Local Incident Management Plan BUCHAN & DISTRICT

WEBSITES WHEN TO LEAVE VicEmergency (Information) PHONE NUMBERS GET READY NOW WHAT TO TAKE When you hear that an incident is impacting or will www.emergency.vic.gov.au Develop a personal / family incident Essential clothing, photos, impact on the Buchan community personal items, woollen blanket, Police, Fire, Ambulance plan - Practice your plan - Under- When advised by CFA, DELWP, SES, food and drinking water Regional Roads 000 stand the risks Victoria Police or local radio Prescriptions and medications (traffic Pack an ‘Emergency Kit’ including When leaving your home, close all windows and for 7 days / toiletries for 3 days information) Bushfire Info Line (VBIL) items from ‘What to Take’ doors, close curtains, drapes, blinds, turn off lights, Documents - photographs, www.vicroads.vic.gov.au 1800 240 667 Prepare your house gas and appliance passport, titles, bank accounts, Make sure your vehicle has fuel birth, marriage and insurance ABC (news / alerts) VicEmergency Hotline IF YOUR PLAN FAILS www.abc.net.au/emergency 1800 226 226 GO TO ASSEMBLY AREA certificates, rates notices

mobiles, charger, portable WHAT TO WEAR FIRE Shire Regional Roads Victoria Buchan Recreation Pavilion, radio, torch and batteries FIRE Council 13 11 70 Orbost Road, Buchan Natural fibre (wool or cot- www.eastgippsland.vic.gov.au

ton), long sleeve top and WHAT TO EXPECT State Emergency Service CFA Shed, 1 Saleyard Road, Gelantipy Limited visibility during fires or long pants, solid foot- Bureau of Meteorology 13 25 00 W Tree (Julia & Ian Delaney), 2440 Gelantipy storms wear (leather), wide www.bom.gov.au Local 5158 0839 Limited or restricted access into brimmed hat, smoke mask, Road, W Tree and/or out of goggles, leather gloves, FLOOD LISTEN TO LOCAL Hearing Impaired, call text Buchan area towel phone Buchan Mechanics Hall, Assembly area will be crowd- RADIO FOR FLOOD TTY 1800 122 969 Main Street, Buchan ed and you may receive di- EMERGENCY Solid footwear (leather), Buchan Valley Log Cabins, rections from authorities warm clothing, wet weather WARNINGS East Gippsland Shire Gelantipy Road, Buchan Loss of power and telephone ABC National—106.3 FM Council communications These are designated Assembly Areas during a ABC Local - 100.7 FM 1300 555 886 / PUBLICATIONS local incident, be it fire, flood, storm etc. Do not rely on electricity sup- ABC - 103.5 FM 5153 9500 CFA - Fire Ready Plan 2018 ply for fire fighting purposes. ABC 828 - AM SES - Emergency Toolkit “WATCH AND ACT” warnings may tell Remember, cordless 720 - AM communities to activate their LIMP Your Residential Map Red Cross - Emergency telephones rely on power REG FM - 105.5 FM Ref: ______REDiPlan EMERGENCY WARNINGS which may be unavailable - 90.7 FM Facebook CFA, SES, DELWP Do not drive in heavy / thick Poor reception areas - Orbost - 97.1 FM Your Residential GPS Smart Phone / tablet - Fire smoke, flood waters and ABC radio available via 3TR - 99.9 FM Ref: ______Ready & ABC App (free) severe storms Use IPads and Computers to your satellite television system (VAST) using the remote Radio/TV button tune into radio stations

April 2019 version