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Overview OPEB & Pension UAAL ...... OPEB-1 Board of Directors ...... Overview-1 TriMet Officials ...... Overview-1 Office of the General Manager Division Budget Message ...... Overview-2 Division Summary ...... GM-1 2016-2017 TriMet Organization Chart ...... Overview-10 Office of the General Manager ...... GM-2 Diversity and Transit Equity ...... GM-5 Financial Summary Internal Audit ...... GM-8 General Fund Resource Summary ...... Financial Summary-1 General Fund Requirement Summary ...... Financial Summary-3 Public Affairs Division Capital Program Resource Summary ...... Financial Summary-6 Division Summary ...... PA-1 Capital Program Requirement Summary ...... Financial Summary-7 Administration ...... PA-2 Program Resource Summary ...... Financial Summary-8 Planning & Policy ...... PA-5 Light Rail Program Requirement Summary ...... Financial Summary-9 GIS & Location Based Services ...... PA-8 General Obligation Bond Debt Service Fund ...... Financial Summary-10 Community Affairs ...... PA-11 Summary of Fund History ...... Financial Summary-11 Government Affairs ...... PA-14 Pass through Revenues and Requirements ...... Financial Summary-13 Communications & Marketing ...... PA-17 Customer Experience ...... PA-20 Resources Grant Summary ...... PA-26 General Fund Resources...... Resources-1 General Fund Resource Summary ...... Resources-2 Safety & Security Division General Fund Resource Summary by Source ...... Resources-4 Division Summary ...... SS-1 Federal & State/Local General Fund Grant Summary ...... Resources-6 Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training ...... SS-2 Requirements General Fund Requirements ...... Requirements-1 Information Technology Division General Fund Requirement Summary ...... Requirements-2 Division Summary ...... IT-1 General Fund Requirements by Object Class ...... Requirements-5 Information Technology ...... IT-2 General Fund Personnel Services Schedule ...... Requirements-6 General Fund Materials & Services Schedule ...... Requirements-7 Finance & Administration Division Summary of General Fund Employees ...... Requirements-8 Division Summary ...... FA-1 Summary of Fixed Route Service ...... Requirements-11 Administration ...... FA-2 Summary of Fixed Route and Accessible Financial Services ...... FA-5 Transportation Vehicles ...... Requirements-12 Budget & Grants Administration ...... FA-8 Insurance Programs ...... FA-11 Debt Service Procurement & Contracts ...... FA-14 Summary of General Fund Debt Service ...... Debt Service-1 Fare Revenue ...... FA-17 Summary of General Fund Debt Service Principal and Interest ...... Debt Service-2 Labor Relations & Human Resources Division TriMet Continuing Revenues and Calculation Division Summary ...... HR-1 of Payroll Tax Debt Service Ratio ...... Debt Service-3 Administration, Compensation & Labor Relations ...... HR-2

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Legal Services Division General Information Division Summary ...... LS-1 Exhibit 1 Ridership and Service (Fixed Route) ...... General-1 Legal Services ...... LS-2 Exhibit 2 Fares and Passenger Revenue (Fixed Route) ...... General-2 Exhibit 3 Employer Taxes (Unadjusted CPI-W) ...... General-3 Operations Division Exhibit 4 Expenses (Fixed Route) ...... General-4 Division Summary ...... OP-1 Exhibit 5 Fixed Route Financial Indicators ...... General-5 Transportation Division Summary ...... OP-2 Exhibit 6 LIFT Revenue, Ridership and Service ...... General-6 Administration & Support ...... OP-3 Exhibit 7 Local Economic Trends ...... General-7 Bus Transportation ...... OP-6 Exhibit 8 Debt and Capital Investment ...... General-8 Field Operations ...... OP-12 Local Economic Trends ...... General-9 Service Delivery ...... OP-17 Ridership ...... General-10 Transportation Planning ...... OP-20 Service ...... General-11 Accessible Transportation Programs-LIFT ...... OP-23 Expense ...... General-12 Accessible Transportation Programs-MTP ...... OP-27 Revenue ...... General-13 Rail Transportation ...... OP-31 Commuter Rail ...... OP-34 Appendix Streetcar ...... OP-38 Notice of Budget Committee Hearing ...... Appendix-1 Maintenance Division Summary ...... OP-41 Resolution Approving FY2016-2017 Budget ...... Appendix-2 Bus Maintenance ...... OP-42 Affidavit of Publication, Tax Supervising & Conservation Facilities Management ...... OP-45 Commission Hearing ...... Appendix-3 Rail Maintenance of Way ...... OP-51 Tax Supervising & Conservation Commission Letter ...... Appendix-4 Rail Equipment Maintenance ...... OP-55 Appropriation Schedule ...... Appendix-5 Resolution Adopting FY2016-2017 Budget ...... Appendix-6 Capital Projects Division Division Summary ...... CP-1 Administration ...... CP-2 Development & Operations Support ...... CP-5 Capital Program ...... CP-9 In-Street Transit Facilities Development ...... CP-12

Capital Program Capital Program Resource Summary ...... Capital Program-1 Capital Program Requirement Summary ...... Capital Program-2 Capital Program Detail ...... Capital Program-3 Capital Program Division Summary ...... Capital Program-8

Light Rail Program Light Rail Program Resource Summary ...... Light Rail Program-1 Light Rail Program Requirement Summary ...... Light Rail Program-2 Division Summary ...... Light Rail Program-3 Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project ...... Light Rail Program-4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRIMET OFFICIALS

Bruce Warner, President Neil McFarlane, General Manager (District #1) Dee Brookshire, Budget Officer

Joe Esmonde (District #2)

Shelley Martin (District #3)

Lori Irish Bauman (District #4)

Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Vice President (District #5)

Travis Stovall, Secretary (District #6)

Craig Prosser (District #7)

Mailing Address: Mailing Address:

TriMet Board of Directors TriMet Office of the General Manager 1800 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 300 1800 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 300 Portland, 97201 Portland, Oregon 97201

Staff to the Board: Kelly Runnion Telephone 503-962-4831 Facsimile 503-962-6451 Email

Overview-1 FY 2017 Adopted Budget Message complementary paratransit service; operating cost of other service changes; capital and operating project expenditures Overview from the Capital Improvement Program; debt service expense; and continued commitment to strengthen pension reserves. The TriMet Adopted Budget for FY2017 outlines a resource and expenditure plan for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Service - The demand for more bus and rail service continues. Customers, employers, and local governments in our region The FY2017 Adopted Budget includes: have always desired more service than TriMet is able to pay for. To help TriMet pay for service and expansion, the Oregon  Total day-to-day Operating Requirements of $507.4 legislature has twice authorized TriMet to increase the payroll million, which includes all activities required to operate the tax rate one-tenth of one percent over ten years (2003 & 2009). system.

 Federal contributions of $225 million ($100 million The first payroll tax increase authorized by the TriMet Board estimated to be received in FY2016 and $125 million began January 1, 2005 and ended January 1, 2014. During this estimated to be received in FY2017) for debt service time, TriMet increased the employer and self-employed payroll payments specifically related to the MAX Orange Line Full tax rates .01% annually. Between FY2005 and FY2014, the Funding Grant Agreement. increase in the payroll tax rate generated an additional $34.4 million per year for new service and capital investment. The  Capital & Operating Project Requirements of $157.1 payroll tax continues to pay for the service put in operation million. since 2005 including the MAX Green Line, WES, MAX  Pass Though Requirements totaling $6.5 million, under Orange Line, and the associated cost of those operations. which TriMet receives funds required to be provided to other governmental agencies. The TriMet Board initiated the second payroll tax increase in September 2015 by increasing the employer and self-employed  Fund Balances and Contingency totaling $152.4 million. payroll tax rates .01% starting January 1, 2016 and will Unrestricted Fund Balance and Contingency are required to continue the increase through January 1, 2025. The revenues assure sufficient resources to cover expenses throughout from this tax rate increase will help pay for additional service the year until grant revenues are collected. such as extending the Red Line to Fairplex, the Powell-

Division bus project, and other new service related projects The FY2017 Adopted Budget focuses on payroll tax increases; identified in TriMet’s Service Enhancement Plans and the changes in service; the cost of operating and maintaining the Capital Improvement Program. The increase is projected to existing transit system; the costs in fixed route bus and rail add $5.7 million for new service in FY2017 and increase to service to maintain headways and capacity as the region grows $10.8 million through the end of FY2018. (including vehicle replacements); costs of ADA


Revenue rate increases have so far leveraged $1.15 billion in medical benefits were closed to new non-union employees. federal New Starts funds and $939 million from the State of Since 2012 non-union employees and retirees in the PPO Oregon and local partners to build Commuter Rail (WES), health plan have paid 20% co-insurance and 6% premium South Corridor/Portland Mall Light Rail (MAX Green Line) contributions. Non-union employees and retirees in the HMO and Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail (MAX Orange Line). plan have $10 co-pays and 6% premium contributions. In January 2014 non-union retirees age 65 and older in the PPO Without the rate increases, none of the service improvements health plan were moved to a lower cost Medicare supplement made since 2005 would have been possible. Revenues from plan. the 2005 increase and fares from customers traveling on the service pay for: The FY2017 Adopted Budget includes resources for up to 3% non-union payroll to be allocated for merit increases related to  Debt service on TriMet’s share of costs of WES, MAX performance as well as any pay adjustments needed for those Green Line and MAX Orange Line construction. individuals whose total compensation is below market. This is  WES operating costs. the fourth merit increase for non-union employees in seven  MAX Green Line operating costs net of fares. years.  Post-2005 LIFT cost increases above inflation.  TriMet’s share of Streetcar operations to River Place, Union benefit costs have similarly been reformed over the last Gibbs, Lowell, OMSI, and “Complete the Loop.” two contracts. Healthcare benefit changes have instituted premium share, co-insurance, and deductibles essentially In FY2017, TriMet is proposing to increase bus service 4.33% parallel to the non-union plan. Simultaneously the defined over FY2016. The costs of these service increases are also benefit pension plan was closed and new hires participate in a paid for by the generated fares from the service and other defined contribution plan. passenger revenues. Union wages were increased 3% as negotiated in FY2015 Compensation - Another critical element of TriMet’s multi- (effective December 1, 2014), plus a $1.00 per hour wage year effort to achieve its long-term fiscal stability plan has been adjustment for journey level workers. There was also a 3% to reduce the growth rate of active employee and retiree benefit wage increase in FY2016 (effective December 1, 2015.) The costs, primarily by reforming healthcare with premium share, Working and Wage Agreement with the union will expire on coinsurance, and deductibles paid by non-union employees, November 30, 2016. Union wage increases are not included in and by reducing the cost of retirement benefits for new hires. the Adopted Budget.

TriMet began with non-union compensation in 2003, when the Pension Funding - TriMet is continuing to strengthen its union defined benefit pension plan was closed to new employees and (75% funded) and non-union (86% funded) defined benefit replaced with a defined contribution plan. In 2009, retiree pension reserves and has set a long term horizon to pay Overview-3

unfunded liabilities by adopting pension funding policies. The Passenger Revenue - is TriMet’s second largest source of FY2017 Adopted Budget is consistent with the pension policies funding, providing about 22% of total revenues. TriMet adopted by the Board on February 26, 2014. expects FY2016 ridership to increase 1%, and continue to rise due to the opening of the MAX Orange Line. Passenger Capital Maintenance and Replacement - Additional buses, revenues are estimated to increase $2.6 million over projected light rail maintenance of way, light rail vehicle maintenance, FY2016 and average $2.2 million per year over the next five and station maintenance projects are included in the Adopted years. capital budget. The FY2017 Adopted Budget assumes no base fare increase; Revenues however, in September 2015, TriMet increased the Honored Citizen fare to $1.25 to return to TriMet’s past practice and Approximately 95% of TriMet’s revenues come from three FTA guidance of discounting this fare to one half the adult sources; payroll tax revenues (60%), passenger revenues (22%) fare. and federal formula funds (14%). In addition, the budget also includes Capital and Light Rail Program revenues which are In addition, Passenger Revenues in FY2017 are affected by the dedicated for uses separate from operations. increase in the transfer time per ticket from 2 hours to 2.5 hours, implemented on March 1, 2015. The estimated fiscal Payroll Tax Revenues - TriMet is projecting strong payroll impact (cost) of this change is a reduction of $1.75 million in tax revenue growth through FY2019. In FY2015, underlying FY2016 and every year thereafter, growing as ridership grows. employer payroll tax revenues1 increased 6.1%. Underlying employer payroll tax revenues are forecast to increase 7.7% by Federal Formula Grants - Federal formula funds constitute the end of FY2016, 6.5% in FY2017 and 5.8% in FY2018. By about 14% of TriMet’s continuing resources for operations. In comparison average annual growth of underlying employer addition to approximately $60.1 million of Section 5307 payroll tax has been 5.2% over the last twenty years. Urbanized Area and Section 5337 State of Good Repair funds, TriMet receives $16.0 million dollars a year in federal highway Self-employment Tax Revenues - Underlying growth program funds through the Surface Transportation Program increased 5.5% in FY2015 and is projected to increase 7.7% by (STP) and Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) the end of FY2016, 6.5% in FY2017 and 4.99% in FY2018. Program to pay for regional rail program debt service. Self-employment tax revenues make up 5% of payroll tax revenue. Section 5307 Urbanized Area funds and Section 5337 State of Good Repair funds increased to $17.6 million in FY2015, a 0.5% increase over FY2014. FY2016 budgeted Federal Formula Funds are flat and projected FY2017 budgeted Federal 1 Underlying payroll tax revenues exclude revenues from the increase in the payroll Formula Funds are $21.1 million. tax rate. Overview-4

bring its two closed defined benefit plans to fully funded status Congress authorized additional funding through FY2020 by over a reasonable long-term horizon. As of June 30, 2015 signing the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) TriMet’s union pension is 75% funded with $159.4 million in Act. TriMet’s financial forecast and the FY2017 Adopted unfunded liabilities; the non-union pension is 86% funded with Budget include increased projections as a result of the FAST $18 million in unfunded liabilities. The national average Act authorization. pension funding level for governmental plans is 73%. The FY2017 Adopted Budget includes the third year of resources to Other Revenues - Include advertising revenue, interest amortize the non-union pension unfunded liability over a revenue, state operating grants and operating project revenue. closed 10 year period assuming a 6.5% return on investments and to amortize the union pension unfunded liability over a Accessible Transportation Contract Revenues - state and closed 15 year period, slowing to an open 5 year amortization, federal sources dedicated to LIFT paratransit services. assuming 7% return on investments. Estimated revenues for FY2016 are $6.4 million and remain at $6.4 million in FY2017. Capital Investments - The FY2017 Capital Adopted Budget includes the following: Service Contract Revenues - this category contains only Streetcar Personnel Revenue. In FY2017, these revenues are  Buses. TriMet replaced 64 buses in FY2015 and is projected to be $8.2 million. anticipating bus replacement purchases of 60 in FY2016 and 33 in FY2017. The entire fleet will be low-floor low Expenditures emission, air conditioned, and at the desired industry standard average age of 8 years. In FY2016 and again in Service - TriMet is proposing to expand bus service hours FY2017, 17 expansion buses (total of 34) will be purchased 4.33% in FY2017. TriMet will add service midday and to maintain expanded service and spare ratios. weekends on Frequent Service lines, reducing time between buses, improve schedule reliability, and reduce crowding on  LIFT Vehicles. Replaced at the scheduled interval of 8 rail and bus service. These investments are paid for by years, approximately 125,000 to 150,000 miles. The revenues generated by the increase in the payroll tax rate. The FY2017 Adopted Budget assumes these replacements will service improvements will occur throughout FY2017. The cost be 43% funded with a Special Transportation Fund of the service improvements is approximately $5.7 million, Discretionary grant, to be awarded in FY2016. annualized.  Positive Train Control. The Rail Safety Act of 2008 Pension Funding - The implementation of accounting mandates Positive Train Control (PTC) on all railroads standard, GASB No. 68, and industry best practices led TriMet which operate passenger rail service like WES. PTC to adopt pension funding plans that lay out how TriMet will regulations require a train control system that prevents


accidents caused by human error, including train-to-train agencies based on actual ridership once the project is up collisions, overspeed derailments, incursions into and running. established work zone limits, and the movement of a train through a switch that is in the improper position. Many of  Operating Facilities. The FY2017 Adopted Budget funds a these features are present on the current WES system, but variety of operating facilities repairs, including a full new federal regulations require upgrades. Total cost of this facility/site evaluation/design at Powell Garage. mandate is estimated to be $11 million, of which $5.9 million is estimated to be spent in FY2016 and $0.6 million  Customer Facilities. The FY2017 Adopted Budget in FY2017. provides funds to refurbish platforms and station finishes along various locations on the MAX Blue Line.  Safety Improvements. FY2017 continues the multi-year project (FY’s 2015-2019) to replace analog CCTV  MAX Blue Line Station Elevators. Scheduled for technology on TriMet’s buses and Type 1, 2 and 3 light rail refurbishment over the next fifteen years. Typical life vehicles with digital technology. TriMet’s new buses and expectancy of elevators is 25 to 30 years; actual useful life Type 4 and 5 light rail vehicles already have this can vary widely, particularly if elevators are exposed to technology. Additionally, pedestrian safety improvements weather as are many at TriMet. Twelve elevators are due to prevent/reduce hazards at areas with more intensive land for major work in the next 2-5 years, 3 more are due in 6-9 use including Holladay/7th Ave, Holladay/2nd Ave, 97th/ years and 4 will come due in 10-15 years. The FY2017 Burnside, LRT/Main (Gresham) and NE Hood Streets, are Adopted Budget includes funds to design and begin planned. reconstruction/replacement of elevators.

 Fare System Replacement. TriMet is replacing its twenty-  Non-Revenue Vehicles. The FY2017 Adopted Budget six year old fare collection system with an account based includes another year of the non-revenue vehicle fleet electronic fare collection system that reduces reliance on replacement program ($1.9 million). mechanical equipment like transit vending machines and fare boxes. Customers will be offered stored value Diesel Fuel - The cost of bus diesel fuel has decreased over the accounts and the ability to load transit fares onto cards by past 3 years. FY2015 was budgeted at $3.15 per gallon, smart phone, at retail stores, and online. Payment will be FY2016 was budgeted at $2.60 per gallon and FY2017 is made when customers tap a validator (low cost equipment budgeted at $2.05 per gallon. Diesel fuel costs for ATP and with no moving parts and commercial off the shelf WES was budgeted at $3.30 per gallon in FY2015, $2.75 per technology) on buses and at light rail stations. gallon in FY2016 and at $2.22 per gallon in FY2017.

The budget includes costs of integrating C-TRAN and Debt Service – Total FY2017 debt service is $265.5 million, of Streetcar’s systems. TriMet will share revenue with both which $225 million is to pay back interim financing on the


MAX Orange Line project (funded by Federal dollars). $20.6 City of Milwaukie and Federal Transit Administration New million of TriMet’s FY2017 debt service is funded by MTIP Starts grants. Only 4% of the $1.49 billion project has been revenues, the regional federal flexible highway funds ($16 paid for by TriMet revenues. TriMet’s share of construction million in FY2016) that TriMet receives from Metro each year and operating cost net of fares is paid for with a small portion to pay debt service on TriMet’s 2005 and 2011 Capital Grant of the ten year increase in the first payroll tax rate increase Receipt Revenue Bonds and payroll tax rate increase revenues. from .6237% to .7237%.

Existing senior lien payroll tax funded debt service is 4.5% of TriMet’s New Starts appropriation in FY2016 was $100 continuing revenues in FY2017, below the Board’s maximum million as scheduled in the Full Funding Grant Agreement. In of 6%. This does not include any additional debt that may be FY2017, the New Starts appropriation is expected to be $125 issued in FY2017. million.

Diversity and Transit Equity Staffing Increases

TriMet increased the fare reductions dedicated to diversity and In FY2017, TriMet will increase staffing by about 80 union transit equity in September 2016, from $1.3 million to $1.5 positions, of which 60 positions are allocated for the increase million. The increase resulted from the change in the honored in bus service hours and 20 positions are allocated in support of citizen fare from $1.00 to $1.25. The increase is intended to rail service and/or reliability. provide relief to low income Honored Citizens. In FY2017, TriMet continues to provide fare reductions totaling $1.5 In addition, about 51 non-union positions will be added. Of million. The reductions are realized through the fare relief which 28 positions are dedicated to the Capital Program where grant program, low income youth mitigation program, social 90% of their costs will be recorded against individual projects; service agency outlet sales program and the fare assistance 10 positions are dedicated to operations; and most of the program. remaining 13 positions were restored to the general fund now that the MAX Orange Line project is complete.

Rail Construction Program In Summary

MAX Orange Line - FY2016 marked the opening year of the The FY2017 Adopted Budget focuses on adding bus service MAX Orange Line which started operating in September 2015. and improving schedule reliability.

Funding for the project has been provided by a State grant of It continues to address essential capital maintenance and Lottery bond proceeds, MTIP bond proceeds, TriMet bond replacement deferred during the great recession. proceeds, City of Portland contributions, Clackamas County,


It is consistent with Board policy to fund the non-union unfunded liability over a closed 10 year period using a 6.5% investment rate of return assumption and funding the union pension unfunded liability over a closed 15 years to an open 5 year amortization, open assuming a 7.0% return on investments.

TriMet is committed to staying on course to achieve long-term fiscal stability to keep our commitments to employees, retirees, riders and payroll taxpayers and to meet the transit needs of our growing region.


Payroll Tax Rate Increase Allocation FY2016‐FY2017

Community Connectors (federal passthrough) $454,140 7% Service Enhancements $4,471,002 Capacity 66% $627,256 9%

Reliability $1,202,777 18%

Payroll tax rate increase allocation through FY2017 total $6,755,175. 1) FY2016 Payroll Tax Projected $1,068,012 2) FY2017 Payroll Tax Projected $5,687,163

Overview‐9 Budget Organization Chart: 2016-2017 Adopted Budget Office of the General Manager Division

Diversity & Internal Operations Transit Equity Audit

Information Finance & Labor Relations & Public Affairs Safety & Security Legal Services Capital Projects Technology Administration Human Resources Division Division Division Transportation Maintenance Division Division Division Division Division Division

Administration Safety Administration Administration Administration & Bus Administration Support Maintenance

Planning & Bus Development & Security Financial Compensation & Facilities Policy Operations Services Benefits Transportation Management Support

Rail GIS & Location Environmental Maintenance of Based Services Services Budget & Grants Labor Relations Field Operations Way

Community Transportation Rail Equipment Insurance Affairs Training Service Delivery Maintenance Programs

Government Affairs Procurement ATP/LIFT

Communications Rail & Marketing Contracts Transportation

Customer Experience Commuter Rail Fare Revenue



Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Resources

Beginning Fund Balance as of July 1* 1. Restricted Bond Proceeds & Other Restricted$ 268,201,504 $ 20,093,524 $ 73,265,333 $ 166,490,638 100.00% 127.24% 15.88% 2. Restricted Debt Service 38,560,141 38,560,141 $ 22,390,805 22,386,368 19,444,267 -13.16% -13.14% 1.85% 3. Unrestricted 137,214,847 151,759,921 185,991,352 143,661,774 150,845,660 -18.90% 5.00% 14.39% 4. Total Beginning Fund Balance$ 443,976,492 $ 210,413,586 $ 208,382,157 $ 239,313,475 $ 336,780,565 61.62% 40.73% 32.12%

Operating Revenue 5. Passenger$ 114,618,312 $ 116,734,062 $ 119,629,072 $ 118,133,709 $ 120,700,000 0.90% 2.17% 11.51% 6. Advertising 3,414,899 3,290,000 3,292,500 3,292,000 3,525,000 7.06% 7.08% 0.34% 7. Accessible Transportation Contract 4,413,561 6,384,143 4,678,374 6,400,000 6,400,000 36.80% 0.00% 0.61% 8. Service Contracts 26,213,749 17,662,695 7,098,407 7,769,543 8,219,614 15.80% 5.79% 0.78% 9. Total Operating Revenue$ 148,660,521 $ 144,070,900 $ 134,698,352 $ 135,595,252 $ 138,844,614 3.08% 2.40% 13.24%

Tax Revenue 10. Employer Payroll**$ 258,185,020 $ 273,308,312 $ 294,170,286 $ 295,095,147 $ 318,701,301 8.34% 8.00% 30.40% 11. Self-Employed** 13,593,940 14,783,448 15,099,359 14,891,505 16,249,828 7.62% 9.12% 1.55% 12. State "In Lieu"** 2,794,872 3,202,411 3,442,173 1,866,717 1,795,408 -47.84% -3.82% 0.17% 13. Total Tax Revenue$ 274,573,832 $ 291,294,171 $ 312,711,818 $ 311,853,369 $ 336,746,537 7.69% 7.98% 32.12%

Other Revenue 14. Urbanized Area Formula Funds$ 36,001,923 $ 25,844,059 $ 37,642,864 $ 37,665,835 $ 39,045,813 3.73% 3.66% 3.72% 15. Rail State of Good Repair Funds 17,555,615 89,501 18,510,000 20,258,740 21,069,068 13.83% 4.00% 2.01% 16. MTIP Funds for Regional Rail Debt Service 11,000,000 15,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000 0.00% 0.00% 1.53% 17. Fund Exchange Revenue 19,240,000 2,975,000 3,021,148 3,021,148 3,063,139 1.39% 1.39% 0.29% 18. Other Federal Operating Grants 3,346,370 1,585,213 3,737,413 2,435,449 2,814,538 -24.69% 15.57% 0.27% 19. State Operating Grants 786,910 1,481,432 5,099,520 1,354,292 1,354,292 -73.44% 0.00% 0.13% 20. Local Operating Grants 18,611 19,524 21,019 21,019 18,046 -14.14% -14.14% 0.00% 21. Local Operating Revenue 3,592,640 377,539 3,254,437 1,161,848 1,156,768 -64.46% -0.44% 0.11% 22. Interest 331,656 463,607 775,000 560,000 575,000 -25.81% 2.68% 0.05% 23. Miscellaneous 6,278,449 9,176,923 4,512,532 4,565,593 4,454,391 -1.29% -2.44% 0.42% 24. Total Other Revenue$ 98,152,174 $ 57,012,798 $ 92,573,933 $ 87,043,924 $ 89,551,055 -3.27% 2.88% 8.53%

Total Operating Resources 25. (Excluding Beginning Fund Balance)$ 521,386,527 $ 492,377,869 $ 539,984,103 $ 534,492,545 $ 565,142,206 4.66% 5.73% 53.89%

* Budgetary Fund Balance. Restricted funds include funds held in trust to pay debt service, plus bond proceeds and other resources designated for specific projects. Unrestricted funds are resources maintained to cover cash flow until tax and grant revenues are collected. ** Budgeted payroll tax revenues are an estimate of fiscal year payroll tax cash receipts. Actuals are an estimate of payroll taxes from wages and salaries earned in the fiscal year.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Resources

26. Capital & Operating Program Resources$ 6,082,830 $ 7,716,436 $ 71,129,749 $ 55,322,638 $ 14,980,042 -78.94% -72.92% 1.43% 27. Bond Proceeds Reserved for Refinancing*** 74,936,600 47,463,036 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 28. Bond Proceeds Reserved for Future Capital**** 23,425,311 33,076,607 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 29. Light Rail Program Resources 106,251,226 220,656,991 153,451,994 66,647,665 125,000,000 -18.54% 87.55% 11.94% 30. Other Non-Operating Resources 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 8,896,589 6,465,101 47.05% -27.33% 0.62% 31. Transfer from G. O. Bond Fund 1,993,120

32. Total Resources $ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 $ 985,212,555 $ 1,048,367,914 -2.54% 6.41% 100.00%

*** Bond Proceeds Reserved for Refinancing: Amount includes refunding for 2005, 2007, 2009 Bonds including $1.3 million for the cost of issuance and underwriting discount. **** Bond Proceeds Reserved for Future Capital: Amount of bond proceeds to be received in fiscal year 2016 but scheduled for fiscal year 2017 capital projects.

Financial Summary-2 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Division/Department 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Requirements

Office of the General Manager Division 1. Office of the General Manager$ 1,186,199 $ 964,143 $ 1,051,030 $ 1,071,269 $ 1,080,618 2.82% 0.87% 0.10% 2. Diversity and Transit Equity 216,616 266,876 374,182 331,340 552,618 47.69% 66.78% 0.05% 3. Internal Audit 235,612 239,366 253,275 259,637 261,081 3.08% 0.56% 0.02% 4. Total Office of the General Manager Division$ 1,638,427 $ 1,470,385 $ 1,678,486 $ 1,662,246 $ 1,894,317 12.86% 13.96% 0.18% Public Affairs Division 5. Administration$ 266,895 $ 308,347 $ 786,138 $ 644,207 $ 794,569 1.07% 23.34% 0.08% 6. Planning & Policy 16,397,662 5,027,094 4,842,084 4,176,152 6,205,087 28.15% 48.58% 0.59% 7. GIS & Location Based Services 521,012 448,250 530,517 1.82% 18.35% 0.05% 8. Community Affairs 73,699 79,482 159,731 116.73% 100.97% 0.02% 9. Government Affairs 473,075 498,761 447,270 449,781 456,584 2.08% 1.51% 0.04% 10. Communications & Marketing 705,708 1,116,668 3,381,833 3,735,914 3,717,754 9.93% -0.49% 0.35% 11. Customer Experience 5,531,756 5,538,641 3,036,527 2,847,793 3,186,646 4.94% 11.90% 0.30% 12. Total Public Affairs Division$ 23,375,096 $ 12,489,511 $ 13,088,564 $ 12,381,579 $ 15,050,888 14.99% 21.56% 1.44% Safety & Security Division Safety, Security, Environmental Services & 13. * Transportation Training $ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 $ 16,372,384 $ 21,952,582 33.06% 34.08% 2.09% 14. Total Safety & Security Division$ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 $ 16,372,384 $ 21,952,582 33.06% 34.08% 2.09% Information Technology Division 15. Information Technology$ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 $ 8,045,893 $ 11,057,539 34.49% 37.43% 1.05% 16. Total Information Technology Division$ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 $ 8,045,893 $ 11,057,539 34.49% 37.43% 1.05% Finance & Administration Division 17. Administration$ 1,507,010 $ 1,507,291 $ 681,464 $ 584,368 $ 711,072 4.34% 21.68% 0.07% 18. Financial Services 1,754,980 1,883,335 2,107,628 2,069,702 2,275,892 7.98% 9.96% 0.22% 19. Budget & Grants Administration 3,199,051 3,595,463 883,958 824,544 894,805 1.23% 8.52% 0.09% 20. Insurance Programs 499,799 534,173 2,099,906 1,953,696 3,669,686 74.75% 87.83% 0.35% 21. Procurement & Contracts 1,178,680 1,293,719 1,327,457 1,330,131 1,434,644 8.07% 7.86% 0.14% 22. Fare Revenue 5,281,951 5,692,808 8,173,918 7,673,725 9,053,362 10.76% 17.98% 0.86% 23. Total Finance & Administration Division$ 13,421,471 $ 14,506,789 $ 15,274,332 $ 14,436,166 $ 18,039,461 18.10% 24.96% 1.72% Labor Relations & Human Resources Division 24. Administration, Compensation & Labor Relations$ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 $ 3,450,996 $ 3,773,785 8.00% 9.35% 0.36% 25. Total Labor Relations & Human Resources Division$ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 $ 3,450,996 $ 3,773,785 8.00% 9.35% 0.36%

* Some Bus and Rail Transportation Department expenses in Operations Division moved to Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in Safety & Security Division.

Financial Summary-3 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Division/Department 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Requirements

Legal Services Division 26. Legal Services$ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 $ 1,902,426 $ 2,098,171 1.99% 10.29% 0.20%

27. Total Legal Services Division$ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 $ 1,902,426 $ 2,098,171 1.99% 10.29% 0.20% Operations Division 28. Administration & Support$ 1,505,446 $ 1,114,879 $ 1,765,131 $ 1,585,693 $ 2,306,054 30.64% 45.43% 0.22% 29. * Bus Transportation 102,261,287 106,667,795 116,630,982 114,499,470 117,891,070 1.08% 2.96% 11.25% 30. Field Operations 14,113,089 14,708,879 17,099,165 16,978,227 17,368,203 1.57% 2.30% 1.66% 31. Service Delivery 1,098,130 1,503,580 1,570,468 1,595,266 1,565,305 -0.33% -1.88% 0.15% 32. Transportation Planning 1,240,698 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33. Accessible Transportation Programs-LIFT 33,173,764 33,861,160 35,253,169 35,380,725 35,786,525 1.51% 1.15% 3.41% 34. Accessible Transportation Programs-MTP 20,949,751 12,194,481 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 35. * Rail Transportation 16,727,428 17,785,030 21,874,653 21,525,004 22,005,567 0.60% 2.23% 2.10% 36. Commuter Rail 6,277,091 6,438,285 6,743,288 6,660,267 5,554,024 -17.64% -16.61% 0.53% 37. Streetcar 9,254,079 9,766,461 14,172,945 14,168,191 14,517,415 2.43% 2.46% 1.38% 38. Bus Maintenance 53,865,892 50,277,358 57,587,491 50,740,122 56,262,750 -2.30% 10.88% 5.37% 39. Facilities Management 14,611,371 15,589,112 16,616,029 16,699,320 16,855,510 1.44% 0.94% 1.61% 40. Rail Maintenance of Way 13,964,740 15,116,638 16,540,653 15,774,310 16,234,157 -1.85% 2.92% 1.55% 41. Rail Equipment Maintenance 23,263,213 23,957,667 27,836,419 28,420,888 30,495,696 9.55% 7.30% 2.91%

42. Total Operations Division$ 312,305,979 $ 308,981,325 $ 333,690,394 $ 324,027,483 $ 336,842,276 0.94% 3.95% 32.13% Capital Projects Division** 43. Administration$ 359,526 $ 401,348 $ 672,674 $ 503,790 $ 907,647 34.93% 80.16% 0.09% 44. Development & Operations Support 2,898,508 2,978,216 3,143,821 2,769,658 2,629,435 -16.36% -5.06% 0.25% 45. Capital Program 2,088,449 304,218 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 46. In-Street Transit Facilities Development 539,262 595,235 833,896 750,629 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 47. Total Capital Projects Division$ 3,797,296 $ 3,974,799 $ 6,738,840 $ 4,328,295 $ 3,537,082 -47.51% -18.28% 0.34%

48. OPEB & Pension UAAL$ 56,763,881 $ 47,828,738 $ 51,120,134 $ 48,513,312 $ 49,637,303 -2.90% 2.32% 4.73% 49. Regional Fund Exchanges 3,021,148 3,021,148 3,063,139 1.39% 1.39% 0.29%

50. Debt Service 37,651,425 21,242,456 40,648,000 35,412,457 265,482,503 553.13% 649.69% 25.32% 51. Total Operating Requirements$ 473,593,900 $ 437,119,576 $ 495,531,101 $ 473,554,385 $ 732,429,046 47.81% 54.67% 69.86%

* Some Bus and Rail Transportation Department expenses in Operations Division moved to Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in Safety & Security Division. ** Divisional reorganization in FY2017.

Financial Summary-4 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Division/Department 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Requirements

Capital Program Capital & Operating Projects: 52. Public Affairs Division$ 75,181 $ 572,840 $ 7,235,737 $ 3,349,378 $ 8,127,404 12.32% 142.65% 0.78% 53. Safety & Security Division 1,051,383 2,140,636 7,207,307 5,200,936 8,797,560 22.06% 69.15% 0.84% 54. Information Technology Division 9,102,377 4,406,141 16,187,313 6,237,931 13,978,046 -13.65% 124.08% 1.33% 55. Finance & Administration Division 1,616,549 6,263,553 25,065,197 11,327,477 19,927,172 -20.50% 75.92% 1.90% 56. Legal Services Division 36,780 5,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 50.00% 50.00% 0.03% 57. Operations Division 44,663,967 49,887,817 63,162,610 55,209,051 63,989,560 1.31% 15.90% 6.10% 58. Capital Projects Division 8,025,470 9,824,577 23,848,792 17,808,578 41,952,574 75.91% 135.58% 4.00% 59. Total Capital Program$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316 9.91% 58.13% 14.98%

60. Light Rail Program$ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 61. Pass Through Requirements 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 8,896,589 $ 6,465,101 47.05% -27.33% 0.62% 62. Contingency 15,316,225 21,972,871 43.46% 100.00% 2.10% Ending Fund Balance as of June 30*** 63. Restricted Bond Proceeds & Other Restricted 20,093,524 73,265,333 98,361,911 166,490,638 3,095,667 -96.85% -98.14% 0.30% 64. Restricted Debt Service 38,560,141 22,386,368 24,679,810 19,444,267 24,434,260 -0.99% 25.66% 2.33% 65. Unrestricted 151,759,921 143,661,774 141,061,916 150,845,660 102,898,653 -27.05% -31.79% 9.82% 66. Total Ending Fund Balance$ 210,801,256 $ 239,313,475 $ 264,103,638 $ 336,780,565 $ 130,428,580 -50.61% -61.27% 12.44%

67. Total Requirements $ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 $ 985,212,555 $ 1,048,367,914 -2.54% 6.41% 100.00%

*** Budgetary Fund Balance. Restricted funds include funds held in Trust to pay debt service, plus bond proceeds and other resources designated for specific projects. Unrestricted funds are resources maintained to cover cash flow until tax and grant revenues are collected.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17

1. State, local government & private contributions$ 135,714 $ 1,044,467 $ 4,576,100 $ 4,997,253 $ 7,179,881

2. Federal Transit Administration grants, programmed 5,947,116 6,671,969 7,600,978 6,506,684 7,800,161

3. 2015 revenue bond proceeds & short term financing 58,952,671 43,818,701 33,076,607

4. Operating resources dedicated for capital* 58,488,877 65,384,128 71,777,207 44,010,713 109,015,667

5. Total Capital Program Resources$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316

* Line included for information only. Operating resources are drawn on General Fund Resources.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % of Total No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Requirements

1. Public Affairs Division$ 75,181 $ 572,840 $ 7,235,737 $ 3,349,378 $ 8,127,404 5.17%

2. Safety & Security Division 1,051,383 2,140,636 7,207,307 5,200,936 8,797,560 5.60%

3. Information Technology Division 9,102,377 4,406,141 16,187,313 6,237,931 13,978,046 8.90%

4. Finance & Administration Division 1,616,549 6,263,553 25,065,197 11,327,477 19,927,172 12.69%

5. Legal Services Division 36,780 5,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 0.19%

6. Operations Division 44,663,967 49,887,817 63,162,610 55,209,051 63,989,560 40.74%

7. Capital Projects Division 8,025,470 9,824,577 23,848,792 17,808,578 41,952,574 26.71%

8. Total Capital Program Requirements$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316 100.00%


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17*

1. State, local government & private contributions$ 6,251,226 $ 120,656,991 $ 22,954,407 $ 1,365,607 2. Federal New Starts Grants 100,000,000 100,000,000 39,733,104 24,773,104 3. Local interest 7,165,064 4,743,447 4. Interim Financing 86,021,036

5. Restricted Fund Balance 40,508,954

6. Total Light Rail Program Resources$ 113,416,290 $ 220,656,991 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665

* Starting FY2016/2017 Light Rail Program is now reflected in the Capital Program.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17

1. Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project$ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665

2. Total Light Rail Program Requirements$ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665

Financial Summary-9 G. O. BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND

Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17


1. Beginning Fund Balance$ 1,993,120

2. Total Resources$ 1,993,120


General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Light Rail Extension) 1999 Series A

3. Transfer to General Fund$ 1,993,120

4. Total Requirements$ 1,993,120

Last property tax assessment for Westside bonds was November 2011.

Financial Summary-10 SUMMARY OF FUND HISTORY

Actual Actual Budget General Fund Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

I. Operating Program A. Resources $ 443,976,492 $ 210,413,586 $ 208,382,157 Beginning Fund Balance-Restricted and Unrestricted$ 316,446,782 $ 316,446,782 $ 336,780,565 114,618,312 116,734,062 119,629,072 Passenger Revenue 120,700,000 120,700,000 120,700,000 34,042,209 27,336,838 15,069,280 Other Operating Revenue 18,144,614 18,144,614 18,144,614 274,573,832 291,294,171 312,711,818 Tax Revenue 338,617,043 338,617,043 336,746,537 98,152,174 57,012,798 92,573,933 Other Revenue 86,659,852 86,659,852 89,551,055 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 Other Non-Operating Resources 6,187,014 6,187,014 6,465,101 74,936,600 Bond Proceeds Reserved for Refinancing 23,425,311 Bond Proceeds Reserved for Future Capital Light Rail Program Resources 125,000,000 125,000,000 125,000,000 1,993,120 Transfer from G. O. Bond Fund $ 975,074,506 $ 708,067,230 $ 851,124,759 Total Operating Program Resources$ 1,011,755,306 $ 1,011,755,306 $ 1,033,387,872

B. Requirements $ 281,254,567 $ 283,199,323 $ 316,478,654 Personnel Services$ 329,210,363 $ 329,210,363 $ 326,645,430 154,687,906 132,677,796 135,383,295 Materials & Services 138,537,326 138,537,326 137,237,974 37,651,425 21,242,456 40,648,000 Debt Service 265,482,503 265,482,503 265,482,503 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 Pass Through Requirements 6,187,014 6,187,014 6,465,101 3,021,148 Regional Fund Exchanges 3,063,139 3,063,139 3,063,139 15,316,225 Contingency 22,088,800 22,088,800 21,972,871 210,801,256 239,313,475 264,103,638 Ending Fund Balance-Restricted and Unrestricted 146,444,686 146,444,686 130,428,580 $ 692,113,521 $ 681,708,825 $ 779,347,551 Total Operating Program Requirements$ 911,013,832 $ 911,013,832 $ 891,295,598

II. Capital Program A. Resources $ 135,714 $ 1,044,467 $ 4,576,100 State, Local Government & Private Contributions$ 5,462,252 $ 5,462,252 $ 7,179,881 5,947,116 6,671,969 7,600,978 Federal Transit Administration Grants 6,469,030 6,469,030 7,800,161 58,952,671 2015 Revenue Bond Proceeds and Short Term Financing 22,588,367 22,588,367 $ 6,082,830 $ 7,716,436 $ 71,129,749 Total Capital Program Resources$ 34,519,649 $ 34,519,649 $ 14,980,042

B. Requirements $ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 Projects$ 135,261,118 $ 135,261,118 $ 157,072,316 $ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 Total Capital Program Requirements$ 135,261,118 $ 135,261,118 $ 157,072,316

Financial Summary-11 SUMMARY OF FUND HISTORY

Actual Actual Budget General Fund Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

III. Light Rail Program A. Resources $ 6,251,226 $ 120,656,991 $ 22,954,407 State, Local Government & Private Contributions 100,000,000 100,000,000 39,733,104 Federal Transit Administration Grants 4,743,447 Local Interest 86,021,036 Interim Financing $ 106,251,226 $ 220,656,991 $ 153,451,994 Total Light Rail Program Resources

B. Requirements $ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project $ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 Total Light Rail Program Requirements

$ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 Total General Fund Resources$ 1,046,274,954 $ 1,046,274,954 $ 1,048,367,914 $ 1,087,408,572 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 Total General Fund Requirements$ 1,046,274,954 $ 1,046,274,954 $ 1,048,367,914

G. O. Bond Debt Service Fund

I. G. O. Bond Debt Service Fund A. Resources $ 1,993,120 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,993,120 Total G. O. Bond Debt Service Fund Resources

B. Requirements $ 1,993,120 Transfer to General Fund $ 1,993,120 Total G. O. Bond Debt Service Fund Requirements


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Total No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Resources

1. Special Transportation Fund Formula$ 2,979,292 $ 2,979,287 $ 2,780,521 $ 5,248,010 $ 3,196,379 14.96% 49.44% 2. Special Transportation Fund Discretionary 2,178,341 2,178,341 100.00% 33.69% 3. Barbur-99W Safety & Access to Transit 241,000 100.00% 3.73% 4. Title XIX Match Clackamas, Multnomah & Counties 3,132 812,294 812,294 100.00% 12.56% 5. Ride Connection State 5310 Match 177 12,984 9,125 9,125 100.00% 0.14% 6. Ride Connection FTA Veteran's Grants 276,129 89,745 51,832 7. Ride Connection FTA Livability for Resource Center 1,858,669 641,331 8. Ride Connection FTA Elderly & Disabled Program (5310) Match 24,943 28,847 477,530 27,962 100.00% 0.44% 9. Elderly and Disabled Special Transportation Operating 10,429 10. FTA 5312 Prototype Grant 100,984 551,173 11. Portland Streetcar FTA 5309 Small Starts Grant 341,386 763,996 1,591,068 110,469 -100.00% 0.00% 12. Close the Loop Project 1,731,431 76,913 25,000 8,988 -100.00% 0.00% 13. Southwest Corridor Project 391,796 14. Clackamas County - 158th MAX Crossing Recovery 131,499

15. Total pass through revenues and requirements$ 7,718,367 $ 5,275,775 $ 4,396,589 $ 8,896,589 $ 6,465,101 47.05% 100.00%


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Total No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Resources

1. Metro Transit Oriented Development Program Fund Exchange*$ 3,021,148 $ 3,021,148 $ 3,063,139 1.39% 100.00%

2. Total regional fund exchanges $ 3,021,148 $ 3,021,148 $ 3,063,139 1.39% 100.00%

* Program Fund Exchanges. 13/14 and 14/15 funding for this program included in the Public Affairs Division.

Financial Summary-13

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Financial Summary-14 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES Budget 16/17

Payroll Taxes $336,746,537 (47.32%) Other Sources $23,773,819 (3.34%)

Light Rail Program $125,000,000 (17.57%)

Capital Program $14,980,042 (2.11%)

State Grants $1,354,292 (0.19%) Federal Grants $81,992,558 (11.52%) Other Non-Operating Interest $6,465,101 (0.91%) $575,000 (0.08%) Passenger Revenue $120,700,000 (16.96%) Total Resources = $711,587,349*

*Resources exclude Beginning Fund Balance of $336,780,565


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Resources

Beginning Fund Balance as of July 1* 1. Restricted Bond Proceeds & Other Restricted$ 268,201,504 $ 20,093,524 $ 73,265,333 $ 166,490,638 100.00% 127.24% 15.88% 2. Restricted Debt Service 38,560,141 38,560,141 $ 22,390,805 22,386,368 19,444,267 -13.16% -13.14% 1.85% 3. Unrestricted 137,214,847 151,759,921 185,991,352 143,661,774 150,845,660 -18.90% 5.00% 14.39% 4. Total Beginning Fund Balance$ 443,976,492 $ 210,413,586 $ 208,382,157 $ 239,313,475 $ 336,780,565 61.62% 40.73% 32.12%

Operating Revenue 5. Passenger$ 114,618,312 $ 116,734,062 $ 119,629,072 $ 118,133,709 $ 120,700,000 0.90% 2.17% 11.51% 6. Advertising 3,414,899 3,290,000 3,292,500 3,292,000 3,525,000 7.06% 7.08% 0.34% 7. Accessible Transportation Contract 4,413,561 6,384,143 4,678,374 6,400,000 6,400,000 36.80% 0.00% 0.61% 8. Service Contracts 26,213,749 17,662,695 7,098,407 7,769,543 8,219,614 15.80% 5.79% 0.78% 9. Total Operating Revenue$ 148,660,521 $ 144,070,900 $ 134,698,352 $ 135,595,252 $ 138,844,614 3.08% 2.40% 13.24%

Tax Revenue 10. Employer Payroll**$ 258,185,020 $ 273,308,312 $ 294,170,286 $ 295,095,147 $ 318,701,301 8.34% 8.00% 30.40% 11. Self-Employed** 13,593,940 14,783,448 15,099,359 14,891,505 16,249,828 7.62% 9.12% 1.55% 12. State "In Lieu"** 2,794,872 3,202,411 3,442,173 1,866,717 1,795,408 -47.84% -3.82% 0.17% 13. Total Tax Revenue$ 274,573,832 $ 291,294,171 $ 312,711,818 $ 311,853,369 $ 336,746,537 7.69% 7.98% 32.12%

Other Revenue 14. Urbanized Area Formula Funds$ 36,001,923 $ 25,844,059 $ 37,642,864 $ 37,665,835 $ 39,045,813 3.73% 3.66% 3.72% 15. Rail State of Good Repair Funds 17,555,615 89,501 18,510,000 20,258,740 21,069,068 13.83% 4.00% 2.01% 16. MTIP Funds for Regional Rail Debt Service 11,000,000 15,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000 0.00% 0.00% 1.53% 17. Fund Exchange Revenue 19,240,000 2,975,000 3,021,148 3,021,148 3,063,139 1.39% 1.39% 0.29% 18. Other Federal Operating Grants 3,346,370 1,585,213 3,737,413 2,435,449 2,814,538 -24.69% 15.57% 0.27% 19. State Operating Grants 786,910 1,481,432 5,099,520 1,354,292 1,354,292 -73.44% 0.00% 0.13% 20. Local Operating Grants 18,611 19,524 21,019 21,019 18,046 -14.14% -14.14% 0.00% 21. Local Operating Revenue 3,592,640 377,539 3,254,437 1,161,848 1,156,768 -64.46% -0.44% 0.11% 22. Interest 331,656 463,607 775,000 560,000 575,000 -25.81% 2.68% 0.05% 23. Miscellaneous 6,278,449 9,176,923 4,512,532 4,565,593 4,454,391 -1.29% -2.44% 0.42% 24. Total Other Revenue$ 98,152,174 $ 57,012,798 $ 92,573,933 $ 87,043,924 $ 89,551,055 -3.27% 2.88% 8.53%

Total Operating Resources 25. (Excluding Beginning Fund Balance)$ 521,386,527 $ 492,377,869 $ 539,984,103 $ 534,492,545 $ 565,142,206 4.66% 5.73% 53.89%

* Budgetary Fund Balance. Restricted funds include funds held in trust to pay debt service, plus bond proceeds and other resources designated for specific projects. Unrestricted funds are resources maintained to cover cash flow until tax and grant revenues are collected. ** Budgeted payroll tax revenues are an estimate of fiscal year payroll tax cash receipts. Actuals are an estimate of payroll taxes from wages and salaries earned in the fiscal year.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Resources

26. Capital & Operating Program Resources$ 6,082,830 $ 7,716,436 $ 71,129,749 $ 55,322,638 $ 14,980,042 -78.94% -72.92% 1.43% 27. Bond Proceeds Reserved for Refinancing*** 74,936,600 47,463,036 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 28. Bond Proceeds Reserved for Future Capital**** 23,425,311 33,076,607 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 29. Light Rail Program Resources 106,251,226 220,656,991 153,451,994 66,647,665 125,000,000 -18.54% 87.55% 11.94% 30. Other Non-Operating Resources 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 8,896,589 6,465,101 47.05% -27.33% 0.62% 31. Transfer from G. O. Bond Fund 1,993,120

32. Total Resources $ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 $ 985,212,555 $ 1,048,367,914 -2.54% 6.41% 100.00%

*** Bond Proceeds Reserved for Refinancing: Amount includes refunding for 2005, 2007, 2009 Bonds including $1.3 million for the cost of issuance and underwriting discount. **** Bond Proceeds Reserved for Future Capital: Amount of bond proceeds to be received in fiscal year 2016 but scheduled for fiscal year 2017 capital projects.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Resources

Beginning Fund Balance as of July 1* 1. Restricted Bond Proceeds & Other Restricted$ 268,201,504 $ 20,093,524 $ - $ 73,265,333 $ 166,490,638 100.00% 127.24% 15.88% 2. Restricted Debt Service 38,560,141 38,560,141 $ 22,390,805 22,386,368 19,444,267 -13.16% -13.14% 1.85% 3. Unrestricted 137,214,847 151,759,921 185,991,352 143,661,774 150,845,660 -18.90% 5.00% 14.39% 4. Total Beginning Fund Balance$ 443,976,492 $ 210,413,586 $ 208,382,157 $ 239,313,475 $ 336,780,565 61.62% 40.73% 32.12% Operating Revenue 5. Passenger$ 114,618,312 $ 116,734,062 $ 119,629,072 $ 118,133,709 $ 120,700,000 0.90% 2.17% 11.51% 6. Advertising 3,414,899 3,290,000 3,292,500 3,292,000 3,525,000 7.06% 7.08% 0.34% 7. Accessible Transportation Contract 4,413,561 6,384,143 4,678,374 6,400,000 6,400,000 36.80% 0.00% 0.61% 8. Service Contracts 26,213,749 17,662,695 7,098,407 7,769,543 8,219,614 15.80% 5.79% 0.78% 9. Local Operating Revenue 3,592,640 377,539 3,254,437 1,161,848 1,156,768 -64.46% -0.44% 0.11% 10. Total Operating Revenue$ 152,253,161 $ 144,448,439 $ 137,952,789 $ 136,757,100 $ 140,001,382 1.48% 2.37% 13.35% Non-Operating Resources 11. Interest$ 331,656 $ 463,607 $ 775,000 $ 560,000 $ 575,000 -25.81% 2.68% 0.05% 12. Miscellaneous 6,278,449 9,176,923 4,512,532 4,565,593 4,454,391 -1.29% -2.44% 0.43% 13. Total Non-Operating Resources$ 6,610,105 $ 9,640,530 $ 5,287,532 $ 5,125,593 $ 5,029,391 -4.88% -1.88% 0.48% Tax Revenue 14. Employer Payroll**$ 258,185,020 $ 273,308,312 $ 294,170,286 $ 295,095,147 $ 318,701,301 8.34% 8.00% 30.40% 15. Self-Employed** 13,593,940 14,783,448 15,099,359 14,891,505 16,249,828 7.62% 9.12% 1.55% 16. State "In-Lieu"** 2,794,872 3,202,411 3,442,173 1,866,717 1,795,408 -47.84% -3.82% 0.17% 17. Total Tax Revenue$ 274,573,832 $ 291,294,171 $ 312,711,818 $ 311,853,369 $ 336,746,537 7.69% 7.98% 32.12%

Grants 18. Federal Operating Grants$ 87,143,908 $ 45,493,773 $ 78,911,425 $ 79,381,172 $ 81,992,558 3.90% 3.29% 7.82% 19. State Operating Grants 786,910 1,481,432 5,099,520 1,354,292 1,354,292 -73.44% 0.00% 0.13% 20. Local Operating Grants 18,611 19,524 21,019 21,019 18,046 -14.14% -14.14% 0.00% 21. Capital Grants 105,947,116 106,671,969 47,334,082 31,279,788 7,800,161 -83.52% -75.06% 0.76% 22. Total Grants$ 193,896,545 $ 153,666,698 $ 131,366,046 $ 112,036,271 $ 91,165,057 -30.60% -18.63% 8.71%

* Budgetary Fund Balance. Restricted funds include funds held in trust to pay debt service, plus bond proceeds and other resources designated for specific projects. Unrestricted funds are resources maintained to cover cash flow until tax and grant revenues are collected. ** Budgeted payroll tax revenues are an estimate of fiscal year payroll tax cash receipts. Actuals are an estimate of payroll taxes from wages and salaries earned in the fiscal year.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Resources

Other Capital 23. Capital Assistance$ 6,386,940 $ 121,701,458 $ 32,273,954 $ 6,362,860 $ 7,179,881 -77.75% 12.84% 0.68% 24. Total Other Capital$ 6,386,940 $ 121,701,458 $ 32,273,954 $ 6,362,860 $ 7,179,881 -77.75% 12.84% 0.68%

Other Resources 25. Bond Proceeds/Interim Financing $ - $ - $ 243,335,618 $ 124,358,344 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 26. Other Non-Operating Resources$ 7,718,367 $ 5,275,775 4,396,589 49,405,543 $ 131,465,101 2890.16% 166.09% 12.54% 27. Transfer from G.O. Bond Fund 1,993,120 28. Total Other Resources$ 9,711,487 $ 5,275,775 $ 247,732,207 $ 173,763,887 $ 131,465,101 -46.93% -24.34% 12.54%

29. Total Resources$ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 $ 985,212,555 $ 1,048,367,914 -2.54% 6.41% 100.00%


% of Budget Type of Funding Purpose Contributions 16/17

Federal Operating Grants FTA Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Preventive Maintenance 80.00%$ 38,893,743 FTA Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Hillsboro Job Link Shuttle 50.00% 152,070 FTA Section 5337 State of Good Repair Preventive Maintenance 80.00% 21,069,068 Regional STP & CMAQ FHWA Flex Funds Regional Rail Debt Service 89.73% 16,000,000 Regional STP FHWA Flex Funds Metro Transit Oriented Development Fund Exchange 89.73% 3,063,139 Federal Transit Security Operating Grants Various Transit Security Projects 100.00% 60,000 Regional STP FHWA Flex Funds Regional Transportation Options Program 89.73% 487,986 FTA Section 5310 Elderly and Disabled Transportation Ride Connection Contracted Service 80.00% 1,600,000 FTA Section 5316 Jobs Access Reverse Commute Transportation Services 50.00% 400,000 Homeland Security Safety & Security - Police/Canine 100.00% 266,552

Total Federal Operating Grants $ 81,992,558

Federal Capital & Operating Projects Program Grants

FTA Section 5307/5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Replacement Low Floor 40' Buses 80.00%$ 4,772,537 Regional STP & CMAQ FHWA Flex Funds East Portland Access to Employment & Education 89.73% 1,556,321 Regional STP FHWA Flex Funds Powell-Division Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 89.73% 998,482 FTA Section 5308 Clean Fuels Hybrid Bus - Spare Parts 80.00% 247,971 Homeland Security Safety - See Something Say Something App 100.00% 224,850

Total Federal Capital & Operating Projects Program Grants $ 7,800,161

Total Federal General Fund Grants $ 89,792,719

State Operating Grants State Special Transportation Fund LIFT Operations 100.00%$ 1,075,031 State 5310 Contracted Accessibility Services Shuttle Services 80.00% 279,261

Total State Operating Grants $ 1,354,292

State Capital & Operating Projects Program Grants State 5310 STP FHWA Flex Funds for Elderly and Disabled Transportation ATP Replacement Vehicles 89.73%$ 2,000,000 State STF Discretionary LIFT Automated Customer Information 100.00% 100,000 Connect Oregon V Funds Westside Bike & Rides 90.00% 1,212,461

Total State Capital & Operating Projects Program Grants $ 3,312,461

Total State General Fund Grants $ 4,666,753


% of Budget Type of Funding Purpose Contributions 16/17

Local Operating Grants Metro Metro Open Street Map 20.93%$ 18,046

Total Local Operating Grants $ 18,046

Local Capital & Operating Projects Program Grants City of Portland Bike Parking: East Portland Active Transportation 89.73%$ 358,920 Metro/City of Portland/ODOT Powell-Division Corridor 100.00% 1,570,000 Metro Southwest Corridor Project 100.00% 1,680,000 City of Lake Oswego Willamette Shoreline Trolley 100.00% 208,500 ODOT Barbur-99W Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 100.00% 30,000 ODOT Highway 8 Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 100.00% 20,000

Total Local Capital & Operating Projects Program Grants $ 3,867,420

Total Local General Fund Grants $ 3,885,466


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Budget 16/17 Capital Program Operations $157,072,316 (17.11%) $336,842,276 (36.70%) OPEB & Pension UAAL $49,637,303 (5.41%)

General & Administrative $73,866,743 (8.05%) Debt Service Contingency $265,482,503 (28.92%) Pass Through Requirements $21,972,871 (2.39%) $6,465,101 (0.70%) Capital Projects $3,537,082 (0.39%) Total Requirements = $917,939,334* Regional Fund Exchanges $3,063,139 (0.33%) *Requirements exclude Ending Fund Balance of $130,428,580.

