The John Hampden Surgery Newsletter t

Dr R Mallard – Smith Dr S Roberts Dr K Hodder

October 2018 Online Appointments & Prescription Ordering Important Dates

From the 1st of August the practice is no longer able to take third party requests for patients prescription requests unless a patient is deemed clinically housebound, has dementia or a learning disability. This is due to a requirement set by the clinical commissioning group and is a process now adopted across , your Saturday Clinics pharmacy should be updating you on this matter.

The practice offers patients the opportunity to book appointments  6th of October (Flu Clinic)

and make prescription request online. This service allows you to  24th of November book and make requests for medication at any time day or night at  8th of December the touch of a button.

Please note Saturday appointments If you have not yet signed up to the online service facility please ask are for routine care matters only. a member of the reception team for an application and return this to The practice also offers early the practice with some identification. Applications can also be found morning and early evening on our practice website: telephone appointments with the GP for additional access. Please note the practice does not accept requests for prescriptions over the telephone unless a patient is deemed clinically To book appointments please housebound. contact a member of the reception team or book online via Flu Season

Flu season is around the corner, eligible patients are invited to contact the surgery to arrange an appointment for immunisation now.

Eligible patients

 Aged 65 and over  Under 65 with a known chronic disease  Carers  Patients with Learning Difficulties  Children aged 2 and 3 years of age (school children will be invited by school nurse)  Patients under 18 with a known chronic disease If you are unsure if you meet the eligibility criteria please contact the surgery who can assist you.

The John Hampden Surgery, 97 High Street, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Bucks, HP16 9EU TEL: 01494 890900, EMAIL: [email protected], Website:


Improved Access to GP Appointments Amersham and Improved Access Service Local GPs are working together to offer patients better access to appointments in General Practice in Buckinghamshire, known as the ‘Improved Access’ Service. This means that you can now book an appointment in a practice local to you:  Up until 8pm from Monday to Friday  On a Saturday (your practice can confirm which practices are open,  and their opening hours on this day)  From 9am until 1pm on Sunday (at one of the three FedBucks Improved Access Hubs located across the county)

Amersham and Chesham Improved Access GP Surgeries Patients registered with any GP Surgery within Amersham and Chesham will be able to access this service via the participating surgeries in their area. In Amersham and Chesham these surgeries are:  Amersham Health Centre  Gladstone Surgery  Hughenden Valley Surgery  John Hampden Surgery  Prospect House  Rectory Meadow Surgery  The New Surgery  FedBucks Improved Access Hubs located at Wycombe Hospital, Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Threeways Surgery, Stoke Poges (Sundays and Bank Holiday weekends only).

All appointments need to be pre‐booked, either in advance or on the day.

How to book an Improved Access appointment Ring your GP Surgery as normal. If you would like an Improved Access appointment, the reception staff will tell you where clinics are being held on what day, and the times of the available appointments. A convenient appointment will be booked for you. If you use this service, it is very likely that you will be seen by a clinician from another surgery and not your own GP. The receptionist at your GP surgery will be able to provide details on this service to help you book an appointment.

This is NOT a walk in service – if you need urgent medical advice after 6.30pm, please phone NHS 111. NHS 111 will enable you to talk to a GP and book an urgent GP appointment if necessary. You can also use our local online symptom checker, Health Help Now ( to help to find the right service in Buckinghamshire for your health needs.

Dr Mallard‐Smith and Partners September 2018 2 | Page

The John Hampden Surgery, 97 High Street, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Bucks, HP16 9EU TEL: 01494 890900, EMAIL: [email protected], Website: Thank You!

Fundraising – Target Achieved

We would like to thank all of the kind donations made towards our campaign to fund a new and improved phone system. We are pleased to announce that we have successfully raised the funds required which means our phone system can now be ordered and improved access is on its way to our patients. In particular, we would like to extend our thanks to two specific individuals who have made two very large, independent donations which exceeded our expectations. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and would like to say a massive thank you firstly to Mr Deakin who made a very kind donation of £2500 in the name of his late wife, Mrs Deakin who had been a patient with our practice since 1979. A second thank you goes to another kind patient who kindly donated £400 to support this fund raising campaign. A massive thank you for the continued support we have received, it is very much appreciated by us as a practice team and we are confident will support all patients alike. Many thanks!

