Who Is Eddie Money?"**

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Who Is Eddie Money? (tatttfttrut ia% Campus — Serving Storrs Since 1896 Vol. LXXXVI No. 35 The University of Connecticut Monday, October 25, 1982 • Gov. William A. O'Neill, above, the grand marshal I of UConn's Homecoming parade, rides past students holding signs of protest (Charles Hisey photo), while other students, right, decided to voice their concerns in a different manner (George Edwards photo). Below, a youngster shows you're never too young tp care (Charles Hisey photo). Fanfare, demonstrations mark Homecoming Students display signs O'Neill defends cuts along parade route in university's budget By Steve Therlault By John Yearwood Diliiaggio also said he was Staff Writer Staff Writer pleased with the students I don't know if I have behavior during the parade. Demonstrators were scattered along the route of the fourth shown a lack of response to liy encouraging the annual Homecoming parade Saturday carrying signs in protest UConn's needs." Gov. William students to carry signs. USG of Gov. William A. O'Neill, who led the parade as grand mar- O'Neill said during an interview president Steve liasche said shall. Saturday. the group wanted to let (V- The protest came after the Undergraduate Student Govern- O'Neill's appearance Satur- Neill know that the students ment suggested that students demonstrate their feelings about day as grand marshall of care about what (foes on ill O'Neill's role in the parade in light of the governor's record of cut- UConn's ifth annual Home- Hartford liasche cautioned ting the UC'onn budget and speculation that political motives coming Parade came on the the demonstrators to remem- were behind his decision to lead the parade. heels of conflict between the ber that if re-elected. < >'Ncill Many demonstrators condemned O'Neill's acceptance of the Hoard of Governors, who in* will remain governor for four Board of Governor's invitation as a ploy to gain publicity less than v I'd the Governor as a rep- more years, and it he was to two weeks before the Nov. 2 gubernatorial election. resentative of the state, and leave with bad feelings about Dave McDonald, chairman of the USG External Affairs Com- the Undergraduate Student I ( onn. it could have a nega- mittee, said that the governor has "repeatedly refusted to talk to Government, who believe tive effect ill the General us in the past, and now he comes here for a political students have gotten a raw Yssembly for some time to purpose." deal under his administration come, He said the goal of the demonstration was to "let the governor Approximately I5.0IMI stu- In response to the signs know that we at UC'onn are aware of the things he is doing to us" dents, parents, and friends < > Neill said."we are in a great See page 5 watched as O'Neill lead the country ol \merica. < »ne has procession through campus. the right to do and say anyth- At the parade route's end. ing he wants as long as he where the governor reviewed gives the other person equal Local consumers still buying the parade, a hancllull of de- right." ux »nst rat< >rs carried signs and Many students contend assorted Tylenol products ii few shouted pleas tor more that O'Neill should have vet- money for UCnnn. T'.t pro- oed the legislature's last mi- tion where the capsules can be sent lor a testors turned out ill res- nute vl X million (lit :n By Dawn Stanford and Stephen Geissler refund. ponse to a USG request to tell I l onn s Inidget. < 'Neill said Staff Writers Two other area stores. ( onsumer Value the governor how thev felt I asked tor a five percent Although the state commissioner of con- Store and Storrs Drug, have also lelt Tylenol about the states handling ot reduction across the board ill sumer protection has ordered all Extra products other than capsules on their It onn funds everybody's budget. How Strength Tylenol capsules removed froni shelves. ( AS managers said they have l'( onn President John A. ever the legislature raise I local retail stores, and some stores have noticed diminished sales in these other Diliiaggio. himself a former the tuition for out ol sl.iti chosen to remove all Tylenol products, local Tylenol products. parade grand marshall. said students That was not my consumers continue to buy Tylenol, though A&P. Universal Food Store, and Store 21 after Saturdays procession recommendation <» Neill some retailers report diminished sales. have taken all types of Tylenol off their that he was pleased with the said the tint on increase did Gregory (ichowski. owner-of Mansfield shelves. Rich Riley. an A&P manager, said it is lit Kj decsion to invttC <» Neill not in itselt ustih the veto ot Apothecary Inc.. said people are not shying a company