Requirements-1 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Division/Department 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Requirements

Office of the General Manager Division 1. Office of the General Manager$ 1,186,199 $ 964,143 $ 1,051,030 $ 1,071,269 $ 1,080,618 2.82% 0.87% 0.10% 2. Diversity and Transit Equity 216,616 266,876 374,182 331,340 552,618 47.69% 66.78% 0.05% 3. Internal Audit 235,612 239,366 253,275 259,637 261,081 3.08% 0.56% 0.02% 4. Total Office of the General Manager Division$ 1,638,427 $ 1,470,385 $ 1,678,486 $ 1,662,246 $ 1,894,317 12.86% 13.96% 0.18% Public Affairs Division 5. Administration$ 266,895 $ 308,347 $ 786,138 $ 644,207 $ 794,569 1.07% 23.34% 0.08% 6. Planning & Policy 16,397,662 5,027,094 4,842,084 4,176,152 6,205,087 28.15% 48.58% 0.59% 7. GIS & Location Based Services 521,012 448,250 530,517 1.82% 18.35% 0.05% 8. Community Affairs 73,699 79,482 159,731 116.73% 100.97% 0.02% 9. Government Affairs 473,075 498,761 447,270 449,781 456,584 2.08% 1.51% 0.04% 10. Communications & Marketing 705,708 1,116,668 3,381,833 3,735,914 3,717,754 9.93% -0.49% 0.35% 11. Customer Experience 5,531,756 5,538,641 3,036,527 2,847,793 3,186,646 4.94% 11.90% 0.30% 12. Total Public Affairs Division$ 23,375,096 $ 12,489,511 $ 13,088,564 $ 12,381,579 $ 15,050,888 14.99% 21.56% 1.44% Safety & Security Division Safety, Security, Environmental Services & 13. * Transportation Training $ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 $ 16,372,384 $ 21,952,582 33.06% 34.08% 2.09% 14. Total Safety & Security Division$ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 $ 16,372,384 $ 21,952,582 33.06% 34.08% 2.09% Information Technology Division 15. Information Technology$ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 $ 8,045,893 $ 11,057,539 34.49% 37.43% 1.05% 16. Total Information Technology Division$ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 $ 8,045,893 $ 11,057,539 34.49% 37.43% 1.05% Finance & Administration Division 17. Administration$ 1,507,010 $ 1,507,291 $ 681,464 $ 584,368 $ 711,072 4.34% 21.68% 0.07% 18. Financial Services 1,754,980 1,883,335 2,107,628 2,069,702 2,275,892 7.98% 9.96% 0.22% 19. Budget & Grants Administration 3,199,051 3,595,463 883,958 824,544 894,805 1.23% 8.52% 0.09% 20. Insurance Programs 499,799 534,173 2,099,906 1,953,696 3,669,686 74.75% 87.83% 0.35% 21. Procurement & Contracts 1,178,680 1,293,719 1,327,457 1,330,131 1,434,644 8.07% 7.86% 0.14% 22. Fare Revenue 5,281,951 5,692,808 8,173,918 7,673,725 9,053,362 10.76% 17.98% 0.86% 23. Total Finance & Administration Division$ 13,421,471 $ 14,506,789 $ 15,274,332 $ 14,436,166 $ 18,039,461 18.10% 24.96% 1.72% Labor Relations & Human Resources Division 24. Administration, Compensation & Labor Relations$ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 $ 3,450,996 $ 3,773,785 8.00% 9.35% 0.36% 25. Total Labor Relations & Human Resources Division$ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 $ 3,450,996 $ 3,773,785 8.00% 9.35% 0.36%

* Some Bus and Rail Transportation Department expenses in Operations Division moved to Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in Safety & Security Division.

Requirements-2 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Division/Department 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Requirements

Legal Services Division 26. Legal Services$ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 $ 1,902,426 $ 2,098,171 1.99% 10.29% 0.20%

27. Total Legal Services Division$ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 $ 1,902,426 $ 2,098,171 1.99% 10.29% 0.20% Operations Division 28. Administration & Support$ 1,505,446 $ 1,114,879 $ 1,765,131 $ 1,585,693 $ 2,306,054 30.64% 45.43% 0.22% 29. * Bus Transportation 102,261,287 106,667,795 116,630,982 114,499,470 117,891,070 1.08% 2.96% 11.25% 30. Field Operations 14,113,089 14,708,879 17,099,165 16,978,227 17,368,203 1.57% 2.30% 1.66% 31. Service Delivery 1,098,130 1,503,580 1,570,468 1,595,266 1,565,305 -0.33% -1.88% 0.15% 32. Transportation Planning 1,240,698 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33. Accessible Transportation Programs-LIFT 33,173,764 33,861,160 35,253,169 35,380,725 35,786,525 1.51% 1.15% 3.41% 34. Accessible Transportation Programs-MTP 20,949,751 12,194,481 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 35. * Rail Transportation 16,727,428 17,785,030 21,874,653 21,525,004 22,005,567 0.60% 2.23% 2.10% 36. Commuter Rail 6,277,091 6,438,285 6,743,288 6,660,267 5,554,024 -17.64% -16.61% 0.53% 37. Streetcar 9,254,079 9,766,461 14,172,945 14,168,191 14,517,415 2.43% 2.46% 1.38% 38. Bus Maintenance 53,865,892 50,277,358 57,587,491 50,740,122 56,262,750 -2.30% 10.88% 5.37% 39. Facilities Management 14,611,371 15,589,112 16,616,029 16,699,320 16,855,510 1.44% 0.94% 1.61% 40. Rail Maintenance of Way 13,964,740 15,116,638 16,540,653 15,774,310 16,234,157 -1.85% 2.92% 1.55% 41. Rail Equipment Maintenance 23,263,213 23,957,667 27,836,419 28,420,888 30,495,696 9.55% 7.30% 2.91%

42. Total Operations Division$ 312,305,979 $ 308,981,325 $ 333,690,394 $ 324,027,483 $ 336,842,276 0.94% 3.95% 32.13% Capital Projects Division** 43. Administration$ 359,526 $ 401,348 $ 672,674 $ 503,790 $ 907,647 34.93% 80.16% 0.09% 44. Development & Operations Support 2,898,508 2,978,216 3,143,821 2,769,658 2,629,435 -16.36% -5.06% 0.25% 45. Capital Program 2,088,449 304,218 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 46. In-Street Transit Facilities Development 539,262 595,235 833,896 750,629 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 47. Total Capital Projects Division$ 3,797,296 $ 3,974,799 $ 6,738,840 $ 4,328,295 $ 3,537,082 -47.51% -18.28% 0.34%

48. OPEB & Pension UAAL$ 56,763,881 $ 47,828,738 $ 51,120,134 $ 48,513,312 $ 49,637,303 -2.90% 2.32% 4.73% 49. Regional Fund Exchanges 3,021,148 3,021,148 3,063,139 1.39% 1.39% 0.29%

50. Debt Service 37,651,425 21,242,456 40,648,000 35,412,457 265,482,503 553.13% 649.69% 25.32% 51. Total Operating Requirements$ 473,593,900 $ 437,119,576 $ 495,531,101 $ 473,554,385 $ 732,429,046 47.81% 54.67% 69.86%

* Some Bus and Rail Transportation Department expenses in Operations Division moved to Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in Safety & Security Division. ** Divisional reorganization in FY2017.

Requirements-3 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Total No. Division/Department 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Budget Estimated Requirements

Capital Program Capital & Operating Projects: 52. Public Affairs Division$ 75,181 $ 572,840 $ 7,235,737 $ 3,349,378 $ 8,127,404 12.32% 142.65% 0.78% 53. Safety & Security Division 1,051,383 2,140,636 7,207,307 5,200,936 8,797,560 22.06% 69.15% 0.84% 54. Information Technology Division 9,102,377 4,406,141 16,187,313 6,237,931 13,978,046 -13.65% 124.08% 1.33% 55. Finance & Administration Division 1,616,549 6,263,553 25,065,197 11,327,477 19,927,172 -20.50% 75.92% 1.90% 56. Legal Services Division 36,780 5,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 50.00% 50.00% 0.03% 57. Operations Division 44,663,967 49,887,817 63,162,610 55,209,051 63,989,560 1.31% 15.90% 6.10% 58. Capital Projects Division 8,025,470 9,824,577 23,848,792 17,808,578 41,952,574 75.91% 135.58% 4.00% 59. Total Capital Program$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316 9.91% 58.13% 14.98%

60. Light Rail Program$ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 61. Pass Through Requirements 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 8,896,589 $ 6,465,101 47.05% -27.33% 0.62% 62. Contingency 15,316,225 21,972,871 43.46% 100.00% 2.10% Ending Fund Balance as of June 30*** 63. Restricted Bond Proceeds & Other Restricted 20,093,524 73,265,333 98,361,911 166,490,638 3,095,667 -96.85% -98.14% 0.30% 64. Restricted Debt Service 38,560,141 22,386,368 24,679,810 19,444,267 24,434,260 -0.99% 25.66% 2.33% 65. Unrestricted 151,759,921 143,661,774 141,061,916 150,845,660 102,898,653 -27.05% -31.79% 9.82% 66. Total Ending Fund Balance$ 210,801,256 $ 239,313,475 $ 264,103,638 $ 336,780,565 $ 130,428,580 -50.61% -61.27% 12.44%

67. Total Requirements $ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 $ 985,212,555 $ 1,048,367,914 -2.54% 6.41% 100.00%

*** Budgetary Fund Balance. Restricted funds include funds held in Trust to pay debt service, plus bond proceeds and other resources designated for specific projects. Unrestricted funds are resources maintained to cover cash flow until tax and grant revenues are collected.

Requirements-4 GENERAL FUND REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASS (Summary of Detail Estimate Sheets)

Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Total No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Requirements

Personnel Services 1. Office of the General Manager$ 1,160,810 $ 981,854 $ 1,131,787 $ 1,120,040 $ 1,298,701 14.75% 0.12% 2. Public Affairs 5,782,715 6,342,098 7,004,125 6,527,433 7,478,199 6.77% 0.71% 3. * Safety & Security 1,320,031 1,434,265 1,659,679 1,482,403 6,169,799 271.75% 0.59% 4. Information Technology 4,480,576 5,344,664 5,959,136 5,850,259 6,612,961 10.97% 0.63% 5. Finance & Administration 6,904,858 7,585,746 9,674,351 9,632,048 10,193,170 5.36% 0.97% 6. Labor Relations & Human Resources 1,991,710 2,145,562 2,358,778 2,349,798 2,567,449 8.85% 0.24% 7. Legal Services 1,450,748 1,566,424 1,770,869 1,647,561 1,829,005 3.28% 0.17% 8. * Operations 199,653,192 207,740,596 232,976,907 231,322,526 239,609,373 2.85% 22.86% 9. ** Capital Projects 1,746,046 2,229,377 2,822,889 2,156,096 1,249,470 -55.74% 0.12% 10. OPEB & Pension UAAL 56,763,881 47,828,738 51,120,134 48,513,312 49,637,303 -2.90% 4.73% 11. Total Personnel Services$ 281,254,567 $ 283,199,323 $ 316,478,654 $ 310,601,476 $ 326,645,430 3.21% 31.16% Materials & Services 12. Office of the General Manager$ 477,617 $ 488,531 $ 546,699 $ 542,206 $ 595,616 8.95% 0.06% 13. Public Affairs 17,592,381 6,147,413 6,084,439 5,854,146 7,572,689 24.46% 0.72% 14. * Safety & Security 12,324,085 12,554,298 14,838,573 14,889,981 15,782,783 6.36% 1.51% 15. Information Technology 1,845,833 2,289,427 2,262,489 2,195,634 4,444,578 96.45% 0.42% 16. Finance & Administration 6,516,612 6,921,043 5,599,981 4,804,118 7,846,291 40.11% 0.75% 17. Labor Relations & Human Resources 1,042,256 1,054,172 1,135,373 1,101,198 1,206,336 6.25% 0.12% 18. Legal Services 185,086 236,762 286,303 254,865 269,166 -5.99% 0.03% 19. * Operations 112,652,787 101,240,729 100,713,487 92,704,957 97,232,903 -3.46% 9.27% 20. ** Capital Projects 2,051,249 1,745,421 3,915,951 2,172,199 2,287,612 -41.58% 0.22% 21. Total Materials & Services$ 154,687,906 $ 132,677,796 $ 135,383,295 $ 124,519,304 $ 137,237,974 1.37% 13.09%

22. Capital Program$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316 9.91% 14.98% 23. Light Rail Program 330,723,333 181,631,270 153,451,994 66,647,665 -100.00% 0.00% 24. Pass Through Requirements 7,718,367 5,275,775 4,396,589 8,896,589 6,465,101 47.05% 0.62% 25. Regional Fund Exchanges 3,021,148 3,021,148 3,063,139 1.39% 0.29% 26. Debt Service 37,651,425 21,242,456 40,648,000 35,412,457 265,482,503 553.13% 25.32% 27. Contingency 15,316,225 21,972,871 43.46% 2.10% Ending Fund Balance as of June 30*** 28. Restricted Bond Proceeds & Other Restricted 20,093,524 73,265,333 98,361,911 166,490,638 3,095,667 -96.85% 0.30% 29. Restricted Debt Service 38,560,141 22,386,368 24,679,810 19,444,267 24,434,260 -0.99% 2.33% 30. Unrestricted Funds 151,759,921 143,661,774 141,061,916 150,845,660 102,898,653 -27.05% 9.82% 31. Total Ending Fund Balance$ 210,801,256 $ 239,313,475 $ 264,103,638 $ 336,780,565 $ 130,428,580 -50.61% 12.44%

32. Total Requirements $ 1,087,408,562 $ 936,440,657 $ 1,075,706,503 $ 985,212,555 $ 1,048,367,914 -2.54% 100.00%

* Some Bus and Rail Transportation Department expenses in Operations Division moved to Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in Safety & Security Division. ** Divisional reorganization in FY2017. *** Budgetary Fund Balance. Restricted funds include funds withdrawn by the Trustee to pay debt service, plus bond proceeds and other resources designated for specific projects. Unrestricted funds are resources maintained to cover cash flow until tax and grant revenues are collected. Requirements-5 GENERAL FUND PERSONNEL SERVICES SCHEDULE

Budget Budget % Change Expense Category Explanation 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17

Earnings Salaries & Wages Base compensation for all non-temporary positions, including training pay, student training cost, and union$ 171,448,379 $ 177,678,444 3.63% employee wage premiums based on years of service. Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout $127,098 for union sick payout; $352,484 for union vacation/holiday payout; $385,159 for non-union vacation payout. 765,144 864,741 13.02% Other Wage Categories Road relief, night & shift differential, incentive pay, tool allowance, time slip differential, extra service pay, 2,110,927 2,190,079 3.75% premium pay for union employees. Scheduled Overtime Overtime that has been built into union operator shifts. 9,432,881 9,552,735 1.27% Unscheduled Overtime All other overtime except scheduled overtime. 7,000,274 7,309,892 4.42% Limited Term Employment Salaries of employees hired for 6 or more months, work 20 or more hours per week, and have a predetermined end date. 6,426 389,518 5961.83% Unemployment Expense TriMet reimburses the State of Oregon for actual claims paid. 117,881 113,109 -4.05% Unpaid Absence All excused and unexcused time loss for which employees are not paid. (2,914,129) (3,016,884) 3.53% Fringe Benefits Health & Welfare Benefits $18,952 per full-time union employee; $16,008 per part-time union employee; 46,339,777 52,185,812 12.62% $16,242 per full-time non-union employee; $13,062 per part-time non-union employee. Disability & Life Insurance $370 per full-time union employee; $254 per part-time union employee; $738 per non-union employee. 1,156,429 1,199,866 3.76% Social Security - Medicare 7.65% of first $118,500 of salaries and wages; 1.45% thereafter. 14,324,566 14,799,108 3.31% TriMet Payroll Tax .7387% of gross income. 1,217,584 1,286,633 5.67% Pension Expense-Normal Cost* $6,402 per union full-time employee; $4,802 per union part-time employee; 8.48% of gross income per non-union 16,311,482 16,692,839 2.34% (cost of benefits earned this year) employee in Defined Benefit Plan; 8.0% of base pay per union and non-union employee in Defined Contribution Plans. Capitalized Labor and Fringe Capitalized labor and fringe reimbursement. (7,459,093) (9,437,765) 26.53% Workers' Compensation Medical and time loss payments to employees injured in work related accidents. Time loss is paid at 66.7% of 5,500,000 5,200,000 -5.45% average weekly wage not to exceed $1,226.78 per week.

Total Personnel Services** $ 265,358,520 $ 277,008,127 4.39%

* Union defined benefit pension assumes 7% return on investments decreasing to a 6.5% long-term rate over 15 years; non-union defined benefit assumes 6.5% long-term return on investments. ** Total does not include OPEB & Pension UAAL costs. See OPEB & Pension UAAL department for DB pension plan assumptions.


Budget Budget Percent Expense Category 15/16 16/17 Change Explanation

Communications System Maintenance $ 537,365 $ 540,000 0.49% Computer Maintenance Materials & Services 1,723,076 3,560,413 106.63% Reflects warranty and maintenance costs and upgrades to existing software. Contracted Legal Services 397,551 353,173 -11.16% Contracted Transportation Services 32,994,723 35,772,313 8.42% LIFT inflation and ridership increases. Customer Information Materials 240,332 242,734 1.00% Dues (including APTA & OTA) & Subscriptions 286,927 325,880 13.58% Reflects increased staffing, Education & Training 275,146 306,633 11.44% Reflects increased staffing. Employee Attendance & Incentive Programs 413,708 444,867 7.53% Facilities Maintenance - Materials & Services 6,269,792 5,617,549 -10.40% Health Benefit Administration 277,296 324,745 17.11% Reflects increased staffing and overall increase in cost of benefits. Insurance Premiums and Self-Insurance Funding 4,508,064 4,676,077 3.73% Interagency Transfers 7,311,090 7,554,245 3.33% Lease Expenses 1,011,153 1,544,468 52.74% Result of federally funded project no longer paying lease expenses. Light Rail Propulsion Power 5,702,200 5,156,000 -9.58% Marketing & Advertising 923,732 906,000 -1.92% Metro Unified Work Program 235,697 238,054 1.00% Money Collection & Transport 187,583 174,229 -7.12% Office Administrative Materials & Services 2,018,885 2,001,886 -0.84% Other Materials & Services 2,997,983 3,166,384 5.62% Personal Injury & Property Damage Self-Insurance 2,500,000 2,500,000 0.00% Professional & Technical Services 6,682,234 5,399,233 -19.20% Revenue Vehicle - Maintenance Materials & Services 19,690,011 20,839,128 5.84% Revenue Vehicles - Diesel Fuel 17,508,796 13,195,000 -24.64% $2.05/gallon for bus; $2.22/gallon for ATP and WES. Revenue Vehicles - Oil & Lubricants 556,289 583,325 4.86% Security Related Materials & Services 13,680,884 14,458,153 5.68% Support Vehicles - Maintenance & Materials 839,000 790,000 -5.84% Telephone Expense 565,416 581,903 2.92% Tickets, Passes, Transfers, Schedules & Guides 652,728 610,299 -6.50% Uniforms and Laundry 802,190 1,869,526 133.05% Reflects increase in staffing and service increase. Utilities (Natural Gas, Electricity, Water/Sewer) 3,360,954 3,154,827 -6.13% Waste Disposal Fees 232,498 350,930 50.94% Reflects current projection on associated projects. Total Materials & Services$ 135,383,295 $ 137,237,974 1.37%


Actual Actual Budget Budget Change 6/30/14 6/30/15 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Office of the General Manager Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 6.50 7.00 8.00 9.00 1.00 Limited Term Project Employees 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 -0.50 Part-Time Employees 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 Total Office of the General Manager Division 8.00 7.00 8.50 9.50 1.00 Public Affairs Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 40.25 42.45 44.90 47.75 2.85 Grant Funded Employees 5.55 5.55 5.80 6.25 0.45 Part-Time Employees 4.30 6.05 7.65 6.05 -1.60 Union Employees Full-Time Employees 14.00 13.00 13.00 17.00 4.00 Total Public Affairs Division 64.10 67.05 71.35 77.05 5.70 Safety & Security Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 9.00 11.25 14.25 19.00 4.75 Union Employees Full-Time Employees 1.00 1.00 1.00 36.00 35.00 Total Safety & Security Division 10.00 12.25 15.25 55.00 39.75 Information Technology Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 41.00 44.50 50.00 51.50 1.50 Total Information Technology Division 41.00 44.50 50.00 51.50 1.50 Finance & Administration Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 31.44 32.94 34.44 38.94 4.50 Grant Funded Employees 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Part-Time Employees 0.75 0.75 1.50 0.00 -1.50 Union Employees Full-Time Employees 40.00 50.00 54.50 54.50 0.00 Total Finance & Administration Division 72.69 83.69 90.44 93.44 3.00 Labor Relations & Human Resources Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 16.25 17.25 18.50 20.00 1.50 Part-Time Employees 2.40 2.90 2.40 2.10 -0.30 Total Labor Relations & Human Resources Division 18.65 20.15 20.90 22.10 1.20


Actual Actual Budget Budget Change 6/30/14 6/30/15 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Legal Services Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 11.50 11.75 12.75 13.00 0.25 Total Legal Services Division 11.50 11.75 12.75 13.00 0.25 Operations Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 124.75 141.00 135.25 145.00 9.75 Union Employees Full-Time Employees 1,814.25 1,881.67 1,963.00 1,981.00 18.00 Part-Time Employees 335.00 349.00 328.00 351.00 23.00 Total Operations Division 2,274.00 2,371.67 2,426.25 2,477.00 50.75 Capital Projects Division Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 5.50 10.00 15.75 81.00 65.25 Limited Term Project Employees 0.00 0.00 31.75 0.00 -31.75 Grant Funded Employees 8.25 4.00 6.00 0.00 -6.00 Part-Time Employees 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 Total Capital Projects Division 13.75 14.00 53.50 81.50 28.00 General Fund Operating Program Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 286.19 318.14 333.84 425.19 91.35 Limited Term Project Employees 1.00 0.00 32.25 0.00 -32.25 Grant Funded Employees 14.30 9.55 11.80 6.25 -5.55 Part-Time Employees 7.95 9.70 11.55 9.15 -2.40

Total 309.44 337.39 389.44 440.59 51.15 Union Employees Full-Time Employees 1,869.25 1,945.67 2,031.50 2,088.50 57.00 Part-Time Employees 335.00 349.00 328.00 351.00 23.00

Total 2,204.25 2,294.67 2,359.50 2,439.50 80.00

Total General Fund Operating Program Employees (1) 2,513.69 2,632.06 2,748.94 2,880.09 131.15

(1) Actual number of employees, at any given, time, may vary significantly from these totals due to the nature of some operations.


Actual Actual Budget Budget Change 6/30/14 6/30/15 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Light Rail Program Non-Union Employees Full-Time Employees 95.00 81.25 31.00 -31.00 Limited Term Project Employees 14.00 14.00 18.65 -18.65 Part-Time Employees 1.85 1.60 0.00 0.00

Total 110.85 96.85 49.65 -49.65 Union Employees (Start Up) Full-Time Employees 32.75 52.33 0.00 0.00

Total 32.75 52.33 0.00 0.00

Total Light Rail Program Employees 143.60 149.18 49.65 -49.65

Requirements-10 SUMMARY OF FIXED ROUTE SERVICE (Hours and Miles)

Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Weekly Vehicle Hours June '14 June '15 June '16 June '16 June '17 Budget Estimate Total

Fixed Route Bus Service 35,932 38,096 38,101 38,485 39,749 4.33% 3.28% 83.78%

Light Rail (Train Hours) 5,300 5,552 6,156 6,156 6,156 0.00% 0.00% 12.97%

Commuter Rail (Train Hours) 122 122 122 122 122 0.00% 0.00% 0.26%

Portland Streetcar (Train Hours)* 1,146 1,146 1,419 1,419 1,419 0.00% 0.00% 2.99%

Fixed Route Total 42,500 44,916 45,798 46,182 47,446 3.60% 2.74% 100.00%

Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change % of Weekly Vehicle Miles June '14 June '15 June '16 June '16 June '17 Budget Estimate Total

Fixed Route Bus Service 452,312 468,349 472,057 471,599 487,336 3.24% 3.34% 71.17%

Light Rail (Car Miles) 155,558 163,174 176,440 176,440 176,440 0.00% 0.00% 25.77% Commuter Rail (Train Miles) 2,307 2,307 2,307 2,307 2,307 0.00% 0.00% 0.34% Portland Streetcar (Car Miles)* 15,262 15,262 18,687 18,687 18,687 0.00% 0.00% 2.72%

Fixed Route Total 625,439 649,092 669,491 669,033 684,770 2.28% 2.35% 100.00%

*Streetcar vehicles are owned by the City of Portland, which manages Portland Streetcar service. TriMet furnishes vehicle operators and mechanics to Portland Streetcar, with costs reimbursed to TriMet by the City of Portland. In addition, TriMet funds approximately 60% of the City of Portland's net cost (after fares) of Streetcar operation.


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change Fixed Route Services June '14 June '15 June '16 June '16 June '17 Budget Estimate

Bus Service Peak Vehicles 516 534 548 538 557 1.64% 3.53% Total Vehicles 611 643 644 668 668 3.73% 0.00% Light Rail Peak Vehicles 102 102 118 118 118 0.00% 0.00% Total Vehicles 127 137 145 145 145 0.00% 0.00% Commuter Rail Peak Vehicles 3 3 3 3 3 0.00% 0.00% Total Vehicles 5 5 5 5 5 0.00% 0.00% Portland Streetcar* Peak Vehicles 12 12 14 14 14 0.00% 0.00% Total Vehicles 17 17 17 17 17 0.00% 0.00%

Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % Change Accessible Transportation June '14 June '15 June '16 June '16 June '17 Budget Estimate

Peak Vehicles 220 220 220 220 220 0.00% 0.00% Total Vehicles 268 268 268 268 268 0.00% 0.00%

*Streetcar vehicles are owned by the City of Portland, which manages Portland Streetcar service. TriMet furnishes vehicle operators and mechanics to Portland Streetcar, with costs reimbursed to TriMet by the City of Portland. In addition, TriMet funds approximately 60% of the City of Portland's net cost (after fares) of Streetcar operation.


Line Operating Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget Revenue Offset 4) % Change No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 16/17 Budget

1. 2005 Refunding Bonds$ 15,331,580 $ 4,826,454 $ 4,799,366 $ 4,208,395 -100.00% 2. 2005 Capital Grant Receipt Bonds 10,105,094 10,203,948 10,316,006 10,316,006 $ 1,379,484 $ 1,379,484 -86.63% 3. 2007 Revenue Bonds 2,969,666 2,948,583 2,930,375 1,913,417 1,557,875 1,448,824 -46.84% 4. Debt Payment Undertaking Agreement 2,032,118 5. 2009 Senior Lien Revenue Bonds Series A and B 3,375,441 3,376,108 3,380,566 2,658,472 2,423,843 1,163,445 -28.30% 6. 2011 Capital Grant Receipt Bonds 1) 4,548,446 5,639,543 5,652,184 5,652,184 14,668,759 14,620,516 159.52% 7. 2012 Senior Lien Revenue Bonds 6,499,817 5,405,520 5,423,846 5,423,846 5,442,134 1,959,168 0.34% 8 2013 Interim Bonds 2) 5,591,983 5,739,550 5,739,551 5,739,550 230,030,713 9. 2015 Revenue Bonds 4,000,000 3,279,838 9,939,695 10. Bond Issuance Costs/Misc. 527,633 11. Capitalized Leases 262,950 90,153 150,039 23,113 40,000 -73.34% 12. Capital Interest 3) (13,065,670) (16,987,403) (1,743,933) (4,329,997)

13. Total General Fund Debt Service$ 37,651,425 $ 21,242,456 $ 40,648,000 $ 35,412,457 $ 265,482,503 $ 20,571,437 553.13%

1) Includes capitalized interest payment. Bond proceeds to pay capitalized interest are in Beginning Fund Balance. 2) 2013 Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project interim financing issuance costs. Interest and principal are in the Light Rail construction budget. Costs are offset by a like amount of Project revenues. 3) Capital Interest is a required accounting estimate. It is offset by a like expense named Capital Interest in the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail budget. 4) Amount of debt service that is offset by MTIP IGA revenues or payroll tax rate increase revenues.


Principal Interest Total

2005 Capital Grant Receipt Bonds $ 1,335,000 $ 44,484 $ 1,379,484 2007 Revenue Bonds 1,545,000 12,875 1,557,875 2009 Revenue Bonds Series A and B 1,540,000 883,843 2,423,843 2011 Capital Grant Receipt Bonds 9,170,000 5,498,759 14,668,759 2012 Senior Lien Revenue Bonds 2,265,000 3,177,134 5,442,134 2013 Interim Financing PMLR 225,000,000 5,030,713 230,030,713 2015 Revenue Bonds 5,650,000 4,289,695 9,939,695 Capitalized Leases 20,000 20,000 40,000 FY16-17 Total General Fund Debt Service$ 246,525,000 $ 18,957,503 $ 265,482,503


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. Revenue Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17

Operating Revenue 1. Passenger$ 114,618,312 $ 116,734,062 $ 119,629,072 $ 118,133,709 $ 120,700,000 2. Advertising 3,414,899 3,290,000 3,292,500 3,292,000 3,525,000 3. Accessible Transportation Contract (see note 1) 4,413,561 6,384,143 4,678,374 6,400,000 6,400,000 4. Service Contracts (see note 2) 5,800,000 5,800,000 7,098,407 7,769,543 8,219,614 5. Total Operating Revenue$ 128,246,772 $ 132,208,205 $ 134,698,352 $ 135,595,252 $ 138,844,614 Tax Revenue 6. Employer Payroll$ 258,185,020 $ 273,308,312 $ 294,170,286 $ 295,095,147 $ 318,701,301 7. Self-Employed 13,593,940 14,783,448 15,099,359 14,891,505 16,249,828 8. State "In Lieu" 2,794,872 3,202,411 3,442,173 1,866,717 1,795,408 9. Total Tax Revenue$ 274,573,832 $ 291,294,171 $ 312,711,818 $ 311,853,369 $ 336,746,537 Other Revenue 10. Federal New Starts Grants (see note 3)$ 75,266,896 $ 75,266,896 11. Federal Operating Grants (see note 4)$ 53,557,538 $ 25,933,560 56,152,864 57,924,575 $ 60,114,881 12. State Operating Grants (see note 5) 786,910 1,481,432 5,099,520 1,354,292 1,354,292 13. Interest 331,656 463,607 775,000 560,000 575,000 14. Miscellaneous 6,278,449 9,176,923 4,512,532 4,565,593 4,454,391 15. Total Other Revenue$ 60,954,553 $ 37,055,522 $ 141,806,812 $ 139,671,356 $ 66,498,564

16. Net Continuing Resources*$ 463,775,157 $ 460,557,898 $ 589,216,982 $ 587,119,977 $ 542,089,715

17. Debt Service on Senior Lien Bonds$ 36,063,555 $ 22,386,368 $ 24,679,810 $ 19,444,267 $ 24,434,260

18. Senior Lien Debt Service as a Percent of Net Continuing Revenues 7.8% 4.9% 4.2% 3.3% 4.5%

* Net Continuing Revenues exclude : - Revenues received from the State of Oregon which are legally required to be used for the Medical Transportation program - Surface Transportation Program/Congestion, Mitigation & Air Quality grant funds pledged to TriMet by Metro to support grant receipt bonds - Other state and federal grant revenues legally required to be used for an intended purpose (New Freedom, Jobs Access, RideWise, RTO, fund exchanges)

Notes: 1. Revenue offsets rides already provided by LIFT. 2. Streetcar personnel revenue and CTRAN revenues. 3. Total Federal New Starts Grants is $115,000,000 in FY15/16; a portion of which is restricted for payment of outstanding interim financing, however, this payment is not part of the calculation for Senior Lien Debt. 4. Federal Section 5307 Urbanized Area formula, Federal Section 5309 Rail Modernization and Federal Section 5337 State of Good Repair 5. STF formula and Contracted Accessibility Services - State 5310

Debt Service-3

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Debt Service- 4 OPEB & PENSION UAAL

Actual Actual Budget Estimated Budget % Change Explanation 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17

Union (note 1) Retiree/Disabled Medical Retiree Medical Post Employment Medical Benefit$ 5,916,356 $ 6,649,480 $ 6,963,677 $ 6,100,500 $ 7,204,397 3.46% Retiree Medicare Post Employment Medicare Benefit 6,802,830 7,645,802 8,007,076 7,790,000 6,750,100 -15.70% Retiree Dental Post Employment Dental Benefit 1,229,976 1,382,388 1,447,708 1,100,787 1,339,673 -7.46% Disability Medical Post Employment Disability Medical Benefit 881,794 991,061 1,037,890 1,080,000 888,151 -14.43% Disability Dental Post Employment Disability Dental Benefit 103,618 116,458 121,961 110,020 104,365 -14.43% Medicare Part B Post Employment Medicare Part B Benefit (note 4) 1,432,685 1,592,072 1,812,308 1,854,611 1,688,317 -6.84% Retiree Life Insurance Retiree Life Insurance Premiums 362,054 407,499 389,058 414,000 421,816 8.42% Pension UAAL Expense (note 2)Current year portion of 15 year funding of Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Liability 36,761,673 25,004,628 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 0.00% Total Union $ 53,490,986 $ 43,789,388 $ 44,779,678 43,449,918 $ 43,396,819 Non-Union Retiree Medical Post Employment Medical Benefit 382,436 298,046 553,907 443,001 680,324 22.82% Retiree Medicare Post Employment Medicare Benefit 586,651 457,198 849,685 752,019 828,874 -2.45% Retiree Dental Post Employment Dental Benefit 151,500 118,069 219,427 218,798 200,460 -8.64% Disability Medical Post Employment Disability Medical Benefit 27,336 21,304 39,593 36,436 33,881 -14.43% Disability Dental Post Employment Disability Dental Benefit 3,162 2,464 4,580 4,400 3,919 -14.43% Retiree Life Insurance Retiree Life Insurance Premiums 40,228 43,062 46,806 43,524 50,634 8.18% Pension UAAL Expense (note 3)Current year portion of 10 year funding of Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Liability 3,992,971 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,307,245 5,500,000 0.00% Total Non-Union $ 5,184,284 $ 6,440,143 $ 7,213,998 6,805,423 $ 7,298,092 Professional & Technical Service contracts for retirement plans 181,632 332,240 400,000 173,055 408,040 2.01% Capitalized Fringe Capital grant fringe reimbursement (2,093,021) (2,733,033) (1,273,542) (1,915,084) (1,465,648) 15.08%

Total OPEB & Pension UAAL $ 56,763,881 $ 47,828,738 $ 51,120,134 $ 48,513,312 $ 49,637,303 -2.90%

Pension Expense-Normal Cost (cost of benefits earned this year) is incorporated in departmental costs.

Notes: 1. Union retiree/disabled medical assumes current Working & Wage Agreement costs through November 30, 2016 then a 6% inflation increase thereafter. 2. Pension assumptions: union defined benefit pension unfunded liability funded over 15 years beginning with FY2014; assumes 7% return on investments decreasing to 6.5% over 15 years. 3. Pension assumptions: non-union defined benefit pension unfunded liability funded over 10 years beginning with FY2014; assumes 6.5% return on investments. 4. Union non-active employees, retirees, spouses, surviving spouses and dependents having enrolled in Medicare and a TriMet sponsored Medicare Advantage plan will be reimbursed by the District the actual cost of the Medicare Part B monthly premium.


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Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,160,810 $ 981,854 $ 1,131,787 $ 1,120,040 $ 1,298,701 14.75% 68.56% Materials & Services 477,617 488,531 546,699 542,206 595,616 8.95% 31.44%

Total $ 1,638,427 $ 1,470,385 $ 1,678,486 $ 1,662,246 $ 1,894,317 12.86% 100.00%

Page Office of the General Manager Division Division Summary ………………………………………………………………GM-1 Office of the General Manager ………………………………………………………………GM-2 Diversity and Transit Equity ………………………………………………………………GM-5 Internal Audit ………………………………………………………………GM-8


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 837,442 $ 646,847 $ 666,623 $ 690,722 $ 683,917 2.59% 63.29% Materials & Services 348,757 317,296 384,407 380,547 396,701 3.20% 36.71%

Total $ 1,186,199 $ 964,143 $ 1,051,030 $ 1,071,269 $ 1,080,618 2.82% 100.00%

Responsibility: Pe rformance Measures:

TriMet is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. The Board sets . The Office of the General Manager’s performance is measured in the agency policy, enacts legislation and reviews certain contracts. successful execution of the agency’s strategic goals.

The Office of the General Manager is under the direct authority of the Board of Directors. The General Manager is appointed by the Board and is charged with managing the agency.


. Keep the Board fully informed on TriMet’s major activities. . Set and lead strategic direction. . Build and establish external and internal partnerships.

GM-2 BUD1 Personnel Services OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

General Manager$ 221,450 $ 241,970 $ 229,000 1.00 $ 229,000 $ 229,000 $ 229,000 1.00 $ 229,000 Interim Deputy General Manager 180,000 Director, Business Initiatives 109,026 110,967 111,983 1.00 111,983 113,158 113,158 1.00 113,158 Sr Executive Assistant, GM & Board 76,596 79,462 78,674 1.00 78,674 79,499 79,499 1.00 79,499 Executive Administrative Assistant 52,998 55,644 55,146 1.00 55,146 57,668 58,926 1.00 58,926

Fringe Benefits 197,372 158,804 162,412 162,412 166,260 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 26,214 33,585 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 3,194 48,985 3,489

Total $ 837,442 $ 646,847 4.00 $ 666,623 $ 690,722 4.00 $ 683,917


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Auditing$ 235,407 $ 255,450 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ 285,000 3.64% 71.84% Other Services 19,129 368 5,779 5,000 5,837 1.00% 1.47% Office Supplies 3,567 2,344 4,777 4,700 4,824 1.00% 1.22% Other Materials 2,730 844 3,685 3,000 4,922 33.56% 1.24% Telephone 687 709 2,096 1,500 2,117 1.00% 0.53% Dues & Subscriptions 95 2,618 1,000 2,645 1.00% 0.67% Local Travel & Meetings 3,615 4,606 8,012 8,000 8,092 1.00% 2.04% Education & Training 923 220 1,115 1,000 1,126 1.00% 0.28% Out-of-Town Travel 20,114 22,472 25,462 25,000 25,716 1.00% 6.48% Official Meeting Expenses 39,177 17,462 32,275 30,000 32,597 1.00% 8.22% Board and GM Outreach 6,051 5,900 9,967 7,500 10,067 1.00% 2.54% Employee Development 1,613 5,542 6,900 6,500 6,969 1.00% 1.76% Employee Recognition 15,743 6,721 6,700 6,789 1.00% 1.71% Awards & Banquets 1,284 5,647 0.00%

Total $ 348,757 $ 317,296 $ 384,407 $ 380,547 $ 396,701 3.20% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 94,751 $ 104,382 $ 224,948 $ 182,106 $ 366,892 63.10% 66.39% Materials & Services 121,865 162,494 149,234 149,234 185,726 24.45% 33.61%

Total $ 216,616 $ 266,876 $ 374,182 $ 331,340 $ 552,618 47.69% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

. The Diversity and Transit Equity Department is responsible for assisting - In tandem with the Labor Relations & Human Resources Division, all divisions in reaching the agency’s goals related to diversity, outreach to support the recruiting and retention of a diverse workforce. minority communities, transit equity and Disadvantaged Business . Community Engagement Enterprise (DBE) efforts. - Increase TriMet’s community presence to diverse stakeholders.

- Support the agency in the development of strategies and the Activities: implementation of best practices in community relations to strengthen . Disadvantaged Business Enterprise the agency’s partnerships with low income, transit-dependent and - Direct the development, implementation and monitoring of TriMet’s communities of color and opportunities to engage in decision-making Federal and state DBE and MWESB program and goals. through forums and informational public outreach sessions. - Work with the Procurement & Contracts Department to increase DBE - Support the coordination and staffing of a Transit Equity Advisory and MWESB participation in TriMet’s General Fund procurement Group. processes. - Liaison to community, business and key-stakeholders on DBE, Transit Performance Measures: Equity, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues.

. Meet TriMet’s 11.63% aspirational DBE goal. . Title VI/Transit Equity . Work with TriMet staff to coordinate, monitor and direct Title VI reporting - Coordinate TriMet’s Title VI compliance, monitoring and reporting. in a timely manner. - Provide Title VI and transit equity training and support to TriMet staff. . Work with TriMet staff to position the agency as an environmental justice - Provide opportunities for transit dependent persons to engage in leader. decision-making through forums and informational public outreach . Develop and foster partnerships/relationships with diverse communities sessions. Work closely with TriMet customers, constituents and staff to help ensure and leaders to gain support for agency programs and initiatives. - Coordinate and conduct pertinent equity analysis and forecasting. TriMet meets its commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity and . workforce diversity. . Diversity and Inclusion - Coordinate the agency’s diversity, equity and strategic planning process. - Support development of diversity and cultural competency training.

GM-5 BUD1 Personnel Services OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER - DIVERSITY AND TRANSIT EQUITY 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Diversity & Transit Equity$ 94,493 $ 98,877 $ 100,005 1.00 $ 100,005 $ 92,369 $ 113,000 1.00 $ 113,000 Policy Advisor 39,960 53,192 53,812 1.00 53,812 57,656 58,841 1.00 58,841 Diversity & Transit Equity Rep 65,918 1.00 65,918 67,023 67,369 1.00 67,369 Assistant, Administrative 39,028 1.00 39,028 1,667 44,671 0.50 22,336

Fringe Benefits 58,629 63,587 106,030 106,030 102,293 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 2,795 3,053 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (98,331) (111,274) (1.50) (142,639) (142,639)

Total $ 94,751 $ 104,382 2.50 $ 224,948 $ 182,106 3.50 $ 366,892


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Summer Youth Internship$ 60,000 $ 61,500 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 98,000 63.33% 52.77% Other Services 34,996 69,556 38,093 38,093 38,474 1.00% 20.72% Other Materials 56 0.00% Community Outreach 12,197 12,178 30,270 30,270 30,573 1.00% 16.46% Telephone 2,448 2,056 2,000 2,000 2,020 1.00% 1.09% Dues & Subscriptions 695 350 555 555 571 2.88% 0.31% Local Travel 397 325 1,781 1,781 2,000 12.30% 1.08% Education & Training 1,265 1,727 3,035 3,035 5,065 66.89% 2.73% Out-of-Town Travel 9,867 14,746 13,500 13,500 9,023 -33.16% 4.84%

Total $ 121,865 $ 162,494 $ 149,234 $ 149,234 $ 185,726 24.45% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 228,617 $ 230,625 $ 240,216 $ 247,212 $ 247,892 3.20% 94.95% Materials & Services 6,995 8,741 13,058 12,425 13,189 1.00% 5.05%

Total $ 235,612 $ 239,366 $ 253,275 $ 259,637 $ 261,081 3.08% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Internal Audit Department performs audits and provides advisory services . Complete the projects identified in the Internal Audit’s Annual Plan. to give the District reasonable assurance that its control objectives are met. The . Realize the improvement goals specified in the Annual Plan. key control objectives are:


. Safeguarding and proper maintenance of assets. . Compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, plans, policies and procedures. . Reliability and integrity of financial and operating information. . Economical and efficient use of resources.

GM-8 BUD1 Personnel Services OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER - INTERNAL AUDIT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, Internal Audit$ 102,155 $ 105,271 $ 106,343 1.00 $ 106,343 $ 108,342 $ 108,945 1.00 $ 108,945 Internal Auditor, Senior 68,543 70,633 71,351 1.00 71,351 72,909 73,365 1.00 73,365

Fringe Benefits 69,498 65,698 60,925 60,925 63,838 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 1,597 5,455 1,744 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (11,579) (10,977) (419)

Total $ 228,617 $ 230,625 2.00 $ 240,216 $ 247,212 2.00 $ 247,892


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Other Services$ 87 $ 109 $ 1,678 $ 1,400 $ 1,695 1.00% 12.85% Other Materials 275 0.00% Telephone 119 117 323 300 326 1.00% 2.47% Dues & Subscriptions 805 625 1,076 1,025 1,087 1.00% 8.24% Local Travel 377 300 380 1.00% 2.88% Education & Training 4,733 5,658 8,607 8,500 8,693 1.00% 65.91% Out-of-Town Travel 975 2,232 998 900 1,008 1.00% 7.65%

Total $ 6,995 $ 8,741 $ 13,058 $ 12,425 $ 13,189 1.00% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Office of the General Manager $ 837,442 $ 646,847 $ 666,623 Personnel Services$ 676,854 $ 676,854 $ 683,917 348,757 317,296 384,407 Materials & Services 395,501 395,501 396,701 $ 1,186,199 $ 964,143 $ 1,051,030 Department Total$ 1,072,355 $ 1,072,355 $ 1,080,618

Diversity and Transit Equity $ 94,751 $ 104,382 $ 224,948 Personnel Services$ 365,761 $ 365,761 $ 366,892 121,865 162,494 149,234 Materials & Services 185,726 185,726 185,726 $ 216,616 $ 266,876 $ 374,182 Department Total$ 551,487 $ 551,487 $ 552,618

Internal Audit $ 228,617 $ 230,625 $ 240,216 Personnel Services$ 247,745 $ 247,745 $ 247,892 6,995 8,741 13,058 Materials & Services 13,189 13,189 13,189 $ 235,612 $ 239,366 $ 253,275 Department Total$ 260,934 $ 260,934 $ 261,081

Division Total $ 1,160,810 $ 981,854 $ 1,131,787 Personnel Services$ 1,290,360 $ 1,290,360 $ 1,298,701 477,617 488,531 546,699 Materials & Services 594,416 594,416 595,616 $ 1,638,427 $ 1,470,385 $ 1,678,486 Total Office of the General Manager$ 1,884,776 $ 1,884,776 $ 1,894,317


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GM-12 Division Summary PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 5,782,715 $ 6,342,098 $ 7,004,125 $ 6,527,433 $ 7,478,199 6.77% 49.69% Materials & Services 17,592,381 6,147,413 6,084,439 5,854,146 7,572,689 24.46% 50.31%

Total $ 23,375,096 $ 12,489,511 $ 13,088,564 $ 12,381,579 $ 15,050,888 14.99% 100.00%

Page Public Affairs Division Division Summary ………………………………………………………………PA-1 Administration ………………………………………………………………PA-2 Planning & Policy ………………………………………………………………PA-5 GIS & Location Based Services ………………………………………………………………PA-8 Community Affairs ………………………………………………………………PA-11 Government Affairs ………………………………………………………………PA-14 Communications & Marketing ………………………………………………………………PA-17 Customer Experience ………………………………………………………………PA-20 Grant Summary ………………………………………………………………PA-26


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 218,830 $ 271,427 $ 461,504 $ 321,549 $ 514,092 11.39% 64.70% Materials & Services 48,065 36,920 324,635 322,658 280,477 -13.60% 35.30%

Total $ 266,895 $ 308,347 $ 786,138 $ 644,207 $ 794,569 1.07% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

The Public Affairs Administration Division is composed of the following . Provide the most current up-to-date data for GIS analysis and departments: Administration, Planning & Policy, GIS & Location Based Services, development. Community Affairs, Government Affairs, Communications & Marketing and Community Affairs Customer Experience. . Develop, implement and manage a comprehensive civic, business and

community outreach plan and build partnerships. Activities: Government Affairs Supports implementation of TriMet’s 5-Year Action Plan . Communicate with local, regional, state and federal jurisdictions and . Build ridership, promotes safety through marketing and awareness partners. campaigns, promotions and customer service. . Identify/participate in decisions impacting transit operations and stability. . Strengthen community awareness through community outreach. . Effectively communicate agency goals to the TriMet Board of Directors, Communications & Marketing elected officials and the general public. . Build and retain ridership. . Communicate on capital projects, service planning, marketing activities. . Marketing and promotion. . Manage intergovernmental relations around long-range funding, policy . Respond to all media and public requests for information. development and implementation with local, regional, state and federal Customer Experience legislative and administrative officials. . Provide excellent customer service, outreach and information. . Provide responsive and cost-effective transit planning in key regional . Research analysis on regional needs. corridors, improve access to transit and develop TriMet’s Transit . Manage TriMet’s fare policies to support revenue generation, access, Investment Plan/up to date customer information. ridershipPerformance development Measures: and equity.

