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THE CONVENTION LOSE HIS YACHTSMEN WOULD ABOLISH DEATH PENALW OF REPUBLICANS PUCE HOSTS . j The Lower House The Territorial Committee Decides to Favor Governor Asks for the Sumptuous Banquet Is of the Russian Parliament the Maui Town Usual Warm Debate Resignation of Given to the Goes on Record on One More in the County Committee. Hilo Man, h. y. c Burning Question.

Yesterday Governor Carter sent a lot-te- r "JuBt ns wo are getting acquainted Territorial Commit- - mittee had its usual warm timo in"the (Associated Fiees Cablegram.) - - publican to Hilo asking for the immediate .with the dmrnis of Hawaii tie! we have e other at Itepublicun headquarters. The a meeting last night and pre-b- to leavo,jf said Louis Vetter, ono of tho ST. PETERSBURG. July 3. The House lias adooted bUl matter to bo cousidercd at tho meeting resignation of F. 8. Lyman, Doundary Territorial Convention to five tasking yachtsmen to fail ou the S. abrogating the death penalty. was the possession of the roll of the Commissioner for the Third and Fourth S. China this morning, as ho and his as- Maui by, a voto of ten to VVailuku, Precinct Club of tho Seventh of the Judicial Circuits. The place thus to be sociates pledged success to the Islands TREPOFF TO BE RETIRED. cifcut-yo- The te wcro cast for Fifth District, which Henry Vida has .gbt. made vacant will bo offered to Circuit at the banquet Inst night, given by the ST. PETERSBURG. Tulv a. It is reoorted that GenM-a- l and ret uses to surrender, and which Sol. . 3IonoIulu..MKgM Judge I'arsous, who is a gentleman of visiting yachtsmen to the members of Trepoff, the military Secretary of tho l'rcciiict, governor of this city, has incurred th dis- The conSlon will bo held on) Sat Mahclona, the Hawaii Yacht Club and their had appealed to the County Committee judicial mind and therefore eminontly pleasure of the Czar and his retirement as governor is imminent urday, tho 8th of September, and the friends, at the Moana Hotol. And the to recover for him. Vida found tho Toll, fitted for the position. sentiment was echoed by the visitors. TERRORISTS KILL POLICE. ' delegates will lie ctioaen according to It appears, upon tho person of a native Mr. Lyman has been boundary com- The bunquct and the reception which WARSAW, 2. -- nt.l tirnelni-- t lines. Tllif" is mZW July Terrorists have killed three) and wounded rt, arrested tho other day on a charge of missioner for a long time, nnd has not followed it was n great success. Twenty-- . ' ,M- two members of the police force during trouble liere. ficcttary by tho fact mat tue cominiv- gambling. And, whatever Vida's lack two gi'csts assembled around tho , jftlt!o to it, the native had less. In- tablo where given Wiee has no means of making apportion they wcro a tasto of The popular branch of the Doumn is going to make its Ideas of what liberal a.i deed, it was charged that the roll had jncnts usder tho new precincts, no voto tho combined hospitality of Los An- government should be in ltussla pretty plain, regurdluss of the dealresfof the been obtained by tho native for circu- geles and Co'orado Springs. The tables, linving been taken in them as yet. Czar, for whom tho abolition of the death penalty would mean that kls'strongeet lation among "Hume Itulors nnd Demo nrrauged us tho spokes of a cen helm, menu of government hud been taken uway. The sigUB multiply, indeed, There was considerable uncertainty, crats nnd anybody else that could be got scene that tered onn typifying tho yacht the end of the Hussion despotism is at bund. A despot without called the to sign with a view' to. Stuffing the the power to whou Chairman Kobertsou it race, ho threo crafts, Lurlinc, Anemone kill would bo but a puny figure. to whero tho rolls for tho primaries, and Vida took and La Pjloma crossing the stuiting to order, as Of course the death penalty has not yet been abolished but noitber h was tho book nnd kept it when It came into a sea green soa convention should be held. It ad lino in ot weed "nnd tho Czar succeeded in putting an end to scsslon-o- Ho claimed Mu- the f tho Parliament ho bus mitted that Maui was entitled to it,,if his possession. that brown coral, the MoiUane, Molwahino called into existence, ' out Haul wanted it. There were two hclona jdiould never have let it get land Moikoil;i,sus they aro dubbed on ' 4 ...... -- !. - .. i 1... II...... ! 1.. .1.. fcroxie from Maul at tho meeting, out of his possession, nil- u Liiu iiitiivru, 111 UIU committeemen, but neither of order liiimod,, On each of tho abutting f,t the six A KETTLE OF FISH. THAW theso could say as to whether Maul did tables were anchors worked out in RECEIVES want tho convention. Here was u kettlo of full, at all maidenhair ferns and white carnations, Then, too, thcro was some doubt as events, calculated to raise a consldcra with a bowl of these d blos- LETTERS IN HIS PRISON to whether Wailuku had hotel occom- - bio turmoil, especially when tho ordi soms us u centerpiece. and us to nary temper of tho County Committee At the head of tho tnblcs were Govern Inodalions for tho delegates, in votinu to hold tho conven- - is taken into consideration. Thcro was HHwH nor Carter, Commodoio Sinclair, Captain NEW YORK, July 3. Harry Thaw receives' many lcttcre in c Wnllitbit ftm rnmmittnn wnn.not a pretty considerable turmoil, too, but Tuttnud Captain Clarence Mncfarjauo ru Prjson? His trial will not occur until' October, tho convention to quar it was a deal of froth and Iittlo beer, to. preside, over tho rovcls and keep andhfs, valet, twho simply inviting -- bud blown .the P;t5'lSgiViivi 'tiiey. wasandmnortant"Svitness. in the.caie , .is'ifead. - .'rV. AAi iWJ itself pn tho. hospitality of tuejuaui .VkcuihoXoaiii n'uy. ng, ' duties which, . .1. 'iff ter a V was ueiormiuucj m-,t- committee found that it hud passed WmwSmWt&MmLNMsM pyyfornlovVioxcellcntly. with thejn oiks. However, It Thaw, it will be remembered, shot Stanford White, nn to a chnncc, resolution, introduced by Mr. Uoodnle, pjesori wosei 'Captain Heldt, U. S; A.; architect nnd club- a Iittlo discussion take during a 1 o com man, performance at the Madison Square Hoof (lardcn ono night last and the Secretary was instructed to is to tho effect that Vida should F. S. LYMAN. Lyle, Captain Carter, with month. Thaw admitted tho shooting, but subsequently pleaded not guilty to u, sue tho call. So tho conventiou goes to muiiicuted with by tho Secretory VVVVVWVVVVSSWVAiVWVV U. S. N.: Prof, Aiders, W. H, Melnerny, u to charge of murder. Alienists have pronounced him sane. LVailuku. After tho transaction of u reference to tho matter, with view filled the o III uo entirely to tho satisfac- Kben P. Low, ,Louis Vettet, Col, Par- seeing whether the roll could not bo re T." OU-rton- , Iittlo routine business, tho committee tion of tho government nlthouh he has ker, 0. Wilder, Eugene stored uml nil nrrangejiicnt entered into Judge Stimson, Commodore Hobron, Dr, adjourned. been allowed to hold on. A commis'doii-o- r all around which would secure harmony Cofcr, Dr, Johnson, A, W, Sinclair, W, BODIES OF AMERICANS SEVENTH, official apjioint-e- d TICE FIGHTING in tho primaries. After tho passago of of boundaries is nn K. rrcoiniin, of tho S. S. China, and While the Territorial Committee was this resolution, tho committee ad to hold office during the pleasure of Captain Ingram, U. S. A. ' WILL ' BE SENT HOME in session in quo room, tho County Com joiirncd. the Governor, and it is his duty to Tho menu of the banquet was; disputes as to land boundaries Jliutlnl Cocktails. 'Blue Points, Hawaii Yacht Club Style. within his district. It will bo seen that TERRITORIAL POLITICS "An oyster may bo crossed In love." LONDON, July 3. The remains of the Americans killed in the the office is a most important one, there- Shorldan. wreck (ortthe London and Southwestern railway, will be sent to fore, arid the ctfmn Issioucr on official Chicken Hroth ci In Sinclair. 1 """ t, in whom great responsibility tests. "From tho hand to tho mouth the soup America. ... , in the Pouter islands Is, often lost, but not tho cup." It seems that, in ca&ca whcio dis- .Translated from the French. Twenty-on- e Americans, passengers ou tho steamer Now York for South- putes as to land boundaries have amen Hors d'Hoeuvtes Vnrie. ampton, were killed in tho wreck of tho train upon which they wero proceeding on botween tho government nrd priwito D y Sauterne. "I novcr knew a time when there was will bo tho nomlnoo for tho Senate from that port to Loudon bundny. It vtoi) rableil that niuuy iiromlneut porsomr the Democratic end of the mixed ticket. owners, Commissioner Lyman litis held Filet of Solo, Sir Thoinaa Llpton. twre doing In politics," Bald llrother "This sort were well llshed for." from Ncw York and Chicago wero ou tho train! Ills running mate, it is understood, that it was no part of his to no- 9 Sim Qulnn, "but It Is being done on the duty Hclmes. will be Makokau. ' tify the government that such disputos lUlet. Very Iittlo Is being Bald." Coeur do Doeuf, a la Tutt. STrtONO COMHINATION, had arisen, save as ho notified other "Such dainties to yachtsmen, their And that Is true in a larger sense REBELS TAKE CHINESE CITY; This Is a strong combination and one disputants, namely, by menus of pub- health It might hurt, than Drother Jim realizes, perhaps. tliut tho Republicans on tho big island It's like sending them ruffles, when lication of tho beginning of piocccd-ing- s m For they are doing politics now on all will have to work hard to beat. In- wanting u shirt." Goldsmith. in tho local papers. may be .U.J Islands. In Oatiu, It would appenr, deed, It will bo up-lil- ll lighting on the It Poinmery and Greno Kxtra See. SHANGHAI, Secret the Lymiinj Neptuno July 3. societies are once more active in big Island, anyway, Judging from re thut,Ntcchnicnlly, Commissioner Natives "La Palomu." Che-Kian- more Interest Is being taken In tho - the province of ' . in the councy election. And tho this, ro-- 1 nar meio- In tho sults has been right as to Hut tho (county tight than Territorial. opposition httH n newspaper, now, Aiuciunane "TiungB irom tno cook sir, "The rebels have captured Hsinchvnjrsien. Is- - suits have been nwkward, in tome catCs, rtiat Is not the ease on the outer Kor tho Ilepubllcans, ono ticket pro- I know not what." IJonieo and Mdybe there Is a gi eater de- - posed Is Fernandez, who was in the and It is oven said that the government Juliet. 1m un- Iioh cases Ltirllno Punch, ARRESTED.' nous the outlanderH to enjoy a last House, and Jim Lwls. It lost some land because of this ROOSEVELT'S CHIEF GUARD derstood, nlno, Bbcn Low wo aid fullure of the commissioner to send no - 1"1- ' ll,,, blt hcl.B."-Sccre- tary In tho capital. Honolulu fel- - that consent to become a candidate If the tincatlon of proceedings in advance. lrcaBt j Kio here all tho time, and to them thing emtio up to him In good vhnpu. c,,,ck()n Ncw Vork Vucllt 1'or exiunjile, a proceeding would boj Htylc. OYSTER BAY, New York, July e in the middle of Island things Paris of Kona Is out of It. Ho has said cii'b 3The chief of President the! so himself and mjbe ho woh out bo- - taken ngalnst the government und the1 Sauce Aliciro io. Roosevelt's secret service has been arrested for striking a pho- much. It Is different with Asparagus. adage' "" " ,wn- - "K0 Territorial officials in Honolulu would Y'um? Bo,u,Mo' tographer. . There Is the old 'l" ,. "Ihoios other cups to come I browso ... tbat'" happen, In politics, know nothing of until tho advertise-- 1 1 n hills far . , ., ., rrol,rlwl..,u fm umf.Qyujuon,,,., m ..i., inont njipeared in the Hilo It i "much greater at home when Kiinlho wunts to enmo back froiii Ho pijrr. Commodore Salad, loud scrlouB mis- - DROWNED IN LAS ANIMAS i mm, in na might bo that ono advertisement would "Theso trlllos will to RIVER. wler of their greatness is at a'unll, it mini, maimed ins chief," perspective udd nd fur the piasnit about becoming a bo missed in looking over the papers, Horace. lltrce dlstunce. The in Han Pedro Ico Cream, KcpubiU'un. ruoonen ijckii.i wnuni and would leave the government, tafure, that T)0 ,, C,0,,H ,irP,orvo Hi ho Him to nmko his prayers from the thirty-da- DURANGO, Colorado, July .A husband, lNTIJIICHT IN LKOIHLATUIIR, In a publication, only about J cles. 3. with his wife and lloor, lnsteu of f i om tho chaplain's Terri Decsurt Coffee. six children, have been drowned in fording the Las Animas river. Whatever may bo the leawin, piece, I.yinnim Is be. ten days tn prepuri) IU case and at, and torial politics Into, est the other Islands X,Wiu'iU '"', thuAttoriiev.floiiornl'iil "l"' '"at clieer, but do not In ' Ills thought to- - tlintiiilemitvuf '"" . just at piesHU im.ro than Weir wil ,, leg - ehilate," Cowiit-r- 3' of sluthiii, Malm- nlllcu would liuve to be liuirli'd down to Lluiieurs, Clgurii. LUNCHEON TO THE homo lallcs (illlliltloii, work, LONGWORTHS. cnnceinlnir members of the I.eglslatnie Hilo to do the Music from a Hawaiian ipilntut club IAIMCUA K0I1 HH IS III IT. tliuu cimct-rnln- enmity nincem, nnu If notice Imd liueii sent to tlio wan jilnyml during tlm liaiiiiu't, snuiii of i the mutter nf fusion turps more often On Mnul inutleis linvo not such settled III advance, llii so I'lium could I vv (lie and lloiim llm niiuibors i(iiiilered, purtiriiluily LONDON, July The of llousus status, but Duinoeruls I111 3. Duke Manchester has given a tipou he nominees for tho V been belter prepared mid more than 11 mm who Is In bo lllu Hllellff I HulUH 111 (' looking lip lllWO, loo. M "llawiill I'niiol.'V "Dixie" nnd ".ij luncheon to (he Longwortlts, v defi'iulod, Ami Hint liuve or lb" I'iniiily Alioiiiey, r (lilimii I" Ouliu iiud Kaiml, u Iws been sulil, irorly unnie J'iloiini," In lug rccnlvi'il with liiu 11 is unsn urn piwny llDIUI IlKt llllulll llMVII bl'HII SIIVMlli II ' fi Die llourd of Miipcrvisois uiuiitu iiioiikiii suinir urt'iiti L I'lilliinliuiu by llm yurliisuieii ml llll I1WII lr W. V, UmiIIS, iney sii'in iiumihiihhii wrwii n'lii imiip. m iiim win not ilveniwl mlvlwblii to wall, l'HI,( ,i,r 0 drndiney lo nirtuku Die luifer stuKe lia nirrisiii in nm miuny iiuni nen f,d, FIRST OFFER TO SELL Dm kirn lleully, ll U u pity iiboui iiiiwi'vei. Willi llunls iienniiiir 1 hf r I...I, Wlimi I..1I....1 I inluhl Iihvh TIh'iu l Hum to He nn-i-i u Hupirvlmiiil llekft. Ned. AiImiiis Will '"'! vl,la,l),U,l.en war ssnlVd ,1 rib wul.l I lull l.vti.iiii 1.11. riiiniiiiiil l.ii. - 111 will run Hupur-ln- r Ili.iiiiMl (VfHiriHll I'V 'UK ii'H-- for poiiiiiiiiii ty inu Mrp aside, Imi lie fi .PI'. Mill. 11tllltH fl(,i, ', Ihikii iiunibcr nf prumlm'ui lliiiiululuus, PANAMA CANAL BONDS J U l.gius will fiiim Honolulu 0 uiiiiii nf Hie loss nf Hie elite. Jly lali iliiiivhig vmy be mule, nf wiumu, no II nflcr ulili'h In llm illiiliiuriiuin HH sl tline him mmii '"r his ninninif liitf I lie JiiHlUr III liuml hi iince, mi lhu riirui")i House, lliU IIiiim lum lioitii rlieviMlly dnii'iiMlni'd Hmt llu KM lioliilyixl In, by 1111 inniiii Hie leust iiliii Hie i'milrury, end ri'iimvlim liyimii-f- nr y uiui us pxstimn ivil dlie of Hhmhv W Hinllll In lullre mii'i.'iisrii iurl nf llm Mfwlr. (AwotUm pruNi fjburm Hrvlc,) e Hwl l It HiliMUiiK Urn ill)Pl Tiiv riVDUlu I fire viiuukIi fur riom ihu publlu will be mm ilmi lu lli vi . lioliliitviy mul wlih liui ImIivd ireuuHtiH WA8WNiTQN, ), c., July Vrcnry of iIip IN JlH'UblK-'im- mi lb plH liur wplni "it Mr. KlblMliM nf HniKfild A Hiin- - Triiify jliH ) llm kiWllly llellnl If Hlvr? Rliayy pnil,Mi itviiim In 'Mliii und III propir, oIIht Iiim bufoie It ii) mtmml imiiK'ti ilifjiMilmeiii loijay nlfertq' for m)p wo.ooij.goo p( Pormnw (Jpnnl Iiohi, w li fuilui), ioiii iwinlili uui UJhJn libit loi iminN I'Iihp iiui I, lu InlMietilnv HiIiiiih Indue I'lirsuiin. ll It lliuiiuhi, will nui tiidi'iduy dial nn llawMlliiim would TIijn It Hip Dm iiip ( llm new column Cannl iioinU by iIip UnM jtii tiu cieiiy inuily u idmdi Hut Dili)' lie Im.iIiw.) fwc )uiy uikm In lfiHci aovcmmpnl. M4W"i li difffri'Mi iml Nui iintf b". wiy, 1ml H l ivIiIM'ThI b) H'w It'i nijulht'i uWdy nn. jimjmimmwiimmtmmiVmmmWf fl f t'rivrp ifii in Im Huml INuii in mr Hid rrl ;!nt In uf uiminwiivintui m immlw WM X'hmw Ki.ift imm litM Uml will in iiiiH lli Mmi I'uni mm m rmnm I'giiu nmmn en llil lllim limy It" JmiJ fur liiu jui-j- p)u mi Hm 'imi II nit giwciiliJ ))i ifrwIliiK mi 1111 if Hi" HmiiiMnii WIN NUST HEAT, ivw ur Piiwi'f ni nf m f rniy 1'imi r) miMvm wiiuci nay 1 My wit Niniy in iiiu mwww't tw imwr HvlMii llm J"l mm HwH ww it M"4'""' H - wltiu. tlf f urMi hid lum! ru. In nllinr wiinli. Juilun l.r ir lili mm m MiiiiHNif riinr rrmm' Ai) mt iwm MMlie Wfl Wl HIP WllJ)Jill JbM tarrlfi luitlllvplv 1U1 111 fyiii Vill njfi lo In ttvinbiMi KmirwM, July w lh Itfu iiur IM'I tw i Ninrjiiii)f n!ii)f iuj In m . , 'NJKV, Qmtim.hmmti )A 1 9r'm m i llllllll 1' IN 11)17 1 lb tmt m imi wmi' ibwimwi rmii nMH't Mil N fWIVMHf'


lWcr m wiw .,. anac lu hxl Hit O00000000000000000000 tMliMler . TO HAVE ITS BY BUG A ttiAPPMIK'IATKO THIt IIONUH. A THE PENALf Commercial DANIEL LOGAN. wririBmVtii to Ka Hmhn a Hnali nrtiea 'hat jmfxr that un Jul U Oa IloriM Itutra ..f Kuna tmii a inMllniC to vHO0OOOXOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO nominal a inll'v ntflopr fur ID dli-Ir- of Kuuih Kofin. The hm who . OW HOME Km. rrj...it 11 tet realilfagals haw advaarad n ton i .liiii J.J J Ih. nomination ahowvil bla a OF DEA i iitl living (T'J.SU Nw ork, rrMiil iju..tati..n Jetl reals a whhI, a tun. In tin of the hiHior conferred by Mim tiaae Ibe paritv af i.aroan Lctta ka improved in raata a ton, tbe preset purihaatng a keg of wine whkh t.rodue. figun being ("A n od uch an enlivening (From Monday' Advertiser) 4' W- effect that the IIIW June -A moat attractive o( ,,ve)l i)H St, IajuIb College Wllhrlt & Ini) under date of .luue 21, gave a vullilc supply of sugar for )lltrt of lutiy for d,,. (From Krldava Advertlaer) ilumnl Association program naa been arranged for tlnsiorderly conduct followed una la moving In the laudable project of Kurope awl Aiaerira nf torn ngaiart a.IWI.lSO ton nn It alao There are two morn notches on 3,Si,liJ lmt jenr, in T, "hnt Hi tho a home llii Jua. I.. venlng of July at the armory In the "n' nominee had been nr of imn crease of Slfi.MO tuns. Their Mtiiaatcal increase in tie world 'a prtwluetinn ii rested for the theft a pig. scaffold vvnich ever Holt, the auocMtloti president, for- vntertaliimvnt to tie given under the of and anon rcata its 2,0l,')0S Diwmsilng the Cuban situation Wlllrtt L (iruy mally aubmittcd a plan of action In a tn. wiy "there la burplcea of the llllo limned of the Ha QRNKItAL ITEMH. grim head under the old knmnnl tiee letter read at the annual meeting, held prnmlw of n Hilhlc sensational e in the Cuba crop nf 1007, hut it la waiian Women's Club. Na 11 o Hu-wa- ll, IloaU hupervlaor N C, I.ytnan put the in Oahu prison )ard. itt the college J enterJay morning, unil entirely too early yet to 'nk with ilefinitericvis nhout b eight glrla, euoh renreavntlnir pnaon gang at work Wednesday nn thia." Okamotn and Lorenzo Colon, both It! wan .1 one of the Islands, cannot fall of being making the driveway In Ha In enthusiastically accepted und A. V, uild 'a iniuiou to the Philippines for labor waa fiercely attacked on bow Fall vrifo promptly ncted on a charnilng sigh: Park Thia la n long, wlndlne roud nnirdcrers, suffered the penalty of liin arrival by the American and native press of Manila, but more than a fort- In the rough the acherne la to Incor- Hawaii la to be repnaented by Mlsa twelve feet In width, and waa surveyed death yesterday morning, und both night after the outhurnt he waa able to cable of Mercy porate the association with n capltnt of new. the approval of the scheme Akau, drtaaed In red nnd by A. I! Loebenatcln. It la the Inten- went to their ends, bravely and undis '. J5000 for the uptclul purpose of pur by the i'hilippina Commission, upon condition of having the return of the people with Iehuaa, which the Island tion to gtade and macadamize the mayed. chasing a lot and building a clubhouse la noted for, Oahu will be represented driveway, a work that will require safeguarded. Hoth men slept well In the city A particular Kite la In by Mlsa hurah Muhalula, and that la- - about a month's time and ahortly nftcJ K. It. Ktnckable haa left Washington for the Azores and Northern Jtnlv us view nnd haa been priced The prcsl-- land being noted for lllma flowers, she A letter waa received recently by Mr. awaking asked to be sbuved, afternanb agent of the Hoard of Immigration of Hawaii to dent'a letter outlined a plan of financing investigate the possibilities will be dreaaed In yellow. Maul will II E. Kelaey, from Mrs. J. S. fihocmak. eating good breakfasts. Colon, nt hi! of obtaining u class of laborera who will be represented by Mlsa er, who the scheme, and a commtltie to solicit acttle in the Ialanda. Josephine with her husband and family request, was served with a class of1 itoclc aubacrlptlona at 110 a ahare waa Henry J'. Baldwin haa resigned ua manager of Hawaiian Cotntnerciul & dreaaed In pink and decked with removed to the Isle of Pines, Cuban whisky. appointed the rosea for which la fam- - about years ago. Shoe- consisting of C. A Long, W Sugar Co. and is succeeded by Ilia sod P. F. Dubinin. Mr. Baldwin haa been that Island two Mrs. H. Crawford and J A. Thompaon. Any oua, Kuuul. In which the flowers mo-- maker wrote that they had been en- Shortly before 8 a. in. High Sheriff engaged in sugar raining for forty-si- x vears and i member la privileged to take one or easily at the head of the klhana and lauue are abundant, will gaged there In raising citrus fruits. Henry, two interpreters, members Hawaiian sugar industry today, of more shares. Jie win continue tils practical Interest in the be represented by Mrs. Kahalue Klpl, but contemplated removing 'to Mexico, the clergy and the press and a detail Klectlon of otflcera by the association big plantation as managing director. His auccescor haa Lad much experience dressed In green decorated with theae where a relative of Mr. Shoemaker's of prison flow era. Molokal guards, proceeded to the con reaulted as follow a, the prealdcnt being in the industry, latterly ua uasiatant manager of H. O. & 8. Co. will be repreacnted owns a eugar plantation, government Jamea Holt, president! by Miaa Helen Alona dreaaed In white conditions and schools being in demned cells, outside of which the death I. Pioneer Mill Co. finished grinding the 1000 crop On better V. Glearon, flrat vice president; Rev, Wednesday afternoon, nnd decked with Kukul blossoms, char. Mexico. warrants were read and listened to re with a crop of about 22,500 tons, Father Stephen, second vice prealdent; acterlatlc of the Island. Lanal. by Miss J. V. Herlng, flan and food Inspector. spectfully byho two men doomed sol II. P. O'Sulllvan. correapondlng, Jinan-cl- a Prices on the local exchange have remained steady during the Hoale Johnson, dressed In orange color onu u. n. agent or me week, with uuwintiri, neaun goon to die, Hoth were clad In sombec and recording secretary; C. II. following A. a'm kaunaoa common on the tfw trunsaetlona! Honolulu lireulmr Malting Co. U20), 345, (j"ked wlh, b,ack and tuo or,o Hose, trcaaurer. D. Kalauokalutil, 20' smoked herring and about 7S txmnd. nf l "'cm went to tl. Jr co, 5 at nr,, 60, CO, 70, SO at Ookala , ,0 Kwa M, O, K. Hopkins and M. K. Cook, at ( codfish, shipped from a commission 8"''ow with a rosary round his. at 23.50, 100 23.37V4, 40 auditing committee; Win. Welsh, at at 123.50; Waialua (100), 100, 50 nt ifo"; Pioneer and adorned withTSSSthe fine white shells house In Honolulu to an auction house' Okamoto's warrant was (100J, 10 nt $135: Oabu ($100), 5 at !0; Waialua 5s, $1000, 500 at 3S: Haiku '""nd on this small Isle. Kahoolawe, In this city. The same were refused by He listened to it standing at' The following standing committee a Cs, tlOOO, 2000 102: Cs, " M hll,a Beaha. In blue gown, be- - Inn nrniKn tirro nnrt Wora aulvarl nn1 I ut Pala 2000 lit 102. a,,'ntion- - were appointed: decked with hlnahlna, or silver sworda. condemned as being unfit for food. '"" reading a Hividen.Js: .,. .10, 1000-- C. Hrcwer & Co., 2 per cent.; J.wa, 4 per ent.; ICntcrtalmnent C. A. Ing, chair- Mrg. (.. D AuIlirev.,drape(, wlth the Mr Joa. Harper nnd wife, of San ' Kudrus entered tno cell amlprocecde, jvs per cem,; per 2 per man: A. JJaptlate, J, A. Igroa, Ii. P. iioiioniu, vwiwaanaio, cent,; vvanuku, cent.; Haw. Hawaiian flag, will represent Hilaka, Francisco, arrived from the Volcano to pinion the condemned who laughed yt 1 I.-- Zablan and C II Itoae, aecretnry, JHectrlr, jier eent.; Olowalu, per cent,; Hon. H. & M. Co., I per rent.; I. Madam Pele's slater. Thursday and are enjoying a stay In and chatted with tlfnin., --.miri..ii. ,.- Kporth Thompson, .'I Another pretty perform- Hllo. jf J'J'M.VU, J. A. chairman; 8. If. Co., jier cent.; Hon. If. T. K J,. Co., pfd. er cent.; Hon. me uest or sprrus. V. A. O, C. &. ance will be "Pldglo" by six gills pret- Mrs. II. II. Moorehead was passen J Jarrctt Otremba, J, . T. h. Co, com. quarterly, per cent. July 1, 1900 Haiku, 2 per cent.; a ljine nnd I, Olenaon, secretary. tily attired In led. The solo will be ger on the Hllonlan last week. She Colon listened to tho reading of hlui Pain, J',4 per eent.; PJoncer, 1 per rent. July 5, Com, &, Investigating John P. Cowes, chair- l!)00Hn'n Kugar Co., sung by Mr Hen Drown Jr., and the gee on a few weeks' visit with friends warrant, ms 0ng, thin fingers grasping! C5c. share; Paauliau, 15c. share; Onoine.