AttiModated Prfti Neaspaper THE TWIN FAEXS NEWS om aAti cnuNTT' ■ VolrM, No: 71). 'n V I.N V F A U A IDAHO. F R ID A Y MORNINCI, .U’ LY IS, I'llO- c F i v e C e n ts Roosevelt Places Wallace on Ticket

1 PresiWnrtJses Radio for fCISl ON \u issyE Acceptance of Nontination Foreign Evc'nls Divided Coinciillon Bows to Terming ‘Draft’ d President As Camouflage, Senator Jiasl‘^ for De­ ]vead('r’s Cllioicr of Declares People Choose cision > KuniiinjrMalc. ‘Betwcfn Two Theories' -n.r rir-., Allhough jic dc-scrlbcd the WASIIINGTUN, July 1! CHIC.AGO ST.ADIUM, July i:! !>tr.idcit Rncwovelt, In- flo-cn!lccl ’•draft” p i President ( F 'rld u y )— Pr(■^l(lcllt non^,:vrl fornirrt n r;ili’iU .liiK l'tn tn itly- li.Ttprtnir Drmorratir conven ­ Roosevelt fis ft •‘strcnmllnect arcopled loiil[:lii' Hip Di'nio tion totiiitlu that 1)1' n(:rc;j)icci it-'. tr.iilliiiiii-.'.haltiTlnK thlrd- method of camouflnBlnB the tlo:!'.-; iirpccili'iU Irrm lunnlmUlon aiu l' lU;u lu f;\cc o f “ Rravc third ic f'"' Issue," Scnntor brc'iiklilK aomliiailoi) txi i l)iiblic (l:ui(;rr," lit;; coiiM.'inicc wouitl no'. Id him Icn orc •.‘a call, John Thomas o f Idah o is gltid third term. lo .MTVlc(‘," ■ * 'chnt Koosevelt 2ms been nom- Ill a raclfn tii ilic Tiie roiivciiticiii, whlrh hud Ji: t inuiilniilrdinimlniilrd SSccrerary- c c r i”ar Inntcd'-"bceause It brings the convention. Ihc rhii'f rxrai- Hi'nry WuHacf, tin- iiiT;,ldnn! ^ flioln-, for Uin vice prcsl- . main Issue squarely before the live .strp.s.scd thf swift pacnit (Icncy over [he opp(i:,ltloii of ai' -;iiil:i^ciiil.',ilc, btiolnR and people and gives them an fo re lfin r v r n t .i a.s Influcricliii; derl-sivir minority,'d :ibo.nrl lerl .nul sllrnt tq’ the presl- oppommitj' to enoosc definitely be* iK-rri,t thr p.riv', (loiU’;: voice, (’(inilni:, it si'ciiictl, oi ittccn two dwrercnt tJicorlcn or sov It had bi’oii ivaiiii’d, liy tin- rotivi'tiiioti rhiilrm an. Senator DFXEOATE.S. pole, and pUrardi Jammetf the alOA It. the .tAdlum erntnent." bi'ti W.. Barlil’ey, ;i;;aiii.'.t ap|)lau;.(', bccatisc the prc.sldent 8'ui>uruu.s.'TjlK-v'j0le "sla lc s.'w ilh ' It rnnovu luiy doubt u to hov Iba the a.'i.'il.slance o f the smaller I ------1------line* of opposition ftrt drawn- Secretary Expects Nations to dclrKatlons frotn - “Nbw til# people may decld* (B)' Tlie A.woclaled M F fS ,10-5 fienl^e ” Deal 'Realistically’ crn-farm slate.':. .vhother Oitjr wuii to conUtiue vlUl LONDON, July 18 — England wa.<5 told today In, coltl and He eel. linwi Before, delcKatlons bcuan tn almles* type of sovemment th»t m atter-of-fact phra.«3 by Prime WlnL-.ter Churchill that her rlnlif to mnkr Iliiil. c.-ill!r% With Problems Kcnu to be 8elUr)it lu novhen, M*. Cowboys Get 12 Hits But .'jwltchlni: their ballot;;. In the peril at honic Ls such that the nation's mlnbtcr.i must sleep Ilf people tlirmifll llie Aiiir: C0018 b» Mund economic.'prin- nrllirxl of ri fre<- rleclfmi and Umt curiltiniiiry ro.utlne ak in ii 'clgln of sd^U tratlon." . ' :. Lose on Errors and bcslfle their dcsk.s and that the dangers to her empire have VSIIINGTON. inly Uie penplr lliem- y Hull lefl f Ihe clinlce iiiianlmom, Wallac-r iukI Senator'Tb’dmu deaerlbed';tVen- Lack of Control m ade It cssciitjal that she.yield to Japan on the other.side •'draft a prr-.Ideni." C:7 7,10 votcT.; Spraki-r liaiikiirad _ dell k SepubUcao prMlden* o f the world. h ft drafi should be made a pn-diriloii 3:9.:c; Paul V, .McNtilt GC.f.3; J.inic;, ' '‘nv>*a It sum oT oouUsd- nsa««r Ua^'StM idinc* • And only a lew hours later Oerman raiders dropped bombs up- II m —T*ltJ rnKcr^ were nnt txrioiir.b' hurt. . face one of Uie Kriat ciinlce: Ch.iricj L. McNiiry. lla- Republican anoUier fniu- years .for Prcaidoni Pull Foot Down - Berlin Welcomes Survivors stntui of American color vice - prr.-.ldential nnmlnee — opposi­ Roof.eveli. stirs at tlie moment and "Uic prC' PnlLi Kot the hiw, but couldn’t Ret of lil.rton'." lie said, Viidcd Prance nnd llie Nc-llierlniuls, srnt administration seem* to b< in.1 here lonlfiht and dropjxd' Churchill made a brief, uncino- ■'It Ir; not hlone a elioire of tw. tion liad been obviously srowinR. Tllc KebriLika Democrat, who ha.s of Bloody'Onslaught flflh column nctlvlty, and eonpera. IniiK been ut odii-i with some new . ncedlcMly Iradlni: us' lownrd a 10|^ decision to Idaho Falls In llonal sl.ilemeiit and answered que;,‘- •nment by Ihe people. mt;ih itlr. iir.iurr Ihe political anil rco. iched itr. ulllmale ^lreftW^ slUi loaie talk." ho Insists thnt he tJie fliUf of a tliree-nin Plo In the hou.?e of commons in France, tnlondiip. nvfve ^.■.,^l^n of Uie deal policies, made public a letter ;,ecurity of- Uil;i lii-iiil’i>lier( In the Republican prc.sldeiitlal nom­ doesn't "think Ifa nccc.v.ary for league oerles. where, ye.iieidny. new* of Britain's Ls not n choice of iic-ii,.rr would be dlscatied. :ntlon nnd exprc u-d lL*.elf.ln to become Involvpd." Tlie nu.v'rls, off to ji r-l.len declr^lon lo clme tcmiwrarlly Uic re- HRRI.IN, July la (,5V-Tlie ti, lt slavrrj’. RU.'.ty. proloiiEed apjil; inee wiilch aid: Clin republlr-'i npiim.icli "As one wlio feels deeply that In He feels that nTlould c< (he flret ImitMR, ^nlled alons to raivlnlni^^s for supplies to the of Ilrrlln rivnif JublianUy loiilRli; i .1 not nlpne a eliolre lielurrr their tn-'k In a .*iplrll of efimplrie ididnlej. W h en c' r VC-allncc’s. vlctorx wlUi 11 baie.i on balLr ChlneseJlffrtrwnenl brouKlH cries of wclromc home victnrlniis in»>i> : forward or falllnv: biirk. ne wa.1 raljed the Ixios and cat. ■the llKiit of prer/-nt world conditions tJnue In scs.‘.lon &o lout; lu ilie « •ktidllnervi toward nil nnllnni ccted lo pro- .Mlriilcan Tumi Tide In the slxUi before Uoners and iUs He said; "I do not believe the . and rcporie*! new and dMlnicilv the Ideal of Ju.stice ncahnt th ' ‘ In Colorado Spring wner« be Is year'* active duly. only prellmlnarj' arreemrnt.i A cT)’ Uiat ■ we want a real Demo­ vacaiionlnK. Willkie rAld he was military situation nyjulres or Justi­ bomblnc raids In Drllalp and an tice, of force, moral decency mther Ui«u, iwr.itlve Inirnnll.Me iic. crat" went up from numerous dele- Ill view of America's viut preiwr- fies such a proceedlnR—havlnK re- the flrinij »(jimd; cournwtr "Krn.iUy-pletL'.ed’ and that many cdneM pfocmm. Uie senator rcA.ioia noiinced German troops hncl oc tton. ' '•iic.i. and even from some i.pc.ikcrs sard to llie relative danRers of ro- nnd I • Inhc •'oilier IfadlnK Dcmocrata” »'mild Hint many unemployenllnB«l«B fic. i Cofumn T| illy bo put to work, which In turr physically po-Jlble," will create an Increajed demand for World News and eommandlnc the .nouUiem <-ti thus be prepared for the mlnpiinn at Wallace wns oncc affiliated In . hU far-eastern iwieincnt- ■e to ths Enslish channel.- anil. Iif Uie Republican party. eommodKlei. Tliti. coupled wltli the Churehlll reiterated Drllaln's often- likfllliood that England, practically rl Iwmljcru, said the hlRh cmn- having common auppori Tlie oppoilUon outbursts At a Glance ipre.'jed orslre to contribute mnnd. atijicked Britain’s key n^l!- common benefit of each aiwi i Uniled untU the vole of the Michlsan cut olf from all other rujurce.i of of and conclllal n be­ :iupply. will have to lean heavily llar>- trninlns center at Alder.-.liot. rcpubllc'.." ■Jority. S STAGE tween Jni»n and China. upon the United Stntes for what- (Dy Tlie A.uoclated Press) 30 mlle.i from London, and hi The conference of foreu-n Tlien ils mood chanced, and Uiere CliurchlU's Artument B -E M O O E S Wers or their repn-.-.entallYe^, will LONIION-Najl bombi kill rix, ; nirporjs, Imhi.^lrlal plant.' iltouls of apjilauc for him fvcr eiporw she may be ftble to.set He nu’ Je.tlieje points: fiWn this countrj-.- should .lervc- to trap olhen In .SeodUh clu Un*> outlier and c in Uie Cuban rapltal " Uicrcafter. menl In widespread alr''ralds as J. Britain and Biirjna have ajireed^ Otlier raldlnn planes .^e ice of nny mlUt.irs' exjierts Senator John II. Rankhead. broili- improvo market conditions this fall, to siupeiid lor three monUis the GERSTIE he believes. Cliurehlll rfeeUrc* “Brllaln’a “life afire':.rveral DrliWi Trs.sels in ilii the -United Stales delre.nio er of Speaker Bartkiiead. announced and death ilruttle" farce* emplr* tr.nniiwri of nmmunllloti, Rar.ollne. channel and Nad warjhlpi .•'jnnir IN ■ A l l Indicaletl Unit strleUy nillll.i'n’ <1- le speaker's withdrawal as a can- to tMW to Japanese demands to shut trucks and railway material to Qilna whcrp overseas" .\ank 3(1,000 adill l.-e qiiesUons would no: l>e di: date, and moved that the rules be Alcalra; Warden indicates ott China's supplies: destroyer Imo- both Itoin Hoimkong aniS over ttio Uopnl tons of Briaili shipplns. -v.ed. t-ipended ajid the vote made tmanl- ren reported iunK.ln e«llhlon with road from Curna. •nir- retumlnir trooiw. solillers of No O ne'fniured When Blasf Situation Som ewhat FLASHES of n feared dead. 2. Britain has not fordotten her Uie flmi Berlin dlvWon. were w If Uie responie of Ihe dcleKales nERLlN-Nsil pUnet btjut Ilrit- obllsallons to China nor her desire comed wlUi a si>eech by propncnn Rips TKrough Stone Military Socrets and spectators wai any cauKe Paul Puzzling iCoallnmd on r«»» LIFE aln; Goebbeli hails parading con- Minister Paul Joseph Ooelihrl^ Wall V. McNutt was a popular cr querofs of France and tays “ freat ■ they RO<«c-st*nperi ihmuk’h Sloleii, Says Dies His name was pre.ienied to SAN FnANCISCO. July. IS A tasks stin remain." Uic Brnndcnburs RaiMnto Pnrler HOUSTON’, Tex.. Ju’lv is’ il’r — venllon wiUioul ills pcrml.'