Planning & Policy . Lead development of the Transit Investment Plan. . Performance ratings from the general public. . Produce the regional Service Enhancement Plan. . Implementation of the 5-Year Transit Investment Plan (TIP). . Promote safe access to transit through investment in the bike and . Implementation of regional transportation goals that support a sustainable pedestrian network. transportation network. . Increase ridership on Frequent Service, Bus and lines. GIS & Location Based Services . Ensure agency activities and efforts focus on agency principles and goals. . Provide training & technical support for the GIS users within TriMet. . Provide technical solutions to software and analysis problems.

PA-2 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - ADMINISTRATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Executive Director, Public Affairs$ 121,150 $ 165,000 $ 166,269 1.00 $ 166,269 $ 169,943 $ 169,943 1.00 $ 169,943 Executive Administrative Assistant 48,285 51,480 54,412 1.00 54,412 56,398 56,867 0.80 45,494 Specialist, Administrative 46,259 0.80 37,007 41,621 1.00 41,621

Fringe Benefits 49,395 54,947 88,782 88,782 85,444 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 106,372 162,722 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 2,236 2,442 Limited Term Employment 6,426 6,426 6,426

Total $ 218,830 $ 271,427 2.80 $ 461,504 $ 321,549 2.80 $ 514,092


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Legal $ 10,270 $ 10,270 $ 10,373 1.00% 3.70% Temporary Help$ 20,039 $ 5,224 6,390 7,395 6,454 1.00% 2.30% Other Services 6,825 6,556 17,951 16,951 18,131 1.00% 6.46% Professional & Technical 225,000 225,000 175,000 -22.22% 62.39% Office Supplies 1,237 18 4,847 1.73% Other Materials 872 1,595 4,641 4,641 4,687 1.00% 1.67% Telephone 279 217 9,119 9,119 9,210 1.00% 3.28% Dues & Subscriptions 11,400 12,973 20,263 20,263 20,465 1.00% 7.30% Local Travel & Meetings 3,542 3,063 7,830 7,830 7,908 1.00% 2.82% Education & Training 3,007 395 9,138 7,138 9,229 1.00% 3.29% Out-of-Town Travel 864 6,897 13,645 13,645 13,781 1.00% 4.91% Employee Recognition 388 388 392 1.03% 0.15%

Total $ 48,065 $ 36,920 $ 324,635 $ 322,658 $ 280,477 -13.60% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 777,247 $ 1,161,464 $ 1,250,818 $ 1,066,285 $ 1,118,375 -10.59% 18.02% Materials & Services 15,620,415 3,865,630 3,591,267 3,109,867 5,086,712 41.64% 81.98%

Total $ 16,397,662 $ 5,027,094 $ 4,842,084 $ 4,176,152 $ 6,205,087 28.15% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

The Planning & Policy Department provides proactive, informative, . Develop and manage TriMet's bicycle storage policy and responsive and effective strategic and short-range service planning, policy infrastructure. development and review, planning and conceptual design of transit corridor . Foster potential major investment in transit by other jurisdictions. regional planning/projects. Access to transit especially by pedestrians and . Partner and provide policy guidance for regional and jurisdictional bicyclists is consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan and the General planning efforts, including Regional Transportation Plan. Manager's 5-Year Action Plan to foster and improve partnerships for transit . Understand and influence federal policies that impact TriMet and the growth. region. . Enhance technical relations with the Federal Transit Administration. Activities: . Advance planning and conceptual design of the Southwest Corridor project. . Lead development of the Transit Investment Priorities process. . Manage policy and technical relations with Portland Streetcar partners. . Maintain partnerships and represent service enhancement needs in ongoing annual service plans. Performance Measures: . Lead Annual Service Plan for TriMet service. . Administer the Jobs Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) program. . Produce well-received Service Enhancement Plan (SEP) shared . Plan and coordinate the Coordinated Transportation Service Plan, Special visions for future transit. For FY2017, complete visions for all SEP Transportation Fund and 5310 federal funding for transportation services areas. for seniors and people with disabilities. . Successfully develop annual service plans within budget, on-time and . Foster and improve partnerships with all jurisdictions in the region on achieve ridership objectives. transportation planning, funding and related activities toward advancing . Develop and share with public Transit Investment Priorities and transit service, access and transit capital investments. service decision-making information. . Prepare corridor plans, capital elements and partnerships for Bus Rapid . Increase improvements in access to transit with partners. Transit in the Powell-Division and potentially other corridors. . Substantial progress on Southwest Corridor refinement and Powell- . Identify and advance opportunities to enhance access to transit via walking Division Corridor Plans. and bicycling through partnerships and/or securing grants. . Successfully manage Intergovernmental Agreements with City of Portland re: Portland Streetcar.

PA-5 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - PLANNING & POLICY 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Planning & Policy$ 130,019 $ 136,646 $ 128,168 1.00 $ 128,168 $ 132,513 $ 133,284 1.00 $ 133,284 Specialist, Administrative 19,571 Manager, Capital Planning 99,403 94,190 96,532 1.00 96,532 81,737 82,718 1.00 82,718 Manager, Service Planning 84,737 91,232 1.00 91,232 89,388 94,617 1.00 94,617 Senior Transit Corridor Designer 8,048 86,450 84,344 1.00 84,344 86,437 86,437 1.00 86,437 Planner III 66,298 130,845 67,174 2.00 134,349 138,729 71,966 3.00 215,898 Planner II 84,518 189,858 63,805 3.00 191,416 130,688 65,681 2.00 131,361 Planner II - Active Transportation 54,000 56,920 57,602 1.00 57,602 60,631 61,183 1.00 61,183 Planner I 42,526 48,720 49,235 1.00 49,235 50,721 50,981 1.00 50,981 Coordinator, Strategic Planning 66,296 67,591 68,792 1.00 68,792 71,509 72,020 1.00 72,020

Fringe Benefits 229,696 322,739 339,565 339,565 358,005 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (26,672) (57,232) (118,413) (178,596) Limited Term Employment 3,544 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 9,583 2,780 10,467

Total $ 777,247 $ 1,161,464 12.00 $ 1,250,818 $ 1,066,285 12.00 $ 1,118,375


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 87,046 $ 35,430 $ 142,737 $ 142,737 $ 144,164 1.00% 2.83% Metro: Unified Work Program 225,000 231,808 235,697 225,000 238,054 1.00% 4.68% Program Services - Job Access 514,755 785,849 785,849 800,000 1.80% 15.73% Contracted Services-State 5310 311,224 311,224 -100.00% 0.00% Federal 5310 Program 1,989,187 1,509,187 2,000,000 0.54% 39.32% East County U-Ride 121,394 2.39% Tualatin Shuttle 57,500 1.13% Ride Connection Network 82,330 1.62% Mobility Management 50,000 0.98% North Hillsboro Link Job Shuttle 304,140 5.98% Ride Connection Program 1,161,291 100.00% 22.83% Ride Connection - Fare Relief Program 60,000 65,000 60,600 1.00% 1.19% Intergovernmental Transfers 15,240,000 2,975,000 0.00% Temporary Help 5,106 199 0.00% Other Services 8,670 33,561 9,255 15,338 9,348 1.00% 0.18% Office Supplies 3,573 11,061 572 500 578 1.00% 0.01% Other Materials 17,091 17,627 24,761 20,000 25,009 1.00% 0.49% Computer Equipment < $5,000 2,443 1,834 524 116 529 1.00% 0.01% Telephone 2,519 3,645 8,042 5,000 8,122 1.00% 0.16% Dues & Subscriptions 480 1,015 1,809 2,200 1,827 1.00% 0.04% Local Travel & Meetings 322 743 125 0.00% Education & Training 5,438 6,253 2,591 2,591 2,617 1.00% 0.05% Travel & Meetings 19,019 25,000 19,209 1.00% 0.38% Out-of-Town Travel 22,727 32,699 0.00%

$ 15,620,415 $ 3,865,630 $ 3,591,267 $ 3,109,867 $ 5,086,712 41.64% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 519,462 $ 446,675 $ 528,951 1.83% 99.70% Materials & Services 1,550 1,575 1,566 1.03% 0.30%

Total $ 521,012 $ 448,250 $ 530,517 1.82% 100.00% Performance Measures:

Responsibility: . Ensure that the GIS users are trained and equipped to function in their working environment. The GIS & Location Based Services Department is responsible for managing . Quickly trouble-shoot any GIS problems that may occur at the hardware, all aspects of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and all related activities software or technical level and solutions for advanced spatial query within the agency and with external partners. This includes the collection, capabilities. management and maintenance of all spatial data, location-based services, . Develop a dependable environment to ensure that mapping and data mapping and spatial data analysis, evaluation of systems and user requirements, requests are met in a professional manner, with respect to deadlines. preparation of data for internal systems, preparation of detailed specifications . Provide applications which can aid in the general work flow of GIS users. from which applications will be written, coordination with the IT department Automation and reliability increase as the use of GIS expands. and its stakeholders/provision of technical support, consulting services and . Provide data sets both regionally and internally. This data must meet all training for users. system and user requirements. . Manage vendor contracts, budget and software license fees that are fair and Activities: equitable.

. Provide trainingtechnical & solutions technical to support software for and the analysis GIS users problems. within TriMet. . Provide the most current up-to-date data for GIS analysis and development. . Coordinate with external agency on data maintenance and sharing agreements. . Provide services for mapping, data and GIS software requests. . Coordinate and assist in GIS application development and implementation. . Coordinate GIS User Group functions and activities. . Provide a platform for communication, cooperation and data sharing.

PA-8 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - GIS & LOCATION BASED SERVICES 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, IT GIS & Location Based Services$ 114,454 1.00 $ 114,454 $ 115,733 $ 116,137 1.00 $ 116,137 Analyst, Bus Stops Planner 68,844 1.00 68,844 70,435 70,435 1.00 70,435 Electronic Survey Developer & Analyst 81,315 1.00 81,315 36,250 70,000 1.00 70,000 Analyst II, GIS Data 57,279 1.00 57,279 60,542 61,231 1.00 61,231 Analyst, GIS Data 52,200 1.00 52,200 34,212 59,496 1.00 59,496

Fringe Benefits 141,378 141,378 147,291 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (14,430) Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 3,993 2,555 4,361

Total 5.00 $ 519,462 $ 446,675 5.00 $ 528,951


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Other Services$ 500 $ 750 $ 741 48.20% 47.32% Other Materials 300 325 325 8.33% 20.75% Telephone 750 500 500 -33.33% 31.93%

Total $ 1,550 $ 1,575 $ 1,566 1.03% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 72,699 $ 78,682 $ 158,721 118.33% 99.37% Materials & Services 1,000 800 1,010 1.00% 0.63%

Total $ 73,699 $ 79,482 $ 159,731 116.73% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Community Affairs Department is responsible for expanding and . Effectively communicate TriMet’s strategic priorities and initiatives to maintaining on-going civic, business and community relations and increasing community leadership and provide feedback to TriMet management. public understanding, awareness and support of TriMet’s 5-Year Action Plan. . Expand and activate TriMet partnerships with community organizations and leaders in support of TriMet’s strategic initiatives at the local, regional Activities: and state level. . Deliver expanded population and utility of TriMet’s civi database. . Develop, implement and manage a comprehensive civic, business and community outreach plan to increase public understanding, interest and support of TriMet’s 5-Year Action Plan. . Establish, develop and maintain effective strategic relationships with community leaders, businesses, organizations, neighborhood and other interest groups to provide opportunities for collaborative decision-making. . Manage expansion and maintenance of TriMet’s civic engagement database to maximize the opportunities for two-way communication between TriMet and the community. . Coordinate and integrate outreach programs and activities with TriMet initiatives, develop community partnerships and foster strong links to community institutions and organizations. . Build community partnerships in support of TriMet strategic initiatives in the areas of capital investment, safety, equity and community development.

PA-11 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Public Affairs$ 123,629 1.00 $ 123,629 $ 120,588 $ 121,176 1.00 $ 121,176

Fringe Benefits 35,840 35,840 36,673 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 799 872 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (0.50) (87,568) (77,746)

Total 0.50 $ 72,699 $ 78,682 1.00 $ 158,721


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Other Services$ 250 $ 200 $ 360 44.00% 35.65% Other Materials 250 200 150 -40.00% 14.85% Telephone 500 400 500 0.00% 49.50%

Total $ 1,000 $ 800 $ 1,010 1.00% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 101,965 $ 110,138 $ 108,652 $ 111,369 $ 114,580 5.46% 25.09% Materials & Services 371,110 388,623 338,618 338,412 342,004 1.00% 74.91%

Total $ 473,075 $ 498,761 $ 447,270 $ 449,781 $ 456,584 2.08% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Government Affairs Department is responsible for managing on-going . Ensure federal, state, regional and local understanding of TriMet policy intergovernmental relations and for long-range funding, policy development and funding requirements; improve and expand revenue funding. and implementation with local, regional, state and federal legislative and . Maintain a high level of support with administrative and legislative administrative officials. officials at all levels. . Establish a viable political framework for implementation of TriMet Responsibility: funding goals. . Provide the mechanisms and programs necessary to obtain financial, Activities: legislative and political support that will enable TriMet to fund and implement its capital and operating programs. . Develop, manage and coordinate governmental relations programs. . Establish effective communication with local, regional, state and federal jurisdictions and partners. . Develop, manage and coordinate long-range funding and policy initiatives in support of TriMet’s 5-Year Action Plan.

PA-14 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, Governmental Affairs$ 76,137 $ 78,726 $ 79,003 1.00 $ 79,003 $ 82,518 $ 83,107 1.00 $ 83,107

Fringe Benefits 25,828 31,412 28,851 28,851 30,601 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 799 872

Total $ 101,965 $ 110,138 1.00 $ 108,652 $ 111,369 1.00 $ 114,580


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 282,746 $ 316,613 $ 265,421 $ 265,421 $ 268,075 1.00% 78.38% Temporary Help 9,352 0.00% Other Services 8,773 6,374 1,357 6,000 6,000 342.15% 1.75% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 247 0.00% Other Materials 297 1,490 500 400 500 0.00% 0.15% Telephone 2,180 748 546 640 686 25.64% 0.20% Dues & Subscriptions 1,361 2,868 1,090 1,090 2,500 129.36% 0.73% APTA & OTA Dues 56,435 55,739 59,566 57,523 56,700 -4.81% 16.58% Local Travel & Meetings 5,233 1,320 2,000 2,000 1,500 -25.00% 0.44% Education & Training 185 655 538 338 543 0.93% 0.16% Out-of-Town Travel 4,300 2,816 7,600 5,000 5,500 -27.63% 1.61%

Total $ 371,110 $ 388,623 $ 338,618 $ 338,412 $ 342,004 1.00% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 683,695 $ 1,001,786 $ 2,236,041 $ 2,338,367 $ 2,598,004 16.19% 69.88% Materials & Services 22,013 114,882 1,145,792 1,397,547 1,119,750 -2.27% 30.12%

Total $ 705,708 $ 1,116,668 $ 3,381,833 $ 3,735,914 $ 3,717,754 9.93% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Communications & Marketing Department is responsible for creating Media Relations and maintaining the TriMet brand, its promises, messages, look and voice to . Respond to media with positive stories about TriMet and its workforce. support TriMet’s vision, mission and values, and to facilitate a two-way . Assist in providing timely Public Records to the media. conversation with the community and our employees. The department helps guide the agency with strategic communications and targeted marketing, Employee Communications specifically to advance and support the 5-Year Plan. . Develop existing channels to engage TriMet’s workforce.

Activities: Corporate Outreach . Keep key stakeholders informed and connected and strengthen community Media Relations partnerships. . Provide the media with factual agency materials and policy changes.

Employee Communications Marketing & Outreach . Keep TriMet employees informed on agency news, goals & initiatives. . Increase visibility of safety-related outreach and events. . Gather employee feedback and promote participation through Continuous . Promote service improvements, fare programs and key agency themes. Improvement Teams. Increase employer pass program participation.

Marketing & Outreach Creative Services . Promote/encourage safety around transit. . Maintain favorability ratings through brand management and deliver . Promote transit use and its benefits to employers/colleges by promoting timely, accurate information to riders. service improvements, SEPs, PASS program partnerships, the Orange Line

other service enhancements and . Marketing & Rider Communications Creative Services . Handle customer survey feedback and respond to customer needs. . Develop/maintain/deliver high quality brand identity to promote TriMet’s . Grow. RidersIncrease Club activeand Rider use andPanel usability to help ofengage trip tools customers and rider around services. key principles via static communication channels. TriMet initiatives.

Marketing & Rider Communications . Deliver information to riders via content channels; promote and enhance the customer experience through easy-to-use online tools.

PA-17 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Communications & Marketing$ 99,854 $ 107,152 $ 108,589 1.00 $ 108,589 $ 117,518 $ 118,774 1.00 $ 118,774 Chief Media Relations Officer 119,839 110,891 111,875 1.00 111,875 113,008 113,008 1.00 113,008 Manager, Creative Services 94,215 1.00 94,215 95,304 95,304 1.00 95,304 Manager, Marketing & Outreach Services 90,574 1.00 90,574 85,500 87,500 1.00 87,500 Manager, Multicultural Programs 79,510 1.00 79,510 80,645 80,982 1.00 80,982 Manager, Employee Communications 11,397 78,189 78,974 1.00 78,974 80,386 80,973 1.00 80,973 Manager, Marketing & Rider Comm. 22,181 74,595 75,379 1.00 75,379 78,791 79,509 1.00 79,509 Manager, Corporate Outreach 82,243 80,933 Public Information Officer 71,050 74,051 74,872 1.00 74,872 76,730 76,730 1.00 76,730 Transportation Options Coordinator 64,888 1.00 64,888 66,049 65,519 1.00 65,519 Transportation Options Representative 61,596 1.00 61,596 61,976 61,976 1.00 61,976 Transportation Options Representative 51,343 1.00 51,343 52,231 52,594 1.00 52,594 Transportation Options Specialist 47,726 1.00 47,726 48,558 48,880 1.00 48,880 Transportation Options Associate 41,291 1.00 41,291 42,380 42,723 1.00 42,723 Coordinator, Sr. Employee Communications 60,504 69,649 61,469 1.00 61,469 62,525 62,525 1.00 62,525 Coordinator, Outreach Programs & Events 82,593 1.00 82,593 81,962 81,962 1.00 81,962 Coordinator, Outreach Services 67,168 1.00 67,168 68,394 68,394 1.00 68,394 Coordinator, Communications 53,997 62,077 62,477 1.00 62,477 62,000 62,000 1.00 62,000 Coordinator, Web & Social Media 16,889 31,308 56,403 1.00 56,403 54,835 55,292 1.00 55,292 Coordinator, Media & Productions 48,376 1.00 48,376 49,213 49,213 1.00 49,213 Web Designer/Developer 55,927 1.00 55,927 57,286 56,288 2.00 112,575 Specialist, Web & Social Media 50,388 0.80 40,310 46,577 52,021 1.00 52,021 Graphics Designer 50,989 0.50 25,495 52,031 52,031 1.00 52,031 Graphics Designer 51,521 1.00 51,521 51,941 51,941 1.00 51,941 Graphics & Web Designer 59,289 52,091 1.00 52,091 54,287 Specialist, Video Production 33,452 0.50 16,726 22,672 34,008 1.00 34,008

Fringe Benefits 233,197 292,674 661,371 661,371 703,035 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (75,173) (39,022) (46,000) (9,945) Limited Term Employment 186,730 Workers' Compensation (12,283) Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 19,282 24,142 21,805

Total $ 683,695 $ 1,001,786 23.80 $ 2,236,041 $ 2,338,367 25.00 $ 2,598,004


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Advertising Production$ 132,972 $ 155,507 $ 155,000 16.57% 13.84% Professional & Technical 54,297 54,297 58,000 6.82% 5.18% Temporary Help-Gen & Adm$ 379 1,776 0.00% Web Software 20,846 18,781 20,191 16,000 -14.81% 1.43% Other Services$ 6,100 33,712 55,219 55,219 50,000 -9.45% 4.47% Graphic Materials 1,964 11,410 10,410 8,000 -29.88% 0.71% Computer Equip < $5,000 6,674 0.00% Promotions 2,500 138,822 159,762 205,000 47.67% 18.31% Publications 162 748 1,076 1,076 500 -53.52% 0.04% Outreach 322,505 522,000 132,000 -59.07% 11.79% Vanpool Shuttles 55,405 55,405 55,000 -0.73% 4.91% Sales Programs 18,799 18,799 18,000 -4.25% 1.61% Telephone 3,452 5,716 6,261 7,713 5,000 -20.14% 0.45% Dues & Subscriptions 315 710 710 600 -15.52% 0.05% Local Travel & Meetings 1,119 759 2,156 2,156 1,500 -30.43% 0.13% Education & Training 2,500 4,385 11,578 11,578 11,500 -0.67% 1.03% Out-of-Town Travel 6,369 11,187 8,958 14,103 12,000 33.96% 1.07% Ad Media Fees 18,274 291,853 291,853 380,000 30.20% 33.94% Chamber Dues/Fees 11,748 11,748 8,000 -31.90% 0.71% Employee Communications 2,310 7,423 3,244 3,244 3,650 12.53% 0.33%

Total $ 22,013 $ 114,882 $ 1,145,792 $ 1,397,547 $ 1,119,750 -2.27% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 4,000,978 $ 3,797,283 $ 2,354,949 $ 2,164,506 $ 2,445,476 3.84% 76.74% Materials & Services 1,530,778 1,741,358 681,578 683,287 741,170 8.74% 23.26%

Total $ 5,531,756 $ 5,538,641 $ 3,036,527 $ 2,847,793 $ 3,186,646 4.94% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Customer Experience Department supports the agency’s 5-Year Action . Provide accessible information regarding service improvements and fare Plan to deliver more and better service by communicating, representing and programs. achieving safety-driven service excellence via an integrated approach to create . Promote technology tools, increasing active use of rider services via web, the best possible experience for our customers. Our focus will remain on key digital displays and mobile devices. initiatives that seek to enhance the ridership experience and build community . Provide timely and relevant customer information, complete quarterly support in alignment with TriMet’s brand position and shared values. service change information across all channels accurately and on-time. . Meet Service Improvement Process (SIP) response targets. Activities:

. Promote, support and provide amenities, tools and service to our riders and prospective customers to enhance the customer experience. . Proactively deliver timely, accurate information to riders via static and dynamic content channels and in response to customer inquiries. . Provide excellent customer service, outreach and information. . Research analysis on regional needs. . Provide accurate and detailed analysis of TriMet rider preferences to support customer friendly initiatives. . Manage TriMet’s fare policies to support revenue generation, access, ridership development and equity.

PA-20 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Customer Information Services: Senior Manager, Customer Information$ 126,822 $ 98,643 $ 108,911 1.00 $ 108,911 $ 31,875 $ 85,000 1.00 $ 85,000 Manager, Marketing & Outreach Services 94,706 74,968 Manager, Creative Services 91,725 95,159 Manager, Multicultural Programs 77,307 78,781 Manager, Customer Information 69,000 70,316 70,966 1.00 70,966 45,130 76,098 1.00 76,098 Manager, IT GIS & Location Based Services 110,704 113,359 Coordinator, Safety Outreach 86,691 89,268 Coordinator, Outreach Services 69,834 70,618 Transportation Options Coordinator 62,578 66,234 Transportation Options Representative 112,454 116,631 Transportation Options Specialist 45,084 47,291 Transportation Options Associate 38,876 40,808 Analyst, Business Systems 72,989 70,031 70,903 1.00 70,903 82,942 1.00 82,942 Administrative Specialist 35,576 29,927 Coordinator, Sr. Comm/Interactive Media 49,908 Coordinator, Customer Communications 38,968 Specialist, Video Production 14,314 Graphics & Web Designer 137,671 51,052 Specialist, Information Development 279,356 281,300 70,345 4.00 281,379 281,379 70,345 4.00 281,380 Supervisor, Document Services 46,238 49,139 Document Services Operator 15,819 16,049 Center Mail Services Clerk 50,438 54,739 Mail Services Clerk 15,819 16,049 Coordinator, Senior Fare Policy Program 75,249 77,236 77,997 1.00 77,997 78,898 78,898 1.00 78,898 Senior Analyst, Research 67,562 69,159 69,824 1.00 69,824 70,777 71,195 1.00 71,195 Web Coordinator 38,001 Analyst, Bus Stops Planner 66,848 68,206 Analyst II, GIS Data 53,646 58,782

PA-21 BUD1 Personnel Services PUBLIC AFFAIRS - CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Fringe Benefits$ 747,646 $ 806,719 $ 267,320 $ 267,320 $ 277,908 Workers' Compensation (1,718) 500 11,284 1,000 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (5,895) (185,506) (28,330) Longevity Premium 1,358 1,358 1,357 Unscheduled Overtime 18,932 10,387 17,417 17,417 17,417 Limited Term Employment 19,872 76,742

Customer Service: Supervisor, Customer Service 62,387 72,177 $ 72,516 1.00 72,516 72,516 $ 72,516 1.00 72,516 Customer Service Representative 273,009 315,440 62,062 7.00 434,437 434,437 62,062 5.00 310,312 Customer Service Representative 62,062 1.00 62,062 62,062 Customer Service Trip Planner 133,552 123,823 45,178 2.00 90,355 Customer Service Trip Planner 45,178 5.00 225,888 Manager, Customer Service 75,960 77,314 78,022 1.00 78,022 79,009 79,009 1.00 79,009 Coordinator, On-Street Customer Service 54,767 61,996 54,748 1.00 54,748 56,430 56,722 1.00 56,722 Assistant, On-Street Customer Service Program 30,203 36,888 36,408 1.00 36,408 37,149 37,149 1.00 37,149 Representative, Field Outreach & Comm. Rels. 83,787 96,295 29,491 5.25 154,826 156,617 31,271 5.25 164,174

Fringe Benefits 452,814 492,196 450,540 450,540 559,560 Workers' Compensation (1,145) 1,000 1,000 10,000 Longevity Premium 1,253 1,253 1,253 Unscheduled Overtime 12,621 9,065 5,682 5,682 5,682 Extra Service Pay 22,711 22,711 16,218 Premium Pay 1,117 1,117 1,117 FY2017 eFare (172,573) Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 13,052 6,875 14,899

Total $ 4,000,978 $ 3,797,283 26.25 $ 2,354,949 $ 2,164,506 30.25 $ 2,445,476


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Customer Information Services: Advertising Production$ 43,026 $ 206,158 0.00% Legal 14,831 7,374 0.00% Professional & Technical 120,095 203,329 0.00% Fare Program 44,043 34,647$ 38,369 $ 38,369 $ 38,752 1.00% 5.23% Consumer Research 111,167 113,655 138,621 138,621 189,807 36.93% 25.61% Temporary Help 9,653 12,311 4,000 0.00% Photocopier Maint - Doc Svcs 19,155 20,340 0.00% Web Software 23,071 0.00% Other Services 52,890 46,970 0.00% Graphics Materials 6,265 7,392 0.00% Schedule & Service Information 106,901 191,741 177,511 179,721 182,912 3.04% 24.68% Office Supplies 4,122 3,892 4,799 1,986 -100.00% 0.00% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 5,000 5,000 -100.00% 0.00% Other Materials 2,420 2,320 0.00% Postage 74,947 75,258 0.00% Microcomputer Software 21 199 0.00% Doc Services Supplies 10,155 11,319 0.00% Promotions 68,228 200,024 0.00% Schedule Books & Map 7,175 16,284 13,986 13,986 10,500 -24.92% 1.42% Outreach 72,059 98,073 0.00% Vanpool Shuttles 34,273 28,936 0.00% Customer Information Materials 12,705 11,009 10,843 10,843 10,951 1.00% 1.48% Sales Programs 20,992 22,883 0.00% Customer Information & Signage 183,039 186,066 206,791 206,791 208,858 1.00% 28.18% Telephone 52,185 55,862 0.00% Dues & Subscriptions 4,560 565 0.00% Chamber Dues/Fees 2,760 6,025 0.00% Local Travel & Meetings 1,443 1,322 0.00% Education & Training 10,132 9,251 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 3,849 13,438 0.00% Media Fees 393,073 133,692 0.00%

Subtotal Customer Information Services: $ 1,509,235 $ 1,720,335 $ 595,919 $ 599,317 $ 641,780


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Customer Service: Uniforms$ 1,094 $ 423 $ 457 0.00% Professional & Technical$ 7,757 7,757 $ 7,070 -8.86% 0.95% Call Center Operations 14,490 1.96% Temporary Help 538 538 544 1.09% 0.07% Other Services 3,725 2,500 2,500 -32.88% 0.34% Office Supplies 533 533 538 0.94% 0.07% Other Materials 3,155 3,155 2,378 -24.63% 0.32% Postage 341 341 344 0.89% 0.05% On Street Customer Service 19,816 18,792 22,698 22,698 22,925 1.00% 3.09% Telephone 41,791 41,791 42,209 1.00% 5.69% Dues & Subscriptions 194 154 300 54.56% 0.04% Education & Training 4,497 2,497 4,542 1.00% 0.61% Customer Service Training 635 1,808 430 1,549 1,550 260.20% 0.21%

Subtotal Customer Service: $ 21,545 $ 21,023 $ 85,659 $ 83,970 $ 99,390

$ 1,530,778 $ 1,741,358 $ 681,578 $ 683,287 $ 741,170 8.74% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Administration $ 218,830 $ 271,427 $ 461,504 Personnel Services$ 478,228 $ 478,228 $ 514,092 48,065 36,920 324,635 Materials & Services 280,477 280,477 280,477 $ 266,895 $ 308,347 $ 786,138 Department Total$ 758,705 $ 758,705 $ 794,569 Planning & Policy $ 777,247 $ 1,161,464 $ 1,250,818 Personnel Services$ 1,283,571 $ 1,283,571 $ 1,118,375 15,620,415 3,865,630 3,591,267 Materials & Services 5,086,712 5,086,712 5,086,712 $ 16,397,662 $ 5,027,094 $ 4,842,084 Department Total$ 6,370,283 $ 6,370,283 $ 6,205,087 GIS & Location Based Services $ 519,462 Personnel Services$ 534,402 $ 534,402 $ 528,951 1,550 Materials & Services 1,566 1,566 1,566 $ 521,012 Department Total$ 535,968 $ 535,968 $ 530,517 Community Affairs $ 72,699 Personnel Services$ 158,648 $ 158,648 $ 158,721 1,000 Materials & Services 1,010 1,010 1,010 $ 73,699 Department Total$ 159,658 $ 159,658 $ 159,731 Government Affairs $ 101,965 $ 110,138 $ 108,652 Personnel Services$ 114,506 $ 114,506 $ 114,580 371,110 388,623 338,618 Materials & Services 342,004 342,004 342,004 $ 473,075 $ 498,761 $ 447,270 Department Total$ 456,510 $ 456,510 $ 456,584 Communications & Marketing $ 683,695 $ 1,001,786 $ 2,236,041 Personnel Services$ 2,596,164 $ 2,596,164 $ 2,598,004 22,013 114,882 1,145,792 Materials & Services 1,119,750 1,119,750 1,119,750 $ 705,708 $ 1,116,668 $ 3,381,833 Department Total$ 3,715,914 $ 3,715,914 $ 3,717,754 Customer Experience $ 4,000,978 $ 3,797,283 $ 2,354,949 Personnel Services$ 2,608,270 $ 2,608,270 $ 2,445,476 1,530,778 1,741,358 681,578 Materials & Services 779,380 779,380 741,170 $ 5,531,756 $ 5,538,641 $ 3,036,527 Department Total$ 3,387,650 $ 3,387,650 $ 3,186,646 Division Total $ 5,782,715 $ 6,342,098 $ 7,004,125 Personnel Services$ 7,773,789 $ 7,773,789 $ 7,478,199 17,592,381 6,147,413 6,084,439 Materials & Services 7,610,899 7,610,899 7,572,689

$ 23,375,096 $ 12,489,511 $ 13,088,564 Total Public Affairs$ 15,384,688 $ 15,384,688 $ 15,050,888


Type of % of Budget Grant TriMet Funding Position Title Federal Funding Position 16/17 Share Share

Surface Transportation Program Manager, Marketing & Outreach Services 89.73% 0.25$ 29,705 $ 26,654 $ 3,051 Surface Transportation Program Transportation Operations Coordinator 89.73% 1.00 93,236 83,661 9,575 Surface Transportation Program Transportation Options Representative 89.73% 1.00 89,410 80,228 9,182 Surface Transportation Program Transportation Options Representative 89.73% 1.00 78,193 70,163 8,030 Surface Transportation Program Transportation Options Specialist 89.73% 1.00 74,105 66,494 7,611 Surface Transportation Program Transportation Options Associate 89.73% 1.00 66,705 59,854 6,851 Metro Intergovernmental Agreement Analyst, GIS Data 20.93% 1.00 86,226 18,046 68,180

6.25$ 517,580 $ 405,100 $ 112,480


Type of % of Budget Grant TriMet Funding Expense Category Federal Funding 16/17 Share Share

Job Access Reverse Commute Formula* Program Services - Job Access 50.00%$ 800,000 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Section 5310 Elderly & Disabled Funds Federal 5310 Program 80.00% 2,000,000 1,600,000 400,000 State 5310 Funds for Elderly & Disabled East County U-Ride 89.73% 121,394 108,927 12,467 State 5310 Funds for Elderly & Disabled Tualatin Shuttle 89.73% 57,500 51,595 5,905 State 5310 Funds for Elderly & Disabled Ride Connection Network 89.73% 82,330 73,875 8,455 State 5310 Funds for Elderly & Disabled Mobility Management 89.73% 50,000 44,865 5,135 Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Funds North Hillsboro Link Job Shuttle 50.00% 304,140 152,070 152,070

$ 3,415,364 $ 2,431,331 $ 984,033

*TriMet's share is "in-kind".


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PA-28 Division Summary SAFETY & SECURITY

Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,320,031 $ 1,434,265 $ 1,659,679 $ 1,482,403 $ 6,169,799 271.75% 28.11% Materials & Services 12,324,085 12,554,298 14,838,573 14,889,981 15,782,783 6.36% 71.89%

Total $ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 $ 16,372,384 $ 21,952,582 33.06% 100.00%

Page Safety & Security Division Division Summary …………………………………………………………………SS-1 Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training …………………… SS-2


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,320,031 $ 1,434,265 $ 1,659,679 $ 1,482,403 $ 6,169,799 271.75% 28.11% Materials & Services 12,324,085 12,554,298 14,838,573 14,889,981 15,782,783 6.36% 71.89%

Total $ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 $ 16,372,384 $ 21,952,582 33.06% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

The Safety, Security, Environmental & Transportation Training . Security Department is responsible for leading the entire TriMet organization in creating - TriMet transit police, transit security officers, and deputy district a culture of safety and service excellence, in which safety is the fundamental attorney. value, which guides all agency decisions. - Continually identify, assess and resolve transit security threats and vulnerabilities; collect, analyze security data and intelligence. Activities: - Security Program Plan. - Employee security awareness and training development. . Safety - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) - Safety Management System Plan. incorporated into TriMet projects. - Data information, acquisition/analysis and reporting. - Security certification and program audits. - Construction and fire/life safety. - Emergency preparedness, plans, organization equipment training and - Training and committees. procedures, exercises/evaluations for readiness to perform the - Assurance, audits and inspections. prevention, protection, response and recovery capabilities applicable - Certification. to mass transit employees and operations during catastrophic natural - Coordinate and integrate TriMet emergency plans with emergency - Hazard identification, evaluation and analysis. disasters or terrorist attacks. - Occupational Safety and Health. response management jurisdictions in TriMet’s service area. - Substance abuse management. - DHS transit security grants. - Interface with regulatory agencies. . Transportation Training . Environmental Services - Initial and re-certification training programs for bus and light rail - Chemical hazardous waste management, tracking and reporting operators. - Industrial Wastewater/Stormwater management, sampling, maintenance and reporting. Performance Measures: - Underground Injection Well program management. - Under- and above-ground storage tank testing, maintenance and . TriMet workplace safety incident rates at or below transit industry reporting. standards and rates of comparable mass transit agencies. - Air emissions management and reporting. . Reported crimes per 100,000 riders. - Environmental clean-up and spill response. . Sustain or improve TriMet customer perception of safety and security. . Fulfill all FTA and DHS safety and security program and environmental regulation certification requirements.

*Effective March 2016 the Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in the Safety & Security Division had some expenses moved from the Bus Transportation and Rail Transportation Departments in the Operations Division.

SS-2 BUD1 Personnel Services SAFETY & SECURITY - SAFETY, SECURITY, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES & TRANSPORTATION TRAINING 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Administration: Executive Director, Safety & Security$ 155,000 $ 157,999 $ 159,465 1.00$ 159,465 $ 162,740 $ 162,740 1.00$ 162,740

Fringe Benefits 22,423 23,023 39,486 39,486 40,908

Safety: Director, Safety Mgmt & Environmental Services 102,179 123,025 1.00 123,025 Manager, Construction Safety & Risk 96,456 97,372 1.00 97,372 16,418 Manager, Safety Assurance & Training 91,000 124,363 94,068 1.00 94,068 Manager, Emergency Management 75,634 86,486 1.00 86,486 13,833 83,000 1.00 83,000 Specialist, Senior Systems Safety 85,981 80,998 81,718 1.00 81,718 81,723 85,750 1.00 85,750 Specialist, System Safety 71,148 74,564 70,962 2.00 141,925 157,157 74,449 3.00 223,348 Specialist, Safety Data Management 60,000 64,056 64,905 1.00 64,905 46,944 55,600 1.00 55,600 Administrator, Drug & Alcohol Testing Program 58,046 61,129 61,858 1.00 61,858 66,381 71,000 1.00 71,000 Specialist, Drug & Alcohol Program 51,173 53,399 50,933 1.00 50,933 51,823 52,062 1.00 52,062

Fringe Benefits 201,810 225,582 255,614 255,614 267,170 Workers' Compensation 1,728 9,000 3,000 Unscheduled Overtime 1,579 2,352 3,277 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (85,511) (0.75) (82,981) (82,981) (100,354)

Security: Coordinator, Crime Prevention & Data Analysis 82,878 83,862 70,997 1.00 70,997 70,997 70,997 1.00 70,997 Coordinator, Safety & Security 41,529 54,949 55,670 1.00 55,670 58,511 62,000 1.00 62,000 Coordinator, Exclusions 49,795 50,755 51,226 1.00 51,226 52,302 55,994 1.00 55,994 Administrative Assistant 29,042 47,143 1.00 47,143 40,331 40,602 1.00 40,602

Fringe Benefits 94,382 98,895 103,640 103,640 109,195 Longevity Premium 3,758 3,758 3,758 Unscheduled Overtime 11,096 10,120 7,918 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 30,977 48,596 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 12,169 7,927 23,649

SS-3 BUD1 Personnel Services SAFETY & SECURITY - SAFETY, SECURITY, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES & TRANSPORTATION TRAINING 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Environmental Services: Manager, Environmental Services$ 57,248 $ 93,915 $ 94,808 1.00$ 94,808 $ 97,081 $ 97,081 1.00$ 97,081 Coordinator, Environmental 74,585 61,385 70,538 1.00 70,538 71,260 71,260 1.00 71,260

Fringe Benefits 34,724 71,205 58,904 58,903 61,548

Bus Transportation Training: Manager, Transportation Operations Training 94,781 1.00 94,781 Assistant Manager, Transportation Training 78,011 1.00 78,011 Administrative Specialist 57,366 1.00 57,366 Training Supervisor 73,896 18.00 1,330,134 Training Supervisor 73,896 9.00 665,067

Fringe Benefits 965,892 Workers' Compensation 100,000 Longevity Premium 38,611 Unscheduled Overtime - Non-Op. 187,769

Rail Transportation Training: Assistant Manager, Transportation Training 82,099 1.00 82,099 Training Supervisor 73,896 4.00 295,585 Training Supervisor 73,896 4.00 295,585

Fringe Benefits 285,188 Workers' Compensation 31,000 Longevity Premium 10,000 Unscheduled Overtime - Non-Op. 5,844

FY2017 Control Center (53,095) Capitalized Labor/Fringe (4,819) (11,967)

Total $ 1,320,031 $ 1,434,265 15.25 $ 1,659,679 $ 1,482,403 55.00 $ 6,169,799


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Safety: Internal Safety Audits$ 14,931 $ 31,426 $ 31,000 -100.00% 0.00% Professional & Technical 85,709$ 40,115 340,205 285,000 $ 470,000 38.15% 2.98% Drug and Alcohol Testing 72,659 92,900 78,566 83,746 119,351 51.91% 0.76% Safety Occupational Services 88,254 105,632 89,041 120,670 -100.00% 0.00% Rail Safety Oversight 226,809 26,774 0.00% Temporary Help-Trans Adm 2,215 30,710 0.19% Other Services 20,937 27,080 37,486 7,917 -100.00% 0.00% Office Supplies 1,603 4,081 1,027 6,200 12,666 1133.30% 0.08% Other Materials 6,607 19,664 5,443 6,854 -100.00% 0.00% Computer Equipment < $5,000 4,499 4,486 1,000 2,500 0.02% Safety Supplies 90 0.00% Telephone 5,694 11,863 7,333 7,333 7,000 -4.54% 0.04% Dues & Subscriptions 1,505 1,921 2,054 2,906 750 -63.49% 0.00% Education & Training 5,763 6,550 9,243 6,027 9,335 1.00% 0.06% Out-of-Town Travel 8,783 28,872 9,428 20,112 21,100 123.80% 0.13% Employee Recognition 84 68 250 196.86% 0.00% Special Event Expenses 750 999 750 0.00%

Subtotal Safety: $ 544,594 $ 373,152 $ 611,335 $ 579,583 $ 673,662

Security: Temporary Help 48,568 65,864 65,000 20,000 0.13% Security Services 7,995,950 8,247,088 11,111,898 10,850,802 11,622,804 4.60% 73.65% Deputy DA Contract 191,070 208,308 208,373 208,373 212,408 1.94% 1.35% Other Services - Security 1,657,259 1,773,308 1,362,028 1,601,428 1,511,471 10.97% 9.58% Building Security Maintenance 129,608 116,790 60,224 205,000 200,000 232.09% 1.27% Exclusion & Tow Hearings 136,530 98,384 187,941 65,000 100,000 -46.79% 0.63% Canine Program 519,165 536,547 531,986 500,000 500,000 -6.01% 3.17% Street Level Gang Outreach Program 42,512 103,000 103,000 111,470 8.22% 0.71% Anti-Terrorism Team 627,436 609,877 303,375 300,000 300,000 -1.11% 1.90% Other Services 24,015 29,072 15,857 14,000 -100.00% 0.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Office Supplies$ 7,342 $ 16,687 $ 3,697 $ 2,697 $ 8,666 134.39% 0.05% Other Materials 5,537 3,211 1,027 600 -100.00% 0.00% Computer Equipment < $5,000 13,547 12,295 2,193 2,500 0.02% Telephone 3,165 3,458 3,697 3,697 4,000 8.19% 0.03% Dues & Subscriptions 365 215 750 0.00% Assault Reward 851 200 0.00% Local Travel & Meetings 568 616 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 3,500 0.02%

Subtotal Security: $ 11,360,408 $ 11,764,184 $ 13,893,104 $ 13,922,606 $ 14,597,569

Environmental Services: Environmental Consulting 23,817 62,420 26,702 10,000 26,702 0.00% 0.17% Contracted Maintenance - Environmental 20,052 15,215 26,702 10,000 26,969 1.00% 0.17% Environmental Services 60,119 22,844 39,026 30,000 39,416 1.00% 0.25% Waste Disposal Services 306,375 302,574 228,898 330,000 347,330 51.74% 2.20% Office Supplies 413 535 1,027 927 4,666 354.33% 0.03% Equip/Furn < $5,000-Gen & Adm 210 0.00% Computer Equipment < $5,000 340 99 2,000 0.01% Environmental Materials 3,440 10,332 7,703 2,500 8,408 9.16% 0.05% "Green Team" Materials 2,705 1,344 1,612 2,000 -100.00% 0.00% Telephone 871 1,160 2,465 2,365 2,500 1.43% 0.02% Local Travel & Meetings 951 229 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 3,061 0.01%

Subtotal Environmental Services: $ 419,083 $ 416,962 $ 334,134 $ 387,792 $ 461,052

Bus Transportation Training: Accident Review/Investigations 6,000 0.04% Temporary Help-Trans Adm 10,000 0.06% Other Services 1,000 0.01% Office Supplies 6,000 0.04% Other Materials 10,000 0.06% Operator Training Materials 4,800 0.03% Telephone 8,000 0.05%

Subtotal Bus Transportation Training: $ 45,800


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Rail Transportation Training: Operator Training Materials $ 1,200 0.01% Other Services 500 0.00% Office Supplies 2,000 0.01% Other Materials 1,000 0.01%

Subtotal Rail Transportation Training: $ 4,700

$ 12,324,085 $ 12,554,298 $ 14,838,573 $ 14,889,981 $ 15,782,783 6.36%. 100.01%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training $ 1,320,031 $ 1,434,265 $ 1,659,679 Personnel Services$ 1,667,672 $ 1,667,672 $ 6,169,799 12,324,085 12,554,298 14,838,573 Materials & Services 15,788,183 15,788,183 15,782,783 $ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 Department Total$ 17,455,855 $ 17,455,855 $ 21,952,582

Division Total $ 1,320,031 $ 1,434,265 $ 1,659,679 Personnel Services$ 1,667,672 $ 1,667,672 $ 6,169,799 12,324,085 12,554,298 14,838,573 Materials & Services 15,788,183 15,788,183 15,782,783

$ 13,644,116 $ 13,988,563 $ 16,498,252 Total Safety & Security$ 17,455,855 $ 17,455,855 $ 21,952,582


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 4,480,576 $ 5,344,664 $ 5,959,136 $ 5,850,259 $ 6,612,961 10.97% 59.80% Materials & Services 1,845,833 2,289,427 2,262,489 2,195,634 4,444,578 96.45% 40.20%

Total $ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 $ 8,045,893 $ 11,057,539 34.49% 100.00%

Page Information Technology Division Division Summary ………………………………………………………………IT-1 Information Technology ………………………………………………………………IT-2


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 4,480,576 $ 5,344,664 $ 5,959,136 $ 5,850,259 $ 6,612,961 10.97% 59.80% Materials & Services 1,845,833 2,289,427 2,262,489 2,195,634 4,444,578 96.45% 40.20%

Total $ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 $ 8,045,893 $ 11,057,539 34.49% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Information Technology Department is responsible for managing . Network and server availability exceeding 96% uptime, measured on a information resources including corporate data, computing tools and networks 24-hour basis using industry criteria. used to carry out agency-wide business processes and management goals. . Maintain a technical service request resolution rate of 95% per week with an average completion time not exceeding four (4) hours. Activities: . IT project selection and execution is closely aligned with the agency’s strategic goals and priorities. . Technical support. . Consulting services. . Business process analysis. . Data modeling and design. . Shared data repository. . System development standards. . Project development and maintenance. . Hardware and software acquisition. . Metropolitan-wide networks. . Desktop connectivity, e-mail and Internet. . Telephones and voice-mail. . System and network security. . Application training and support.