--i (Han J'ran.), 30c. Bhare. chorus by Mlsa in Alameda, Cal. man: V U Stack and II, P, O'Kulllvan, Kuulel Hapal, Mlsa uio oars ot His cage, and drinking inl ncc rotary. BUSINESS, REAL ESTATE, ETC. Josephine Kalhenul, Miss Mercy Akau, Mrs. Hucs, wife of Doctor Henry every Miss Hannah Hayes, word uttered. He, too, submitted' Kmployment D Kalauoknlanl, Jr., An announcement was mndo by the Henry Waterhoure Trust Co, yesterday Akamu, Miss Daisy Todd and son are expected to arrive chairman; M. K. Cook nnd P. Gleaaon, and Mlsa Dodo Hapal. by the Hntprprlse duo Sunday, from a iu ino aujustnient of tho leathern to the effect that the. entire atook of Com- secretary. merchandise bf the Pacific Hardware There there will be a chorua, follow- visit with relatives In Washington, D. thongs absolutely impassively. pany, Ltd., had leen aold to V., O. Hall &. Hon iind Theo. H. Daviei L Co. by a double C. Financially the nsaoclatlon la In The ed quartet, "The Owl and Heforo leaving hi, cell Colon asked' pretty fair atnndlng, thero being J2I3 new owners, have taken immediate possession. Xo iilan the Pussy Cut," by the following eight James Tosli, tho eight-year-o- ld definite have been EOn that a truss ho was wearing bo given caah in lltie girls: Maby, Margaret Hor- of John TohIi, of acci- to hand arranged ai yet for tho dis)osition of the stock, it will bo "necessary, under Irne Kaumuna,. was n The association will in I he near fu- ner, liene Ilrown, Ida Desha, Mary dentally shot by a 22 rjile pay- friend and that a pillow cover Hinder Iho terms of the purchase, to keep closed the door of the Pacific Hardware Co. while ture give entertainments conalatlng of a Wiggins, Love Aknna and Jesalo Kal. ing with other children Saturday after- by his wife be buried with him. like, store and warehouse) until n recount of the stock has been made. Included in INDUFTIUAL, noon theatrical performance nnd the The bullet passed through the AH being in readines, the fatal pro- - tho sale is nil of tho real estate mid leaseholds, as well aa in cor- - The Incorporation papers child's stocka other of the Hllo facet uf'the base of the nose. cession to the rope fell in line Jjiorntions owned Co.( Pineapple Co have not yet filed. glancing on bone. und KUAIWA SHOULD HAVE by tho Pacific Hardware All contracts and orders held by been the check The child - Mntters In refe rence was started. It wu, only a fun- yards that HAD WITNESSES. the J'aclllc Hardware Co. arc to bo assumed by the purchasers. Mr. Isinc to the organization taken to the hospital where the ore still under be- had to bo traversed beforo H, consideration and not wound was dressed, not much pain tho scaffold nnd Mr. P. Henson represented tho shareholders of the Pud fie Hard-war- o Kualwn, the brave Hawaiian, who yet fully settled. The pineapple plan ing suffered, nor nny serious Injury was reached and both men walked Co. and Mr. H. If, I'uris of I.'. O. Hull L Hon acted for It Is rescued Japan. so fivhermen jff f.fha-In- a the bujere, Negotia tation that proposed taking over caused. firmly ami unfalteringly, Colon - were by the company are being Jos, bidding- some tlmo ago, and for whom ap tion made through tho Henry Waterhousc Trust Company. The Pacific cultivated Two sons of Vlerra are on their farewell to and Improved by the respective owners, way home to Hllo from Kast. They several onlookers whom bc plication was made through Ailing . Hardware; Company will set about Immediately to tho collect in all. outstanding had to pass, with a on Governor Atkinson for u Carnegie meanwhile, lu anticipation of the torn-.ha- been nttendlng school there nnd smile his face. lU'cotintH, after which tho corporation will ilisineornorafe. Tim imiiil.n. r.,nu paiiy's taking iu iihvu inn wiioeHBOf them. Among theeo ore one Pranklln Joseph, was recently Tho platform was reached at 8:15 nfiei i",ljout --',000. Hook uctounta remain with tho Pacific Hardware Co, Mr Kelsey's plantation 11.000 hand to wnicl. il. Pn,,ilner. Th..i of nines nnrrled; the other, after graduating at a. in., and Oknmoto was placed facing- - At Balesrooms jesterday the foreclosure sale of lands in nt Kalwlkl; Mr. Andrews' two fields of Illinois College, Jacksonville, III,, nnd what tho letter of Manager Wllmol of! 'rK't"'s Kona was tho prison, vvliilo Colon looked the other Carnegie j A 15,000 pines, all told, and F, S. Lyman's finishing a year of work Colum- the Medal Commission to Mr. postponed for ono week. piece of land ou Knllhi road was sold to tho order ut the way. Spiritual III- - 111..r m 4 . Held of about 10,000 In Hllo. bia Law School, comes expecting consolation was admin-- 1 Atkinson Intimates iiia aaja..t. , of J. J'. Morgan for 220. A house and lot in Colleen Hills did not ilm home L. A few bunches of hnnnnfc to remain year istcred tho Japanese by Hcv. "Hon. A. C. Atkinson, Acting Gov upset jiricc. and a for the next at least, the Mr. ernor of Hawull, Honolulu. number of pineapples left o!fc from finishing up the law course at some Motokawa, while shipment l'athcr Clement "Dear Sir: Your esteemed fuvot of I h iLLuiniii ,iu uii iiwiu tiupujm wior ami wile 10 vv. by the Hllonian, thef? con- future time. j, il signor, cheered Colon with the promiso of Anrll 17th. reirutilltii; iin net of heroism I'cliton Hmltli et nl., trustees, of land and buildings, Wuianuenun street, Hilo, Mr. Ilrughclll, sent to Honolulu Mr. L. Severance and family go this --n" " after atonement. r IJorfrrnfl"'f-fii- o Kuaiun off llm rnrt by the Klnau, for disposal there or week to their summer residence nt Sea-conn-et, for 2b00, lunl ono from Ksther K. Kokl und husband to Liliuokulani of 0 ' of on the Island of Maul, to- shipment to the Coast by the Ventura. to remnln for several months. Oknmoto stood unsupported on tho iiiialna, acre of land, Walkaliululu, Honolulu, for $2000. gether with enclosutes, was duly re- It was a fine lot of fruit, according to Their Hllo residence, meanwhile, will Bcaffold, In an unwavering voice ho ceived. Captain Slattcry, Hnginccr Corps, U. 8. A., has paid out the following sums Mr. Hrughelll, not picked too green us be occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Grace, thanked tho prison officials for their beg to you for tho asserts of "I enclose herewith a Waikiki properties named, taken its sites of fortifications: 28,000 for he most the fruit Is. His ex who ate expected to arrive home from kindness to him and apologized for tbe copy of our circular letter, which wo the Along, $20,000 j'or pcrlence has Known this to him to be their trip to New Zealand possibly by the Schaefer nnd 17,500 for tho Waterhouse property. trouble ho had given tho Gov- end to those who call our attention to a fact, that fruit for shipment Is not I this week's Klnau. Hawaiian , A writ of mandamus has been brought against Land a ciUH-- and beg to request that you Commissioner Pratt by allowed to mature sufficiently, and ho Miss Ingerfcoll, of New York city. Is ernment. His last words woro: Klvo me the further details enumerated tho Thompson Settlement Association to compel him to ullot to its members tho thinks the reputation of the Hllo bunu-- making a leisurely tour of the lalnnds, Iilfo to say to tho Japanese - "I Em therein. It Is our usual custom, upon lands they- want In Kan. Ho hits refused to allow them 100 acres each, believ- na will auffer from this cause. Hun nnd Is remaining a few days enjoying peror and to the Japaneso people for receipt of report giving the ,.,,li!-,.- ; dreds and information ing that' about 25 acres was us much as ono fnuillv cnuM t ,..,, .,,. thousands of bunches of ba what Hllo has to offer of comfort nnd I am ono asked for In tho circular letter, If of them, that I ant awful tho The land, have been under icases to planting about' nttr.ictlveticss. Miss Ingersoll la a Information Indicates thut the caan ' corporation, which are .mvva.wa ft T&X close observer, and finds the Islunds sorry that I havo acted liko I did and expiring and a set purpose of "within the scope of tho fund, to turn tho (Jotenimviit is to insure that sugar-raisin- ho says, that should be utilized, for full of Interest After visiting the Vol- - brought such disgrace on them. I want over to emo upon - It of our special agents, tun lands sliali not be Interrupted. brandy, denaturlzed alcohol or some. cano she w ill spend some time in South to say plcnso excuse, to tho Jupaneso who visits tho scene, Interview) wit- tl ,f I a In T.'n The Wnhiana branch of tlio Onlifi railway Is now enrrying freight, consist thing 1nnn...,,,.., off..v.Atii...... n ,,,...,,s ...uu.fi til iuiuunil - people." nesses, etc., peraonally I am not pre-luir- cd ing of pineapple, one way and cans The Incorporation papers of the Hllo to anv til thin time Mlnllm. tr' for the fruit the other. It will shortly bo Co have expects Tho black cops were then put on and for pnascngera. Piult been received back from Mrs. Lndloff to leave early In not wo would consider It necessary to'"!'1'" Honolulu approved. The manufacture July for San Francisco via Honolulu tho nooses adjusted, nend our agent to your far distant is ilio Atiierlcau-lliiwuiin- n Paper &. Supply Co, litis appointed G. O. n of ilennturUed alcohol. U.wUliln tlio Hhn-uoc- s on a. vlalt-i- In Ivan- - nulta.1 irtnl, SV..1IT . . - relatives. "All rcaJvJ" . wmw.m...... t.- - - -- . z. a 'k. ' land, but thia matter can bu determined paper man of loner experience, as manager. province oi ene company, aim in view'inoe, ana- - win visit loriiano,!irj;nry.lz. ' "s,l - lifter your report Is received, und I - PUBLIO AND OTHER MATTERS. i, .in- iniiiui laiive ill 1HID ui livid IL IB VftrK'i, mivj limit!, rfiuni., uu llic nu,, Tho guards on the platform stepped will then advise, you promptly what ' possible may con- - expects to be until Decem-slderc- d. Criilegranis Its manufacture be She absent further steps we will take. from Delegate Knlanlananlo the past few days have announced It la the Intention to have thejber. clear of tho trap and at 8:17 o'clock "Thanking jou for jour courtesy, and tbo passage of tho Items of $00,000 for n lighthouse nt Mukapun Point ond cannery In operation In a year. Mra. L. P. Walsh, who waa appointed tho Sheriff pressed a button. assuring you cuso will re- thatuthls iHO.000 for Honolulu harbor lights, also tlio refusal by Speaker Cannon of con- Tho sawmill at tho Hllo Hnllroad librarian at a recent meeting of the Whir-r-r- . ceive enreful nttcmlon, I beg o ln, shops has been busily emplojed during trustee, tho Hllo Library, decline, sideration for the Hawaiian refunding bill at the session of Congress clog, of The trap fell and tho two figures dis- just the week turning out koa lumber to nccept the position. William Hill la ing. The Delegate) is hopeful for appeared "Yours ver truly, of tho passage) of tho bill next session. the Hawaii Mahogany Lumber Co, The acting as llbrarlin. through the yawning gap and "P. M. WILMOT P. M. Hntch cabled to Judge Dole the pasiagc of un item of $10,000 for the log supply haa been drawn from both Prank Dias and Adelaide S. Cnnarlo, were soon hanging limp and lifeless. "Manager." purchase of n law library for tho IVderal CoU here. Kallmann nnd the koa fotest near the daughter of M. S. Cannrlo, were Doctors Mooro nnd Oyamn at once The circular letter Is as follows: House, G on Thursday evening. C. An item of 4150,000 in the public buildings bill, signed jesterday tho recmlrlnu about miles rled Itcv. W. proceeded to examine tho bodies, but by teaming 10 performing ceremony. I it "Deur Sir: Your letter culling the at- President, is to of In the former case nnd Hill the purchase a I'dlcml building site in Honolulu...... ! ,.... I 4 ...... nn M n -. was fifteen minutes beforo Okamoto tention of nllaaa Ilin.,,u lt.llv-1-Intl.... Au t...... f lnon..n bah linu )nn. ,iu- the Commission to un net Nearly ,,!.. ,,i lie Hint Bllll'llll'IIL I.J.,,. i'l llinilliu ifi;n linn wtvil of heroism, waa duly recclve-d- . fifty liawaliaiu were recruited on the waterfront nnd sailed in the of lumber will be made by the steamer turlng among the Japanese to nil np-- ,w,', pronounced dead nnd a minute "In order that I may have something Mongolia to take tho places of striking sailors iu San I'ranclscu. More uro enterprise. If the koa lumber proves pearances. Hvory week for some time, longer in tho caso of Colon, tangible to present to tho Hxeoutlvu expected to lenvo in the China this week. to be the success It promises, a rail- - one or more has been sent down to Ho- - The bodies were then cut down, taken Committee, In this case, I will be Hnwnil road will be built from the terminus of nolulu committed to tho asylum. The Promotion Committee decided nt Inst meeting to open correa-pondonr- o to tho prison inorguo und theuco to tho obliged If ou,wlll give mo n circum- the Hllo railroad to tho Volcano House Dr. John Strange Mcdrew and wife. stantial account of t'io net, embodying with the Oceanic Steamship Co. on tho subject of a triangular steamer and koa forest, of Honolulu, were the gtteata of Mra. potter's field for Interment. therein tho following Information. service between Han l'raudsco, Ban Pedro and Honolulu, WAIt DIIAMA. Jarrett T Lew la during the paat week, Colon ran his wife through wij "1, The dm it and time of dny of tho I'. X. I.llienthal, u San I'miicUm banker, In u letter to (loo. W. Mncfnrlane, Putting this spectacular war drama carving knife nt Nualchu on Augrl net, and the name of the city, town or roiijcctiirea that a comlileriiblo portion nf before the public Is an undertaking of of year. vlllagV, In the $150,000,000 Insurance money, last Okamoto killed his etc, which It was performed. 10 considerable magnitude. Healths the REFUND BILL IS to paid lu Han I'riindtcu within the next few will find y by cutting her throat. Ho was "2. The name, address, ugtj and oc- months, ut least fifteen principal characters of tho play, on. 1 investment iu cupation of the seller. Hawaiian securities, n company of soldiers appear upon the ployo of the Kohnln ditch ut theii "3 Tho naimi nddrtas, ago nnd oc- (lovernor Curler has approved the regulation of the Ilnnrd of Health which Htngo, na well ua a detachment of ma- The crime was committed on AJ cupation of tho rescued (or victim.) ou llii1 XNOCKED BY CANNON prohibits, tlility days' notlie, "liiiiniin habitation of nny nature Imnipili-nlt'l- y rines, nnd Spanish guerrillas The 1005, near Nlulil pluntution. "4, The exact local Inn nf tho plant battle scene In which Union troop, adjoining nd conmctliig, or within any room or rooms, in which is Morel the O.thli Prison Is making a rcco? whern the uccldenl occurred, and ft storm and capture it Cuban stronghold, It, Ua or nlTeri'il for sale, nny foniUtulVa fur hangings. 3 description of und cuvlronminta, human consumption." not without loss men, promises to May saw three Ko? tilt) of lf il water accident, please atulit bourn plantation managers Imvu cmivojed, through their agents, to (lovernor be thrilling, A stage of extensive (Prom Bnturday'a, Advertlaer.) die, A week later Trunk Johnson oT-- deplli nf the wilier, whether or not nny Curler atrnng protests ngiilimt tlio present llutiur 'llftli-olim- la constructed fur the occasion, Tho following cablegram waa received plated his horrible, erlnm nn tldiMir of law under which tl.n ..mi ciineiit, tho alnlu tho weather Millions Imvu apeciai new armory A cnniPllciit- - Ut tho Hxeviitlve Hulldlng yesterday, ,i ,.... , Hid (might been .turled near Ilm plantation, demoralizing (lie Jnbnr. wiiii ' nf tho wuvis, etc.) ed Washington, D, 29, 1 30 p, m, ',,,..." sli-ai- aystem of electric light switches la l Juno ",, A" S7n t A cnmpltito di serlpilon nf tint fh'rtiii arrivals for tlio week Imvp ,eei tlie Mnngollu from the Orient, penalty,'"'n their mil- - Piowdid nnd some very lino Mugo it-- To ilovenmr Carter, Honolulu I ' iicildtnt ami llic riiscuti nr iMtumpimi Ilia Korea frnm Han l'riinelsui, the Aoraiigl from tlio Colonies, llm Vent urn from fwta will bo producid, The play la glv. Hponker Ju Hepburn, giving In pixclku na- refused nrn'' , rinie, the Hun I'ninclitoo mid the Mlowom from Viimmuor. Tim .Malaiiuii oti h) the lllln lka' lAidgo mid Com una nr menu ture nf Die risk the in per- - mul hy yeiinr aim Hamilton coimiuerutlon i.ver executions hn ifkuuur inn yiwtcrdii). Doporturoa been IMity I) it will bo tho iitirueilvii feu. bill i. forming the ail and ilm method em- - have tlio Mongolia fur Han Priiimlstii, tint Nutunlitn fund this session Hopeful for heen comlncleil by gh Hhcrllf llenrv lure of tho evenings of July 3 und I. next session, yi d in uffKlliig for Kiilmliil to linnl nigur, tin) Korea for Iho Orlwnl, wiwmui vistlgo a ii nr ittlixuptlng lint llioiiruiigl fur VanMimr I.IVUI.V TIHIW. of hllih, record of b lie innl I he Mluwera llm Cnlmiius, KAI.ANIANAOLK, for Thu ilrputy sliDrlff's nilleo Ima all wlilcli lie may well Im proud, The pliinMI effe. t of the not This liimiia Hut llm "lleflind HID" - kinds Mild vgrli'llaa plliklu ilmil Hoy, (1, MotoUwit Inn In ill Ilm rmautr (If Inliliml mute nf in Iiuh gone u.ullininvilnir ua tar ua thu Mi pontes. with HiiiHlny night n covr-w- Nl1"1 u I'lin of injuiiv iimi how lung di- - chlnumaii l preawlil sus'lon ut Cniiviaa la omiKMl- - H'tl"inent wlilell Okninolo muds LATE wiili in mm id giving iiuinv and uddlMis of nl. NEWS FROM COAST FILES, iior' rusliHl iiivm wlih l (loiiri." W mnllli, u iiialiilwr nf llm to hlni nhuut Ills crime, okunuiln said drmtiatic mid unlninlllgibio JHI- - ' 'ndlng iiihlitiia If klllwl, hiai e.0,in,.tu,, wliIWi an to Wmdllniflnu ,iU, ho ,ll(l )lim ,.,. ,,. fimiun of Injuiloa and iuuht uf dwalM ur trim loi 111 huw hud knwkei auld whim hi in doit n huiI IIiiowiiJim W.uiiMiii "wJ! ,M '" ,h" w"mH" """' I'" kl"'"'lr 'Mil iiuiiiv wild HilillnaW uf Hllandlhlf A "(JlirUUun Umpln" lu iim 4A,iiuu,uio i li.ii pi.uun,) for ('Miukx. ihl,!.iili. u gluas, - Um a him, aklillrttlng Inckaii I "Wi- ba grallllad, "" " ' wumimii, who iiiki himiuU I'lvaiiUn und "Hiiiiai In Uilli llilurv Tli IWrly Khuul l.usrd lm u ron uu ll baiida fur liava laatwii lu far id iffuaUtf .iIwImimi u Ikvruwi bi fee, ailll till awful taaaii WuUgllt l JoMH IWwIlllWfla, ki'ii mil laava aiau wluiiier pijiylii lit mImuI UUlu,( affar WVa Ho lillle.l iis nr If uf unvifaiunlail pupil wwini' UUUM iim fMJlltras ill OVldallca an-,,!!- ,,,. r ihuiiIikI alunlv and ,i.u ut L'uiiuraaa durlnu Ilia" lw, i.. 1...1 ...,i aiiuim 4f T iKmlllliary lu i.1, " - "" .a pi'ini'iii uhiii hiiii un inn fm auppri. vitiirU Iiim dii.m thai uiiri way wr Kit NwblailM if lliy to ul lu urK ka ...'.... :.;...... - - " '".""- "" """I IIMWI1 Ibail I. III III UIIIIIK fulT d7.ei T" WW "Wufll lu .U M, J, Ilm iianii mi14i mm. tint ivUillim-alll- 4aMI, avail Ikuuk from UmutUnalilp IH Ilia rauUlM '"TZ.SZZ" rTLa...3 iiWm HiMi'il uraalMllu, . " I I li I Jap buukad mid IWalilV iMMm .. lmi"" luiiiij an UMH guu Im nf in if iiiMirb li.e iwliir n4 ut Itarbvavy, ...:.lm, TafllluM ..' liuiiue,) llntkaii. Mirvnd lu U maaua, i Or hi. -- llulia uf bliih uf wlf. i. i ana u .uutv .r ! ua mi a in.nu iu maul its yr , ,,., liu, UI4I law lla IWIly mmU. I . I.o hutMiii i i'lr KUUIHJll Mlylila, S 7 mr, IN elful lu )a va rwt'UIMi IU w dlUMAllillta UMIllwl I.ImI.i. III. mmt l,,v I bi uaulaata, lllrtl.mwmwwi IHIlllMI aplla wmf'WV uHUIUJ. 11,1 BUk afllUlMll. Ll V IklailS -Wl.....UBJi aid U,1 UaUl .I, .,., u in '..,-..- v..,. klBlw. w mww - i.w ' . . w.. Ul.v ' (muni T I III i III WwuJ, aliM fUiiwa u La !..... tmm UWcMaHl Up ni, Ml I'M May ami Uv a Uful alfa ut I'lall, .ujilui T' .w f IUH kj lirluulni uu lum tiaua ui inn HiHd.- - lil lhhit tt"t lu ba la liahalf inn, ,M U4UpHUIl M - U .iMMM.r PIM iu atiariir (m HHilwiliy la bf ' liol npilHI- I'al ills iii fluui i'Ull'a tujaull tk4 Iktl 9 ifefa Nu hM lb. III M, ktm mill U ilMlUuMTM!.! IhimiI Ii. illlkMW ifliai Id lift Ulm J'r J,! MM ill II' luenly Un. lluiu.ln ' .! ItiHii rwlMiH pul'll.alluii. hav piumUad In I tin i all j l'IMU l i I lilp lo Mm hit daugblai ublat'i mairliMii) ' lata lo hit fwatiy u y, m il m llll ' . tt)l)t() ' i .ii in Mm lu Im Hie "I.I'' ih)l HalUIuvA i,m i il n leu ft,i.e .uHMm.t fului. Iin aipnl) aiiirlfT li baaii hu VJf lll!lU'H lis ha MiMl id I . 11 I . h4 U Mi li Uin.li . ,,,, ,11 ytl rr'iil l'IVJiila Hi will WijIu, i n, iii oniiii Ju irfm of buivlan lua, i I'aio in ilia i l . a oil dlar inu 11. lajiaf 11 I ' ' """ sbuw H.iiiliy ' ' ' ! 11 I I . in.. liniitilai nialil of ffpd, li Ml .., 4,. , , , ii. Hlbi 11 1a on .,wli. I lilt h, n in Hun li, in II. a iiin nan fin i.1. ml i 11 iiii of i lo trfii a ' I. Iilri MOltI gmul I iiii - a Hi li I 11,1 , ' ,l, . .. , . 1, vv . I i..,l. ' ' H ...J 1 I airon ... . ,. , , IIOaMitMi ,i 1 . i'lUa. I ' J I iWsUJumI y naiM. r - tt-- t- -t 1 I i '1 .1 . .. , ... ,1. flWI. 1..., ... lu, . , Hrt ft capita B( wi . .... v t mi tJ 10 ami ii hum t u., 9 (v,. r0 "ii in auawil.iaji nwi tuti KuiMli . I t I MI a. . ' U . If Wl' im lha ' iiaiiaw iimii. 1 y Oil la hhmiIw iiu ISIHII -- . , Hr a f HAWAIIAN OAXim, TUKSVHY, JUI.V 1. IJtfit EMI.WXKKLY. I rtf-- - Ml IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM tmmmptmmmm STIiTUt OF WYLL1E IWANT THREE MAS, WEDTHEiEO STILL ENGINEERS TO FOB STATUARY HULL WORKING FOR M - r INSPECT DAM .OO0O0000000OtC0000 At the Promotion Committee meet- - do nomn good. I am mailing soino out 0 lug on Thursday, ono of Mrs. Weather- - ,0 friends. Tlirro Is no doubt but In 0 (Prom Haturday's Advertiser) The following was mitilr 0 motion then rods litiviy letters regarding her ''""lanies. I'd" l'ler W bo In 0 Mcmliera of tlm Merchants' AfsncU ,y Heldft.r.l, seconded bv Colonel ... I'rtiil. It will be In tho proceedlnga of. jr i..r...i in n...... rend. Mrs. , lWUl,r,1,, o tion had nn opportunity to cxpreM Huper H, ,aHW. NntmM Allllocwu,, Utwithcrred was the chnperon J 0 freely on Nuunnu itiim of the which mv printed In book form each themselves tlie "That the .Merchants' Association OreKon Rlrls und slnre her dcpurtuio - enr nml distributed free all over tho meeting yc- (lou-rim- r 0 question nt their special recoiuniend to that lio she has Interested herself In behnlf of Unite,! States. Therefore I believe I 0 terdny afternoon, nu opportunity which (t,iit to hi present selection two mora lluwnll us a future, meeting placo fori ha v accomplished (or will at lonst) 0 - tho National Association. Un- - evcryono of those present took ml- competent engineers, ami that nit three lMllorlul nbout us mupli enn.1 n if r hn.i o fortunately, Mrs. Weatherred was tin- - there In person. If somo kind friend!, 0 vnntngo of. The executive committee inspect mid report on -, p.t,m,v tlio nblo to bo present at the )ear,s meet- hud not sent inn some pictures 0 hail In correspondence from alremly been construction of tlio Nuunnu ilniu from lug or tho Association Indlannpolls, Ha-owl- ng aaaaaaHTV!&'-VflHEmKw9''c- u 0 at Honolulu, I would not have had a o aasBsaaaaaaaaiH . mt. .aaar nWWIBo.iflii8t'T.if)" with (Inventor Carter In the matter, ,IC drawing of the specifications iluwn to heavy losses sustained In tho uullun view on the front pnite. I had 0 tho correspondence having already been lo t10 time, nml that tlio report J5u r nuici.ico msasier. iier loiter IS a cut made. --0 Iiro.t i J follows. I I hnvo had for nbout n year a plan publisheil with tlio exception of tho f ,,,,,1, eommittee would be siitisfstc- - 1911 Wny, 0 ' llnucroft Berkeley, (hi mind) for publishing a little maEU-ul- ue - loaf luMiir ttrlilnli,,..... IV It it 0 aaaasaaaaaaW- . J,frWKw if 'i&( o 0 tafc K.WIW, lory to tHH Association.'' Calif.. June 8. entitled "Western Tours." After I 'rlu,r,, "'", """-- ilisciniion roRnrdliiji It has been u gieut plensuro lo me visiting the Islands. I had it still mora 0 Exocutlvo Chamber. ' to receive the good with kindly In 22, 1906. ' tlio of tho report, Colonol letters mind, and nm now getting mr 0 Honolulu, Hnwatl, Juno expressions from Honolulu friends. And thoughts E. Secretary. In pretty good shape for car 0 H. Pnrls, Esti.. Mercnanis Sl)ipr rowtklnc thnt If the Governor ...c ,ii 0 Assoc atlon. Honolulu. miiun i.ni.MiiuiiuiL.i irum iiuiBu rying out my ninii. with It will bi a ".appointed local enBineerH known to dear people convinces me more sev-th- at very -i lo still "Western Excursion Bureau." Kor o nfii Dear Sir: While It Is sntlsfac- theio Is no such hospitality any iMBwf JMrnii 0 tory to know that your oiganlzatlon Is partisans of the Department ..... 'end years somo of my friends have Br place on tho face of the globe. Miss urged me to They 0 pleused to nolo that the Government Works the report would not bo eonsid-ha- s do this. seem to 0 Blanch Blown wrote me not long ago, think I nm qualified for such work, Kecured the services of Mr. Kel!ogBi t.rcd satisfactorv. 