Places LDF AG 20th April 2009

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Kensal 3. Golborne and Trellick 4. Latimer 5. 6. Portobello/ 7. 8. High Street 9. 10. 11. Brompton Cross, Chelsea 12. Earl’s Court 13. Fulham Road 14. Lots Road and World’s End 15. King’s Road and

1. Introduction

This will set out why we have taken the approach we have taken, and why these places.

Please note, that in the consultation draft the places will be re-ordered into the following groups 1. Areas of regeneration (Kensal, Golborne/Trellick, Latimer, Earl’s Court, Lots Road/Worlds End, Westway, Notting Hill Gate 2. Areas with high numbers of visitors (Portobello/Notting Hill, Knightsbridge, South Kensington) 3. Other retail destinations (King’s Road, , Brompton Cross and Fulham Road)

[Please note the numbering on the map and the chapters are not consistent, this will be resolved in the final edition]

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 1 2 (owned by the National Grid), the vacant Kensal site adjacent (owned by the Ballymore Group) and Sainsbury’s supermarket. To the south of the railway is the North Pole 2.1 Introduction Rail Depot (owned by British Rail Board

(Residuary) Ltd) which stretches into 1 Kensal lies at the extreme north of neighbouring Hammersmith and Fulham. the borough, adjacent to the

Boroughs of Hammersmith and Fulham, 6 No Crossrail station is included at Brent and Westminster. Kensal in the Crossrail Act, but the tracks

have been “plain-lined” which enables a 2 The area is currently moderately well Crossrail station to be developed on the served by public transport. There are site. This is the Council’s clear ambition regular bus services along Ladbroke for the site because of the strategic Grove and Underground implications for the north of the borough in station is within ten minutes walk of the terms of stimulating regeneration and majority of the Kensal Area. But by growth. comparison to the rest of the borough as well as other similar Inner London 7 However, because of the barriers locations the area has relatively poor surrounding the main sites to the north of transport accessibility. the railway line, there is a risk that the

development industry will see the 3 The area is split by the national rail opportunity to provide an in-ward looking line to . The Grand Union development. The Council sees no benefit Canal forms part of the northern borough in developing the site in this manner. The boundary. Both of these transport purpose of identifying the potential for corridors act as significant barriers to significant development on these sites is movement through the area, particularly to to deliver wide regeneration benefits to the the north and east. The only crossing north of the borough as a whole. The point over both ‘barriers’ are Ladbroke Crossrail station would serve North Grove, and in adjacent Westminster, the Kensington, not the gasworks sites. Great Western Road. Improving connectivity to the site through

bridges over the railway and canal is 4 To the east the area is dominated by therefore critical. a mixture of employment land and a variety of post-war housing estates. The 2.2 Vision cluster of employment uses on the There is a one-off opportunity for western end of Kensal Road, currently significant regeneration in North provides the most Kensington – the ‘Gasworks sites’ hold the significant local employment opportunities key: they must be used to their full within the area. Network Hub on Kensal potential. Along with residential, there will Road is a prime example of a be significant job creation and an development where a high demand for expansion of the existing retail function. small units of less than 300m2 exists. Crossrail could significantly improve the

regeneration benefits. The borough has a 5 To the west of area there are tradition of well-connected high density significant potential development sites medium rise mixed use developments, known as ‘Gasworks sites’, amounting to and it expects this ethos, along with some 17 hectares. Together, these sites environmental sustainability, to underpin are not dissimilar in size to that of any design. Taller buildings may form part Paddington Basin. There are four sites of the plan if the development delivers a which make up the Gasworks sites: To the significant public service function. north of the railway are the Gasworks

2 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 structure with surface parking which fronts 2.3 Better Travel Choices Canal Way/Ladbroke Grove. There is The Council will work with the landowners, potential to intensify the land use and Transport for London and Crossrail Ltd to provide a better relationship to Ladbroke establish a new Crossrail station. Grove and reduce the dominance of car Maximising pedestrian and cycle access travel, as well as extend the retail offer to to this station will require a number of at least create a local shopping centre. A bridges particularly over the railway. range of new employment opportunities Bridges over the canal would also permit will be expected as part of the easier access to Station. redevelopment. The employment zone will Minimising the need for private car access continue to cater for small businesses. to the site will be essential. Gaining vehicular access to the west onto Mitre 2.6 Respecting Environmental Limits Way near Scrubs Lane in the London The Kensal Gasworks project should be Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham an exemplar of environmental technology may be an option. and maximise its potential as an ecologically responsible development 2.4 Renewing the Legacy offering a district energy source and other The Council will continue to preserve and methods as appropriate. The development enhance the existing Conservation Areas, must also make the most of the canal and including Kensal Green Cemetery which its role in London’s ‘blue ribbon’ network itself contains several Grade I and II* and this should also be used for the listed buildings. Kensal House on the transfer of construction materials in the Ladbroke Grove frontage is one of few development and demolition process. Modern buildings to be listed Grade II* within the borough. 2.7 Nurturing Civic Pride in our Public Realm The Gasworks site offers a rare The new development will be one based opportunity within the borough to establish around streets and public spaces. The a whole new quarter of the borough with importance of green spaces as part of the its own distinct identity, whilst being urban fabric is illustrated by Emslie integrated into the existing townscape. A Horniman Pleasance Park on Kensal scheme achieving a relatively high density Road. Improved access to an improved through medium-rise accommodation Little Wormwood Scrubs would also be which integrates with the existing urban welcomed. fabric is essential to the successful delivery of the area’s regeneration. 2.8 Diversity of Housing Housing is likely to form a significant 2.5 Fostering Vitality component of any redevelopment. A mix The Sainsbury’s supermarket is the only of sizes and tenures will be expected. major food store in the north of the borough, and any redevelopment would 2.9 Keeping Life Local need to provide similar or better facilities. The Council will look to establish a new Sainsbury’s is currently a single storey shopping centre that at least meets local needs around Ladbroke Grove, however a more substantial centre Through Building Schools for the Future meeting the needs of the wider area may and the Primary Capital Strategy we will be suitable. This is likely to entail improve education facilities as part of the contributions to new and expanded social Middle Row/St Mary’s redevelopment and and community facilities. Depending on encourage the introduction of community the development mix, a new primary facilities ancillary to the school. school may also be required.

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 3 4 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 5 The Kensington Housing Trust are exploring ways in which to best tackle the 3 current anti social problems, poor access Golborne and Trellick and degradation of the buildings. It is likely that a comprehensive redevelopment 3.1 Introduction approach with a mix of uses will be the only way to connect this estate back into 1 is an eclectic and the community. interesting urban environment, heavily influenced by the large local Spanish, 6 Similarly at the Edenham site, which Portuguese and Moroccan communities. is located next to Trellick, lies a piece of land, which used to house a care home for 2 Golborne Road contains a vibrant the elderly. Options for how this piece of street market which connects at its land should be used in the future are still southern end to Portobello Road and to being assessed. In any option, current Ladbroke Grove. Further north, it is cut in residents would not move from the area. two by the Paddington Main line that runs in a cutting through the area. Beyond the 3.2 Vision railway, the main landmark in the area is Golborne and Trellick will maintain its the Grade II* listed Trellick Tower. Most strong mixed community culture and people visiting the area stay in the historic legacy. Trellick Tower will remain southern part of the Road, as there is no the most dominant building in the area, ‘destination’ to draw people over the and the Golborne market will thrive in the railway bridge, and there is no convenient future, serving both local people and other bridge link across the Grand Union Canal Londoners. New housing will be built in to connect the Golborne Road into the the area. Harrow Road. The Grand Union Canal therefore provides a very clear ‘boundary’ 3.3 Renewing the Legacy to the north of the area. Trellick Tower is a reminder of the philosophy of high-rise housing in the 3 There is a strong sense of 1960’s. It stands 35 storeys high and is community amongst the retailers in the tallest building in the borough. It Golborne Road, and Golborne market is contains 217 flats, some of which have seen as an integral part of the offer of been purchased under the right to buy, but Portobello Road market to the south. This most of which remain as social rented gives the street a distinctive quality. The tenancies. It was designed by Erno market is central to the identity of Goldfinger, is Listed Grade II*, and has Golborne Road. Unlike its more famous become the icon of the area. It is owned ‘sister’ – Portobello Road Market to the by the Council. Its maintenance costs are south, the Golborne market operates on high, and careful planning is needed to all days of the week other than Sundays see how the Council can fulfil its duty to and Thursday afternoons and mainly preserve the special architectural and provides for the local community through historic interest of the building. The the selling of hot food, fruit and Cheltenham estate, to the east of the vegetables, as well as antiques and bric- tower, were also designed by Goldfinger a-brac, which also attracts people from and built by the London County Council at across London. the same time. The historic value of the estate is still being assessed by English 4 Beyond Golborne Road itself, the Heritage. area is largely residential, with a high proportion of social rented housing.

