E858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 many programs. Throughout the county, thou- NO TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR The unfolding events make it amply clear sands of low income families have received fi- ABORTION ACT that Israel is a flourishing and enviable democratic oasis surrounded by a vast wil- nancial assistance from the Council to pay for derness that is crying for change. We are SPEECH OF child care so parents can work, knowing their witness to an amplified echo of the ancient children are not only in good hands but are HON. STEVE KING Israelites’ inspiring saga of the Exodus, iron- ically from Egypt’s House of Bondage, in- truly thriving. OF IOWA structing humanity through the ages to up- We salute the tireless work of the members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hold freedom and responsibility as non-nego- of the Council’s Board of Directors, Adminis- Wednesday, May 4, 2011 tiable divine gifts worthy of sacrifice. This most noble mandate of replacing deg- tration, and staff, both past and present and Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, today radation with dignity is reverberating thank them for the enormous contribution to Members of this House took part in a debate throughout a troubled and stagnant Arab our community their efforts have made. that addressed the issue of using taxpayer world that has for so long been lagging be- hind the West’s progress, suffering from Today, we invite our colleagues to join us in dollars to fund abortions. As an original co- sponsor of this legislation, I commend Mr. long-standing neglect manifested in poverty, honoring the Contra Costa Child Care Council illiteracy, and the lack of economic and so- SMITH from New Jersey for his conviction in on its 35th anniversary and on behalf of our cial mobility, under authoritarian rule of bringing this bill to the floor and for his leader- fear and intimidation with corrupt leaders children, families and communities, wish all ship in the pro-life movement. Today, our de- unaccountable for the public welfare. All continued success. bate extends the legacy of Congressman that is being challenged in a world becoming Henry J. Hyde, who was passionately pro-life an interconnected and interdependent global f and helped lay the foundation for the victory village with sophisticated communication that can mobilize the masses like never be- we celebrate today with the passage of H.R. fore. INTRODUCING LEGISLATION AL- 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. However, there is a looming threat that ex- LOWING INTERSTATE SHIPMENT In light of this debate, I think we should all treme groups such as the Muslim Brother- OF UNPASTEURIZED MILK take time to reflect on a bold statement made hood and Al Qaeda will take advantage of by Mr. Hyde, a statement that was printed in the unrest for their own purposes, for they the program at his funeral. I attended Con- loathe a representative democracy and the gressman Hyde’s funeral and was touched by West as a whole, rejecting the idea and pres- HON. RON PAUL ence of a Jewish state. After all, democracy the wisdom of his words. He said, ‘‘When the thrives best with well-developed democratic OF TEXAS time comes as it surely will, when we face that institutions requiring time and experience, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve which rely upon progressive education that often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is respects and fosters human rights as well as Wednesday, May 11, 2011 a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no women’s rights anchored in law. advocates, you are there alone standing be- The peace treaties that Israel established Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce fore God, and a terror will rip through your with both Egypt and Jordan should be en- hanced and fortified by responding to Israel’s legislation that allows the shipment and dis- soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really yearning for closer cooperation in all en- tribution of unpasteurized milk and milk prod- think that those in the pro-life movement will deavors in a context of a‘‘warm’’ peace. This ucts for human consumption across state not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of historic crossroads is an opportune and ur- lines. This legislation removes an unconstitu- voices that have never been heard in this gent time for all Arab and Muslim states to finally join Israel in peace to transform in tional restraint on farmers who wish to sell or world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world, and they will plead for every- tandem the Middle East, that the cradle of otherwise distribute, and people who wish to Western civilization may be renewed as a one who has been in this movement. They will consume, unpasteurized milk and milk prod- flowing source of Shalom’s blessings. Let the say to God, ‘Spare him because he loved us,’ ucts. campaign cease to de-legitimatize and de- and God will look at you and say not ‘Did you monize the only sovereign Jewish state in Hard as it is to believe, the federal govern- succeed?’ but ‘Did you try?’ ’’ I hope we find the world through economic and culture boy- ment is actually spending time and money comfort in knowing that yes, we are trying. We cotts, utilizing the twin evils of anti-Semi- tism and anti-Zionism. The attempt to thus prosecuting small businesses for the ‘‘crime’’ are fighting to defend and protect innocent human life, and we will not stop until every divert attention from the Arab states’ dire of meeting their customers’ demand for predicaments of bankrupt regimes has point- unpasteurized milk! Recently the Food and life—born and unborn—is protected. edly proven fruitless and counter-productive. Drug Administration conducted a year-long f It should be amply clear now that Israel is the only democratic and stable ally that the sting operation targeting Rainbow Acres DR. ISRAEL ZOBERMAN enjoys in a critical part of the Farms in Pennsylvania. As a result of this ac- world, through a special bond reflecting tion, Rainbow Acres’ customers will no longer HON. E. SCOTT RIGELL shared values and commitments, and whose be able to purchase unpasteurized milk from steadfast preservation and cultivation is es- OF sential for both model free nations with he- this small Amish farm. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES roic legacies leading pluralistic societies. In the present complex scenario Iran’s dan- Mr. Speaker, many Americans who the gov- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ernment wishes to deny the ability to purchase gerous role should not be lost as it is poised to take advantage of the transitional uncer- unpasteurized milk have done their own re- Mr. RIGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to enter a statement into the RECORD on behalf tainty of the Arab world. Iran’s tyrannical search and come to the conclusion that theocracy, whose leaders are Holocaust of my constituent, Dr. Israel Zoberman. Dr. deniers, remains a mortal threat to the free unpasteurized milk is healthier than pasteur- Zoberman is the Founding Rabbi of Congrega- ized milk. These Americans have the right to world, still insisting on acquiring a nuclear tion Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach, Virginia. capability to conclude what Pharaoh began consume these products without having the He is also the president of the Hampton and Hitler almost accomplished. federal government second-guess their judg- Roads Board of Rabbis and Cantors. Iran’s proxy, Hamas, refusing to release ment about what products best promote Dr. Zoberman asked me to enter the fol- Israeli soldier Gilad Shallot who is both an health. If there are legitimate concerns about lowing remarks into the RECORD regarding the Israeli and French citizen, after more than 63rd anniversary of the State of Israel. Dr. five years in isolated captivity, the cold- the safety of unpasteurized milk, those con- blooded murder of five members of the Fogel cerns should be addressed at the state and Zoberman’s statement follows: family in Itamar, including an infant, the local level. The 63rd Anniversary of the State of Israel bombing in Jerusalem, and the relentless is celebrated against the backdrop of the rocket and mortar, also on a school bus, I urge my colleagues to join me in pro- monumental eruptions of Biblical propor- from Gaza, do not reflect peaceful Pales- moting individual rights, the original intent of tions in the Arab world, further highlighting tinian intentions. Let Hezbollah, Iran and the Constitution, and federalism by cospon- the uniqueness of the Jewish state in the Syria’s proxy in Lebanon, know along with Middle East where the historical Jewish peo- soring my legislation to allow the interstate all of Israel’s adversaries, that the Jewish ple came to make a difference for the entire state will fight to ensure that its divine shipment of unpasteurized milk and milk prod- human family, through its transforming promise of survival is never withdrawn, even ucts for human consumption. gifts of the spirit and unparalleled endur- as it struggles for Shalom’s sake of healing, ance. hope and harmony.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.014 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E859 IN TRIBUTE TO KATHERINE PERSONAL EXPLANATION turned to Presidential Libraries in 1997, there HALEY AND NORMA LAGO- were no women serving as library directors MARSINO HON. THOMAS E. PETRI and almost no representation by minorities in OF WISCONSIN library positions. She pursued a goal of build- HON. ELTON GALLEGLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing a more representational work force in the libraries, hiring a more diverse and represent- OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ative workforce. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I was not recorded I congratulate Sharon K. Fawcett for her Wednesday, May 11, 2011 as voting for final passage of H.R. 3 on May dedication in building strong and productive Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in trib- 4, 2011. I am a cosponsor of this bill and relationships with a variety of stakeholders ute to the Norma Lagomarsino and the late would have voted for final passage of the bill. that includes the White House, Congress, and Katherine ‘‘Kay’’ Haley, who were honored re- f Presidential Library foundations. I thank her for her service to the National Archives and to cently by the Livingston Memorial Visiting HONORING SHARON K. FAWCETT Nurse Association for their decades of philan- the Nation and I wish her a very happy and fulfilling retirement. thropic work in Ventura County. HON. JOHN L. MICA Norma Lagomarsino is the wife of former f OF FLORIDA U.S. Rep. Bob Lagomarsino and a true force IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NO TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR in making Ventura and Santa Barbara Coun- ABORTION ACT ties strong, vibrant communities. I am blessed Wednesday, May 11, 2011 to have Bob Lagomarsino as one of my trust- Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay SPEECH OF ed mentors and to have Bob and Norma count tribute to Sharon K. Fawcett, the Assistant Ar- as among my wife, Janice, and my closest HON. BETTY McCOLLUM chivist for Presidential Libraries, who is retiring OF MINNESOTA friends. after more than 34 years of outstanding public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Norma Lagomarsino has been a member of service to the National Archives and Records the Congressional Club in Washington, D.C., Administration (NARA). Wednesday, May 4, 2011 since 1974 and served as its president from On February 28, 2011, the Committee on Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise 1981–1983. Among her many community ac- Transportation and Infrastructure held a joint today in strong opposition to H.R. 3 and the tivities, Norma Lagomarsino serves on the hearing with the Committee on Oversight and ongoing Republican war against women’s Santa Cruz Island Foundation Advisory Coun- Government Reform to highlight the impor- health care in America. H.R. 3 continues the cil, is a long-standing member of the Assist- tance of our presidential libraries to our na- Tea Party Republican’s extreme social agenda ance