0 to Inspect dam, yet this' that she did not uondtr at the people Am suro my heart would bo in such, the Nuunnu DELEGATE HASTE, wanting to 0 falls entirely to respond to my lequcst UEOED remain there for they would Previous to my trip to the Islands, I 0 opinion (and course It cannot A cablegram from Deleguto Kalanl- - be lonesome anywhere else with none had planned to visit there this winter 0 for Its of of kind King speak any than itself) ak to anaolo askjuj; no answer their there. Miss writes and look Into conditions. Tho Invita- - 0 for other vuis read, why If she Is disappointed In tno connuence, or or tno that ever law,tlon to chaperon tho oung ladles came 0 otneruisi. liuil ,eeClved respectliiR the will u. In any report otllces she nt once take ud her' as surnrlse to mn unci at Unit, t 0 Association ,.,..i, frt",, ,lnwnli In ,3 to hnirman residence Honolulu for she did not thoUKht 0 Mr. Kellogg may ste flt to maic. i ' it would be lmrosslble for mo e believe there was country go 0 I have already advised you by tele- - "urton. "Adjournment Friday," another that to at that time. Howovcr. am glad 0 could make her foigct all unhappy. the Joucnal cave me an onnortunlty to that I have no objection to the ed the message, showing the uecensity thoughts 0 correspondence being public. or conditions. Well, for me, have a peep Into heaven a year sooner. made for imste T10 Secretary explained I am In lovo placo on . - . . . with the general. Am anxiously waiting the photos, for present icii.-- iu , ,, , ,,, n- - jviiiui, hub ,u. .,. principles. do-- 'I 0 DE. W. D. ALEXANDER, PEESIDENT HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL gonlzatlou me as to what At the last moment I can get in an occasional lecture and Inform elded Asso- - SOCIETY. they Kellogg's ability to joint committee of tlio Association, not to attend the Editorial around here, und will bo going up to 0 think of Mr. elation this year, my will Oregon pass on the questions Involved In this Chamber of Commerce and Planters' brother look In n month for two or threo after Hawaii Interests. It was a dls-- j weeks ut which time I can use ooooooooooooooooooooo controversy: for It is useless to proceed who them a 'J Saturday Advertiser.) decker says It Is undoubtedly written Association, hud power to act. appointment mo I miss-- Front Kellogg If any large portion to for havo not great many times. I will have several at the same time as the original (which with Mr. AGREEABLE TO SECRET REPORTS. ed a meeting In ten years. Three Interesting historical papers of the community think he Is Incom- articles made of the Oregon Journal His- - Business matters with mo havo pro- - patty. I were read before the Hawaiian '"""""."i"""0.," '" it " petent. Tho decision of the Supreme 'Court Should have hud those slides Society evening, many Items V tn'8,clty '? gressedvery slow ly since the earthquake on hand, I would havo been so anxious torlcal last same",,','handwriting, Very sincerely yours, in the corporation exhibit test case was Jn the documents being of vast value Pper. and the and besides my financial Iosscb at that) to show them off, am almost certain I Probably that of his secretary, as an G. R. CARTER, reported. Mr. Smith reported that u money to the historical archives of the Tcrrl- - Governor. time, has come In slowly. Llko. would have gone anyway to tho ory autograph-lette- r of Vancouver's signed new suit had been instituted under n of others have to wait for,tlonul Editorial Association, regardless C. Lydecker, Librarian of March 2, 1791. As these letters are of It was to deal with this letter that writ which would come pay. If I hud been making the plea of any sacrifice. Should anyone havo Robert dlffcr--Th- o ot mandamus, Public Archives, read a fine paper on emcrai recommendation of the the meeting had been called, explained for tho Association for Honolulu for, told mo a week ago that today I would l chiefs he has come in contact with, up next month. This suit had been this year, nothing Archives of Hawaii." relatlng Gcorgo W. Smith, the chairman. It but death could have not have been en route to tho N. E. A. .many and acknowledgments of the hospitable begun under tho ruling of the court kept mo away. But I havo made and am It would have Incidents which have been was legitimate Ascociatlon to seemed unreasonable, for brought to light in his search through treatment he ha received, copies were for the that tho individual members of n cor still making a stiong pull for 1908, and my trunk was packed, transportation o chiefs to the public documents which have not doubtless made to enab the take up tho subject when it did, lint poration could not bo prosecuted for by that tlmo they will have been sufll- - In my pocket and my mall ordered to captains of visiting vessels at clently on been made public before. Mr. Lydecker tho directors had not felt themselves failure to file nnnual reports. Under educated the matter to vote. Indlannpolls. The International Loaguo different ports. In his lQ,8tIeKU" Several of prominent thought also paid a fine tribute to Tlobert C. f.ho justified in dealing with this last re- tho ones of Press Clubs will convono In Denver Foreign un- - nl " " tl,02Bt,h.Cf Fe,b tho writ of mandamus, contempt of it best not to attempt It for this time, In July. I may They Wyllle, Minister of Affairs of Governor and had there- attend that. aro Kamehameha HI. He says of him: W '" a Gr1d, the,pr'ncl; quest tha court proceedings would follow the for so ninny votes had already been writers from all over tho world. der ' I "Hls many papers show him to have Pa Isla"d' a89,emble,1 , fore called the general meeting. The ilirobcdiunce of tho writ. pledged in exchange for ofllcers. Tho havo only missed two of their meetings board His Britannic politics been a man o most methodical habits, question for decision was not as to the Tho members of tho Association do of tho Association begins Its In ten years. I hope you wilt llko what command, Tamaah Maah ud-- .one of which was the careful filing und,er m' qualifications of Mr. Kellogg, but pulling nnd swapping a year In I havo written on the pamphlet, paper might de the most solemn cession posslbe not object to making nn annual report vance. Tho Inclosed paper I would You will note I away of any that be of whether two engineers would not bo have not sald'a word the slightest value or interest. I can-- "J the Island of Owhyee to his Britannic of their affairs, but they do not want have had before the convention but relatlvo to seuslckness. Really. I hnvn not let the occasion pass without pay- -, ales better than one, or three engineers these to be accessible to any inquisitive now it will bo read by my biothcr with forgotten how it seems. Think I threw The Archlvarlan.' says that "we have tng a slight tribute to this man's mem-- better than either one or two. made in the particular way a tnlk' a much better speakerjup the memory of It the day on which retained copy of Kamehameha a nor Oft 3 ory. Other than his state papers there J"0, MY. C'atton was not in favor of of- .' hand, thnn I nnd ho Is a wo landed. Everything elso had been - announcing Treasurer vjbo happened to bo ,to in- his ',...,that the deIlt of tll0 Assoclatlon-o- ne of tho st ovcrboa.d. Even my ' are hundreds of memoranda Jotted Georf, fering any advico to tho Governor Job I threw , down by him from time to time H'y ,.f. Sandw,c in ofllco wanted. If these returns wcrolganizers twenty-on- e years ago and a up that evening the very pleasant A that lcg. tho Job .8lvo an Insight Into the passing eveUs. c,onveys 'mPlled whatever. on regular forms and used as they nro may who has some Influence with tho of chaperoning ten young ladles. Havo CC88lon f B!"?up' and of the men of his day, of the latter he, - Colonel Soper did not agree with in England, for tho information of tho niriiiuein. i uiwj nun uhu inuumtuu vi ueeu reauing aoout tno California girls . ...i.i.u u . i - called 'Cession' nt the time of Van- these printed nnd most of them ex-- but am suro they could not possibly , ,.. visit being of the this. The Bafoty of the Nuunnu dam government only, thero would bo no ob- couverfl last that pressed to my brother In Indlannpolls. J enjoy themselves llko Oregon girl ony was a matter affecting tho whole com- the "No one can handle his papers with- - Is'and " "lB '" thA jection to them. An effort to hnvo the After the paper has been rend, he wlllldld, , "" In being apprised per- - Phraseology than the Intent. munity nnd ho thought that a searching have these dlstilbuted among tho incm-- out of the strong clearly law amended to include those things Pleiso remember mo to members of onollty of the man; they Perusal of the letter shows that nnd thorough investigation of tho bors. tho Promotion the Kings amanuensis was not a peron would bo mndo ut tho next session. Committee. Yours for .stamp of tho thorough gentleman ot whole construction should bo made. Then the Oregon delegation will have Hawaii, old school. No matter how "f education. SYMPATHY FOR SAN FRANCISCO. somo to hand out along whero It will' KDYTII V)l the bitter A Similar remarks were made by W. W, TOZIEIl WEATHERRED. the controversy, and he was engaged 'et'or from "J" E"' of,Lvcrlio(! The following resolution of sympa- ;i - ae April 30. who Association In many a trylnfe- one.-ho- ever "a 'ln,ted Harris, thought tho a mutiny, ! "f the King da ed March thy for tho merchants of San l'runcisco and bloodshed. Homo places of dimmed courtesy, and In this S""'1 ?no 'J"0'" should mnko a deflnito suggestion. Ho along the Kouth American coast were LET THEM TELL respect his state papers out in ;,,10' wlt" a feater. cIoa,k' was pasted. It was explained that IT. stand letter camo two chests favored having threo engineers on tho raided and finally the vessel sailed for thero was nothing to bind tlio Hono Honolulu. The mutineers kept the Iden- - tabling presents, one with "A Gold- - investigation committee. Tho govern- 3 i!f 5&&&i-&5)!- lulu, merchuuts to buy from tho Coast ' tlty of tho vessel n secret, but nf ter , laced Cocked Hat nnd Kentners, and a ment had spent 80,000 nlrcady on tho houses ns soon as thoso were opened, as, a while theio was some suspicion nnd The Public now red coat and uniform," nnd tho work nnd if this had beau expended on Utterances of Honolulu other containing an "assortment of tl.n nnrpl.nnt. I.nrn l,nn..l.t in tl.n low. ""O departed for tllO Society Islands. to bo dep- Citizens Aro What Count. Publicity j various-size-d nails, some brads, six improper construction it ought .,. i lAlthough she committed no nets of - i... i....""l i.i """ i... u " I hammers, twelvo gimlets, two augers found out and definitely determined. '" """" " "" '" redntlon there, vet the hush clons of Is Whut the People Want. Franciscans that their trndo hero was were Through and two highly ornamented brass G. J. Waller wanted a thorough re- tno inhabitants aroused. speaking trumpets." not lost because of their calamity. tho agency of Captain Henry of Tn port from threo competent men. Hono- lilt 1. his brig was In n position to ren- Extended references' are made to San Francisco had always helped Let Uicm ) '' j LHsswHHLaH ap H. Iieidford said that there was too der an Important service ugnlnst tho tell it. captain, nfterwards commodore, lulu and resolution would encour- Let the public - tho An on speak On tho subject Ontesby Jones' visit In the U. S. Sloop- much nt Btako to hesitate nbout lmving Orinoco. Irish inutu tho Tahiti It means Peacock, which led to the sign age them and bo a return. Tho resolu- brig, whose name was Ebcrcll, propos- better understanding. a competent commission investigate. Means leas misery Honolulu, ing of Jhe first treaty made by the Is- tion read: ed to cut out the vessel at night. Arm- in Ho believed Mr. Kellogg to bo a com- Means confidence in a good thing. aaaHNSSaffVHaaaaH lands with tho United States. The Whcreas, Tho merchnntB of San ed with a sword nnd pistol and accom- IHpyB iiiajilBSPJH original of this treaty cannot bo found. petent man, but everyone hero may not panied by eight natives, he boarded Home endorsement counts. . Hauler to believe your neighbors All subsequent treaties of Hawaii with know him and the question was to sat - ,, ,. ... ,,, tho vessel and commanded the mutl- - powers Than strangers In a far-aw- town. foreign down to Annexation are isfy tho people. . oerB to surrender, Some dived below buildings, books of accounts,,','and olhcr Kvcry box of Doan's Kidney Pills copy - Intact nnd tiled here. Even tho TV A "M"nInornr tlmnrtlif t)inr nnmtrtnnn iipou nf limit hnulnnau nti1 to arm llH'MHGlVt1 others surrender- was sent to Washington was ilit Is backed by home testimony. which Whereas, tu- - Ho 'nH nIo,le ucck for s0'n0 destroyed by fire. should bo no good reason for .mlnr The business iclutlons of Kidney disorders urinary troubles there There arc n onoluu anil of tho tlmo before the natives crawled up. copies of or mndo by away from Honolulu to en- - Are on tho decrease here. letters statements secure lncrchanlH nf Sal, Frnncco, have, for The vessel foil into the hands of Eberell Commodore" Jones many years after his gineers competent to investigate n,,d Henry, mutineers were deport Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are aHHaaHaHaf' the ninny years past, been of n most in- - the Relieving backs curing visit giving his recollection of the icd and finally. In Inter years, tho vessel and cltl'.ins. on dam. The Kngineering Association tlmato nature, therefore; It Is their dally work. council of the chiefs held De tho members of tho was broken up. the guns taken ashore .1 1, 1S2C, treaty might be asked to name two of their' Hesolved. That Ileio's a caso In point. cember when the Met ""d nro now to bo seen at Papeete, proposed, showing differ- ,,,,,.. net Kellogg. He chants' Association Cyrus S. Edison of Kapiolanl Tark, was his with Mr. to ,, , Ul(, r't,storil011 of Eberell performed nn exploit which ences with Charlton, the English - this city, says: "I am at protent suggested thnt tlio Governor bo ad- tho former lelatlons, hh soon ns stnnds out conspicuously In mllltnry a man trade teamster and camo to tho Islands fif- who made considerable trouble vised ulong Tho presence of Francisco and naval nnijnls. kings up gen- thoso lines. tho merchants San are teen years ago. for the and mixed nffalrs n to supply goods. "riv.'oiis to that I erally. Commodore Jones "culled of a reservoir under suspicion would nBnl" " Position drove a stage coach In tho United down" Charlton In a diplomatic man keep tourists awny from hero, nnd tho l,tnuiti'Ui i mil lllu oi.vjuiai in ill Slates. These occupations necessitat- copy reso- -- ner, At tlmo tho chiefs strticted to send n of theso BONOLULANS THINK ing my being out that first learn loss of property and lives if the dam lutions to tho MerchiiutH' Association at all tcasons were ed America England were no doubt tho cnuse of my dis- that nnd should break would be heavy. nf Hun Fianclsco. kidney count, having been led by Englishmen order. I had tho ordinary symptoms of Other rcmnrks of n llko tenor wero An invitation to tlio American Veter- i Here in bellevo that America was n THEY PORTER this complaint, and resorted tea host colony of Great Ilrltnln. This last heard, tho chairman remarking on tho inarians to hold their 11107 convention Si of things to cure It. All of them failed statement occuis In a footnote to Com stillness of tho tomb which enmo from in Honolulu, which will bo conveyed to to do so, however, and when I had al- modore Jones' letter, the direction of the Kngiucers' Associ- - tho convention this yeur by Dr. Men-ntio- u most given up hope I heard about Then the French Incident Is brought Doan's Ilackaclio Kidneys Pills and got de- in tlio matter, sarrat, was passed. out. Mr. Lyuetcker says thnt the Manuel Peters, manager of tho Terr! romo at the Hnlllstcr Drug Co.'s store. mands of tho French Commissioner, torinl Messenger Service, who returned They did Indeed relievo me and I am M. Pcrrln, In 1851 finally resulted In bold to somo shortly house tho archives. sollles she was repainted nnd refitted quite satisfied with the benefit Uiey contrast those of of his tho Issuing of a proclamation on March from the Count on tho Ventura, says lie adversaries. I yet In icgnidless of nxpenso. At Genoa tliuiu have been to me." have to see one 10, 1851, placing CLEOPATRA'S BARGE. llftllnlm Iwi itivau Uln ,in 11... .It the Inland provision wero more brilliant fetes. At Elba the believes ho saw Kirk Porter nml wife Doan's Huckache Kidney Pills are ..n W, - Prof, D. Alexander read nn artl- owner called on Napoleon's adherents, for sate by all dealers; price CO cents em- on 1 (roadway, Oakland, one evening I do on "Cleopatra's Bargo," thu first ho being nn udmlrer of the fallen - per box (six boxes fZ.10), Mnlled by tieman, a remark um HUliy to rw) !,,- - ,., T1.ii.IkI 1'I,mI a. U,....,,li. ..I' SMill not apply to some of his oppo-- Aiiierlcnn yacht, which llnully enmo peror. Two of Napoleon's staff oltlcers about three weeks ugo, lln was on one the Holllater Drug Co., Honolulu, mmo, u. , nents. or written to uommissiouer Into the possession nt Kamehameha II sailed fiom Elba for the United States sldo of tho stieet and they across the wholesale agents for the Hawaiian Is- I'V!,,.'1' Bbvb"cc. ' "onoliilu, In und was eventually wteckod on tho Is- - by "Tho services ho rendered the rimn - In tlm bulge, which was chased wiy iI( I not speak to tlmui, nnd lands, , ...... -- ...... 1110 ' ,( .1 wiiieii um enm net uii'uumi hind nf ICiiuul. Captain tleoigo Crown- - French men-of-wi- ir, but was not ovei- - bVthopr:; " And thnt Policy is, thnt Hnsh.eld of MuasJrmt.; Imvlni .nn.., aoraM yuM ltl."l. l.o Is not absoluleiyeer.nln of In ihn 'utiir... tiw. Mm,, .if lluwnll i,w. "'ie wio uoverninoiii or inn uiuipii n fortune 111 Hie unst nulla and China the limit was an hi lit uurt on and for winr menuiy, yet no is or mo opinion PAID FOR NEW tn nn - lluNtoii-CluirMt- ever distant that event mny be, Is un- - Htnlf. Hwir rultliful It" orlKlunl iimlu, determined to build u ynrht awhile was In thu they wero tlio Porters, CO I me no iigiiin nun titled to placo her I wo statues III bo 1"""1. niiiiiiuiuiiniy. .. . . :nine".. which wiiiiiu um iiiibsl uiioai, worn trauo. mho wns soiu ('has, dudwlgson, At,, who cuino hoiun (If ISWIIUS, H (. i'l Hall ill Puma al Wiiflilliirtnll. In mv 1'0'llleliro Ilia IlllWIIIinit ..miiiiviiivu hi hid npiMiK "I Mini l"'i WIIN lll HUI linn lliv I atim., iiiimiiis ,. 11 , ,,,,, , ,. mi ...... MM,...,-....- .. ,...., i,. humhln opinion, beshli. tlmt nf Kaiimliu. c''!' '"'v,,r ,","t t" " tlm Uluiids Iiiunihliig oet'iirrcd In Ooiidmr nf Um nt Lnlmliiu, Maul, In mn. Tim king " MILITARY - UNDS i by Um (lie " w Um Porters riding In an until- j inthft I, llm Napoluni nf Um Im..1c. " limlnii f either of same year. Wltii biuiuhhig of Ihe v,h uImhiiiI nnd wuMniterlnlried nnd should stund ono of Hr"" ''"'"""relul 1'owers nf Europe. uclii, 'iipiuln t'hnwnliisliirtiil prmll- - m (Inully purcliniad tho vessel for W, - mnldlo In (lolden (into Park nim Hiiii- - Hubert Cilel.toii - Wvlllu Hid sliilmmiin nl.lliiu IKir Villi II POIlSUIll lllllt llIIIUIlds llllllll- cally beciimi) dm firm Ainurh'iin yaclils- - ow p.iyulilu n MJiiiluhwmd uiul thu imimiu n,i,u( n wixik boforii liu for ulia - ,y left Um - lf,""l deiogulory, mid In. limn, Ntsiriy llmimmid iuopio mm In Ihnwillaii, Imnd nn hilin of Um imwly.4diinh ""l'"" "' llire wiin clmnned in ,.,. iU)iwiul,im ,, i,.. is t'ltpliiln Hlultuiy, engineer f'orps, II. riiiip or on u loimlslHilt Willi u bona llilu Indupitinl vUlleil Um yiidu Um dr,y slm wns opart lluwull." 'llm king """ f,r' rii hl"(" iiiieil her immiiliiK ''Pride of H. A , ywtli'rdiiy iwid out IW.ftOu for I'oiirm Isudliig to our pietmiu pros iiiiii, shall be fiifoicsil ugulimt Unit for limped Inn. Him wa nf lid Ut Hum, mm day uriUiol Um vessel In go In ,,,' I"1 """lu ,l" "ltuU. Mm did not perlty (lovrrnniLiil " U In lenulli, ii lift nf Imiim nii'i u, but nt u Im ordii'd llm vi'oel spunk in tliein, nor lhy to him, lands til Wnllflkl willed nru In bo roil, a Unit Um fi -t- i ml Mr Lydecker Mid (but Dm olden! WebsiiT mild lo Nuvy Pi II ffut (leup, Him wus ii Imiiimphrif lo Kuiul Th king Ilium nilmlulinl -f . vii Inio foils ami military leseryu doeunmiii Hum fur dlseoveird bum piirlinein wms Inslriietwl in prttsurv lllu brig and iwrrli niry "ill)l him, am) wua itmn mmilttroimly Itikeii lloim Tim lummy wns wb fur Um ilniu tit MrtrPli it, ITVO, and Is n llm dlgiilly of llm I'nlliM Hlules in IliM Mil fur sputsl Tin Inturlor twin HAWAUAMB IN 0UHA. Idler llnlil ubouid Um bir, lirmulit '' llonululu A fulig. Heliaefwi' unit WulHiliiumu prnp 'win I'aptMlii Hliimn Melnilf nf Um linpoilani position In iiiuhoKtiny and litnlimya inupls, vvllli nnd virtually kil u prlsoimr In liU ImIim MiiHi'lrHi furineily u IniskiiuiM ' KImniiuim " off "Awbyi'" "Tim diH'iiiimni I slmll limn, Miid imiil Ijip Um nrllus ut WulklNl Huuidi Knr Um Afung al anrlmr lut vulvrt liliniulimi in din.Ui Imm, U uulliug inu r nmiillt Mt (HhhhII) In H, . Tli'inmf, lion" shIi Mr l.yiliHktii' "Mwiim In iMbln ninilflilims Him uml 6V.WjO, mil n April, IM( llil 1r Alimrlruii phmtt nm.inio WI4H imldi tWW fur Uo Hddrind i. u'kiituii Mini eitre lnKnr of llm big Plmllrr Jos MFkr Mild Jiilin Ymina imn siiiim iiipunuilun frmii Um linnmimu suiii In IIihum luya, hiii whh urwkil Mini iimnmiiilnl In rtidiiiiffr plaiti uin) 4ITVi fur llm roinpiulim hi ut I'uhlh' limn in Hun i Is 1", HUT, Hprirktilii' rimii tmur ihimiiIIIu, ''m i'Hpiuin nl bimlnwalii Un Hiiltli I'lwilMlrti's llalK" llm U)' of llMimlih WnisiliuijNt pitiMiiy i 'Iml. MitliiiK ut litdny iliaulimd un lsiiv Mid tduiea llml ttrlllm In tmilvi' nml Itmuis llm film-liit- f Nllisl fur Um MudlmirMimaii un n Mr lluoia, furmwly uf ' rul. nmimiifr Um Hliiiwi will If Im i iml p. mmIuikniimiI u( liluiw. Him 1 IhIImI Um TIKI t'llll.lHK I'lIATK I'lillfl Dliirlvl I'uiin iiliiriiwl In llm fill "I 'll'wnl t'Mllim I'M AvilsHf llm llitHulliii i'tmiHiirilul, U ultu mir tin pn nt kgltidlfiil iu luko Hun ifiiH' lu I'llri Vi lilt m IIuihIM'' v little u ball wan Hivmi ailmf U Iwnur Dr an mhihiIIi) Im llm tllHrWtiiijj ulllnw m) nmn' lwrww rati rtJ UhiiwuIHd. nlmiti bit Ii iiuiimuluK u mnpln fivinifi' uliiKii it your diiy blif As nimr un I tn iwuk mil II uf llm uttimr umf llm MllliiKJ)Hilii, by Hraf. AKaiidfr an lit )l a llm (W LM In iimka Um JIM I'llUf uiiIIim I llif MK lu WUniiK vlin f llutl Uopialn IImi PiunillttilimW. iftl Itw mri' (juihw, tiwwuu tmwu Ufgt) IllsalilUll I'llllHuililuf!) A ejlure at Ills iliy hi lm wwn will VMii tuflm mm." ftiliw bwn). Ai Mulewa w in iim)vIii a m Piwum TU 111 Wnllw II, Ulmyy f HuwuullJ lltU y mm mam ujuu 1jjiii rm aim in I't'llll jil t H Of w uw mum yuwi yuiiad UMftW um w (iuiw, do. Nrl wi' wmw m mt mm witu im iwHuumJ lim Mt lm UUf 111 o Qjiit nf Irllor IWI ll Jtm mf( nf iiiJMlu WMWawa llii autlmniy undid' hjki ur Muoikw aj mi ymut Mill!! Ho wmw win imiw uwm mil n m vflli B' u iMtigiiilliii nuniiif) Hg MlFUji AMwv 'iiuiiiitim l IU. is ititw AJ pflJKMiRN m im nw iMt'fly ;Ufllf iNiulu'i Imui mat in awiituu. Hdiw 'rl Tlwi-rtf- I ii I ll M ,l"" ,h ,,M",,"' i ff I m. MM 5ljjlf M'l " ' ' fi mir to iiu aUurn.iiMii nr'iiijjh 'rfBtW'1'1" )i law m thw Uiui whs viib I flOlWD H. f i .'' t. 'J. i i A!,,. iff ,iL HAWAIIAN C1A7RTTP 1t'l.DY. 1'1Y i. u& wSRMMVJEKKLY. MMMMJM mwmmmmmmmmtfHt .,-- . I mi mux Ills fmiil, wlufVi nt not few, lo ha 1 Hfr rtn LOCAL UHEVITIEB. Not em; . t.iit f le.l'fT. mi.. n. i. 'Silt .if ailHUHlMiali n H' ! lbtl .niclf woman fcl iH, GAZETTE l I 1 1 H In prhwl. il hr U 'lito'i1'1 HAWAIIAN I., hr it riiini!rn ir.lif llVnni HaiuNari A.lirtlsr can aftortl rV aVlBIBVw Entered at tlic I'ortoflicc of Honolulu, II. 1 , accoml-cUii- i Matter. to T..Wll ! has l,.m at iMiat M arwivmir ia lb twtal ilwlllnr A t'Mi a til m liaif f pi Ml "i to have' ' r IIhmU Hh In the tot Ika ainctal bHM or rvun Semi-Week- pad pkih lit ttfit winlt4ll r"r thr tnald ly Itiucd lunday and lildayj. i.i , . -- wM-- l waa umAtA Hi. i mini) l,r b l r i. ., vr tfca t'aar the wlnUtrtM bar bltavrlo 'HM hr Not many f .. dMWO rvala.lon " w u I i WALTER G. SMITH, Editor. aorrtatxl, raa Ik. fmr UU ,r bf o d !;xmk7 miliar Uv.n iavalll.tt-!..-l a wrntry llk ItnglafHl whrta frtMiw hits KrH.0Brt HxptrttrHrnt Mailmi hs want one aaWivi i;aW bruadiwr slawi rtesrn fraw prsaant to irrnlet. It wMhl nat U long, HtUHUett T. J. )1tspatrHk frwn 10 to around, anv- - Subscription Kates: ewrfltiaHia, befoie Um nouhl 1 of n limited cm- - pound" nioi. of llnwajbtii ibai-.- way. Hut you ii i(iflkii.B ,,,,r J'sreipn .78 umlsr mh penMt that a Month 6n Month, -- ,, w,t uui- certainly cau i t 0.00 "- . r',,-- 'ta" "",rh w,8ht -nf Jmmmi 6.00 I'M Year, Torflifn.. - A I.- - Vmt Th a MM..IUfT.1 fcU Hmq .1 Itamtu Irtitlar tlwn repvbll. alKura. T.'uru''ti Payable Invariably In Advance. A t)'wrltti-- document tnm- - Aycr'i Hair Vigor CHARLES S. CRANE, Manager, prises the reirt of Heorelnry Atklnnon nnd moit nnmen wouldil' HAWAIl'Ci IvUlNUUb UKlNiib. for the past six mmiths It Klves n bo greatly Improved by It is tree thnt n vlllnlnoas ImltnlHiii of liquor is being sold nt n low price rrsunx of tho official mils of the Clov- - It, too. It means to much' TUESDAY JULY 3 procUinatlons, vmml all over this Torrltorv. In lis nilldi-s- t nspwt this liquor Is n rnuk iidultcrntloi.; ertiur. possimrts. land u ua.o ncavy -' reprieves, iicu, in its worst one It Is n poison. To it wo attribute the prevalence of homicidal '"'V0- nd aenl... commit. i;, ABOUT THE MANQO. nf wntences, death warrants, lialri soft, smooth, glossy hair. And crimes mnongtlic lower classes crimes whleli seem to increase in proportion this It just tho kind of hair-yo- may ' tlio Hawaii Afirlcultural Kxpcrlniont ,,aroeFi )mrdons, official nets. etc. A very intfrestinR bulletin, No. 12, of n If you It, I - ns men nro hanged deterrent examples for committing murder. A private telegram receKed yester- - lave, wish If you wish all ;...i i,.... I from H,o (invmimcnt OfhVc, Washington, I en- di.ii.. Prlntini' Is there no way to reach this offense of bail liquor through the agency of day from Colleelor V. II. Htackable an- - tho deep, rich color of youth restored ' J the nutlior I.einK J. K. Hlcuiiu, horticulturist was titled, "The ManRO in Hawaii," tho Hoard of llenltht Dealers arc prosecuted, or hnve been, for selling nd.il- - """need that he to hnvo left New to your hair, '', ' . .1 .. .1...... HI, mnnv - rntlons. 