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 5 The Council envisage this area developing Locating a destination use – such as a in a way which maintains and enhances small leisure centre, on the Cheltenham its function of a local centre and whilst at estate might also encourage footfall and the same time paying attention to the stimulate trade on the Golborne Road. importance of the setting of the Grade II* Listed building. 3.6 Diversity of Housing Changes to the way the Government 3.4 Keeping Life Local funds social housing is likely to result in a This area benefits from a diverse range of financial shortfall. The Council is therefore community facilities within walkable carefully reviewing how to address this distance such as the Venture Centre, through its Housing Stock Options Muslim Cultural Centre, the Local Library process. One way of raising funds to and Doctors Surgery. There are also a provide good quality homes for existing range of local schools and Kensington and tenants is through the provision of Chelsea College is located here as well. additional private housing on existing The Council owns 35 shops on the south- housing estates. Before making any eastern side of Golborne Road. These are decisions, the Council is testing out what managed under the Neighbourhood this might mean in practice in a number of Shopping Policy to support independent ‘case studies’, one of which is at Trellick. retailers that provide for the local population. The Council will support uses Housing renewal is already being pursued that allow the local population to access at Wornington Green, which lies to the local services that cater for their needs north west of Golborne Road. It is owned now and in the future. by Kensington Housing Trust. The renewal would be funded by the provision 3.5 Fostering Vitality of new private housing alongside the The market is the soul of this area. It is replacement of the existing social rented separated from the Portobello Road Market housing. Tenants who wish to stay on the by a 300-metre section of Portobello Road estate will be able to do so. The Council that is faced with blank walls which expect a range of tenures in this significantly reduces the number of development to ensure that a balanced pedestrians that go up to Golborne Road. community prevails in this area. The Different ways to enliven this stretch, and Council will issue supplementary planning so ‘close the gap’ need to be explored. guidance to ensure that the redevelopment is carried out in an However, shop and market rents are likely acceptable way.. to remain lower in Golborne Road. The Council sees this as an opportunity to 3.7 Caring for the Public Realm encourage entrepreneurialism amongst There are two parks in the area: Athlone the local population. The Council will also Gardens and Meanwhile Gardens. These work to help the markets to move with the are very important. Athlone Gardens may times and take advantage of the be relocated as part of the redevelopment opportunities presented by the changing of the Wornington Green Estate, but the tastes, lifestyles and requirements of the replacement must be as big as and of local community. better quality than the existing park. Redevelopment options in this location The Kensal Employment Zone is the other should respond to the topography in a main source of work within the area. It lies pragmatic way. to the west of Trellick tower, and provides small flexible workspace. The bridge over the Paddington mainline railway is visually unattractive and acts as

6 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 a break in Golborne Road. We will explore go down the main part of Golborne Road. how this can be improved. This is a good thing, because it would cause conflict with the market use. Better access could be made to the Grand Union Canal, with perhaps a new square The Portobello Road will also be re- outside Trellick Tower as a meeting point connected to Ladbroke Grove as part of the for local residents and visitors to the area. redevelopment of Wornington Green Estate A footbridge link to connect the Golborne through implementing non-retail active uses Road to Harrow Road should be to create more vibrancy around the area. A established to improve accessibility range of measures will be employed to deal around the area. with the blank façade north of the Portobello Road Market to entice shoppers to the Golborne Road. 3.8 Better Travel Choices A new footbridge linking Golborne Road to 3.9 Respecting Environmental Limits the Harrow Road, north of the Grand The Grand Union Canal provides the Union, could help create a pleasant route setting for promoting wetland areas for through Golborne Road and to the rest of ecology, which the Council would support. the borough. Air quality is a significant issue in this part of the borough because of the mainline Buses pass along Kensal Road, parallel to railway, Ladbroke Grove and the Westway the Grand Union Canal and along Elkstone flyover. Road alongside the railway line. They do not

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 7 8 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 4 with clear links to Ladbroke Grove, and through to White City. The boroughs’ Latimer leisure centre will be retained in the area, and a new borough-wide secondary 4.1 Introduction school established.

1 The area is made up of large post 4.3 Renewing the Legacy and war housing estates, which were the Nurturing Civic Pride in the Public products of well-intentioned Realm comprehensive redevelopment schemes The post war redevelopments have that looked to provide instant uplifts in removed the traditional street pattern. The housing standards for many hundreds of streets in the area are very confusing, with local residents. They experimented in no direct or clear links existing from contemporary built forms that largely Latimer/Bramley Road to Ladbroke Grove ignored the long-standing patterns of fine- or to any of the Councils leisure facilities grain buildings, streets and spaces and or to the Leisure opportunities under the imposed a new hierarchy based around Westway. large-scale buildings and reliance on car use. Achieving a new network of streets will require an Area Action Plan so that the 2 Streets became roads, footpaths development is not carried out in a were moved above grade and open space piecemeal fashion. It will need to include: segregated into off street parking, grassed o Connectivity to Ladbroke Grove, under plots and tarmac playpens. Buildings lost the Westway to the north, and West their close connection with the public Cross route into White City. realm, standing alone, without a sense of o Identification of potential sites to enclosure, and replacing regular street redevelop or reconfigure to establish entrances with single foyers. The good street connectivity. construction quality of these buildings are o Visual improvements to the rail also questionable and has given rise to viaducts to make them less hostile. ever-increasing maintenance expenses. o No ‘estate’ type developments. New developments will adopt a 3 The construction of the Westway complimentary form of design which further damaged the area, cutting Latimer enhances the traditional public realm. Road and Bramley Road in two, and isolating the area between the Westway, 4.4 Diversity of Housing West Cross Route and the Hammersmith There are no less than 1800 homes within and City line. the area, many of which are in Council ownership. 4 Today we have the opportunity to tackle past mistakes, reinvent the Changes to the way the Government traditional urban structure, and build a funds social housing is likely to result in a quality environment in Latimer financial shortfall. The Council is therefore carefully reviewing how to address this 4.2 Vision for Latimer through its Housing Stock Options Latimer must be a place that focuses on process. One way of raising funds to quality, providing an attractive, accessible provide good quality homes for existing and robust built environment that serves tenants is through the provision of the local community and the rest of the additional private housing on existing borough. New development will be housing estates. Before making any centred around the Latimer Road station decisions, the Council is testing out what

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 9 this might mean in practice in a number of heavily over-subscribed ‘case studies’, one of which is at Latimer School or to other local authority areas in Westminster or Hammersmith and The Core Strategy will provide more Fulham. The Council believes a new direction on this issue once the outcome Secondary school or possibly an Academy of the study is known. could be provided in this area. Possible themes for an academy might be sport, 4.5 Keeping Life Local linked to the facilities in the area, or There are very limited local shops in the fashion and design. area. Those that do exist tend to cater for the local workforce, and close at The area also has one of the borough’s weekends. A new local shopping area two leisure centres, as well as the West should be provided in redevelopment. It is Way Leisure Centre. There is an option to not envisaged that this shopping area will bring both leisure facilities together, or be as buoyant as Ladbroke Grove, but perhaps move some of the Council’s should allow residents to have the facilities to another part of the borough, services they need within a short walk. such as Trellick, to aid regeneration there. Open space and community facilities of Any leisure facility should be easy to get good quality and accessibility will also be to and easy to find. expected in any new development. 4.7 Better Travel Choices 4.6 Fostering Vitality This part of the borough is not particularly Some of the estates in this area have well served by public transport compared proved that underutilised areas can be to other parts of the borough. The reused positively. Baseline Business Hammersmith and City Line has much studios have a number of units located in lower frequencies than most other lines, the former garages of the Lancaster West but this is about to be upgraded, and it is Estate. The studios are hugely successful. possible to be within the centre of London The Council support this sort of mix of within 30 minutes. The Council aspire for uses that coalesce with each other. a new station at North Pole Road on the West London Line to improve the Monsoon and Accessorize have made accessibility. their headquarters in Freston Road. This has changed the nature of the The 295 and 316 bus routes provide the ‘employment zone’ which had been best links into and out of this area. The envisaged as providing for small Council supports the continuation of businesses, and provides a greater improved and extended bus services into stimulus for local shopping in the area. this area, with a particular aspiration for a The design connection also helps to give bus tunnel and pedestrian link to the north further weight to the existing cultural of the borough and White City. industries cluster in the north of the borough. With the BBC moving its base to 4.8 Respecting Environmental Limits Manchester, this will help to strengthen Air quality, dust and noise are significant our position to capture some of the media issues in this part of the borough because and arts skill base by providing modern of the Hammersmith and City railway line flexible working space at competitive (which is above ground), the Westway rates. flyover, and the West Cross route. There will also be opportunities to establish There is only one secondary school in the district energy sources and other north of the borough, the majority of technology which significantly reduces secondary age pupils are obliged to leave demand on finite resources. the area either travelling south to the

10 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 11 5 In 1971 the Westway Development Trust was established, charged with delivering Westway community based facilities within the area underneath the flyover (some 9ha or 23 5.1 Introduction acres), and stretching across the borough from the West London in the west to The Westway flyover was constructed Westbourne Park Underground Station in between 1964 and 1970 to relieve the east. It does not own all the land under congestion at Shepherd’s Bush. It also the Westway: some is owned by the relieved much of the traffic on Ladbroke borough. Grove. The Trust owns and manages the The trauma caused by the creation of this Westway Sports Centre and Portobello urban motorway flyover is still evident Green Fitness Club, as well as an today, despite the passage of time. extensive portfolio of commercial property People still feel angry about the lack of and workspace for local charities. The consultation and the compensation Trust is primarily involved in urban received for property purchase was not regeneration, education, arts and sports generous. The fly-over has not been development, with a focus on access for assimilated into the urban fabric, but still those most in need. The remit of the remains an alien imposition. community development work of the Trust is a borough wide one, and not restricted At Portobello Road the presence of the to the area around the Westway. Westway fly-over provides a false signal to visitors to the area that the Portobello As a community based regeneration Road ‘ends’ at this point. The proposed organisation, the Trust aims to work in installation of electricity points for the partnership with the local voluntary, public market pitches in the stretch of the and private sectors. The Trust also Portobello Road beyond the Westway provides project and support grants to should help to overcome this, and The local community organisations and underside of the Westway has recently education and training grants to local been painted white at Portobello Road, to individuals. help to improve the feel of the area – but more could be done here with public art to The Trust has produced a Business Plan turn the Westway from a ‘liability’ into an for 2008-2013 and a ‘Regeneration and ‘asset’. This is discussed further in the protery Plan to 2020’. These documents, Portobello and Golborne Place Profiles. revised in the light of the changed economic circumstances, set out the way The oppressive atmosphere created by in which the Trust aspires to make better the fly-over also affects the other roads commercial use of some of its property in and paths. At Ladbroke Grove, investment order to raise funds to put into its in public art has made a considerable community activities. difference in changing the ambience. Similar approaches are needed at In broad terms, the plans focus on Bramley Road and St Mark’s Road. St consolidating the sports facilities at the Mark’s, as at Ladbroke Road, has the western end, business and retail in the combination of the Westway and the central stretch, and small units for Hamersmith and City overground tube business start-ups towards the east. line, making the bridge deep, and more of a tunnel. An improved cycle and pedestrian path is also part of the plan, running along the length of the Westway linking Westminster

