POLISH AMERICAN Dyngus AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY OFFICES Day Directory EaSTER MONday EVENTS JOURNALDEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE IN BUFFalO, ClEVElaNd, PhIladElPhIa, aNd ESTABLISHED 1911 APRIL 2018 • VOL. 107, NO. 4 • $2.25 www.polamjournal.com PhOENIx. PagES 21 aNd 22 shaRinG oUR Polish Paschal VocaBUlaRY • statUe of st. John PaUl ii MUst MoVe • PUlasKi DaY at the PMa Meet Rosie fRanKoWsKi: PYeonGchanG olYMPian • loVe to sinG? Join the Psaa • stoch BRinGs hoMe MeDals BiRthPlace of the MoDeRn aMeRican DYnGUs DaY • censUs RecoRDs: a snaPshot of the Past • the PeRfect BaG Newsmark DO NOT BE AFRAID; dUda TO VISIT UN, aMERICaN POlONIa. Andrzej Duda will attend the United Nations session in May. While YOU ARE SEEKING in the United States, the Polish president plans to meet the Polish community “so as to underscore the diaspora’s links with their ancestral Poland and to emphasize its contribu- JESUS THE tion to Poland’s independence,” said spokesman, Krzysz- tof Łapiński, referring to the independence gained after more than 120 years of foreign rule. NAZARENE, It is not known at this time whether or not President Duda will meet with President Trump during the visit. WHO WAS CRUCIFIED;

a BOOM IN INTERNaTIONal STUdENTS. At a time when the international student fl uctuation is unsteady and some of the top destination countries are suff ering signifi - cant drops, Poland is becoming an attractive destination. HE HAS During 2016/17, 65,793 foreign students were enrolled in Poland universities, 8,674 or 13% more than the previ- ous year. Since 2000/2001 the number of international stu- dents increased beyond all expectations, starting at 6,563 RISEN ; in 2000/2001 and reaching 65,793 in 2016/17. Education experts think that Poland’s high attractive- HE IS NOT HERE; ness is related to the post-Brexit situation in international education. As of 2016/2017, the UK’s universities have BEHOLD THE PLACE witnessed signifi cant drops in international student appli- cations, because of political changes there. Now a huge portion of those students is looking at other options, with WHERE HE WAS LAID. Poland being one of them. Mark 16:6 PIaSa CallS FOR PROPOSalS. The Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences of America (PIASA) invites presentation Kaptur Becomes Longest- Orchard Lake Schools to proposals for its 76th Annual Conference to be held jointly with the Harriman Institute, Columbia University in New Serving Woman in House Honor Ambassador Wilczek York City, June 8-9, 2018. WASHINGTON, D.C.— a reception hosted by House ORCHARD LAKE, Mich. award recognizes the re- Proposals are solicited for complete sessions or indi- Lawmakers from both par- Minority Leader Nancy Pe- — Since 1949, members of cipient for fi delity in serving vidual papers in any of the disciplines in the liberal arts, ties gathered losi in honor the Orchard God, country, sciences, or business/economics. Sessions including pre- March 14 to of Kaptur and Lake Schools and the Or- senters from more than one nation are encouraged. Each honor Demo- Women’s His- have awarded chard Lake session is scheduled for 90 minutes to accommodate three/ cratic Rep. tory Month. the Fidelitas Schools. four papers (20 minutes each). The conference language is Marcy Kaptur Kaptur was Medal to an This year, English. Acceptable conference papers will be submitted of Ohio’s 9th fi rst elected individual or the Orchard for possible publication in The Polish Review subsequent District as she in 1982, and group who Lake Schools to the conference. shattered the has served 18 embodies the a n n o u n c e s To submit a paper or complete session, please send the record for the terms under religious and Professor Pi- name, e-mail address, institutional affi liation, a tentative longest-serv- six presidents. cultural ideals otr Wilczek, paper title and brief abstract for all presenters to the chair ing woman in After 35 of our found- Ambassador of the program committee at [email protected]. the history of years, two ing father, of the Repub- The deadline for proposals is April 15, 2018. All partici- the House of months and Rev. Józef lic of Poland pants are expected to pay the conference registration fee. Representa- 15 days, Dąbrowski, in the United tives. Kaptur surpassed the record a Polish missionary priest, States and the Common- 2018 PaShOF INdUCTEES. Former All-Pro football “I’ve served with at least set by the late Rep. Edith who established the original wealth of the Bahamas, as the guard Conrad Dobler, gold medal winning swimmer Ra- half of the women who have educational institution in De- chel Komisarz-Baugh, former basketball player and cur- ever served,” Kaptur said at See “Kaptur,” page 3 troit in 1885. The prestigious See “Wilczek,” page 3 rent University of Utah coach Larry Krystkowiak, and national golf long drive champion Evan “Big Cat” Wil- liams have been elected into the National Polish-American Sports Hall of Fame for 2018. Polish Children’s Heartline Aims to Top Last Year’s Donations The 46th Annual Induction Banquet will be Thurs., June CLARK, N.J. — drzej Gryzb, head of 21, 2018, at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy, 2017 was a very exciting pediatric surgery at The Michigan. Details about the inductees and the banquet will year for the Polish Chil- Regional Hospital in Su- be in next month’s Polish American Journal. dren’s Heartline (PCH), walki at a cost of $4,500. starting off in January “We also purchased PROTECTINg aNIMal RIghTS. More stringent laws with a tremendous gift 10 beds with mattresses against animal abuse are favored by 84% of Poles. The of $65,000 from the es- for $5,000, a double sy- country’s Parliament recently passed a bill on animal wel- tate of a former mem- ringe pump for $1,000, fare. A new bill proposed by Poland’s ruling Law and Jus- ber in Florida. PCH and an orthopedic drill tice Party raises the maximum prison term for abusing and also accepted a second for $11,000 for this same killing animals from two to three years, and raises to fi ve donation in October of hospital, for a total do- years the maximum sentence for cruelty to animals. Also $20,000 from the estate nation of $21,500,” said introduced is a life ban on keeping animals to those con- of another member in Cramer. “Then in Feb- victed of cruelty, a ban on chaining dogs, an outlawing of Queens, N.Y. Through- ruary, we purchased a fur farms, and the use of animals in circuses. out the year, it has also Harmonic Generator for received many donations $17,400 for Dr. Wojciech A public opinion poll revealed that forty-nine percent Doctors and nurses at Suwalki, Poland’s Regional Hospital express their both large and small. Debek, head of the Chil- of the respondents supported a ban on using animals in gratitude for donations used to help children with respiratory failure. circuses, while thirty-nine percent opposed the ban, feel- “Each and every do- dren’s Surgery Clinic at ing that animals are treated well in circuses. Only eleven nation is appreciated and helps us pur- Doreen Patras Cramer. The University of Med- percent of respondents opposed all changes. chase much needed equipment for our In January, PCH purchased three children in Poland,” said PCH President Philips Cardiac Monitors, for Dr. An- See “PCH Sets Goal,” page 12 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 Almanac CUSTOM Follow us on Facebook,  and on the web, too, at:  POLISH Weso³ego Alleluja! www.polamjournal.com Weso³ego Alleluja! Q CERAMICS April Kwiecieñ POLISH AMERICAN Handmade. Inexpensive. WALLY Ucz siê ucz, bo nauka CITIZENS CLUB Pick a Polish phrase. PIATEK to do potêgi klucz. Or design your own. Keep learning because Camden County, N.J. knowledge is the key to power.  www.magicmoonpottery.com Berlin, New Jersey Use coupon code POLSKA  1 EASTER SUNdAY Wielkanoc, the most impor- for free domestic shipping. tant celebration in the Catholic calendar, commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1938. Territorial changes of Pol- He is Risen! ish Voivodeships Alleluja! Nie lękajcie się! 2 EASTER MONdAY / dYNGUS dAY Wesołego Lany Poniedziałek is cel- FR. WalTER J. ebrated with an old folk custom called œmigus-dyngus in which RaKOCzy Alleluja! boys try to catch girls off guard and drench them with water. 146 RIVIERA DR. REV. JaMES J. Schools and workplaces have MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360 the day off in Poland. (219) 406-4345 MESzaROS 2005. Death of Saint John Paul II, born Karol Wojtyla. 3 1679. English astronomer, geo- St. Josaphat’s physicist, mathematician, me- R.C. Church teorologist, and physicist Ed- 3422 210th St. mund Halley (Halley’s Comet) Bayside, NY 11361 met Johannes Hevelius (Jan (718) 229-1663 Heweliusz) in Danzig. Hevelius Chrystus was councillor and mayor of Danzig (Gdañsk), then part of zmartwychwsta³! the Polish-Lithuanian Com- monwealth. As an astronomer, Prawdziwie he gained a reputation as “the founder of lunar topography,” zmartwychwsta³! and described ten new constel- lations, seven of which are still recognized by astronomers. 4 1794. Polish forces under Ta- deusz Kosciuszko are victori- FRIARS and STAFF of the ous in the battle of Raclawice. 6 1939. Great Britain and Poland FATHER JUSTIN ROSARY HOUR signed a military pact. 7 1884. Birth of Polish ethnogra- P.O. Box 454 Athol Springs, NY 14010 Easter pher and anthropologist Broni- www.rosaryhour.net slaw Malinowski (d. 1942). Blessings 1890. Birth of painter Adam Styka (d. Sept. 23, 1959). to All 8 1858. Birth of panorama painter Jan Styka (d. April 11, 1925). Little Servant Sisters 1525. Signing of the Treaty of Kraków, offi cially ending the of the Immaculate Conception Polish–Teutonic War. Our federation has some 3,500 members with religious houses in 9 1241. Death of Henryk II the Europe, Africa, North and South America, and Asia. Pious in the Battle of Liegnitz, Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Conception a battle between the Mongol Empire and a defending force of 1000 Cropwell Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003 Poles, Moravians, and Germans. tel. (856)424-1962 • [email protected] • www.lsic.us/ 11 2010. A plane carrying a contin- gent of Polish leaders, includ- ing President Lech Kaczynski, crashes out Smolensk, Russia. 12 1943. The Nazi regime announc- es that the bodies of 4,150 Polish offi cers, bound and shot in the REV. CANON PHILIP S. MAJKA back of their heads, has been Catholic Chaplain, Washington Dulles Airport discovered in a mass grave in Duszpasterz Washington, D.C. the Katyn Forest, USSR. 4597 Ravensworth Rd., # 5, Annandale, VA 22003 13 1909. Birth of Stanislaw Ulan, Call (703) 403-3723 Polish American mathematician who assisted in the develop- ment of the hydrogen bomb. 14 966. Baptism of Poland. Happy Easter to my Polish Friends 16 1935. Birth of Polish American singer Bobby Vinton. and God Bless the Polish American Journal 18 1518, Bona Sforza (1494-1558) was crowned Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of in Wawel Cathedral, Krakow. 19 1943. Warsaw Ghetto Upris- ing begins. 20 1919. Polish Army captured Vilno (Vilnius), Lithuania from Soviet Army. 23 ST. AdALBERT 25 1333. Casimir the Great crowned King of Poland. 26 1919. Death of Norwid Cybul- ski (v. Cybelski) (b. 1854), dis- coverer of adrenaline. 28 1939. Hitler claims the Ger- man-Polish non-attack treaty to be still in eff ect. 29 1863. Birth of Maria Teresa Ledochowski, foundress of the Sisters of St. Peter Claver, an order dedicated to missionary work in Africa. 30 1309. Birth of Kazimierz III, King of Poland (1333-70).

This paper mailed on or before March 27, 2018. CRICKLEWOOD, LLC The May 2018 edition will EUGENIUSZ J. TRELA • 440 2565024 be mailed on or before 9418 BOOTH ROAD • KIRTLAND, OH 44094 May 1, 2018 POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 3