.'lon, but Japan Warship Plntz. ill tJie heart of Uie cltv. NFJW YORK. July IB (,r~ATTex Hero 'Tis NKW YOIlK-netnnjInr Ameri- ncpre.-ciilallvc Dies (O-Tcx.) told lo Uie dcilKht of a blR segmeii .nation's most hardened crlmlnali uu uy armed Germans orerrun Berlin wa.s B«r wltii flowen, flaw plosion which pollc'a believed «a Uie convcnUon hall. U rai.'cd a cheer 5EATTLE--A car Jusl went caused by a *'.ware Imrtib' rli>jyi tlie ak.1 National convention iodiiy persWed in a partial hunccr ntrlke Spain. Reported Sunk and buntlni;: all Uie belli of the -there is not a military secret o( nnd aurled a demon.ntnitlon Uiat over an embankment. Would you city pealed an accomp.inlmrnl to UiroiiKh Uie sl^ne waif on the tttth wliich attaches said might preaafe OTniULTAR — tUiemy, bombs 6llAN01!Al,"July.dg (Friday) w Ihe Untied SUles which is not in laMed for minutes. "raa»l anvthlnr." llkfl A picture?" a render teiepMoned *rllaln‘» fortms roek killing at the rowrr-Uifowlng population'* ex­ avenue side of Central park in m the Beattie Tlme.i. Tlie paper payi —Chlne.10 rfports were heard here town Manhattan today. Ihe pov.f.v.lon of Hitler and SiaUn'’ -.MeNutt Refuses It a-as Indicated that all Rbartl least three; Spanish reports say tonlKht that a Jap^cse warslilp was ultant .shouts. nnd that "Uiere -iit a fifth column But McNult, frownhiK his dlsplea- amateurs for new* pleturrs so tJu, deaU. tall paster. Butrin Uie bftckcround were iho^e Tlic blast Uirew a ahnuer of mr aves had been.pailponed. cliy editor replied "Yes. tlinnks, Juil "lunk and five others were dainased, fraRmenlfl lnt« the avenue bm ils country betier orKanl?e- that the trio hnd any connec­ ill of w to unite ourwlves in Uils, mdeavorlnc to make himself ipparmUy have eaten Just cnmwh contraeu for K5,IKW.0«l smokeless' >e)'ond ranse of the land battwles. I leave before beinR recallnl Ihe Rreatest democracy the world, heard. Finally., with Uie as-sLstance 0 keep trolnc. No particular food lor "srtat UuJt-s wWth ttui rrmaln.' tion wlUi the Wwdtr plant te triple natlon'a out- At the same time. re- Rewards totallint;, »:fi.000 Iiave lias ever seen." of Senator Albcfl W. Barkley. Uie was belnK refuied In the eafeterla- putj O. 8. lo train panfehute ti^ps; porU. which conUlned no eonflrrni- been offered for «nl vine of the 4th convcnUon elialrman. hr Rot a hear- ilylc mewroom—the eonvlcU* merely Ktlmisn says defense problem “ rery Unn Of the thip.forl flj;hl, said Japs- Brili^li Take.Over ily World’s fai; bomb explMlmi Ins, He pral-icd Fresident Roosevelt ^ - fblch killed two d»teciUeL- ' ..a cucumbers, a marine rrowth service. I n e viously. acarc bombi were isel ...... the first Ume. iCasUui*! os X. Cclua talning.--' ' ^ found atlncfied to rocks, U the aub- All French Ships th« bulldlncR liowlnR the Oerman Warden James A. Johnston aald sUtule. Dr. Thomas O. 'niompsonl LONDON. July IB (,ry-All rreneh consulate and Communbt party lU prisoners were “doing theb* work director of the University of Wash- lercliant ahli» In BrllLih pnrls are canliftUora. • and nothing ebe has happened., . . lndon'».oceani»raphlc InbomtoHes. AVcVe Ukhi thlrtir-mir claims 'sea cucumbers Jiave a better Box_€ar Exciu-sion Sepai-ates bclne renulsltloned for the diiroUon Code Messagie-Written With The warden. bi Indicating the^t* flavor and are more eiwlly digested If the war. Uie ministry of ihlp- Build’s Chilihonsc uatlon was somewhat punltbff, caid. than clams." Wives of Wiyhlnston linc announced tonisht. Uiere spparently m s "eoUtxalpR, all 0. fseulty members like the ci/cum- Small Babe arid Young Mother Ciu-Is of Woman’s Haii’dres^ Prance will recdvo the shlpj back D am aged l)y.Boml)' richt.’' and that 'althoivh wa treat bers-swlfntlfleally, holothurla tubo- the men well we can't make « n an lof.a—«o well lliej; are cannlnK tliem. and be paid for thtlr. lue *at the CHICAGO, July 1b’ wV=A build- conlemptaUns 73 yeara on Alcairas EL PASO. Tex., July Ift^V-A St: • welBon Call, an Itinerant said the end n,f the war," Uie announcement nif occupied by Uie Haw Valerland JI0N0LUL17. July 18 (4>-Co- by Uie explosion rls of a woman’s halrdres.^ today r down, and In various comblni- OEKAl/OOSA. la.—W h«i Charles moUier tried In valfi to board Uie tJiat neither woman was able to Prench officers- and seamen win if a nitroglycerin bomb. Police «ld a batlH-r at HIckam field. Amer- Wlilnch'j car ran over a blue mcer, IrclBht train astir placln* lilm crawl aboard m -U fathered speed. B Blven opportunity for employ­ the club was used as a mecilni; place I’s ’largest airdrome In. the Pa­ He d#monstrated to anny officers he picked up llie snake, and think*, aboard, Jt was Ic.-fmed today. Call said he attended the In­ ment In UiLs connecUon, and "mwiy for tlje Oehnan-Amerlcan bund. cific. how secni agents could deliver mei- init lo frlRhtcn frlrndS rIdlnR wltlj Deputy sherllff were attempUns fant until the train slopped at Sierra ave accepted.”- • ’ M. L. (Bill) nix. Uif barber, de- utea with Uie . aid of a ticeuy wo- Kevadaet him threw It on the runninc board, lo locate the m'M'W.-Mn. Loralnu Blanca, 00 miles east of Pabens. ajid nOISE BEF.K8 AIR BAJjE vlied the code.. Ita s<«ret’ ll« m man'A hair and Uie deft 'touch of a • . The snake came to life, streaked Adair. 33. who h^I placed the Infant tJien Cook him to the IIud.sp«th coun­ Ta’o of the Uiree giant Prench BOISB, Julj- IS (TV-EstablUhmenl arran^mcnta of the curls.on barber, by “wavlna" a messaee 4n n S ritU of - - . acro.« the car's hood and down the on the eastbound train at P#bcns, ty sheriff's office and dep.irted. Of- ners, UiR lie De Prance and the ! an army air base here was urged «-oman's head. He to'id army ■Uie hair of BunsUe Paris, HIpkam hid exceeded lU ' bf 1&» p v ventilator. Tex;, 40 miles east of here. TWtreday fleers wired back to Fabens hut Pastciir. wore last reported in Brtt- today in a letter writlcn to liish offlctre that he could send nWwordt field bookkeeper. To thos« who cent, a ratln# of Dfl«. ' • ’ After virtually- taklnif the ear with the IntenUon of immediately learned that the mother. afWr tear­ sh porta. The UUrd. Ui# B3.4I? Ion anny offld a b 'b y Ma}-or James L. I a slnBlo 'halrdrcss. could read n u ' cede, the curls of OUier states and perwnt«t« ot ■ p.irt, WlUaeh found the reptile cllmbfns on with her sister, Evelyn fully telimS of the Incident, had left Normandie, queen of the French' Stnlaht In behalf'Df.hlm.sclf and Each IcUer of the alptmbet has Miss Parla’ hair plainly said: quotas reached tacludad UiAh' TI. dead, tn the uphokterlng Inside. Dyer, H. . In search of the d;Ild. merchant fleet. Is In New Yofk. I meitab«rs of the city (ouncll. curlicue all of lu own. The met­ ’'Blow up powtr planL" I and Idaho 8U. - ■raiK F.U.LS-NEWS. •roiN. FALLS. n)ABO.-FB!DA-Y MOBNINGrrcL¥'I5rlO«> '

tliey belonJ to Uie WiUki* *crs Iiislallcd imp," Y o u th h r W eatherlDBm iB Altliough POCAIELlOiyDGE^ Burke, there were aome olher Demo- GRANGERS HEAR H it'R iin Case liv Odd Fellows Tats who ei 'Idcnced strong dlspleu- BUnLEYi Julj- 18-WlllIaiii Kul- itloii Of fltftlre and ap- jre over tlie nomlnaUon of Mr, on. aboul 23. Oaklry. U bcUw J>eld niflcer* featured lait Hoosevelt, •Maximum temperature here G.O.P, Holt tD-W.Va.l an- ' In the rnunlv Jnll .it Ulirlry ireilnn of the 0»ld Fcllo*i A S K E O J RESIGN CAELEDeyOEAIliis ' nnir.vlay S3 deirrees, n'nlmiini S7; he would attempt to IDAHO GOVERNOR In. connrction with iln- nii-niid-niii „ Tiiln Ki;lh. during which viirlable winds, partly cloudy, nur- rteatJi ol Ruion tJ.-ylO . nrnr OnKln E Itoarllffr. I'nln Fidls. dhtrlct force a vote In the w iia^on hi* la.'.l Jiaic 13 N ometer 20.11 at 5 p. m.: htmilrtliy I./C. Quigley. Nebraska Demo­ resolution oi>i»slns a tftlrd term, Mrs. Blanche M. Slonccker loriinriit grand master of Uie Bannock Commissjoners J?ct to 4T per cent of saturation. Audience of 4 00 Farmers’ • rArent* ol »lio wm fUiKrk nic nntlon&l conimltieeman. wld patterned after one approred by Uie anil U-iIk# of UMic. conducted aenate In 19M durtng the ndmlni.. Organization Members ly a u)illr w..]i;liii; on the lilch- Dies at Home of Daugh­ rrrernhnlr*: ‘ ‘ on Showing of,Shortage Uurke "l.i flnnlly getting .Into the vay, fiavc irtiiir-.i'-d no prn*fCiit1oii lUy Tlie A.viocltttcd IKillilcIil party he has bfen siipport- tratlon of President CooUdge...... tiuUillad nri'i ticci(\«^' Representatlte Coffee «N-Neb). a at Jerome n tilt ca>n i\- v>\, MtotfliHS lu ter in Kimtierly 11 D. McKinney, noble iirard; liar- in Funds A tow pre.v.ure troiiKh extend.* ' If for the last .'Ix yean." Dcpiiiy Shi iltl C>'-ecleil| itiKT n. a. caiiis wiio -All . rMrrn Idaho. Teinjyraiurrs have - i" but decliuri to aaiwer, t ai- , Bd(lrf.%3 IKTT todiiy bcfure »Cn) 1, ClvdeJlickok.^rlKht sUp- le.Uilrd term Qut:ll''u to fiijiire __ l i i - n Jrmmr. Qoodllii! Olutl •' cOT\miisiQiten;^ •:••£ thnniied buv VHvlt over the wesiein rentlv'in the campaign. ..V. question aboov -wiieUier he, loo, grand: P- E, might fupport VVlllkle. . Lincoln county I’omDns Gmium ir hl-s rr.'>lk'nnlloy fnllo'i^lnn riith- .stiites durhlK Uje past, 24 hniirs and lilt* One-Man (ioTprnmeiil • left -supporitr of tho noble Tliere wiui no immediate com- «Lilicrfd for »n antiUAl picnic, pim-ne DavM. rlKht ^ens dcilnite rumors o! a 5lio;ioi;c in are gencnilly i)i:ar noniinl. Maxi­ IUpre.senlatlve Martin of Ma.s-'-Ji- TlitJjo'iy. now ifiiin* at the ile> mum temperottjrcs on Tliuraday In chuietU. the porty's national chair­ ..ipiit from Vice Pre.sldent Oamer Id.ilio’s iiart In the lunion's.tsrl' •r: Dale Uowman. leltscene Klj" appcired before Uie board •cultural proBrom ejtoUi-il br 101.U lunvral hniiic. *IU I* taken t Utah, Nevada and Idaho were mo.stly man aald In x statement In hew who altut hlmfcrtf up In Ills olflci* ;,u p;>o:!e F.. 0, Ralprs. rlKht th niJ lawyers/lb morning. Fol- nnrt uf »»« teporwn. m the Kovertior. nil for luiirraiw'rvlcei nn •Uip vice , betweet\ ftS 00 desrees. Widely Vork Uiat IV would s^ve ptt>ple i.-id.- the k-rnvcSr William I IK>rliT II vine consldtr/uon of the evidence ittered thunderslorms continued chance to determine "whetlier :alk over the telephone. Olher rptntcrii liiclutlctl SUil« l’();ni'ri>;. li-ft Mipjwter of thr vice cominLuloneri de of the tomb of Kalandar Ij« rum LewU'of Declo, CMiilldalc. for ' She had been residing In KUnberly 11CHURCHILL lELLS .00 puri'dy’ jAld he did not think that Uie peo- -No-----no-----no," c •slgnatlon. according to Jensen, jhalibar, Mohammcdean saint, at Ui# - Ilcpubllean nomination foe lor the i>a-st tU *«tki. coming Uiere T PCCl'dr pte would pay any attention to the tom t''« {l!«r iitid fi'ii \ lUe KHllrrlf!. Irwn tJie home ot a ion, W. H. Slo-1 Callla, who has been probai* juflge T Raining third term Usue. . l^hwnn, India. Still un.'.mllInK, Mc.Vui nreker, Hrrmerton, Wash.v ir several term.\ did not file ai a ■ ,00 noudy ■A mnjorlty of tftpw »1io opi«:.e 'niereafler each mei'tloii of HI* im SurrlvlnK. brUdn the un [Democratic ean^Mate for the nomi- T Raining ■ Roo.sevelt on a third terrn would be drew ll.i Inud nviidnn. , / daiiKhter. la wiotJitr daughter, Kaniai CUy 100 it .00 Ft. n'dy against him anyway," he uld,. Wllli all nnmlimiliuis in. iind ; Nellie Hulihher, Ainsworth. Neb..) Loa Anceles Tt $!> .00 near Ura« far calUiic tU'- mil of Uic Mii and nine frwidchiWren MlnneapoUs 101 St .00 Ft.CT'dy Fleas Flee at hand, flrirklrv Inlrrniplcd r hi-r tree and indriiendei Now York M .00 Clear imx-edure to |)r> "iii Mr», Klcaiiiii- lie (ioinlnant fact no^j,^ Is th Profane Language Focatelk. ... 87 7J T Clear Itoo^cvcR, pit J(lcnl',i. wile. In Hirr,fives are ennafed In n l! Fertland M .M aourty Hen, Women Over 40 a brief, anil uravrly dellvtrcO ncl- Brings Jail Term UNri'AiOUNCED leiiih -struggle." Salt U k« ...19 S9 T FLCTdy Off Cat or Dog dreu, Uie flr»t lady wvid It wan a I RUES FOR •Rapidly growing lenilon" with- San Frajj. ...U « .00 near Convicted 6t- using profane Ian- "vrr7 uMifnii-tlilns and »ri7 Mcmu 1 over pa-i-vaKe of juppllei lo ..iinke In the jiresenee of two T»'ln Beattie ...... 70 St Don’ t Be Weak, OW »rt*rid*of* Hlmply iprlokl* Sign-Up Starts for CAA thing", to be a CiuiilUlate for tiir 1 (Ifmanded that something bo F.ilL' women, Marrln Tliompion. Spokane .....US «t Fm I Pippy,;. «n*. toungir throcitl. th. f«. pre.''lileiic)' in th^f diiyh, and pralied I done, yet permanent closure of the Twin Falla , 02 Thpn waleh the llrM toll off 1 JamM A. Knrlry for his career .-u WPA «'or)lv routc.s would be repudiation Ixjle Judge C, A. Dailey yesterday >V»ahlnrton 03 71 ■ Umulanu sbUlnxl t: nUilACII Is Infsr^nsi". bflp* chairman of tlie n.Ttlnnal conimltti'c. ke«|. peu tfT« In>a ta i. kesltUtr. r»f iirlil'.h promlsps to lielp China: •o sen'e a five-day Jail term. Extension c snlil n c;vndlilnlr for president, nENMARK <}IIITS tEAOUK Ja llaod/ »»»"' f-* " ^ nmg. ihcrefoip, "wlmt-v,e have niiide la n In order Jhat Thft-npwi'/ reM O r««T. fitorta at»a F«t fiteg.- liappi-n:- to be Uie preildriil. )unwr Cowboys Pallbearers, emiwriir^' Rrrangement In the hope BERLIN, July 18 bVr-^ DND ril<) for I to.k I rinaf arrnnsnnnita for ilart cl ■ tlie traditional ciimiwlKn- .■mployment status might not be lecond Twin Fallt civil aeronauUca ;hat Uip time so galnrd may lead Jeopardlred. the sentencp Is'to be dtspstch from CopenhoKrn said lo- ■ff rrldcnl tlme.i, that hr Traffic Deaths Now at uilon Juit and eob, and Inj served In two Installmpnt.s. one ■' mnttr todtr. For ••It-al UijnlU.I'.nir the Leacue of Notions. nur asd all other (oei inc iiorr^ tin nunilon ol tht orlsinal prograni. ■•you"—meanUiK the auiembled I>Mn- - three, nnd ths otJier of two dnyj. moved fon>'nrd Vfilerday afternoon tye on United Slate. with nnmlMK o{ «li ellRlble eandl. .TIiiic-KUIInf ^VIU) nicmbers ol the Twin hlill: CtiurchlU. In dealing with Uie | date* and purchiuvkof anoUirr train- -k1<'<1 j’r«)titem ol-mnvi Ins plane. tlimiidh «, tlmr.klllln;: allernoon IKillbettrer,-., Iinil rites for Royce reii out ot England—(the goveiti- "n» plnnt, of whltSi dtlW> teuloti, nnUblr pnnc7|ially os an sit, 15, nnd CHt6K Lee Mort, U, lent's oilKlnal plan for doing thLs 'er>' was made last nisht by Initruc. iliunenl pronram and ftlio tor 10 was an oulflHder on the-team, a.s" berii called off)4under!<;ore plane may be atloi) rolling down hit chetlu. • auto arclilent Wpdiicjdny nigiit w^;,t of Tttiii Vflii.'i. In rpspcft to Uielr iiiiM] In trnlnlne 10 itiidrnLi, and After an hour of vlnKlija. rruohi- tljf (juota for thp firsi plane obliiliifd on-pavslnK nnctJirli'f.speaking, the memnrle-. also a vheriuled Junior had already been readied, necMl-' jnvrntlon (jult. I’lonccr lc;iKue team g l*llns piircliaxc t}fu\e «cond aUlp. CpJncidenV wiui the ^ipread ot •I'lviii iVUi ainl V\ler. < Named to .taVe the ejttrulon * 01^ tJiat the prraldent wnntrd h.ive been played this a trnlnlns were jix »w3entj of,the 'allace. It wa.'« rtllnljly rcjxrtetl. been p11 of Twin Piilli, ■ e a fotecaat (or IBW. On • While'tftls pliAAe of Hie Iralnlni; Friday or Salut\lay. hr !uiJd, he U prosre»lng, plan.'i, are btin* inadi )u1d Announce hl.i own plap.^ and _ fnr.Uif Bfcond dl«Unct-pro«ra: . ..ike some formal comn^'ait on tlic *• which ground uchool Suru prospects for the 10« campalim. week. Ilct:l>tratlona are bclnR Walker, a fonnrr iren.''urer of loT ihl.1 pioimm. anti iho-.e i . the Eymocratlc national commit­ Ins are urt^ to ««cure phyilcal tee nnd former head of Uie na­ amlnailoi) ccrtlflftCe* at Uif'pii tional rmergcncy council, wa.? re­ Mt.opportunity. ported reluctant to fircepi t)ie na­ Tlio:tc who have liidlcaled iiilc tional ehnlrman.'.hlp. In U\ii, prcisrfttn to date, nunibti that liLs intcirsi* would about 30. and a toi«l of 50 or more not permit him to do rut. Out lib qualllird personn tii the Eroiind friend.s woro of the opiiilnn that. Khool 1» nece.uary If 10 flight «liol' tJip pre-sldeut could Induce him lo arahlpi are avnrded. Acconlins << take the Job, If not. It ua.-, C. U. ClabauRli. CAA repte^tnuttve ed that, a .strateKy boaid iniKlii tje from Bcnttle. who conferrtil here apl'Olnted to direct tlie canipatgn, ye.itcrday. DoUi Mr, Powell nnil Mr. ClnbaxiRli with Walker iVmempcr. Tlie .word riMtaixlInx .Mr, 1I<'»m- Joined In iireliiK that lncfCfL>td In- vclL'» aecriilance had bmi, oiU;- tere.^t be r.hown In the second train- Inally, Umt he would ?eii gram to Senator Jamer. F. Byrnts take Uie itround irnlnlnK. , of South Carolina, tk^lio wnuld rrad Mr, Clat}iiui;h pralurd Die nmunci It to the convention nt iJie afur- In which a xlmllar fllRht tralnlm; noon »e.-.slOu. Coiucqufntly. many program !.< belnu condncled at nur. eyi'.s tnllowfil thr iiiilrX- ley where ft hank-ar l.i to be built .^nrt. plans arc belne made for pncch Soiiih Carolinian, an he cf of a plane. PRESIDENT USES RADIO TO ACCEPI

or moi ther « mild decide 11 hnO of ‘ thlnM MS they n • T^lllnc tl'p eoliveiit eflmpllmrnled by ii him, Mr. Roo.'evelt .• would ulnlcr^t^nd Ihi he said that "no rail would prevail upon me lo ncrept rt election to the pre.slilencv," He ; »peaklnc «

n the o It w IS hi* firm intriition, i when liB was elected to his term In JC38 to hnnd o>er i aponslbllity of covernmen; other at tiie end of that tc Even when the war Europe last Seplember. he It remained hL» mtentl'ir • nounce dearly and simp early date, that ‘tinder r Uons would I accept re-elet , w«)tl that fact WHS well known 1

Bill, ekplaming the reason .why he had kept .illent on tlie third term • Issue, he aald U becAmr evident that a public atatement renouncing i - third term would be tmwlse from thi folfll ot view n! sheer puWJr in­ terest. \ It wa.- ’ ment. ; TW IN F A LL S N EW S. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO, F R I D A Y MORNING. JTTLY 19. WIO PACT THREE

WUUe W illis (illv PoilllK to MCUIfEPW DOUBLE SERVICES ; k j "; .... Bf BOU£ttT QUILLEN BREVITIES llir a(lilllU)i!;il4^|jiiin: niol Day WiUi mii’ Uiiieil warm wc.illici In .Nfirthem Id»lii>—Mlu Barbara . it » 'lEFttKllNIS HONOR P iE E R S Mlnnlck l.s >i>eii(IliiK lirr vucatKHi J. ( ^ ■ with friends at St. Marlei. , Kil. Ulah-Idaho Parley Sept. 22- Impressive Final Riles Held •IVSlontJiia-.Mr, :.ii(l Mrj. D. V. I T»lii Full-.. 24'; Club Wil^ Sponsor Boy for M r. and Mrs. A. D, KUule; are leavlnn J«r ii j ' iUi-M i- W V B.1I1111U1; with rclutUo at Colimiljus nnd|l"i' •Ml.-and Mr at Boise Assembly ' Stalford- Itciiinlup. Moiit. BUSINESS Anri«mc*mtfil Uinl tlir Ulnti- Iiiiprr:--.! V»r»tlon Cunrlu.lfil—Mr. and .Mr-., Irislio KU’unlj fonvrntlon will tir Dy ;i■ ho-.tIIOM 111ii( lurM;'.) to iiu'tnorl iiu'tn I- UeoiRC F. Seidel niiil rhildieii have ' ndltlKi) Impro. hrld nt Bun Vnllry, S'^jitniibcr Ol .\lf. AllJiIt I>. Hill returned from a viuattiin vWt »llh IClm •li”. -Mi-rl:lr. ul 33 niirt a<. WM bmiRht to jTrtrr- (lui-inf: (louDip-ru)K-v.' ...... rri.itive'; and' frifntl-.' in' :,it'..f,uri |'’ ” ■rjnr nprmcnn, riny'ii lunchfon tnretlnK of the Tv.iu li:Aj yi-.-.tcrdjiy iind lo'.va. '*■ Independent mils, sen-lce club »t Oie Park ho- tcrliili church. oI wl ■ t«l, . iiiK-Ilnie inrnibcn.o .Matle .Sprlnti-M A Piolli- ■To KoiU ot tlie rrpiil will be llir clly Dr. O. I. Clark oI i o, Mr;.. A. »<)iniurl-,till, anu of Calflwell. with Otivrrnor HiiKh ft “ y J - church ofllclaU-d ;> (hvtuhler, HrlKH- of T'.ilii K,ill',; and CftWwtU. ikrd by .an aljiin Miiin Weinrr ul Humen. are Hardware Kl»’i»nlnn> ol.’o vo!cnut e tiir Tttln t’lllls triiietury, :;prUiK>. lh« Amcricnn I,cRlon boys' ntntc ns- Mr. Stiifford Mirciimlw nrmtJly nt Boise, iiIiirilnR Momlny. iIKTnOdii and Mr;.. .Slalfii; , ii » OperaUiin—t>niiild Kflcllm:iii. ftt tt’hlch yniiih.i from iliroiiuliotlt rvl!i F'llls :.r( llmi. C. A. Itoblnr.oii, uiulci Virnl an ojier- A wrc):'* trnlnlns In BnvfmmrniM ....irilc wii.s by llie Ktiul a!U»n for appeiidlclll'. V( .imlny. Hi', aflnlni. Civic orRiinlailonii of Idnlio com;>TOcd o( I-'. W, Nnilf. V. condlllon l.s ri-|xirtPd a- belni; i.atl,-.- lnM"-lii;:ili' 1 l i f j;ri--.U nrr fpon.iorltiR ilir fntmnt,i. uho Ran, C. E. Orleve anti K. J, Col factor)', MlLorRftnlrf Tiif.'dny wltli an rlcc- nIiikIHB "Tl'c Hu;;ki'(1 Cm. 'iivini;.'* nn iiuali;-, niiT- llon niid cnrr>’ on tlieorctlcnl "Je:.u.i Lover ol Mv Koul." • M < wiiniy and city K ovrriir jiaiilnienl 'ah.'' by the iiiVinber of ihe 'IVln l-'.ilh polli' Vli;iiuii-v. .\'l (lie llirotiRlioiit rcmiiindrr nf llip.wrrk. J, A. Dyt;ert. :e, toReihi'r with lU'. yniinn ^on n if club voted to »i>onM>r one lin- PAROLE REVOKEi Pallbearer.s for Mir,. Si.tIIchiI iiiielh. Jr. mill. Mr Hiirelav'i Don llaioii nl Kinih"ilv: and rierprtvlleKed dilld lo attend the K. R, Spitffiird. L;iwr<'iiri' Tnui her, ..Mr;.. A. II. IVu- liiy «< Jer- cirriihiliiii; ;tl . Ii <1 m f recreational c»mp nt Piiyette lakes !>. L. Kreckeurldne, Dr. II. A M:- aii.l .Mr;, l/-,:i.' t:(: ^ ■ under nupen’Mon of the 5:>lvatlnn Failure Jo Provide for.Wifc • If, W, 0,'^mllh, ’IVln I'.ill-.. TUADI-: Army. ■fi. Scott, Hiinrrn. A liiimnroin dl.v.ertatlnii iiixm the and Baby Charged to \clhiK pallhrarerr. fiii iiU.’ - I (liiUiit—Ml i'liil .^I: INIlKPKNDKNT pedrsiflan side of the crsc In that mliiilr M.ll .M: Ml- Check Forger fbrd J. H. alandon.T-.ii,, K - . of the traveler afoot vs, the lujtoino- T. I'f Warner. Rre:.e Wllll^iiir. K J. K. Cre;.'.. have n lunieii in Hotur- bllc wa.'t offered by Melvin Schubcrl. lale. .Mr:., cVf'.v aiul r.nii, Don. e\* Provcciitlnn Atlonicy t>,Tnii ,, \ViL'.oii. Tw-ln Fall.'.; iiiiil Will; With' Tom Alworlli lui prORram Schmidt anci Frank Thlillrii. K irct to le.ave nhout Au;;. I lo .'.peiid- McVEY'S chntrtnan; Mary Hoover played Sweeky iipplied lo the diMriri courC I nt Ihr Il.illaiitynr ral bcrly. I vnc.illon vlilt ot Ihe Ailklin hnme piano delectlons, Quest* were I In Twin nills yr:.tcnlay for rt voca- here. im Sjirliinn ci'-e;;. Mrv Icy Pityntfr, mnniiRfr of Alfxanctrr's tion ol the p,irole to iiJiJrh ,'f.irtin . fornirrly M|.-. .Miriam I liK.M) -rHi; NKWS WANT »tnre; C. N. Harvey. R;ilt I.akc Clly. Cameron wns admlttH after hr wa.i Keparts Coul Wrj(her-^tl-.\ XUa and former Hiihl Kltvanlan; ant" convlctfrt bit Jnii. 10 ol a lo H.iKar, who li;i' JiiM |eturne filed Flag'to McClusky Camp To VUIt Here - .Mr. imd .Mrt, In the dbtrlcl court two infonn- Haro' Hurlbut of Un Anjeles are A woman, who returned allons wherein dcfendani.^ nri Sunday. July-28 :pecied to arrive thl^ week-end HARDWARE WEEK hftjtlly from Jerome to Uip Fnjen jsed of forKcry. oui Detroit, where iliev hnve t.nkeii aulo camp here to retrieve her cor­ hi oiittcnse G. Robert Kelley alia'. Dedication of a 3i-fonI pole and delivery of a new ear, ’IDey will be net, wasn't InlcrMted In the rorsel, Melvin Moles Is necused nf foojery :) ciRht by 10-fonl American flap Kue.%l3 of Mrs. Hurlbut * bro- but mtlier In a handkerchief pinned of a J)0 check wlih purpor.p to de­ ; McClusky lieallli camp lri Huhl Iher-ln-law and nhter. Mr nnrt Mrs. Inside It. Rea.inn; Uic Handkerchief fraud Wlndeld Lowery of Haihcn .set for Sunday, July 3(1, nccorilliir, , Mntnlned COO In rash. W. A. Mlnnlck'. Mrs. Hujlliut was lant June a. „i Louis W. Dipatn, Rut>erl, Idaho foTmttly ndila Col^ cl Twin Tlje eorsct wa.i found by a ___ In the other case Delbert YounR deparUiirnl chief of .',!?ff of the Uker while clcaiihiR up ihr cnbln liills. and thlJ will be her first vliU, HEl.P KL'ILI) IDAHO alias T. Scnrboroiinh Is Vetrrnns of Forelun Wars nf the here In 32 years. Mr, Hurlbut lU STEP-KEN after the hnti left. He accused ot lorRcrj' of a $:.iO check Uiilltc! KUiK-.'i, found nl.v> tlie money, which profei'.or of matheiuatlrs, and al.'Ji A IT O I'.\UTS CO, lajt Nov, lO: Tlie dfdlcatlnn. scl for 3;30 p. m.; Instructor In auto mechanic.^ at Lin- BY KEKPIKR' IDAHO. turned over to K. P. Tajen. who 'i'lll mark formal prr-.cnt.illon of the _____ not.mirprli«|_wJica.thc..lOUrbtj:cr •ftnjrtjT-Ihirleyaiid Ituprrfpwt-s cf lln,en^t hlgh.sehool. Lo3-An£clca.. — T h f • Only Iniirpr^ntlriit -|nhh.-‘i',? turned, A F. F. A. F ^rS lcer WEALTH IN H)AHO. the Vf-W . • • Furloush F.ipectrtl—Cole W. Min- in Twin Fail.'< number of prominent offlrlnls nirk, supply serKrant for Co. E., Brings Top Pi'ice will participate, aiul open'house has Tliievcs Take Gas arrnHRed Jur' the day at the loth lufiiiitry. stationed at Sehn* CREATE M O R E .lOBS One of ilx steers fed by Flltr Fu­ Held barrack.s, Honolulu, T. H., “For PEP See -STEP" ...... p, A picnic li al'.o planned, has advised liLs pnrent.s, Mr, and Mr.i, At Hansen Station ture Farmer* of America youths nt AppeiiriiiR l><'^lde.' Mr. Dr.pain, will lilADE INDKrt.NDHNT, m o r e Filer Ui1.» week brouRht the lop price W. A. .Minnlck, that he exjiecl.s to be A N D ' ' OPROR- By breaklnR a lock on K*sollne be Albert NlchoU.' department of J9.M per hundredwrlRht, nccord- romm:- Wayne JohnM3n,' member of been morn or lr;a curtnilrd. that LEARN ‘ TO SAVE, ' Twin Pftlla'jlierlff'R offlclaU. Flier F-P-A. chapter, ' tho^e who have ^erved In Honolulu Tht eommUt«J by The Hereford steer wju\ purchased commnrdtr. Twin Falls. for a period of three years or more, .r»ioW‘»V fftfyii>>rough Uie com- y Uie Idnlio PaeWtvtt*>»nipany. O/ will be KTanied le.ive. He li non’ ' ON QUALITY - rtUftlVS! IT’KaSf l3ve.^igated by the iiK Ihe flf.'t year of his necond ■herJff* force. > ie remfllnlnR five steen fetl by chapter tnrmtiers, th rre Were taken, enll.iiiiient In the,. UiiUctl Slates field. Mr, Dandy brheved that the army. MERCHANDISE lo Ihft Sail Lakf City Junior Jlvc- litid been llierr for sninnrfline. ^ Widow Apinies for slock show, Tlie r.lrer of Rrncr.t cation of ilii- ranch Is two mlle.i Creed brouRhl $10i5, ami tlin-.e of !/>ulli and one and one-nuarter ea.-,t Administrator Post Dick L,mcasier and Hoivard Kn.Ucr of the ea>t enil of Tvvin Fall.';. It Is .Mri, Jessie Asncs Campbell of brouRht JSiO- Another was pur- bellevi-d Iliaf the deer may be the Kimberly. •K5riow of Uie late Alex­ c)\r:«S for bMbecvip pMnw.rr., ' one ob'iprved nl the C. D. MC' ander R. Campbell who died Inst John.'fin owns the oUier r, Lean r;incli rarllrr ihlr. montl). Jiijy IJ. applied to probftio court In which tflll be rntcwl in the 4-H Twin ralU ye.sterdny for ncpolnt- r.F.A. division ot Uie Twin Fall.'; menl a.i admlnl.-itralrU of his county fair in September, INDEPENDENT .estate. Valuetl al M.IOO, the estate Inelude.i n 37-ncrt fnnn and property Oat Field Hath Priccd Low For CHECK THESE ITEMS FOR In Blckel addition to T«'ln Falb' Quick Sale! Sun'lvlnR lire the widow and six Cliariiisifor Deer tlaiiRhters, Frank- L. SWpUau Limilcti (Jimnltly nf HARDWARE WEEK REAL HONEST SAVINGS J, H. Dlandfortl of) Tti'ln Falls are Scconil appciirance of a deer In the petitioner'* nltomeyn. Uie Twin .Falls vicinity In recent .COAST LlJMnEK week.s cnme yesterday momlOK when SniN C L E S LILY PO.Vfl PETITIONS FOR Floyd Datidy^enlered an oatfleld on UNITED STATKS CITIZENSHIP the T. B, Bandy farm lo find that NAII^S. ETCi . Designed to Save You Money on Gasoline Stove.®; for the. Trailer HAnTTOno, Conn.. July Ifl OTt— a doc hnd tnken up temporar)' Lily Pon». Uie opera filed her lioiuekeeiilnK there, L. L. LANGDON House or Home final papers here todaj-’ for United Wlien Mr, D.indy came upon Uie States eltlr^n.ihlp, at tJie ImmlRm- IGO «li Ave. W. - Ph. I5C2 deer, shs was lying down, but *he n the Trurt l^ n«' Quality Merchandise rojc and mwed awaj' towArd Uie 1 3-burner .Slrivo, Rcpr. $23.50 , ....$ 1 7 .5 0 foothill/In I(je Rock creek section, Pr.IERS, Cndmiiim pliilcd forR cd steel, of a trampled area In Uie 2-liiirnPr Stove, RpR. S12.'fir) ...... SB.4S ll-iirch slip -joint ...... 2 0 c SC’IIEW DKIVEI5.S, Solid .steel, m afic to 1 2-btiriU‘r Slovc, R ck. SB.'IS ...... :5 6 .4 « heavy dutv ...... - 15c KITCHEN GRINnKH. K eep you r knivc.s iihs'ays sh n n i...... ;...... ••...... $ 1 .0 9 , 1 keen KiitterSilent Running STJiEL SQUAIIK. Always ncces.sary for ^'iind Lawn Mower INDEPENDENT .workmnmttiip ...... !...... 7 5 c WOOD CHISEL. Hicli n u a lily fo rp c d stccl. 16" cut, S bl.-uio, R or. ?ia .0 5 ...... $ 1 2 . 9 5 '/; bevel back . 8 5 c Ha r d w a r e w e e k TIN SNIPS, Ciil lin, screen, brns.s, linoleum, cic. H»Kh quality 6 5 c I'iiiQ SLEEPING HAGS. R oc. S8.00 ...... $ 5 .7 5 H A M P E R , W l. IG-or. F o r ce d s fce l. 2{;.;.iccc.SILVliRWARI': SET. Complele . REAL HONEST BARGAINS AT A Accurate bnlnncc ...... 4 3 c Service for f>, Retj. $3.75 ...... $ 2 .4 5 W RECKING HAR. 2t-inch d rop forsed slCcl. with powerful cinws ...... 5 3 c LAW N nOSH ...... $ 1 .0 0 REAL HONEST SAVING TO YOUl H AN D SA W , 26.lncli, made o f crucihic hIccI. COLD PACK CANNERS, holtla 7 one_^qt. jars ..BS* properly tapered nnd s e t ...... $ 1 .9 5 H OUSEHOLD WRENCH, 6-inch size. ea.sily atlju.slcd Steam PRESSURE COOKERS. ..$8.50 to $16.50 , COLEMA.N CAMP STOVES ...... ;...... $.195 to anv size ...... 5 9 c M-iiich MILL FILKS ...... 7...... 4 5 ^ PIPE WRENCH, M-inch, n pop u la r .size PO LAR CUB ELECTRIC PA N S ...... ?1.89 , for all use.s . $ 1 .2 9 ELECTRIC FANS, 8 " b la d e ...... $ 1 .3 5 R ATCH ET BRACE, 10*ineh sw eep, rafehet^'pc , COOL K A i^ s ..;...... : ...... $ ^ 2.95 will last for ycar.«i...... $ 1 .2 5 FORfeKD ST.J’;EL PLIERS ...... 1 5 ^ SSIOOTH-PLANE, S.inch B izc,:w itl) blade ofwpccinl REFRIGERATOR BOXES ...... 5^95 \ — ------:------"■ ' SEEEPING BAGS ...... ?S.95-.511.95 . , INDEPENDENTLY OWNED BUSINESS BUILDS.IDAHO AIR .MATTRESSES - ...... :...... $6.50 . BY REINVESTING ITS PROFITS HERE AT HOME. TRADE Service for Eight FRANCISCAN POTTERY ...?13.95 INDEPENDENT FOR YOUR SAKE. COMMON TUMBLBR, dozea ...... '....59c