12 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 with Hammersmith and Fulham. It would The existing gardens at Maxilla are well involve a new underpass under the West liked and should be kept, but the overall London Line to provide more convenient safety of the area needs improving. access to the development proposed at White City. 5.4 Better Travel Choices

The borough supports the Trust’s The creation of a new underpass under ambitions to use its property portfolio to the Westway will allow the footpath and cross subsidise its charitable and cyclepath that runs along the units under community activities, but this must not be the Westway to connect to White City. to the detriment of the wider interests of This should be provided as part of the the area. development at White City. Similar means to overcome the rail and road barriers for 5.2 Vision cycle access to Westminster also need to be found. To transform the Westway Flyover from being an oppressive negative influence on There are tube stations at Ladbroke Grove the area into one which celebrates public and – opening up the art and creativity, using this and the land- back entrance at Westbourne Grove assets beneath to overcome the innate would be beneficial. perceived problems of community safety. 5.5 Fostering Vitality 5.3 Renewing the Legacy and Nurturing Civic Pride in our Public The land uses under the Westway are Realm crucial to the areas success. They are also a way in which the Westway Trust The legacy of the Westway is a hostile can raise funds to cross-subside its one to its ‘host’ neighbourhood. Ideally, it charitable and community activities. would be removed, but it is recognised this is not a realistic proposition. Change The western end will retain its focus on therefore needs to be made in other ways. sports. There are retail and commercial Through local development opportunities letting opportunities in the central stretch. putting the right use in the right place (see There is scope for a new supermarket fostering vitality below), and the borough where Bramley Road passes under the wide s.106 standard charges1 creating a Westway, and to improve the existing fund for community safety and public art shops here. At St Mark’s Road an improvements, this legacy can be appropriate use is harder to identify as the mitigated, if not fully overcome. site is smaller, but it must have windows and actively overlook the street to improve For example, the engineering structure of perceived community safety. the Westway needs to be celebrated, with lighting and public art; there may be a role At Ladbroke Grove the Iron Bar is vacant. for ‘hanging gardens’; the pathway A licensed use is far from ideal, because alongside the units under the westway of the intimidating effect the evening could be significantly improved as a piece drinking has. However, this is a prime site of public art in its own right, along with for the Westway Trust. When the lease better lighting and other community safety falls due there is an opportunity for the measures. Trust to find an alternative high value use that does not have the same negative effect on the area.

1 Explain this

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 13 The eastern end is, and should continue, raises the importance of overcoming the to offer small commercial start-up community safety perceptions of the workshop units. Signage and visibility of Westway. these units needs to be improved, so that local people know what services are 5.7 Respecting Environmental Limits available locally. The skate park adds to the vitality of the area, but does not tend Poor air quality from the pollution from the to serve local children. There would vehicular traffic on the Westway is an therefore be scope for this to become issue, but more so for the houses a little small business workshop space in the way from the Westway, than the land future, which could help to foster the adjacent to the units under the Westway, development of the existing cultural as the structure acts as a protective industries cluster in the north of the barrier. The whole borough is in an Air borough. Quality Management Area, and measures are therefore in place to tackle air pollution There is also an aspiration for an at a borough-wide level. exhibition space for young artists, although at present it is not clear how this 5.8 Diversity of Housing might be delivered. The Westway slices through residential 5.6 Keeping Life Local areas, much of which is Victorian terraced housing, which includes a mix of family The Westway Trust supports a range of housing and conversions to smaller units. local charitable organisations, and thus To the west the land south of the Westway enabling the continued financial health of is predominantly post war social rented the Trust is an important plank of keeping housing estates. Improving the perception life local. of community safety issues in relation to the Westway is therefore important for the The Trust has gained planning permission better functioning of these residential for a school where the current Maxilla areas. Nursery is, and a health centre would be another potential use for this site. The Westway Traveller’s site is accessed from under the Westway Roundabout, There is a view that further youth facilities near the Westway Sports Centre. This site are required, but the location and funding has been used as a Gypsies and for these is not clear at the present time. Travellers site for many years, predating the Victorian housing development in the The new secondary school for the area. Improving access to the site is a borough is likely to be located in the current ambition of the borough. The Latimer area, south of the Westway. borough is also committed to exploring Providing good safe pedestrian and cycle options to provide additional pitches in this access to this school for pupils further area.

14 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 15 6 5 On Fridays and Saturdays the Portobello street market divides into three Portobello / Notting Hill main sections: antiques and bric-a-brac in the south, new goods and fruit and vegetables in the centre and a flea market 6.1 Introduction in the north. During the week only the 1. This area consists of two quite central section of the market operates. different characters of retail trading: This is in contrast to the Golborne market Portobello Road and Westbourne Grove, to the north, seen by the local community which is better known internationally as as being an extension of Portobello Notting Hill. Golborne Road, lying some market, which operates on all days of the 300 metres to the north of Portobello is week other than Sundays and Thursday addressed in the Golborne/Trellick Place afternoons. Vision.

6 The Portobello Road antiques trade 2. Portobello and Notting Hill are is an integral part of the heritage of the internationally known for their “bohemian” centre and a major draw for visitors. The character. This character has been eroded market stalls, individual shops and large since the 1960s with dramatic increases in subdivided antique arcades dominate the property prices resulting in a changing southern part of the centre. This trade is demographic. however currently experiencing difficulties However, the community remains vibrant with there being some evidence that the and people are passionate about bona fide antiques traders are unable to maintaining the character and the diversity pay the higher rents being sought by of Portobello. some landlords by converting shops and

arcades to other retail uses. 3. Portobello Road offers a unique retail experience that is a combination of a The traditional fruit and vegetable market strong tradition of street markets, antique is also in decline as fewer young people trading, vintage and ‘edgy’ fashion, and see it as an attractive career option. local shopping.

4 Portobello Road is an international 7 By contrast Westbourne Grove has tourist destination. The antiques and flea gradually changed from antiques and local markets attract very high footfall to the food shops to a cluster of some of the road on Friday and during the weekend2 most up market fashion retail in the but for the remainder of the week the Capital. This cluster offers a pleasant, centre primarily serves local needs. There shopping environment that provides a real is concern that the unique character of the alternative to the Capital’s larger retail street is being lost to ‘clone’ retailers, centres and shopping malls like Westfield however, only 18% of the total retail London. How it will compete against them floorspace within the centre are occupied in the current economic down turn by multiple retailers (compared with 60- remains to be seen. 80% in the major centres in the borough).3

The fact that footfall is only high for less 6.2 Vision than half the week probably makes the As Special District Centres Portobello and road less attractive to multiple retailers. Westbourne Grove will both remain

vibrant retail areas with an international recognition. By making better pedestrian 2 RBKC, The study of the visity economy, 2009 3 GLA, London-wide Town Centre Health links between the different retail centres, Checks, January 2007. The standard definition between Portobello and Westbourne of a multiple retailer used by the GLA is a shop Grove, and between Portobello and which is part of a chain of at least 9.

16 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 Golborne Road the area as a whole will be promote them as an opportunity for strengthened, but the different qualities of entrepreneurialism and encourage school the individual centres maintained. leavers to consider market trading as a career option. The Council will also work The Portobello Road will remain a jewel in to help the markets to move with the times London’s shopping crown, a place which and take advantage of the opportunities has not been over run by the identikit presented by the changing tastes, multiple. The centre will maintain a rich lifestyles and requirements of the local variety of shops, with a predominance community. now so rare in the Capital, of the independent retailer offering “something The Council will support initiatives to help different”. The strength of the Portobello draw visitors north up the Portobello Road will continue to be built upon the Road, past the Spanish School up to diversity of the retail offer, with a vibrant Golborne Road and its own thriving street antiques trade, cutting edge fashion as market. The Council will shortly be well as providing a range of shops and undertaking a feasibility study to assess services essential to support of the day-to- what actions should be taken to assist in day needs of local people. Running up this ambition.. the length of the Portobello Road, the street market will act as both a key driver The Council recognises that it has only a to achieve this vision and an opportunity limited range of planning powers by which to strengthen the links with the Golborne it can assist in maintaining the special Road to the north. character of the Portobello Road and Westbourne Grove centres. The Council The Portobello Road is however more cannot use planning controls to than a shopping street, It will continue to specifically protect individual shops or a be a inspiration for designers and a seed type of retailer. So, for example, bed for new entrepreneurs. permission is not required for a unit occupied by an antiques dealership, (be Westbourne Grove will retain its position this an individual shop or part of an as a specialist shopping destination arcade), to be occupied by another type of providing high end fashion retailing for the “shop”. It is the land owners who have the residents of the area. ultimate say as to who they are willing to let their properties too. .6.3 Fostering Vitality The Council will work with retailers, market The Council will continue to work with land traders and other stakeholders to promote lords to promote the diverse retail mix the Portobello/ Notting Hill area. In characteristic of the area, be this the particular there is an opportunity to ensure antiques trade, the independent retailers that tourists are aware of the full extent of or the general store. the unique Portobello/ Notting Hill retail offer. This will be achieved through The Council can however use planning marketing and by improving linkages powers to resist shops changing to other through the area. non-shop uses, uses such as estate agents or restaurants. For this purpose, The Council views Portobello Road street the Council will extend the core frontage market as a major asset which makes the of the Portobello Road shopping centre to centre the vital shopping street that it is. include the southern end of the Portobello The Council will work with other Road. This will protect the highly valued stakeholders to take a proactive role in antique arcades from the transition to non revitalising both the Portobello and the shop uses. Golborne Road street markets and to

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for LDF AG 20th April 2009 17 The Council will continue to lobby the environment is a working retail street in Government to change the law to give the twenty-first century – it must not be local planning authorities the opportunity allowed to creep into the territory of to offer the antique arcades better becoming a Victorian theme park. New protection. shop fronts, be these of a traditional or a modern design must be of the highest In order to maintain a supply of the type of quality and reflect the character of the units most suitable for the smaller shopping street. Shop front grants are independent retailer the Council will resist available from the Council to help achieve the amalgamation of small shops into a this aim. smaller number of large units within the Portobello Road where ever this is 6.6 Caring for the Public Realm possible. The Council will also require Rising property prices and the erosion of any future large scale retail developments the ‘edgy’ feel is one of the greatest in the Portobello Road to include a mix of concerns of many of the traders in unit sizes, and where appropriate, Portobello Road “affordable shops”. The Council seeks the removal of all non- The possible future redevelopment of essential street furniture throughout much Portobello Court could offer an opportunity of the borough. It does however recognise to provide more small retail units at that wayfinding is required within the ground floor level on Portobello Road that Portobello Road to assist the many would maintain the retail continuity of the thousands of those who visit every street. Such shops would be owned by the weekend. Council and managed under the Council’s Neighbourhood Shopping Policy to The Council is conducting a feasibility provide affordable accommodation for study to check the viability and cost of re- independent retailers. opening Talbot Road underground WC.