Easter Message POLISH AMERICAN Alleluja, Jesus is Alive! JOURNAL by Fr. Leszek Smoliński personal relationship with Jesus. By accepting Many of us are familiar with the experience of Christ, we accept a new life, a life in which both people who, after a serious accident, have experi- Dedicated to the Promotion This joyous cry portends to the whole world passion and death can happen. And then the Res- enced recovery. Some say they feel as if they are and Continuance of the most important truth of Christianity: after urrection, when Christ comes to the disciples, born again, that they have received the gift of a Polish American Culture suffering and death, after the pain and- uncer talks with them, eats and drinks them. He walks new life from God. They received new hope. He Established 1911 tainty of tomorrow, the Resurrection took place. on the waves, disappears, and passes through the saw the sign of Christian hope in the egg of St. IGNATIUS HAJDUK • Founder 1911-1920 With faith, today we are standing in front of Augustine, who wrote: “Hope, in my opinion JOHN DENDE • Publisher 1920-1944 an empty grave, from which a joyous mes- We need faith that Christ is resurrected. can be compared to the egg. For hope has not HENRY J. DENDE • Publisher 1944-1983 sage flows: He is not here because He has Faith, which is not based on statistical data, reached its goal; likewise the egg is some- USPS 437-220 / ISSN 0032-2792 risen, as He announced. The center of our but on a personal relationship with Jesus. thing, but it is not yet the chicken.” Published monthly in four editions Easter joy is Christ, “the winner of death, hell Hope, according to the famous Catholic (Buffalo, Polish Beneficial Association, and Satan.” From the tomb of Jesus, in whom the door. All this is so strange, it is hard to imagine writer and bishop, causes us not to care for the National, and Digital editions) by: nobles of this world have closed Him, the Gospel how it was perceived by those who saw it. Some present, but to expect future things. PANAGRAPHICS, INC. of life, joy and hope is spreading throughout the were scared, thinking they saw a ghost. Meeting with the risen Jesus transformed the P.O. BOX 271 world. The Resurrected shows that life on earth The sign of “new life” is an egg. In Christian disciples and whole generations of Christians N. BOSTON, NY 14110-0271 (800) 422-1275 is a preparation for eternal happiness. symbolism, the egg was from the beginning as- into God’s witnesses. The mystery of the empty (716) 312-8088 It is often the case that such an extraordinary sociated with Easter, it referred to the fact of the tomb seems to confirm that the love of Christ al- [email protected] and unique event as the Paschal Holidays leaves Lord’s Resurrection. As a new hatchling hatches ways brings victory over death, over selfishness, www.polamjournal.com almost no trace in us. The Christmas mood goes from under the eggshell, the resurrected Christ sin and all enslavements. out so fast. We repeat the usual words: “holy hol- after three days victoriously emerges from the Alleluja, Jesus is alive! PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, idays and after holidays.” It is also puzzling that grave. In the past, the egg symbolized the Old N.Y. AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY OFFICES if the Church did not require confession, then and New Testaments, so the Old and New God’s Fr. Leszek Smoliński is the author of many POSTMASTER: Covenant with people. The shell of an egg, which best-selling religious, prayer, and scientific pub- Send address changes to: probably many Catholics would not be refreshed. POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL The only visible trace would be washed windows is usually rejected after being broken as useless, lications. He emphasizes the faithful have the P.O. BOX 198 and washed curtains. meant the Old Testament, while the egg yolk — right to communicate everything that can bring BOWMANSVILLE, NY 14026-0198 We need faith that Christ is resurrected. Faith, the nucleus of new life — depicted the New Cov- them closer to God and deepen their faith. Editor in Chief Mark A. Kohan which is not based on statistical data, but on a enant. [email protected] Associate Editors Benjamin Fiore, S.J., Mary E. Lanham, Michael Pietruszka, Jennifer Editor’s Desk Pijanowski, Stas Kmiec, Thomas Tarapacki Wilczek Contributing Editors John J. Bukowczyk, Thad Cooke, Mirek Denisiewicz, John Grondelski, continued from cover and cultural affairs within the United Sophie Hodorowicz-Knab, Steve Litwin, James States as they affect Poland, Europe Serdeczne Dzięki Pula, John Radzilowski 71st Fidelitas Medal recipient in and the trans-Atlantic alliance. Prior BUREAUS. Chicago Geraldine Balut Coleman, The Polish American Journal tion and share the Good News of Minneapolis Mark Dillon; Toledo Margaret recognition of his scholarly achieve- to his appointment to Ambassador, thanks its advertisers, sponsors, and His teachings by sharing this edition Zotkiewicz-Dramczyk; Warsaw Robert Strybel; ments and support of the Orchard he served as Poland’s representa- Washington Richard Poremski donors, who made this Easter paper of PAJ with family and friends. For Columnists Mary Ann Marko, Regina McIntyre, Lake Schools and Polonia in the tive (and President of the affiliate possible. As you know, we count on new subscribers who are receiving Ed Poniewaz, Stephen Szabados, Greg Witul, United States. He will be recognized in Warsaw) of the New York-based John Ziobrowski monies raised from this edition, as the PAJ for the first time, please note at the annual Ambassadors Ball, Kosciuszko Foundation, a nonprofit Newsclippers John Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. well as the Polish Heritage Month, the March edition was packed with Jacob Dvornicky, Henry J. Kensicki, Walter Sat., April 21, 2018 at the Townsend that cultivates the educational, cul- and Christmas editions, to keep the Easter recipes and accounts of the Piatek, John Yesh Hotel in Birmingham, Mich. tural, and artistic collaboration be- Agents Robert Czubakowski paper going. Polish traditions. To ensure these Wilczek was born on April 26, tween the United States and Poland. Proofreader Larry Trojak Because Easter is the first week- customs are not lost, we have pub- Circulation Manager Kathy Bruno 1962 in Chorzów, Poland. He is rec- On October 21, 2016, Wilczek end of April this year, some of you lished them in our On-line Library Advertising Kathy Bruno ognized throughout the world as a was nominated to serve as the Am- may receive your copy after the at www.polamjournal.com. Follow prolific literary scholar, intellectual bassador by the President of the Re- To Advertise in the PAJ Call Easter holiday. Easter does not end the links to from the main page to historian, writer and translator, and public of Poland. Since arriving in 1 (800) 422-1275 until Pentecost Sunday, which is the On-line Library to the Holidays Regular rate: received the title of Professor of the Washington, D.C., he has shown a fifty days after Easter Sunday (May page. $12.50 per column inch Humanities from the President of special interest in the well-being of 20 this year). In the spirit of our Pol- Again, thank you, and niech was Non-profit rate: the Republic of Poland. the Orchard Lake Schools. “There $10.00 per column inch ish ancestors, we urge you continue Bóg błogosławi. All the best for a Wilczek draws upon his schol- is hardly a more important institu- The Polish American Journal does not as- to celebration of Christ’s Resurrec- most blessed Easter. arly experiences to demonstrate the tion in Polonia than the Ss. Cyril sume responsibility for advertisements beyond the cost of the advertisement itself. We are value of his interdisciplinary ap- & Methodius Seminary at Orchard responsible only for the first incorrect insertion proach to cultural diplomacy. Lake,” said Wilczek, upon welcom- of an advertisement. Advertisers are advised to Wilczek joined Foreign Ser- ing Fr. Król as the new Chancellor. Alleluja! Alleluja! Chrystus zmartwychwstał! check their advertisement immediately upon publication and report at once any errors. vice in numerous capacities. As a “Priests educated at Orchard Lake May the Risen Christ renew our faith and Claims for error adjustment must be made im- member of the Warsaw-based non- have contributed over the years mediately after an advertisement is published. partisan American Study Group at to Polish-American communities fill our hearts with love for all mankind SUBSCRIPTIONS the Polish Institute of International throughout the United States, cul- Happy Easter! Wesołego Alleluja! tivating Polish language, customs, Regular First Affairs, he helps bring experts, jour- Mail Class nalists and academic professionals traditions and faith.” American Association of Friends UNITED STATES together to collaborate on political 1-year $25.00 $40.00 of Kościuszko at West Point, Inc. 2-year $45.00 $77.00 Frances X. Gates, Executive Vice-President FOREIGN Kaptur 1-year $35.00 $50.00 2-year $55.00 $94.00 continued from cover Maryland Republican, called Kap- 2018 is the 100th Anniversary of Poland’s Independence LIBRARY / NON-PROFIT tur’s record a “landmark achieve- The Annual Kościuszko Conference and Commemoration 1-year $21.00 $3500 Nourse Rogers, a Republican from ment” and spoke of the importance will take place at the United States Military Academy at West Point 2-year $37.00 $67.00 Massachusetts. Rogers served in the of the #MeToo movement and the on April 27 and April 28, 2018 DIGITAL (Adobe PDF® FILE) House for 35 years after succeeding push to put more women in top po- For information, please visit KosciuszkoatWestPoint.org, 1-year $22.00 n/a her late husband, Rep. John J. Rog- sitions in boardrooms and organiza- Phone 917.913.3133 / 603.718.1351 or e-mail [email protected] 2-year $41.00 n/a ers. tions. DISCOUNTS. For non-profit and organization In the bipartisan celebration, “For all of those women who are subscription discounts, call 1 (800) 422-1275. Pelosi called Kaptur an “icon,” a carrying America into the 21st cen- Free Digital Subscriptions for Cler- Happy Easter to All Polonia from the gy, ELECTED Officials. To keep elected “trailblazer” and an “example to the tury,” Kaptur said, “how wonderful officials abreast of issues affecting the Polish rest of us.” it is to be on this journey.” American community, the Polish American The California Democrat said, The packed reception was also General Pulaski Memorial Journal will provide free PDF editions of the newspaper to state- and nationally-elected “Marcy is a constant, unwavering attended by Democratic Whip Steny officials and government agencies represent- voice from America’s heartland.” Hoyer of Maryland, Republican for- Parade Committee, Inc. ing Polish American communities. To have your representative placed on this list, please The daughter of a Polish-Ameri- mer Sen. Elizabeth Dole of North You are cordially invited to march with us at the send his or her name, address, and email ad- can working-class family in Toledo, Carolina, former Secretary of En- 81st Annual General Pulaski Memorial Parade on dress to [email protected]. Diocesan Kaptur became the first member of ergy Ernest Moniz, and Polish Am- offices of Roman Catholic, Polish National Sunday, October 7th, 2018 Catholic, and other faiths within Polish Ameri- her family to graduate high school bassador Piotr Wilczek. can communities may also request a free PDF and college. — From CNN and starting at 12:30 p.m. subscription. Former Rep. Connie Morello, a Radio Poland reports REFUNDS and CANCELLATIONS. Request Join us at the Pulaski Parade Banquet for subscription cancellations must be made by calling (800) 422-1275. Refunds will be on September 29. Our 2018 Grand Wishing all of Polonia prorated based on one-half of the remaining Thomas J. Duch, Esq., and all of subscription balance plus a $5.00 cancella- a Happy Easter! tion fee. There is no charge for transferring the 2018 Contingent Marshals remaining subscription balances to new or Chrystus Zmartwychwstał existing accounts. and the young ladies serving as Fair Use Notice and Disclaimer.This of their contingents notice is to inform readers of both the print Pulaski Association and digital editions of the Polish American of Professional marching up Fifth Avenue for the Journal that it contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifi- & businessmen, INC. Celebration of Polonia and the cally authorized by the copyright owner. The Greatest Revolution War Hero, Polish American Journal states it is using this 519 Leonard St., Brooklyn, NY 11222 material for purposes such as criticism, com- General Casimir Pulaski. ment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, www.pulaskiassociation.com education, and research in accordance with www.pulaskiparade.org Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. 4 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 Sharing our Polish Paschal Vocabulary by Robert Strybel main centerpiece, dyngus: an old rural custom of post- eggs dyed a solid dark color such Mass that begins at daybreak with biały barszcz: tart, white Easter Easter house-to-house masquer- as black, dark navy blue or dark a procession which thrice encir- Alleluja: This is the Polish spell- soup containing eggs, sausage, ading and trick-or-treating with violet, and designs are etched on cles the church. ing of Alleluia, a term which in etc.. typical of eastern Poland; revelers often pulling a rooster with a sharp pointed instrument, sernik: Many people love cheese- Hebrew means “praise Jehovah.” similar to żurek (see last entry) cart and drenching stingy house- exposing the lighter-colored un- cakes all year round, but they are In Polish tradition it is closely Boży Grób, Grób Pański: a tab- holders; also see śmigus-dyngus. dyed shell beneath. an especially common treat on the associated with Easter, in fact it leau of Our Lord’s Tomb (Holy dzielenie się jajkiem: The sharing mazurek: mazurka, fl at Polish Eas- Polish Easter table. forms part of the traditional Eas- Sepulcher), usually set up at one of wedges of blessed hard-cook ter cake with a variety of toppings, szynka: , a typical Easter treat; ter greeting: “Wesołego Alleluja” of the church’s side altars, sur- eggs begins the family breakfast cut into squares for serving; simi- in Polish tradition nearly always (see below). rounded by fl owers, ferns and or brunch served after Easter lar to the American sheet-cake. served as a sliced, cold to be baba, babka: baba, tall, tapered, candles and often watched over morning Mass; this symbolically Niedziela Palmowa = Palm Sun- eaten with horseradish (ćwikła) usually yeast-raised cake; a typi- by rotating honor guards. ends the 40-day Lenten fast (al- day; the day “palmy” (see below) and bread. cal Easter treat. bukszpan: boxwood, a small- though some Poles start in on the are blessed in church; formerly święcone: The hallowfare (Easter baranek: Easter lamb; made of cake, leafed evergreen used to make treats right after the Holy Satur- also known as Kwietna Niedziela food), blessed in church on Holy butter, sugar, wood, fl eece, plas- Easter palms, decorate Easter bas- day food blessing). (Floral Sunday) and Wierzbna Saturday and served on Easter ter or plastic and placed in Eas- kets and Easter platters and weave jajo, jajko: The Polish word for Niedziela (Willow Sunday). morning to end the Lenten fast; ter basket and on the Easter table garlands strung round the edge of egg, at Eastertime a prominent oklejanki or nalepianki: Easter the term applies both to the food as the the święconka table ritual artifact and food symboliz- eggs decorated by having have and the meal which could be chrzan: horseradish, a pungent ing new life; just as a chick pecks various plants or colored paper translated into English as Easter Kraszanki root symbolizing the bitter its way out its egg-shell confi ne- glued on to form geometric or breakfast, brunch or lunch herbs of the Passover and the ment, so too Jesus broke out of wycinanka-like designs. święconka: in Poland – the wicker gall Jesus was given on His entombment when He rose palma, palemka: several pussy- basket in which Easter food is the cross, is a typical from the dead. willow twigs tied together with blessed or the custom itself; in condiment accompa- kiełbasa: sausage, a typical Polish boxwood or cranberry leaves are Polonia also an Easter party (din- nying Easter foods. Easter treat; both the biała (fresh) the “palms” blessed in church on ner-dance) usually held during ćwikła: beetroot and wędzona (smoked) varieties Palm Sunday. post-Easter week. and horseradish are served hot and cold, boiled pascha: A rich Easter dessert made Wielkanoc: Easter; literally: the relish or salad, a and baked, as well as in soups. of curd cheese and containing Great Night; sometimes also typical Easter go- kraszanki: solid-colored Easter raisins and other southern fruits, known as Wielka Niedziela together with hard- eggs; before the era of store- candied orange ring, nuts, etc. (Great Sunday) cooked eggs, ham, bought dyes, these were made by pisanki: patterned Easter eggs Wielki Tydzień; Holy Week (lit- sausage and other cold placing eggs in water in which made by applying designs with erally: Great Week); the term onion skins, spinach, certain tree a special stylus or pin dipped in “Wielki” is used for all the days barks, beets, etc. had been boiled. molten beeswax and then dying including Wielki Piątek (Good kroszonki: This is not only the the eggs; to get multicolored eggs Friday). The feminine days of Życzenia Radosnych Świąt Wielkanocnych dialectał Silesian (Śląsk) pronun- the procedure could be repeated a the week are Wielka Środa (Holy ciation of kraszanki, but refers number of times. Wednesday) and Wielka Sobota POlISh hERITagE COMMITTEE to a specifi c technique in which Rezurekcja: Early morning Easter (Holy Saturday). NORThaMPTON, MaSSaChUSETTS New Books 127 King St., Northampton, MA 01060 a number of prominent online pub- Awards; A Celebration of lications such as JamieOliver.com, • The Wishing Shelf Book Awards: UPCOMING EVENTS Contemporary GreatBritishChefs.com, and her 2017-2018 Finalist for Adult (sponsored by the Polish Heritage Committee) Polish Cuisine own highly popular blog RenBehan. Non-Fiction; and; • September 23, 2018. 2:00 p.m. St. Valentine’s PNC Church, com. Whenever time allows, Ren • 2018 Feathered Quill Book Northampton. Polish American Concert of Polish and English WIld hONEy & RyE: runs pop-up events that showcase Awards: Second Place/Silver Hymns, Folk, and Patriotic Songs MOdERN POlISh RECIPES the delicious fl avors of Polish food. award for Historical. • October 8, 2018. 11:00 a.m. Pulaski Parade, by Ren Behan Henry off ers a view of the Ho- Interlink Books, an imprint of Northampton, Massachusetts locaust as seen through the eyes of Interlink Publishing Group, Inc. Shawver’s a Polish Catholic political prisoner, International Cooking • 7 ½” x 9 Henry a Finalist and is told with a pragmatic gallows 2⁄3” • 208 pages • full-color photos humor. This unique bridge to his- Easter Blessings to All Our Good Friends ISBN 978-1-62371-998-2 • hard- VIRGINIA BEACH, Virg. – The debut nonfi ction biography Henry: tory includes more than 75 original back •$30.00 (in , $45.00) photos and rare German documents. Inspired by the food of her child- A Polish Swimmer’s True Story of Friendship from Auschwitz to Amer- Both the book and Shawver are re- hood and the new wave of fl avors to ceiving high praise locally and na- PAJ SUBSCRIPTION FORM be found in the fashionable eateries ica (Köehler Books, November 2017) by Katrina Shawver has been tionally. NEW SUBSCRIBER RENEWAL AddRESS and farmer’s markets of modern Po- “Everyone who reads Henry be- land, Ren Behan invites us to dis- named a fi nalist or winner in the Fill out form. If Please include CHANGE following literary award contests. comes a witness,” said Jack Mayer, gift subscription, address label cover the very best of the new food Enter new address Each contest received hundreds of author of Life in a Jar: The Irena please fi ll out address from paper below. Please include of Poland in her debut cookbook. entries: Sendler Project and Before the of recipient. address label from Wild Honey & Rye off ers light- Court of Heaven. KEEP OUR POLISH HERITAGE ALIVE! paper if possible. er, healthier, elegantly presented • Reader Views Literary Awards: 2018 Finalist in Biography/ Henry is available from the Pol- SUBSCRIBE TO THE PAJ TODAY! versions of traditional dishes, and ish American Journal Bookstore. fresh, seasonal fare. The book is Memoir, and nominated for Re- 1 YEAR—$25.00 PAYMENT ENCLOSEd gional, Global and other Special 12 issues divided into sections on breakfasts, PLEASE BILL ME Your subscription will not salads, soups, light bites and street 2 YEARS—$45.00 begin until your check clears. 24 issues food, food for family and friends, CHARGE TO MY: VISA AMEX DZIESIECIOLECIE POLSKI ODRODZONEJ sweet treats, and a section on fruit FOREIgN and MASTERCARd dISCOVER CaNadIaN RaTES: liqueurs and fl avored vodkas. Behan KSIEGA PAMIATKOWA 1918-1928 See prices printed CARd NO. includes enough classics, like sauer- on page 2. For library, kraut-stuff ed pierogi dumplings, to COPYRIGHT 1929 CRACOV, POLAND. POLISH EDITED A institution, and bulk satisfy lovers of traditional Polish POLISH HISTORY BOOK, 1918 TO 1928, 123 YEARS AFTER rates, please call EXP. dATE CS COdE food, as well as a wealth of modern 1 (800) 422-1275 takes, such as dessert pierogi stuff ed BEING OWNED BY RUSSIA, AND , with strawberry, honey, and pista- NAME chios. As well as the simple, hearty 1209 PAGES {11”X15”} OF NEWS PAPER ARTICLES, cabbage and potato-based dishes for PHOTOGRAPHS, ETC. OF A REVISED CIVILIZATION IN NO. STREET APT. NO. which Polish cuisine is best known, there is a variety of recipes featuring “BORN AGAIN” POLAND PLUS A 4-PAGE LETTER BY fresh produce and novel fl avor com- EDITOR PROFESOR JAN ROZWADOWSKI OF UNIVERSITY CITY, STATE, ZIP binations: sour cucumber soup; Pol- ish plum butter; rainbow beet salad JAGIELLONSKIEGO. dIGITAL EdITION. To receive the PAJ as an Adobe PDF fi le, please initial here ______. with buckwheat and roasted aspara- Print your e-mail address below. This replaces your print edition. gus; ribs with honey and vodka, and E-MAIL AddRESS much more. Here you will fi nd an THIS VOLUME IS A RARE AND PRESTIGEOUS, VERY evocative and mouthwatering col- lection of recipes that celebrates the MOVING? Please note the Post Offi ce will NOT FORWARd DETAILED, 1st 10-YEAR HISTORY OF NEW POLAND WITH best of modern Polish cooking. SECONd-CLASS MAIL. If you move, you must notify our offi ce. Ren Behan is an acclaimed food THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES, GRAPHS, AND PHOTOGRAPHS IN THREE EASY WAYS TO SUBSCRIBE! writer of Polish descent, who is in- 1209 LARGE PAGES spired by both her heritage and the MAIL TO: PAJ SUBSCRIPTION dEPARTMENT fast-changing food landscape in P.O. BOX 198, BOWMANSVILLE, NY 14026-0198 Poland. Her writing and recipes are TO BE SOLD BY RAY LIKOWSKI TO CALL: 1 (800) 422-1275 or (716) 312-8088 an exciting fusion of traditional and M-F 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. EST modern Eastern European cuisine. An ex-lawyer who swapped the HIGHEST CASH OFFER. ON LINE: www.polamjournal.com courtroom for the kitchen, Ren is SECURE SERVER (Amex, disc., MC, Visa, and PayPal) now a mother of three and writes for CALL (440) 476-5676 OR (440) 582-3009 POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 5 Religion Statue of St. John Paul II Must Move Dick Durbin to protect the young violate his free speech rights, espe- in Southampton, N.Y. on its 100th Ciżmowski offered the first Mass. students threatened with deportation cially when unions take positions year. The Polish population of In 1953, the 35th anniversary of the once DACA (Pres. Obama’s defer- in favor of candidates and legisla- the area at the turn of the century parish, a campaign to re-model the ment of deportation action of people tion with which he does not agree. worked in the luxurious summer church started with a rededication of who entered the country illegally as Pittsburgh’s Bishop David Zu- residences in the area as gardeners blessing taking place in 1956. minor children of undocumented bik opposes the suit and notes that and caretakers to supplement their The current pastor is Rev. Canon parents) is repealed at the deadline unions help raise wages, bring fam- income as farmers, mechanics, car- Janusz Lipczyk, born in 1940 in set by president Trump. With this ily benefits, ensure worker safety, penters, masons, painters, and small Hrubieszów, Lublin Province, Po- effort, Cardinal Cupich is in sync and help keep workers from being building contractors. Originally land. Ordained in 1967, he worked with the U.S. Catholic bishops who exploited, benefits which are given traveling to St. Isidore’s Church in in the Lublin Archdiocese and then are taking Congress to task for not even to people who do not belong to Riverhead for Mass and church ser- came to Canada where he minis- passing legislation that enables the unions. While the public support of vices, the families in the area asked tered in Quebec City, Montreal, and “dreamers” to become” citizens and unions by some bishops in the case to establish a parish in Southamp- Sherbrooke. In 1998 he came to the full contributing members of our so- was taken as a sign that all the bish- tion and the first Mass was offered United States and served in Glen ciety.” ops agreed with this, Springfield, in Schwenk’s Arcade while funds Head, N.Y., and other Polish parish- At the same time, BishopTho- Ill.’s Bishop Thomas Paprocki and were collected to build a church. A es in the Rockville Center diocese. mas J. Paprocki of the diocese of other bishops who haven’t spoken temporary church was completed in He has been pastor in Southampton Springfield, Illinois and Senator in favor of “right to work” legisla- 1918 and the pastor Fr. Alexander since 2012. Durbin’s bishop, banned the sena- tion have refrained from expressing tor from taking communion until he an opinion on the “mandatory dues” Modlitwy Poland’s Prime Minister Beata Szydło “repents” of his “sin” incurred by case and remains neutral. offered to have the statue of St. his adamant support of abortion leg- Publication of Prayers. The Polish American Journal gladly accepts prayers ads for publication. John Paul II (above) in Ploërmel, islation. Bishop Paprocki recalled Priest “Comes Out” at Mass They must be received by the 10th of each month, prior to the month of publication, and must be , brought to Poland to save that the senator “was once pro-life” / Archbishop Responds. Fr. pre-paid at the cost of $15.00 each, which can be paid by check or charge. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call 1 (800) 422-1275 or (716) 312-8088. Send to: Polish American Journal, it from “the dictates of political but has since joined 14 Democratic Gregory Greiten came out as gay P.O. Box 271, N. Boston, NY 14110. correctness” and “secularization of Catholics who voted against the during his sermon at St. Bernadette the state.” Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protec- Parish in Milwaukee, Wisc., and NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body, to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the tion Act. Durbin himself said that received a standing ovation from unerring keenness of Your justice and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my by Benjamin Fiore, S.J. while some Democrats may hold the congregation in attendance at soul. In You I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought pro-life views on a “personal ba- the Mass. His bishop, Archbishop and grant that I may always watch for Your light and listen to Your voice and follow Your gracious A court order in France upheld sis,” they must back the party’s pro- Jerome Listecki, expressed his sup- inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You by Your compassion to watch over me the application of the French 1905 choice stance. port of the priest “in his own per- in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring his opened Side and stricken Heart, I implore You, Adorable Spirit, secularism law prohibiting religious sonal journey and telling his story of Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You. Give me grace, symbols on public property to the Lipinski Opposed by Pro- coming to understand and live with O Holy Ghost, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere, “Speak, Lord, statue of St. John Paul II in the city Abortionists. One of the few his same-sex attraction.” He went on for Your servant heareth.” Amen. J.K. of Ploërmel in Brittany. The statue, remaining pro-life Democratic Con- to declare that Greiten’s “own story a gift of its Russian sculptor, had gressmen, Dan Lipinski is facing reminds each of us of God’s call to been erected in a public parking lot strong opposition from the National continue to grow in understanding in 2006. Protests from secularists Abortion Rights League (NARAL) and to live holy, chaste lives.” brought on the suit against the city. and other national pro-choice or- While the public declaration To resolve the dispute, the city sold ganization and individuals who are served as instructive for persons the statue to the nearby Catholic supporting his pro-abortion oppo- in the pews who struggle with the Church in town and it will be moved nent in the Democratic primary in question of homosexuality, some to the church’s property adjacent to Illinois. The Democratic Congres- note that the pulpit and the homily a school. sional Campaign Committee has yet is neither the place nor the time for a Poland’s Prime Minister Beata to decide whether to endorse him priest to air facts about his personal Szydło, who offered to have the or his pro-choice opponent Marie situation since this detracts from the statue brought to Poland to save it Newman although it appears to be centrality of the gospel and the fo- from “the dictates of political cor- leaning in her favor. Catholic Tom cus on the sacrifice of Jesus being rectness” and “secularization of the Perez, chairman of the Democratic offered on the altar. state,” decried the move noting that National Committee dodged the the former pope, “our great Pole, question of whether there is room Marianists Promote the a great European, is a symbol of a in the Democratic party for pro-life cause of Wyszynski. Br. An- Christian, united Europe.” Religious candidates, although he said in the drew Maczynski, MIC, in Stock- censorship, she charged, was under- past that the party should include bridge, Mass., is the vice-postulator mining the values of Europe, was only pro-choice members. of the Marian Causes of Canoniza- a nuisance to Europeans, and was tion and gathers information about a dictatorship “alien to our culture, Bishops Speak on the Fate graces received through the inter- which leads to terrorizing Europe- of Unions. With the Supreme cession of Servant of God Fr. Ca- ans in their everyday life” French Court about to decide on the legal- simir Wyszynski who lived from conservative parties called the deci- ity of making non-union members 1700-1755. Testimonies of healings sion “madness” and “destructive to pay union dues to unions at their through his intercession have been the country’s history.” government workplace, many bish- received from Poland and Portugal. ops have spoken against “right to Prayer cards can be obtained by Senator Durbin Courted work” agreements which would calling 1-800-462-7426 and reports / Rebuked by Church Offi- exempt workers from support- of graces received can be sent to Br. cials. Blase Cardinal Cupich, ing unions. Mark Janus an Illinois Maczynski at [email protected]. archbishop of the RC archdiocese of state employee sued the municipal Chicago, circulated a video in which employees union (AFSCME) on HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO … he appealed to Democratic Senator the grounds that his forced dues Our Lady of Poland RC Parish Wesołego Alleluja! Happy Easter! EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Rev. Fr. Joseph Zingaro, National Chaplain Polish Beneficial Samuel Sbraccia, President Christine Kaszupski, Vice-President Association Elizabeth Wagner, Administrative Secretary Polskie Stowarzyszenie Kasy Phyllis Rooney, Treasurer John Jakubowski Esq., Solicitor The only Polish Fraternal Domiciled in Philadelphia Dr. Joan Lambert, Medical Examiner

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2595 Orthodox Street, Philadelphia, PA 19137-1695 • (215) 535-2626 • polishbeneficialassoc.com 6 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 Books in Brief April is National Poetry Month by Mary E. Lanham their discovery has changed the translations are faithful to the im- for a major defense contractor and California to London to Amsterdam course of human thought.” agery and rhythm of Fiedorczuk’s the prime suspect will soon be and to Warsaw as he seeks not only It’s April, and spring has sprung Thus begins original compositions and are a named the organization’s next CEO. to confront the murderer but also his which means flowers are in bloom the first poem boon to those who have yet to mas- Stanley must own past. and the bees are buzzing. But April in Oxygen by ter the intricacies of the Polish lan- fight against David Trawinski worked in is not only the time for sneezing Julia Fiedorczuk guage. time to prove the aerospace industry for over 35 and sniffling from wayward pollen, titled “Lands Julia Fiedorczuk was born in who actually is years. He has degrees in chemistry, it’s also National Poetry Month. In and Oceans.” Warsaw, Poland. She has a Ph.D. responsible for computer engineering, and busi- honor of this special month, the first Fiedorczuk is in humanities and teaches English, the perplexing ness administration. After retiring title I have reviewed in this issue is a known for pop- theory of literature, and American death and the he switched his focus to writing. poetry collection entitled Oxygen by ularizing eco- literature at the University of War- motivation be- Originally from Maryland, he now Julia Fiedorczuk. poetry, which is saw. She has published five books hind the crime. lives in Georgia with his wife. The a form of poetry that seeks to relate of poetry, three books of fiction, and Weaved into Willow’s Bend is Trawinski’s first Oxygen humans and nature. Fiedorczuk suc- three of ecocriticism. Her work has the strange case fictional novel. by Julia Fiedorczuk ceeds in this task using hard science. been translated into nineteen lan- is an account of the extreme hard- Translated from the Astronomy, physics, microbiology, guages. She’s received several Pol- ship that Stanley’s father endured in Radosnych Swi¹t Wielkanoc Polish by Bill Johnston and chemistry are common themes ish literary awards. a Nazi concentration camp. Because Zephyr Press, 2017, 110 pgs. in her work. She commingles the of that, Stanley’s father makes him GREATER HAZLETON Zephyrpress.org self with the nonhuman world with The Willow’s Bend promise to always honor his Pol- POLONAISE SOCIETY “It is literally fire that is dear to poems like “Orion’s Shoulder,” by David Trawinski ish heritage. Stanley’s love of Pol- Thomas Kopetskie us. / At times you feel it on the soles “Photosynthesis,” and “Beetle.” Outskirts Press, 2016, 198 pgs. ish history and culture is profound President of your feet. / It’s a sign that every- In Oxygen, the original Polish Outskirtspress.com and he is not afraid to dispel others’ thing was once divine ocean, / while language poem faces its English Retired CIA operative Stanley misconceptions of Polish historical P.O. Box 2275 the deep time of earth is expressed translation, inviting the reader to Wisniewski is hired to solve the figures and facts. Hazleton, PA 18201 in such disquieting numbers / that compare the two. Bill Johnston’s mysterious murder of Ted Barber, an As the action intensifies, Stanley (570) 454-4397 aerospace executive. Barber worked travels from Baltimore to D.C. to