IT-2 BUD1 Personnel Services INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Chief Information Officer$ 149,376 $ 163,726 $ 156,414 1.00$ 156,414 $ 164,800 $ 166,416 1.00$ 166,416

Administration: Manager, Information Security 116,140 0.50 58,070 Senior Administrative Assistant 51,854 40,694 53,427 1.00 53,427 53,186 53,373 1.00 53,373

Enterprise Systems Development: Manager, Enterprise Systems 110,926 112,892 113,925 1.00 113,925 116,062 116,582 1.00 116,582 Senior Software Engineer/Architect 296,347 416,284 105,795 4.50 476,080 431,483 107,639 5.00 538,195 Senior Development-Ops Engineer 105,000 1.00 105,000 Software Engineer 104,253 191,298 97,881 3.00 293,643 300,431 97,716 2.00 195,431 Software Engineer - Web Applications 93,225 94,487 95,319 1.00 95,319 95,681 95,681 1.00 95,681 Software Engineer - Web Applications 321,775 310,617 87,829 3.00 263,486 234,529 92,659 3.00 277,977 Analyst, IT Systems 80,520 210,436 74,296 3.00 222,888 199,682 82,117 3.00 246,351

Oracle Application Technology: Manager, Oracle Technology 134,323 136,802 138,062 1.00 138,062 103,766 138,000 1.00 138,000 Oracle Applications DBA 236,181 223,966 117,091 3.00 351,272 311,073 122,580 3.00 367,740 Oracle Database Architect 121,381 126,036 120,258 1.00 120,258 122,937 123,670 1.00 123,670 Oracle Applications Developer V 114,201 116,310 117,381 1.00 117,381 119,528 120,240 1.00 120,240 Oracle Applications Developer IV 112,765 115,371 105,841 1.00 105,841 107,981 108,710 1.00 108,710

Operations Systems: Manager, Intelligent Transportation Systems 116,816 123,472 117,803 1.00 117,803 119,872 119,872 1.00 119,872 Engineer IV, Communications 116,140 1.00 116,140 Sr. ITS Softw Syst Eng Arch IV-CAD/AVL 105,198 109,204 108,127 1.00 108,127 73,046 102,211 1.00 102,211 Sr. ITS Softw Syst Eng Arch IV-Rail 81,106 93,812 94,712 1.00 94,712 103,240 103,907 1.00 103,907 Sr. ITS Software Systems Engineer-eFare 12,342 113,150 1.00 113,150 105,199 105,603 1.00 105,603 Sr. ITS Engineer/Arch IV-Vehicle Tech 90,455 100,629 92,659 1.00 92,659 95,058 96,045 1.00 96,045 Sr. ITS Softw Syst Eng Arch IV-Fare Coll 87,588 88,650 84,539 1.00 84,539 85,320 85,320 1.00 85,320 ITS Software Systems Engineer III-CAD/AVL 87,980 97,799 90,001 1.00 90,001 91,525 92,107 1.00 92,107 ITS Software Systems Engineer III-Rail 82,459 69,231 80,615 1.00 80,615 86,635 87,391 1.00 87,391 ITS Software Systems Engineer III-ATP 84,756 85,851 86,603 1.00 86,603 86,973 86,973 1.00 86,973

IT-3 BUD1 Personnel Services INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Networks & Communications: Manager, Network Communications$ 116,229 $ 117,946 $ 118,997 1.00 $ 118,997 $ 119,860 $ 119,860 1.00 $ 119,860 Network Communications Engineer III 100,460 104,846 100,775 1.00 100,775 101,926 101,926 1.00 101,926 Network Communications Engineer III 85,893 80,750 93,156 1.50 139,734 97,988 97,988 1.00 97,988 Telecommunications Engineer III 79,066 92,316 82,861 1.00 82,861 34,167 82,942 1.00 82,942 Telecommunications Eng III-Voice Systems 75,439 76,624 77,658 1.00 77,658 78,819 79,203 1.00 79,203

PC Support Services: Manager, Technical Services 108,790 117,024 113,870 1.00 113,870 116,007 116,526 1.00 116,526 Systems Engineer III-Linux Server 94,000 97,297 98,323 1.00 98,323 58,055 90,344 1.00 90,344 Systems Engineer III-CCTV 82,000 85,217 86,143 1.00 86,143 89,087 89,525 1.00 89,525 Systems Engineer III-VMware Server 70,516 85,187 86,275 1.00 86,275 89,066 89,505 1.00 89,505 Systems Engineer III-Exchange Server 78,753 70,248 82,652 1.00 82,652 84,933 85,406 1.00 85,406 Systems Engineer III, Server 78,730 1.00 78,730 60,560 81,120 1.00 81,120 Engineer, Desktop Systems 67,584 68,530 69,136 1.00 69,136 70,335 70,810 1.00 70,810 Supervisor, Technical Support 69,352 70,646 71,298 1.00 71,298 73,066 73,783 1.00 73,783 Specialist II, Technical Support 63,122 63,574 63,656 1.00 63,656 64,480 64,480 1.00 64,480 Specialist II, Technical Support 53,019 102,879 52,421 2.00 104,842 108,524 54,652 2.00 109,304

Fringe Benefits 1,157,081 1,510,220 1,577,169 1,577,169 1,705,066 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (500,852) (429,013) (551,292) (296,981) (379,163) Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 122,939 171,842 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 39,931 101,956 44,919 Workers' Compensation 15,847 (10,086) 16,000 10,000 1,000 Unscheduled Overtime 791 550 3,235 3,235 9,570

Total $ 4,480,576 $ 5,344,664 50.00 $ 5,959,136 $ 5,850,259 51.50 $ 6,612,961


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Legal$ (400) 0.00% PCI Compliance Audit 12,500 $ 12,500 0.00% Professional & Technical 95,110 121,159 $ 464,443 $ 200,000 $ 597,321 28.61% 13.44% Warranty Costs 890,519 20.04% OCC Support Services 65,000 -100.00% 0.00% Temporary Help 158,334 358,538 20,000 38,375 20,200 1.00% 0.45% Microcomputer Maintenance Service 3,999 3,280 3,500 3,500 3,535 1.00% 0.08% Communications Systems Maintenance 297,081 390,906 418,900 430,000 518,089 23.68% 11.66% Hardware Maintenance 163,276 165,025 135,000 172,000 175,000 29.63% 3.94% Software Maintenance-CCTV Systems 37,224 49,589 41,452 42,000 38,092 -8.11% 0.86% Contracted Maintenance - Fare Equipment 174,000 3.91% Other Services 14,740 14,532 7,400 6,436 14,800 100.00% 0.33% Office Supplies 5,181 950 2,000 1,100 1,150 -42.50% 0.03% Other Materials 15,851 7,811 5,000 13,548 17,000 240.00% 0.38% Microcomputer Software 25,834 10,786 7,500 15,000 7,575 1.00% 0.17% PCI Compliance Equipment 13,980 23,555 39,588 25,000 29,984 -24.26% 0.67% Microcomputer Maintenance Material 33,551 18,231 7,700 16,500 16,777 117.88% 0.38% Telephone 15,372 7,108 8,500 15,395 10,585 24.53% 0.24% Network Access Services 40,410 63,800 50,188 50,041 51,420 2.45% 1.16% Dues & Subscriptions 1,996 6,642 2,500 7,836 8,025 221.00% 0.18% Local Travel & Meetings 1,455 345 1,130 492 742 -34.34% 0.02% Education & Training 20,518 14,889 15,000 23,331 22,150 47.67% 0.50% Out-of-Town Travel 12,860 16,130 15,000 15,000 19,150 27.67% 0.43% Employee Recognition 235 240 80 242 0.83% 0.01% Software License Fees 876,961 1,003,416 952,448 1,120,000 1,828,222 91.95% 41.12%

Total $ 1,845,833 $ 2,289,427 $ 2,262,489 $ 2,195,634 $ 4,444,578 96.45% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Information Technology $ 4,480,576 $ 5,344,664 $ 5,959,136 Personnel Services$ 6,569,683 $ 6,569,683 $ 6,612,961 1,845,833 2,289,427 2,262,489 Materials & Services 4,331,814 4,331,814 4,444,578 $ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 Department Total$ 10,901,497 $ 10,901,497 $ 11,057,539 Division Total $ 4,480,576 $ 5,344,664 $ 5,959,136 Personnel Services$ 6,569,683 $ 6,569,683 $ 6,612,961 1,845,833 2,289,427 2,262,489 Materials & Services 4,331,814 4,331,814 4,444,578

$ 6,326,409 $ 7,634,091 $ 8,221,625 Total Information Technology$ 10,901,497 $ 10,901,497 $ 11,057,539


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 6,904,858 $ 7,585,746 $ 9,674,351 $ 9,632,048 $ 10,193,170 5.36% 56.50% Materials & Services 6,516,612 6,921,043 5,599,981 4,804,118 7,846,291 40.11% 43.50%

Total $ 13,421,471 $ 14,506,789 $ 15,274,332 $ 14,436,166 $ 18,039,461 18.10% 100.00%

Page Finance & Administration Division Division Summary ………………………………………………………………FA-1 Administration ………………………………………………………………FA-2 Financial Services ………………………………………………………………FA-5 Budget & Grants Administration …………………………………………FA-8 Insurance Programs ………………………………………………………………FA-11 Procurement & Contracts ………………………………………………………………FA-14 Fare Revenue ………………………………………………………………FA-17

*In FY2016/2017 the Risk Management Department was renamed the Insurance Programs Department.


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 314,676 $ 365,131 $ 410,522 $ 324,139 $ 437,421 6.55% 61.52% Materials & Services 1,192,334 1,142,160 270,942 260,229 273,651 1.00% 38.48%

Total $ 1,507,010 $ 1,507,291 $ 681,464 $ 584,368 $ 711,072 4.34% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Finance & Administration Department is responsible for managing . Accurate and timely communication of financial issues with General agency financial activities, assuring effective financial controls and planning Manager and Board. for future financial requirements. Activities in support of these responsibilities . Publication of accurate and timely agency financial reports with no include: material audit findings. . Strategic financial planning. . Enforcement of appropriate financial controls to assure safety of . Financial analysis and forecasting. District assets, including implementation of cash and fare revenue . Budget preparation and monitoring. policies. . Capital planning and project financing. . Publication of annual District budget consistent with state law, and . Accounting for agency assets and activities. assurance of ongoing compliance. . Payroll and related functions. . Implementation of debt and lease programs to meet agency capital . Cash management and investments. needs. . Debt management and compliance. . Enforcement of procurement and contracting process consistent with . Contracts and procurement. Board policy and FTA requirements. . Grants administration and reporting. . Establishment of appropriate risk management programs, including . Workers’ Compensation program. commercial and self-insurance. . Public Liability claims and agency risk management. . Accurate reporting of District defined benefit pension plan assets and . Defined benefit pension plan accounting and oversight. liabilities and oversight of plans.

. Deferred compensation (457) plan and defined contribution (401a) plan . Management of agency’s deferred compensation plan and defined management and oversight. contribution plan to ensure compliance with fiduciary duties. . Fare system and revenue collection controls and oversight.

FA-2 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - ADMINISTRATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget ------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Executive Director, Finance & Admin (CFO)$ 175,003 $ 213,029 $ 186,423 1.00 $ 186,423 $ 190,543 $ 190,543 1.00 $ 190,543 Executive Administrative Assistant 59,542 60,915 61,497 1.00 61,497 63,138 63,419 1.00 63,419

Fringe Benefits 80,130 89,636 70,458 70,458 72,924 Workers' Compensation 1,551 1,500 1,000 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 89,047 107,791 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 1,597 1,744

Total $ 314,676 $ 365,131 2.00 $ 410,522 $ 324,139 2.00 $ 437,421


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Legal$ 115,054 $ 6,539 $ 35,000 $ 35,350 $ 35,350 1.00% 12.92% Professional & Technical 59,108 172,106 173,827 173,827 1.00% 63.52% Recruitment Expense 472 150 150 0.05% Office Equipment Service 262 265 1.15% 0.10% Other Services 12,438 12,106 15,000 15,000 15,150 1.00% 5.54% Office Supplies 1,617 2,553 450 424 455 1.11% 0.17% Other Materials 41 2,000 2,000 2,020 1.00% 0.74% Telephone 244 633 1,200 550 700 -41.67% 0.26% Phys. Damage/Property/Casualty Insur. 656,342 714,722 0.00% Railroad Liability Insur: Steel Bridge 98,201 84,554 0.00% Excess Liability Insurance 241,245 277,006 0.00% Self-Insurance WC/Excess WC 17,259 0.00% Dues & Subscriptions 900 1,095 2,000 1,500 2,020 1.00% 0.74% Local Travel 195 42 0.00% Education & Training 125 220 2,500 1,000 2,525 1.00% 0.92% Out-of-Town Travel 6,824 24,531 40,000 30,000 40,761 1.90% 14.89% Employee Recognition 428 424 428 428 0.94% 0.15%

Total $ 1,192,334 $ 1,142,160 $ 270,942 $ 260,229 $ 273,651 1.00% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,628,677 $ 1,743,751 $ 1,827,872 $ 1,839,202 $ 2,075,883 13.57% 91.21% Materials & Services 126,303 139,584 279,756 230,500 200,009 -28.51% 8.79%

Total $ 1,754,980 $ 1,883,335 $ 2,107,628 $ 2,069,702 $ 2,275,892 7.98% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Financial Services Department is responsible for the day-to-day financial . There should be no material audit findings generated by TriMet’s annual activities of TriMet. The department combines the following major functions: external audit. . Monthly financial reports should be prepared in a timely manner. . Accounting. . Payroll and pension payments should be processed accurately and in a . Payroll and pension. timely manner. . Cash and asset management controls in place and operating effectively. Activities: . Controls over pension payments implemented and operating effectively. . Lease compliance procedures performed in a timely manner, including . Financial reporting. periodic terminations according to schedule. . Grant accounting. . Development and evaluation of self insurance reserves. . Capital asset accounting. . Cash management, investing and cash flow analysis. . Accounts Receivable and revenue accounting. . Accounts Payable and disbursements. . Payroll and pension processing. . Pension accounting. . Employee benefit accounting. . Federal and State tax reporting. . Wage assignments and attachments.

FA-5 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - FINANCIAL SERVICES 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Financial Services$ 121,132 $ 124,739 $ 123,109 1.00 $ 123,109 $ 136,341 $ 140,145 1.00 $ 140,145 Manager, Accounting 92,000 94,548 95,489 1.00 95,489 99,372 98,550 1.00 98,550 Sr Financial Systems Business Analyst 111,996 114,408 109,179 1.00 109,179 110,736 110,736 1.00 110,736 Analyst, Grant Compliance 78,000 81,701 Sr Financial Analyst III-Grants 60,500 63,293 64,014 1.00 64,014 69,566 72,098 1.00 72,098 Administrator, Pension and Retirement 56,268 57,565 58,117 1.00 58,117 58,482 73,000 1.00 73,000 Financial Accountant-Cash/Invest/Pension 63,178 66,800 67,465 1.00 67,465 69,324 68,751 1.00 68,751 Financial Accountant 56,911 58,778 59,069 1.00 59,069 59,791 59,791 1.00 59,791 Revenue Accountant 50,425 59,517 58,124 1.00 58,124 59,987 59,987 1.00 59,988 Revenue Accountant - eFare 58,514 1.00 58,515 Finance Assistant 41,434 42,375 42,758 1.00 42,758 43,597 43,805 1.00 43,805 Senior Accounts Payable Clerk 68,090 70,133 69,067 1.00 69,067 69,067 69,067 1.00 69,067 Finance Clerk (Accounting) 117,784 122,368 61,721 2.00 123,442 123,442 61,721 1.00 61,721 Finance Clerk (Accounting) 61,721 1.00 61,721 Senior Payroll Clerk 135,097 143,089 69,067 2.00 138,134 138,134 69,067 1.00 69,067 Senior Payroll Clerk 69,067 1.00 69,067 Finance Clerk (Payroll) 59,388 66,387 61,721 1.00 61,721 61,721 Finance Clerk (Payroll) 47,837 54,762 61,721 1.00 61,721 61,721 61,721 3.00 185,163 Timekeeper 73,220 79,208 76,120 1.50 114,179 114,179 76,120 1.50 114,180

Fringe Benefits 484,155 504,812 510,284 510,284 592,840 Workers' Compensation 8,000 2,000 Longevity Premium 4,594 4,594 6,803 Unscheduled Overtime 30,602 35,988 50,603 50,603 48,285 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 8,803 18,239 10,590 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (119,340) (96,722) (19,978)

Total $ 1,628,677 $ 1,743,751 17.50 $ 1,827,872 $ 1,839,202 19.50 $ 2,075,883


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Legal$ (8) $ 299 $ 90,000 $ 20,000 10.00% Professional & Technical 6,094 17,716 $ 33,000 33,000 26,042 -21.08% 13.02% Banking Charges 47,220 50,011 133,510 50,000 80,000 -40.08% 40.00% Temporary Help 32,179 34,091 42,046 -100.00% 0.00% Other Services 16,232 9,617 20,000 21,500 21,774 8.87% 10.89% Office Supplies 11,484 7,818 9,000 8,000 8,000 -11.11% 4.00% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 270 2,855 10,000 5,000 -50.00% 2.50% Other Materials 4,455 5,399 5,000 1,300 2,500 -50.00% 1.25% Telephone 1,016 995 1,200 900 1,000 -16.67% 0.50% Dues & Subscriptions 2,910 3,213 5,000 6,000 7,500 50.00% 3.75% Local Travel & Meetings 120 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 678 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.50% Education & Training 4,333 6,700 20,000 18,000 26,193 30.97% 13.10% Fines & Penalties - Payroll 192 800 1,000 0.49%

Total $ 126,303 $ 139,584 $ 279,756 $ 230,500 $ 200,009 -28.51% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 393,418 $ 401,398 $ 714,584 $ 655,765 $ 723,737 1.28% 80.88% Materials & Services 2,805,633 3,194,065 169,374 168,779 171,068 1.00% 19.12%

Total $ 3,199,051 $ 3,595,463 $ 883,958 $ 824,544 $ 894,805 1.23% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Budget & Grants Administration Department is responsible for major . Financial forecast document and budget manual prepared by mid- functions: Agency financial planning, forecasting and budgeting, performance December each year to begin the budget process. Includes revenue and reporting and analysis, fare revenue analysis and grants administration. ridership forecasts based on best available information.

. Communication with senior management regarding financial forecast and Activities: budgetary implications throughout the year. . Budget document completed annually on schedule to meet Oregon budget . Financial planning, forecasting and analysis. law requirements. . Budget preparation. . Accurate and topical analysis of monthly performance statistics delivered . Federal, state, local grant and financial reporting. monthly to the Board. . Grant applications/compliance and grants management. . Initiate grant development process timely for formula grants. . Passenger revenue analysis and forecasting. . Seek grant opportunities weekly and forward notices of funding . Capital Asset Management and Investment Program preparation. opportunities to appropriate staff. Follow-up and assist staff with grant . Monthly Performance Report and Dashboard. production if needed. . Monthly National Transit Database (NTD) reporting. . Respond to such information/analysis requests from colleagues within 24 . Annual National Transit Database (NTD) coordination and submission. hours with an estimate of when the analysis can be completed. . New Starts Financial Forecast and Operating and Maintenance reports completed as required by deadlines.

FA-8 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - BUDGET & GRANTS ADMINISTRATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Budget & Grants$ 140,147 $ 105,154 $ 146,511 1.00 $ 146,511 $ 146,400 $ 148,302 1.00 $ 148,302 Analyst, Sr Financial IV - IT Specialist 84,750 83,441 83,100 1.00 83,100 85,027 85,527 1.00 85,527 Analyst, Sr Financial III - Budget & Forecasting 74,939 79,449 82,297 0.94 77,154 79,362 85,186 0.94 79,862 Analyst, Sr Financial III - Budget & Forecasting 75,735 80,301 80,133 1.00 80,133 83,735 84,235 1.00 84,235 Administrator, Grants 80,958 1.00 80,958 50,664 76,000 1.00 76,000 Analyst, Financial 26,592 81,335 0.75 61,001 33,080 56,823 1.00 56,823

Fringe Benefits 90,814 109,511 181,183 181,183 187,807 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 4,544 5,181 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (99,559) (56,459) (3,686)

Total $ 393,418 $ 401,398 5.69 $ 714,584 $ 655,765 5.94 $ 723,737


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 8,258 $ 51,350 $ 51,350 $ 50,000 -2.63% 29.23% Economic Forecasts$ 22,788 19,226 25,675 25,675 27,000 5.16% 15.78% Ridership Counts & Surveys 31,780 11,878 56,620 56,620 50,000 -11.69% 29.23% Ride Connection Program 1,027,177 1,021,081 0.00% Contracted Services-State STF 321,135 649,478 0.00% Accessibility Services-5310 1,386,630 1,460,024 0.00% Other Services 13,759 21,340 25,463 25,463 27,000 6.04% 15.78% Office Supplies 173 196 196 1,000 410.20% 0.58% Other Materials 401 311 1,318 750 1,028 -22.00% 0.60% Telephone 239 234 1,027 1,000 1,040 1.27% 0.61% Dues & Subscriptions 1,495 260 2,725 2,725 4,000 46.79% 2.34% Local Travel & Meetings 32 0.00% Education & Training 58 1,943 5,000 5,000 10,000 100.00% 5.85%

Total $ 2,805,633 $ 3,194,065 $ 169,374 $ 168,779 $ 171,068 1.00% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 466,353 $ 499,745 $ 478,721 $ 506,812 $ 505,849 5.67% 13.78% Materials & Services 33,446 34,428 1,621,186 1,446,884 3,163,837 95.16% 86.22%

Total $ 499,799 $ 534,173 $ 2,099,906 $ 1,953,696 $ 3,669,686 74.75% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Insurance Programs Department is responsible for managing the Workers’ Compensation Program following: . Immediately address all situations of safety concern. Activities: . Ensure the prudent allocation of agency resources in a manner that optimally addresses risks and exposures. . Workers’ Compensation Program . Light Duty Program Light Duty Program . Liability Claims - Claim management. . Provide work for as many employees as possible. - Claim investigation. . Meet all reporting requirements to qualify for reimbursement from the - Claim determination. State of Oregon for wage and job site modifications. - Claim subrogation. - Claim reporting. Liability Claims - Litigation management. . The number of new liability claims, each month on average, should be . Insurance Programs equal to or less than the number of liability claims closed each month. - Insurance broker relationship. . Ensure the prudent allocation of agency resources in a manner that - Agency property and liability policies. optimally addresses risk and exposure. - Evaluation of contractual risk. Insurance Programs

. Manage agency’s insurance broker relationship. . Assist with marketing and timely renewal of agency property and liability policies. . Support staff and agency project managers with evaluation and management of contractual risk.

FA-11 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - INSURANCE PROGRAMS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget ------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, Insurance Programs $ 27,500 $ 110,000 1.00$ 110,000 Mgr, Workers' Comp & Liability Claims$ 91,033 $ 92,788 $ 93,649 1.00$ 93,649 94,792 Claims Adjuster 139,005 155,483 67,515 2.00 135,031 135,340 68,340 2.00 136,680 Coordinator, Claims 66,495 69,256 66,871 1.00 66,871 68,111 68,437 1.00 68,437 Assistant, Administrative 39,603 40,640 41,040 1.00 41,040 41,955 41,954 1.00 41,954

Fringe Benefits 130,217 141,578 135,137 135,137 143,417 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 3,993 1,977 4,361 Workers' Compensation 3,000 2,000 1,000

Total $ 466,353 $ 499,745 5.00 $ 478,721 $ 506,812 5.00 $ 505,849


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Claims Services$ 2,552 $ 2,158 $ 1,921 $ 2,800 $ 2,500 30.11% 0.08% Temporary Help 904 1,500 1,500 65.89% 0.05% Other Services 24,232 26,489 25,996 27,390 7,876 -69.70% 0.25% Office Supplies 5,994 4,205 16,328 3,795 5,000 -69.38% 0.16% Other Materials 812 414 412 418 1.05% 0.01% Telephone 299 337 1,480 360 1,494 0.98% 0.05% Property Insurance 547,340 725,903 740,421 35.28% 23.40% Railroad Protect Insur-Steel Bridge 225,156 207,037 225,156 0.00% 7.12% Excess Liability Insurance 270,000 265,210 270,000 0.00% 8.53% Railroad Liability Insurance 530,340 103,877 1,800,000 239.40% 56.89% Insurance Broker Costs 108,000 108,000 3.41% Dues & Subscriptions 99 95 269 100 272 1.13% 0.01% Education & Training 270 332 1,038 500 1,200 15.62% 0.04%

Total $ 33,446 $ 34,428 $ 1,621,186 $ 1,446,884 $ 3,163,837 95.16% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,013,219 $ 1,093,829 $ 1,169,650 $ 1,174,682 $ 1,275,259 9.03% 88.89% Materials & Services 165,461 199,890 157,807 155,449 159,385 1.00% 11.11% Total $ 1,178,680 $ 1,293,719 $ 1,327,457 $ 1,330,131 $ 1,434,644 8.07% 100.00%


The Procurement & Contracts Department is responsible for two major Purchasing sections. Activities: Contracts . Procurement of District operational inventory (bus/rail parts) and related Activities: collateral supplies. Purchase of all fuel products, office supply products, copiers and other agency operating supplies. Management of agency . Procurement of non-inventory goods and services by various sourcing purchasing card program. Disposal of District surplus property. approaches, including Request for Proposals, Invitations to Bid, Request for Quotes and Cooperative Purchasing Agreements. Draft and negotiate Performance Measures: contracts resulting from solicitations. Provide support for project managers on contract administration issues. . Effective sourcing of goods and materials to ensure lowest total cost of ownership, utilizing factors such as quality, price, availability, lead-time Performance Measures: (impact on inventory value), operating costs and disposal. . Implement Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process for rail . Effectively support the agency in the acquisition of all non-inventory reliability program to improve parts forecasting. Participate in Stores goods and services to ensure high quality and best value for TriMet. Continuous Improvement process with a goal of just-in-time arrival of . Draft contracts to comply with all federal, state and local rules and needed repair parts and components. regulations, manage risk and negotiate terms and conditions. . Timely disposal of District’s surplus property while obtaining maximum . Ensure all solicitations are open, fair and competitive. value.

FA-14 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, Purchasing$ 92,872 $ 95,444 $ 96,394 1.00 $ 96,394 $ 98,528 $ 98,528 1.00 $ 98,528 Senior Buyer 153,036 154,436 72,443 3.00 217,330 217,330 72,443 3.00 217,329 Buyer 68,710 70,237 70,085 1.00 70,085 70,085 70,085 1.00 70,085 Manager, Contracts 97,006 132,751 98,275 1.00 98,275 68,887 93,975 1.00 93,975 Administrator III, Contracts 202,515 135,210 70,557 2.00 141,114 149,933 70,696 4.00 282,784 Administrator III, Contracts 51,704 58,889 70,572 0.75 52,929 78,629 Administrator II, Contracts 40,166 114,048 64,568 2.00 129,136 127,561 60,697 1.00 60,697 Coordinator, Procurement 83,762 67,850 65,018 1.00 65,018 66,144 66,144 1.00 66,144

Fringe Benefits 301,307 346,130 329,260 329,260 362,502 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (85,595) (87,990) (0.50) (48,010) (51,041) Longevity Premium 11,171 11,171 15,451 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 6,949 6,160 7,764 Unscheduled Overtime 7,736 6,824 2,035

Total $ 1,013,219 $ 1,093,829 11.25 $ 1,169,650 $ 1,174,682 12.00 $ 1,275,259


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Temporary Help$ 330 $ 3,993 0.00% Photocopier Maintenance 22,707 44,856 $ 27,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 -7.41% 15.69% Other Services 1,542 4,142 30,379 21,298 15,000 -50.62% 9.41% Procurement Advertising 10 411 13,000 23,000 5496.11% 14.43% Office Supplies 107,006 115,954 91,794 85,000 85,000 -7.40% 53.33% Other Materials 2,960 86 1,027 1,037 1,037 0.97% 0.65% Telephone 657 644 719 726 726 0.97% 0.46% Dues & Subscriptions 27,909 27,470 1,571 1,587 1,587 1.02% 1.00% Local Travel & Meetings 430 697 240 250 242 0.83% 0.15% Education & Training 1,360 2,048 4,426 7,551 7,551 70.61% 4.74% Out-of-Town Travel 550 240 242 0.83% 0.14%

Total $ 165,461 $ 199,890 $ 157,807 $ 155,449 $ 159,385 1.00% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 3,088,516 $ 3,481,892 $ 5,073,002 $ 5,131,448 $ 5,175,021 2.01% 57.16% Materials & Services 2,193,435 2,210,916 3,100,916 2,542,277 3,878,341 25.07% 42.84% Total $ 5,281,951 $ 5,692,808 $ 8,173,918 $ 7,673,725 $ 9,053,362 10.76% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

The Fare Revenue Department consists of fare revenue collection, processing, . Maintain TriMet’s communication infrastructure on rail platforms and cash controls, sales and distribution of TriMet fares. Fare Revenue also buses, such as CCTV, flat panels, PLCs, fiber and radio contracts. manages the maintenance of Ticket Vending Machines (TVM), platform communications and bus radio electronics. Fare Revenue is leading the agency Performance Measures: towards an electronic fare program. It is also responsible for the day-to-day management and delivery of the following major functions: . Cash control variances less than 1% of expected revenue (TVM, Farebox, Money Room and TTO). Activities: . Sales Program processing costs less than 7.5% of revenue. . Maintain maximum 5-minute in-line wait time at the TriMet Ticket Office . Collection and restocking of cash and coins from light rail TVMs. during peak times. . Sort, count and package currency and coin for depositing TVM and . Respond to 99% of sales orders within one (1) business day. farebox revenues. . Achieve 95% Ticket Vending Machine system reliability. . Create and maintain revenue processing controls such as reconciliations . Respond to 99% of Mobile Ticketing helpdesk inquiries within two (2) and audits. business days. . Operate TriMet’s Ticket Office (transit store) selling fares and . Respond to 99% communication outages within one (1) business day.

merchandise. . Administer the Honored Citizen ID and GED ID programs. . Manage 130 retail sales outlets, including contracts and fare distribution. . Operate the following consumer fare sales programs: Mobile Ticketing, Pass By Mail, Legacy, Field Trips, Online Sales, including Bike Locker rentals. . Manage artwork, specs, the ordering of all fare revenue ticket/pass stock. . Manage design and implementation of electronic fare collection system. . Oversee TriMet’s payment card processing. . Maintain TriMet’s TVMs, including ticket stock replacement, preventative maintenance, warranty and critical component inventories.

FA-17 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - FARE REVENUE 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Administration: Director, Revenue Operations$ 89,571 $ 100,756 $ 102,078 1.00 $ 102,078 $ 106,334 $ 106,810 1.00 $ 106,810 Mgr, Fare Revenue Proc & Merchant Svcs 76,654 83,232 84,142 1.00 84,142 88,095 88,516 1.00 88,516 Analyst, Fare Systems 56,952 80,403 81,271 1.00 81,271 85,087 82,430 2.00 164,861 Analyst, Fare Systems 82,318 1.00 82,318 72,804 Cash Control Accountant 51,144 52,845 53,394 1.00 53,394 54,611 54,611 1.00 54,611

Fringe Benefits 145,595 145,595 152,878

Revenue Processing: Supervisor, Money Room 59,459 88,616 76,120 1.20 91,343 91,343 76,120 1.20 91,344 Money Room Clerk 322,433 351,684 73,896 4.80 354,702 354,702 73,896 4.80 354,701

Fringe Benefits 183,065 183,065 192,082 Longevity Premium 8,491 8,491 3,802

Fare Revenue-TTO: Supervisor, TriMet Ticket Office 74,689 77,666 72,516 1.00 72,516 72,516 72,516 1.00 72,516 Assist Supervisor, TriMet Ticket Office 66,616 67,648 67,229 1.00 67,229 67,229 67,229 1.00 67,229 Specialist, Fare Revenue 489,011 490,451 61,404 8.00 491,230 491,230 61,404 8.00 491,232

Fringe Benefits 295,293 295,293 311,027 Longevity Premium 9,370 9,370 10,214

Fare Maintenance: Manager, Fare Equipment Maintenance 36,258 83,564 81,084 1.00 81,084 86,868 89,149 1.00 89,149 Supervisor, Engineering Training 62,250 83,000 1.00 83,000 Assistant Supervisor, Field Technician 157,456 176,607 79,032 2.00 158,064 158,064 79,032 1.00 79,032 Field Technician 853,039 875,369 68,736 15.00 1,031,047 1,031,047 68,736 15.00 1,031,040

Fringe Benefits 555,003 555,003 573,542 Longevity Premium 40,925 40,925 42,386 Night & Shift Differential 13,142 13,142 13,142 Unscheduled Overtime 84,028 92,460 106,456 106,456 Tool Allowance 18,696 18,696 18,696 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 14,638 23,572 15,038

FA-18 BUD1 Personnel Services FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION - FARE REVENUE 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Communications Maintenance: Supervisor, MOW Communications$ 76,395 1.00 $ 76,395 $ 80,751 $ 80,751 1.00 $ 80,751 Assistant Supervisor, Field Technician 79,032 1.00 79,032 79,032 79,032 1.00 79,032 Field Technician 68,736 6.00 412,419 412,419 68,736 6.00 412,416 Field Technician 68,736 2.00 137,473 137,473 68,736 2.00 137,472

Fringe Benefits$ 671,206 $ 1,043,557 302,527 302,527 326,564 Workers' Compensation 22,500 20,082 1,000 Longevity Premium 17,860 17,860 9,500 Night & Shift Differential 6,982 6,982 6,982 Unscheduled Overtime 27,956 27,956 134,413 Tool Allowance 9,898 9,898 9,898 Unemployment 1,506 1,506 1,506 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (182,964) (162,637) (186,826) (131,361)

Total $ 3,088,516 $ 3,481,892 49.00 $ 5,073,002 $ 5,131,448 49.00 $ 5,175,021


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 12/13 13/14 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Administration: Auditing$ 16,007 $ 95,000 $ 85,000 $ 85,000 -10.53% 2.19% Legal 6,341 0.00% Other Services$ 311 1,048 25,000 25,250 2309.35% 0.65% eFare Equipment 1,000 1,000 1,010 1.00% 0.03% Call Center Operations 250,000 252,500 1.00% 6.51% Payment Card Processing Fees 150,000 50,000 151,500 1.00% 3.91% Retail Network Commission 215,914 20,000 227,296 5.27% 5.86% Telephone 11,428 157 3,809 3,847 2350.32% 0.10% Education & Training 2,095 2,095 2,116 1.00% 0.05% Temporary Help 50,806 9,043 17,513 -100.00% 0.00%

Subtotal Administration: $ 51,117 $ 42,819 $ 732,727 $ 186,904 $ 748,519

Revenue Processing: Professional & Technical 4,081 500 0.00% Banking Charges 938,952 930,289 934,949 934,949 944,298 1.00% 24.35% Money Transport 21,060 21,595 22,379 22,379 22,603 1.00% 0.58% Ticket Vending & Servicing 122,669 121,421 160,258 145,000 146,450 -8.62% 3.78% Laundry 1,042 1,035 775 1,035 1,045 34.84% 0.03% Other Services 10,514 3,323 25,000 25,250 659.86% 0.65% Office Supplies 3,323 3,323 3,356 0.99% 0.09% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 2,208 2,186 15,000 2,000 0.05% Computer Equipment <$5,000 1,155 0.00% Other Materials 416 49,592 2,598 16,666 15,318 489.61% 0.39% Telephone 4,864 1,663 3,809 3,847 131.33% 0.10%

Subtotal Revenue Processing: $ 1,096,447 $ 1,137,132 $ 1,129,268 $ 1,167,161 $ 1,164,167


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 12/13 13/14 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Fare Revenue-TTO: Uniforms$ 2,431 $ 2,045 $ 1,866 $ 2,045 $ 2,065 10.66% 0.05% Fare Media 1,044,058 26.92% Equipment Maintenance 400 2,080 2,080 2,101 1.01% 0.05% TTO Office Maintenance 21,388 58,456 35,464 58,456 59,041 66.48% 1.52% Other Services 43,518 49,350 39,611 10,000 8,800 -77.78% 0.23% Tickets & Passes 504,606 408,414 449,821 449,821 408,887 -9.10% 10.54% Office Supplies 19,412 16,154 11,010 11,010 11,120 1.00% 0.29% Freight 557 17 0.00% Other Materials 33,702 26,840 16,666 16,833 -37.28% 0.43% Postage 6,993 5,459 8,243 6,000 6,060 -26.48% 0.16% Telephone 634 3,809 3,847 506.78% 0.10% Dues & Subscriptions 220 1,750 129 1,750 1,768 1270.54% 0.05% Education & Training 661 2,711 2,711 12,738 369.86% 0.33%

Subtotal Fare Revenue: $ 632,827 $ 542,706 $ 578,409 $ 564,348 $ 1,577,318

Fare Maintenance: Contracted Maintenance - Fare Equipment 197,680 157,280 186,897 186,897 -100.00% 0.00% Small Hand Tools 1,222 1,077 2,021 2,021 2,041 0.99% 0.05% Other Materials 1,987 10,257 16,666 16,833 0.43% Safety Supplies 2,153 3,192 4,498 4,498 4,543 1.00% 0.12% Obsolete Inventory 5,542 68,234 0.00% Maintenance Materials - Fare Equipment 194,270 241,028 353,314 300,000 250,000 -29.24% 6.45% Local Travel & Meetings 249 0.00% Education & Training 9,819 8,023 8,023 8,103 1.00% 0.21% CDL Renewals 123 62 169 169 171 1.18% 0.00% Rentals 7,142 7,142 7,213 0.99% 0.19%

Subtotal Fare Maintenance: $ 413,045 $ 481,130 $ 562,064 $ 525,416 $ 288,904


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 12/13 13/14 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Communications Maintenance: Contracted Maintenance - Communications$ 32,085 $ 32,085 $ 32,406 1.00% 0.84% Small Hand Tools 917 917 926 0.98% 0.02% Safety Supplies 2,059 2,059 2,080 1.02% 0.05% Maintenance Materials - Communications$ 7,129 57,996 57,996 58,576 1.00% 1.51% Education & Training 2,155 2,155 2,177 1.02% 0.06% CDL Renewals 131 131 132 1.15% 0.00% Rentals 3,105 3,105 3,136 1.01% 0.08%

Subtotal Communications Maintenance: $ 7,129 $ 98,447 $ 98,448 $ 99,433

Total $ 2,193,435 $ 2,210,916 $ 3,100,916 $ 2,542,277 $ 3,878,341 25.07% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Administration $ 314,676 $ 365,131 $ 410,522 Personnel Services$ 427,839 $ 427,839 $ 437,421 1,192,334 1,142,160 270,942 Materials & Services 273,651 273,651 273,651 $ 1,507,010 $ 1,507,291 $ 681,464 Department Total$ 701,490 $ 701,490 $ 711,072 Financial Services $ 1,628,677 $ 1,743,751 $ 1,827,872 Personnel Services$ 2,073,483 $ 2,073,483 $ 2,075,883 126,303 139,584 279,756 Materials & Services 212,193 212,193 200,009 $ 1,754,980 $ 1,883,335 $ 2,107,628 Department Total$ 2,285,676 $ 2,285,676 $ 2,275,892 Budget & Grants Administration $ 393,418 $ 401,398 $ 714,584 Personnel Services$ 721,282 $ 721,282 $ 723,737 2,805,633 3,194,065 169,374 Materials & Services 171,068 171,068 171,068 $ 3,199,051 $ 3,595,463 $ 883,958 Department Total$ 892,350 $ 892,350 $ 894,805 Insurance Programs $ 466,353 $ 499,745 $ 478,721 Personnel Services$ 630,425 $ 630,425 $ 505,849 33,446 34,428 1,621,186 Materials & Services 3,182,217 3,182,217 3,163,837 $ 499,799 $ 534,173 $ 2,099,906 Department Total$ 3,812,642 $ 3,812,642 $ 3,669,686 Procurement & Contracts $ 1,013,219 $ 1,093,829 $ 1,169,650 Personnel Services$ 1,274,251 $ 1,274,251 $ 1,275,259 165,461 199,890 157,807 Materials & Services 159,385 159,385 159,385 $ 1,178,680 $ 1,293,719 $ 1,327,457 Department Total$ 1,433,636 $ 1,433,636 $ 1,434,644 Fare Revenue $ 3,088,516 $ 3,481,892 $ 5,073,002 Personnel Services$ 5,179,577 $ 5,179,577 $ 5,175,021 2,193,435 2,210,916 3,100,916 Materials & Services 5,044,671 5,044,671 3,878,341 $ 5,281,951 $ 5,692,808 $ 8,173,918 Department Total$ 10,224,248 $ 10,224,248 $ 9,053,362 Division Total $ 6,904,858 $ 7,585,746 $ 9,674,351 Personnel Services$ 10,306,858 $ 10,306,858 $ 10,193,170 6,516,612 6,921,043 5,599,981 Materials & Services 9,043,185 9,043,185 7,846,291

$ 13,421,471 $ 14,506,789 $ 15,274,332 Total Finance & Administration $ 19,350,043 $ 19,350,043 $ 18,039,461


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Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services $ 1,991,710 $ 2,145,562 $ 2,358,778 $ 2,349,798 $ 2,567,449 8.85% 68.03% Materials & Services 1,042,256 1,054,172 1,135,373 1,101,198 1,206,336 6.25% 31.97%

Total $ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 $ 3,450,996 $ 3,773,785 8.00% 100.00%

Page Labor Relations & Human Resources Division Division Summary ………………………………………………………………HR-1 Administration, Compensation & Labor Relations ……………………HR-2


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services $ 1,991,710 $ 2,145,562 $ 2,358,778 $ 2,349,798 $ 2,567,449 8.85% 68.03% Materials & Services 1,042,256 1,054,172 1,135,373 1,101,198 1,206,336 6.25% 31.97%

Total $ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 $ 3,450,996 $ 3,773,785 8.00% 100.00%


The Administration & Business Partnering, Compensation, Benefits & Performance Measures: Labor Relations Department is responsible for providing expertise to help HR centers of excellence understand the business needs of the organization as . Efficient and effective implementation of human capital programs within TriMet’s human capital programs are developed and implemented. Provide TriMet. leadership in developing and facilitating business strategies to attract and retain . Offer/interview, acceptance/offer ratios , time to fill positions, turnover a diverse, competent workforce and to provide professional labor relations rate, mitigation of employment practices risk and achievement of support to TriMet management in the areas of labor contract administration, affirmative action goals. . Implementation of healthcare and post-employment benefit strategies to discipline and grievance administration, and training in areas of fact finding align costs with revenue forecasts. and dispute. . Market-competitive total compensation as measured by up-to-date market

pricing for all non-union positions, implementation of appropriate salary Activities: administration budget controls and procedures. . Deployment of TriMet’s ORACLE technology platform that allows . Human Resources Business Partners advocate on behalf of their clients and management to make better strategic decisions regarding human capital provide feedback to the HR centers so that the developed human capital programs and policies, which include management self service, programs are practical and meet the organization’s business needs and HR compensation workbench, performance management program and NeoGov practices. applications, to increase accuracy of information processed. . Total rewards, including compensation, HRIS, benefits, such as healthcare . Ensure each application of discipline to the represented workforce meets benefits, retirement plans, training and development, work life balance and the seven tests of just cause and that management responds to employee recognition. grievances and/or disputes in a timely manner and in compliance with the . Discipline and grievance administration of represented employees, contract collective bargaining agreement. administration and labor relations training. . Ensure District responses to document requests from the union are processed in accordance with PECBA (Public Employee Collective

Bargaining Act) laws. . Train management workforce, who manage represented employees on labor relations principles and practices, to ensure consistent application of the labor agreement, District policy and employment laws and practices.

HR-2 BUD1 Personnel Services LABOR RELATIONS & HUMAN RESOURCES - ADMINISTRATION, COMPENSATION & LABOR RELATIONS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget ------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Administration: Executive Director, Labor Relations & Human Res. $ 191,827 $ 209,807 $ 185,045 1.00 $ 185,045 $ 198,611 $ 203,000 1.00 $ 203,000 Human Resources Business Partner 320,533 345,099 106,349 4.00 425,396 431,940 108,288 4.00 433,152 Director, Employee Services 68,335 Supervisor, Recruiting 76,098 1.00 76,098 Recruiter 70,359 69,659 70,290 1.00 70,290 71,334 71,334 1.00 71,334 Operations Recruiter 40,889 57,627 58,259 1.00 58,259 61,836 54,945 1.00 54,945 Candidate Sourcer 64,839 54,154 55,141 1.00 55,141 58,793 Administrator, HR Services 64,291 64,534 65,152 1.00 65,152 66,480 66,480 1.00 66,480 Specialist, Human Resources 38,242 45,336 1.00 45,336 46,587 46,488 1.00 46,488 Receptionist 29,930 25,692 30,916 0.80 24,733 31,616 31,616 1.00 31,616 Administrative Services Clerk 23,038 27,604 0.80 22,083 14,035 28,205 0.50 14,102

Fringe Benefits 252,454 357,765 344,951 344,951 360,564 Workers' Compensation 3,273 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 56,526 69,428 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 8,887 30,648 10,023 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (165,668) (149,024) (0.50) (71,593) (85,894)

Compensation, Benefits & HRIS: Manager, Compensation & HRIS 60,000 107,840 108,992 1.00 108,992 112,535 112,535 1.00 112,535 Manager, Benefits 100,453 95,000 95,731 1.00 95,731 100,736 101,411 1.00 101,411 Senior Analyst, HRIS 73,000 80,376 79,623 1.00 79,623 83,734 84,665 1.00 84,665 Analyst, Compensation 65,365 59,688 60,540 1.00 60,540 59,836 68,000 1.00 68,000 Administrator, Benefits 59,353 60,581 61,149 1.00 61,149 58,145 64,203 1.00 64,203 Specialist, Benefits 63,040 43,150 55,418 0.80 44,335 46,076 57,595 0.80 46,076 Specialist, Benefits 43,992 45,893 45,022 1.00 45,022 45,594 45,594 1.00 45,594 File Clerk 15,869

Fringe Benefits 253,599 199,250 192,375 192,375 201,159 Overtime 50 870 263 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 5,640 4,483 5,976 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (57,913) (32,465) (2,119)

HR-3 BUD1 Personnel Services LABOR RELATIONS & HUMAN RESOURCES - ADMINISTRATION, COMPENSATION & LABOR RELATIONS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget ------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Labor Relations: Director, Labor Relations$ 113,746 $ 116,214 $ 117,315 1.00 $ 117,315 $ 9,924 Senior Manager, Labor Relations $ 103,142 1.00 $ 103,142 Manager, Labor Relations 89,096 91,218 92,098 1.00 92,098 102,571 Senior Representative, Labor Relations 78,663 1.00 78,663 Senior Representative, Labor Relations 67,227 81,120 1.00 81,120 Analyst, Labor 67,568 68,816 69,449 1.00 69,449 77,832 Administrative Services Clerk 22,630 28,288 0.80 22,630

Fringe Benefits 103,430 112,538 93,739 93,739 111,768 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 2,564 3,280 3,277

Total $ 1,991,710 $ 2,145,562 20.90 $ 2,358,778 $ 2,349,798 22.10 $ 2,567,449


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Administration: Legal$ 146,653 $ 133,725 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 102,000 27.50% 8.46% Professional & Technical 15,436 100,238 113,745 90,000 85,100 -25.18% 7.05% Recruitment Expense 11,312 11,989 27,435 27,435 25,709 -6.29% 2.13% Pre-Employment Screening Services 1,541 500 100 200 -60.00% 0.02% Temporary Help 13,547 1,421 0.00% Other Services 31,313 41,170 163,447 153,477 119,759 -26.73% 9.93% Office Supplies 2,836 4,752 2,924 3,131 2,953 0.99% 0.24% Other Materials 2,297 1,843 3,000 3,231 3,030 1.00% 0.25% Postage 1,395 2,342 3,000 1,000 221 -92.63% 0.02% Telephone 2,570 3,055 2,571 3,281 2,597 1.01% 0.22% Dues & Subscriptions 1,656 1,097 1,000 1,112 1,010 1.00% 0.08% Local Travel & Meetings 265 727 1,000 250 500 -50.00% 0.04% Education & Training 470 4,875 15,000 15,000 11,150 -25.67% 0.92% Out-of-Town Travel 4,446 7,335 7,173 7,173 7,245 1.00% 0.60% Union Contractual Services 259,000 285,500 282,942 282,942 230,771 -18.44% 19.13% Employee Recognition 110 115 127 116 0.87% 0.01%

Subtotal Administration: $ 494,847 $ 598,648 $ 703,852 $ 669,680 $ 592,361

Compensation, Benefits & HRIS: Professional & Technical 76,684 50,048 23,621 12,000 12,000 -49.20% 0.99% DOTS Renewal Medical Services 84,967 87,262 0.00% Disability Medical Review Services 659 260 5,135 5,135 15,186 195.74% 1.26% Health Benefit Consultant 122,989 36,562 134,539 134,539 135,884 1.00% 11.26% BHS FSA Third Party Administrator 20,458 32,827 23,625 28,626 23,861 1.00% 1.98% FMLA/OFLA Third Party Administrator 115,878 126,007 119,132 134,378 165,000 38.50% 13.68% Temporary Help 238 5,377 5,431 1.00% 0.45%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Compensation Survey Services $ 20,148 $ 19,508 $ 25,040 $ 25,040 $ 25,050 0.04% 2.08% Other Services 34,481 36,204 10,000 10,000 20,980 109.80% 1.74% Office Supplies 1,952 1,262 1,536 300 800 -47.92% 0.07% Other Materials 31,134 13,201 2,441 2,441 36,465 1393.85% 3.02% Postage 5,419 6,694 14,000 23,527 33,151 136.79% 2.75% Telephone 418 410 1,027 1,027 1,037 0.97% 0.09% Dues & Subscriptions 245 745 935 935 665 -28.88% 0.06% Local Travel & Meetings 35 102 1,027 200 300 -70.79% 0.02% Education & Training 4,617 1,700 11,473 10,473 11,490 0.15% 0.95% Out-of-Town Travel 2,945 1,000 2,500 -15.11% 0.21% Non-Union EAP 10,377 12,365 12,667 13,108 92,048 626.68% 7.63% Employee Awards 9,768 6,624 11,867 11,868 10,292 -13.27% 0.85%

Subtotal Compensation, Benefits & HRIS: $ 540,229 $ 432,019 $ 406,387 $ 414,597 $ 592,140

Labor Relations: Other Services 443 20,749 14,406 10,000 10,000 -30.58% 0.83% Office Supplies 1,989 938 2,285 1,044 2,308 1.01% 0.19% Other Materials 2,798 665 366 672 1.05% 0.06% Postage 1,773 960 -45.85% 0.08% Telephone 765 480 -37.25% 0.04% Dues & Subscriptions 1,014 341 1,024 0.99% 0.08% Local Travel & Meetings 197 387 30 391 1.03% 0.03% Education & Training 139 110 1,346 2,484 3,000 122.88% 0.25% Out-of-Town Travel 1,614 1,708 2,493 2,656 3,000 20.34% 0.25%

Subtotal Labor Relations: $ 7,180 $ 23,505 $ 25,134 $ 16,921 $ 21,835

Total $ 1,042,256 $ 1,054,172 $ 1,135,373 $ 1,101,198 $ 1,206,336 6.25% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Administration, Compensation & Labor Relations $ 1,991,710 $ 2,145,562 $ 2,358,778 Personnel Services$ 2,550,351 $ 2,550,351 $ 2,567,449 1,042,256 1,054,172 1,135,373 Materials & Services 1,206,336 1,206,336 1,206,336 $ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 Department Total$ 3,756,687 $ 3,756,687 $ 3,773,785 Division Total $ 1,991,710 $ 2,145,562 $ 2,358,778 Personnel Services$ 2,550,351 $ 2,550,351 $ 2,567,449 1,042,256 1,054,172 1,135,373 Materials & Services 1,206,336 1,206,336 1,206,336 $ 3,033,966 $ 3,199,734 $ 3,494,151 Total Labor Relations & Human Resources$ 3,756,687 $ 3,756,687 $ 3,773,785



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HR-8 Division Summary LEGAL SERVICES

Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,450,748 $ 1,566,424 $ 1,770,869 $ 1,647,561 $ 1,829,005 3.28% 87.17% Materials & Services 185,086 236,762 286,303 254,865 269,166 -5.99% 12.83%

Total $ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 $ 1,902,426 $ 2,098,171 1.99% 100.00%

Page Legal Services Division Division Summary …………………………………………………………………LS-1 Legal Services …………………………………………………………………LS-2


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,450,748 $ 1,566,424 $ 1,770,869 $ 1,647,561 $ 1,829,005 3.28% 87.17% Materials & Services 185,086 236,762 286,303 254,865 269,166 -5.99% 12.83%

Total $ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 $ 1,902,426 $ 2,098,171 1.99% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Legal Services Department provides professional, competent, highly . Provide highly effective counsel on state and federal legislative and policy responsive and cost-effective legal assistance to the TriMet Board and staff. issues. Work with all TriMet divisions to accomplish TriMet’s mission and goals . Ensure highest quality legal support through effective deployment of within legal, financial, business and ethical parameters. internal and external legal counsel. . Enhance productivity by effectively managing incoming work, balancing Activities: workloads and strengthening TriMet’s preventative law program to help minimize potential project development and implementation problems. . Contract and Construction Law. . Provide the highest level of customer service by responding quickly and . Municipal/Public Law. professionally to the requirements of the Legal Department’s customers . Employment/Labor Law. and clients, both inside and outside TriMet.

. Real Estate/Land Use/Environmental.

. Complex Business Litigation and Tort Defense.

. Grievance Arbitrations and Administrative Hearings.

