TWELVE PAGES PAC3 TT70 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1916. care. lM e curtains laundered wlt Phone 2 4 6 J . i tiifc ui i AtiAku iui.iUkkAAaLJifca For sale Five room house, east Ml Vw w ' A A.-- kV. VjmS. .4.s.I fcJ'.... VJM .i. Court street. Desirable location, oiose Dargain r LOCALS to school. A genuine K. C Jory. - Brie! particulars address Advertising in pin. Ore. , Estrayed from Mrs. K. TUnmerman goiaing. Per line first Insertion ranch, 1 black. 2 year old lVr line, additions! Insertloa. . . . branded J on left hip. Finder aotlfy Per line, per montn H. Timmerman, Helix, No lix'Sls takea for leas thsn 26. Mrs. Catherine Count 6 ordinary words to lln. Oregon. IahsIs will not be takes over !bt pool Oregon For salo Cigar store and ball telephone eicept from Uat caae, lao paid up subscribers. fixtures, Including wall twe show cases, three pool table, billiard table raid table, safe, cash res' later, at once. For sale 32 Winchester special etc. 'a big bargain If taken formerly O. K. Good as new. P. W. Jost, Gritmana Apply Rests' Bathes, shop. Teacher of Physical Culture and barber Mrs. A. R. Gilchrist, Ho- expression. Mage. tel Fendelton. Ante Adams, Athena and Weeten. in Temple For Steam heated room Hennlng'e agar Store at IS a. building to let. Phone 190. leaves m, and 3: JO p m. each day Adv. Miss Comstock, beauty specialist, Mason's Millinery. Great Butineas opportanfcf. Wm. Goedecke auto for hire, phone For Sale Best paying dairy Busi- 389M. Sutton Cigar Store. Tel 4S4. ness In Pendleton. Good reason for M 40 H. P. roadster for sale, $175. selling and a bargnln If taken Inquire McLean Auto Co. once. Inquire DX thle offtoe. I haul your garbage and trash of Auto Trunk. Phone B6SM. 1403 W. Railroad Notice Bids Mr t Is hereby given sealed Rooms Notice that Miu Mulr, dressmaking. received at the office of Building. bids will be 14 and 15, Association the City Recorder in Pendleton, O re- rooms, Furnished ants, and Just in m. un to October 25th, 118. at 5 fitted out. 777 Thompson street. o'clock p, m., for one motor truck, 4 Fresh crawfish and Olympia oyatem cylinder, 22 horBe power stanaara at the Quelle make, the body to carry at least 800 For rent Furnisned light house- feet standard brand fire , said keeping room. 803 K. Railroad St. truck to be complete and delivered f. o. b. fire station In Pendleton, Ore- D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phons gon. The Common Council reserve 284M. Stand, Charles Co. Phone 7- right to reject any and all bids. p tnoroughly the pressed 60c: clean Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this Webb. ed $1.50. Rudd, 202 W. Phone 12th day of October, A. D., 11$. 185. TI108 FITZ GERALD. Barley too high for fled. See (Adv.) City Recorder. 117 E. Court. Phone 36 for oats by car lots. Notice or lWymctit of City of INmdU'. Wanted Woman for cooking and ton Improvement . general house work on ranch for Notice is hereby given that City of small crew. Phone 19F3. Pendleton Improvement Bonds Noa. Furnished room for rent Suitable 10, Series V, 10, Berlea E, , Series N Coryrirht Hart & V. upon for gentlemen. 401 Aura. Phone and 4. Series U, will be paid 308W. presentation thereor to the under- signed lit the American National To rent, wheat ranch Wanted Pendleton, Umatilla County. furnished, half crop rent. Alonso Bunk, Oregon. t on said bonds ceases Wright, Echo, Ore. Inters. IN THE EYES OF white furs and ostricn plumes. Rudd, November 1, 191. THE WORLD 12, Dated October 191. 