DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Arizona State University (480) 965-3535

B.A. in English with Concentration in Creative Writing (45 hours) 2007-08 ASU Catalog DPROG: LA ENG- BA (21/1514)

Required Courses

___ ENG 200 Critical Reading and Writing about Literature (/HU) ___ ENG 210 Introduction to Creative Writing (choose your genre: fiction or poetry) ___ ENG 221 Survey of English Literature to 1798 (HU) or 222 Survey of English Literature since 1798 (HU, ) ___ ENG 241 Literatures of the United States to 1860 (HU) ___ ENG 242 Literatures of the United States, 1860 to Present (HU) ___ ENG 310 Intermediate Creative Writing (continue in your genre: fiction or poetry) ___ ENG 411 Advanced Creative Writing (continue in your genre: fiction or poetry) ___ ENG 495 Literary Forms: Theory and Practice (continue in your genre: fiction or poetry) ___ ENG 498 Pro-Seminar: Creative Writing (fiction and poetry) (prerequisite: ENG 495) ___ ENG 400-level literature course

Take one course in each of the following groups:

___ ENG 333 American Ethnic Literature (L/HU, C) or 335 American Poetry or 337 Major American Novels (L/HU) or 352 Short Story (L/HU) or 434 Studies in the Literature and Culture of the Americas (HU, C) or 452 Studies in the Novel (HU) or 453 Studies in the American Novel (HU) or 457 Studies in American Poetry (HU) or 461 Studies in Women and Literature (HU)

___ ENG 321 Introduction to Shakespeare (L/HU) or 356 The Bible as Literature (HU) or 364 Women and Literature (HU) or 400 History of Literary Criticism (L/HU, H) or 401 Topics in Critical Theory or 416 Chaucer in Middle English (HU) or 421 Shakespeare (HU) or 436 Studies in Anglophone Literature and Culture or 442 Studies in 20th-Century British and Irish Literature and Culture

The 9 remaining hours needed to complete the 45 hours are free electives chosen from the department’ offerings at the 200 level or above:

ENG ___ ENG ___ ENG ___

Among the total of 45 hours in the major: • At least 18 of the 45 hours must be taken at the 300 or 400 level. • One 300 or 400 level course must carry a General Studies Literacy and Critical Inquiry “L.” • At least 12 of these upper-division credit hours must be taken at the Tempe campus, including at least one ENG 310 or ENG 411 writing workshop in the student’s chosen genre. • All courses in the major must earn a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher. • A 3.00 GPA in the major is required for graduation.

mcneil 8/24/07