will be none left week's CAPITAL, General Andrew J. Pennington lias DAN. O'BRIEN, opposite the Baltimore and Ohio de- SOUTH PACIFIC. and to San Francisco, makes it almost the necessary for U6 in that broad expanse of ocean unless the United been assigned to the adjutant general's office as assistant pot, Is regaling his numreous friends and customers harbor for supplies, coalingand repairs for all the trade States Government assumes the royalty of these Islands, adjutant general, vice General James Howard, removed. and travel westward to Australia and Southern Poly- with all the delicacies of the season, and the best and nesia, or returning thence to the shores of America. which has been already conveyed to them by the native "Andy must be provided for," as the governor himself purest ales, wines and liquors. His house is famous. How Americans have Obtained a Foothold Its great advantages for us are to be found In these con- rulers. naively put it, is the prime reason for Mr. Pennington's ditions, and In the fact that it Is in the direct line of CHURCH PRINTING at Knight's, 428 Seventh street. on the Navigator Island*—Interesting trade from San Francisco, through the Sandwich Is- I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully yours, appointment. It is not a pleasant spectacle to contem- Letter to Representative Honghton. lands, to the East ; that its location is plainly marked J. B. M. STEWART, plate, tills pei^lonlng of one's favorites on the State. FRANK FINLEY has conferred a blessing upon human- by the surveys of our exploring" expedition and those Representative Houghton yesterday received a more recently made ; that It is easv of access, night and Agent for the Samoan Commercial and Land Company. BASE BALL. ity in manufacturing the Kate cigar. letter concerning the Samoan islands, a copy of which day, with a deep, land-locked harbor, well protected The Chicago base-ball club defeated the Baltlmores from the force of the liurricancs that sweep that por- to-day by the following score : MY low-priced grade of suitings are made by my best we are permitted to publish, as follows : tion of the Pacific, and from the dangerous ocean swell tailor, well trimmed. resulting therefrom. As an available station for coal- LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Chlcagos 42004040 0—14 WASHINGTON, D. C., J une n, 1874. ing for our national and commercial marine In that ~~|Bal timorés 4 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 0—11 VALENTINE, Hon. S. O. HOUGHTON, House of Representatives : part of the world, it is far the best to be found within a Corner Seventh and E. - ' sweep of many thousand miles. The nativé chiefs and Earned runs : Chicago, 4 ; Baltlmores, 2. Sin : In response to your Inquiries concerning the people arc well disposed and exceedingly anxious to SPECULS FROM BALTIMORE. CAPITAL BITS. W-E TAKE pleasure in calling attention to the new lands, rights and privileges owned by the Samoan Com- secure the benefits of onr intercourse and the recogni- The new elevator at Locust Point, with a capacity of French class of Professor Lambert, that opens to-mor- mercial and Land Company upon the Samoan group, I tion and countenance at least of our Government. A MODEL LEGISLATURE. "Actingunder his general instructions, with great 1,500,000 bushels, will be completed by July 1st. row night. The Professor teaches French through the have the honor to Inform you that in the year 1869 the judgment and skill, Commander Meade entered Into the BALTIMORE, June 13.—The Incompetency and utter The fifth Maryland regiment are preparing for their ear instead of the old system, through the eye, and his attention of the merchants of San Francisco was dl-« most kindly relations and lntercourscwlth the authori- unfitness of many members of the legislature lately In trip to Long Branch. They will go by way of New success Is remarkable. Persons desirous of Improving rccted towards extending our commerce to the Islands ties and people of these islands, exchanged the most friendly courtesies with them, and seems to have se- session at Annapolis have more than once been alluded York. themselves or learning this delicately Indelicate tongue of the Pacific and to Australia. It was deemed of so cured their friendship and confidence for our Govern- to and commented on in tills correspondence. Many At a meeting of the Baltimore Butchers' Union Asso- should give the Professor a trial. much importance that the State legislature passed res- ment. lie assisted them in framing friendly and proper people, wise In their own conceit, thought and said the ciation on Tuesday, George T. Whitney was elected olutions requesting Congress ,to aid in establishing commercial regulations, and procured from them a CHURCH PRINTING at Knight's, 428 Seventh street. ^ solemn and comprehensive agreement which gives us correspondent was an habitual faultrfinder, and that president. steamship communication between San Francisco and all the facilities for a station for coaling and supplies if the erudite solons at the ancient city were unimpearth- The New York Tribv/na gives Colonel J. Thomas Australia, and the Chamber of Commerce and mer- needed, and invites and offers protection to every Ameri- FOR Moody's Abdominal Corset go to Douglass', under ably honest and thoroughly able. As regards honesty, Scharf s book, the " Chronicles of Baltimore," a highly chants of San Francisco petitioned the Pacific delega- can interest, either national or commercial, asking St. Cloud Hotel. nothing in return but our recognition and countenance, the correspondent has demonstrated that the legisla- complimentary notice, nearly a column In length. tion to do ail In their power in establishing these com- THE extreme warm weather, with her overcrowded requiring only the favorable action of our Govern- ture took out of the treasury of this State twenty thou- Rev. John McElroy, S. J., aged 98, stationed at St. mercial relations. ment to establish and maintain our interest and in- and laborious practice, so debilitated Mrs. Stlllman that sand dollars for twenty-nine days labor which they John's church, Frederick, Maryland, Is said to be the fluence in the heart of the Pacific archipelago. It Is she had to take refuge and rest with some friends at At that time it was felt that it would be impossible to by no means the province of this report to discuss ques- never performed. In this age of Credit Moblller, San-' oldest Catholic priest In North America. accomplish the great object sought after, namely, the tions of foreign policy, or to present any event even of bornlsm, Jaynelsm, Butlerism and salary steals this is Annapolis. She returns, however, to-morrow, much The Evening News is exultant over Its double sheet. development Of the commerce of tlic Pacific, without a the plainest interests or requirements of national com- comparatively a small affair, but It shows how difficult improved In strength, aiid will then resume heir practice merce, but I cannot forbear to say that if we are not May it double its circulation and double its advertising central depot of trad«, where- our ships would be able to It is for the average legislator to distinguish between at«lfi G street. ; , • r. _ propared to ignore wholly the imperative commercial patronage, thereby doubling its Income. coal, and our merchants bo-able to keep a supply of our needs as well as the splendid commercial opportunities right and wrong when self-interest is concerned. The Baltimorean, the youngest, but one of the best FOR a genuine Mackinaw straw hat, at popular prices, manufactures for the use of the neighboring Islands. of our Pacific States, and to yield also the opening ave- nues of Pacific trade to the comprehension and courage As to ability, the new assessment law passed by the and most successful of the Baltimore weeklies, entered go to Willett £ Ruoff's: They fyive this desirable hat To attain thisçend au association.was \formed,in, San of more liberal, though more remote people, we should late session is a fair criterion by whieh to estimate th,e upon Its third year last Saturday. in all shapes. Francisco, and a vessel was dispatched with suitable not neglect the opportunity thus afforded, at least to protect, if not to encourage, some of the American in- capacity of the men who were delegated by the people The treasurer of the Agassiz memorial fund, at Bos- WHY IS it that all gentlemen go to Welcker & agents on board who selected the harbor of Pago-Pago, terests which arc there struggling to establish them- to make and revise laws. After this bill had been Ion, states that Baltimore leads all other cities In the Hagerty's these hot days Y afer much easeful examination of other harbors In the selves." passed by both houses and signed by Governor Groome, THE PRUSSIAN GOVERNMENT SEEK THE HARBOR. amount of contributions to the fund by public school Pacific. It was found that Pago-Pago was the only per- it was discovered that by its provision« all property in- pupils. Thé sum contributed here was $741.63. CARDS printed at Knight's, at $2 per thousand. . fectly lancf-loéked harbor, free from all dangers of apj- Five days after the departure of the Narragansett a tended to be taxed was exempted, and vice versa. Here The legislature having passed a bill prohibiting the proach, and occupying certainly the most central posi- Prussian man-of-war arrived at Pago-Pago with instruc- FOR the celebrated 40-Bone Corset go to Douglass', St. is what the court of appeals, the highest tribunal In the attachment of money for debt where the sum was less tion in the South Pacific, right on the track of ocean tion from the Prussian govern ment .to.,,, occupy the har- Cloud. •• • State, says In reference to this law: " The act is full of than one hundred dollars, the retail dealers here have steamers between San Francisco, New Zealand, and bor of Pago-Pago, j I £ imperfections, some of the section® are incomplete, formed a protective society. The object is to prctect THE Monogram House, corner of Thirteenth aiid E Australia, and on the great circle track between China The dap tain, oulearnln^ of {he protectorate treaty some of them are unintelligible, and many of its pro- storekeepers from dishonest customers, who will be streets, Is like whisky, It Improves with age, and if and the terminUs of the Continental railroad in Peru. made by Commander Meade, expressed his astonish- visions are contradictory with one another." The court, registered, and a copy of the book with their names Captain DeAtley continues to furnish, as he is now But although this harbor was so admirably adapted for ment and annoyance. then, declares the act Inoperative. The legislature were furnished each member of the association. doing, such celebrated wines, brandies and cigars, he the purposes required, it was found that in consequence THE MERCHANTS OF SAN FRANCISCO, in session sixty-one days, though all the members drew The free excursions inaugurated last year for the will deserve promotion, and will get It. He should be a of the small area of land suitable for cultivation, the Who had Inaugurated this commercial enterprise, see- pay for ninety, and it would be interesting to know how benefit of poor women and children, will be continued colonel. native owner, from a very remote period, held it as ing the magnitude of the operation, incorporated it in a many of the aforesaid sixty-one days were devoted to this season under the auspices of the same truly charita- sacred, and the penalty was death to any one who dis- joint stock company under the State laws of California CARPS printed at Knight's, at $2 per thousand. the consideration of the assessment law. ble ladies and gentlemen, commencing in July and end- posed of his property, and it was only after a long and and dispatched several cargoes of merchandise to the ing In September. They should receive the liberal sup- OUR FRIEND, John Markrlter, the celebrated paper- tedious negotiation, and with the assistance of the Brit- Samoan Islands. M'BLAIR—BOND. It is a matter of very little eoncem to the people of port and encouragement of all classes of citizens. hanger, 430 Seventh street, seems determined to have a ish and American consuls and the missionaries, that In April, 1872, the president of this company visited display of pictures which will rival the Corcoran Art the State which of the two contestants for the office of Mr. M. A. Kennedy, the favorite actOr, well known in the natives consented to repeal their law and dispose of the Island of Upolu, where the agents of the company Gallery. Mr. M. is a connoisseur In the fine arts, and adjutant general is successful. Is an office requiring Baltimore and Washington, and who has of late ac- auch lands and water privileges as were required, a de- had already purchased from John C. Williams, J. M. among his collection are some real gems. One In par- very little ability or experience to fill. It entails an In- quired considerable reputation in New York and Brook- scription of which is hereunto attached. Coe, W. Pritchard, 25,ooo acres of sugar-growing land ticular, a Turkish maiden, Is exquisitely beautiful, and finitesimal amount of work on the incumbent, and lyn, was the recipient of a substantial benefit at Con- PROPERTY PURCHASED BY THE SAMOAN COMMERCIAL adjacent to and surrounding one of the best harbors on reminds one of the beauties dreamed of but never seen. allows him a whole year to do It in. The salary Is two way's Theater, In the latter city, on Tuesday night. The AND LAND COMPANY. that Island. thousand dollars, which, judged by the labor performed, entire dramatic company, who volunteered for the oc- PAGO-PAGO HARBOR.—All that parcel of land situ- Finding the native kings of Upolu and f avail had CARDS printed at Knight's, at $2 per thousand. is a munificent one. Both generals, McBlalr and Bond, casion, appeared in the drama of the " Marble Heart " ated on the north side of the harbor of Pago-Pago, ex- been at war for ten years and the whole islands devas- fought under the Confederate government, the former and the burlesque of " Kenllworth." Outside his merits tending from the native village on the west to the co- tated, and that, in accordance with native usages, the DRUG CLERKS' EXCURSION.—With pleasure wc having left the service of the United State« for that as ah actor, Mr. Kennedy is esteemed for his many noble notice that the Drug Clerks' Association intend giving coanut tree on the point, on the north by the center of war could not be ended until one of the contending par- purpose. Governor Groome, on entering office, re- qualities as a gentleman. a select moonlight excursion to Marshall Hall, Thurs- the mountain and the south by high water mark, owned ties was exterminated or enslaved, he directe^ his at- moved General McBlalr and appointed General Bond day, June 18th. We can only say, as we have of pre" by Saglna Yall and Via Yao and purchased by the said tention towards making peace, but the contending In his place. McBlalr claims that he cannot be legally vlous entertainments conducted by these young gentle- company on the 14th of August, 1871. kings would not listen to any proposition that would France. . make either party supreme ruler. removed except by sentence of court-martial. Bond,! PARIS, June 13.—The measures adopted by the govern- men, we were made happy. Wc understand that the Also the right, title and Interest of the chief mongain who has taken possession of the office, claims that Mc- Oa the llth of April, 1872, the King Malltoa and all his ment to prevent a repetition of the Scenes of yesterday friends of the association can obtain tickets of the the said lands, and his right, title and inter est to the sea Blalr was a commissioned officer of the United States chiefs met at the British consulate and signed and Thursday at the western depot proved effectual. members and at the Ebbltt House drug store, corner in said harbor. navy before and at the commeucment of the late rebel- A PETITION TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED At noon, the hour for the departure of the deputies' Fourteenth and F street. Boat will leave Seventh Also that portion of the harbor extending on the south lion ; that he left the service Of the United States and street wharf at 6 p. m. sharp. side, bounded on the east by Goat Island and on the STATE8, « train, there was not more than the usual bustle at the became am officer of the Confederate States, and that station. west by a> line running through the center of Fanga- praying him to annex the islands, and agreed to sus- this disqualifies him, under the Constitution of the CARDS printed at Knight's, at $2 per thousand. Saint Croix was brought before the police court Tonga, on the south by the top of the mountains and on* pend all hostilities until the President was heard from. United States, from holding any office, civil or military, to-day for assaulting Gambetta. He was sentenced to the north by the reef. On the following day the opposing king and chiefs met under the United States, or under any State. General A CORDIAL INVITATION is; extended to. former stu- six years imprisonment, and to pay a fine of ten hun- dents and the friends of the Washington Business Col- Also Breaker Point, extending to the top of the ridge, 'at the United States consulate and agreed to the same Bond, who was also In the Confederate service, but did dred francs. He was also ordered to pay the costs of lege, to attend its annual graduating excrclses at Lin- with rights, privileges, &c., to erect llglit-houses, &c. terms. Subsequently, at the instigation of the mission- not leave the Federal service to enter It, by taking ad- this trial. He declined to accept legal assistance. coln Hall on Thursday evening, June 18, at 8 o'clock. The title deeds bearing the signature of all the native aries, foreign consuls and foreign residents, the chiefs vantage of this point, has not raised himself In the! Other rioters, who were also arrested on Thursday Instruction In accounts, correspondence, and penman- owners, togethèr with the signature of the chief monga, and rulers of the Samoan group entered into a contract estimation of any one. But a man will do most any- evening, were sent to prison for terms ranging from ship continued at the college during the summer; attested by the British consul, J. C. Williams, and the with the company, ceding the entire royalty of the thing for place. The case will be settled by the court one week to one month. other instruction discontinued until September 1. deeds duly enrolled at the United States and British group to the United States Government. This docu- of appeals. ment has been presented to the President. consulates àt Apia. From Home. The natives being reduced by so many years of war THE WALTER PRESS. TOM COLLINS can be found at the corner of Ninth and COMMANDER S NE AD'S VISIT ¡AND REPORT TO "THE ¿SOME, J une 13.—It is stated in diplomatic quarters were eager to dispose of the lands not occupied by them, The Baltimore Gazette, in its interesting editorial N streets northwest, dispensing the coldest soda and NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT. hère that the British government lias offered its services and accordingly an agreement was entered into between correspondence from New York, thus speaks of the mineral waters In the city. The purclnise had hardly been completed when Com- to bring about an amicable settlement of the differences the native owners and the company for the purchase of Walter press now in use in .the New York Times office : | mander Snead arrived at PagO-Pago from New Zealand between Brazil and the Argentine republic. CARDS printed at Knight's, at $2 per thousand. four hundred and fourteen square miles of land upon "They occupy but small space, are' the perfection of with instructions to survey the harbor and report upon The pilgrims from America have assured Cardinal the islands of Upolu and Sa vail. This agreement was mechanism, and, with the assistance of but two persons, I REDUCED my fine cloths and suitings to order 30 per the advisability of occupying It as a naval and coaling Borromeo that upon their return to the United States negotiated by J. C. Williams, the British consul, with print with ease on both sides, at one^operatlon, fifteen cent. , . VALENTINE. station for the B r itishnavy. An extract from his report they will advocate the organization of pilgrimages to the assistance of Dr. Turner, the principal of the British thousand sheets an hour. The wetting down of the we subjoin : Rome to be made at stated periods. The pilgrims have GENTLEMEN who wish to enjoy a luxury should try mission,-the company paying part on the signing of the paper is effected by an Ingenious devise, the invention "From Its central and commanding position In re- purchased an immense number of photographs of the the Kate cigar. * spect to the other groups In the Pacific, Pago-Pago har- contract and the balance of purchase in coin from time of the son of Mr. George Jones, the publisher of the Pope. bor would further^appear to be admirably suited for a to time as the survey of the land was completed. Times, who has also made some minor but valuable THE enterprise of establishing near the national cap- naval .depot, or for a station from which lier Majesty's ital a beautiful park town, and which is advertised in cruisers could rapidly reach the different islands, and In view of the future trade it was deemed advisable additions to the machinery of the press. The large and Base Ball. thus be able to suppress the abuses of the South Sea la- cumbersome Hoe ten-cylinder press, as contrasted with our columns, will have its full fruition at last on next to erect storehouses at Pago-Pago, on the Island of Tu- NEW YORK, June 13.—The game of base ball here to- bor traffic. The Government of the United States ap- the Walter, looks like a camel-back engine by the side Thursday evening, the 18th. An excursion train will pears to be fully sensible of the important position of tuila, and a large expenditure was incurred, and every day between the Boston and Mutual was won by the of a light trotting wagon, and yet the work of the Walter leave the corner of B and Sixth streets at two o'clock p. the Navigators' Islands, for intelligence has just been preparation made for connecting the various groups of latter, 19 to 11. brought by the Nevada that the United States sloop-of- Islands east and west, together with the French colonies does is as good, its delivery quite as rapid ?nd the regis- m. The cars will stop at Hunter's Station, and all the war Narragansett, which vessel was at Honolulu when - ter perfect. It seems destined to supersede very soon company will rendezvous at the Abington mansion,, the Nevada left that place, is under orders to proceed to New Caladpnla, Tahiti and Marquesas, by a monthly Perjury. the Navigators for the purpose of forming a naval sta- mail service ; but in 1878 the California, New Zealand the old Hoe presses—in their day the best of the kind— where there is a splendid park beautifully shaded. tion at Pago-Pago harbor» Commerce is rapidly increas- and Australia Steamship Line was withdrawn in conse- unless the new Hoe perfecting press, now finished, and BINGHAMPTON, N. Y., June 13.—"William McDougall, During the heat of the evening the visitors will remain ing in the Pacific, and trading stations owned by British a member of the Canadian parliament, was arrested at the grove, where collation, with wines and liquors, subjects arc being established in It in various directions. quence of Congress refusing to assist in this enterprise, said to be as rapid as the Walter, cheaper in price, and Large numbers of British vessels are now constantly and the members of the company, after expending a working altogether automatically, should be found on here to-day on a charge of perjury. will be served free, and the sale will take place on the employed in distributing British manufactures ana very large sum of money and incurring heavy liabili- trial to compete successfully with Its wonderful and at grounds in the cooler part of the evening. If the gathering up produce at the various islauds for ship- Chicago. present peerless English-rival.'1 These presses are weather proves unfavorable the sale will be postponed ment (generally through the Australian colonies and ties, felt that they could no longer hope to successfully CHICAGO, June 13.—According to the new directory, New Zealand) to Great Britain. Very large Interests continue their operations, olore especially so as the jnanufactured in the London Times establishment. until Monday evening, June 22, same time and place. the population of this city has Increased 75,000 in the / • are thus rapidly springing up among the South Sea Australian and New Zealand governments had con- islands, and the necessity for having some station In the HOLLY GROVE. last year. Taking the ratio of 3J persona to each name I'M making pants for #7, $8, $9 and $10, all wool. tracted with English steamship owners, who were de- Pacific where British authority shall prevail, and where During the pact week thousands have availed them- in the directory, the total population is 632,000. justice can be administered, will year by year become termined to|make Fiji their port of call, so as to direct VALENTINE. more pressing." . selves of the detlghlful trips down the bay to Holly Corner Seventh and E. the commerce of Polynesia towards Australia, and it Grove, which has been a favorite resort for years past In consequence of the arrival of Commander Snead, MY $20 and $25 suits surpass anything of the kind may, perhaps, not be considered out of place here to re* to those who wish to get a temporary respite from th* and his intentions being made known, Captain Wake- HOUSEKEEPERS TO THE RESCUE !—S. H. Bacon, 709 mark that the annexation of the Fiji Islands by the oppressive heat of the city. Many improvements have VALENTINE, man, agent for the company, proceeded =?at ouce to Market Space, is selling his large stock of fine groceries yet offered« British government was brought about by the action of been made by the company for the benefit of their pa- Corner Seventh and E. ' Honolulu and communicated the facts to Admiral at cost, to close business. Such bargains in groceries a captain in the United States navy, although not inten- trons. There will be five trips each way daily during Winslow, who instructed Commander Meade, (who was were never offered to our citizens before. See his ad- tionally. the summer. For different hours of departure see ad- PERSONAL.—The many friends of Mr. Bobert Colt- then bound on a cruise in the South Pacific In the United vertisement. HFCST'ORY OF THE FIJI PURCHASE. vertisement. man will be gratified to learn that his new music house, States sloop-of-war Narragansett,) to visit the harbor of In 1887 Captain Stanly, in the Tuscaroreh proceeded BUTTER. As WILL be seen by the advertisement, a very beauti- at 912 F street, is meeting with great success. First-class Pago-Pago. Upon his arrival there Commander Meade to Fiji to adjust some claims amounting to $40,000 ; the The association of manufacturers of, and dealers In ful and Interesting entertainment will be given on the piands, organs, music, Ac., at low prices and on easy caused articles of confederation on certain general laws king B?a& too money, and the càptàfti demanded pay- faotor^and creamery "butter, having effected a perma- Potomac to-morrow, consisting of a " grand yacht re- terms cannot fail to invite customers. to be made, and delivered the following address to the ment Ç an Englishman'named Evans arranged the mat- nent organization in Beloit, Wisconsin, last March, de- gatta." Chief Mougo and the people assembled: WHY is the Kate cigar so popular with gentlemen ? ter «o as to pay it by installments, and the fear of our cided to hold a convention at Indianapolis, Indiana, on Because It Is a female. "The Government of the United States of America is shlp-of-war induced the king to sell Evans 300,000 acres Wednesday and Thursday, the 17th aud 18th of June. JOHNSON & COLLEY, Market space, are offering great about to establish commercial relations with the Samoan bargains in dry goods-. It will be impossible for ladies of land for the amount, who at once proceeded to Mel- Stock raising, handling of the milk and cream, kind of THE banking house of H. E. Offley & Co. is, we are Islands by means of the line of steamers now plying be- to examine their stock and learn their prices without tween California, Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia, bourne and formed a colonization society, which real- packages for and manner of keeping the butter, how, pleased to see, patronized by our substantial business buying. "It is an ill wind that blows no good," and if and wishes in its own interest, as well as that of its citi- ized $2,000,000 out of the transaction, and led to the an- when and where to market It. will be anting the many men, which is sufficient evidence of its guaranteed suc- zens, to secure a convenient port in the Samoan -islaads high taxes drains one's pocket at one end, it is replen- : nexation of the group. A gentleman connected with topics in connection with this interest discussed. The cess. The Messrs. Offley are "well krio^i in this com- ! to .use as a coaling station and resort for ils ships of war ished at the other by the saving one finds in dealing which are to cruisein the South sea to guard commerce this colonization scheme, Mr. George Collins Levy, a New York butter and cheese exchange will send a full munity, having been born and raised in the District, and to give you the protection we liaveguarantee4. , member of the Victorian Parliament and commissioner delegation, and all the important cities and towns of with such gentlemen a^ Johnson & Colley. " 1 came to Pago-Pago, as It is the finest harbor -on the and the liberal encouragement they are receiving from 1 to the Vienna exhibition, ha s recently offered, through the West will be represented. Baltimore will be repre- islauds and the key to Samoa, and have surveyed it for "A GOOD time-coming," and. which can be realized by our best citizens Uncertainly the most flattering indorse- that purpose, and secured from the chief of Pago such George Gilbert & Co. of London, to purchase the enfiire sented by a number of gentlemen dealing in butter and all who go on the " grand excursion and pic-nic " to ment they could liaye. rights and privileges as will prevent other nations from property of this 'company, paying the cost of the cheese, including Daniel F. Pope of Pope & Owens, Ed- acting in a way adverse to the interests of American Glymont, under the auspices of De Molay Commandcry property. ward Kemp of Lamb & Kemp, and A. A. Kennard of CAPITAL RESTAURANT.—Looking around as a typo citizens, or to yourinjury as a free people and the right- No. 4, Knights Templars, June 24» Every excursion i ul owners of the soli. Kennard & Oudesiuys. from Alexandria, Va., for news, I fell in with my old The rare fertility, salubrious climate and exquisite ever given by this commandery has been a success, and " The United States Government does not seek your friend, Captain Ganter, the proprietor of the Capital territory or the control of your affairs, but wishes beauty, as well as the central position of these islands, Mr. Daniel W. Drake, president of the association, has there has been neither money nor labor stinted in Restaurant, where I find, everything to Invigorate the simply to secure to its own 'people, who may come indicate a great destiny for them in the future as a offered $1,000 in cash for the best essays on the manufac- I getting up this one, which we are confident will be in among you to buy land for themselves, the lawful enjoy- inner man. Rhine wine which he brought over on his principal emporium of commerce In Polynesia, and fure and handling of butter. The tlalrymen of the every way a success. ment of their right of property under such wise laws as last trip-to Europe is the pure and genuine article. Call you yourselves shall make. the projectors of this company were of the opinion country are also cordially Invited, and from indications "The Government of the United States will, from that the harbor of Pago-Pago formed the keystone to will be strongly represented. After the conclusion of A GOOD bargain can be had in a grand piano now of- on him and you will find him a genial gentieman, one time to time, send ships of war (and they have many) who will supply the wants of the most fastidious. to your islands, and also no doubt wise persons to the commerce of the Pacific, and indulged ia the hope the regular business of the meeting some time will be I fered for -sale through the advertising columns ofthis x. •assist you in framing good laws for yourselves and the that ou)*€idVernment would either grant a protectorate devoted to the consideration of the egg interest, with ! paper. 2 THE CAPITAL.—JUNE 14,1674.