BUSINESS PRICE DIAMOND HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE CO. BUSINESS Home Owned and Operated BUSINESS Home Owned and Operated Home OwM< •od'Oporilri' —


WIIN F..VLLS NEWS of a fuse to get the dcctrlclly flowing? You were Jucky that lime too. as the house d id n ’ t Hanpr Your Clothes on a Hickory Limb New Laws Enable F. B. I. to burn down. There va$ d very good ch a n ce, how ever, th a t It would, Keep Close Watch on Nazis ^ A n d ’ how abdiit all the odd,? and end.s of ju n k .y o u 'v e .storrd .iwny; In attlc.s. clo>.ct.s. NKW VOTIK WUJiaiOIO paper rriidcr and radio ILitener lh» bnsem ents. ctc., liRnriiiR to get rt«3_.of tlien: on Or PenlU abrupt cliange In the war ne»i frem •some vague future day? Accumulations like •^r.KNCIES. Inside Infonnit4Dn I enonnous Bctivtty. t« timoet eom- that mtvy g o on (or vm.'s and do n o harm —or. 0 ihf '■ItfCt, that i)if Gerroan II- plela tllence from the vartoua front-i If the break s arc atMinsl you. they may :ilar! hr:ir>' of informnUon in New York prt.sMi3^e of the moit bifnini or feed a destnictlvr blaze any minute. ' at now bfcn rrslsi^rM ulU) Uii uspecUijK'hls h u two main reasons. i:ilf dcpartinenL Undfr recent !»»•: One Is UiBl the atratesy of the to- And don't forsel Iho.'ic. occasions jin wlilch vcr)’ Bjfnt-of a forrlun government laiiurlans U deliberately dejlgncd you lo o k It for sruiurd that you'd got aw ay . ffqiilrcd to fJ ■ ■ to ertftte confuiloii In i^e mlnda of tniblB MilM Couni;. I with po.MtponliiK nccf‘.s:,ary hcDtlng, wiring, nnd. oUier Uielr Bdveriarle*. T5ie history o! .1 W%VA, chlm n cy anti U'jialis -anlU a n olh ei nD:iUcs._COTUEautiiili'. , all . l>Ki, thU tiiir rtconsttucted- oa Uu.baili-, ------rim> Mtik. p«nk>« )• mploye.? hnvc been lubrlfd »n(' of offlclBt releases wUI ahow eon- aril indrxcd. TliLi will pnnble iit tradlclcry reports cmanBtlng from Ail o f ti.s have cunie within an ace of .start­ •.Irrol bim-nu of invnit^-njlon u Jie same wurces. Some are dellber* ing fires on more o(-c;ti,ions than it is plea.<5ant cTii a clnr.c watclv on ItiHr prlvnli itr wrong planti. sc«ne ar# trial bal- ilUltlll or ASSC rllvlIlM. lod.u, other* are blunt tr^JUu which T>« AnMl*Wd rt«u U MClw to coun t. ^-Aiid every ;,o often luck turn »DblluUM e( *U n««t dUptubr •Fncl.s hi Review." Dr. Gotljbth n one quite dares to believe. and life and yropcriy 1.^ needlessly destroyed lUy ollklnl A.mcrl«M\ publlcallun. Bccowtly, there la acluaUy golnR as a con.sequcncf'^ Krep^that in m ind— and :ais nuumcs liie alntus of plain' II belUrid Uie acenci conUnuai you w o n 't be taKliiR .so'iircat a cha nce w ith nd’ elmplf foreign propasojidu, u Ickerlng Among official and leml- fire in the future. . li, piil)ll.^hrd by the Gfrmnn li­ offlclal cmbsarlex of tbo belllger- brary. It Li widely dL^u•Ibut«l »nd governtnent*—princljwlly In I to imblWiers, edlloni nnd »flt- SlocUiolin and Madrid. In Uie ear- N*T10!UI. nurnrJlKNTATlVCI O ilier I’ oiiils of View in New Vorl: nnd cbrwiifre. Ai' , itagcs oj Uio wnr, Holland and — >MO IfOMt 60 KTAB. Uiouuh In Mopo quite alinllar w I.’k luly also functioned a< Interne* of the French llbrftfy. cill- diaries. |!RIIA\ OR tlUllAL? Trtt VOW tR//—— •'Inslde It k-U&lni ly more words nnd deUlIi ihi FEAH. :n -certAln territories Uie lurst II,e FrMich coiimc •ji;vrt which. Im Ui column hysteria appear* to be dentally, hw not Issued tltice lie extraordinary, ZJlsiurbed and 'Jlic Uie armlatler. ifiu-sled, nn old country doctor In e berr The British lib northern New Vork wrote this eor- by 1880, 35 In lOBO. « In ISW, 15 in isio, 51 in 1030 nnd ilOHE aiille dlffn t lln respondent tlie other day. He haa SO in 1030, Tills rnlucllun in rural pcrcenUB*. oI courne, News Behfnil lljlir.^ no rrKular tnatfarlnc hut tl resided In Uili lltUe towr\ since 1010 been d«c to tin- Knntrr f/Jlcleiicy of farm prwluc- uniwual, varied materlal- and U. nnUve American' Uirough lion ihi-oiii:li i-cJcniKii.' iiicilicxlj »nd m»clilntry; Ujriic National Whirligig The News reprlnf. from si>eeche.i by /ou? Kcni'fatloni. It happen.^ though. SLOW DKFKNSIC S T A R T iiiulllply prtxliicltoti tnit rfihifi- liip number of person* . ■•emment officlal.i, talki by :iat hli nnme Is immlstakably G«r- S^nic idea of the time it will take to kcI ncrdcal 111 prodiirlinii. . l.urd Utlilnii. and oncc even Ihe Corcnrana. Jlin If>o S'ew Vork Tlme.i edltorl/U on Ilie a real rcam um cni proKrum iiijUcr wny niiiy .Vow. however, fl iwimlnUon irfiul 1# ob»ervetJ, • tniCltlnK with a .will( Enclosed In his letter was a com- Oil oi iuconiiilnf itiiTtncniailvt relunia ircl Ihftl P.D.n, woidd r rvncuatlon ot Duiiltlrlc. In addUlon. lunlcatlon he received In Uie mall, be got Jrom news coiiccrhlnft the acccpl- Ihf pre.-ldfnl-or It places grfftt emplla.^ls on current of tliB 1040 cca'.ur Pfol. wmuin l,. Unllry. Northwesl* ri'covcr hU pollllcal ten< ypewrltten on a plain flieet of ance by the Packnrfl M otor Car Co, of llic ffji uiyver-Mty w>clo boolu which are favorable to hllc paper, headed "Comraltlee on order for 9,000 RolLs R oycc nlriiliiiic engines. '5 popiil empire. A numbfr •merlcan Affairs.’: The typewriter New Vorfc book publisliers, for NftfolJnllons hflnec/i S. Knudien rJO'. iiaJJ c iiid UlJag sed was obrtously dirty and ratlier ample, hare ii-sed Uie Mcnells of old and rickety. The undated pro- o f the National Defense Comml.ssion and c piiciipmcnal growth Is now rndfil anu Umi "urban- briaih llbmry U) (ulvcrtl?,c ful' lunclaraentfl without addreM and Packard offlcInU have been goliiB oii.sliicc mlnaiu tc.\lute li\ o\ir j\!\Uos\aI otterlnci whScJi v.Vntd nMwrally fWioui alKTinVUTe or other IfiinU- Jime IQ when Henry Ford tiirhed down the Uie earlier dio»." And he ulio of-lnt«re*t-i« thoee m the EnglWi fylng maric, mailed from a city 10 order. Preparing the plant fo rH h c job will ii; In iKipulaUon urowtii U more llirt 7111)11 A « lf If he nrcep(«l Ji ig list, ^ c e they distributed nllrv away, read.i. "Plense take no- cople.» of B popular-priced book Ice tlmt all Qennans are being take 10 montha. That m eans actual prodiir- t OO ptr cent ' BOUld 1 croMfd hH heart eindr illic lrurr< nnO Mny there uniU ;mpl to ficfl hiN old printed In t:ie United KlhRdom. vaiehNi for Nazi fifth column and - t io n of the eiiKUiea will begin next May, It o conflni If ni'Wapnpermcn h The approach of the DrllLih lind ither un-Artcrlenn nctlvltle.s. nui Is estimated that production wlll\)Je at the ic cloBii In my i»I»l French has been on a higher plan# if.'niders will be rciwried and sum- rate of 20 cnRines a m onth In the beginning, •rnST ypori. M\d ! >iiatl6n l.s hard to c.stlmate In the Krpiilillran Noiiilm •-% and polltlcnl gnllrn'." booted him nroi. Hd for four y< r of fl rnrrthclCM. If Jim ciirrlts nut h jrlne w !ook the lAd «d host of otiier propagiuidei lulling ; to be ••noble In spirit.* nppre- ' midst of the swlft-movlUK events of thU icklly, tilt 10 reslcn the nalloii.i! chKli Of Mi 5. Corcoran, I< agenclej under vanoua gutf-v such hfiulon l-s felt even among police summer of 1040. . - . Ihr UfiiiMrnllc r n'hlp next Sntiirdiij'-wli.-n (1 Wnlloce, Jack.i nnd Diddle. F. D. as tpeclalty trade Broups, etc. official' that Uie r-eal tif theie peo- IL 1» In his .. I!.' hiir; iiocrstlc nfttlonnl t,om m ltte flnd-4 11 cce.viary lo lean lay lead to outright unlawful- of 111' love and i Ilf. iti ISW ineriinn-llir mD\ Jainc.1 Alnysl n^ASONS. To the average nc«i- I’lIILANTIinOI'IC ROYALTIE.^ prr.sldchf, hfli>nl ;S;„n ,;lit Ijp fntnl. Nobody vxrti)'. Jli Irving Berlln'.s "God Bless A m erica" Is 1^’ n'rrlfct ( .the greatest patriotic song ever wrllten, but o the rti:imry snd Is luriilnc nil InrRcr ■Irctornl n tilorll nin-of-mlnr Dr:ilf>cratv Tl; :omr.i next Saturday at the nnllorr.l tt has caught- the popular Imaslrvallon ami aica\ F.ven a .smnH ililrrit hft!i thrtr jc , :ommlUer TneelinK. Jim may be.lilt' -ni4-Aii|M>nl-U>-(li»lr-o»f«-Unn-*- ihcmnir-oinhc^nlrs:—He u uin t>r haa been a ‘'hit" for a year and a half. It T* cu'buiii liai liunarcdk u{ cIUmho j-nRaged -elal nnil ImluMrlal ll{t.vho:.p rcildcncc )i bcKln iml .Mr. r ,11 Icy-, ju n g today, on patriotic program s, in public - for people In whom I have an Intere; Wlie# young people orff so im­ uses and has e.