LS-2 BUD1 Personnel Services LEGAL SERVICES - LEGAL SERVICES 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget ------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Executive Director, Legal Services (General Counsel)$ 163,828 $ 179,951 $ 181,751 1.00 $ 181,751 $ 189,966 $ 201,000 1.00 $ 201,000 Director, Legal Services 148,118 151,520 152,243 1.00 152,243 155,003 155,905 1.00 155,905 Director, Real Property 127,322 1.00 127,322 130,819 131,638 1.00 131,638 Senior Deputy General Counsel 130,431 136,146 137,673 1.00 137,673 140,000 Senior Deputy General Counsel 132,436 159,266 119,825 3.00 359,475 371,652 128,920 3.00 386,760 Deputy General Counsel 117,866 121,130 126,100 1.00 126,099 Deputy General Counsel I 105,266 109,940 Manager, Records Governance 66,042 71,422 72,090 1.00 72,090 74,592 77,084 1.00 77,084 Specialist, Litigation 65,296 70,282 65,856 1.00 65,856 67,954 68,494 1.00 68,494 Analyst, Records 75,184 62,359 55,435 1.00 55,435 56,503 56,503 1.00 56,503 Paralegal Investigator 56,784 59,372 60,155 1.00 60,155 62,171 62,858 1.00 62,858 Legal Assistant 53,373 56,080 56,739 1.00 56,739 58,198 58,198 1.00 58,198 Paralegal I 48,471 52,629 53,134 1.00 53,134 54,059 54,059 1.00 54,059

Fringe Benefits 324,501 382,301 418,998 418,998 438,597 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 38,435 47,262 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 10,382 10,212 11,339 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (36,848) (45,974) (0.25) (18,819) (142,566) (46,791)

Total $ 1,450,748 $ 1,566,424 12.75 $ 1,770,869 $ 1,647,561 13.00 $ 1,829,005


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Legal$ 50,442 $ 74,937 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,450 1.00% 16.89% Professional & Technical 63,015 60,388 125,732 50,000 52,463 -58.27% 19.49% Temporary Help 1,069 1,080 1.00% 0.40% Other Services 24,389 24,700 41,832 45,000 45,000 7.57% 16.72% Office Supplies 567 1,346 1,500 1,500 1,515 1.00% 0.56% Other Materials 9,185 8,458 3,200 16,000 3,200 0.00% 1.19% Telephone 677 813 3,000 1,200 1,500 -50.00% 0.56% Dues & Subscriptions 24,314 49,147 48,000 63,000 80,000 66.67% 29.72% Local Travel & Meetings 539 248 600 5,000 11,000 1733.33% 4.09% Education & Training 6,999 11,004 10,000 12,000 15,788 57.88% 5.87% Out-of-Town Travel 4,959 5,721 6,300 16,000 12,000 90.48% 4.46% Employee Recognition 70 165 170 142.86% 0.05%

Total $ 185,086 $ 236,762 $ 286,303 $ 254,865 $ 269,166 -5.99% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Legal Services $ 1,450,748 $ 1,566,424 $ 1,770,869 Personnel Services $ 1,810,210 $ 1,810,210 $ 1,829,005 185,086 236,762 286,303 Materials & Services 269,166 269,166 269,166 $ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 Department Total$ 2,079,376 $ 2,079,376 $ 2,098,171 Division Total $ 1,450,748 $ 1,566,424 $ 1,770,869 Personnel Services$ 1,810,210 $ 1,810,210 $ 1,829,005 185,086 236,762 286,303 Materials & Services 269,166 269,166 269,166

$ 1,635,834 $ 1,803,186 $ 2,057,172 Total Legal Services $ 2,079,376 $ 2,079,376 $ 2,098,171


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Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 199,653,192 $ 207,740,596 $ 232,976,907 $ 231,322,526 $ 239,609,373 2.85% 71.13% Materials & Services 112,652,787 101,240,729 100,713,487 92,704,957 97,232,903 -3.46% 28.87%

Total $ 312,305,979 $ 308,981,325 $ 333,690,394 $ 324,027,483 $ 336,842,276 0.94% 100.00%

Page Operations Division Transportation Division Summary ……………………………………………OP-2 Maintenance Division Summary ……………………………………………OP-41


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 141,912,974 $ 146,752,841 $ 164,155,864 $ 162,195,500 $ 166,612,760 1.50% 76.78% Materials & Services 64,687,788 57,287,707 50,953,937 50,197,343 50,381,403 -1.12% 23.22%

Total $ 206,600,762 $ 204,040,548 $ 215,109,801 $ 212,392,843 $ 216,994,163 0.88% 100.00%

Page Transportation Division Summary ……………………………………………OP-2 Administration & Support …………………………………………………………………OP-3 Bus Transportation …………………………………………………………………OP-6 Field Operations …………………………………………………………………OP-12 Service Delivery …………………………………………………………………OP-17 Transportation Planning …………………………………………………………………OP-20 Accessible Transportation Programs-LIFT ……………………………………………OP-23 Accessible Transportation Programs-MTP ……………………………………………OP-27 Rail Transportation …………………………………………………………………OP-31 Commuter Rail …………………………………………………………………OP-34 Streetcar …………………………………………………………………OP-38


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,183,538 $ 862,145 $ 1,478,297 $ 1,217,838 $ 2,017,174 36.45% 87.47% Materials & Services 321,906 252,734 286,834 367,855 288,880 0.71% 12.53%

Total $ 1,505,446 $ 1,114,879 $ 1,765,131 $ 1,585,693 $ 2,306,054 30.64% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

The Transportation Division is responsible for delivering TriMet . Operations Analysis transportation services in a culture of safety and service excellence. - Service performance and ridership data collection, analysis and

reporting. The Administration & Support Department includes these functions: - Maintenance planning and analysis. . Chief Operating Officer - Fixed-route bus, LIFT bus, light rail vehicle, commuter rail fleet . Operations planning and development management and Facilities and Rail Maintenance of Way . Operations analysis maintenance plans. Activities: Performance Measures: . Chief Operating Officer - Communicate/instill TriMet’s mission, strategic direction, and 5- . Boarding rides per revenue hour. yesr plans throughout the Transportation and Maintenance divisions, . On-time performance. focused on safety, on-time performance, support to employees and . Operating cost per boarding ride and per vehicle mile. state of good repair. . Customer commendations and complaints. - Performance improvement programs for the Transportation and . Successful operations startup of light rail extensions or . Maintenance divisions. . Timely reporting of service performance and ridership information.

. Operations Planning and Development - Transportation and Maintenance division annual budgets and multi- year operations and maintenance programs to fulfill TriMet 5-year plans, including Service Enhancement and Financial Forecast plans. - Transportation and Maintenance division productivity objectives, quality standards and FTA compliance. - Manage and coordinate planning for operations startup of new transit services such as light rail extensions or bus rapid transit. - Operations planning for future fixed-route bus and LIFT operations.

OP-3 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Administration: Chief Operating Officer$ 196,080 $ 195,747 1.00 $ 195,747 $ 221,759 $ 219,000 1.00 $ 219,000 Chief of Staff, Operations Management 62,218 186,655 1.00 186,655 Executive Director$ 180,000 Executive Administrator 69,724 Director, Operations Planning & Development 138,707 146,516 137,288 1.00 137,288 140,003 140,003 1.00 140,003 Manager, Rail Operations Planning 106,438 107,406 1.00 107,406 108,521 108,521 1.00 108,521 Coordinator, Quality Assurance 79,170

Fringe Benefits 121,998 143,601 117,032 117,032 166,935

Operations Support: Director, Operations Support 96,927 Manager, Rail Operations Planning 106,661 Sr. Specialist, Wrkfrce Procs./Systems 69,000

Fringe Benefits 91,053

Operations Analysis: Manager, Service Performance & Analysis 88,563 91,900 92,887 1.00 92,887 95,460 95,916 1.00 95,916 Analyst, Business Process 124,816 1.00 124,816 127,513 127,514 1.00 127,514 Senior Analyst, Operations 60,577 88,173 1.00 88,173 89,088 89,088 1.00 89,088 Analyst, Operations 238,091 168,153 60,000 4.00 240,000 205,227 66,070 4.00 264,280

Fringe Benefits 114,565 137,229 201,263 201,263 213,717

Capitalized Labor/Fringe (131,751) (267,519) (0.75) (132,610) (162,778) Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 298,908 395,951 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 7,387 12,532 9,594

Total $ 1,183,538 $ 862,145 9.25 $ 1,478,297 $ 1,217,838 11.00 $ 2,017,174


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Labor/Employment Process Expense$ 44,285 $ 7,183 $ 39,340 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 1.68% 13.85% Professional & Technical 63,187 93,996 25,000 31,500 25,000 0.00% 8.65% DOTS Renewal Medical Services 72,654 78,587 73,380 1.00% 25.40% Temporary Help 10,807 1,210 946 0.00% Other Services 43,553 7,790 22,200 92,854 22,000 -0.90% 7.62% Office Supplies 2,536 1,849 2,400 1,000 2,400 0.00% 0.83% Other Materials 21,260 8,450 2,800 6,553 2,800 0.00% 0.97% Telephone 6,007 3,343 3,200 3,200 3,200 0.00% 1.11% Dues & Subscriptions 1,844 3,415 1,800 1,600 1,800 0.00% 0.62% APTA Dues 89,247 79,248 86,000 86,000 86,860 1.00% 30.07% Local Travel & Meetings 458 160 240 240 0.00% 0.08% Education & Training 9,029 10,241 4,800 5,000 4,800 0.00% 1.66% Out-of-Town Travel 13,579 26,739 9,400 12,000 9,400 0.00% 3.25% Assault Reward 100 650 0.00% Employee Recognition 16,015 8,460 17,000 8,615 17,000 0.00% 5.89%

$ 321,906 $ 252,734 $ 286,834 $ 367,855 $ 288,880 0.71% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 101,031,782 $ 104,407,260 $ 113,886,985 $ 112,660,274 $ 115,241,498 1.19% 97.75% Materials & Services 1,229,505 2,260,535 2,743,997 1,839,196 2,649,572 -3.44% 2.25%

Total $ 102,261,287 $ 106,667,795 $ 116,630,982 $ 114,499,470 $ 117,891,070 1.08% 100.00%

Responsibility: Activities - continued:

The Bus Transportation Department is responsible for providing safe, . Productivity Improvement courteous, reliable and efficient public transportation for the region. - Encourage/implement improvements identified by RSAs and operating condition reports. The Transportation Division Executive Director is budgeted in the Bus - Attendance/overtime/extraboard. Transportation department, while providing executive leadership to all - On-time performance. Transportation departments. - Minimize bus idling and drive to achieve best miles per gallon. - Minimize unscheduled overtime consistent with service requirements. Activities: . Attendance/Extraboard . Transportation Executive Director - Communicate/educate the importance of attendance/absence. - Communicate/instill TriMet’s mission, strategic direction, and 5-yesr - Manage extraboards efficiently. plans throughout the Transportation division, focused on safety, on- time performance and support to employees. - Executive action for Transportation division budgets, programs, Performance Measures: projects and personnel. - Employee communication and recognition programs. . Maintain 99.5% pullout ratio. . Sustain 90.7% bus operator attendance. . Bus Transportation . Less than 1.3 bus safety major incidents per 100,000 miles. - Partner with all agency departments in continuous development and . 4.7 miles per gallon. implementation of TriMet’s culture of safety and service excellence. - Run bus service 90% on-time or better for efficient use of vehicles, operators and better cost per mile. - Comprehensive communication and support to operators. - Enhance the SIP process, to benefit both customers and operators. - Bus operator standard operating procedures. - Regularly produce informational Operators' Notices and Bulletins. *Effective March 2016 the Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in the Safety & Security Division had some expenses moved from the Bus Transportation Department in the Operations Division.

OP-6 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - BUS TRANSPORTATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Administration: Executive Director, Transportation$ 183,052 $ 184,716 1.00 $ 184,716 $ 124,436 $ 173,861 1.00 $ 173,861 Director, Transportation Operations$ 78,914 112,600 1.00 112,600 116,140 1.00 116,140 Director, Operations Support 99,987 1.00 99,987 102,074 102,964 1.00 102,964 Administrator, ADA Compliance 88,739 1.00 88,739 Sr. Specialist, Wrkfrce Procs. & Systems 71,964 1.00 71,964 67,966 65,030 1.00 65,030 Administrative Assistant, Executive 53,726 70,915 71,562 1.00 71,562 72,467 72,467 1.00 72,467 Coordinator, Employee Programs 51,272 52,376 53,343 1.00 53,343 54,808 55,162 1.00 55,162

Fringe Benefits 94,008 101,183 192,333 192,333 228,292

Center Garage: Manager, Transportation 84,660 88,039 87,563 1.00 87,563 92,157 92,743 1.00 92,743 Assistant Manager, Transportation 201,653 266,724 76,144 4.00 304,576 234,038 78,593 4.00 314,374 Operations Assistant 37,856 48,534 45,000 1.00 45,000 45,469 45,469 1.00 45,469 Active Regular Operator 14,699,999 14,174,790 55,899 324.00 18,111,364 18,111,364 55,899 213.00 11,906,545 Active Regular Operator 1,633,333 2,501,433 55,899 66.00 3,689,352 3,689,352 55,899 185.00 10,341,365 Part-Time Operator 1,686,503 923,991 37,200 24.00 892,804 892,804 37,200 46.00 1,711,208 Part-Time Operator 2,751,662 4,209,291 37,200 125.00 4,650,022 4,650,022 37,200 118.00 4,389,621

Fringe Benefits 12,517,539 12,442,012 14,381,252 14,381,252 15,689,434 Workers' Compensation 732,245 658,929 1,200,000 1,200,000 800,000 Longevity Premium 168,284 168,284 174,680

Powell Garage: Manager, Transportation 84,659 87,380 87,563 1.00 87,563 90,689 91,302 1.00 91,302 Assistant Manager, Transportation 68,821 70,384 76,144 1.00 76,144 76,967 77,729 1.00 77,729 Assistant Manager, Transportation 92,139 111,664 76,144 2.00 152,288 150,631 75,765 2.00 151,531 Operations Assistant 44,574 45,477 45,000 1.00 45,000 46,550 46,550 1.00 46,550 Active Regular Operator 14,770,659 14,926,341 55,899 243.00 13,583,523 13,583,523 55,899 247.00 13,807,120 Active Regular Operator 1,111,770 1,696,619 55,899 41.00 2,291,870 2,291,870 55,899 50.00 2,794,964 Part-Time Operator 1,207,908 837,237 37,200 17.00 632,403 632,403 37,200 41.00 1,525,207 Part-Time Operator 1,970,797 2,511,710 37,200 89.00 3,310,816 3,310,816 37,200 70.00 2,604,013

OP-7 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - BUS TRANSPORTATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Fringe Benefits$ 11,410,795 $ 11,391,213 $ 10,461,113 $ 10,461,113 $ 11,658,275 Workers' Compensation 1,066,178 386,432 1,200,000 1,200,000 600,000 Longevity Premium 241,590 241,590 234,461

Merlo Garage: Manager, Transportation 62,539 86,334 $ 87,563 1.00 87,563 90,693 $ 91,382 1.00 91,382 Assistant Manager, Transportation 45,365 76,144 1.00 76,144 75,905 75,905 1.00 75,905 Assistant Manager, Transportation 113,183 97,984 76,144 1.00 76,144 78,465 78,465 1.00 78,465 Operations Assistant 41,859 38,937 45,000 1.00 45,000 44,013 44,013 1.00 44,013 Active Regular Operator 8,940,402 8,752,855 55,899 150.00 8,384,891 8,384,891 55,899 161.00 8,999,783 Active Regular Operator 777,426 2,134,346 55,899 28.00 1,565,180 1,565,180 55,899 22.00 1,229,784 Part-Time Operator 821,006 489,367 37,200 12.00 446,402 446,402 37,200 37.00 1,376,407 Part-Time Operator 1,339,535 1,957,469 37,200 61.00 2,269,211 2,269,211 37,200 39.00 1,450,807

Fringe Benefits 7,031,633 7,399,709 6,712,286 6,712,286 7,419,144 Workers' Compensation 198,193 229,609 500,000 500,000 400,000 Longevity Premium 154,947 154,947 159,399

Station Operations: Chief Station Agent 382,777 332,160 77,538 4.00 310,150 310,150 77,538 4.00 310,150 Station Agent 1,486,021 1,647,599 73,896 25.00 1,847,408 1,847,408 73,896 25.00 1,847,408

Fringe Benefits 795,108 836,674 884,132 884,132 929,077 Workers' Compensation 154,789 40,285 200,000 200,000 600,000 Longevity Premium 31,233 31,233 24,847

Operator Training-Bus: Manager, Transportation Operations Training 96,012 92,672 93,482 1.00 93,482 71,086 Assistant Manager, Transportation Training 75,000 77,896 81,744 1.00 81,744 26,003 Administrative Specialist 66,345 63,151 56,802 1.00 56,802 43,024 Training Supervisor 798,110 1,909,220 73,896 26.00 1,921,304 1,440,978

OP-8 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - BUS TRANSPORTATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Fringe Benefits$ 607,073 $ 875,713 $ 897,436 $ 897,436 Workers' Compensation 2,209 5,096 30,000 30,000 Longevity Premium 41,812 41,812 Unscheduled Overtime - Non-Op. 158,289 136,823 217,890 217,890

Document Services & Mail Room: Supervisor, Document Services$ 47,391 1.00 47,391 48,984 $ 49,338 1.00$ 49,338 Doc Services Oper/Mail Services Clerk 32,383 1.00 32,383 32,614 32,614 1.00 32,614 Center Mail Services Clerk 49,684 1.00 49,684 49,684 49,684 1.00 49,684

Fringe Benefits 73,655 73,655 77,789 Longevity Premium 626 626 1,357

Fringe Benefits 790,710 790,710 790,062 Timeslip Differential 575,672 575,672 597,542 Road Relief Pay 598,933 598,933 621,703 Scheduled Overtime 11,078,466 10,552,674 7,789,981 7,789,981 7,891,055 Unscheduled & Report OT - Ops. 2,678,225 2,678,225 2,609,722 Unscheduled Overtime - Non-Op. 244,962 244,962 242,784 Student Training Cost-Center 177,240 177,240 177,240 Unpaid Absence (2,622,229) (2,622,229) (2,721,904) Unemployment Expense 86,942 86,942 82,960 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 255,653 222,391 268,440 FY2016 Service Enhancement (223,035) (223,035) FY2017 Annual Service Plan (524,705) Capitalized Labor/Fringe (445,866) (1,180,405) (393,204)

Total $ 101,031,782 $ 104,407,260 1,262.00 $ 113,886,985 $ 112,660,274 1,283.00 $ 115,241,498


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Administration: Operator Uniforms$ 315,118 $ 342,942 $ 425,450 $ 400,000 $ 425,952 0.12% 16.08% Quality Assurance/ADA 7,685 5,759 30,000 15,000 16,000 -46.67% 0.60% Temporary Help 13,119 40,820 12,714 -100.00% 0.00% Laundry 4,012 3,587 5,000 4,000 5,000 0.00% 0.19% Fixed Route Back-up - Cabs 2,319 1,828 3,000 2,800 3,000 0.00% 0.11% Other Services 78,316 65,075 28,000 38,937 24,000 -14.29% 0.91% Winter Supplies-Snow & Ice 31,542 Other Materials-Gen & Adm 5,641 Other Materials 4,130 10,872 5,400 34,756 5,000 -7.41% 0.19% Telephone 7,443 6,044 8,200 7,800 8,000 -2.44% 0.30% Self-Insurance BI/PD 626,896 1,047,856 1,900,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 0.00% 71.71% Claims Expense 491,436 0.00% Vehicle Registration 200 80 200 0.00% 0.01% Dues & Subscriptions 344 Local Travel & Meetings 142 565 197 160 180 -8.63% 0.01% Education & Training 16,219 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 1,345 634 0.00% Operator CDL Renewals 10,390 8,729 8,800 8,800 8,800 0.00% 0.33% Rewards & Recognition 36,939 50,019 34,000 34,000 34,000 0.00% 1.28% Special Events 11,126 12,142 13,500 12,000 13,000 -3.70% 0.49%

Subtotal Administration: $ 1,105,860 $ 2,114,353 $ 2,502,567 $ 1,571,047 $ 2,443,132

Center Garage: Other Services 1,148 2,300 3,100 2,400 3,100 0.00% 0.12% Office Supplies 2,796 3,626 3,100 2,800 3,100 0.00% 0.12% Other Materials 2,038 2,352 2,800 2,400 2,800 0.00% 0.11% Telephone 2,844 3,171 3,080 3,080 3,080 0.00% 0.12% Safety Awards 360 300 360 0.00% 0.01%

Subtotal Center Garage: $ 8,825 $ 11,449 $ 12,440 $ 10,980 $ 12,440

Powell Garage: Other Services 11,030 1,626 3,000 2,400 3,000 0.00% 0.11% Office Supplies 6,438 3,452 3,000 2,800 3,000 0.00% 0.11% Other Materials 331 4 1,200 2,400 1,200 0.00% 0.05% Telephone 2,652 2,679 3,680 3,080 3,680 0.00% 0.14% Local Travel & Meetings 142 0.00% Safety Awards 360 300 360 0.00% 0.01%

Subtotal Powell Garage: $ 20,593 $ 7,761 $ 11,240 $ 10,980 $ 11,240


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Merlo Garage: Other Services$ 2,359 $ 1,412 $ 3,000 $ 2,400 $ 3,000 0.00% 0.11% Office Supplies 9,924 4,954 3,000 3,112 3,000 0.00% 0.11% Other Materials 1,093 1,000 1,000 1,400 1,000 0.00% 0.04% Telephone 3,714 4,301 4,000 3,632 4,000 0.00% 0.15% Local Travel & Meetings 142 0.00% Safety Awards 2,424 100 360 300 360 0.00% 0.01%

Subtotal Merlo Garage: $ 19,656 $ 11,767 $ 11,360 $ 10,844 $ 11,360

Station Operations: Other Services 2,180 175 2,400 2,400 2,400 0.00% 0.09% Office Supplies 15,859 22,449 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.00% 0.45% Other Materials 16,895 996 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 0.04% Telephone 358 351 300 0.00% . Subtotal Station Operations: $ 35,293 $ 23,971 $ 15,400 $ 15,700 $ 15,400

Operator Training-Bus: Accident Review/Investigations 3,443 3,368 6,000 5,800 -100.00% 0.00% Temporary Help-Trans Adm 23,647 30,000 0.00% Other Services 4,080 1,000 1,000 -100.00% 0.00% Office Supplies 8,421 6,586 6,000 7,000 -100.00% 0.00% Other Materials 17,528 28,382 10,000 11,000 -100.00% 0.00% Operator Training Materials 1,551 11,728 4,800 3,600 -100.00% 0.00% Telephone 8,336 12,318 8,000 9,245 -100.00% 0.00% Operator Roadeo 1,126 2,000 0.00%

Subtotal Operator Training-Bus: $ 39,279 $ 91,235 $ 35,800 $ 69,645

Document Services & Mail Room: Photocopier Maint - Doc Svcs 36,693 34,000 37,000 0.84% 1.40% Other Services 43,690 40,000 44,000 0.71% 1.66% Postage 57,818 60,000 58,000 0.31% 2.19% Doc Services Supplies 16,990 16,000 17,000 0.06% 0.64%

Subtotal Document Services & Mail Room $ 155,190 $ 150,000 $ 156,000 $ 1,229,505 $ 2,260,535 $ 2,743,997 $ 1,839,196 $ 2,649,572 -3.44% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 13,327,489 $ 13,880,743 $ 16,315,720 $ 16,135,942 $ 16,494,841 1.10% 94.97% Materials & Services 785,600 828,136 783,445 842,285 873,362 11.48% 5.03%

Total $ 14,113,089 $ 14,708,879 $ 17,099,165 $ 16,978,227 $ 17,368,203 1.57% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Field Operations Department consists of Bus Dispatch, Rail Control, . Safe, on-time bus and MAX service delivery. Road and Rail Supervisor functions and personnel in one department for . Improve fare enforcement. efficient use of field personnel and equipment and effective coordination of . High customer satisfaction for special event service operations. transportation operations during regular and special event service and in response to incidents.


. Operation of rail control & bus dispatch. . Control & supervision of all light rail and bus movements according to standard operating procedures and principles of safety and on-time performance. . Enforcement of TriMet Codes relating to fare policy and other regulations. . Maintain safe, secure and on-time service to TriMet customers. . Prepare and manage operating plans for special events service. . Initial and recurrent training for field supervisors, bus dispatchers and rail controllers. . Standard operating procedures for field supervisors, bus dispatchers and rail controllers.

OP-12 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - FIELD OPERATIONS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Administration: Director, Ops Command Center & Field Ops$ 94,012 $ 101,047 $ 97,986 1.00 $ 97,986 $ 103,970 $ 110,000 1.00 $ 110,000 Assistant Manager, Ops. Command Center 84,000 245,424 85,831 2.00 171,662 129,298 84,181 5.00 420,906 Assistant Manager, Field Operations 78,672 89,435 85,831 1.00 85,831 84,561 84,561 1.00 84,561 Assistant Manager, Field Operations 77,129 87,230 85,831 1.00 85,831 63,853 82,942 1.00 82,942 Coordinator, Operations Services 52,570 55,272 1.00 55,272 55,786 55,786 1.00 55,786

Fringe Benefits 159,638 312,581 177,682 177,682 277,354

Road Operations: Field Operations Coordinator 135,659 213,841 77,538 3.00 232,613 232,613 77,538 3.00 232,613 Lead Dispatcher/Controller 237,659 85,017 77,538 1.00 77,538 77,538 77,538 1.00 77,538 Lead Field Supervisor 291,887 323,823 77,538 4.00 310,150 310,150 77,538 4.00 310,150 Dispatcher 1,183,521 1,253,090 73,896 18.00 1,330,134 1,330,134 73,896 18.00 1,330,134 Road Supervisor 2,442,199 2,597,256 73,896 37.00 2,734,164 2,734,164 73,896 37.00 2,734,164

Fringe Benefits 1,829,489 1,862,184 1,966,312 1,966,312 2,058,389 Workers' Compensation 126,360 7,300 150,000 150,000 150,000 Longevity Premium 72,819 72,819 76,490 Unscheduled Overtime 599,424 502,361 535,508 535,508 450,982 Night Differential 6,740 6,740 6,432

Rail Operations: Rail Controller 1,332,016 1,482,293 73,896 29.00 2,142,993 2,142,993 73,896 29.00 2,142,993 Rail Supervisor 2,136,516 2,414,217 73,896 36.00 2,660,268 2,660,268 73,896 35.00 2,586,371

Fringe Benefits 1,412,508 1,561,686 2,022,073 2,022,073 2,085,805 Workers' Compensation 8,895 (62,627) 100,000 100,000 60,000 Longevity Premium 58,499 58,499 51,426 Unscheduled Overtime 358,030 424,277 519,702 519,702 450,982 Night Differential 6,893 6,893 6,893

OP-13 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - FIELD OPERATIONS 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Fare Inspection: Fare Inspector$ 475,387 $ 374,252 $ 73,896 5.00$ 369,482 $ 369,482 $ 73,896 5.00$ 369,482

Fringe Benefits 176,188 153,024 152,836 152,836 160,702 Workers' Compensation 53,797 122,097 150,000 150,000 75,000 Longevity Premium 12,667 12,667 12,946 Unscheduled Overtime 61,799 55,201 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 30,067 49,897 33,800 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (27,296) (376,835) (140,496)

Total $ 13,327,489 $ 13,880,743 139.00 $ 16,315,720 $ 16,135,942 141.00 $ 16,494,841


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Administration: Temporary Help$ 14,521 $ 2,727 $ 9,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,400 -73.33% 0.27% Other Services 8,543 13,093 12,000 13,685 12,000 0.00% 1.37% Office Supplies 6,022 2,844 4,200 3,600 4,000 -4.76% 0.46% Equip/Furn < $5,000-Gen & Adm 1,472 0.00% Other Materials 11,640 6,193 5,000 13,570 7,892 57.84% 0.90% Telephone 179 3,717 2,400 3,451 3,000 25.00% 0.34% Education & Training 200 200 200 0.00% 0.02% Out-of-Town Travel 3,220 0.00% OCC Equipment & Supplies 35,767 3,600 3,600 103,600 2777.78% 11.86% Employee Recognition 606 498 720 400 720 0.00% 0.08%

Subtotal Administration: $ 44,731 $ 66,311 $ 37,120 $ 40,506 $ 133,812

Road Operations: Uniforms 26,566 18,084 21,731 18,000 21,000 -3.36% 2.40% Vehicle Control System Maintenance 582,604 611,165 537,365 619,623 540,000 0.49% 61.83% Other Services 3,708 955 3,000 2,400 3,000 0.00% 0.34% Office Supplies 386 1,269 0.00% Other Materials 9,233 11,393 7,200 8,000 7,200 0.00% 0.82% Telephone 25,593 26,827 26,800 26,000 27,000 0.75% 3.09% Data Communication Services - Buses 39,000 24,000 36,000 -7.69% 4.12% Local Travel & Meetings 13 8 0.00% Driver Accommodations 36,316 31,636 37,000 36,000 37,000 0.00% 4.24% CDL Renewals 662 1,064 420 471 420 0.00% 0.05%

Subtotal Road Operations: $ 684,696 $ 701,518 $ 672,516 $ 735,763 $ 671,620

Rail Operations: Uniforms 19,193 17,476 23,178 18,000 21,000 -9.40% 2.40% Other Services 2,558 1,415 3,450 3,400 3,450 0.00% 0.40% Office Supplies 121 1,336 0.00% Other Materials 18,765 18,850 14,200 14,000 14,200 0.00% 1.63% Telephone 14,556 22,136 23,000 24,000 24,000 4.35% 2.75%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Data Communication Services - LRVs$ 8,700 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 -44.83% 0.55% CDL Renewals$ 1,102 $ 309 1,281 480 480 -62.53% 0.08%

Subtotal Rail Operations: $ 56,174 $ 60,307 $ 73,809 $ 66,016 $ 67,930

$ 785,600 $ 828,136 $ 783,445 $ 842,285 $ 873,362 11.48% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,090,629 $ 1,438,691 $ 1,509,539 $ 1,533,473 $ 1,535,005 1.69% 98.06% Materials & Services 7,501 64,889 60,929 61,793 30,300 -50.27% 1.94%

Total $ 1,098,130 $ 1,503,580 $ 1,570,468 $ 1,595,266 $ 1,565,305 -0.33% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Service Delivery Department is responsible for Scheduling, Systems . Continuous improvement in on-time performance, service capacity, and Scheduling, Special Events Planning and Operator Workforce Utilization. creating safe and efficient work assignments for bus and rail operators. . Produce and distribute accurate schedule information to operators and Activities: supervisory personnel. . Make efficient use of scheduling software, hardware tools and provide on- . Scheduling going system administration. Disseminate scheduling materials and - Schedule writing, runcutting, and vehicle assignment. information to agency users and for web production. - Organize and manage operator assignment signups. . Plan, design and implement service for special events. Provide plans for - Maintain and improve schedule reliability and on-time performance. emergency response to service disruptions. Prepare operational service plans for construction-related projects. . Scheduling Systems . Extraboard efficiency in balance with operator availability for all - Scheduling systems maintenance. scheduled service. - Application development. - Website support.

. Special Events Planning - Support to events service design. - Special events service schedules.

. Operator Workforce Utilization - Operator hiring plans for replacing attrition, and increasing service. - Extraboard sizing and efficiency.

OP-17 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - SERVICE DELIVERY 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Service Delivery$ 130,720 $ 118,247 1.00 $ 118,247 $ 119,845 $ 119,845 1.00 $ 119,845 Manager, Scheduling$ 95,845 98,231 96,916 1.00 96,916 98,361 98,361 1.00 98,361 Manager, Workforce Utilization 86,447 83,845 1.00 83,845 88,523 88,998 1.00 88,998 Manager, Scheduling Systems & Production 74,485 48,882 87,005 1.00 87,005 81,179 82,358 1.00 82,358 Planner III 70,960 71,611 1.00 71,611 72,954 73,310 1.00 73,310 Computer Technology Specialist 104,515 111,917 103,739 1.00 103,739 103,739 103,739 1.00 103,739 Schedule Data Technician 220,440 227,377 73,896 3.00 221,689 221,689 73,896 3.00 221,688 Schedule Writer II 290,501 298,536 73,896 4.00 295,585 295,585 73,896 4.00 295,584

Fringe Benefits 301,238 371,820 403,089 403,089 421,915 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 5,513 27,020 5,934 Longevity Premium 19,349 19,349 20,323 Unscheduled Overtime 3,605 2,221 2,950 3,044 2,950 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (8,420) (904)

Total $ 1,090,629 $ 1,438,691 13.00 $ 1,509,539 $ 1,533,473 13.00 $ 1,535,005


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 45,098 $ 46,000 $ 30,000 $ 16,160 -64.87% 53.33% Other Services$ 4,695 5,396 5,000 4,400 5,000 0.00% 16.50% Office Supplies 518 277 2,300 2,300 2,300 0.00% 7.59% Other Materials 1,258 1,824 1,600 2,200 1,800 12.50% 5.94% Microcomputer Materials 434 3,615 1,800 1,000 1,200 -33.33% 3.96% Telephone 597 1,316 2,000 2,200 2,200 10.00% 7.26% Local Travel & Meetings 816 1,000 100 400 -60.00% 1.32% Out-of-Town Travel 6,547 1,229 19,593 1,240 0.90% 4.10% $ 7,501 $ 64,889 $ 60,929 $ 61,793 $ 30,300 -50.27% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 521,280 Materials & Services 719,418

Total $ 1,240,698

OP-20 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Service Planning & Scheduling$ 128,503 Manager, Service Planning 80,642 Planner III 133,410 Planner II 58,000

Fringe Benefits 132,595 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (11,870)

Total $ 521,280


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 70,179 Program Services - Job Access 641,521 Office Supplies 95 Other Materials 55 Microcomputer Materials 1,431 Local Travel & Meetings 292 Education & Training 350 Out-of-Town Travel 5,496

$ 719,418


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,164,840 $ 1,203,758 $ 1,354,378 $ 1,323,325 $ 1,299,908 -4.02% 3.63% Materials & Services 32,008,924 32,657,402 33,898,791 34,057,400 34,486,617 1.73% 96.37%

Total $ 33,173,764 $ 33,861,160 $ 35,253,169 $ 35,380,725 $ 35,786,525 1.51% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Accessible Transportation Programs - LIFT Department is responsible . Exceed 93% of pickups within 30 minutes of scheduled pickup window. for providing safe, reliable and efficient demand-response transportation in . Achieve 100,000 miles or more per preventable collision. support of the LIFT Program, designed to meet the American with Disabilities . Maintain or exceed rides per vehicle hour at 1.75. Act (ADA) requirement for complementary paratransit service for persons . Eligibility assessment for new and re-certification of existing LIFT clients. unable to use fixed route service. . Answer 95% of customer calls within 5 minutes. . 25,000 miles between mechanical failures for LIFT buses. Activities:

. Deliver safe, high-quality and cost-effective paratransit service that meets or exceeds ADA requirements. . Maximize resources through the LIFT eligibility process. Effectively evaluate LIFT applicants’ functional abilities to determine most appropriate mode of travel and conditions under which trips can be taken. . Review quality of customer service through analysis of customer feedback of all aspects of experiences with LIFT service and using that process to improve service. Improve relationships with the community through outreach, including staff support to TriMet’s Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT).

OP-23 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS-LIFT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, ATP$ 110,000 $ 114,164 $ 115,391 1.00 $ 115,391 $ 69,167 $ 116,140 1.00 $ 116,140 Manager, LIFT Service Delivery 89,828 92,097 92,995 1.00 92,995 99,189 94,873 1.00 94,873 Manager, LIFT Eligibility & Comm. Relations 85,915 81,438 82,321 1.00 82,321 83,791 84,357 1.00 84,357 Assistant Manager, LIFT Service Delivery 95,947 75,873 75,566 1.00 75,566 74,111 74,465 1.00 74,465 Administrator ADA Compliance 70,000 1.00 70,000 73,703 Administrator, LIFT Service Quality 54,591 55,919 56,460 1.00 56,460 47,536 57,043 1.00 57,043 Coordinator, LIFT Administration 36,806 50,085 50,388 1.00 50,388 52,666 53,082 1.00 53,082 Specialist, Senior Eligibility 63,550 68,638 65,757 1.00 65,757 67,128 67,519 1.00 67,519 Coordinator, LIFT Eligibility 202,722 210,247 53,124 4.00 212,495 221,807 56,004 4.00 224,016 ATP Assistant, LIFT Eligibility 75,338 78,429 41,902 2.00 83,805 83,231 41,922 2.00 83,844 ATP Assistant 18,246 20,515 41,902 1.00 41,902 45,469 45,469 1.00 45,469

Fringe Benefits 331,898 356,354 395,319 395,319 386,889 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 11,979 10,208 12,211

Total $ 1,164,840 $ 1,203,758 15.00 $ 1,354,378 $ 1,323,325 14.00 $ 1,299,908


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

LIFT Operations: LIFT Central Dispatch$ 2,076,992 $ 2,035,590 $ 2,190,556 $ 2,150,000 $ 2,256,273 3.00% 6.54% Professional & Technical 9,050 12,000 6,000 8,000 -33.33% 0.02% Office Equipment Service/Repair 127 1,000 800 1,000 0.00% 0.00% ATP Central Maintenance Contract 2,323,458 2,367,693 2,473,230 2,400,000 2,547,427 3.00% 7.39% Background Check Services 10,673 11,025 13,000 14,800 13,600 4.62% 0.04% Printing Services 16,438 12,048 20,000 14,500 18,000 -10.00% 0.05% Other Services 10,306 4,741 12,000 8,000 11,770 -1.92% 0.03% Other Services-Revenue Vehicle Maintenance 64,974 58,332 106,000 80,000 87,000 -17.92% 0.25% Diesel Fuel - Revenue Vehicles 2,409,906 1,871,664 2,309,951 1,650,000 1,657,000 -28.27% 4.80% Oil & Lubricants 66,016 52,065 75,000 62,000 75,000 0.00% 0.22% Gasoline - Revenue Vehicles 114,374 101,617 116,000 82,000 80,000 -31.03% 0.23% Tires, Lease/Purchase Revenue 110,726 101,794 95,000 120,000 100,000 5.26% 0.29% Office Supplies 9,109 7,490 9,000 9,000 9,200 2.22% 0.03% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 1,674 589 7,500 7,000 7,600 1.33% 0.02% Other Materials 11,074 2,663 9,000 7,000 9,000 0.00% 0.03% Postage 5,692 4,603 7,000 6,000 7,000 0.00% 0.02% ATP Maintenance Materials 3,863 3,969 12,000 5,600 12,000 0.00% 0.03% Telephone 26,853 35,251 30,000 40,000 36,000 20.00% 0.10% Data Communication Services - LIFT 29,126 30,000 32,000 32,000 6.67% 0.09% Insurance Premium 1,378,564 1,458,706 1,543,307 1,500,000 1,530,000 -0.86% 4.44% PI/PD 456 0.00% LIFT Transportation 19,659,416 20,353,830 20,863,925 21,200,000 21,907,121 5.00% 63.52% LIFT Supplemental Cab Service 2,906,695 3,314,609 3,015,324 3,800,000 3,200,000 6.12% 9.28% Local Travel & Meetings 32 100 80 100 0.00% 0.00% Education & Training 2,819 500 250 480 -4.00% 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 2,117 1,978 3,000 5,000 3,600 20.00% 0.01% CAT Committee 20,851 19,496 18,128 18,000 18,300 0.95% 0.05%

Subtotal LIFT Operations: $ 31,233,203 $ 31,857,929 $ 32,972,521 $ 33,218,030 $ 33,627,471


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

LIFT Eligibility: Contracted Dispatch$ 50,813 $ 41,270 $ 66,059 $ 60,000 $ 68,041 3.00% 0.20% Contracted Eligibility Assessment 322,620 341,321 345,000 335,000 335,000 -2.90% 0.97% Professional & Technical 1,000 1,000 0.00% 0.00% Office Equipment Service/Repair 1,300 251 1,000 800 1,000 0.00% 0.00% ATP Central Maintenance Contract 13,271 10,947 16,995 14,000 17,505 3.00% 0.05% Printing Services 8,604 3,346 9,500 8,500 9,500 0.00% 0.03% Other Services 10,845 10,572 13,000 10,000 13,000 0.00% 0.04% Diesel Fuel - Revenue Vehicles 15,250 31,532 18,000 14,000 13,000 -27.78% 0.04% Office Supplies 9,565 16,951 8,700 9,000 9,000 3.45% 0.03% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 170 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00% 0.01% Other Materials 652 18 2,400 1,000 2,400 0.00% 0.01% Postage 22,027 22,708 24,000 24,000 24,000 0.00% 0.07% Telephone 1,101 927 950 990 960 1.05% 0.00% Eligibility Transportation 180,331 173,897 262,916 194,000 200,000 -23.93% 0.58% Education & Training 250 180 240 -4.00% 0.00% Out-of-Town Travel 1,500 900 1,500 0.00% 0.00% Leases 139,171 145,733 152,000 164,000 160,000 5.26% 0.46%

Subtotal LIFT Eligibility: $ 775,721 $ 799,473 $ 926,270 $ 839,370 $ 859,146 $ 32,008,924 $ 32,657,402 $ 33,898,791 $ 34,057,400 $ 34,486,617 1.73% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 413,454 $ 321,699 Materials & Services 20,536,297 11,872,782

Total $ 20,949,751 $ 12,194,481

The Oregon Department of Medical Assistance Program (DMAP) and Waivered Non-Medical Program for Medicaid eligible individuals (door-to-door service if needed or fixed route fares) to get to medical appointments, was contracted elsewhere by the State effective December 31, 2014.

OP-27 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - ACCESSIBLE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS-MTP 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, Transportation Brokerage$ 86,725 $ 93,489 Software Engineer 94,574 101,012 Administrator, MTP Contract 62,050 34,552 Administrative Specialist, ATP 60,678 23,779

Fringe Benefits 109,428 68,866

Total $ 413,454 $ 321,699


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

DMAP - MTP: MTP Central Dispatch$ 1,414,954 $ 802,502 Legal 6,170 14,897 Contracted Driver Training 46,933 Temporary Help 11,605 Background Checks 30,819 17,689 Printing Services 2,150 1,013 Other Services 3,830 890 Tickets 98,864 54,310 Passes 239,628 269,868 Office Supplies 7,028 2,976 Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 21,491 Postage 17,714 8,181 Software Enhancements 525 Telephone 34,326 20,180 Insurance Premium 368,018 178,576 MTP Transportation 16,559,734 9,445,278 Local Travel & Meetings 1,016 88 Education & Training 675 638 Out-of-Town Travel 688 1,962 Building Expense Transfer - ATP 56,771 28,387

Subtotal DMAP-MTP: $ 18,911,334 $ 10,859,040


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Waivered Non-Medical: Contracted Dispatch$ 74,471 $ 42,237 Background Checks 3,389 910 Printing Services 110 Other Services 195 225 Office Supplies 147 Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 1,126 Postage 937 436 Telephone 1,807 1,062 MTP Cab Transportation 1,307,315 740,220 Waivered Non-Medical Match-Wash./Clack. 232,478 227,157 Building Expense Transfer - ATP 2,988 1,495

Subtotal Waivered Non-Medical: $ 1,624,963 $ 1,013,742

$ 20,536,297 $ 11,872,782


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 16,625,213 $ 17,464,385 $ 21,283,017 $ 20,985,321 $ 21,419,367 0.64% 97.34% Materials & Services 102,215 320,645 591,636 539,683 586,200 -0.92% 2.66%

Total $ 16,727,428 $ 17,785,030 $ 21,874,653 $ 21,525,004 $ 22,005,567 0.60% 100.00%

Responsibilities: Performance Measures:

The Rail Transportation Department includes management and administrative . Strive for: support functions for rail operators. - Safe, on-time MAX service delivery. - Less than 1.0 MAX safety incidents per 100,000 miles. Activities: - Sustain 91.0% rail operator attendance.

. Operation of regularly scheduled light rail service. . Operation of Rose Festival and other special light rail service. . MAX on-time performance. . Rail operator attendance/overtime/extraboard. . Rail operator rule book and standard operating procedures. . Provision of rail operators to Portland Streetcar.

*Effective March 2016 the Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training Department in the Safety & Security Division had some expenses moved from the Rail Transportation Department in the Operations Division.

OP-31 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - RAIL TRANSPORTATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Rail Transportation: Manager, Rail Operations$ 103,148 $ 106,149 $ 98,405 1.00 $ 98,405 $ 99,855 $ 99,855 1.00 $ 99,855 Assistant Manager, Rail Transportation 73,244 75,341 79,025 1.00 79,025 82,548 82,164 1.00 82,164 Assistant Manager, Rail Transportation 72,478 80,864 79,025 1.00 79,025 82,480 82,126 1.00 82,126 Operations Specialist 54,518 55,256 54,077 1.00 54,077 54,829 54,829 1.00 54,829 Assistant Manager, Transportation Training 44,494 81,744 1.00 81,744 88,981 Training Supervisor 337,161 351,125 73,896 5.00 369,482 297,362 LRV Operator 8,939,420 10,173,956 60,635 174.67 10,591,148 10,591,148 60,635 147.00 8,913,339 LRV Operator 60,635 18.33 1,111,443 1,111,443 60,635 46.00 2,789,215

Fringe Benefits 4,971,981 5,339,651 6,119,401 6,119,401 6,200,873 Workers' Compensation 139,471 341,906 200,000 381,830 719,000 Longevity Premium 111,578 111,578 102,030 Road Relief Pay 145,186 145,186 145,186 Night Differential 14,206 14,206 14,206 Scheduled Overtime 2,165,561 2,207,896 1,505,382 1,505,382 1,519,067 Unscheduled & Report Overtime 868,181 868,181 868,181 Unscheduled Overtime - Non-Op. 11,564 11,564 Incentive 13,685 13,685 Unpaid Absence (212,135) (212,135) (212,135) Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 41,621 50,807 41,431 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (231,771) (1,312,253) (433,010)

Total $ 16,625,213 $ 17,464,385 203.00 $ 21,283,017 $ 20,985,321 197.00 $ 21,419,367


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Uniforms$ 46,968 $ 44,900 $ 65,909 $ 56,000 $ 65,000 -1.38% 11.09% Other Services 452 1,770 1,600 1,600 1,100 -31.25% 0.19% Office Supplies 7,619 21,805 7,800 11,496 5,800 -25.64% 0.99% Other Materials 5,301 9,392 7,150 3,600 6,000 -16.08% 1.02% Other Materials-Gen & Adm 6 6,692 0.00% Other Materials-Transp Adm 16,198 0.00% Operator Training Materials 1,207 4,569 1,300 1,795 -100.00% 0.00% Telephone 1,842 2,312 2,400 2,500 2,500 4.17% 0.43% Self-Insurance BI/PD 33,939 212,343 500,000 450,000 500,000 0.00% 85.30% Out-of-Town Travel 2,664 0.00% CDL Renewals 2,393 2,319 3,153 3,000 3,000 -4.85% 0.51% Employee Recognition 2,495 2,367 2,324 3,000 2,800 20.48% 0.47%

$ 102,215 $ 320,645 $ 591,636 $ 539,683 $ 586,200 -0.92% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,347,247 $ 1,639,645 $ 1,426,073 $ 1,442,226 $ 1,611,797 13.02% 29.02% Materials & Services 4,929,844 4,798,640 5,317,215 5,218,041 3,942,227 -25.86% 70.98%

Total $ 6,277,091 $ 6,438,285 $ 6,743,288 $ 6,660,267 $ 5,554,024 -17.64% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Commuter Rail Department is responsible for safe, reliable, on-time . 98% or better on-time performance. operation of the Westside Express Service (WES) Commuter Rail service, with . Train miles between train collisions - exceeding commuter rail industry clean and well-maintained rail vehicles, stations and park and ride facilities. standards. . Train miles between passenger safety incidents - exceeding Commuter Rail WES operates as part of the general railroad system of transportation, and as industry standards. such, is governed by regulations of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). . 100% compliance with FRA-required inspections and maintenance The Portland and Western Railroad (P&W) is the owner/operator of common for commuter rail vehicles, signals and grade crossing systems. carrier railroad rights along the WES line. Under a Shared-Use Agreement between TriMet and P&W, WES trains operate as part of P&W railroad operations. WES functions performed by P&W are: training of engineers and conductors, train dispatching and maintenance of way (track, signals and grade crossings). WES functions performed by TriMet are: overall operations management, maintenance and cleaning of vehicles, stations and park/rides, fare system and customer service information.

OP-34 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - COMMUTER RAIL 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Commuter Rail: Director, Commuter Rail - RR Compliance$ 157,050 $ 125,919 $ 117,973 1.00 $ 117,973 $ 119,573 $ 119,573 1.00 $ 119,573 Assistant Manager, Commuter Rail Operations 74,765 79,353 84,609 1.00 84,609 84,934 84,934 1.00 84,934 Commuter Rail Maint Assistant Supervisor 214,716 264,089 72,032 3.00 216,096 216,096 72,032 3.00 216,096 Commuter Rail Maint Technician 361,775 437,922 62,625 6.00 375,749 375,749 62,625 6.00 375,750 Service Worker 47,349 2.00 94,698

Facilities Management-Rail: Facilities Platform Cleaner 107,460 122,437 55,844 2.00 111,687 111,687 55,844 2.00 111,688

Fringe Benefits 359,546 513,130 399,972 399,972 474,702 Workers' Compensation 647 24,845 1,000 1,000 4,000 Longevity Premium 36,331 36,331 40,717 Unscheduled Overtime 71,288 91,758 63,358 103,358 68,358 Tool Allowance 9,926 9,926 9,926 Night & Shift Differential 5,685 5,685 7,055 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 3,688 7,399 4,300 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (19,808) (29,484)

Total $ 1,347,247 $ 1,639,645 13.00 $ 1,426,073 $ 1,442,226 15.00 $ 1,611,797

OP-35 BUD2 Materials & Services OPERATIONS - COMMUTER RAIL

Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Administration: Professional & Technical$ 2,226 $ 3,764 $ 1,000 0.00% Office Supplies 1,881 1,392$ 1,400 1,300 $ 1,400 0.00% 0.04% Inventory Adjustments 820 3,000 0.00% Telephone & Comm. Services 55,073 105,347 66,000 110,000 24,780 -62.45% 0.63% Data Communication Services - WES 12,000 54,000 350.00% 1.37% Local Travel & Meetings 480 200 397 -17.29% 0.01% Out-of-Town Travel 393 67 0.00%

Subtotal Administration: $ 60,393 $ 110,570 $ 79,880 $ 115,500 $ 80,577

Vehicle Maintenance: Calibration & Tool Repair 3,247 4,664 4,000 5,600 4,200 5.00% 0.11% Contracted Maintenance 93,907 58,868 37,793 117,941 40,000 5.84% 1.01% Laundry 3,149 3,811 4,000 4,000 4,800 20.00% 0.12% Other Services 4,081 5,368 4,800 4,600 4,800 0.00% 0.12% Diesel Fuel - Commuter Trains 360,186 264,716 310,700 220,000 244,000 -21.47% 6.19% Maintenance Materials 220,255 216,404 187,114 190,000 190,000 1.54% 4.82% Freight 28,431 25,130 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 0.38% Shop Equipment < $5,000 15,541 11,645 8,000 8,200 8,000 0.00% 0.20% Cleaning Supplies 5,114 8,418 5,400 4,200 5,200 -3.70% 0.13% Small Hand Tools 2,811 6,812 2,000 3,600 2,400 20.00% 0.06% Other Materials 11,386 10,547 8,200 9,000 8,400 2.44% 0.21% Maintenance Materials - Landscape 4,725 703 0.00% Safety Supplies 4,561 4,405 2,400 3,000 2,400 0.00% 0.06% Invoice Price Variance (938) 1,111 0.00%

Subtotal Vehicle Maintenance: $ 756,456 $ 622,602 $ 589,407 $ 585,141 $ 529,200

OP-36 BUD2 Materials & Services OPERATIONS - COMMUTER RAIL

Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Railroad Services: Train Crew Uniforms$ 2,517 $ 1,163 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 0.00% 0.03% Railroad Protective Insurance 1,300,293 1,317,660 1,390,000 1,390,000 -100.00% 0.00% Self-Insurance BI/PD 100,000 50,000 100,000 0.00% 2.54% Train Operations 1,962,835 1,875,735 2,069,888 2,050,000 2,131,985 3.00% 54.08% On-Time Performance Incentive 262,444 265,346 289,022 280,000 290,000 0.34% 7.36% Maintenance of Way 460,257 476,926 643,338 600,000 662,638 3.00% 16.81%

Subtotal Railroad Services: $ 3,988,346 $ 3,936,830 $ 4,493,248 $ 4,371,000 $ 3,185,623

Facilities Maintenance: Landscape Services 1,520 4,695 4,200 4,200 4,200 0.00% 0.11% Contracted Maint - Facilities 3,379 6,925 4,300 4,400 4,400 2.33% 0.11% Facilities Maint. Agreements - WES 26,128 38,755 44,000 42,000 44,000 0.00% 1.12% Waste Disposal Services 3,705 3,600 3,000 3,600 0.00% 0.09% Maintenance Materials - Snow & Ice 1,945 1,600 1,200 1,600 0.00% 0.04% Maintenance Materials 10,639 5,418 12,207 10,000 12,000 -1.70% 0.30% Cleaning Supplies-Platforms 2,190 1,766 3,600 3,200 3,600 0.00% 0.09% Landscape Materials 3,797 4,000 3,800 4,000 0.00% 0.10% Utilities - Electricity 46,180 43,385 47,427 46,000 44,427 -6.33% 1.13% Utilities - Gas 15,449 8,965 15,866 10,000 10,000 -36.97% 0.25% Utilities - Water/Sewer 10,518 11,037 10,802 15,000 11,000 1.83% 0.28% Utilities - Other 2,997 3,895 3,078 3,600 4,000 29.95% 0.10%

Subtotal Facilities Maintenance: $ 124,650 $ 128,638 $ 154,680 $ 146,400 $ 146,827

$ 4,929,844 $ 4,798,640 $ 5,317,215 $ 5,218,041 $ 3,942,227 -25.86% 100.00%

OP-37 Department Summary OPERATIONS - STREETCAR

Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 5,207,501 $ 5,534,515 $ 6,901,855 $ 6,897,101 $ 6,993,170 1.32% 48.17% Materials & Services 4,046,578 4,231,946 7,271,090 7,271,090 7,524,245 3.48% 51.83%

Total $ 9,254,079 $ 9,766,461 $ 14,172,945 $ 14,168,191 $ 14,517,415 2.43% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

. The Streetcar Department is a City of Portland and TriMet partnership . Operation and supervision of Streetcar vehicles in revenue service (under activity. It consists of job classifications defined by Portland Streetcar, City management). filled by TriMet rail transportation and rail maintenance personnel who . Maintenance of Streetcar vehicles, track, overhead electrification and rail perform these jobs in operating the Portland Streetcar under supervision of signals (under City management). Portland Streetcar management. These personnel remain TriMet employees, are paid and receive benefits from TriMet in the same manner as if their work was regular TriMet operations. . Separately, TriMet funds approximately 60% of the annual operating cost (net fares) for Portland Streetcar. This expense is budgeted as a materials and services item. . The TriMet funding and personnel support described above are per agreements between TriMet and the City of Portland, and between TriMet and the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU).