SOCIAL GOSSIP. B. Y. M. Speaking of letters, here is a solemn interest and no practical importance. It is ridicu- AUCTION SALES. DET GOODS. protest from Doctor Tucker Blake. lous to see the number of little sprigs of divinity Mrs. Straws. Leave to print. who run about Baltimore paying attention to the Y LATIMER & CLEARY,, Kit-cat Club. rich belles who look down upon them with contempt. B Extraordinary * Inducements ! B. Y. M. There is not a pun in it; besides, it Mr. John Semmea graduated at the law school the Auctioneers ana Real Estate Brokers, Southwest corner Pennsylvania avenue and Eleventh [SCENE—Soldiers' Home-Brown's Young Man. is very short., other evening. For some weeks his gigantic intel- street, Star Office Building. on'the box.] Mrs. Switchem. Honor bright? lect has been much exercised in endeavors to dis- Mrs. Swltchem. This heat Is intolerable. • I B. Y. M. Honor bright. By the bye, I have cover the Baltimore correspondents of THE CAPITAL. am prepared to admit what that astronomical one from him that is rather good. " Gath'" of Batter give it up, my boy! I never indulge in personal remarks, never—but It SILK AND WOOL GRENADINES, warranted at 55 man told us in the lecture last winter, that the the Chicago Tribune offended the doctor, and would be cruel to deprive the readers of TUB: CAPI- ABINGTON PARK cents, worth 75; 75 cents, worth §1. sun is composed of fire. I cannot understand, the little medieated punBter comes back at the TAL of the following however, why, like the press of the United States, pen-driver, calling him " the Go-liar (Goliah) of FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. it should be so horrid on "Washington. Gath." Miss Amy Wilson has retired for the summer to LINEN LAWNS, WARRANTED PURE LINEN, B. Y. M., (from the box.) Is that the New York Mrs. Switchem. A little too. elaborate, besides the rural seclusion of Baltimore county. In the cool SPLENDID STYLES. Sun you are talking about ? It shines for all, you calling for some scriptural knowledge. shades of her ancestral home this favorite belle of the Monumental city passes her days in the perusal HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. know, the "all" being very much disgusted and B. Y. M. That word elaborate reminds me of of the latest literature as a preparation for her ad* indignant. an atrocious practice our old Jones was wont to vent as an authoress-next autumn. 100 PIECES.VICTORIA LAWNS at 20 cents, worth 37J. Mrs. Straws. I wish I were a man or a Mary indulge in. Whenever he found himself sitting Miss Frances C. Fisher, better known as " Chris- Walker. next a lady at a dinner-table, and the con- tian Reid," the North Carolina authoress, made a Miss"Whifflt. "Why? versation flagging, he would say: " Now point brief visit to Baltimore last week. Owing to indis- DOMESTICS, ALL GRADES AND PRICES. Mrs. Straws. I could keep cool. Did it never your fork at me and I'll say something good." position, her distinguished admirer, Mr. Christopher GREAT SALE OF Columbus Shriver, was not so assiduous in his at- strike you, "Whiffy, that a woman's dress is not On compliance with this strange request he tentions as formerly. This agreeable duty devolved designed for warmth in winter or coolness in would add: " Forget me not," (fork at me not.) upon our great bean, Mr. Gaston Manly of North 1 CASE BLEACHED COTTON, AS GOOD AS AN- summer. "When a lady puts on a white wrapper And when remonstrated with, generally by the Carolina, a gentleman whom the ladies much ad- Suburban Property DROSCOGGIN, 12} cents. she puts on a pretense to coolness, for under- entire table, he would say: " How in the Old mire for his handsome shonlders; but he bears his neath.is an armor patterned after the iron-potted Scratch am I to get in my good thing unless blushing honors meekly. fellows on the tower of London. I believe our un- somebody begins with a fork?" Mr. W. Campbell Hamilton, the young Alexander JAPAN SILKS, 25 cents, worth 37}. of the world of hearts, tired of social triumphs, has AT PUBLIC AUCTION, derdress would have killed one of them in fifteen Mrs. Straws. Let us have the doctor's protest. resolved to devote the summer to literary pursuits. minutes. It suppresses the circulation, stifles the B. Y. M. reads: He has recently gone through all the public and breath and plays Old Gooseberry with the diges- '.'To the gossiping Kit-cats, many of the private libraries of the city, and is now On Three Years' Time. 1 CASE ALPACAS, NEW SHADES, at 25 cents, worth tive apparatus. Ladies fair, engaged upon a thrilling tragedy, entitled "The 31 cents. Mrs. Switchem. Why, Straws, you are strong- In yoar social gossip please to spare Demon of Despair," which will be brought out at the Your humble servant, who can spat new Academy of Music next December. From the minded. well-known reputation of Mr. Hamilton as a scholar At any Kit like a Thomas cat, BEST SHIRTING PRINTS 10 cents. • Mrs. Straws. No I'm not. Did you ever know But with soft paws would much prefer and a fashionable gentleman, It is expected that his a fat woman or a good-looking one who was To gently.mew and softly purr. debut as an author will be a great success. This Town has been surveyed and laid out by Mr. WE strong-minded f I claim to be one and I know* How sweet upon a rug to see The fashionable world of Baltimore was shaken to P. TWAMLEY, Topographical Engineer and Landscape I'm the other, and I would be a sight were The kitty purring dreamily; its very center by the marriage at Grace church, on Gardener, after the manner of NORWOOD and RID- J. C. WISWALL & CO., A household pet with all is she. last Tuesday, of Miss R. Ellse Gelston and Mr. John LEY PARKS, near Philadelphia, and HIGHLAND I to throw away my corsets. I wouldn't havel N. May-chaw-her, " formerly of Venezuela, late of Much sweeter than that same cat PARK, neat Baltimore. The lots aie one hundred and New York," and now of nowhere in particular. Miss 310 Seventh street, near Fcun. avc. any more waist than the Venus Medici. Upon the track fifty by one hundred feet; the streets are sixty feet Emily, Virginia Mason, one of the Masons, has re- Mrs. Switchem. It's a little odd that all re-J Of gnawing rat, cently descended upon Baltimore after a European wide. form should be controlled by such small matters. Or with swollen tail and rounded back tour of some months. She has originated a novel THJS POTOMAC. BOULEVARD, NEW AND ATTRACTIVE GOODS FOR LADIES, B. Y. M. "What are you talking about down . Upon a shed'at hour of night- educational ¡¡(pa—that.pf,a.traveling school on the Aclawlng, Bpitting, wailing to affright continent. In October she will return to Paris to JUST RECEIVED BY there ? Away all sleep, until some wight carry out her plan if she can secure a sufficient num- Connecting the Washington turnpike with the George- Mrs. Switchem. No concern of yours what-| ber of American youag ladies to defray expenses. town road, is one hundred feet wide, forming a drive of HOOE, BRO. & CO., Long on the rack ever. Where is that letter you promised us ?| Miss Liille Jackson of Martinsburg, West Virginia, one thousand yards. 1328 F STREET, Hurls with yells a bottle or boot-jack, has come to Baltimore on a semi-annual social.raid. Miss "Whifflt. "What letter ? There lias been great liberality in laying out this SUCH AS And pussy, be it he or she, She is young, she is fair and parts her yellow hair Town. There are several public Reservations and Mrs. Switchem. Special correspondence of re-l like the average girls—in the middle—and plays on PURE CHINA SILK PONGEES, . Does realize a sad catastrophe." Parks. On the heights» two hundred feet above the "Washington CAPITAL. "With the enterprise pecui the banjo like the divil. SUMMER CAMEL'S HAIRS, Mrs. Ippequack, (to driver.) George, drive river, are the liar to this journal,the proprietors engaged a party, Miss Josie Brent, third daughter of Hon. George STRIPED TUFTED CAMEL'S HAIR, to write an account from Queenstown of the home. I am quite feint. Brent, has paid a brief visit to our village. While SILK STRIPED PINEAPPLE FOR POLONAISE, Grant-Sartoris complication on the Baltic^ The [Curtain.] here Mr. John Thompson Mason, another of the Masons, was her most devoted cavalier. GAY. VILLA. SIXES, COLORED SILK STRIPED GRENADINES, party thus engaged Is ».steward, who, next .to the LUPIN'S ALL SILK AND ALL WOOL GRENADINE, captain, you know, is the most important man on SPECIAL NOTICES. LUPIN'S BLACK SILK HERNANIES. GAY BALTIMORE GOSSIP. the steamer. B. Y. M. has his first letter evi- NBW STYLES. The people of this town have gone back to their Of four acres each. The view from these heights is un- dently worked up during the passage and tossed NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Also, a full line of SPRING SILKS, both Plain and old habits of corner lounging, flirting, idle gossip equaled by any on this continent. The scenery is su- on board the return steamer, so that the advices perb, and there can be seen in varied beauty the rolling Striped, which we offer at very low prices. mylo-3mo and fashionable follies. They again need a social All persons who have any District taxes to pay -will received are the earliest and exclusively belong country of hill and valley, diversified ^lth cities, towms, to THE CAPITAL. censor to carry on the work formerly so well done find it to their interest to consult WILLIAM L. BEAM- hamlets, country seats and forests, with the Potomac MERCHANT TAILORS. by ''Diogenes," "Timon," "Fanny," and other visible for miles. To all desirous of escaping the exces- B. Y. M. There-it is. Bead it. HALL, late Deputy Csllector of Taxes, at Ills office, 60? Mrs. Switchem (reading:) CAPITAL Baltimore correspondents. Social shams sive taxation of the city and securing beautful Homes, 5 " HONORED SIB : la accordance with your expresed want showing up, and social humbugs want expos- Seventh street, opposite the Patent Office. this offers advantages unsurpassed. desire I hasten to give you an aocount of the bridal ure as mnch now as then. I propose to undertake This valuable property, belonging to ALEXANDER T E E L S this office—In no unkindly spirit, but like the doctor, je7-lm HUNTER, Esq., lies between the two cities of Washing- party in its trip across the briny deep. We have had to probe the wounds for the patient's benefit. As it ton and Alexandria, two miles from the national capi- auspicious weather and a very short run, which the NOTICE." has been some time since our people have been criti- tal, immediately on the Washington turnpike and rail- bridal party takes to have been prearranged on their Mens' Furnishing Department cised and censured, I must not be too severe at first, THE WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN MES- road, and within a stoae's throw of Hunter's Station, aocount. The telegram received at parting from Old where quick transit can be had to either city. Fare ten but gradually and almost imperceptibly apply the SENGER AND EXPRESS COMPANY liare opened Probabilities, which says, ' The prospects for good cents. scalpel. I begin with the brave and end with the their various offices throughout the city for the trans- weather is auspicious,' proved true. Compliments action of business at the following places, and have put The sale will take place on fair, and pay my first respects to that noble body of Is now thoroughly stocked with full line of and thanks of passengers and crew to Old Probabil- on tl«iprlnclpal|strcets ia corps of fifty (60) messengers men who are denominated to carry messages and packages : ities. He is a great institution. The captain gave GAUZE SILK SHIRTS, up his room on deck to the happy pair, while another THE ALLSTON CLUB. First District—Office, Pennsylvania avenue, between First and Second streets. was furnished them below, so that they had bed- This club claims to be par excellence the literary, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1874, artistic and musical club of Baltimore. If it is liter- Second DistrUt—Office, Federal Block, corner of Sev- LISLE THREAD SHIRTS, room and reception-room, and everything was done enth and F streets. to make them happy and comfortable. Dr. Lancet ary to read the eminently stupid daily and weekly papers of Baltimore, if it is artistic to mix sherry Third District—Office, Federal Block, corner of Sev- CARTWRIGHT & WARNER'S having told the party that champagne was the best enth and F streets. AT TWO O'CLOCK P. M. cobblers and mint julips In the style of Mr. Kelly; if remedy for sea-sickness, the entire party took to it So Fourth District—Office, No. 315 Ninth street. it is musical to sing dull songs in false time and .kindly that before we were out of sight of land they Fifth District—Office, No. 1424 F street northwest. GAUZE MERINO cracked voices, then the claim of the Allston is cer- were half-seas over. It was the jolliest time I ever Sixth District—Office, No. 1424 F street northwest. EXCURSION TRAINS WILL BE RUN, COLLATION tainly a just one. One peculiar feature of this club saw. Mr. Sartoris sat next to the captain, and, to Seventh District—Office, Union Hotel, Georgetown. SERVED and MANY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED. deserves mention. Thejby-laws of the association, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, judge from the appearance of ¿hings about his plate, which prohibit Intoxication on the premises, do Citizens and others desiring to send messages or he lived on that remedy against sea-sickness. Nearly not apply to the officers of the club. They can get packages will find it to .their advantage to use this Maps and handbills this week. INDIA GAUZE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, all the passengers followed his example, of course, drunk and make night hideous with impunity; but corps. LATIMER & CLEARY, •and it was very entertaining to see them rolling about The tariff Is LOW and the transit QUICK. woe to the unlucky member who indulges in the je7-2t Auctioneers. DOMESTIC MERI170 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, the decks and hear them complaining of the rough same gentlemanly amusement; ignominious expul- Boys can be fonnd at all times on the following streets weather when the sea was as smooth as a river. sion will immediately follow. Of the three hundred and in the prominent hotels: Pennsylvania .avenue, from the Capitol to George- MISCELLANEOUS. JAJCONET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, and fifty gentleman who comprise this club, there town. are several that deserve especial mention as " The captain remarked to Surgeon Lancet one day I Four-and-a-half street.. WASHINGTON CITY LINEN AND JEAN DRAWERS: that he never had encountered in one trip before so LEADING ALLSTONIAKS. Louisiana avenue. many heavy swells, which was esteemed a1 joke! The first of these of course is the president, the Dstreet, MOULDING AND PLANING MILL, We don't always see the captain's jokes, but When Hon. George William Brown, a worthy gentleman, Seventh stacet, Ninth street, Comer Thirteenth and B streets northwest. we note a twinkle in his larboard eye we know that a respectable lawyer and an upright judge, but quite out of place as president of a club. He is neither by E street, Ware-rooms 033 Loulsana avenue. it is there, and respond with a laugh in accordance^ F street, habit nor inclination a club-man; his tates are do- TUCKER & SHERMAN, with the ship's regulations. Fifteenth street. LATEST STYEES AND MAKES IN " The second night out the bridal party got up a mestic. Proprietors. strange sort of thing they oalled the ' german. Mr. H. H. Adair is a very efficient member of the National Hotel, They worked very hard at it, and continued for a Allston. He is grand master of the tongs. He keeps Metropolitan Hotel, MOULDINGS, NECK-WEAR. BRACKETS, long time, but there didn't seem to be much outcome the fires well poked during the winter; in the sum- Imperial Hotel, « mer he rushes frantically about with palm-leaf fans. WHlard's Hotel, BALUSTERS, to it. One principal feature was the tendency to NEWELS, CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF tumble over. I was told that this dance is very Mr. P. Macauley Birckhead Is much renowned for Arlington Hotel, Ebbitt House, HAND-RAIL, popular ashore; that in large cities, Washington an infantile moustache, which he nurses with the Union Hotel, Georgetown. And all kinds of Scroll Work. SILK AN» EISEE «LOVES, for example, it Is going on all the time. It made, on tenderest care, frequently sitting up all night to Also, Frames, Doors, Sashes and Blinds of all regular watch over it. ROBERT S. FLETCHER, this occasion, quite a show of ankles. I heard one my24-lot Manager. sizes. RAERRIGGAN HOSIERY, gent, say to another that this was one of the bride's Mr. Isaac Brooks, jr., is the art critic of the Alls- Special orders promptly attended to. ton, having inherited a collection of paintings from accomplishments, and she was one of the most ac MILBURN'S apl2-2mo TUCKER & SHERMAN. FANCY HOSIERY. complished American girls ever sent abroad. She his great grandfather, Isaac the Frst. It is singular that so fascinating a gentleman has not married ere MINERAL WATERS MY STOCK HAS BEEN MARKED AT ', .could drive a phaeton, play billiards and dance the CANTON STRAW HATS, 4 this, but the law is dull and wives are expensive german,' AND POPULAR PRICES. luxuries. " The gent's smoking-room was more regularly at ORIGINAL POLAR SODA. tended and crowded during this trip than any we Mr. Thomas B. Fitzgerald is the Nestor of the bil- For young men and boys. Out stock of this low-priced liard-room. He never plays more than twelve games 1439 Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard's and ever had; and there was more enjoyment there than W. S. TEEL, in an evening. I ever saw before. From after dinner till way past Treasury. apl5-tf HAT is again replenished. midnight the passengers smoked and drank and told Mr. H. Skipwith Gordon Is known as the fat and 935 Pennsylvania avenue. lazy member. He does not do much for the treasury stories, making, sometimes, a great noise. The boys UNE Y POINT. of the club, finding it too great an exertion to take did a good business carrying tip drinks and Welch W11.LETT A Kl'OFl". REMOVAL. out his pocketbook. rabbits. The ladies tried to run an opposition with William A. Hamilton, M. D., is at the club-room private theatricals, concerts, and all that sort of more than any other member. One day last week The undersigned having purchased tlie eight years' thing, in the cabin, but It was no go. lease of the above desirable place of Slimmer Resort, je?-2t 905 Pennsylvania avenue. he foiled to put in an appearance, causing great 11 There was a good deal of amusement on board, will have the same kept during the season in a style un- anxiety among his friends, who feared that, like surpassed by any similar establishment! From its ac- O M E S T I C among the English, over the Teport among the cessibility to Washington and its attractions of sailing, some of his juvenile patients, he was suffering from bathing, fishing and shooting, he Is satisfied that no D KELLY & BARR, Americans that young Mr. Sartoris was to be cholera infantum. other spot Is itssuperior. Crab lunches every day. knighted by the Queen, as a compliment to the 4Sa*Terms reasonable. Mr. Milton M. Wheat is the most polite of all the 4^-Sooms may be engaged from the 1st of "June, and I have for sale, at the office of the United States. As the new ministry came in on the Allstonlan»—rather too polite in fact. He is also all other information obtained at the " Senate House," MERCHANT TAILORS. popular dislike to that G-eneva business, Disrael 40511th street. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, . musically mad, and since the marriage of Miss must be very anxious to compliment you Americans Machines but little used, that Ihavc taken In exchange Florence Craig his music has taken a melancholy Jeï-3mo JOHN O'LEARY. for the DOMESTIC, as follows: Two Wheeler A Wil- Another English gent, said as old SaTtoris was turn. Dirges have taken the place of waltzes; the son's; two Singers; five Grover & Baker's; two Wilcox OUR NEW PARLORS, 1312 F STREET. in the iron trade', he supposed an inverted pot with & Gibbs; one McLean & Hooper; one " Diamond;" two "Beautiful Blue Danube" has been replaced by I0E. Americans. The above will be 6old at from $10 to $30 crossed support of shovel and tongs would be the Marche Funehre. each, on monthly Installments. , , coat.of-arms." OFFICE If you want the best Machine in use, buy the DOMES- E. P. Kelly, 1300 Chesnnt street, Philadelphia. Mr. Fred. Shriver is the baby member. The stew- TIC. One week's trial will begiven, with assistance of Mrs. Straws. "What is the meaning of this talk ard keeps horse-cakes and candy for little Freddie. teacher free. H. D. Ban, 1312 F street. ma I invite competition. Send for the DOMESTIC and about young Sartoris being knighted, so as to be His only beverage is eau-sucri—warm. such other machines as may be recommended; try them presented at court ? There are other members of the club worthy of an side by side, and then choose. The DOMESTIC Is never beat. BB0AD BRIM STRAW HATS. B. Y. M. A little joke by Copeland, and one honorable mention. I hope they will pardon our that nearly lost young-statistics his place. neglect oa this occasion. At an early day I will pay PHIL. H. WELCH, Agent, them CAPITAL attention. 905 F street, (Masonic Temple.) Miss "Whifflt. Do go on with the letter. KENNEBEC ICE COMPANY, WHITE AND BROWN COLORS, FOR LARGE SMALL NOTES. je7->m Mrs. Straws. 1'lease don't. It is very stupid The dear darlings are busy preparing for the fash- Mrs. Switchem. I move the gentleman hav ROBERT GOITUAN, ionable summer heglra, and in a few weeks every- Corner Fourteenth street and Pennsylva- HEADED MEN, ON HAND AT leave to print. body will be out of town; that is, about three thou- nia avenue, B. Y. M. The chair hears no objection. Leave sand of the three hundred thousand people who in- AGENT FOR granted. habit this delightful village, will seek the seashore WIIXETT & RUOFF'S, and the-mountains, where the flirtations of the past THF, SCHOMACKER PIANO, Mrs. Straws. I am very tired of this Grant- winter will be continued with additions and im- Open for the accommodation of the public. mylft-tf Sartoris business. It is the most elaborate and provements by reason of the general idleness. jc«3aE X m-z z J»«J WZ Z THE NAVERSON PIANO, Je7-2t 905 Pennsylvania avenue. ornate shoddy we ever were subjected to. On the 25th of June the gentlemen sailors of the THE WOODS' ORGAN, &C., B. Y. M. Terribly suggestive of the spangles Baltimore Boat Club will have their semi-annual OTICE TO THE PUBLIC. of the circus. The imperial court of the Yankee regatta. This will be the last fashionable gathering THE STERLING ORGAN. The undersigned, desirous of reducing their Very large doodles does not shine before the world. The in the city until the return of cool weather. Balti- Independent Ice Company. more's brightest and loveliest girls always attend stock of republican simplicity bequeathed us by the THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, Ac. CABINET FURNITURE, fathers has disappeared in the gorgeous trans- these boat races—for the fair always love the brave— have determined during the next thirty days to sell at and these gallant tars are immense favorites with private sale at such reduction as will compare with the formation scene of a first-class spectacular drama, BEST QUALITY OF KENEBEC ICE AT LOWEST prices paid at public auction with this advantage: Cus- the ladies. Mr. William Gilmor of William is the 913 F street, opposite " Masonic Temple," tomers can select what they want from our large stock, grand apotheosis of a little school girl and a admiral of our Patapsco navy. This veteran old salt and may depend on obtaining a good article. POSSIBLE RATES. v WASHINGTON, D. C. , H. F. ZIMMERMAN & SON, cub of an Englishman {amid senatorial head- has never sniffed a breath of sea air in his life, but jun7-lmo apl2-2m 315 Seventh street. bumping, fashionable heart-burning, and no end the fresh people here regard him as a regular Nel- son, Decattfr, or at least a Robeson. of imperial tomfoolery and fringe-work. Music F. MINOR, LL KINDS OF CAST-OFF WEARING APPAREL Last Monday evening f.the Maryland Historical Office 1218 Pennsylvania avenue. by the organs of the Administration. Attorney at Law & Solicitor of In-A can be sold to the very best advantage byaddress- Society held its usuallmonthly meeting. These ven- ing oncalllng on , . i^ -m- Mrs. Switcher». Young man, if you are not erable grannies assemble on the second Monday of Depot Ninth street wharf, surance, 619 D street, bet. Sixth and Seventh streets N. W. •eareful you will gesticulate yourself off that box. NO. 1420 F STREET. je:-tf JSS-Notes by mall promptly attended to. Cash paid. each month to discuss questions of little practical myiï-tf marS-iy THE CAPITAL.--JUNE 14, 1874. 3

SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS. LETTER FROM "G. H. S. H." Hon. Thomas Murphy, the Haytlen minister, Les- SUMMER RES0BTS. ter Wallack, Maggie Mitchell, Edwin Adams and NEW YORK. June 11,1874. many other celebrities have already taken possession The exodus from town has fairly commenced, SWEET SPRINGS, JORDAN ALUM SPRINGS, of their own cottages. Later in the season the plot brought about by the last few sultry days. There begins to thicken, and a heterogeneous crowd will •used to be an established role about the order of MONROE CO., WEST VA. FORT WM.HENRY HOTEL, KOCKBRIDGE COUNTY, VA. assemble— going, and some definitions existed. June and the " __ together drawn roses belonged to Sharon, perhaps from some subtle, From Janney court and New street alley." Accommodation for Over 500 Visitors. lingering sense of the beauty and fitness of the old TliiS delightful Summer Resort will be open for the At country homes croquet is losing caste, and in scriptural imagery; then with the dog star in July its stead we shall have "Chlvalrie." This game reception of guests on the 15th of JUNE. For ele- the need of Saratoga and its cooling waters came; presents a most imposing appearance when set up gance of appointments and comfortable accommoda- and in August Newport crowned the season of re- The third season of tills delightful and popular Water- on a lawn. The balls are driven by mallets, but in ing Place will commence on the 1st of June, when the- pose and recuperation. Aphrodite dipped herself tions, this establishment Is unsurpassed. The water is lieu of the insignificant hoops, you must learn such ipaclous establishment will be opened to visitors. once more into the sea from whence she rose at first, a powerful tonic, and the very large plunge baths are a Tlio Grand Hotel had been completed since last season, delightful words as " porte," " portie," " garde," and Is one of the largest, most modern and comfortable and so returned, with the golden days of Oetober, to luxury unequaled of their kind. Telegraph office In the "throne," "castles "and "bfistllee," and, just the In the mountains. Its rooms are large, convenient, and Broadway and Murray Hill, as to fresh fieldsan d elegantly furnished, same as in billiards, you must have a certain num- hotel. The dally papers every morning. Weber's band pastures new. Now a great change is apparent. HAVING GAS IN EACH ROOM: ALSO, ELECTRIC' ber of " points " before you make the game. Skill is of music engaged for the season. A splendldhall-room. People co.ne and go in a heterogeneous, irregular LAKE GE0R0E. BELLS needed quite as much as in chess, and .two, four, or A good livery, and every amusement to be found at a sort of way, or stay at home even, in a manner per- connecting with the office from every room, and also six persons can play. There are many other dis- fectly unknown to the ancients. It is an unmistaka- watering-place. from the cottages. Hot and cold baths, with closet, on tinctive points to be acquired practically. If I were every floor. . _ . ble fact that for the past few years watering places Charges per diem, $3; per single month, $75; for two On the 1st of July the original hotel, In use the first to tell you that this high-sounding name, suggestive two seasons, will be opened on the European plan, and are neither very crowded or very attractive. X ex- months or more, at the rate of $60 per month. Children of crusaders and that sort of thing, is really a; Yan- be known as the European House. It has all the Im- cept the race week of Saratoga and Long Branch. provements of the Grand Hotel. kee invention, it would at once lose Its Interest in the under ten years of age and colored servants half rates. The fashion of this world passes away. Not forever The waters of the three springs are Alum, Iodine-alum eyes of my belle readers; so I shall say nothing about Excursion tickets, good for the season, at greatly re- and Chalybeate. . will men wear stifling.cravats five inches high and The Annapolis Band from the Naval Academy will its origin. duced rates. furnish most delightful music for the ball-room (which three inches thick because a Brummel and a prince Is the largest In the mountains) and the lawn. regent so encased their necks. And not forever will Another fashionable amusement will be hay-mak- A. B. MIO/EH, BOWLING-SAL.OON, BILLIARD ROOMS, the people who- have leisure and money enough to ing, and so broad-brimmed hats of straw are being jel4-lmo Superintendent. with tables, new and modern, and all other amusements seek recreation anywhere in the summer months go trimmed with black velvet, a bunch of scarlet pop- to be had at fashionable summer resorts, are provided. about begging for small dens at extravagant rates, at pies and wisps of straw and oaten bells, and others Mr. J. B. TINSLEY, Jit., well known to the trav ellng public as having been connected for years with the- places where they are made unhappy by seeing of Leghorn of Charles I., exquisitely adorned with 1874 HOLLY GEO VE. 1874 This celebrated Watering-Place"Hotel will be opened Greenbrier White, and more recently with the Alle- people whom they don't know, or who don't know colors like one of Isabeau's paintings on Sevres ghany Springs, Virginia, will assist in the manage- ment. them, and whom they would accordingly, in either China in radiant blue, with the delicate tint of wild ^m . TERMS: case, cordially hate. roses and pale plnkbuds gracefully twined about the Per day for June...... 82 00 THIS BEAUTIFUL RIVERSIDE RESORT Per month for June 60 00 It is recorded of a wicked Parisian siren that she crown; and the hat must be caught up at the left Per day from July 1st ••••••• .J 00 once exclaimed, "How delicious a glass of cold with a little bouquet of flowers to match the ribbon. •per month from July 1st »60 to «5 00 Will again be opened to the PUBLIC for the season on Recording to location or rooms. There Is no difference, water would be if it we^e only a sin !" If it were These will do for garden parties, dejeuners, as well MONDAY, JUNE 8. for guests on the The steamers SAMUEL J. PENT2 and CHAMPION however, I11 furniture, or conveniences. Children under only once established that " nobody goes to New- as hay-malting. After this delightful exercise the ten, and servants, half-price. White servants accord- will make daily trips (Saturdays and Sundaysexcepted,) ing to accommodations desired. port," how delightful an adventure to visit that fair hay-makers are not obliged to mount the huge leaving PIEI LIGHT STREET, foot ol Camden, as follows : For descriptivo pamphlets and analyses of waters, ap- lovely shore. But the very fact that " nobody goes stacks of hay to be drawn by slow-moving oxen. ply to C. B. LUCK, Leave Leave Arrive feo-2m Manager. to Newport" gives it its prestine, for it secures an The late fashion is a little "low-backed car" and Baltimore. Holly Grove. - at Baltimore, 8:30 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. immunity from city politicians, " rings," gamblers, small donkeys decorated with ribbons, loaded with 2:00 p. m. 3:15 p.m. 4:15'p.m. men who talk horse, women who wear thick silks as much fragrant hay and as many ladles as it can 5:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 7:80 p. m, HIGHLAND PARK HOTEL 6:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 0:00 p. m. and diamonds at breakfast, anil let their little dia- conveniently convey. And . in the evening they 7:3HSJM0 p. inI . 0:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. mond-deiked children flirt on piazzas and'monopo- dance and eat ices on the lawns, wander among the Stopping at Henderson's wharf, foot of 1 ell street, each way, except the 10 a. in. and the 3:15 p. in. trips lize the floors of ball-rooms into thè small hours ; plumy evergreens and hazy plantations; and one from Holly Grove and 7:30 p. in. trip from Baltimore, and, in fine, from unpleasant people altogether. If may whisper to another as about the beautiful je 1-1-lot THIS NEW AND DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT, If you don't know where folk of that sort are to be glades : FIRST DAY OR JUNE. found when summer days are long, I'll tell you ; but SITUATED AT HIGHLAND PARK, it is not at Newport. " Honey dews reft esh thy meads, Cowslips spring with golden heads, CONGKESS HALL A sudden burst of tropical heat makes it abso- July flowers and carnations wear, ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURBS- OF lutely necessary to go out of town. Eighty-nine and Leaves double-streaked with maiden hair; BALTIMORE, a half degrees generally brings matters to a crisis. May thy lilies taller grow, CAPE MAY, X. J. Beecher has left the lambs of Plymouth to take caie The violets fuller sweetness owe; Is located on the Liberty road, about one and a half of themselves ; Grace church will soon be closed, And last of all, may Phoebus love and then Brown will disappear. What becomes of miles from the city, and can be reached by the Powha- To kiss thee, and frequent thy grove." tan railroad, from west end of Baltimore street; by the Brown is a mystery. Whether he retires to reflect The Hotel has accommodations for But I must discuss seaside dresses, since the water Randallstown railroad, from the corner of Baker and upon the chances and changes of life, the rich he is quite warm enough for bathers. The French Gllmor streets, and by easy drlveB over the Liberty road has attended to their last homes, the rich he has bathing suits are of white serge bound and braided THIS HOTEL IS SITUATED AT THE HEAD OP from Fulton avenue. inaugurated in their new homes, the sighs he has with blue, red or scarlet. The long, full blouse is The Hotel Is surrounded by a beautiful Grove of thirty manufactured for dead Croesuses, and the weddings not pretty; in fact, arouses the Indignation of Miss ONE THOUSAND GUESTS. acres, and is 500 feet above tide-water» commanding a and parties he has attended for live Crccsuses ; bless- Prim, who will, however, insist upon staring at the fine view of the surrounding country and bay. • ing the war that brought about contractors and per- objects of her horror through an opera glass; and The house Is lighted throughout with gas, and' thor- quisites and a new regime of millionaires; blessing the Turkish trowsers are prone to fill themselves un- oughly supplied with bathing arrangements and all OPEN JUNE 13. TERMS $4.50 PER DAY. modern conveniences. the earth for sending forth peat and petroleum ; pleasantly with sea water; so I don't recommend blessing the manufacturers of shoddy—for it is im- J7-lm LAKE GEORGE, COMMANDING A VIEW Apartments en suite or singly are furnished with French styles; nor do I ask ladies to make guys of every convenience. possible to Uve, to marry, to dance, or die without themselves because fashion in France so dictates. Brown. They say he is going to Paris, and may ex- There are broad and airy Verandahs on front and sides, Navy blue flannel is more popular here, trimmed THE HYGEIA HOTEL, and also a beautiful Terrace, a Billiard Room, furnished; tend his pilgrimage to Rome, with the prelates and with a lighter blue, made after the fashion of a gym/- dignitaries of the church, Jo which sacred body with four of the latest style Tables, Smoking Rooms, , nasium dress, trowsers coming down close to the Reading Roojns, Barber Shop, Ac. Brown thinks he belongs ; but with the fall of the ankle. Then the pretty shoes of white duck, with Attached to the Hotel Is a Cafe, where meals can be leaf Brown will surely return. Chicago, who fol- cork soles, and a graceful but coarse straw hat tied OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. OF THE BEST PARTS OF THE had at all hours. lows our example in all things, and sometimes im- down over the ears, for it is a paramount duty The House Is now open for the reception of guests, anil proves upon it, is jealous of our Brówn, and has a woman owes herself and society to look as well as is offers an excellent opportunity for gentlemen doing great desire to import his prototype, if one exists, possible under all circumstances. business In the city to have their families within easy which I can assure Chicago' is impossible, for New reach, and yet have all the advantages of a Summer Re- This splendid Hotel, situated at Fort Monroe, Virgi- York is great, and Brown is its prophet. A terrific thunder storm passed over us on Tues- nia, having been recently purchased from the former sort. A Band of Music will be In attendance the entire sea- Many of our noblesse, weary of gregarious life at day evening. The lightning was continuous, in great proprietors, Is now open for guests, with many radical MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKE Improvements in the culinary and plumbing depart- son, and the Management have determined to do every- summer hotels, or the confined limits of a cottage, sheets of yellow and rose-colored light from lurid, ments; new bath-rooms, promenades, dancing pavil- thing in their power to contribute to the comfort of have been adopting, for some years past, the English brassy clouds, and the thunder was deafening; sev- ion, with music, &c., having been added. Seaside pro- ductions a specialty In making the table a luxury1 . their guests. custom of keeping up two establishments, town and eral lives were lost; one man was struck while stand- TEKMTJCRMS :: TransientTransient,, $$33 peperr dayday,, $15 per week, and up- ing under an awning, and a great deal of damage wardsards, according to location, &cAc. KIRKLAND & CO., country ; retiring to the latter at the commencement For further Information address of the season and filling their mansions with large was done to telegraph wires. marl7-tf Proprietors. An audience composed mostly of French people as- my 31-Sm H. PHŒBUS, Proprietor. parties of guests. There are billiards, as a matter IN AMERICA. of course. Poor talented people, only too glad to sembled at the Academy of Music on the 5th to hear MONTGOMERY escape the city and city expenses, for which disin- Kochefort's lecture. It was intensely interesting. riAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, L/ WEST VIRGINIA. terested civility they yield in return whatever talent He told the story of Louise Michael, who firedth e they may possess, and as money cannot buy every- first shot at the enemy in both the first and second OPEN JUNE 1, 1874. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS I thing, a good reader, amateur actor,cultivated singer, siege of Paris, in the name of the republic of France, These are ALKALINE-CARBONATED WATERS, pianist, euchre or billiard player who expects to be and how MacMahon arrested the mother of Louise containing also IODINE and SALTS OF LYTHLA. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, VIRGINIA. after the fall of the city, reckoning on the bravery of beaten, or a poor beauty, provided the madame has The diseases In which they have proved of notable SAIL AND STEAM YACHTS, no marriageable daughters,will always make a coun- the heroine to deliver herself up; and how she came efficacy arc * try house charming. Better still, a poor lion, poet or forward to be shot to save the mother, and many 1. Of the Kidneys avid Bladder. Tills delightful and fashionable watering place will be 2. Rheumatism and Gout. opened for the reception of visitors on the attic philosopher or author, willing to be bored by more f^cts of this nature to prove that the patriotism 3. Acid Dyspepsia. of the people was superior to that of the French 4. Some Diseases of the Skin, stupid rich people, their whltey-brown elbows play- and wonderfully restorative to the Female Constitutio1 n FIRST DAY OF JUNE NEXT. fully called eccentricities of genius, or a starved wit, army. As a reason that the French are unfit for whevhnn enfeeblennFnnhllwdl f\ofr prostrateI'll U f T" lld 11- bi yI hspeciaV RTlP.f'.l i maladiesIl.l I n !l 1; I.! i Fot/ Kr. FOr proof whereof see Medical Testimony in our Pamphlet. who is constantly expected to say something fanny self-government Rochefort says: " They are ungov- These springs are the most beautiful and extensively There Is no finer summer climate In America. The Improved of the numerous watering places In tlie ernable because they have had to oontest success- BATHING Is superb. Also, a very fine SULPHUR and in return for his host's good wine. IRON SPRINGS at hand. Rooms spacious and airy ; SMALL BOATS, mountains of Virginia, and arc capable of accommo- fully with Louis XVIII., Charles X., Louis Phlllippe dating over ONE THOUSAND VISITORS. The lawn If by chance there should flash in on the tide of accommodations superior. Is covered with a forest of fcliolce shade trees. The Cot- society a real or pseudo sprig of nobility, no matter and Napoleon III., and because the foul politicians BOARD—%15 and $18 per week ; $45 to $80 per month— tages are of elegant design, the rooms large and well as stated fully In pamphlet, with all other particulars. ventilated. These Springs have been entirely re- how jejune, you should see how they bate the hook to of Versailles pretend to impose upon them lo-day Apply to COLEMAN & ROGERS, Druggists. furnished In an elegantly modern style. Express,. Henry V., the count of Paris, Napoleon IV., or Mac- 1 Or to FRAZIER & SALE, Ticket, Post and Telegraph Offices. ensnare the prize. It is so charming, you know, to Je7-lm Proprietors. Mahon to govern them." BAR supplied with the choicest liquors. BILLIARD- confide to one's confidential gossip about the sum- ROOMS, TEN-PIN ALLEYS, a flrst-class LIVERY, &c_ mer guests the magnificent baron and the interest- The Theodore Thomas season of concerts is inau- The BAND from the Naval Academy, at Annapolis- HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. Md., has been engaged. A branch railroad, one and ing count, or a mourning exile whose name ends in a gurated at Central Park Garden, and the Terrace CARBIAGES, SADDLE HORSES, Ac., - - —•— with the At— ski. Papa, who is a Wall street bull, is made to fra- Garden will soon open its doors, and music is prom- JOHN BECK & SON. ternize with his enemy, who is a bear, because (pub- ised at the Central Park this week, and soon thereaf- We principal — .. licly) mamma asserts pathetically that quarreling is ter in all the city parks. The American pilgrims are without change through from New Orleans to these- Springs. Only one change from Baltimore. No Springs, agonizing to her christian heart, and examples must being received by the Pope to-day. Among the pas- WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS IS possess greategreat r facilities of access and superior advan- be set, you know, (privately,) because you see, my sengers on the Periere were Messrs. Jarrett & Palmer tages. For ccircular , pamphlet, &c., address, COLHOUN & COWAN, Proprietors- love, he has a splendid country seat on the Hudson of Booth's theater, lately of Niblo's. The good iny24-3m and the A's and B's and C's are to be asked, and bishop gave them a mild little lecture on the de- WINES AND LIQUORS. TO BE HAD BY INQUIRING AT THE OFFICE. there's nothing like throwing young people together, basing spectacle of the "Black Crook," but re- DEER PARK HOTEL, dear, in groves and music rooms and billiard rooms, assured the managers by commending the produc- or an impromptu waltz or "german," to say nothing tion of moral dramas and historical plays. Only IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES A SPECIALTY. of moonlight rambles ; so I insist upon you immedi- two places were visited by the pilgrims in a body— ately yielding your political sentiments, or whatever Lourdes and Home. Five different nationalities are BALTIMORE AND OHIO R. R.r it is; and all that absurd wrangling about margins represented and four different languages spoken, yet 631 LA. AVENUE , WASHINGTON, D. C. The Prices for those taking rooms for the season will and bonds. Pray what are they in comparison to peace reigns. o. H. s. H. apS-8m the prospects of your daughter ?, Of what avail the feeble, resistance of pater 1 CHARLES T. GANTEB, Will be opened for the reception of visitors on the 15th Nestled in the cool recesses of the Catskills are MACKINAW OF JUNE, under the management of MR. JAMES legions of nice, homely farm-houses