B-2 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. MONDAY. JANUARY 19, 1953 Points for Parents-®? Ed y,hThom ° s w° M°ct News of Music Rotating a disliked task mid mixing it with gay com- panionship can change it into a one. liked II VI Symphony Orchestra Plays This Not This - ¦ tl v

• Well at Gay Inaugural Concert . j¦ ' By Alice Eversmon No. 6” for violin alone—as en- Walter Pidgeon, just back core. It was past 11 o'clock when Ua f from Korea to be master of cere- Dr. Mitchell led the Orchestra in monies for the gala Inaugural the final number of the program. concert given by the National “Gershwin’s “An American in special Symphony Orchestra last night Paris”. The feature of in Constitution Hall, voiced the this performance of Gershwin’s —- sentiments of the large audience work was the introduction of real French taxi-horns in one L- in his opening remarks. Speak- ing of President-elect Eisen- portion. One of the horns came helped Daughter—lt’s turn to i, Mother—l can’t help it if you ccy-'| hower and Vice President-elect from a taxi that rush our Nixon, whose names headed the French troops to the Battle of wash the dishes, dad. It’s fun to i do hate washing dishes. They play ' the program planned in honor of the Marne in World War I. do them with you. Let’s are children’s usual part of their inauguration, he said: 20 questions while we’re washing : housework, so you may as well “Give thanks to God for giving Jan Peerce Cheered I them. get started. us these two gentlemen. Give For Many Encores thanks to God for giving us peo- Hebrew Brotherhood Congregation at 8:15 p.m. ple had the foresight to By Elena de Sayn j Wednesday, at 816 Eighth street who Rear Admiral Louis Dreller, choose these two gentlemen.” Jan Peerce sent the ball of i N.W. Following the meeting, a This the one mo- events in Constitution assistant Chief of Naval Mate- was serious musical Brother- hour re- ment in an otherwise gay eve- Hall rolling with his song recital rial, will address the social will be held and of the Washington freshments served. ning. Mr. Pidgeon said that yesterday afternoon, setting the hood Hebrew reading these names so promi- pace for the Inaugural week. nently displayed “sent chills His popularity was evident from down his back” for the “fabulous the fact that his local and out- job” put on “two pair of human of-town fans were not satisfied shoulders.” He recalled that with the substantial fare pro- Sunday night in his home meant vided in the printed program and a visit to church to pray and clamored for more. Urged on oy give thanks for blessings. He applause and whistles, the fa- asked the audience to remember mous gave encore after en- ...... to “give thanks.” core which ultimately created an First Public Function. intimate atmosphere and paved The concert by the orchestra the way to his reminiscing. led by Howard Mitchell and with In an informal chat, Mr. MacDonald, James Peerce told of his operatic debut work done! Jeanette woman’s Melton, and Yehudi Menuhin, in Constitution Hall some years violinists, as soloists was the ago and of his last song recital first public function of the here in 1949. Responding to a Woman’s work is done—and done beautifully inauguration. Many visitors to request, he sang Alicia Scott’s the city were in the audience and “The Jasmon Door,” a number —at Everything from shirts to sheets gave his last visit here. Laundry. greetings were exchanged as he at GOLDEN BROWN TOWN HOUSE CRACKERS WITH CHEESE I. friend met friend. Some who This was followed by Hutcheson's to table linens and towels gets extra careful, hoped to hear the orchestra humorous “Mother Hubbard,” disappointed. They arrived composed in the style of Handel. DUpont 7-1111 extra gentle handling. Your laundry is sorted by were -v.,. at the hall with receipts for their More Extras Included. ticket money but no tickets. £ J > J_ colors and types and washed separately to be had at the box But these were not the only J None were to Song” from for the Inaugural Concert extras. “The Waltz MM whites, office was /J JfV MM MM give you whiter brighter colors. Your Committee had them in its the “Gypsy Baron” sand- January Clearance \m the charge. few were willing to wiched between Schubert are NYLON NET A que /£y rffr/f ff *9** things enclosed in strong BAGS and take what seats were group and “La fleur tu wait Bizet's m'avais jetee,” from . available but others left dis- JPM M j during the entire washing process to protect gruntled. It was not an easy ",” the latter calling sos two more. i&IL! the hall manage- I them from wear. And they’re LOCKED evening for