202 W. Webb. Phone 6S5. , LEE MOOIU10USE, For saleTwo Ford cars. Inquire Treusurer, City of Pendleton, by Wm. Shop, 63u While clothes don't the Frazler and Oritson Repair Mickelsen, Deputy Adv. its true that make man you'll have to admit that they have a lot to do Cottonwood street. For sale or rent house, hot Hi! with other people's impressions of him. The man who wears quality clothes bought Notice of Illds for Ooal. in our water heat Inquire Buford Butler Notice Is hereby given that sealed men's store is beyond criticism he gets the style, the quality, fit with at Otto Hohbach's Bakery. bids will be received at the office of the the best of courteous Call Penland Bros, van te move your the City Recorder, in Pondleton, Ore- thrown in. household goods. Telephone 339. Alsc gon, for one carload of coal, to be de- treatment oaggage transferring and heavy livered f. o.b. City Hall, Pendleton, Oregon, up to October 25th. 1914. at 5 o'clock p. m., coal to be For sale Fine blooded mare, 6 said of standard value. Quality Suits $15.00 to $35.00 Quality Overcoats $12.50 to $35.00 years old, weight, 1300 lbs., also one The Common Jersey cow, fresh. Apply Wm. Milne, Council reserves the right to reject any and all bills. 911 W. Court. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this Good, competent woman THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Wanted 12th day of October, 191. to charge of rooming house. In- Are you watching this a closely take THOS. FITZ GERALD. ad as others? Are quire Arlington Hotel. you reading every word of it; and are you carefully (Adv.) city Recorder. Clever Styles New noting every price? ir so, then you are one of the Rooming house for sale. Mali in many street. In center of business district tlally patrons of tills busy department. Public Dance Tonight, Moons Halt Doing good business. Inquire Pen-lan- d Yesterday wo surprised a regular steady patron of of The public la cordially invited to the "cheap Bros. priced" stores and a mighty good mail or-d- er attend the regular Saturday night at rou too. We oiitntod him and his whole family Matt row making, furniture repair- dance tonight In Moose hall. Music CLOTH from the skin out, inciuudlng shoes, hose, underwear, ing, upholstering, called for and deliv- by Sawyer's orchestra. Admimloa. 60 suits ami dresses, overcoats, shirts, waists and hate for ered, city or cojatry. La Dow Bros., cents. Adv. less than he ever .paid before. He said so and he ought 219 Beauregard. Pohne 227 J. to know. And the Roods were the best in quality ever Those crisp waffles Sunday morn- Salo. bought. " For ings at the Delta made from Blyden-steln'- s 720 acres foothill land in Umatilla WOMEN'S . HIGH Men's Guaranteed 6 Self Rising Flour. Co., 3 miles from town. About The stylish, serviceable serge is extremely SHOES tit pairs hoc Wanted By responsible party, 7 or acres under plow. Finest of barley The best high top bar- popular; this popularity is justly deserved, for SUITS AXD PRESSES 8 room furnished house for the win- lnnil. Balance good pasture land, gain in all Pendleton; 11 A clean up of the up- ter. Inquire Matlock-Laat- z Inv. Co., well watered. Terms but no this is the type of dress about which wou hear patent leather, trade. inch toils; stairs depts. Quality at a 112 E Court. Buyers only, write. Executore ot women say, just lived in and still just a dull calf; $5.00 values, low price. Estate, Box 393, "I've it it's n shepherd dog. bob Walla Walla Wash. Bargain $3.20 WOMEN'S COATS Adv. as good as new." tail. Finder notify B. J. Rrldgep. GIRLS' SHOES The Judg. combined Phone 350 and receive reward. School Calf $1.49, $1.69, mcnt of all the luitrons of IjiiIIcw. Lost Bunch of keys attached to Attention. $1.98. this department Indicate We carry a full line of hair goods The Colors are navy blue, Copenhagen blue, Dress Calf $1.98, $2.13, the real value of the coat? cnain. Finder please return iO thuj Mall orders office and receive reward. solicited. Comblngt $2.17. we offer. And from the made to order. Hair dyeing java brown, hunter's green, purple and burgundy, Leather $1.87, and Patent fact that the coats sell as For sale One female thorough- uieacning. Keslilentlal calls given made in fitted loose $1.08. $2.56. wo effects as well fast as can show them bred pedigreed pointer pup, six Prompt attention. Pendleton UNDERWEAR FOR Judgment peo- straight line models, hanging full from the shoul- the of the months old, for $10.00 Box Dressing Parlors, Pendleton Hotel EVERYBODY ple is this: Ileal Quality 704, Echo, Oregon. Building. Phone 46 ders or pleated