where one can SYKES, to whom applications for rooms may be ad- obtain board for six and eight dollars a week. This IMPORTER OF dressed at Washington city until June 1; after that date includes a good warm feather-bed, wasps in the cor- fi u - be reduced to the popular rates of from at Deer Park, Garrett county, Md. B Ba JL In addition to the very desirable accommodations of- ners, swallows in the chimney, no end of spiders, fered families and ladles, especial arrangements have utter seclusion, a perpetual smell of apples, and the Capital Sample Itoom, No. 987 D Street, been made to accommodate single gentlemen for the discovery that the cream goes into the butter and the between Ninth and Tenth Streets; season* . JeMt butter goes into the town, and the " meat man " calls STRAW HATS, (Under Capital Office,) once a week. Hundreds are seduced from comforta- SUMMER COUNTRY BOARD. ble homes by alluring advertisements of " low board WASHINGTON, D. C. and delightful farm-houses" all along the Hudson, The wines are directly imported by me In person. TWO AND A HALF TO THREE AND A HALF DOL- through Jersey and down Long Island. The Grand IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES. Families can be assured to obtain the pure and un View Mountain House, 3,000 feet above the Hudson, adultered article as needed In case of sickness. febl5-iy The country seat known as RIVERSDALE, seven among the Catskills, will board their guests for two miles from Washington city on the Hue of the Baltimore dollars a day or six dollars a week. It is worth that C. C. WILLARD. and Ohio railroad, accessible by rail six or seven times- to live amid such sublime scenery. We have an unlimited supply of the above Hats, and our customers can be accommodated at once. dally, will be open during the summer months for the- The Grand Union Hotel's magnificent mirrors at LARS PER DAY, DEPENDING ON LOCA- receptlon of a few persons. Saratpgo cost $20,000, and at the United States there The dwelling Is spacious, surrounded with a fine lawn, are twenty-seven thousand feet of piazza ; so vanity large shade trees and beautiful shrubbery. There Is at- and flirtation can alike be ministered unto ; and the a-.: LI LI I fifi JUL » -ML m « tached good stabling, carriage house, 4c. lovely classic cottage of Edwin Booth, at Long MACKINAW STRAW HATS Branch, is offered for sale. They have inaugurated Parties seeking a pleasant summer retreat can address,, an omnibus line at the Branch, fare only ten cents, TION, UNTIL FIRST OF JUNE. for full particulars, Miss E. WRIGHT, Agricultural Col- lege .P. o., Prince George's county, Md., or Inquire at to make hourly trips from one end of the beach to WASHINGTON, D. O. the office of the National Hotel. ap26-tf the other ; and I am glad to chronicle the fact that For Young Men and Boys at popular prices. railroad facilities will be conducted this season with MARBLE SALOON. LADE'S HOTEL, OAKLAND, MARY- some regard to punctuality and the 'comfort and LAND. safety of travelers . The best hotels are all open, and G the cottages are ready for occupants. WILLETT & RUOFF'S, APPLY FOR PLANS, &c., AT THE ARLINGTON, The uninitiated must not delude themselves with Persons seeking health, rest, quiet and home comforts the Ideal cottage, where there are roses and shad- for the hot months, are informed that this old and pop- ular MOUNTAIN RESORT Is open for visitors. ows of wat,er beeches stretching broad upon the green sunny turf. Indeed, no ; the Long Branch OOS ipENN. A.VJE. JOHN DAILY, • cottages are practical, they mean business, just like je7-lmo* Proprietor. everything else in our money-making world. They WASHINGTON, D. Ç. CUMMER BOARDING Locust Lawn, situated In the are mostly red brick with French roofs, fragrant of J. WALLACE. O village of Hamilton, Loudon county, Virginia, Canton matting and light-painted furniture, and within Ave minutes' drive of the Washington andOhio railroad, will be open to visitors June 1. The house is patronized generally by ladies and children all day, Wholesale and Retail dealer In large and commodious, handsomely furnished and fully the husbands and fathers appearing and disappear- TOBACCO, supplied with all comforts and conveniences. It 19 SNUFF, situated in the center of a lawn of seven acres. Two ing regularly every night and morning. There is al- dally trains to and from Washington. Persons leav- ways the regulation piazza in front, and wonder- CIGARS, ing Washington at 4 p, m. arrive In Hamilton in time for supper. Leaving Hamilton at 6 a. m., arrive In fully hard, slippery chairs, and there one can sit and PIPES, PAPER Washington by 8 a. m. For terms, &c., apply to the gaze at a small square of green lawn, over which Misses JANNEY, Hamilton, 'Loudon county, Virginia. AND Coaches meet all trains at the station. chickens wander ; beyond is the drive in. the dis- MATCHES. T. ROESSLE & SON.P . S. References exchanged. my31-lm* tance, and in the far perspective stretches the waste 803 Seventh street northwest, Washing- of old ocean ; and if you listen you can hear the • Terms free. Address ton, D. C* STINSON & Co., Portland, Maino breakers roar. These are the boarding cottages for Branch of 53 High street, Georgetown, D. C. CORNER PEN N'A. AVE. AND NINTH STS »Ï17-1» rebl-ly ihosejwlio geek health, sea breezes and ennni. apl3-tf dee7-tf THE CAPITAL.--JUNE 14, 1874. 4

We sat at lunch with Daisy on our knees and " Please don't call me Camille." Boueicault Is amusing, and Jefferson both amus- MINOB NOTES. THE CAPITAL. Bags on our shoulder, making a study of Miss " Why not, pray ?" ing and pathetic, but the wild, weird, quaint Morris' wonderful face. Small wonder that it "I think it detestable." ghost story is omitted. And what would the THE IMPEACHMENT OF JUDGE WYLIE is unani- WASHINGTON CITY. tells upon the stage. The vanity of expression "As if we were to call Charlotte Cushman Lady play be without Jefferson ? I was in lore with mous'y demanded by the Washington bar. If a is really wonderful. We found evidence of this Macbeth ?" Jefferson once. What a face he has; what a round Bobin is wanted to that effect, it will be in attempting to select, from a dozen different signed, we think, by every lawyer, judge, clerk, SUNDAY MORNING, - - JUNE 14,1874. " No, not ai all. When a character, however world of tenderness in it, and quaint, touching photographs by as many eminent photogra- wicked, is given in immortal verse it is lifted into humor—Unele Toby's humor, that is all sweet- bailiff and suitor. The one ground on which all phers, one to carry away with us. No two were a dignity that is at least respectable. Lady Mac- ness." will meet is, that Judge Wylie's capricious and NEW YORK NOTES. the same, and a stranger to the original would beth, as she appears to me, is beautiful, winning "And you went to the Catskill mountains to petulant temper unfits' him for the bench. An find it difficult to realize that all were taken of and brave; not bold but brave. She is a wo- realize old' Bip?'" -eminent lawyer said of him: " I don't think the WE 00 TO LUNCH. the same person. man ambitious not for herself but for her hus- "Yes indeed, and I saYv him in its shadow- omnipotence of God has any limits; but it would Wo were Invited to lunch with Clara Morris, and puzzle him to make another man so utterly unfit arrived promptly on time. No. 139 West Thirty- WE AILE RAIN-BEAUED. band. It is not the small, selfish ambition of a haunted, solemn glens, while rounded tops reach- Ojxr fair hostess stuck her little head out at the common character. She sells her soul for her ing up against the blue sky seemed to me to have for a judge as Wylie." Many others say this sccond street is one of those houses that strikes and go on for quantity. us as if an eccentric architect had created a window and gave us the positive assurance that husband. She has had children and loved them, dreams of that ghostly past as the clouds went million of them and sold out by the acre. One it had cleared, that It was going to be a fair af- you remember; and then when her punishment flying over them." If anybody doiibt, let' him attend the chan- goes up stairs out of doors—finds a narrow hall ternoon, and we would enjoy a pony phaeton comes how grandly, how sublimely she hides " You are fond of the ¿ountry ?'; cery court early. The judge comes in smi- and a parlor on one side and more stairs. On ride in the park. We having implicit faith in the torture from her husband; covers the "Passionately; although my life in the coun- ling, takes his seat, bows pleasantly to the bar. this occasion we were Asked to walk up, which old probabilities, called attention to the fact that wound under her royal robes and sweeps down try was not happy." Evidently he has breakfasted well. Some rou- we did, into the private parlor of Miss Morris. he promised rain for that twenty-four hours. to death. I have a wild ambition, my friend ; I " Why unhappy ?" tine business is disposed of. In an instant, with- We had a few minutes for observation. It was We were shocked to hear our admiration pro- want to play Lady Macbeth ; I want to show the " Don't ask me. It is not pleasant to recall. out apparent occasion, the red blood flushes a gem of a room, redolent with flowers and aloud nounce our other admiration a fraud; and then sweet womanly side of her ; for it is all there. I Privation, poverty, struggles for life, neither through his cars, nose, face and eyes, and his with birds. A few choice prints adorned the out went the order for the phaeton. When believe Shakspeare loved his Lady Macbeth. graceful nor dignified, are not good to dwell voice rings angrily through the hall. All proper walls, but the center one, the evidently presid- a woman wants anything she wants it, and the How tenderly he takes her from the play before upon. How those ducks enjoy the rain and the attention to business ends there for that day. ing genius of the place, had under it the name of more obstacles common sense sees in the way the horrible fights eome on. He clears the stage puddles. Don't you believe that if a duck could Every lawyer feels he is dealing with a judge Charles Dickens. the more precious the want becomes. We com- for action." get into its little head how ugly, awkward and suffering under some unaccountable temporary promised on wraps and a huge family umbrella, " Where did you get that idea ?" stupid it was, that it would rush into a kitchen aberration of mind, with one smitten of God The kind, impulsive, loving nature of this su-, and thus equipped we sat out in one of those " From Shakspeare; it is there." and beg to be cooked?" and afflicted. perb actress was evidenced in the pets of all fairy-like carriages that to a woman is a vanity soyts about one. The more noticeable are the "Do you think out your characters in that "A duck might, but a drake—never." Judge Wylie neverforgets orforgives a lawyer and to a man an instrument of torture. The who has been'the unfortunate* object of one of two dogs, Daisy and Bags. Daisy is a cunning creator of a pony phaeton does not study the an- wày?" " Well, Mr. Editor, rain or no rain, I must little black-and-tan, whose bead indicates more "Yes indeed, if you call it thinking. When a drive in, so as to get some dinner and do Camille, these ebullitions. Consequently, nine-tenths of- atomical structure of a man beast any more than the bar feel that he follows them Vindictively—an sense than a Dutchman. But Bags is the one to does the architect of a church pew. In the last poor stock actress—I know I was poor in one that sacred martyr of, the Mabile." be remembered. Bags is the most extraordinary sense and I suspect I was poor-in every other—I And so, with the rain yet tumbling in torrents, unpleasant consciousness when one is charged* named, however, there is recompense in the with the pecuniary interests of numerous clients. dog ever seen. The hair is indicated by the name. thought that the punishment will be taken in lived in a dreamland of , peopled with we bowled back to the city. It is our regret He . seems to be, to a casual observer, a Scotch great characters, and they seemed to take me into that so little of the talk of this brilliant artist To the other tenth he is annoying by his obtru- mitigation of damages at the great day. But a sive favoritism. His decisions appear to be gov- terrier; but he is not. He belongs to a species pony phaeton, with its low, cramped seat, calls their confidence. Lady Macbeth told me all finds it way to the nib of our pen. Some day, of dogs made by the Creator too late on Saturday! about it in a voice that came up through tears. with more time and wider space, we will strive erned chiefly by these personal considerations. for the youthful strength of about twenty years, Hence, there is in them little law and no consist- night to be clipped. From a confused mass and that peculiar condition which enables its She didn't want to be a queen, she wanted her to recall the utterances of one of the most re- of dark slate-colored wool or hair, or both, two brave, beautiful husband to be a king. And markable women of her day. D. r. ency. Among the bar they are proverbs for un- possessor to hear music in the rustle of a petti- certainty, being as difficult to foretell as the ver- bright eyes glance at one like those of a wild coat and see a heaven in a. pair of eyes, for one is Cleopatra—you. ought to hear what that grand beast from a brush-heap; or, rather, as the eyes creature told me about the Bomans, and how she dict of a. petit jury; unless, indeed, you know carried along in that position known to boys as what lawyers were on the different sides. Then of a demon from a thunder cloud. Bags eyed us was misunderstood by the players and abused on THE LAW OF LOVE. leap-frog. Alas I we are of a hundred years, old you can always tell. Clients who are able always for a second, then a commotion was observed at the Btage." . One of the evidences of returning health as Susan B. Anthony and as indifferent to female appeal from his adverse decisions ; and he has his farther end* and ho climbed upon our lap. charms as Whitelaw Beid. "And you study out these things for your- in our people appears in the kind feel- Niggers—wo beg pardon, colored citizens—dogs ings lately evinced in the North and South to- crushed under foot many a poor man in his petu- self?" lance towards his advocate. and children take to us. Congressmen and rich Miss Morris drives a handsome, honest little ." Of course, how else?" wards each other. It is now nearly ten years people do not Lav,s Deo. mare, th^t, barring a prejudice to ice wagons, is "You don't dash in and conquer through since the actual conflict of arms came to an end On the supreme court bench, Wylie's manner well trained. We bumped out Thirty-second and the conquered South, with the grace of a After a delay of five seconds Miss Morris swept your genius ?" at the beginning of a, cause betrays his leaning. street into Fifth avenue. Wo bumped along brave people at the end of a heroic resistance, into the room. We say swept, for the word some- " I have no genius ; all I have gained, and it is If he is unfavorable, his countenance assumes a Fifth avenue to Central Park. Here were miles submitted to their fate. It was hardly to be ex- how conveys our meaning. She appeared to not much, I got by the hardest study. You most scornful look, his nose becoming almost as of princely residences, with a roadway that pected that the cruel wounds left by the war convey an atmosphere full of magnetic influences were struck with many little things of mine in expressive as his curled lips. We have some- would disgrace Constantinople. We never saw would heal in the first intention. The desolation in her movements. Her entrance seems the Camille. Well, I studied them out. Camille] times thought some bad scent had struck his ol- Constantinople; but Jones tells us that if you of death had come to the households of the land, throwing open of a window in a bright spring dies of consumption ; I studied consumption un- factories about that time, but the truer idea is attempt to ride there at an ordinary rate of speed and it was found impossible to forget and hard morning, when sunshine, overladen, odored der my doctor until I knew it all, and nearly had that he is expressing his contempt by all the you have your watch broken, your pantaloons to forgive. breeze and the song of birds all come rushing in it." grimaces his face is capable of. His picture, lacerated, and your boots shaken off within the taken at that precise moment, would be much together. Miss Morris appears, off the stage, " Those* homely little speeches that you intro- The natural tendency of such hurts is to heal distance of a mile. We thought, through the stared at in Barlow's window. In counsel with taller apd stouter than on. Her hair is netted duce and find so effective—where did you get over, and in the course of time, as the war was rattle of our teeth, of the smooth, level, shaded sunlight, (we have seen that somewhere before,) with our own brothers—brothers we not only his brethren of the bench he must be a thorn in drives of our own dearly-beloved Washington; those?" her eyes are dark blue, and light up her face like loved but were proud of—this healthy replacing the flesh. and we said to ourself, " God bless Aleck Shep- "Picked them up. The shortest road to the a tinted lantdrn; and she had on a delicately heart is through the homely and natural. of natural feelings would have been hastened but All the other judges are courteous and fair- herd and grant him a safe deliverance." for certain bad men who, for their own gain or minded, and two of them will compare not un- colored wrapper—well, the devil take us if we " The things we love and cherish most can say of what that wrapper was made. We re- There was a suspicious darkening of the hoav- Lie close about our feet— advancement, sought to keep alive the strife. favorably for ability and legal skill with any gret this, but it cannot be helped. ens and an ugly drizzle of rain as we entered the It is the dim and distant Demagogues who took no part in the war of judges in the land. But the place of Judge That sickens us to greet.". arms sought to continue, for their selfish pur- Wylie is on the floor, where his brother mem- Miss Morris, this queen of the English spoken park. poses, the war of hate. bers of the bar would soon teach him to keep his stage, received us graciously and gracefully, and " The rain, it raineth every day—oh, queen of You wrote me a play; it was full of fine writing, temper under control. But give us the investi- then presented us to her mother, a pleasant old the stage !" we cried, lifting the family umbrella. you know, and yet two little speeches out of all The camp-followers in great campaigns, gation. It will be more spicy than the other. lady, full of common sense and matronly dignity; " I don't care," she replied, " I have driven clung to me. One is when that poor woman, cowardly miscreants, who hung upon the rear We will make it a point to attend 'and hear the and then we were introduced formally to Bags here through snow-storms. I must have air or I when dying among strangers, asks some one to to rob the dead or swindle the living, moved to lawyers depose as to the capricious results of and Daisy. die." please hold her hands. There is such a sense of the front as soon as the roar of actual war ceased, this District Jeffrevs. " I like Bags," she said, "for that he resem- We found the Central Park deserted, save by a dreary desolation in that ; and then again her last and taking command, began their acts of recon- bles you, having the look of a demon and the few tourists in close carriages doing this wonder words, " I am so sorry." That plain little sen- struction. These meant irritation and hate on heart of an angel." of New York, When we approached a vehicle tence ending both scene and play is touching ; it one side, degradation and hale on the other, A GRAVE ATTEMPT is being made in Michigan to " Thanks. And do you cart these pets about of this sort the driver would twist about his comes in so unexpectedly and with so much with great gains to the pockets of the demagogues. defeat the return of the great Michigander to the with you ?" head, and then four heads would be thrust from feeling. How it rains !, Did you ever see rain Greedy sutlers, dishonest contractors—the Senate. We beg the good people engaged in this the carriage and eight eyes stare in open wonder come down as this does ?" soldiers in peace, the citizens in war—were com- " That is my grief. We are forecd to part, and nefarious conspiracy to desist. Why what under at our companion. What it is to be a celebrity. missioned, through the Freedmen's Bureau, to it is hard to tell which party suffers the most. I "Never. I am prepared to say that, for a ride heaven would become of us were we deprived of We were once, when the postmaster at Lake' service at the South, where, in the name of the Bags was given to me out West. I had him in Chi- in a pony phaeton without a top and only a f. our Chandler? They have taken from us our George mistook us for Daniel Pratt, and so re- Lord and through the agency of a great mass of cago, where a stuffed bear proved his evil gcniys. u. over one, this is the hardest rain since the Newman and our Cunningham, (ubiquitous,) the porting, had immense throngs of people stare at ignorant voters—one day slaves, the next citi- This sign of a hat and fur store stood reared flood." Smiler Schuyler, soft beguiler, has burst bis us. It is not pleasant. " What can we do ?" zens—they returned themselves to Congress,filled Credit Mo-biler, and gone to opening a first-class up, showing teeth and claws, between my hotel all the offices and gave .up whole States to plun- and the theater. Poor Bags, when he first saw Wo saw a solitary tourist standing in the storm " Miss Morris, let us take sanctuary. I see a macadamized road from Indiana to heaven, and gazing intently at the rain drip from the classic house of- refuge. Mr. Quirk has a hotel. Mr. der and insult. Backed by a regular army under now we are threatened with a loss of our Michi- the frightful effigy, was stricken with mortal the control of two Administrations strangely terror. I had to carry him past the dead bear, nose of Ward's Shakspeare. He was evidently Quirk's hotel has a shed attached. Please drive gander. It is too bad. Why how do people sup- an earnest-souled pedestrian, with little money under that shed and stop over for a little while." alike In Stupidity, a lack of principle and a taste pose we can continue THE CAPITA;. ? It is worse and