OP-38 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - STREETCAR 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Superintendent, Rail Transportation$ 170,604 $ 175,759 $ 88,113 2.00 $ 176,226 $ 176,226 $ 88,113 2.00 $ 176,226 Streetcar Signals Maintainer 61,780 64,100 65,623 1.00 65,623 65,623 65,623 1.00 65,623 Streetcar Track Maintainer 62,165 64,223 65,623 1.00 65,623 65,623 65,623 1.00 65,623 Streetcar Vehicle Operator 2,318,678 2,578,287 60,605 54.00 3,272,673 3,272,673 60,605 47.00 2,848,434 Streetcar Vehicle Operator 60,605 9.00 545,445 Streetcar Journeyman Mechanic 428,736 467,364 Streetcar Training Maintenance Technician 65,907 1.00 65,907 65,907 65,907 1.00 65,907 Streetcar Maintenance Technician 80,677 70,159 62,625 9.00 563,623 563,623 62,625 9.00 563,625

Fringe Benefits 1,535,901 1,522,271 2,029,361 2,029,361 2,184,500 Workers' Compensation 55,198 60,377 250,000 250,000 53,000 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 12,923 7,356 13,761 Longevity Premium 32,677 32,677 35,025 Scheduled Overtime 137,519 137,519 142,613 Unscheduled OT - Operators 493,763 562,562 99,575 99,575 103,263 Unscheduled OT - Non-Operator 110,830 110,830 110,830 Night Differential 9,648 9,648 9,648 Tool Allowance 9,647 9,647 9,647 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (30,587) 813

Total* $ 5,207,501 $ 5,534,515 68.00 $ 6,901,855 $ 6,897,101 70.00 $ 6,993,170

*These Streetcar operations costs, plus an amount for overhead, are reimbursed by the City of Portland. The reimbursement is included in Operating Revenue - Service Contracts.

OP-39 BUD2 Materials & Services OPERATIONS - STREETCAR

Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Streetcar Partnership Funding$ 4,046,478 $ 4,231,721 $ 6,271,090 $ 6,271,090 $ 6,524,245 4.04% 86.71% Streetcar Partnership Funding - OTO 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.00% 13.29% Safety Supplies - Fac/Eq Maint 100 225 0.00%

Total*$ 4,046,578 $ 4,231,946 $ 7,271,090 $ 7,271,090 $ 7,524,245 3.48% 100.00%

*Amount of money TriMet provides to the City of Portland to support Streetcar operations.


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 57,740,217 $ 60,987,754 $ 68,821,042 $ 69,127,026 $ 72,996,613 6.07% 60.91% Materials & Services 47,964,999 43,953,021 49,759,550 42,507,614 46,851,500 -5.84% 39.09%

Total $ 105,705,216 $ 104,940,775 $ 118,580,593 $ 111,634,640 $ 119,848,113 1.07% 100.00%

Page Maintenance Division Summary ……………………………………………OP-41 Bus Maintenance …………………………………………………………………OP-42 Facilities Management …………………………………………………………………OP-45 Rail Maintenance of Way …………………………………………………………………OP-51 Rail Equipment Maintenance ……………………………………………OP-55


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 26,502,366 $ 27,492,105 $ 31,025,050 $ 30,976,422 $ 32,829,662 5.82% 58.35% Materials & Services 27,363,526 22,785,253 26,562,441 19,763,700 23,433,088 -11.78% 41.65%

Total $ 53,865,892 $ 50,277,358 $ 57,587,491 $ 50,740,122 $ 56,262,750 -2.30% 100.00%

Responsibility: Responsibility - continued:

The Bus Maintenance Department is responsible for effectively and efficiently - Maintain fleet appearance through daily cleaning, exterior washing, providing safe, clean and reliable vehicles and other services for use by its fueling. customers, passengers, operators and staff. The Maintenance Division - Repair all defects and failures in mechanical and body systems. Executive Director is budgeted in the Bus Maintenance department, while - Provide modern, safe, well-maintained shops, tools and equipment. providing executive leadership to all Maintenance departments. - Develop, administer, train and utilize the Maintenance Management s Informationand RailSystem Maintenance (MMIS) for activities. scheduling, analysis and reporting of Bu Activities: - Manage contracts for procurement of bus maintenance materials, services and capital projects. . Maintenance Executive Director - Administer warranty programs for bus and rail fleets and equipment. - Communicate/instill TriMet’s mission, strategic direction, and service - Oversee inventory receiving, control and distribution in storerooms for B u plans throughout the Maintenance division, focused on safety, on-time and Rail Maintenance. performance and support to employees. - Executive action for Maintenance division budgets, programs, projects Performance Measures: and personnel. - Employee communication and recognition programs. . 10,000 miles between mechanical failures resulting in lost service. . 94.0% attendance for Bus Maintenance employees. . Bus Maintenance . Maintain 15 or fewer instances of workplace accidents per 200,000 labor - Employee communication and recognition programs. hours. - Develop and manage replacement projects for all fixed-route buses . 80% on-time completion of preventive maintenance procedures. and non-revenue vehicles. . Scheduled maintenance activities to account for 70% of bus repair hours. . - Meet or exceed preventive maintenance program guidelines and FTA Bus Maintenance inventory turnover rate at or more than 3.0. Asset Management standards for all fixed-route buses and non- revenue vehicles. - Train employees to necessary safety and skill levels, administer apprentice program for diesel bus mechanics. Provide recurrent update and vendor training for the entire workforce.

OP-42 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - BUS MAINTENANCE 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Executive Director, Maintenance Operations$ 143,871 $ 160,657 $ 166,269 1.00$ 166,269 $ 169,683 $ 169,683 1.00$ 169,683 Executive Administrative Assistant 20,424 64,187 1.00 64,187 62,265 62,525 1.00 62,525 Director, Bus Maintenance 26,902 119,444 1.00 119,444 Senior Manager, Maintenance 99,525 104,800 1.00 104,800 79,942 Manager, Maintenance 282,648 209,294 95,432 2.00 190,863 197,000 98,500 2.00 197,000 Manager, Stores & Warranty Programs 1,750 88,572 1.00 88,572 91,510 92,019 1.00 92,019 Asst Mgr, Training & NRV Operations 88,021 77,413 83,468 1.00 83,468 85,442 85,893 1.00 85,893 Supervisor, Maintenance 524,989 348,523 78,063 7.00 546,444 483,021 81,492 3.00 244,476 Supervisor, Maintenance 384,931 537,441 78,063 8.00 624,508 626,812 78,140 11.00 859,540 Coordinator II 58,514 1.00 58,514 Administrator, Bus Maintenance 62,314 Assistant Supervisor 876,367 947,810 72,032 12.00 864,383 864,383 72,032 12.00 864,384 Journeyman Mechanic 9,031,683 9,273,157 62,625 149.00 9,331,093 9,331,093 62,625 149.00 9,331,125 Journeyman Mechanic 62,625 8.00 501,000 Apprentice Mechanic 51,645 18.00 929,618 929,618 51,645 18.00 929,610 Apprentice Mechanic 51,645 4.00 206,580 Maintenance Mechanic 369,528 376,500 59,686 7.00 417,802 417,802 59,686 7.00 417,802 Tire Servicer 281,130 310,492 61,870 5.00 309,349 309,349 61,870 5.00 309,350 MMIS/Clerk of Maintenance 386,285 383,285 57,507 7.00 402,546 402,546 57,507 7.00 402,549 Service Worker 989,887 1,066,309 47,349 18.00 852,276 852,276 44,284 18.00 797,121 Service Worker 2,309,735 2,326,596 47,349 52.00 2,462,129 2,462,129 44,284 55.00 2,435,650 Cleaner 120,209 144,582 49,012 6.00 294,071 294,071 49,012 6.00 294,072 Maintenance Trainer 303,863 433,721 72,032 6.00 432,192 432,192 72,032 6.00 432,192 Supervisor, Stores 74,843 75,300 76,519 1.00 76,519 76,925 76,925 1.00 76,925 Assistant Storekeeper 200,271 224,506 65,850 4.00 263,401 263,401 65,850 4.00 263,400 Partsman 409,205 469,368 62,732 7.00 439,124 439,124 62,732 7.00 439,124 Junior Partsman 121,724 122,988 60,437 2.00 120,873 120,873 60,437 2.00 120,874 NRV Mechanic 212,000 251,746 62,625 4.00 250,499 250,499 62,625 4.00 250,500

Fringe 8,143,421 8,631,191 9,305,298 9,305,296 10,232,637 Workers' Compensation 750,176 420,331 1,000,000 1,000,000 808,000 Longevity Premium 614,733 614,733 613,027 Night Differential 216,852 216,852 227,116 Training Pay 6,155 6,155 5,873 Tool Allowance 170,580 170,580 184,635 Unscheduled Overtime 435,263 579,196 474,330 474,330 961,544 Unpaid Absence (79,765) (79,765) (82,845) Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 74,810 72,312 81,397 FY2016 Service Enhancement (72,929) (72,929) FY2017 Annual Service Plan (163,074)

Total $ 26,502,366 $ 27,492,105 320.00 $ 31,025,050 $ 30,976,422 335.00 $ 32,829,662


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Contracted Bus Maintenance - MAF$ 227,443 $ 198,604 $ 245,056 $ 190,000 $ 248,254 1.31% 1.06% CRT Filter Cleaning 45,120 31,384 45,000 44,000 45,000 0.00% 0.19% Body Work - Non Revenue Vehicles 12,821 11,213 13,200 14,000 14,000 6.06% 0.06% Laundry 50,225 67,663 92,050 72,000 95,630 3.89% 0.41% Other Services 186,835 229,396 182,880 180,000 189,660 3.71% 0.81% Diesel Fuel - Revenue Vehicles 16,837,809 12,898,987 14,870,145 9,500,000 11,281,000 -24.14% 48.14% Diesel Fuel - Non Revenue Vehicles 68,287 57,200 54,000 44,000 48,000 -11.11% 0.20% Oil & Lubricants 482,313 401,125 427,289 490,000 460,325 7.73% 1.96% Gasoline - Non Revenue Vehicles 537,028 441,116 435,000 400,000 420,000 -3.45% 1.79% Tires, Lease/Purchase Revenue 699,535 653,084 632,880 700,000 670,308 5.91% 2.86% Tires - Non Revenue Vehicles 31,465 31,159 24,000 32,000 30,000 25.00% 0.13% Office Supplies 29,921 41,681 28,000 28,000 30,000 7.14% 0.13% Repair Materials - Revenue Equipment 41,150 78,170 228,659 60,000 180,000 -21.28% 0.77% Maint. Materials - NRVs 313,266 300,707 264,000 240,000 260,000 -1.52% 1.11% Maint. Materials - Revenue Equipment 7,169,823 6,492,850 8,586,895 7,000,000 8,987,461 4.66% 38.35% Freight - Priority 28,129 29,247 30,000 30,000 36,000 20.00% 0.15% Shop Equipment Replacement 9,650 18,458 9,200 16,000 16,000 73.91% 0.07% Cleaning Supplies 205,844 222,359 205,954 230,000 217,780 5.74% 0.93% Small Hand Tools 22,654 29,624 22,000 22,000 24,000 9.09% 0.10% Inventory Adjustments 169,550 131,408 120,000 0.00% Other Materials 29,241 22,747 16,000 16,000 18,000 12.50% 0.08% Unreconciled Mastercard Expense 1,930 50,000 0.00% Safety Supplies 109,665 139,558 91,663 120,000 97,270 6.12% 0.42% Winter Supplies 28,414 132,212 24,000 26,000 26,000 8.33% 0.11% Obsolete Inventory 93,510 110,000 0.00% Invoice Price Variance (7,522) (9,646) (12,000) 0.00% Average Cost Variance (668) (978) 0.00% Telephone 20,748 21,317 21,000 21,000 21,000 0.00% 0.09% Education & Training 5,772 11,566 6,000 5,800 6,000 0.00% 0.03% Out-of-Town Travel 1,802 8,000 4,000 0.02% CDL Renewals 4,500 6,402 2,770 2,100 2,400 -13.36% 0.01% Employee Recognition 4,507 3,062 4,800 4,800 5,000 4.17% 0.02% Operating Expense Transfer (3,664) 0.00%

$ 27,363,526 $ 22,785,253 $ 26,562,441 $ 19,763,700 $ 23,433,088 -11.78% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 7,523,715 $ 7,826,126 $ 8,549,109 $ 8,527,840 $ 8,665,833 1.37% 51.41% Materials & Services 7,087,656 7,762,986 8,066,920 8,171,480 8,189,677 1.52% 48.59%

Total $ 14,611,371 $ 15,589,112 $ 16,616,029 $ 16,699,320 $ 16,855,510 1.44% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Facilities Management Department is responsible for managing facility . Maximize existing resources to increase services and efficiencies at district assets, planning, acquiring and allocating resources, maintaining assets and facilities, platforms, transit centers, park and rides and neighborhood bus providing a safe, healthy and productive work environment. shelters, focusing on service quality. Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for effectiveness. Activities: . Value the contributions of and invest in each employee, engage staff in

decision-making. Implement improvements to expand services and . Maintenance of transit centers, MAX station platforms, park and rides, demonstrate strong commitment to safety and quality, recognizing all layover facilities and Portland Mall maintenance. contributions. . Maintenance of operations and administration facilities. . Reduce operating costs through sustainable programs and campaigns in . Sustainable landscaping practices oversight and management. support of the agency goal of being an environmental leader. . Custodial services management. . Timely completion of preventive and repair maintenance tasks. . Maintenance and repair of bus stops and shelters. . Plant maintenance mechanic apprenticeship program. . Meet or exceed FTA State of Good Repair and Asset Management standards for TriMet facilities. . Manage contracts for procurement of facilities maintenance materials, services and capital projects.

OP-45 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Facilities Management: Director, Facilities Management$ 113,302 $ 118,148 $ 117,026 1.00 $ 117,026 $ 118,844 $ 119,465 1.00 $ 119,465 Manager, Facilities Systems 92,717 96,553 97,617 1.00 97,617 100,780 100,780 1.00 100,780 Manager, Facilities Services 89,904 72,847 90,692 1.00 90,692 94,089 94,548 1.00 94,548 Supervisor, Facilities Management 71,000 73,080 79,258 1.00 79,258 78,620 78,620 1.00 78,620 Supervisor, Maint Facilities Management 143,981 148,606 79,258 2.00 158,516 160,481 80,240 2.00 160,480 Coordinator, Facilities Project 28,851 54,238 72,587 1.00 72,587 61,967 62,678 1.00 62,678 Coordinator, Maintenance Contract 65,294 66,797 64,948 1.00 64,948 62,105 62,105 1.00 62,105 Coordinator II 58,011 1.00 58,011 Coordinator I 52,979 53,266 53,783 1.00 53,783 56,143 51,813 1.00 51,813 Specialist, Facilities 47,008 49,063 49,612 1.00 49,612 51,542 Assistant Supervisor 164,944 179,126 72,032 2.00 144,064 144,064 72,032 2.00 144,064 Plant Maintenance Mechanic 625,496 632,720 62,625 10.00 626,248 626,248 62,625 10.00 626,250 Plant Maintenance Mechanic Apprentices 108,166 150,149 62,625 2.00 125,250 125,250 62,625 2.00 125,250 Maintenance Technician 299,247 308,299 59,686 5.00 298,430 298,430 59,686 5.00 298,430 Landscaper 101,618 101,049 59,686 2.00 119,372 119,372 59,686 2.00 119,372 Landscape Maintenance Technician 101,618 101,049 59,686 2.00 119,372 119,372 59,686 2.00 119,372

Fringe Benefits 880,801 914,284 968,543 968,543 1,017,036 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (9,298) (672) Workers' Compensation 10,664 53,451 10,000 15,320 10,000 Longevity Premium 51,626 51,626 63,884

OP-46 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Facilities Management-Rail: Supervisor, Maint Facilities Management$ 148,924 $ 152,761 $ 79,258 2.00$ 158,516 $ 162,781 $ 81,391 2.00$ 162,782 Supervisor, Landscape 63,911 1.00 63,911 Assistant Supervisor - MOW 112,347 84,185 72,032 2.00 144,064 144,064 72,032 2.00 144,064 Facilities Maintenance Trainer 71,972 74,699 72,032 1.00 72,032 72,032 72,032 1.00 72,032 Plant Maintenance Mechanic 681,899 81,970 62,625 10.00 626,248 626,248 62,625 10.00 626,250 Plant Maintenance Mechanic Apprentices 265,538 481,752 58,533 5.00 292,664 292,664 58,533 5.00 292,665 Facilities Landscaper 233,070 463,422 59,686 6.00 358,116 358,116 59,686 5.00 298,430 Facilities Platform Cleaner 379,650 486,365 55,809 7.00 390,666 390,666 55,809 7.00 390,663 Facilities Platform Cleaner 976,242 1,239,850 55,809 22.00 1,227,807 1,227,807 55,809 22.00 1,227,798

Fringe Benefits 1,454,745 1,578,716 1,577,455 1,577,455 1,659,491 Workers' Compensation 164,101 (23,971) 200,000 200,000 150,000 Longevity Premium 87,026 87,026 96,266 Unemployment 6,691 6,691 6,385 Unscheduled Overtime 130,858 135,586 136,855 136,855 136,855 Sick & Vacation Payout 24,026 25,817 26,083 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (93,221) (92,636) (32,506)

Total $ 7,523,715 $ 7,826,126 88.00 $ 8,549,109 $ 8,527,840 88.00 $ 8,665,833


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Facilities Management: Professional and Technical$ 10,997 $ 15,684 $ 20,000 $ 4,800 $ 8,000 -60.00% 0.10% Architectural Services 154 33,349 16,000 12,000 0.15% Temporary Help 9,890 6,948 20,000 -100.00% 0.00% Landscape Services 35,690 74,982 45,149 44,000 48,000 6.31% 0.59% Portland Mall Management Services 1,755,936 1,704,051 1,659,374 1,660,000 1,675,968 1.00% 20.46% Contracted Maintenance 176,539 273,736 287,749 256,000 296,000 2.87% 3.61% Office Sup., Maintenance - Custodial 310,720 433,502 420,000 410,000 461,503 9.88% 5.64% Shelter Cleaning 737,826 609,311 850,000 830,000 860,000 1.18% 10.50% Shelter Cleaning-Vandalism 3,240 4,700 37,701 19,000 38,000 0.79% 0.46% Transit Center Cleaning 234,086 282,367 280,638 280,000 284,211 1.27% 3.47% Office Maintenance - Other 2,249 0.00% Laundry 4,895 7,105 23,475 16,000 24,000 2.24% 0.29% Other Services 7,084 14,981 9,757 14,000 10,000 2.49% 0.12% Office Supplies 4,128 4,410 4,622 12,000 4,800 3.85% 0.06% Maint Materials Snow & Ice - Bus 7,276 2,325 3,352 3,600 4,800 43.20% 0.06% Maintenance Materials 190,136 222,137 172,536 172,000 176,000 2.01% 2.15% Maint Materials Outside Plant 1,284 7,732 2,000 0.00% Maint Material Shop 2,103 1,261 1,200 0.00% Bus Stop Signs/Poles 1,283 508 3,372 2,800 3,400 0.83% 0.04% Park & Ride Materials 60 108 0.00% Cleaning Supplies 1,385 1,693 88,000 68,000 88,000 0.00% 1.07% Small Hand Tools 22,771 36,569 20,427 22,000 21,000 2.81% 0.26% Other Materials 14,944 6,927 9,757 12,000 10,000 2.49% 0.12% Landscape Maintenance Materials 7,671 14,582 19,513 18,000 20,000 2.50% 0.24% Transit Mall Materials 4,566 7,048 18,897 20,000 20,000 5.84% 0.24% Moving Services 4,505 17,911 10,000 5,600 4,800 -52.00% 0.06% Safety Supplies - Fac/Eq Maint 705 2,675 10,000 8,400 7,200 0.09% Transit Center Materials 180 0.00% Utilities - Electricity 764,342 815,972 784,979 840,000 815,900 3.94% 9.96% Utilities - Natural Gas 163,423 123,705 167,835 130,000 130,000 -22.54% 1.59% Utilities - Water/Sewer 328,707 353,720 337,582 410,000 350,000 3.68% 4.27% Shelter Electrification 23,980 19,385 24,627 19,000 22,000 -10.67% 0.27%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Facilities Management (continued): Telephone$ 29,727 $ 32,583 $ 29,000 $ 32,000 $ 30,000 3.45% 0.37% Utilities - Other 114,948 120,225 118,052 110,000 117,500 -0.47% 1.43% Dues & Subscriptions 1,289 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00% 0.01% Local Travel & Meetings 509 1,097 280 480 0.01% Education & Training 7,151 2,238 0.00% Education & Training - Bus 5,275 3,200 5,600 6.16% 0.07% Apprenticeship Training 24,626 34,581 33,891 22,000 34,000 0.32% 0.42% Out-of-Town Travel 373 3,062 2,000 6,000 0.07% Indirect Expense Allocation (59,759) (29,880) (63,847) -100.00% 0.00% Rentals 2,324 3,643 7,189 4,800 7,200 0.15% 0.09%

Subtotal Facilities Management: $ 4,952,653 $ 5,268,222 $ 5,459,902 $ 5,471,680 $ 5,597,362

Facilities Management-Rail: Professional & Technical 16,842 2,009 10,000 3,200 9,000 -10.00% 0.11% Mechanical/Structural Consulting 656 0.00% Contracted Maintenance - Landscaping 21,768 47,616 72,592 50,000 74,000 1.94% 0.90% Contracted Maintenance - ROW Art 4,066 4,000 -100.00% 0.00% Contracted Maintenance - Stations 15,221 14,000 15,000 -1.45% 0.18% Contracted Maintenance - Fac. & Equipment 85,870 147,764 128,979 124,000 240,086 86.14% 2.93% Contracted Maintenance - Elevators 112,917 164,419 157,642 200,000 207,190 31.43% 2.53% Hillsboro Garage IGA 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.00% 0.37% Office Maintenance Custodial 7,315 24,519 0.30% Transit Center Cleaning 2,591 3,400 Other Services 1,504 3,221 6,794 4,800 6,800 0.09% 0.08% Office Supplies 2,759 1,495 3,081 2,400 3,200 3.86% 0.04% Maint Materials Snow & Ice - Rail 15,388 184 5,873 4,800 6,000 2.16% 0.07% Maint Materials - Other 623 2,400 Maintenance Materials - Outside Plant 72,383 107,163 104,489 102,000 106,000 1.45% 1.29% Maintenance Materials - Shop 32,147 58,215 63,500 76,000 66,000 3.94% 0.81% Shop Equipment < $5,000 530 1,214 5,238 4,800 5,200 -0.73% 0.06% Cleaning Supplies - Platforms 65,270 74,017 75,600 75,000 76,000 0.53% 0.93% Small Hand Tools 9,005 10,042 6,092 11,000 7,200 18.19% 0.09% Other Materials 5,347 6,578 5,154 8,000 5,200 0.89% 0.06%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Facilities Management-Rail (continued): Maintenance Materials - Landscaping$ 8,829 $ 20,464 $ 23,492 $ 20,000 $ 24,000 2.16% 0.29% Safety Supplies 12,961 14,621 7,626 18,000 8,200 7.53% 0.10% Obsolete Inventory 73 0.00% Utilities - Natural Gas 109,652 125,619 112,613 110,000 110,000 -2.32% 1.34% Utilities - Other Water 292,033 332,764 341,918 400,000 290,000 -15.18% 3.54% Utilities - Building Electricity 1,005,035 1,043,830 1,176,671 1,200,000 1,040,000 -11.62% 12.70% VT Utilities - Electricity 13,661 9,905 14,030 8,000 10,000 -28.72% 0.12% Utilities - Other Building 95,019 93,627 112,585 100,000 90,000 -20.06% 1.10% Utilities - Parking Garages 31,282 33,306 57,127 36,000 40,000 -29.98% 0.49% Tunnel Sewer/Storm Water Runoff 86,278 148,049 49,792 70,000 80,000 60.67% 0.98% Education & Training 2,105 0.00% Education & Training - Rail 4,581 2,400 4,600 0.41% 0.06% Employee Recognition 450 492 800 1,800 265.85% 0.02% CDL Renewals 246 800 320 0.00% Rentals 5,239 7,867 11,770 14,000 12,000 1.95% 0.17% . Subtotal Facilities Management-Rail: $ 2,135,003 $ 2,494,764 $ 2,607,018 $ 2,699,800 $ 2,592,315

$ 7,087,656 $ 7,762,986 $ 8,066,920 $ 8,171,480 $ 8,189,677 1.52% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 8,123,667 $ 8,813,845 $ 9,219,851 $ 9,117,066 $ 9,679,419 4.98% 59.62% Materials & Services 5,841,073 6,302,793 7,320,802 6,657,244 6,554,738 -10.46% 40.38%

Total $ 13,964,740 $ 15,116,638 $ 16,540,653 $ 15,774,310 $ 16,234,157 -1.85% 100.00%

Responsibilities: Performance Measures:

The Rail Maintenance of Way Department is responsible for maintenance of . Maintain light rail system railway elements in “as new” condition. all “railroad” elements of TriMet’s light rail system, including track, traction . 80% on-time completion of preventive maintenance. electrification, rail signals, trackway structures, including bridges and tunnels. . Perform MOW capital projects on-time and within budget. The department also is responsible for employee training for all of its maintenance operations. Other responsibilities include maintaining Portland Streetcar track, electrification, and rail signals, under a services reimbursement agreement with the City of Portland.


. Preventive maintenance. . Corrective maintenance. . Overhaul and capital replacement programs for light rail track infrastructure and electrification and rail signals equipment systems. . Meet or exceed FTA State of Good Repair and Asset Management standards for light rail maintenance of way elements. . Manage contracts for procurement of maintenance of way materials, services and capital projects. . Initial and recurrent training for track maintainers, substation and overhead . electrification and signals maintainers and field technicians. . Maintenance operations support of Capital Projects Division construction projects on light rail system. . On-going productivity improvement through front-line employee involvement.

OP-51 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - RAIL MAINTENANCE OF WAY 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, MOW Operations$ 96,765 $ 96,840 $ 97,774 1.00 $ 97,774 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 1.00 $ 100,000 Assistant Manager, Rail MOW 89,778 88,677 1.00 88,677 89,898 90,211 1.00 90,211 Supervisor, Rail Maintenance of Way 478,684 207,870 79,832 3.00 239,497 241,755 81,687 3.00 245,062 Supervisor, Rail Maintenance of Way 172,161 79,832 2.00 159,665 155,906 77,593 4.00 310,371 Supervisor, Engineering Training 131,131 142,369 79,673 3.00 239,020 155,120 77,560 2.00 155,120 Coordinator, MOW Projects 76,520 79,637 79,949 1.00 79,949 77,559 77,559 1.00 77,559 Engineer, MOW Projects 36,346 71,931 76,084 1.00 76,084 75,023 75,519 1.00 75,519 Coordinator I 53,515 1.00 53,515 Assistant Supervisor - MOW 658,362 646,624 79,032 8.00 632,257 632,257 79,032 7.00 553,224 Track Maintainer 410,520 479,205 61,246 13.00 796,201 796,201 61,246 13.00 796,198 Substation Maintainer/Apprentice 459,263 403,643 68,739 7.00 481,171 481,171 68,739 7.00 481,173 Power Maintainer/Apprentice 773,607 821,744 68,739 16.00 1,099,819 1,099,819 68,739 16.00 1,099,824 Signal Maintainer/Apprentice 1,019,380 1,064,465 67,811 16.00 1,084,974 1,084,974 67,811 16.00 1,084,976 Signal Maintainer/Apprentice 67,811 4.00 271,243 271,243 67,811 6.00 406,866 Maintenance of Way Laborer 611,279 781,303 61,434 6.00 368,606 368,606 61,434 6.00 368,604 Maintenance of Way Laborer 61,434 3.00 184,303 184,303 61,434 3.00 184,302 Field Technician/Apprentice 1,082,593 1,118,698 MMIS/Clerk 112,695 114,801 57,507 2.00 115,013 115,013 57,507 1.00 57,507

Fringe Benefits 2,744,740 2,835,071 2,616,776 2,616,776 2,797,297 Workers' Compensation 116,924 13,267 127,500 222,439 300,000 Longevity Premium 144,499 144,499 118,071 Night & Shift Differential 60,022 60,022 61,394 Unscheduled Overtime 203,660 396,831 219,983 219,983 222,616 Unemployment 12,183 12,183 12,183 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 24,635 21,762 27,827 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (888,803) (722,393) (109,446) Total$ 8,123,667 $ 8,813,845 87.00 $ 9,219,851 $ 9,117,066 89.00 $ 9,679,419


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 10,997 0.00% Contracted Maintenance - Landscaping 1,375$ 13,700 $ 3,000 $ 13,000 -5.11% 0.20% Contracted Maintenance - OCC Equip 2,514 0.00% Contracted Maintenance - Power Facility 4,590 3,000 4,400 -4.14% 0.07% Contracted Maintenance - Signals 23,869$ 1,507 77,700 56,000 78,000 0.39% 1.19% Contracted Maintenance - Track 100,985 211,249 332,760 280,000 184,588 -44.53% 2.82% Contracted Maintenance - OCS 5,371 27,400 20,000 28,000 2.19% 0.43% Contracted Maintenance - Bridges 54,513 12,409 54,800 32,000 54,800 0.00% 0.84% Contracted Maintenance - Communications 41,018 22,612 0.00% Contracted Maintenance - Substation 39,776 66,250 64,000 66,250 0.00% 1.01% Hillsboro Maintenance Agreement 7,551 10,855 10,000 91,629 10,000 0.00% 0.15% Calibration & Tool Repair 16,037 15,563 16,000 20,000 18,000 12.50% 0.27% Other Services 1,348 15,278 10,700 10,000 10,800 0.93% 0.16% Office Supplies 7,110 9,447 4,400 6,000 4,800 9.09% 0.07% Computer Supplies 2,123 1,524 2,800 0.00% Freight 3,199 576 2,300 2,800 2,400 4.35% 0.04% Maintenance Materials - Outside Plant 23 83 0.00% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 962 0.00% Cleaning Supplies - Fac/Eq Maint 97 0.00% Small Hand Tools 15,323 33,290 13,000 28,000 16,000 23.08% 0.24% OCC Equipment & Supplies 15,026 0.00% Other Materials 37,077 41,918 22,700 23,000 23,000 1.32% 0.35% Safety Supplies 36,336 39,165 21,787 26,000 22,000 0.98% 0.34% Obsolete Inventory 63,551 2,333 14,000 0.00% Maintenance Materials - Fare Equipment 263 8,103 7,152 0.00% Maintenance Materials - Track 130,455 106,096 159,900 112,000 160,000 0.06% 2.44% Maintenance Materials - Signals 148,215 203,204 155,300 150,000 155,300 0.00% 2.37% Maintenance Materials - Communications 43,212 55,023 21,043 0.00% Maintenance Materials - OCS 45,794 69,024 45,700 42,000 46,000 0.66% 0.70% Maintenance Materials - Substations 19,729 26,242 79,700 30,000 30,000 -62.36% 0.46% Electrical Power (Propulsion) 4,507,762 4,663,387 5,702,200 5,100,000 5,156,000 -9.58% 78.66% Telephone 80,050 93,020 81,900 96,000 84,000 2.56% 1.28%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

PI/PD Expense$ 5,000 $ 301,490 $ 34,600 0.00% Dues & Subscriptions 206 210$ 300 220 $ 300 0.00% 0.00% Local Travel & Meetings 31 83 800 200 600 -25.00% 0.01% Education & Training 42,892 27,125 49,500 36,000 20,000 -59.60% 0.31% Out-of-Town Travel 38,259 33,887 10,000 8,000 10,000 0.00% 0.15% Steel Bridge Maintenance Agreement 293,664 289,554 330,000 320,000 330,000 0.00% 5.03% CDL Renewals 2,227 1,457 1,415 2,800 1,600 13.07% 0.02% Employee Recognition 477 1,393 900 1,000 900 0.00% 0.01% Rentals 2,123 218 25,100 14,000 24,000 -4.38% 0.38%

$ 5,841,073 $ 6,302,793 $ 7,320,802 $ 6,657,244 $ 6,554,738 -10.46% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 15,590,469 $ 16,855,678 $ 20,027,032 $ 20,505,698 $ 21,821,699 8.96% 71.56% Materials & Services 7,672,744 7,101,989 7,809,387 7,915,190 8,673,997 11.07% 28.44%

Total $ 23,263,213 $ 23,957,667 $ 27,836,419 $ 28,420,888 $ 30,495,696 9.55% 100.00%

Responsibilities: Performance Measures:

The Rail Equipment Maintenance Department is responsible for maintenance . Maintain light rail vehicles in effectively “as new” condition, through of TriMet’s light rail vehicles (LRVs), including employee training, and progressive overhaul. provides vehicle maintenance technicians to Portland Streetcar. . 80% on-time completion of preventive maintenance.


. Preventive maintenance. . Corrective maintenance. . LRV fleet progressive overhaul program. . LRV modifications for improvements in reliability/maintainability. . Cleaning of MAX vehicles and shop facilities. . Initial and recurrent training for classifications of LRV maintenance technicians and rail-specific training for LRV cleaners. . Meet or exceed FTA State of Good Repair and Asset Management standards for light rail vehicles. . Manage contracts for procurement of LRV maintenance materials, services and capital projects. . Receive and commission additional LRVs to be delivered for future MAX extensions and service increases. . On-going productivity improvement through front-line employee involvement.

OP-55 BUD1 Personnel Services OPERATIONS - RAIL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Rail Equipment Maintenance $ 25,000 $ 107,500 1.00 $ 107,500 Manager, Rail Equipment Maintenance$ 92,773 $ 94,995 $ 97,344 1.00 $ 97,344 75,000 96,026 1.00 96,026 Manager, Maintenance Training & QA 94,809 97,070 97,344 1.00 97,344 101,000 101,000 1.00 101,000 Manager, Warranty Programs 83,836 85,454 86,247 1.00 86,247 88,135 88,504 1.00 88,504 Asst. Manager, Rail Equip. Maintenance 95,513 90,344 1.00 90,344 Coordinator, Warranty Programs 8,077 73,824 1.00 73,824 60,315 60,630 1.00 60,630 Coordinator I 70,382 71,772 72,442 1.00 72,442 73,174 53,515 1.00 53,515 Supervisor, Engineering Training 148,659 153,023 79,673 2.00 159,347 163,073 81,537 2.00 163,074 Supervisor, Engineering Training 149,654 186,631 79,673 3.00 239,020 228,066 75,981 3.00 227,940 Supervisor, Rail Maintenance 448,363 445,500 83,129 6.00 498,777 511,880 81,439 5.00 407,195 Supervisor, Rail Maintenance 84,500 131,646 83,129 2.00 166,259 158,842 79,870 7.00 559,088 CAD Technician 61,902 57,490 58,017 1.00 58,017 63,066 63,378 1.00 63,378 Assistant Supervisor 432,898 576,875 72,032 6.00 432,192 432,192 72,032 6.00 432,192 Vehicle Maintainer 6,990,993 5,386,687 62,625 105.00 6,575,602 6,575,602 62,625 104.00 6,513,000 Vehicle Maintainer 62,625 4.00 250,500 MMIS/Clerk 57,829 75,945 57,507 1.00 57,507 57,507 57,507 2.00 115,014 Vehicle Cleaner/Helper 423,846 428,900 58,524 4.00 234,096 234,096 58,524 4.00 234,096 Vehicle Cleaner/Helper 826,817 886,570 47,349 26.00 1,231,065 1,231,065 47,349 28.00 1,325,772 Janitor 98,938 99,567 49,012 3.00 147,036 147,036 49,012 3.00 147,036 Supervisor, Stores 69,459 68,122 75,522 1.00 75,522 70,399 70,399 1.00 70,399 Assistant Storekeeper 134,481 131,651 65,850 2.00 131,700 131,700 65,850 2.00 131,700 Partsman 190,417 220,610 62,732 2.00 125,464 125,464 62,732 2.00 125,464 Vehicle Apprentice Mechanic 1,937,884 51,645 34.00 1,755,945 1,755,945 51,645 34.00 1,755,930 Vehicle Cleaner/Helper 58,524 6.00 351,144 351,144 58,524 6.00 351,144

Fringe Benefits 5,192,490 5,216,642 6,105,734 6,105,734 6,780,171 Workers' Compensation 4,819 138,732 105,000 166,751 310,000 Longevity Premium 268,743 268,743 295,513 Unscheduled Overtime 1,070,657 1,834,385 605,014 1,105,014 671,845 Tool Allowance 84,599 84,599 88,360 Night & Shift Differential 128,801 128,801 134,282 Unemployment 10,558 10,558 10,075 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 52,688 13,131 61,013 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (1,138,051) (1,478,550) (132,847)

Total $ 15,590,469 $ 16,855,678 209.00 $ 20,027,032 $ 20,505,698 221.00 $ 21,821,699


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical$ 37,047 $ 14,680 $ 169,000 1.95% Temporary Help-Trans Adm 46,422$ 12,000 4,824 0.06% Calibration & Tool Repair 12,105 10,114$ 14,200 18,000 14,000 -1.41% 0.16% Contracted Maintenance (300) 450 18,746 24,000 22,000 17.36% 0.25% Laundry 50,653 58,530 104,158 72,000 102,000 -2.07% 1.18% Other Services 4,576 25,008 2,501 3,000 3,000 19.95% 0.03% Other Services-Revenue Veh. Maint 351 46,727 17,500 16,000 18,000 2.86% 0.21% Graphics Supplies 2,035 223 600 600 600 0.00% 0.01% Office Supplies 17,217 23,151 9,600 18,000 10,000 4.17% 0.12% Computer Supplies 9,433 32,590 4,000 10,000 6,000 50.00% 0.07% Maint. Materials - LRV Overhaul 4,976,093 3,592,577 4,788,385 4,780,000 5,449,785 13.81% 62.83% VT Maintenance Materials - Trolley 1,576 0.00% Repair Materials - LRV Accident 24,868 30,925 18,000 31,000 0.24% 0.36% Repair Materials - Rev Equipment 27,806 0.00% Repair Materials - LRV Vandalism 49,679 27,541 80,175 30,000 64,000 -20.17% 0.74% Repair Materials - Fare Maintenance 1,684 0.00% Maint. Materials - Service Equip. 9,878 21,900 4,000 0.00% Maint. Materials - LRVs 1,749,374 2,300,327 2,242,958 2,200,000 2,265,388 1.00% 26.10% Freight 147,536 102,778 87,975 90,000 90,000 2.30% 1.04% Furniture & Equipment <$5,000 106,776 753 9,000 0.00% Shop Equipment 134,835 86,000 90,000 90,000 4.65% 1.04% Cleaning Supplies 95,385 101,161 102,562 102,000 104,000 1.40% 1.20% Small Hand Tools 46,957 48,228 52,400 53,000 53,000 1.15% 0.61% Inventory Adjustments 45,204 58,652 182,890 0.00% Other Materials - Transp Ad 410 1,492 400 0.00% Other Materials - Rev Eq Maint 155,657 157,545 88,600 98,000 92,000 3.84% 1.06% Safety Supplies 57,502 68,795 62,258 68,000 64,000 2.80% 0.74% Obsolete Inventory 118,814 103,667 300 0.00% Invoice Price Variance (3,890) (1,065) (1,000) 0.00% Average Cost Variance 3,323 (144) (50,000) 0.00% Maintenance Materials - Fare Equipment 7,000 0.00% Telephone 4,508 7,435 4,400 4,000 6,400 45.45% 0.07% Education & Training 3,886 4,596 4,800 800 4,800 0.00% 0.06% Out-of-Town Travel 332 2,362 2,000 0.02%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Fines and Penalties$ 1,250 Inventory Adjustments$ (63,234) 71,379$ 50,000 0.00% CDL Renewals 4,724 5,393$ 4,644 3,200 $ 4,200 -9.56% 0.05% Employee Recognition 1,222 4,141 2,000 2,000 4,000 100.00% 0.04% Rental 2,052 0.00%

$ 7,672,744 $ 7,101,989 $ 7,809,387 $ 7,915,190 $ 8,673,997 11.07% 100.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Administration & Support $ 1,183,538 $ 862,145 $ 1,478,297 Personnel Services$ 1,724,086 $ 1,724,086 $ 2,017,174 321,906 252,734 286,834 Materials & Services 288,880 288,880 288,880 $ 1,505,446 $ 1,114,879 $ 1,765,131 Department Total$ 2,012,966 $ 2,012,966 $ 2,306,054

Bus Transportation $ 101,031,782 $ 104,407,260 $ 113,886,985 Personnel Services$ 120,281,812 $ 120,281,812 $ 115,241,498 1,229,505 2,260,535 2,743,997 Materials & Services 2,709,045 2,709,045 2,649,572 $ 102,261,287 $ 106,667,795 $ 116,630,982 Department Total$ 122,990,857 $ 122,990,857 $ 117,891,070

Field Operations $ 13,327,489 $ 13,880,743 $ 16,315,720 Personnel Services$ 16,770,689 $ 16,770,689 $ 16,494,841 785,600 828,136 783,445 Materials & Services 873,362 873,362 873,362 $ 14,113,089 $ 14,708,879 $ 17,099,165 Department Total$ 17,644,051 $ 17,644,051 $ 17,368,203

Service Delivery $ 1,090,629 $ 1,438,691 $ 1,509,539 Personnel Services$ 1,536,022 $ 1,536,022 $ 1,535,005 7,501 64,889 60,929 Materials & Services 30,300 30,300 30,300 $ 1,098,130 $ 1,503,580 $ 1,570,468 Department Total$ 1,566,322 $ 1,566,322 $ 1,565,305

Transportation Planning $ 521,280 Personnel Services 719,418 Materials & Services $ 1,240,698 Department Total Accessible Transportation Programs-LIFT $ 1,164,840 $ 1,203,758 $ 1,354,378 Personnel Services$ 1,422,766 $ 1,422,766 $ 1,299,908 32,008,924 32,657,402 33,898,791 Materials & Services 34,493,017 34,493,017 34,486,617 $ 33,173,764 $ 33,861,160 $ 35,253,169 Department Total$ 35,915,783 $ 35,915,783 $ 35,786,525


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Accessible Transportation Programs-MTP $ 413,454 $ 321,699 Personnel Services 20,536,297 11,872,782 Materials & Services $ 20,949,751 $ 12,194,481 Department Total

Rail Transportation $ 16,625,213 $ 17,464,385 $ 21,283,017 Personnel Services$ 22,504,457 $ 22,504,457 $ 21,419,367 102,215 320,645 591,636 Materials & Services 590,900 590,900 586,200 $ 16,727,428 $ 17,785,030 $ 21,874,653 Department Total$ 23,095,357 $ 23,095,357 $ 22,005,567

Commuter Rail $ 1,347,247 $ 1,639,645 $ 1,426,073 Personnel Services$ 1,613,900 $ 1,613,900 $ 1,611,797 4,929,844 4,798,640 5,317,215 Materials & Services 3,942,227 3,942,227 3,942,227 $ 6,277,091 $ 6,438,285 $ 6,743,288 Department Total$ 5,556,127 $ 5,556,127 $ 5,554,024

Streetcar $ 5,207,501 $ 5,534,515 $ 6,901,855 Personnel Services$ 7,016,161 $ 7,016,161 $ 6,993,170 4,046,578 4,231,946 7,271,090 Materials & Services 7,524,245 7,524,245 7,524,245 $ 9,254,079 $ 9,766,461 $ 14,172,945 Department Total$ 14,540,406 $ 14,540,406 $ 14,517,415

Bus Maintenance $ 26,502,366 $ 27,492,105 $ 31,025,050 Personnel Services$ 33,119,484 $ 33,119,484 $ 32,829,662 27,363,526 22,785,253 26,562,441 Materials & Services 23,618,953 23,618,953 23,433,088 $ 53,865,892 $ 50,277,358 $ 57,587,491 Department Total$ 56,738,437 $ 56,738,437 $ 56,262,750

Facilities Management $ 7,523,715 $ 7,826,126 $ 8,549,109 Personnel Services$ 8,688,895 $ 8,688,895 $ 8,665,833 7,087,656 7,762,986 8,066,920 Materials & Services 8,192,177 8,192,177 8,189,677 $ 14,611,371 $ 15,589,112 $ 16,616,029 Department Total$ 16,881,072 $ 16,881,072 $ 16,855,510

Rail Maintenance of Way $ 8,123,667 $ 8,813,845 $ 9,219,851 Personnel Services$ 9,697,115 $ 9,697,115 $ 9,679,419 5,841,073 6,302,793 7,320,802 Materials & Services 6,554,738 6,554,738 6,554,738 $ 13,964,740 $ 15,116,638 $ 16,540,653 Department Total$ 16,251,853 $ 16,251,853 $ 16,234,157


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Rail Equipment Maintenance $ 15,590,469 $ 16,855,678 $ 20,027,032 Personnel Services$ 21,850,914 $ 21,850,914 $ 21,821,699 7,672,744 7,101,989 7,809,387 Materials & Services 8,579,997 8,579,997 8,673,997 $ 23,263,213 $ 23,957,667 $ 27,836,419 Department Total$ 30,430,911 $ 30,430,911 $ 30,495,696

Division Total $ 199,653,192 $ 207,740,596 $ 232,976,907 Personnel Services$ 246,226,300 $ 246,226,300 $ 239,609,373 112,652,787 101,240,729 100,713,487 Materials & Services 97,397,841 97,397,841 97,232,903

$ 312,305,979 $ 308,981,325 $ 333,690,394 Total Operations $ 343,624,141 $ 343,624,141 $ 336,842,276


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OP-62 Division Summary CAPITAL PROJECTS

Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 1,746,046 $ 2,229,377 $ 2,822,889 $ 2,156,096 $ 1,249,470 -55.74% 35.32% Materials & Services 2,051,249 1,745,421 3,915,951 2,172,199 2,287,612 -41.58% 64.68%

Total $ 3,797,295 $ 3,974,799 $ 6,738,840 $ 4,328,295 $ 3,537,082 -47.51% 100.00%

Page Capital Projects Division Division Summary …………………………………………………………………CP-1 Administration …………………………………………………………………CP-2 Development & Operations Support ……………………………………………CP-5 Capital Program …………………………………………………………………CP-9 In-Street Transit Facilities Development ……………………………………………CP-12

Divisional reorganization in FY2017.


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 319,176 $ 324,265 $ 496,155 $ 322,009 $ 580,523 17.00% 63.96% Materials & Services 40,350 77,083 176,519 181,781 327,124 85.32% 36.04%

Total $ 359,526 $ 401,348 $ 672,674 $ 503,790 $ 907,647 34.93% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Capital Projects Division plans, designs, remodels and constructs high . Perform scheduled deployments and maintenance of bus stops and value transit projects. Work includes in-street (bus) facilities, extensions to the transit stations. light rail system, operations and administrative facilities, bus garages and light . Deliver assigned capital program projects per agency budget, schedule rail operations bases. The division also manages improvements to existing minority business and safety objectives. Assist other divisions by TriMet facilities, implements opportunities for transit-supportive developments providing requested engineering, project management and technical and serves as the District’s landlord in managing its real property. support.


. Perform scoping, direct preliminary and final design of capital projects performed by staff and consultants, manage construction and safety certifications. . Deliver selected renovation of existing TriMet facilities as part of TriMet’s State of Good Repair efforts. . Assist other TriMet divisions in project development and implementation of approved elements in the Capital Improvement Program.

CP-2 BUD1 Personnel Services CAPITAL PROJECTS - ADMINISTRATION 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Executive Director, Capital Projects & Construction$ 180,000 $ 184,895 $ 186,728 1.00 $ 186,728 $ 189,439 $ 188,028 1.00 $ 188,028 Executive Administrative Assistant 73,049 55,686 56,256 1.00 56,256 62,338 62,712 1.00 62,712

Fringe Benefits 66,792 83,684 70,232 70,232 72,247 Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 181,342 255,792 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 1,597 1,744 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (666)

Total $ 319,176 $ 324,265 2.00 $ 496,155 $ 322,009 2.00 $ 580,523


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Rail-Volution Conference$ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 16,000 $ 15,000 $ 16,000 0.00% 4.89% Temporary Help 2,000 -100.00% 0.00% Printing Services 2,819 2,500 3,500 24.16% 1.07% Other Services, Genl & Admin 410 559 24,000 12,000 70,000 191.67% 21.40% Office, Other Supplies 184 10,700 10,700 35,000 227.10% 10.70% Other Materials 223 304 5,000 3,170 28,400 468.00% 8.68% Telephone 20,000 23,329 29,580 47.90% 9.04% Dues & Subscriptions 1,171 2,231 15,000 10,000 15,854 5.69% 4.85% Local Travel & Meetings 336 16,000 35,820 17,000 6.25% 5.20% Education & Training 6,486 12,496 11,000 12,279 32,340 194.00% 9.89% Out-of-Town Travel 15,077 40,165 52,000 52,000 77,350 48.75% 23.65% Fines and Penalties 1,883 4,929 0.00% Employee Recognition 100 879 2,000 4,983 2,100 5.00% 0.63%

$ 40,350 $ 77,083 $ 176,519 $ 181,781 $ 327,124 85.32% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 992,454 $ 1,456,761 $ 1,108,253 $ 1,025,604 $ 668,947 -39.64% 25.44% Materials & Services 1,906,054 1,521,455 2,035,568 1,744,054 1,960,488 -3.69% 74.56%

Total $ 2,898,508 $ 2,978,216 $ 3,143,821 $ 2,769,658 $ 2,629,435 -16.36% 100.00%

Responsibility: Performance Measures:

The Development and Operations Support Department provides responsive, . Complete scheduled project development, engineering and construction cost-effective and comprehensive planning, design, construction and activities per agency program. management of projects to maintain District facilities in a State of Good Repair, . Meet District requirements for emergency, civil and systems projects. and to improve customer and employee safety. It provides safe, visible and . Install 15-20 new bus stop shelters/bus stop signs in accordance with accessible bus stops along all bus lines, supports Rail Maintenance of Way and criteria. manages District leases. . Continue to share Southwest Corridor design deliverables with affected jurisdictions and the public. Activities: . Advance the Powell-Division Bus Rapid Transit project development. Develop detailed design and complete environmental review. Apply for . Manage renovation of existing transit facilities, plan, prioritize, design, and receive rating from the Federal Transit Administration. permit, construct and turn over improvements. . Assist TriMet’s Operations and Maintenance divisions with service improvements. . Provide engineering, scheduling and general technical support for Capital Improvement Program projects. . Manage in-street facilities. . Continue project development activities for the Powell-Division Bus Rapid Transit Project. . Advance conceptual designs and community outreach for the Southwest Corridor, refine estimates for selected mode and communicate options. . Manage consultant design team. . Advance remaining elements of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Transit Project.

