Please Read Before Viewing The following document is the full draft version of the Dongara-Geraldton-Northampton Corridor Alignment Selection Report, written for the purpose of identifying a preferred investigation corridor for further planning activities, including community consultation. The report has not been altered in any way since its provision to the Minister for Transport in September 2020, and no sections of it have been omitted in this presentation. Alignment Selection work is normally assessed through desktop assessments, which provide a reasonable understanding of the constraints, issues and opportunities. The desktop work is used to progress stakeholder discussions to test the validity of shortlisted options, leading to landholder and community input. This community and landholder input is a critical step in the process to fill a number of gaps with regard to constraints/issues and assessment of the options. Only after consultation has been incorporated into the planning process can alignment selection be finalised, allowing for more detailed planning (including site investigations). The report was written on the information available at the time of writing. Main Roads’ current engagement activities have already revealed a number of further constraints and opportunities that require further investigation, which may influence the alignment of the final recommended corridor. Feedback on the report can be directed to:
[email protected] HP Records Manager No. Date Published Alignment Selection Report – Dongara