he hid his little head in my bosom, trembling for strong drink, the unfortunate whites were all over. He took in the situation, however, and less brain, going about, all eyes and legs. And under that shed we took refuge. Throw- than that corner in straw to which the Hebrew " How I hate 'em." ¡ubjected to an abuse that beggars description. brickmakers in the House of Bondage were and next day he cut around the square, meeting | ing a blanket upon the little mare, we took count Provoking'a Ku-klux organization, they justified me at the corner beyond his supposed enemy." " Who, kind sir ?" asked Miss Morris. of stock. Miss Morris, saving and excepting treated. Why we counted on Chandler all the themselves , through Ku-klux outrages, and time. Who will we ha ve to twist the tail of the "Animals think will and remember on occa- '•' The tourists. When Noah took into his ark her fair face, was as dry as a powder-hbrn ; she v all the animals of the world we know that his with wholesale lying and wholesale abuse they British lion until that despotic beast roars in sions," we said. "Like Balaam's ass, they was sheltered by a waterproof, the leather apron actually succeeded in producing a more deadly dissipated habits were upon him, or he nyould and that family umbrella. But for ourself. We anguish ? Who will go about o' nights sitting would have the best of the argument some- antagonism between the North and the South in down on babies, getting in disabled cars and times if they could speak. We remember, for have rejected the tourists, the Lelands and Phil- found one half wet through. A stream of water adelphia people. How miserable they make an hour of profound peace than existed during other funny things? It won't do. We can't example, an estimable family cow that was' ac- from the f. umbrella had percolated down our the actual clash of arms. traveling to quiet, unassuming, sensible people." spinal column, tracing the line of demarlcation spare him. We might rake creation with a customed to pass down Vine street, Cincinnati, on double-geared back-action Bogardus steam hay- her way "home to her calf, supper and milking. "Mon ami, had all the disagreeable people between our dry and our wet half. But aser- These outrages probably would have continued been left out to drown we would not be able to vice in the field of nearly four years during the with impunity at the South had they not be^n rake without finding another Chandler. And so One evening she found the street blocked Ijy a we say to the civic and rural Michiganders, let crowd of independent voters engaged in discuss- appreciate and enjoy each other. They, by con- late war taught us to disregard draughts and extended to all other parts of the country. When trast, make a back-ground to our happiness. rain falls. the infamous Credit Mobilier, in which it was him alone, You will probably get a worse man, ing affairs of state while depositing their ballots. and certainly one less entertaining. Suppose he Sooky stopped, lifted her broad muzzle and How delightful you, for example, appear to me It is astonishing what a number of places proved that the entire legislative arm of our Government had been corrupted, and some forty does drink a little too much and is not a Gran- gazed at the obstruction with her beautiful eyes by the side of " there are in Virginia during a war in which ger, carries a brick in his hat instead of hay-seed, in evident amazement. Then she began to re- Miss Morris gave here the name of a celebrated Quirk's shed would be a haven of comfort. millions stolen outright by trusted agents, who were both congressmen and directors in a great what of that ? He is right on the currency; he monstrate in short, low moans. She tried to tell New York critic. We do not repeat, but we And here we had the tight roof above us, upon don't know why. He is wrong on the tariff, that crowd that she had a hungry calf at home, felt thankful to that gentleman that he was well which the rain tumbled, while at our side sat the national work; when to this were added the frauds of organized rings ; when merchants at but, as above, he don't know why. He is a bold, and that it was not right to delay her return in enough to be about, to make a contrast. BaChel of the English stage, as brilliant in con- hearty, generous, impulsive old cock and ex- this unreasonable manner. The free and inde- " How I do love Central Park," she contin. versation as she is attractive on the boards. the North found common swindlers regularly commissioned to defraud and oppress them, as cruciatingly funny. Let him alone; or, if you pendent voters, however, paid no more attention ued, " there is about it such a sense of wealth- Miss Morris has not only an original, thoughtful will, get him to take the pledge. He'll takeany- to this remonstrance than to that of any other no, not that precisely, but profuseness. Like mind, t>ut one filled with much knowledge, the in the Sanborn contracts, there grew up a sym- pathy for the sufferers in the South. The people thing fifteen times an hour if - asked. And then minority. She then began walking from side to the sea, there seems to be such a quantity of it- result of hard stijdy and wide reading. She has, initiate him into the bucolic order of Grangers. side, growing more and more uneasy, and utter- such an abundance." too, a niee sense of humor. We cannot repro- refused indignantly to be longer deluded by the cry of treason. Pour the sacred hay-seed over his noble sconce, ing her remonstrance in louder and more de- "It strikes me, mademoiselle, that there is a duce any of the last, for we lack the exquisite rub guano on his boots to harmonize with the cided tones. These, too, were .unheeded, save profuseness about this rain—my eyes, don't it play of voice and feature so necessary to its The death of Charles Sumner—the eminent man old rye in his stomach. Don't ruin us. But if by a few boys, who began, boy-flke, to pelt her come down ?" illustration. who gave the last years of his illustrious life to Jie must fall, we have engaged our poetic friend with stones. Finding it useless to argue the " Shall we turn and drive home, and admit " This is what I call choice," we cried, turn- an attempt at recc(ncijiation—followed by the James B. Young to write, with his facile pen, question any longer, old brindle turned deliber- that we are beaten ?" ing in our seat so as to look our companion in oration of a Confederate colonel, who plead so Zach's epitaph. It reads : ately about, so as to face the obstructionists, and "Not if you can bear i!; I like it—it's posi- the face; " this is delightful." eloquently above the new-made grave for a •putting her head down and tail up, uttered a ter- tively jolly." ^kinder feeling, had their fruits in the common rific roar and charged in upon the unreasonable " Glad you like it» pion ami. I have had com- Zachariah, he, did climb a tree, We said this in good faith, although a cramp punctions of conscience for getting you in such a decorations, by mourners on both sides, of Union A high-toned,senatorial pump to be, voters. A wild yell and a rush followed that made itself disagreeable on the left part of our and Confederate graves. Bat the limb did break and he did fall, opened the way wide enough for a drove of buf- scrape." editorial persofi where the legs end and the body "As if a ride with you, under any circum- The true course for us to pursue, if we wish a A busted demijohn, faloes to pass. Brindle did pass, and when be- begins. The brave little mare, regardless of the return of our old peafje and prosperity, as in, a And that is all. yond the place so lately obstructed she dropped stances, cofeld be A scrape. I will take water, driving rain, trotted steadily along, and in a straight for thirty days, inside and out, for one legislation of loving forgiveness instead of the In pace reqiiie-' into her old quiet walk with the air of one who short time we found ourselves beyond the park legislation of hate. We are not called upon to scat. had done a duty; no "more, no less. The affair ride of this sort." on a wide, smooth roadway, that reniinded us of "Now don't talk that way. Do you know ignore or forget the past. On the contrary, we did not end here, however. Not only was "a fat the national capital. There was no let up to the should cherish the good that was really born of man carried home complaining of an extra open- that between your cynical way of writing and ex- MIGUEL DE ALMODA, agent of the Cuban gov- rain. Oil the contrary, it came down worse and travagant way of talk, you leave one in douht as jthe conflict, and make the heroism of both sides ernment, in a card published last Tuesday, denies ing in his body, and several free and independent worse tjie farther we weiit. The wind drove it our common inheritance. We have met and voters went limping about as if they felt ridicu- to your having any sincerity whatever?" that Cuban bonds are being used to induce con- in our faces, and we braced against it the family "Nevermind me. The poor I (myself) have mingled our tears and flowers over the graves of gressional legislation. Ahout four years ago lous, but the people about the ballot-box in this umbrella, that left nothing of the landscape in our gallant dead. Let us continue. We who heated and close contest jumping to the conclu- with me all the time, but you only once in a there Was an agency in Washington, and bonds view before us but the rump and tail of the hon- lifetime. Now is not that rattle of the rain conquered can afford to be generous, and to re- were plentifully stacked at the safe company. sion that a riot was up, went to fighting for that est little mare, as she splashed Vigorously along. tain our self-respect we must be just. Let us, sheet-anchor of American liberty, the ballot and music ?" The condition of these bonds read " payable in From this we turned to the more agreeable view " Not so sweet as when pattering on leaves, on our own account, cease to oppress the ruined gold " so many days after recognition of the Cu- ended in cracking some skulls and smashing the to be found in the face of our companion. It is South, and when all vestige of the past bitter- box itself. This, of course, threw out that ward or, as Shelley says, when it makes a 'silvery ban republic by the United States. They were hard to think of one whose look and voice, in music on thé velvet lawn.' But I have no liking ness is erased, when a common Congress votes offered as freely as Patent Office reports up at and elected Doctor Duncan to Congress,, who their slightest manifestation, turn on our tears in marble or bronze statues to Lee and Jackson to for thunder and light ; dear me,

"WHILE Congress is engaged in clearing the Ho THERE ! Blare bugles ! Toot trumpets ! THE BORE knowing ones about Washington THE CAGE.— SPECIAL NÖTIGES. dead wood gathered upon us unOer the name of Rub-a-dub drums 1 Clash cymbals, &c. Little regard the change of Sherman's headquarters to On Pennsylvania avenue There is a cage one foot by two; ttgpn KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. a territorial government, we trust it will make a boys in the front seats, if you could only look a St. Louis as a grand military flank movement on Within and standing cheek by Jowl, clean sweep. The gentlemen engaged in repeal- little more sentimental. Make way, my fords the Administration. Sherman is a candidate for It holds an eagle and an owl. ing seem to have forgotten the Board of Health, and ladies, for the great Whitney, the orientalist, the presidency, and although a little cracked, has Mount Vernon Lodge No. 5 will assemble at their halt . One frank and.brave with brilliant eye, - THIS MORNINGat.il o'clock, to take action relative to and aged and estimable citizens are going about, who, armed cap-a-pie, with his quill at a rest and sense enough to see that the West is the place to The other wjnklng, blinking sly- the death of our late brother, Past Chancellor John C. many of them in their shirt-sleeves, crying aloud, shouting, " A Hayden ! A Hay den !" a la res- march from. This late move has bSen hastened It's like the bill of civil rights, Qlllen. By order of ' ' " Good Lord deliver us; Lord have mercy upon cousse, rushes madly into the lists of the Ifa- by the condition of feeling between the general Which binds together blacks and whites. G. "W. C. ROHRER, us I" And the cry is none too alarming or too ' Hon to try and convince the nation that our tri- of the army and the President.' The last-named It •• • '•• - . K. of R and 8. - earnest. When Don Cassar de Bazan was gsked angulating fiend, [Note by compositor.—Editor has been snubbing the general a good deal in a Warranted. " AMUSEMENTS. bis opinion of banging, he said it tfas shocking, doubtless meant "friend," but we stick to copy] very aggravating way, so old Tecumseh has made Four to six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- ; —:—• — for it not only killed a man but it made him is the best man for triangulating purposes. Bis- up his mind to teach Uly s. a lesson. The man is covery are warranted to cure Salt Rlieum*or Tetter and RATIONAL THEATER. CHAT., ridiculous. What Don Cresar thought of the millah—he has spoken. "We have studiously pon- sagacious and shows business. Go in, Tecum- the worst kind of pimples on the face. Two to four bot- tles are warrarffced to clear the system of Bolls, Carbun- : gallows, all sensible people think of the board. dered over the article written by our juvenile and seh. cles and Sores. Four to six bottles life warranted to It is the most aggravating, expensive, ridicu- erudite Whitney, and J>y our ladye this is our euro the worst kind of Erysipelas and Blotches among THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, JUNE isti» lous nuisance with which we have been cursed. conclusion : that, although he may be well able the hair. Six to ten bottles are warranted to cure Run- ning of the Ears and Corrupt or Running Ulcers. Eight The sting of a mosquito is not so exasperating as to scan Sanscrit, gabble Greek, howl Hindoos- Ocit friend, Governor Hawley, is not a suc- anil 19th, and GRAND SATURDAY MATINEE. cess as a demagogue. He is not to blame. He to ten bottles are warranted to cure Scrofulous Sores its hum, and when one has heard the one and tanee, chirp Chinese and patter Persian, he knows and Swellings. Two to six booties are warranted to felt the other until profanity ceases to relieve, little or nothing about the requirements one does his best in that line and we commiserate cure Liver Complaint. and he slaps his own chops in a vain attempt to should possess for exploratory work in our him. His latest effort was to follow Butler and A WONBBIL TO HERSELF. MAY GALLAGHER, our Lawrence in sustaining the Government TANKTOWN, Delaware County, O., , kill the beast, he realizes that there are some Western Territories ; in fact, he. and F. v. h. in March 2U, 1873. . things worse than murder. this respect are par nobilè fratrum, or, as the printing-house monopoly. All the printers of To DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. ,Y.: Your Discovery needs only a fair trial and It will do In her uew drama, written for her by Francis C. Long, genial showman had it, " an ignoble pair of the United States are taxed to sustain a lot of all youj-ecommend It to do and more too. When I was • Our Board of Health is worse than murder. It elegant fellows at high wages on light work. fifteen I caught cold and for twenty-eight years I have Esq , of this city, entitled brothers." been a perfect wreck of disease, and nil the medicines -is worse than safe-blowing, arson, and spinal That is the whole story—but we will elaborate and doctors' bills have run-up at times to two and three miningitis. For two years now these medicated hundred dollars, and never any better but worse, when CHAT, The question naturally arises, why did Whit- it hereafter. I gave up all hope last spi-lug of living the summer -cusses have held open meetings, with reporters ney thus, what was his motive ? and by the bones through. I received one of your Account Books and present, and their " chin music," to use a vulgar told my husband after reading it that it was too late to With the new songs, " I'll Make It Right in the Morn- of the immortal Yedas we think we know. try further, but he said It was never too late. He went u u •phrase, Cbnsisted in the abuse of each other, and bought two bottles and I found It was helping me ing," Kissing Among the Clover," and You Quod erat demonstrandum, without doubt he,' WE have been honored with invitations to the very much. Since 18311 was troubled with Catarrh and Mako no Fools Mlt Me." and then they would adjourn to abuse every- as many others, has found the lactiferous dugs Sore Throat, and was almost entirely deaf iu one ear wedding of Miss Williams, daughter of Doctor and my voice was aB dull as could be. There was con- body else. When together their deliberations ap- of our Uncle Samuel affording a pleasant and and Mrs. Williams of Cincinnati. The young stant pain in my head. Now my head Is as sound as a Popujor prices: 75, SO, and 25 cents. No extra charge proached promiscuous rump-kicking, but always dollar, my voice Is clear, and I have used tan bottles of for reserved seats, which can now be secured at the nourishing diet, and, like little Oliver, he wants lady puts an abrupt termination to her belleship your Discovery. It has cured me of Catunrliv 9bf e Throat, 1 -stopped in the most exasperating manner, Heart Disease, Spine Affection and Tonpl Liver. My Theater or Ellis Music Store. more ; for are we not informed by the evidence that promised much brilliancy. We tender the Liver was very bad. My skin was rouglh When I put when the public would most have enjoyed it. given before thé Committee on Public Lands my hand on my body It was like fish scales. Now it Is young people our best wishes. , as smooth and soft as a child's. In conclusion I will GRAND SATURDAY MATINEE "They have had one subject, and one only, that he, the oriental one, had received the hospi- say I have been well for three months. I am a wonder with which to wrestle, and that was night- to myself and friends. This Is but an imperfect state- tality of the United States geological survey of men^ half has not been told. And benefit of MAY GALLAGHER. soil, and they have thrown night-soil at each thé territories as a guest, without occupying any IT IS to be hoped that Congress will not ad- Yours with respect, IIESTOR LACKEY. journ without passing to a law the act prohibit-, other until, in the minds of our citizens, they official position ?• Marry, go to ; we have heard DOOLEY'S IS the best and cheapest Yeast or Baking Admission 50 and 35 cents. have become mixed with, the article, and a of other such guests at this Barmacide feast. ing the cruel slavery of Italian children, a slavity Powder. Perfectly pure and wholesome. Every can prayer has gone up from all sides that the board Mr. Cilso Ctcsar Morino has so nobly struggled full weight. It saves Itself in milk, eggs and shorten- By the beard of the Prophet, we would like to to abolish. ing. Grand "Yacht Regatta on might be pumped up by the Odorless Excavating be a guest and have a mountain called after us. We •Company, and carted out in barrels to enrich do not desire to answer the learned moonshee's the earth. They have discussed one thing and arguments in favor of P. v. h., as this has already ONE RDSH R. SLOANE is showing that he is not CITY ITEMS. the Potomac, done two things. They succeeded once in spread- been done, but we do want to ask the faculty of a slo w-'un. He ran away first with a lot of other ing the small-pox over Capitol Hill, and they people's money, and then he run away with THE MOST fashionable resort for Soda and Mineral time-honored Yale to slap soundly this young- Waters In Washington Is the Ebbltt House Drug Store. I'HOM WASHINGTON TO GLYJIOST, have an Odorless Excavating Company that A visit to this palatial soda fountain—which has become ster's posterior and send him supperless to bed. himself. famous for Its delicious sirups and ice-cold waters- don't excavate and does emit, at the meetings of will pay In these days of themselves. Pyrmont, the Be chism. On our beard be it—• great Iron Tonic Water, can only be had at tills store, MONDAY JUNE 15, 18T4. the board, the foulest smells. for which the proprietors have secured the sole agoncy Salaam alei kam. SARTOR-EISATCS—Whioh means that ihould they for the District of Columbia. The coolest work of this medicated conglom- get very poor, Nellie wl® not be too' " stuck-up " to WE STATED last week that A. L. Hazelton, 423 Seventh erate is .its late clajlm to the credit of lessening mend his " ole close."—Richmond Enquirer. street, liad the handsomest store in our city. We now the death rate of the District. We owe our bet- GENERAL SHEBMAU, who was lately interviewed Hem acu tetigisti!—Cicero. go farther and say that he has as fine and varied assort- Three classes of entries—$50 for the first-class, $30 for ment of shoes as can be found south of New York, the second, and $20 for the third, or a Silver Cup of same ter health to our improved drainage, that the at • St. Louis, told the reporter that there were value for each class. Board of Health had as much to do with as the '' too many people in Washington," and when FINE $1.60; finer, 82; finest$2.5 0 dress shirts at Roman The boats entered are as follows : MR. INOALLS of Kansas, instead of offering a & Cox's, 507 Seventh street. average congressional speech on finance has with the remark was made that Chicago was huffy be- First class—Amerlcus, Mollle, "Witch of* the Wave, cause he preferred St. Louis to that city he said, resolution to abolish the Indian Commissioners, ROMAN & Cox, 607 Seventh street, have a very largo Martha E. Travers, and Fanny Bell, of Wash Ington; B. finance. Filling the canal, for example, did might have adopted the more effectual plan of assortment of fine casslinere pants equal to custom- H. Lambert and Lizzie Reagan, of Alexandria ; starting more to lessen malaria than all the projects of the "Chicago has got Sheridan." It would seem made, at 20 per cent, below custom prices. at 10 o'clock a. m. that William Tecumseh means too many great having them dropped among the Comanches. Board of Health would have effected could they CINCINNATI BEER from Jackson's brewery, and Ryer- Second class—Columbia, Dauntless, East Wind, and people, as St. Louis has a population of 400,000 son Jfc Ylngling's Ale, In all their purity, can be obtained, John T. Given of Washington; starting at 9.30 o'clock have been carried out. The fact is, the thing wholesale and retail, at C. Mades', corner of Third and has accomplished nothing in the line of its duty; or 500,000, and like Cxsar, prefers to be the first Pennsylvania avenue. tf a. m. man in his village, rather than the second man at Tins CKNTENNIAI,, under the control of the ladles Third class—Spray, The Other Half, Lucille, and Alice and if we are to believe the stories the members more or less descended from the Declaration of Inde- Lavlnla, of Washington; starting at 9 o'clock a. m. insinuate against each other, what they have ao- Rome; but Ctesar was a heathen; William T. is, pendence, is Just "a scootlu'." The first move is a grand BOOKS AND STATIONERY. The commodious steamer Columbia will leave Seventh -complished individually is not healthy. or ought to be, a christian, and as such remember pilgrimage headed by the President and cabinet to the street wharf at 10 o'clock a. m., and accompany the it Is a part of the divine economy that " one star tomb of the Father of his Country upon next Saturday. race. Tickets, $1; to be obtained at all the principal What with the marine band and His Excellency, Pay Di- Now turn the business over to the Surgeon differeth from another in glory." Speaking for RICHARD B. MOHUN & CO., hotels, and at the wbarf on' the morning of the re- •General of the army, a gentleman of ability, en- rector Cunningham, (ubiquitous cuss,) Zach. Chaudl er, gatta. it ourselves, and a large and appreciative class of and that venerable and venerated augel, Corcoran, the terprise and of the purest character. As the pilgrimage Is expected to be a grand success. Ice cream readers, we think, however, we can spare W. T. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, QOMIQUE SUMMER THEATER. General Government is to be our government, as long as we are permitted to metaphorically will be furnished for refreshments and cotton handker- chiefs for tears. The President will deliver an oration JUNE 15, EVERY NIGIIT AND TWO MATINEES. let there be a radical change, and no snags, bars clasp to our bosom Snellfungus. Stay, then, oh or stumps left., Rid us of Cox, Bliss, Yerci, andMlss Esmeralda Boyle will read an original poem. GRAND OPEN AIR ENTERTAINMENT. Snellfungus, stay yet a little longer from the ice- The Lady of the Lake has been chartered for the occa- 1015 PEMSÏLVANIA AVENUE, Langston and Marbury, together with that fields and lumber forests of thy native State, for sion, and if tills is not a grand success, why patriotism •" phernomenon," P. T. Keene, M. D., health don't pay. EVERYTHING COOL AND DELICIOUS! we are about to lose our W. T. in the prairies of Corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Eleventh St. The charming young actress, officer, and all the good people of the District, the West. rising up, will call you blessed. WE are pleased to see the beaming phiz of our old MISS CHARLOTTE MARY STANLEY, friend Knight once more in our sanctum. lie has Just "Chicago has got Sheridan!" We would be returned from Nevada, where be has been prospecting will appear In her great character of lost in admiration of the volume of conceit com- for precious stones, in which be lias been successful to ALL THE MADGE, THE WAIF. WE HAVE received several communications a large degree, bringing with him specimens In ame- pressed in this short sentence, if we were not arKW' BOOKN In the greatest of modern sensations, entitled from indignant citizens over our exposure wiping with our bandana handkerchief the tears thysts and topaz, Avhlch can be seen at his office, 428 •of the Hon. Detective Wilson. We must not be Seventh street. CRIME; OR, THE CAR-HOOK MURDER. that are flowing for poor Chicago. Whatever RECEIVED AS SOON AS ISSUED, AND ON OUR misunderstood. We never dreamed of denying WE DESIRE to again remind the friends of the Col- EXCURSIONS, disposition himself and fate may make of TABLES FOR EXAMINATION. to a congressman his constitutional right to be a Sherman, we are selfish enough to hope that as umbian University tiiat the " excursion " to be vftpn by the students of the university, formerly announced fool or a knave—to be indecent or unjust—to be, " Chicago has got Sheridan " she will keep him, in fact, anything his fancy indicated or his con- for . June 3, will .occur on Wednesday, June 17. It prom- GEORGIANNA EXCURSIONS just as we would wish her to keep the seven- ises to be a first-class affair, as.the managers are neither stituency would permit. But when such con- sparing expense nor labor to sustain the reputation year's itch, small-pox, or anything else horrible. DEALERS IN FOB gressman tries the unjust or indecent, or the By the bye, Watterson said a Wattersonian thing already established by them by their " excursion" of fooling, or the wicked, it won't do for him or June 5,1873. In order to assure excursion goers of the when he remarked that Grant fought with sword truth of what we say, we will Inform them that the «IL ELA M Leonardtown, Piney Point, Marshall's any of his friends to rise, to a question of privi- in hand, Sheridan with a box of matches. place selected for the excursion Is Glymont; the lege and deny our right of comment or criticism. boat, tile. "'Lady of the Lakethe music, Donch's band; and Point Lokoout. The Hon. "Wilson is a bad lot. It is well known the people, the elite of Washington, Alexandria, George^ ENGLISH AND AMERICAN, on Newspaper Bow that he not only acts as prose- town and Baltimore. The boat will leave Sixth street MEDICAL, AND LAW BOOKS. „ GREEK MEETS GREEK-—Wednesday's debate wharf at 9 a. m. cutor, persecutor and detective, but in violation on the Geneva award: of the rules governing his committee, he gives BOOKS IMPORTED DIRECT, HAVING A DIRECT These EXCURSIONS, so popular the past two seasons, " Mr. Tremain. I desire to ask a Question. will be resumed on to Gibson of the New York Sun, from time to " Mr. B. Butler. Will you keep quiet if I answer AMUSEMENTS. CORRESPONDENCE WITH LONDON AND time, for the exclusive use of that enterprising it? THE NATIONAL opens to-morrow night with a new SAIIBDAÏ, JITNE 13. PARIS. gentleman, the inside working of the committee. " Mr. Tremain. I will if you tell the truth. piece, in which little May Gallagher, our Washington favorite, appears. The play Is from the pen of Francis " Mr. B. Then you'll keep quiet all your life." His latest performance was a batch of garbled C. Long of this city, and is said to abound in dramatic THE SPLENDID STEAMER extracts from the testimony taken In the safe Of course it is a higher civilization that inspires situations, admirably designed to fetch out the pecu- one member to insinuate that another is a liar liarities and excellencies of the talented little artist. WE TAKE SPECIAL PAINS IN GEORGIANN A burglary, for the purpose of doing injury to The play will continue throughout the week, with a Richard Harrington. Had all the testimony and for that other, to smile at the accusation, grand matinee on Saturday. We ¡trust that our petite been published the public would find, as we have but there is, according to our homely notions, May Gallagher may enjoy a success that will add cur- PROCURING BOOKS TO ORDER, Will leave Seventh-street wharf at o p. m. every SAT- no question, the committee has found that Mr. something manlier if not so progressive, in a rency to her well-established fame. URDAY during the season, and, returning, leave Point society which regards personal veracity next to AND GUARANTEE Lookout at 6 p. m. SUNDAY, arriving at "Washington Harrington is guilty of no wrong-doing what- PROFESSOR HERMANN, the world-famous prestidlgl- 0 a. m. MONDAY. ever. life, and will so defend it. tateur, has been delighting large houses every night dur- State-room tickets for sale at the office of the W. C. B. We are puzzled somewhat by the testimony ing the past week at Ford's Opera House, by his wonder- A PROMPT REPLY TO ORDERS and G. S. R. R., No. 603 Pennsylvania avenue. Round ful tricks of legerdemain. In this particular accom- published as that of Major Richards. The ac- trip tickets $2.50, for sale only On boat. IT APPEARS that petitions signed by Messrs. plishment Professor Hermann is without a rival. His LEFT WITH US FOR EITHER E. NIGHTINGALE, count we gave of the safe affair, immediately York, Simpson,- Johnson and Horton, who performances are not only astonishing, but wonderful, Jun31-3mo SEVENTH-STREET WHARF. after the occurrence, came almost directly from planned ex-Senator Pomeroy's exposure, are be- and no one should miss seeing the^i. There Is nothing in auy of his entertainments at which the most fastid- AMERICAN OR ENGLISH Major Richards. We cannot account for the dis- ing circulated,, praying for a nolle pros, to be en- ious could cavil. crepancies in the two statements. tered. The frequent continuations and post- Grand Excursion and Pic-Nic ponements of this case, the very fact that Pom- MRS. M. A. N. POLLARD gave an entertainment at BOOKS. Willard's Hall on Friday night, for the benefit of the eroy does not demand an immediate trial, fur- TO % WE AEE GLAD to note that the patriotic ladies sufferers by the Mississippi Hood, consisting of a lecture who have charge of Mt. Vernon are doing re- nishes enough moral evidence for honest men to and readings, with music by the Marine Band. Mrs. markably well under the gentle yet firm and sen- reach a verdict, but that does not relieve the dis- Pollard's lecture had reference' In part to her own ac< an «» M" or „ trict court of the obligation to try and punish personal history; among the pieces which she read was FANCY AND1 STAPLE STATIONERY. sible rule of Madame Bergmann. The associa- "The Rock of Ages," which elicited much applause, ! the senatorial criminal if he be guilty. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF tion is out of debt and in the enjoyment of a and was encored. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ORDERS handsome income. To do this noble lady jus- THEATER COMIQUE.—Neither heat nor cold teems to - POR DE HOllI COXXASDEW N04, tice, although we have no doubt she will be of- SAYS Wednesday's Star; "In Postmaster effect the success of this little theater. Nightly it is KNIGHTS TEMPLARS, fended at our notice, the liquidation of the accu- "Bard's reception-room, at the post-office, hangs crowded with those eager to witness the varied and en- FANCY STATIONERY, mulated indebtedness of the association was do- an excellent portrait of \Pregident Grant, with tertaining performances offered by the best talent to be found in the variety business. On Wednesday, June 24, 1874. nated from her own pocket. She has removed the following motto attached ; ' Our President, some unpleasant features and given the regents Next week Mr. Rogers promises a rousing bill, which VISITING AND WEDDING who has restrained thé passions of the people will, we hope, Ills coffers fill. The boat will leave the Seventh street wharf at 9 am. a popularity they never before enjoyed. We and guided them in the ways of peace and pros- CARDS AND PLATES. and 4,30 p. m., returning at 8 p. in,, and stopping at have proof of this in the voice of praise uttered perity.' " All bards are imaginative, and some Alexandria and Fort Foote going .and returning. by visitors to the tomb of solemn old George. postmasters grateful ; this Bard and postmaster PERSONS who contemplate visiting Europe will find, If the boat that carries persons to Mt. Yernon by reading the advertisement of the popular banking The Commandery has the exclusive control of the is conspicuous for both qualities. house of Sherman & Co., that a great advantage Is of- Also, a full line of would give more time there it would be an im- grounds for that day. fered them in dealing with this house, as its paper will There will be/vocal and Instrumental music, danc- provement. To the ladies who go earnestly labor be honored anywhere In England or ok the continent COMMERCIAL STATIONERY, to preserve for us a sacred relic of our cherished THE PEN is no longer mightier than the sword " free of charge." Its rapidly and wide-spreading busi- ing, &c. : ness connections In all the principal cities In this Ample arrangements have been made for dinner, sup- past we tender our heartfelt wishes. in Prance. Yesterday's dispatch says that De Including every style and variety of country are evidences of prosperity and popularity per and refreshments on the grounds for all who desire Cassagnac is ready to fight Gambetta and offers that many much older banking Institutions cannot BLANK BOOKS, them. the services of nine of his editorial staff to meet claim, and which have been Justly earned by the indus- nine republican deputies. In this country we try, liberality and honorable dealing of its proprietors. GOLD PENS AND OASES, Ac. Parties and families wishing to take their own baskets SENATOB CARPENTER some time since introduced and have a basket pic-nlc can do so. a bill in the Senate authorizing and directing the never have more than one fighting editor, and he The beat quality of LADIES, now is the time to buy yonr dress goods at a Gentleman's ticket, $1; Lady's, 50 cents. Children purchase of Mars ton's safety ballot-box for use in is . indigenous to the extreme West and South. bargain, as will be seen by Joseph J.May's advertise- Pocket Penknives. under twelve years free. the election of President and Vice-President and ment. He Is offering extraordinary inducements in Tickets can be procured from the members of the representatives to Congress. Last Friday he re- summer fabrics. Mr. May's high standing as a mer- The finest and best ONE of the noblest, far-seeing, and eloquent chant is a sure guarantee that his goods are the best and Commandery, or from Charles A. Appel, at t!-:e store of ported from the Committee on Privileges and as represented. utterances of this or any Congress was delivered POCKETBOOKS AND WALLETS, E. L. lyes, No. 415 Thirteenth street northwest. Elections adversely to thè bill, but gave as the in the House upon last Monday by Colonel HL-YCK & ADDISON, real estate brokers, are advertis- Are a Specialty with Vs. jel4-2t * unanimous opinion of the committee that the box Lamar, on the Louisiana case. The speech has ing in our columps the most desirable piece of property should be selected by the several States as a sim- not been printed yet, but so soon as we can get in the District. Any one who desires a picturesque ple, cheap, and yet efficient preventive of the a copy we will give much time and space to com- home in one of the most attractive, healthy and beauti- A GOOD BARGAIN. ful cities in America, and adorned with elegant and re- DIARIES FOR1874 frauds that of late years have made the ballot-box ment and quotation. fined society, should not fall to examine this property. a cheat and a delusion. This box, says the re- port, would go far towards restoring lost confi- STATES & MITCHELL, 817 Market Space, are always For sale, a. 1" Women have no more right to vote than a 'equal to every emergency, and now that times are hard dence in elections, and put an end to the dis- RICHARD B. MOHTJN & CO., A SPLENDID GRAND PIANO, horse,' is the way Senator Terry of Connecticut puts and money'scarce, thiy have marked down their large graceful and expensive contests witnessed every It." stock of beautiful summer goods to wholesale prices, BOOKSELLERS, year in Congressi "We will publish this report and are also making a discount of ten per cent, on all from KNABE & CO., before the departure of Maestro - If an ass can be senator, why may not women cash sales. The ladies should not pass this store with- No. 1013 Pennsylvania Avena«. Barili for Europe, the 19th Instant. •in our next. The piano can be seen and particulars obtained at any and horses vote ? is the way a lady puts it. out calling. jel5-tf time at Marines Hall, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. it X • / 6 THE CAPITAL.—JUNÉ 14,1874.

A SEA-COAST SKETCH. magnifying the new and grander Nineveh ; we to give. Women are anomalies, and have been so It was a pleasant sight to all on board to see him BANKEBS, BBOKERS, ET0. saw—but wrought to frenzy by the vast specula- for all ages, to a more astonishing extent than that sweet Sabbath morning on the deck and BY BEAURY. tions, we dragged our ready friend into a saloon, men. Take them all, good and bad, ambitious rolling in seasickness. We were all cured, and WILLIAM TYLER, (Concluded.) called for the beverage that cheers but not ine- and witty—take a tithe of them rather—Eve, were therefore in a condition to enjoy his misery. Norfolk is situated on the east side of the briates, two beers ;" and it waB only when the Judith, Esther, Rachel, Dellla, Jezebel, Medea, One of the vbyagers ventured to console him. Elizabeth river, near its entrance into the estu- gorgeous bar-man tendered us five cents, the Parysatis, Tanaqull, Brunechild, Elfrida, Elean- Stepping up to him In a graceful manner, he ele- REAL ESTATE AND MONEY BROKER,, ary of the James, one hundred and eight miles quotient of a quarter, that the vision vanished ore, Cleopatra, Helen, Boadicea, Mary Montague, vated his coat-tails, and with appropriate gestures Margaret Douglas,Madame Roland,Marie Antoin- from Richmond. "We saw that in a gazeteer and the stern Gradgrind fact stared us in the began: "How beautiful is the land given us 715 FIFTEENTH STREET, • dated 1819, so if it has changed its location since face, " and mene, mene tekel was the writing on _ette, Maria Theresa, Corday, Bronte; our great by a munificent maker. How rich the abode he then, don't blame us. It suffered martyrdom for the wall," as Irvine says ; that is to say, it Is American women, Bixbee, Nancy Clem, Buell's has breathed into existence for his creatures ! (Formerly of the Office of C. N. Thorn.) the American cause; was destroyed by order of still Norfolk, and the future's too future for the Salle Camanche, the wonderful woman in whose Striking out of chaos a symmetrical, lordly, gor- the British governor. Like Tips CAPITAL'S tale, present. biography we blundered so sadly ourself—take geous, and glorious world, veining It with a thou- RENTING HOUSES A SPECIALTY. it was Burned at the Stake, but never completely So we turned regretfully to the Appold, clam- them for all eternity if you have the time, until sand rivers and gifting It with one great heart, finished after all. (For further particulars of bered up her sides and watched for the hour of you are astounded to see that no two women are the sea, he holds above it his protecting hand, joke see old numbers of THE CAPITAL, for sale at departure. The view along the wharves was alike, unless they are gumsmashers. This lat- gem-lighted with a million stars, and taking to It all bookstores; back numbers Itlways on hand.) grand. Water-melons, darkies and cotton bales ter race is a far-extended sorosis—embracing all man, the Minerva sprung from his intellect, he Houses, large and small, for Rent, furnished or un- As we stumbled down to the wharf an enter- as far as the eye could reach, while the penetrat- classes and ages—who substitute miserable paste placeth him in it, and saltfi: ' All this is yours, furnished. Some of the most desirable Residences and« prising Norfolk man came down to give us his ing effluvia of decayed fish greeted the expanded for wholesome tobacco, and with the intemper- from the purple arch of heaven, the magnificent Building Lots for sale in the city, upon the easiest terms- views of things in general. He was enterpris- nostril. Whilst wititlng we had, among other ance of their sex, gnash, smash and gnaw until world of earth, the rivers, meadows, clouds, yea One half square of very valuable ground for sale in tile- ing but not polite ; nor clean. Clothed exten- opportunities, a chance of reveling in the beauty the jaw drops and the power of mastication unto the crescent sea,' the silent, sapphire-span- northwestern part of Washington upon very easy terms- sively in dungaree and dirt, he was either trou- ceases to exist. When we first saw this gentle of some of the private residences of this city. gled marriage ring of land !'" Improvements finished. bled with corns or was making a side show of gazelle our kind heart melted with pity for her If any of you have ever read a novel of Mr. "Yah! Much o'that 1" moaned the sufferer. Houses wanted for tenants. • his feet. He eyed us with a savage glare—what- Fielding's called " Tom Jones"—about the only forlorn condition; as we beheld her, with a " I wish I was in Accomac; or in hell!" All business Intrusted to me will receive prompt at- ever that means—and then began on oration on novel, save four, in existence, where men are spirit akin to awe, devastate the table, and with This was our last day at sea, and a pleasant day the ruinous tendencies of the age; their caused tention. mylo-3m not puppets—you may remember the narrow so little, so very little, use of her dental organi- for more reasons than one. It was Sunday, and and only remedy; an oration that would have ,escape you had from breaking your necks in the zation, we really pitied her future prospects. as we said, Vineyard Sound was alive with sail- made that old game-cock of the Democracy, Gar- description of Allworthy's—we think it was All? But when the grim sea-monster griped us in ing craft. A New York steamer fell into the P. T. BERRY, Jr.. rett Davie,dance with joy, if poor old Garrett were worthy's—country residence. There are In Nor- his clammy grasp our sentiments were entirely here to hear and dance. Dungaree and dirt first miserable pastime of passing and falling behind folk, and in Norfolk alone we believe, establish- changed; when we—sickening with the sight of us all day long in an unsabbathlike manner; and REAE ESTATE AGENT AND BROKER, glared, and then gave the reasons for said glare in ments that rival that gentleman's in ideal beauty. sustenance—saw that emaciated specimen of the a harangue that rivaled Butler for abuse and Field as her name was the Nereus, she was the cause of When we saw those splendid mansions rising feminine gender, who is looked upon by some beastly puns, bearing relation to her proximity. No. 1515 Pennsylvania avenue, opposite Treasury De- for bad grammar. He began by invoking the amidst a lovely grove of magnolias, backed by lover or other—every girl has some one or other, thunderbolts of heaven upon the New England We were near enough for conversation, and the partment, Washington, D. C., rich woods, and surrounded by the rarest and frequently more, to admire her, as a gauzy angel, people, and expressed a desire to polish off Ben. pleasant banter exchanged was conclusive proof most variegated floral offerings of the South, who is addressed no doubt in epics such as Butler or any other Yankee. Any other Yankee that we had forgotten Sunday and Sunday school. Gives special attention to Renting Houses and Collec- whilst broad before their spacious piazza a these: " Oh, Mary, Mary, angelical fairy, my was us; but as we ain't that one or another, we Mariners may begin a cross-examination with the life, my soul, my love I Does not fond heaven tion of Rents, Sales of Real Estate and investments In., didn't take up his gage. Iu a regular, logical sloping lawn of glistening verdure rolled itself gentlest and most suggestive questions, and in down to the surf and shingly shore, we «topped miss its Peri from the blissful realms above?" style he gave the reasons for his violent dislike. five minutes they have degenerated into person- all kinds of Interest-bearing Securities. " Their chipper ways"' first wounded his soul, to take a breath. And all this within a &c. Pen and fairy—genuine lover's rhymes; alities, explicit and engaging, but scarcely suited

