Red text highlights achievements as an Associate Professor

Dr. Andy Breckenridge University of Wisconsin-Superior Department of Natural Sciences P.O. Box 2000 Superior, WI 54880

Email: [email protected] Tel: 715-394-8428

Research Interests I study sediments to reconstruct past climates and environments. The work is highly interdisciplinary because lake sediments result from complex biogeochemical interactions, plus the records have applications to many fields. My skill sets and research interests cross into the fields of physics, biology, chemistry, geography, and archaeology. I am particularly interested in varved sediments from glacial (annually deposited layers.) By studying glacial varves, we can learn how ice sheets responded to climate change on annual time scales. The study of glacial varves should be integrated with the study of glacial landforms, therefore my research interests have grown to include using ArcGIS.

Teaching Experience Associate Professor of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Superior 2013-present Classes include: Dynamic Earth, Geomorphology, Geology of MN and WI, Western US Field Experience, Climatology, Historical Geology, Earth Science for Teachers Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Superior 2010-2013 Classes include: Dynamic Earth, Geomorphology, Natural History of the Boundary Waters (FYS), Rocks (FYS), Geology of MN and WI, Fundamentals of GIS, Western US Field Experience, Oceanography Assistant Professor of Geology, Mercyhurst College (Erie, PA) 2005-2010 Classes include: Physical Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Petrology, Field Methods, Structural Geology, Geomorphology, and Applied GIS (for Forensic Science graduate students) Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, University of Duluth 2000-2002 Classes include: Introduction to Geology, Geomorphology, and Smear Slide Analysis Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, University of Minnesota Twin Cities 1996-1999 Classes include: Introduction to Geology, Glacial Geology, Geosphere/Biosphere Substitute Teacher, and West Lafayette (IN) 1995-1996 & 1999-2000 Includes short assignments in science and math and a long term chemistry position

Education 2006 Ph.D. Geology, University of Minnesota Twin Cities/Duluth Dissertation: Lake Superior’s Varve Stratigraphy: a record of regional ice margin dynamics and overflow, Advisor: Dr. Thomas C. Johnson 1999 M.S. Geology, University of Minnesota Twin Cities Thesis: Using Paleolimnological Methods to Document Maya Landscape Alteration, Advisor: Dr. Kerry R. Kelts 1994 B.S. Geology with Distinction, Purdue University

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Publications, h-index=10 (Google Scholar link) (in press). Leydet, D., Carlson, A., Teller, J., Breckenridge, A., Barth, A., Ulman, D., Sinclair, G., Milne, G., Caffee, M. , “Eastward routing of Agassiz runoff caused the cold event “ Geology 2015. Breckenridge, A., 2015 The Tintah-Campbell gap and implications for glacial Lake Agassiz drainage during the Younger Dryas. Quaternary Science Reviews, 117, 124-134. 2014. Douglas, P., Pagani, Eglinton, T., Brenner, M, Hodell, D., Curtis, J., Breckenridge, A. Pre-aged plant waxes in tropical lake sediments and their influence on compound specific stable isotope records. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 346-364. 2013. Breckenridge, A. An analysis of late glacial lake levels within the western Lake Superior basin based on digital elevation models. Quaternary Research 80(3), 383-395. 2013. Stroup, J.S., Lowell, T.C., Breckenridge, A. Stratigraphy from the demise of a large glacial lake: the , , example. Journal of Paleolimnology. 2012. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T.C., Evans, G. A review and analysis of varve thickness records from glacial Lake Ojibway (Ontario and Quebec, ). Quaternary International 260, 43-54. 2012. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., Fisher, T., and S. Yu. A Late Minong transgression in the Lake Superior basin as documented by sediments from Fenton Lake, Ontario. Journal of Paleolimnology 47(3), 313-326. 2012. Fisher, T.G., Weyer, K.A., Boudreau, A.M., Martin-Hayden, J.M., Krantz, D.F., and Breckenridge, A. Constraining -aged lake levels in the Michigan Basin. Journal of Paleolimnology 47 (3), 373-390. 2011. Hobbs, H. and Breckenridge, A. Ice advances and retreats, inlets and outlets, sediments and strandlines of the western Lake Superior basin. In J.D. Miller, G.J. Hudak, C. Wittkop, and P.I. McLaughlin (eds), Archean to the Anthropocene: Field Guides to the Geology of the Mid-Continent of , GSA Field Guide 24, 299-315. 2010. Yu, S., Colman, S., Lowell, T.V., Milne, G.A., Fisher, T.G., Breckenridge, A., Boyd, M., and Teller, J.T. Freshwater outburst from Lake Superior as a trigger for the cold event 9300 years ago. Science 328, 1262-1266. 2009. Breckenridge, A., and Johnson, T.C. Paleohydrology of the during retreat of the Laurentide : insights from Lake Superior’s oxygen isotope record. Quaternary Research 71(3), 397-408. 2007. Breckenridge, A. Lake Superior varve stratigraphy and implications for eastern Lake Agassiz outflow from 10,700 to 9,040 cal ybp (9.5-8.1 14C ka). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 246, 45-61. 2004. Breckenridge, A., Johnson, T.C., Beske-Diehl, S., and J.S. Mothersill. The timing of regional late glacial events and post-glacial sedimentation rates from Lake Superior. Quaternary Science Reviews 23(23-24), 2355-2367. 2002. Johnston, K. J., Breckenridge, A. J., and B. C. Hansen. Paleoecological Evidence of an Early Postclassic Occupation in the Southwestern Maya Lowlands: Laguna Las Pozas, Guatemala. Latin American Antiquity 12(2), 149-166.