6.4 Keeping Life Local 6.7 Better Travel Choices Portobello in particular provides local The area is served by three tube stations shops and community services such as and good bus services. However health care to local residents. The Council pedestrian routes, signage and wayfinding recognises the importance of this role and from the tube stations could be improved. will work towards improving it. In particular As an internationally renowned tourist the Council will work with stakeholders to attraction Portobello Road draws in huge increase the provision of banks in the numbers of pedestrians and as a result on northern end of the Portobello Road town market days pedestrians dominate the centre. area and vehicle traffic is light and slow moving. The Council will continue to 6.5 Renewing the Legacy assess the need for improvements to the The physical environments of Portobello pedestrian environment to ensure it Road and of Westbourne Grove are remains an attractive, vibrant and legible crucial to their character and their area.. success. Unlike other centres in the borough, designated Conservation Areas 6.8 Diversity of Housing cover almost all of Portobello Road and of The Council supports living above shops Westbourne Grove. Maintaining this in this area to maintain activity after the historic fabric and ensuring the limited shops and markets close. There are also opportunities for new development high quality established residential areas reinforce this character is essential. But so immediately behind the street. These too is realising that this historic areas will continue to be supported.

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6.9 Respecting Environmental Limits Much of the interest of the retail offer of the Portobello Road is derived from the fact that it based on the trade of the reused and the recycled, be this the exquisite antique or the vintage dress. The Council supports initiatives to maintain this character and for Portobello to become one the “greenest” shopping streets in the country

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7 residential block. Their architectural form negatively impacts on the character of Notting Hill Gate Notting Hill Gate. Newcombe House is designated as an “eyesore” in the Core 7.1 Introduction Strategy. The quality of the shopfronts are 1 Notting Hill Gate was originally the also generally poor, with few helping to site of a turnpike toll gate on the old create a distinctive identity within the Roman Road between London and the centre. West which is still one of the main vehicle routes into London. Much of the current 4 At the base of Newcombe House retail centre was purpose built during the there is a small ‘square’, with a further 1970s to facilitate road widening to ease piazza at first floor level. There is wide traffic congestion. The surrounding agreement that these are not quality context is high quality Victorian spaces. The street level space reads townscape. simply as a wider pavement, and the upper level is difficult to access and both 2 The centre once had a reputation of contain vast blank frontages. The height a ‘bohemian’ character. However, apart and orientation of Newcombe House also from being a gateway to Portobello Road, causes wind funnelling in the open space. the only remnants of this past are the To improve the area, public art has been antique shops along Kensington Church installed by the Notting Hill Gate Street, some second hand record shops Improvements Group, but both spaces are along The Gate, the fashionable boutique heavily overshadowed by Newcombe shops along Pembridge Road, the House. Coronet and the Gate cinemas and the Gate Theatre. The town centre has 5 Notting Hill Gate has excellent public struggled to find its identity against strong transport accessibility, with numerous bus competition from the high quality local routes and three underground lines shops along Holland Park Avenue and the (Central, Circle and District). It also has wider Notting Hill retail offer. The centre very high traffic volumes. There is guard now appears to be increasingly dominated railing down the central reservation, which by chain coffee shops, restaurants and not only restricts the ease with which estate agents, which seem to have a pedestrians can cross, but makes an negative effect on the centre. It is widely urban street feel like a dual carriageway. accepted that the retail centre now lacks a Pedestrian movement is also frustrated by clear function and identity, especially as a the location of the Tube station entrances centre with a local retail and restaurant in the pavement, lack of pedestrian offer. crossings and general proliferation of street clutter. 3 The 1970s buildings look tired, and other buildings such as the Coronet 6 Notting Hill Gate tube station is one Cinema are not well maintained. The of the main gateways to Portobello Road, street scene is fragmented with a variety but the pavements are narrow and cannot of architectural styles, heights and building accommodate the number of visitors setbacks. The retail units are generally especially on Fridays and Saturdays. fairly small with several single aspect shop There is no sense of arrival for visitors, fronts resulting in blank frontages and especially for those arriving via public poor quality service yards. These are transport, no signage and no clear often highly visible from the public realm. wayfinding to Portobello Road. There are two tower blocks: Newcombe House, a 12 storey office block, and Campden Hill Towers, an 18 storey

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7.2 Vision 7.4 Nurturing Civic Pride in our Public Notting Hill Gate will be significantly Realm enhanced as a district shopping centre, A comprehensive package of proposals to providing for useful day-to-day local reconfigure and update the quality of the needs, high quality local restaurants and public realm to the highest standards of ‘quirky’ community and arts facilities. materials and design is needed, which will Boutiques and small independent retailers also contribute to creating an ‘iconic’ will also be encouraged, particularly in identity. Kensington Church Street and Pembridge Road. The centre will continue to be a To significantly increase pavement major office destination. capacity, the Council will, through major The street will become more pedestrian development and pooling funds from friendly, with improved crossing facilities, s.106 agreements, support the relocation less street clutter, reduced vehicle impacts of the Tube station entrances so they no and tube entrances within buildings. All longer block the pavements. This will development will be the most exceptional require working in partnership with London design and architectural quality, creating a Underground and Transport for London. ‘wow’ factor that excites and delights residents and visitors. The pedestrian Pedestrian movement will also be greatly links to Portobello Road Market will also improved through the removal of clutter, be enhanced through good design, including the central guard railing, materials and clear wayfinding. relocation of tube entrances and better arrangement of open space to facilitate 7.3 Renewing the Legacy pedestrian movement. This needs to be Redevelopment within Notting Hill Gate undertaken as part of a comprehensive presents us with the opportunity to correct package of measures to upgrade the the mistakes of the post-war period, and streetscape and improve pedestrian create a new distinctive identity of lasting facilities in the area. value to future generations. 7.5 Keeping Life Local Exceptional architectural and design Notting Hill Gate will be enhanced and quality will complement a revitalised retail significantly improved as a District Centre offer, drawing on innovative and modern for local people. A large food store could approaches to create ‘iconic’ buildings and encourage greater local use of the centre. open space. Iconic does not necessarily Servicing must be satisfactorily resolved. mean tall, as Barkers in Kensington High Street demonstrates. The Council will 7.6 Fostering Vitality work closely with land owners to bring this The centre will continue to be a major about. strategic office destination for the borough, especially with its provision of The Council will encourage the larger office units. refurbishment of the Georgian properties along the north eastern side of Notting Hill The centre currently benefits from a full Gate, and explore opportunities to mix of uses, including office in Newcombe improve their Victorian shopfronts and/or House and Astley House, United House, create wider pavements. retail, education in David Game House, cultural uses and some residential. New The Council will also encourage the uses in the centre will need to be refurbishment of the Grade II listed attractive to local people, providing for Coronet Cinema. useful day-to-day local needs, high quality restaurants and ‘quirky’ arts and cultural uses. These arts and cultural uses will

22 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for internal discussion 02 03 09 include studio and exhibition space, and under Nurturing Civic Pride in our Public small office accommodation, possibly Realm. attracting small start-up art, design and media type companies. The centre will 7.8 Diversity of Housing also continue to be a major office Campden Hill Tower will be refurbished. destination, where the loss of existing There is a limited opportunity for new office space will usually be resisted. residential uses on the upper floors of new The Council will require provision for development. However, this must not be affordable shops through s.106 provided at the cost of other land uses, agreements and the provision of small unit such as office or community arts. sizes as part of all major development application. The Council will also resist 7.9 Respecting Environmental Limits any further food / drink uses and Estate The Council will encourage proposals and Agents. design solutions which improve air quality and noise along Notting Hill Gate. The 7.7 Better Travel Choices major development of the centre will also Improving the pedestrian environment is offer an opportunity for a low pollution the priority for Notting Hill Gate. However, strategy and district heat source, which the pedestrian environment will be further will be especially efficient as energy loads enhanced through design techniques can be shared between the mix of uses. which make the vehicle feel like an This energy heat source might be located unwelcome quest. These are set out in the basement of Newcombe House.

