The St. Louis Cardinals' Busch Stadium
Number 2 (Summer/Fall 2014) | Missouri Policy Journal | 21 One Development Project, Two Economic Tales: The St. Louis Cardinals’ Busch Stadium and Ballpark Village League, and National Hockey League (NHL). Relative Eric Click to the ongoing subsidization of these leagues, Park University particularly stadiums/arenas, Raymond J. Keating, who serves as chief economist with the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council), argues: Introduction What is the most subsidized industry in all of America? Arguably, it is an industry This article focuses primarily on the interrelated dominated by small and mid-sized businesses. economic development project of the St. Louis I would say that the Kings of the subsidies Cardinals’ new Busch Stadium (2006) and Ballpark game are the four major league sports—the Village (2014). While the new Busch Stadium National Football League (NFL), Major officially opened on April 10, 2006, and Ballpark League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Village officially opened on March 27, 2014, nearly Association (NBA), and the National Hockey eight years later, since the opening of Ballpark Village League (NHL)—along with minor league only included the completion of Phase 1, this baseball and hockey. After all, what other interrelated development is actually ongoing and yet to industries—other than those actually operated reach fully planned and promised project completion. by the government, like public schools—have While originally proposed and envisioned as one the government subsidize almost all of the simultaneous but layered project, the building and buildings in which they operate? Answer: realization of the two entities eventually became two 2 None. It’s only pro sports.
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