Reports and Non-peer Reviewed Publications 2016. Breckenridge, A., Kremmin, T., Dott, E., Mossberger, I. Duluth harbor geologic history boat cruise – to Anthropocene. Institute for Lake Superior Geology Field Trip Guidebook v. 62: 160-187. 2015. Breckenridge, A., Myrbo, A., Sediment core recovery from Lake Kabetogama (), National Park service report VOYA-2015-SCI-0001

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2015. Breckenridge, A. Analysis of Post-Flood Landslides within the Nemadji/Red River Clay Plain. Report to Wisconsin Coastal Management, # NA12NOS4190091 2014. Breckenridge, A., Wattrus, N., Testing the potential to constrain Lake Superior lake levels before and after the Nipissing highstand from the study of sediments from former embayments of Lake Superior (Pine, Second, and Conway Lakes). Report to the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation.

Published Abstracts (*=student advisee or co-advisee) 2017. *Gordon, M., *Moretto, M., Breckenridge, A., and Lowell, T. “Rainy Lobe retreat and Koochiching Lobe advance documented by glacial varves from Pelican and Vermilion Lakes (Minnesota). Geological Society of American annual meeting, Seattle, WA. (October, 2017) 2017. Breckenridge, A., and Lowell, T. “Sawtooth varve thickness patterns record re- organization of meltwater pathways along the LIS” Geological Society of American annual meeting, Seattle, WA. (October, 2017) 2017 Breckenride, A., Lowell, T., Wattrus, N., Myrbo, A., Schilling, T., *Langevin, N. The use of sub-bottom acoustic reflection data to image glacial Lake Agassiz sediments from multiple lakes in the Rainy River watersheds. Rainy- Watershed Forum (International Falls, MN) 2016. Leydet, D., Carlson, A., Teller, J., Breckenridge, A., Barth, A., Ulman, D., Sinclair, G., Milne, G., Caffee, M. “Eastward routing of glacial Lake Agassiz runoff caused the Younger Dryas cold event”. American Geophysical Union presentation, San Francisco, CA (December, 2016) 2016. Breckenridge, A., Myrbo, A., Shilling, T., *Bauer, S. “The potential of glacial Lake Agassiz varves to reconstruct response to climate change: preliminary results from Lake Kabetogama (MN) sediment cores”. NC-GSA presentation, Champaign, Illinois (March, 2016) 2015. Breckenridge, A. OPID: Contemplative Pedagogy, poster presentation, Green Lake, Wi Experimenting with a Flipped Classroom 2015. *Knowlton, Aaron, Wattrus, N., Breckenridge, A. Origin of Western Lake Superior’s Buried Ridges, North Central GSA, poster presentation, Madison, WI 2015. Breckenridge, Andy J., Using Lidar data to reconstruct the history of glacial Lake Agassiz, North Central GSA, poster presentation, Madison, WI 2015. Lowell, Thomas V., Lepper, Kenneth, Fisher, Timothy G., Ward, Dylan, Heath, Stephanie, Breckenridge, Andy J., Assessment of Drainage Pathways from Glacial Lake Agassiz, North Central GSA, poster presentation, Madison, WI 2014. Breckenridge, Andy. An analysis of Lake Agassiz levels and outlets based on lidar data from and Minnesota. CANQUA Edmonton, Poster presentation. 2013. Colman, S.M, Breckenridge, A., Wattrus, N. High-resolution seismic-stratigraphic records of the deglaciation of the Superior Basin (invited). American Geophysical Union, San Francisco 2013. Riker-Coleman, J. Breckenridge, A., Gabrys-Alexson, R., Bajjali, W., Stewart, R. Engaging Non-majors with academic service learning in the geosciences. Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.366 2013. Jol, H., Loope, W., Johnston, J., Breckenridge, A., Loope, H., Morrison, S., Jol, C. GPR imaging of coastal sedimentary deposits along the Lake Superior shoreline of the Huron Mountain, MI. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.116 2013. *Kotz, A., Lambert, C., Breckenridge, A., Breckenridge, R. An assessment of the physical factors that trigger landslides and the relative impact of a 500-yr flood within the