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8 retail vitality along its full length. The High Street performs more strongly in the Kensington High Street summer because of visitor attractions and events. 8.1 Introduction 5 The centre has a significant number 1 Kensington High Street has been of office workers with the Associated one of London’s top retail streets for the Newspaper Group located in the upper last 100 years. The centre lost some of its floors of the old Barker’s building and original raison d’être as the biggest Kensington Town Hall adjacent to the concentration of department stores High Street, Sony and Warners as well as outside with the closure of many smaller offices. first Pontings, then Derry and Tom’s in the early 1970s and more recently Barker’s 6 There are numerous hotels located Department stores. In the seventies Derry in and close to the centre. and Tom’s became the home of the legendary Biba emporium (once described 7 The centre has benefited from a as ‘the most beautiful store in the world’) comprehensive public realm improvement making Kensington High Street a fashion programme, that has gained international destination. With the closure of Biba in the acclaim. This has put in place high quality mid seventies this role was continued by York stone paving and removed street Hyper Hyper in the eighties and clutter, particularly pedestrian crossing Kensington Market, that survived until the guard railing. These improvements have noughties, and remains reflected today in made crossing the street much easier , the cluster of youth fashion shops on the the pedestrian environment more north eastern end of the centre. comfortable and encouraged higher footfall on the north side of the street 2 Kensington High Street also has a (previously footfall was heavily highly unusual cluster of bespoke travel concentrated on the south side). agents and outdoor leisure shops at the west end of the centre that attracts 8 Despite the public realm destination shoppers. However, other improvements, people still perceive traffic shops, such as hardware are not well congestion and the irregularity of the represented. Women’s fashion also District and Circle underground lines to be remains strong, and the centre has two an issue. The Circle line service is due to food anchor stores at either end of the be extended to Hammersmith in street: Waitrose in the west; and Whole December 2009 in order to make the Foods in the east. The side streets contain service more reliable. many bars, pubs and restaurants. 8.2 Vision 3 Kensington Church Street and the The centre will continue its long tradition surrounding side streets are home to as Kensington’s High Street serving fashion retailers, antique shops, cafés and residents, workers and visitors. It will delicatessens. Many of these shops are continue to provide a good range of food independently owned rather than chain retailing and other convenience retailing stores. and remain a destination for fashion and certain niche markets. Ease of pedestrian 4 With the opening of Westfield movement is central to this success. London in 2008, High Street Kensington is Reuse of the former Commonwealth the most likely of our centres to suffer and Institute for a significant public institution a number of units have closed. The street represents an opportunity to increase is a long one, and it is difficult to maintain visitor numbers and develop a further

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for internal discussion 02 03 09 25 niche retail cluster and restaurants at the I, at either end of the High Street. Most of western end of the High Street. In order to the High Street also falls within designated support the key shopping role of the conservation creas, and, just to the rear of centre the loss of shops to banks and the Barkers Building lies Kensington estate agents will be resisted within the Square, one of the first Garden Squares in primary shopping area. London.

8.3 Fostering Vitality The versatility of our built heritage is The Council will work with retailers, shown by the way the department stores landlords, residents and other have been remodelled to meet current stakeholders to build upon and market the retailing requirements. Similarly, the exiting strengths of the centre: the youth former Commonwealth Institute can be fashion cluster; bespoke travel and adapted to a new use that anchors the outdoor leisure goods; and independent west end of the High Street. The Design retail in Kensington Church Street. In Museum is actively interested in moving to particular there is an opportunity to this site, and the Council fully supports publicise the retail offer and other this initiative. attractions of the area - , and Holland Lancer Square, Kensington Church Street, Park to visitors staying in hotels near the was redeveloped in the eighties but the centre, to encourage them to visit or to square is not a particularly successful stay longer particularly during the public space so the Council would support summer. redevelopment of this site.

New office developments, both large and High Street Kensington Tube Station is small, would be particularly welcome on not listed, and thus represents a potential upper floors, particularly to grow the music redevelopment opportunity. industry in the centre. The Council supports offices rather than homes above 8.6 Caring for the Public Realm shops in core retail frontages. Significant investment has already been made in streetscape and pedestrian The loss of retail units to banks and estate improvements and the scheme has been agents will be resisted. heralded as a beacon of good design in the public realm but there remains an 8.4 Keeping Life Local opportunity to improve the southern end of The Council supports the centre Kensington Church Street, and to improve continuing to offer a wide range of the pedestrian crossing as it does not convenience retailing, with particular reflect how people actually want to cross emphasis on food retailing from specialist the street. delicatessens to supermarkets, for local residents, workers and visitors. St Mary Abbot’s Gardens, north of the High Street, provides a small green oasis 8.5 Renewing the Legacy for workers and shoppers. It is little There are a number of listed buildings in known, and so small that if better known it and adjacent to the centre: the former would risk loosing its charm. Vestry Hall/Library and the Art Deco former department stores (Derry and 8.7 Better Travel Choices Toms (Grade II*) and Barkers) and St Since the significant public realm Mary Abbots Church, at the Kensington improvements to the High Street, cycling Church Street junction, and the former has increased in popularity. The design of Commonwealth Institute. Kensington High Street Kensington tube station is Palace and are both Grade such that there is no disabled access and

26 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for internal discussion 02 03 09 the capacity of the access to the platforms including Kensington Square, which was is often not sufficient to meet demand, originally constructed for Kensington which can cause delay and safety Palace courtiers. problems. The Council supports refurbishment of the station to improve 8.9 Respecting Environmental Limits safety and provide stepfree access. Kensington High Street is not a main route Changes to the Circle Line are likely to into central London yet it experiences a decrease the frequency of underground high level of pollution due to high traffic trains serving the station. The High Street flows . The Council will support initiatives is very well served by a range of bus to reduce these flows to reduce the level routes of air pollution to reflect the borough’s designation as an Air Quality Management 8.8 Diversity of Housing Area. The centre is surrounded by some of the most prestigious housing in the borough

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9 4. There is also an adjacent cluster of design related shops in Brompton Road, South Kensington Fulham Road and the surrounding side streets that has synergies with the Victoria 9.1 Introduction and Albert Museum.

1. 1 South Kensington is the site 9.2 Vision of the world’s first ‘designed’ cultural Prince Albert’s vision was of a rich mix of destination and has been the blueprint for world-class institutions connecting the all subsequent centres of this kind . It was science and art of the past, present and originally the vision of Prince Albert, future. This holds true today but now our Queen Victoria’s husband, and the land interpretation of culture is ever richer, was purchased with part of the proceeds embracing more of our everyday lives - of the Great Exhibition of 1851. It contains entertainment, eating and drinking, and the Victoria and Albert Museum and the even shopping. South Kensington must Natural History Museum,(both of which continue to develop across this spectrum are Grade 1 listed buildings) the Science of cultural activity to remain a local, Museum, and (in the City of Westminster) national and internationally significant Imperial College and the destination. as well as smaller institutions and archives. It constitutes an Area of The key to our modern world is Metropoltan Importance in conservation connectivity, we must ensure that this terms. spirit, so powerfully expressed in the soon to be completed public realm of Exhibition 2 South Kensington receives 12 Road, is developed throughout South million visitors a year, with the museums Kensington – innovative public realm being by far the largest free attraction in proposals, generous public spaces, the capital, and Imperial College has over unique retailing and cultural experiences. 12,000 students in full-time education. All the facilities developed for residents Most visitors travel to the area by public and visitors alike must be connected to transport and (unless they use the create an inspiring and memorable and underground tunnel access) have to find thoroughly contemporary re-evocation of their way with little direction, and negotiate the original Victorian vision. the very heavy traffic of the Cromwell Road, to reach the museums. The area is 9.3 Caring for the Public Realm now a victim of its own success as the The Council will deliver the Exhibition number of visitors at peak school holiday Road Project, in partnership with the City times fill the pavements beyond capacity. of Westminster and the Mayor of London, that will enhance connections from the 3 The Exhibition Road is set within a tube station through to Hyde Park. This largely residential area that also features project will give greater emphasis to the numerous hotels, embassies and needs of pedestrians by transforming consulates. Of particular note is the Exhibition Road from a conventional street concentration of French institutions, into a 'shared space', paved in granite as including the French Lycée, that serve the a single surface. The pedestrian link from 200,000 to 300,000 French citizens living South Kensington underground station in London who make the city the seventh along Thurloe Street to Exhibition Road largest French conurbation in terms of its will be improved to make way-finding French population. clearer for visitors. .

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The area outside the Science and Natural conversion of offices to retail at ground History Museums next to Exhibition Road floor level on the north side of Pelham and Cromwell Road is used as an event Street. space. However, it needs better management so that its primary purpose Better Travel Choices remains a public open space providing The south of the area is well served by essential ‘breathing space’ for visitors. South Kensington station, but the northern Additional locations for temporary parts of the campus are a long walk (up to exhibitions need to be found as well. 800m/10 minutes) from there. However, the area is also well served by buses. Queen’s Gate also has the potential for Through marketing, the network could be improvement to reflect the prestige of the better promoted to tourists, for example embassies and consulates located there. the No. 70 passes through Kensington to Portobello The Council will improve the has the potential to pedestrian environment around South be a pleasant boulevard if the entrance Kensington station, calming the traffic and from Queen’s Gate is remodelled and cars making crossing easier, as part of the are removed. The Post Office site, on the Exhibition Road scheme. corner with Exhibition Road, could contribute to opening up and better Keeping Life Local integrating the boulevard. Provided it remains viable, the Council will continue to support the Saturday Farmers’ Renewing the Legacy Market in Bute Street to meet local The Council will designate this area as the demand and enhance the attraction of the South Kensington Strategic Cultural Area shops in the street. There is also an and will investigate designation of the area opportunity to host occasional week day as a World Heritage Site in recognition of continental markets. its outstanding universal value as a visitor destination and as the first ‘designed’ Diversity of Housing cultural destination. The area surrounding Exhibition Road is residential in character, but residential Fostering Vitality development (excluding student The Council recognises there is an accommodation) between Queen’s Gate opportunity to further develop the retail/ and Exhibition Road north of Cromwell restaurant/ café precinct around South Road is not considered appropriate. Kensington Station to serve the needs of visitors and residents. Some of the cafés Respecting Environmental Limits and shops already have an international Air quality is a significant issue in this part of feel and this is a strength that could be the borough because of high traffic levels on built upon. Cromwell Road

South Kensington Station is Grade II Listed, but within this constraint the Council recognises there is an opportunity to modernise the station to include step- free access and an improved pedestrian tunnel to the museums. This could also include the reintroduction of retail units along the north side of Pelham Street that would encourage footfall towards the design-led retail offer at Brompton Cross and beyond. The Council will also support

