Distinguished Seminar in , Systems & Control

The Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems presents: From swarm robotics to nanomedicine

Date: October 30, 2015 Time: 15.15 Place: HG G3

Abstract: Nanoparticles for cancer applications are increasingly able to move, sense, and interact the body in a controlled fashion, an affordance that has led them to be called robots. The challenge is to discover how trillions of nanobots can work together to improve the detection and treatment of tumours. Towards this end, the field of swarm robotics offers tools and techniques for controlling large numbers of robots with limited capabilities. Our swarm strategies are designed in realistic simulators using bio-inspiration, , and crowdsourcing. Strategies are then translated to 1000-robot swarms or preliminary tissue-on-a-chip devices.

Biography: Dr. Sabine Hauert is a lecturer in Robotics at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory and where she designs swarms of nanobots for biomedical applications. Before joining the University of Bristol, Sabine was a Human Fron- tier Program Cross-Disciplinary Fellow in the Laboratory of Sangeeta Bhatia at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT where she designed cooperative nanoparticles 03-titel-1for cancer treatment. + bold Her passion for swarm engineering started in 2006 as a PhD student at EPFL Switzerland, making swarms of flying robots for rescue operations. Her work has Masterbeen featured in mainstream of mediaOccus including the BBC, The Economist, and New Scientist. Passionate about science communication and outreach, she is the Co- founder and President of Robohub, a non-profit dedicated to connecting the robotics community03-titel-4 toAs the aliquia general natum public. quo ea que quiae cum rorae.