policy to do so. He said also that "We've had a wonderful time See page S away from Tylenol products in his store. he doubted that anyone w< mid find Tyleix >l in todav." be said Though "they often joke about it." (ichowski any of the A&P chain stores. said, ""people are still purchasing Tylenol." The Tylenol from the A&P has been sent to • More Homecoming photos, page 14. These products include Tylenol Infant supply warehouses for storage No word has • See Arts pages for Money/Johansen Drops. Children's Klexer. Regular Strength been received by the warehouses as to what "concert review. Tablets, and Chewable Tablets. to do with the Tylenol, but it is believed that The McNeil Corporation, manufacturer of manufacturers will tell the warehouses to • See Sports pages for details about Tylenol, has supplied Cichowski with a loca- send the stock back to them Homecoming games. Poge2 Editorial Upon returning home one day, Irina and (Eonnecticut Sailg (Eampm her husband surprised a man who was spray- , - SarMngStom Sine* 1896 ing their door with a toxic substance. When they complained to police, they were told Monday. October 25,1982 that if they wanted these incidents to stop they would have to discontinue their polit- Editor in Chief .... Jeff Denny ical activities. Managing Editor John Berry Business Manager Evan Roklen Soviet authorities became incensed when Senior Writer Dave Krechevsky they found that she had sent copies of her Office Manager Lois McLean poetry out of the country without their being News Joseph Tate Whiting.Mork Almand>l Powell Thomas Clark censored first. Several of her poems were Sports Bob D'Aprile.Tom Restelli Dona Gauruder Arts Carlo Von Kampen.Steve Hewins.Dan Davison published in Grant (no. 123, 1982 pages 159- Features Jockie Fitzpatrick. Carol Carangelo 162), a West German journal. Photo Monogei - Jock Wilson For that, twenty six armed KGB officers Wire Stephanie Rutty.Jean Cronin.Sue Wailionis arrested Irina at her home last month and Copy Lisa Stenza.Bob Brennan took her in handcuffs to a Kiev jail. Advertising Diane Spiegel Ad Production Ann Urban Five families were interrogated and Night Production Sue Dowden searched in connection with Irina's arrest. Classified Cheri O'Neil KGB agents, searching for material to help Production Dennis Donovon.Lynn Bodefka.Rosemary Homes incriminate Irina, found more verses, and Laura Uliaszjamie Speer.Ken Davidson Howard Urban, Kathleen McKinney.Cathy Fisher .Judy Benson. Irina Ratushinskaya some unpublished letters supporting other Katy Waish.Amy O'Connor.Bobbie Zambelli people charged with political activity. Igor was a mechanical engineer at the 1 he poetry on the next Ukranian Academy of Sciences. His father is a well-known scientist and director of the a- page was written by Irina cademic institute at the UAS. Igor was not A chance to help arrested with Irina, though he was warned by Ratushinskaya, a 28-year a KGB major named Avilov that he would 1 he Daily Campus is devoting these two pages to an old woman living in the later be charged according to article 56 of the attempt to help Irina Ratushinskaya, a young Soviet Ukranian SSR criminal code-a charge similar Soviet Union. She was to treason. He may face 10-15 years of woman who was arrested in Kiev for publishing some imprisonment and five years of exile. - of the poetry you see on the next page. arrested on September Because of their trouble with the author- The poetry is an expression of fear and hope.The 18 in Kiev for distributing ities. Irina and Igor applied twice for emigra- Soviet officials who accuse her do not understand that tion visas. The first time they applied for a visa personal expression is a freedom that cannot be smo- her verses. She was on an invitation to live with friends in Israel. Soviet authorities rejected the visa request thered -- that people will always express their hopes charged under article 62 with out explanation. and fears, regardless of the legality of that expres- The second time, last fall, they applied to sion. of the Criminal Code of emigrate to Canada to live in a Ukranian com- Irina will be tried shortly on charges of disseminat- Ukranian SSR --the munity there. Their request was again rejec- ing anti-Soviet propaganda. She will most likely be spreading of anti-Soviet ted without explanation. # found guilty, and will most likely be sentenced to a labor camp and exile. education and prop- A,fter Irina and her husband's first She may not survive the ordeal. If she doesn't, the aganda. arrest in 1981, they were both fired flame of life that links us all together throughout the from their jobs and have been unem- world will burn a little less brightly.
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