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10 also has an important role meeting the day-to-day shopping needs of local people Knightsbridge and those visiting or working in the centre. These more local needs tend to be served 10.1 Introduction by the shops in the western part of the centre, west of Yeoman’s Row. 1 Knightsbridge is the Royal Borough’s largest ‘town centre’, and one of only two 10.2 Vision centres designated within the Knightsbridge will continue to enjoy its role as an ‘International Centre’ (the other as the Royal Borough’s international being the West End). This designation shopping destination and home to some of reflects the concentration of the flagship the most exclusive shopping in London. It stores of many international fashion will also continue with its role as a service houses in the northern part of Sloane centre for residents in both Kensington Street, as well as the presence of two of and Chelsea and Westminster. Britain’s most prestigious department stores: , which is the single largest 10.3 Fostering Vitality tourist attraction in the borough, and As a thriving International Centre there is . The centre is part of an opportunity to create more retail London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ) floorspace, be this by the intensification of reflecting how the world-class retail and retail uses within the centre or by the hotels in Knightsbridge contribute to expansion of the centre itself. The Park London’s role as a world city. Whilst most Tower Hotel at the junction of of the centre lies within Kensington and Knightsbridge and Seville Street may Chelsea, it straddles the boundary with represent a retail development the neighbouring borough of the City of opportunity. The Council recognises that it Westminster. may be appropriate to look for opportunities to expand the boundaries of 2 All of the major footfall generators: the International Centre. Any expansion the tube station entrances; Harrods; and must however reflect the quality of the Harvey Nichols are located on the south surrounding townscape. side of Brompton Road. This concentration, together with the barrier Beauchamp Place appears to have lost presented by heavy traffic along Brompton some of its attraction in recent years and Road and a significant level change there is an opportunity to market and across the road west of Harrods, combine develop the street as a unique part of the to make this a one-sided shopping street Knightsbridge offer. It could also offer a in terms of footfall. more attractive (less traffic dominated) route to Brompton Cross if the area were 3 Despite its location within the CAZ collectively marketed. and its designation as an International Centre, one only has to walk a few metres As a highly accessible area with excellent from the busy commercial frontages to be links to the West End, Knightsbridge has in wholly residential streets characterised developed as a location for high-quality by mansion blocks and by high-quality hotels. The Council will continue to terraces of houses. This proximity to support this role and promote the area to residential streets makes opportunities for visitors. future retail expansion more difficult to realise. The Council would not welcome more hotels in the residential areas, but this 4 Although the centre’s main function would be acceptable in the shopping is in serving an international catchment, it centre.

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provide space for alfresco dining, market 10.4 Nurturing Civic Pride in our Public stalls and events will be investigated. Realm As one of the principal arterial routes into 10.6 Renewing the Legacy Central London the Brompton Road is Harrods is unique – both as a shopping dominated by heavy traffic. This is not experience and as a building. The Grade conducive to an attractive shopping II* listed building visually dominates much environment. Whilst the Council notes that of the north-eastern part of the centre. The both the volume of traffic and changes in Council will work with the owners to levels between each side road will limit the ensure that neither the demands of a scope for significant improvements, it will successful business or of a remarkable encourage Transport for London to building need be compromised. explore initiatives to improve the public realm – and to rebalance pedestrian 10.7 Better Travel Choices footfall between the north and south of the street and encourage people to stay The Council will support provision of a longer. pedestrian crossing phase for the crossing at the top of . The Council Streetscape improvements will be made to will also encourage Transport for London Hans Crescent as it runs up the north- to explore initiatives for improving the eastern flank of Harrods and also to the walking environment and how to junction of Hans Road and Basil Street. encourage people to walk further along There is also scope to improve the Brompton Road. Knightsbridge with small improvements of this nature that might encourage people to The centre is well served by public stay longer in the area. transport. Knightsbridge Station lies at the north-eastern corner, and South Improving links between Knightsbridge, Kensington Station is only 500 metres Hyde Park and Westminster will also be from the western end of the centre. investigated. Numerous buses converge on the centre from all directions. The centre is however 10.5 Keeping Life Local dominated by heavy traffic. The Council will support the role that the centre to the west of Harrods plays in 10.8 Diversity of Housing meeting the day to day shopping needs of The terraces and mansion blocks of residents. Knightsbridge and Hans Town are of the highest quality. Redevelopment of the multi-storey car park in Rysback Street provides the 10.9 Respecting Environmental Limits possibility of a mixed-use, residential-led Brompton Road is one of the main routes development with the provision of local into Central London and experiences a facilities on the ground floor. level of pollution that one would expect with the movement of so many cars. The The possibility of working with the City of Council will support initiatives which reflect Westminster and creating a ‘shared the borough’s designation as an Air space’ roadway in Montpelier Street to Quality Management Area to reduce this pollution.

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11 Telephone Exchange, Clearings and Elden House. Brompton Cross, Chelsea The radial nature of the centre helps 11.1 Introduction create a successful compact centre, which is easy to move around and navigate. The The centre focused around the junction of centre has recently experienced Fulham Road, Pelham Street, Brompton significant improvements to the public Road, Draycott Avenue and Sloane realm, with the removal of guard railings Avenue, with the well-known Michelin and improvements to pedestrian crossing Building located at the hub of the centre. facilities. The materials and condition of The retail area extends out along these the paving are very high quality. streets, especially to the west along Fulham Road. The area is sometimes The Fulham Road carries high volumes of referred to as Fulham Road East. traffic. But pedestrian movement is not unduly hindered by this as the pedestrian The centre was once very well known for crossings are well placed. However, the its “DIY” and household stores, of which overall quality of pedestrian environment several still exist, including the Conran could be improved, particularly at the road Shop. More recently, several specialist junctions. international designer fashion stores have located here, which add to the high quality The nearest Underground Station is South reputation of the centre. The vibrancy of Kensington, which is approximately 400m the centre lies with the boutique nature of (450 yards) to the northwest along Pelham stores and has an interior design, fashion Street. The pedestrian route between the and gallery focus... However, some Brompton Cross and underground station premises within the centre have been is not obvious, with blank frontages and vacant for several years, which creates a little way-marking. Pelham Street is a mix gap of inactivity along the street. This has of residential on the south side, and a negative impact on the overall offices ( Ltd) on the appearance and function of the centre. north side, however; both sides of the There is a higher than average number of street have long stretches of blank walls. restaurants, cafés and takeaways. The high quality of these strengthens the 11.2 Vision vibrancy and vitality of the centre. The Council will protect Brompton Cross The centre is located in close proximity to as a high quality specialist boutique retail a cluster of internationally renowned centre with international appeal. The hospitals and health research centre will also be enhanced by establishments, including the Royal development which reflects the high Marsden. quality character and improves pedestrian links to South Kensington Underground The buildings of the area are generally Station and the Museums, and to very attractive with some exceptionally Knightsbridge. The Council will encourage high quality, such as the Michelin building, long-term vacant retail units back into which now houses The Conran Shop and retail use. restaurant. However, there are also some examples of poorer quality buildings, 11.3 Fostering Vitality which do not make the most of the The Council will protect and enhance the location and character of the area. specialist boutique designer retail offer Examples of these buildings include the within the centre, particularly small-sized

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for internal discussion 02 03 09 35 units. The existing restaurants, café’s and takeaways will also be protected. 11.5 Caring for the Public Realm Whilst significant improvements have The Council will look to accommodate been made to the public realm in the area, retail growth within the existing Brompton the Council will continue to investigate Cross centre. Where necessary, the improvements, particularly pedestrian Council will look to expand the centre to environments at the road junctions. include sites currently abutting or very close to the existing retail area, such as 11.6 Better Travel Choices the Clearings and Telephone Exchange The Council will work with land owners sites in Draycott Avenue, and the London and Transport for London to improve the Underground Offices and land alongside pedestrian link along Pelham Street to the tube cutting in Pelham Street. These South Kensington Underground Station. sites have the potential for retail use at This will also be considered as part of the street level. redevelopment of the station.

11.4 Renewing the Legacy 11.7 Keeping Life Local The Michelin Building is, in many ways, is The Council will seek to deliver a high why Brompton Cross is so special. Whilst quality food store on the Clearings site, ‘only’ Grade II listed, it is of very strong which will better provide for the day-to-day local significance, and establishes the needs of local people. sense of identity for Brompton Cross. Pelham Crescent is listed Grade II*, and 11.8 Diversity of Housing contains a crescent shaped garden The Council will protect existing residential square that adds to the quality public above shops along the Fulham Road realm of the area. West, and encourage further residential on upper floors. By contrast, Elden House which sits next to the Michelin Building, is an example of 11.9 Respecting Environmental Limits poor 1970s ‘standard’ design. Its The air quality is poor due to the high replacement to a standard appropriate for volume of traffic on the Fulham Road and the Royal Borough would be welcome. other main roads in the area,.

To the south of the housing development The Council will support initiatives set out at Ixworth Place may hold greater historic in the Air Quality Action Plan and value than currently acknowledged. We encourage proposals to reduce exposure will investigate its historic value and if to air pollution and where possible appropriate, designate a conservation improve air quality., area.