Practice Raffle We would also like to thank all the patients who took part in helping raise funds via our practice raffle. You helped us raise: £370 The raffle was drawn on Friday the 31st of August and we have been in touch with the lucky winners but if you would like to check your ticket please contact a member of our reception team who will happily assist.

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The John Hampden Surgery, 97 High Street, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Bucks, HP16 9EU TEL: 01494 890900, EMAIL: [email protected], Website: Practice Information

Test Results Please note: if you are calling for test results please contact the surgery after 2:30pm.

Routine blood results normally take 7‐10 days before results are available to the practice from the lab, please allow up to 10 days before making contact with the practice for results.

In addition, if you are looking for results which have been requested via the hospital by a consultant or secondary care clinic please can you contact the physician’s secretary or department to get the results of these tests, these will not normally be available at the practice and therefore we will not be able to comment.

Baby Buddy is your personal baby expert who will guide you through your pregnancy and the first six months of your baby’s life. The app has been designed with parents and professionals to help you give your baby the best start in life and support your health and wellbeing.

You can download Baby Buddy for FREE on Google Play and in the App Store. You can also access the web based version by visiting:‐get‐started

We wanted to let you know that we have updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the changes introduced by the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which comes into force from the 25th of May 2018. The changes in law will provide you with greater transparency and control over your personal data. Please see the link below to read our privacy notice in full via our practice website:

If you wish to record any objections in relation to how we contact you or use your information please contact a member of our reception team who will make every effort to support your request or contact us by email: [email protected].

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The John Hampden Surgery, 97 High Street, Prestwood, Great Missenden, Bucks, HP16 9EU TEL: 01494 890900, EMAIL: [email protected], Website: Practice Information Continued

We are always looking to hear back from our patients and our Friends and Family Questionnaire to a great way to communicate feedback to the practice. If you have a registered mobile number with the practice you will receive a SMS following any visit to the practice which will allow you to advise how you would rate our service. In addition, we have paper questionnaires available in our reception area for completion for those patients who do not have access to SMS services.

In addition, you can also send feedback in via our practice website by following the link below:

We welcome all feedback and would love to hear what you have to say about the service you receive at The John Hampden Surgery. Thank you in advance. GP and Nursing Appointments We thought it would be a good idea to highlight normal clinic times to help support patients when looking to book an appointment with either the GP or the nursing team. Please see the tables below which highlight the normal weekly clinic times. Please note: subject to change during holidays and illness periods.

Weekday Morning Afternoon GPs 09:10 – 11:30 15:00 – 17:30 Dr Mallard-Smith Monday* AM + PM Dr Hodder AM + PM 09:10 – 11:30 15:00 – 17:30 Dr Mallard-Smith Tuesday* AM Dr Roberts AM + PM Wednesday 09:10 – 11:30 15:00 – 17:30 Dr Mallard-Smith AM + PM Thursday 09:10 – 11:30 15:00 – 17:30 Dr Hodder AM + PM Friday 09:10 – 11:30 15:00 – 17:30 Dr Mallard-Smith AM +PM Dr Roberts AM + PM Closed Weekend* *The surgery offers extended access appointments in the shape of telephone appointments with the GPs on Monday and Tuesdays before 8am and after 18:30pm. In addition, face to face and telephone appointments can be made through our monthly Saturday clinics. Please speak to a member of reception to book into any of these appointments. Weekday Morning Afternoon Nurses Monday 08:30-13:00 14:00 - 15:30 Lyn PM + PM Tuesday 08:30-12:30 Lyn Wednesday 08:30-12:30 Lyn Thursday 10:00 – 13:00 14:00 – 18:00 Kathryn Friday 08:30-12:30 Lyn Weekend* Closed

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TheThe John John Hampden Hampden Surgery, Surgery, 97 High97 High Street, Street, Prestwood, Prestwood, Great Great Missenden, Missenden, Bucks, Bucks, HP16 HP16 9EU 9EU TEL:TEL: 01494 01494 890900, 890900, EMAIL: EMAIL: [email protected], [email protected], Website: Website:

│ JHS Patient Participation Group │ The Patients’ Voice

£17,000 may be wasted from missed appointments

Our fellow patients didn’t turn up for 120 appointments in June, July and August. Why did this happen and what are the consequences?


It is estimated* that each missed appointment costs £36. So our fellow patients have cost the surgery an estimated £4,284 in the three months over the summer.

If missed appointments continue at the same rate, it means the surgery losing £17,000 over the year. For comparison, a full-time, nurse at the top of band 4 is paid £22,683 according to the Royal College of Nursing.

Longer waits for an appointment

Every appointment that is missed without giving the surgery advance warning means another patient loses out.

We are all waiting longer for our appointments because 120 patients haven’t told the surgery they are not turning up for their pre-booked appointment.


A quick look on Google suggests the following reasons why people don’t turn up:

• because they didn’t write the appointment in their diary and forgot • because they felt better and forgot to say they didn’t now need their appointment • because they were too unwell to attend • because after booking the appointment they couldn’t take time off work • because they were unable to get transport or missed a transport link.

There are probably others.

We in the patients group accept there may always be circumstances outside someone’s control which result in them not attending and not giving advance notice. And everyone is human and makes the occasional error. But we wonder whether in most cases non-attendance happens because people just fail to write themselves a reminder and perhaps don’t realise the seriousness of simply not turning up. Please, please

• write yourself a good reminder, and • tell the surgery if you can’t make an appointment you have made - preferably at least 24 hours beforehand so your slot can be re-used.


If you use a mobile telephone or email and you are not already on the surgery’s list to receive an appointment reminder by text/email, please act now. There is a consent form on the surgery website. The website is and then look on the right-hand side of the page for “text message reminders”. This will lead you to a very short form to fill in – just your name, date of birth, home and mobile phone numbers and email address.

Best wishes Mike

Mike Etkind

Chairman of the John Hampden Surgery Patients Group


The patients group would like to congratulate our Practice Manager, Laura Russell, for being chosen as a finalist in the annual GP awards. She is one of six listed for GP Practice Manager of the Year. We wish her every success at the awards ceremony on 30th November.

Services Buckinghamshire Autumn 2018

Memory information sessions For people worried about their memory. Are you worried about your own memory or know someone else who is? Information covered includes understanding memory, tips and coping strategies and local help available.

Tuesday 20 November 2018 10.30am–12.30pm. Chesham Methodist Church, Bellingdon Road, Chesham, HP5 2HA

Please contact Angela Walshe on 01296 331749 to find out more information or just turn up on the day. Carols at Christmas 2018 Alzheimer’s Society’s Carols at Christmas will be held at 11 locations across the UK, including St Pauls Cathedral. This year The Singing for the Brain group in Beaconsfield have been invited to sing at St Paul’s th Cathedral on Tuesday 18 December. There will be live music, carols and celebrity festive readings as well as the performance from the Beaconsfield group. If you would like to attend please go to to purchase a ticket/express an interest.

Service evaluation Please note it is the time of year when we evaluate our

services so do please feedback about anything that you think would be helpful for us to improve our groups. If we

don’t visit the group you attend and you have a comment you would like to make please pop it in the comments box (available at all the groups) or call Nicole Palmer

(Services Manager) on 01296 331722.

Free tickets for ‘Finding Joy’ at Waterside Theatre There are a limited number of FREE tickets for this performance for people with dementia and their carers. It follows the touching relationship between Joy, an 83 year old living with dementia and her grandson Danny. The production is recommended for carers and anyone else affected by dementia. To obtain a booking form for the tickets please contact us on 01296 331722.