from a yoke and held softly Suits and 2 piece Bargains. at the Union Prompt Suits 23c, 25c, 69c, MKN'S SHIRTS automobile taxi service, Studebekor waist with sash or belt. Priced from lc, day or night to Motor Cars for aile 89c, $1.47. A clean no of our men's Funerals cemetery B. Knight, only S 60. J. distributor for MEN'S DRESS SHOES upstairs shirt department. Phone 680. Hotel SI county. George. Carney Long's Garage. Phene 74. The very cheaet shoes Shirts that sold $1.00, Taxi Ce. Adv. now cost $3, and here is $1.50 to $2.75: Barguiii this department offering Basement 4c. 08c Priced from $9.95 to good honest shoes at a MEN'S OVEISCO ATS $35 price even less than $3.00. Our first season at sell-in- g Bargain Basement special these high grade price $217 coats. Just one of a kind. i ROYS' SHOES To clean up our men's de. ill School Calf $1.69, $1.79, partinent of the single $1.98. coats we have sent them Dress Calf ..81.98, $2.23 all to the TSargaln Base, Items from our Stuhb Proof. $1.89, $2.23 mcnt. where they are of- AND SOX fered at Bargain Base, DRESS GOODS Carter's For the Whole Family. mcnt nrices. Children's Black Ribbed 9c WOMEN'S WAISTS. DEPT. that Children's Guarant'd 12V.C One big lot ,. . . . 6c Fine Rib'd 13c Silks Women's $.7 - in- - ' - ,- should be of Underwear HOUSE DRESSES $1.00 VALUES J SPECIAL UNTIL SOLD. 1 terest to you. 79c One Big Lot 10 Dozen. 79c for If It's lu the Bargain Basement It's Sure a Bargain. 1 ' tit l' J St t' 1 l Women "Keep 'Clean Brushes" PUSSY WILLOW TAFFETA This is beyond question the best Brush on Comes 10 inches w'.ile. and an ideal fabric for women. "Carter's today. Made of good quality dresses of good taste. Shown In all the wanted shades The climax In underwear for the market lu.-rtr- quality, style, finish fit. for gtreet and evening wear. A permanent and It's the best in and materials, gwid finish,, can be washed and splendidly. The yard $2.00 Each garment conforms to the body as though it were in wears quality made to look as new. These are carried FUR TRIMMINGS especially made for it. They wear well, as the general makeup Is there. Let your next Under- hair brushes, nail brushes and tooth brushes. forthcoming Myles by the advance show- and You jui're wear be "Carters." ing in tlie bi.oks. They hIiow Fur Trimmings. Hair Brushes 35 to $1.50 And you will find our stuck of Fur Trimming far above $1.25 CARTER'S UNION SUITS $1.25 111 the averaee. of the newest and best in quality. . Econo- An nil cotton garment, well made and comes in the Nail Brushes 50 mically priced. styles, high neck ankle length and long sleeves Dutch CORDUROY neck, wing, sleeve, and ankle length, also low neck no Tooth Brushes 10 to 25tf They are using Corduroy for coats, suits and extra sleeves and ankle lengths; medium weight. The - garment $1.25 skins, iimi t n- a"! iiin-i.- we are MhuwinK will please. In stock are plain colors and stripes. These are in the $2.00 UNION SUITS $2.00 medium riles and "f the ber--i quality. The yard $1.23 Wool mixed union of best quality; comes .In 3 til $2,011. styles, hieh neck, long sleeves, ankle lengths, Dutch Purses and Hand Bags 2 SPECIAL BLANKETS neck, wing sleeve ankle length and low neck, no sleeves in tjti a genuine German wool finish, full size double; ankle length. Each $2.00 The "latest idea" Purses is the small one . rrey fluffy XT In pln'r. blue, and tan plaid; soft and t and a res! value. Kfrh $2.85 $3.50 UNION SUITS $3.50 either with or without handle. A big assort- The Other is sn all wool block plaid, double blanket, These are of the finest quality silk and wool; very styles, for a full wIm- - bed 1'incit quality wool. Only 3 of these elastic and superb finish. Comes In two Dutch ment to select from. Shown mostly in black, In tins lot. Worth K.50 each, but Kpeelal for Mon- neck, wing sleeve ankle length, and low neck, no sleeve, day $4.95 ankle length. Each garment $3.50 some tan. Each..... 75 to $10.00 Pendleton's Great- Where it Pays ri est Dep't Store THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE to Trade