CP-5 BUD1 Personnel Services DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS SUPPORT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Managing Director, Design & Construction $ 167,023 1.00 $ 167,023 Director, Systems Engineering$ 164,570 1.00 $ 164,570 $ 156,661 Director, Southwest Corridor 150,000 1.00 150,000 Director, Project Development & Permitting 143,308 1.00 143,308 Director, Civil Construction 140,164 1.00 140,164 Director, Program Management 136,589 1.00 136,589 Director, Building Projects 112,420 1.00 112,420 Director, Station Projects$ 106,051 $ 109,136 110,234 1.00 110,234 111,239 111,239 1.00 111,239 Sr Manager, Community Affairs & Communications 95,870 1.00 95,870 Manager, Program 116,538 1.00 116,538 Manager, CP Rail Systems 110,607 1.00 110,607 Manager, CP Vehicle Engineering 96,439 97,328 1.00 97,328 109,662 110,556 1.00 110,556 Manager, Design-Southwest Corridor 110,236 1.00 110,236 Manager, In-Street Projects 104,027 1.00 104,027 Manager, CAD 98,299 1.00 98,299 Manager, Guideway 84,011 1.00 84,011 14,666 98,299 1.00 98,299 Manager, Quality Assurance 98,238 1.00 98,238 Manager, Stations 96,900 1.00 96,900 Manager, Powell-Division 96,710 1.00 96,710 Manager, Real Property 87,367 1.00 87,367 89,911 90,713 1.00 90,713 Manager, Cost Estimating 87,771 1.00 87,771 Manager, Community Affairs 81,142 1.00 81,142 Agency Architect 108,362 1.00 108,362 Engineer, Structural - Agency 105,000 1.00 105,000 Senior Program Scheduler 102,669 1.00 102,669 Cost Estimator II 72,973 1.00 72,973 Cost Estimator 62,858 1.00 62,858 Senior Project Manager, CP Vehicles 95,578 1.00 95,578 106,399 93,455 1.00 93,455 Senior Project Manager, CP Construction 88,705 1.00 88,705 Project Manager, CP Systems 92,065 4.00 368,258 Project Manager, CP Construction 82,450 267,228 82,225 5.00 411,127 446,894 78,754 12.00 945,050 Assistant Project Manager, CP Rail Signals 71,225 1.00 71,225 Assistant Project Manager, CP Vehicles 69,112 2.00 138,225 Assistant Project Manager, CP Construction 68,922 3.00 206,766 Assistant Project Manager, CP Construction 66,353 1.00 66,353

CP-6 BUD1 Personnel Services DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS SUPPORT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Building/Arch Project Delivery Lead $ 75,000 1.00 $ 75,000 Engineer II $ 68,475 5.00 $ 342,375 $ 327,927 Engineer I$ 164,618 $ 108,918 64,590 1.00 64,590 69,609 Administrator, Public Arts 70,336 1.00 70,336 76,370 83,915 1.00 83,915 Analyst, Business Systems 83,090 1.00 83,090 Supervisor, Cost 69,831 1.00 69,831 Specialist, Project Control 60,944 1.00 60,944 Specialist, Administrative 43,320 44,957 45,420 1.00 45,420 45,926 48,135 5.00 240,677 Assistant, Administrative 42,071 3.00 126,214 Assistant, Administrative 39,978 0.50 19,989 Specialist, Property Acquisition & Relocation 72,325 55,597 74,941 1.00 74,941 77,035 76,345 2.00 152,690 Specialist, Safety Delivery 76,098 1.00 76,098 Specialist, Senior CAD 69,749 1.00 69,749 Coordinator, Quality Assurance 112,034 83,988 1.00 83,988 Coordinator, Environmental Permits 79,915 1.00 79,915 Coordinator, Operating Projects 69,734 1.00 69,734 Coordinator, Project 67,141 1.00 67,141 Coordinator, Operations Administration 67,309 1.00 67,309 Project Coordinator, CP Construction 58,731 1.00 58,731 Coordinator, Community Affairs 68,644 1.00 68,644 Specialist, Community Affairs 54,813 1.00 54,813 Graphics Designer 18,667 56,000 1.00 56,000 Specialist, Communications 52,645 1.00 52,645 Planner III 69,735 38,300 Planner II 69,371 1.00 69,371 Deputy General Counsel I 95,000

Fringe Benefits 101,693 549,268 586,513 586,513 2,420,672 Workers' Compensation 14,046 18,520 15,000 7,243 10,000 Uncapitalized Labor & Fringe 602,021 443,327 (0.25) (25,692) 283,869 (10,930) Limited Term Employment 196,362 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 10,981 8,985 69,341 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (358,805) (386,961) (6.00) (1,126,427) (1,511,972) (8,589,534)

Total $ 992,454 $ 1,456,761 13.75 $ 1,108,253 $ 1,025,604 79.50 $ 668,947


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Legal$ 3,870 $ 3,368 $ 1,000 0.00% Professional & Technical 435,710 390,003 $ 175,118 195,000 $ 137,403 -21.54% 7.01% State of Good Repair Program Consultant 45,538 0.00% Willamette Trolley 20,058 20,000 40,000 20,000 30,000 -25.00% 1.53% Transit Mall Extension 25,106 0.00% Temporary Help 1,604 0.00% Contracted Maintenance - ROW Art 112,500 5.74% Shelter Services 620 191,327 9.76% Printing Services 283 3,031 3,500 3,000 3,500 0.00% 0.18% Other Services 41,758 16,877 9,187 0.00% Office Supplies 7,038 3,697 2,422 0.00% Shelter Materials 2,484 50,000 2.55% Trash Containers 7,500 0.38% Bus Stop Signs/Poles 170 986 218 0.00% Other Materials 25,815 11,418 4,090 0.00% Drafting Supplies 179 1,473 4,000 97 4,040 1.00% 0.21% Telephone 15,883 12,280 10,186 0.00% Property Taxes 21,552 13,551 3,000 4,875 3,500 16.67% 0.18% Dues & Subscriptions 9,557 5,186 12,845 0.00% Local Travel & Meetings 12,211 7,414 12,357 0.00% Education & Training 555 0.00% Fines and Penalties 1,270 0.00% Bid Advertising 1,845 366 1,000 892 1,250 25.00% 0.06% Special Events Services 45,134 0.00% Special Event/Rail Project Expense 50,380 40,772 885,950 511,610 35,000 -96.05% 1.78% Lease Agreements 2,000 0.00% Leases 1,229,931 896,536 923,000 956,275 1,384,468 50.00% 70.62%

$ 1,906,054 $ 1,521,455 $ 2,035,568 $ 1,744,054 $ 1,960,488 -3.69% 100.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 630,949 $ 304,218 -100.00% 0.00% Materials & Services 1,457,500 -100.00% 0.00%

Total $ 2,088,449 $ 304,218 -100.00% 0.00%

CP-9 BUD1 Personnel Services CAPITAL PROJECTS - CAPITAL PROGRAM 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Director, Project Development & Permitting$ 139,668 1.00 $ 139,668 $ 142,479 Director, Southwest Corridor 138,400 1.00 138,400 147,504 Director, Civil Construction 138,201 1.00 138,201 140,164 Director, Program Management 133,810 1.00 133,810 135,980 Director, Community Affairs 124,006 1.00 124,006 105,331 Manager, Structural Construction 114,149 1.00 114,149 9,647 Manager, Quality Assurance 97,497 1.00 97,497 98,238 Manager, Project Communications 82,370 1.00 82,370 87,937 Manager, Community Affairs 78,600 1.00 78,600 80,389 Manager, CAD 79,939 1.00 79,939 65,448 Specialist, Real Property 73,931 1.00 73,931 75,317 Specialist, Administrative 45,056 5.00 225,278 231,313 Senior Estimator 84,854 1.00 84,854 87,263 Cost Estimator 58,311 1.00 58,311 62,306 Agency Architect 107,274 1.00 107,274 108,362 Engineer V, Program Schedule 99,734 1.00 99,734 101,960 Engineer V 121,690 1.00 121,690 71,597 Engineer IV 90,046 3.00 270,139 247,170 Engineer IV 99,000 1.00 99,000 99,903 Engineer III 78,977 8.00 631,815 539,775 Engineer II 75,704 5.25 397,445 371,414 Engineer I 61,320 3.00 183,959 134,139 Specialist, Senior CAD 63,082 1.00 63,082 68,065 Community Affairs Representative 62,203 1.00 62,203 67,068 Specialist, Communications 50,597 1.00 50,597 52,227 Coordinator, Project 65,123 1.00 65,123 66,631 Analyst, Business Systems 82,132 1.00 82,132 83,090 Coordinator, Operations Administration 66,632 1.00 66,632 67,309 Specialist, Quality Assurance 79,899 1.00 79,899 82,887 Coordinator, Environmental Permits 77,509 1.00 77,509 79,418

Fringe Benefits 1,441,864 1,441,864 Uncapitalized Labor & Fringe 125,000 125,000 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (17.50) (4,988,516) (4,972,977) Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 25,356

Total 31.75 $ 630,949 $ 304,218


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Professional & Technical $ 1,457,500 -100.00% 0.00%

Total $ 1,457,500 100.00% 0.00%


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16 - FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 434,417 $ 448,352 $ 587,532 $ 504,265 Materials & Services 104,845 146,883 246,364 246,364

Total $ 539,262 $ 595,235 $ 833,896 $ 750,629

CP-12 BUD1 Personnel Services CAPITAL PROJECTS - IN-STREET TRANSIT FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual ------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Manager, In-Street Projects$ 99,692 $ 101,407 $ 102,331 1.00 $ 102,331 $ 103,594 Community Affairs Specialist 45,182 48,146 49,331 1.00 49,331 53,399 Planner II 48,883 65,033 68,517 1.00 68,517 69,371 Coordinator, Operating Projects 62,769 65,092 65,787 1.00 65,787 69,110 Engineer III 31,339 68,422 1.00 68,422 Engineer I 59,000 25,163 63,885 1.00 63,885 48,699

Fringe Benefits 119,275 120,481 164,468 164,468 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payout 4,792 Capitalized Labor/Fringe (384) (8,309) (4,376)

Total $ 434,417 $ 448,352 6.00 $ 587,532 $ 504,265


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Shelter Services$ 68,754 $ 111,897 $ 189,883 $ 189,883 -100.00% 0.00% Shelter Materials 28,353 26,122 48,950 48,950 -100.00% 0.00% Trash Containers 7,738 8,864 7,531 7,531 -100.00% 0.00%

$ 104,845 $ 146,883 $ 246,364 $ 246,364 -100.00% 0.00%


Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Approved Adopted 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 16/17 16/17

Administration $ 319,176 $ 324,265 $ 496,155 Personnel Services$ 536,215 $ 536,215 $ 580,523 40,350 77,083 176,519 Materials & Services 334,999 334,999 327,124 $ 359,526 $ 401,348 $ 672,674 Department Total$ 871,214 $ 871,214 $ 907,647 Development & Operations Support $ 992,454 $ 1,456,761 $ 1,108,253 Personnel Services$ 159,246 $ 159,246 $ 668,947 1,906,054 1,521,455 2,035,568 Materials & Services 1,711,661 1,711,661 1,960,488 $ 2,898,508 $ 2,978,216 $ 3,143,821 Department Total$ 1,870,907 $ 1,870,907 $ 2,629,435 Capital Program $ 630,949 Personnel Services$ 590,634 $ 590,634 1,457,500 Materials & Services - - $ 2,088,449 Department Total$ 590,634 $ 590,634 In-Street Transit Facilities Development $ 434,417 $ 448,352 $ 587,532 Personnel Services$ 48,112 $ 48,112 104,845 146,883 246,364 Materials & Services 248,827 248,827 $ 539,262 $ 595,235 $ 833,896 Department Total$ 296,939 $ 296,939 Division Total $ 1,746,046 $ 2,229,377 $ 2,822,889 Personnel Services$ 1,334,207 $ 1,334,207 $ 1,249,470 2,051,249 1,745,421 3,915,951 Materials & Services 2,295,487 2,295,487 2,287,612 $ 3,797,295 $ 3,974,799 $ 6,738,840 Total Capital Projects $ 3,629,694 $ 3,629,694 $ 3,537,082


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Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17

1. State, local government & private contributions$ 135,714 $ 1,044,467 $ 4,576,100 $ 4,997,253 $ 7,179,881

2. Federal Transit Administration grants, programmed 5,947,116 6,671,969 7,600,978 6,506,684 7,800,161

3. 2015 revenue bond proceeds & short term financing 58,952,671 43,818,701 33,076,607

4. Operating resources dedicated for capital* 58,488,877 65,384,128 71,777,207 44,010,713 109,015,667

5. Total Capital Program Resources$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316

* Line included for information only. Operating resources are drawn on General Fund Resources.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % of Total No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 Requirements

1. Public Affairs Division$ 75,181 $ 572,840 $ 7,235,737 $ 3,349,378 $ 8,127,404 5.17%

2. Safety & Security Division 1,051,383 2,140,636 7,207,307 5,200,936 8,797,560 5.60%

3. Information Technology Division 9,102,377 4,406,141 16,187,313 6,237,931 13,978,046 8.90%

4. Finance & Administration Division 1,616,549 6,263,553 25,065,197 11,327,477 19,927,172 12.69%

5. Legal Services Division 36,780 5,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 0.19%

6. Operations Division 44,663,967 49,887,817 63,162,610 55,209,051 63,989,560 40.74%

7. Capital Projects Division 8,025,470 9,824,577 23,848,792 17,808,578 41,952,574 26.71%

8. Total Capital Program Requirements$ 64,571,707 $ 73,100,564 $ 142,906,956 $ 99,333,351 $ 157,072,316 100.00%

Capital Program-2

Grant Grant TriMet TriMet FY2017 Project Share Carryover Share Carryover Revenue Bonds Total Notes Public Affairs Division Planning & Policy Bike & Ride eFare Integration$ 64,610 $ 64,610 Bike Parking: East Portland Active Transportation$ 358,920 $ 41,080 400,000 City of Portland Bike to Transit Facilities 25,750 25,750 Bus On-Street Layover Investments 50,000 50,000 East Portland Access to Employment & Education$ 1,556,321 178,128 1,734,449 STP/CMAQ Powell-Division Corridor 1,570,000 1,830,000 3,400,000 Metro/City of Portland/ODOT Westside Bike & Rides 972,461 240,000 243,115 60,000 1,515,576 Connect Oregon V Total Planning & Policy$ 4,098,782 $ 598,920 $ 2,213,475 $ 279,208 $ 7,190,385 Customer Experience Customer Support Facilities & Equipment$ 55,000 $ 55,000 LED Digital Display Replacement 150,000 $ 175,000 325,000 Transit Tracker Displays 557,019 557,019 Total Customer Experience $ 205,000 $ 732,019 $ 937,019 Total Public Affairs Division$ 4,098,782 $ 598,920 $ 2,418,475 $ 1,011,227 $ 8,127,404 Safety & Security Division Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Training All Facilities Environmental$ 331,190 $ 25,000 $ 356,190 CCTV Cameras (Networked) 740,000 164,200 904,200 CCTV Cameras (Vehicle Borne) 2,365,642 259,000 2,624,642 E-Citation 131,824 119,982 251,806 MAX Intrusion Detection System 199,000 199,000 Rail Safety Enhancements 2,000,000 628,500 2,628,500 Rail Yard Fence Line and Intrusion Detection 348,494 240,000 588,494 Relocate TriMet Transit Police 306,609 306,609 Roadway Workers Protection Plan - Technology 200,000 125,000 325,000 See Something Say Something App$ 90,900 $ 133,950 224,850 Homeland Security Storm Water UIC Permit 60,000 60,000 TRACS - Door & Gate Readers 30,000 30,000 Transit Police South Precinct Expansion 48,269 48,269 Willow Creek Security Improvements 250,000 250,000 Total Safety, Security, Environmental Services & Transportation Traini$ 90,900 $ 133,950 $ 6,502,028 $ 2,070,682 $ 8,797,560 Total Safety & Security Division$ 90,900 $ 133,950 $ 6,502,028 $ 2,070,682 $ 8,797,560

Capital Program-3

Grant Grant TriMet TriMet FY2017 Project Share Carryover Share Carryover Revenue Bonds Total Notes Information Technology Division Information Technology ATP-LIFT MDT Dispatch & Communication System$ 150,000 $ 150,000 Bus Dispatch Replacement 7,385,000 7,385,000 Communication Environment Replacement$ 255,250 255,250 Data Communications - Cable Plant 150,000 94,255 244,255 Data Communications Systems Replacement 586,300 60,000 646,300 Desktop Computing Replacement 577,600 577,600 Exchange 2010 Upgrade 110,942 110,942 Field Operations Coordinators Event Planning 3,000 3,000 MMIS Data Devices for REM and FM 195,680 195,680 Office 2016 Upgrade 516,480 516,480 Oracle Inventory Impl. & Parts Catalog 217,751 99,852 317,603 Radio & Microwave Communication Equipment 10,000 200,000 210,000 Real Time GPS Locations for LRVs 1,067,360 1,265,576 2,332,936 Servers Replacement 493,000 500,000 993,000 Voice Systems Replacement 40,000 40,000 Total Information Technology$ 4,223,363 $ 9,754,683 $ 13,978,046 Total Information Technology Division$ 4,223,363 $ 9,754,683 $ 13,978,046 Finance & Administration Division Budget & Grants Administration Asset Management $ 800,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,100,000 Budget Module 398,300 30,000 428,300 Total Budget & Grants Administration$ 1,198,300 $ 330,000 $ 1,528,300 Fare Revenue Electronic Fare System $ 17,712,472 $ 17,712,472 2015 Bond Proceeds Fare Equipment $ 59,400 59,400 TVM Pedestals $ 627,000 627,000 Total Fare Revenue $ 59,400 $ 627,000 $ 17,712,472 $ 18,398,872 Total Finance & Administration Division$ 1,257,700 $ 957,000 $ 17,712,472 $ 19,927,172 Legal Services Division Legal Services Information Governance Initiative$ 170,000 $ 130,000 $ 300,000 Total Legal Services $ 170,000 $ 130,000 $ 300,000 Total Legal Services Division $ 170,000 $ 130,000 $ 300,000

Capital Program-4

Grant Grant TriMet TriMet FY2017 Project Share Carryover Share Carryover Revenue Bonds Total Notes Operations Division Administration & Support Operator Training Equipment $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Recurrent Training Tracking Software$ 50,000 50,000 Total Administration & Support$ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 100,000 ATP-LIFT ATP Shop Equipment $ 22,000 $ 35,000 $ 57,000 LIFT Automated Customer Information$ 100,000 100,000 State STF Discretionary LIFT Vehicle Replacements 2,000,000 1,274,773 3,274,773 State 5310 Total ATP-LIFT$ 2,100,000 $ 1,296,773 $ 35,000 $ 3,431,773 Commuter Rail WES ROW Maintenance Project (Track)$ 1,305,826 $ 111,000 $ 1,416,826 WES Vehicle & Shop Equipment Replacement 536,915 536,915 Total Commuter Rail $ 1,842,741 $ 111,000 $ 1,953,741 Bus Maintenance 11 Expansion Low Floor 40' Buses (FY2017 order)$ 5,925,131 $ 5,925,131 Payroll Tax Increment 33 Replacement Low Floor 40' Buses (FY2017 order)$ 4,772,537 $ 11,369,668 16,142,205 Federal 5339/5307/2015 Bond 4 Replacement Hybrid 40' Buses (FY2015 order) 207,576 $ 40,395 51,894 $ 10,099 309,964 Federal 5308 6 Expansion Low Floor 40' Buses (FY2017 order) 3,037,088 3,037,088 2015 Bond Proceeds 60 Replacement Low Floor 40' Buses (FY2016 order) 957,379 957,379 Bus/NRV Shop Equipment > $5,000 475,957 475,957 Non-Revenue Repairs/Vehicles 610,209 1,295,909 1,906,118 Total Bus Maintenance$ 4,980,113 $ 40,395 $ 7,063,191 $ 1,306,008 $ 15,364,135 $ 28,753,842

Capital Program-5

Grant Grant TriMet TriMet FY2017 Project Share Carryover Share Carryover Revenue Bonds Total Notes Operations Division (continued) Facilities Management Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Program$ 212,200 $ 212,200 Blue & Red Line Stations Tactile Pavers Replacement (ADA) 143,006 143,006 Building Evaluation Services 80,000 80,000 Buildings Interior Painting 150,000 150,000 Bus Hoist Replacements 1,532,868 $ 220,000 1,752,868 Bus Maintenance Window System Replacements 666,400 666,400 Center Admin Cooling Tower/Reserve Replacement 524,493 524,493 Center Admin Money Room & Spotter Shack 150,000 150,000 Center HVAC Make-Up Air Unit 3 Replacement 56,000 56,000 Center Street Bike Shelter Replacement 69,237 10,000 79,237 Center Street Maintenance NRV Roof 78,000 78,000 Cleveland Crew Room Renovation 500,000 500,000 Elevator End of Life Program 1,618,075 600,000 2,218,075 End-of-Route Permanent Operator Restroom 500,000 175,000 675,000 Facilities Components Replacements and Improvements 1,511,084 1,511,084 Facility System Remodel 383,118 383,118 Gateway TC Vehicle Access Gate Replacement 35,075 35,075 Green Line Platforms Trash Receptacle Additions 193,500 193,500 HVAC Elmonica East Shop Air - Heat Improvements 25,000 25,000 Jackson Terminus Landscape Rehab 15,000 15,000 Mall Shelter Maintenance 8,034 8,034 MAX Platform RP Valve Retrofits 50,000 50,000 Merlo Admin Interior Refurbish 335,018 335,018 Mt. Scott Antenna Backup Power Supply & Bldg Rehab 260,000 260,000 Nela HVAC Control Replacement 471,700 471,700 Nela Roof Replacement 690,500 60,000 750,500 Nela Tenant Improvements 24,800 24,800 Oregon City Transit Center Refurbishing 25,000 25,000 Platform Non-Skid Vault Lids Replacement 64,000 64,000 Powell Master Plan & LIFT Relocation 6,000,000 220,000 6,220,000 Ruby North Mezzanine Gates 115,079 50,000 165,079 Storeroom Renovations and Equipment 200,000 200,000 Washington Park - Station Finishes & Landscaping 1,588,529 369,169 1,957,698 Total Facilities Management$ 17,232,780 $ 2,747,105 $ 19,979,885

Capital Program-6

Grant Grant TriMet TriMet FY2017 Project Share Carryover Share Carryover Revenue Bonds Total Notes Operations Division (continued) Rail Maintenance of Way Conversion of MAX Track Switches $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Electrification & Signaling Systems$ 1,522,000 250,000 1,772,000 Light Rail Track & Structures 5,478,570 400,000 5,878,570 MOW - Tools, Vehicle, Equipment 25,000 25,000 MOW Equipment <$5,000 24,313 24,313 Steel Bridge Electrical Rehab. (UPPR Project) 1,176,948 1,176,948 Total Rail Maintenance of Way$ 8,226,831 $ 1,050,000 $ 9,276,831 Rail Equipment Maintenance Light Rail Shop Equipment $ 289,513 $ 289,513 Rail Maintenance Equipment 203,975 203,975 Total Rail Equipment Maintenance$ 493,488 $ 493,488 Total Operations Division$ 7,080,113 $ 40,395 $ 36,205,804 $ 5,299,113 $ 15,364,135 $ 63,989,560 Capital Projects Division Development & Operations Support ADA Requirements/Enhancements$ 155,345 $ 57,000 $ 212,345 Barbur-99W Corridor Safety & Access to Transit$ 30,000 124,000 154,000 State - Regional STP FHWA Blue Line Station Rehab 2,212,221 532,560 2,744,781 Bus On-Street Related Maintenance 100,000 100,000 Bus Stop Development 441,507 441,507 Center Street Campus Master Plan 167,000 167,000 Highway 8 Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 20,000 178,000 198,000 State - Regional STP FHWA Hogan Yard Purchase 658,526 871,474 1,530,000 MAX Red Line Extension to Fairplex 300,000 160,000 460,000 Neighborhood Shelter Replacements 131,505 15,000 146,505 Park & Ride Signage and Share Use Support 25,000 25,000 Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project 26,873,400 26,873,400 Positive Train Control 575,000 575,000 Powell-Division Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 998,482 81,518 1,080,000 STP & CMAQ Rail Reliability - LRT System Improvements 1,680,000 1,680,000 Ruby Junction Building Reuse 531,000 531,000 Southwest Corridor Project 1,680,000 1,520,000 3,200,000 Metro Steel Bridge/ Operational Analysis 545,481 442,000 987,481 Program 208,500 472,055 166,000 846,555 City of Lake Oswego Total Development & Operations Support$ 2,936,982 $ 36,196,558 $ 2,819,034 $ 41,952,574 Total Capital Projects Division$ 2,936,982 $ 36,196,558 $ 2,819,034 $ 41,952,574 Total Capital Program Requirements$ 14,206,777 $ 773,265 $ 86,973,928 $ 22,041,739 $ 33,076,607 $ 157,072,316


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Bike & Ride eFare Integration $ 69,221 $ 64,610 -6.66% 0.79% Bike Parking Modernization: Strategic Update$ 172,416 0.00% Bike to Transit Facilities$ 17,381 16,315 25,750 $ 25,750 25,750 0.00% 0.32% Bus On-Street Layover Investments 50,000 30,000 50,000 0.00% 0.62% Customer Support Facilities & Equipment 55,000 55,000 55,000 0.00% 0.68% East Portland Access to Employment & Ed. 2,508,643 650,000 1,556,321 -37.96% 19.15% LED Digital Display Replacement 200,000 50,000 150,000 -25.00% 1.85% Orenco Bike & Ride 60,000 0.00% Powell-Division Corridor 297,621 2,800,000 1,650,000 3,400,000 21.43% 41.83% Transit Tracker Displays 57,800 2,888 287,000 -100.00% 0.00% Westside Bike & Rides 40,665 250,000 399,996 1,215,576 386.23% 14.96%

Carryover: Bike Parking: East Portland Active Transport. 400,000 400,000 0.00% 4.92% Customer Support Facilities & Equipment 42,935 116,011 116,011 -100.00% 0.00% East Portland Access to Employment & Ed. 178,128 2.19% LED Digital Display Replacement 175,000 2.15% Transit Tracker Displays 474,112 312,621 557,019 17.49% 6.85% Westside Bike & Rides 300,000 3.69%

$ 75,181 $ 572,840 $ 7,235,737 $ 3,349,378 $ 8,127,404 12.32% 100.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

All Facilities Maintenance Environmental$ 37,593 $ 57,712 $ 125,000 $ 331,190 164.95% 3.76% CCTV Cameras (Networked) 461,878 1,000,322 739,350 $ 575,150 740,000 0.09% 8.41% CCTV Cameras (Vehicle Borne) 22,537 1,729,914 1,874,645 2,365,642 36.75% 26.89% E-Citation 131,824 1.50% MAX Intrusion Detection System 136,000 -100.00% 0.00% Merlo UST Replacement 16,862 300,984 26,993 0.00% Orenco Station Platform - Ped. Crossing Imps. 446,971 68,257 0.00% Rail Safety Enhancements 34,473 70,552 663,831 150,331 2,000,000 201.28% 22.73% Rail Yard Fence Line and Intrusion Detection 270,000 30,000 348,494 29.07% 3.96% Relocate TriMet Transit Police 306,609 3.49% Replacement Study: Transit Police Precinct 130,000 15,000 -100.00% 0.00% Roadway Workers Protection Plan 150,000 25,000 200,000 33.33% 2.27% Safety and Security-Consulting Services 41,621 0.00% Safety Tracking Software 37,582 31,503 0.00% See Something Say Something App 133,950 90,900 -32.14% 1.03% Storm Water UIC Permit 9,260 80,000 -100.00% 0.00% System Security Improvements 398,660 99,727 154,106 12,159 -100.00% 0.00% TRACS - Door & Gate Readers 14,636 26,061 30,000 46,869 30,000 0.00% 0.34% Transit Police south Precinct Expansion 48,269 0.55% TSGP Mobile Back-Up Command Center 13,863 0.00% Willow Creek Security Improvements 290,000 40,000 -100.00% 0.00%

Carryover: All Facilities Maintenance Environmental 140,000 95,895 25,000 -82.14% 0.28% CCTV Cameras (Networked) 164,200 1.87% CCTV Cameras (Vehicle Borne) 1,898,491 1,898,491 259,000 -86.36% 2.94% E-Citation 44,096 131,824 11,842 119,982 -8.98% 1.36% MAX Intrusion Detection System 88,000 25,000 199,000 126.14% 2.26% Rail Safety Enhancements 200,000 200,000 628,500 214.25% 7.14% Rail Yard Fence Line and Intrusion Detection 240,000 2.73% Roadway Workers Protection Plan 125,000 1.42% See Something Say Something App 133,950 1.52% Storm Water UIC Permit 39,270 108,200 65,160 60,000 -44.55% 0.67% TRACS - Door & Gate TRACS Readers 17,359 8,641 8,641 -100.00% 0.00% Willow Creek Security Improvements 250,000 2.88%

$ 1,051,383 $ 2,140,636 $ 7,207,307 $ 5,200,936 $ 8,797,560 22.06% 100.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Asset Management $ 81,253 -100.00% 0.00% ATP-LIFT MDT Dispatch & Communication System$ 377,743 $ 95,008 72,000 -100.00% 0.00% Bus Dispatch Replacement 385,000 $ 448,849 -100.00% 0.00% Bus Maintenance Systems Rep-IPC $ 217,751 1.56% Call A Bus Replacement 3,335 0.00% Communication Environment Replacement 413,461 131,361 205,250 205,250 255,250 24.36% 1.83% Data Communications - Cable Plant 32,266 100,000 150,000 50.00% 1.07% Data Communications Systems Replacement 382,495 660,022 441,700 381,700 586,300 32.74% 4.19% Desktop Computing Replacement 776,654 433,526 521,600 521,600 577,600 10.74% 4.13% Desktop SMS Upgrade 349 0.00% Disaster Recovery Network Upgrades 657,536 0.00% Discipline Records - Build Oracle Solution 1,200 0.00% Exchange 2010 Upgrade 110,942 0.79% Field Operations Coordinators Event Planning 3,000 0.02% FMIS/MMIS (capitalized labor) 58,769 74,956 62,811 86,680 38.00% 0.62% IT Security Systems Replacement 97,400 85,409 0.00% MMIS Data Devices for REM and FM 109,000 0.78% Office 2016 Upgrade 516,480 3.69% Operator Employee Service (capitalized labor) 75,166 75,166 -100.00% 0.00% Operator Self Service (capitalized labor) 11,241 10,986 41,531 -100.00% 0.00% POS/POD Reduced Fare (capitalized labor) 57,925 0.00% Radio & Microwave Communication Equipment 249,289 10,000 10,000 0.00% 0.07% Real Time GPS Locations for LRVs 25,915 1,067,360 4018.70% 7.64% Self Service Manager 48,005 0.00% Servers Replacement 461,058 168,659 1,125,250 625,250 493,000 -56.19% 3.53% Single Sign-On 113,424 0.00% TimeClock Replacement 82,060 5,426 0.00% Voice Systems Replacement 239,900 130,815 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.00% 0.29%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Carryover: ATP-LIFT MDT Dispatch & Communication System$ 300,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 -50.00% 1.07% Bus Dispatch Replacement$ 5,345,481 $ 1,996,207 9,745,933 2,360,933 7,385,000 -24.22% 52.83% Bus Maintenance Systems Rep-IPC 26,310 100,000 148 99,852 -0.15% 0.71% Communication Environment Replacement 63,000 63,000 -100.00% 0.00% Data Communications Cable Plant 60,455 73,000 5,745 94,255 29.12% 0.67% Data Communications System Replacement 21,979 473,500 473,500 60,000 -87.33% 0.43% Digital Sign CPU Retrofit 95,680 0.00% FMIS/MMIS (capitalized labor) 90,000 55,545 -100.00% 0.00% IT Security Systems Replacement 24,275 24,275 -100.00% 0.00% Radio & Microwave Communication Equipment 247,000 57,000 200,000 -19.03% 1.43% Real Time GPS Locations for LRVs 1,239,661 325,000 1,265,576 2.09% 9.05% Self Service Manager 69,930 78,401 2,970 -100.00% 0.00% Servers Replacement 330,000 330,000 500,000 51.52% 3.60% Single Sign-On 6,933 143,067 -100.00% 0.00% TimeClock Replacement 25,265 0.00% Voice Systems Replacement 92,000 92,000 -100.00% 0.00%

$ 9,102,377 $ 4,406,141 $ 16,187,313 $ 6,237,931 $ 13,978,046 -13.65% 100.03%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Asset Management $ 50,000 $ 800,000 4.01% Budget Module $ 324,848 294,848 398,300 22.61% 2.00% Electronic Fare System$ 1,262,153 $ 5,707,496 19,733,447 5,924,217 4,045,725 -79.50% 20.30% Fare Equipment 128,500 43,500 -66.15% 0.22% Fare Equipment Replacement 3,600 -100.00% 0.00% Fare Pull Station 123,594 0.00% Finance & Admin Sys/ACCPAC Ace Rec Upgrade 15,780 0.00% Finance & Admin Sys/Agency Copier Cap Lease 12,172 177,941 340 0.00% MAX Validators Replacement 44,800 15,900 0.08% Office Equipment 11,621 107,414 0.00% Reorder Point Planning 90,057 0.00% TriMet Ticket Office Point of Sale Upgrade 56,372 0.00% TVM Conduit Replacement 148,686 0.00% 0.00% Carryover: 0.00% Asset Management 300,000 1.51% Budget Module 30,000 0.15% Electronic Fare System 329,270 4,748,418 4,748,418 13,666,747 187.82% 68.58% Fare Equipment 126,384 53,554 -100.00% 0.00% Finance/Procurement Digital Imaging System 7,996 0.00% MAX Validators Replacement 45,600 0.00% Reorder Point Planning (23,750) 0.00% TVM Pedestals 627,000 3.15% TVM System - Sensitive Info. Security 19,000 0.00%

$ 1,616,549 $ 6,263,553 $ 25,065,197 $ 11,327,477 $ 19,927,172 -20.50% 100.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Information Governance Initiative$ 36,780 $ 5,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 170,000 -15.00% 56.67%

Carryover: Information Governance Initiative 130,000 43.33%

$ 36,780 $ 5,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 50.00% 100.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

11 Expansion Low Floor Buses - Svc Enhancement (FY17) $ 5,925,131 9.26% 17 Expansion Low Floor Buses (FY16 order)$ 8,018,567 $ 8,018,567 0.00% 33 Replacement Low Floor Buses (FY17 order) 16,142,205 25.23% 4 Replacement Hybrid 40' Buses (spare parts) 259,470 0.41% 6 Expansion Low Floor Buses - Capacity/Reliability (FY17) 3,037,088 4.75% 60 Replacement Low Floor Buses (FY15 order)$ 24,161,477 0.00% 60 Replacement Low Floor Buses (FY16 order) 28,326,780 27,369,401 0.00% Additional CAD/AVL Equipment$ (9,332) 556,944 650,000 -100.00% 0.00% Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Program 212,200 0.33% ATP Fleet Expansion/Replacement 13,261 0.00% ATP Shop Equipment 35,000 35,000 22,000 -37.14% 0.03% Barbur TC Room 30,296 0.00% Barbur Transit Center and Park & Ride (3,982) 0.00% Blue & Red Line Stations Tactile Pavers Replacement (ADA) 143,006 0.22% Building Area/Components Replacement 42,241 4,799 643,538 251,317 -100.00% 0.00% Building Evaluation Services 80,000 0.13% Building Interior Painting 150,000 0.23% Building Area & Components Layover 223 0.00% Bus Hoist Replacements 444,729 424,219 1,532,868 872,868 1,532,868 0.00% 2.40% Bus Maintenance Window Systems Replacement 666,400 1.04% Bus Shop Equip Repl/Repair > $5,000 309,568 251,838 676,400 160,690 475,957 -29.63% 0.74% Center Admin Cooling Tower/Reserve Replacement 524,493 0.82% Center Admin Money Room & Spotter Shack 150,000 0.23% Center HVAC Make-Up Air Unit 3 Replacement 56,000 0.09% Center Maint Battery Room Ventilation 12,836 138,193 44,083 0.00% Center Street Bike Shelter Replacement 42,463 69,237 0.11% Center Street Maintenance NRV Roof 78,000 0.12% Cleveland Crew Room Renovation 500,000 0.78% Conversion of MAX Track Switches 600,000 -100.00% 0.00% Demolition of Powell Blue Flame Building 47,528 0.00% Drop Down Chains for 2100 Series Bus Fleet 306,300 0.00% Electrical Equipment & System Replacements 40,000 40,000 -100.00% 0.00% Electrical UPS Batteries 90,174 0.00% Elevator End of Life Program 1,074,669 474,669 1,618,075 50.56% 2.53% Elmonica Facility Non-Environmental 17,464 207,643 6,687 0.00% Facilities Components Replacements & Improvements 1,511,084 2.36% Facilities Management Shop Equipment Replacement 11,399 0.00% Gateway TC Vehicle Access Gate Replacement 35,075 0.05% Green Line Platforms Trash Receptacle Additions 193,500 0.30%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Hollywood Paving Project $ 70,000 $ 70,000 -100.00% 0.00% HVAC Elmonica East Shop Air - Heat Improvements $ 25,000 0.04% Kubota L Series 9 FT Backhoe$ 68,238 0.00% LIFT Automated Customer Information 100,000 0.16% LIFT Vehicle Replacements$ 70,272 151,771 405,888 3,274,773 2057.71% 5.12% Lifting Equipment & Systems Replacement 34,722 95,212 27,000 84,915 -100.00% 0.00% Light Rail Electrification & Signaling System 29,118 259,449 46,500 24,313 -47.71% 0.04% Light Rail Shop Equipment 32,622 166,020 107,000 108,261 289,513 170.57% 0.45% Mall Shelters Maintenance 2,470 98 7,800 7,800 8,034 3.00% 0.01% MAX Platform RP Valve Retrofits 50,000 0.08% Merlo Fire Alarm System Upgrade 13,428 0.00% MOW Electrification & Signals 183,119 1,275,000 1,025,000 1,522,000 19.37% 2.38% MOW Equipment Replacement Items 3,757 0.00% MOW Track & Structures Replacement 1,028,724 3,209,384 1,170,000 1,416,245 5,478,570 368.25% 8.56% Mt. Scott Antenna Backup Power Supply & Bldg Rehab 220,000 44,870 -100.00% 0.00% Nela HVAC Control Replacement 471,700 0.74% Nela Roof Replacement 690,500 1.08% Nela Tenant Improvements 30,000 5,200 -100.00% 0.00% Non-Revenue Vehicles > $5,000 1,214,778 916,312 610,209 -33.41% 0.95% Other Building Systems & Equipment 60,946 43,638 60,000 135,239 -100.00% 0.00% Permanent Fleet Expansion/Replacement 37,723,830 0.00% Permanent Operator Restrooms at Priority ERL 10,197 23,841 222,592 500,000 124.63% 0.78% Platform Non-Skid Vault Lids Replacement 64,000 0.10% Powell End-of-Life 305,000 265,255 6,000,000 1867.21% 9.38% Powell Maint Fire Alarm System Upgrade (1,992) 0.00% Powell Maint Mezzanine for Storage 200,532 0.00% Powell Storeroom Shelving & Drawers 36,482 0.00% Powell-Refurbish OPS (admin, bullpen, restrooms) 12,516 18,680 0.00% Pump & Dispensing System 77,000 77,000 -100.00% 0.00% Rail Maintenance Equipment 123,430 55,000 90,000 203,975 270.86% 0.32% Rail Maintenance of Way - Tools, Vehicle, Equipment 25,000 0.04% Recurrent Training Tracking Software 50,000 0.08% Refurbish Bus & Rail Operator Layover Facilities 21,181 0.00% Ruby Junction MOW Training Module 707,743 290,128 0.00% Ruby Junction Non-Environmental 40,837 93,002 0.00% Ruby North Mezzanine Gates 29,672 115,079 0.18% Ruby/Elmonica Mezzanine Fall Protection Retrofit 444,369 0.00% Safety-Hazmat Systems 6,193 6,193 -100.00% 0.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Site-Property Systems$ 249,516 $ 285,533 $ 270,082 $ 327,593 -100.00% 0.00% Steel Bridge Electrical Rehab 600,000 600,000 $ 1,176,948 96.16% 1.84% Steel Bridge Improvements 4,157 0.00% Storeroom Renovations and Equipment 200,000 0.31% - Platform Pavers Replacement 112,043 1,071,147 0.00% TEI & Master Plan - New Construction 29,811 22,295 0.00% TVM System Upgrade 443,503 0.00% Vault Cover Replacements - Morrison/Yamhill Signal 178,803 0.00% Video Communications Systems Replace 1,008 0.00% Washington Park - Station Finishes & Landscaping 1,588,529 2.48% WES DMU Fleet Increase (2 additional) 920 0.00% WES ROW Maintenance Project Track 764,451 362,348 1,305,826 70.82% 2.04% WES Vehicle & Shop Equipment Replacement 536,915 0.84% WSL - Trolley Fund 80,000 0.00%

Carryover: 27 ATP Replacement Vehicles Buses+BDS Component 2,273,259 0.00% 4 Replacement Hybrid 40' Buses (FY2015 order) 2,866,000 2,815,506 50,494 -98.24% 0.08% 49 LIFT Vehicle Replacements 4,315,229 4,315,229 -100.00% 0.00% 60 Replacement Low Floor Buses (FY2016 order) 957,379 1.50% 54 Replacement Low Floor 40' Buses (FY2013 order) 2,118,496 0.00% 60 Replacement Low Floor 40' Buses (FY2014 order) 12,855,001 0.00% 60 Replacement Low Floor Buses (FY2015 order) 500,000 500,000 -100.00% 0.00% ATP NW Nela Maintenance 10,645 21,046 0.00% ATP Shop Equipment 35,000 0.05% Building Area/Components Replacement 11,029 158,790 1,251,955 1,191,955 60,000 -95.21% 0.09% Bus Hoist Replacements 220,000 0.34% Bus/NRV Shop Equipment > $5,000 52,000 52,000 -100.00% 0.00% Bus Transit Center and Park & Rides Maintenance 5,192 2,378 0.00% Center Maintenance - Operations Projects 5,056 88,042 33,324 0.00% Center Street Bike Shelter Replacement 10,000 0.02% Concession Services Development - Beaverton 32,000 32,000 -100.00% 0.00% Conversion of MAX Track Switches 400,000 0.63% Elevator End of Life Replacement/Refurbishment 2 174,238 174,238 600,000 244.36% 0.94% Facilities Evaluation 150,000 0.00% Facilities Industrial Evaluation 60,000 0.00% Facility System Remodel 16,229 442,619 59,501 383,118 -13.44% 0.60% HVAC Equipment & Systems Replacement 117,435 665,872 1,013,693 -100.00% 0.00% Jackson Terminus Landscape Rehab 31,717 537,251 161,986 15,000 -97.21% 0.02%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Light Rail Stations P&R, TC Maintenance (Station Platforms)$ 32,297 $ 68,497 0.00% Light Rail Stations P&R, TC Maintenance (Transit Centers) 48,303 4,960$ 16,027 0.00% Light Rail Stations P&R, TC Maintenance (Park & Rides) 18,592 37,124 0.00% Light Rail Stations P&R, TC Maintenance (Parking Garages) 617 0.00% Light Rail Track and Structure Repairs - Operating$ 200,000 46,500 -100.00% 0.00% MAX/WES Shops Maintenance 4,232 0.00% Merlo Admin - Operations Projects 46 503 0.00% Merlo Maintenance - Operations Projects 2,042 12,422 0.00% MOW Electrification & Signals $ 250,000 0.39% MOW Track & Structures Replacement 400,000 0.63% Mt. Scott Antenna Backup Power Supply & Bldg Rehab 260,000 0.41% Nela Tenant Improvements 24,800 0.04% Non-Revenue Vehicles > $5,000 15,942 309,580 2,033,633 1,654,036 1,295,909 -36.28% 2.03% Oregon City Transit Center 25,000 25,000 0.00% 0.04% Operator Training Equipment 400,000 350,000 50,000 -87.50% 0.08% Permanent Operator Restrooms at Priority ERL 241,651 89,243 175,000 -27.58% 0.27% Powell Facility - Non-Environmental 83,450 27,195 0.00% Powell End-of-Life 220,000 0.34% Merlo Admin Interior Refurbish 335,018 335,018 0.00% 0.52% Rail Maintenance Equipment 17,874 0.00% Ruby Junction Non-Environmental 323,092 0.00% Ruby North Mezzanine Gates 50,000 0.08% Steel Bridge Improvements 65,268 432,534 -100.00% 0.00% Strategic Asset Management (Facilities) 250,000 49,053 -100.00% 0.00% TEI & Master Plan - New Construction 128,087 -100.00% 0.00% Washington Park - Station Finishes & Landscaping 4,148 150,000 180,831 369,169 146.11% 0.58% WES ROW Maintenance Project Track 111,000 0.16% Work Environment Improvements (Safety Program) 663 0.00%

$ 44,663,967 $ 49,887,817 $ 63,162,610 $ 55,209,051 $ 63,989,560 1.31% 100.00%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

ADA Requirements/Enhancements$ 35,637 $ 55,345 $ 155,345 180.68% 0.37% AmberGlen MAX Station - TIGER Grant App Support 84,870 -100.00% 0.00% Automatic Train Stop (ATS) 45,319 0.00% Barbur/99W Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 698,500 154,000 -77.95% 0.37% Blue Line Station Rehab 3,806,709 $ 2,042,474 2,212,221 -41.89% 5.27% Bus On-Street Related Maintenance 40,475 $ 30,263 100,000 121,232 100,000 0.00% 0.24% Bus Shelter Replacement 149,500 36,382 450,000 450,000 441,507 -1.89% 1.05% Center Street Campus Master Plan 167,000 0.40% Center Street Administration Refurbish 5,941,335 204,751 1,329 0.00% Eastside MAX Projects 334,515 437,910 0.00% Gresham Central Landscape/Hardscape Remodel 220,000 1,450 -100.00% 0.00% Highway 8 Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 564,900 45,000 198,000 -64.95% 0.47% Hogan Yard Purchase 170,000 658,526 1.57% Increase Train Speed Across Steel Bridge 50,000 -100.00% 0.00% Kellogg Pedestrian Bridge 344,750 698,744 356,507 686,154 -100.00% 0.00% Lake Oswego DEIS/IGA 11,758 67,608 21,374 0.00% Land Acquisition 9,430 326,255 0.00% Light Rail Vehicle Equipment 81,574 0.00% Line 8 Bus Turnaround & Layover Facility 6,014 0.00% Lloyd District Transit Hub 5,058 8,656 4,566 0.00% MAX Red Line Extension to Fairplex 830,000 670,000 300,000 -63.86% 0.72% MAX Winter Weather Reliability 535,000 -100.00% 0.00% Misc Artwork Installation 26,224 0.00% Moving Together Costs 16,515 820 0.00% MOW Central Shop - Trolley Barn 57,900 0.00% Neighborhood Shelters Refurbishment 81,752 134,820 100,000 85,000 -100.00% 0.00% Neighborhood Shelter Replacements 13,574 35,764 30,000 30,000 131,505 338.35% 0.31% On-Board Energy Storage Units 242,962 0.00% Orenco/231st Crossing Signals 15,220 0.00% Park & Ride Signage and Shared Use Support 13,385 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00% 0.06% Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades (Gresham LRV) 51,961 8,182 0.00% Pedestrian Connector to OHSU - TIGER Grant App Support 71,300 -100.00% 0.00% Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project 26,873,400 64.06% Positive Train Control 337,046 6,469,923 5,894,923 -100.00% 0.00% Powell-Division Corridor Safety & Access to Transit 1,537,250 175,000 1,080,000 -29.74% 2.57%


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 Projects Total

Rail Reliability - LRT System Improvements $ 1,680,000 4.00% Ruby Junction Building Reuse$ 71,491 $ 50,000 $ 121,790 -100.00% 0.00% SE Tacoma Bridge$ 145,971 656,957 966,211 311,526 -100.00% 0.00% Second Yard Throat - Ruby Junction 250,000 -100.00% 0.00% Southwest Corridor Project 197,300 1,965,301 3,200,000 7.63% Steel Bridge / Rose Qtr Operational Analysis 920,000 528,000 545,481 -40.71% 1.30% Transit Signals (City of Gresham IGA) 32,223 0.00% Willamette Shore Trolley Program 11,596 309,036 619,555 453,555 680,555 9.85% 1.62% 0.00% Carryover: 0.00% ADA Requirements/Enhancements 100,000 98,345 57,000 -43.00% 0.14% Blue Line Station Rehab 120,136 2,137,282 2,137,282 532,560 -75.08% 1.27% Bus On-Street Related Maintenance 21,109 0.00% Bus Stop Development-New Shelters 11,956 0.00% Center Street Administration Refurbish 587,000 0.00% Eastside MAX Projects 1,149,501 389,837 236,036 -100.00% 0.00% Hogan Yard Purchase 871,474 2.08% MAX Red Line Extension to Fairplex 160,000 0.38% Neighborhood Shelters Refurbishment 15,000 0.04% On-Board Energy Storage Units 107,038 107,038 -100.00% 0.00% Park & Ride Signage and Shared Use Support 5,752 0.00% Positive Train Control 3,383,693 575,000 1.37% Rail MOW Central Shop Co-Location w/Fac Maint 1,294,267 1,913,565 1,016,203 -100.00% 0.00% Ruby Junction Building Reuse 360,000 360,000 531,000 47.50% 1.27% Steel Bridge / Rose Qtr Operational Analysis 442,000 1.06% WES DMU Fleet Increase (2 additional) 50,000 50,000 -100.00% 0.00% Willamette Shore Trolley Program 166,000 0.38%

$ 8,025,470 $ 9,824,577 $ 23,848,792 $ 17,808,578 $ 41,952,574 75.91% 100.00%

Capital Program-19

[This Page Left Intentionally Blank]


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17*

1. State, local government & private contributions$ 6,251,226 $ 120,656,991 $ 22,954,407 $ 1,365,607 2. Federal New Starts Grants 100,000,000 100,000,000 39,733,104 24,773,104 3. Local interest 7,165,064 4,743,447 4. Interim Financing 86,021,036

5. Restricted Fund Balance 40,508,954

6. Total Light Rail Program Resources$ 113,416,290 $ 220,656,991 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665

* Starting FY2016/2017 Light Rail Program is now reflected in the Capital Program.


