Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Politikwissenschaftliches Seminar

Prof. Dr. Joachim Blatter Professor for Political Science

Dr. Andrea Schlenker Senior Researcher in Political Science

Survey among

Financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Conducted in nine countries (Argentine, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, USA) In four languages (German, French, Italian, English) Online from September, 25th to October 20th 2015

This document offers a summarizing overview of answer frequencies based on the raw data.

This is not a scientific analysis, please do not cite!

The complete analyses and results of the project will be accessible on our website by the end of 2016 (https://www.unilu.ch/polsem-research). Following this link, you also find further information about the project.

Frohburgstr. 3 ∙ Postfach 4466 ∙ 6002 Luzern [email protected] T +41 41 229 5591 www.unilu.ch

Swiss Abroad - USA No. of responses = 724

Survey Results

Legend Absolute Frequencies of answers Std. Dev. Mean 25 0 50 0 25 Question text n=No. of responses Left pole Right pole av.=Mean dev.=Std. Dev. ab.=Abstention

1 2 3 4 5 Scale Histogram

1. Sprache / Langue / Lingua / Language

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2. Survey among Swiss abroad

Thank you very much for taking your time to participate in our survey! Among other Swiss abroad in nine countries you were randomly selected. We depend on your collaboration since only a high response rate and as complete answers as possible will lead to meaningful results. It should not take more than 20 minutes to complete. Please stand assured that we guarantee the full protection of your data. Since your questionnaire is not personalized, it is not possible to interrupt filling in the survey and to continue later on.


3.1) What is your country of permanent residence?

n=723 0

Brazil 0

France 2

Germany 1

Italy 0

Japan 0

Singapore 0

South Africa 0

United States of America 710

Other 10

4. First we would like to ask you some general questions about your background.

4.2) Are you a United States citizen?

n=710 Yes 360

No 350

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 1 4.3) Are you a United States citizen…

n=360 …from birth (as son/daughter of an American)? 125

…as a result of naturalization? 235

4.5) What citizenship(s) did you have before naturalization?

n=234 Swiss citizenship 227

Other(s) 7

4.6) What made you want to become a United States citizen? (Multiple answers are possible)

n=239 I wanted to secure my right of residence permanently 147

I wanted to take part in the political decision-making process 136

I wanted to have equal social and economic rights with United States citizens 128

I felt myself to be American and wanted to show this through naturalization 35

I wanted to be accepted by the Americans as one of them 28

It was the wish of my family 13

Marriage with an American 87

Other reasons 20

No answer / I do not know 1


5.2) Are you a Swiss citizen…

n=709 ...from birth (as son/daughter of a Swiss)? 600

...as a result of naturalization? 109

5.4) What citizenship(s) did you have before naturalization?

n=111 United States citizenship 45

Other(s) 66

5.5) What made you want to become a Swiss citizen? (Multiple answers are possible)

n=114 I wanted to secure my right of residence permanently 53

I wanted to take part in the political decision-making process 52

I wanted to have equal social and economic rights with the Swiss 47

I felt myself to be Swiss and wanted to show this through naturalization 65

I wanted to be accepted by the Swiss as one of them 27

It was the wish of my family 25

Marriage with a Swiss 33

Other reasons 13

No answer / I do not know 0

5.7) Do you have other citizenships?

n=349 Yes 85

No 253

No answer / I do not know 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 2 5.8) Do you have other citizenships (apart from the US and the Swiss citizenship)?

n=361 Yes 46

No 298

No answer / I do not know 17

5.10) What made you keep the Swiss citizenship? (Multiple answers are possible)

n=135 I had no specific purpose, but no further effort was required to keep the Swiss citizenship 16

I did not want to lose my right to return to Switzerland 91

I still felt Swiss 106

I still had important personal relationships with individuals in Switzerland 94

I still wanted a say in the political decision-making process in Switzerland 72

I did not want to lose my social and economic rights as a Swiss in Switzerland (e.g. heritage, 52 property etc.) I did not know that one could give up Swiss citizenship 6

Other reasons 5

No answer / I do not know 3

5.12) Did you, or your family, emigrate from Switzerland?

n=711 I emigrated myself 523

My parents, my mother and/or father, emigrated 98

My grandparents (or earlier generations) emigrated 27

Neither I, nor my parents or grandparents, emigrated 55

No answer / I do not know 8

5.13) Why did you, or your parents or grandparents, emigrate from Switzerland? (Multiple answers are possible)

n=651 Education opportunities 163

Employment opportunities 331

Partner/Marriage/Family reunification 198

Adventure/Experience 204

Other reasons 48

No answer / I do not know 7

6. The following questions concern your political interest and participation.

How interested are you in…. (Please give one answer per line)

8 11 23 15 21 77 52 114 129 94 166 6.1) …national politics in Switzerland? n=710 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,35 dev.=2,39 ab.=2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

25 24 55 54 42 106 72 93 102 50 85 6.2) … local and/or cantonal politics in Switzerland? n=708 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=6,92 dev.=2,78 ab.=4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

7 4 12 15 24 51 44 94 148 127 181 6.3) …politics in the United States? n=707 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,76 dev.=2,19 ab.=3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 3 8 13 33 38 43 102 95 95 123 68 88 6.4) …politics in the European Union? n=706 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=7,5 dev.=2,44 ab.=6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 15 15 12 18 59 59 97 137 114 176 6.5) …politics on the global level? n=705 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,61 dev.=2,27 ab.=6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

How often do you keep yourself informed about politics and actualities in Swiss and/or United States media? (Please give one answer per line)

20 82 192 416 6.6) Swiss media n=710 Never Often av.=3,41 dev.=0,8 ab.=1

1 2 3 4

4 45 132 527 6.7) United States media n=708 Never Often av.=3,67 dev.=0,62 ab.=2

1 2 3 4

6.8) Who, in your opinion, is the Swiss finance minister? (Please answer without looking up the “right” answer)

n=709 Doris Leuthard 75

Daniel Hasler 12

Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf 390

No answer / I do not know 232

6.9) Who, in your opinion, is the United States Secretary of the Treasury? (Please answer without looking up the “right” answer)

n=707 Timothy F. Geithner 178

Henry M. O'Neill 18

Jacob Jack Lew 296

No answer / I do not know 215

6.10) Five countries are permanent members in the security council of the United Nations (UN). Which, in your opinion, are the 5 countries? (Please answer without looking up the “right” answer)

n=714 China 468

Germany 283

Australia 12

France 578

Russia 578

Brazil 6

Canada 41

Spain 9

India 7

United States of America 667

Italy 17

Japan 30

Great Britain 612

Switzerland 36

Turkey 0

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 4 No answer / I do not know 40


7.1) Some people don’t vote nowadays for one reason or another. Did you vote in the last Swiss federal elections in October 2011?

n=710 Yes 373

No 308

No answer 29

7.2) On average, how often have you participated in national popular votes (that is, national referenda) during the past two years?

n=711 Always (4 times per year) 217

Often (once to 3 times per year) 239

Seldom (less than once a year) 139

Never 116

7.3) Do you intend to vote/Did you vote in the upcoming federal elections in Switzerland in october 2015?

n=709 Yes 421

No 200

No answer / I do not know 88

7.4) Did you vote in the last general election in the United States?

n=711 Yes 301

No 84

Not eligible to vote 318

No answer 8

7.5) Do you intend to vote in the next general election in the United States?

n=706 Yes 343

No 46

Not eligible to vote 298

No answer / I do not know 19

There are different ways of trying to improve things or help prevent things from going wrong. During the last two years, have you done any of the following?

Concerning Swiss themes, have you...

7.6) Signed a petition

n=713 Yes 118

No 585

No answer 10

7.7) Participated in a demonstration

n=709 Yes 24

No 674

No answer 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 5 7.8) Contacted a politician, government or local government official

n=704 Yes 59

No 637

No answer 8

7.9) Donated or collected money for a political purpose

n=707 Yes 99

No 597

No answer 11

7.10) Contacted the media or appeared in the media to make your opinion known

n=700 Yes 52

No 640

No answer 8

7.11) Discussed political issues with family, friends and/or colleagues

n=708 Yes 630

No 73

No answer 5

7.12) Participated in a political forum or a discussion on the Internet

n=706 Yes 88

No 613

No answer 5

Concerning United States themes, have you...

7.13) Signed a petition

n=709 Yes 268

No 432

No answer 9

7.14) Participated in a demonstration

n=709 Yes 54

No 645

No answer 10

7.15) Contacted a politician, government or local government official

n=706 Yes 233

No 466

No answer 7

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 6 7.16) Donated or collected money for a political purpose

n=703 Yes 280

No 415

No answer 8

7.17) Contacted the media or appeared in the media to make your opinion known

n=702 Yes 76

No 617

No answer 9

7.18) Discussed political issues with family, friends and/or colleagues

n=709 Yes 666

No 38

No answer 5

7.19) Participated in a political forum or a discussion on the Internet

n=705 Yes 130

No 568

No answer 7

Concerning global themes, have you in the past 2 years…

7.20) Signed a petition

n=711 Yes 172

No 527

No answer 12

7.21) Participated in a demonstration

n=709 Yes 36

No 663

No answer 10

7.22) Contacted a politician, government or local government official

n=709 Yes 79

No 620

No answer 10

7.23) Donated or collected money for a political purpose

n=709 Yes 169

No 529

No answer 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 7 7.24) Contacted the media or appeared in the media to make your opinion known

n=698 Yes 31

No 658

No answer 9

7.25) Discussed political issues with family, friends and/or colleagues

n=705 Yes 616

No 83

No answer 6

7.26) Participated in a political forum or a discussion on the Internet

n=704 Yes 102

No 596

No answer 6

Which interests do you usually take into account when you participate politically in Switzerland? (Please give one answer per line)

25 16 24 19 18 41 47 102 123 80 159 7.27) Your own/your family's interests n=654 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,17 dev.=2,75 ab.=55

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

8 6 4 11 14 37 42 76 140 132 186 7.28) Swiss interests n=656 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,99 dev.=2,1 ab.=54

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

228 60 72 46 22 64 31 41 39 15 24 7.29) United States interests n=642 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=3,98 dev.=3,13 ab.=65

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

97 36 63 47 44 116 63 71 61 21 32 7.30) European interests n=651 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=5,5 dev.=2,95 ab.=60

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

13 7 9 9 20 45 45 67 117 100 225 7.31) Interests of humankind n=657 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,89 dev.=2,37 ab.=50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Which interests do you usually take into account when you participate politically in the United States? (Please give one answer per line)

19 7 16 7 21 41 26 78 111 87 195 7.32) Your own/your family's interests n=608 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,68 dev.=2,57 ab.=105

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

94 29 48 34 40 68 44 51 68 44 68 7.33) Swiss interests n=588 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=6,05 dev.=3,37 ab.=119

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 8 24 7 16 23 17 68 42 64 119 92 126 7.34) United States interests n=598 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=8,12 dev.=2,68 ab.=113

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

99 40 39 43 54 104 40 58 49 29 35 7.35) European interests n=590 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=5,46 dev.=3,08 ab.=118

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

15 3 11 8 15 45 26 57 80 103 244 7.36) Interests of humankind n=607 0=Not at all 10=Very much av.=9,07 dev.=2,43 ab.=102

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

In politics people sometimes talk about "left" and "right".

25 67 117 92 81 119 68 71 24 19 7.37) Where would you place yourself on this scale, where n=683 0= left 10 = right av.=5,05 0 means the left and 10 means the right? dev.=2,25 ab.=27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. In the following, we are interested in your feelings of belonging.

The following statements represent different self-descriptions. On a scale from 0 to 10 please indicate to what extent each description applies to you. (Please give one answer per line)

3 4 7 2 11 22 25 36 99 79 425 8.1) I am a Swiss n=713 0=Does not apply 10=Fully applies av.=9,88 dev.=1,85 ab.=1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

155 39 47 30 23 51 41 38 74 53 147 8.2) I am an American n=698 0=Does not apply 10=Fully applies av.=6,19 dev.=3,87 ab.=9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

80 29 50 42 41 82 40 57 90 47 131 8.3) I am a European n=689 0=Does not apply 10=Fully applies av.=6,69 dev.=3,39 ab.=17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

54 21 21 22 13 64 33 59 89 57 254 8.4) I am a global citizen n=687 0=Does not apply 10=Fully applies av.=8,1 dev.=3,26 ab.=21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

People may feel different degrees of attachment to their country of residence, their country of descent, to , or the world as a whole. Please tell me how attached you feel to… (Please give one answer per line)

1 4 9 6 8 27 29 64 118 120 327 8.5) ...Switzerland n=713 0=Not at all attached 10=Very attached av.=9,59 dev.=1,86

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

11 11 47 34 27 79 61 95 120 79 143 8.6) ...the United States n=707 0=Not at all attached 10=Very attached av.=7,85 dev.=2,66 ab.=5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 9 40 17 52 39 45 98 86 85 113 57 68 8.7) ...Europe n=700 0=Not at all attached 10=Very attached av.=6,88 dev.=2,79 ab.=10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

26 17 30 23 27 70 70 82 98 67 172 8.8) ...the world n=682 0=Not at all attached 10=Very attached av.=7,9 dev.=2,84 ab.=29

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

8.9) If you could only hold one passport, which one would you keep?

n=711 The Swiss passport 467

The United States passport 95

I could not decide 123

No answer 26

8.10) Which team would you support in a soccer game between Switzerland and the United States?

n=714 Switzerland 479

United States 23

Both / I cannot decide 96

I do not care 107

No answer 9


One can feel more or less solidarity with other people. How about you? How strongly do you feel obliged to the following people? (Please give one answer per line)

2 20 85 600 9.1) Family members and/or friends n=707 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=3,81 dev.=0,47 ab.=3

1 2 3 4

37 200 396 66 9.2) All Swiss n=699 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=2,7 dev.=0,71 ab.=13

1 2 3 4

55 215 335 87 9.3) All Swiss abroad n=692 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=2,66 dev.=0,8 ab.=14

1 2 3 4

102 287 269 27 9.4) All American nationals n=685 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=2,32 dev.=0,77 ab.=19

1 2 3 4

83 299 274 36 9.5) All residents of the United States n=692 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=2,38 dev.=0,76 ab.=18

1 2 3 4

132 332 196 23 9.6) All Europeans n=683 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=2,16 dev.=0,77 ab.=19

1 2 3 4

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 10 82 217 268 118 9.7) All people worldwide n=685 Not obliged Strongly obliged av.=2,62 dev.=0,91 ab.=25

1 2 3 4

How often do you donate money to... (Please give one answer per line)

269 265 114 34 9.8) ...a good cause in Switzerland? n=682 Never Several times a year av.=1,87 dev.=0,86 ab.=30

1 2 3 4

87 118 148 334 9.9) ...a good cause in the United States? n=687 Never Several times a year av.=3,06 dev.=1,08 ab.=23

1 2 3 4

225 203 136 112 9.10) ...a good cause in other countries? n=676 Never Several times a year av.=2,2 dev.=1,08 ab.=33

1 2 3 4

10. In the following we would like to ask your opinion regarding immigration, naturalization and voting rights. There are no right or wrong answers, so please just indicate what you think.

55 30 52 41 37 157 39 61 64 37 90 10.1) In general, do you think immigration into Switzerland n=663 0=Easier 10=More difficult av.=6,42 should be made easier, or more difficult? dev.=3,04 ab.=50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

68 33 69 58 33 155 33 54 53 37 75 10.2) In general, do you think naturalization in Switzerland n=668 0=Easier 10=More difficult av.=5,99 should be made easier, or more difficult? dev.=3,08 ab.=44

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

24 15 23 34 32 99 57 89 127 69 112 10.3) In general, would you say immigrants enrich, rather n=681 0=Undermine 10=Enrich av.=7,62 than undermine, the Swiss cultural life? dev.=2,68 ab.=29

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

To what extent do you agree with the following statements. Some national political decisions have an impact across national borders. Do you think that in these instances…. (Please give one answer per line)

31 13 43 34 37 60 64 98 111 62 124 10.4) …we should take into account the interests of all n=677 0 = Completely 10 = Completely av.=7,51 affected people, independently of their nationality disagree agree dev.=2,87 and even if they live across the national borders? ab.=30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

96 36 63 70 48 73 51 56 67 43 69 10.5) …all affected people should be represented in the n=672 0 = Completely 10 = Completely av.=5,82 national decision-making process, independently of disagree agree dev.=3,26 their nationality and even if they live across national ab.=35

borders? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

What about Swiss citizens, who live abroad?

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 11 10.6) In your opinion, should Swiss emigrants be allowed to vote in Switzerland? (Please select one answer)

n=707 Yes, they should have full rights including political rights as long as they have Swiss 574 citizenship Yes, but only for a defined period of time (e.g. 10-15 years of absence) after which they 93 should lose their voting rights in Switzerland, but not their Swiss citizenship Yes, but only for a defined period of time (e.g. 10-15 years of absence) after which they 5 should lose their voting rights and their citizenship in Switzerland No, they should not be allowed to vote. 24

No answer / I do not know 11

10.7) In your opinion, should Swiss emigrants be allowed to keep Swiss citizenship once they naturalize in another country? (Please select one answer)

n=710 Yes, as long as they want 635

Yes, but only in the first generation 46

Yes, but only for a defined period of time (e.g. 10-15 years of absence) 4

No, they should give up Swiss citizenship when they naturalize somewhere else 15

No answer / I do not know 10

10.8) In your opinion, should the children of Swiss emigrants who have naturalized in another country be allowed to keep Swiss citizenship if they are born and always lived abroad? (Please select one answer)

n=708 Yes 591

No 75

No answer 42

Now, we would like to ask you a general question about democracy. It is not about how democracy actually works in any country but rather about what you think is important for democracy in general. Again, there is no right or wrong answer, so please just indicate what you think. How important are the following aspects for a successful democracy?

3 4 6 7 9 31 29 79 147 138 231 10.9) Political decisions offer solutions to the underlying n=684 not at all important extremely important av.=9,31 societal and economic Problems. dev.=1,87 ab.=20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 2 7 10 10 29 41 83 141 134 231 10.10) Political decisions address the concerns of citizens. n=690 not at all important extremely important av.=9,26 dev.=1,87 ab.=14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

10 8 23 43 38 98 90 136 121 53 62 10.11) The concerns of other states are considered. n=682 not at all important extremely important av.=7,43 dev.=2,28 ab.=19

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 0 6 10 10 38 24 61 140 110 293 10.12) Citizens have the final say on the most important n=694 not at all important extremely important av.=9,48 political issues, e.g. through referendum. dev.=1,85 ab.=10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 0 5 8 9 25 16 47 102 133 338 10.13) Courts are able to prevent the government from n=685 not at all important extremely important av.=9,78 acting beyond its authority. dev.=1,73 ab.=21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 4 8 9 9 43 49 89 149 137 186 10.14) Experts’ views are taken into account prior to n=686 not at all important extremely important av.=9,02 government decision-making. dev.=1,95 ab.=16

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 12 9 4 8 14 17 51 71 120 187 86 106 10.15) Civil society groups are involved in policy-making n=673 not at all important extremely important av.=8,4 and implementation. dev.=2,05 ab.=31

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

8 3 8 14 27 45 67 78 144 104 191 10.16) Political decisions are made by directly elected n=689 not at all important extremely important av.=8,75 representatives of the people, i.e. their dev.=2,19 representatives in parliament. ab.=15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 1 8 3 4 11 6 32 63 91 472 10.17) The decision-making process is transparent to the n=692 not at all important extremely important av.=10,25 citizens. dev.=1,52 ab.=14

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 1 5 7 9 23 15 30 71 102 423 10.18) The media provide citizens with reliable information n=689 not at all important extremely important av.=10 to evaluate the government. dev.=1,77 ab.=15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Given the fact that we are faced with a globalized economy and many cross-border problems (e.g. pollution, migration, crime etc.), to what extent do you agree with the following statements?

57 31 77 74 47 74 61 57 65 50 91 10.19) Nation states should act as autonomously as n=684 I do not agree at all I strongly agree av.=6,28 possible in order to develop those solutions that fit dev.=3,17 them best. ab.=25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 9 15 19 15 39 42 86 148 119 181 10.20) International networks of experts should develop n=693 I do not agree at all I strongly agree av.=8,6 joint solutions for common problems in order to dev.=2,5 provide efficient guidelines for nation states. ab.=15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

23 12 31 22 23 47 50 77 115 113 169 10.21) International non-profit and non-governmental n=682 I do not agree at all I strongly agree av.=8,23 organizations should be strengthened in order to dev.=2,76 serve as watchdogs towards multinational ab.=26

corporations, national governments and international 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 organizations.

56 10 32 27 16 47 53 74 125 106 145 10.22) International organizations and international courts n=691 I do not agree at all I strongly agree av.=7,79 should be strengthened in order to overcome dev.=3,08 national interests and to develop solutions that are ab.=19

most effective and fair from a global perspective. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

11. The following – almost last – questions concern your personal network.

One can be a member of different groups and/or organizations. Please indicate if you are a member of the following groups or organizations for each country. (Please give one answer per line)

