turned to her summer morn, where A* Is MBf utwulvtly Point, Md* where they «*»* *um~ Island. entertained. Mrs. Joseph Nevtos and Miss Ruby .* Recent Marriage of Interest. N»»Utt of 1411 road hare re¬ Mrs. Frederick C. Dinnall Columbia N. is her mother.J®"1 and Mrs. Baeklel S. turned to the city after an extended ©range, J- visiting her real- Representative tour of the great lakes and various Mrs. Delay D. Woodward, at Chandler of Corinth, MIml. announce on street. the marriage of their daughter Julia points to Canada. dence Harvard Chindler Swift and Mr. H. C. King Tyler of Portland, Ore., in St. Michael's Mrs. J. Harry Cunningham, Mrs. J. Maxson anA ants have larger and All Angela* Church. Baltimore, Cunningham young son, Proportionately crea- MdL, on Tuesday, September IS. The J. Maxson, Jr., have rehirned from brains than any other living Rev. Dr. A E. Macnamara, brother- their cottage, the Maples, at Plney ture. THE ambassador of France in-law of the bridegroom, officiated, .*1 Mat. Junerand enter¬ the wadding being very small and tained Oca. John "W. Persh¬ simply arranged. at the era- Mr. and Mrs. Tyler will spend the ing at luncheon winter in the east. k fcaasjr today and asked as £ Wther guests the Secretary of War Mrs. Edmund Pendleton has return¬ *>* Baker, Mrs. Francis E. War- ed from Bar Harbor, and is at Stone- £ 5 William Phillips, assistant leigh. Court for the winter. **ratarr of Mate; Mai. Gen. and Maj. E. N. Forster was a dinner f *** c p- Suramerall. Ms]. Gten. and host last night, taking his guests to ? W. Brewster. Lieut Gen. the Cafe St. Marks. * U Ballard,L Brie Gen. Collar- Jfojwrtdet. military attache of the French Mrs. Richardson Gibson and her Farrier Ladies' | *rs. Henry C. Corbin. party at their cottage, at White Sul¬ and Smart Wear f*z 8 Kuegie. M. and Mme. phur Springs, Va., were Joined for a La*«l»i»f aad Count L. de Sar- short visit by Mrs. Gibson's cousin, G at Twelfth Street 6i U*"1.li1"*'second secretary of the French Capt. D. Mountjoy Cloud, who sttopped f embassy staff. en route to his home ic Los Angeles. Seventh Mrs. W. and Miss Pennsylvania 1 Postmaater General and Mrs. H. Moran Aileen Btrleaon_,Tha will be Joined at their home Moran of 1)35 Biltmore street re¬ Avenue Street *. street tomorrow their son-ln- turned to Washington last night, after & F by &afes am) J.ya llr. and Mrs. spending two weeks in Atlantic City. Clomp * daughter, r !?iT ,*nd.Greene Grimes of Dayton. £?VleaOhio. Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Brooke an- 2 nounce the marriage of their daugh¬ hundred f .The Sulier, on tlie latter'g return drea apeat the summer. Thry will j Specials. Mr. ft?.. ' ">. i«t or oc- he Jeteed wtthia a few daya by j pairs.and comparisons with Shoes f3 2,j?,u1^*U1 take possession of the Justice Day* her father-in-law, J. MAURICE BIRD *venue, who, nor 10 Tears of the Firm of will the - A'2'^MmM*ch"*etuthe home of Mrs John R. ie ¦till ia the wtat. I L H. STINEMETZ & SONS selling: up to $10.you point J £".«r|y house they occupied Massachusettsi avenue 1415 G Street Turbans, medium, mushroom you in these at I ?iL