Please make checks payable to: ACPC, c/o Florence Langridge, Membership Chair, 78 Meadow Lane, West Hartford, CT 06107

time. He relates in his own voice a life happening inside the recently opened of a forgotten group of Nazi survi- P A JB o o K s t o R E as a champion swimmer, interrupted Auschwitz concentration camp. Polish vors. Written by the daughter of Pol- by three years imprisoned in Aus- army officer Witold Pilecki volunteered ish forced laborers, Wearing the Letter chwitz and Buchenwald. Henry’s path to be arrested by the Germans and re- P gives a voice to women who were POLAND / WORLD WAR II of resiliency and power of connection port from inside the camp. His intelli- taken from their homes as young as To order, use form on page 7 are as relevant today as they were in gence reports, smuggled out in 1941, 12 years old and subjected to slave World War II. were among the first eyewitness ac- labor conditions, starvation, sexual ECHOES OF War II. France, Poland, Denmark, Bel- counts of Auschwitz atrocities. Pilecki’s exploitation, and forced abortions TATTERED gium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg The Color of story was suppressed for half a century and child separation — all while Nazi TONGUES and Norway had all been crushed by Courage after his 1948 arrest by the Polish Com- propaganda depicted them as well- by John the powerful Nazi German war ma- by Julian E. Kulski munist regime as a “Western spy.” cared-for volunteers. Knab provides an Guzlowski chine. Great Britain stood alone, fight- $19.95 important contribution to World War $21.95 ing for its life. Item 2-674 Two Trains II history, based on archival and fam- Item 2-667 Thrilling action story of the cel- Aquila Polonica from Poland ily records, war crime trials, and victim hc., 6.2 x 0.8 x 9.4 ebrated squadron of Polish fighter Publ., 2012. pb. by Dr. Krystyna accounts. inches pilots whose superb daring and aerial 496 pp., 6” x 9” M. Sklenarz 200 pp. combat skills helped save England dur- “If there is go- $19.95 FORGOTTEN Aquila Polonica / ing its most desperate hours. The 303 ing to be a war, I Item 2-604 HOLOCAUST: Language: English “Kościuszko” Squadron flew with the do not want to 183 pp., pb. The Poles Guzlowski born in a German refu- RAF, downing three times the average miss it.” So wrote A midnight Under German gee camp after WWII, recounts the RAF score, while incurring only one- Julian Kulski a few days before the out- knock at her door Occupation, horrible atrocities enacted upon third the average casualties during the break of World War II, in this remark- changed every- 1939-45. Third his parents during the war in these Battle of Britain. Underdog heroes who able diary of a boy at war from ages 10 thing for 6-year- edition straightforward, gut-wrenching nar- rose to defend against the deadliest to 16. Kulski wages his own private war old Krystyna $19.95 rative lyric poems. These snapshots of German Luftwaffe attacks, the pilots against the Germans with small acts of Sklenarz. In the middle of the night, Item 2-647 Nazi German rule illustrate that hard- of 303 Squadron were lionized by the sabotage. At age 12, Kulski is recruited the KGB deported her family from Po- 358 pp. pb. ship didn’t end with German surren- British press, congratulated by the into the clandestine Underground land to Siberia. She experienced two Forgotten Ho- der; the aftershocks radiated through King and adored by the British public. Army by his Scoutmaster and begins years there, and faced starvation, ty- locaust has become a classic of World successive generations. “Guzlowski’s training in military tactics and weap- phus, an opium den, being torpedoed, War II literature. As Norman Davies simple language highlights the vio- HENRY. A Polish Swimmer’s True ons handling. At age 13, he meets and living through the Nazi Blitz in the noted, “Dr. Richard Lukas has rendered lence without offering any comment Story of Friendship from Auschwitz to with leaders of the Jewish Resistance. London subway. Through it all, Krysty- a valuable service, by showing that or consolation.” — Publishers Weekly. America Arrested by the Gestapo at 14, he is na refused to give up. This is her jour- no one can properly analyze the fate by Katrina rescued and at 15 fights in the Warsaw ney from Siberia to her entrance into of one ethnic community in occupied 303 SQUADRON Shawver Uprising of 1944. medical school at only 17. Poland without referring to the fates The Legendary $19.95 of others. In this sense, The Forgotten Battle of Britain Item 2-678 THE WEARING THE LETTER “P” Holocaust is a powerful corrective.” Fighter Squadron Koehler Books, AUSCHWITZ Polish Women as The third edition includes a new pref- by Arkady Fiedler 2017 VOLUNTEER Forced Laborers ace by the author, a new foreword by $21.95 pb., 6 x 0.7 x 9 by Witold Pilecki in Nazi Germany, Norman Davies, a short history of ZE- Item 2-603 inches $34.95 1939-1945 GOTA, the underground government pb. 6 x 9 inches 324 pp. Item 2-673 by Sophie organization working to save the Jews, 368 pp. $19.95 Aquila Polonica Hodorowicz- and an annotated listing of many Poles Aquila Polonica When Katrina Shawver met the Publ., 2014 Knab executed by the Germans for trying to English. Includes eighty-five-year-old Henry Zguda, he 460 pp., pb. / $19.95 shelter and save Jews. nearly 200 black and white photos, possessed an exceptional memory, 6x9 in. Item 2-642 maps and illustrations. a surprising cache of original docu- In 1940, the pb. 304 pages MORE BOOKS ON PAGES The summer of 1940 and the Battle ments and photos, and a knack for Polish Under- 6 x 9 inches 7, 17, and 18 and on the web at of Britain—the darkest days of World meeting the right people at the right ground wanted to know what was An unflinching, detailed portrait www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 7

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You need not have read the others to Item 1-675 reflected in their proverbs, collected by S. A. Blejwas enjoy this family saga set against the $14.95 here by author Joanne Asala. Some Item 1-660 PUSH NOT THE RIVER November Rising (1830-1831). With ACTA Publications examples: “Love enters a man through $22.50 Book 1 of Martin’s Poland Trilogy Siberia or emigration heart-rending 2017, p.b., 106 pp., 5x7 in. his eyes and a woman through her Boydell & Brewer, by James contingencies, matriarchs Anna and What makes Slavic, and specifically ears.” “Without work, there is no bread.” 2005. 396 pp., Ill. Conroyd Martin Zofia attempt to steer the clan through Polish, spirituality unique and compel- “Do not push the river; it will flow on its 6.20 x 9.30 x 1.20 $15.95 ever-muddying waters. ling today? The rich and long Slavic own accord.” The back and front covers This book examines the history of Item 2-609 spiritual tradition holds that everyday feature stunning illustrations of paper the Polish Singers Alliance of America Hussar Quill FROM PADEREWSKI TO holiness thrives on different seasons— cuts by the late Polish folk artist Alice as an ideological organization, docu- Press. 496 PENDERECKI through Spring, Summer, Autumn, Wadowsky-Bak, with more of her work menting the extent to which the poli- pp.pb. Maps & The Polish Musician in Philadelphia and Winter and from consolation to throughout the book. tics of the homeland engaged an im- wycinanki illust. by Paul Krzywicki desolation and everything in between. migrant and ethnic community over a Reading Group $24.95 Claire Anderson, of Polish descent and Polish Folklore and Myth century. Guide Item 2-151 currently the Director of Siena Retreat by Joanne Asala “A superb treatment of the forma- This book club Lulu Publishing 2016; pb. 396 pp., Center in Wisconsin, explores this $12.95 tion and expansion of the oldest Pol- favorite is based 6”x1”x9” tradition and expands it by connect- Item 2-679 ish-American cultural organization in on the real diary of a Polish countess Extraordinary stories and accom- ing these seasons to the rhythms and 6x9 in North America.” — Frances Gates who lived through the rise and fall of plishments of 170 Polish musicians practices in her own Polish cultural tra- 118 pp., pb. the Third of May Constitution years, a whose presence in Philadelphia in- dition and the physical world around This book of POLAND: A time of great turmoil. Vivid, romantic, fluenced music in America. Paul Krzy- her. engaging folk HISTORY and thrillingly paced, the novel has wicki, a native of Philadelphia, was a stories includes by Adam been called “Poland’s Gone with the member of the Philadelphia Orches- POLISH CUSTOMS, such tales as Zamoyski Wind.” tra for thirty-three years, performing TRADITIONS & FOLKLORE “The Violin,” “The $19.95 in over four thousand concerts, more $24.95 Headache Cure,” Item 1-659 AGAINST A CRIMSON SKY than 60 recordings and presenting Item 2-643 “M idsummer ’s pb. 426 pp. , 5.5 Book 2 of Martin’s Poland Trilogy master classes throughout the world. by Sophie Hodorowicz Knab Eve,” “The Flower Queen’s Daughter,” in. x 8.5 in. by James Conroyd Martin He is currently on the faculty of the 340 pp., hc. “The Legend of the North Wind,” “The A substan- $15.95 Curtis Institute of Music. A full biogra- Polish Customs, Traditions, & Folk- Flaming Castle,” “The Village Dance,” tially revised and Item 2-610 phy is in Part I. lore is organized by month, beginning and “The Unfinished Tune.” The stories updated edition St. Martin’s Press ORDER FORM USE THIS FORM FOR ALL ITEMS ON THIS PAGE and PAGES 6, 17, and 18


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Happenings: Chicago Style

Illinois Celebrates Pulaski Day at the PMA COLEMAN BALUT GERALDINE PHOTO: by Geraldine Balut Coleman

CHICAGO — In the State of Illinois since 1977 and each year thereafter, the fi rst Monday in March is designated as Casimir Pulaski Day. Thus, on March 5, the State of Illinois paid tribute to the Polonian community by honor- ing Revolutionary War hero Casimir Pulaski, a hero of two nations, and the “Father of the American Cav- alry.” Also, since 1987, the offi cial State of Illinois celebration setting is The Polish Museum of America (PMA). This year, Governor Bruce Rauner offi cially opened the Pu- laski Day celebration followed by welcoming remarks by Małgorzata Kot, managing director of the PMA, Piotr Beczała and the singing of the national an- thems of Poland and the United Francesco Paolo Tosti, Ottorino States by Mirosława Sojka-Topór Respighi, Ermano Wolf-Ferrari, and with piano accompaniment by Mar- Stefano Donaudy, along with Polish ta Pasek. The Most Rev. Andrew composers. He also performed audi- Wypych, Auxiliary Bishop of the ence favorites, such as four songs of Archdiocese of Chicago, gave the Singing “Sto lat” (l.to r.): Janicki, Kot, Pappas, Drobot, Owsiany, and Sojka-Tobór. Stanisław Moniuszko, which added PHOTO: ARTUR PARTYKA ARTUR PHOTO: Invocation. The masters of ceremo- COLEMAN BALUT GERALDINE PHOTO: ny, Joseph A. Drobot Jr., president of the Polish Roman Catholic Union and Chair of the PMA, and Richard Owsiany, president of the PMA, added additional introductions. As in the past, major civic and political leaders, representatives of the Polish government, and Chi- cago-area Polonian organizations attended this standing room only event. This year, Piotr Janicki, consul general of the Republic of Poland in Chicago, spoke briefl y. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel addressing the continual battle for visa-waiver for Poland, said, “You do not treat a fi rst-class friend like a second-class citizen. Pulaski, an im- migrant was one of America’s fi rst Ewa and Anna. Sr. Marta Cichoń and Sr. Krystiana Pucik, dreamers. Chicago must be a place for all immigrants.” Ariel Reboy- to Chicago. General Casimir Pulaski, “I came wica, and Stanisław Moniuszko’s ras, Chicago’s 30th Ward Alder- The 90-minute program con- here where freedom is being de- Piesn wieczovma and Dumka Jad- a lighter note, six songs of Karol man, a Hispanic American, gave his cluded with an offi cial wreath lay- fended, to serve it and live or die for wigii from Strasny Dwor (Haunted Szymanowski, and seven songs of remarks in Polish to the delight of ing ceremony at Stefan Batowski’s it.” Manor). The vocal portion of the Mieczysław Karłowicz. the audience. Maria Pappas, Cook painting of Pulaski at Savannah, concert ended with Ewa and Anna County Treasurer, spoke of her 30– a Benediction by Rev. Andrzej EaSTERN EUROPEaN MUSIC singing the ever-popular duet from POlISh PhySICIaNS PRESENT year friendship with the PMA, her Totzke, SChr, Pastor of Holy Trin- ShINES. On the weekend of Feb- Strasny Dwor. FaShION ShOW BENEFIT. emotional attachment to Chicago’s ity Polish Mission Church, and the ruary 11, the Chicago area was hit The second portion of the con- The third annual fashion show, Polonia, and asked everyone to be- singing of “God Bless America.” with 6–12 inches of snow. Some cert consisted of Jeff Yang, accom- “Share the Love,” hosted by Chi- come a member of the PMA. Other A special dziękuję bardzo to Ms. area streets became impassible. panied by Shirley Trissell on piano, cago-area Polish physicians was state and city offi cials and leaders of Kot, the PMA Staff , and Mr. Ow- Having a concert on this weekend performing Modest Mussorgsky’s held to support the not-for-profi t, Polonian organizations too numer- siany for hosting a special and well- may have limited the number of Pictures at an Exhibition. To the ab- Dom Samontej Matki, Holy Fam- ous to mention spoke of Casimir Pu- organized event. serious music patrons leaving their solute amazement of the concertgo- ily Home for Single Mothers, lo- laski and the contributions of Poles Finally, the words of Brigadier homes to travel to St. John Brebeuf ers, Yang played all 15 portions of cated next to St. Hyacinth Basilica in suburban Niles, Illinois, to hear the Pictures by alternating between on Chicago’s northwest side. It is its “Eastern Europe Shines” con- the violin, viola, cello, and four va- operated and was founded in 2016 STERLING SILVER JEWELRY cert. But they came and fi lled the rieties of recorders. In appreciation by Sr. Marta Cichoń, MChR. Over church to hear the concert. The pro- of this rare and creative feat, the 300 guests gathered on February 9, gram consisted of fi ve soloists who performance ended with an almost at Victoria in the Park in Mt. Pros- A B C D E were accompanied by pianist and fi ve-minute standing ovation. Those pect for music and a fashion show. music director, Marek Rachelski. attending the concert also had the Guests had the pleasure of watching The program began with soprano opportunity to view artist John the dance performances of Iwona Megan Wilhelm singing with per- Gaudette’s original drawings illus- and Erwin Rybczyński and gave F fect pitch an a cappella interpreta- trating each phase of Pictures at an them thunderous applause. Follow- G I tion of Rachmaninoff ’s Vocalise, Exhibition in the church lobby. ing dinner, event chairpersons, Sa- H Opus 34, No. 14, followed by Rach- bina Danek and Paweł Kuliński, maninoff ’s Vesenniye vody (Spring BECzaŁa SOlOS IN ChICagO. began the much-anticipated fashion Waters) from 12 Romances, Opus On February 25, the internation- show. Various Chicago-area fashion J K 14, No. 11. Tenor J. Alfredo Ji- ally acclaimed Polish tenor Piotr designers and salons presented new menez-Jimenez sang Dvořák’s Vid- Beczała performed at Chicago’s ensembles of the season. ALL SHOWN ino Divna Přesladká (from Dvor- Lyric Opera House. In previous ACTUAL SIZE ak’s opera Rusalka) with impressive seasons, Beczała successfully sang POLISH-ENGLISH artistic and theatrical passion. Bari- the title role in Charles Gounod’s ALL ITEMS ARE STERLING SILVER • ALL THESE ITEMS ARE tone Brandon Sokol sang Czech Faust, followed by the role of Ed- TRANSLATOR AVAILABLE IN 14 KT. GOLD • PLEASE CONTACT US FOR PRICING composer Pavel Haas’s solemn Čtyři gardo in Gaetano Donizetti’s Lucia • Official documents, letters, piscně na slova činské poezie (Four di Lammermoor. His return to Chi- DESCRIPTION e-mails, etc. GOLDEN LION Songs of Chinese Poetry). Soprano cago for this solo performance gave • Reasonable rates. A. Polish Princess ...... $7.00 Ewa Kowcz Fair, to the delight of his devotees an opportunity to hear • Fast, reliable service by e-mail B. #1 Babcia (Script) ...... $8.00 JEWELRY or regular mail. P.O. BOX 199 a predominately Polish American his elegant and impassioned voice C. #1 Babcia (Block) ...... $8.00 audience, sang Szymanowski’s Five accompanied only by piano. Solo • Translation to/from other D. Small Eagle ...... $12.00 PORT READING, NJ 07064 Short Songs on Children’s Rhymes performances in opera theaters are languages available as well. • Over 40 years experience E. Medium Eagle ...... $14.00 (908) 862-1927 from Rymy Dzieciece, Opus 49, quite rare and considered a great F. Large Eagle ...... $15.00 working with genealogists, attor- www.goldenlionjewelry.com and Wsyscy Przyjechali from Pi- honor for the singer. Beczała has neys, businesses, film-makers, G. Large Heavy Eagle ...... $35.00 government, medical profes- • Add $5.00 S&H esini kurpiowska – Kurpian Songs. performed in opera houses in Ber- H. Extra Heavy Eagle ...... $40.00 Soprano Anna Mazur Krawczyk lin, Vienna, Switzerland, and New sionals, etc. I. #1 Mamusia (Block)...... $12.00 • Prices subject to change • Allow 10-14 days for delivery. followed with her renditions of York, so it was timely that the famed J. #1 Tatus (Block) ...... $12.00 ANDY GOLEBIOWSKI • If not satisfied, return for refund Jozef Swider’s Miserere and Kto soloist appeared at the Lyric Opera 109 Rosemead Lane K. #1 Ciocia (Block) ...... $12.00 within 15 days. Szuka Cie followed by and Chopin’s House in Chicago. With only pia- Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tie Tacks of D, E, ...... $19.00/$21.00 • NJ, NY, CT, and PA residents must Prez z moich oczu, Opus 74, No. 6, nist Martin Katz on stage, Beczała (716) 892-5975 Tie Tacks of F, G, ...... $22.00/$42.00 add appropriate sales tax. Stanisław Niewiadomski’s Lata- sang songs of Italian composers [email protected] POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 9 Minnesota Voice

Meet Rosie Frankowski: Pyeongchang Olympian P by Mark Dillon rollerskiing, strength training, etc. hoto town Anchorage. I also adjunct

This doesn’t count the countless N : teach at Alaska Pacific University in MINNEAPOLIS — Childhood hours of physical therapy, stretching ordic the Liberal Studies department.”

winters in Minneapolis started and body care to make sure you are F The Anchorage development fourth generation Polish American healthy enough to train that much,” ocus group has a page on its website with

Rosie Frankowski on a path to Py- she says. /T the headline “Go. Rosie, Go!” oko eongchang to compete in one of the Reached via email in the Italian Frankowski adds: “I try to bal- toughest of winter Olympic events Alps in early March, Frankows- US ance my full-time athletic career — the 30-kilometer woman’s cross- ki hasn’t slowed down since her with other ventures, and after ski- country, a marathon on skis. Olympic debut. ing, I hope to find a position that in- “Growing up, I loved playing “I am doing a lot of ski racing in spires the same sort of passion in me in the snow even in the coldest of Italy, France and Spain over the next as ski racing.” temperatures, and so when I started three weekends; we have two or cross country skiing in high school, three races a weekend here through it was a very natural transition” says the OPA/Alpen Continental Cup cir- Playing on the Edge the 26-year-old, 112 lb., 5 foot 2 cuit. I don’t think I will have the op- TORONTO — Steve Sladkow- inch Frankowski. portunity to do much sightseeing.” ski is the lead guitarist of PUP, a Frankowski finished 21st in the The global traveler cherishes her Canadian punk rock band formed 30k at her first Olympics, compet- Frankowski now lives in Alaska and Polish American heritage and has A fourth-generation Polish Ameri- in 2013, originally under the name ing on Sunday, Feb. 25, the final day trained for the Olympics as part the Tatra Mountains on her to-ski can, Frankowski competed in the Topanga. PUP’s self-titled debut al- of the games in South Korea in the of Alaska Pacific University’s Elite list. marathon-like 30k cross-country bum was released in 2013. Its sec- same event as U.S. gold medal-win- Team in Anchorage, which sent 10 “My Dad’s parents are Pol- women’s skiing event in South Korea ond album, The Dream Is Over, was ning Olympian Jessie Diggins, who athletes to South Korea. ish and live in Milwaukee. Grow- on Feb. 25. released in 2016. The band plays finished seventh. Poland’s Justyna ing up, we always had kielbasa at over 200 shows per year. Kowalcyzk, from Limanowa, win- That career started a decade ago Christmas and special occasions, cess and ambition parallel her ath- Sladkowski credits guitar legend ner of the gold medal in the 30k in while attending Southwest High and we always joke that “ski” is in letic achievements. Eric Clapton for inspiring him to the 2010 Winter Olympics, finished School in the Linden Hills neighbor- our names. I hope to one day make “Currently I have two master’s play the instrument. 14th. hood of Minneapolis, whose gradu- it over to Poland,” Frankowski degrees, one in public administra- PUP plays “a lot of odd time sig- Simply competing in the games ates include actor Peter Graves. said. “My great-grandfather, Tomaz tion from Northern Michigan Uni- natures,” said Sladkowski. “We’re was thrilling for Frankowski, and She progressed to Junior Nationals Frankowski, was born in Kaczko- versity, and a M.B.A. from Alaska not interested in being safe. I think it was a moment made even more competition in 2009 and 2010 at wo, Poland in 1877 and immigrated Pacific University. I work as a that sort of allows me to kind of ex- magical because she did not learn Northern Michigan University in to the U.S. in 1902. And my great program manager for Anchorage pand that part of my identity as a she would be skiing until near Marquette, Michigan as a member grandma on my Grandma’s side was Downtown Partnership, Ltd., a non- guitar player and use all those influ- the end of the two-week series of of NMU’s NCAA Nordic Skiing born in Krakow, I believe.” profit working to revitalize down- ences. It kind of works in the band.” events. and Cross Country Running teams. Summers on Minnesota’s North “I was selected to compete two Success didn’t come easy. She Shore in rural Lutsen with grandma “Over . . . 58 Years of Quality Service” days before my event. I was super was cut from the NMU team after and winters with her parents helped excited, but also quite nervous to her freshman year and then under- a young Frankowski build a love race at that level of competition. I went knee surgery after making the of Polish American culture and the had only raced at Under 23 (years team. She convinced her college outdoors. When not skiing, she says of age) World Championships (in coach to give her a second chance. her hobbies are baking, playing 2014) before the Olympics, so I was Frankowski now lives in Alaska ukulele, dancing, mushroom forag- nervous to be racing with the big and trained for the Olympics as part ing and salmon fishing. guns,” Frankowski said. of Alaska Pacific University’s Elite “I spent a lot of time playing in “However, during the race and Team in Anchorage, which sent 10 the woods and doing all the Min- even warming up for it, all I could athletes to South Korea. She says nesota cabin activities,” she says. think about was how cool it was dedication to her professional jour- However, winter has always been ney made the seemingly impossible, Roofing • Siding to be racing at the Olympics. So I my favorite (and my family’s). My Gutters • Trim Overhang spent my mental energy focusing on possible. dad (an engineer at Minnesota- Vinyl Replacement Windows that and soaking in the entire expe- “I believe that being a success- based Boston Scientific Corp.) in Maintenance Free Decks & Railings rience. Skiing through the stadium ful cross country skier comes down particular loves to snowshoe, ski, and crossing that finishing line (in to a lot of really hard work. At the and just be outdoors even chopping MICHAEL C. HOINSKI 1:31:11.4) was one of the highlights top level, we train between 800- wood and shoveling.” 5434 Genesee St., PO Box 716-684-0355 of my ski career.” 1000 hours a year, skiing, running, Frankowski’s educational suc- 202 Bowmansville, NY 14026 FAX: 716-684-0751