11.1) Political party in Switzerland

n=711 Member 23

Not a member 674

No answer 14

11.2) Political party in the United States

n=709 Member 152

Not a member 544

No answer 13

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 13 11.3) Union, economic/professional association in Switzerland

n=709 Member 61

Not a member 639

No answer 9

11.4) Union, economic/professional association in the United States

n=706 Member 152

Not a member 546

No answer 8

11.5) Church or other religious organization in Switzerland

n=707 Member 72

Not a member 626

No answer 9

11.6) Church or other religious organization in the United States

n=704 Member 143

Not a member 553

No answer 8

11.7) Sport, leisure or cultural association in Switzerland

n=702 Member 94

Not a member 598

No answer 10

11.8) Sport, leisure or cultural association in the United States

n=709 Member 293

Not a member 407

No answer 9

11.9) Migrant/Expatriate organization in Switzerland

n=703 Member 52

Not a member 644

No answer 7

11.10) Migrant/Expatriate organization in the United States

n=706 Member 147

Not a member 548

No answer 11

11.11) Other voluntary organization in Switzerland

n=700 Member 57

Not a member 634

No answer 9

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 14 11.12) Other voluntary organization in the United States

n=703 Member 249

Not a member 441

No answer 13

11.13) Are you a member of an international non-governmental organization (NGO)?

n=701 Yes 47

No 644

No answer 10

11.14) Where do most of your family members live (e.g. parents, grandparents, children, siblings, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts)?

n=709 Mainly in the United States 91

Mainly in Switzerland 450

Equal parts in Switzerland and the United States 120

Mainly elsewhere 41

No answer 7

11.15) Do you have children?

n=702 Yes 413

No 284

No answer 5

11.16) Were your children raised...

n=422 Mainly in the United States 324

Mainly in Switzerland 38

Rather equally in both countries 37

Mainly in other countries 19

No answer / I do not know 4

11.17) In which country are most of your professional contacts (colleagues, customers, patients, etc.)?

n=710 Mainly in the United States 459

Mainly in Switzerland 56

Equal parts in Switzerland and in the United States 147

Mainly in other countries 26

No answer / I do not know 22

11.18) Are your professional contacts (colleagues, customers, patients, etc.) in the United States...

n=706 Mostly American 392

Mostly Swiss 6

Equal parts Swiss and American 48

All kinds of nationalities 231

No answer / I do not know 29

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 15 11.19) In which country do most of your friends live?

n=701 Mainly in the United States 247

Mainly in Switzerland 129

Equal parts in Switzerland and in the United States 264

Mainly in other countries 53

No answer / I do not know 8

11.20) Are your friends in the United States…

n=705 Mostly American 316

Mostly Swiss 8

Equal parts Swiss and American 66

All kinds of nationalities 310

No answer / I do not know 5

11.21) How often do you travel to Switzerland for business or private reasons? (Average)

n=712 Weekly to monthly 14

At least once a year 417

Every few years 260

Never 11

No answer 10

11.22) Do you plan to move back to Switzerland one day?

n=710 Yes 129

Probably yes 177

Probably no 190

No 40

No answer / I do not know 174

How well do you speak the following languages? (Please give one answer per line)

5 38 41 63 565 11.23) One of the official (Swiss- n=712 Not at all Mother tongue av.=4,61 German, French, Italian, Rumantsch) dev.=0,87

1 2 3 4 5

2 3 22 537 147 11.24) English n=711 Not at all Mother tongue av.=4,16 dev.=0,5

1 2 3 4 5

48 188 211 190 28 11.25) Other languages n=665 Not at all Mother tongue av.=2,94 dev.=1,01 ab.=25

1 2 3 4 5

12. And finally, some statistics.

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 16 12.1) Are you...?

n=707 Female 280

Male 425

Other / no answer 2

12.3) Do you consider yourself as belonging to any particular religion or denomination? If yes, which one?

n=702 Catholic 139

Protestant 181

Orthodox 4

Other Christian beliefs 27

Jewish 18

Muslim 2

Buddhism 3

Hinduism 3

Non-denominational 190

No answer / I do not know 135

12.5) For the next question, please consider your personal income. If you sum up all your wages and incomes, how high is your monthly net salary (salary after all social deductions such as retirement provisions, disability insurance etc.)

n=711 No income 36

Up to $400 8

Between $401 to $800 9

Between $801 to $1'200 12

Between $1'201 to 1'600 25

Between $1'601 to 2'000 35

Between $2'001 to $2'400 40

$2'401 or more 442

No answer / I do not know 104

28.10.2015 EvaSys evaluation Page 17