4" vnrietics of the uiancu ork yesterday for Iloston In order to UV IIC niMiiuif. i. urntiiu,.ll. r( ltlnt - ...i il j tcrated milk; why not procied against them for selling adulterated liquor! wUll n is mailc of varieties introdtir-oi- l lespectlvely by connect BU.nmer enVnB for the grown in Hawaii. Mention More people in Hawaii consume bad liquor than they do milk good or bad. If Azores. Jtr. Klnckable's mission ts to Davis, Harry 0. Wont ten nnd S. M. Joseph Mnrsdon, Allan Hcrlicrt, Henry It is pottiblc to get convictions after the poisonous or adulterated liquor has investljrnto the possibilities of a labor Damon, to tlio bcliiR nscribed tlio honor of hnvltiK Introduced nt supply for llrtwnll from the Portuguese filler's been bought in the presence of witnesses anil its charncter fixed by analysis, world-fame- Indian varieties. Various JnrRO expense tlio first trees of the then the performance of that duty should have a salutary effect upon the health ,' '' how them. Instruction NIclioliLH ltlchard, nKed 21 years, died upon are described, with ndvlec to fellow-citizen- j.st8 mnngocH rlit of thousands of our yesterday momlnir nnd will be burled in reeiirdlnL' cultivation. urnftini:, handling the crop, how to out the Vi furnished this uftemooii nt 3 o'clock from Henry flair oh cte. Altogether it Is a valuable handbook! mr the various uses the fruit, Williams' Undertaking Purlors. Inter inanco, THE JUBILEE NUMBER. will certainly satisfy y"u. for aJl who hnve mango trees growing Uon tlieir Home plots, or ouierwiso wnu ment will bo In Knllhl-wne- na cemetery. Tho reception of tho Jubilee number was must gratifying to its publishers hackm&n Do not bo deceived by cheap Imita- ould like to go Into the cultivation of the fruit. In his introduction Mr. The decensed wan a until and they hoiic that the paper will aid in the work of promotion. To reach that .uhout a year ago, when Illness com-rcBu- lt tions which will only disappoint you. liiggins suggests the raising of mangoes us a commercial Btuple of tho Territory, wns their chief purpose, asido from commemorating the Advertiser 'b pelled him to give up driving. His Make sure you get ATER'S Hair besides praising the fruit on its merits, as follows: Is well- - iOth birthday. In putting out so large and costly nn edition nt u low price brother. MK. Klchnrds, a Vigor. "The mango has been called 'tho king of fruits.' With its unique forms, known hackirmn there was no intent or expectation of making money. I.nough would be gnined Prtputf Dr. J.C. Aj Co.. LewilL S. rieh coloring, and luscious taste it certainly deserves a high rank among fruits. jev. J. A. Moffetf, D. D., of Pyeng r t MtaU. for the paper if the expenses wcro met. For the rest, Hawaii was welcome to ,Yans. Korea, Is making a of the Its true merits, however, are known to but few, sinco the better varieties are it. tour a- - plantations on these Islands In the ln- - v rare. The commonest of the seedling varieties grow nlinost wild In tropical HOLLISTEIt DRUO CO.. Agents. i A strong recommendation of Captain Slattery, ns one of the three engineers "restsof Je Korean Mission under the ana prouuee an ui ...... - - ,. superintendence of Rev. John W. Wad- - ianu auuuiuuri " " "j to Inspect the Nuuanu' dam, has been made to the Advertiser. is a picas mt BUSINESS CARDS. flavor and texture, and which have given rise to the damaging epithets that mnrii Dr Mofrett hag been 16 years in judge the fact to local circles that Captain Slattery has been promote.! to his present rank Korea and speaks the language like n have at times been applied to the mango. It would be as fair to V. while nttucbtd, as advisory engineer, to tho Honolulu naval station. As an native. is from the neighborhood of A. BCHAEFEIt Jk CO. Importers half-wil- those sorts It npplo by d wcdlings us to form an estimate of mangoes by and Commission Merchants, Honol officer of the Engineer Corps, U. S. A., nnd a West Point graduate, he would Yang that most of our Korean lu, Hawaiian Islands,. which abound In fiber and turpentine fluvor. It is true that some varieties which liviiiln ulu Vinll srl an Vl..n ilnitn cas i.-- .i s.ni -- ii ... it.. , i. .i 1.:. .,,.. iiiiiiiisiiii .... "u uvwi have the turpentine flavor quite pronounced nro highly esteemed by thofo who :..,.! poets to meet with a large number LiEWERB & COOKE. (Robert Lewera, is nn acquired taste. Most of the n place thereon ought to be satisfactory nnd gratifying to business men and with whom he Is acquainted. . . J. Lrfwrey, c. u. LooKe.) import- liavc beconio accustomed to them, but this ers In bull-lo- g tho rommiinity Gn genernl. Is stated thnt Captain Slattery has given profes- and dealers lumber and ner kinds which nro now propagated by graftnge appeal to the consumer ut first It materials. Office, 414 Fort Bt. sional ndvicc to private applicants therefor. Therefore it is hoped by those (rrom Sunday's Advertiser) acquaintance. urging his nomination that ho would not deny ;i request from the Gpvcrnor to The steamship Nevadan left Kahulut HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma. '"Hince It has been demonstrated that mangos can be kept for at least for San Francisco at 9 p. m. on Friday. cblnery of every deacrltlon mad w serve on this important public commission. Kcvcrnl weeks and enn be transported long distances (sec p. 18), and since the The bark George Curtis sails for San In islands produce fruit in its perfection abundantly, the question Francisco today with a full load of trees these sugar. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. should not the bo grown commercially in Hawaii and arises: Why fruit Miss Anna Hose leaves for Hllo to- marketed on tlio mainland of tho United States! Why shoilld not tho better morrow for a two weeks' visit with her Honolulu, Monday, July 2, 1906. greater In tho AGAINST THE MURDER IS varieties be propagated more generally? There seems no oIMaclc mother. L'lDHal.i way of establishing a mango industry in these islands than has confronted A cablegram wns sent yesterday by NAME OP STOCK, PnW.Up Vl. Bid. Ask. the Joint committee of the commercial orange growing in 1'lorida mid California or innny of the other horticultural MlBCAHXIIJt. organizations to Congressman Burton. C. DbswxbAUo.... 1W),000 1100 oo enterprises which have now assumed very largo proportions." chairman of the Hlvers and Harbors, BCQAB. long distances applies to the following statement LIQUOR LAW THE CHARGE Ha- Kw e.ooo.ooo 20 MX 2S? The reference to carrying Committee. Inviting him to visit Ii&w. Airrlrnltiiritl. 1,200,000 100 on tho pngo mentioned: waii this summer at the expense of tho Haw.Com.AtJugar Co 2.S12.755 100 BOH 82K business men of Honolulu. Hawaiian Bugar Co.. 2,000,000 20 M "It has been proved that mangos can bo satisfactorily shipped long dis- uoBomu ..,, 710,000 100 1S7U London even from India There was a decided run on tho of- (From Monday's Advertiser) llonokiaj.... 2,000.000 jo II tances. They are shipped from the West Indies to and (From Monday's Advertiser) Haiku 600,000 100 165 Mngnun Folktward, a Norwegian 20" to tho market and nrrivo in good condition. Tho best conditions for ship- fice of the Territorial Treasurer yester- Eahuku 600,000 20 sine stone-vutt- In tho employ of Hendrlck, Principal Richmond of the Hllo high Elbel flan. Co, Ltd 3,500,000 50 im- to money out, but to pay ping have not been as fully determined as is desirable, but it is certainly day, not draw tho monument maker, was shot and school la In town. Klpthulu 160,000 100 It In. Tho window In front of the desk of Eoloa 600.000 100 enses." early yes II. A. Parmelee was bitten by a dog 6 portant to provido good ventilntion to the License Clerk was Uionged from mortally wounded nt nn hour UcUrdeBuK.C'o.,Ltd. t.500,000 20 the morning, succumbing to nt Pearl City yesterday afternoon. His uaou ougar vo-- . 1,600,100 100 100 terday jila SI tho opening of business until the clos 2 Injury Is not thought to be serious. Onomea 1,000,000 20 wounds nt tho Queen's Hospital at Ookala 600,000 20 H 'ill THE REFUNDING BILL. ing hour with .Inpaneso nnd Chinese In the afternoon. Antone Carvalho, a A petition hns been filed In the Fed Olaa Hiigar Co. Ltd... 5.000.000 20 refunding bill appears, nn Portuguese, who season was catch eral court by II. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. U10WB1U 150,000 100 . Sneaker Cannon's refusal of consideration of the and other small merchants, with some last Paauhau SugPlanCo, 5,000,000 50 , er for II. A. C. baseball team, Is and others to have S. Nnkamura of Ku- - the face of Delegate Knlanlnnuolc's cablegram, to have referenco to this t.es-- sprinkling of white men, nnd it is the Paolflo 500,000 100 hold at tho police station under a kulhaelu declared a bankrupt. Pala 750,000 100 is in first and emphasized Ko-ha- 750,000 100 160 sion of Congress. This impression given the sentence thought that this condition will obtain charge of murder in the first degree. E. E. Oldlng, former manager of la Pepeckso...,. disap-- Ploufer 3,760,000 100 132S 115 in tho second one. Had the Speaker's refusal been accompanied by his i today. All business licences were re- Mrs. Opvka, u Hawaii woman, Is held plantation, Is lu town. He nnd Walaluaagrl.Co 1,500,000 100 57 58 proval of the bill, it is unlikely that tho Dc.Vguto would have incurred extra newable for tho year on tlio first of there also us a witness to tho tragedy. his family will leave In the China to Walluku 780,900 100 Tho victim underwent nn operation, visit relatives In Canada, after which Walluku Sugar Co. i telegraph expense to raise a vain hope "for next session." Tor if Cannon is July, nnd Treasurer Campbell expects Scrip .,, .., 105,000 100 but died from the shock. One bullet they will go to Mexico and settle. Mr. Walmanalo 252,000 too against the bill absolutely, it would bo a vain hope. It may bo taken us tho to collect $1(10,000 in liquor licenses, penetrated tho right stfle, plowing Oldlng has been In the, Islands eighteen Walmea Sugar Mill.. 125,000 100 truth of the situation that Speaker Cannon regarded the Hawaiian bill ns being and $50,000 in licenses for other forms through and tearing tho liver In a years. Beginning as a luna he beenme UlSOILLAXBODS. fntar-ltlan- d H S. Co. 1.500.000 100 -- plow- nn expert sugar boiler and man imiportnnco receivo right of way among bills of great frightful manner. Another bullet then Go.- -. 100 fTS not of Bufllcient to the of business beforo tlio rush is over. agcr. Haw. Klcetrle sotww ed n deep furrow in tho forehead. U. K. T, A L. Co., Pfd 100 national moment, some of which Its consideration might, in the final raco of It is entirely possible, from tho pr,n a. It. T. k L. Co., 1,150,000 Folktward visited some Hawalinns In C... ! the means of sidetracking. Btate opinion throughout llutual Tel. Co 150,000 10 legislation against time, be ent of public n tenement near Pauoa, close to tho District Attorney Breckons nnd fam O.K.AL.Co .... 4,tC0,000 no shelving of tho bill it had Territory, be hist bridge. Saturduy night- ily left for the volcano yesterday. IlllOK. K. UO l.COO.000 It Is considerable of a disappointment, the after tint that this will tho Thero were - man wife, Judge Robinson Is expected back to- Honolulu Drawing- A progressed swimmingly for n while. Accounts of dealings with it, furnished by year of collections under the present! Present a nnd and a sister AiaiuDg lo, &.ia .. . 400,00) 20 of the Mrs. Opeka, wife of day from Maul, whero he went to hear tho Advertiser correspondent nt ho capital, hnvo indicated that Speaker liquor law. Tho sentiment, ,i latter, a SalM. Amt.Out :.i,i mmtb)fT of lhe ban,, They drank con. n caso In which Judge Kepolkal was Baw.Tcr.,1 p.e,(Blr standing Cannon, after having shown positive disfavor toward the bill by hoisting it upon nil but unanimous for a change in tho BldcrnlIo. Antone Carvalho called and disqualified. Claimsl id.uuu 4 p. o. (Ke-- in his opposition and Kumula Car- - Wing Castle went to the Baw.lcr. I "tho union calendar," had latterly relented somewhat liquor law and tho accerN.i partook of a drink or two. Later Mrs. Mabel lUUUIUf iwn) eov.000 would have called it upon tho docket for patsagp had he deemed time permitting. is high llccnso and local option. The vnmo anil foiKtwani rougnt over tne Volcano yesterday to spend a Haw. Ter, ite p. c... 1,000,000 ' . ..,..,. .woman, and Carvalho went away. The Her sister, Mrs. Crockett, has uaw, ler. e .. 1,000,000 Tho pity of it, then, seems to bo that thero was a lack of effort, until too late, pwplo in the ninH , tlio i.,...i!r. . Haw. GoT't.,ip.S p. o.... 209,000 coupl(j 0peka gone to the Peninsula for the summer. tjua-.ltf- . in Cal. Beet A in bringing the influences to bear which at last caused the chango tho ngcrs, nnd tho politicians nro nil talk went to her room. In tho night tho Attorneys A. Perry nnd W. T. Raw- C'oe.p. c U00.000 103 could whilo Ha- course on Ralkn6.il. o.... (00,000 101 tipeakcr'B attitude. Kverything was done that have been the ing that way, the politicians of couplo heard a revolver shot and Inves- lins leavo for Kauai tho steamer It aw. Com. A Sugar waiian delegates were in Washington, not only by themselves but by Delegate shaping their talk with the wind of tigated. About 3 n. m. two men loung- Hall this evening to attend a session of vo, a p.o...... 1,(77,000 ing at a store In Pauoa heardgroans the Fifth Circuit Court at Llhue, which Haw. Sugar 8 p. e..., 500,000 i6i" Kuhio, Mr. Hatch und Secretary JlcClellnn, assisted by many friends in both popular favor. It has long been known Hllo R. n. Co.. n n. 1,000,000 and cries for help. They Investigated opens on Thursday morning. Hon. K. T. A L. Co., houses of Congress. This fact was mnde evident, nbout the time tho dclcgntes that this sentiment for an immediate nnd found Folktward crawling nlong Kualwn, the Lahalna hero, doesn't 708,000 105 were dropping in homo again, by tho coming of cablegrams announcing succes- chango in tho law was strong on Oalfu. the street on his hnnds and knees. Tho wnnt tho Carnegie medal, It Is said, and Eahuku 6 p. o 1 200.000! 100 O. Ii. A I. tin. 6 n. r. . 2,000,000 103H sively favorable committee reports upon tho bill and ultimately its passage by During a recent trip on Hnwnil, nu police were notified and tho man was his ft lends have done nothing toward Oahu Sugar Co.Bp.c 750.000 conveyed to hospftal. He request of medal man OlaaBuaar Co.B p.c. 1,250,000 J found- - tUo tho said a meeting tho the tho Senate. Advertiser representative Offi bibd p.o. ..., 430,000 101 man called Antono hnd Bhot him. agement for more explicit evidence of Plotieer allll CaM n. a. 1.250.U00 Arrived at such n promising stage in its progress the bill, it is to bo feared, tamo sentiment prevailing everywhere cer White located Carvalho at his home his heroism than what had been for Walalua Ag.Co.Op.o. 1,000,000 was left very much to luck nnd whutever desultory attention the Delegate may on tho big island. The little Japanese and placed him under arrest. Carvalho wnrd ed. curyae ougar uo 2,000.000 wns taken beforo Folktwnrd, who Iden- Edwin O. Hall will enter the firm ot liavo been able to bestow upon it amidst his efforts to promote other measures gin mill has inndo its appearance oer 23.1275 paid. tG5 per cent. tified him as tho man with whom ho O. & Fon In September. Ho Territory, including departmental appropriations, u goodly number of us it has in Honolulu, and E Hall .for tho whero there, hnd had the light. wns educated nt Punnhnu and Harvard, SESSION SALES. sold is no bettiir. which have been carried. Now tho Dolcgnto is "hopeful for noxl session," nnd tho quality of liquor Tho pollco found Mrs. Opeka In her graduating A. R. at tho latter uni- (Morning Session.) it remains for tho Government and citizens of Hawaii to be forehanded in H is tho kind of stuff that makes the room, evidently shamming drunken- versity. He Is n son of V. W. Hall, 5 Honomu, 110. means for bringing nbout n justification of his hopefulness. In tho work already drinker mad, and causes crimo to fol- - ness. Tho pillow on her bed was satur- piesent head of tho firm, and grand- SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. ated with blood, ns was also tho sheet son of Its founder, E. O. Hall. accomplished a good foundation is laid. There Is no reason to doubt from nil low a debauch and other clothing. Folktward's shirt 40 Hon. 13. & M. Co., 25.25; 40 Kahuku, the information that has been gained, that n majority of the House standi! "Formerly," said a plantation nian and somo other clothing were found In 20. ready to p:m the bill as the Senato ha,s already done. Whnt Is wanted to land nuer, "tho Hnwniians would have their th room. The men were mutually ANOTHER JAPANESE tho measure at tho short session of Congress is someono who knows the ropes luaus, nnd would drink, of course, but Jealous nbout Mrs. Opeka. was nt Drs. Judd, Wnterhouse, Hoffmann MURDER NEAR HIL0 nt Washington, and possesses n ttrong personal influence there, to assist tho tho quality of the stuff taken and P.nmus operated on Folktward, Dclegnte and the business community's agent in pressing tho matter forwnrd. lenst good. Now, under tho new law, the had given his consent. after latter ...U), 29, 1906. nasty rfcd A wns by June Govotnor Carter himself is tho man for that mitsion und every effort should they fill up with cheap and coroner's jury called Sheriff a, body Klwa FukumaBa, wife of Moto Fuku-mos- be made to Induce him to undertake it. wine, so called, nnd men und women are Ilrown and viewed the nt tho hos Pahoa, pltal morgue. Tho Inquest will bo held n Japanese living at Films with on s stupe.li'd for days it." nt 7:30 o'clock tonight. Mr. Hendrlck Punn, was murdered some time A particularly hard caso is that of gives Folktward a splendid certlflcato Tuesday afternoon and her supposed of the latest dates HAWAII AT WASHINGTON. assailant, unother Japanese named - of I'unko plantation, who for sobriety nnd honesty, nnd says he Secretary Atkinson Is In favor of putting tho Hawaiian unofficial "em- the innunger Is seemingly nearly dead as and Photographic tho war was a very peacenblo young mnn. Kunnmoto, !,.. ,., v...l.lm.nii .. IiuhIuhhs footlnir. That is to sav lie would uive it bus hud a sirlko because of tho result of stubs In tho Material of every mnde on the swipes joints of jwriuuiient headquarters, a clerk or two and a library of Hawaiian Information that ho has stomach. Fukumasa, the husband description. is only an indi- - TERRITORIAL POLITICS the murdered woman. Is detained In tho Thus when a Congressman wanted the facts about any lluwullim nenr tho place. This fully indexed. meantime uh his connection with the ense. mo managers oi ui. v..e 1.) matter 1... could go to the Island headquarters ami get them. These fucts vldual (Continued from Page tragedy, If any, has yet to be estab- ou llawull nto unani- - would Include those in United 8tutes u!1U-ln- l doeunents, debates of Congress, hitf plantations whoever tho Republicans nominate. lished. Kanamoto Is said to have made of n change In tho law. Curtis Is a Hawaiian, but ha Is a Ha- nd tho like, nil of which would bo indexed after the manner of uewnpupor " '" 'vor a complete confession. Ho wiib brought Developing and Printing "High llccnio nnd local opt.on would waiian who can poll a very large num to the Hllo hospital under guard. Wies. fiuch u hendqunrters would bo us valuable to a Hawaiian delegate) of votes ufllco "1'1 ber white for the of It is stated that tho wuman was sold , to others, for no one cun expect to keep all the facts about complex locnl '! t" '""'' eiw" I'HS'r Hherlff, some six months ngo by Fukumasa to of Honokun tho power Hpenklng oltlce deriving, nt 1.1. fingers' nidi. I OJcrdrum ,'fwlth of tho of Sheriff, by Kanamoto with her consent, but that, . - the way, an Interesting whisper I n,u a speclalty and Another function of vuluo would bo to tnU from a clipping agency all m wise license, lougru "'"- thut trjK at transfer, she made up her U Ik going about Is t thu effect that to to her lawful husband to them by giving the bureaus lu return Certainly tho present condition mind return satisfactory work tinted references Ilmuill and pay for Harry Murray will be tho Inheritor of HI10 Kanamoto of this, but ns bad as It ran be. Informed accurate datu nbuut lliew island whenever their ruitniucrs culled for them, lovt Sheriff llruwn's streiiKlh In thu enn-ve- il his Ideas on the mutter differed from guaranteed. sentiment. Tho leU- - The clippings recelviM 'ouhl !' Ult-.- or sent here for publlfiitioni and when This win the I Ion, if It should iippear that I'rnbbe lieri m much that ho resorted tn u U, they embruced uny unjust erltleUm of the Territory nu answer cnuld bo pr tlvo ",'k''u ot M l,,t,M "" '' B devel.ipa Into a diuinennu roiupetltnr knife to Impress them nn thu unfor- I Is every Give us a trial w,n '"' l,l,,'-'''- l " However, that a rulluT reinoio tunate woman. Thero Is reason iiarisl ut and tent out for inalnlnMd publUatlon before Interest lc,i dei-lupln- tho hindquarters l'H 'rabbit s not In ex pre t llmt the inurdinr will not II,.. ll,i.r .11... I hit mudo fllSHL'tl t10 HUUOr IUW, IIIHI eri HSBi; in I.r lm.l nuuv. li,,l.l. nrruilUHini.nla iiiIliIiI ullll daiigeriuisly. po fur ns unyhody )iu iIIh as (he result of his attempted sui- u,'tlul1 111 liM ,","", nil lhri'Mt papers of thal'iiltml Blutes and with tho Wii.hlnutnii news liuriMius, l"'Hur " "" Uii'ii ulilu to dlumver po fur cide. to supply IIuhuIIuii Information un ilmiiund. . rtlivr tavlBinl. rH5NlJltAI IT HUH. " The rowing iliuntplaiishlp hold (liiilirrt.--, In muiiy ulhtr llwn Mm, u IIhwuIIum linadiittiirtfrs l Wishlnntun,! tI llonlto a Hpanlard, fell from u), til fiac-lure- OHAMIIMIIMI.N'i' COI.1W. oi,hha lliultr the iiusplcrs nf llai a tluimi ut Olaa nn Monday and d flollister Drug Jf proptrly nriwuliwl and iimtiiiiMl, oul.l ho ut .llrwt hmJ vllul value lu thu n wmIIiiii Itiiwlnir APsovlatloii will he hold ANI) DIAHIHIOIU HIIMHDV his Ik lit leir. mid wlul lnlriiU ut tin Tunltury. us usual oil July Fourth. '1iu Ht'Mlur Julm T M.ilr. nwiiaiinr of Dnmnca COUTANT IN INDIA. rueo will uwiim off IIipI und will 1m plHiiimluii, s laid up uiiii fvtr hut fiiliimw by ih Junlur fours Tim AU iiiut r'4iuly III, TUB J'lONKHH I'HOTOOIUI'HIO THIS- CZAI? ANI)- THIS. DOUMA.. . : :: .,...- - ,...... Mrs. M. ,. mmV rini fiti L'uinar' tunlwi u Uiduiff villi lau wn fur Hun VfiAUKm, vmvr mtukkt, dip i r f i - 15 A I'Mr in ii iwpuiar m tm atu uuiKg in injirn pt,, nm'u, iM)m Wyi " iiiiln spurt ImIwhmi iho 181 ks und I'nl- 'i.amino fur a bulkliiy I'lp Hhp will N II IIOTKU A Mui kj, - iiMimnJiiuwuiiUPiiajnwwiiiiiiiwiiimMipiMip (ItniiMl T'njMiff, viih pouM,iiipf uf fur Hki'h wl 4wt IW Kultimiuil Mk uwl and villi iMtulr p- -fl vr rally Huh upmi will lirlnK lliw pr- villi Mullvwi IH lnlttw. llnn, and TU ruvnlt III aU. I'ptpipUiiif. Um. TiMMilf IbpiuiimI I La luurail at lka uauuU. uku UWHr UultlP uf ClMiHUrlUi '"Uf pi sin lo an wid llil two raM will Im riup u PullUui), Uin,, wul Ill 10 bPluiminif lo u 111 hi. 1 iHiinn) .a kuu l,U Jaioliui I.. iLm llluUJiu ullL Jmmi. ul.i.l.u. KUkJv Ik. Ilur t'plrl4 MIU )lHrihllW IIWNIlr, HI 11 Will b iiMilWrlwl by 'fpp lir!HilllMl Uulltl, MMI 1, whu wua in it . ulu nf iiiiim ttiu) 4uLi 1 ;,.,- - i .:,..TT7,.rZi u up u lit llwtfjtul MMU uwi Tli II i llray l by ili llsiwhl whim in ilip'K WW In km linn .. wpp-r-- w ZTZ LJZli-- "- TTiZT. tw fij nmA wml fi. ... L.li l IIFUJMhIUHpO' iw " v ' - " w MI gj liflVii I iWf I IliV lNW hill atari Bflff llM us Itw llSOftllllll MUlHWH' IHIlrlll 'I'lipr llt U Um frvl uf Pawn) I104 uujw 11 Usui lumww m m ut iriVM nf Um iratN fH in iwihpuiu iipi. Pol i I iiaiu UlifM)', guj lUMlkrr )tY fur IiImiii m i' i fMlMlfe w h uti$n if VllM 4 MMattU MplH Will If--a lloiidulil si If lU.nr.r win. Ii iliv tiMllli "lilMfi 'fjp (tali hy lhi lluwaii MuliMituiiy mu mm Hip WW I ' 11 & rariiilny In i'Milntula " 1 " ' ' t ' li.,ii'4 i' i.,n4. 1, r ma Ii i t&B Mil dUnl ll)i"l 0 ui f- -r PliOl- - . cflBB lii'ini'dlalply pflfr III J"hi )HM'l.l II m Ul"d rtMlk ttlM) 1 li H " I' d f id. . Al J' V4 I""""'' tUll Adiialds IJiW'' " I1""1 " )i ui l,.,i .i UI I' . It- - iUl lli, 0JM)ll uf Ihl' I4H liir WlUlli'tr 'd Hhlii( it U f'T 11 ana W iUM " mill wr

"O0 u-- -