ment. Mr. Peerce’s success was not NOW IN PROGRESS m PWVr WmVwM jmm surprising. is a specialist in • • James Melton Sings. He PICTURES MIRRORS FRAMES IN these bags to prevent loss. operatic art and his singing of ¦ Yet the festive spirit was not AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! W arias is of the finest. Such selec- DRY CLEANING Seeing is believing. Give Manhattan’s affected by the behind-the- “E stelle,' Pidgeon tions as lucevan le scenes occurrences. Mr. from Puccini’s “,” or Net apt as he famous Nylon Bag laundering had stories on hand “Vesti la giubba,” from Leon- "the net bag laundry” introduced the artists and James cavallo’s “Pagliacci,” thrown in routeman laugh- a trial. Hail the Manhattan or Melton had the audience for good measuxe as encores, ing as he came on carrying a his and diction to Pidgeon showed voice phone DUpont 7-1111. Earty morning hugh pink elephant. Mr. the very best advantage. His off with it as the hurried stage tenor, veiled and lyric in the collection and delivery desired. Metropolitan began if tenor Bach-Bass “Only Be Still,” Gas- to sing. His choice of the aria panni’s “Vain if My Art,” Han- “Tombe degli avi miei” from del’s “Sweet Elysian Grove,” and Donizetti’s “Lucia di Lammer- in the Schubert group, took on Avenue, and “Harlequin’s Seren- Washington: 1326-1346 Florida N.W. moor" suddenly an exciting vigor, color DRIVE-IN ade” from Leoncavallo’s “Pag- and brilliancy. The songs which I Arlington: 2330 Columbia Pike at South Adams St. his voice to ad- ohen's liacci” showed Mr. Peerce’s vocal the applause approached vantage. But projection used in the arias, were 1227 ST., WASH., and shirungton, sang G N.W. va. doubled when he Lehar’s Poulenc’s “Les Ponts de C” and “Yours Is My Heart Alone” as Turina’s “Poema en forma de encore canciones.” Warner Bass at the The local Symphony patrons piano was a sensitive and artistic could have been proud of the i accompanist. i fine playing of the orchestra. The Overture to Beethoven’s “Egmont and Barber’s “Adagio for Strings” were presented with finesse and rare beauty of tone The latter divided the appear- ance of the two singers and when Mr. Pidgeon, after some personal reminiscences, called, “Where are you, beautiful one?” Miss MacDonald made a spec- » tacular entrance. She was dressed satin J, in a sheath-like white strapless gown embroiderfed in brilliants which set off her red- gold hair. Duet Sung. Simp® It was no fault of Miss Mac- fOLKS-THOSI hat’s off to the men who made the 1953 Donald that the “Depuis le Jour” aria from Charpentier’s vJ Buicks what they are—the greatest Buicks in “Louise” and the “Waltz Aria” ' fiftygreat years. from Gounod’s “Romeo et Ju- liette” came out in miniature They came up with a new kind of the Super form for her voice has not the /l V 8 for volume or carrying power for jmJ- || \ and the Roadmaster—a brilliant Engine with operatic effect. They were sung i V 8 with finish, however, as was • . • , a long list of engineering “firsts.” Delibes’ “Les Filles de Cadiz”, World’s given as encore. She was joined newest y*r< They redesigned the F-263 Fireball 8 for record by Mr. Melton for the duet, ' horsepower and compression in the spirited Buick “Will You Remember” from \ Wf% >.. Romberg’s "Maytime,” and jmmßk yK KftfiHflft Special. “Make Believe” from Kern’s “Showboat”, listed for them on They kept every inch of room in the roomiest six- the program, had to be sung V? - also Mr. Pidgeon said the . m BMpr jT passenger Sedan in America and still shortened change was made because Miss MacDonald was not sure of the yf jg words but would be prompted by They new wonders the Mr. Melton. A bit of nonsense f did with wonderful Million followed when, in the soprano ' \ \ Dollar Ride. They stepped up visibility, com- portion, the tenor whispered in f Miss MacDonald’s ear the text which she apparently knew quite well. they The post-intermission appear- ’ x And man!—what did with getaway! ance of Yehudi Menuhin in Men- delssohn’s "Concerto in E Minor” Am \ They dreamed up, designed and developed JwgMm \\ft 1 s formed one of the high spots of UP \ a new Drive* that the program. In spite of some Zl|’| Twin-Turbine Dynaflow erratic changes of tempi, the BafcV™"' /y**^ w^*s^s y° u ®way quick as a wink—and just noted violinist played brilliantly ~JA IWWXWWXTtI!^ as smooth, almost as silent. and astounded further by his fm virtuoso performance of the •' & gets “Prelude” from Bach’s “Sonata /Jm mm. Hi m /w aci > no other car in the world WfTJm m Double-Take jjjr Jp krmJl quiet and smoothness of a Twin •

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