You can never expect to SUCCEED if June 2018 you only put in work on the days you feel like it. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

If you have any questions, please text or e-mail Coach Taylor. Before doing any of the workout 1 2 activities, make sure you spend 10 -15 minutes warming up (light jog & dynamic stretching). Days with a Star mean you need to send Coach Taylor your results. LAST DAY OF Elite 8 Graduate SCHOOL Open Hockey days we will open the turf at 5pm for you to do conditioning. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Mile run 30 minutes of 2 Mile Run REST DAY 10- 100 Yd Sprints 30 minutes of stick 3 sets of 10 push-ups physical activity 3 sets of 10 push-ups RECORD THE # skills. Pulls, spins, lifts, 3 sets of 50 crunches (walk, hike, bike, 3 sets of 50 crunches UNDER 16 SECONDS etc… swim, clean the 3 sets of 50 bicycles house, etc…) 3 sets of 50 bicycles 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Field Ladder Push-Up Sprints Fartlek A Interval 1 Quick Feet Routine Ball Shuttles (Week 1) 100 Burpee Routine 6 ab workouts 3 T-Drill REST DAY 6 100 yd sprints Arm Lifts Leg Strength Arm lifts Leg Strength 6 ab workouts 10 mins stick work 10 mins stick work Stretching Routines

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 minutes of physical activity Track Ladder Interval 2 One Mile Repeat Line Drills (Week 1) Graham Cracker Run (walk, hike, bike, Arm Lifts 3 4-corner Runs 3 Jumping Routine 3 4-corner Shuffles 7 ab workouts REST DAY swim, clean the 7 ab workouts Leg Strength Arm Lifts Leg Strength 3 sets of 10 push-ups house, etc…) 10 mins stick work 10 mins stick work Stretching Routines

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 20 minutes of physical activity Field Ladder Fartlek B (walk, hike, bike, Ball Shuttles (Week 1) NO RUNNING Push-Up Sprints REST DAY 2 Mile Run Interval 3 swim, clean the Arm Lifts Leg Strength Arm Lifts 100 Burpee Routine 4 sets of 10 push-ups house, etc…) 8 ab workouts Leg Strength 1 minute abs 8 ab workouts Stretching Routines

Champions do not become champions July 2018 when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months, & years they spend preparing for it. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 minutes of physical activity Graham Crackers Track Ladder NO RUNNING Two Mile Run 10 100 yd Sprints (walk, hike, bike, Arm Lifts 4 T-Drills 9 ab workouts Quick Feet Routine REST DAY Jumping Routine swim, clean the 9 ab workouts 4 4-corner runs Leg Strength 4 sets of 10 push-ups Leg Strength house, etc…) Stretching Routines HAPPY 4TH OF JULY 15 mins. stick work

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 minutes of physical activity Field Ladder Interval 4 Line Drills (Week 2) REST DAY One Mile Run Fartlek B (walk, hike, bike, 4 4-corner Shuffles Leg Strength Arm Lifts 100 Burpee Workout Quick Feet Routine swim, clean the Arm Lifts 10 mins stick work 10 ab workouts Leg Strength 15 min stick work house, etc…) 10 ab workouts Stretching Routines

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 minutes of physical activity Line Drills (Week 4) NO RUNNING 12 100 yd Sprints Interval 1 Fartlek C (walk, hike, bike, Push-up Runs 5 T-drills Jumping Routine 5 4-corner Shuffles 5 4-corner runs REST DAY swim, clean the Arm Lifts Leg Strength Arm Lifts Leg Strength 11 ab workouts Stretching Routines house, etc…) 15 min stick work

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 minutes of Graham Cracker physical activity (soccer) One Mile Repeat Interval 2 12 100 yd Sprints Fartlek A (walk, hike, bike, 1 Quick Feet Routine Jumping Routine Ladders (@ field) REST DAY 5 T-drills 20 mins stick work swim, clean the Arm Lifts Leg Strength Arm Lifts Leg Strength Stretching Routines house, etc…) 11 ab workouts 11 ab workouts