HAWAIIAN GAXfiJTK, It'KSDAY. JIUV J, A KMY.WKKKLY. MBEMHBBWIIll'JLiJl. ..'!! I,' r ' rsKsxmifsam v Mosuia Km M I o kak, nxi. ' 2.(!"t' tftw 11 Ift.wi l.i4Uxi f.4J"'M OOOOOOO';CO0'OCOOO0COf 0 S PUBLIC LANDS READY M'uia K'i'ii Ma . no 0 hiki, maud' .Ma lot .... M"" K.MI.1 MMr .. I'mH- - "SI"" ft At nt HAWAIIAN CORPORATIONS .,,,. FOR PARCELING OUT KMlatl ;.im IT INI ftlHHHI O.Wt '' t,mi.Mi IliMMI k. l. I JlliW MlilHI IHilini I JIS2 cil ll.k .!.;',! MERCANTILE, AOHtCULTUUAL, MANUFACTURING AND BANKING KmhA Ihaln.l, tUtrnli CORPORATIONS. Knlnim, Uwufl, NtHtf Capllat HlnrU. I'rlnrlnal llutlnHt rrfiM.nl or Mtnattr niOMkn lilOfyDO 1.100.00 7 000 Tallarinf V V. Ahana Over 40,000 iictck of territorial lniid in nil OintriclH of the lrltUM0 At.U Co In.ono Ornfral Mrrrlian.llta llnimikvin. PlsUlct, .llaiMili Amrttrtn Dry lu,l Aollloti 19.IH10 (Irittral Jlnchacdl.f . ..(!. J. link nr rirrtcticnllv nvnilnule for nuttlvtiii'iit. Imiiil CuiiuniMlniU'r X Alfiiikltr llalilolii 3,000,000 (Irornl Arrnla ...11. P. llaMwIn - 7,njO00 TtlQO 0,000.0!) 7.JMW.00 linn eonipik'il a MnU'iiii'iit of wii-l-i IiiihIh, tin- npproxitimtn vnluo Nloalc AmtrlMii lltlimtrr Hfttlf 10.000 1'aretl . K.I jar llrnrlquat 1'rntt A . lllr dlirr. AUm HiWnen, ROO.OOO , . - i iKHHol'nuUie .. . fltup It 10.00 1,01.1.00 l.umlir anrf nial .lira. II. M. Allrn of the mime li,chir or nn iivcnim- of about per nore. ."J5, AlrtiH,lrr Vvuiir llulldlnc IVi 1.500,000 AlioanuVr Vounc Hide .AUianJer Young Tin? ComniiKHioner 1ms also compiled nnotlier lint Hlinwinn Iniida Knnlio ! 1,000.00 12,404(50 ...... 13,401 JO Anirilriin Onlrllural mill Mftfliiti Uanu'arturlnir Nu(ar Ma i , 4.000 rhlnrrr . .11. A. l'rltraon available for rsettloiiicnt, Ipiino, sale or oilier disposition. The present Knolic 3 BS,700.00 8,700.00 30J)OO.OU Xh.TMU.00 Amrr. tunli lUwalliu Knclhtrfn Coiialructlnir wharrra. nirra. ICoiottOM) nn. (intriullm 10,000 Oilman lenHi-- s on lands are expiring. Of these, iiieliiiliiii; lands elassed Knolio l l7,a(H).00 37,200.00 187.iOO.O0 it ,lr Cht. It. tluw Anli'l t'oilff, Vrull b Hlok Co.. S.THO CaUt rullurf Dr. II. I. llnnil nirrtauUiirnl, pastoral, forest and waste tnere is a total aereae of Knolio o 9,2fltuo 5,000.00 10,000.00 0,2."0.00 S 1,250.00 Ainf rlran llrnkrrtict Co 10,000 (Irnrral Iniuranro Tlim. 1. Lmiainf hr Alolia C(Tr Li . 10,000 (V(Tii rulluro 477,91!f.83. I ,l"" IHtrJct, Hiiwiill Aloha Alna OiaUi On 8.000 l'ubliakrra K I. I.IVa AnUimalKi LVntrKjical Co 1S.OO0 have three survey parties in the Held nt present cutting Opw-lviw- .... l.oso.OO 530.72 403.0S 44.30 1,050.00 !anii(arlur ausar roatlilnrry. . . ,W. O. Hall "We Allifrlun. J. 11, Rtiatr 300.000 llval fatalr. Mra. J. M. Alhrrlnn Lominis-Kionc- Kiilwikl-Wnllea- . . 97H.SO 272.20 Ilrrwrr, Co l.OOO.OOl) up lnnds to ninKe them availnble for settlement, said the r 5,590.00 4,3.18.00 5,590.00 C, k Oenrral ngonla . . . .Chaa. M. Haul til Hawaii 000,000 aioka L'iOO lirst-elas- s Mnui llanllni ...Chaa. M. Cook yesterday. "There are aeres of eane land in Lahnitin, HriiMin, Hmltli A Un 70,000 Drusflit Oki. W. Btnllh Ililo district, 8000 acres on Maui and 1000- - acres on Kauai which Ukuiiielinme 11,010.00 500.00 1,000.00 8,000.00 1,510.00 11,040.00 llcrictrnm Muilr Ci.... 20,000 Mmlral (nalrunirnti .. .J. W, lleriftroni Jlrrurr. Chaa., Kitat...... S.0,000 Heal ralatt . .(Iro. II. Hobcrtion are heim: cut up for use for settlement. Island of Onhu Ilullftln 1'ublUhlnic Co SS.000 l'lllillihrra . .W". It. Karrlnalon Illtiualk Klalilra Co 10,000 1. Ivory anil V. Oftice is doiiiK a larfje amount of work in Kaholuiii.Maiioa 18.10 1S.S0 raptcaa. T. Hoblnaon "So you see the Land 180 Ilrrrey'a Cotmnrri lal Anfiirr. . . . . 3,000 Compiling Coimnrrclal c l 1 llrporta..q. II. lltrrry ii...... ;.... ut r ....i.i! .....:.... il f..J Kapnlna, 4.00 1.00 4.00 IIUIiop Trim Co 100.000 Iruat .H. M. DamoiL II1C preparation lor BUiiieJiieiii i jpidjmu iiiinia, iiu: nnj iui l'auoa. Cantl A, CoiiVc ...... ,.,,,, , 1,000,000 (Irnrral Aitrnla 0. V. Ca.ll. whoever desires to become-- a bona'fide settler." Lunlualei,Walnae 3,332.00 1,058.00 1,138.00 1,130.00 3,332.0(1 Calllornla Sinrl. l)lrjr Co J.ooo Dairy produrla hVfJ i It. A. l.yman, Mr. Callfiirnta Co , 50.001) Agrlruittiral proilucta T. J. Klnis The list of nntalten lauds in the various districts, ready to be Caalle H. X., K.tali- - 000,000 llrnl ralalo . 11. Caatlo Cnllon, Xrlll Co ...V. taken up are as follows: 209,509.90 0,302.02 5,097.08' 40,139.00 141,970.30 209,509.90 i 7S.00O Mnrhlnrry manufaclurlric . .llnlirrt Callnn Cliaa, Al. Cookn 300.000 Financial anil agricultural. ....O. M. Cooke IJST OF UNXAKEN LOTS TTRST LAND DISTRICT. LANDS AVAILABLE FOR SETTLEMENT, LEASE, SALE OR OTHER DIS- Capital llullilini; Co 30.000 UtiilJinc and loailne Cliainbtra Drue Co .. 10,000 DniEtlita Ar. urcn Ajip. POSITION. YEAR 1007. Aj tV) Olio A. lllrrbach Mnp Carrrrn 40,000 Wholr..ilr llquora Carrara, Caplnln Cook ,.E. O. No. LOCATION. Lots, in iicrcs. vnlue, Class. Knu District, Hawaii ColTee Co , 80,000 CotTre culture V. Ilrunrr Ciitholic Coroaralloii nf (irnl. . 'J.SOO Ural - I., 7 rilatf- H. J. llorynaems 2 Kslmu Sec, I'unn, llnwnil 354.30 $1,325.40, Apri., Past. Area. Agrlcul. Pastoral. Porest. Waste. Total. CVnlral lllll. Co 375,000 Kuar.' n. Halilwln IVnlurfr TFlephonp Co f, Hnwnli 3 JOO.IIO 827.05 Atrri, Past. Kapapaln .172,780.00 '3,000.00 50,000.00 32.500.00 107,280,00 172,780.00 180,000 Oprrallnir Trlrphone Byitrm. .Oro, W. Smith 2 KnmalU Sec, Puna, Chineae Coftpe Co.. 25,000 delimit mcrcliandiao 34 Knoho Puna, Hnwnli 4 322.70 3,858.25 Ari., Past. Mohokca, 1 & 2 . 2,701.00 075.00 330.00 1,S50.00 2,701.00 City illll Co 00,000 Hire lullliriR Wong Lrong Sec, uny Btauiea t Supply Co , .. 100,000 Orncral llrrry o. IHIIlni 8 014.00 Knmono-Puueo- . II. 30 Oniliikno Sec, Puna, Ituwiiil.. .. 1,103.25 Agri., Pnst. 32,500.00 32.500.00 12,500.00 Hatabllahlni; City anil IrailiiR 37 Kupalnm Sec, Punn, Hawaii.... 3 1D3.00 C45.50 Afiri., Past. Olclomoana Opi- Market 12,SS2 Wong I,cong City Mral Co ,., 3,000 llutchrra '" Wnnc I.ronr o Nanawalo Sec, Puna, Hawaii... 1 il.Gfi 21.00 Agri., Pant. hihnll 145.00 145.00 145.00 uimaiilliloleil Hudn Watir Worka. , Cutintrtietlim Cuncretr Co 80,000 Concrrlo & plaatrr L. O. 23 Olaa Sec, Puna, Hawaii 344 20,245.4it" 102,059.18 Agri., Pnst. Kohala District, Hawaii C'o)u Co mntrrlnla Abies "urniture 20,000 Xurnlturr. matiufaclnrr. & denier... A, Coyne Ululi Btalilea . 32 Knimu-Makon- a Sec, Puna, Haw. 10 281.04 310.91 Agri., Past. Ihikiaa 380.00 380.00 384.00 cral livrry 0. II. IJolflna Clnrk . 5M2 Krm Co. 30,000 l'inrapplra . . . , ( O Kuimu-Kalopan- rilark 33 a Sec, Puna, Hn. 2 37.28 185.58 Agri., Past. Opihipau 449.00 440.00 449.00 Vrw-11--. Co 2!M!22 Jrrc;.uV.. .p!m. IMinond, lmiiorlcra?."" '"V sw.iuy Klkala-Keoke- a 12 801.97 800.02 455.00 455.00 455.00 70,000 claaa uml crock. 34 Sec, Puua, Haw. Past., Waste Knhei - ., n iy...- a. D. C. Dolinnann 35 Keaunohana-Kclicna-Keckc- o Ka- - Kahci 80.00 80.00 80.00 tl"" nnd Financial Dllilnirliam Co.. Thn II. . '"V ' 1,000,000 Uenrral ncrnta 3, y IMIllnrlinm maili Sec, Puna, Hawaii 10 CG8.00 354.09 Past., Waste Hamakun District, Hawaii-Ho- ea Dowat'tt Coa ,,"d Knl.TprlK- - Co i 104.24 384.82 - illll 30,000 tlrl.t mill 40 Keonepoki-lk- Sec, Puna, Haw.. 17 Past., Waste Kaao ..... '2,500.00 750.00 1,750.00- 2,500.00 Kxcvlslor Rodn . Pftfr Worka 0,000 otira W SloSe Makaoku Hilo, Hawaii....'. 58 10.45 1,000.00 House lots. Kiiiwiki Kimla.. 390.00 390.00 300.00 Kinmclutti & Co ' J,;o. EmnieSlh Sec, Kconotnlc Klioo Co a?S'S22 Vv."7"' ."'f-l.-ndla- Kaumana Hilo, 73 5.34 730.00 House lots. Lepcloa-Kauniho- . 308.00 25G.00 52.00 308.00 Elieland, W, J Sec, Hawaii.... Co.... O.500 l'luiiililnic v. J. Eniland 1 98.20 491.10 Ajrri. Kaujiakuea 210.00 150.00 i.mu i.oiiiiiiK worka 20,000 Aerated watfr. 3 Ponaliawai Sec, Hilo, Hawaii... Past., 00.00 210.00 1'lrkt Amrriran Havlnca and Ja. A. Low 33 Upper Kaiwiki Sec, Hilo, Haw.. 7 209.25 2,154.00 Past., Agri. Kaapoko 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 Trust Co. 200,000 Hanlllng CeA 1'iral Uank of Hilo 200,000 n..ki.,e.x . ,c:o.K,u,d; Honomu Sec, Hilo, Hawaii 3 87.23 581.28 Past., Agri. Island of Lanai Orinliatim, M H., & Co ...... ::"...... '. 3?X'nnS wiI","1 ,""'"1"nJI" M. B. (Irinbaum 'llilo, Agri. .Mahana Uonanlrr & Co , , 24 Upper Maulua Sec, Hawaii 10 1,580.50 7,932.50 Past., 4,900.00 7,900.00 7,900.00 OrluiKiiod, Hlcliardann & llollowny 25,000 Civil eiigliu'frlnj Aug. Drelur Laupalioclioo Sec, Hilo, Hawaii. 40 950.74 9,507.40 Past., Agri. Kauualu 7,400.00 7,400.00 7,400.00 (Juy Owrna Electrical Coiiatruc lion Co. Kleclrlcal Island of Oahu Kona District Garden Itland IMilillalilnc Co,.... 'J'S aupplle . Ovrens Hnualiau Klour ,i'S22 l'lllliln...... M. P. Prosser 019 20,747.90 $132,783.33 Kuwiliwili .... 17.80 17.80 17.80 Co 10,000 Mllllnc Amaltamated...... with LIST OF UNTAKEN GOVERNMENT LOTS SECOND LAND DISTRICT. Palolo A'nlley-Ka- au Ilauallan Hell Teleiilione Co 10,00ff 'IVIepliono HaU, i:. Co...... Oodlrey llrnwn . . . . 18.84 18.84 O.. Ii Hon 250,000 Hardware.. Mup Ag. area App. waeloa 18.84 Carrlaicn Co W. W. Hall Ilnallan Mfir. 8,000 Vrlikle inaiiufaclurliiz..,. . W. Kwa District Hawaiian Htone Co 10,000 Lime and ...O. Zlefler No. LOCATION. Lots, in acres. value. Class. Hawaiian (Iniette alone to 00.000 1'ubli.liiiiK , A. Pouhula 2.03 2.G3 2.03 Hawaiian Kruit Se ..L. Thuratoa 12 Niupea Sec, Hamakun, Hawaii.. 88.54 $718.00 Agri., Past. Taro Co...... 30,000 Ueneral nitrlcultuie. . . , . . K. K. Ilalley Halcnkala llanch Co 220,000 Htoik raltinc 11 Paauilo Sec, Hamakun, Hawaii.. 193.59 4,115.25 Agri., Past. llamakua and Koutli Kohala Tele- - ...II. P. llaldwlu Hn- - 208,409.93 0,775.! 9,938.00 14,410.00 107,230.00 20S,409.93 lihone and Telegraph Co 15,000 Telephone acrrlce 27 A Kanpaliu and Poliakca Sec, Hawaii Laud Co V, Horner 100,000 Heal e.tate. ..,.., V. SUMMARY, Hawaiian Title, C. Add inakua, Hawaii 39 853.50 0,818.00 Agri., Past. Aliatract and Co.. 10,000 HiarchliiK recorda. .,.,., . W. 11. r Csille, Polrjikca Hawaii. 324.10 1,107.20 Agri., Past. ARricuI. Pastoral. Porest. Waste. Total. Hawaiian Htor Aaaocla Sec, Hamnkua, Hon 15,000 l'uLll.hera Lands available, 1900. 0,302.92 75,097.08 40,139.00 141,970.30 209,500.90 Prank L. Jloogs 30 Ahualoa Sec, Hnniakua, Hawaii. 365.22 742.78 Agri., Past. Hawaiian Kewa Co 50,000 Hooka ond atationery . . Hawaiian Co .John ir, Hoper Lauds available, 1907. 0,775.27 79,938.00 14,110.G0 107,280.00 208,409.93 i:iectrlc 500,000 Lighting and aupplle J. A, McCmidlesa 38 Aliualoa Sec, Hamakun, Hawaii. 20.80 100.00 Agri., Past. Hawaiian FIrIiIhk Co 25,000 flailing 4 Hawaiian Land and Improvement 38 Awini Sec, N. Kohala, Hawaii.. 159.40 037.00 Agri., Past. Co, . . 25,000 Heal eatate..... ,L. A. Thurston -- 20 Kaauhulm Sec, N. Kohala, Haw. 204.35 806.55 Agri., Past. 13,077.19 155,035.08 00,555.00 249,250.30 477,919.83 Hawaii Herald I'uMl.liIng; Co.... 5,000 l'uhll.hera Hart A: Co II. Viekera ,,. w,vvii ..iv.nu.n.i.. , W. JI. IIOOK. 26 A Kaauhulm Sec, N. Kohala, Haw. 48.37 Homestds. Agri., Past. lliukfeld, II., A C( (leneral d 3,000,000 egenta nnd Importers. .J. P. Ilackteld S. Hawaii. . 587.30 1,330.50 Agri., elded to stay for several months long- Hawaiian Flliru Co.,.,. Pauahi Sec, Kohala, Pnst. AND TBE & ,r,,"r?";m bS'n " llrowu KUANS er. When Mr. Jones was given tho Hawaiian l'rull Plant Co 25.000 w v n i.i.. 35 Puukapu Sec, S. Kohala, Hawaii 132.33 432.03 Agri., Past. Hawaiian Trailing Co. .. ., 50.000 Whole.ale ceneral merchants. . .M. J. Carroll mamigeihent of Lellehua Ranch last Hawaiian fertilizer Co 800,000 Importers fertllltera. , . ...O. M. Conk July Hawaiian Loan fc 8aiini;Co 30,000 Dunking ,..Ueo. II. Huddy ho took Mr. and Sirs. Hoyt down llamakua Koda Wor'd Co 101 2,977.50 $10,893.97 tlieio his family they 7,500 Aerated waters. . 1. l'orbcs w'th nnd enjoyed Hawaliiin Tru.t Co 1OO.000 Trust. . . . .K. I). Teuney LOTS THIRD LAND DISTRICT, the visit. Immensely. HorrUon, A., Mill Co 25,000 Lumber 4 LIST OF TJNTAKEN GOVERNMENT, m, . .Arthur Harrison '..,. Hawaiian Cemetery Atnoilatlon. . 100,000 , , i nv icu nero to visit tnclr dauglitcr . . J. A. Msgooii Map Ag. area App. Holai Hill Land Co ....,.., 42,000 Ileal A. in Jnpuu nnd Mr. Hoyt took sick Hawaiian Heulty e.tate...... Itulus Ionian Lots. in aeres. value. Class. and Maturity Co. 80,000 I.nana ,..L. K. Kentwell No. LOCATION. The following letter addressed to D. whllo there nnd died. He leaves Hawaii Minn Ci 60,000 Wholesale lliuors 14 Kaulana Soc, N. Konn, Hawaii. 4 332.17 $278.02 Agri., Past. L. Wltlilngton was Intended, ho states, several 'SOiiK In Oakland uho were Hamipepe llakery -- ,(juu ushers .,...... ,, Hawaii Ditch Co 1,000 Cointiuetlon Irrliatlon s)stem H. G Hawaii. 2 4.07 122.30 Houso simo of tho heavy loseis In tho Pineapple. Parker Akahipuu Sec, N. Konn, Lots. for the Social Sclenco Association: Hawaiian ..Co 90,000 Cultivating i. canning .pineapples, .J. D. Dale flro of M...... II...... 11.., . Kalaoa-Oom- Sec, N. Kona, 0 737.50 239.97 Pastoral. San Francisco last April. ....n,..,ri,i .ll...gin,, wu. i),uuu iiarpiir ureUKIIIK...... lieo. P. Denlsoil Ha. 100C...... (( Honolulu, T. H., June 23tli. Their place of business was near tho llalrlwa lintel y. , 100,000 Hotel I, V. II lllnl.i..M - N. Hawuiian Kodn Works Honuaula Kealakeho Sec, D. L. Wlthlngton, Esi., Honolulu, T. H. cable olljco on Market street. MrH. J?'S2S "ted waters,.... jum Hill. Hawaiian Telephone Co 16,000 Maui telephone aervice, B. Ah Ml Kona, Hawaii ... 53 2,549.00 7,047.00 Pastoral. JJear Sir: We, a few lepiesentatlve Hoyt inily como back hero later on and Hawailun .Tnpaneac Dally Chroiiiclo Koreans, you In be- Co 25 Kalamnkownli Sec, S. Kona, IJn. 1 33.30 333.00 Agri., Past. desire to address stay ulti Mr. and Mrs. Jones. 6,000 PuhUiliera if. Tauruahlms half of our fellow countrymen scattered Hafccldeu Tobacco Co 15,000 Tohncconl.ta.n.. , . . If, p, lloyseldejj Kukuiopac Sec, S. Kona, Hawaii 2 33.20 84.50 Agri., Past. Cultivating,!: canning pine- - over these Islands, and to assure you The Supiemo Court yesterday denied Hawaiian Islands Packing 60,000 apples., 2G - Opihihalo S. Co...... A. W. Karnes Olclomoana Sec, of our deep, htartfelt appreciation of the motions to place on the calendar lIawaiuii'Auisriau ltubber Co.... 80,000 Cultivating rubber trees Hugh Howell Konn, Hawaii 3 8G.70 332.70 Agri., Past. the kind Interest you and the other nnd to dismiss tho appeals Henry May & Co 150,000 tlroceries , t. Moy of John F. Henry Waterhou.e. Trust Co 200,000 Trukt and general agents, W. Blilngli -' members of Social Science Club It. 35 Papa Sec, S. Konn, Hnw.'iii..,. 11 80.01 Homestils. Agri., Pint.- the Colburn, executor, and Helen Hosa, Hilo A Hawaii Telephone & Tele-run- took In tho case of the live men con- widow, in tho iriatter Co 6,025 Operation lelephono system A. Kiolakaa-Kca- a Knu, Haw 159.90 412.95 Pastoral. of the estato of J. Scott Sec, . victed of murder and sentenced to die. Antouo Rosa, deceased. Hilo Soda Works 6,000 Aerated waters Kaunamano Sec, Kan, Hawaii. 57 1,941.50 14,020.04 Agri., Pnst. 'We were deeply grieved at the crime JIalstead & Co.. flO.AOO Cnniml.Klnn mill tni.l Bipn.il W V 1i.nu. Hawaiian Hlknl Co 100,000 Cultivation and prep, sisal..., August Dreier Nlnolc-Waila- u G men chnrged, 37 Sec, Knu, Haw. 9G.32 382.70 Pastoral. with which these were Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monu Btone they In eulters and Iron fences. H..E. Hendrlck and felt thnt hud a mcasuro A FAIR EXCHANGE. ineitt Works . . . . , 0,000 Plneapplo culture... It. P. llaldwlu brought all our fellow countrymen Into Haiku Fruit i. Packing Co 25,000 Operating Irrigation system J no. Hind 150 5,852.67 $24,700.44 disgrace. We can no excuso Largo sums of monoy aro no llamakua Diteli Co 1,000 Wholesale tobacconists. ., .Oeo. II. Kentwell offer for Hawaiian Tobacco Co UNTAKEN GOVERNMENT LOTS FOURTH LAND DISTRICT, Buch doubt roalizod from spec- 15.000 Operating lighting system J. A. Bcntt 11813 serious offences against the law simplo Hilo Klei trie Light Co 100,000 Publishing O. C. Kunnedy , Islands of Maui and Molokal. nnd order of this fair and beautiful ulation, but tho areat fortunes Hilo Tribune Publishing Co 1,600 (ieneral merchandise. ,..,,., John W. Mason land, except, of course, the dense Ignor- uro Hilo Mercantile Co 150,000 Drugs O. C, Kennedy Map Ag. area App. derived from legitimate and Hilo Drug Co , 15,00(1 Ileal , ance of such men and the awful temp- estate ,.... No. LOCATION. Lots, inucrcs. value. Class. honest buBinossA-who- ro tho goods Hilo Masonic Hall Association... 12,000 Illuminating gas plant, W. It. Castle tations to drink ami gamble to which Honolulu (ius Co 200,000 Foundry and machine shops. , . . P. M. Hwanzy Kamaolo Sec, Kula, Maui 03 3,322.45 Homestils. J'astoral. they nro exposed In many lonely places. furnished aro worth tho price Honolulu Iron Works 600,000 Dalrjlng they dub!-ncB- B Honolulu Dairy Co .1 20,000 Illectrlo ar system , . . , L. G The severe punishment on bring. Certain famous T. Peck 33 Waiakoa Sec, Kula, Maui 104.8S 427.73 Agri., Past. Indicted Honolulu ICapId Transit A: Land Co. 1,000,000 Druga , T. W. Hobron three of men will, wo hope mon havo accumulated Drug Co Alac 3 and 4 Sec, Kula, Mnni. . . 15 420.00 1,200.00 Agri., Pnst. these and their Hobron 75,000 Manufacturers Cecil Drown pray, be an object lesson to nil others, miUfonB wholly in this way. Honolulu Bimp Works Co...... 25,000 Drugs , H. A. Parmaleo Pulchuiki - Knmchnmciki Sec, never be forgotten; was Holllster Drug Co , 60,000 Kteum laundry , K, O. Winston to and slnco It Prompt and faithful in ovory Honolulu Steam Liiutidry B'S.OOO Deer manufacturing K, Colt Hobnm Kula. Maul 2 24.82 71.40 Agri., Past. through your kind Intercession that two contraot or engagement thoy on. Honolulu llrewing (t Multiilg Co., 400,000 ICclnl! tobacconists ,...11. A, Parmalee 10 31.01 Ag'&Hslots of these men escaped tho dcith penolty. Honolulu Tobacco Co..,. 35,000 (leneral ogenls , II. Focke. Keanno Sec, Koolau, Maui Homestds. joy tho confldonco of tho public HolTschlaeger Co, 120,000 llakery , and sentenced to a teim Impi s- - Wailua Sec, Koolau, Maui 47 111.92 Homestds. Ag&Hslots and Home llukery Co. , . . , , 8,000 Meii-dorin- , onment Instead, no bes to thank yoa ".pmmand a class of trado Honolulu Stevedore Co 5,000 Publishers 20 Nahiku Sec, Koolau, Maui 4 90.91 193.94 Pastornl. is ...t cim (lem most cordially for. their Hake's rs well that refused to unstablo or Honolulu Chinese Chronicle Co... i 5,000 Ilolrjlng D, p. h. Uenberg 20 A Nahiku Sec, Koolau, Maui 4 24.80 Homestds. Ag&Hs lots as our own, nnd sinceiely hopo that tricky competitors. In tho long Honolulu Dalrynun's Association. 20,000 Merehiindl.il and lumber. .. ,0. II. HofgoaM Hofgaard, (' 11., k Co 60,000 JtVuulrsaln liquors. .... J, 0. Hntliivell 3 Kaupo Sec, Koolau, Maul 2 125.94 380.82 Agri., Past. such a crime inny never again bo ed run it does not pay to cheat or Honokan Wine & Llquur Co ?'Hf:li Cn,ml"f lilueopiilcs , Jss. V. Dolo any wo Honolulu Packing Cn. 5,000 Hhcep raising , , , 3 Muui 0 81.93 & Ha by ot tho people whom decoivo others. humbug may Knupo Sec, Koolau, Homestds. Ag lots. represent. A Humuula Sheep Stution 100,000 (iuniral merchandise. 7SG.75 bo advertised with a noise liko H11I Kalepa o Pimwela l,&oo (irocerlcs . , W, Holenn, 9 Knlmkuloa Soc, Koolau, Maui.. 9 990.00 Agri., Past. We honor to be, Kalejm .J. have the sir. tho blowing of trum- Hui o Walakamilo 1,000 Ktpress 1V...1 ..Jim. P. Mnrgsu DA Kalmkuloa Sec, Koolau, Maui.. 29 3.34 334.00 Tnrolots. Your obedient servants, a thousand Huilaee-Pec- Co 200,000 Aerated water It. W. - Filler pets, Hrgela Kmla k Ice Works 10,000- (lenersl agents ?... . . 23 Kamiloloa Molokni 1 20.00 45.00 C. 11. Mln, Honolulu, but it is soon detocted and . ..Win. O. Irwin Sec, Pastornl. Oahu; Hun Jooh Irwin, Win, (I., k Co 600,000 Ileal estate and ranching. . Alfred W. Corter oxposed. Tho manufacturers OltirV 24 Hoolchua Sec, Molokni 5 70.14 330.00 Pastoral. Sang, Kin, Oahu; Clin Han Hlk, Wal- - of John Ii Kstate V 150,000 renting A. F. Judd nlua and Mokulelj, Ouhu; I in Chung WAMPOLF.'S Judd llulldlng Cn ... 100,000 Klce milling , ...... H, Kitnura PREPARATION Japaneae Hire Mil) Co.. 15,000 Foundry and milling ..Win, L. Hopper Soo, Knhuku, Onhu; Han Salt Kyo, I.l- - Co nry goods 209 5,227.95 $4,001.41 havo alwava acted on very differ- James A. Hopper r.n.onri , .. .K, W. Jordan hue nnd Hnnamnulu, Kauai; II. K. Kim, Jordan, K. V. k lltt.., 75.000 Kxhlbllioii .A. v. Oear LIflT OF UNKNOWN GOVERNMENT LOTS FIFTHLAND DISTRICT. Makawell, Kuual; ltht-- Soon Kt, Kotoa, ent principles. Boforo offering Kaimukl Heights Zoo 10,1100 Operating telephone system,. .W. If. Itlro Kauai Teleiilione Co. , . , .... , , , , . . 20,000 (leneral merchandise. ...II. P. llaldwlu Mnp Ag. area App. Kaunl; Kim Soon link, Hleele, Kauai; it to tho public thoy flrat mndo Kahulul Hallway Co 75,000 Htock Ilamakuapoko, Maul; No. LOCATION, Lots. in ncres. value. Class. Ithee He Bm, suro of its morits. Thon, and Kawsilos llanch Co.... i, 100,000 stock ....Andrew Adams P. 8. Shin, Olan, Hawaii: Chang Youn then only, did Ha namo appear Kaneohe Jtanrli Co . , (10,000 Ileal ealate ..I), Kawananskos Alowa, Kona, Oaliu...... 81 114.70 $22,1152.00 Huuso lots. Whan, Kohala, Hnwnli; Chun Eul Ksplolanl Kslate 300,000 Men's furnishing.,,. ...,,. W. L. Souls in print. Pooplo woro Kssh Co 76,000 Aeistrd water O. O. Koolauloa, Oiiliu. . 15 113.34 2,833.50 Agricultural. Union Mill, assured of Hewitt Huuula, Keun, Kohnla. Ksu Hods Works Co 6,000 Wholesale liquor.. . . , J. (I. Itolhwell what it would do, anri found tho Kau Wine Co 15,000 (Irocerles. Ilauula, Koolauloa, Oiiliu, . 0 2.30 1,150.00 Ik-l-i lis ..4 ...... A. L. Perry lot. atatemont truthful. To-da-y they Kallhl Valley (Irorery Co , i,nun ueneral tuercusndtsa, .Cinesuka Hauaoka WA.NTKD AT ONUK. Kahulul Wholesale Liquor Co, , 0,000 bolievo in it as we all bolfovfl in i (Jenersllnf and distributing 101 230.40 On 20,933.50 A llttlct fnreilinught will save tho word of a tried and Kauai Klerlrle . 300,000 eleelrlrsl power .1) P. It. Isenberi nflnn trusted Kauai Money Co 3.000 Aliisrltls,, BIXTH LAND DISTRICT, nn end of trouljo. Think Iho pain frlond. ia palatablo as u. A. Itlra of It honey Kaupskslua Wine k l,lUur Co 6,000 Wholrssla liquors. . . . . J. M. Vivas Map Ag. nnui App. nnd suiTitIiik that must bo endured In and contains all tiio nutritive Kausi Fruit Land l.'o vo,iiwii rruii riiiiurs T. Cllre Davlst Ka lloku Hawaii Puhll.hlug Co , 1.000 Publishing . II. VlillJI), QlllMH. caso of an ultuck of pain In I lie slom.j ..W. Ilesra No, LOCATION, Lois, in ncres. and ouratiro properties of Pure Kerr, I., II., Co 200,000 lleiirrsl . . well ' merchandise .L. II. Kerr or crump colli; when iiiedlrlnn must Cod Kllsura Volrsnn Houss Co 81,000 Hotel .11. W. Hhliigla ,, Kitluliuo, Komi, Kauai,,; ,. 29 108.15 382,38 Agri., Pant. Liver Oil. oxtraoted by ua , b suit for. Hvery fmnlly should huvo. hllsurs oiirrs 1.0 70,000 (!off culture . . . , from froili coil I Hiork Dairy Co 10,000 llaiiililiig SUMMARY, I it bottle of f'liuNil)nrlulir folic, Chil- .Ivors, combined Kjlsues .... nunura, n m I.U. 11,000 inert lisndls V.W.' Moio.'hlf. vhIhp, li' ru uml llnnu-d- with tho Compound Byrup of llrutrsl DJBTWOT. fio; Acrcn, Ajip, Dlurrhoea In llin King Market 5,000 rsiig uiiong First Land District , 1)19 20,747.00 i:i2,7d3,3:i liouso. It Is ur" In b lliiudm) sooner I JTvpophosphltci and thoKztracta Kohala Tt Irphone (i 10,000 Operation plions tril'Ui., .John Hind or luier mid wlimi t hut llmt Ill Malt Kont I'offre k Fruit Co. . .5,000 Cuifes Heruml Iuiii District 101 2,0770 jn,so:i,ti7 eoines. of and Wild Chorry, It Kona Ksu Trlrphone k 'Olegrspb Iiu dk-oitio- wl u ii ii led at unto. Iluy it now alda tl riven Co A, 110 a 1 linpurltlei ?5'?SS (l"fll" l'll'l'nsyliu. Joint MrOiilfa Third Mini mttrh't n,Sfi'J.7 i.Tuo.4 II inuy suvu llfti Hold hy all Di'ulnis Kohsls Kloinlss Mining 60,000 Milling , from the blood, and cures Ano ll 15.01111 J.mmI DUtrli'l 200 (i,W7.).'S 4,001,11 uml OruiuilMv, IIuiishm, hnillll ft 'o Kulials Club 'I'raiisporlsllau 0y. llul.l .John lilll.1 fourth Knlials ki , 1 11,000 Mil.. Aut'iiu fur HumuII inlu,Horofii!, Debility, lull iioiua, Land I'.allr .M, I. Ilobluioil I'lflli I.uinl Dl.irld 101 M0. 10 JW,0.'I3.SU Limit. Kulials l.itrslliirlil k (iiminrrsltl Throat ami Trouble, ami Ci I, "00 I'fbdurs . HJitti ,uiii DUtrlul W l(W.I(5 iur.liini, .Jul.11 lliml Waiting Complaint, J)r, Louli 'Kvsllliig Tha I', lu au.uwi, AgiiiMiiiursi 11. KHellllis; I Kdtis) lUlillii l 4.000 AersliMi . . LEFT W. Hilltop tiiko WufVi .il.n W II. III. sow. II AAUGHTER myit "I ploaiuro Kolisla JMI'Ii I'D J0.WIJ lUl.lll Ifllml) mi iislms Jalip lllii.l IW,OI7,Otl Kohsls 11 mi I,WI7 In laying I Imye on ml l moit llsmli I'Slliief f, ITOU-I- IN tCuulau Uulilr In lUOOd Oulluf. luLUr IIN4 HONOLULU ollloliint proprHon, embodying Ivoiia llavrlupiutal fW, Sfuuwi asi.Miilural ntlniHniU kIIhw no yulun fpr all of (iio inoillolnnl jironurllm .htln ! i rVull II IBB.IMHI (hi Iui miiTm Af llwilt'ii M. .SUSIHI III ISI fHUWI Win Helming of a piironod liver oil In a iiiqiI U Ttiu or IufjUm to bo hvoJIuLiJu for wltluijiunl wliuii (!ig NnlllUII II Ho) I Him lllml III ;H'UII lnu imlutible nrni," Jt a lolentlilo .shHui .r,iuMijrfs)ir ffflBST' w J'tfimbmr Imvu Dxpiiiil In ii fulluwNi l! nlliiT ily llin uilur nf Mi rfim) ami it ooil with h ilolli , Tauii A IM AHhor H Juiim, Iiu vmiiiu Imm 'rm oloufifUiilit uml fUvour. One '"".A "H. JBW .Mwm'Ml 'pHiTioH, i va im OMllfiiinl ylili Mrs. Hu-- lo vlcli ihur hoMItt uonyjiifajj, "Vou piiiki tonblBf tar M tew mwiilir. I'Ui Hip Ib ijwBolnUJ lii ." Hol'l hpltyb VMWl WiU Tstdl, ly 3' )' dicwMi )ara dJ arerwlttm, iims&i errv'Hi! -

