Nurlana Mustafayeva, PhD Associate professor, University of Languages



The article examines the contemporary stage of literary relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey and shows itself in its new stage in modern times. Ensuring cultural development of each nation is more H൵HFWLYHLQLQWHUDFWLQJZLWKRWKHUSHRSOHV,WLVNQRZQWKDWRSHQLQJRI borders since the 80s has once again caused the development of previous VFLHQWL¿FOLWHUDU\FXOWXUDOUHODWLRQV'XULQJWKH\HDUVRILQGHSHQGHQFH these relations have gained momentum and have continued to develop in the context of closer ties. Thus, in the contemporary era, we see that WKH$]HUEDLMDQ7XUNLVKOLWHUDU\DQGVFLHQWL¿FUHODWLRQVDUHPRYLQJWRD completely new stage. In this context, the study of Azerbaijan literary in VFLHQWL¿FWKHRUHWLFDO7XUNLVKOLWHUDWXUHKDVSRVLWLYHUHVXOWV


It is known that ensuring the cultural development of each nati RQLVPRUHH൵HFWLYHLQLQWHUDFWLQJZLWKRWKHUSHRSOHV Because in the development of science, artistic aesthetic thinking, each nation has its own literary criterion, and the opportunities that develop it are enriched and expanded. :KLOH WKHVH FDSDFLWLHV RI GL൵HUHQW QDWLRQV DUH XQLWHG WKH developmental processes that take place in the world are introduced into a new medium, and intercultural synthesis occurs.Azerbaijani -Turkey literary relations have also developed in this aspect, having a long history. But in the early 182 years of the , though, this relationship existed, but since the borders were closed, relations between nations WKDWKDGFRPPRQFXOWXUHDQGDUWLVWLFWKRXJKWVZHUHFXWR൵IRU many years.The opening of borders since the 80s once again FRQWULEXWHG WR WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI SUHYLRXV VFLHQWL¿F DQG literary-cultural relations. During the years of independence, these relations have gained a wider scope and have continued to develop in the context of internal relations. The reason for WKLVLVWKDW¿UVWRIDOOWKH$]HUEDLMDQLDQG7XUNLVKSHRSOHVKDYH the same historical, political, literary and artistic thoughts. At this stage, the relationship between the two nations has FRYHUHG DOO WKH SDUDPHWHUV DQG DUHDV SROLWLFDO HFRQRPLF OLWHUDU\ FXOWXUDO HWF 7KH SROLWLFDO RSHQLQJ RI WKH ERUGHUV has opened a new stage in the expansion of relations between . Ethnic Turkic peoples have also taken some steps to restore literary ties that they have lost in the past. The political steps taken by the heads of the Turkic peoples have allowed them to become literary, cultural and economically reconciled.The relevance of this issue was the basis of Azerbaijan’s current policy. , in his speech at the III Congress of Turkish World Writers, underscored the need for XQLW\RI7XUNLFSHRSOHVVD\LQJ³7KHFXOWXUHDQGOLWHUDWXUHRI our peoples - Turkic peoples, countries have been contradictory and at the same time a very glorious and successful way in the twentieth century.On the one hand, attempts to separate our spirituality, culture, literature, and to prevent had been strong. On the other hand, the socio-political situation and RXU SHRSOH XVLQJ GL൵HUHQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV DQG FORVHU WLHV ZLWK the world culture, resulted evolving of our literature and our FXOWXUH´>@ Certainly, changes in the society and political life also D൵HFWRWKHUDUHDV,QWKLVVHQVHDWWKLVVWDJHSROLWLFDOHYHQWV in the world and in the region have given a certain boost to literary-cultural processes. With the beginning of a new era in the literature, culture,mutual enrichment has reached its new stage. First and foremost, these relationships, along with  continuing and systematic character, have given preference WR WKH VFLHQWL¿FSUDFWLFDO WKHRU\$OWKRXJK VRPH GL൶FXOWLHV emerged in the initial phase of the new mutual enrichment, FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ OLWHUDU\ EHQH¿W DQG LQÀXHQFH WKHRUHWLFDO principles were taken into account in the evaluation of events, even though it was publicistic. ,WVKRXOGEHVDLGWKDWWKHODVWLVVXHZDVPXWXDOO\FRQVLVWHQW There are dozens of articles and research on LQ$]HUEDLMDQ DQG LQ 7XUNH\ RQ$]HUEDLMDQL ,W LV VX൶FLHQW to say only that the articles published at joint meetings and symposiums in these years cover interactively history and present day of literature. Researchs that contributes to the mutual development of literature have written by dozens of UHVHDUFKHUVIURP$]HUEDLMDQE\%DNLU1DEL\HY7R¿N+DML\HY Isa Habibbeyli, Mukhtar Kazimoghlu Imanov, Asker Rasulov, Nizami Jafarov, Maharram Gasimli, Vagif Sultanli, Mubariz Suleymanli, Badirhan Ahmadov, Huseyn Hashimli, Ismayil 9DOL\HY 5DPL] $VNHU 7R¿N $EGLQ $ULI $FDORJOX *OO Yuloglu, Elman Mustafa, Elmira Mammadova, andfrom 7XUNH\E\)LNUHW7XUNPHQ%LOJH(UFLODVXQ