29 30 31 20 minutes of physical activity Line Drills (Week 5) Interval 3 (walk, hike, bike, Arm Lifts 100 Burpee Workout swim, clean the 12 ab workouts Leg Strength house, etc…)

Don’t put in half the effort unless August 2018 you’re ok with half of the results. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4

14 100 yd Sprints REST DAY Track Ladder Fartlek B 6 T-Drills Stretching Routine 6 4-corner shuffles 6 4-corner runs Arm Lifts Leg Strength 10 min stick work 12 ab workouts

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 25 minutes of physical activity Field Ladder Two Mile Run Line Drills (Week 6) Interval 1 15 minutes of (walk, hike, bike, Quick Feet Routine Leg Strength 100 Burpee Workout Jumping Routine NO RUNNING physical activity swim, clean the Arm Lifts 13 ab workouts Arm Lifts Leg Strength 13 ab workouts (walk, hike, bike, house, etc…) 15 mins stick work Stretching Routine swim, clean the house, etc…) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1st week of Varsity/JV tryouts

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31


Interval 1 2 x 800: 2 minute rest (all rest times here—and below—are for after each rep.) 2 x 400: 1 minute rest 2 x 200: 1 minute rest 2 x 100: 30 second rest

Interval 2 1 mile: 2 minute rest 1 x 400: 1 minute rest 1 x 200: 30 second rest 5 x 100: 30 second rest 5 x 40: 15 second rest

Interval 3 1 x 800: 1 minute rest 2 x 400: 1 minute rest 5 x 100: 20 second rest 2 x 440: 1 minute rest 1 x 800

Interval 4 1 mile: 2 minute rest 2 x 400: 1 minute rest 2 x 200: 30 second rest 5 x 100: 20 second rest

Fartlek A 5 minute warm-up run 6 x 30 seconds @ 60% (of fastest sprint speed) 6 x 15 seconds @ 70% 6 x 10 seconds @ 80% 6 x 5 seconds @ 100% 5 minute cool-down jog

Fartlek B 5 minute warm-up run 2 x 90 seconds @ 70% (of fastest sprint speed) 2 x 90 seconds @ 80% 2 x 60 seconds @ 90% 2 x 30 seconds @ 100% 5 minute cool-down jog

Fartlek C 5 minute warm-up run 4 x 60 seconds @ 70% (of fastest sprint speed) 4 x 50 seconds @ 80% 8 x 15 seconds @ 90% 8 x 10 seconds @ 100% 5 minute cool-down jog OTHER RUNS Track Ladder- rest 1 minute between each and 3 minutes between sets Sprint 400 yards (1 lap) Sprint 300 yards (3/4 lap) Sprint 200 yards (1/2 lap) Sprint 100 yards (1/4 lap) Sprint 200 yards (1/2 lap) Sprint 300 yards (3/4 lap) Sprint 400 yards (1 lap) ~Repeat~

Mile Repeat Run one mile / Rest 5 minutes Run one mile ~Try to beat your time~

Graham Crackers (around FH/Soccer field) Start on corner Sprint first side / jog 3 sides Sprint 1 & 2 / jog 2 sides Sprint side 1, 2 & 3 / jog last side Sprint around entire field ~3 minute break & Repeat~

Field Ladder Sprint 10 yards, jog 90 yards Sprint 20 yards, jog 80 yards Sprint 30 yards, jog 70 yards Sprint 40 yards, jog 60 yards Sprint 50 yards, jog 50 yards Sprint 60 yards, jog 40 yards Sprint 70 yards, jog 30 yards Sprint 80 yards, jog 20 yards Sprint 90 yards, jog 10 yards Sprint 100 yards ~1 minute break & Repeat 2 times~

100 yd Sprints Sprint 100 yds rest for the remainder of 45 seconds - 100 yards on the track - Length of a field hockey field - End zone to end zone on a football field. LINE DRILLS For each week that suggests Line drills, run the corresponding work out for each of the three following exercises. (You should run basic and drop-step shuttles as well do stick and ball shuttles on each day your calendar says “Line drills.”)

