Brief (1-09-2008) Vol. XXXVIII No. 1; Jan. 9, 2008 Editor: Gayla Marty,
[email protected] Read Brief on the Web at Note: This is my last issue as editor of Brief. Thanks for four great years--it has been an honor to serve U faculty and staff statewide in this role. I look forward to working with you in a new position as director of communication in the Graduate School. Pauline Oo, editor of eNews and a former Brief editor, will take the helm until a new editor is in place. Please continue to send your Brief correspondence to
[email protected]. -Ed. INSIDE THIS ISSUE --U of M and Winona State U launch partnership for clinical laboratory sciences. --New employee orientation program will debut at UMTC Jan. 16. --People: Aaron Doering and Deborah Dillon named to endowed chairs in CEHD; new transposon research center director; and more. Campus Announcements and Events University-wide | Crookston |Duluth | Morris | Twin Cities THE U OF M AND WINONA STATE U announced a clinical laboratory sciences (CLS) partnership Jan. 7, which will begin enrolling students next fall. The U's Center for Allied Health Programs--now home to one of the oldest CLS baccalaureate programs in the nation--is developing a learner-centered educational system that students pursuing careers in allied health fields can access throughout Minnesota. The partnership focuses on universities in Rochester and will expand to other U and MnSCU sites statewide through an electronic learning platform. See the news release.