1 J GA7.KTTE, TUKSDW, -MM- I-WIWCLY, 6 HAWAIIAN Jl'LV J, ipri. ' ' I IIIMI "" Whwiii rw Halt fw Mil lull ii n where .Mifi tati-lei- l on the held of IV nai' Wha liinll t ' t h , ii.ii i. i tn i ln jinnla inn.l Ml tit Mfir .t ri.t Jr. it .nt r It" Mttatt nf lltnllS rn ! i' l.ikii f r n lis - - - - In' ' ' 'f itttlrr t tftiTlKf thai immr klal nf paltnt m1I Little Talks . i ,,i . .. . n r t i ..f .i ii i t,g ham In ,, , . i. . . , ,ir. ti I ini i.r if i in i.i rli . , la commmmhI BBNATOlt rAIUB Or IIAW.UI- am out of --)lllles. ij--- ., , i , uri-- f ".-- I itMinnii-- i If am-t'li- i i tiitil nut WMtkfr -I .i, JOHN lcr-tha- - fttAlillK Tidal wnve, liawl Tliial vnnr of t'a what Vitrlof riff--t i ! hh- s. me of td as attsttivAHtattv and tiMilit nrt, it is. WUt ! tkw llRwnlkiM In mebniigo tbtlr wi(t ari-r- Hatwrday nl fr OKOltOE LYOUItaUH Wc nro going to do big things with kon lum- nllfkt In tan Auto J lllver streat stsitloDsl It mast bo prrtly litre stuff, to that ber business. jtMlg.- - from tho etlfi, nml there lnHt bo eflnrfileriilite profit In It or there would CHAltLKY ACin I let tilt then; fellowa play ,n fewer swInglfK doors In thnt mrt of the city. There Is n kind ndvertlsed In their enrds, nnd then I trump the trick. tho inngtiaines with 'not n liemlache in a barrel', but the favorite n the s J. M. M'KINNOK Wnhlawn Is boss plnco I nm talking nltoiit seems to be thnt kind where you linvo to drink r the to spend n vncntion. I'vo got back. after Imbibing to put the fire nut. just Hongs That Have Power. A QUINK is In And it scorns to mo thnt tho tcuipernnro reformers in concentrating their JIM There n lot doing politics, n wholo lot. Hut nobody Is Practical Prohibition. T efforts towards stamping out theso licensed dives are going to accomplish some- saying much nbout it. some WILL E. riSIIEB There's moro troublo deciding on tho judgo of n dog-rho- Etiiiuctto on Shipboard. thing at last. Hy Inking down some of the top Isirs of their convictions call them prejudices they nre likely to get some legislation through thnt will than in appointing a judge of tho Circuit Court. Politeness. I Tho Governor's I bo beneficial. Hy forgetting for n timo thnt nil wlno is n mocker nml nil "DOONEY" 1IAHTMAN had n parrot that could whlstlo "The Old Oaken nnd ns soon as ho ho strong drink raging nnd reiillring thnt rot-g- whhky and cheap gin is moro Hucket" learned it went nnd kicked it. M. O. PAOIIECO Some I destructive to the lining of tho stomach than champagne or crcmo do intntho people know were nctunlly disappointed becnuso tho tldnl wave, scheduled they have gained allies that can do something for their cause and who, In the for last Friday, didn't come off ns predicted. W. II. coming election, will do something towards suppressing tho liquor trnffic by M'lNERNY The Hawaii Yncht Club will bo disappointed if tho public doesn't tomorrow cutting off the worse ends. attend night's reception nt the Monnn Hotel, In force. COLLECTOR OREEN A fX Tho ethicnl side of the drink question doesn't apply nlong Tllver And the newspaperman told me the other day thnt tho reason ho abutting streets, nor on the plantations. What tho apostles said about wine has only didn't take tho poor man's oath was thnt bo didn't know how , the poor man would fare without It. no connection in u practical way with the Chineso dealer in square-face- and ? whether the jugs at tho wedding nt Cnna held fermented or unfermented juice PALMER WOODS I had concluded to keep out of It this time, but well tho Democrnts Homo on doesn't improve the quality handed out in a fifth-clas- s saloon in Hawaii. Hut nnd Hulers Hawaii will fuse, nnd I will make tho run Probably only n few friends will remember tlio coming nnd going of tlie somehow or other many of those who nre fighting the evil of intemperance can- for the Scnute ngain. Otherwise, it is nil for Kuhlo down here. little iron gunboat Manila, wliicli came Into town ono morning not rcnllze this. They approach n man from tho Impracticable, sido nnd tell hIio coubl Lnhainn 7 iour years ngo anil spent three quiet weeks patching up licfnro him of his soul's damnation, when, it ecems to me, they should leave his sou! ..Gormnn D. Oilman Uico & proceed; anil then came within an aco of going ilown before reaching tho Const. to his sober self and show him that ho lias spent his money without getting value Perkins C7 Lowers & "Well, I nm reminded of the littlo craft principally by nn order of Secretary for it, that he has acquired n headache nnd n nausea, when for the samn money Cooke, Ltd 58 Tho Island of Donapartc, that tho navy, by its oillccrs, may not sing song "dcrogntory" of he might havo had n meal ticket or a pair of good shoes. Rome men, victims of Kauai. .. .John A. Palmer..." Xiilniu the Filipinos. On board tho boat were n jolly lot and ono of them knew more of drink, don't mind in tlio least being thought wicked, but they hato to bo thought Petroleum Gus 04 the songs of tho "Umpire" than any other man in either arm of tho service, fools. t J Jt & C. Brewer & Co., Ltd 05-0- ' Itosenberg & Son & and it is believed that ho wrote mnro of them, too. Hnsign, now Lieutenant, Cotton A sailor, though brnve, fearless and n sovereign upon the high seas, espe- Halstcnd Co., Ltd. Fred L. Wnldron J. : Oswald Luttcd 68 wns navigator of tho Manila and, with his banjo, led tho chorus which echoed cially when he is master of n trim ship, is not always a past-mast- In etiquette. K Mark Twnln 's across the bay when tho wardroom becamo reminiscent. Most of tho crew wcro Ktiquctto does not servo him in a storm when sails necil to be tnken in or short- Prose Poem Poultry In Hawaii 68 Tho Island of . . W. - 67-0- 8 going home to tako leavo or quit tho service, and every officer was overdue for ened nnd when every known bit of knack and seamanship is necessary to keep Oahii. .Jas. Glrvln..- Old Whaling A. 08-0- ihore leave. Bomo of those lads had been for four solid jcars in servico the vessel from foundering. The mnstcr of u ship is the most hospitable man, Days.... P. Taylor Honolulu Marine Rallwny Wells-Farg- & CO 1 around tho steaming islands of Aguinaldo and couldn't bo blamed for a littlo as llonnlulans know from experience. Go nboard any ship and the master will E. W. Jordan Co., Ltd... Acknowledgment Hoynl bit of soreness. give you tho key of welcome. He may be bluff nnd may not bo the best gram- Hawaiian Bund 00 Cost of Living in Hawaii Hon. Chns. 70-7- 2 a Tho song that Secretary Bonaparte has proscribed is nut a classic, it's a marian, but his heart is in tho right plncc nnd ho brings out the best ho has on P. Neill March of tho Rainbows (poem) . . . wail. It cannot be refined or gilded or perfumed, for it's rank, but more real the ship for entertainment. Therefore it is not strange that n popular captain .Sol. N. Sheridan 72 Hawaii tho Beulah Land (poem) a feeling was compressed into it, sometimes, than is nrousetl by Patti's "Home, recently got stage fright during a little entertainment on board his vessel. He Samuel P. Merril 72 Yokohama Specie Bank Thrum & Co f Sweet Home." The tunc, as tho newspapers had it, is, "Tramp, Tramp, ,the passed uround paper napkins to tho ladies nnd passed up tho men, putting the Sprockets 73 Queen Lllluokalani. . . Boys Are Marching." Tho words, as recalled, run this way: remainder In his pocket. Then he passed around among the guests with n plate .Stacker, Revised by Her Majesty 71 Hawaiian Royalties. . . . A. P. Taylor 74-7- 5 In tho Innd of dopey dreams, of sandwiches in one hand and u plato of cako in tho other, homo-mnd- cake, N. 8. Sachs Dry Goods Co In the peaceful Philippines, too, made right aboard the ship. A boy followed him with identical dishcB. 75 Famous Hawaiian Food Honolulu Where tho bolo man is hiking night and day; There was more cako nnd then came a boy with a platter and a plato of cake as Fire Department 75 Tropic Fruit Co., Ltd .' Thcro tlio fierce Tagalo creeps, well. It was a dimly lighted quarterdeck und tho contents of tho platter could 70 Hawaii's Active Volcanoes.... Rev. S. E. Bishop, D. D 77-7- 8 i And tho smiling shavetail sleeps, not bo plainly seen. "What is itt" inquired one of tho ladles. "Duck, Garden Vegetables Dr. on Hawaii 78 , , Wliilo tho sorry soldier sings this evening lay: Ma'am," replied the boy. Xcedless to say tho duck platter was not touched Jordan :'- - Royal Hnwaiian Hotel J. A. Hughes 78 i and the guests enjoyed a quiet little laugh nt tho cipenso of tho host, who wnB Tho Value of Hawaiian Legends. . . .Rev. W. D. 79 D , il , il tho Tiliplno, not nwnrc of his boy's blunder. Wfestervelt Tom Sharp Occidental Hotel 79 Cross-eye- kaknyak ladrone, V Jl Jt Jl Jl - Castle & Cooke, Limited Hawaiian Items 80 Underneath the starry flag Politeness to visitors is a cardinal principlo In promotion work. Governor American Missionaries Here.... Rev. Dr. S. K. Bishop 81-8- 2 Civilizo him with n Krng Carter is u model of courtesy to strangers, not from policy but because of J. J. Willinms Hawaiian Militia Hawaiian Items 82 And return us to our dear beloved home. breeding. The other day ho gave an example of politeness to a stranger, which E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. Tho Kuokoa Hawaiian Items 83 is bound to be talked of uround the world by tho beneficiary. This was that Tho Episcopal Church in Hawaii. .. .Bishop Restarick 84-8- 5 Social customs they have few, Greek globe-trotter- , about whom tho papers made mention, passing through in Tho Roman Catholic Mission. .. .Father Vnlcntin 85-8- All tho ladies suioko and chew, the steamer Aornngi. His particular weakness in tho souvenir-gatherin- line Church of Latter Day Saints. . . .Bishop Woolloy 80-8- - And tho men do things the Padres ny ain't nice; is tho collection- - of autographs of tho rulers, of places ho visits With official Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints. .. .0. J. "Waller 87 Hut tho Padre cuts no ice, attestation of their genuineness. He got Governor Carter's all right, with Tho Methodist Church. . . .Rev. J. W. Wndman 87-8- 0 l'or he lives on fish and rice. Chief Scribe Hiiekland's certificate. Downtown tho GrecK said: Tho Pioneer Church in Hawaii. . . .Rev. Dr. Scuddcr 88-8- And the sorry soldier sings this evening lay: "1 hnve been received by many rulers, but never have I had such a polito Tho Buddhist Propaganda... .Rev. Y. Imamum 89 reception as Governor Carter gae me. Tho Christian Church. . . .Rev. G. D. Kd wards 80-9- D , d --, 1 tho Filipino (vociferously). "Tho Governor was coming out of his office ns I reached tho door. He Pioneer Advertising Co. Honolulu Theaters 90 Ho you wonder that tho song has lived t Do you wonder that men who hnd had on his hat for outdoors, but as ho gracefully bowed mo into his office ho Oahu Railway & Land Co. Thiolen & Williamson . 01-0- 2 spent days and nights in cane-brake- s and on mountain side, hearing tho Hwift uncovered. And, would you believo it, he was not satisfied with removing his Wilder & Co. Honolulu Temperature thrust of tho Kris nnd setting comrades drop beslito them, victims of an unseen hat, but ho took oil his hair also." , 92 Education in Hawaii. .. ..Tames C. Davis 93-9- foe, felt that song ns well as voiced itf Anyhow, it's n tribute to a jingle that Hawaiian Items it continues its round of tho world, under tho "Starry Flag." Honolulu's Finest Hotels 94 Tho Pincapplo Industry. , It's not tho first timo that n song has proved a thorn In the flesh for 95 Honolulu Itapid Transit Jt Land Co 90-9- officials, nor oven tho first time for Philippine officials. Perhaps the first one How to Get Lands. .. .Hawaiian Items was a song written by tho samo nuthnr anil composer ns tho above, which gave f Contents of the 07 Hawaiian Fertilizer Co. Lagci- Maj. Gen. Otis several bad quarters of hours before lie issued a rescript ngaiiiht Primo Souvenirs of Hawaii 98 Cultivation of Sisal. it. It was in 1800, when Aguinaldo was getting busy, with his army first in ...Win. Weinrich, Jr 99.100 Hnwaiian Society Honolulu's Clean ono place, then in nnother, nnd Gen. Otis was vainly trying to catch up with Streets 100 I Chamber of Commerce & tho insurrcctn and a fight in compelled to recog- Jubilee Lewis Co., Ltd 100 force force, that the niuso was Number Tho First National Hank 100 nize tho state of alTairs which was in no wise complimentary to Gen. Otis. - Hawaiian Rubber Industry. G. 101-10- 2 Thcro were a series of verses nbout the hiking and tho boloing, tho fighting and 'S&&2.-S!-.- ....Tnreil Smith PKATIMU:. AUTIIOK. Land Registration A Hospitable Kamaaina tho running nway, tho wholo ending as a chorus with tho wail attributed to Page. 102 Cover Tho Waterhouso Co. Governor General Otis: Illustrated . Howard Hitchcock Hawaiian Items 102 One Hundred Years Honolulu O. 1 7 Tho Hawaiian 103-10- 1 Am I tho boss, of It. Miithesou ,.. to Tobacco Outlook. .. ..Tared O. Smith Honoluln Harbor Lieut. .1. K. Slattery, U. S. A 8 Coffeo and Its Possibilities. .. L. Lonisson t Or am I tho tool, .A. 104 What to Wear in Hawaii. Hooklot 8 L. VnnDine Am 1 tho Governor General or a hobo, ...Promotion ...D. jo5 WelN-l'urg- Hergstmm & Co 8 Tho Fino Fruits of Hnwnli Gerrit P. Wilder A hobo. Advertiser's Notices Hawaiian Items.... 105 History of tho Advcrthvr G. Silk Culture D. L. VnnDine IM liko to know Wnlter Smith Otoll 100 Available Public Land Official liecords II Jarves of Hawaii. .. .Gorman D. Oilman 100-10- 7 ,- "Who's the head of tho show. Pacific lVrtilirer S. Guano Co 12 Vanilla... .E. II. Edwards 107 Is it mo or Kinclio Aguinaldo 1 Honolulu Events of Kitty Year Ago T. G. 13 to IS Oahu Board of Supervisor... .' 17- And though ho said stop, tho boys and men wouldn't stop nnd tho song Thrum..... 107 lieminisceiioes af Harly .lonrnalrau. .. .J, O. Carter The Mitchell Recommendations Merchants' Association swept ficct nnd camp until at length Manila Jiad to issue orders to stop it, which, IGtoKi 107 Gunst-Kati- u Cigar Or . 10 Inter-Islan- d S. X. Co. Hawaiian Items of course, meant quietness iustoad of riot, but never forgetfulncss. 108 HaleakalH Points of Interest Hnwaiian Items 10 Forestry in Hawaii . . . .Ralph 8. Hosmer 109 Tho of Boston were a super-heate- d colony just about five Island Scvurities 10 Hawaiian Board of Health.... L. E. Pinkhnm 109 years ago and certainly were constantly on the lookout for something neir - Prophecy of 1'ifty Yean Old Press Files. 17-1- 8 The Ann- Post in Honolulu. . . .Major Van Vliet about their young proteges. Hut they never used the opinions of rotiirnctl Ago.... 110 Hawaiian People. . . . Pioiuotiim Hooklet 18 Hawaiian Xows Co. Hawaiian Items soldiers ns voiced in their songs, which certainly represented tho calm thoughts 110 38-1- & A Prophecy of 1SS0 Old Pruss Filex 0 Hackfeld Co. Hawaiian Items. 111 of the fireside. "Wo were out ono night on tho great old battleship Oregon when Hnyseldeir Tobacco Cm If. C. A, .Peterson 10 Tho U. S. Navy in Hawaii Lt. Cushmnn, U. S. N tho bulldog wns hero with Admiral Boll Kvaus several years ngo. Tho juniors 112 Steamer Lines Climrttie XoCes Hawaii's l'irst 10 Tho President on Hawaii Irrigation Items 113 were In tho vast majority, but thcro wcro ensigns who had dono two mid n Pilot... Stranger'H View of Honolulu. .. .Dr. X. It. Cox 0 lae --uoiropoiunn jicnt vo.t 113 half to four years on tho Cavito station nnd who were going back, not linnra itu Arleigh & Co 20 Wm. G. Irwin S. Co. Hawaiian Items in the Buffalo, which wus to leavo next day. '..... J14 Volcano House Snuitary Sneani Iviumlry 21 U. S. Marino Hospital Service. ...Dr. Cbfer It was n jolly crowd, with songs and stories nnd banjos nnd guitars and ....,.r. 115 Why Not Sec Hawaii Nowt. ...Promotion 21 Archives of the Territory. .. ,R. C. Lydeeker flat this thing of travel nnd servico and gold lace and dance is not nil known Ilooklct...... no Views A bunt Honolulu. .. .Pictorial Promotion Work in Hawaii. P. Wood 110-11- 7 by every ono with cars when suddenly nil others became silent us n full young ...II. Advertiser of Fifty Tears .Smith, Ayres, Hawaii in man's voico sang: Ileneu... Stinker. S3 to 20 Summer.., 117 IMitoriul 27 to 20 Livo Stock Statistics It's home, boys, home; jjg .i Hrief Glimpses, of Things Hawaiian. .. .Compiled. ... 30 Tho Leading Publishers It's homo wo want to be. jg What Heoks Say t Hawaiian Life. .. .Compiled. . . , 30 Honolulu Iron Works W. W. Dimond Co 119 It's home, boys, home, i Sugar .Its Stntsa and Dovelopinrnt. . . .L. A, Thurrton 31 Sugar Plantation Directory , joq ' . In God's countree, to37 Kamehumehu the Conqueror. .. .W, D. Alexander, LL. D 37 Advertiser of July 2, 1850. Where the ash nnd tlio oak ami tho bonny maple grow-- To Hank tf Hawair II. 11. Willinum Wln-lcu-s TeUgraph Co .18 Severn! nrtlclcs of great Interest, prepared for tho Jublleo h with the Philippines, Number, could In llnmiii Water Supply 3S not bo compressed Into tho special paper und ""' ' Tin as many of theso as possible will It's homo wo want to go. - The .lar.iiliei.i- in These Islands... , Prof, M. M'. Sentt 30-1- appear In the regular .Monday morning news lesue, which Is pnrt of tho Jublleo , A'ml then when tho echo across tho bay had uiiNwcrisl 1m rt its The Aocinteil Chiiritlcs Y. M. (J. A. nml Y. W, (J, A 41 output. Theso articles includo ono on tho Hishop Museum nnd ono on Island and we liQinnstujtfra began lightly to applaud, tlione boys, who had been "Oh," Police ami Prima All Sports riourUh I 'cur J Harbor Oysters II Sports. nbnotiiig ill 1'illpiuiK and playing target fur them for four yours, Jumped up Vim llumm Young Co,, Ltd... ., .,.,.,.,', 42 sung that chorus 'till it was n declaration of faith. I'runMy I bells that and Chlni'Mi In Un wall Ins, W. (llrvlll , 43 the singing nf thorn miii-H- r mink In tho homes of 110,000 AiuvrWiin volunteers Ilnir In tlct Alwut The llnwnlln.ii Language O.ihu Island,., 44 B. H. WRIGHT RECEIVES lm mu nmaji to do with the MMthuent Hgnliml Aiiinrlniii )uea1(m nf the Ilulivk itt tho Past Trnile llnlsmje -- PimnV BWHftJe llrlves 41 xrehliIugH nf the I'.anl. I don't know jiwl who wol thin songs, mm hh IIiiwhIIhii I'.lwtrlc Co. Wiitcrbue Trust Cn ,,,,, 43-4- lino tho)' Lave stunk. FULL AND FREE blt II. I. Chlcrs A Co , , 40 PARDON i', . J J KalwUiil II, Dodge ,...,,..,.,.... 10 Utvn ! Jl. H. Wrlifht. former Chief Clerk of liavii (iff My friend, Jehu Wmiln, who n ' for UtliiHH, but m Mpi-ti- l Co. Mutvial Life , 40 cut some little lima Hltfli Trt i tlio Public Work Dcimrtineiil under Hliirlff Henry audi nf lilm lust nlvlit far w I ham b 1km m mvuIm of fastllug Nkwtl) TU I'wriqttMHe In This Tttrrilwy Murqul Uw, tik tkt tuils ,..J. I, ,,,,, 47 Urn HUierlltllirlir' nf J M lloyit, Is Ho bus been n very faithful man lb wofL uf lb i LangH1 " tl w! of tk ibtMitltt hmiiuhwii. 014 Mikaioitary I)m' DIiIhhm , ,,' 4T iineo mum it frt-- mini ninl tin re were many other inlliunilng TU man gut tmtti hl law Atb-tlt- mbumt In pUaiw Hawaiian (VaMiu aHoilatiw .)r, 0, T. IMjiUf, ..,,,.,,.... 48 A full und friiu imrdun (uking effect tli iliiilmui runum im will) Ills kim (III iU(e, I ra" 1 - - July Inia been (,'nililH to luia a " half wwrkwuB tftwilag ik wlc U lb labia. TboitM fhe Honolulu lu Ultv- ttwtMubbi Fpll-- A griMJUwie.. ,,,,,., 4 'flivrii liciii K'""l 'If il if talk io'i lilm hy Ouvrrniir (Vrier, wlm baa work-i- n from Hum In lime Dial irliRKii' Tt Hawaiian I'aople ProBdHltli HaaWfei Wrlclu rould "' iUui ,,,,,, 40 I wr' imriiwiily mi the nmtirr fur Iiuvm alnry Inhl win. h mmlil luvu V I ItMlk kin line JtttlU. MMtUkl'l kitMi MlkHI I maula Uuuit WW4 fruiM , I I I - 111 I II "," t14 "I li a TuurUi t ,,,,,, i 4111U lino. PIwIuiih) aoiim iubli rVellMtf of run. lalaiuU, I WMtU waa hi) n. iiu.Mih ib Ul hmw il l tflUwekX Mm. Thaw M (Vila aiwiittJ IJr ,,,, ' i t , , i ,, , , , 40 Wrlalil Imurtirulwl dm Mured iluimlloM limurd lilm Y ml ihrnimli ,4, 1, mm - IW, tumimlMi ul Ilia wilirtlinnrill ha 11 Tin- luliiiii ut J. T. I bus krpt avalml tm "'" ''"" th piUii ktatlag lml tltf Uihiim UkvJI JUfJW - II ' ' I - nmjH Hf I'Ubllfl Werka fUlld. aejilmga iiuiuili. ii'fiulnlng from iimKiua- any I1I4 tab .i oil ii.nrii"iiHiia r km Mm ! lHl M Itmif." y( fflur 'ira' liui'ilMiiiiiyuitHr HI uriu MltjilPViT fur 1'tj'Ulur aMipathy Hh i M ilgjr - 144 nun in i.i.ii'.) ktv i Vm, trim (m (Mm, wh pMtl v? )m niur i ikn W- - HtUP, I'M ..,,"mm.,.. en &m Imvc itliwJ- - ulili tenia wt tmw pnmm lo Iwne Hm Tirrliry, tVnii i- .- i. 4 MM Ui kMM MMitis Mir Uo. jjlatid i'f Waul nm , irtlilnlli '. RI6 aeual. gu Men-lif- t M, luu) Itr itet Milt luj rajHlly wllh lilm 4nk mi mil II ISJyjjiet!' SaiiHiWK Maui . J. T. JiSW Thui' urr roil "fia&v B J, Wilnlit lio lakni .b.i 4 ti && ti m )mh iab m m lldf Mnkr i Dpn sasHiua K. 1 ' m& mN Jw?"-"- - I (' vaV V" '. Yl 1 1 SEMI.VEEKLV.HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. TUESDAY, JULY 3, 190c,, mmmmmsmmmsBBBBssmmmmm asssn V CASTLB ft COOKB CO., Ld MiHrcui Hie mine Go HONOLULU. M E OF TIE The undersigned having been ap- Commission Merchants pointed agents of the above comparti SKIN TOBIDRES are prepared to Insure risks agrinsi tire on Btono and Brick Buildings on on Merchandise stored therein on th OE THE And Every BU&AU JfAOTOUB. nost favorable terms. For particular ATTRACTIONS T W Distressing Irritation of the Skin tpply office at the ot and Scalp Instantly Relieved by AOENTB FOR F. A. BCHAEFER & CO Alt'. a Company. BY SOL. N. SID3RIDAN. Bath with CUTICURA SOAP rfca Kwa Plantation North Gorman Marino Insnr'oe Co. lUa Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. KAMU1M.A, pigs A?u?.B.I?sl9 wlth Cowcora, tho Company. OF BERLIN. Hannll, .liino 23. "They feed their on impayn, ami that anJnllnK RresUklncnreanrt purertof ewoIlUmtaL Ike KcLala Cugor Pur."t, weete.it, most speedy, permanent, and economical Sugar Mill Company. puts ieiln into pepln, ami ceol lint that Is good for the lnides of a ninnl" torturing,"lLa treatment for ht Waluiea Fortuna Qenoral Insurance Go. disfiguring. Itching, bamlng, bleeding, scaly, crastod, and pimply skta hit Fulton Iron Work. SI Louts, lid. That U a bit of wisdom I heard from the Up of a Puna lad of fourteen and scalp humours with louof hair, OF BERLIN. and has received tho ondorsementof physicians, Tb SUrda:d Oil Company. nr so, nnd tho comprehensiveneis of It' was surjirlilii); mot surprising indeed. cuemlits, and nursos throughout the world. The George F. Diak Eteam Pump. Weston't Centrifugals. The above Insurance Companies havf Tor, who would look for a lad In Puna who hail any knowledge of what went The New England Mutual Life Insur eatabltshed a general agency here, an on In tin- - insiclos of Mmielft Lad?, In Puna nnd olnowhere, know little of such Millions the undersigned, general agents, are of Women ance Company, ot Boston, matters nnd euro less. They merely supply tho Inside craving. 1 learned, The Aetna Insurance Co., of Hart authorised to take risks against thi Usn Ctmctii .toil-- iTftnulrely, for pre. I dangers ot the sea at tn most reason- presently, tluit this Puna lad wont to schoul In Hllo for nine months In the KrrlnK.purirjrlng.andhciiaJftngthesVln, ' ford, Conn. for clcamlnff tho ncfllp o t Alliance Company, ot able rates and on the most favorablt yenr, and during the other three went down Into Puna and lived tho larger life cni.M, scales, and The Assurance terms. dandruff, and tho .tupping of falling hslc, London. of out of doors. That N the lifo which gives comprehensiveness and opens the for so mining, vrliltculng, and soothing rod. F. A. SCHAEFER ft CO., rough, and foro hand., in the form ot biUis Agents. door to manhood so that n lnd may look for a lung time before he entom in. General " forannojlnglrritatlon,lntlanimaUoni,nl "Thero are calves to lnaso, mid pigs to hunt nnd steers to chase when RlMCBD wfv y v challlnj-s.orto- o frco oroffciulvo ncnpln. INSURANCE. they elinso you," he snld, speaking of Puna in the lnrge wny. Is bully uuu, ,u mo lurm oiwaines ror ulccraurs General Inanranoo Go. lor Sea don't "It wcnknrH's,siul for many sanaUTo antUcp. fun. What do you do when they elinso you! You go away from there, if you Uo iunn(ca nlitch rcadllv numrost thm. River and Land Transport ! have any sense. If your horse can outrun a steer, there is no pilikin." telrcs to women, and eipxlatly mothers, Tbeo. H. Dairies & Go of Dresden. and for all tho purpo.es of tho toilet, bath, This talk was as. we rodo along tho south shore of this big island of Hawaii andnurfcry. Nonmountof persuasion can Having agency Ho- Kala-pan.- Induco llioio who haro ouco tt (Limited. established an at from Knpoho in a general southwesterly direction toward the vlllago of i, used to use nolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, tin any othor. c.ncrlallr for and i&EHTS FOR FIRE, LIFE Mr undersigned general agents are authori- over n road as straight as a die, and so well built that an auto would have purtf)liig(hosLln,Vralp,andhalroflnfanU to risks dangen lun along upon it as smoothly as upon any street In Honolulu a road through JflmMMM nnd children. Ccikuiu Soap combines MARINE INSURANCE. zed take against the Zs delicate emollient properties dcrtred from )t the sea at the most reasonable rat a country whero thero is no travel, in which roads aro built that citizens may Cuticura, tlio great sLIn euro, with the tne ind on most favorable terms. find purcet of clcahelrg tngredlcnu and the most F. A. SCHAE.FER & CO., work. Tcdcslilngot NootlicriKjt. Wo from Hilo in tho morning. Hilo is where I In Inst cqUA saan ever en 1,a Agents for the Hawaiian Islands had started left you my a ,... comnouniletl I. rnm Assurance Companj MUM.il M III. t, ..K.