Russia Domestic Funds Transfer CitiDirect BE - Quick Reference Guide

1. Under Payments on the CitiDirect BE mega-menu, select Input New Outgoing

2. Select your debit account by looking up your debit account library, or you may also manually type in the account number 1

3. Select your payment currency as RUB by looking up the currency library, or you may also manually type in the currency

4. Based on the combination of your debit account currency and payment currency, a list of eligible payment methods will be 3 available for your selection. Select your payment method as Domestic Funds 2 6 Transfer 4 5 5. Select your payment type as Ordinary or Tax Payment

6. Enter your payment amount

7. You may check “Remember these Selections” so that these parameters 7 2 would be auto-populated or auto-executed the next time you make a payment. Otherwise, click Continue

8. Enter Payment and Beneficiary Details (all fields with *)  Transaction reference number (max 6 digits)  Vat status and VAT amount  Priority code (05 is by default)  Payment Details in Russian  Beneficiary name  Beneficiary Routing Code (BIC)  Beneficiary Bank Name (is filled using BIC)  Beneficiary Account Number  Beneficiary Tax Code (INN)

Treasury and Trade Solutions

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9. Additional Tax Details should be entered for TAX Payment Type  Composer of Payment Order Status (101 field)  Budget Classification Code (field 104)  OKTMO Code (field 105)  Tax Payment Reason Code (field 106)  Tax Period (field 107)  Tax Payment Number (field 108)  Tax Payment Date (field 109)  Tax Payment Type (field 110)

10. If you wish to create a payment template at the same time, you may check Save As Template and enter the necessary template details. Otherwise, click Submit

Treasury and Trade Solutions

© 2018 Citibank, N.A. All rights reserved. Citi and Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.