Shuttles: Full sprint, stay low on turns and touch “lines”

Week 1: 25 yds. ▲ Run 4 (Each under 45 secs. or add 1)

(Rest for any remaining time—if you come in under

20 yds. ▲ time—and then for another 45 secs. between reps.)

Weeks 2 and 4:

15 yds. ▲ Run 6 (Each under 43 secs. or add 2) (Rest for any remaining time—if you come in under time—and then for another minute between reps.) 10 yds. ▲ Weeks 5, and 6: Run 8 (Each under 45 secs. or add 2) 5 yds. ▲ (Rest is the same as Week 1)

0 yds.▲ Start DropFinish-step shuttles: Full sprint to cones, two drop-steps right, two drop-steps left (should get you back to start or previous cone); continue alternating drop-steps until back to the starting line.

This entire pattern counts as ONE!!

15 yds. ▲ Week 1: Run 4 (Each under 45 secs. or add 1) (Rest for each week here is the same as the corresponding week’s shuttle rest time listed above.) 10 yds. ▲

Weeks 2 and 4:

Run 6 (Each under 43 secs. or add 2)

5 yds. ▲ Weeks 5 and 6:

Run 8 (Each under 45 secs. or add 2)

0 yds.▲ Start Finish

This entire pattern counts as ONE!! Stick and ball shuttles: All should be done at full speed! Remember to look up. You always rest for any remaining time—if you come in early—and continue resting for the same amount of time in which you were to have completed the shuttle.

Week 1: Weeks 5 and 6:

10 x 25 yards……………...Run/Stay on: 20 secs. 4 x 25 yards………………..Run/Stay on: 20 secs.

2 x 50 yards………………..Run/Stay on: 30 secs. Weeks 2 and 4: 2 x 100 yards………………Run/Stay on: 50 secs. 4 x 50 yards……………….Run/Stay on: 20 secs. 2 x 50 yards………………..Run/Stay on: 30 secs. 6 x 25 yards……………….Run/Stay on: 20 secs. 4 x 25 yards………………..Run/Stay on: 20 secs. 4 x 50 yards……………….Run/Stay on: 20 secs.

AGILITIES For any drills with cones…you can use cones if you have them, FH balls, pinneys, or anything laying around. I would recommend doing them on the grass so it’s not as hard on your shins.

T-Drill- STAY LOW ON THE SHUFFLES. Do it for 1 minute intervals (1 minute on, 1 minute off) for the number of times on the calendar.

Shuffle across 5 yds between each cone. STAY LOW ON THE SHUFFLES Shuffle across Shuffle across Back Sprint up pedal Push-up Sprints- Start in push-up position, do 3 good push-ups, hop up and sprint 25 yds, jog back and repeat. 3 sets of 5 sprints. (1 minute rest between sets)

4 Corner Runs & Shuffles- 10 Yards between each cone. Move your feet quickly & stay low on the shuffles. Do it for 1 minute intervals (1 minute on, 1 minute off) for the number of times on the calendar. Shuffle Shuffle Sprint up diagonally, Sprint up. Plant with your left & Shuffle sideways. Back pedal. Sprint pivot. Shuffle Sprint Backpedal sideways. Spring Shuffle sideways diagonally. Plant with your right & pivot. Shuffle sideways START Shuffle Shuffle Start SHUFFLES RUNS 100 Burpee Routine- only take a 15-30 second break between the two & the break should get shorter as we go through the summer 10 Regular burpees (no pushup) 10 single arm burpees (5 each arm…hold other arm behind your back) 10 shoulder tap burpees (jump, down & jump feet out, tap each shoulder, jump feet in & up…that’s 1) 10 down-down-up-up burpees (jump, down & jump feet out, go down on elbows one at a time, then back up, jump feet in & up) 10 single leg burpees (5 each leg) 10 hip twist burpees (jump, down & jump feet out, go down on elbows one at a time, dip right hip down to ground & then left hip, jump feet in & up) 10 sidewinder burpees (jump, down & jump feet out to the side, then to the other side, then jump feet in & up 10 donkey kick burpees (jump, down & jump feet out, kick feet up to your butt, jump feet in & up) 10 ½ superman burpees (jump, down & jump feet out, raise right arm & left leg, then raise left arm & right leg, jump feet in & up) 10 tuck jump burpees (your jump is a tuck jump…jump knees up to hands)

Quick Feet Routine 50 seconds on and 10 seconds off for each move. Repeat twice 1) Football runs (low body, move your feet as fast as you can) 2) Donkey Kicks (down in advanced plank, kick feet up to butt and back down) 3) Split lunge jumps (lunge down, jump & switch legs, lunge down, etc… quickly) 4) Skaters (jump side to side like a speed skater. Balance on each foot before moving on) 5) Mountain Climbers 6) High knee runs (with high knees take quick steps side to side…4 steps each way) 7) Plank Jacks

Jumping Routine Your pattern is normal jump, tuck jump, long jump. Do it up and back 5 yards. Do it for 1 minute intervals (1 minute on, 1 minute off) for the number of times on the calendar.

WEIGHTS & STRENGHTENING This is an area we really need to improve in this off-season. So please only use this if you are not already going to a gym and following another workout program. Make sure your lifting program includes legs and arms. In all of these exercises, DO NOT RUSH. Take your time and really focus on the movement to develop the muscles. If you are lifting by yourself, make sure you have a buddy with you so they can spot you and help correct form.

Leg Strength: Do each of the below exercises twice in June and 3 times in July. For the 1st week of July start the cycle over again (i.e. start with 35 squats, 15 pulses, etc...)  Squats: Start with 35 squats and increase by 5 each week. Make sure your knees don't go over your ankles.  Squat Pulses: Start with 15 pulses and increase by 5 each week. Make sure your knees don't go over your ankles.  Lunges: Start with 20 lunges each leg and increase by 5 each week.  Long Lunges: Start with 10 each leg and increase by 2 each week. Make sure you DO NOT stand up.  Bridges: Start with 30 bridges and increase by 5 each week  Grasshoppers: Start with 25 and increase by 5 each week.  Sideways Scissors: Start with 50 and increase by 5 each week.  Leg Circles: Start with 10 each leg and increase by 5 each week  Leg Raises: Stat with 20 each leg and increase by 5 each week. If you have a band, use the band to add resistance.  Clam Shells: Start with 20 each leg and increase by 5 each week. If you have a band, use it to add resistance.  Fire Hydrants: Start with 20 each leg and increase by 5 each week.  Calf Raises: Regular, Ins, Outs...start with 20 each way and increase by 5 each week. Do on steps as an extra challenge.

Arm Lifts: We will set aside time at open hockey, 5pm-8pm Mondays and Wednesdays, to lift with the weights in the shed. Please try to do push-ups or use weights if you have them at home to lift on Fridays. Increase reps each week and increase weight in July (go back to original reps). Do this rotation 3 times through. Start with 8 or 10 lbs on each one. Increase to 10 or 12 lbs in July.  Military Presses: Start with 10 reps and increase by 2 each week. Palms facing out, weights parallel to the ground on your shoulders, extend (don't lock out your elbow) and lower.  Bicep Curls: Start with 15 reps and increase by 2 each week. Both arms at a time, back against a wall, palms facing out, weights parallel to the ground down by your side, curl up and lower. Do not rock back and forth.  Upright Row: Start with 15 reps and increase by 5 each week. Both arms at a time, back against a wall, palms facing in, weights parallel to the ground down in front of your hips, lift up to your chest and lower.  Tricep Extenstion: Start with 20 reps and increase by 5 each week. Both hands hold the top of the weight over your head, keep your elbows tucked in, lower the weight behind your head and lift back up. Switch the top hand after 10 reps  Shoulder Raises: Start with 8 reps and increase by 2 each week. Both arms at a time, back against a wall, palms facing in, weights parallel to the ground down by your hips, lift arms straight up (even with shoulder) & lower, then lift sideways & lower  Hammer Curls: Start with 15 reps and increase by 2 each week. Both arms at a time, back against a wall, palms facing out, weights held like hammers down by your side, curl up and lower. Do not rock back and forth.  Wrist Curls: Start with 30 on each wrist for each curl and increase by 10 each week. Palms down, hold the weights parallel to the ground. Curl 1= lift hand up and down, Curl 2= twist side to side (like a drive), Curl 3= flip wrist over & lift hand up & down  Walnut Crushers: Start with 10 and increase by 2 each week. Palms facing down, weights parallel to the ground, elbows out and high. Squeeze your back and release.  Laying Down Flies: Start with 10 & increase by 2 each week. Lay down on your back, knees up, push your lower back in to the ground, weights held like hammer curls, arms are straight above your head, lower almost to the ground, and lift back up.  Supermans: NO WEIGHTS. Start with 15 & increase by 5 each week. Lay on your stomach, arms like goal posts, lift arms and legs (thighs) up off the ground and lower.  Kneeling Tricep Extensions: Start with 15 & increase by 2 each week. On your hands and knees, 1 arm at a time. Arm with weight (held like hammer), extend back and come back in  Push-ups: NO WEIGHTS. Start with 10 good ones. Increase by 2 each week.

STRETCHING ROUTINE Flexibility is very important as well and will also help you reach for balls on the field and keep your balance. It will also keep you getting tight and help prevent injuries. Make sure you stretch before working out. You can use these stretches or other stretches.

For each stretch you are going to do 3 sets for 20 seconds each. 20 seconds on, 15 seconds off. You can google all of these stretches if you aren't sure what they are.

Arms: Reach one arm across your body and hold it with the opposite arm. Neck: Try to touch your right ear to your right shoulder. Use your right hand to push down to add pressure. Switch sides. Cow-Face Pose: Reach right arm up, bend your elbow and let your arm fall behind your back. Reach your left hand behind your back to grab your right hand. Sideline Thoracic Rotational Stretch: Lie on your right side with legs bent comfortably, neutral spine, right arm straight and perpendicular to body. With left arm on top of right arm, push left arm slightly forward first, then lift it straight up and rotate it back letting it fall on the left side. Don't move your hips that way. Slowly turn your neck to follow. Same thing on opposite side. Lying Knee Twist: Lie on your back with your legs extended straight out. Bend the right knee up and cross it over the left side of your body. Hold in a position that allows you to feel a gentle stretch through the back and butt. Child's Pose: On the floor knees just wider than hip width apart. Rest your butt back on your heels and reach your arms forward. Stretch your fingers forward to get more of an upper back/shoulder stretch. Cobra Stretch: Start by lying on your stomach with your legs extended and with palms planted on either side of your head with your forearms and elbows flat on the ground. Slowly, push your body upwards, so your weight is resting on your forearms. Be sure to keep your hips on the ground. Hip Flexers: Left knee on ground right knee up and slightly wide of your hips. Push your hips forward and hold once you feel it in your left hip flexer. Same thing other side. You can also put your left leg the whole way on the ground to feel it more (support yourself with your arms then). Quads: Balance on one leg (hold on to something if need be). Right hand grabs right foot and bends it to your butt. Switch sides. Hamstrings: Bend over and try to touch your toes. Hamstrings to butt: Bend left knee, put right heel in to ground. Go like you are going to squat and gently push your right knee down. Calf: Up against a wall put your right foot up against it and lean forward. You can also put your legs straight out and have someone push your foot back. Piriformis Stretch: Cross one leg over the opposite leg (knee is crossed over your thigh). Pull the crossed knee toward your opposite shoulder. Butterfly Stretch: Sit up with feet together, move your knees down toward the ground. Move your heels closer to stretch it more. Frog Stretch: Start on hands & knees. Bring your knees as far apart as is comfortable. Rock back and forth, keep your balls of your feet on the ground...toes outward. (think ice hockey goalie). Half Pigeon: On hands and knees extend your leg behind you until your hip is fully extended. Put the opposite heel between your hip and knee. Sit back a little and you should feel it in the butt of the unextended leg. Figure 4 Stretch: Lay on our back. Stick your left foot straight up in the air, bend your right leg and cross it over the left at your left knee. Your right arm goes between your legs to grab your left hand, which is keeping your right foot in place. Switch. Butt Squeeze: Sitting up cross one leg over the other and squeeze close to you. Hug your leg.