-- . lortbem letter, but that was not an unkindness, although you may so esteem it. Indeed, bcauUfylngtho eitn, ecalp, hair, and hands. No other folifpn or domostlo MMiom. v.?? OF LONDON, FOR TIRB AND there are fow more delightful plarcs in theso Islands than Hilo, nnd few that however cicnslYO, Is to Ik) compared with It for nil the purposes ot tho toilet, bath, and 1838. UNION PACIFIC nuracry. Thus It combines In Ox Soap nt One l'uicr, tlio mar sklu nnd complczloa LIFE. Established are more maligned. It is true that leading citizens will tell you that you aoap, eVoeumulated Fund .... 1.975.000. Tfts Overland lloute. tho uur toll jt soap und iikst batiy aoap In tlio world. might shoot a Gatliug gun down the chief business street nt the busiest time of Complete External and Internal Treatment (or Every Humour, It was tho Route In '401 jiny day, nnd kill nobody more important than n hnckmnn. Hackmeu all deserve Consisting; of ('irncuat BnAr, to tbo sk'n i.f eru.t. nnd .rales and unfun tha thlekewd BritjsnBi Foreign Marine Ins. c It Is tho Routo today, end it, maybe, but never mind that. It Is likewise true that if you turn upon the cuticle, CimctmA Ulntm.;tii. in ln.innlly allay .Ifhlnit, Inflnminatlon, and Irritation, and soothe Will and heal, nnd CunrciiA Itr.ot.Mivi.to cool iud cluan tlio blo,J. A Hinulk Is often be for all time to come. leading citizen twenty minutes Inter and iy,tlio same thing to him, lie will eufflc ent to euro dip mo.t tumirlin. ill.flstitlns, and liuralltntlnil .kin, .cslp.and liloodht with Iom Imtr, humourn. 4 OT LIVERPOOL, FOR MARINE. ot when at c.e full. Hold tliromiliout tho world. Au.t. Depot ! 11. Towns hold rancor against you for the balance of his natural life; if ho does not cut . Ho A Mean V, l,U00,O(H THE OLD WAY. Co.r)dney..H leiotl ,mw I.Tn., (,'..w Town. "All about IhoBkln, CMPdtal your heart out on the spot. Scalp, and llslr," freo. t'orrsn Diiuuasd Ciikm. OnitP..Boli) Prop.,, Dostoo, U.S.A. Reduction of Rates. A RESERVED EIGHT. 4 Immediate. Payment ot Claims, 'SSSS1 Hut that only shows that the Hilo man reserves to himself the humnn privi- lege of fouling his own nest, and forms basis, for no real indictment against tho town. 1 have great and lasting love for Hilo. It was tho first placo In K5t20. H. DAViES w CO- - Lib Hawaii that I eer saw, now nine years ago, and it was still and quiet and R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S AGENTS beautiful, and so different from anything that I had over seen theretofore that the memory of it has lingered like a beautiful drenm. Hilo lins ehnnged much from what it was in that time. It lias even been alllictod with a "boom," nnd CHLORODYNE. & it hap a railway, which Honolulu has not, nevertheless ORIOINALAND ONLY Castle Cooke, isj&V the "boom" has left fener soars than one has a right to expect and tho rail- OENUINB. L1MI1ED. road is a property which 'adds a convenience to the place, without OlIOtNAL Ain Each JJottlo ot this well-know- n Remedy fo THE NEW WAY. overwhelming it. It is very easy, in Hilo, to one's eyes while tho rain makes music on the roof, and drift, town and all, b;iclt into the farthest past H.Wofti) Coughs, Colds, Asthma,' LIFE and FIRE Bar My-- JIBIff UMsHsW within one's personal perspective. ffltU.lli I have said that tho Hilo railroad is a concern. Tho Supciin Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Toothache, INSURANCE. tcnileut, D. K. Jletzger, is a gentleman who knows his business a railroad man of young strong who Diarrhoea, Spasms, etc., tho and generation, impresses you as being possessed of great K!aI 1 I igpBsfffTlHM reserve force, the enpucity to limnngo tho thousands of miles of sonio great bears on the Government Stamp tho namo of tho Invnto tt AGENTS. . . mainland .system ami to meet troubles and its perplexities as easily us he meets 4 thoso that confront him where ho is. Indeed, I predict for Mr. Motzgcr that, if DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE. he does not becoino manngcr .groat IBrf'tr'1 LUFM AGENTS FOR the fomo day of n sugar estate in these Numerous ac- Ml uu7fpSJ Testimonials from Eminent Physicians Islands, you will see his name in gilt letters on tho door of n Wall street office. SM V TrZf' JBJ company each bottlo. ( in Mini .mice a Ho will bo solving the larger problems of transportation. Tho world does not Prices In England; men "THI OV.aUND IIMITCD." keep of his kind in Hilo. cult aaxcin. Sold In Bottles. 11K. 29, 46. by all Chemists. OF BOSTON,i The Hilo railway runs two trains a day up into country tho Olaa nnd Boi Manufacturers, ELKCTBIO LIGHTED j. t. Davenport. Limited. London! three a week down into Puna. The Olaa plantation looks better, it is said, JStna Life Insurance. Compy BUNNINQ KVBBY DAY IN THE YEAR than it ever has. In fad, I found a very geneial faitli in Hilo that Olun, after Cr-l- Nights Two between Mlulourl and long travail, was going to pull out. I know very of such things, bat OF HARTFORD. San Francisco little tho of tho ground, and tho fact that tlio cano is not planted in ridges hero will Olaa cane fields impressed me as being in rather better shape than when I saw Montgomery St. San Francisco, operate against success. Cl. them a, year ago. And tho now manager of tho plantation rides in an auto On Wliiakea I saw moro native Huwnlians at work, about tho mill and with S. F. BOOTH. mobile. Somehow, thero is something about an automobile gives way that tho tho shipping of tlio sugar, than anywhere elso in my travels, and thoro is 'hare, General Agent- - farer u wondrous feeling of confidence in the financial stability of the man likewise, a tendency to keep the .laps ajid Koreans in tho Held, whero they who drives it. An automobile, indeed, looks almost Insultingly rioh. belong. The engineers, on the plantation boats and engines nro Portuguese, for The Famous Tourist Route ot the OLAA HOMESTEADERS. World. 3s(:We5.jKff the most part, ami get good pay. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. $ I was taken to visit tho homesteads in Olaa Mid found tho homesteaders all WSalnkea, it should bo stated, is situated most fortunately with respect to In Connection With the Canadian at home for tho day. Hut there was a very considerable feeling of nervous the handling of Its sugar. Tlio mill stands right on the shoro of Waiakea river Australian Steamship Line ness among them for tho reason that, while thoy were at home, they were not U. S. Department of Agriculture, which seems to come to tho surface full born near there, und tlio product of tlio Tickets are Issued Weather Bureau. nt home. That is a paradox, but true. Under the homestead law, a homesteader plantation is loaded directly upon barges and towed right out to tho vessels To All Points in the United States The following data, covering a period must hvo on his land. Tho whole object of the law is to get him, and keep him ia Hllo harbor by small launches belonging to tho plantation company. Noth- of 29 years, have been compiled from and Canada, via Victoria and there. The Olaa homesteaders nro clerks and what not in Hilo, and have been ing could bo simpler and few handlings of freight cheaper. Tlio mill stands, tho Weather Bureau and McKlbbln accustomed to stay in Hilo, going upon their homesteads Vancouver. records at Honolulu, T, H. They are at intervals, and in virtually, at deep water. Tho sugar is lightered to tho vessels that aro to Issued to show the conditions that lmvo tho meautimo their hinds to Japs or contracting with Japs to farm carry it overseas. No intermediate carrying company makes profit of it, Mountian Resorts: prevailed, during the month In ques- them in cano or bananas or whatever it is tho lands raise. Tho plan works Whcreforo the Witiakca Sugar Company, raising tlio finest of enne and at no Banff, Glacier, Mount Stepnens tion, for the above period of years, but beautifully but it is not homestcadiiig. Just what theso settlers, who aro Ha must not bo ot expense for irrigation, is a very profitable concern. It is so profitable that none construed as a forecast wallans for tho most part, or tho government is going do and Frasor Canon. the weather conditions for the coming to about it, nobody of tho stock is for sale and Manager Kennedy, a heavy stockholder, ia like- scorns to Having month. know! luws, it would seem that they should bo complied with, wise n banker and a telephone magnate and a uewspuper proprietor and about Empress Line of Steamers from Vancouver 29 years. On oIbo, Month July for Olaa, I saw the cottages built by tho plantation management for everything elso there is, in Hilo, Ho rides in his own automobile, and ho finds TEMPERATURE (1890-1905- ). Tickets to All Pointa in Japan, China, tho Portuguese laborers on the place. Thoy aro neat little places, built high on" is Mean or normal temperature, 78 (leg. relaxation in directing the policy of his newspaper. It strange, what tnstci India and Around the Wot Id. tho ground so that tho space beneath can bo used storage The warmest month was of for purposes, aad wealth develops in a man. Now, if I owned a third or a fourth or oven a tonth that numbers For Tickets and Rend al information 1900, with an average of 79 dec. of them nrc already occupied. From tho car window in passing I saw part of the stock of AVniikca plantation, u newspaper would be about tho last APPIiT o Tho coldest was l&Sl, tho families of tho householders grouped month that of about these places, and thero wore thing 1 would buy w. 'i my money. It is true I would like to own nn oditor. with an average of 76 cleg. already visible the beginnings of gardens. little This domiciling of laborers is or two, for some personal reasons 1 have, but n newspaper, notl I don't oven THEO.H.DAVIES&CO..Ltd. The highest temperature was 88 deg. going to bo a success. I a of unless, Agents Canadian-Australia- n S.'B. Li ne on July 28, 1900. believe would spend n nickel for single copy one, the newsboy Tlio labor bairacks on Waiakea plantation, which T visited Canadian Pacific Railway. The lowest temperature was 63 dog. later, wcro should happen tu striKo mo in a generous moment. on July 1, 1899. squalid and decidedly insanitary by comparison. Still, Waiakea is a property PRECIPITATION (rain, 1877-189- 1, and managed upoa lines that are strictly up to date. Not a doubt of it. Mr. Ken- 1905). nedy, the manager, took the party, of which I was one, over the place in OHAB. BREWER & CO'S Average for the month, 1.13 Inches. a GOVERNOR BAKER Vi I Average number of days with .01 of special plantation train, and 1 saw a i;reat sugar estate' run as one should bo wy NEW YORK LINE nn Inch or more, 14. that is run to profit. Indeed, I bellcui that Waiakea is one of tho mpst profit- greatest monthly precipitation I k Regular 11ns of vessels plying Tha able properties in these Islands. Manager Kennedy has been on tho place 27 AS A HARMONIZF.R was 6.03 Inches In 1880. between Now York and Hono- ycais, us head. of tho concern nnd a ery heayy stockholder, while Tno least monthly precipitation was and tho iT' 4 lulu. HARK NUUANU 0.31 Inches in 1882. plantation had somo troublesome early years, it has much moro than nindo up will sail from New York on or Tho greatest amount of precipitation for those. In effect, Manager Kennedy has grown 15, 1906 into tho sugar business ut about July recorded in any 21 'I noticed it marked change In the vein nil sortH of factlona and thero was LOW- consecutive hours Wnitikra and ho has trained up one of his sons to tako up tho burden after FREiailT TAKEN AT was 3.17 Inches on July 12, 1880. attltudu of thu native Hawaiian people llttlo harmony. You could tell that EST RATES. ho is gone. was a RELATIVE HUMIDITY. in my recent trip thin man Itcpubllcun that one a freight rates apply to they will givo him towards thu whiten For Average 9 a. in,, C6 per cent; averago "If tho place," ho nail. over tho Island," aald Governor Jrlui Iloiiit. Itulcr nnd tho other a Democrat CHAS. BREWER & CO.. (1893-190- wus always trouble, 9 p. in.. 72 per cent It hns been and will be tho work of a man, Not tho least doubt of that. linker on bis return to Hllo a few days and thero Tho 27 Kllby St.. Boston, or Averago 8 rn., 65 per averago only thing on which they seemed to be n. cent; Manager Kennedy hns given his best years and his liest thought to the planta- ago, "When I went over before there C. BREWER & CO., LTD.. 8 p. m 72 per cent (1905). agreed uh a dislike of the whites or tion. Tho results show it. Here, nt Waiakea, I saw something Honolulu. CLOUDS AND WEATHER (189-0- in tho way of perhupK"iaeitould say, of tlio mission- 1905.) cano-londc- r that it is rather surprising has not met wider adoption. Maybo tho A BROKEN DOWN SYSTEM. aries. This Is I, condition (or dlsessa) to welch doe-ior- Average 13; managers oru "This feeling I think Ih passing away. number of clenr days, waiting for tho machine that both cuts nnd loads. Manager rtf msnr Dinies, but wblrk fsw of thus partly 17; 1, a I know that every time I spoke I did all cloudy das, cloudy days, Kennedy himself says that ho Is going to Louisiana shortly to look for It. In rsatlr nnder.tsad. It Is slnplr wssknrs brtsk-dow- aa It .hi, of the Tltal force, tbst In my power to bring about a butter WIND. the meantime, he Is doing tho best ho can with this machine uf his owu con euuin tut a) stem. Ho usiier wnsi . w understanding, Bank The prevailing winds have been from lis caus.t (for Iti.r are alrnoat SDOUrlessI, "Hawaii triving, Its symptoms are math tha ssmt tha mors "Natives hnvn said to tno that tho tho northeast. proe LIMITED. . prouloaut betas sl.plMnss, hoh of missionaries came hero nnd stole Tho average hourly velocity of tho KENNEDY'S tr.tlpn or w.srtn.ss, depression of spirits sad their rmintry from them, I inn as good a wind during July, 1905, wan 8,8 miles. "I patent nothing," tin answered, when I nuked him why lie had not wsat of .n.rir for all the ordinary sffslrs of U(, Mow. slon. Is essential Hawaiian as anyone und I have pointed Incorporated Tho highest velocity of tho wind dur meoluuiUni, whst sUelul.lr Under the Law ot the patented thi bit of la sll sath esses Is INCIIRABKII VITALITY nut Hint If our land wus taken from us ing July, 1905, wus 27 mill's from tho VITAI, HTHKNUTII AND rNIIWIV U Territory of Hawaii, Tho louder, lis It stands In the field, is very ulinplo yet very A lllwir It was our own Perhaps tliu rinrthiaat on tho (III. effective, srotre tbst ss nlfht surer-d- s the day this to. I fault. PAID-U- OAPITAI.,,,,,,000,000,00 Motion: Honolulu. T. H. jinrtiiblu engine, with u loading crane, tlio wliulo turning upon a groat cog wheel, brow tip; lb.se morbid sad ip.rl.nce transaction was not altogether to tho be mors secured br a vuwse of BUBPLUB , 800,000,00 (if 29, 1906, crista! tk. i red It nf Oman who took the land, but Unto Imuu; June is put upon tlio body of u lint car und run out over tlio plantation rnllrnuil to rsl.brstsd s toots UNDIVIDED 102,617.60 Hint Is iiiiollier (natter. An I lmvo paid FltOriTS,,,, IT. P. U.) llm TUEBArlON VO. I where millers urn at work, Tho iniirhlue stamU upon u detached section ut ojjaln again In talking Ik. a lay other knows cosiblasllas. Is ami to people nf (rank, Mini tho plantation cars are put alongnldo It, one u lime, Tlio It my OFFJCEHHi 9 o'clock fiiiirflus from lef'irtl" of at mini cut sr.lr ss II Is Ist.a In trudbe wllh lb. uvwi laee. tno willies nr illusion. Hie wine, us nlmmhore, and u lot morn men, driving o liormi slmlges, follow prlaled SUsellont teroupsait( It, will lbs ailes rninn lien, wllli hags of money M Cooke,,, Territorial iluUoroot;lti i o'clook the sli. titled lib U restored. Ike BZI'JUINU rimrU ,,,,,,..,,.Presldnl H, I... "Wo hounwi'd money iiiiirlguiies iivtrnges from r, Weather llurruu suiter. I'jiau twnli tltxlgu u sling U laid, on thu lap of nhiah (lis cnn Is piled UUP II f l.iru MIIIITKII UP AfUUSII, sal mi P Jones ,,Vcs.Prednl f ninl we Hindu no provision pay t. rtiuiri), III grsat IiuihIIm. s new eilstsa.e lujisrird la pier wbst lo llio 1', W, SO ewUled sp1' ul MHcfaian..tnd Yc..PrsiUlnl WH. II. HTOPKMAN, bid Islet Wurullt. "v4 money lun k. Wlm inn blumu t hti puu-pi- r fsla.leas, uud.(ul villtsweal Is par, V, )I...... Caililor thu MwJgss, kliiiiig winlly im-- l(iu nut sunn Tbl. t Cooks..,,,,,,,,, Hoc-Hu- Ulriit.iir, Jlunwii. Tm lop. tlml itrior tha if abd labucuuus, Is lu lbs wlm thu mmiy If limy look I,1 Nulir itselsbls ...... - Is- .lustsc. Jr., AsuUlsiit Cslilr . Mil ground nmynlmnt, n driven up In I ho lornlsr, thu uraim lids down it long njrr Is. - tull.bls fur .11 iw,.lllul,ai. sn4 rvadl the land ttlitn tlio mwrlgtitfus full ipluT II, II Is dlotiull U Iw p'v.-f- V Pillion.,, .....Aiiluill Cashier l.ll'K-i- llis, Is sllber tkd Hints I Imvu miltj llm I tliu iin-li- Tllll HMTAHHH UP VOUH huvlug hI lis mid mihi stotluuury uml um inutuld ring, Mini llifsn rings urn vf dlH-.s-si lUr.bseui.bl, lu )' i, pinion ru, iiIks s rsse w ,,,H,priry uwdti nut) u.la fr.lui.. f drl.llllr, U Kill Imte wld Tlwt Is light, Wh full If liuu si tin uf Dm sling hlug under widi luad uf iitn on si. Iki VebrSU-- m, (J. nut llm inlslHk'! kvl U speedllf .Hd peru.r.all bl li. mid m migry Willi uuishIvmi, not PIUHfTOltni l.'onks, P, tiuinUr sinunif I Mtk u( lw UtJux, TUu i!m uugjaMir ltUl nwuj'i llm Iimm ring run ijun llm win Ills bslef f.HIH rerawslf mini, I. Hllll III llHIlllW,' Jniirs, I' W, Mefu(i,Une, 15. Y, lituttop. iuur Ills Hull uf hkkIwIIiik Is irw itnUti lu lm ebllili .nrtbU lUl rwjiM, MUlut; Hi fai IinmI Him (Me44 .t H fuyllilaT K I), Tiiny. i. A. MeilsMlM', 0, II. vuiv u imtiiD ui iwMiMjtuitiiirii (Utile. m fuii, Iwilur lunu wllli III until mno shlng e.s II Ivt Iblt Wl4.spr.s4 vsuer "I Hunk llml Hum uf Ikslltir III H MSM M .iiwiki. Iws I Allnrluii, ' II. Oflo, I'liuifu nta DMinlMMW lmmY Pain I Us nil uUwVS lu r, Hod Ullh M "inI mulll It lilbursT wti lk grwuibl In low ,uiu nrrnwl llwu in lluwall faiHlly b sUjjilMily BlIHrk. snrs i In i iht llutue ItuUjft vl flmm uf fnur imjf pttUi lUl ikIwifM lit Hi uw vim at lb ilmy Thu twos full lm Ml Hill) WHIUJi luliv JUhIiww, vWiUIi ri bk mImImsI lk kl(li Hid pfiiueJiDlji em) llm q pur- - III g Ii M4 tr rt.uii.is ik,stksl mvmmojAh ahd havihoh dm, lrlgtd bimJ IrkW W llMMjyb riBik hjd ihjii In Kt,l.hil a4 . llws iMHtilllfif, Mil) tti itlMsy (trilw duilHv ilit 8re sr lii WjFlJ gunrd wis I'm n Is rr, Mill tturk I lllul'l PAHyMMNT. I Vblib uf pud ) )' ii.i r, sillef, Slltl lbs line buuileit WH lUWIlililUp M fjlluw Miuyr WW UNHMHIIMS ihw it IUtW IVhta, ItM !! Midi llml um ujd PUW atlsilllull ulrsi) 14 Mil iTsnches f M(t ,Tk.i,l.a" utg iiwwrr um II UnU' II uisj mvi I'm M li..uidur U jirUlM) f Hbmiilub J I It '!" I It-- b hllll.k g.f.rMU.td HI. KB (l iii uilisr ihaii lh lir Pi )iM"r. IIP. I'wf Mill W Mi Dioi tit sens l.iifil us a is siuvnt) saii.d It Himksf. trill lletftriirU H lllllf PMl uwett V moib hiutt- - I ?wJ. IimUihJ, idiiilansti " i tM Uruvulsi Bmli i rja, r!ii lbi muwit Hmi, HI'S lies uIhiui u vtlll i ua I XhiAfitimn, lw-- M( unmiNl lu uMishe m' Hni, iHrli Uf rKvplloil "11 MM luldw,. lV lu i M l H M r IIIPP MU.MUWil. pour itTMKW AHU fur JlnntfU. rlf lYl 'W uittllllUf IHt'Ht rti Hwlf fuiim da, ,ili)li -I-,- ilf .T(V y ti f

8 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. TUESDAY, JULY 3, 19c, -SE- MI-WEEKLY. mmmmmmmmmaemBammam I.lnl, J 10 a ni . with 900 tMjrn xugar. I Of Hammond, State of LoulMatia, but Woodlnwn Il.lry h Slwk Co 100.000 Blork now Iintliiueot T. DllllDthim Htr Nocau, I'eleroii, from Itonokiia, of Oakland, Slate of California. 5Jrls I'li.lfl Cullr S.000 I'hjriir! rultura . . E. O. Brovn ?"!!! ','." ' Co- - A0O0O 4 M ii tn with 4221 In Bt hurht mortirnifor. to William O Smith. Mnrv ""' banlilur .Jf T I.Ton HE ADMITS .,"i,'...... 5,000 General mm h.ndl.e . fllr I.lkcllkn. Nnnpiiln, from Moloknl, j? i uiAvi umu 111:111 ..,.i".,i"","",Buici jiuuve. it 0. LlnJo Maul and Ldfiul port, 6 n In, Trustees under tin- - will of W. C Luna-Hl- o, Moniln), July i derenmd, Willi h sold mortgage Is - 111 a'M1- 1 M h China, Frlele, fr mi tin? recorded the olllt'e of the Itcglstrar oiultled & sssris? assss Oilmt. 2 10 p m jf Come) bums In said Honolulu, In 227, pages 4T4-4- Wil- DEPARTED ilOTHE f.llitr on said HAWAIIAN TEANSPOETATION COMPANII.S. liam u Smith nnd Mir S Parker, o s H iilurn. Hnivnnl, for the lUwall snld trustees, and A Mott- - llillsar Co SO COO KillronJ I) C olonl'-M- , S'30 n. Ernet I. Pond in Smith, one of the present trustees under iiij; H.Mm.H,Kf0,ullon . JA '"," ul.n1 '""kM Htr Clfluilltic, Parker, for Ma.til tHirt, II F Uillln'thVin Antone Carinl-li- o Will will as a successor In trust, who Inter Ilind Strim Co. G p KTljtlon 1,00.000 Btramihliis Jaa A Kennedy in. Mntl Rmltli 60.000 Tut-e-t admits that lngthcr. as the present trustees under , i?h'i Eitate Ural estate and tmirl.l K A Unit Smith i:ktn Carlson, for -- l.l .. ,!. . -- . -- ,l I .... V VI, 50,000 Kallroad ..III11111, ,11c iiiu iictutjinl.l.1 iiiiu Leahl Narlration Cn. J II Caatls Sound, 3 p. in he was the man niii i'ivcih 20,000 Inler Island freight . . . ownera of nnd mortgagees under said Mid Paeinc Naticntion Co V -- A. S S Miowera, Hemming, for 20.000 Inter Island freight .. .. who shot nnd mortgage, Intend to foreclose said Oahu Hallway 4. Ijnd Co 4,000,000 Itallroad and th Colonic", 2 15 p. in. esi iiBMau Co ranchine.. F Dillingham mortally wound- mortgage for to wit Kallroad 100,000 Kallroad IJ McStocker Am. kp. George Curtis, Kelly, for San condition broken, ed Magnus Folkt-wn- rd lion pa ment of principal when due. HAWAIIAN ranclnco, 10 n. in P3B ECCLESIASTICAL AND ELEEMOSTNAIIY CORPORATIONS. Sun- Notice Is likewise given that those Str. Klnau, Ficeman, for Hllo and .early Kamr TIIE LABOR EXODUS. two parcels of land hereinafter de- Capital Stock. Principal Iluainesa. President. way port, noon. day morning He Ahahut Malama Walwat . . 10,000 scribed convccd by said mortgage, Anglican l.cclealaallcal Accordlnc to talk nlonB the water htr. Ke Au Hou, Tullett, lor ivntiai was nrraigned In Church In Hawaii, Trua & mnklnff' will be sold at public auction at the icca 01 . , front, H. HnckfeM Co nre ports. ,NTOMJ CARVALHO pollco court Captain Cook LoiIbp... Kcclesiastlcal nail- - tho auction rooms of James F. Morgan, at So .153, Order '.... efforts to recruit another hutch of j lrli Bcr,t t0hort, Underwood, for I'ort 1 of tho Hona of St. George csterday morning on a charge of mur- Kanhumanu Street, In Honolulu, Ter- r.MfA.hl. r,i..i. Fraternal . . ors to nend to San Francisco by the oambli--, 12:13 p. in. lu.uoo der In the first degree, nnd tho case ritory of Hawaii, on Saturday, the 21st Social. W M, Cunninghara McnmMilii China, leavlns next 'week. cr Ka Mol. for Hawaii, 4:30 p. in. was hearing on 9. SH2i... Jtwii: toi j.;iuv set for July Tho diy or July, 190C, nt 12 o clock noon of VUIIDMHII&."&!VfllUll.ll U ilUnU " :'::: It Is thought that orders for men hae Ada, for Oahu ports, B.D5 p. in. St. coroner's Inquest to have been held last day. i ' Eccleala.tlcnl been cabled to the linn mentioned by Templuton, Sladcn, for Bald enrlatinn Honolulu l.crlolaallcal llr bk Loid evening at tho polk stntlou fulled to property convejed by said mort- Chjne.e Kclief Society''.',;,of Honolulu lien moro than one steamship company 4 p. m. The . the Hound, materialize tho County Attorney tele- gage and which will be sold as afore- Chinese Fngllsh Debating Society Educational operating on tlio Pacific Coast. Wheth- Chung Wall No 4, Knights PASSENGERS ARRIVED phoning that ho had something elso to Is pieces par- Idge er tho sailors shipped by the steamship said thoso two certain or of P) thins .... ., 'raternnt and way ports Mrs. J S. McGrow, do then and tho jury would liac to cels of land situated In Kawunanakoa, Chinese Protectee Society Mongolia aro to enter Into tho service wait. Finally adjourned Labor Union.. . ..Chock Fook ta'MhM H. t Smith, Miss I), u. Kiiilin, tho coioner Nuuhiiu Vr.lley, belns a portion of the now j,eong cna wociely ,. llenerolent . . of the Pacific Mall Company or not. Inquest evening 1.0 operative jioine rurcnasing Bo tho until this land described as No 2 In 110) al Pat- n matter of conjecture. H. Hackfild '" to eiety of Honolulu Co operatlre aarlng & purchasing. Akin Clark T A. 11 chmond According the polite Carvalho Is (Grunt) No. 1C39 being Lots Church Defense and nxtcmlnn As J. A. ft Co. aro reticent on the matter. Thero.H. tC?$? having ent and " said to have admitted that after 3 4 In partition nVi'."".01 Ecclesiastical ls a possibility that the company limit "" '" " " ' " fight In Nos and as set forth ' Vereln Hnp.il, Miss Florence Hutchins.C.M. n with Folktward the tenement 25, 1S99, .... Social an order for men placed with them ,y hoUse on deed dated November recorded Deulrche Krnngellshp I.utherlschc 1 ''' Albert. H. Mrn, the s',pes near 111 company which believed "nl. "rotliir In the Registry of Deeds, Honolulu, f another that the Pauoa bridge, he went homo and Il.SSi.V'BM.VllVhV Lu'theJlVch; Kccleslaatlcal, of,Kau.l. . . the locnl agents of tho Pacific Mnll '""ry " Llhep 203, pages nnd more partic- .1, D John Hrlble Jo secured a revolver and returned to tho ' " Kcclesiastlcal, of Honolulu bo In a position to furnish tho Combe. Frazler. ularly described ns follows: Lxcelsior Lodge ?so, L. Austin, Carl teni ment Intending to shoot Folktward. .". the needed labor moro quickly than anyone scph Machado, D."