0RYHPHQW´ E\ 'XQGDU $NXQDO (QYHU $UDV¶V ³$]HUEDLMDQ $QWKRORJ\ RI$VKLNV´ ³+D]DUGDQ +D]DUD (OPDV<ÕOGÕUÕP´ (QYHU 8]XQ¶V ³.RURJOX´ ³+XVH\LQ -DYLG DQG 7XUNLVK OLWHUDWXUH´'R÷DQ.D\D¶V³$VKLNOLQHVDQGIHVWLYHOLQHLQRXU OLWHUDWXUH´ ³$]HUEDLMDQ¶V QDWLRQDO SRHW$OPDV<ÕOGÕUÕP´ E\ $\GRJKPXVK*XQHUNDQ³$QDU/LIH$UWDQG6WRULHV´³$QDU ZLWK KLV 3RHPV´ E\$\VKH$WD\ 6HGDW$GÕJR]DO¶V ³(OFKLQ 1RYHOVLQWKH6RFLRORJ\RI/LWHUDWXUH´³7KH,QGHSHQGHQFH 6WUXJJOH RI $]HUEDLMDQ´ E\ 6DPVKLU 6DEDKDWWLQ ³0LND\LO $]DÀL/LIH$UWDQG:RUNV´E\.DINDV\DOÕDQGRWKHUUHVHDUFK works were published. At the same time, many articles and research works have been published about the Azerbaijani immigrants and the founders of the Republic. At the new stage the research has gone in several GLUHFWLRQV D  LQYHVWLJDWLRQ RI IRON OLWHUDWXUH E  UHVHDUFK RI PHGLHYDO$]HUEDLMDQL OLWHUDWXUH F  VWXG\ RI OLWHUDWXUH RI ;,;;; FHQWXULHV G  VWXG\ RI$]HUEDLMDQ OLWHUDWXUH LQ WKH 6RYLHWSHULRGH LQYHVWLJDWLQJWKHFUHDWLYLW\RIFRQWHPSRUDU\ and its representatives.Nevertheless, modern Turkish researchers appeal to the creativity of most of our contemporaries, their works are published in Turkey and systematic studies are conducted. Among these studies and , as well as its representatives dominate. @ It is known that is one of the most common problems of Soviet literary criticism. However, it is clear that no matter how many studies have been conducted on this problem, these studies have been unilaterally and the problem has not been investigated comprehensively. One of the main reasons for this was the ideological approach of the Soviet literary criticism to the problem.Literary processes that took place in the early twentieth century were also connected with public-political processes. Therefore, romanticism and UHDOLVPÀRZVWRRNLWVVRXUFHIURPVRFLDODQGSROLWLFDOHYHQWV These events resulted in the establishment of Azerbaijan’s state independence. In the years of independence, romantic enthusiasm and military, national patriotism motifs in the literature have grown stronger.The subsequent events did not promise anything good for the future of romanticism.Though, continued his creative activity during the Soviet, EXW KLV ZRUNV VXFK DV ³3URSKHW´ ³/DPH 7H\PXU´ ³&OL൵´ ³6D\DYXVK´ DQG ³.KD\\DP´ ZHUH QRW SURSHUO\ XQGHUVWRRG by the literary criticism and were subject to keen criticism.If we take into account the fact that the subject of the writings in this period was devoted entirely to the Soviet society, to contemporary events, then it is possible to understand the reasons of the dramatist’s subjective criticism. The researcher is also likely to search for reasons for the exile of Huseyn Javid to Siberia. Azerbaijani writers who are involved in the contemporary Turkish literary process have also been in the focus of VFLHQWL¿F DQG WKHRUHWLFDO WKRXJKW 'XULQJ WKH \HDUV RI 186 independence, the works of , Khalil 5]D 5D¿N =HND 0DPPDG$UD]@*HQHUDOO\GR]HQVRI studies have been written about Bakhtiyar Vahabzade’s works LQ 7XUNH\  @ ,I VKHDQDO\]HVWKHZULWHU¶VRYHUDOOZRUNLQWKHPRQRJUDSK³$QDU 187

