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Vastly diering ideas persistamong professed fallen of tumults the through civilizations, and peoples of diversity the with message Christ’s sharing of task the with at Pentecost birth since her Church wrestled has The world. re whole the for to and come has thatChrist belief our ects meanings of range “cosmopolitanism.” This and “openness,” “wholeness,” implies word The universal. means Catholic Dear reader, Page 15 Page 12 Page WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM Page 13 Page Page 15 Page INDEX 3 Page 5 Page 14 Crossroad eBooksCrossroad available! now bulk usfor Contact a copy and/or orders of our full catalog us on Follow Facebook CALL 845 517 0180 OR Page 9 Page 4 ...... 2 ...... 3 EMAIL: SALESCROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM SALESCROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM EMAIL: ■ Popes and the Papacy ...... 4 ■ ...... Ignatian Spirituality 8 ■ and Apologetics Tradition ...... 12 Page 8 Index ■ Welcome ■ Index Page 6 Page 15 POPES AND THE PAPACY 4 The Story Inside the Faith and Reason Institute in Washington, DC. DC. Washington, in Institute FaithReason and the — Lawler? Well, it is.” here byanalysis thePhilip noted journalist photos and complete colorful with new one— astartling of the election recent by abdication one Pope and the of “Want to know the inside story Fr. J. 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It o theinsight into vision that guides in his leadership of the universal Church—and for reading spiritual challenging provocative, every committed Christian. anticipating his retirement as In 2012, archbishop Buenos of Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio gathered together his most ections on the meaning of the probing re Christian life, and follow how to Christ century. in the 21st ecting the central priorities of Pope Francis Re these meditations emerge from his work the as shepherd of the people of Buenos Aires, whom he led through some of the gravest crises of revolutionary modernity—economic collapse, violence, dictatorship, and the temptations of secular consumerism. 978-0-8245-1997-1 hc / 384 pages $29.95 Jorge Mario Bergoglio Mario Jorge Pope Francis OR ; “Chapter 5: Our Faith” Open Mind, Faithful Heart FROM THE BOOK THE FROM must encounter ourWe faith, the faith our of fathers and mothers, which is liberating in itself, is is the faithwithout any that addedcation. makes quality  us just before quali or the Father who created us, before the Son who redeemed us and called us to follow him, and before the Spir- whoit works directly in our hearts. In the making of moment concrete decisions, this faith will lead us, through the Spirit’s anointing, to a clear knowledge the of limits our of own role; will it make us wise and intelligent in choosing the means use; we in the end, will it lead us to evangeli- ectiveness that is farcal removed from e both emotional ineptitudeerence. and easy-going indi Our faith is revolutionary; is it a foundation unto itself. — FROM THE INTRODUCTION THE FROM the large“Among number publications of that appeared have in the months since the conclave, do wellwe to distinguish between books “about” the and Pope books “of” the Pope. … the own books,Pope’s which of this is one, come directlyese are the books from his own hand.  ... that us show all the depth and breadth Francis, of the new Pope...” —Archbishop Jose Maria Arancedo “In this book is“In found secret the Francis.” of Pope EMAIL: SALESCROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM SALESCROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM EMAIL: The  English in available Francis Pope rst book by  The POPES AND THE PAPACY 6 Saint JohnPaul II Saint “ “ The wounds time not of will be healed –Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, Archbishop of Krakow Archbishop Dziwisz, Stanisław –Cardinal Let them ring in our ears!” Let ears!” our in them ring to e our in us toward reconciliation. orts determination inspiration of the is source new horizon. 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Benjamin and Scott Hahn Hopedale, Ohio. Hopedale, Moraland Darwinism World AMeaningful are books his  for Biblical Center Among eology. Paul St. the and Institute, Discovery the College, Abbey of Belmont EnvoyInstitute the with fellow senior Wiker Benjamin Ohio. Steubenville, in He lives books. of numerous author the and  for Biblical Center Paul eology, Saint of the director and founder the of Steubenville, University Franciscan at scripture and theology of aprofessor W. is Scott Hahn WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM is an author and and author an is . He lives in in . He lives TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS 13 The Catholic Case forThe Limited Government, Case Catholic and Human Flourishing Economy, a Free SamuelGregg draws upon Catholic teaching, natural theory, law and the thought of Catholic founding father Charles Carroll of Carrollton develop to a Catholic case for free ordered and government, limited economy, liberty in America. 