^tabll.shed a trust fund for that nines-in ^p|^l•^lrnl stirrtiundliiRs. Ev^n ary - The t.adlrs I.e)tlDn ricnle—The annual plcnli because Uiey attended my achftol. mature that they cannot count, they purpose. Tlie trustee,^ are conferring' with for American Legion ni<.-nibera ni» and -ttho came to me for help one o\ieht not to be heads of B hou-te- their fiimllle-i wa.' held.Hundav a' way or anoUier In their childhood, leaders In the-Boy Scouts and Girl ScodU of pojiiilnt hold. 'Tliey ahould still be at home the MlnliloVa tlam. ‘ Flliy peopli come back to (ell nboiit tl ' under the'-supervUlnn of their fa­ America, the first beneficiaries of the fund, enjoyed the picnic lunch al 1 o'clock imublf.s. Tlie particular group I thers and motJiera. u to Ihe po.wlble use.i o f th e money now .wide, comblnlnc tl Da-'eball and awimmlnit were tli( ibout today want to c( Wliat kind of thinking He* behind . .available.-O ther organlzallon.n are expccled- often: such waste and siS nT teM jlll^O ^ mV-Mrn. Ida arl.-on Adtlff ..sunlly 1 s thf burden.s upon oUi'Wv«3^»r'WWnn^ to roceive donations later. ' V from Bonner.^ FenT .•;elve.s, nnd how and mollier .set aside money for the Thi.'s seem.-: to be tlie line taken by a numb ■•hr vl.^lled her brother, lute that. liisurnnre. Uic taxes lUld the new ,of stage and movie siar.-s, radio comcdlar , nnd family, e gel ntong p-r-e'-t-l-y well, overcoat dad hai been waUing for" authors, compo.sers. and .so on. Thoy arc gi cnllcur. Mr, e .w i i lurl—Mr», Hoy Ciiiinlnp- •v'f K) .scarce,' We'd be qulle now for year^, nnd the bill , for I hiRh school Jeaehei vi.siTon rosii'i aiishlrr. Carol, left TUW y If only mother didn’t make daughter's inxls or iion'< teeth eoine.s Ing royalties or pay check.-; or other rcmui dfc:cn,Mn, Tl\ry exjwct rath tMVi the time abnilV in #nd must be nald, eratlon they receive to ^vuriou.s war roll • three week-i. tiling. .She lectufes nnd lec- Ir a iwo-day enmp nl niher % witho' than ^nd ii-sually Vlth angelic patience, A/TIiR-Er.fXTION ACTIVITY riitiinj: Into n common Inierfji. wereViiccompanled bill when thO'^e same young things >iKl mi-aiis of ciijoymfiit.—Lrwls OnutdmalhVr IHf.-Mj A. Ilerma honor of Mrs. Counting the votes after t!ie Mexican, MowinWe rccehfil wot den?. Calif.. I ol ...... t !. Ol'l protest that "mother makes nich a ' nd. nd by. These fwu ...... diSntial election on July 7 provc.s to be a.'i slow < ANTinOTF. VOtl Ufim.t.H; i( Jrrome. VI tim about dotns; the leaat UiUvg." tt a process as counting them in proportional irrc. I'ulplU —Hi married while In high school— ' aiking too much of huma:; nature caii'l help llif people lor wh' Ollea n ved Monday and wli: •) but home to Ihe girrs moilier The only thing that teaches such cities. And the work l.s com plicated by other and rrladve:. In 1lui>ert n-m faMter. The two old folks r.ent young [people Is experience. Il la Ufe" inaKarlnt I'riuik Walker If Jeiomc: .Mr, n K 1-1 Uin pastor of- the unpleasant actlvitie.v exrellriilrf Sicliio- H^inkiLiiil:.', Moiiro; ...... be Kradimlcd.Tliey hard ‘ for fathers nnd mothers to iiirrh 111 Chehiills a hrljW the iKiy find n Job first, th itand liv and tlielc.,cl}_lldren make A few day.s after the clcctlon federal secret full 50 i>cr ccnt Calif., .Hid Ihi-h- I'ao , iKhlers a ir in Hiipert, lie I; llr\ o[ HU;l)x_|d; ti'lpefl Ihe girl finn a part-time job. iiich rrnve misiakw. bui until thor.r pollcp are said to liave raided General Alma- lil UlLi «ltlvli u \ whh Hev. ■ »,'• caretiil suardlnp. pinlilng nnd rhlldren lenm that help comes, zan's private office and seized of his nf •nvlii Fall; l"illlnK they managed to cet through ihelr own efforw and by no business and persona! papers. FollowinR that the nexi two vomig lUlngs to ^nld on' to '■ pr way they do not grow much. action tlie revolutionary party announced ■nwRlijinnev to jlArt n little house- :Ime life eatchea up to them but inld. Oiire on Iheir own Uiey broke Ihe meantime Uiey have made that its candidate. General Cam acho, had on>e. Tliev went to the ahna’, they Hfe for their faUiers and matJiers a won by a majority of m ore than 2.000,000 Jt'roine IMatroir’a Nellloii, Wa.^h. '»te out," they had lot-s of fim, Tliey burden grievous to hear. Maybe If vote.s. • — • iof> IVnrn-Mr. :in(' iW t«iU\ache and s.tomftchaeht tiTiiJ Ihty icdH a griod Icok at them>e5ves , •That. apparently,UoL\s‘~iiot .settle niHtter.s, Wlni'Kar, jr.. are I .Arraii^ijd !i»d to Rt> (0 the rtentlit nnd the 'hailnwed here, they might Improre dauRhter, Miidiie Gibbons. foriiVrly loetor. and Ihe blll.t were sent to » lllile faster. We have yct to hear thai the independent xiy. Sifirn I^l;;^ll^ Ihf Buhl ho'.piinl. iinihrr. All Uie blllr. that plied up parties who .sfipported Almazdn concede the “ ■ ■■ only fly Mr. rslrl hai prepared a teallel' t’acBllon—Ooinrr Giles plan-ilo leave for Mai n that election to Camacho, The ballot.s have been Dehryl DennH Iclt H. t of 'ioy ’ entitled, ‘ Helpful Hnhlt^.’' in whleh cast. Americans gohcrally. n n d vrob ab ly most ind ndvlee he paeenU' how io net and ,1 . V.t\\ E, rnalfiuln good liabita, i{end for tl, M exicans, hope that the hiUlotr., rather tnan addressing your request te Mr. An> ' subseauent bullets or other form s of coerclou. :ielr Own** rele Patrl. rare of Twin Fall> New*. may dctermliie the final re.Milt. lUnR peopli P. 0. De« 150. Times Sqoarp Slatton. ;ht to marry n id aalt thelp New Yerk, N. V. Enclose b setf-ad- Mipport them imtefKi Uifi.'e iTressed, >laraped. (3-eenl) entelope. COLONIZATION ree beforehnr iReleased by Tlie Bell Syndicate. ••Ls it not nmazlnK,' ask.s a corn'-.spondcnt. .■(ecreUy, thet Ine.t ' “ U m l small couiUclcs Ukp Italy, Gcrmas^y ivnd England have -sent forth enough of their peo­ with Ills tnlnil else»l ple to populate the world?" Major Parties Favor Aid to - It 1.1, indeed, wlien you view the re.siilt.s. Yet U'JIV WIIKN .' Hirer r.oii-'. Piirsley, natural enough w*hen you consider the cause. mill Ted nnd Rjiy Pur.Mey, Peoples Fighting for Liberty Pre.-isure of po))ulatlon, m ore people being I It.X) ;veli I'lid the Democratic Ic . C.illf.; » daimhter, Mr*. onie p EL\CF;IUL. 5<>lin.-.,' Oijdrn, Ulali; nine b o m than Ihclr naUvc soil and surrouiuUng WHEN tllil ihrycliimKt? OIIAIIDM.S A^ irACiO, jub' IB i;i',-Hero Is a tl8 air force, n navj- atrong enougli opportunities can provide with a living, drive iirmber thai ' Orlm were tl therh to .icek their fortune.s far away. This U , -TJie n Iio : ntxrau; "We wJ»-not pirtlcl- St billion dollars . . . and yet by •ly broartca.ll, refrrrtU to n natloi « n playlnc ton wiui me other Jrronie Pioneer presldenfa own ndnil.vSon wo tic.'? they brought with them, the parts they ^lil'ponertlv frlcndly^o in, sayliiff 'Tlic hmnl ihnl lirli In li^rriRn wars, nnd we udll noi have played here and the effocUs pf'lh eir de- oyi mid had pinnncil to rule b.ack .IliUOMf:. July 18 — Mrs. o'lr army, naval or Blr force; Jll wholly unprepared to defend cr Iin.-: sUiick It hilo Ihe b.\ck of lLi nelRhbnr. > Twin Falls with them. ,V. thr h,^t SMAI.l, .STI FF country. We . . . fnsten upon narture upon# the old countries. Tlie English, rwi.paprr Uilnk.t It ran an.'iwpr. liii- qiirillm H'-iiirr. c.'i, picinejiijeromc resident :hi.lti foreign lands eulildo ol riomeiii. however, one of the ilirie Prom Ihc wmaL-iilar oKG-Mim I .ho illrd in fialt LsJx-Clty-iiOJpllil: .mericai, ,«e p t m cftjejir »t- Uie New. Deal ftUI respoii.-JbiUt}- for ^ h . Scottish. German.^, Italian.s, Slavs, and iKl when Prcslilfnt Koo,'evtli timl ilie Demo who escaped puriiiaded ilie tUUi E. NltJWtiHo I hew Irrm has enlrii-( «lv inoiiiliiK. wax unjiTtpartdnts* Bnrt for tht_cor\- *0 on,, have left dollnlle mark,s iilrr^ bpcnmr.lwol!iMivV.\U o( j-.tacp, ■mber of the croup not to roriltc Mir;lff.i oflice piixiliince. Xroppini . M0««^/*inr0lremcnt -to-a-ar."-^ ...... MP“y«Mtef<r>oi-'.'( or whn-;e-iibfrty ii .threat- organlK'd. awniitt-s religion, ' mcnt of our population. Emigrants from-any ' Mich ald.n.s .ihal] not be In tfemoc.-aey and InlematlonAl good country ore likely toJsc the m ore enterprising i> of intcrimtlonul law or In­ fallh Uireatened our own peace and ie s ( the other Be and adventurous of their nation. Thu.-s the, teftped fftmx the'ea: n and Me. jind Mr». in wlyi the'renulremeiiti of security. .Men blinded by partl.-uw- new countries benefit at the expen.'-.c of the :i iintional defelise." • ship brtuhed aside Uies# wnmliip as nlnick by the train icrnt-s; vWe pledKe to extend war-mongering and officious Inler- old countries. Perhaps the loss of so much >as taken .'.uddenly here wlih rclaUm ■•■f llllieriy-Iovlng peoples meddllne, . . . It b a tribute lo Uie o f their mast vital, stock is on e of the Iriin ’ i:ACCT1JL?"-Bol.-,r TOtlOH ON THK SOI ly aiiatked) nH the mBterial ^v^|l.^p^r lieaillliir: • o Salt Uke City. pre.sident’s foresight nnd nctlon that rca.sons for Europe's present plight, t died III lur eommftnd. 'coniLstent with our tlefen-'-e forces nre today at tlis Slapping Coiiiil ~ (l-iiot inconM.nieni.wltti Ihe peak of their peace-Ume effecUVe- Infliienr-n epldemlc- -s of our own iiaUonal de- FIRES YOU MIGHT IIAVE STARTED- Breakfast, Food ■ er, are the follow. Cente.' D id you dVer think of all the fires you mlRlit Slelii ___ I>«fen»c . Gray. »!nt have started? ' ' COULflNT STt:MP HIM ^piibllciuis: “We declare for the Woman Escapes, Prom then prampt, orderly and realistic build­ You've probhbly thrown burning clKar'ette . An'in\ nation, to dinner hail born i-fni to uie newly police u-crf conMlon.v, and I dofji one ing of .our nailornl defease (o thr butts out of your car window dh hundreds of .■tUled |)li\slch»ii. In ffplr. d 'f Iwte.M rrr, weiSt would have destroyed a fine farm , grain TlUrd ftvenun eic.t nbotil half a mile nclull. ucnernlb’ Doctrine," ' The bolt, during a mvotb electrical Into hli dUpcnjwry. »nd murnrd o lew nilnutci later ita ck ed in field.i, or thousands o f acres of Ir- the piece In from where It waa stolen. Indlmtlni; o read oAly^oboul Demoerala; -We favor nnd dhall storm Tuesday, kn’bckod down Mr*. •hlch he hiiiided »ppear»nce, Uial someone had cotten a frre_but lid In the'elKlilli •rcplftcettble woodland. ' 1 rlKoroii.My enforce and defend ' Ha.i;kini, #• pip and 'oAoOier cow. . •Tlir; ■nilBin." )ir sill. -TJinl vin li Flnillnr o: risky ride home before Jiimplnv nut ' Doctrine. . . . We propose Fii'cs la .imjisforrte™ .south of Remember the time you put a penny back | ^ j the Ilr.M. pii and leaving Uie machine. •Ide America with an li linmeii tcere blown (ijt. T W IN FA LL S NEW S. T W IN T A L lS r tB A H O , F R r o A T M OBNING, JU LY 10,-I!HO------______EAOtFIfflLi SOCIETY EVENTS and .GLUB‘NEWS

W on $10,000 ROTARV DELEOATE TFXI.8 Catholic WoTnen's League Charming Simplicity Marks - Rural Carriers OK HAVANA CO.VVENTION Coming Events DURLL-Y. July 16 - Charles C. ' Arranges^j^awn Card Party Twin Falls Couple's Nuptials Elect Officers Hiiijht, who was a delegate to the Mor-cow, IrtaJio, July Ifl (J-)— Intemauonal Uaiary cenvenUon at Ifln^()•^ nirni mill e.irrl'-.'n reelcpl- Havana. Cuba, recently told Of the An out-or-door card parly, featuring auction nnd contract With only Imniediate member.s of thi'ir fninillcs jirc.Miit. rd nil i:ifir inrvnt offlm.^ iitiil ne- liiKiiiUhta o( the convention at a bridge, plnochlc, and a blngON Bome, la being arranRed by MlM Irma Elizabeth Link, il:uif;lUcr ol Mr.' anil M rs. J. O. limrli- iiii ii;c-rtltii; of. Ihe local BO- mcmbcr£-ot-the Catholic Women's League ot St. Edward' Link, and Edward Erbland. £on <»(-Mr. uini Mrs. Gfor(;e-I£ih- li.rv- riiit>--['oe->rtnr-nw't> ' ------DciiKild McClalhii, -Irpiiiy coun- Catholic church. The affair lond, both o f Twin Fail.-!, were united in nj;irrlut:c yr.sterdiiy. U muiitor, [ilijid n violin solo will be W ednesday. July 31, at the hom e o f the bHde'.^ parent.-;, in the R ex Arm.s apart­ -.M't; .Mi:, KiImi filiichilr, planu ac- at the rectory. Guest from ments. Mrs. Loyal Pern- Li £ciier»l Charmli^fe sim plicity marked the floral M'ltinn of pink n:id miui, ind oUier member* oi Uie Washington while arranged for the ceremony, wllh Rev. Roy E, Dai/ietl, STOMA (!KTS OKDKIt TO commltlcc includc Mrs. Lyoiu KoviiT n,Aa S i^ i. Mrs. Andy Carter, lih. Der- pastor of the Baptist church, TAI.I.TN. l-;u.iiln. July 18 - . iitT Woltiof. Mr*. OeofBe BeWel. ' Again Feted reading the service. );i I.' «lll iio.-ktnipln,'; In Soviet- Jfimc.1 flidwell, Mn. C. MAion, A blcge drc.s.s. with brown Church Group ;;til;;;iHi| rtr:ii0n.Mratl0M . Mrs. Tfd Ooccbier. Mr*.'Uob War­ accessories, wa.s chosen by Albert W. Repioldt, Jr., of I'K'-iniib'.i;.-ii! Iiilcrlor tonight mer, Mr«. ]{. Li Stowe, and Mrs. Van MLu Unk for hcr weduing. With It nvaM« oJ nitt. Waslilnjlon, D. C.. who liai been Enjoys ■ Social i': iTTvi-ii .-.U lui'.i'i'iuMrn nlu^'.' the Inspiration /or a number of so^ she wore a coniadc of taltajiian before cliil Bffalrs during her stay here, rosu, an4 an heirloom necklace of Ilv ;n .-.Iitl -(••• I” t'. that thr wa^ nsaln compUmented. yesterday. coral, which had belongp;lll hl'llic. Returns from SprnKue nnd Mm. T. M. Robrrt.^on, Eiynh avriuip nurlli. u> iiirir.!;cT. t Uie SprnBUB hortie, 813 Slio,\hone I nB.ST NOVEL. T he Family" ore*l crepe. Her cor.-Jik-e wn.s of rcae- bu(t.^ JJlvijltm 10 of theV-lethodlM I.-ul won the Atlantle Monthly tlOAOO 'Aid 50Cl,Pty.* Wedding Trip prite for Mrs. Antonina Itiau- In tlie role of beat m»n wlu Mer­ Gueiu arrived at mld-innrnlnR. novsky, 4S, of Eugtnr. Ore. Blip rill Erblnnd. brother of the bride- Tile luncheon win f.crved out­ ..nd lunchcon was serve. . fiwect- avenue eoii. of tlio innrrl.iiic ol bnnr. Ve., alio was an tJielr dauKhter, Mi-j LiiVenie E. BUe^i. Molfll, and Rlchiird Rp.xroalrscn Birthday Party Htiiiortes. who were wt-d nl a dou- Jerome Women' of Me. and Mr.i. Upmiaii Rexroat. » ceremony on July 3. were Mr. 3^1 Sixth nvcnvir iionh, un yay «1 Mti. Clllfovil I’nvl'., Mw\ Mv, 20 at Elko, Nev. Honors Matron and Mra. Kenneth KnlKlit, Mr.i. Hear Delegate Club 'Plans Tlie nuptials were lolemnifc-d by Pratt was formerly Miv, I.yila Co;ii- JEROME, July 18-A larscly at- Rev. J. Mortimer S-.vandc;. pA.'.’.or titn. nnd Mr.-.. Knl;:hr, bilore h-'r Itmlfd meetInK of Ujo Jeronio Coun­ Annual Affair of tiio FJret Pri-sbyicrlan church ol Mm. W. A. Perretfn ananged' :irrlftKC. wa;. Ml:r. Uil-. iiice. ty Womfn's RepubllcAn club nc- ako. dellKlilful party one pvcnhiK rcccntiy FollnwlnK pier.entiillon Ol Kllt'. FIG BARS nt iipr counto' home, honoring Mrs. fCTitfxt nn Invitation to nllend Uii AttendlnfT Uic couple were Mi-i ,imcs were playnl by Ihe Rroiip. Frc.-^h Mntic, 2 11). in'xi'reniilar meetlnj which will be Ci'orgo C. Billings of Filer, the oc­ and rrlfeshmeiil.'. weu' i.ervid. Arrangeinenl^ for the annunl plc- June Thompson iiiiil Don PeLiolili, ItEAU THE NL-\V;5 W^UIT ADS. .MiimvcII Iinn>;p, Drip ( Ci'lldplianc l*.acl{a«e hfld July a «t Eden. both of Twin l''ii!ir., casion belnj Mrs. Bllltngs’ birUiday hic for members of Maroa Women's anniversary. " Mrs. H. C, Duffln, county ch#lr- club, nnd their farolllM, were Mrs. Rexroat li a Knirtiiale of the Hccular nmn. presided during Uip mcrtlwt. Twin Falls lilk-li .vhuol. rinj.-. of U35, profusion of summer' fl pieted at n meeting of the group decorated Uie rooms, and the .. .. 25c WllMivni H. Doiwellrr. Jeromo yesterday afternoon, at the nciiool Mr. Rexroat. who employed at tiie S.aH .rO DAX![Lj - j J ' J ' ] 2 I’ound county reprcientftUvc. who w,. , Hniie Conoco Sen’ic'-.Stailon, b iilso freshment table decor na-stur- house. Tlie picnic will- bo Sunday. tlums. A Uthte D ltm AL SHOWER ----- tmilliiiR* ...... an.iv,eri\l roll call by reading Items AT UEYnuiiN Fruit Cocktail JcHv and Jnm wfller lnud«l boUj Senator Jolin :i "Odd, stranKC nnd cyrious IhhiKS TliomM and ConKrea.nman Henry .HEYHURN, July 15-Mr», Robert Neb, ‘•Winniore'', 1 Hi. Can le world over." Joha-itoft. of Burley, who before iier Dworxhftk lor Ihelr cHlclent and Mrs. Tom Ree.^c. prosram chair- 3 for .. 25c notcwortJiy work In office- Ho dc- recent marrlaBC Miss E\el>-n JOLLY STITCHSRS lan. presented Mrs. McCalihicr- CamplicII, W'as honoree at a briilal chred Uml our ilemocmo' would b« Ilerman. wlio gave .an eniertalnlng 4-H CLUB MEETS PEAS ; endftnnered if ft tlilrd t/rni new"i, No. cted during her i.tay Uierc.. . the hnme of Mr.v. Jnlinslon’s Mm. Herman was tiip first.presl ring. \ PINRATPLE Mm. Zulla Lenn,inl, in Heybu Betty Oehrlng conducted the biul- NUPTIALS RRAD dent of the eliib. which was orrnn- Mixed garden flowi-rs In Btirocilie 3 3 5 c AT GOODING CHl/Rdl Iz^l^ore thnn twenly-five years ntM jcjilon, and demonntratlon was •'Slandii.v" (Jratcd in aOODINO. July lO-Immediftt*.. :ontalncm. dPcor/ited the j»r o s , Riven by Marjorie Albee nnd Rachel afcoj Tlie decor for tlie serving table X. Syrup W A X PAPER ly follo*lnir the momlnit .^en'lee* A potluck luiiclipon wn» served by Ann Olmsleid. lati Biin0|l(^^'Chrl.^tlanrhlirclt featured a miniature bride and Games were played and lat* In ‘ S a fety KdRc” 12i5 fU RoU the h0sic5jj'0u\mlt.U*», groom lieneath an arcliway, and the N «. n • EsUih' EllLi.-of OucsU-mclliUrd Mr;.. Lloyd Har- Uie afternoon refreshments were Forest Orove. Ore., dauRhter of Mr. color motif was pliik an matfihlns hat ho.^teste.v A barbccae will feature the an­ niitl white Bcc«r.0rlc,i. and a cor- Ml.w narbiirn WhlllnR nnd Miss nual JIa.-.que pl(7ilc. In honor of Sun GREEN" OLIVES , .^n|;p of wtllle dndloll. BcrUia HlRley nv.lMed the bride nnd iRiiacIo de Loyola, scheduled to t;ike .“ Llliby" 2fi Ol. J a r ...... 45c Atlcndlne the couple. »tre Mr. Pacific Cities .Mr.s' Clark In recplilnB the giie.sls. place Sunday. Aur. < nt Hailey, it ajirt Mrs. Ed Atlams. .<% le cvenliiK’ Mr. and Mm. Is nnnoiinced. APPLE iuirrER Johw.ioii were dhiner guer.U of Mr*. -MLm LouUe Olbblni played, t]ie Surpass Quotas Preceding the plenle there will “ Mu^wlemnns"...... lb. Jiir WrtltllnR mftrehcs. and precedlns John.Mon’s Kiaiidiiarcnts, Mr^ and 3 solemn high mnas at Hailey CaUi- 2 19c JJic ceremony. Mlu Verna Jean Pacific area citie.% which have Mrj. J. N. Still. O'thers at tlie dinner olio,church, at 10:30 a.m., the eer- RoberU wnff. "I Leva You Truly." ow reached or surpaist-d tlielr Included Mr and Mrs. Harrj- Clark lon to be In honor of San Ignacio JE L LY . “ MllSSLE.MANS” Tlie brldo wa* given In marriage by ciuoUs.ln Uie American Red Croi.i' and Mr, nn{__^Mrs. .M. Leonard. 3 U))Olp. Pure Fruit Jelly...... -...... 2 lb. jor 27c her faUier. «O.OM,OOfl T,M relief drive, total Pornier residents of apaln and A rocal solo, "Decnu.-,c," waa pre- 08, according to word received here GIFT CLUB leir de.'.cendanta will attend, and APPL E SAUCE by Mm. Arthur J, Peavey. chair­ .■K'nlrtl by Mrii. Ardls Winters Jai- ML-MDERS MEET Extra! Etll.r' il..