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THIS PAGE SPONSORED BY POLISH CHILDREN’S HEARTLINE (a non-profit corporation, State of New Jersey)begins its 32nd year of helping children. An all volunteer non-profit organi- zation receiving generous donations from Polonia and American supporters makes it possible for over 2000 Polish children to be treated annually by cardiac surgeons and physi- cians in hospitals in Poland. As requested, equipment critical to pediatric care is provided to six hospitals in Zabrze, Katowice, Lodz, Suwalki, Bialystok and Grajewo. Contributions may be made in memory of and/or honor of family and friends. Each donation is tax exempt and acknowledged. We thank you for your support and ask for your continued support for much help is still needed. ” If we don’t help our Polish children, who will?” —Doreen Patras Cramer, President For information call (732) 680-0680 or write POLISH CHILDREN’S HEARTLINE, INC., 177 BROADWAY, CLARK, NJ 07066. e-mail: [email protected] website: PolishChildrensHeartline.org

Polonia of the Eastern Great Lakes WNY to Celebrate Polish Centennial by Michael Pietruszka POLONIA TIDBITS. Buffalo chef town neighborhood held a Palm way Fillmore ... On April 14th, the Polish Cana- Mike Andrzejewski, the owner of Weaving Seminar under the tu- Polonia Dis- dian Salon of Poetry, Music and BUFFALO, N.Y. —Polonia in the SeaBar and Cantina Loco res- telage of Rev. Czeslaw Krysa on trict: Wlady- Theatre will present Zbigniew Her- will mark the taurants, defeated celebrity chef the 10th ... Also on the 10th, Inter- slaw H. Za- bert’s “Piekno i Dobro” at the Maja 100th anniversary of Polish inde- Bobby Flay in cooking loco moco nationally acclaimed pianist Jan wadzki” at the Prentice Theatre in Mississauga. pendence with two gala events this during a recent episode of the Food Lisiecki performed a solo recital group’s March The WNY Division of the Pol- year. Network’s “” ... of the works of Chopin, Schumann, 21st meeting ish American Congress will host The first gala banquet will be The WNY Division of the Polish Ravel and Rachmaninov at the at the Harlem its Traditional Swieconka in the sponsored by the General Pulaski American Congress has launched historic 1792 St. Mark’s Anglican Road Commu- St. Stanislaus Social Center in Buf- Association of WNY and take place its new website at pacwny.org ... Church in Niagara-on-the-Lake, nity Center in falo’s Historic Polonia District on at Samuel’s Grand Manor in Wil- Morluski’s Italian and Polish Cui- Ontario as part of the Bravo Niagara W.H. Zawadzki Amherst ... The April 22nd. liamsville on July 21. Association sine, a new farm-to-table restaurant, Festival of the Arts. Professional The Permanent Chair of Polish President Brian Rusk confirmed that has recently opened in Attica ... As On March 11th and 13th, “Raise and Business Women of Polonia Culture at will guests of honor will include Secre- of March 1st, the Polish Union of the Roof,” a documentary film about heard Rev. Ryszard Biernat speak offer a Mass of Remembrance on tary of State of the Republic of Po- America closed its offices in West the centerpiece exhibit at Warsaw’s on beekeeping at their March 22nd the 10th anniversary of the death of land, Anna Maria Anders; two-time Seneca and transferred operations Polin Museum, was screened at the meeting at the Italian Village Res- Irena Krzyzanowska Sendler at St. Emmy Award winning actress Lo- to the home of President James Dipson Theatre in Amherst as part taurant in Depew. Michael’s Church on May 12th. The retta Swit; three-time Emmy award Jozwiak. The new mailing address of the Buffalo International Jewish The Msgr. Adamski Polish Sat- Mass will be followed by a view- winning journalist Rita Cosby; and is P.O. Box 115, Springville, NY Film Festival ... The WNY Division urday School hosted its Annual ing of Mary Skinner’s film, “In the Coleen Paderewski, relative of the 14141-0115 ... Every Thursday of the Polish American Congress Swieconka at Our Lady of Cze- Name of Their Mothers.” first Prime Minister of Poland Ig- Night is Polish Night at the Fireside held its election meeting at the Mil- stochowa Parish in Cheektowaga On May 13th, the Skalny Lec- nacy Paderewski. Swit will receive Inn in East Concord ... Despite a lennium Hotel in Cheektowaga on the 25th ... Also on the 25th, ture and Artist Series at the Uni- the Polish American Icon Award record breaking snowfall, the Gen- on March 14th ... The Permanent the Buffalo Irish Center held the versity of Rochester will present at the event. After the gala, all are eral Pulaski Association held its Chair of Polish Culture at Ca- 21st Annual Tri-Ethnic Celebra- “The Best of Polish Piano Music” welcome to head to Niagara Falls Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony nisius College sponsored a concert tion featuring music by the Buf- featuring Katrzyna Musial in Hatch to view Niagara Falls illuminated at the Pulaski statue in Downtown entitled “Make A Joyful Noise” at falo Touch, Penny Whiskey, and the Hall at the Eastman School of Mu- white and red in honor of Poland’s Buffalo on March 2nd. The- cer St. Michael’s Church in Downtown Formula Band ... Professors Randall sic in Downtown Rochester. Independence. Approximately a emony was followed by the group’s Buffalo on the 14th. Sopranos Emi- Stone and Matthew Lenoe of the Andrzej Wajda’s film, “Pan dozen buildings in the City of Buf- Installation Banquet at the Protocol ly Helenbrook, and Haley Brunstad, University of Rochester, Lisa Jake- Tadeusz: The Last Foray in Lithu- falo will also be lit white and red in Restaurant in Cheektowaga. Dig- and pianists Dominik Wrona and lski of the Eastman School of Mu- ania,” will be shown at the Dryden honor of Poland. The day after the nitaries attending included NYS Ivan Docenko performed the works sic, and Annamaria Orla-Bukowska Theatre in Downtown Rochester on gala, the 80th Annual General Pu- Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul, NYS of Chopin, Paderewski, and others of the Jagiellonian University pre- June 2nd as part of the Skalny Lec- laski Association Parade will take Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Erie during this benefit for Polish Singers sented “Revisiting the Cold War: ture and Artist Spring Series. place through the Town of Cheek- County Comptroller Stefan Mychal- Alliance of America’s Scholarship History, Politics and Culture” in On October 27th and 28th, Piotr towaga. For more information, ijiw, Erie County Legislator Bar- Fund ... The Buffalo Philharmonic the University of Rochester’s Sloan Sulkowski will conduct the Buffalo please visit www.100thanniversary bara Miller Williams, Erie County Orchestra toured Poland giving six Auditorium as part of the Skalny Philharmonic Orchestra’s “Tribute ofpolandsindependencegalajuly21 District Attorney John Flynn, and concerts in four Polish cities from Lecture and Artist Series on March to Poland” including Nowowiejski’s st.eventbee.com. WGRZ-TV meteorologist Kevin March 15th through the 22nd. 28th ... The Flying Bison Brewery ”Praretorian March” from “Quo Va- The second event will be a “Grand O’Connell. Shannon O’Rowe was Thomas Zawadzki addressed hosted its “Pils, Pierogi & Polka” dis”; Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. Gala and Ball Polonaise” hosted by awarded the Dr. Hratch L. Karama- the Polish Arts Club of Buffalo on event featuring Those Idiots, March 3, “Polish”; and Paderewski’s Piano the WNY Division of the Polish noukian Scholarship that evening. the ”Polish Architect of the Broad- 31 ... Churches across WNY, CNY Concerto featuring soloist Lukasz American Congress at the Hyatt Re- On March 3rd, the Potts Ban- and Southern Ontario were filled Krupinski in Kleinhan’s Music Hall. gency Hotel in Downtown Buffalo quet Hall in Cheektowaga hosted its with the Faithful visiting seven Tom Dudzick’s new play, on October 27th. Division President 5th Annual Spring Fling featuring churches on Holy Thursday and get- “Christmas Over the Tavern,” a mu- James Lawicki selected Polish culi- The Knewz; and the Polky Village Wesołego ting their Easter baskets blessed on sical featuring the Pazinski family, nary expert Chef Marcin Budynek Band brought their energetic Polish Holy Saturday. will be included in MusicalFare’s to develop the menu and oversee the folk music to the Parkdale Library Alleluja! 2018-19 season. preparation and presentation of the in Toronto ... The Polish Canadian UPCOMING. The Polish Arts v v v dinner. Additional information can Salon of Poetry, Music and Theatre Club of Buffalo will be accepting If you have an item for this col- be found at www.facebook.com/ from Toronto staged productions of applications for its 2018 visual or umn, please send the information by events/1585489054849478/. Dr. Kazimierz Braun’s play “Ta- performing arts scholarship until the 6th day of the month preceding mara L.,” starring Maria Nowotar- April 2nd ... Polish rock legends Cz- publication month (i.e. April 6th for KRUPNIK DAY. March 3rd became ska and Agata Pilitowska, in Fort erwone Gitary will perform at the the May issue) to pietruszka@veri- “Krupnik Day” in Buffalo. The Pol- Lauderdale, Florida on March 3rd John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre zon.net. ish Villa II restaurant celebrated the and Lake Worth, Florida on the 4th in Mississauga, Ontario on the 13th Polish honey liquor at its “Fifth An- ... The WNY Division of the Polish nual Krupnik Fest,” featuring music American Congress put together a by Rare Vintage, for the benefit of day of meetings for Polish Consul  the with St. Casimir Parish Restoration General Maciej Golubiewski  Fund that afternoon. New York State Lt. Governor Kathy GENERAL Later that day, the Buffalo Dis- Hochul and various state legislators tilling Company released its unique to discuss political issues affecting PULASKI DAVID Buffalo-made “One Foot Cock Poland and Americans of Polish de- Krupnik” at a polka party featuring scent in Albany on March 6th ... On ASSOCIATION FRANCZYK Special Delivery at its March 9th, the Polish rock group Buffalo, New York  neighborhood cocktail bar. The en- Perfect performed at the Meeting  tire batch of the new spirit sold out House in Oakville, Ontario ... St. Join us at this year’s by the end of the evening. Casimir Parish in Buffalo’s Kaiser- parade July 22

Wesołego Alleluja! Happy Easter! Wishing All a Happy Easter CHOPIN SINGING Congressman SOCIETY BRIAN HIGGINS Founded 1899 26th-New York Dedicated to the promulgation of Polish music and song www.chopinsingingsociety.com/ POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 11


Alliance Alumni Foundation Scholarship Winner Announced CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, Pa. – The Alli- sibilities covering areas of academic interest, ance College Alumni Association, thru the and living in diff erent countries while pursuing arm of its 501(c)(3) Foundation (ACAAF), an- their degree. nounced the selection of Daniel S. Matejczyk For more information, call or visit +48 12 as the winner of its annual 429 6207; www. ces. uj.edu.pl. $1,500.00 scholarship. A sophomore attending KF SChOlaRShIPS aNd STUdy IN PO- The Ohio State University, laNd PROgRaMS. The Kosciuszko Foun- Matejczyk is pursuing a dation in New York City, and its Chapters in Bachelor of Science degree Chicago, New England, Ohio, Philadelphia, majoring in fi nance with a Pittsburgh, Texas, Washington, D.C., and West- minor in psychology. He ern New York, are currently accepting applica- transferred from Xavier tions for the following scholarships: the To- University after his fresh- maszkiewicz-Florio Scholarship, the Frances man year and maintained a Matejczyk E. Wyszynski Scholarship, and the Wisconsin 3.3 GPA. Study in Poland Scholarship. Scholarships During his freshman year at Xavier Univer- support Polish language and culture classes at sity, Matejczyk interned for the athletic depart- the Jagiellonian University in Krakow – pro- ment within the fi nance offi ce, concentrating grams begin on July 4th and July 25th. on the business aspect for both the men’s and The scholarship deadline is April 17, 2018. women’s basketball programs. After transfer- The scholarships are open to Americans of ring to Oho State, he accepted a student manag- Polish descent and U.S. legal residents of Polish er position working directly with the coaching descent who will be high school graduates and staff of the baseball program; responsible for will be 18 by the fi rst day of their chosen pro- many facets of the day-to-day operations. gram. Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, A native of Akron, Ohio, Matejczyk contin- juniors and seniors are eligible and may apply. ues to be an active volunteer at various local (The Wisconsin Study in Poland Scholarship is non-profi t and charitable organizations includ- also open to graduate level candidates.) A mini- ing Sacred Heart Parish Food Bank, Knights of mum GPA of 3.0 is required for all scholarship Columbus, the CYO, Youth Baseball and the programs. Candidates must submit an applica- LeBron James Foundation working in the spe- tion, fi nancial information form, two letters of cial needs and children at-risk programs. recommendation, transcripts and an essay/per- Post-graduation, Matejczyk plans to pursue sonal statement discussing why they wish to at- a career within the fi nancial industry and con- tend the program. Scholarships are awarded on tinue his education to earn an MBA. a competitive basis. Matejczyk is the son of Glenna Roberts and Programs include Polish language classes in David Matejczyk, ACAA Class of 1980, and the morning, culture and history classes in the grandson of respected longtime Alliance Col- afternoon, and workshops and cultural events in lege Professor Blair Matejczyk. the evening. Programs include local sightsee- For further information contact Richard Day, ing on weekends. Students are responsible for ACAAF President, at (330) 858-3712 or email registration fees, single room fees, airfare and [email protected]. out-of-pocket expenses. For additional details regarding eligibil- JagIEllONIaN OFFERINg dOUBlE aNd ity, how to apply for a scholarship, and course JOINT dEgREE PROgRaMS. Jagiellonian descriptions please see www.thekf.org/kf/pro- University’s Centre for European Studies in grams/study/ Krakow, Poland, off ers highly qualifi ed inter- disciplinary tailored two-year MA programs, VOC Call FOR INTERNS. The Victims of double-degree and joint degree MA programs Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) is that allow students to choose among a number welcoming applications for its Summer 2018 of specializations tailoring curriculum to ben- internship positions starting June 4. efi t their academic interests and future profes- VOC is seeking undergraduate and graduate sional aspirations. Students are required to learn students who possess a commitment to educat- a foreign language as a part of their program, ing people about the history of communism and as well as have a possibility to gain practical the dangers of collectivism. experience undertaking an internship with one The internship is based in Washington, and of the university’s partners. off ers a variety of roles including Government Double and joint degree program are carried Relations, Research, Development, and much in collaboration with prominent European and more. world universities, including UCL, University For more information visit victimsofcom- of Glasgow, Charles University, and Leiden munism.org/mission/internships/; 300 New Jer- University, allowing students to benefi t from sey Ave., NW # 900, Washington, DC 20001; academic mobility, research and internship pos- (202) 629-9500.

Weso³ego Alleluja! Easter Greetings from Happy Easter ThE ClEVElaNd VIRgINIa lUTy SOCIETy OF POlES To promote and Preserve the Language, Culture Weso³ego Alleluja! and Traditions of Poland and to Serve our Society, our Greater- to all my Family and Friends Cleveland community, and the Polish-American community. MaRy PIzzaTO Activities include general membership dinner meetings from September to June, speakers, and the Polish Polish Heritage Banquet Weso³ego Alleluja! Offi cers Happy Easter Dennis Galicki, President Walter Borkowski, Rec. Sec. JEaN JOKa Carol Stafi nski, V.P Kevin Mousty, Sergeant at Arms Philadelphia Allan Szufl ada, Fin. Sec. Robert Rybka, Advocate Rev. Eric Orzech, Chaplain Trustees Od naszego domu Mark Relovsky, Thomas Chalasinski, Richard Zysko do twojego dom For information about CSOP contact: From our house to [email protected] your house Weso³ego Alleluja! Happy Easter! BOB & TESSIE gIBOWICz East Longmeadow, Mass. 12 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 PCH Sets Goal continued from cover nearly $60,000. Most recently, PCH received cine in Bialystok.” a request from a small hospital in The Harmonic Generator is a Goldap, which is also in the very special scalpel that cauterizes as is northeastern part of Poland. It hopes cuts, which reduces blood loss. to be able to help that infi rmary in “We have been so happy to have the near future. been able to help these two hospitals Since its inception, The Polish in the poorer northeastern region of Children’s Heartline has donated Poland,” said Cramer. over $20 million dollars’ worth of And since good news travels fast, medical equipment, saving thou- PCH was contacted by Dr. Sylvia sands of Polish children’s lives. An- Korzynska, head of the pediatric de- nual fundraisers include a Luncheon partment at The City Specialist Hos- with entertainment and raffl es, and Chrystus pital in Ostroleka with a request for an Annual Champagne Gala at the Zmartwychwstał! a Precision Flow Vapotherm and pa- Polish Consulate in Manhattan. tient masks. “We were happy to be v v v He is Risen! able to honor their request with the To help the PCH reach its goals A blessed and joyous $20,000 purchase of this equipment of helping more children in 2018, Easter to All which delivers heated and humidi- send your tax-deductible donation Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych! fi ed respiratory gases with a high to: Polish Children’s Heartline, JaNE ShUBaCK REGINA WNUKOWSKI and controlled fl ow, which is a guar- 177 Broadway, Clark, NJ 07066; or aNd FaMIly Philadelphia antee of eff ective oxygen therapy.” call (732) 680-0680; or write child- Donations in total for 2017 were [email protected].

Happy 95th Easter, Mamusia Eleanor! The Polish Children’s Heartline Easter Blessings with Love and the children in Poland who Hug Your Bunny! were given a new chance to live wish all of Polonia Wesołego Alleluja and a Blessed Easter

We thank all our caring members, volunteers and generous donors for their continued support — Doreen Patras Cramer President POlISh ChIldREN’S hEaRTlINE FRANK and CHRIS 177 Broadway, Clark, NJ 07066 TWARdOWSKI (732) 680-0680 CDA Taxidermy & Wildlife Art Studio [email protected] 2500 N 4th St. www.polishchildrensheartline.org Coeur D’Alene, ID 83814 (208) 664-6859 501(c)(3) Non Profi t Organization, State of NJ POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 13 American Polonia at a Glance Chicago Polonians You Should Know

