Allan Water Barrier Easement Project Phase 1
F u n d e d b y On behalf of REPORT Allan Water Barrier Easement Project Phase 1 Technical assessment of structures and identification of next steps Client: River Forth Fisheries Trust Reference: IEMPB4892R001D01 Revision: 02/Final Date: 12 April 2016 O p e n HASKONINGDHV UK LTD. 36 Park Row Leeds LS1 5JL Industry & Buildings VAT registration number: 792428892 +44 113 360 0533 T W Document title: Allan Water Barrier Easement Project Phase 1 Document short title: Allan Water Barrier Easement Project Phase 1 Reference: IEMPB4892R001D01 Revision: 02/Final Date: 12 April 2016 Project name: Allan Water Barrier Easement Project Phase 1 Project number: PB4892 Author(s): Clare Rodgers, Ian Dennis, James Davill and Alan Kettle-White Drafted by: Clare Rodgers Checked by: Ian Dennis Date / initials: 12/04/16 IAD Approved by: Ian Dennis Date / initials: 12/04/16 IAD Classification Open Disclaimer No part of thesethese specifications/printedspecifications/printed mattermatter may may be be reproduced reproduced and/or and/or published published by by print, print, photocopy, photocopy, microfilm microfilm or or by byany any other other means, means, without without the priorthe prior written written permission permission of HaskoningDHV of HaskoningDHV UK Ltd.; UK norLtd. may or ourthey client be used,; nor withoutmay they such be used,permission, without for such any purposespermission, other for thanany purposesthat for which other they than were that produced. for which HaskoningDHVthey were produced. UK Ltd. HaskoningDHV accepts no UK Ltd.responsibility accepts no or responsibilityliability for these or liabilityspecifications/printed for these specifications/printed matter to any party matter other to than any thepar typersons other thanby whom the persons it was by whomcommissioned it was andcommissioned as concluded and under as thatconcluded Appointment.
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