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Adding the to popular his voice chorus of conservative Catholics—which include contemporary bestselling authors Michael Robert and Novak Sirico—Gregg examines the economic and social positions of the nes where the Catholic United and States de church falls on a host of issues, including a free-market the welfare economy, state, the role and size of government, and the very nition of liberty and freedom. de 978-0-8245-4981-7 pages pb / 272 $24.95 Samuel Gregg Party Catholic Tea CALL 845 517 0180 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE e challenges a Catholic of Preface:  legislator, Paul Rep. by Ryan some (Or other prominent Catholic politician). Party Tea 1. Catholic? 2. Catholics, the Economy and the State: A Brief History Free3. Enterprise, Creativity, and Dignity 4. Solidarity, Subsidiarity, and the Welfare State ing – the up Loving5. Poor – and Li 6. Where Does the Government In? Fit Economicrst Freedom Liberty7. and the 8. A Creative Minority: Patriots – Catholic American and OR . He . He is e Modern , , and On Samuel Gregg Samuel director research of theat Acton Insti- tute and the author severalof books, including John Paul II and the Development of Catholic Social Teaching Papacy Liberty Ordered lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. reader and let the reader and let the Commonweal Evangelical Catholicism Evangelical EMAIL: SALESCROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM SALESCROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM EMAIL: —George papal Weigel, biographer and author of “A stimulating reading stimulating social of Catholic “A and American and the Founding teaching most its some of today’s application to public policysharply contested issues, particularly on economic touching those your and religious to it freedom. Give favorite debate begin!” Catholic social teaching for a new generation a new for social teaching Catholic TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS 14 The New Evangelization inaction • Th India. of jungles e • ThKenya. Nairobi, of e slums Europe. • Eastern America. • Central Alabama. • Birmingham, Midwest. the in campus college Catholic • Asecularized • ThChicago. of Side South e • Vlad TABLEFROM THE CONTENTS OF the power to attract people to people the powerthe faith? to attract proven that have programs demonstrated any works? there evangelization Are of a questionnaturally arises: What sort “new the in evangelization,”participate have life of all walks to beenfrom called Year this During Faith, of whenCatholics ivostok, Russia. ivostok, $24.95 /232 pb page 978-0-8245-4982-4 work. by hard spread faith, real nostalgia—just or thinking, wishful hype, No campuses. college to Peruto U.S. Siberia from  the in clergy and laity Catholic apostolic eld of stories why? and ing, nitty-gritty real, Read Church advanc- Catholic is the Where inquire: globe the across journalists Catholic of A team from to Alabama Vladivostok 11 Success Evangelization Stories New the of Faith ViralWhen Goes Lawler, editor Philip E. Spectator e American — of light.” points her book, this in as pursues, but he also Church, the in troubling is what or favor, he reports world fear today. Without the in journalists Catholic trusted most one of the is Lawler “Phil Conservative — right.” doing is Church the what see faithful the help to alive person best the be might he just why  America. in Church the at’s with wrong what’s about Lawler Phil as insight and balance much as with have written Catholics U.S. “Few League — amust-read.” arm, the in shot Areal world of evangelization. the in exciting and new is that all celebrate out and run to one want makes “ that of book kind the is is Rod Dreher Rod Judie Brown Judie George Neumayr George WWW.CROSSROADPUBLISHING.COM , senior editor, , senior eAmerican , president, American Life Life American , president, Lancaster, Massachusetts. South in He lives Culture. Boston’s Catholic Departed: of eCollapse Media American on Reporting Investigative of eImpact In eAlternative uence: of author the and News World Catholic of editor the F. is Lawler Philip , contributing editor, editor, contributing , and and eFaithful Catholic scholarship and living TRADITION AND APOLOGETICS

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John Zmirak is an editor, journalist, screenwriter, political commentator, and writer. He is the author of e Bad Catholic’s Guide to the Seven Deadly Sins and the coauthor of e Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living; e Bad Catholic’s Guide to Wine, Whiskey, and Song; and e Grand Inquisitor. He has contributed to Investor’s Business Daily and the National Catholic Register. He lives in New York City.

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