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12. one-way system also makes for a poor pedestrian environment. Earl’s Court 5 The owners of the exhibition centres 12.1 Introduction have indicated that they see the potential for the redevelopment of the site so that it 1 It is often commented that Earl’s can make an even greater contribution to Court has a ‘village’ feel to it. That does London and the local area in the future. not mean that it has medieval roots – it is Their desire is to work with key local largely Victorian. But it has a strong sense stakeholders and the local community to of place, and the largely residential establish how this can be achieved. environment is supported by a good mix of However, with Earl’s Court hosting the ‘everyday’ uses. But it also contains the Olympic volleyball tournament, there will Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre – one of be no changes at the site before London’s top music, exhibition and 2012.After that, the owners are conference venues. So Earl’s Court, like considering the potential for so many places in Kensington and redevelopment.. There is no easy way to Chelsea, fulfils both a local and a London- get from the Exhibition Centre site to the wide role. Town Centre with the tube station separating rather than connecting these 2 Earl’s Court Town Centre – on Earl’s two parts of Earl’s Court. Court Road by the eastern entrance to the tube station – provides a range of shops, 6 The area lacks public open space, primarily meeting the needs of people that but the is just to the live in the borough. But the quality of the south. This is one of the largest green town centre is shattered by the one-way spaces in the borough at 16.5 hectares. south bound traffic, which forms part of The Council will shortly be taking over the the Earl’s Court One-Way System on the ownership of the Cemetery. western side of the borough, stretching from Shepherds Bush in the north, to 12.2 Vision Chelsea Embankment in the south. The By unravelling the One-Way System and One-Way System travels north up reducing the traffic flow, Earl’s Court town Warwick Road, and degrades the centre, will be able to blossom, offering an residential environment of that street. The attractive “urban-village like” environment Cromwell Road also acts as a significant in which local residents can enjoy barrier to the pedestrians. shopping. The function of the town centre will be reinforced by a new good direct 3 Earl’s Court is largely residential, connection to the Exhibition Centre, which with a range of different property types. It should be developed for mixed uses with has a relatively high concentration of the London International Convention social housing, well integrated within the Centre at its heart. Earl’s Court will private housing stock. therefore retain its important function in London as a whole. The area will continue 4 Earl’s Court is well served by public to offer a wide range of types of residential transport. It is one of the main tube accommodation and will include interchanges in the Borough. West community infrastructure to support local Brompton Station provides tube life. Streetscape and pedestrian interchange with the West London Line. improvements to Cromwell Road will The area is also well served by buses – transform the environment making it more although using buses can be confusing pleasant for pedestrians and residents. because of the One-Way System. The 12.3 Better Travel Choices

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The priority is the unravelling of the One- a mixed use redevelopment of this site. Way System. Opportunities in relation to The Council will work with the London the redevelopment of the Exhibition Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in Centre Site to facilitate this must be taken. preparing a joint planning framework for Pedestrian movement across West the site. The redeveloped site must be Cromwell Road will be improved, better integrated into the area than the particularly at the junction with Warwick centre, to allow wider regeneration Road. benefits to be felt. There is a heavy concentration of hotels in Earl’s Court. 12.4 Renewing the Legacy Following The Olympics there will be no Good building stock can be found all along need for many and they could be Earl’s Court Road. Most of the area falls transformed to meet the needs of local within conservation areas and there are a families and of the rental market which is number of listed buildings, including Earl’s particularly important for students. Court Station, and St. Cuthbert’s Church, Phillbeach Gardens (Grade II*). 12.8 Caring for the Public Realm Maintaining this legacy is crucial to the Earl’s Court Road is in need of future success of Earl’s Court. improvement including new shop frontages, better building maintenance 12.5 Keeping Life Local and a reduction and rationalisation of Earl’s Court Town Centre provides local street clutter which will help towards shops and community services to local reducing fear of crime and existing crime. residents such as health care and a post The One-Way System is central to this office, which enhance the sense of locality and the Council will support the of the area. The Council recognises the reinstatement of two-way working and importance of this district shopping centre significant enhancements to the to cater for local needs and will work streetscape. Improvements have been towards improving it. Community facilities made to the street environment in many of will be provided as part of the the streets surrounding the Earl’s Court development at 100 West Cromwell Road One-Way System such as Eardley and a primary school at Warwick Road. Crescent and there are plans to transform We will support the Primary Care Trust in the environment in Cromwell Road, setting up an office on Earl’s Court Road. bringing significant improvements to the pedestrian’s experience. 12.6 Diversity of Housing The Brompton Cemetery will be open to Earl’s Court must retain the diversity of the public for wider quiet recreational use housing tenure which it currently enjoys. and to provide a pedestrian link from There are significant new housing projects Brompton Road to Lots Road. There will in the area, at 100 West Cromwell Road be further provision of open public space alongside Tesco, and further north in as part of the Warwick Road development. Warwick Road. Guidelines have been prepared for both sites. 12.9 Respecting Environmental Limits Air quality is a concern in the area due to 12.7 Fostering Vitality pollution from traffic. The redevelopment Key to the long term success of the area of Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre provides is the redevelopment of the Exhibition opportunities for low or carbon neutral Centre. The London International developments and to establish a district Convention Centre or the continued energy source exhibition centre should be at the heart of

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13 5 The volume of traffic along the Fulham Road Fulham Road significantly impacts the pedestrian environment. Pavements in some places are narrow and cluttered, 13.1 Introduction which restricts pedestrian movement. At

the western end where the one-way 1 Fulham Road West Town Centre is a system crosses Fulham Road, pedestrian ‘district centre’4 serving a predominantly movement is very difficult and the quality local market. Owing to its vibrant nightlife of the public realm is poor. The area is during the 1960s (which still continues served by a number of bus routes, but today) it became known as the ‘funset there is no underground station. strip’ and ‘the beach’ in one area.

6 Chelsea Football Club’s Stamford 2 Fulham Road West offers a good mix Bridge Stadium is located a short distance of convenience and lower-order from Fulham Road West, and match days comparison shopping with a high number traffic congestion can be an issue, with of small independent specialist retailers, pedestrian congestion also creating an including a cluster of furniture, DIY, issue as people from the restaurants and hardware and homewares stores. There is bars overflow onto the pavement. a large number of food and drink uses, and this can cause conflicts with its role as 13.2 Vision a local centre at certain times. The centre Fulham Road West will be remain an also contains a farmers’ market and a essential centre for providing the daily cinema. needs of local people, while also offering a

variety of high quality specialist shopping. 3 The Chelsea and Westminster The proportion of food and drink uses, Hospital is located on the south side of together with their hours of operation, will Fulham Road. It was built with shop units be carefully managed to ensure a on the ground floor facing the street and complimentary environment with the retail the Council recognises footfall created by uses. The appearance of the centre will be the hospital plays an important role in enhanced through improvements to shop maintaining the vitality of these shops. fronts. Pedestrian and cycle links to the The high quality restaurants,bars and north and south will be improved. nightclubs contribute to the centres vibrant nightlife. 13.3 Keeping Life Local

Fulham Road West Town Centre provides 4 The buildings along Fulham Road local shops and community services such West are mostly well maintained with as health care to local residents. The some examples of high quality shopfronts. Council recognises the importance of this However, the streets overall appearance district centre in catering for local needs is somewhat fatigued. There are only and will work towards improving these small sections of the Fulham Road West facilities and services. The Council frontage included in The Boltons and acknowledges the contribution that the Sloane/Stanley Conservation Areas, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital plays however; the majority of the surrounding in delivering heath care, to both local streets are contained within the London-wide residents alike. conservation areas.

13.4 Caring for the Public Realm

4 The Council will continue to provide top The London Plan sets out a hierarchy/classification of centres across London, there are 160 district centres within quality maintenance of the public realm. London.

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The Council will also work in partnership 13.9 Respecting Environmental Limits with the Hospital to bring about significant Air quality, from the volume of traffic, is a improvements to the public realm along particular concern. There is also the Fulham Road. potential for a green link through the Brompton Cemetery to the King’s Road. The Council will continue to encourage the removal of street clutter. The Brompton Cemetery is located at the western end Fulham Road West. Ownership of Brompton Cemetery is likely to pass to the Royal Borough. Better use of this space for passive recreational purposes, pedestrian and cycle links will be explored.

13.5 Better Travel Choices The Council will continue to work with partners to explore opportunities to unravel the Earl’s Court one-way system and improve pedestrian crossings over Fulham Road and the side roads. The Council enthusiastically supports the Chelsea Hackney Line, which runs approximately parallel to the King’s Road and is not expected to open before 2025. The planned station near the Old Chelsea Town Hall in the King’s Road will improve public transport accessibility to the Fulham Road West area.

13.6 Fostering Vitality The existing retail and restaurant offer contributes to the character of the centre, but must be balanced against the primary function of the centre to provide for local residents’ shopping needs. The proportion of food and drink uses, together with their hours of operation, will be carefully managed.

13.7 Renewing the Legacy The Council will encourage uptake of shopfront improvements grants throughout the centre.

13.8 Diversity of Housing The Council will protect existing residential units above shops along the Fulham Road West, and encourage further residential uses on the upper floors.

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14 14.2 Vision The opening of the new school will bring Lots Road and people into the area. Improvements to the World’s End built and natural environments will transform the area into a place people choose to visit. Investigating the 14.1 Introduction designation of a conservation area in the Lots Road area is an important part of 1 The area is characterised by a this. The Lots Road Power Station site vibrant mix of uses including social and development will play a vital role in private housing, retail and light industrial. improving the vitality of the area by providing mix-uses including housing and 2 The World’s End Estate has mooring facilities. Better pedestrian links residential and other non-residential uses from Lots Road to World’s End shops will including a parade of shops on both sides help overcome the isolation of Lots Road of the King’s Road, a theatre, nursery and and reintegrate World’s End. The small local shops in the square. connectivity with the riverside will be supported by providing a river path. 3 Further west is Lots Road which has a cluster of antiques and art-related firms 14.3 Renewing the Legacy focused on the Bonham’s Auction House 1. The Council recognises the on Lots Road, as well as by the more importance of conserving the industrial usual designers and business services. character of the Lots Road area which is The southern part of the area contains the enhanced by the pumping station listed now decommissioned Lots Road Power building, Lots Road Power Station, its Station site. A planning application was Edwardian housing stock and traditional approved by the Secretary of State in corner shops. There is a need to preserve 2006 for a mixed use development and maintain the existing built including retail, business and over 400 environment by assessing the case for it new dwellings. Implementation on site has to be made a conservation area. There is started. Edwardian housing stock also a need for high design standards adds to the “industrial” character of this throughout the area. area, which is not currently designated as a conservation area. 2. World’s End estate was built as a set piece, and conceived as a fortress. While 4 In the western corner of Lots Road, many people do not like its appearance the construction of the new Chelsea and its dominating presence, the design Academy has already begun. The integrity must nonetheless be respected. Academy will be a Church of England secondary school specialising in the 14.4 Caring for the Public Realm sciences and catering for 810 11-16-year 1. The World’s End Estate needs to be olds with a sixth form for 250 students. improved to make it friendlier for residents and visitors, reducing its poor legibility and 5 A much needed station is on the the fear of crime by increasing its links verge of completion in the Chelsea with King’s Road and opening up the Harbour area (Imperial Wharf Station) in World’s End Plaza. Reconfiguring the Hammersmith and Fulham. This station layout of the estate will not be easy, but will be on the West London Line. opportunities may present themselves to integrate better the estate with its 6 This is an area which is currently surroundings and to make better use of undergoing significant change and will the parking facilities underneath it. continue to change in the future.