BALTIMORE. FOE SALE OK EENT. LADIES' GOODS. MEDICAL, ETO. BUSINESS OAKDS. CrHEEniE'S "Stray Leaves from a Sooial Journal." pOR SALE OR RENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN STRAW Tom, we feel a pang of regret that we cannot tell .yoUj.pf intoxicating germane or of fall, dress parties The very desirable residence and grounds adjoining GOODS. where every one laughs and dances away the happy the reservoir on Georgetown Heights, formerly occu- •hours, except a few love-stricken swains who prefer pied by President Grant and now by J. Harris Gastrell, OXYGENETED BITTERS. of the British Legation. Wishing to reduce my large stock of Straw Goods, to wander out in conservatories and make love to Flowers and Ribbons before the I5tli of July to make belles in white tarlatan, while an occasional glitapse The house is large, furnished with all the modern room for improvements, I will offer until that time improvements, and is suitable for entertaining; the great inducements to customers. of the moon through the vines gives ample excuse to Ladles will find it to their advantage to give us a call The stomach Is one of the most delicate organs of the -quote Byron, and to look that admiration which is grounds are handsomely ornamented with fine shrub- before purchasing elsewhere. human system; and the indigestible food crowded into bery and evergreens; the situation is unsurpassed by always more delicate when unspoken. it by the requirements of modern society, keep it in any in the District, having splendid view of the whole Byron's sweetest poetry is most effective when lis- city, river and surrounding country. The grounds are MRS. H. J. HUNT, tened to while the slow, delicious measure of a A State of Chronic Disorder* very large, containing nearly ninety thousand square ap2e-ly Nos. 621 and 623 D street northwest. Strauss' waltz is filling the air with entrancing mel- feet. The property will be sold on easy terms or rented which is followed by a resort to tonics and alteratives ody. But all these things have become mere dreams to a first-class tenant. for relief. It unfortunately happens, however, that many JgVERY BRAZILIAN PEBBLE SOLD BY . of remembrance in our society. Our lovely " rose- Possession given May 1. Apply to miss E. A. McCormicb, of the medicines used for this purpose contain alcohol, bud garden of girls" is no longer complete. So which, poured into a diseased stomach produces Irrita- T. L. HUME, •HE- H • _ nCKBJCPXKn, many of them have exchanged their luxurious city BOS Pennsylvania Avenue, (up stain,) tion, creates inflainatlon, and does more Injury than THE OPTICIAN, homes for quiet country pleasures, or for the fleet- mar 22 Of Hall & Hume, grocers, 807 Pa. av. ;ood. 403 l*cii nay Ivan i a nveiuif. near Four-aml-a- -ing joys of life in gay hotels at fashionable watering- OXYGENATE 1> BITTERS CONTAIN NO half* street, pOR RENT. Is In receipt of a large and elegant assortment of Is scientifically tested by his Improved method, to de- places. ALCOHOL, Two first-class, new, Pressed Brick front and Man- termine the accuracy of its visual axis, and is warranted A retrospect of those who once graced Baltimore to be perfect. sard-roof HOUSES, No. 415 to 419 New Jersey avenue but are a purely medicinal preparation, which, in cases will, we hope,.Tom, not be displeasing to you. There south, two squares from the Capitol. All modern Im- SPRING MILLINERY. IMPAIRED EYESIGHT IS BENEFITED BY THESE provements—furnaces, heating ranges, stationary wash- of DYSPEPSIA, HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION and GLASSES. feblS-ly are times when one gets old when it is pleasant to stands, hot and cold water, speaking tubes throughout, other like disorders, at once restores the stomach to its -contrast our former companions with those we clasp marble and slate mantels, everything necessary to make AU the latest designs in a complete home. THE BEST PLACE TO BOY IN TOWN t hands with to-day. Apply on the premises, or to NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. And thus we muse and dream of ;the days of yore; R. H. RYAN & CO., WILLIAM HOUNSCHILD, myl7-tf No. 523 geventh street, op. P. O. Dept. BONNETS AND HATS, The OXYGENATED BITTERS have been the moat and although we were not remarkable for our youth popular remedy for the above complaints for the last DEALER IX even then, yet the calm, quiet loveliness of Miss thirty years, and still maintain their unrivaled popu- PAPER-HANGINGS. WINDOW SHADES, LINENS» FOR SALE. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Ac. PICTURE CORD. NAILS. LACE CUR- Moale, the Judith with heavenly eyes» steals like a larity. TAINS AND MATTINGS. vision of light in upon this one quiet hour of thought. Those desirous of purchasing Price 81 per bottle. NO. 1751 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEAR "Who can compare with her in* society now, Tom? aplP-tf SOLD EVERYWHERE. EIGHTEENTH STREET. "We rack our frantic brain for a lit comparison, and mylo-2m ' . ^^ we come suddenly to an unwelcome conclusion—we HOUSES AND LOTS, MRS. A. G. GASTON, JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., Proprietors, | Je7-lm. 8 and 0 College Place, New York. have no second Jadith Moale, or Mary McDonald, or , AT LOW FIGURES AND UPON-TfTE MOST The Artificial Stone Company bright, graceful Bertie Clark, or sweet, quiet Sadie, REASONABLE TERMS, (Late 1228 F street,) COME AND SEE. Of the District of Columbia she who sleeps without awaking; and again the gen- Are prepared to supply, at sliort notice, tle and beautiful Fannie Partridge, who found an Can have tlielr wishes met by calling at the IMPORTER OF MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, TILING FOR VESTIBULES, SIDEWALKS, FOOT- WAYS, AND CURBING IN DIFFERENT COLORS. early grave in a foreign land ' REAL ESTATE AGENCY OF FOUNTAINS, LAWN ORNAMENTS, HOUSE AND All of these wefb once our social starlights, and LAWN STEPS. AND PLATFORMS. Hester Kyou, 627 D street, between Sixth and Seventh, OB. ELIZA FOSTER STILI.MAN, HOUSES FRONTED; CELLAR WALLS AND FLOOR- memories float back over the tide of years, Tom, and ING CEMENTED TO EXCLUDE DAMPNESS: regretfully we turn away and think of the beauties KITCHENS AND AREAS CEMENTED AND MADE No. 110 First street southeast, 1 mar22-tf Washington, D, C. PERFECTLY DRY, who graced society during the • past season. Miss CAPITOL HILL. PRACTICAL and MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN, from 182 And a sure preventative acalnst the Intrusion of rats, Mollie De Ford, a blonde, tall and stately, with an flSfEspeclal and sedulous attention is giyen-by this Insects, &c.,and aTloth^rwork executed ' INSUKAN0E, West Forty-fourth street, New York City, is still at 815 — l'or which Portland Cement eye whose sapphire light will blaze and burn in the firm to soles of all kinds of Real Estate in the eastern 1s adtipted.' hearts of her adorers long after other forms have section of the city. my24-6mo OUR PORTLAND CEMENT G .streets northwest, and will remain ONE MONTH Becomes In a few days superior to any of the marbles or bowed alike, favored and unfavored, before her. She D. F. HAMLINK & CO., natural stone In common use, ah\l Is nu admirable Imi- we recall with pleasure. OEVERAL LARGE AND HANDSOMELY FUR- longer., tation of either marble or stone; Is more durable, and Increases Its crushing existence with age. Its beauty Is Dame Rumor says she has captivated a dashing unquestionable. . i-i Dr. STILLMAN cures both acute and chronic1 diseases Philadelphian, but whether the report is true or nished front second and third-story rooms, with first- GENERAL LIFE AND FIRE IN- C. M. ROBERTS, Manager, otherwise,"Tom, neither you nor any other gossip by LAYING ON OF HANDS. •can decide. We wonder if any of the Jenkins set 486 LOUISIANA AVENITE. ' febl-tf class table board, for rent at the MARSTON HOUSE, SURANCE AGENTS, can solve the fashionable problem. -'Ihey are famil- t i Columbian Bank Noto Company, iar on all society items, and particularly the subject corner Fifteenth and New York avenue. Transien REFERENCES: of Miss De Ford. Take care, we would say to the 90S Pennsylvania avenne, band of brothers, if we were conversing with them boarders accommodated. ap5-tf No. 515 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. instead of our pet gossip, Tom. Dr. II. L. Hoffman, 1718 H street, cured of deafness. WASHINGTON, D. C., When the Jenkins brothers Once retire to give way OR SALE OE EXCHANGE- to some successful rival, it is up-hill work for them F New York Lire Insurance Company of New We are prepared, with every facility, for REAL ESTATE Miss S. N. Bradley, 800 Tenth street, Capitol Hill, of to regain the former place in a coquette's heart. York, Assets over 925,000,000. Tom, if yox only had. the power of sight wouldn't In different parts of the city, including First-class Resi- deafness. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING you enjoy the human curiosities of Baltimore ? We dences; likewise Farms, li} Maryland and Virginia, some of which are highly Improved, and are now being Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Com- BANK NOTES, BONDS AND COMMERCIAL WORK. have plenty of them here and will take great pleas- pany, Assets over 94,OOO,OOO. Mrs. Hebrew, 513 East Capitol street, of fibrous tumor. ure in presenting a few., prepared for spring planting. OF EVERY KIND, &C. What fun to stroll slowly up Charles street and J. C. HAYILAND, Miss Fay, No. 3 Grant Place, of deafness. JOHN G. WELLSTOOD, President. Atlantic Insurance Company of Brooklyn, watch them, bachelors, widowers, young beaux and mar29-tf Real Estate Agent, 505 Ninth street. GEO. T. JONES, Vice President and Treasurer. New York, Assets 9400,000. JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary. all. Mr. Montague is young and does right well for Other references for various diseases can be had by a society man. They never amount to anything else XJIOR RENT. though, and consequently would not be desirable. Black River Insnranco Company, or Water- J. F. ELLIS & CO., Pleasant Furnished Rooms, en suite or single. calling at Dr. STILLMAN'S rooms. Mr. Willie Herbert appears like the shade of Caesar town, New Tork, Assets 9450,000. my3-tf SOLE AOiXTS FOB THX .and haunts society as faithfully as even Brutus was mar22-tf 940 E street northwest. haunted. Do you not know, have you not heard that TO TRAVELERS. CELEBRATED CHICKERING Commercial Union Insurance Company, Alii) his heart and hand are pledged to a lady not in this MISCELLANEOUS. •r London, Capital, 912,500,000 In «old. city? And only think that the girls here have the B ALTIMOKE AND OHIO KAJLROAD. FAMOUS WEBER PIANOS, trouble of him all the time. He can fight more bat- MACKINAW STBAW HATS. AND TUB tles in one evening than General Lee did in former First-Class Solicitors Wanted. jun7-tf SUNDAY, MAY 10, (5 p. m.) FROM WASHINGTON Smith American Organ. years, and always wins them by his own valor. Oh! CITY. Young Mr. Swan is a bird by name and nature, MILAN STKAW HATS. INCORPORATED MARCH 27, 1820. 5:oo a. m., Baltimore and all Way Stations. Pianos and Organs Carefully Tuned and Repaired and we thought a short time ago how jolly Miss K. 8:15 a. m., Point of Rocks and all Way Stations. I 6:45 a. m., Baltimore, Piedmont and all Way Stations. by Skillful Workmen. Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. must have found him, on that moonlight prome- 8:10 a. m., New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and Relay. nade, when he said, " Come out in the moonlight, I 9:00 a. m« Pittsburg, Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, have something to say to you, Kate." Tom, wouldn't CANTON STKAW HATS. FIRE ASSOCIATION 8t. Louis, Columbus, Sandusky, Wheeling and the West. 937 Penn. Avenue, near Tenth St, Rockville, Frederick, Staunton and all Stations on the .1an4-ly , you have to know what that something was ? An Washington County and Valley Branches. Pullman old adage says, " Birds of a feather flock together," cars. Dinner at Cumberland. Supper at Grafton. 8:3(Ui. m., Baltimore, Annapolis and all Way Stations. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, and perhaps some little bird on a convenient tree 2MC A. ZV XXi IK. A. H A. OC S . OF PHILADELPHIA, lorcro a. m., Baltimore and Relay only. may be able to tell us in the future. 12:00 m., Baltimore, EUlcott City and all Way Sta- tions. That notoriety, G-us Williams, ought to be able to Office No. 34 North Firth street. 1:10 p. m., New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Balti- ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER, tell us. He knows everything, Tom, and no wonder, more. Dinner at Relay. . INSURES FROM LOSS BY FIRE BUILDINGS, 3:30 p. m., Baltimore, Laurel, Relay, Frederick, Hagers- since he is seen daily on Charles street staring with town, Winchester and all intermediate Way Stations So. 629 E Street northwest, one floor east of open eyes, and again as night falls he comes forth on FLANGE BRIM STRAW HATS IN ALL QUALITIES west of Relay. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND MERCHAN- 3:45 p. m., Baltimore, Frederick and all Way Stations. Seventh, his nightly raids up and down, gathering in all the 4:oo p. m., Point of Rocks, Frederick, Winchester and bits of gossip, in order to sink to sleep well satisfied DISE GENERALLY. all Way Stations. WASHINGTON, D. C. A Large and Varied Stock of 5:15 p. m., Baltimore, Annapolis and all Way Stations. with himself and his success, knowing how his 6:00 p. m., Philadelphia and Baltimore. Supper at • feb25-tf Madison avenue sweetheart will laugh when he re- Relay. • 6:45 p. m., Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, peats his society news. Girls love a be au gossip; it WILLIAM DICKSON, Agent. Columbus, Sandusky, Wheeling and the West. Pullman saves visiting, you know, Tom, and trouble. cars. Breakfast at Grafton. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS, 7:30 p. m., Baltimore and all Way Stations. Mr. Edward Sheldon, a young bachelor of great 8:45 Pittsburg Express. Pullman cars. popularity in society here, is a gentleman of many 7:00 p. m., Baltimore and Relay. In all the Latest Styles. CAPITAL - - 9500,000 00 10:00 p. in., Baltimore and all Way Stations. attractions and the girls are devoted to him. How SUNDAY TRAINS: nice that is, Tom; only think of a fellow having so ASSETS - 2,001,653 43 8:00 and 8:30 a. m. l:lo, 5:15, 6:00, 8:45 and lo:oo p. m. many nice girls devoted to hira. This cliaiming idea The Dunlap Fifth Avenue Style Dress Cassimerc Eat All trains stop at Viaduct Hotel, Relay House Station. is the result of dancing well, playing well, and flirt- For further information apply at the Baltimore and nvcirvs J 60.» Fifteenth street, Ohio ticket offices, Washington Station, and 485 Pennsyl- H. H. NICHOLS, ing well. 832 L STREET, WASHINGTON, D. C. NOW READY. V* * ini», j aog Four-and-a-half st, vania avenue, where orders will be taken for baggage to HoWnice it would be if the entire set of society be checked and received at any point in the city. flS-Sclentlflc Engraving a specialty. JeV-lmo my 17-tf THOS. R. SHARP, men could all be gifted alike with accomplishments Master of Transportation. and common sense. We should then have some WILLETT &d BOUFF, L. M. COLE. General Ticket Agent. "IF TOU HAVE A OOOD ARTICLE, AD- GERMAN AMERICAN GEO. S. KOONTZ, General Agent. feb 1-tf satisfaction and pride in entering the world. As it 4s, we, instead of hearing conversations of an agreea- 905 PENNSYLVANIA AVENIJE. ALTIMOKE} AND POTOMAC K. K. VERTISE IT." ble nature, find that we must submit to listening to may24-4t- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY B DEPOT, CORNER SIXTH AND B STREETS N. W. remarks upon the fashions and weather, and when EX>~WX1H" jr. SWKSX, those subjects are exhausted our companion pauses, OF THE 1 have It, In Pure, Cold ON AND AFTER MAY 31,1874, TRAINS WILL LEAVE and desperately strokes a sickly moustache in the vain DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS-WASHINGTON hope of calling up some new thought. Oh, Tom, you REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, would see a sad sight if you were not blind. So many Incorporated June 18 TIME< SODA WATER, exquisite women playing to an empty court. 511 SEVENTH STREET, 5:35 a. m., for the North and West,' daily; leaving Sun- day, runs to Harrisburg only. Equal to any other In the world I Pure fruit and cream Our stand-by, Beau J. H. Keen, has played out a Capital Stock - $100,000. Sirups, •which cannot be surpassed. Thirteen tickets 8:oo a. m., for Baltimore and local stations, ddily. Opposite United States Post Office, for $1. Catawba and Hock sirups extra charge. long role of love*making without success. During 9:23 a. m., PULLMAN PARLOR CAR train for Phil- Also, genuine Bay Rum at 80 cents per pint, and su- the winter he bored a blonde widow with his music Office, 630 F STR T N. W. adelphia and New York, daily except Sunday., perior Cologne at $l per pint, at and flowers. We never heard her remark of course Buys and sells Real Estate, lias constantly on hand fine 11:53 a. m.. Fast Line for the West and North, to Wll- JOHN HITZ, President. SIMMS1 Drug Store, that he individually was tiresome, but one can form bargains In Houses and Lots in all parts of the city. liamsport and Lock Haven, dally, except Sunday. G. F. SCHAEFER, Vice President. Corner New York avenue and Fourteenth street. an idea when " looking on in Vienna." 3:40 p. m., for Baltimore, dally, except Sunday. Loans negotiated. Money carefully Invested. C. G. LEDERER, Treasurer. my9l-lm , Society also looked on at that affair and wondered. my24-3m aug3-ly E. L. SCHMIDT, Secretary. 5:50 p. m., for Pittsburg and the West dally. For the Mr. Keen has exquisite taste in dress, Tom, and on North daily except Sunday. one occasion when he~ appeared in his favorite over- GOLDEN CHIME BELLS. GEORGETOWN ADVERTISEMENTS. 5:50 p. m., for Philadelphia, dally except Sunday. W. D. GLENN, coat we thought it would be more becoming if he THE NEW MUSICAL PARLOR AMUSE- 9:08 p. m., for Philadelphia, New York and Boston, would wear it a yard longer. 7om> ^ would look MENT. W. W. H. P.0BINS02T. 8. A. ItOBiySOX. F. V. BOBINSOH'. daily. JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, well flounced. You want to laugh, but why not Invented and Patented by Prof. S. Turney. 9:38 p. m.yfor Baltimore dally, except Sunday. Trains for POPE CREEK LINE leave at 8:00 a. m. on flounce it as well as wear it with a sash and belt ? The most beautiful and Instructive musical Invention of the age. Tunes can be played upon It by one or more Monday, Wednesday an^L Friday, and 3:40 p., m. daily No. 1203*F street, near Twelfth street. When this first appeared we felt how dangerous persons without having any knowledge of music. POTOMAC IRON WORKS, F. "Wlddows, of the Chimes, has been appointed sole except Sunday. * • iiis charms were. Just fancy a man in a long coat agent for the District of Columbia, and will attend at •Trains for ANNAPOLIS leave at 8:00 a. m., and 3:40 with'a belt and sash—pardon the error, Tom, if we Metzerott's music store every afternoon, from 3:30 to 6 ROBINSON

UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS.—Candidates for the DIED. Kendall and King scholarships in the Columbian Uni- THOMPSON.—On Saturday, June 13, at 11 o'clock a. DRY GOODS, ETO. MISCELLANEOUS. THE CAPITAL. versity were examined last week by Trustees Charles m., of consumption, Evallne Thompson, daughter of John H. and Phebe E. Thompson, In the twentieth year B. Young, John W. Hunt and 0(ls F. Mason. The fol- of lier age. lowing were some of the questions: Funeral from the residence of her fattier,-No. 1740 ÏMP0RTAWT TO PURCHASERS SUNDAY MtiSOTG, - - JOTE 14/1874. History.—1. Give an account of the nortlimen in Fourteenth street northwest, on Tuesday the 16th in- stant, at 4 o'clock p. m. The friends of the family are America. .They are popularly known as Yankees and invited. # celebrated for their spirituality and gullabillty. 2. What RECORD OF THE WEEK, Is the first period of American history, and what were BEOKEES, ETO. the claiT18 of BPaln> ^ance and England at Its close ? DRY GOODS». d was when To riffiBNTLY put tip wJHifevl.week'sweather a man The first pinC the Indians put a full stop ta must bc.put tip lu tcCt the settlement ot Z??ÍS9¡F9 }>J Wtlng of otherwise dis- posing of tile ÜTst settlers; ike claims weré Me- THE earlier-stone of the new Ascension church WTÓ Garrahanlsh. a. When and by whom was the acttflft laid Tuesday. settlement of New York begun? Recently,by Billy Having determined to reduce our unusually large Tweed, who nearly settled its financial hash. Give ai stock, we have MASKED DOWN the prices, and In ad- Mu. G^TOim.^ has notified the city railroad rtfin to account of the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Its dition will, on and after MONDAY, JUNE 15, allow» But two horses to the large one-lioAle oafs on the beavt discount of ten per cent, on all CASH SALES. grades. . father being uneertaln and it having no mother, it was adopted by the States, and, like all orphans, has been so The highest price paid for Large assortments of JUDGE (JFCIJFI delivering the opinion TA gtmrai term', badly treated that it lmow in quito a crippled condi- &¡f* °W I»* that alíate« nnlsaucés doe»,Sot alfato Bates' tion. BLACK SILKS, "toap factorj;. ieadintf.—What is good elocution? Holding your Auditors' Certificates* tongue. What Is necessary as a prerequisite to any pos- GRENADINES, A NAVAL commission Is now Inquiring Into tlic Fe- sible excellence of elocution V The thing necessary as a Dooley's Yeast Powder ccnt collision between tho Gettysburg and Lady oí the thing necessary " prerequisite** is to know what you are Is perfectly Pure and Wholesome. Lak4.' •'• 1 ' aí > •'• *{ - MOHAJES, talking about. What is the rulé fbr mixed emotions? Sèwèr Bonds, Ferule. y HE Graphic thinks Butler Is the right man Hi a tight "WHITE GOODS, Dooley's Yeast Powder Physical Geoqpiiiplnj.—Give Uve distinct movements of place, but does not say anything about Grant being a Is put up in Full Weight Cans. tight man In the right place. the ocean. There ty-c twos To swallow things at sea and throw them up «ta »Wore." Define the climate and Improvement Bonds, LTTIEIT SUITINGS, , "MRS. BUEAD of Sullivan county, Illinois, threw her state circumstances that affect It. Deuced hot—mint Dooley's Yeast Powder Makes Elegant Biscuits and Rolls. husband Into a mlllpond because he was too crusty."— Jullps. SUte the definition of .wind and the locality of LAWNS, Exchange. 'Twas Ill-bred. trade-winds. A congressional speech—Ways and Means LACE SHAWLS, LACE JACKETS, Ac., Ac. TUESDAY, Supervising Architect Mullctt received bids committee-room. Mention the chief inflammable min- And all other kind of BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Dooley's Yeast Powder for the new jail. The eight hour men t^re anxious for erals' and the place from whence they are obtained. Makes Delicious Muffins, Griddle Cakes, Corn Bread, &c. the new Jail to receive Mr, Mullctt. Sulphur and saltpeter—the lower regions. SECURITIES. We have not got space to further review the questions Dooley's Yeast Powder TUB Irish Home Rule League hold a meeting at Legis- YATES & MITCHELL, submitted to the ambitious boys, nor to refer to some Makes all ¡Rinds of Dumplings, Pot-pies, Cakes and.' lative hall en the 17th instant. A lady who has suffered whose lndefinlteness of meaning render them curious to Money to loan ón ItEÀL ESTATE In -siims to suit. Pastry, nice, light and healthy. much at the hands of her Biddies wants to know If Irish those outshle the pale of teachershlp. home rule don't mean kitchen supremacy. 817 MARKET SPACE. THE COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY on Wednesday night Dooley's Yeast Powder TIIB President, accompanied by Secretary Kobeson, turned out thirty-live law graduates to swell what the Hn-vennev. Is the best, because perfectly pure. Attorney General Williams, General Babcock and a most classic of English classics calls " a multitude of handful of congenial congressmen, left yesterday for a Ingenious gentlemen who starve one another." Senator SUMM ER DRESS GOODS, Dooley's Yeast Powder brief spree to Cape May. Schurz, who was to have addressed the students, was Is the cheapest, because full -weight.. detained by Illness. His place was taken by Dr. Well- BROKER, 643 LOUISIANA AVENUE, MINISTER BANCROFT will remain In Berlin until the ing, president of the university, and cherished in the arrival of his successor, J, C. Bancroft Davis, who Is his Dooley's Yeast Powder memory of newspaper men as the last of the old Intel- nephew. Mr.B. recently purchased the house of ex- Je7-4t Third door east of Seventh street. Is guaranteed to give satisfaction.* llgencer editorsi he whs did Senator Harlan, and proposes to make tills city his " the tender office long engage home. JOHN SHERMAN, JR. H.D.COOK, JR. Our stock of choice and desirable fabrics for Be sure to ask for To rock the cradle of reposing age." " SENATOR CARPENTER introduced a bill Friday re- The old paper would have liad a melancholy, in addi- Dooley's Yeast Powder commending the adoption of Marston's safety ballot- HERMAN FC CO., BANKERS, and do not be put off with any other kind. box by the Government. It has already been adopted tion to a lingering demise but for the animating effect s* by the District."—Republican. of two closing editorials fronr his pen. One was on the SvisnmAei* An ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure. warrior Senator Logan, after he liad made a speech Dooley's Yeast Powder "Where there Is no ballot there will be no stuffing. very like a character in one of Mrs. Oates' comediettas,' Is put up in Tin Cans of various sizes, suitable for Fam- who is ever and ^non crying " b'lood I b'lood!" The 1 429 F STREET, Is now very large. We are positively selling Black ilies, Boarding Houses, Restaurants, and River, Lake and Ocean Vessels on CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE lias gone down to Kaleigli to other was inspired by a reported interview with the Silks, Black Grenadines, Lawns, Organdies, Linen Suit- short or long voyages. then Vice President Wade, where the statesman an- sit with Judge Bond In the great "tax bond suit" now ings, Traveling Dress Goods, Prints, and many other pending In the United States circuit court. He exclaims nounced with artificial simplicity, that even when the The Market is flooded with Cheap, Inferior Baking second lio nors of the Republic were showered upon Ills United States Bonds, Stocks, Gold, Municipal and Dis- articles . Yeast Powders of light or Short Weight. DOOLEY'S-. with Saint Paul: " Would you were almost and alto- YEAST .POWDER Is warranted full strength and- falli unwilling head, the book that most dellglitedhls leisure gether as I am—except these bonds." trict of Columbia Securities bought and sold. weight. hours was "Mother Goose's Melodies." For genuine AT LOWER PRICES Sold at wholesale and retail, generally throughout the~ United States, by dealers In Groceries and Family .r WHAT the philosophers would call active negative is humor, exquisite satire, and serious - reflection, they Supplies. happily illustrated by the school-boy's late composi- excel all editorial efforts wc have ever read—outside Exchange on England and the continent—our drafts tion on pins: "Pins aro very useful. They have saved THE CAPITAL. Apropos, we understand that Dr. Well- Than we have known for fifteen years. the lives of many men, women and children, In fact lug has been for some years engaged In editing the "Life cashed free of charge. whole families." "How sol"' said the schoolmaster, and Times of JameB Buchanan," for which Mr. Bu- "Why by their not swallowing them." chanan made a provision In hiB will. Mr. Reed of Collections made on all points. jel4-3 mo JOSEPH J. MAY, Philadelphia was first chosen to edit the biography, TIIE REPORT of the city registrar of Charleston, S.C., but the task, fortunately, fell Into the hands of Mr. WILLIAM BURNS. lt. W. TYLER 939 Pennsylvania avenue. shows the rate of mortality among the colored popula- Welling.. A work of great Interest and ability may be tion twice as great as that among the whites. The tax- looked for. No ephemeral historical romance, but such payers of that afflicted State console themselves with BURNS & TYLER, marl-ly a book as, according to Lord Bacon, " may live and WORTH OF DRY GOODS the reflection that— becomc a citizen of tlic world." «ENEBAL INSURANCE AGENTS, $50,000 " Time at last makes all thlugs even." WM. MA8SEY «&. CO'S OFFICE, 638 F STREET, NEAR SEVENTH, N. W., IT IS characteristic of negroes convicted of murder AT COST. IT APPEARS that General Butler was the father of the and sentenced to be hanged to look upon the gallows as WASHINGTON, D, C.. bill that exempted church property In the D1 strict from a stepping-stone heavenward; but Edward Browai, exe- taxation. Works without faith will save no sinner, Represents the folfowlng'compatiles :- 1 cuted last Friday at Culpepper, Virginia, for the brutal especially when Indulged in at ptlier people's expense. FIRE. We shall,from tills date, and continue to August 1st, CELEBRATED inurdsrof a young farmer named Dlrkln, roduced tho We do notjsee anything In law, morals or religion that IMPERIAL of London, (organized In IMI,) assets— question of Ills salvation to a very fine point by assuring gold. $10,ooe,oso. to Justifies this exemption, but Bishop Butler may have his large audience that he was confident of teaching _ GERMAN AMERICAN, New YOrk, assets. 81,650.801. an analogy somewhere for It. AMERICAN, Philadelphia, (organized 1810,) assets, SELL OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK heaven by Saturday night at the farthest." It really $1.100,000. THE readers of newspapers' may have noticed the seems that the answer to the Important Interrogatory, AMAZON, Cincinnati, assets, 41,070,280. of DRY GOODS at cost, to dissolve partnership. PHILADELPHIA ALE, PORTER AND name of " Tom Collins " as having some prominence In " What shall I do to be saved ?" has, In the mind of the LIFE. local columns. " Tom Collins" is the Imaginary hero man and brother, resolved Itself Into this simplicity: MUTUAL BENEFIT of New Jersey, assets, $29,000,000. GREAT BARGAINS Special attention given to the care of property be- of a praétlcal Joke. A practical Joke Is always the es- Kill a man aud get religion in jail. We have not hung longing to non-residents or persons leaving the city. BROWN STOUT sence of ldiotcy. This one out Herods Herod, and is many in the District, but those few have exhibited Jel4-ly will be offered, as the stòck must he sold. either a callousness Inhuman, as in the case of Tom confined to the hopeless and witless youths who drink JOHNSON A COLLET, In restaurants at other people's expense. Wright, or an Intensity of religious fervor which Sir Isaac Newton could not understand and Milton could O R S 'ALE. ' ill' Market Space. OARRTINO THE WAR 'INTO AFRICA.—While Police- not imagine, though the one was mathematically aud F ,1eH-2t man Roderick was a sleep a thief took his uniform, the other poetically as pious as philosopher or bard In Casks and Bottles. badge, baton, whistle, fire-alarm key and other para- could be. GROCERIES. ETO. phernalia, besides his watch, pocketbook and plug of For family use, Massey's Ale, Porter and Brown Stout - tobacco. It is expected that Congress will pass a bill THE RESOLUTIONS of the District Republican com- ATTENTION! INVALIDS and those who are troubled with loss of -for his relief. mute® certifying that Judge Wilson Is still within the appetite or general debility will find it beneficial to use party pale were offered by one Green, and adopted by a strengthening beverage and blood-producing stimu- can be purchased of dealers throughout the District at . A SHOUT BUT EFFECTIVE ENGAGEMENT Brown twelve other negroes, all prominent and influential at lant at this season of the year. Austin, captain of a canal boat, met Mary Cunning- BEAUTIFUL SURBURBAN HOME, ON GEOUG-E- local elections in times by-gone. The Chronicle says ENGLISH ALE, SCOTCH ALE, LONDON from $1.20 to $1.50 per dozen pliit bottles, or from 'the: ham, an Alexandria widow, last Monday afternoon, " they were adopted by thirteen colored men, none of . TOWN HEIGHTS, AT A SACRIFICE, BROWN STOUT, genuine, imported in bottles, sold courted her Monday night, married her Tuesday morn- whom exercise a penny's worth of Influence lu any cor- at $2.50 per dozen. ing, and they arc now keeping house somewhere be- Agent. ner or alley in the city," it being understood that some BITTERS, BOKER'S, ANGOSTURA, HOSTET- tween here and Cumberland, In the caboose of the Influence In a " corner or alley" is prerequisite to a "Commanding the most beautiful view of Washington, TER'S, STOUGHTON PLANTATION, GAUTIER'S groom's palace of the waters. Alexandria, surrounding towns and country; only 15 MORNING STAR, recommended for those troubled District Republican or politician. The Star also lays 1 with indigestion. uncomplimentary emphasis on the race and color of minutes drive from United States Treasury, aud 10 OVER two hundred thousand ladles, unmarried and minutes' walk to horse cars in Georgetown. without any reasonable liópos of getting married, are the resolvers. Tho reflection must be trying to Colonel LEMON SUGAR, an excellent article for making FORTY-FOUR ACRES OF LAND, improved by an Lemonade. reported to pass a lop-sided and disconsolate existence Carson and the others, but In the pathetic language of Samuel C. Palmer., Montgomery: elegant three-story mansion, with gas and water; large in Massachusetts. We never saw any resemblance be- and commodious stables and barns, built in Gothic CLARET.—We have a large stock of CLARETS in tween this state and heaven before, but now rccognlze wine vaults which- we offer at very reasonable figures. "Friend after friend departs— style, with extensive granite foundations, and base- We imported early in the season very largely of various 57 Greene Street, one point In oominou»Yix: "They neither marry nor Who has not lost a friend ?" ment fitted up for accommodation of cattle, swine, &c.; grades, and now are able to offer CLARET for $3.50 per are firing in marriage," in either place. dozen, usually sold for $4.50. THE Judge Advocate General, tlic learned Holt, de- a superior ice-house; also, hen-house, seed-rooms, wash mh29-ly GEORGETOWN, D. C. THE TWENTY-FIRST of this w.nth will complete the cided some time ago that soldiers were not subject to house, and gardener's cottage, the latter nearly new, CLARET from the well-known house of Brandenberg twenty-eighth anniversary of the pontificate of Pope - and situated in a grove of beautiful trees. The land is Freres, Bordeaux. We have had transactions with this arrest by civil authorities, at least in Utah, and Colonel house during the last eight years, importing our QARRIAGES ! CARRIAGES ! CAR- Plus IX. The twenty-fifth, It will be recollected, was Morrow was so Informed. Friday's dispatches an- fertile, with about one-third in magnificent forest and CLARET WINES and OLIVE OIL direct. CLARET ornamental trees; also, a great variety of choice fruit- celebrated by all good Catholics of this city. His holi- nounce the arrest of a soldier for disorderly conduct by usually sold for $8 per dozen we offer for $6.50. RIAGES ft ness has got á head of St. Peter three years on the length trees, in full bearing. Almost the entire place, is set the civil authorities, Just as we would arrest a drunken "WE GUARANTEE all CLARET sold by us to be of their respective reigns. It would be something to marine here. Colonel Morrow demanded his surrender with a luxuriant growth of grass, Including about eight PURE. Any Wine purchased from us, if not satisfac- In Stock and constantly finishing up a fine assort— acres of the finest clover !in the District of Columbia. boast of If St. Peter hadn't have retired from Rome for to the military authorities ; this was refused, and the tory, can be returned and the money will be refunded. ment of first-class Carriages. Poney Phaetons of every-- the purpose of going to heaven. A charming stream of cold spring water runs through colonel ordered tlic jail to be broken open and the sol- 300 DOZEN CLARET, price $3.50 per'dozen. dier taken out. We hope the time is not far distant the entire length of the property, which is crossed by description on hand. Also, a number of Second-hands MISS ANNIE MCGOWAN of the Treasury Department when the soldier will be instructed that the civil law is the main avenue leading to the mansion, over a bridge 300 DOZEN CLARET, price $3.50 per dozen. Carriages. of granite of beautiful design. A large spring of deli- beat Mrs. A. Shilling with a strap last week and was the higher law, that the Civilian Is never merged in the Repairing promptly attended to. fined fifty dollars. High for the privilege of disfiguring soldier except In time of actual war, and that the crimi- cious water, near the fiulumlt of a bluff, supplies the 500 DOZEN CLARET, high grade, $6.50 per dozen. • shilling; but as Judge Wylle told Blnckley when he stable and every principal room of the residence. -There ROBT. H. GRAHAM, nal eode of the army is a corollary to that of the coun- ' 500 DOZEN CLARET,t choicest quality, $«.50 per fined hi in for assaulting Delano, " If gentlemen will In- try, and that the punishments are cumulative. is a very extensive and valuable stone quarry on the dozen; 410 and 414 Eighth stfeet, between D and E sts. place, with large depositsoapstoije of superior qual- dulge In these luxuries they must pay for them." It myl7-8in Hives us pleasure to hand tills witticism down to pos- A MAN named Martlnottl, who married a Miss Logue ity. terity as being the only one ever conceived by the judi- of this city, without waiting for Judge Humphreys to Taken as a whole, this Is the most desirable property G. G. CORNWELL & SONS, 1 Try The Kate, cial mind and ever delivered by the* Judicial lips of the divorce or Harvey & Co. to bury his first wlft, married in the country; can be advantageously subdivided into Judicial person lu question. By the bye, in the case of another In Baltimore. Such conduct Is apt to make four beautiful villa sites, not including present man- FINE GROCERS, the Thomas cowhiding, old Suellfungus fined the cow- three people viery unhappy, and should not be indulged sion, with about ten acres of ground. Upon the Com- The finest and best flavored cigar to be had in this-; hldcr onfc dollar. We'd like to know why it Is fifty in habitually. Mr. M. is in durance vile. pletion of the proposed extension of Massachusetts 1418 Pennsylvania avenue, country, manufactured of genuine Vuelta Abajo and*. times more offensive to be a female strapper than a avenue (of Washington city,) this estate will,, be worth OF ninety-seven candidates for West Point Academy, male cowhlder f But the ways of Suellfungus are piist $200,000. it Is now offered at the exceedingly low sum of Connecticut leaf tobaccos; sold at all the principle* thirty-two passed the examination for intellectual Opposite Wlllard's Hotel. finding out. $60,000, upon terms of part cash, balance five years' time; qualification, ninety-five the physical test. Quite an or will exchange in part for Washington, Philadelphia, hotels and restaurants in this city. excess of muscle over brain. FALL'S CHURCH VILLAGE, unlikefrther Virginia vil- New York, Pittsburg or Chicago property. For further lages, has, since Its rise and progress, been exempt from Manufactured by THERE is a new picture at Corcoran's Art Gallery, by particulars apply to •that usual accompaniment of civilization, a drinking CATAWBA WINE. saloon. A speculative genius discovered that this con- Mr. Thomas Moran, called the "Chasm of Colorado." IV H. FINXEY, It Is said that Mr. Evarts of New York Is engaged on a dition of primitive virtue afforded a field for profit, and HUYCK & ADDISON, CATAWBA WINE. jel4-3mos 915 Pennsylvania Avenue. historical painting called the "Hole in the Sky." Mr. so ordered a barrel of whisky, through the head of which Real Estate Brokers, Boutwell stops up the hole. " Imperial Cassar," Ac. ALBERT BISCUIT, fresh Invoice just received. • reformer put the heel df Ills boot. Another uttempt No. 1401 New York avenue, corner Fourteenth street proved more successful, and cxclting meetings are be- FISH, all kinds, In salt. ing held to secure the overthrow of the sew institution. northwest. Allison Nailor. Jr., Or address P. O. Box 120. * jeI4-tf HAVANA CIGARS, none but genuine. •THE DISTRICT government bill, In view of the exten- sive Improvements already completed under a special tax system, may seem Inequitable in not making such a 6. G. CORN WELL & SONS, provision for future changes of surface and grade; the rise of from two to three per cent, on the rate of general STABLES, FINK GROCERS. taxation also meets with opposition; but when we re- ^©"Wlnes, Liquors and general Groceries packed for 316 XintJi Street W. W flect on the advance of our securities, the strength shipment by rail. mari-emo Jel4-tf which Congressional action has already given to the financial pulse of the District, these objections become 1330, 133D, 1334, and 1336 E street jr. W., insignificant. NEW STORE. WASHINGTON TAILOR SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPH*?,. MR. CHASE'S life will be the death of Mr. R. B. War- den. Anticipatory crltlolsms from newspapers have Opposite National Theater and Willard'!, changed the contemplative biographer into a nervous AND % letter writer. Saturday's Republican has an epitaph from him responsive to some classlo sentences in the ROOMS, 430 G STREET NORTHWEST. Hotel. New York World, whereby Mr. Warden is abused iff FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, B. F. MORSELL, what might he called elegant English, to which he r£ jel4-tf* piles In "language that's plain"—very plain—for he calls the writer a "scribbler" and a 11 mere liar." A CORNER SEVENTH AND E STREET. A Branch of the above at'the DEALER IN AT C O ST. d—n liar Is familiar to* the ear and vulgar, but" a mere je 14-lm liar" Is a new tcrm; having an awful slgnlfieatlon, - plMnly indicating tha't, in the language of Bob Acres: " Dammes have had their day." Stockton Hotel, Cape May, N. J. FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, E QREE LECTURE ON ART GROCERS,WINES ¿LIQUORS IN THE Sibley tent of the second adventlsts, last Sun- OF day, Dr. John Bray preached an expository sermon on SPICES, FRUITS, CONDIMEIiXS,: the text, "And Balaam's ass opened his mouth and SPEAKING FRENCH FLUENTLY. brayed." There was a discussion at the same place on I desire particularly to-Inform [my friends and the GREAT BARGAINS. Monday night between Elder G. A. Brown and Rev. J. public generally, who have so kindly and generously In order to accommodate all WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS, &CÍ, W. Hunnlcutt ontjie question, "Does the Bible teach patronized me, that I take ONLY MY SURPLUS STOCK PROFESSOR ETIENNE LAMBERT S. H. BACON is selling at cost, to close business, at 708% tho immortality of the soul V» Judge S. D. Williamson, to Cape May for the summer season, and having largely Market Space. All goods not sold by the last of June^. a member of the bar, signer of land warrants for the Will repeat his lecture, with practical elucidations, on will be sold at auction. I shall then consolidate my President, local Methodist preacher, etc., etc., presided, Increased my stock, can assure them that my stables FRENCH SOUNDS AND IDIOMS, business with S, BACON & CO., Groceries, Pennsylvania ... ,No. 529 Federal Block, cor. 7th and F streets, and daring the heated debate drank up.aU the lee water, here will contain as fine a lot of Horses, Buggies, Phae- avenue, corner Seventh street. MONDAY, at 6 p. m., at Marinl's Hall, E street, between which not only disgusted the contestants, but hastened tons, and Carriages for hire as any stable in the city of the end of the controversy. Ninth and Tenth streets. FIXTURES, HERRING'S SAFE, FAIRBANKS Washington. JeH-lmo Lecture free. Ladles especially invited. it* Washington, D. C. SCALES, &c. It,.