FLORIDA attend the Nobel Prize Ceremonies CAPE CANAVERAL — To- in Stockholm, . Violinist and Orchestra Leader, Anthony Kawalkowski masz Czajka, a Polish flight soft- More than 500 volunteers across by Geraldine Balut Coleman restaurant on ware engineer at SpaceX since a spectrum of activities are needed Chicago’s north- 2014, has carved out a highly presti- during the week in a range of shifts. The fifth individual in my series west side. In the gious career for himself. Approximately 200 interpreters are “Chicago Polonians You Should following months Most recently, he served as an needed to work with the students on Know” is renowned Chicago violin- his trio expanded engineer for the SpaceX Falcon both conversational and scientifical- ist and orchestra leader, Anthony into an orchestra. Heavy rocket, which lifted off from ly-informative conversational tech- “Tony” Kawalkowski. He has In 1982, he and the Kennedy Space Center in Cape nical levels. Greatest demand is for spent most of his professional life his orchestra be- Canaveral, Feb. 6, 2018. the languages of Spanish, Russian devoted to showcasing his versatile gan, for the first Czajka specializes in creating and Mandarin, but many other lan- musical talents and that of his or- time, to play at control systems, playing a part in guages are needed as well, includ- chestra within the Polish American the White and one of the most stunning moments ing Polish. community. Red Ball of the of 2018 so far. For more information and to reg- Kawalkowski was born in Chi- Legion of Young The Polish IT Society congratu- ister, visit https://student.societyfor- cago on April 13, 1957, the son of Polish Women, lated Czajka on his achievements, science.org/volunteers. Elvera Ambrozewski Kawalkowski and the Anthony Please send any questions to is- Kawalkowski Or- honoring him as the, “best ambas- and the late Artur Kawalkowski. He Palmer House. Through his pro- [email protected]. chestra has played for the Legion sador of Polish computer science is a third generation Polish Ameri- duction company, From The Heart PHILADELPHIA — Sun., April ever since. in the world,” said Business Insider can with one grandparent, John Musical Productions, Inc., he has 15. Polski Uniwersytet Ludowy Kawalkowski still has his first Poland. Kawalkowski, immigrating to the recorded two albums, Playing from Lecture, in the Polish language. As- half-size violin and his first full-size United States from Warsaw in 1902. the Heart and Timeless Romance. NEW JERSEY sociated Polish Home, 9150 Acade- violin. Professionally, he plays on His other grandparents were born Since 2013, Kawalkowski’s AKO CAMDEN — Sat., April 14. my Rd. 3:00 p.m. Speaker Dr. Kasia his uncle’s violin, custom made in in Chicago. He graduated from Taft Christmas Show, “The Love and Book lecture on Blessed Jerzy Pop- Szuberska Weitz, DMD will discuss 1952 by the distinguished violin- High School on Chicago’s North- Peace of Christmas” has attracted ieluszko by the author Judith Kelly, “Dentistry and your Health.” For maker, Franz Finberg. It is a copy of west Side and from the American large festive crowds to the Coperni- St. Joseph Church, 1010 Liberty St. info, call (215) 624-9954. All are the precious Camilli (Italian) violin, Conservatory of Music (ACM), cus Center in Chicago. 2:00 p.m., followed by light refresh- invited to attend. Free. but some say it sounds better than where he was awarded a bachelor’s Kawalkowski’s extensive reper- ments. At 4:00 p.m. a Healing Mass LANSDALE — Sat., April 21. the original. degree in music performance. toire is filled with the music most will be celebrated with the venera- Annual International Spring Fes- Kawalkowski’s violin skills and Kawalkowski likes to tell the appreciated by devotees. He ac- tion of the first class relic of St. John tival, North Penn High School, his orchestra repertoire are what story of how he begged his father knowledges that his favorite events Paul II. Info call (856) 963-1285. Valley Forge Road & Sumneytown attract patrons to his event perfor- to teach him the Polish language. to perform with his 42-piece or- CAMDEN — Sun., April 15. Pike. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Food mances. From Glen Miller to the But his father, Artur, felt that learn- chestra are the White and Red Ball, Annual Swieconka Luncheon, St. vendors, international displays, live Beatles, from Massenet’s Thais ing the Polish language was not American Friends of Austria Ball, Joseph Church, 1010 Liberty St. entertainment, activities for children to Sinatra, from the Beer Barrel necessary in America. Although he The Polish Museum of America (Upper Parish Hall). 11:30 a.m. Info and much more. For info, call Lans- Polka to Strauss waltzes, his musi- regrets not learning the Polish lan- Summer Gala, Bal Maskowy (The call Diana (856) 858-0983. dale Public Library (215) 855-3228. cal renditions have been danced to, guage at an early age, he is grati- Masked Ball of The Syrena Polish Free admission. his orchestral music and violin so- fied that his wife, Bozena, a native Folk Dance Ensemble in Milwau- PENNSYLVANIA WYOMISSING — April 22. los have been lauded, and his sing- of Chłebowo, Poland, is slowly and kee), and the Chicago Society’s In- PITTSBURGH — The Intel In- Berks County Polish American alongs with orchestra vocalists have patiently teaching it to him. augural Ball. ternational Science and Engineer- Board of Education Scholarship been heard in many different venues As far back as Kawalkowski can Kawalkowski’s motto, “let’s ing Fair (ISEF) — the Olympics, Banquet, Crown Plaza Hotel, 1741 across the country. His performanc- remember, he always had an interest have fun,” is evident in everything World Cup and the World Series Papermill Rd. 5:00 p.m. Music. For es vary from violin solos, to violin in playing the violin. In 1966, he re- he and his orchestra plays. As he of science competition — is com- info/reservations call Helen No- and piano duos, to trios and string ceived his first formal violin lesson says, “Music comes from my heart. ing to Pittsburgh May 13-18 2018. wotarski (610) 777-4598. quartets to the elegant sound of a from his Uncle Anton, a professional When I close my eyes and play, I am Held annually in May, ISEF brings PHILADELPHIA — Sat., April 42-piece orchestra. His audiences violinist, and orchestra leader. Later, in another world. I always look for- together more than 1,700 students 28. Oldies Dance Party, St. John have included international and na- Kawalkowski continued his studies ward to filling everyone’s heart with from 78 nations to compete for over Cantius Auditorium, 4435 Almond tional leaders, such as Pope John with Herb Miska, concertmaster of the joy of music.” $4 million in scholarships, tuition St., Bridesburg. 7:00-11:00 p.m. the Wayne King Orchestra and with Paul II, Joseph Cardinal Bernadine, grants, internships, scientific field For info, call the rectory (215) 535- George Perlman at the ACM. Francis Cardinal George, and Lech trips and the grand prize: a trip to 6667. When Kawalkowski began his Kaczynski, as well as members of DONATIONS TO PAJF ARE violin studies, he felt as if he was the entertainment world, including DEDUCTIBLE. With tax season Love to Sing? Join the PSAA walking in his uncle Anton’s foot- Michel LeGrand, Henry Mancini, upon us, we ask our readers to steps. When his uncle passed away, Arnold Palmer, and Arnold Schwar- consider a donation to the Pol- NEW YORK, N.Y. — Member 9326. Kawalkowski was encouraged to zenegger. Kawalkowski and his choruses of the Polish Singers Al- v v v ish American Journal Foundation start his own orchestra. Using An- musicians have played at corpora- for 2018’s returns. The PAJF is a liance of America are searching Songsters interested in choruses ton’s music library, organizing and tion events, formal balls, concerts, for singers — sopranos, mezzos, in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Ed- 503c non-profit organization, the writing arrangements, and graduat- and on Chicago radio and televi- funds of which are used for the altos, tenors, baritones, and bass- monton, or Hamilton should call ing from the ACM in 1979, he orga- sion programs. For many years, es — willing to share their talents Mary Lou Wyrobek, national presi- promotion of Polish American nized a trio and began to perform at Kawalkowski entertained at one culture. Learn more by turning and help them foster Polish Culture dent of the central administration of the former Red Star Inn, a famous of Chicago’s foremost hotels, The through song. If you have sung in a the PSAA at (716) 875-7513. to page 9 in this month’s edition. church choir or school chorus, you can recall the good times and joy you’ve brought to others by present- ing a concert pleasing to the ear. There are female, male, and mixed choruses eagerly waiting for you in PSAA’s District 7 in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania: Female Choruses • Jutrzenka #226 of South Brook- lyn, N.Y. meet Mondays from 5:00-7:15 p.m. Call Barbara R. Blyskal at (718) 720-6089; • Polonia-Paderewski #311 of New Britain, Conn. Call Teresa Ziemak (860) 515- 4806; • Marcella Kochanska-Sembrich #321 of Philadelphia. Call Debo- rah Majka at (215) 627-1393. Male Choruses • Chopin Singing Society #182 of Passaic, N.J. Call Austin Sroka (973) 641-9174; • M.K. Oginski, #283 of Hemp- stead, N.Y. Call Jacek Borkowski (516) 205-5378. Mixed Choruses • Hejnal #323 of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y. Call Miroslaw Kostro (917) 602-6194; • Polonia-Paderewski #287 of New Britain, Conn. Call Bozena Madej (860) 675-1761; • Aria #303 of Wallington, N.J. Call Ewan Karcz (973) 980- 14 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 Sports Stoch, Polish Jumpers Bring Home Olympic Medals by Tom Tarapacki country to be compromised, they when his contract in Finland expires Poland fi nished second in the did not compromise themselves. I after the 2019-20 season. team competition at tournament, be- and the Polish ski know that they gave it their all, and Another Team USA member was hind Germany. Stoch did the longest jumpers brought a pair of Olympic the fact that we expected more is an- defenseman James Wisniewski, jump of the day and won an unoffi - medals back to a native of Canton, Mich. “Wiz” cial individual classifi cation. Poland, one gold played for several NHL teams be- and one bronze. fore joining the German team Kas- RISINg STOCK. A remarkable Stoch, one of the sel Huskies in the KHL. Wisniewski performance in the NFL combine sport’s best-ever played a role in changing an Olym- has raised the draft stock of Mike and a huge celeb- pic tradition. His 62-year-old father Gesicki. He measured 6’ 5 ½”, rity in his home- got very sick at the tournament, and weighed 252 pounds, ran a 4.54 in land, received a was eventually diagnosed with the the 40-yard dash, did 22 reps in the Gesicki hero’s welcome very contagious norovirus. As a re- bench press and had a 41 1/2-inch when he returned sult Wisniewski was told to avoid vertical and a 10’ 9” broad jump. ning time of 3:01.77 at the World to his homeland. contact with his dad. All the players Gesicki set records at Penn State Indoor Games. The squad of Karol Four years ago were also told that, instead of the for receptions by a tight end. Previ- Zalewski, Rafał Omelko, Łukasz at Sochi, Poland Stoch traditional post-game handshakes, ously, at Southern Regional High Krawczuk, and Jakub Krzewina had its best winter they should bump fi sts instead. School in New Jersey, the all-around fi nished ahead of the U.S. team games ever, winning six medals, in- other matter.” athlete set school records in basket- ... Polish-born freshman Maciej cluding four gold. However, before IMMIgRaNTS: WE gET ThE JOB ball scoring, football catches and Danilewski earned St. Bonaventure the , Polish OlyMPIC NOTES. Zbigniew dONE. American fi gure skating receiving yards as well as volleyball Male Athlete of the Week honors Sports and Tourism Minister Witold Bródka carried the Polish fl ag in coach Tom Zakrajsek said that he blocks. He was off ered scholarships for setting a personal best time in Bańka cautioned that it was realis- the opening ceremony, and bobsled- shared a lot with many members of to play Division I basketball and his recent 200-backstroke win at tic to expect Poland to bring home der Mateusz Luty did the honors at the 2018 U.S. Olympic fi gure skat- even one to play volleyball at Penn Cornell, clocking in at 1:51.38 ... two to three medals. He added that the closing ... Hockey player Mat- ing team because of their immigrant State. Gesicki is relatively new to Shippensburg (Pa.) U. head football the best hope for medals was in ski thias Płachta of the silver medal roots. Of the 14 members of the the tight end position, having begun coach Mark “Mac” Maciejewski jumping. When the games ended winning German team is the son of team six are of recent Asian descent. his football career as a quarterback, was named the AFCA D-II Region Poland had two medals, both in ski a former star Polish hockey player Zakrajsek saw much in common but it seems that he has all the tools 1 Coach of the Year for the second jumping. and coach Jacek Płachta ... Ger- with his own Polish and Slovenian to make it big in the NFL. He’s now time ... The Polish Roman Catho- However, things didn’t look well man fi gure skater Nicole Schott, ancestors. “We were taught to ap- projected as a second round pick in lic Union of America is off ering a at the start of the Olympics, even who fi nished 18th, is the daughter of preciate our grandparents’ struggles the upcoming draft. free 2018 calendar prepared in co- though Stoch was coming off a a former competitive hockey player to come over to the country and operation with the National Polish spectacular performance at the pres- from Poland ... on his 32-birthday make a new life from the time I American Sports Hall of Fame. tigious Four Hills Tournament. At Polish-born Wojtek Wolski, a for- was a little kid,” Zakrajsek recalled. The calendar is packed with in- that event he became just the second mer NHLer now in Russia’s KHL, “Both of my grandmothers and my formation and full-color photos of jumper to win all four competitions. helped Canada win a silver medal mother and father gave us the his- greats like Stan Musial and Janet In the fi rst event at the in hockey ... Polish skaters Nata- tory, that Eastern European work Lynn. Quantities are limited, so if Olympics, Stoch failed to medal in lia Kaliszek and Maksym Spo- ethic: ‘Make something of yourself! you want one contact the PRCUA the normal hill competition in Py- dyriev fi nished 14th in Ice Dancing. If you have a dream, work at it!’ So marketing department at (773) 782- eongChang, fi nishing fourth. Team- Maksym was born in and competed when I see that in skaters, I think 2630 or [email protected]. mate Stefan Hula was fi fth. for Ukraine before coming to Po- about it. And I think a lot of that is Perhaps some Polish hopes for land in 2014 and getting Polish the story of our country, right?” ThEy SaId IT medals were high because it was citizenship ... U.S. short-track speed The 54-year-old native of Gar- “Take a moment, ask yourself, returning two other athletes who skater J.R. Celski was unable to fi eld Heights, Ohio was a competi- ‘How can I make a diff erence? No had won individual gold for Poland add to his three Olympic medals tive senior skater on the national matter how big, no matter how in 2014: Justyna Kowalczyk in won at previous Olympics. The “old level before he started coaching in small, how can I make a diff erence?’ cross country skiing, and Zbigniew man” on the team at age 27, he’s of 1990. He was the primary coach for And when you have your answer, go Bródka in speed skating. However, Polish and Filipino ancestry and is many top skaters, including Agnes out and do it.” both athletes are now in their 30s known for his unique chest tattoo of Zawadzki, 2010 World Junior silver — J.J. Watt, on being presented and fell short of medals. Kowalczyk, a Polish eagle inside a Filipino sun medalist, and Brandon Mroz, 2009 the NFL’s Walter Payton Man of the who has won fi ve Olympic med- ... Poland had its largest delegation U.S. national silver medalist. He Tripucka Year Award. als and eight world championships, with 62 athletes, and competed in currently coaches at the Broadmoor v v v had captured the 10 km classical sports ranging from luge to snow- Skating Club in Colorado Springs. Also doing well was 6’3”, 220- “It’s been that was my whole life, race in 2014 despite a broken foot; boarding ... Polish President An- lb. punter Shane Tripucka. Punters my whole career. Nobody knows this year the 35-year-old fi nished a drzej Duda and his wife, Agata Ko- MORE gaMES. Right after the don’t get drafted often, but the Tex- who I am wherever I go.” distant 22nd. Bródka, a 33-year-old rnhauser Duda, met Polish athletes Olympics about 550 athletes of Pol- as A&M product has a good shot at — USA Olympic team goalie fi refi ghter from Łowicz, fi nished at the Olympic village and attended ish heritage came to Krynica from making an NFL roster. If that name Ryan Zapolski, who was relatively 12th when he attempted to defend the ski jumping competition. 24 countries for the 13th Winter Po- sounds familiar, his father, Chris, unknown until the 2018 Olympics. his Olympic gold in the men’s 1,500 lonia Games. The games were fi rst played football at Boston College; v v v meters. held in 1934 but were suspended his uncle, Kelly, played basketball “We were invaded during the The Polish athletes competed until 1997. at Notre Dame and for 10 seasons Second World War, we were in- hard in disciplines from luge to Sports included alpine and cross- in the NBA; and, his grandfather, vaded by the Germans, obviously snowboarding, but failed to medal. country skiing, short track and long Frank, played quarterback at Notre a lot of people died. The most im- The Polish people began getting track speed skating and Nordic Dame and for 15 seasons in the AFL portant thing, they were not Polish nervous; it was a week into the walking. The largest contingent and NFL. death camps, they were German Olympics and Poland had won no came from Lithuania, with 50 ath- Nazi death camps in Poland. They medals. letes. Other nations well-represent- PERKOSKI’S NOTEBOOK. Po- were not made by Poland, a lot of Finally on Saturday February 17, ed were , the Czech Repub- land’s Szymon Sajnok won the people make the mistake saying that Stoch won the fi rst medal in 2018 lic, Canada and the United States. men’s omnium at the Track Cycling there were Polish death camps. We for Poland. He captured gold in the World Championships in the Neth- did not create freaking camps to kill large hill event, becoming the fi rst KEEP JUMPINg. After the Olym- erlands ... Poland’s Adam Kszc- people, Germans did that, so that is man to repeat since 1988. Stoch nar- pics Kamil Stoch won a ski jump- zot won the world’s indoor 800-m very important.” rowly defeated 22-year-old German ing World Cup competition in Lahti, title at the World Indoor Athletics — Polish-born NBA star Marcin , who had won Finland, his 27th individual world Championships ... the Polish men’s Gortat, talking about mispercep- gold on the normal hill. The follow- cup victory. Teammate Dawid Ku- 4x400-m relay team set a new world tions regarding Poland. ing Monday, the Polish ski jumping Zapolski backi came just short of third place. record with their gold medal-win- squad led by Stoch won Poland’s fi rst-ever team ski jumping medal, zaPOlSKI STaNdS OUT. Al- a bronze. Other team members were though the Czech Republic hockey Hula, Maciej Kot, and Dawid Ku- team eliminated the United States backi. from the Olympics in the quarter-  With his two Olympic medals, fi nals, little-known U.S. goaltender Stoch solidifi ed his status as one of Ryan Zapolski turned in a strong  the sport’s all-time greats. In Sochi, eff ort. Zapolski is a native of Erie, he swept both individual events, Pa., who didn’t play goalie until he winning gold on the large hill and was 12. He walked on at Mercy- normal hill, and “Stochomania” hurst College in Erie, and wasn’t A FRIEND took hold in Poland. He was named drafted by the NHL. In fact, he nev- that country’s sports personality of er played a North American profes- the year in 2014 and 2017. sional game above the ECHL. How- While some were disappointed ever, he went on to star in Russia’s with Poland’s medal total, Polish Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) Olympic President Andrzej Kras- with the Helsinki team Jokerit. He’s nicki put it this way: “Personally, a KHL All-Star, but hardly known in I think that the minimum [require- the United States — until now. Even ment] has been met.” He added: though he’s now 31, Zapolski hopes “The competitors did not cause our that the NHL will be interested POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 15 Polonia Places Birthplace of the Modern American Dyngus Day of Polish Americans will head out in Chopin’s hosted search of polka music and krupnik. their first Dyngus While the idea of Dyngus Day as a Day celebration, 24-hour Polish party, highlighted by with a memorable Polka and Polish music with flow- party with copious ing beer, krupnik, and vodka, is now amounts of food almost ubiquitous across the United and drink. Soon States, this style of celebration can the membership be traced to a single society and a tripled, then dou- single place, the Chopin Singing So- bled, then almost ciety’s Clubhouse in Buffalo, N.Y. tripled again — by The Chopin Singing Society was 1964 there were formed in March of 1899 when a over 500 members band of singers from St. Adalbert’s with 160 singers! Basilica in Buffalo’s Polish east side Over the next decided to form a secular group. The late Ted Mikoll, and wife, Justice Ann Mikoll (ret.) 30 years the Cho- When it came time to select a pa- pin Singing Soci- tron, they chose Poland’s greatest tendees. The society remained stable ety released two composer Fryderyk Chopin. during the Great Depression and the albums, toured around the world, After joining the Polish Singers Second World War and in 1947 pur- and even performed for Pope Saint Alliance of America, the Chopins chased a building at 18 Kosciuszko John Paul the Great, but every year competed and won in a number of Street to serve as their clubhouse. they made sure to be back in time national singing competitions. By When Ted and Ann Mikoll for their ever popular Dyngus Day 1908 they established their offices joined the society in the late 1950s, party. by Gregory L. Witul open, butter lambs beheaded only on Broadway and as the society membership had dwindled to less In 1994 the Society left their to be smeared over rye bread, and grew it could be found singing at than 30 member singers. The ener- Kosciuszko address and moved The Chopin’s Clubhouse cousins goading each other to eat more and more concerts, anniver- getic young couple knew that with their clubhouse to the Buffalo sub- 18 Kosciuszko Street ever bigger spoonsful of horserad- saries, and events in Western New a little effort and with the help from urbs. While the Polish neighbor- Buffalo, N.Y. ish. As afternoon fades into evening, York. some their friends, they could re- hood they once called home has Status: Closed the Sunday best will be traded for In 1925 the society hired Buffalo vive the once-great group. Tapping seen better days, the Chopin Sing- red and white t-shirts emblazoned artist Joseph Mazur to render a large into their network of friends, family, ing Society is still going strong, cel- The Lenten season is almost over with the slogans, “Made in America bronze bust of their patron, which and colleagues, the Mikolls enticed ebrating their 58th Dyngus Day this and soon cauldrons of sausage will with Polish Parts,” “Na Zdrowie,” they then donated to the City of Buf- them to join by holding lavish party year at Cheektowaga’s Millennium be boiling, colored eggs cracked and “Polish Princess,” and hundreds falo in an event that drew 20,000 at- and fun events. On April 3, 1961 Hotel. The Pondering Pole ... But Words Will Never Hurt Me by Ed Poniewaz II is very admirable. I would there- Language. At the core of the be working. That is the case in the fore, recommend you respond, act, controversy is the popular use of the “Polish death camp” law, and over I think the world has too many and proceed in life as it concerns word “complicit” in describing the time the need to defend it specifi- laws. that part of our history in a guilt- Polish nation. Saying Poland was cally will become secondary. More I would prefer people act respon- free and positive way. It is as simple complicit in the Holocaust is false so, as always, we will be forced to sibly, be engaged socially, and treat as that. and slanderous. There were collabo- defend our dignity and legacy. The their fellow citizens according to Feeling that way and being able rators and perpetrators in every Eu- law is new, but the reality is not. the Golden Rule. We would have to support it is another thing. To ropean country during the war, and far fewer laws and rules if the world help you organize your thoughts they acted out of fear, personal gain, POLISH OR NOT? I am not sure abided by these principles. and fend off unpleasant charges and revenge, animus, or hatred. If some- if this is a good “Polish or not?” Poland has new law making it feelings (while at the same time re- one wants to research and document but the late Douglas “Doug” Ken- a crime to “falsely accuse the Pol- maining comfortable in your own the collaborators and perpetrators, ney, one of the co-founders of the ish nation of crimes committed by Polish skin), you can categorize the go ahead. But the one and only true National Lampoon magazine had a Nazi Germany.” Unfortunately, the war in three ways: scope, scale, and perpetrator of the Holocaust is Ger- Polish mother, Estelle “Stephanie” legislation is causing angst in parts language. many. Karch, the daughter of Anthony of the world, primarily in the United In the documentary film, The Karczewski and Victoria Lesniak. A States and . Scope. The fighting and oppres- Lords of Humanity about the life graduate of Harvard and editor of the From a Yahoo article written sion in the East was horrendous, and of Jan Karski, the World War II National Lampoon, Kenney was a by Vanessa Gera of the Associated Poland was squarely in the middle spy and courier points out the Pol- writer for comedy blockbuster films Press, here is a quick recap of the besides being actively engaged on ish educated and upper classes were Animal House and Caddyshack. Na- Viva Bianca, the daughter of Cezary reason for the law and the opposi- five fronts for six years. Poland willing to help the Jewish people, tional Lampoon is a national icon, Skubiszewski, a Poland-born Austra- tion to it: fought in the East, in the West, in but the peasantry was reluctant to but I shudder to think of how much lian film and television composer. North Africa, she fought in the key get involved. There is a good reason of the humor was directed at Doug’s Her bother Jan Skubiszewski is a For years Polish officials Battle for Britain, and Polish math- for this: the poor were at the bottom mother’s ancestors. producer and composer. have struggled to fight phrases ematicians contributed to the devel- of the barrel, and it was evident that Viva Bianca. No, she is not His- like “Polish death camps” that opment of Enigma, the communica- their survival was as perilous as any panic. She is an Australian actress, If you have a thought about this are sometimes used abroad to re- tion code-breaking system used in of the other German-defined unde- who is the “daughter of Lee and month’s topic, a question, or an in- fer to Auschwitz and other death the defeat of the German U-Boat sirables or sub-humans. Cezary Skubiszewski. Viva’s father teresting facts to share, contact me camps that Nazi Germany built presence in the North Atlantic. You Contrast this to the years lead- is a Poland-born film and television at: Edward Poniewaz, 6432 Mar- and operated on occupied Polish could also make the case that Po- ing up to the United States Civil composer. Viva’s brother is produc- maduke Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139; territory during World War II land’s underground army, the larg- War. Irish Catholics living in the er and composer Jan Skubiszewski.” eMail [email protected]. Some Poles fear that as the est in Europe during the war, was North, according to the well-known You might have seen her in the v v v war grows more distant, new the sixth front. The Poles fought. economist Thomas Sowell, had a Starz series Spartacus: Blood and N.B. If you send email, reference generations will mistakenly be- lower standard of living than slaves Sand and Spartacus: Vengeance. the Polish American Journal or the lieve that Poles were the perpe- Scale. If Hitler was evil personi- in the South. They did much — if She has had a lot of work, and I Pondering Pole in the subject line. trators of the Holocaust. fied, then at least another ten Eu- not most — of the fighting for the think we will see more of her in the I will not open an email if I do not The law, however, has sparked ropean nations allied to him were North in the war. During the New future on the big and small screens. recognize the subject or the sender. a crisis with Israel, where Holo- reluctant to confront him, and there- York City Draft Riots, they not only caust survivors and officials fear fore are just a guilty in prolonging went after educated and upper class its true aim is to repress research the war, and are equally respon- people who bought out of serving, POLISH AMERICAN and debate about Poles who sible for the Holocaust. Because they also murdered and injured killed Jews during World War II. of Poland’s willingness to stand scores of blacks. Many blacks were CULTURAL CENTER up to Hitler, the country was virtu- hung from the lamp posts and then These are the two sides of the ally destroyed, the population was set afire. Irish Catholics were at 308 WALNUT STREET issue. The question is how a Pole decimated, and the spirit of the na- the bottom of the social ladder, but PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 — of any religion, ethnicity, resi- tion was crushed from unspeakable were taking out their frustrations on dence, and who identifies with the oppression and tyranny. No other the people they were being commis- (215) 922-1700 Polish nation, and is positive about nation in the European theatre ex- sioned to help. It made no sense to When You’re in Philadelphia’s Historic the Polish nation — responds when perienced the threat of extinction lash out and blame those they per- District, Visit The Polish American charged with complicity, either pri- and felt the sense of abandonment ceived as being responsible for their Cultural Center Museum Exhibit Hall vately or publically. Since the world as the Poles. Despite the incredible plight. It is not a good thing, but it is Featuring Polish History and Culture at large has been made aware of the pressure placed on the leaders and human nature. OPEN 10:00 a.m. TO 4:00 p.m. • FREE ADMISSION Holocaust, this has been hanging the populace caused by the extraor- As stated, I am not big on laws January through April • Monday to Friday over our head. dinary degree of death and destruc- but often a law is a way to force the May through December • Monday to Saturday On almost all levels, the over- tion, Poland has the most Righteous issue. It is probably good or neces- Gift Shop is Open During Regular Exhibit Hall Hours whelming evidence is that the Pol- Gentiles awards given by the State sary when patience has run out or Closed on Holidays ish behavior and effort in World War of Israel. benign coercion doesn’t seem to Visit Us on the Internet: www.polishamericancenter.org 16 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 Resistance History Stalin Gets His Way Sergei Sazonov: The by Regina results he had in mind. mander in Chief General Sosnkows- Szamborska-McIntyre Stalin’s part of the deal was a ki had his own interpretation of the commitment to the alliance; the Red results. His analytical mind ex- Godfather of Post-World Resistance is a story about the Army would launch an offensive at- plored the big picture. He was aware conditions, which led to the Warsaw tack against the retreating German of Mikolajczyk’s meeting with An- War II Polish Borders Uprising during World War II, and forces transferring from the Eastern thony Eden, Britain’s Foreign Sec- by Jan P. Muczyk (also known as the Polish-Ukrainian how the courageous and tenacious to the Western Front. This battle retary. The fact that the premier had War), which Poland won. The vic- people of Poland fought the Nazi would coincide with the Western requested Eden’s aid in promoting a Sergei D. Sazonov was born of tory secured for Poland large swaths occupation, only to be decimated by Allies long planned for invasion of diplomatic alliance with the Soviets, lessor noble background on August of land now part of Ukraine, Bye- the political vagaries of war. France. Operation Overlord, the es- convinced Sosnkowski that Miko- 10, 1860 in Ryazan, Russia. He was lorussia, and Lithuania. This stuck Three main characters drive the tablishment of a second front, was lajczyk and his staff were eager to the brother-in-law of Russian Prime in Stalin’s craw for quite some time. story: Zygmunt Kaminski, publish- scheduled for May of 1944. make concessions to the British in Minister Pyotr Stolypin who was in- While he conceded that Russia par- er of an underground newspaper; Britain and the United States order to maintain the support of the strumental in advancing Sazonov’s ticipated in dismembering Poland in Marek Gudzinski, aka Dysthmus, were romancing Turkey to enter the Western Allies. career. Sazonov served in the Lon- 1939, he was unwilling to compen- delivery man of contraband items war against the Nazis. Their produc- The commander was also ap- don and Washington embassies, and sate Poland with the land annexed to underground units; and Michal tion of chrome was vital to the man- prised of the Allies acceptance of the diplomatic mission to the Vati- to the Soviet Union in 1939. How- Bednarek, attorney at law, who tries ufacture of the strong steel needed Yugoslavia as an ally. Britain and can of which he became the chief in ever, he was glad to compensate to remain neutral and uninvolved. to build the heavy armor tanks of the America were sending arms and March 1906. On June 26, 1909 he Poland with German territory, since Wehrmacht. To shore up any reser- ammunitions via parachute drops to was recalled to St. Petersburg and he understood that Poland was the CHAPTER XXV. The leader of the vations the Turks might have, Stalin aid them in their battle against the appointed assistant foreign minister corridor for attacks on Russia from most powerful nation in the world, volunteered Soviet forces to declare Germans. to Tsar Nicholas II. In no time at all the west and, therefore, needed to arrived in a wheelchair to attend war on Bulgaria, should they decide Chief Delegate Jankowski was Sazonov replaced Alexander Izvol- be both strong and in the Russian the conference after having traveled to turn against Turkey. in London and Sosnkowski sought sky as foreign minister and followed sphere of influence to prevent a re- seven thousand miles to get there. him out. “Does it surprise you that a policy orchestrated by Stolypin. peat. It was to be Roosevelt’s first meet- In spite of his reputation the allied air-drops have been dis- In 1914, Sazanov published his ing with the Bolshevik leader of the continued?” Churchill was prepared to Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin. He was as a brutal killer, Stalin Jankowski wasn’t surprised; he be more generous with Polish bor- ill-prepared to deal with the strong had a natural charm and was devastated. “We have been told ders between Poland and Ukraine, willed dynamism of a man who was wit that he could display that technical difficulties involved but Stalin opposed Churchill’s plan. After the battle of Kursk (July so determined to dominate and sup- in diplomatic situations. in the flights are the reason for the press the natural order of things. end of their support.” 5-August 23, 1943) the fate of Ger- Stalin would trample over anything “Stalin has informed Churchill many was sealed, and Stalin held all Negotiations require compromis- the high cards. As it turns out, the that got in his way. es. Roosevelt and Churchill were and Roosevelt that the Home Army Churchill was the leader of an is collaborating with the Nazis. He Post-World War II Polish borders urged by Stalin to recognize the correspond closely with Polish bor- empire. He had dealt with many communist government of Marshall also accused the underground mili- would be conquerors. He had al- tary of murdering Polish communist ders in the second half of the tenth Tito of Yugoslavia as an ally. As a century. Most historians agree that ready formed a definite opinion of consequence, Yugoslavia would re- partisans.” the rough little peasant with an en- “Surely the allies can’t accept these borders make much sense with ceive supplies and equipment via respect to equity as well as defense. gaging manner. airdrops from Britain and the United this as truth!” The Tehran Conference, code “No matter. I have spoken to a They follow the Baltic coast on the States. north, mountains on the southwest, name, Eureka, opened with a din- Stalin then brought out the big British officer who told me the Yu- ner on the evening of November 29, goslavs were actively involved in south and southeast and major rivers guns. The Curzon Line. The West- elsewhere. 1943. ern Allies agreed to a shift of the offensive battle against the Nazis, Stalin had his agenda well while the Home Army was merely President Harry Truman, who border between Poland and Russia. succeeded Franklin Delano Roos- planned. He came to the table with Stalin accepted Churchill’s proposal defensive in its activities.” considerable credit at his disposal. Sosnkowski lit a cigarette with evelt, had doubts whether or not Po- of compromise. For the loss of Po- Sazonov. His plans for a unified land could digest so much German The Soviet Army was aggressively land’s marshlands and the city of the left-over butt of the one he had driving the Germans out of Russia. just smoked. and independent Poland within goose. After all, Poland acquired Lwow in the east to Russia, terri- Russia’s reach impressed Stalin, who Silesia, Pomerania, and East Prus- In spite of his reputation as a brutal tory to the west belonging to Ger- “It seems there are no technical killer, he had a natural charm and difficulties involved with flights persuaded Roosevelt and Churchill sia. But the German population ei- many, would be offered to Poland as to accept those borders at the Yalta ther fled these territories or was ex- wit that he could display in diplo- compensation. Stalin’s mission was over the mountains of Yugoslavia.” matic situations. He drew long and hard on the ciga- and Potsdam Conferences. pelled. The Germans were replaced accomplished. He held the territory by Poles from the area annexed to During the negotiations, Sta- and the political future of Poland in rette. vision of the borders of Eastern the Soviet Union. Those factors lin played his trump card, “bargain his hip pocket. Europe in which he advocated for were largely responsible for the and manipulate.” He already had News of the Tehran Conference Next month: The conclusion a unified and independent Poland; success of the resettlement scheme. his bargaining chip, the Soviet vic- leaked to the exiled government in in the Russian orbit, of course. His Of course, the Jewish population tory of the Battle of Kursk. That and London. Although the information Regina Szamborska-McIntyre is position on Poland proved unpopu- was either slaughtered during the Stalingrad were sure to garner the was second-hand at best, Com- a retired Speech Pathologist who currently facilitates memoir work- lar in Russia, and, as a result, Tsar holocaust or emigrated after World shops at her local library. She is the Nicholas II lost confidence in his War II. Today, perhaps for the first author of two books of historic fic- foreign minister, and relieved him time in its long history, for better or SUPPORT THE PAJ PRESS FUND tion, “An Altar of Sod” and “Yester- of his duties. It just so happens that worse, Poland has a homogeneous day’s Pupils.” Joseph Stalin was impressed with population. Furthermore, member- n 1978, a voluntary fund-raising campaign was launched by a group Sazonov’s vision, and with uncanny ship in NATO and the EU guaran- of loyal readers of the Polish American Journal entitled “We Love the attention to detail, persuaded Roos- tees its security and economic pros- PAJ Press Fund” in order to help cover rising postage, material Your Mother’s Day Gift — Be evelt and Churchill to accept those perity. and production costs. a good synek by keeping your borders at the Yalta and Potsdam And what of Sazonov? After he IDonations to the PAJ Press Fund are also used to support our reader Polish heritage alive. Give a gift Conferences. opposed the Bolshevik revolution, services (postage, telephone, research, etc.), provide newsclippers with subscription to family members. Stalin’s motives need elabora- he emigrated to Nice, France and stamps and envelopes, and cover extraordinary expenses in producing Only $25.00 a year. tion. He was a commissar during wrote his memoirs until his death the paper. The Polish American Journal is not a profit-making ven- Call 1 (800) 422-1275 the Russo-Polish War of 1919-1920 December 25, 1927. ture. Thanks to its dedicated staff, the PAJ is pub­lished as a “public service” for American Polonia. Donations to the PAJ Press Fund will be acknowledged in the paper unless otherwise directed by the contributor. “Kronika Bukowsko” BILINGUAL TRANSCRIPT Book on CD A sincere “THANK YOU” for your donation to the PAJ PRESS FUND: Aleksandra Boehm, Wilmington, Del.; Arline Hufstetler, Dawson, Ga.; by Kazimiera Kochańska Frances Kłys, Lackawanna, N.Y., in memory of Mary “Cookie” Kohan; translated by Roman Kaluzniacki $23.50 Christine Grzybała Kucher, Saugus, Mass.; Rev. James J. Meszaros, postpaid Bayside, N.Y.; Thomas Parsnick, Union Springs, N.Y.; Richard published by Deborah Greenlee Walczak, Canton, Mich.; MaryAnne Whary, Temecula, Calif.; Regina Wnukowski, Philadelphia; and two Friends of the PAJ. Dziękujemy wam 146 pages including an index, Polish transcription, wszystkim! The PAJ thanks all who donated. English translation, and photos. Mail to: PAJ PRESS FUND All of the proceeds go to the Bukowsko kindergarten school. Polish American Journal Bukowsko is one of the poorest gminas in Poland. P.O. BOX 271, NORTH BOSTON, NY 14110-0271 I want to make sure the POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL continues its The “Kronika Bukowsko” (historical non-fiction) is a transcript in service to American Polonia. Enclosed is my contribution of $______both Polish and English of a diary kept by the principal of the Bukowsko, Poland, school from 1945-1977. It records school and NAME civic events in the village and includes many illustrations and pho- tographs. Of particular interest, however, is the history of the village ADDRESS during the postwar period when the area was dealing with the conflict between the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the new Communist con- CITY, STATE, ZIP trolled Polish government, which ended with Akcja Wisła. Please [ ] include [ ] do not include my name in your list of contributors. DEBORAH GREENLEE, 1318 IVY CHARM WAY, ARLINGTON, TX 76005 / [email protected] POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 17 Polish Chef What to Do with All Those Leftover Hard-Boiled Eggs Recipes from the 3 tbsp. regular or light mayonaise ery; mix well. REFRIGERATE, take care not to cut a hole through saucepan large enough to hold them American Egg Board 2 tbsp. chopped fresh chives, covered, to blend flavors. the white. in a single layer. Add cold water to divided SERVE on lettuce leaves, gar- For -stuffed eggs: Stir cover the eggs by 1 inch. Heat over Mixed Greens Salad 1 tbsp. lemon juice nished with reserved egg slices. 2/3 cup crumbled cooked bacon, 3 high heat just to boiling. Remove with Eggs 1 tbsp. Buffalo-Style hot sauce, Tip: This recipe for egg salad tablespoons pickle relish and 1/4 from the burner. Cover pan. Let such as Frank’s Red Hot can be layered with crunchy lettuce cup chopped fresh chives into yolk eggs stand in hot water for about 1 pkg. (5 oz.) baby lettuce mix Buffalo Wings Sauce on whole wheat toast for a simple mixture. 12 minutes for large eggs (9 min- 4 plum tomatoes, sliced 3/4 tsp. paprika, divided sandwich, or stuffed into cherry to- For -stuffed eggs: Stir 3/4 utes for medium eggs; 15 minutes 4 hard-boiled eggs, 1/4 tsp. each salt and pepper matoes for an impressive appetizer. pound cooked, peeled and chopped for extra large eggs). Drain. Shock quartered lengthwise 3 stalks celery, cut into Our simple and easy egg salad rec- shrimp, 2 tablespoons prepared the eggs in a bowl of ice water to 1/2 cup part-skim shredded 4-inch pieces ipe is a good choice for a satisfying horseradish and six green onions, cool them immediately. Hard-boiled mozzarella cheese meal! minced, into yolk mixture. COMBINE eggs, mayonnaise, 1 eggs are easiest to peel right after DIVIDE lettuce evenly among tbsp. chives, lemon juice, hot sauce, Classic Deviled Eggs Pickled Eggs cooling. 4 serving plates. TOP each with 1 1/2 tsp. paprika, salt and pepper. Makes 12 egg halves sliced tomato and 4 egg wedges. SPOON into celery pieces. 1 jar (16 oz.) beets Tips: Pickle hard-boiled eggs in SPRINKLE each with 2 tablespoons SPRINKLE remaining paprika 6 eggs 1-3/4 cups distilled white vinegar a brilliant beet juice for a colorful cheese. and chives over top. 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 cup sugar appetizer or snack for holidays and Tips: Serve this simple green Tip: For a blue cheese dip flavor, 2 tsp. dijon mustard 1-1/2 Tbsp. whole allspice entertaining. salad with boiled eggs as a side, crumble blue cheese over top. 1/4 tsp. kosher salt 1 stick cinnamon, halved Very fresh eggs can be difficult to lunch, or dinner entrée. 1/8 tsp. white pepper 8 Hard-boiled eggs, peeled peel. To ensure easily peeled eggs, Very fresh eggs can be difficult to Classic Egg Salad buy and refrigerate them a week to peel. To ensure easily peeled eggs, Put the eggs in a pan and cover DRAIN beets, reserving juice. 10 days in advance of cooking. This buy and refrigerate them a week 6 hard-boiled eggs, sliced with 1 inch of cold water. Cover the Set beets aside for another use. brief “breather” allows the eggs to 10 days in advance of cooking. 1/4 cup mayonnaise pan, bring to a boil, remove the pan COMBINE beet juice, vinegar, sug- time to take in air, which helps sepa- This brief “breather” allows the 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice from the heat and let the eggs rest, ar and spices in medium saucepan. rate the membranes from the shell. 1 tbsp. minced onion eggs time to take in air, which helps still covered, for 11 minutes. Imme- Bring to a boil; STIR until sugar is Hard-boiled eggs are easiest to separate the membranes from the 1/4 tsp. salt diately pour off the hot water and fill dissolved. REDUCE heat and sim- peel right after cooling. Cooling shell. Hard-boiled eggs are easiest 1/4 tsp. pepper the pan with cold water. As the wa- mer 5 minutes. causes the egg to contract slightly in to peel right after cooling. Cooling 1/2 cup finely chopped celery ter warms, dump and refill with cold ARRANGE eggs in 1-quart heat- causes the egg to contract slightly in Lettuce leaves water until the eggs are cool. proof glass jar with tight fitting lid. the shell. the shell. Crack the eggs all over and gen- POUR hot marinade over eggs. To peel a hard-boiled egg: Gen- RESERVE and refrigerate 4 cen- tly pry off the shells; rinse off any Cover tightly. Allow to cool to room tly tap egg on countertop until shell Buffalo Egg Salad ter egg slices for garnish, if desired. clinging bits. Slice the eggs in half temperature 1 hour. Refrigerate to is finely crackled all over. Roll Celery Sticks CHOP remaining eggs. lengthwise. If you’re going to pres- blend flavors, at least several hours egg between hands to loosen shell. MIX mayonnaise, lemon juice, ent the eggs on a platter, slice off a or up to one week. Starting peeling at large end, hold- 8 hard-boiled eggs, peeled onion, salt and pepper in medium tiny bit of the underside to create Easy 12-Minute Method for ing egg under cold running water to and coarsely chopped bowl. ADD chopped eggs and cel- a flat spot so the eggs sit still, but Hard-Boiled Eggs: Place eggs in a help ease the shell off.

