
ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH   101 West Church Avenue Masontown, Pennsylvania 15461 Phone: 7245837866 • Fax: 7245830373 Website: A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust

 Rev. William G. Berkey, Pastor August 16, 2020 [email protected]  Rev. Thumma Fathimareddy Shared Parochial Vicar 

M, T, W & F8:00 am Saturday4:00 pm Sunday8:00 am & 11:30 am Confessions: Saturday 3:003:30 pm 

M, T & T8:00 am Saturday:4:00 pm Sunday 9:30 am Confessions: Saturday 3:003:30 pm  Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm  Bulletin Articles: The deadline for placing articles in the bulletin is Monday at Noon.  New Parishioners, Welcome! Please register as soon as possible.   Communion to the Homebound is provided on a regular basis. Call the Parish Office to be added to our list.  Sacrament of Baptism: By appointment. Prior to your baby’s Baptism, you must be a registered, practicing member of this parish.  Sacrament of Marriage: Requires parish membership by at least one of the parties for six months prior to making arrangements for marriage. Weddings should be scheduled one year in advance.  Prayer Chain: To request prayer, please call Patty 7242459746 or Valeria 7245839460 

 ......  Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  Together we pray, we worship God and are nourished with the word and the Eucharist, to strengthen us on our journey to the kingdom. In today’s first reading, the Lord says that “my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Let us make of this Faith community, this holy place, a home which all people are welcome to join us in worship and prayer. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who do attend regularly and to ask that we pray for those who are afraid.                                                                                      We will celebrate First Holy Communion on Sunday, September 13, at the 9:30 am Mass and the 11:30 am Mass.                                                                                      Wednesday is the Feast of Saint John Eudes. He left the community of the Oratorians to found an order for the renewal of the diocesan priesthood, the Congregation of and Mary. He always set his hand to whatever work needed to be done. Whether it was nursing plague victims or educating the and new pastors.  Thursday is the Feast of Saint Bernard. He joined the abbey in Citeaux, France. He used his gifts of leadership, arbitration, writing and creating harmony in the abbey to give glory to God.  Friday is the Feast of Saint Pius X. He reformed the liturgy and breviary, promoted Gregorian Chant, opposed modernism, and lowered the age of from 12 to 7.  Saturday is the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. Eight days after the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. Mary’s life mirrors that of her son, whose temple she is the Christ bearer. We honor her today as the Queen of Heaven and as the Mother of God.                                                                                      Spiritual Communion Prayer: My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen                                                                                      Reflection on the Call to Holiness by  Far from being timid, morose, acerbic, or melancholy, or putting on a dreary face, the saints are joyful and full of good humor. Though completely realistic, they radiate a positive and hopeful spirit. (119)                                                                                      Question of the Week: To what peripheries can I go to serve others? Do I see everyone as potentially eligible for salvation.  Our Psalm Response this week: “O God let all the nations praise you!” reminds us to know God’s ways; that all nations find reason to praise the God who guides ALL people.                                                                                     Please say a prayer for the control and end of the corona virus so that we can come back to church as a community of faith.                                                                                      Let’s go Pens! Peace, Fr. Bill Let’s go Bucs!   