Upcoming events rd Wednesday 3 October 11am. Dementia Friendly Screening – The Producers. Regal Picture House, Henley. Open to all but especially for people with dementia and their family, friends and carers. Join them for tea, coffee and biscuits and a chance to socialise for 30 minutes before the film which will start at the time stated. Telephone 0871 902 5738.

Thursday 18th October 3pm (and every third Thursday of the month) Free Memory Café at Sunrise in Beaconsfield.

For carers and their loved ones living with dementia, an opportunity to join in with an activity, have a chat and enjoy light refreshments. Limited spaces so please call to book. 01494 670076. Friday 26th October 11.00am – 2pm and every second and last Friday of the month. Memory Pathways. Meet up with people in similar situations who enjoy nature and gardening and get support.. The Old Allotment Site, Road, Wendover , HP22 6BD 01296 622443. Sunday 18 November 2pm. Dementia Friendly Screening of The Wizard of Oz at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre. The well-known musical includes a score of much-loved songs. Tickets are £6 per person with one free carer and free tea and coffee served before and during the interval. 0844 871 7615. Details are provided for your own information and groups and events here are not recommended or endorsed by Alzheimer’s Society.

Activity groups Aylesbury Join us for 45 minutes of gentle seated exercise followed by light refreshments. Memory support service

The Salvation Army, Meadow Way, Aylesbury, The service offers one–to-one support and

Bucks, HP20 1XS. screening for people who are concerned about

First Tuesday of the month: 10.15 – 12pm their memories. Memory Support Workers also

2 Oct 6 Nov 4 Dec provide support to people with a diagnosis of Chesham dementia and their carers helping people to live Join us for 45 minutes of seated exercise followed well with dementia. by light refreshments and time to chat at Please contact us on 01296 331749 or email at Chesham Community Hall, Chesham Town Hall, [email protected] for more Chesham, HP5 1DS. information. Last Monday of the month: 2.00 – 4pm rd 29 Oct 26 Nov 17 Dec (3 Monday)

For more details on these groups and to register your place please contact us on 01296


Singing for the brain®

This service is a structured group session for

people with a diagnosis of dementia and their Carer support groups carers to meet regularly and actively These groups are for carers of people with participate in singing in an enjoyable dementia who would like to meet with other carers environment. Refreshments are provided. for support. If you are new to the groups and For people who would like to come to the would like to come along, please contact the group for the first time, please contact the Aylesbury Office to check availability. offices for availability.

Amersham Aylesbury – Most Tuesdays 10.15am – Amersham Free Church, Woodside Road, 12noon Amersham, HP6 6AJ The Salvation Army, Meadow Way, Aylesbury, 1st Tuesday of each month: 10:30am – 12 noon Bucks, HP20 1XS 2 Oct 6 Nov 4 Dec Oct 9, 16 23 & 30; Nov 13, 20 & 27; Dec 11 & 18 Aylesbury Meeting Room 1, The Healthy Living Centre, Beaconsfield – Most Fridays 10.15 – 12noon Walton Court Shopping Centre, Hannon Road, The Fitzwilliam’s Centre, Windsor End, Aylesbury Bucks, HP21 8TJ rd Beaconsfield, HP9 2JW. 3 Monday of each month: 10.30 – 12 noon Oct 5, 12 & 19; Nov 2, 9 & 16; Dec 7, 14 & 21 15 Oct 19 Nov 17 Dec Buckingham – 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 2.15 – 4pm Downley Community Centre, The Library, School Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Close, Downley, High Wycombe, HP13 5TR Meadow, Buckingham, MK18 1RP. 4th Wednesday of each month 10:30am – 12 noon Oct 9 & 23; Nov 13 & 27; Dec 11 24 Oct 28 Nov No group in December

Aylesbury & Buckingham South Bucks Ardenham Court Seeleys House, Campbell Drive Road Beaconsfield Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8HT Bucks, HP9 1TF Tel: 01296 331749 Tel: 01296 331749 [email protected] [email protected] National Helpline Number 0300 222 1122 Registered Charity Number 296645