Line Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget No. 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17

1. Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project$ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665

2. Total Light Rail Program Requirements$ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665

Light Rail Program-2 Division Summary LIGHT RAIL PROGRAM

Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 15,750,045 $ 12,453,808 $ 6,596,994 $ 6,474,009 -100.00% 0.00% Materials & Services 314,973,288 169,177,462 146,855,000 60,173,656 -100.00% 0.00%

Total $ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665 -100.00% 0.00%

Page Light Rail Program Division Summary …………………………………………………………………Light Rail Program-3 Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project ……………………………………………Light Rail Program-4


Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16- FY17 Dept. Total

Personnel Services$ 15,750,045 $ 12,453,808 $ 6,596,994 $ 6,474,009 -100.00% 0.00% Materials & Services 314,973,288 169,177,462 146,855,000 60,173,656 -100.00% 0.00%

Total $ 330,723,333 $ 181,631,270 $ 153,451,994 $ 66,647,665 -100.00% 0.00%

Light Rail Program-4 BUD1 Personnel Services LIGHT RAIL PROGRAM - PORTLAND-MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL PROJECT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Managing Director, Design & Construction$ 159,400 $ 167,613 $ 164,499 1.00$ 164,499 $ 177,000 Director, Systems Engineering 159,908 164,193 164,570 0.75 123,428 104,161 Director, Project Development & Permitting 135,573 144,496 139,668 0.25 34,917 35,620 Director, PMLR East Segment 134,269 147,711 138,400 0.75 103,800 110,628 Director, Program Management 135,160 146,276 133,810 0.75 100,358 101,985 Director, Community Affairs 120,242 108,009 124,006 0.50 62,003 52,665 Director, Real Property 125,953 132,061 Manager, Civil Construction 140,926 145,403 138,201 0.25 34,550 35,041 Manager, CRC Transit 121,205 133,131 124,816 0.75 93,612 95,635 Manager, Program 114,588 121,529 114,906 1.00 114,906 116,538 Manager, Structural Construction 110,866 125,468 114,149 0.25 28,537 2,412 Manager, Senior Inspector 85,180 108,418 112,984 0.25 28,246 23,157 Manager, Facilities Development 44,462 43,772 Manager, Quality Assurance 94,933 106,782 97,497 0.50 48,748 49,119 Manager, CAD 82,586 83,737 Manager, Mitigation 80,218 77,674 Manager, Real Property 87,367 0.75 65,525 67,433 Manager, Insurance Programs 80,796 80,611 82,901 0.50 41,450 Manager, Project Communications 75,693 97,397 82,370 0.25 20,592 21,984 Manager, Public Arts Program 63,208 75,556 81,749 0.60 49,049 54,154 Manager, Community Affairs 97,879 106,130 78,600 0.25 19,650 20,097 Manager, Cost 80,055 Specialist, Real Property 357,259 435,032 74,880 0.58 43,430 44,659 Specialist, Real Property 65,267 298,420 76,532 1.50 114,798 114,264 Specialist, Administrative 179,628 587,456 47,558 1.00 47,558 Specialist, Administrative 494,316 970,578 42,204 4.15 175,148 25,861 Assistant, Administrative 43,785 0.75 32,839 41,558 Assistant, Administrative 44,104 2.50 110,260 269,965 Senior Cost Estimator 81,524 104,001 84,854 0.50 42,427 43,682 Cost Engineer 124,543 219,365 72,156 1.00 72,156 72,973 Cost Engineer 58,311 0.25 14,578 15,577 Program Scheduler, Engineer V 94,869 120,472 99,734 0.50 49,867 50,980 Program Scheduling Engineer 60,871 124,151 Supervisor, Cost 60,501 64,086 1.00 64,086 69,180

Light Rail Program-5 BUD1 Personnel Services LIGHT RAIL PROGRAM - PORTLAND-MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL PROJECT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Specialist, Project Control$ 53,591 $ 66,675 $ 56,976 1.00$ 56,976 $ 60,393 Agency Architect 104,891 106,336 107,274 0.25 26,819 27,091 Engineer V 363,366 988,086 124,567 1.58 196,816 206,243 Engineer V 121,690 0.25 30,422 123,229 Engineer IV 278,306 888,524 88,323 1.00 88,323 92,494 Engineer IV 495,534 728,205 95,534 1.00 95,534 106,591 Engineer IV 97,289 1.25 121,611 142,553 Engineer IV 90,046 1.50 135,069 124,976 Engineer III 1,228,782 1,397,738 79,598 1.25 99,497 26,866 Engineer III 75,772 2.50 189,429 172,062 Engineer III 51,438 519,269 88,652 0.75 66,489 79,344 Engineer II 59,061 896,864 61,836 0.58 35,865 38,007 Engineer II 609,621 924,599 63,936 0.58 37,083 37,083 Engineer II 76,142 1.00 76,142 54,997 Engineer II 79,160 0.50 39,580 Engineer I 459,041 512,865 62,597 1.00 62,597 66,188 Engineer I 63,885 0.25 15,971 68,993 Engineer I 64,590 0.75 48,442 40,508 Specialist, Senior CAD 55,162 67,141 63,082 0.25 15,770 17,016 Community Affairs Representative 237,574 307,831 59,527 1.83 108,934 59,207 Community Affairs Representative 62,203 0.50 31,101 33,534 Specialist, Communications 99,375 339,470 50,597 0.25 12,649 13,057 Coordinator, Project Design 62,769 143,269 65,123 0.50 32,562 33,316 Coordinator, Public Art 67,188 77,692 70,336 0.50 35,168 38,185 Planner II 109,170 164,300 57,686 0.25 14,421 43,754 Analyst, Business Systems 79,972 93,122 82,132 0.50 41,066 41,545 Coordinator, Operations Administration 66,959 66,806 66,632 0.50 33,316 33,654 Specialist, System Safety 131,090 189,230 69,203 0.25 17,301 29,458 Specialist, System Safety 68,139 0.50 34,069 36,182 Coordinator, Environmental Permits 75,020 76,772 77,509 0.25 19,377 19,854 Director, Diversity & Transit Equity 44,226 64,096 100,005 0.25 25,001 18,833 Policy Analyst 16,766 34,768 53,812 0.25 13,453 14,414 Diversity & Transit Equity Rep 65,918 0.50 32,959 33,512 Director, Community Affairs 28,587 30,892 123,622 0.50 61,811 58,759 Manager, Construction Safety & Risk 91,962 93,427 97,372 0.25 24,343 29,649 Administrator III, Contracts 24,243 77,143 70,538 0.25 17,635 10,566 Light Rail Program-6 BUD1 Personnel Services LIGHT RAIL PROGRAM - PORTLAND-MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL PROJECT 13/14 14/1515/16 15/16 16/17 Actual Actual------Budget------Est ------Budget------Position Title Total Total Base Pos Total Total Base Pos Total

Coordinator, Procurement & Admin$ 14,498 $ 20,467 $ 65,018 0.25$ 16,254 $ 16,536 HR Business Partner 66,968 102,269 101,070 0.50 50,535 52,376 Paralegal I 22,869 31,464 53,134 0.25 13,283 13,515 Specialist, Quality Assurance 79,899 0.50 39,950 41,443 Senior Deputy General Counsel 281,697 295,656 Deputy General Counsel I 77,278 156,421 Bus Stop Planner/Analyst 3,278 44,586 Director, Operations Planning & Develop. 11,302 29,922 Director, Operations Support 17,452 65,684 Manager, Rail Operations Planning 56,548 80,072 Sr ITS Software Systems Eng/Arch IV-Rail 10,676 114,668

Start Up: Maintenance of Way Supervisor 63,797 101,300 Training/Engineering Supervisor 42,532 82,739 Active Regular Operator 168,700 907,172 Transportation Training Supervisor 2,369 58,983 LRV Operator 135,008 807,172 Rail Supervisor 88,851 366,524 Plant Maint Mechanic Apprentice 65,124 623,467 Signal Maintainer/Apprentice 192,418 214,502 Substation Maintainer/Apprentice 53,998 223,467 Power Maintainer/Apprentice 137,939 259,892 Vehicle Maintainer/Apprentice 543,010 690,983 Vehicle Cleaner/Helper 126,066 158,992

Fringe Benefits 5,565,524 2,756,716 2,451,698 2,451,698 Limited Term Employment 28,650 136,677 50,000 50,000 Uncapitalized Labor & Fringe (602,021) (9,986,602) Non-Union Baseline Adjustment 63,560 Sick & Vacation/Holiday Payoff 17,090

Total $ 15,750,045 $ 12,453,808 49.65 $ 6,596,994 $ 6,474,009


Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget % Change % of Expense Category 13/14 14/15 15/16 15/16 16/17 FY16-FY17 M & S Total

Guideway and Track$ 72,145,025 $ 9,445,751 $ 6,805,000 $ 1,045,000 -100.00% Stations, Stops, Terminals 17,808,842 13,156,920 1,856,000 1,777,300 -100.00% Support Facilities: Yards 28,650,062 9,530,287 2,431,000 880,000 -100.00% Sitework & Special Conditions 90,218,932 44,789,920 16,009,000 8,949,600 -100.00% Systems 29,555,822 28,066,336 9,023,000 10,968,300 -100.00% ROW Land Existing Improvements 18,980,356 2,589,256 10,943,000 (570,400) -100.00% Vehicles 28,660,796 29,540,643 23,381,000 15,834,900 -100.00% Professional Services 13,017,365 8,474,838 31,508,000 14,941,400 -100.00% Interim Finance 11,275,839 11,650,000 23,161,000 2,912,500 -100.00% Capital & Local Interest 1,643,636 5,331,580 21,106,000 1,823,056 -100.00% Startup 3,016,613 6,601,932 632,000 1,612,000 -100.00%

Total $ 314,973,288 $ 169,177,462 $ 146,855,000 $ 60,173,656 -100.00% 0.00%

Light Rail Program-8 Exhibit 1. Ridership and Service (Fixed Route)1 Fiscal Boarding Rides Percent Boarding Percent Originating Rides Percent Fixed Route Percent Fixed Route Veh Hrs Percent Fixed Route Veh Hrs Percent Year (Bus, Rail, WES) Change Rides/Capita Change (Bus, Rail, WES) Change Vehicle Hrs Change (In Bus Equivalents) Change In Bus Equiv/Capita Change 73 22,080,600 18.1% 23.89 17.2% 17,258,400 18.1% 818,000 3.7% 818,000 3.7% 0.89 2.8% 74 25,480,000 15.4% 27.36 14.5% 20,550,000 19.1% 887,000 8.4% 887,000 8.4% 0.95 7.6% 75 28,360,000 11.3% 30.12 10.1% 22,690,000 10.4% 1,122,000 26.5% 1,122,000 26.5% 1.19 25.1% 76 35,210,000 24.2% 36.88 22.5% 28,170,000 24.2% 1,287,000 14.7% 1,287,000 14.7% 1.35 13.1% 77 38,080,000 8.2% 39.33 6.7% 30,460,000 8.1% 1,360,000 5.7% 1,360,000 5.7% 1.40 4.2% 78 41,570,000 9.2% 41.03 4.3% 32,630,000 7.1% 1,432,000 5.3% 1,432,000 5.3% 1.41 0.6% 79 42,250,000 1.6% 40.88 ‐0.4% 33,160,000 1.6% 1,443,000 0.8% 1,443,000 0.8% 1.40 ‐1.2% 80 50,670,000 19.9% 48.12 17.7% 39,760,000 19.9% 1,544,000 7.0% 1,544,000 7.0% 1.47 5.0% 81 48,090,000 ‐5.1% 45.28 ‐5.9% 37,740,000 ‐5.1% 1,560,000 1.0% 1,560,000 1.0% 1.47 0.2% 82 46,930,000 ‐2.4% 43.89 ‐3.1% 36,960,000 ‐2.1% 1,615,000 3.5% 1,615,000 3.5% 1.51 2.8% 83 49,360,000 5.2% 46.66 6.3% 36,520,000 ‐1.2% 1,747,000 8.2% 1,747,000 8.2% 1.65 9.3% 84 49,680,000 0.6% 46.48 ‐0.4% 36,720,000 0.5% 1,723,000 ‐1.4% 1,723,000 ‐1.4% 1.61 ‐2.4% 85 47,400,000 ‐4.6% 43.97 ‐5.4% 35,640,000 ‐2.9% 1,522,632 ‐11.6% 1,522,632 ‐11.6% 1.41 ‐12.4% 86 45,120,000 ‐4.8% 41.49 ‐5.6% 33,720,000 ‐5.4% 1,515,504 ‐0.5% 1,515,504 ‐0.5% 1.39 ‐1.3% 87 47,880,000 6.1% 43.64 5.2% 35,400,000 5.0% 1,529,136 0.9% 1,529,136 0.9% 1.39 0.0% 88 46,560,000 ‐2.8% 41.58 ‐4.7% 35,520,000 0.3% 1,545,456 1.1% 1,545,456 1.1% 1.38 ‐1.0% 89 48,600,000 4.4% 42.58 2.4% 37,440,000 5.4% 1,544,772 0.0% 1,709,741 10.6% 1.50 8.5% 90 51,541,000 6.1% 43.57 2.3% 39,661,200 5.9% 1,570,078 1.6% 1,730,507 1.2% 1.46 ‐2.3% 91 55,031,000 6.8% 45.20 3.7% 42,311,100 6.7% 1,602,204 2.0% 1,776,251 2.6% 1.46 ‐0.3% 92 57,172,000 3.9% 45.83 1.4% 43,996,200 4.0% 1,643,218 2.6% 1,823,345 2.7% 1.46 0.2% 93 57,198,000 0.0% 44.76 ‐2.3% 44,021,600 0.1% 1,700,126 3.5% 1,889,049 3.6% 1.48 1.2% 94 59,148,000 3.4% 45.41 1.5% 45,612,000 3.6% 1,793,292 5.5% 1,985,216 5.1% 1.52 3.1% 95 61,188,000 3.4% 46.04 1.4% 47,184,000 3.4% 1,837,836 2.5% 2,025,927 2.1% 1.52 0.0% 96 63,912,000 4.5% 46.98 2.0% 49,248,000 4.4% 1,880,664 2.3% 2,076,897 2.5% 1.53 0.1% 97 66,780,000 4.5% 48.13 2.4% 51,432,000 4.4% 1,879,068 ‐0.1% 2,074,515 ‐0.1% 1.50 ‐2.1% 98 68,952,000 3.3% 48.90 1.6% 53,100,000 3.2% 1,936,044 3.0% 2,170,528 4.6% 1.54 3.0% 99 76,309,200 10.7% 53.34 9.1% 59,647,200 12.3% 2,068,284 6.8% 2,573,776 18.6% 1.80 16.9% 00 81,237,600 6.5% 55.96 4.9% 63,608,400 6.6% 2,152,248 4.1% 2,707,670 5.2% 1.87 3.7% 01 84,946,800 4.6% 57.89 3.5% 66,484,800 4.5% 2,177,616 1.2% 2,739,140 1.2% 1.87 0.1% 02 88,633,200 4.3% 59.72 3.2% 69,367,200 4.3% 2,232,132 2.5% 2,850,808 4.1% 1.92 2.9% 03 88,863,600 0.3% 59.09 ‐1.1% 69,591,600 0.3% 2,241,672 0.4% 2,880,825 1.1% 1.92 ‐0.3% 04 91,071,600 2.5% 59.82 1.2% 71,284,800 2.4% 2,249,172 0.3% 2,877,996 ‐0.1% 1.89 ‐1.3% 05 95,826,000 5.2% 62.07 3.8% 75,014,400 5.2% 2,278,800 1.3% 3,033,191 5.4% 1.96 3.9% 06 95,736,000 ‐0.1% 61.01 ‐1.7% 74,947,200 ‐0.1% 2,192,124 ‐3.8% 2,938,013 ‐3.1% 1.87 ‐4.7% 07 96,918,000 1.2% 60.83 ‐0.3% 75,870,000 1.2% 2,206,416 0.7% 2,966,166 1.0% 1.86 ‐0.6% 08 99,098,400 2.2% 61.38 0.9% 77,582,400 2.3% 2,231,064 1.1% 3,019,375 1.8% 1.87 0.5% 09 101,466,746 2.4% 62.19 1.3% 79,437,580 2.4% 2,268,049 1.7% 3,110,749 3.0% 1.91 1.9% 10 99,337,044 ‐2.1% 60.40 ‐2.9% 77,769,119 ‐2.1% 2,195,934 ‐3.2% 3,213,873 3.3% 1.95 2.5% 11 100,002,660 0.7% 60.36 ‐0.1% 78,286,380 0.7% 2,038,392 ‐7.2% 3,064,379 ‐4.7% 1.85 ‐5.4% 12 102,238,070 2.2% 61.11 1.2% 80,042,810 2.2% 2,032,908 ‐0.3% 3,080,025 0.5% 1.84 ‐0.5% 13 99,246,930 ‐2.9% 58.60 ‐4.1% 78,205,110 ‐2.3% 2,026,056 ‐0.3% 3,066,028 ‐0.5% 1.81 ‐1.7% 14 98,775,270 ‐0.5% 57.50 ‐1.9% 75,779,560 ‐3.1% 2,083,680 2.8% 3,141,247 2.5% 1.83 1.0% 15 100,711,776 2.0% 57.70 0.3% 77,260,430 2.0% 2,175,552 4.4% 3,234,376 3.0% 1.85 1.3% 16* 101,079,159 0.4% 57.06 ‐1.1% 77,753,199 0.6% 2,280,460 4.8% 3,472,351 7.4% 1.96 5.8% 1) Excludes Streetcar * Data are based on Adopted Budget. General-1 Exhibit 2. Fares and Passenger Revenue (Fixed Route) Fiscal US City Avg Percent Passenger Rev 1 Percent Pass Rev/Veh Hr Percent Average Fare Percent Base Fare All‐Zone Pass Rev/Sys Cst Percent Year CPI‐W Change (Unadj. CPI) Change (Unadj. CPI) Change (Unadj. CPI) Change All Zone Monthly Pass (Unadj. CPI) Change 73 43.05 4.0% $6,155,000 4.3% $7.52 0.6% $0.34 0.4% 57.22% ‐8.5% 74 46.90 8.9% $6,874,000 11.7% $7.75 3.0% $0.33 ‐2.8% 51.69% ‐9.7% 75 52.09 11.1% $7,291,000 6.1% $6.50 ‐16.1% $0.32 ‐3.9% 39.02% ‐24.5% 76 55.79 7.1% $8,191,000 12.3% $6.36 ‐2.1% $0.29 ‐9.5% 31.92% ‐18.2% 77 59.01 5.8% $9,545,000 16.5% $7.02 10.3% $0.31 7.8% 30.81% ‐3.5% 78 62.98 6.7% $10,315,000 8.1% $7.20 2.6% $0.32 0.9% 28.29% ‐8.2% 79 68.89 9.4% $12,457,000 20.8% $8.63 19.8% $0.38 18.8% 29.44% 4.1% 80 78.13 13.4% $15,538,000 24.7% $10.06 16.6% $0.39 4.0% 29.96% 1.8% 81 87.17 11.6% $19,029,000 22.5% $12.20 21.2% $0.50 29.0% 32.56% 8.7% 82 94.53 8.4% $18,671,000 ‐1.9% $11.56 ‐5.2% $0.51 0.2% 28.76% ‐11.7% 83 98.53 4.2% $18,659,000 ‐0.1% $10.68 ‐7.6% $0.51 1.1% 26.69% ‐7.2% 84 101.48 3.0% $18,011,913 ‐3.5% $10.45 ‐2.1% $0.49 ‐4.0% 24.62% ‐7.8% 85 105.23 3.7% $18,088,617 0.4% $11.88 13.6% $0.51 3.5% 25.70% 4.4% 86 108.00 2.6% $18,380,676 1.6% $12.13 2.1% $0.55 7.4% 27.07% 5.3% 87 110.09 1.9% $19,532,670 6.3% $12.77 5.3% $0.55 1.2% $1.10 $40 28.42% 5.0% 88 114.61 4.1% $21,224,604 8.7% $13.73 7.5% $0.60 8.3% $1.15 $44 28.65% 0.8% 89 119.86 4.6% $21,420,339 0.9% $13.87 1.0% $0.57 ‐4.3% $1.15 $37 27.00% ‐5.7% 90 125.48 4.7% $22,272,167 4.0% $14.19 2.3% $0.56 ‐1.7% $1.20 $37 26.16% ‐3.1% 91 132.15 5.3% $25,591,723 14.9% $15.97 12.6% $0.61 7.7% $1.20 $39 28.62% 9.4% 92 136.13 3.0% $26,281,298 2.7% $15.99 0.1% $0.60 ‐1.3% $1.20 $39 27.12% ‐5.2% 93 140.26 3.0% $27,387,384 4.2% $16.11 0.7% $0.62 4.2% $1.25 $41 25.45% ‐6.2% 94 143.68 2.4% $27,905,335 1.9% $15.56 ‐3.4% $0.61 ‐1.8% $1.25 $41 24.34% ‐4.4% 95 147.86 2.9% $30,228,148 8.3% $16.45 5.7% $0.64 4.8% $1.30 $43 23.90% ‐1.8% 96 151.83 2.7% $31,843,133 5.3% $16.93 2.9% $0.65 0.8% $1.30 $43 24.63% 3.1% 97 156.09 2.8% $34,627,104 8.7% $18.43 8.8% $0.67 3.7% $1.35 $46 24.10% ‐2.2% 98 158.56 1.6% $35,518,635 2.6% $18.35 ‐0.4% $0.67 ‐0.2% $1.35 $46 23.33% ‐3.2% 99 161.15 1.6% $40,611,332 14.3% $19.64 7.0% $0.68 1.8% $1.40 $49 24.31% 4.2% 00 166.03 3.0% $45,907,371 13.0% $21.33 8.6% $0.72 6.0% $1.45 $52 24.49% 0.7% 01 171.71 3.4% $51,164,532 11.5% $23.50 10.2% $0.77 6.6% $1.50 $54 25.96% 6.0% 02 174.34 1.5% $52,628,203 2.9% $23.58 0.3% $0.76 ‐1.4% $1.55 $56 25.08% ‐3.4% 03 178.12 2.2% $52,093,296 ‐1.0% $23.24 ‐1.4% $0.75 ‐1.3% $1.55 $56 23.79% ‐5.2% 04 181.74 2.0% $54,978,689 5.5% $24.44 5.2% $0.77 3.0% $1.60 $58 24.12% 1.4% 05 187.26 3.0% $58,740,216 6.8% $25.78 5.5% $0.78 1.5% $1.68 $61 23.15% ‐4.0% 06 194.73 4.0% $67,542,814 15.0% $30.81 19.5% $0.90 15.1% $1.88 $69 25.63% 10.7% 07 199.551 2.5% $74,765,119 10.7% $33.89 10.0% $0.99 9.3% $2.00 $74 27.67% 8.0% 08 207.387 3.9% $79,638,881 6.5% $35.70 5.3% $1.03 4.2% $2.05 $76 27.63% ‐0.1% 09 209.840 1.2% $88,726,972 11.4% $39.12 9.6% $1.12 8.8% $2.30 $86 28.50% 3.1% 10 212.401 1.2% $92,414,344 4.2% $42.08 7.6% $1.19 6.4% $2.30 $86 28.61% 0.4% 11 217.352 2.3% $95,529,230 3.4% $46.86 11.4% $1.22 2.7% $2.35 $88 30.28% 5.8% 12 224.267 3.2% $100,587,848 5.3% $49.48 5.6% $1.26 3.0% $2.40 $92 30.23% ‐0.2% 13 227.845 1.6% $110,793,086 10.1% $54.68 10.5% $1.42 12.7% $2.50 $100 31.81% 5.2% 14 231.238 1.5% $113,229,366 2.2% $54.34 ‐0.6% $1.49 5.5% $2.50 $100 31.79% ‐0.1% 15 232.035 0.3% $115,466,638 2.0% $53.07 ‐2.3% $1.49 0.0% $2.50 $100 32.40% 1.9% 16* 235.446 1.5% $118,211,783 2.4% $51.84 ‐2.3% $1.52 2.0% $2.50 $100 28.85% ‐11.0% 1) Does not include ATP passenger revenue. * Data are based on projection and Adopted Budget General-2 Exhibit 3. Employer Taxes (Unadjusted CPI‐W) Fiscal Employer Tax Percent Employer Tax / 0.10%1 Percent Employer Tax Percent Employer Tax Percent Self‐Employment Percent State‐In‐Lieu Percent Year Rate Point Diff. Change (Municipal & Private) Change Per Capita Change Tax Change Tax Change 73 0.3000% 0.000% $2,173,029 7.1% $6,519,087 7.1% $7.05 6.3% 74 0.3000% 0.000% $2,444,577 12.5% $7,333,731 12.5% $7.88 11.6% 75 0.3500% 0.050% $2,573,909 5.3% $9,008,681 22.8% $9.57 21.5% 76 0.4500% 0.100% $2,759,626 7.2% $12,418,315 37.8% $13.01 36.0% 77 0.5000% 0.050% $3,409,760 23.6% $17,048,800 37.3% $17.61 35.4% 78 0.5000% 0.000% $3,996,941 17.2% $19,984,707 17.2% $19.73 12.0% 79 0.6000% 0.100% $4,546,086 13.7% $27,276,514 36.5% $26.39 33.8% 80 0.6000% 0.000% $5,479,011 20.5% $32,874,065 20.5% $31.22 18.3% 81 0.6000% 0.000% $5,827,542 6.4% $34,965,250 6.4% $32.92 5.5% 82 0.6000% 0.000% $6,262,419 7.5% $37,574,511 7.5% $35.14 6.7% $906,000 83 0.6000% 0.000% $6,297,167 0.6% $36,123,000 ‐3.9% $34.15 ‐2.8% $1,660,000 $1,000,000 10.4% 84 0.6000% 0.000% $6,687,850 6.2% $38,052,838 5.3% $35.60 4.3% $2,074,264 25.0% $1,478,000 47.8% 85 0.6000% 0.000% $7,364,778 10.1% $41,654,862 9.5% $38.64 8.5% $2,533,807 22.2% $1,403,573 ‐5.0% 86 0.6000% 0.000% $7,789,362 5.8% $44,022,185 5.7% $40.48 4.8% $2,713,989 7.1% $1,169,561 ‐16.7% 87 0.6000% 0.000% $8,179,553 5.0% $46,176,152 4.9% $42.09 4.0% $2,901,166 6.9% $1,479,073 26.5% 88 0.6000% 0.000% $8,811,772 7.7% $49,542,391 7.3% $44.25 5.1% $3,328,239 14.7% $1,481,419 0.2% 89 0.6125% 0.013% $9,606,641 9.0% $54,818,707 10.7% $48.02 8.5% $4,021,969 20.8% $1,556,562 5.1% 90 0.6176% 0.005% $10,538,980 9.7% $60,452,960 10.3% $51.10 6.4% $4,635,782 15.3% $1,698,887 9.1% 91 0.6176% 0.000% $11,504,067 9.2% $66,181,424 9.5% $54.36 6.4% $4,867,695 5.0% $1,923,287 13.2% 92 0.6176% 0.000% $12,108,364 5.3% $69,780,185 5.4% $55.93 2.9% $5,001,074 2.7% $2,068,403 7.5% 93 0.6176% 0.000% $13,232,123 9.3% $76,438,757 9.5% $59.82 7.0% $5,282,833 5.6% $2,226,765 7.7% 94 0.6176% 0.000% $14,135,693 6.8% $81,948,251 7.2% $62.92 5.2% $5,353,787 1.3% $2,233,274 0.3% 95 0.6176% 0.000% $15,487,585 9.6% $90,006,140 9.8% $67.72 7.6% $5,645,185 5.4% $2,342,733 4.9% 96 0.6176% 0.000% $17,209,840 11.1% $100,477,571 11.6% $73.85 9.1% $5,810,399 2.9% $1,968,097 ‐16.0% 97 0.6176% 0.000% $19,444,683 13.0% $113,734,961 13.2% $81.97 11.0% $6,355,404 9.4% $1,390,597 ‐29.3% 98 0.6176% 0.000% $20,979,186 7.9% $122,866,495 8.0% $87.14 6.3% $6,700,960 5.4% $1,407,539 1.2% 99 0.6176% 0.000% $22,141,171 5.5% $130,309,622 6.1% $91.08 4.5% $6,434,248 ‐4.0% $1,470,637 4.5% 00 0.6176% 0.000% $23,315,527 5.3% $137,859,468 5.8% $94.97 4.3% $6,137,228 ‐4.6% $1,513,914 2.9% 01 0.6195% 0.002% $25,546,971 9.6% $151,015,559 9.5% $102.92 8.4% $7,247,929 18.1% $1,548,939 2.3% 02 0.6218% 0.002% $24,753,592 ‐3.1% $146,531,906 ‐3.0% $98.73 ‐4.1% $7,385,930 1.9% $1,924,266 24.2% 03 0.6218% 0.000% $24,562,627 ‐0.8% $145,478,005 ‐0.7% $96.73 ‐2.0% $7,252,407 ‐1.8% $1,869,316 ‐2.9% 04 0.6218% 0.000% $24,713,167 0.6% $146,124,768 0.4% $95.98 ‐0.8% $7,541,705 4.0% $1,855,350 ‐0.7% 05 0.6243% 0.002% $26,254,190 6.2% $155,987,324 6.7% $101.03 5.3% $7,917,586 5.0% $1,970,868 6.2% 06 0.6343% 0.010% $28,893,633 10.1% $173,786,460 11.4% $110.75 9.6% $9,485,857 19.8% $1,990,090 1.0% 07 0.6443% 0.010% $30,892,774 6.9% $187,531,204 7.9% $117.69 6.3% $11,510,937 21.3% $2,259,404 13.5% 08 0.6543% 0.010% $32,286,213 4.5% $200,048,477 6.7% $123.91 5.3% $11,200,216 ‐2.7% $2,254,669 ‐0.2% 09 0.6643% 0.010% $31,690,073 ‐1.8% $200,176,901 0.1% $122.68 ‐1.0% $10,340,256 ‐7.7% $2,482,251 10.1% 10 0.6743% 0.010% $30,479,770 ‐3.8% $195,006,681 ‐2.6% $118.57 ‐3.4% $10,518,411 1.7% $2,676,196 7.8% 11 0.6843% 0.010% $31,905,358 4.7% $207,882,398 6.6% $125.47 5.8% $10,445,965 ‐0.7% $2,659,117 ‐0.6% 12 0.6943% 0.010% $34,300,301 7.5% $226,832,349 9.1% $135.59 8.1% $11,314,638 8.3% $2,871,517 8.0% 13 0.7048% 0.010% $35,526,091 3.6% $237,979,473 4.9% $140.52 3.6% $12,400,424 9.6% $2,706,462 ‐5.7% 14 0.7162% 0.011% $37,400,804 5.3% $254,805,010 7.1% $148.34 5.6% $13,063,291 5.3% $2,694,896 ‐0.4% 15 0.7237% 0.007% $39,637,167 6.0% $273,078,978 7.2% $156.46 5.5% $13,779,166 5.5% $3,202,371 18.8% 16* 0.7262% 0.002% $41,874,358 5.6% $289,210,832 5.9% $163.25 4.3% $14,884,941 8.0% $2,760,522 ‐13.8% 1) Includes Self‐Employment Tax, effective FY00 based on cash receipts. * Data are based on Adopted Budget. General-3 Exhibit 4. Expenses (Fixed Route) Fiscal Operations Costs 1 Percent Ops Costs/Veh Hr Percent Bus Ops Costs/Veh Hr Percent Rail Ops Costs/Veh Hr Percent WES Ops Costs/Veh Hr Percent Year (Adj. CPI 16) Change (Unadj. CPI) Change (Unadj. CPI) Change (Unadj. CPI) Change (Unadj. CPI) Change 73 $45,998,453 8.8% $10.28 9.1% 74 $51,198,030 11.3% $11.50 11.8% 75 $64,320,637 25.6% $12.68 10.3% 76 $91,397,158 42.1% $16.83 32.7% 77 $104,806,608 14.7% $19.31 14.8% 78 $115,987,413 10.7% $21.67 12.2% 79 $121,738,710 5.0% $24.68 13.9% 80 $129,061,355 6.0% $27.74 12.4% 81 $135,931,489 5.3% $32.26 16.3% 82 $136,200,042 0.2% $33.86 5.0% 83 $137,683,170 1.1% $32.98 ‐2.6% 84 $141,236,055 2.6% $35.33 7.1% 85 $133,698,481 ‐5.3% $39.24 11.1% 86 $127,138,228 ‐4.9% $38.48 ‐1.9% 87 $124,948,050 ‐1.7% $38.21 ‐0.7% $36.41 $100.69 88 $128,420,585 2.8% $40.45 5.9% $38.30 5.2% $98.17 ‐2.5% 89 $130,302,348 1.5% $42.94 6.2% $40.59 6.0% $105.53 7.5% 90 $130,478,247 0.1% $44.29 3.1% $41.40 2.0% $120.72 14.4% 91 $130,857,043 0.3% $45.84 3.5% $42.61 2.9% $133.39 10.5% 92 $135,897,094 3.9% $47.82 4.3% $44.27 3.9% $143.79 7.8% 93 $143,478,315 5.6% $50.27 5.1% $46.45 4.9% $156.58 8.9% 94 $148,844,322 3.7% $50.65 0.7% $46.66 0.5% $167.78 7.2% 95 $158,247,518 6.3% $54.07 6.8% $50.13 7.4% $172.55 2.8% 96 $159,442,264 0.8% $54.67 1.1% $50.13 0.0% $193.43 12.1% 97 $164,795,190 3.4% $58.14 6.3% $53.44 6.6% $201.38 4.1% 98 $169,445,225 2.8% $58.94 1.4% $53.09 ‐0.6% $222.89 10.7% 99 $206,779,402 22.0% $68.43 16.1% $55.76 5.0% $256.91 15.3% 00 $225,489,929 9.0% $73.88 8.0% $60.80 9.0% $257.60 0.3% 01 $228,912,691 1.5% $76.66 3.8% $62.83 3.3% $271.04 5.2% 02 $234,260,509 2.3% $77.71 1.4% $63.63 1.3% $234.75 ‐13.4% 03 $241,767,820 3.2% $81.59 5.0% $67.42 5.9% $232.47 ‐1.0% 04 $246,117,267 1.8% $84.47 3.5% $70.07 3.9% $230.93 ‐0.7% 05 $268,540,130 9.1% $93.73 11.0% $77.66 10.8% $226.96 ‐1.7% 06 $267,151,413 ‐0.5% $100.79 7.5% $84.47 8.8% $234.35 3.3% 07 $267,150,781 0.0% $102.62 1.8% $86.35 2.2% $236.33 0.8% 08 $273,570,521 2.4% $108.01 5.2% $90.25 4.5% $250.97 6.2% 09 $273,403,638 ‐0.1% $107.44 ‐0.5% $88.20 ‐2.3% $248.15 ‐1.1% 10 $276,629,553 1.2% $113.64 5.8% $92.20 4.5% $245.91 ‐0.9% $1,091.45 11 $259,190,613 ‐6.3% $117.38 3.3% $94.41 2.4% $251.36 2.2% $1,068.95 ‐2.1% 12 $263,743,302 1.8% $123.58 5.3% $98.27 4.1% $269.25 7.1% $1,113.20 4.1% 13 $271,280,434 2.9% $129.57 4.9% $104.35 6.2% $273.23 1.5% $1,220.24 9.6% 14 $262,631,221 ‐3.2% $123.79 ‐4.5% $97.10 ‐7.0% $280.80 2.8% $1,149.65 ‐5.8% 15 $268,329,740 2.2% $121.55 ‐1.8% $93.27 ‐3.9% $297.83 6.1% $1,179.17 2.6% 16* $295,349,439 10.1% $129.51 6.5% $99.84 7.0% $293.79 ‐1.4% $1,211.95 2.8% 1) Does not include General Admin, DMAP, ATP, Streetcar cost, Intergovernmental Transfers, and Medical Plans‐Retired/Disabled. * Data are based on Adopted Budget.

General-4 Exhibit 5. Fixed Route Financial Indicators Operation Percent Operation Percent System Percent System Fiscal Costs1/Boarding Ride Change Costs/Boarding Ride Change Costs2/Boarding ride Change Costs/Boarding Ride Year (Adj. CPI 16) (Adj. CPI 16) 73 $0.38 ‐4.2% $2.08 ‐7.9% $0.49 ‐3.5% $2.66 74 $0.40 5.1% $2.01 ‐3.5% $0.52 7.1% $2.62 75 $0.50 25.4% $2.27 12.9% $0.66 26.2% $2.98 76 $0.62 22.6% $2.60 14.5% $0.73 10.6% $3.08 77 $0.69 12.1% $2.75 6.0% $0.81 11.6% $3.25 78 $0.75 8.2% $2.79 1.4% $0.88 7.8% $3.28 79 $0.84 13.0% $2.88 3.3% $1.00 14.2% $3.42 80 $0.85 0.3% $2.55 ‐11.6% $1.02 2.2% $3.08 81 $1.05 23.8% $2.83 11.0% $1.22 18.8% $3.28 82 $1.17 11.3% $2.90 2.7% $1.38 13.8% $3.45 83 $1.17 0.2% $2.79 ‐3.9% $1.42 2.4% $3.38 84 $1.23 5.0% $2.84 1.9% $1.47 4.0% $3.42 85 $1.26 2.9% $2.82 ‐0.8% $1.48 0.8% $3.32 86 $1.29 2.5% $2.82 ‐0.1% $1.50 1.3% $3.28 87 $1.22 ‐5.6% $2.61 ‐7.4% $1.44 ‐4.6% $3.07 88 $1.34 10.0% $2.76 5.7% $1.59 10.9% $3.27 89 $1.36 1.7% $2.68 ‐2.8% $1.63 2.6% $3.21 90 $1.35 ‐1.2% $2.53 ‐5.6% $1.65 1.2% $3.10 91 $1.33 ‐1.1% $2.38 ‐6.1% $1.62 ‐1.6% $2.90 92 $1.37 3.0% $2.38 0.0% $1.69 4.3% $2.93 93 $1.49 8.7% $2.51 5.5% $1.88 11.0% $3.16 94 $1.54 2.8% $2.52 0.3% $1.94 3.0% $3.18 95 $1.62 5.8% $2.59 2.8% $2.07 6.6% $3.29 96 $1.61 ‐0.9% $2.49 ‐3.5% $2.02 ‐2.1% $3.14 97 $1.64 1.7% $2.47 ‐1.1% $2.15 6.4% $3.25 98 $1.65 1.2% $2.46 ‐0.4% $2.21 2.6% $3.28 99 $1.85 12.1% $2.71 10.3% $2.19 ‐0.9% $3.20 00 $1.96 5.5% $2.78 2.4% $2.31 5.4% $3.27 01 $1.97 0.4% $2.69 ‐2.9% $2.32 0.5% $3.18 02 $1.96 ‐0.4% $2.64 ‐1.9% $2.37 2.0% $3.20 03 $2.06 5.2% $2.72 2.9% $2.46 4.1% $3.26 04 $2.09 1.3% $2.70 ‐0.7% $2.50 1.6% $3.24 05 $2.23 6.8% $2.80 3.7% $2.65 5.8% $3.33 06 $2.31 3.5% $2.79 ‐0.4% $2.75 3.9% $3.33 07 $2.34 1.2% $2.76 ‐1.2% $2.79 1.3% $3.29 08 $2.43 4.1% $2.76 0.1% $2.91 4.3% $3.30 09 $2.40 ‐1.2% $2.69 ‐2.4% $3.07 5.5% $3.44 10 $2.51 4.6% $2.78 3.3% $3.25 6.0% $3.60 11 $2.39 ‐4.8% $2.59 ‐6.9% $3.15 ‐3.0% $3.42 12 $2.46 2.7% $2.58 ‐0.5% $3.25 3.2% $3.42 13 $2.65 7.6% $2.73 6.0% $3.51 7.8% $3.63 14 $2.61 ‐1.3% $2.66 ‐2.7% $3.61 2.8% $3.67 15 $2.63 0.6% $2.66 0.2% $3.54 ‐1.9% $3.59 16* $2.92 11.2% $2.92 9.7% $4.05 14.5% $4.05 1) Does not includes G&A, ATP, DMAP, Streetcar, Intergovernmental Transfers costs and Medical Plans‐Retired/Disabled 2) Does not includes ATP, DMAP, Streetcar, and Intergorvernmental Transfers costs. * Data are based on Adopted Budget. General-5 Exhibit 6. LIFT Revenue, Ridership, and Service* Fiscal LIFT and Cab Percent LIFT and Cab Percent LIFT and Cab Percent LIFT and Cab Operating Percent LIFT and Cab Percent Year Vehicle Hours Change Ridership Change Operating Costs Change Costs per Ride Change Revenue Change 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 150,474 400,963 $5,639,847 $14.07 $78,415 93 180,569 20.0% 415,814 3.7% $6,391,020 13.3% $15.37 9.3% $81,751 4.3% 94 210,003 16.3% 462,053 11.1% $7,322,590 14.6% $15.85 3.1% $83,526 2.2% 95 236,986 12.8% 501,894 8.6% $8,486,412 15.9% $16.91 6.7% $125,322 50.0% 96 274,201 15.7% 553,874 10.4% $8,778,547 3.4% $15.85 ‐6.3% $141,085 12.6% 97 308,798 12.6% 613,755 10.8% $9,655,316 10.0% $15.73 ‐0.7% $215,607 52.8% 98 335,754 8.7% 649,996 5.9% $11,050,808 14.5% $17.00 8.1% $272,025 26.2% 99 366,902 9.3% 680,374 4.7% $11,913,345 7.8% $17.51 3.0% $380,257 39.8% 00 397,216 8.3% 735,792 8.1% $15,573,346 30.7% $21.17 20.9% $447,156 17.6% 01 422,812 6.4% 781,956 6.3% $14,979,168 ‐3.8% $19.16 ‐9.5% $541,761 21.2% 02 456,389 7.9% 845,496 8.1% $16,481,644 10.0% $19.49 1.8% $564,327 4.2% 03 485,659 6.4% 918,948 8.7% $17,797,497 8.0% $19.37 ‐0.6% $653,846 15.9% 04 513,625 5.8% 958,248 4.3% $21,395,262 20.2% $22.33 15.3% $686,825 5.0% 05 554,507 8.0% 1,026,156 7.1% $24,050,336 12.4% $23.44 5.0% $747,073 8.8% 06 578,184 4.3% 1,050,144 2.3% $26,236,840 9.1% $24.98 6.6% $971,326 30.0% 07 601,674 4.1% 1,084,056 3.2% $28,257,625 7.7% $26.07 4.3% $1,090,835 12.3% 08 623,150 3.6% 1,122,036 3.5% $30,890,457 9.3% $27.53 5.6% $1,171,184 7.4% 09 619,204 ‐0.6% 1,088,446 ‐3.0% $31,020,152 0.4% $28.50 3.5% $1,289,801 10.1% 10 593,030 ‐4.2% 1,072,704 ‐1.4% $30,700,651 ‐1.0% $28.62 0.4% $1,314,673 1.9% 11 582,804 ‐1.7% 1,063,942 ‐0.8% $30,887,658 0.6% $29.03 1.4% $1,360,396 3.5% 12 577,709 ‐0.9% 1,062,874 ‐0.1% $31,744,160 2.8% $29.87 2.9% $1,652,790 21.5% 13 567,202 ‐1.8% 1,037,700 ‐2.4% $32,094,099 1.1% $30.93 3.6% $1,707,337 3.3% 14 572,866 1.0% 1,036,824 ‐0.1% $33,173,764 3.4% $32.00 3.5% $1,365,613 ‐20.0% 15 580,777 1.4% 1,042,272 0.5% $33,861,160 2.1% $32.49 1.5% $1,220,757 ‐10.6% 16** 592,393 2.0% 1,076,058 3.2% $35,253,169 4.1% $32.76 0.8% $1,417,289 16.1% * Service provided prior to 1992 not included. ** Data is based on Adopted Budget.

General-6 Exhibit 7. Local Economic Trends Fiscal Tri‐County Percent Tri‐County Percent Tri‐County Avg Pay Wage Tri‐County Property Value Percent Private Tri‐County Percent Year Population Change Employment1 Change (Earn/Employee) Inflation Real Market Value (RMV) Change Payroll1 Change 73 924,100 0.8% 325,963 6.2% $8,817 6.7% $8,313,206,506 10.8% $2,874,079,275 13.3% 74 931,200 0.8% 333,393 2.3% $9,572 8.6% $9,196,563,014 10.6% $3,191,334,388 11.0% 75 941,700 1.1% 328,245 ‐1.5% $10,256 7.1% $10,205,290,497 11.0% $3,366,613,990 5.5% 76 954,800 1.4% 341,909 4.2% $11,111 8.3% $11,419,557,678 11.9% $3,798,781,214 12.8% 77 968,200 1.4% 362,973 6.2% $11,859 6.7% $12,612,056,645 10.4% $4,304,633,028 13.3% 78 1,013,050 4.6% 398,591 9.8% $12,791 7.9% $14,027,212,577 11.2% $5,098,305,257 18.4% 79 1,033,550 2.0% 422,956 6.1% $13,959 9.1% $15,897,003,000 13.3% $5,904,152,731 15.8% 80 1,053,100 1.9% 425,451 0.6% $15,302 9.6% $18,620,927,000 17.1% $6,510,203,094 10.3% 81 1,062,000 0.8% 415,451 ‐2.4% $16,488 7.8% $23,637,223,000 26.9% $6,850,078,234 5.2% 82 1,069,300 0.7% 392,771 ‐5.5% $17,413 5.6% $26,136,442,000 10.6% $6,839,449,188 ‐0.2% 83 1,057,900 ‐1.1% 390,499 ‐0.6% $18,001 3.4% $28,624,740,000 9.5% $7,029,388,727 2.8% 84 1,068,800 1.0% 411,798 5.5% $18,687 3.8% $30,559,105,000 6.8% $7,695,130,126 9.5% 85 1,078,000 0.9% 422,852 2.7% $19,193 2.7% $32,953,204,000 7.8% $8,115,896,617 5.5% 86 1,087,500 0.9% 434,908 2.9% $19,876 3.6% $34,835,587,000 5.7% $8,644,381,696 6.5% 87 1,097,100 0.9% 450,699 3.6% $20,541 3.3% $36,354,973,000 4.4% $9,258,031,450 7.1% 88 1,119,700 2.1% 479,317 6.3% $21,469 4.5% $36,811,010,000 1.3% $10,290,273,686 11.1% 89 1,141,500 1.9% 506,533 5.7% $22,301 3.9% $37,535,437,000 2.0% $11,296,147,453 9.8% 90 1,183,000 3.6% 524,279 3.5% $23,642 6.0% $38,864,890,000 3.5% $12,394,797,852 9.7% 91 1,217,560 2.9% 523,498 ‐0.1% $24,815 5.0% $42,338,116,000 8.9% $12,990,643,800 4.8% 92 1,247,610 2.5% 528,286 0.9% $26,310 6.0% $50,366,176,000 19.0% $13,899,105,282 7.0% 93 1,277,820 2.4% 547,625 3.7% $26,968 2.5% $54,907,907,000 9.0% $14,768,176,686 6.3% 94 1,302,460 1.9% 574,868 5.0% $27,809 3.1% $59,984,969,000 9.2% $15,986,609,610 8.3% 95 1,329,090 2.0% 605,542 5.3% $29,200 5.0% $67,435,101,000 12.4% $17,681,895,017 10.6% 96 1,360,530 2.4% 625,313 3.3% $30,965 6.0% $76,091,671,000 12.8% $19,362,980,399 9.5% 97 1,387,590 2.0% 658,099 5.2% $32,752 5.8% $86,216,900,000 13.3% $21,553,852,346 11.3% 98 1,409,930 1.6% 668,091 1.5% $34,140 4.2% $96,630,942,000 12.1% $22,808,631,870 5.8% 99 1,430,650 1.5% 675,109 1.1% $35,939 5.3% $106,703,310,000 10.4% $24,262,566,598 6.4% 00 1,451,650 1.5% 691,551 2.4% $39,169 9.0% $115,941,283,000 8.7% $27,087,525,558 11.6% 01 1,467,300 1.1% 685,125 ‐0.9% $39,217 0.1% $124,350,639,000 7.3% $26,868,806,752 ‐0.8% 02 1,484,150 1.1% 675,208 ‐1.4% $38,856 ‐0.9% $134,835,692,000 8.4% $26,236,081,103 ‐2.4% 03 1,503,900 1.3% 662,175 ‐1.9% $39,216 0.9% $140,814,040,000 4.4% $25,967,644,770 ‐1.0% 04 1,522,400 1.2% 657,585 ‐0.7% $40,887 4.3% $151,236,678,000 7.4% $26,886,371,724 3.5% 05 1,543,910 1.4% 678,527 3.2% $42,023 2.8% $160,154,351,000 5.9% $28,514,060,498 6.1% 06 1,569,170 1.6% 704,116 3.8% $43,762 4.1% $171,753,908,000 7.2% $30,813,829,928 8.1% 07 1,593,370 1.5% 722,409 2.6% $45,092 3.0% $199,710,358,000 16.3% $32,574,995,021 5.7% 08 1,614,465 1.3% 729,416 1.0% $46,938 4.1% $228,449,246,000 14.4% $34,237,622,643 5.1% 09 1,631,665 1.1% 696,879 ‐4.5% $46,961 0.0% $229,798,303,000 0.6% $32,725,984,271 ‐4.4% 10 1,644,635 0.8% 661,375 ‐5.1% $47,760 1.7% $228,377,751,000 ‐0.6% $31,586,944,751 ‐3.5% 11 1,656,775 0.7% 675,633 2.2% $49,968 4.6% $215,824,787,000 ‐5.5% $33,760,095,046 6.9% 12 1,672,970 1.0% 695,275 2.9% $52,042 4.1% $203,907,401,000 ‐5.5% $36,183,167,936 7.2% 13 1,693,600 1.2% 715,282 2.9% $52,111 0.1% $198,870,622,000 ‐2.5% $37,274,222,331 3.0% 14 1,717,765 1.4% 738,449 3.2% $53,824 3.3% $208,548,342,000 4.9% $39,746,082,480 6.6% 15 1,745,385 1.6% 761,568 3.1% $55,690 3.5% $230,675,518,000 10.6% $42,411,757,952 6.7% 16* 1,771,566 1.5% 784,415 3.0% $57,312 2.9% $245,669,426,670 6.5% $44,956,463,429 6.0% 1) Excludes: social services, membership of organization, federal and local governments. * Data are based on projection. General-7 Exhibit 8. Debt and Capital Investment Fiscal Debt Service Percent Debt Service Percent Capital and Percent Year (Senior Lien)/Capita Change (Senior Lien) Change Operating Projects1 Change 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 $3.23 $3,416,000 84 $3.49 8.0% $3,728,000 9.1% 85 $3.58 2.6% $3,859,000 3.5% 86 $2.03 ‐43.3% $2,206,000 ‐42.8% 87 $2.53 24.7% $2,775,000 25.8% 88 $2.25 ‐11.0% $2,522,000 ‐9.1% 89 $2.20 ‐2.1% $2,517,000 ‐0.2% 90 $2.09 ‐5.2% $2,473,000 ‐1.7% 91 $2.14 2.5% $2,610,000 5.5% $18,801,939 92 $2.07 ‐3.3% $2,586,000 ‐0.9% $18,390,434 ‐2.2% 93 $1.90 ‐8.5% $2,424,000 ‐6.3% $23,499,396 27.8% 94 $2.40 26.6% $3,127,000 29.0% $27,258,006 16.0% 95 $2.32 ‐3.4% $3,084,000 ‐1.4% $44,485,453 63.2% 96 $3.33 43.6% $4,534,000 47.0% $34,362,130 ‐22.8% 97 $3.77 13.2% $5,235,000 15.5% $16,660,115 ‐51.5% 98 $3.65 ‐3.2% $5,150,000 ‐1.6% $45,786,810 174.8% 99 $5.91 61.7% $8,450,000 64.1% $53,210,726 16.2% 00 $4.72 ‐20.1% $6,850,000 ‐18.9% $21,380,647 ‐59.8% 01 $6.42 36.0% $9,417,000 37.5% $37,185,338 73.9% 02 $7.06 10.0% $10,479,000 11.3% $20,221,624 ‐45.6% 03 $6.22 ‐11.9% $9,357,000 ‐10.7% $33,139,524 63.9% 04 $6.82 9.7% $10,389,000 11.0% $14,912,151 ‐55.0% 05 $9.86 44.5% $15,228,859 46.6% $6,305,572 ‐57.7% 06 $8.45 ‐14.4% $13,254,132 ‐13.0% $25,516,713 304.7% 07 $8.47 0.2% $13,489,360 1.8% $9,917,641 ‐61.1% 08 $8.01 ‐5.3% $12,938,500 ‐4.1% $14,294,793 44.1% 09 $8.00 ‐0.1% $13,060,226 0.9% $35,353,851 147.3% 10 $9.10 13.7% $14,969,558 14.6% $37,178,882 5.2% 11 $10.21 12.2% $16,917,055 13.0% $37,179,659 0.0% 12 $9.57 ‐6.3% $16,004,207 ‐5.4% $30,950,289 ‐16.8% 13 $21.12 120.8% $35,768,181 123.5% $58,702,367 89.7% 14 $20.99 ‐0.6% $36,063,555 0.8% $64,571,529 10.0% 15 $12.83 ‐38.9% $22,390,805 ‐37.9% $73,100,563 13.2% 16* $13.85 7.9% $24,529,771 9.6% $142,906,956 95.5% 1) Excludes Rail, and Construction Projects. * Data are based on Adopted Budget. General-8 Local Economic Trends Tri‐County Population and Employment 2.0

Millions 1.6




0.0 FY74 FY77 FY80 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16 Population Employment

Tri‐County Average Yearly Earnings $65,000






$5,000 FY74 FY77 FY80 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

Tri‐County Private Payrolls $50 Billions $40




$0 FY74 FY77 FY80 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

General-9 Ridership Fixed Route Boarding Rides 120 Millions 90



0 FY74 FY77 FY80 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

Fixed Route Boarding Rides per Capita 120




0 FY74 FY77 FY80 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

LIFT and Cab Boarding Rides 1.6 Millions 1.2



0.0 FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

General-10 Service Total Fixed Route Service Hours in Bus Equivalents and Total Fixed Route Service Hours 5.0 Millions 4.0




0.0 FY74 FY77 FY80 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

Fixed Route Service Hrs in Bus Equivalent Fixed Route Service Hours

LIFT and Cab Service Vehicle Hours 800,000





50,000 FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16

General-11 Expense Fixed Route Operations Cost LIFT and Cab Operations Costs $350 $40 4.1% 10.1% 2.1%

$35 3.4% Millions Millions $300 1.1% 2.8% 1.2% 0.1% 1.0% 2.4% 0.4% 0.6% 9.3% ‐ 2.9% 0.5% ‐ 2.2% 3.2% 9.1% 0.0% ‐ 6.3% ‐ 1.8% ‐

$30 7.7% 1.8% $250 3.2% 2.3% 9.1% 1.5% 9.0% 12.4%

22.0% $25

$200 20.2% 2.8%

3.4% $20 0.8% 6.3% 8.0% 3.7% 2.6% 10.0% 5.6% 30.7% 3.8% 5.3%

$150 3.9% 4.9% 1.1% ‐ ‐ 0.1% 0.3% ‐ 1.5% 1.7% 2.8% ‐ $15 7.8% 14.5%

$100 10.0% 3.4%

$10 15.9% 14.6% $50 $5

$0 $0 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16 FY94 FY96 FY98 FY00 FY02 FY04 FY06 FY08 FY10 FY12 FY14 FY16

Fixed Route Operations Cost per Ride LIFT and Cab Operations Costs per Ride $3.5 $40

$35 0.8% 11.2% $3.0 1.5% 3.5% 1.3% 3.6% 0.6% ‐ 7.6% 2.9% 1.4% 4.6% 0.4%

$30 3.5% 2.7% 4.8% 1.2% 4.1% 5.6% ‐ $2.5 ‐ 1.2% 3.5% 4.3% 6.8% 6.6% .2% % .0% % .3% 1.3% 5% 4% .4% 5 5 9 5 $25 9 5

1 $ 1 5 5 0 %% 5. 0. ‐ 1

$2.0 20. 12. 0.6 ‐ 9.5% 1.8% ‐ 1.2% 5.8% 0.9% 1.7% $20 ‐ 3.0% 2.8% 8.7% 8.1% 6.7% 6.3% 3.1% 0.7% 1.1% 1.2% ‐ 1.7% 3.0% ‐ ‐ $1.5 10.0% ‐ 2.5% 2.9% 5.0% 5.6% ‐

0.2% $15 $1.0 $10

$0.5 $5

$0.0 $0 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16 FY94 FY96 FY98 FY00 FY02 FY04 FY06 FY08 FY10 FY12 FY14 FY16

General-12 Revenue Total Payroll Tax Revenues Fixed Route Passenger Revenue (Includes Payroll, Self‐Employment, and State‐In‐Lieu) $350 $140

$300 $120 Millions Millions

$250 $100

$200 $80

$150 $60

$100 $40

$20 $50

$0 $0 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

Employer Tax per Capita Fixed Route Fare Recovery Ratio 40.0% $200

$150 30.0%

$100 20.0%

$50 10.0%

$0 0.0% FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16 FY83 FY86 FY89 FY92 FY95 FY98 FY01 FY04 FY07 FY10 FY13 FY16

LIFT/Cab Passenger Revenue LIFT/Cab Fare Recovery Ratio $1.8 6.0%

Millions $1.5 4.5% $1.2

$0.9 3.0%

$0.6 1.5% $0.3

$0.0 0.0% FY94 FY96 FY98 FY00 FY02 FY04 FY06 FY08 FY10 FY12 FY14 FY16 FY94 FY96 FY98 FY00 FY02 FY04 FY06 FY08 FY10 FY12 FY14 FY16


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