WHY PRAY?  The “foreigners” as Isaiah calls them, the “Gentiles” as Paul calls them, or the “Canaanites” as Matthew calls them are called to worship the one true God in prayer. As we listen to today’s readings, perhaps we are tempted to ask: Why pray?  The question is rhetorical; it is tantamount to ask- ing why should friends talk to one another or people in love kiss one another. Prayer is a way of relating to God, a way of talking to God. The apostles had the opportuni- ty to talk to Jesus Christ in prayer. Our relationship with Him must be enthusiastic; it cannot be fainthearted. John Donne, a fifteenthcentury poet, knew what the qualities of good prayer were. Donne asks God to treat him differently from most Christians. The poet does not Saint Joan of Arc Flea Market  August 22 want God to merely “knock, breathe, shine and seek to The Saint Joan of Arc Ladies Guild will host their annual mend,” but also to “break, blow, burn and make me Flea Market on Saturday, August 22, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. new.” (Holy Sonnets, XIV) Masks are required for entry. Lots to choose from, great  prices! Limited food items will be available. Questions? INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Call 7243294522.   As much as some folks may not want to admit it, Saint Vincent College Virtual Get Acquainted Day we all want to be healed. Human beings suffer physical- The SVC Office of Admissions will host a virtual Get ly, mentally, socially, and spiritually. There are many Acquainted Day for prospective students and their fami- wounds. Of all of the maladies that can afflict us, the lies Saturday, August 22, at 10:00 am. It is be conducted ones that require the greatest attention are of a spiritual as a webinar via Zoom. For information, contact the Of- nature. What can happen if we are healed inwardly, fice of Admission at [email protected] brought back to center, and restored in our relationships,  especially in our relationship with God? We will find the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser  September 12 courage, strength, conviction, and hope needed to deal St. Peter Parish, Brownsville, is holding a spaghetti din- with the more tangible struggles that may not find an ner fundraiser to help defray expenses for the family of easy remedy. Inner strength, gained by persistent faith, is Olivia “Livi” Sealy, a 10yearold who is battling a rare what allows strong, determined, and courageous people form of brain cancer. Livi is the daughter of St. Peter to overcome incredible challenges and hurdles. Be per- Parish Business Manager, Shannon Sealy and her hus- sistent in your faith, and seek the inner spiritual healing band Ron. The dinner will be held September 12 from that you so desperately desire and need. Noon to 6pm in the parish social hall at 118 Church St.,  Brownsville. For takeout or curbside pickup, call 724 PRACTICE OF CHARITY 3647070. Please remember Livi in your prayers.  In today’s Gospel, we are offered an example of  intercessory prayer as the Canaanite woman is persistent and undeterred by challenges as she presents her daugh- Thank you to Edward & Antoinette Yandura for a ter’s need for healing to Jesus. Our prayer for others is donation to Saint Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help both an act of faith and an expression of Christian chari- Cemetery in memory of Steve & Betty Hospodavis. ty. Notice the variety of circumstances in which you find  yourself called to pray for others: Who are the people Thank you to the Community Foundation of Fayette you lift up to God in prayer? In what ways have you County for donating face masks to our parish known your prayers to be answered? Tell people that in response to the Covid19 pandemic. you are praying for them. Reflect on the variety of needs  expressed as we pray the Universal Prayer, or Prayer of  the Faithful, at Mass. Thank you for last Sunday’s offertory ...  $7,289; online $255; for a total of $7,544. A faithful Christian, illumined by the rays of grace like a  crystal, ought to illumine his neighbor with the light of We are very grateful for your continued good example, through word and deed.  St. Anthony support during this critical time!  From the Diocese of Greensburg For the foreseeable future, all people will remain dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays. Those who feel vulnerable because of their age or health are encouraged to stay home, while those who are sick should not attend public worship. Streaming Masses will continue.  The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary    Pray for Peace  This Saturday, August 22, we observe another Mary, Queen of Peace, save us all, who have Marian celebration, the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin so much trust in you, from wars, hatred, and Mary. Its original date was May 31 when it was institut- oppression. Make us all learn to live in peace, and ed by Pius XII in 1954 but it was eventually moved to educate ourselves for peace, do what is demanded August 22 so that its close relationship with the Assump- by justice, and respect the rights of every person tion might be made clear. Mary’s Queenship is multi so that peace may be firmly established. Amen. dimensional: she reigns gloriously in heaven as queen  Pope Saint John Paul II (19202005) and mother; she is the queen who intercedes; she is the sign of the Church in its future glory.  Of course, the traditions surrounding the Blessed Our relationships often need reconciling  Mother’s Queenship extend much further back than the and healing. While it is easy to say, it is establishment of this feast. In the eighth century Saint often difficult to achieve. Sometimes, John Damascene could write, “When she became Mother reconciling requires that we take down the of the Creator, she truly became Queen of every crea- barriers that are sources of division, remove our ture.” According to Jewish tradition, the mother of the prejudices, look beyond differences and see the king was accorded a seat of honor at the right of the king. “sameness” that connects us one to another. Of course, With Jesus’ royal heritage as a descendant and member each party has to be willing to do this in order for of the house of David, Mary quite naturally takes her healing to occur. Our Gospel shows us the healing that place as the queen mother. Pius XII simply re- can occur when both parties are willing participants. called these traditions and gave us a day to remind us of how we can direct our prayers to Mary, our Queen.  James Field

Sacred Steps  Sacramental Celebrations at Saint Francis of Assisi Parish  † Anna Marie “Ainka” (Rohol) Gluvna 2020 Memorial Candle Request who was buried Wednesday, August 12. Remember a deceased loved one or honor a loved one or May God grant her eternal life and comfort a special occasion by sponsoring a memorial candle. The candles will burn in their memory/honor for one week.  her family. May she rest in peace.   _____ Sanctuary ($20)  _____ Blessed Mother ($10) O Thou who has given us so much, mercifully  _____ Saint Joseph ($10) grant us one thing more  a grateful heart.  George Herbert  _____ ($10)  _____ Saint Anthony ($10)  In memory/honor of ______ Requested by ______ Phone ______ Date / Week of ______  Payment is due at the time of scheduling. Please return the completed form with payment to the Parish Office.  Saturday, August 15  Vigil: 20th Ordinary Sunday 4:00 pmM (B) Joseph Dulik (Thelma/Paul Lipchinsky) 4:00 pmF (T) Marge Piccolomini (Joanne/Mark Coletti)  Sunday, August 16  20th Sunday in Ordinary Sunday 8:00 amM (T) Josephine Bonessa (Nancy/Rick Zatlokovicz) 9:30 amF (B) David Kish (Roseanne/Bruce Stathers) 11:30 amM (B) Helen Miller (Rosemary Homer)

