Unionministerrane Heldoverremarkson Uddhav
DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2021, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `4.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Modi, Putin discuss HELDBYMAHARASHTRAPOLICEAFTERSENAFIRs Afghanistan; India UnionMinisterRane flags terrorconcern heldoverremarkson at BRICS,UNHRC Uddhav,grantedbail SHUBHAJITROY THE WORLD NEWDELHI,AUGUST24 Says would have “slapped” CM; clashes between BJPand AWEEK intothe evacuation of morethan800 people from Sena workers;BJP calls arrest againstconstitutional norms Afghanistan—mostlyIndiansand some Afghans —New Delhi on Tuesday stepped up diplomatic JAYPRAKASHSNAIDU engagement withkey countries &VISHWASWAGHMODE withstakesinthe region. BIDEN TO STICK TO MUMBAI,AUGUST24 Underlining concernsabout AUG 31 DEADLINE Pakistan-based terroristgroups, UNION MINISTER and BJP Rajya India extended itshand to deal CIA DIRECTORMET Sabha member NarayanRane withthe humanitariansituation BARADAR: REPORT wasarrestedTuesdayby in Afghanistan, and also called Maharashtra Policefor threaten- upon the Taliban —without DANISH LEFT BEHIND ing to “slap”Chief Minister mentioningorcriticising them ‘IN CHAOS’,KILLED UddhavThackeray.Hewas re- —toensureaninclusive gover- PAGE 13 leasedonbail in Mahad in nance structureinthe country. Raigad,nearly nine hours after Aday afterhediscussedthe his arrest,but district officials situation in Afghanistanwith ior officials to remain in touch, said therewerefour other FIRs Policetry to control aclashbetween Sena,
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