STICK-WORK SUGGESTIONS Try to pick different ones to do each day. Don't just go through the motions, really focus on your technique and making sure you are executing the skills properly. Practicing on grass isn't a bad thing. It will help you. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Dribbles - 1 yard pulls. Time yourself for a minute and try to beat your score - Aerial Dribbles. See how many you can do. - Fast Hands. 30 seconds fast hands, 30 seconds fast hands with pulls, 30 seconds fast hands & lift, 30 seconds fast hands at pace - Dribbling Routine- Indian dribble for 30 seconds, control dribble for 30 seconds, low aerial for 30 seconds & repeat - Triangle Pulls- Do them both ways for 30 seconds each. - Fake Outs- Work on your pull right and pull left fakes - Air Pulls- Try to pull the ball as it's in the air - Dodging Routine- dribble & pull right, dribble & pull left, dribble & spin strong, dribble & spin weak, dribble, pull back, and accelerate another direction, dribble & pop, dribble & lift, dribble & pull between your legs, dribble & triangle pull

Touches & passes -Aerials. Get a milk crate or a bucket and try to throw it (with height) in to it. -Push Receptions. Get a buddy and have someone push the ball to you. Work on taking your first touch in a direction while facing the ball. Work on receiving over your shoulder as you are moving, again taking your first touch in a direction. -Reverse Skills. For any reverse skill make sure you practice it from the basics. If you can't get the basic form right, you will not be able to hit the ball consistently -Drives. Set up chairs at varying distances away from you and at varying widths. Try to drive the ball between the chairs consistently. -Pushes. Set up chairs at varying distances away from you and at varying widths. Try to push the ball between the chairs consistently.

Goalies- this is all about quick foot work and quick up and down speed for you. -Ball Skaters. Just like a normal skater, but pick up and put down a ball while balancing on one leg at each end. -Pad Shuffles. In your pads shuffle back and forth 10 yard for 30 seconds. Stay low, chest up, hands up -Reflexes. Have someone bounce a tennis ball or bouncy ball for you. While staying low, quickly grab it or "bat" it back at them -Star Jumps. Do these quickly. Hands touch the ground as you are in a squat, jump the whole way up with arms up. 30 seconds -Line Drill. Back Drop line drills listed above, but with your pads -T-Drill, 4 Corners, Shuffles (with lower pads and gloves). Low position, small steps- quickly bringing feet together. -Dive, Get Up. Start in a goalie ready position… dive right, get up as quickly as possible. Dive left, get up. Do this as quickly as you can for 30 seconds. 1 min rest. Complete 4 times. -Jump rope. quick jumps, two feet, this should get you on the balls of your feet. Variation- jumping side to side, jumping front to back. -Ladder drills. with lower pads / gloves AND without pads- use cones or your own markings if you don’t have a ladder. Try any variation of ladder, including Icky shuffle, two feet in each square, one foot in each … google ladder exercises for more options! -Buddy Drills. Have a friend dribble the ball at you toward goal (or some sort of line). Quickly moving your feet, stay in front of her by utilizing back pedals and shuffles with quick feet. *You are not trying to win the ball, just move! -Fast feet. 30 seconds, low goalie position, quick feet. 30 sec. on, 30 sec. off. Repeat 4 times. -Sprints in pads. variation of 5 and 10 yard sprints in lower pads/ gloves... break down your steps and the end of the sprint, making sure your pads are together. Also complete the same exercise by starting laying in a "diving" formation- get up and sprint. Start laying flat on your back, get up as quickly as possible and sprint.


This is another key area we can improve on this off-season. Strengthening your core will help your balance and stop people from pushing you off the ball. It will also give you better body control, which can help make your hits stronger and more accurate. Pick from the exercises listed below. Make sure you do all of them at least twice a month. Try to do at least 3 lower/upper ab exercises and 3 oblique ones each day with ab workouts listed.