League, is a member of the Board of Di- tion’s history. Following the hearing, I was to pursue unprecedented attacks on women’s rectors for Interface Children and Family Serv- pleased to host a luncheon and symposium to health and economic security. ices and the National Institute of Mental further discuss how we can ensure these na- The Republican majority passed H.R. 1 and Health, and was honored as a ‘‘Champion of tional treasures can be preserved efficiently. slashed billions of dollars from programs that Mental Health’’ by the Turning Point Founda- Ms. Fawcett was instrumental in helping to allow women to provide and care for their fam- tion. make that day productive and successful and ilies such as Head Start, Women, infants and Norma and Bob also are major donors to her insight at the symposium added a tremen- children (WIC), Community Service Block California State University, Channel Islands, dous amount of knowledge to our discussion. Grants (CSBG), and the Maternal and Child where they created the Robert J. and Norma Her love and commitment to the Presidential Block Grant. Clearly their efforts targeted vul- M. Lagomarsino Archives. They also co-chair Library system developed at an early age: she nerable women and their children—people the San Buenaventura Mission School Build- was born in Abilene, Kansas in a house that who do not have high-paid, high-powered lob- ing Campaign. is now part of the campus of the Dwight D. Ei- byists, as the victims of budget cuts. Kay Haley, another longtime friend, was senhower Presidential Library. In 1969, Ms. Their bill H.R. 2 repealed the Affordable born in the Ventura County city of Oxnard to Fawcett started working at the Lyndon Baines Care Act, which ensures women have greater Walter H. Hoffman Jr. and Edith Hobson Hoff- Johnson Presidential Library. After raising her access to affordable health coverage and rec- man, who owned Rancho Casitas, a thorough- young children, she returned to the National ommended preventative care. The Republican bred breeding farm. As an adult, Kay Haley Archives in Washington, DC, to be Chief of repeal of the would strip raised champion shorthorn cattle and quarter the Reference Service Branch and later the 32 million Americans of health insurance cov- horses on her own ranch, Rancho Mi Solar. Director of User Services. In these jobs she erage, again making families vulnerable. Her most famous horse, Mr. Spats, was Ron- was responsible for the overall planning, de- Now, H.R. 3 seeks to place unprecedented ald Reagan’s favorite mount. velopment, direction, coordination, staffing and restrictions on a woman’s ability to receive Kay Haley had a long relationship with control of all research rooms in both the Na- and pay for a legal medical procedure. This President Reagan, having raised funds for him tional Archives building in downtown Wash- Republican bill places the federal government during his campaigns for California governor ington, DC, and at Archives II, NARA’s state- directly between a woman and her doctor. and president. In addition to raising funds for of-the-art facility in College Park, Maryland. H.R. 3 is not about ‘‘codifying the Hyde President Reagan and other Republicans, Kay She returned to the Office of Presidential Li- Amendment’’ as my colleagues have stated. raised many thousands of dollars for the Ven- braries in 1997. Federal law already prohibits even a single tura County Museum of History and Art and Ms. Fawcett has served as Assistant Archi- federal dollar from being used to pay for abor- served on Community Memorial Hospital’s vist for Presidential Libraries for the past tion services, except in the cases of rape, in- Board of Trustees for 30 years. seven years and as Deputy Assistant Archivist cest, or to save the life of the mother. Instead, In 1986, she was given the Milton M. for Presidential Libraries for seven years be- this legislation furthers a radical agenda that Teague Award for Outstanding Volunteerism. fore that. In both roles she led the Library sys- seeks to limit a woman’s right to access com- She was grand marshal of the Ventura County tem in the development of award-winning edu- prehensive reproductive medical care. Fair parade in 1987. cational programs, web sites, and exhibits. Exploiting the federal tax code for ideolog- When Ronald Reagan was governor, Haley Under her leadership, the Libraries continued ical purposes, this bill enacts new restrictions was appointed vice chairwoman of the Cali- to open key Presidential materials—such as on a woman’s ability to pay for legal medical fornia State Fair Board, vice president of the the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon tape record- services with private insurance, a health sav- board of directors of Cal Expo and served as ings—that help the public understand Presi- ings account, or private funds. A responsible founding chairwoman of California’s Racing dents and Presidential decision-making. The small business owner that includes com- Hall of Fame. After eight decades of life and multi-library conferences on such topics as prehensive reproductive care in their com- service, Kay passed away in 1999. Vietnam and the Nuclear Age have become a pany’s insurance policy will be denied their Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues join the mainstay of C–SPAN programming. She also federal health care tax credit. A survivor of Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association developed innovative initiatives to start staffing rape or incest may have to prove to an IRS and me in honoring the philanthropic and vol- early for a Presidential Library, and to add ad- agent with a detailed account of her brutal- untary contributions of Norma Lagomarsino ditional staffing for the newer Presidential ization in order to use her health savings ac- and Kay Haley and in thanking them for mak- Record Act Libraries to try to meet the grow- count to pay for the procedure or qualify for an ing our community vibrant and strong. ing demand for their records. When she re- itemized medical deduction on her taxes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.018 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS