WEBSTER, Charles Eric, residing at 2, - Dalmorton POLISHING CONTRACTOR. Court-CAN- ; Road, Wallasey. in the county of Chester, TERBURY (by transfer from High Court of formerly residing at 33, Well Street, Amlwch, in Justice).. No. of Matter—17 of 1950. Amount the county of Anglesey. LIVERPOOL PILOT. per £—Is. Id. First or Final, or otherwise— Court—BANGOR. No. of Matter—11 of 1949. Supplemental. When Payable—Sept. 25, 1951. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Sept. 21, 1951. Where Payable—Official Receiver's Office, 1, , Name of Trustee and Address—Ferguson, Arthur The Parade, Canterbury. . Kenneth, West Africa .House, 25, Water Street, Liverpool, 2, Official Receiver.. FOAT. Arthur Percy, residing at 30, Tivoli Road, Margate, in .the county of , Bricklayer, for- SPARROW, Herbert William Penstone, The George merly carrying on business at that address as Inn, Norton St. Philip, near Bath, Somerset, a PLUMBER and DECORATOR. Court— formerly of Netley House, Merchants Road, CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—9 of 1951. Clifton, Bristol. LICENSEE. Court—FROME. Amount .per £—9d. First or Final, or other- No. of Matter—1 of 1950. Last Day for wise—-First and Final. When Payable— Receiving Proofs—Sept. 26, 1951. Name of Sept. 25, 1951. Where Payable—Official Trustee and Address—Hort, Philip William, 28, Receiver's Office, 1, The Parade, Canterbury. Baldwin Street, Bristol. FIGGIS, John Alfred Lenox, residing at 1, South WILSON, John Robert, 29, Albion Street, Broad- Albert Road, Sefton Park, in the city of Liver- stairs, in the county of Kent. CATERER. pool. COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court— Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter— LIVERPOOL. No. of Matter—57 of 1939. 31 of 1948. Amount per £—5d. First or Final, Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Sept. 21, 1951. or other-wise—Supplemental. When Payable— Name of Trustee and Address—'Ferguson, Arthur Sept. 25, 1951. Where Payable—Official Kenneth, West Africa House, 25, Water Street, Receiver's Office, 1, The Parade, Canterbury. Liverpool, 2, Official Receiver. MIZJBN, Mark, Greycourt, Sutton Common Road, BARKER, Robert Ernest, 1, Everett Street, West Sutton, Surrey, BUILDER, carrying on busi- Hartlepool, in the county of Durham, lately ness as E. & M. Mizen (firm). Court— carrying on business at Blakiston Hall Quarry, CROYDON. No. of Matter-^ of 1938. Thorpe Thewles, in the county of Durham. Amount per £—2s. 0£. First or (Final, or other- GRAVEL MERCHANT. Court—STOOKTON- wise—Supplemental. When .Payable—Sept. 15, ON-TEES. No. of Matter—5 of 1950. Last 1951. Where Payable—Official Receiver's Day for Receiving Proofs—Sept. 21, 1951. Office, 3, Central Buildings, Matthew Parker Name of Trusted—Ringquist, William Street, Westminster,' S.W. 1. Eric. Finkle Chambers. Finkle Street. Stockton- on-Tees KNIGHTON, Benjamin William, 10, Lumley Street. Graswell, near Newbottle, Houghton-le-Spring, COLLINS, Herbert Stanley, residing and carrying on in the county of Durham, and lately carrying on business at Ruby Farm, Borkellis, Wendron, business as a GENERAL BUILDER and Cornwall. FARMER. Court—TRURO and CARTWRIGHT at Institute Buildings, New- 'FALMOUTH. No. of Matter—3 of 1951. bottle, Houghton-le-Spring, in the county of Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Sept. 21, 1951. Durham aforesaid. Court—DURHAM. No. of Name of Trustee and Address—Balme, Francis Matter—1 of 1951. Amount per £1—5s. 4Jd. Richard. 