LOWER & UPPER ABS: Row Boats- 2 sets of 15. Increase by 5 each week you do these. Balance on your tailbone. Legs and arms out and back in. Lower Leg Lifts- 2 sets of 20. Increase by 2 each week you do them. Put your hands in a triangle under your lower back and push your lower back down in to the ground. Lower your legs to 6 inches and bring them back up. Core Rollups- 2 sets of 10. Increase by 5 each week. Lay on ground arms long behind you. Roll up slowly arms above your head & roll back down slowly. Plank Rocks- 2 sets of 15. Increase by 5 each week. In forearm plank rock forward and back. Lower Leg Scissors- 2 sets of 10 each leg. Increase by 2 each leg each week you do them. Put your hands in a triangle under your lower back & push it in to the ground. Start with your legs at 6 inches and bring one leg up, and lower it, then repeat with the other leg. Regular Crunches- 2 sets of 40. Increase by 5 each week you do them. Knees in table top position, elbows wide behind your head, crunch up (shoulders off the ground) and back down. Plank- Hold forearm plank for 2 sets of 45 seconds. Increase by 5 seconds each week you do them. Down Dog Abs- 2 sets of 5 each leg (do 1 side 5 times in a row, then switch). Increase by 2 each week you do them. In down dog (butt in the air, back and neck are in a straight should feel your shoulders) lift one leg up in the air, bring it under your torso to the same side elbow, then kick your leg back up (straight), bring it under your torso to the opposite elbow, then kick your leg back up...that's 1. Scissor Switch- 2 sets of 10 each leg. One leg down at 6 inches the other in a hamstring stretch. Lift your shoulders off the ground, head and neck tall (neck should rest on shoulders). Pull your leg in and the switch legs. Eagle Abs- 2 sets of 25. Increase by 5 each week. Cross your knees and your elbows/hands (twist your legs together & your arms together). Bring your shoulders and butt of the ground to bring your elbows to your knees. Hold for a second & release.

OBLIQUES: Hip Twists- 2 sets of 30. Increase by 6 each week you do these. In forearm plank twist your hips side to side touching the ground on each side. Bicycles- 2 sets of 25 each side. Increase by 10 each week you do them. Opposite knee to opposite elbow, lift your shoulders off the ground and when your opposite leg is out try to put it at 90 degrees. Plank Arm Lifts- 2 sets of 10 each arm. Increase by 2 each week you do them. In forearm plank you are going to lift up and reach out one arm at a time. Keep your hips low and do not rotate them. Russian Twists- 2 sets of 30 (15 each way). Balance on your tailbone, move your arms side to side touching the elbow to the ground if you can. Side Planks- Hold on forearms, legs stacked, for 2 sets of 30 seconds each side. Increase by 5 seconds each week you do them. Cha-cha abs- 2 sets of 30 (15 each way) and increase by 10 each week you do them. Feet flat on the floor, knees bent, with a V between your chest and knees (so leaning your upper body back), arms out in front of you a little higher than shoulder height, shift back and forth. Hold on every third Cha....cha-cha-cha (hold). Oblique Crunches- 2 sets of 20 each side. Increase by 5 each week you do them. Lay on your side with your legs on top of each other (bend your knees slightly). Put your hand behind your head, crunch up, hold for a second, and back down. Side Plank Crunches- 2 sets of 10 each side. Increase by 3 each week. In a side plank (see above) lift your hips up and back to plank. Do not touch the floor. Go to one knee if that is too hard. Candlestick Dippers- 2 sets of 10 each side. Increase by 3 each week. On your left knee, right leg out with your foot flat, hands above your head. Tip yourself down to your left (not forward...keep your bend in the hips going sideways), hold for a second, and come back up. Repeat on the opposite side. Side Squeezers- 2 sets of 15 each side. Increase by 3 each week. Lay on your right side, wrap your right hand around yourself, left hand on the floor in front of your chest, point your toes. As you lift your left leg up you also lift your upper body up to crunch the oblique (it also works your triceps). Same thing on the other side.