P A JB o o K s t o R E TO ORDER BY MAIL TO ORDER BY PHONE TO ORDER ON LINE: Use form on page 7 (800) 422-1275 • (716) 312-8088 polamjournal.com K i t c h e n use form for all items on pages 6, 7, 17, and 18 MON.-FRI., 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. SECURE SERVER POLISH POLISH Pleasing Polish Recipes POLISH GIRL HOLIDAY COUNTRY by Jacek and Malgorzata Nowakowski COOKBOOK COOKERY KITCHEN $8.95 $10.00 by Eva ORDER NOW Published at COOKBOOK Item 2-678 Gerweck, FOR EASTER $16.95 by Sophie Knab 5-1/2 x 3-1/2 Item 2-301 WHILE $19.95 inches 44 pp., sc. SUPPLIES LAST: Item 2-632. 337 160 pp., spiral Another cook- BUTTER LAMB MOLD $9.95 pp., sc; bound book full of reci- by Robert Strybel From top- This little cookbook features a great pes from Detroit’s E A S T E R Item 2-644 selling author variety of regional foods, such as hot Old Polish neigh- BUTTER 248 pp., pb., Sophie Hodoro- beer, vegetable soup, leek salad, gra- borhoods. Ap- l a M B Hippocrene Bks. wicz Knab comes ham bread, bigos, potato pancakes, petizers, entrees, Easy to Polish Holiday Cookery acquaints an expanded edition to a best-selling dill pickles, nut roll, gingerbread, and breads, desserts, and more! Upper use. To readers with traditional Polish foods book that combines recipes for favor- royal mazurkas. Readers also will find a Peninsula style pastries, potato salad, m a k e associated with various occasions and ite Polish foods with the history and table grace and information on dyeing pastries, babka, breads, and more. with but- furnishes countless cooking tips and cultural traditions that created them. traditional brown Easter eggs. ter, sim- serving suggestions. This “instruction Arranged according to the cycle of sea- POLISH ply coat manual for the culturally aware Polish sons, this cookbook explores life in the POLISH PIEROGI RESTAURANT the mold American” offers more than 400 reci- Polish countryside through the year. $10.00 by Eva Gerweck, COOKBOOK with vegetable oil (spray type works pes, along with a lexicon of basic foods The Polish Country Kitchen Cook- Item 2-303 $10.00 best), press in softened butter, clamp and culinary concepts, ingredients book gives its readers priceless his- 48 pp., sc. Item 2-302 halves together, place and refrigerator and procedures, and sample menus. torical information such as the type of A collection of “secret” recipes, tips, by Jonathan until hardened and you’re done. For The clearly-written recipes facilitate utensils used in Poland at the turn of and more by Eva Becklar, 44 chocolate, just pour and let harden. the preparation of the dishes and their the century, the meaning behind the Gerwecki. Fill- pp., sc. It’s that easy. We’ve even had custom- incorporation in the Polish American Pascal butter lamb, and many other ings, toppings, This unique ers make butter lamb soap using this mainstream culture. insightful answers to common ques- and a variety of cookbook actual- form! Clean with dish soap and warm Polish Holiday Cookery covers tions asked by descendants of Polish dough recipes as ly replicates reci- water. holidays such as Christmas and immigrants. well. pes taken from Small (#1-600) Easter, as well as celebrations year- The over 100 easy-to-follow recipes Over 150 reci- menus of Motor City and surrounding 3-1/2” width by 3” tall — $4.95 round. Ideas for banquets, picnics, are all adapted for the modern North pes with regional area restaurants. It shows you how to dinners, and family favorites abound American kitchen. Illustrations and variations, from make an entire menu right that tastes Large (#1-601) throughout, ensuring that cooks have pearls of practical wisdom (“House- New York to Cali- and smells just like the restaurant. 5” width by 4” tall —$7.95 a selection of dishes for any occasion. hold Hints”) complement this book. fornia! Soups, salads, dressings, sandwiches, $4.00 S&H ON ALL MOLDS stuffed cabbage, and more. $1.00 each additional mold APRONS HANDTOWELS “STO LAT” BIRTHDAY CARD $20.00 each plus $5.95 s&h. Proclaim your Polish heritage with this lovely restaurant-style apron. $9.95 each plus $5.95 s&h. NEW SIZE! These machine- 100% Cotton, with two generous pockets. Quality red cloth with machine-embroidered lettering embroidered, 100% cotton are bigger and better: 15” x 31”! CARD 402 — “Sto lat” and design. One size fits all! A great gift any time of the year! Useful and attractive. (“Happy Birthday — May you live 100 years”) 75¢ each 10-pack: $6.00 50+: 50¢ each 4 ¼ ¨ x 5 ½ ¨ Fu l l color design with WHO STOLE WESOLYCH POLISH POLISH BBQ POLISH ROOTS POLISH CHEF POLISH CHICK poppy, “Sto lat” THE KISZKA? POLISH CHEF SWIAT (Merry DRINKING TEAM 2-287 2-284 2-200 2-211 2-213 lyrics in Polish and 2-282 Christmas) 2-269 2-285 English, and role of poppy in Polish culture. Inside left blank for personalization. Printed on Visit our on-line bookstore at glossy stock. Envelopes included. polamjournal.com Many more items including SHIPPING (CARDS ONLY) recordings, cards, ornaments, etc. 1-10 cards...... $3.50 POLISH POLISH CHICK I LOVE PIEROGI I LOVE KISZKA I LOVE PIEROGI POLISH KITCHEN 11-20 cards...... $4.50 KITCHEN 2-280 2-224 2-225 2-283 2-210 2-281 21 or more...... $5.95 18 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018