." Lot No. 3. Beginning nt a point on I. U l t'i ...., Fraternal He entered tho house and going to ' ilse down here. However tl&t may be. Wlddemann. Henry P. Htckley, Hairy the southwest side of Wllle Street, KIcio llamaku, Trustees of Pro H Ori- Mrs. Opeka's room ho filed two shots testant Church of Kcclesiastlcal remains fifty or sixty H. lteilton, H. Oldlng, Miss H. 294 feet northwest from the west Kast Maul the fact that Oldlng. nt Folktwnid ns he lay on a bed. He Female Kemlnnr...... hducational moro natlvts are preparing to embark tur, Miss E. Oldlng, Miss N. cornel. of Llllhu nnd Wjlllo Streets and Fort Street Church. Trtist nt Immediately left the place, and what he ano on tho China next week, should a de- T C. Dals, A. I, C. Atkinson, J. A. running by true bearings' v...ugregaiion ...... Kcclesiastlcal. . . . A. did with the revolver. Is p question. It First Foreirn Church and Society mand be forthcoming for their serv- Wilder, Sol. Sheridan, E. P. Low, 3S" 00' W. 201 10 feet along Wyllie has not et been found, although search X of Hllo. Trusteea Kcclesiastlcal. . . . ices. II. Lindsay, Mrs. A. IJ. Lindsay, Miss Street; Urat Hawaiian Churchof...... and Society Itob-ertso- n, was made for It on Sunday. STAFF OF INSPECTORS. D Neal, Joo Maltorno, Miss Hilda S. RS 09' W. 233 along 4 of Hllo Trusteea of Kcclcalaatlcal . . , Folktward clearly Identified Carvalho feet Lot tree Kindergarten nnd Children's fiscal year De- J. G. Pratt, Mrs. Edwards nnd to CO--ft. The for the Customs as his assailant, while he was In the the northeast side of proposed aiu Association ol the Hawaiian partment came on June 30, and tho child, F. L. Winter, Mrs. L. Heine, MIsb road, lalanda . . . Educational Queen's Hospital. Ho said that tho Herman ...1 .. Inspectors be- Nnknkoa, J. H. N'ul, Mrs. E. II. S 29 18' E. 200 along said Ilenevolent Society of llo staff of customs which H. man wore a Panama hat. Carvalho feet nolulu Dcp-ujt- y C. M Schotnlng, E. A. Ilobb, llenerolent. j,. . A. gins the new year Is ns follows: Illchards, proposed road; Oco Kung Fut Kun Association. . .F. Schaefer Lliide-m-in- n, had ouo In his hand when he entered Ilenevolent . . . . boarding E. Ayers, Miss Ontal, F. J. 09' 2BS"2-1- 0 along 2 Tom Chea collector, C. II. Haven; L the room of the victim. He was told N. hi' E. feet Lot Hawaiian Missionary Society Kcclesiastlcal . Inspector, K. rarmcr; discharging in- J. Coerper. to1 Initial point; and containing an area uannnamaile. Trusteea ol Pro to put tho hat on his head This done, testant Church of .. . C.-- A. S. S. Miowera. June 30, from of 1 00 Kcclesiastlcal spectors '(day serlco), C. II. Durfce, Per Folktward had no hesltuncy Is saying acres. Hnwaiian Cavalry, First Military C. J. Cooper, II. J. Taylor, E. Dlnklage, Victoria and Vancouver. For Honolu man Lot U Beginning at a point on tho Hawaiian Kvangcllcal Association, ' Ly- he was thi who hud that him nnd Doard of C. M. Nelll. F. M. McGrcw, U M. Gay, lu: Mr. Malm, Miss Efilnger, Mr. with wham he had had u previous southwest side of VylUe Street, 493 ...... Fccleslastlcol Mrs. Drying. Mrs. of liana. Trustees of Protestant H. A. Jacobson, J. A. Bhechan; night man, Mr. Booth, quarrel (feet northwest from the west comer Church of v i.t.-.- i King, Miss A. t Inspectors, T. J. Harris. J. Hodson, J. llbick. Miss Huckle, Miss Tin, elrllm. bn wpk nhnnt 3.1 ram' Llllhn nnd Wyllie Streets and running Hauula, Trustees of Protestant Mit- Mr. Fraser, Mr. Vestal, Miss J. benrlngB! Church of i.A.iH.tn..t..i T. AVIrud, W. J. Gallagher, A. E. King, of age and Infc" a wife and several ehll- - bv true lln11 .. ft...t-- vvi.n ,i vul 1- -2 ll.l.U ,llUllll Kcclesiastlcal chell, K. Hunker, C. E. Carter, G. Turnbull, P. Itupert, Mr. Boshlma. F. yes- - ' 38' M' W. 221 feet along Wyllie Lodge J. r. drcn living In Norway, was burled Harmony ...... ,.(..No 3, I. O O F.. fraternal . . C. Howell, Hughes, H. Aokl, Mr Kurljokl For the Colonies: . . t, 'Street! Hawaiian llaaeball Association Noyes, J. J. J. lUlllily 1111C1 JI11WI1 lib ll'UII ni...11. , ' Athletic . . "Wilson: weigher, Thompson, Mr Hltowlskl, S 09' 200 along Lot 5 Hawaiian Orphanage and Induatrial W. Howen, W. G. Mr. and Mis. Dr. Jud.!" who mode a postmortem) W. feet School Aasociation r,0-- Hrncvolcnt . . Chas. Murray; boatman, J. Makacha. Mr nnd Mrs Munro, M. Foy, Mr. and examination on tho body of rolktwurd ,to proposed ft road, Hawaii Yacht Out Altli-ei- s: Athletic .II. K. Ticker THE SAILING EECORD. Mrs. F Fraser, It McNabb, Mr on Sunday founJ that tho abdominal S 29' 18' E 220 feet along said Ilaleakala Lodge No 1, Knlghta of Mr.. Mrs and Master Young, Mr proposed road; Pythias .... Fraternal . . . wound bad made frightful havoc In tho Hawaii Chapter No 1, C. Hustaco Jr. sas that the record N- 3, Order of mill Mrs Woolnough, G. C Peterson, cavity, especially In the llvei, nnd - 5S !' D. 233 feet along Lot Kamehnmeha . run from Francisco to this port the, Fraternal . . . Sin V. C. Molllson. Hodson, Mr containing Hawaiian Chinese Club . . ship Miss Mr Intestines had been perforated four to Initial point; and nn area Frotirnal .... Chan was made by the American clipper n, Hawaiian Aid ....Luke Williams, Mr. bhecluin, Miss Lechtcu-stel- of 1 acres. Mutual Society Henevolent ... . Fair Wind, her time being 8 Ias 17'A tltms. Hawaiian lieformed .D. Kahaulelio Miss Case, Mr. D Jaris, G Together with all the rights, prlvi - Catholic Ho tho rec- Carvalho was catcher for the II. A. Church nccleslnsticnl . hours. further states that Mr Hush. Hawaii Jockey Club, Is 8 Mr and Mrs Smith, t'.'s duilng tho 1901 leaguo season? leges and appurtenances thereunto be of Hllo. ... "Athletic ord of ,tho birk Annlo Johnson A. Hoot . T. Moir Mc Mcintosh, II Andrew, O S. House, -f- - longing. Healanl Yacht Club . .. Athletic .....J 18 hours from Fort Point to Dia Hllo Library and Heading Room .0. L. Crabba dais Mr. and Mrs Harris. Master Hnrrls, Terms: Cash In United States Gold mond Head According to her log sho Judgo Lindsay discharged David Association .... Kducntional . . . .. , G Caple, O. Seldon. Mrs Scldon. Honuaula, Trusteea of Protestant 13, 1D03, II n. 11 1,11, na i.firnlaliimv It, llin Mult - IhC t.Oin sailed from San Francisco May '" tt"- ..-.- ,.. - v ... I. Church of '. V Mr MlddUton Mrs Vnn Frante, G. '"' III exjiensu UL JIU1UIIUOVIS, iu uc Fcdeslnstlcal nt 2 p. in.; nt 3 p. in. pissed Fort Point, klpl against Knmulo Sugar Cd. utcuH Honolulu Chamber of Commerce . Mrs Nightingale, Miss L. jnepaied by the attornejs of &ald mort Honolulu lV.OOO v F, J, Lowrey and arihed off Diamond Head at 9 n. Lncli, Countr) Club Social . Moore, L. White gagees. Honolulu Library and Heading ..K. Faxon Bishop n , May 22. After today tho Supreme Court will W G Hall, July 1, from Kn Tor particulars npply to Fducatlonal YOUNG LOSES THE MALOLO. Per str probably hold only occasional sessions further Honokan"" Ljceum ..... ports O X Wilcox, A. Gartley, Smith & Lewis, Judd Building, snld Kclcslaslical uai during the summer vnention. Honolulu Home for Incurables Ilenevolent . Herbert Young Is io longer master Mr Hancberg, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Honolulu, nttornejs for said mort iniani j,ouge o. 4, uood Tcra Mulolo, Gus-tnfso- n, Diara .. of the gasoline schoonir that Okumura, Loy, Mr. and Mrs. gagees r ' t ., ,, , , ., ...... t...II.IC1IWI . . lite .jiil'mivrr ..iHiiiouisi 1 inscnpatlan trim Httlo now being In tho pos- Gus-tafs- MOHIGAGEES' NOTICE OF INTEN- , 21, 19CG, ciaft MIsh Gustufsoii, Miss S Dated, Honolulu, T H June e.liurcn 01 Honolulu, I he First . FcrleKinsltcnl . Intcr-Isl.m- d Navi- session of tho Steam 20 deck. TION OF FOUECLOSUHE AND WILLIAM O SMITH, .ispanese isenevntent woclety. . ., I.ciioolent . . Kanechc gation Compiny, to whom Young was P. M. S. S China, July 2, from OF SALE MABY S. PAHKER Protestant Church, Trua Per tees of . . Fpcleslnstlcnl paying Installments of cash toward Its K. MOTT-SMIT- tho Orient For Honolulu: D W A. Knuai Industrial Sciiool lucntionnl . ultimate ptoprletoishlp. And thereby Iloutnn, Mrs llouton, Miss Houton, C. Notice Is herebj given that, pursuant Trustets under the Will of W. C Lu- - Kipiolnni Hoire of the Uooulu and hangs a ta!o. Tho Inter-Isla- nd people It. Klrkby. For to power of sale contained In nulllo, Deceased, Mortgagees under Hoola Lahui Society . Ttenovolent II. Klrkby. Mrs C San the that Koala Lodge No .1, K. of P t... caught up a rumor that tho Malolo was 20, ...1. Frnternnl . , , M t Francisco: Itev. H. E. Brown, Arthur certain mortgipe dated December said Mortgage Kniulani Home for flirls 15,000 Mw WiUptVomm being taken out of HauaJInn waters al- On 1 ui Kon Society. . TJcnolent Ida Buxton, B. Blenenfeld, Mrs. F. Corbett, 1901, made by Mniy Ellen Nottthen 2811 June 29, July 3, C, 10. 13, 17, 20. Kit . nctipvoloiu ...,r Chew Yee . In- Kn'jhts . . together, and that Yiung not only Corbett, H. B Dunbar, II. nf Jerusuleni ... Fmtrnn! , Frank Kohola Club B.5U0 tended taking the boat oxer to San I'ugnte, Kwong Yee Social. John Hin.! Dsoinechkcwslch, Jnmcs Miss DIRECTORY HAWAIIAN Society ... Ilcnerqlcnt '. O Pedro, but If ho did so he would J.m-se- OF, CORPORATIONS. Lin Yee Chung Winam that Graves, S Glasgow, E. C n. . . . uemeury . go doiMi to Mexico to IHhel Lihue Hospital Association .Chew Gem sell htr there, or E. Kendrleh, Mrs. E Kendrltli, V. . Ilenevolent . . .,., look romo mining propositions Lodge Lo I'rogres de' l'Oceanic No after Mrs. II Lam-iue- t, & ) K Kliigcom, Geo Lack, (Continued from Page 121, F S. A M , . Fraterno . , On Saturday, according to Do ,.,, C. Markus, G. W. Mosley, J F LiLerdnde, A. Puljllahlnc Co . . 2,000 Publlahlng . Kstevao Allencaatre Lung Chung Slu Tong. . Henevolent Herb. Young, tho vesel was denied at Maul Maklkl Famllv School .... Oliscn. S 1 rultt, Miss J W. leitjdioiie Cu ... 25,000 OpirntliiK telephone Hjitem II 1' Ilnldnln ... .. hducational . 11:30 n. sa J Prultt. Co Maui Lodge No 223, F. A. M . . in for San Pedro Yours M. Hoc, Eugene tacfarlaie .... 75,000 Whuleaalc liiiuor . II It Macfarlane it Fraternal of tho Lleni.mcc will be S Porter, Mis. L Maul Haherleit Co . iu.uuu runinc Makawao, Foreign Religious So the record &. ... Sclmefer A J ' Van KerckholT, Mrs Inui Land itallroiid Co 20.000 Id il iHtnle nnd niercliandlKH tietv of . . , , rcclesinstlcnl found on the custom houso books. He Maul Lodgi No C. KerckholT, Lce Tong Mukalia Coffti Co ' ... 40.0UO Culture coTec W II Hoopi 2, K of P Fraternal . . on couplo A. J. Van Maul Free Klndergnrten Aaso . . . provisioned tho boat, took h MauufactuurB hltou Co .. t. 0,00(1 Jtoluil almea vv 11 hraltli Fducatlonal . Leo Sing, Leo Knm Toy, .V I of sailors but, lo, on Sunday afternoon. Kwol Kum McCahe Hiouilttm Itinux Co 50.U00 Stevedorea A A. Young Mailr limn Athletic Club Athletic . , . Suo tclntjre lluildlui; Co 100,000 oflice Man Ming Ccmetcr) Asso . . Captain Haglund of tho Intir-Is'nn- d Mrs Kee Tae. ... hioie and leaking II P Mclntyro IemoIent laui llruc Co . . 10,000 (Icneral imrcliundiae V Hennlne Merchants' Association of Honolulu Commercial . tonipaiiy hands a Utter actons the rail PASSENGERS DEPARTED May, Hear) .t Co ,. 150,000 drouriei Thoa Oahu Cemetery Aasociation F. Lowrey Maul Co Mar Pacific Ciilb J. to Young. It was from Pri talent Ken- Per str Chiudlne, June 29. for Kaliu-l- ul Land ... J5.0D0 Koal estate lounB I un luni; 0,00(1 Social ..A. 8, Cleghora Mnui . . Pols Church of Humakuapoko . nedy apprising Mr. Young ho had Miss hodu Ice Work .. d5,000 Manufacture Ice , II A Wadaworth ... Kccleiiaslic that and Litinlna Tollefson, JIIss M . 1,1 V Pauoa Chinese Cemetery Asso Mclncrli), Ltd 75 000 lit r.il uuiihandiae K Mclnern) M. C. A inan ft not lled up to his nguemint about tho II Forbes, Miss 13 Pratt. Miss E Ta-lo- r. McCuIl) I.nnd Co . . bO.000 lieal ponir Yntinif Portuguese Mutual lleneflt Socitty eatlte of pament on tho isscl, and tho request Miss Huuimulknl, Miss Gilhus, McCIumu), M , 4 Sona iuw vw a. vv McCheane) Hawaii Eratern,al M. A. & inn iieniB uierciianuiae.r Sllra Maui Wii.e Liquor Co . . 25,000 Linuora vv 1 Queen's Hospital Jeneoent was made that Young relinquish com Miss B. Buxter Miss Jevlnne; W A Hoblnaon Cjiinn The Goyernor Maul llrj (looda i. Hroccry Co 8,000 Genual merchandise . On Society Ilenevolent Goo King posset-slo- of ousel In Jno Weddick mand and tho Biildwln, wife and child, Yio Ynn Miss Maui PuhlUliini; Co 7."00 Tuhliahera . .,.. J X S. W,llllaraa uojai Hawaiian ,vgrl Hoclety I ducntinnnl , stanter. Young compiled by taking his H Slender, Miss M Vielui, Miss II. Man fclnc Co &00 Hlco crowini; Ho Pai Hellef and lluriai Aasociation. benevolent....; J0Be d0 prie- - McCundlraa building Co . . . Htranger'a Friend Society Itenevolent duds ashore. And so tho Malolo did, not 13 11 60,000 Mnie and offlce leaailig. J A McCandleaa Wlttroek. .Miss L. K. Yotis, Mrs Mercantile l'liuUni; Co Printing See Yup Wei Quan Ueiuvolt'iit Chu Gem go Iuttr-Isla- lo.ouu . Fd Towae to San Pedro. The Hart, Miss Anna Akeo, Mis. E It Goo Metropolitan Meat Co 250,000 Uutchera 8 Parker Sociedado de Sno Martinho Dene people hno now n better boat than Kim, Miss Mary Knnuhi, McLalrd, MclropolQ lIulldlnK Co o.ouu Htore and omce leasing It W Anderaon ftcento de Hawaii , . . . J Moalm Hotel Co Sociedade Portugueza do Santa An evtr, for Young flxtd htr up In lino Win von Seggern, Miss 150,000 Hotel .J H Hertache J It Love, Jr, Molokal Hunch Co lils.000 Stock J C Munroe tonio Dineticenlo de Hawaii Social nnd Benevolent M. C, Pacheco Protestant Kaneohe . , ,f stIe. Mary von Seggern, Mrs Gons.ilves, 13. Mutual Tel phone Co 110,000 Ojieratlnc Ulcphone ayatem .J O Carter Church of . Kccleslastic & Loan Protestant Church of Kohnla . . . . "I had cleared tho Malolo for San 13. 13 Hux-tldeii- , Mutual llldg Society of .... hcclesiastlc Battelle, T Mrs Protestant of Knhoo . . Pedro on Snturdny morning," snld llnviall . . 100,000 Co opentlve building . . Jaa L McLean Church ... hcltitiastlc ., Giimon, G C Sea, D. O Hiimman, F Native hena Co o.uuu ueneral merclianulse Protestant Church of Kawalhaekal . Kcclesiastic . Young jesterday, "and had ample tlmo o, G. Con en and children, Mrs. O J.ieln-ih- .Nc.ll. The J 11, Co 7,000 Iluilding materials 0 P Wilcox Protestant Church of Kawela , . , Kctletlastlc . . , .Nn I ILu Protestant Church of Kspuknn . . , . to get away If I had wantid to skip Mrs C It Faurnl, Miss McCarthy, ltuliber Co 150,000 Culture rubber trees .. W. V. Hall hcclesiastlr 7 .' ...... out. I had dona this to force a climax Oahu Lumber .t Uulldlni; Co. . . . 50,000 Huilding lnateriala Lee Chu Protestant Church of Koala . . ... hcclesiastlc Miss I .Miilknl, Copt. J Parkir, J. H. Ouhu Market Co . , ',0,000 Protestant Church of Kawalhaeuka Ecclesiastic , on 'vessel transac- ... llutchira Chu Gem ... M tho and tho whole I'lillcr, Mark Nod. Miss Decoto Oahu Carriage Mfp Co 10,000 Vehicle manufacturing . .Chung Yee Proleatant Church of Koloa . ,, .Ecclesiastic Protestant , tion as I was getting bejond my depth 2, Orpin uiu Co . . . . 7,500 'theatrical D Kavtananakoa Church of Kaiuaaha . Ecclebiastic , , Per str Klnau, July for Hawaii Protestant of , , , ,fc financially. My Idea of going to tli3 Orecon llulKling Co 10,000 Ofhre leasing , . W, Hadden Church Kaumakaplll, Ecclesiastic . . ,. , , , ports Clrns. Kuken, Andrew 13 Co, Owl IlruB Co Protestant Church of Knwailoa 1 cclisiastic , J Coast was because I was so absolutely 15,000 limits . . C K Kichardaon ... Miss 13, l'aclllo Hardware Co 350,000 .11 V Urat Methodist l.plseopnl Church . , Fcctcfcinstfc ,. Doiothy Wnldton, Jno F Hardware Dilllncham Makawao Foreign certain of gtttlng enough money thero I'acilic lluuno Fertiliier Co . 700,000 Imp and dealera fertiliier F. O Ilanena Church .. Ecclesiastic , Colburii, J. Steivnrt, H. Quintal, J. Protestant Makuwao , , to pay up my Indebtedness to the Inter- Jr. l'alama Coolierative (irocer) Co . 0,000 Otneril merchanta .Win McCandleaa Church of . Ecclesiastic . ,.,..'. .G. Bolsse, Dr. Humus, .Miss M. 'aciHc Co . . . Trustees of the Oahu Cnllego . hducntional -Island J. Cail lluildlnc .120,000 lluildlnc and Uaslus W It Castle a. F. Griffith company and others who .t. Protestant Church of , Pifkol, C A. Long. Miss M Kaul, Jas. Pucitlc Vehicle buiinlr Co 60.0011 Vihlclea . . . J F. Morgan Paauhau . Ecclesiastic . . ., , had claims against inc. Kicr thing was Palolo Land &. Ituprovetnent Co ., 200,000 Htal ektite , . .A Cooke ProU'stan! Church nf Puakn , cclesiastlc . ..,,.,., Crane, M Houghtulllng, MKs Suckett, F. In S .,..... done above-boar- d " Pacific Land t Iuipror. Co. . . 25.000 Itial e.lnto In See Yone Protestant Church Kohala ... Ecclesiastic , , , ,. Mrs. II. W Ilnekons. L W Llllle and Pacltie Soda Worka Co , . Third Franciscan Order ,. Ecclesiastic . . . 10,000 Aerated atera H. J. Lrrnatd Tong Shing Tong STEAMERS HARD HIT. wife, Mrs. Kawula, It. M Wuyno W raclllc vim Co ,10,000 Sash and doors . . ,, lJeutvole.it Piarl Cll Krnlt Co J7.500 Culture fruit T Olive Paries Protestant Church of Wniplo, Ha Tho Siberia does not arrive from San Buckli, A Fernandez, Miss Steven, w inakua . reacock, l" , Co ... 200,000 inea and liiiunra W C. Peacock ... Ecclesiastic , ,. Francisco today. Hnckfeld . Co., do Miss An.'orson, Mis B Wardel, Miss Peter C .Ionia, Ltd .100,000 Slocka and real estate Jones Protestant Church nf Walmea . . , Ecclesiastic , .... Church Y not exptct her to nrrlie much btforo J CulUn, Miss I Hlple), Miss Anna l'n rim PrexivliiB Paint Co 10,000 House painting ...PC..II, Armltage. Protestant of Waloll . , cclesiastlc S. Protestant , , , , the 13th. Tho vtssel, with Is Pionitr llldi; lAtan Auociation Cliurrli nf Walluku Ecchsiostlc .....,,,.,, ollurs, Hose, Mrs. Hiittinaii and chlldicn, Miss . . , Wailuku Union Protestant Church . . . partially up of Ilaivali 300,000 Co operatlre building . . J. I, McLean .... Ecclesiastic tied by the strike nt San Black, Miss W. L. Wlicox, Miss Ixile, Pioneer Hotel 7,500 . . . . Protestant Church of Walohlnu , , . Ecclesiastic . , , lintel. J J. Xenromb Church of rranelBco. The America Mum of tho F, Frt ndeiibcrg, Win, Heinlligon, 11. Ponahiiual Coffee Co 15,000 Coffee culture W. 0, Irwin Protestant Wainee ... , .. cclesiastlc ,,, Punulioa Land Co . .... , Proteatont Church of Waikapu , . , Ecclesiastic , , To jo Klsen Kalsha Una left Saturday G Miss Brockle, Mir-- 1,200 Land and ual estate ..It A Lyman, Sr. ..,.,.,..,,,, Sauber, Cnrr, J. t Itoval Hanaliiin Hotel Co . . 200.000 Hotel .11 W Vlacfarlane Proteatant Church nf Walkone,, , ...... Iccleslatlln ,. , for Honolulu and Yokohama, and Is duo M Wailuku Church, Maul In. Miss Muhsmun, F. Kile), Geo Itobirt llrli'ie l'riiitine Co., 1.1,50(1 I'rlnllne ...... Jaa L McLean . Ecclesiastic - Wainee of , litre Friday afternoon. She, of course, ltlce drowera k Kactura Co 50.000 Culture . . . , T. F, Lanalnt- Church Lahalna, Maul hccKslastlc Kiilua, Miss Dorothy Wuldion, J, II. N riri .... 1 Haclia. S. Ilrf (ioodt 0.1. . . . . Proteatant niaropal Church in the Is a foreign essl. and cannot carry Mil bio, VlMtount It, d'Humleris, 00,000 Dry iromls . . K. H Naclia Miss hlar Hoda Water Worka 00,000 .vermeil vtatera Hawaiian Islands . , , . Ecclesiastic ...... ,,,.. pnsstngers between San Francisco nnd Alku Git'dl, Miss - Kopa, L Petile, htanilanl aelephone Co . 150,000 Ultima Thulo Lodge. No 1, Katablishlnc telephone a) stem F J. Croaa i n Honolulu, txcipt Iiijoktb who must handulrh lalanda Hone) Co , ., . o Temperance . . . , , , ,.,,, It Pails, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs Gen, I, - 00,000 Aularlsta Ilowaett J riiMUhln- ...AC United Chineset Rnrletv... . , Sella Co 1,000 Publishing . Itenernlent Chu Gem continue their o)age at an early date, Hey-nobi- s, Antone Oak ... Desha. Gin. Itlchurdson, C II. herrau 1 Co Union Church nf Kohala , Ecclesiastic , to tho Orlint Tho Sheridan ,pjor 25.000 llrtall liquors , Jose (I Herrao ...... , trauKrt It W llreokoiis, Mlfcs llieckoiis, houlh Kona CorTee On . . . 50,000 Cullurw loffre . . F Walluku Cemetery Asso ... renutfry 111 J I.orey ,ti iv undoubtedly sail from San Fran hun huiiir Kvioek llo . Women's Kxrhanse of Honolulu . HeneToItnt , . , 13 H Heniliy, B S P.ixhoii Mrs Mnble f ... o.vou riioiisoera u Akana Wo .... N hiiiuann Co , , 00.00(1 . flu Fill Kon . MenrvyleiU , T , cisco for Honolulu and Manila nn July Carrlaia ... Cdrilaav niatiiifai lurinr J. .0 II Hehuiiiannt Young ..A Oimtlo mid daughter, Mr Wong, Miss ruiiiur lactora Co hiiirur , B I) Men a Christian Aaso HoclaE. ...,,.. 7M;j....$ 8 it h sthcdiilfd Tho will carry 2,000,000 dealera Tenner Young Mfl II. Aynu, Miss Gertrude Vong. F. J, 'leriilnri Mablta BUOO0 l.lviry .J (! (Jullin Men's Christian Association troops t lila trip Co (l.ni-rs- tChlnase) . Vlsrr.i and wife, C A. Wldemniin, I) Turner , 60,Qpil l inerrliaiidlir , . Ol) Kennedy g'ifl! Tropic Fruit Co lOo.O&O Pinoaiiiile culture .. MironO Clark Young Womrn'a Christian Asso . . ,. II .Miii'oiiuehle. Geo, Guild. MUs V. 'lerriturial Hotel Co Tf.QOA Hotel ., .Aleiander Vnunr SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, Dunn. Ml" A Wilton, Miss Julia Hi ti Union Feed On a,,uoi nay ami iiiaiii vv '. Allen rortniaN corporations ueuibtehed AND TtOlliQ BUSINESS ZN HAWAII, Vail Hi able, 1 ami rrHMrlatlin ll Ml l'ho, Miss M C Alvxuiulor, Ce i 100,000 MUfkiMillI) uiil earrUre lldm (' K Wrlchl CtfUul. ARRIVED MUs M VlMlouherg Ml Weight. Van lUiniu Youui On, , Cmuuilaalon Rrlri on. 100,000 aifRla, Milie AUiu.ltr Vnuni CVumrrrlal I'aeine Caljle On , . . U, 1". . K Vm Public I'ublUltlH IV , A fit. ,. .John l Haines Sin Nbloii, ftoui Mukuvvell, Mia llorntr, J liwrey, ... IMWI.Ura I' AlTiinan Dearborn Druir JL Chvinical W'msLs K Waliililim Ouaiiut 70 V llrown 7 it. in. II W Hhliiula, A. W I'iillvr, Ari.ultfJ I riiipla)rr a Liability Aaauraiia (iriraltoli . . . . Illshup Co, ft Mi)i i , , biiwk W CI. 4 I1 Irwin Kininsn's Fund lUMirtnae (kj l.)W.O0i .lllahop Ins Am nor. AMiti, It iUn from J I'uris, Mis t'urU, II. Ddnaton WturliouM lyyuattHMM 0 , BmI .AUaMI )rit, Dll. ealala M'atillwuie lldalily Fundlur C'n Me.osw . May II llijl.iow.r D H nan XlrDiHt iva T5 SO . SswIi-I)- Hun 1'ran'lHti, II to h. in J II ItiiUiwwII. i' Hhhiimim. nawaral usari kk4l I rank n Miiiiaia Clariuan Hailni 4 Iamh - , 1.9 W Uali 10 llota--f rJmllh Am, mji. 'rilllv I? Huiluu'k, Winn, B0 OJarilnim, C, M llUind, ttwirln Si llrr('i 100.0A0. . . VM Ui.4 1 I CM i Iam 4MMtM loo MP alt (Inn. I Kakin (' V fruin IB m. m rhllilivn, i', I'mniibi'll Ualalua Iteit WMka Hl Clear II I' l.sklu iY l. UIinp l"as jrlM alr II II Pli llsiua Fir 4 Marina llitirli 0a Hir. Kit AnXttl.uu, from Usual OwMm M T llramll Tiilltt WiIdio UsaslH IN Ti l.iiarpuol 4 Uudw 4 llkl IwuisHre 0 irln, 1 16 m Hltli tMO Utf Mgur, lofiS iro auliure UMtrv Hall Maul llalliua.it Ilaaiu.lilp Co rilAMIIl.AlN'H f'OI.Il' I'Hlll.KIIA waiinr Water IV SUH0O u aluialriii ayalei H. A MO Him) aibea PuMiaUjai. lnlalloii liliudaen Malwn Satlftlluu 0a , II T Cluarii iuj AMI DIAIIIIIlUltA IIWMItUV Iln law aauauikj Vaafe Vouni Mauhallau Ufa I Pn -- A k) i.aikiki tjuis) mm M B 1' 0 IIwimiiIiiii, fioin Ml UoUrlaiia Mairu4illa Irual 4 HiairlmH Hank , , llkiri, IHH irilaliou s)aiaw Vlct on nn purl, HI kjrmal lit l'ir aaaa Of ti 'lb kuitiaw iriorotioN 'llilfNlsWf Ju llaPtflUs I'arlllvMa Nuirlr CVi W Htr. Iviiiuu mill zvn"m IHtaAMiW IH I Kriimii I'hwhuu, tiuui llllu III 111 lll U mlUI mill vurt of Iknuttal raiMi, (...,, I. Kallaira PlfWHii Haiii ilullillnn 4 m II CauifUll way av 111 ' m 11 II V 4aawtlk l" ii u, IMM Uruvujfai U f I'arillr nil Co , llhllUI llllu olMUkM Will' IVlwrrR I ,, O I t W II uMky, Hrmuiilr jMrHiaiH PruJsulial rrtakuiMluvralukMl h laratifila ll Ir.m Jiir wrwl UaW II HKW mil 01111 whot. J1'",1 "4.iii Htr r l Pu jSthm MU4 Wa.lifl ItiaJuM litw 4 Iaiawas4 Wft Y W ili!uiwo4 Aidvii I'orl rHaHNail Mlth md It irliTlr MleM lun W U Ifwlu HUM Ui llri4 oatrr NHfhllail f at. . , ,1 11 4ff Aak)lf - - Mir ImoIhi.i piiu fiurn K4ul, i ii Ikr ..lala II0 ti'Iii.. liallla 4 Mlliif.a- AtMCalrii rM l4oMHl lu Mki U i",Ui.ll) iMlunltl I U 4 , , 11 f lwai.ial l(l- i" I! T In LiiTeTanil wl k 1 ajawbii MarkUii ( usau Him llrriKH M j, llli Ul I.ik. gy4r (at piilMtxi unu m mil) al a l'i ItMIObSS ImmA slsi a lUlir i.il4. o4uii sua ih ml ,,kl Ilil.trJ i mm i in. i 'j Vlkiimi a 1. 14 rilr hum iiumpMiii fn.ui Ilia I mill 1ll.11 II. 1. ,. n rt imm4 Han unu (ntoir inn linmi. U , ; "ifT n m. MUa i' U (HI II I C. N4W'Kli u Willi m Una 1 in. mi 1.11111. to Ui. im elirial kwii.lki.Ji. Puftp 0 rt t allfjUkl (l u IHHI OBS tti) it)iiiit 1 Tl.wiiU 0 l 4 E Wl4faluii . . IusIimCi lull! II lll Hllv by oil l. 'r Vlilwai'", ! ( k u 'f'" " j and In ualklly in, yn1Vii.iTi.a H it I li Hllllai I I J.,l.i i.l P II Wiri'lr !' ' "'"ilia lail.a IH'i, KhiIIIi , .. .l l fur II list ,j In 4l rVwiia 1. ll. Cii.r Ak I I ,., aim V a 1 .Win.,.. t ill 4 HI)' h lt n 1 1. ' 1.,111 AI'U 4I I H ai ll I uO mil Vta 1 .1.1 B. 14 a ii I I wi. l'u wife.: fl IU i l ,1