/LIH$UWDQG6WRULHV´LQ³$QDUZLWKKLVSRHPV´VKHKDVDSSHDOHG to poetry creativity of a writer, which is lesser studied in the Azerbaijan literature study. The point is that although Anar’s poetry has been published in Azerbaijan, these poems have not been a separate research object. A.Atay studies the poetic aspects RIWKHZULWHU¶VFUHDWLYLW\DQGFRPHVWRFHUWDLQVFLHQWL¿FPLQG ³7KHVRXUFHRIWKHVHQVHRIORQJLQJZHRIWHQHQFRXQWHULQWKH SRHPVRI$QDULVQRVWDOJLD7KHQRWLRQRIWLPHZDVUHÀHFWHGLQ his poetry, as well as his stories as a sense of longing for the past, which can never be restored. In other words, sometimes Anar’s poems appear as fragmentary commitments to complement the VWRULHVDQGQRYHOVKHZURWH´>@ The works of Kamal Abdullah, one of the contemporary writers whose works translated to Turkish in the years of independence, was also studied. It is known that in the last WZHQW\\HDUVDORQJZLWKWKHZULWHU¶V³+LGGHQ'HGH*RUJXG´ VFLHQWL¿F ZRUN WKH QRYHOV ³7KH 8Q¿QLVKHG 0DQXVFULSWV´ ³7KH9DOOH\RI:L]DUGV´DQG³1RERG\WR)RUJHW´ZHUHDOVR published and investigations have been carried out. The QRYHOV ³7KH 8Q¿QLVKHG 0DQXVFULSWV´ DQG ³7KH 9DOOH\ RI :L]DUGV´ GUDZ PRUH DWWHQWLRQ IURP7XUNLVK OLWHUDU\ FULWLFV Ali Duymaz writes about this aspect of Kamal Abdullah’s ZRUN³0\UHVHDUFKRQ'HGH*RUJXG¶VERRNLQDZRUGWKLV ERRN ³7KH 8Q¿QLVKHG 0DQXVFULSWV´ LV LQWHQGHG10  , have read is similar to that in Turkey. It is closely related to the QRYHOVZULWWHQE\,VNHQGHU3DOD³6KDKDQG6XOWDQ´DQG5HKD dDPXUR÷OX ³,VPDLO´ LQ UHFHQW \HDUV 5HYLHZHG IURP 3RVW PRGHUQ VLGH LQ P\ RSLQLRQ WKLV ZRUN GL൵HUV IURP RWKHUV .DPDO$EGXOODKRQWKHRQHKDQGPDGHWKHQRYHO³+LGGHQ 'HGH*RUJXG´ZKLOHRQWKHRWKHUKDQGKHFUHDWHGFRQGLWLRQ to look at Shah Ismail from another side. The of Kamal Abdullah, who resembled Umberto Eko with this work, has been translated into many languages and has created a strong UHVRQDQFHLQWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDODUHQD´>@ ,Q WKH QRYHO ³9DOOH\ RI :L]DUGV´ E\ .DPDO $EGXOODK LQ SRVWPRGHUQ VW\OH FRQQHFWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH 6X¿VP RI WKH 188 medieval Islamic world and the feelings of ordinary people caused the interest of Turkish critics and research work were written. All this shows that both literary processes were closer to each other during the independence. It turns out that if during Soviet times our literature had turned to Russian readers, during the years of independence, the importance of the Turkish world and the readers of Turkey would be appreciated. Therefore, Azerbaijani literature has been very popular in Turkey for the ODVWWKLUW\\HDUV7KH³2QHQDWLRQWZRVWDWHV´ +H\GDU$OL\HY  formula of the new stage of political processes has contributed WR WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI OLWHUDU\ DQG FXOWXUDO UHODWLRQV øQ WKH contemporary era, we see that the Azerbaijan-Turkish literary DQGVFLHQWL¿FUHODWLRQVDUHPRYLQJWRDFRPSOHWHO\QHZVWDJH ,QWKLVFRQWH[WWKHVWXG\RI$]HUEDLMDQOLWHUDU\LQVFLHQWL¿F theoretical Turkish literature has positive results. Firstly, in this relations Azerbaijan literature has expanded its spread. If earlier Azerbaijani writers had turned to Russian audiences, Turkish readers dominate in the new stage. Secondly, the works written in Soviet times and nowadays in Azerbaijan are FRPSOHWHO\QHZDQGGL൵HUHQWUHVXOWVDUHDFKLHYHG All this shows once again that the literary, cultural and VFLHQWL¿F HQYLURQPHQW RI $]HUEDLMDQ DQG 7XUNH\ LV PRYLQJ towards a single space, and literature, artistic thought and literary study play an important role, as in the public-political sphere.





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