P A JB o o K s t o R E Genealogy Szuch Retires as Polish Genealogical GENEALOGY Society of Greater Cleveland’s President To order, use form on page 7 Census Records: POLISH A Snapshot of the Past IMMIGRATION by Stephen M. Szabados family history will start to appear TO AMERICA and write itself. by Stephen Szabados Jump start your family history Use both Federal and State cen- Item 2-271 research by mining the information sus records because states and ter- $17.99 found in the census records. Go be- ritories also conducted censuses. When did your yond the names and dates. Census Some state census records were Polish ancestors records include many more pieces merely head counts but some had immigrate, where of family history. Record the ad- very useful genealogical informa- did they leave, dress listed for your ancestor, their tion. Unfortunately, most of 1890 why did they leave, how did they get occupation, where were they born, U.S. Census records were destroyed here? This book discusses the history where they were naturalized, when in a 1921 fire. of Poland and gives some insights to they arrived, if they owned their Federal census records can be possible answers to these about your ancestors’ immigration. All three Polish residence, and could they read and found on a number of online data- partitions are covered and the material write. These records contain infor- bases and the most used are Ances- will hopefully clear up your confusion mation that describes your family try.com, Familysearch.org and Heri- why your Polish ancestors listed that members on a specific day and gives tageQuest. Ancestry.com requires a they were born in other countries on you a fantastic snapshot that is not subscription or access to a library early U.S. documents. Brief histories available in your scrapbooks or in that has Ancestry Library Edition. CLEVELAND —After 25 years as the President of the PGSGC, John F. of most of the ports that were used by oral histories. HeritageQuest is owned by Ances- Szuch (left) as stepped down from the group’s presidency. John was Polish immigrants for departure and The U.S. Federal Census was try.com and can be accessed in the elected president for the group’s second year, and has held that title arrival; life in steerage; and the process mandated in 1787 by the Constitu- online databases at most libraries. until January 1, 2018. After 25 years in office, he felt it was time to get of examination to gain admittance. tion to count the U.S. population to HeritageQuest is important because someone else in the office, with fresh ideas and energy. Selected replace John was Ron Kraine (right), who has been the or- Finding determine representation in the U.S. libraries allow it to be accessed House of Representatives. The first from home where as Ancestry Li- ganization’s vice president for a number of years. Szuch said he is con- Grandma’s fident Kraine will do and excellent job as president, now that he is the European U.S. Census was recorded in 1790 brary Edition can be accessed only Ancestors and, has been done every ten years at the library. Familysearch.org is a organization’s president emeritus. by Stephen thereafter. free website that has all of the U.S. Szabados The first census records were census records indexed but to view Growing Up Polish American Item 2-653 very basic and listed the name of many of the years, Familysearch.org $19.95 the head of the household and a directs us to their partner “Ancestry. 210 pp., pb. count of the number of people in com.” All three sources are impor- This is a “must the household. However, for each tant depending what is available The Perfect Bag have” book for the family historian new census, officials began adding from your local library. by Mary J. Hoferek on a special dish for transport, she who wants to identify their European and Susan C. Wilson would find a paper bag that fit per- heritage. The author draws from his re- questions that would provide them Genealogy is defined as the study with demographic information to of family history but it should be fectly over the item. She would go search experiences to describe how to into her walk-in pantry and emerge find the resources available; first to find help them plan schools, other local more than a collection of names and Her eyes sparkled as she told me out where your ancestors were born in facilities, and laws. The answers to dates. Your ancestors were living about “the plan.” with a bag which she would then Europe, and then find the records. This these questions are a treasure trove human beings who interacted with Her brother was an air force of- try to place the treat in. Often the revised edition covers genealogical of information about your family the people around them. All of these ficer and saw that war was coming bag was too small. Often it was too research for most European countries that will give many new insights facts and events are related and are to Poland. The siblings worked to- large. Undaunted, she would fold up and includes detailed practical steps into your ancestors. pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. The com- gether to send one brother to Ameri- the ill-sized bag and return to her that will help you find the success and Generally, start with the 1940 plete story is difficult to uncover. ca. He made enough money to bring pantry to exchange the old bag for the records that you need. The author census or the latest before your an- We may never get to the end of the the next one. As they made more a new bag. One at a time, each bag uses his experiences to give tips on money, they sent for the next one. was retrieved from the pantry and what to avoid and what works; how to cestor’s death and work backward book. Do not give up. Always ask in time. Use all of the information questions. Be patient and keep put- Over and over, they pooled their carefully evaluated. The bag needed find and use critical records; and how to fit perfectly – not too small and to use translating guides to decipher on census records to maximize your ting the puzzle together. The story earnings until all eight siblings were the foreign-language records. This research results. Also, be persistent will slowly be revealed. together in the United States. Only not too big – before my grandmoth- book gives you the tools to find your and find all possible census records v v v my grandmother’s parents and baby er was satisfied. When the perfect European family. for your ancestors because each one Stephen M. Szabados is a promi- sister remained. At the age of 14, my bag was found, I was given the deli- should give you additional informa- nent genealogist, and the author of grandmother had sailed from Po- cious morsels and dutifully carried Memories of Dziadka tion. Look for patterns in the infor- four books, “Finding Grandma’s land to the safety of Newark, New them to my mother. Rural life in the Kingdom of Poland mation. Ask why they moved. What European Ancestors,” “Find Your Jersey. She escaped Poland’s future Many years later, I was visiting 1880-1912 and Immigration to of the almost complete destruction relatives who lived in Old Town America / by Stephen Szabados were they doing? Recording all of Family History,” “Polish Geneal- the information will start to show ogy,” and “Memories of Dziadka.” of Warsaw, the murder of millions Warsaw, Poland. They had survived $14.95 of Polish citizens, and terror of con- years of wars and repression. The Item 2-670 patterns and relationships and your centration camps. She married and city was being slowly, painstakingly pb. 134 pp. Discover the Meaning of Your Polish Name. This book is A custom-re- reared four daughters, including my restored to its pre-war elegance. I about the life searched analysis of the meaning and origin of a Polish surname will make mother. found a lovely painting by a local of a Polish im- an unusual and memorable gift for a loved one (or yourself). It will explain We lived two blocks from my artist and purchased it. The vendor migrant, from the name’s meaning, how it originated, how many people share it, where grandmother, so the role she played wrapped the picture in newspaper his birth in the they are from and whether a noble coat of arms accompanies it. If one is in my life was immediate and fresh. and took out some string to secure Russian partition found, its image and the story behind it will be provided. If interested, One happy job for me was help- the picture for transport. The first of Poland: the airmail a $19 personal or bank (cashier’s) check or money order (adding ing my mother and grandmother piece of string was too short and customs and tra- $13 for each additional surname you wish to have researched) to Polonia’s exchange food. As the courier, my was put back on the line. The next ditions he grew up with; his decision long-standing Warsaw correspondent and name researcher: Robert Strybel, mother often sent me to visit carry- piece had a large piece left over and to leave his family and the land of his ul. Kaniowska 24, 01-529 Warsaw, Poland. was put back. The next string fit, but birth; the trek across Poland to the port ing some sweet corn or other farm- of Bremerhaven; his voyage across the You will also be able to check your family records in Poland, track er’s market produce. For my return not quite. Several strings were tried North Atlantic Ocean; arrival in Ameri- down ancestral homesteads and graves or possibly even turn up long-lost home, my hands were filled with my and rejected. Finally, a string was ca; and his life in America. Through the relatives thanks to a helpful genealogical contact sheet included. grandmother’s freshly-baked coffee chosen because it was a perfect fit. story of one man, you will learn and cake, still warm and fragrant. The The painting, finally wrapped and understand the hardships of a typical exchanges occurred several times secured, was given to me. As the Polish immigrant in the early 1900s. each month and I looked forward to vendor worked, I remembered my each trip with joy and expectation. grandmother’s efforts for a perfect POLISH GENEALOGY: When my grandmother was pre- bag and was sure she smiled from Four Easy Steps to Sucess paring her treats, which were placed the heavens above. by Stephen Szabados $19.95 / Item 2-668 164 pp., pb. This book is Polish To Be Offered As Student designed to give Language Proficiency Option the researcher EUGENE, Ore. — As the num- Polish Americans or other students the tools needed to research their ber of states and school districts to demonstrate their proficiency in Polish ancestors offering “Seal of Biliteracy” pro- the Polish language. and find possible grams is increasing rapidly across There are approximately 10 mil- answers to the the country, students studying Pol- lion Polish Americans in the United origins of their ish will for the first time will be able States, and at least 30,000 students Polish heritage. to demonstrate their proficiency in estimated to be studying the Polish The book outlines a simple process in the language based on a new test language, with Michigan, Illinois, that will identify where your ancestors established by Avant Assessment. and New York counting the largest were born and where to find their Pol- Avant Assessment, a language populations. ish records. Traditional sources are cov- proficiency testing company, will The Polish Mission of the Or- ered but it also discusses many new sources for Polish records that have now offer a Polish language assess- chard Lake Schools in Michigan been implemented by genealogy so- ment option for local schools. The has been working with Avant As- cieties in Poland. The book covers the test will be offered for the first time sessment to implement the Polish most up-to-date collection of sources in Michigan schools this spring. Up language proficiency assessment for for Polish genealogy. until now, there has been no way for the first time in the country. POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 19 Madejski Appointed President Ojczyzna Polish Dancers Can Sing, Too of the Medical Society of New York BUFFALO, N.Y. — General Physician, P.C. announced the appointment of Dr. Thomas J. Madejski to the offi ce of President of the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY). He was appointed at the 212th House of Delegates meeting, March 24, 2018. As president, Dr. Madejski will oversee all the public health and legislative activities of the state’s principal professional organization for physicians, and will work to protect and defend the rights of all patients in New York State. “Dr. Madejski has been a tireless supporter of MSSNY’s legislative priorities and has been a champion of both physicians’ and patients’ Madejski rights during challenging times,” medicine, geriatrics, and hospice said Dr. Paul Hamlin, Chairman of palliative care. MSSNY’s board of trustees. “We In addition to his internal medi- look forward to his leadership as cine practice with General Physi- he takes offi ce as president of MS- cian, P.C., Dr. Madejski is president SNY.” of the medical staff at Medina Me- Dr. Madejski is a graduate of morial Hospital, as well as medical SUNY Buff alo School of Pharmacy director of the Orleans County Nurs- and The School of Medicine, SUNY ing Home, Absolut Care of Gasport, Health Science Center in Syracuse, and Hospice of Orleans County. NY. He is board-certifi ed in internal Krasinski Recalls Role OJCZYZNA POLISH dANCERS SING KOLĘdY. The Ojczyzna Dancers are shown after performing Polish Christmas Carols in their secondary role as an adjunct choir at Holy Rosary Church on January 28, 2018. Artistic as Extemporaneous Hero Director and Choreographer Malgorzata Bondyra is shown in the first row cradling her violin. He told the magazine that he went BALTIMORE, Md. — During to spend a great deal of time prac- at the University of Rzeszów In Po- to a beach called Manuel Antonio, the 2017 Christmas Season, the ticing so that these members could land. Bondyra will continue to be which had a rough riptide. That’s Ojczyzna Polish Dancers of Balti- fl awlessly sing. For those who have enrolled in the master’s of Polish when he sprang into action to save more performed concerts of Polish ever tried to speak Polish, it should folk dance and choreography cur- people who were swimming near Christmas carols, or kolędy, for au- be clear what an amazing accom- riculum as she works toward earn- him: diences throughout the Baltimore/ plishment this was for Ojczyzna and ing her formal certifi cation. Ojc- “While I was swimming there Washington D.C. region. Among its members. zyzna will continue to benefi t from — this is a story I’ve never told these performances were larger con- And just as amazing, this was her eff orts and be able to grow their anybody — this Costa Rican girl certs at Our Lady Queen of Poland with the Ojczyzna Dancers perform- expert repertoire, in which they al- and an American guy were swim- in Silver Spring, and at Holy Rosary ing in their adjunct role as a choir. ready pride themselves. ming right next to me and we were Church and Polish National Alli- The main focus of Ojczyzna is It is wonderful to see that such a knee-deep. I went underwater for a ance Council 21, both in Baltimore. performing folk dances from the love of Polish culture still exists and second, and when I came back up Artistic Director Malgorzata Bon- various regions of Poland. The that there are those who are willing he was screaming at the top of his dyra created an incredible compila- troupe employs a huge wardrobe to do whatever it takes to be able lungs. Literally in three seconds the tion of kolędy for the group, which of authentic costumes from Poland to share and promote this culture girl had been swept 150 yards out.” was customized for each perfor- in their performances. Bondyra is a with pride and joy. Photos and vid- Krasinski relied on the swim- mance and included old songs such quite profi cient and a very talented eos of some of these performances ming lessons he got from his moth- as “Cicha Noc” and new songs such dancer in her own right. In 2017, af- can be found on the group’s Face- er, who was a lifeguard. “There was as “Pastorałka od Serca do Ucha.” ter a long and close association with book page, at Facebook.com/Ojc- no one to help me,” he said. “I just Bondyra noted that, among the the group, she became both Ojc- zyznaDancers. Stay tuned for much Krasinski went out and tried to save her.” As things to appreciate most about zyna’s artistic director and chore- more from Ojczyzna in the coming he swam out, he got into a crosscur- this year’s performances, was that ographer after attending an intense months and years as they continue BOSTON — Actor John Kra- rent with her, but got her back to the majority of the group does not summer program at the prestigious to perform throughout the mid-At- sinski has played a number of he- within 20 yards of the shore, where speak Polish, and that the group had Polonijne Studium Choreografi czne lantic region. roic types, from a Benghazi secu- surfers came out to help. rity offi cer in13 Hours to the iconic The actor says the moment was Spotlight on Long Island Jack Ryan in the upcoming Amazon transformative for him. series. But it turns out he was draw- “Granted, not everybody needs ing from personal experience. to have life-or-death experiences, In an interview with Playboy, but that changed my entire life. All Museum Scholarships Now Available the actor, now 38, revealed he once of a sudden I grew up,” he said. by Barbara Szydlowski graduating high school senior enter- 883-6542. saved a woman’s life while swim- “Whereas college should have been ing college in the fall of 2018, and The museum will be participat- ming in Costa Rica as a teenager. my defi ning moment, Costa Rica Applications for the annual Pol- of Polish heritage residing in Nas- ing in the World Fest being held at When he was 17, he spent a was. It just ripped all the protective ish American Museum Founders sau or Suff olk County. Deadline for the Port Washington Public Library, few months living in Costa Rica to layers apart and allowed me to get Scholarship of $500 are available application is May 31, 2018. For April 15, displaying artifacts from teach English at a local high school. hurt.” upon request. The student must be a additional information, call (516) Poland, plus some historical photos and history of Poland. Admission is free. Become a member today In addition to Poland, World EVERGREEN Fest — held in conjunction with FUNERAL HOME, INC. the “Landmark on Main Street” Polish American program and with generous sup- Historical Association 131 NASSAU AVE., BROOKLYN, NY 11222 port from the Friends of the Library (718) 383-8600 — will highlight more than 40 coun- e Polish American Historical Association tries, including Ireland, China, Rus- Leslie P. Rago Gigante, Director was established in December 1942 as sia, and Japan. The festival shares a special commission of the e Polish COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED the culture, foods, crafts, games, Institute of Arts and Sciences in America to AERATION FLOWER CONTROL SERVICES stories, and customs of Port Wash- collect, compile and publish information about AVAILABLE IN ALL COMMUNITIES ington residents. Polish Americans. In October 1944, it was reor ganized as a national American society to promote study and research in the history and dId yOU KNOW? Early Christians social background of Americans of Polish descent. e Association, adopted the egg, which represented which was incorporated under the laws of Illinois in 1972, strives to Jurek-Park Slope Funeral Home, Inc. the renewal of life, as a symbol of assist and cooperate with all individuals and organizations interested • Newly Decorated Chapel Facilities Christ’s resurrection from the grave. in Polish American life and history. Contributions in support of the • Our 24-Hour Personal Services Are People around the world cel- work of the Association are tax-exempt. Available In All Communities ebrate Easter with eggs. Eastern Eu- • At-Home Arrangements Regular one-year membership to the Association is $40.00. ($25.00 for • Insurance Claims Handled ropeans may exchange eggs bear- students) made payable to the Polish American Historical Association. • Social Securi� & Veteran’s Benefits ing the letters “XB” for “Christ is Promptly Expedited Risen.” Polish American Historical Association • Monument Inscriptions Asce� ained A legend from Poland recounts Central Connecticut State University how the Virgin Mary herself painted 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050 728 4th Ave., Brooklyn, NY • (718) 768-4192 boiled eggs in bright colors to please www.polishamericanstudies.org DORIS V. AMEN, LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTOR the infant Jesus. 20 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018