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Red River watershed (Wisconsin/Minnesota). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.153 2013. Jennings, C.E., Adams, R.S., Arends, H.E., Breckenridge, A., Friedrich, H.G., Gowan, A.S., Harris, K.L., Hobbs, H.C., Hooyer, T.S., Johnson, M.D., Knaeble, A.R., Larson, P, Lusardi, B.A., Manz, L.A., Meyer, G.N., Thorleifson, H.. Deglacial Margin Chronology of Minnesota and Implications. CANQUA, Edmonton, AB. 2013. Breckenridge, A. An analysis of Lake Agassiz lake levels and outlets based on lidar data from North Dakota and Minnesota. CANQUA, Edmonton, AB. 2012. Breckenridge, A. Using strandline deformation due to crustal rebound to date Lake Agassiz water planes. Poster presentation, AMQUA, Duluth, MN. 2011. *Carlson, K., Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., Evans, G. A 1000 year paleomagnetic secular variation record from glacial Lake Ojibway varves. GSA abstracts with programs 43(5), p.295. 2011. *Evans, G., Lowell, T., and Breckenridge, A. Ice Rafted Debris from Reid Lake, Ontario relative to the varve stratigraphy form Lake Ojibway. GSA abstracts with programs 43(5), p. 295. 2011. Breckenridge, A. A GIS approach to mapping and analyzing former strandlines in the Lake Superior basin. GSA abstracts with programs 43(5), p. 250. 2011. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., and *Evans, G. A review and analysis of the Glacial Lake Ojibway varve stratigraphy. 2nd PAGES Varve Working Group, Corpus Christi, TX. 2011. *Evans, G., Lowell, T., and Breckenridge, A. Timing and drainage of Lake Ojibway using varve stratigraphy from four remnant lakes in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. NE/NC- GSA, Pittsburgh, PA. 2010. *Show, M., Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T.V., Stroup, J.S. Using ostracodes to describe the terminal phase of Glacial Lake Agassiz-Ojibway. Poster Presentation. NE/SE-GSA, Baltimore, MD. 2010. Breckenridge, A. and *McCoy, C. Mapping and analysis of Pleistocene strandlines in the Basin using 10m DEMs and ArcGIS. Oral Presentation. NE/SE-GSA, Baltimore, MD. 2009. Lowell, T., *Stroup, J., Breckenridge, A., Smith, C., Moser, J., and Sagredo, E. Stratigraphy of Glacial Lake Ojibway and implications for the 8200 yr event, poster presentation, AGU fall meeting. 2009. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T.V., *Stroup, J. The terminal phase of Lake Ojibway in northern Ontario as recorded in lacustrine sediment cores. EOS Transactions, AGU Joint Assembly Toronto, ON. 2009. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., Fisher, Yu, S. A 9500 cal BP lake level rise during the phase of Lake Superior as evidenced by sediments from Fenton Lake, ON. IAGLR, Toledo, OH. 2008. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., and *Stroup, J. a review of the Glacial Lake Ojibway varve stratigraphy and implications for final drainage, poster presentation, AGU fall meeting. 2008. *Stroup, J., Lowell, T., and A. Breckenridge. “Changes in Stratigraphy across the Lake Ojibway basin”, poster presentation, AGU fall meeting. 2008. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., and *Stroup, J. A review of the Glacial Lake Ojibway varve stratigraphy, poster presentation, AMQUA meeting, Penn State University.