2. Princes Street. Truro. First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. BRANNAN, Walter Ernest Robert, 2, Cranbourne When Payable—Sept. 18, 1951. Where Payable Road, Northwood, Middlesex, described in the —35, West Sunniside, Sunderland. Petition as a CONSULTING ENGINEER, and now employed as a Time Keeper and Cashier. ROBINSON, Percy, trading as " W. H. Robinson ", Court—WINDSOR. No. Matter—10 of 1947. New Exchange 'Buildings, Queens Square, • Last Day for Receiving Proofs—Sept. 22, 1951. Middlesbrough, in the county of York, COAL Name of Trustee and Address—Newman, Cyril MERCHANT, and residing at 1, Orchard Road, Thomas,' 3, Central Buildings, Matthew Parker Middlesbrough aforesaid. Court—MIDDLES- Street, Westminster, S.W.I. Official Receiver. BROUGH. No. of Matter-^ of 1940. Amount per £—2s. Od. First or Final, or otherwise— Tenth. When Payable—Sept. 21, 1954. Where DIVIDENDS. Payable—Official Receiver's Offices, 4, Bridge SYKES, Barnett William, 155, Bemerton Street, Road, Stockton-on-Tees. Caledonian Road, Islington, in the county of London. FISHMONGER. Court—HIGH RUSSELL, Pennefather, 11, Money Hill COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter-^89 of Parade, Rickmansworth, Hertford. BAKER 1950. Amount per £—2s. 10|d. First or Final, and CONFECTIONER. Court--ST. ALBANS. or otherwise—iFirst and Final. When Payable No. of Matter—1 of 1935. Amount per £— —Sept. 28, 1951. Where Payable—Bankruptcy 3s. Ifd. First or Final, or otherwise—Supple- Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2. mental. When Payable—Sept. 18, 1951. Where Payable—Official Receiver's Office, 3, Central KENDALL, George, residing and carrying on busi- Buildings, Matthew Parker Street, Westminster, ness at 22, Station Road, Huncoat, Accrington, S.W.I. in the county of Lancaster. BUILDER. Court—BLACK-BURN. No. of Matter—1 of KEATINGS, Arthur John, 25, Ansell Road, (Brixton, 1948. Amount per £—9s. 6£d. First or Final, London, and DALTON, Alfred Frederick, re- or otherwise—First and Final. When Payable siding and carrying on business at 46, Ellison —Sept. 15, 1951. Where Payable—Official Road, Streatham, London, and lately carrying Receiver's Office, 20, Byrom Street, Man- on business in partnership under the style of chester. "Keatings and 'Dalton ", at 638, Streatham High Road, London. MASTER BUILDERS. CLARKE, Paul William, 16, Norton Close, New- (Separate estate of Alfred Frederick 'Dalton.) market Road, in the borough and county of Court—WANDSWORTH. No. of Matter—16 , AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER, and of 1947. (Under Order for Consolidation of lately carrying on business at the Linton Proceedings.) Amount per £—17s. l||d. First Station Garage, Linton, in the said county. or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When Court-<:AMBRIDGE. No. of Matter—11 of Payable—Sept. 14, 1951. Where Payable- 1950. Amount per £—5id. First or Final, or Official Receiver's Office, 3, Central Buildings, otherwise—First and Final. When Payable— Matthew Parker Street, Westminster, S.W.I. Sept. 24, 1951. Where Payable—Official Receiver's Office, 41, Sidney Street, Cambridge. BALDER9ON, Edwin Joseph George, residing and Pursuant to the Act and. Rules, notices to the carrying on business at 9, Brassey Avenue, above effect have been received by the Board of Broadstairs, in the county of Kent, and lately Trade. carrying on business at 25, South View Road, C R. BRUCE PARK, Loughton, in the county of Essex. FRENCH Inspector-General in Bankruptcy.