Monday, August 17  Weekday Recognizing the woman’s great faith, Jesus said: 8:00 amM Paula Vittone (John/Carol DelGrosso) “It shall be done as you wish.” (Matthew 15:2128) 8:00 amF Adam & Josephine Smith (Son, Walter)   All peoples are invited to worship the Lord and to Tuesday, August 18  Weekday know His ways. God’s gifts and His call are to Jew 8:00 amM  Dirk McCallen (Mary/Dutrow Howard) and Gentile alike. In Jesus, God extends salvation to 8:00 amF Beverly Smitly (Anonymous)  everyone, even those who cannot keep the laws of the Wednesday, August 19  Saint John Eudes First Testament. Jesus puts back into perspective the 8:00 amM Joseph Horvat (JP & Carolann Horvat)  real reason for all the ritual laws  holiness. It is what Thursday, August 20  Saint Bernard comes from the heart that makes a person clean or 8:00 amF Elaine Marie Faverio (Andrew Musiolowski)  unclean, not what he or she eats. Holiness is Friday, August 21  Saint Pius X attentively waiting for the Word of Life, 8:00 amM Geno Coll (Paul & Bonnie Cassidy)  and eagerly catching it when it comes. Saturday, August 22  Vigil: 21st Ordinary Sunday  33:30 pmM Confessions  Room For Everyone 4:00 pmM (T) Catherine Novasky (Joe/Judy Bogozi)  Today’s readings are urging an attitude of 33:30 pmF Confessions supportive openness upon those of us in the Church. 4:00 pmF (B) Loretta Weido (Betty Weido)   Ours is not to oppose or count anyone out … Sunday, August 23  21st Sunday in Ordinary Time ours is to support and to count everyone in. 8:00 amM (B) Peg Burns (Anita Nolle) Our faith is inclusiveness. As Isaiah says: 9:30 amF (B) Louise Drzazgowski (Dtrs LuAnn/Mary Lou) “God’s house is a house of prayer for all people.” 11:30 amM (T) Joseph G. Sabatelli (Wife, Rosalie)   (B) Fr. Bill / (T) Fr. Thumma   Memorial Candles burn this week in loving Sunday Regional Mass: 5:30 pm at memory of or for the special intention of: Saints Cyril & Methodius Church, Fairchance  † Sanctuary  70th Anniversary of Victor & Rose Palotta requested by their children Mass Readings for the Week Ahead    + Blessed Mother  Angela Pikulski Monday: Ez 24:1524; Mt 19:1622 requested by her daughters Tuesday: Ez 28:110; Mt 19:2330  Wednesday: Ez 34:111; Mt 20:116 † Saint Joseph  Joseph G. Sabatelli requested by wife, Rosalie Thursday: Ez 36:2328; Mt 22:114  Friday: Ez 37:114; Mt 22:3440 Joseph Dulik requested by his wife & son Saturday: Ez 43:17; Mt 23:112  Next Sunday: Is 22:1923; Rom 11:3336; Mt 16:1320 † Saint Anthony  William J. Berish Sr. requested by Dave & Vicki Berish   † Sacred Heart  Wayne Edenfield Observe what is right, do what is just; requested by Rosemary Reagan for my salvation is about to come,  † Geno Coll My justice, about to be revealed. Isaiah 56:1 requested by his family John M. Fabry HAIR LAIR CFSP, CPC, & TANNING Funeral Director 508 EAST CHURCH 724-583-9550 ST. MASONTOWN JOHN S. MAYKUTH JR. Robert T. Kish - Supervisor John P. Duke - Supervisor 1 Legion Street 20 N. Mill St. Sinclair Personal FUNERAL HOME Custom Republic, PA 15475 New Salem, PA 15468 Care Home, LLC Monuments 148 Hatfield Rd., Smock LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED O: 724.246.9466 O: 724.245.9261 & More F: 724.246.9467 F: 724.245.2909 724-245-7200 [email protected] 724-583-8811 [email protected] Located Right Off Of Rte 40 West, 7 Miles Outside Of Uniontown 1878 McClellandtown Rd DEARTH FUNERAL Masontown • 724-952-1040 HOME FREE DELIVERY New Salem, PA Store Hours: Clark B. Dearth Since 1900 M-F 9-9 Sat-Sun 9-5 W.B. Kania & Associates J & J Mechanical Compliments of Ralph’s Garage Doors Certified Public Accountants Residential Heating & Cooling 71 North Mt. Vernon Avenue Your Local, Authorized Lennox Dealer Kathleen Packroni Sales • Service • Installation Uniontown, PA 15401 ~ 724-583-2687 ~ Tax Collector Doors & Parts • Electric Openers Phone: (724) 437-2731 407 N. Main St. • Masontown (724) 966-2879 Carmichaels Fax: (724) 437-2952 201 North Main Mason Town Jerry’s Catering Service “Where Our Noodle is Always Al’Dente” Kathleen Ward Hughes, Owner compliments of 16 Legion Street, Republic, PA 15475 724-966-2477 724-246-8889 or 724-785-3036 Like us on Facebook

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