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2008. Breckenridge. A., The late Mattawa flood (ca. 9,100 cal yr BP) in the Upper Laurentian Great Lakes, oral presentation, North-Central GSA, Buffalo, NY. 2008. *Golab, J., and A. Breckenridge. The relationship between grain size variation and the retreat of the Laurentice Ice Sheet taken from Lake Superior Core BH02-5P”, poster presentation, North-Central GSA, Buffalo, NY. 2008. *McCoy, C. and A. Breckenridge. A reconstruction and analysis of Pleistocene beach ridges in Northwestern Pennsylvania using ArcGIS”, poster presentation, North-Central GSA, Buffalo, NY. 2007. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., Fisher, T., and S. Yu. A post-Minong (Lake Superior) transgression recorded in Fenton Lake, Ontario, ca. 9,000 cal BP (8.1 14C ka), oral presentation, CANQUA-Ottawa. 2006. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., and T. Fisher. A revised stratigraphy from Fenton Lake, Ontario: evidence for northern drainage of Lake Superior prior to 9,000 cal BP (8.1 14C ka), poster presentation, 10th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Duluth, MN. 2006. Breckenridge, A. A review of the glacial varve record from Lake Superior: recent developments, unresolved questions, and future prospects”, oral presentation, North Central GSA annual meeting, Akron, Ohio. 2005. Breckenridge, A., and T.C. Johnson. Paleohydrology of Lake Agassiz and the upper Great Lakes from 10,700 to 8,800 CAL YBP [9,500-7,900 14C YBP], oral presentation, CANQUA 2005, , MB. 2005. Breckenridge, A. and T.C. Johnson. Lake Superior’s oxygen isotope record suggests overflow to Lake Ojibway between 10,000 and 9,400 Cal BP, oral presentation, Institute on Lake Superior Geology annual meeting, Nipigon, ON. 2005. Breckenridge, A., Johnson, T.C., and S. Colman. Late-glacial paleohydrology of Lake Agassiz and the upper Great Lakes: Insights from Lake Superior's oxygen isotope record, oral presentation, North Central GSA annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 2004. Breckenridge, A. The Lake Superior Varves: records of ice margin dynamics and eastern Lake Agassiz overflow, ca. 10,600 to 9,400 cal ybp (9.5-8.1 14C ka), poster presentation, GSA annual meeting, Denver, CO. 2004. Breckenridge, A. Lake Superior's varve stratigraphy: implications for eastern Lake Agassiz overflow, oral presentation, Institute on Lake Superior Geology annual meeting, Duluth. 2003. Breckenridge, A., Johnson, T.C., and S. Beske-Diehl. Lake Agassiz influx through Lake Superior between 10.6 to 9.0 cal ka (9.4 to 8.0 14C ka), poster and oral presentation, CANQUA-CCRG 2003, Halifax, NS. 2003. Breckenridge, A., Johnson, T.C., and S. Beske-Diehl. Geochemical evidence for Lake Agassiz flood events from Lake Superior varves, between 10.7 to 9.1 cal kyr, poster presentation, 3rd International Limnogeology Congress, Tucson, AZ.

Other Research Related Presentations 2016. Breckenridge. "Using Lidar to understand the history of Lake Superior (and Lake Agassiz)” Northern Lakes Archaeology Society 2016. Breckenridge, A., “Lake Agassiz”. Minnesota Quaternary Science Meeting, St. Paul, MN (January, 2016) 2014. Breckenridge, A., “The Rise and Fall of Lake Superior”, UMD Geology Dept. Seminar 2014. 2014. Breckenridge, A. “Formation Story: How the St. Louis River Came to Be, Geologically” LSNERR River Talk

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2013. “The intrabasin sediment record of the terminal phase of glacial Lake Agassiz- Ojibway”. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Geology Department seminar series 2013. “The intrabasin sediment record of the terminal phase of glacial Lake Agassiz- Ojibway”. University of Wisconsin-Madison Geology Department seminar series 2011. “Using sediment cores from remnant lake basins to test Lake Agassiz drainage as a trigger for the 8200 cal BP event”. Quaternary Paleoecology seminar series, University of Minnesota. 2010. “Testing Lake Agassiz drainage as a trigger for the 8200 cal BP event” UMD- Geological Sciences departmental seminar. 2009. “The glacial history of Lake Superior” how we leanr about the future by studying the past”. Lake Superior Provincial Park evening naturalist presentation. Wawa, ON. 2008. “The Geology of Canoe Country”. Wilderness Canoeing Symposium, Toronto, Ontario. 2007. “Paleohydrology of the Upper Laurentian Great Lakes”. University of Pittsburg geology department seminar, Pittsburg, PA. 2007. “Lake Agassiz, the known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns”. University of Akron geology department seminar, Akron, OH. 2006. “The Lake Agassiz-Great Lakes Connection, the view from Lake Superior”. 2nd Annual Regional Science Consortium, Erie, PA. 2006. “New findings about rhythmite sedimentation and isotopic composition in Superior basin and implications for Huron and Michigan basins”. Workshop on Great Lakes sensitivity to paleoclimatic change, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2006. “J.B. Tyrrell's Kazan Route in the Barrens”. Wilderness Canoeing Symposium, Toronto, Ontario.

Popular Articles (Canoeing Related) 2017. “Back Country Baking”, Small Boat Monthly, September issue 2007. “The Little Partridge Route”, Chemun vol. 130, p. 8-9. 2005. “The Proposal Portage”, Canoe and Kayak Magazine, p. 46-49. 2004. “The Old Methye Portage” Chemun, vol. 117 2004. “Joy Riding on the Frog Portage”, Kanawa, p. 32. 2003. “A Portage Called Alice”, Kanawa, p. 28-30.

Grants – External 2017. Wickert, A., Breckenridge, A, #Callaghan, K.,” Testing connections between and glacial Lake Agassiz routing by identifying unmapped beach ridges in central ”. TanDEM-X digital elevation model data access. 2017. Gran, K., Jennings, C., et al. “Landslide Hazards and Impacts on Minnesota’s Natural Environment” Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources grant, $6674 (total amount: $672,408) 2016. Breckenridge, A., Lowell, T., and Wattrus, N. 8/2016-8/2020. Collaborative Research: Testing Laurentide Ice Sheet Climate Response and Younger Dryas Trigger with Glacial Varves, P2C2, National Science Foundation, $146,746 (total amount: $465,819) 2014. Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation, “Testing the potential to constrain Lake Superior lake levels before and after the Nipissing highstand from the study of sediments from former embayments of Lake Superior (Pine, Second, and Conway Lakes)”, $2400 2013. Wisconsin Coastal Management Program #13.40, An assessment of the relative impact of the June 2012 flood on triggering mass wasting across the Nemadji clay plain”, 7/1/2013-6/30/2014, $6,578.75

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2007. NSF-EAR #0642944, “Glacial Lake Ojibway Chronology to Test the 8,200 yr Cold- Event Trigger”, 2007-2010, $57,431

Grants - Internal SOTL grant, “Experimenting with a Flipped Classroom” (2014) Swenson summer scholar student supervisor award, $1000 (2012) CETL summer jumpstart grant, $300 (2012) UW-Madison Library access (2011-2013) Mercyhurst Research Fund, “Presque Isle Bay sediment core recovery and description”, $1800 (2010) Mercyhurst Faculty Research Contract (2008-2010) Mercyhurst Student Research Assistant (2006-2007, 2009-2010) Grant-in-Aid of Research, University of Minnesota Duluth, Pinning down Lake Agassiz outflow and retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, 2001-2003, $40,000 (award to T.C. Johnson) NSF-RTG Student Research Grant, University of Minnesota (1997)

Awards UW-Superior Max Lavine Award (2016) UW-Superior Outstanding Researcher Award (2015) Outstanding Reviewer – Geological Society of America Bulletin (2015)

Advising on Student Research Projects Senior capstone research project supervisor: James Golab* (2008), Curtis McCoy* (2010), Krystal Carlson* (2012), Ashley Kotz* (2014), Sarah Bauer (2015), Aaron Knowlton* – UMD (2015), Nick Langevin (2016), Michael Moretto* (2017), Morgann Gordan* (2017) (* = students presented their research at a national or regional science conference) Independent research project supervisor: Laura Sellner (2012), Mary Jenc (2012), Reed Schwarting (2013), Anne Radakovich (2013), Tim Manley (2013), Dominic Cavalieri (2015), Avery Koblings (2017), Kelsey Moinicken (2017) Graduate thesis committee member: Justin Stroup – UC (2009), Gianna Evans – UC (2011), Devin Hougardy – UMD (2013), Zach Wagner – UMD (current), Nate Norris - UC (current), Andrew Dennison – UMD (current), Kerry Callaghan -UMN(current)

Student Field Trips Dinosaur National Monument, UT and Green River Fm, WY (2017) St. Paul Science Museum (tour of collections Historical Geology) (2015, 2017) Hill Annex State Park and Mary Ellen Mine (Historical Geology) (2015, 2017) Guadalupe Mtns (N.M.) and Carlsbad Caverns (2015) Regional Geology (Geol 481) trips to Crystal Cave (WI), St. Paul brickyards, Taylor’s Falls SP, MN north shore, Mesabi iron range, Soudan Mine, Amnicon Falls, Jay Cooke SP, Soudan Iron Mine, Apostle Island Sea Caves, LacCore Minneapolis (2012, 2014, 2016) Regional Geomorphology trips in Wisconsin and Minnesota Lake Superior Rocks! (FYS) week long field trip around western Lake Superior (2012) Natural History of the Boundary Waters (FYS), two 1 week canoe trips to the BWCAW (2011) Dynamic Earth trips to Amnicon SP, Jay Cooke SP, Enger Tower, and Leif Erickson park (2010-present) Soudan Iron Mine, Students of Science Club (2010)

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Southern Utah (May 2010) Bethany, NY fossil collecting (2008) Yosemite/San Francisco, CA (May 2008) Harlansburg Cave, PA, Geomorphology (2008) McConnell’s Mill State Park, Sedimentology (2005, 2007) Sudbury, ON (2007) Structural Geology weekend trip, PA/MD (2007) Death Valley, CA/Grand Canyon, AZ (spring break 2007) Lang’s Eurypterid Quarry, NY (fall 2006) Laurel Caverns, PA Geomorphology, (2006) Glacial Geology, northwest PA, Geomorphology (2006)

Field Work (PI or co-PI on non-italicized projects) Sediment coring in Ontario: Lake Agassiz project (2017) Sediment coring on Pelican Lake with Geol 481 class (2017) Lake reflection profiling (MN/ON) (2017-2017) Sediment coring Lake Kabetogama (A. Myrbo) (2015) Sediment coring on St. Louis Harbor with Geo 481 class (2014) Sediment coring on western Lake Superior (N. Wattrus) (2013) Ground Penetrating Radar survey Huron Mountain Club, Michigan (H. Jol) (2013) , Lake Superior geophysical survey (N. Wattrus and S. Colman) (2013) Sediment coring on McFarland Lake with Geol 481 class (2012) Lake reflection profiling. MN/ON border: eastern extent of Glacial lake Agassiz? (2011) NE Ontario and NW Quebec sediment coring: Lake Ojibway Project (2007-2010) Presque Isle Bay sediment coring (Lake Erie) with Sedimentology class (2009) Northern , Caribou Project (2008) Lake Superior geophysics and coring survey (N. Wattrus and S. Colman) (2008) Bemidji, MN/Lake Agassiz project (T. Fisher, T. Lowell) (2006) Upper Peninsula, MN (T. Lowell) Several Lake Superior coring cruises (up to 10-day cruises) Aitkin Basin, MN Lake Winnibigosh, MN (P. Larson) West Hawk Lake, MB (J. Teller, D. Schnurrenberg) Northern Yukon/Beringia project (M. Abbot, L. Anderson) Lake of the Clouds, MN (H. Wright) Steel Lake/Lake Shingobee, MN (H. Wright) , MN (A. Myrbo) Deep Lake/Twin Lake, MN (H. Wright, F. Hsu) , , MN/ND (T. Fisher, H. Wright) Petén, Guatemala (co-PI with K. Johnston) Ham and Green Lakes, MN (K. Kelts)

Professional Development (Workshops and Field Trips) UW-System CETL workshop (2015) American Quaternary Association (2012) PAGES varve working group workshop (Corpus Christi, TX) 2011 Institute for Lake Superior Geology (2004, 2005, 2011) Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists (2009) Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene (2004, 2007)

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Great Lakes sensitivity to climate change (Ann Arbor, MI) 2006 Physical Limnology Short Course (Minneapolis, MN) 2004 Organic Geochemistry Short Course (Minneapolis, MN) 2003 Image Analysis of Lacustrine Sediments (Amherst, MA) 2001

Service Committee Service Faculty Senate (2015, 2016, 2017) Technology Committee (2017) Academic Affairs committee (2013-2016) UWS Intuitional Review Board (2010-2014, 2015-2017) Faculty Research committee, Mercyhurst (2009-2010) Student Research committee (chair), Mercyhurst (2008-2010) Computing Instructional Technology committee, Mercyhurst (2006-2008) Strategic Vision planning committee, Mercyhurst (2007)

Departmental Service Earth Science program coordinator Drafted changes to department bylaws concerning annual reviews (2017) Drafted B.S. Environmental Science Authorization Proposal (2016) Differential Tuition and Student Research Fund subcommittee (2011-2015) Science Symposium co-organizer (2012, 2013) Geology program webmaster, Mercyhurst (2009-2010) Geology work study supervisor, Mercyhurst (2005-2010) Geology curriculum assessment and planning, Mercyhurst (2006-2010) Departmental brochure co-designer, Merchurst (2008) Geology hiring committee chair, Meryhurst (2007-2008)

Other Campus Service Students of Science Adviser (2014-2015) Hive Night (2011, 2014) Science Night participant (2011-2016) Faculty Adviser: UWS Men’s Club Hockey (2011-2012) Faculty Adviser: UWS Men’s Curling Club (2011-2012) Faculty Adviser: Mercyhurst Outdoor Adventurer Club (2006-2010) Mercyhurst Major Day (2006-2010) Roundtable discussion member, James Kunstler (2006)

Community Service Manoomin Camp field trip guest leader – (NASA/NSF funded camps for kids) (2011, 2017) Science workshop for Educators at the Duluth Aquarium on rocks (2016) Minnesota Earth Science Teacher Association Conference Presented (Minneapolis), The Nature of the Scientific Process: A Case Study of the Younger Dryas Controversy” (2016) Minnesota Earth Science Teacher Association Conference Presented (Duluth), Teaching Climate Change (2015) Geologist in the Park field trip leader – Taylors Falls, MN(2014) UWS spring camporee, Geology Merit badge (counselor (2012) Duluth Children’s Museum, National Fossil Day presenter (2010) Erie Poverty Initiative, GIS specialist (2009)

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Professional Service AMQUA officer (elected), 2016-2018 NSF P2C2 review panelist (2012) American Quaternary Association organizing committee member (2012) Session chair: Regional GSA Quaternary Geology session co-chair (2010, 2015) Manuscript Referee: Aquatic Ecosystems and Health, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Earth Surface Dynamics, GFF, GSA Bulletin, GSA special publications, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Journal of Paleolimnology, Limnology and Oceanography, National Environment Research Council (UK), National Science Foundation, Ontario Archaeology, Quaternary Research, Quaternary Science Reviews, Sedimentology, X-ray spectrometry

Professional Memberships American Geophysical Union Geological Society of America Canadian Quaternary Society American Quaternary Society

Former and Current Collaborators Chad Wittkop, Minnesota State Mankato Dorothy Peteet, Lamont Doherty Carrie Jennings, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Andrew Wickert, University of Minnesota Karen Gran, University of Minnesota Harry Jol, UW-Eau Claire John Johnston, Wilfred Laurier University Henry Loope, Indiana Geological Survey Sue Beske-Diehl, Michigan Tech University Erik Brown, University of Minnesota Duluth Steve Colman, University of Minnesota Duluth Peter Douglas, Yale University Tim Fisher, Toledo University Barbara Hanson, the Pollen Connection Howard Hobbs, Minnesota Geological Survey Tom Johnson (dissertation adviser), University of Minnesota Duluth Kevin Johnston, formerly at Ohio State University Michael Lewis, Dalhousie University Fred Longstaffe, Western Ontario University Thomas Lowell, University of Cincinnati Gaywood Matile, Manitoba Geological Survey Amy Myrbo, University of Minnesota David Scott, Dalhousie University Justin Stroup, Dartmouth College Harvey Thorleifson, Minnesota Geological Survey Kerry Kelts (master’s thesis adviser), University of Minnesota (deceased)

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