Dance Time Good Times at the Hard Times by Jennifer Pijanowski another polka dance was being held ing a few hours of rest, you can re- at Potts Banquet Hall. The Knewz convene on Sunday from 2:00-6:00 BUFFALO, N.Y. — Stacks of once again took the stage for the p.m. This is an event that you will coupons were collected as polka 5th Annual Spring Fling benefitting not want to miss if you are in the fans headed to redeem their dis- WNY Heroes, Inc. Even with a large area. Not only is it great music but count admission for the Annual crowd supporting Special Delivery the warm-heartedness of the mem- Hard Times Dance with Buffalo up the road at the krupnik event, bers is unsurpassed. Admission is Concertina All Stars. This yearly Potts was packed for this wonderful $12.00 each day while kids ages 16 event draws a hearty crowd who fundraiser. Jimmy Weber made the and under are free. Don’t forget that excitedly partake in an afternoon trip to join the band, and the Knewz the fantastic bartenders will be there of great music, discounted drinks, got the crowd going, playing all of serving your favorite beverages and and the cheapest meal they’ve had their biggest hits. By popular de- the kitchen will be cooking up Pol- in years. After some time dancing mand, Andy even belted out a few ish delicacies. Contact Dave nick- to the excellent sounds of the All songs from their Stars, the line grew in anticipation latest Christmas of Potts’ baloney and onion sand- CD. This group of wiches which are bargain-priced for guys truly enjoys this thrifty day at $1.00. performing to- The Hard Times dance is one that gether and it is evi- many polka fans look forward to at- dent as you watch tending each year. Tommy, Johnny, and Sonny Wanderlich. Brothers appreciate all who sup- them laugh, smile, If you are up for an adventure ported memorial dance for their mother, Veronica. and joke with one another between and guaranteed delightful day trip, Throughout the evening, band lo’s Hydraulics neighborhood to get songs. The group the Buffalo Concertina All Stars mates and guests, including John their first sip of this new krupnik. sounded phenom- are coordinating a bus trip to TAPS Gora, took turns performing and Shot glasses filled with this deli- enal showcasing Polish Summer Picnic on June 16, speaking about Mrs. Wanderlich. cious honey liquor were clanging as their unique ar- 2018. The excursion is only $70/per They provided sentimental and folks danced in any small space they rangements and person and includes motor coach comical memories which resonated could find to the energetic sound of vocal talents. The transportation, $25 casino voucher with each of us there to remember the band. Knewz continues for Hard Rock Casino in Cleveland, this special woman. Of course, the Special Delivery played notable to hold on to the admission to the picnic featuring highlight of the evening was when polka favorites and everyone was younger audience Buffalo Concertina All Stars along- all three talented Wanderlich broth- getting into the spirit with Dyngus that polka music side The Beat, $10 voucher for food ers joined one another on the stage to Day right around the corner. An un- is in such desper- or beverages, as well as snacks and perform. There were many tears and expected superhero, Po’lska Dan- ate need of captur- beverages on the bus. Passenger smiles, with everyone confident that dalorian, even attended this event ing. I never tire of pickups will be in Buffalo, N.Y. and mom was smiling from up above. providing some fun photo ops for Diane Kurdziel and Felicia DeKarski. watching this next Erie, Pa. for this adventure. Contact Through the generous donations of krupnik fans. Dressed head-to-toe Bob at (716) 992-9569 for more in- generation of fans as they dance along and sing every [email protected] for more single lyric along with the band. I information. am looking forward to kicking off my Dyngus adventures by attend- SPRING IN YOUR STEP. The ing The Knewz alongside Lenny Cleveland Polka Association will Gomulka on Easter Sunday at Potts be celebrating the newfound sunny Banquet Hall; it is going to be an weather with its Spring Dance. unforgettable occasion. Music will be provided by Gerry Kaminski’s Polka Network from JUST DESERTS. If you are visit- Grand Rapids, Mich. The dance will ing or living in the Phoenix area, be held on April 22, 2018 at the Holy you will have an opportunity to Spirit Party Center, 5500 W 54th St see Lenny Gomulka & Chicago Parma, Ohio from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Push there, April 21 and 22. Spring Donation is $13.00 and children 18 Time in the Desert will kick off Fri- and under will be admitted free. This day night April 20th with a Meet & is a beautiful hall that showcases the Hannah Bojczuk, her aunt Cindy Zelasko, and Cindy’s Kayla Rosinski, Jen Sikorski, Alicia Iwanczuk, and Chris Greet at the Pulaski Club featuring band on a high stage and provides daughter Sara Zelasko. Sikorski. DJ, Nickel City Dave. The week- a beautiful wooden dance floor. The end warmup begins at 6:00 and will staff of Holy Spirit and members be free admission. On Saturday, of the Cleveland Polka Association formation. admissions, door prizes, and 50/50s, in red and white, creator Jill Olsen, A CELEBRATION OF LIFE you can put on your dancing shoes are kind, gracious and remarkably for $2,600.00 was raised and donated to will be out in full force for Dyngus and head back to the Pulaski Club hospitable. For table reservations or Veronica Wanderlich brought in hospice in Veronica’s name. I know Day with pussy willow branches in to shimmy to the music of Lenny more information, contact Sylvia or many friends and family who were she would have approved of this hand. beginning at 6:00 p.m. After hav- Paul (216) 228-1134. looking forward to paying tribute star-studded night remembering her Preorders for the krupnik were a and saying goodbye. A Catholic love of polka music. must as the distillery sold out of their Mass celebrated the beginning of No one wanted the evening to inaugural bottles within an hour of her spiritual life in heaven while end as fans cheered to have Tommy opening. If you are lucky enough to giving those gathered time to reflect sing one more song to close out the find this desired cordial, try a shot of on memories made while she was night. Many stood in front of the One Foot Cock Krupnik. It is a very here on earth. This memorial was stage enjoying his effortless talent mild and not as sweet version of the held in conjunction with a musical and obvious joy in joining his band- original Polish krupnik we have all affair later that evening. Admission mates for this special evening. been drinking for years. Congratula- fees for the celebratory dance ben- tions to Buffalo Distillery on its suc- efitted hospice in memory of Mrs. I’LL DRINK TO THAT. March 3rd cess and for making polkas a part of Wanderlich. Band members of the was Krupnik Day in Buffalo as Buf- their celebration. Knewz took the stage and the crowd falo Distilling Company in the Lark- You can stop and visit its tasting buzzed with excitement anticipating inville District launched the first room at 860 Seneca St. in Buffalo, Tommy Wanderlich rejoining the commercially produced Krupnik Thursday through Saturday. Check band after his hiatus when relocat- made in Buffalo and Western New out their website www.bflodistlling. ing to Arizona. It was sensational York. The launch party was amped com and let them know they you to see his smiling face up there on up by enlisting Special Delivery to would like to see polka bands there the stage with his bandmates after provide the atmosphere and music more often! his absence. Tom didn’t miss a beat, for this event. Hundreds of people playing every note with the same packed into this small space in a re- SPRING FLING THING. As luck enthusiasm he’s always shown. cently renovated building in Buffa- would have it, just a few miles away, Denise Finan, Jimmy Weber, Chris Tanski, and Ed Gawron. POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 21 Details Announced for Cleveland’s Dyngus Day Celebration www.theclevescene.com be closed from West 57th St. to West 59th St. as Dyngus Day karaoke with DJ Kenny. will expand into what organizers say is its “largest footprint Sokolowski’s University Inn will feature a special all- CLEVELAND — Now in its eighth year, Cleveland’s to date.” Polish menu that includes fresh and smoked kiełbasa, while Dyngus Day celebration continues to get bigger and better As always, Dyngus Day will feature Kishka’s Beer Heaven Tremont Tap House will off er a Bigos Hunter’s Stew and ap- each year. This year’s event, which takes place from 10:00 Festival Grounds in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood. ple and prune pierogi with fi g brown butter cream sauce. Pros- a.m. to 2:00 a.m. on Monday, April 2, at locations throughout Opening ceremonies take place at 10:00 a.m., and the Miss perity Social Club will have an ethnic platter that includes Old Ohio City, Tremont and the Detroit Shoreway, promises to be Dyngus Day Pageant will begin at 4:30 p.m. at the main fes- World favorites including cabbage roll, cabbage and noodles, another wildly good time. tival grounds. After the crowning of Miss Dyngus 2018, the potato pierogi, potato pancake, and kiełbasa. “From a Polish Legion of American Veterans Post to St. Accordion Parade will follow at 6:00 p.m. Lolly the Trolley will shuttle participants throughout all John Cantius, a Catholic church named for a Polish priest Over in Tremont, many restaurants and bars will partici- neighborhoods, and Cleveland Brew Bus will run continu- and established in the 1880s by immigrants who lived here pate in the festivities. ously from noon to 8 p.m. and stop at seven Tremont venues and worked in the booming nearby steel mills, there is a real The polka act Visinata will perform at the South Side; the (Hi and Dry Bowling & Beer, FD Roosevelt Veterans Post 58, Polish American history in this community,” explains Terry award-winning Patty C & the Guys will play at FD Roosevelt Prosperity Social Club, the South Side and Sokolowski’s Uni- Zacharyj, commander, FD Roosevelt Post 58-Polish Legion Post 58; and resident squeezebox celebrity Stan Mejac will versity Inn, Tremont Tap House and the Ukrainian Museum Of American Veterans. set up shop at Prosperity Social Club. Hi and Dry Bowling Archives). As part of the day-long celebration, Detroit Avenue will & Beer will off er an evening bowling tournament and polka Polka Jammer Network USPA Reveals Nominees INDEPENDENCE, Ohio — The browski (PCM); Andy Bojczuk All Night” (Dynabrass). Annual Fundraiser Set United States Polka Association an- (The Knewz); Lenny Gomulka POLKA VIDEO: No submissions SOUTH DEERFIELD, Mass. countries, the majority of which are nounced its nominees for the 2017 (Chicago Push). this year. — The Polka Jammer Network will from the US and Canada. You may Polka Music Awards. The awards FEMALE VOCALIST: Laura IJ/DJ: Kenny Olowin, Todd Za- holds its annual Jammerthon on pledge online at http://polkajam- will be presented May 26, 2018 at Mateja (IPA Tribute Band); Sta- ganiacz (“That 70’s Show” & April 6, 7, and 8, 2018. mernetwork.org during Jammerthon the annual Convention & Festival, cey Morris (Nutones); Mollie “Totally 80’s”); Mark and Cherie The Jammerthon is a once a year weekend. to be held at the Holiday Inn Inde- Busta-Lange (Squeezbox). Trzepacz (“TGIFriday Show”). opportunity for its listeners to help The Polka Jammer Network is a pendence in Cleveland. RECORDING: 1st and Ten (The NEW HORIZON: Jonathan Fo- fi nancially support the eff orts of the 501 (3) c not for profi t site dedicated The awards nominees are as fol- Project); Dance All Night (Dy- menko from Amherst, N.Y. Polka Jammer Network. The funds to the promotion and preservation of lows: nabrass); Holidayz (The Knewz). LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT raised help defray the costs of doing polka music. BAND: The Project, Polka Country SONG: “Yermazah/Hold Me Tight” AWARD: Living Category – live remote broadcasts throughout Musicians, and Dynabrass. (The Project); “That’s Christmas Randy Koslosky; Deceased – MALE VOCALIST: Wally Dom- To Me” (The Knewz); “Dance John Libera the year, as well as pay our stream- The Main Squeeze ing and royalty fees. It is what keeps the network streaming high quality Hosts 1040-EZ Dance The Boys and Pennsylvania Polka polka music everyday throughout FRIDLEY, Minn. — Sun., April PCM to Perform the year. 15. Join The Main Squeeze for their GREAT MEADOWS, N.J. — PHILADELPHIA — Mon., Hall, 245 West Siddonsbury Rd. Thousands of listeners through- fi rst annual 1040-EZ Dance, mark- April 2. Dyngus Day Festivities at 5:00 p.m. Music by The Swingmas- out the world access the Polka Jam- ing Tax Day 2018. Fridley Ameri- The Boys and Polka Country Musi- cians will share the stage, Sat., April the Polish Eagles Sports Club, 3157 ters Band. Call Merry Kurtz (717) mer Network, logging in nearly a can Legion, 7365 Central Ave, NE, E. Thompson Street, Port Richmond 774-6404. million listening hours per year. We Fridley. Music from 2:00 p.m. to 7 at the Independence Fire Hall, 24 Cemetery Rd. (Route 80, exit 19). section (enter through parking lot on CORNWALL — Sun., April 15. are the world leader in Polka mu- 6:00 p.m. Admission is $8, kids un- Clementine Street), 3:00-8:00 p.m. Polka Dance. Sacred Heart Parish sic entertainment, with an audience der 12 free. For location directions, 5:00 p.m.-midnight. For details, call Michael at (908) 209-9843. Entertainment by the Polish Ameri- Center, 2596 Cornwall Rd. (Corn- comprised of listeners from over 35 call the Legion at (763) 784-9824. can String Band, Special K Polka wall Rd & 419). Music by Joe Band, and DJ Wes. Children’s activ- Stanky & the Cadets Band. 2:00- Polka Calendar ities, cash bar and food by Donna’s 6:00 p.m. For info/tickets call Joe Bar and the Dinner House. A por- Yaklowich (717) 566-5704. Compiled by versation Club. North Liberty In. 0727 tion of the proceeds will benefi t Pol- READING — Sat., April 14. John Ziobrowski 5-9. (574) 233-1130 ish American Social Services. For “Swing Into Spring Polka Dance” • New Direction Band. Polish Villa. aPRIl 21 • Lenny Gomulka. Pulaski Club. info call Sandra Tomaszewski (215) (In memory of Irene Shubeck). Na- To list your event, please send date, Cheektowaga NY. 9:30AM-1:30. Phoenix Az. 6-10. (602) 275-9329 779-8781. tivity BVM Church Hall, 211 Grace band, location, times, and contact (716) 822-4908 • DynaBrass. Misiuda Hall. Toledo Oh. DILLSBURG — Sat., April 7. St. 5:00-10:00 p.m. Music by Dyna number to: ziobrowskijohn@gmail. • New Direction Band. Elks. Lancaster 7-11. (419) 691-5684 Capitol City Polka Dancers Associ- Brass Band. No BYOB or BYOF. com NY. 3-6. (716) 681-8337 • New Direction Band. American Le- • The Boys. Ukrainian Club. Cohoes ation Polka Dance, Monaghan Fire Info call Cindy (610) 914-5785. gion. Lackawanna NY. 8-11. (716) NY. 6-12. (518) 235-8356 aPRIl 1 826-3733 • Polka All Stars. Pulaski Club. Holi- aPRIl 22 A Happy Easter Celebration to you and your Family from the day Fl. 2:30-5:30. (727) 934-0900 aPRIl 7 • Lenny Gomulka. Pulaski Club. • Jeannie Music. PASC. Hudson Fl. • The Boys/Polka Country Musicians. Phoenix Az. 2-6. (602) 275-9329 PULASKI CLUB OF PHOENIX, ARIZONA 2-5. (727) 868-9763 Independence Fire Hall. Great • Swingmasters. VFW. DupontPa. 2-5. Polish American Social Club — Great friends, great entertainment • The Boys. Salvatore’s Italian Gar- Meadow NJ. 5-12 (908) 209-9843 (570) 472-1152 Join us for our 12th annual Dyngus Day Celebbration den. Depew NY. (716) 777-2544 aPRIl 8 • Polka All Stars. Pulaski Club. Day- tona Beach Fl. 2-5. (386) 250-7059 MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2018 • Lenny Gomulka/The Knewz. Potts • Special Delivery. Clinton Bar & Grill, Banquet Hall. Cheektowaga NY. West Seneca, NY. 5-8. • Nu Soundz. Pulaski Club. Holiday Fl. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. • No BYOB 5-11. (716) 675-6588 • PA Villagers. VFW. Dupont Pa. 2-5. 2:30-5:30. (727) 934-0900 $5.00 donation at the door • Age 12 and under: Free • Tony Blazonczyk. Polonia Ban- • Sounds Of The South. Polish Club. (570) 472-1152 Music by NICKELCITY EXPRESS 6:00-9:00 p.m. quets. Chicago Il. 2:30-5:30. (773) • The Boys. PACC. Ludlow Ma. 2-6. St. Petersburg Fl. 2-5. (727) 894- 523-7080 (413) 583-6385 9908 4331 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix AZ 85008 aPRIl 2 • Melotones. Polish Club. Belleview • Jeannie Music. PASC. Hudson Fl. (602) 275-9239 • www.pulaskiclubaz.org • Special Delivery Band. Polish Fal- Fl. 2-5. (352) 854-6193 2-5. (727) 868-9763 cons. Depew NY. 2-6. (716) 684- • Polka Classics. Pulaski Club. Day- aPRIl 25 2373 tona Beach Fl. 2-5. (386) 259-7059 • Special Delivery Band. Leonard • Special Delivery Band/The Knewz. • Jeannie Music. PASC. Hudson Fl. Post. Cheektowaga NY. 7:30-10. 2-5. (727) 868-9763 Leonard Post. Cheektowaga NY. (716) 684-4371 7-?? (716) 684-4371 aPRIl 14 aPRIl 27 • Joe Stanky. VFW. Dupont Pa. 2-5. • John Gora. Slovenian Hall. Yukon • Freeze Dried/The Main Squeeze/ (570) 472-1152 Pa. 6-10. (724) 722-9700 • Jimmy K. The Jukebox. Cleveland • DynaBrass. Ukranian Church Hall. Polka Country Musicians. Chula Vis- Oh. 1:30-3:45. (216) 206-7699 Reading Pa. 6-10. (610) 376-0586 ta Resort. Wisconsin Dells Wi. 6-1. • Jimmy K. Sokolowski’s University (773) 889-6811 Inn. Cleveland Oh. 5-9. (216) 771- aPRIl 15 9236 • John Gora. Elks. Brick NJ. 2-6. (732) aPRIl 28 • Dennis Polisky. Van Dyck Lounge. 920-0750 • The Boys/Polski Chix/Jolly Zuks/ Schenectady NY. (518) 348-7999 • Joe Stanky. Sacred Heart Ctr. Corn- Polka Country Musicians/Polka Pak. • Nicklecity Express. Pulaski Club. wall Pa. 2-6. (917) 273-1574 Chula Vista Resort. Wisconsin Dells, Phownix Az. 6-9. (602) 275-9329 • DynaBrass. PACC. Ludlow Ma. 2-6. Wi. 12 noon-1 AM. (773) 889-6811 • NuSoundz. Polish Club. St. Peters- (413) 583-6385 • New Direction Band. Amvets. De- burgh Fl. 5-9. (727) 894-9908 • Northern Lites/Joe Oberaitis. Pulas- pew NY. 7-11. (716) 681-8337 • Florida Honky Band. Nickle City ki Club. Daytona Beach Fl. 2-5. (386) aPRIl 29 Grill. St. Petersburg Fl. 1-9. (727) 259-7059 • Dennis Polisky. PACC Ludlow Ma. 549-9464 • Jeannie Music. PASC. Hudson Fl. 2-6. (413) 583-6385 • Northern Sounds. Brentwood 2-5. (727) 868-9763 • Sounds of The South. Pulaski Club. Square. The Villages Fl. 5-9. (352) • Florida Honky Band. Polish Club. St. 753-2270 Petersburg Fl. 3-6. (727) 894-9908 Daytona Beach Fl. 2-5. (386) 259- • John Gora. Mellennium Hotel. • John Stevens. VFW. Dupont Pa. 2-5. 7059 Cheektowaga NY. (716) 681-2400 (570) 472-1152 • Northern Sounds. Polish Club. St. Petersburg Fl. 3-6. (727) 894-9908 • The Boys. Salvatore’s Italian Gar- aPRIl 18 den. Depew NY. (716) 684-2544 • Jeannie Music. PASC. Hudson Fl. • John Gora. Polish Falcons. Depew • Lenny Gomulka. Terminal 495. Buf- 2-5. (727) 868-9763 NY. 8-10:30. (716) 684-2373 falo NY. 3-9. (716) 810-3210 • Golden Tones. VFW. Dupont Pa. 2-5. • Stephanie/Mon Valley Push. St. aPRIl 20-22 (570) 4721152 Stans. Buff alo NY. 3-10, (716) 854- • The Boys/Jimmy Sturr/Joe Stanky/ • The Boys/Cyner Classics. Chula Vis- 5510 Polka Method/John Salov. Villa ta Resort. Wisconsin Dells, Wi. 12-5. • Tony Blazonczyk. Crumstown Con- Roma. Callcoon NY. 6-10. (800) 724- (773) 889-6811 22 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, and postliminary merrymaking in Dyngus Day Directory and Around Western New York

Listen to the ROCKIN’ BIG TONY POLKA SHOW Drivetime Polkas ROCKIN’ S U N D A Y with “RONNIE D” WJJL 1440 AM WESTERN NEW YORK’S ONLY SEVEN-DAY-A-WEEK POLKA SHOW POLKASPOLKAS M O R N I N G Niagara Falls / Buffalo, NY with POLKA SHOW SUNDAY EVENING www.drivetimepolkas.com WXRL 1300AM 5:00 p.m. MIKE & GEORGE PASIERB 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. MONDAY-SATURDAY 5:00-7:00 p.m. IN TOLEDO Send all promotional material to WXRL 88.3FM Tony Rozek www.wxut.com 78 Cochrane St. WECK 1230AM 1300 AM everywhere else Buffalo, NY 14206 SUNDAYS LANCASTER-BUFFALO Host: David Jackson 8:00-11:00 a.m. For advertising information, call SAT. 2:00-3:00 p.m. FOR INFORMATION or Archive: https://www.mix- (716) 824-6092 SUN. 5:00-6:00 p.m. ADVERTISING RATES, CALL cloud.com/david-j-jackson/ [email protected] (716) 683-4357 POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018 www.polamjournal.com 23 April Polka Birthdays

Birthdays courtesy of John Nalevanko, host of Li’l John’s Polka Show, WAVL Radio 910 AM and 98.7 FM, Saturday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Live streaming at www.PA_Talk.com. For information, write to: 121 Seminole Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601; (724) 834-7871; [email protected].

3 Chester Kowalczyk 1929 8-14-2012 Musician / Vocalist (Naturals) Chicago 3 Rich Tomkowitz 1951 Musician / Vocalist Pennsylvania 4 Paul Leonard 1942 Musician (Trumpet) Corsairs Pennsylvania 4 Bob Kopanic 1943 11-17-16 Musician / Vocalist (Trumpet) Pennsylvania 4 Mary Lou Czerniak 1951 Musician / Vocalist Minnesota 4 Jackie (Kowalewski) 1963 10-12-96 Polka D.J. (Li’l John & Jackie) Pennsylvania Nalevanko 1963 10-12-96 Polka D.J. (Li’l John & Jackie) Pennsylvania 5 Charlie Hyatt Musician / Vocalist Connecticut 8 Al Dreas 1932 Bandleader / Vocalist Connecticut 11 Johnny Dyno Dynowski 1932 2007 Bandleader / Musician / Vocalist Connecticut 13 D.J. Wolfi e 1945 Polka D.J. New Jersey 13 Chester Jonczak 1956 Musician / Vocalist Pennsylvania 14 Jack Zolnierowski 1958 Musician (Drummer) Florida 14 Larry Trojak 1952 Musician / Vocalist (Original Dynatones) Minnesota 16 Bobby Vinton 1935 The Polish Prince (Cannonsburg, Pa.) Florida 17 Steve Meisner Bandleader / Musician / Vocalist Wisconsin 18 Jackie Libera 1955 Musician / Vocalist / I.J./ Maestro’s Men Massachusetts 20 Johnny Libera 1919 8-27-2008 Vocalist / Composer / D.J. / Promoter Massachusetts 20 Walter Ostanek 1935 Bandleader / Musician / D.J. Canada 20 Bill Czupta 1939 10-18-91 Musician / Vocalist / Composer / D.J. Massachusetts 20 Darius Figiel 1967 Bandleader / Musician / Vocalist New York 20 Cherie Trepacz Polka I.J. Polka Jammer New York 22 Billy Belina 1947 Musician / Vocalist / I.J. D.J. Massachusetts 24 Johnny Simms 1918 6-5-82 Musician / Vocalist / D.J. / Promoter Pennsylvania Seremet 25 Johnny Hyzny 1930 2008 Musician / Vocalist / D.J. / Promoter Chicago 25 Milton Brzozowski Polka D.J. Maryland 26 Walter Dana 1902 2-4-2000 Founder of Dana Records New York 26 Syl Rutkowski 1934 Bandleader / Musician Pennsylvania 27 George Almasi 1934 4-10-17 Former Polka DJ Pennsylvania 29 Jan Cyman 1951 1-29-12 Bandleader / Musician / Vocalist Florida 30 Chris Gawlak 1960 Musician / Vocalist Buff alo, N.Y. 30 Maryann Raczkowski 1973 I. J. Polka Jammer Wisconsin

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COMPUTER DESIGN CDS SOUNDS with D.J.Rob Music for Any Occasion WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES HOLIDAY PARTIES INSTALLATIONS RETIREMENTS Wesołego Alleluja! BUFFalO POlKa BOOSTERS Call (716) 570-3611 Chris Tanski, President • (716) 771-7076 Visit us on Facebook! 24 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2018

Legion Hosts its 79th Red and White Ball Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych! Happy Easter to All, from ... LOWS Our Hours are: KO Ki Lunch SO ’S M-F 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Fri. Night Dinners 5:00-9:00 p.m. Sat. Night Dinners 4:00-9:00 p.m. Lounge open ‘til 1:00 a.m. on Fri. and Sat. Cleveland’s Premier Polish American UNIVERSITY INN Restaurant CLEVELAND, OHIO Now in our 95th year ESTABLISHED IN 1923 in Business Featured on the Travel (216) 771-9236 & Food Network www.sokolowskis.com

POLISH pulchritude. Standing (l.to r.): Katherine Koprowski, Gabriela Lukanus, 2017 Queen Lianne Wisneski, Wesołego Alleluja! Katarzyna Baranek; Sitting (l.to r.): Francesca Rogozinski, Nicolette Tukiendorf, and Elizabeth Tancula.

by Geraldine Balut Coleman tantes, their families and friends, nessman and philanthropist, who the LYPW has been able to provide has been a strong supporter of the CHICAGO — Over 400 guests over 75 years of uninterrupted phi- LYPW. His mother, Grazyna, was in evening gowns and tuxedos filled lanthropy. an active Legion member as well the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton The evening began with welcom- as its president and Ball Chair. Hu- Chicago for one of the oldest and ing remarks by LYPW President bert’s wife, Lori, is also a member most prestigious formal charitable Barbara I. Ciepiela, followed by and a former Ball Chair. events in Chicago Polonia. The Kasia Napierala, past debutante, Cioromski presented the 2018 79th annual White and Red Ball, singing the national anthems of Po- debutantes to guests prior to th Bal Amarantowy, and the presenta- land and the United States. The Most formal waltz with their fathers and tion of debutantes, was hosted by Reverend Andrew P. Wypych, escorts. Following the crowning of the Legion of Young Polish Women Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, gave the queen, and runner-up announce- (LYPW), March 3. This year, six an invocation. After dinner, Cheri- ments 12 past-debutantes and their debutantes were presented: Queen lyn Smoron Denisiuk, past debu- partners performed the very lively Nicolette Tukiendorf, First Run- tante, introduced 12 Legion mem- Biały Mazur. ner-up Francesca Rogowski, and bers and their partners dancing the The event’s choreographer was Second Runner-up Elizabeth Tan- traditional Polonez. Kathy Lesny Richard Owsiany, and the An- cula, along with Katherine Ko- Evans, chair of the 79th Ball, also thony Kawalkowski Orchestra prowski, Gabriela Łukanus, and a past debutante, introduced this provided the evening’s dance mu- LOWELL POLISH CULTURAL COMMITTEE Katarzyna Baranek. Through the year’s master of ceremonies, Hu- sic. Proceeds from the Ball will be efforts of present and past debu- bert Cioromski, a Chicago busi- allocated to various charities. Lowell, Massachusetts