TRINITY UNITED CHURCH AN AFFIRMING CONGREGATION Minister: Rev. Carol-Ann Chapman Director of Music: Dan McCoy

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Mission Statement To be a compassionate, inclusive and joyful faith community

PRELUDE Heavenly Father, You’ve been Good (by Johnnie Frierson; Noah Bajec and vocals)




We light this candle as a sign of God's Spirit at work in the world,

May its light brighten our spirits, may the light of God shining through us brighten the world.


“There is a deep relationship between the inner revolution of prayer and the transformation of social structures and social consciousness. Our hope lies in the fact that meditation is going to change the society that we live in, just as it has changed us.” – FATHER RICHARD ROHR

“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking, and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions.” — Eckhart Tolle

Be Still. The Quieter you become, the more you can hear. -Ram Dass

MOMENT TO CENTRE -2- Sunday, July 25th, 2021 ______

OPENING PRAYER Let Your God Love You by Edwina Gately

Be silent. Be still. Alone. Empty Before your God. Say nothing. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still. Let your God look upon you. That is all. God knows. God understands. God loves you With an enormous love, And only wants To look upon you With that love. Quiet. Still. Be.

Let your God— Love you. Amen. Edwina Gateley.

OPENING HYMN M.V. 167 Hush! Hush!


TAIZÉ Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am God.


Be still and know that I am God. (breathe deeply 2x) -3-

Be still and know that I am. (breathe deeply 2x) Be still and know. (breathe deeply 2x) Be still. (breathe deeply 2x) Be. (breathe deeply 2x)


In the stillness, in the silence, we attend to your presence, our God.

And we feel you filling us from within illuminating our minds warming our hearts stirring our spirits strengthening our hands outstretched transforming our lives energizing our lives

Until every fibre of our being is filled with your presence and we leap up crying,

Blessed are you, God of all life! Blessed are you who rejoices in our worship Blessed are you who attends to the cry of the poor Blessed are you who offers hope in the hard times

Blessed are you, our God whose name is love whose presence is light whose heart is justice whose gift is grace whose life is hope

Let our whole being resonate in praise to you Let every aspect of our lives show that we live for you. Praise be to you, our God, for ever and ever. Amen. by Rob, on the Rob’s Prayers page of the Uniting Church SA website.


TAIZÉ Be still and know that I am God Be still and know that I am God

EXEGESIS (Scripture Explained) READING Psalm 46 READER Courtney Losey

RESPONSE Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church Thanks be to God

HYMN M.V. 84 In You there is a Refuge



MUSIC FOR REFLECTION Empty House (written by Noah Bajec; Noah Bajec, guitar and vocals, Elis Olaf, organ, Dan McCoy, )


Holy God, our offerings come to you through many forms, through PAR, through donation, through time and talent, through reverence and prayer. Bless what we offer to you and how we give of ourselves in various ways so that your mission and ministry is lived in the world. Amen.


God you are our safe place to hide. You are our mighty fortress. You are our ever present help in time of need. We can and do turn to you in the midst of our troubles. Holy one, our world is full of difficulties. We may feel afraid, but it does not overcome us Because we know we can put our trust in you.

Your love and grace are like streams of water in the desert. Your joy comes splashing down upon us. You refresh and renew us like rain coming down on the earth. Bring your water of life to those who are thirsty and living in a dry and weary land.


Where there are wars, bring your peace. Where there is starvation, fill the empty bellies.

Where there is despair, bring your hope. Where there is animosity, bring your reconciliation. Where there is abuse, bring your tender mercies, Where there is poverty, bring your charity. Where there is illness, bring your healing. Where there is grief, bring your gentleness. Where there is injustice, bring your justice.

God, you are a mighty fortress, our strong deliverer. In you we put our trust and release ourselves into your hands. Amen.

Adapted from a prayer written by Rev. Abi, and posted on A Place for Prayer

LORD’S PRAYER (composed by Daniel Hynek)

CLOSING HYMN V.U. 262 A Mighty Fortress is Our God (v.1 only)

BENEDICTION (Kindly read the bold print)

May I remind you that wherever we are, in the sanctuary or watching from home, we are the church, And wherever you are, may you feel God’s love to the left of you and the right of you, In front of you and behind you Above you and below you Within you and within everyone you meet Now and always.


SUNG BLESSING Go Now In Peace (Back of Voices United)

PEACE OF CHRIST (Kindly read the bold print)

The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you.

POSTLUDE Hymn to Freedom (by Oscar Peterson) -6- LEMONADE ON THE LAWN (Weather Permitting): Eileen & Dave Trethewey

FOOD BANK NEWS WE ASK YOU TO CONTINUE TO HELP TRINITY SUPPORT THE FOOD BANK. At this time, please note that we are NOT accepting donations for the food bank. If you would still like to support them during the pandemic, please call the Salvation Army directly at (705) 687-2131 and they will give you information on their current procedures. Thank you!

Stewardship Message We are so grateful for everyone who continues to contribute financially to the church! Your gifts are very important to the running of all the programs and services we offer here at Trinity. Please remember to leave your donations in the offering plate in the Narthex if you come in person. For those of you who are unable to come in person, there are still ways to donate to our work. You can mail us a cheque, drop off a cheque during office hours, sign up for P.A.R. or send us an e-transfer. There are many ways to support the many programs we offer here at Trinity.

Special Thank You To everyone who participated in today’s service!

Welcome Back! Current guidelines demand that we maintain social distancing in the church and that we wear masks. To ensure you get a seat on Sunday, please call Courtney at the office BEFORE Friday at 1 p.m. (705)687-2542. Book early to avoid disappointment. Speak to Dave or Courtney if you have any questions or concerns.

Volunteers Wanted • Ushers • Childcare providers during the service • Scripture Readers • Run Easy Worship (Cueing slides for the screen) Please call Courtney in the office or speak to Carol-Ann if you would like to help out with any of these things. Thanks for your help!

Lemonade on the Lawn we are bringing this event back for the rest of the summer (weather permitting)! If you are willing/able to help by setting up, supplying cookies/a snack and mixing up some lemonade, please let me know, or use the sign-up sheet in the narthex to secure a week. Thanks to our amazing committees, we only have 1 week left to fill between now and September 5 (August 29 needs someone). Please let me know if you can do that week. Thanks! Prayer Requests do you have a particular prayer request and would like to know your community is upholding you in prayer? Please submit requests to Carol- Ann at [email protected]. -7-

The office will be CLOSED on Monday, August 2, 2021 for the Civic holiday weekend. We will have regular office hours from Tuesday August 3- Friday August 6. Have a great weekend everyone!

Walker needed We have someone who is in need of a walker as soon as possible. If you have an extra one, please let Carol-Ann know. Thanks for your help!

August 2 – Margaret Hillier August 6 – Bonnie Dart August 7 – Jim Passmore


Mon. Aug. 2 – 9:30 a.m. - G.A.P. Meal Pick up day (kitchen/auditorium) Tues. Aug. 3 – 7:00 p.m. – Healing service for Indigenous children Wed. Aug. 4 – 8:00 p.m. – A.A. Meeting (auditorium) Thurs. Aug. 5– 10:00 a.m. – G.A.P. Meal Delivery Day (kitchen/auditorium) Fri. Aug. 6 – 12:00 p.m. – A.A. Meeting (auditorium)

Minister: Rev. Carol-Ann Chapman Music Director: Dan McCoy Admin Assistant: Courtney Losey Tel: 705-687-2542 e-mail: [email protected] web-site: Facebook Page: Trinity United Church Gravenhurst