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2. Streetscape improvements have Significant improvements to bus and, with already been made in the Lots Road area the opening of a new train station in the but further improvements, partially funded area, rail links have been made in the by section 106 contributions, will be area but further improvements are implemented. needed. The Council will support enhanced pedestrian, cyclist and bus links 3. Existing green open space will be in the area and will seek to secure protected and consideration will be given benefits from the Chelsea-Hackney line, to the creation of new open space when including a potential interchange onto possible. Westfield Park provides a West London Line. The One-Way System valuable open space in the Lots Road with a high volume of heavy traffic and area, but it could be more effectively laid poor pedestrian crossings makes for a out. poor pedestrian environment. The Council will work to unravel the One-Way System. 14.5 Keeping Life Local The Council will seek to improve the 1. The shops along the King’s Road by Thames Walk. Existing gaps will be the World’s End Estate are not thriving. completed as development opportunities Investment is needed to maintain local come forward. River transport will be shops by improving shop frontages, supported. uplifting the shopping parade and providing a more inviting environment for 14.8 Respecting Environmental Limits local residents. The river frontage is a unique feature that needs to be fully utilised. The biodiversity 2. The One-Way System presents a potential of Chelsea Creek should be significant barrier to accessing these exploited. The Creek could also be used shops from Lots Road. Pedestrian as a recreational waterway providing facilities are needed. The inclusion of a physical access to the river and retail element and social and community connecting both boroughs. Links to the uses in the redevelopment of the Lots Brompton Cemetery need to be improved Road Power Station Site could assist in and there might be an opportunity to meeting the day-to-day needs of residents create a green link towards the Brompton of this part of the borough. Cemetery in the north. Air quality is affected by busy roads. The 14.6 Diversity of Housing Council will support initiatives set out in The area offers diverse housing. There the Air Quality Action Plan and encourage are several housing developments in the proposals and design solutions which will area that would benefit from improvement improve air quality through low emissions and the provision of further community strategies. facilities including the seven tower blocks of the World’s End Estate and its 14.9 Fostering Vitality surrounding areas. The Lots Road Employment Zone, which is dominated by antiques and art-related firms and by designers and business services, offers a unique character to the area. This needs to be supported. 14.7 Better Travel Choices

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15 Duke of York’s development; and the Old Chelsea Town Hall Registry Office, King’s Road and Sloane where so many famous couples have Square married and have been photographed on its steps. The King’s Road also plays

a role as a centre where residents can 15.1 Introduction fulfil their everyday shopping needs.

1 The King’s Road remains one of 5 Within the London Plan the King’s the borough’s most vibrant fashion Road is divided into two closely related shopping centres. In its heyday in the linear shopping areas. The King’s Road sixties it was the street in which to shop (East) Major Centre is separated from and be seen in and it retained this the King’s Road (West) District Centre position until the eighties. Since then the by a short break in the retail frontage road has evolved and, although iconic between Sydney Street and Old Church shops like ’s World’s Street on the north side and Oakley End remain, the number of independent Street and Glebe Place on the south boutiques has declined. Some 70 side. Although this break may percent of all retail floorspace in the discourage some shoppers from visiting eastern part of the centre and 40 the entire shopping street, the King’s percent to the east is now occupied by Road does function as one. multiple retailers.

6 The King’s Road is likely to be less 2. However, the nature of these affected by the opening of Westfield shops are not such that the King’s Road London than some of the borough’s has slipped into being just “another” other centres. The centre is well placed high street. Many of the shops in the to accommodate a significant amount of eastern part of the centre are upmarket the comparison retail growth that is international chains with only a few likely to be required within the south of outlets in this country. A draw strongly the borough after 2012. Whilst much of enhanced by Peter Jones anchoring the this growth will be accommodated within eastern end of the centre at Sloane the centre, particularly by the take up of Square. vacant floorspace, some extension of

the centre may be appropriate. 3. There is also a particular concentration of the highest end 7 The physical appearance of the retailers on the southern part of Sloane King’s Road is variable. It includes listed Street. This has developed as result of a terraces of shops, the high quality open concerted effort by Cadogan Estates space of the Duke of York’s as well as since the beginning of the nineties. The views down to Wren’s Royal Hospital. western end of the centre is again However parts of the King’s Road do not different in character, containing a match the retail quality found around it. healthy mix of specialist retailers, As a busy intersection Sloane Square including a significant furniture and has particular problems and could be design element. radically improved.

4. While the King’s Road’s primary 8 The King’s Road is served by function is as a centre for comparison Sloane Square Station in the east, with shopping it contains other attractions numerous buses providing access along and points of interest: the Royal Court the street. The bus routes do however Theatre on Sloane Square; Cadogan peel off north and south, up Sydney Hall, (home of the Royal Philharmonic Street and down Beaufort Street, and it Orchestra); the Saatchi Gallery in the

LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for internal discussion 02 03 09 47 is inevitable that pedestrian numbers do continuing to meet the day-to-day fall off towards the west. shopping needs of local residents.

15.2 Vision The Council retail need assessment The King’s Road will not simply be like suggests that the amount of shopping any other ‘successful’ high street. It will retail floorspace should expand in the remain one of London’s iconic and south of the borough if the borough is to vibrant shopping streets, containing a benefit from a significant amount of lively and diverse mix of shops, retail need which it has identified as restaurants, and world-class cultural being available in the future. attractions. The King’s Road is not not surrounded It will remain a place where one can by empty sites suitable for new retail shop in both independent boutiques and development. Indeed one of the multiples; a place to enjoy, a place strengths of the centre, something which which meets the day-to-day needs of gives it a distinct character, is the high our residents; and a place to experience quality and attractive terraces of houses some of the best theatre, concert and which surround the centre. The Council gallery space that London has to offer. will therefore look to accommodate as much of this shopping floorspace as 15.3 Fostering Vitality possible within the King’s Road centre. Council will work in partnership with This will take the form of supporting both retailers, landlords, residents and other the reoccupation of vacant units and by stakeholders to build awareness of the the spread of shopping floorspace into entire King’s Road offer to encourage basements and upper floors The more visitors to shop the full length of Council does, however, recognise that it the road from Sloane Square in the east may be necessary to expand the centre to World’s End in the west. to include sites currently abutting or very close to the existing retail area. The To maintain the unique retail heritage of Council has identified No. 250 King’s the Kings Road the Council will work with Road, the Chelsea Farmers’ Market and landowners to retain the independent the area to the south west of Sydney boutiques that still remain and encourage Street as edge of centre sites which new ones to be established. Multiple have the potential to include a retailers have an important role to play, significant amount of retail use at street and will always form the spine of a town level. centre such as the King’s Road. The Council will however endorse particular The Council will support the King’s Road initiatives which support the independent as a suitable location for new large or the local and which promotes the scale offices, where this is not at the King’s Road as a centre which is a “little expense of primary shopping function of bit different”. In particular the Council will the centre. require both small and ‘affordable’ shop units to be provided as part of the s106 The Council has not yet been able to agreements relating to any new large assess the impact that the opening of scale retail development in this centre. the Saatchi Gallery in autumn 2008 has The Council will also consider how the had upon the King’s Road. The Council shops it owns as part of the World’s End does however recognise that the many Estate, and currently managed under the thousands of visitors could affect the neighbourhood shopping policy, could character of the retail offer. This will be contribute to the establishment of new closely monitored. The Council believes independent boutiques as well as

48 LDF ‘Places’ Core Strategy and North Kensington Plan. Draft for internal discussion 02 03 09 new cultural institutions may add to the Centre is to remain one of the Capital’s richness and vitality of the centre. key shopping areas the enhancement and maintenance of the public realm is essential. The does not however mean 15.4 Better Travel Choices the creation of a sterile environment The Council will work with Transport for which would hinder rather than support London and Crossrail Ltd to establish a a vibrant street life. new underground station on the King’s Road as part of the planned Chelsea- 15.7 Renewing the Legacy Hackney Line, not expected to be open The centre has benefited from high before 2025. This station will be near quality redevelopment of the Duke of the Chelsea Old Town Hall. York’s Headquarters and the recent refurbishment of the Grade II* listed Some people feel that a shuttle bus Peter Jones building. These projects would be beneficial, however, given the should set the architectural tone for number of existing buses which already future development within the centre – run along the King’s Road this may only development which must be of the add to congestion. The Council will highest quality. explore the better marketing of bus services to visitors to aid their visit. 15.8 Diversity of Housing 15.5 Keeping Life Local The Council supports initiatives to bring The Council will support initiatives the vacant properties above shops back intended to maintain a variety of shops into residential use. This both supports and other services which will help meet the vitality of the King’s Road by the day to day needs of residents of the maintaining activity after the shops close area. In particular the Council will and helps maximise the borough’s support the provision of a new bank in housing stock. the western part of the King’s Road, as well as a GP Surgery. 15.9 Respecting Environmental Limits The Council recognises the particular The King’s Road is a busy route into role that the Chelsea Old Town Hall and out of central London and facilities (including the library and experiences a high level of pollution as assembly rooms) and the Sports Centre the result of the movement of so many play in allowing community life in cars. The Council will support initiatives Chelsea to flourish. which reflect the borough’s designation as an Air Quality Management Area to 15.6 Caring for the Public Realm reduce this pollution. The King’s Road offers a high quality street environment, however if the Town

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