Matrix Algebra and Control
Appendix A Matrix Algebra and Control Boldface lower case letters, e.g., a or b, denote vectors, boldface capital letters, e.g., A, M, denote matrices. A vector is a column matrix. Containing m elements (entries) it is referred to as an m-vector. The number of rows and columns of a matrix A is nand m, respectively. Then, A is an (n, m)-matrix or n x m-matrix (dimension n x m). The matrix A is called positive or non-negative if A>, 0 or A :2:, 0 , respectively, i.e., if the elements are real, positive and non-negative, respectively. A.1 Matrix Multiplication Two matrices A and B may only be multiplied, C = AB , if they are conformable. A has size n x m, B m x r, C n x r. Two matrices are conformable for multiplication if the number m of columns of the first matrix A equals the number m of rows of the second matrix B. Kronecker matrix products do not require conformable multiplicands. The elements or entries of the matrices are related as follows Cij = 2::;;'=1 AivBvj 'Vi = 1 ... n, j = 1 ... r . The jth column vector C,j of the matrix C as denoted in Eq.(A.I3) can be calculated from the columns Av and the entries BVj by the following relation; the jth row C j ' from rows Bv. and Ajv: column C j = L A,vBvj , row Cj ' = (CT),j = LAjvBv, (A. 1) /1=1 11=1 A matrix product, e.g., AB = (c: c:) (~b ~b) = 0 , may be zero although neither multipli cand A nor multiplicator B is zero.
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