«l.p cf.Irt “ Mii.tslcmnns” No. 2 Can ... Iln. at Uie clue of. Uie. ceremony. man of the Twin Falls county Red D«ia mcuibrr.-i of the Gift.''club ■■■"■...... 12 c A reception f o r ^ e bridal.parly. Cro« cJiapter. met yesterday afternoon at tlie home Ilielr rtlaUves and frlenda. was held Tlie report, received from' area' of Mrs. Tom Walioii. ni the Ed Adama home, followloK headquarters at. San Fmnebco. A number of gli; KJe.i.< wer SUGAR ilir nuptials. The laee covered buffet shows Uiat Salt Lake City and Bon chatlKed by tho group »nd during , table WM centered with' a wedding Olego are "neelt and neck" in the a socinl hour refrestunenta \\cre “ White S.'itin’ ''l 'i n e Grain cake, on either side of whlcii wef( ice for top poslUon, served by Uie hostess. Ivori’ tapers In cr>’.'itAl holders. Pre- A total of a per 'ccnt of the area has been rated, the report Indl- .iltllng at tlie l.tbic were Mrs. Eills. WORK OF HEYBURN POET moiJier of the bride, and Mis* Eula eate.1, U shows that IdahoJja.i now IN VOLUME OF VERSE ’■59c; Calhoun'. »UUr ol .tlie bridegroom. ftltalnert per cent ol Ita quota. Turning to distribution of relief Poems by MLu Alta Lord. H«y- Mrx. Calhoun attended Qoodlng lOT) author, appear In a new eollroe. and iiLio Paclfle- university funds In Eurepe, Uio communlcauon COOKIES ^ «t.Forest Orjve. ceveals Uiat aid Li being given In -■ne of vcme recently ptlbl .. .. Vanilla HriRhlons, lh x _ ..... On Uielr return from a wedding Qreat Brllaln, the-tinoccupicd per- itille of which la ‘The Poctie Voice 19c trip lb Ycllow«tone national park, tlon of. Frnnfp nnd some In Poland.- of ' America. J8W.“ Avon House. New York City, pub* the couple wlU be at home on Mr. Tho«! whhlng to contMbute lo­ MAUSHMALLOW COCOANUT Calhoun,’* farm near Wendell. cally may do to by takln* dona- llshed ;he antliology of more than COOKIES, iiound ...... 15c tlem.1 to the Tlnxy theater or either 7 » pages. Get A LL o f your tJruc needs at Maje.HHc P liarm n cy.;. . nntJ be a.<5surctj-of First Miss Lord has contributed several .MAnnrAOr announced 1>-ln PallJ bank-v Rate DruRs nt economy prlcca, always the minimum. W hy not Iratlc with your B AKIN G POWDER OF COUPLE AT JEROME iwms to "View's In Verse." poetry JEnOME. July 18—MU* Helen STALIN, tmiTlKH ENVOY column appearing from Ume to IndepCniioflt P r uRgkt and save . . . T O D A Y ! ••Calumet” ’ 16 62. Gan ; 18c Xtnde.ih and Emor^' Shellenberger, HOLD LONQ CONFERENCE time In the Idaho E\’enlng Times, boU) of Jerome, were tuilted In mar- MOSCOW. July IS (;P) _ Josef Modcrne Scientific I’ li’ E ChallcnRc A LA R M CLOCK PORK AND HEANS riflgo Saturday afternoon by Probate fitjiiln. who mrely receives foreign “ Old Ycllnwslonc” No. 2Vi Can . lOc JiidRe Heber N, Jolkman. The bride envoys, WAS reported reliably tonlcht 9Sc 98c 1 5 * to * P. M ^ 2 0 « to « P. M, the daughter Of NUk MadeMi of to have had a Inng tloye of It aroused Uie deepest of iRlerest In Merge Air CondlUoned the MeCormlck-Deerinit estflbUsh- foreign quarter! here. Agfa-Eastman Films — Popular Prices Vtnecar. (I'lillun ...... 20c ment here. The couple will be at Neither British nor Soviet cffl- home to friend* In the Crystal cot- elals would make any definite com* tages. ment. PICKLING VINEGAR Heinz While Mnlt VlncRar, G allon . 60c

. C F m

1. L a rg e. Tube Barbasol ■ 79C ShavinR Cream — • 49c 1 Gem Razor— S Gem Blades Crnogai LIQUID DENTnlFICE A N T KILL ER 23C 39C All for...... 3 y C 6«N U U T P _ :69fc CRYSTAL Stan . Palmolive ^ > • ICECREAM , WHITE - , SHAVE CREAM At oar foonlalD « c featnre 'LaoodnrSoip the perfect Jet cream — 35c 2,„'l____^33c UROWN’S. Delicious lonehe* and aandwlches served dally na F oot I at Ihe MaJeiUe fountain. Xrr W e deliver to all parts o f the city.,Groceiy » AtMeK'i them today! 35c l i e ™ Z 8 c phones No. 0 and No. 1.

H l O ' E S T r B I d a h o D e p t . S t o r e K [QLWCIL PHARM ACY PHOHE PROP. . mifiy tfrrr “If ttlsn’tRigW-Bring KBad^ V®

> 0 ' P A G E SIX • TW IN F A L L S N E W S . T W IN F A L L S, ID A H O . FRIDAY MORNIN’ G. JU L Y 10. 1540


I VA. kJKJ BOTH WAvV/ \ HIGH TID E ‘v e«Ee’PEK«>. £iO AfeHORe J By Frances Hanna YESTERDAY: Jiti’i kKCeti of hb face wtiPij vicflrnce and heavy, tcvpre knot on the nape of her tkeC^hn are viil ihe belilon stirred him lo ripnunelatlon. neck. 'at the dark-;lmmpd clatics ------wllh D««U. «»Ulni him » 'I Hon- ■fcWtU hW W lo%-riy ejes, a\. Ihc -iplnelcM rKlIare." A| the pUno ' Tli» flfippiilh day of'June school swept, colorlpij face which npver Derfk flndt hlm.»If afaln. Taking let oilt'for the Miiiimer months and bore a hint of makeup, at the crisp Jan'rikrtchn «Ilh him. ho l(»rr4 Norma tiimlllinciy turned to pack- whUc ^hlrttt■abl and ten.'lble t'*er_il. Be* Tide. Intt her rli;thr^. "1 rrnily don’t want skirl and low-heefrd walkiiiR r.hoc: to Ko iiome,’' ^hp told Jon, "I don't •Try lookinc frivolous, darling, flU-lii nny-niopr —Tl^ey-malce-ine Jnmtflvi-.prt. “Today! TliprCs n soo 'S(r»M IK HUM' frefM It I OMKIM. toVave t home ^«',uuy slitiji RjoMsid ihp tnrnpr. Lev of my own and *a husband. ActU' thrin cut your hair and Rive you Johimr and Ro.-^ toiisht Jnn out. ally, to tiinn. I'm rapidly Becomtnn permnnrnt. wavf. Thr;i have n. facial their fncM dlJlurbrd tirnl annoytd. an nid maid .■•clioolleachcr!" ami buy a few coninctlcs anti l •■WJicr^’ii Dcfck?" Jolmny nskcil. "Tlipn doii t Ro hnmp," Jan said llltle rouKP and lipstick and •■Oone," Mill Jnn. "Ooiir for Rtxxl." rjuirkly. n plxn laklnR decLilVe ahapp wear yotir Kln-'-’e.^ when you n naie tlfmandrd, her ?>■« tinrd In iirr ^mall lic;id. "I—I want to ko readinK or knIttInK’. ^oi7 don't ■ wid gffctly ancl nnErj', "Arc you o.«ay lor tiwUlle, Norma, I Uiltik hRve lo, dn you? Yom rifuliy, ■'Tlicn Norma. p:ick “He never told me nml I dkln’l' Jn toivn for a few wirW.i and try away your wtliool tracher clnthr-i boUier him to find mil. Why?" Kct work of winip klinl. Of course. If mid buy a couple of Ruady briicii ••Wiiy? Wliy?" Ho^e^aallcd. "You 1 can't Krt n, Job n l have to com jli.i and foolLih. fIoii|>y f.:indiil.'i imd tell her. Jolmny." back, nm ill « « oup—IJI Itavo lo, tUi{!y nstlly hovtr^rttfM, And, ' -Well. U'« like llilv" he started, ’'Iliit (In you Ihml: I can manaRf t all, don't behave like a tJoclIc •eemlnB vastly Irrllatcil with hlm- all ritrht?" Normn ar.kpd. douht- mou.-.p around Ijinctl Tliink you car aell wlUi Bwc nnil Jnn. "I lountl t'llly, .ypt tii'ppfiilly. "Won't Lnncr do aU ihi.i? It mlRht be'wrll worUi oul the Klrl we saw h!ni tnlKlnft' tc object? And «h;ii of noT’C and It." at the Club was un ra.itfnr r.oclal- Johnny?'’ wUlful Miillr juried Norma' Ite by the nanio.ot Lcnore I’.ipe. 1 whiit-7.r'U;('mr‘-3an in- "Oo frlvnlou.ll Oh, Jun. I aianaifed aii Introduction to aoiiif qiilrrd. awiir'" of suddrn unrcar.on. .•.nutids ttiatvelaust I'lt t'tobnlily re people wlio knew licr ond roI th' Intf Irrltabiliiy. •"riiry only sleep srmbie a circus clown, but 111 tow doftn. It Keeins tlil.i Derek nf Iirre. As for Laiirp, 1 11 trj- lo make cliance it. If you think ! .iliould." jrours b really Dirck Kno«1c,i. He> him undcr\tnnd niid if lie doesn't— ’•niKht now.’’ Jan liubted, "Wlille the only of OrcRory Knowln. II, Ml jU'.t imvr in po nnysniy. rm tnlklnK lo L-ince you trot your- - one of tho ten rlcttmt.-finBnc!m in Will you do for mr. Norpia?" r.elf to thr beai;(v p,'irlor. A womnn’n tlie country-, and hc'a koi inllllofV'. of ve it." Kiithu.ila.'sm 'vwiri- rmltlrd to u\c evco’- Irlck up tier hli oun be.-ildn. lie was all xet to pel luT voirp. "I cnn cook for Lnnce ^lecve lo Kct he: tnatxf SkWwbU- mnrry Lenore PaRP. Ulen audilctlly and do IhlnK.i for lilm. He'* belter ed, pflvi^ly. that f.he lierself had changed his mind. He dbnppeared about her. don't you think?" utert a ftp more trick-s while she from New York, turned up out 'Dptmileiy, He Infornled me yes­ had Derek under her roof, nr /iJiould here at Malltiu Vfiirh, dtoiipearcd terday iie'd never tcpfi a womnn *o say. on her roof? Probably been DIXIE D U G A N - DEEP MYSTERY asaJn, leavlnx word he'd ROhp ovc: crazy for money, Oli. darllna. If m.nte of enenry. tliouRh. for lie to wateh tiie mnp of China clmnReV you do thlK you’ll mivp my life, or nt amly didn't appear nffccled with Dixie DIDN’T 5DEMD IHE IHAT’S "Oood heavenal" famed Rose, ‘■'to leant my mind, wiiat there U icit heart palpltatinn when she was netir. NIOKT with me . MtJS OLtSAN.) FUNNV thlnit J aciually lived In Uib wimr of « I n i lio inik to Lnnee rlRht And she iiad been an exactlnR tuk- t WA6WT HOME hot«c for weeks with an^ •auny. And Normn,’' Joh cla.iped the mnsier. too exactinR. perli.iH^. ■'! Koodness millionaire and dldnV oOier Rlrr.i hnnd.1 nffectlonairly, care." she reflected with n know It- Oh, 1 knew'there ••will.'you act iiiion some-tcr/lbly burM of KPnuine un:elf|_kli love. ■'If plenty of phoney iboui him, but I wcll-me;int ndvlcp?" oe.s iiiiead with hb^ ma^ic. If thouRlil he wns a Jcpre.v^lon pauper •■What 1.1 K? I'll try,- * in compose one thins of In.itlnK —itrlctly no-account. Ill Jon nnrro'.«ed. her eyes critically br^uty, a cracked foolish heart U\ 8tt m'tT Ihlal Ntvttl" L Norma^* BtralRht brown *alr. Sea Ttdr Is nejtilRlble." "And J," Johnny ssonlred, parted In the middle and colled In a To be continue^ gued and quarreled with him nil the time. Wlij', If rd treatftl him rlRht he could have backed rcpdcil In liikinR over control of swanky nlRht chtb with.a big «winK till- pi-iiiiomlc factors Involved. band of my own r Tlie Literary Therp are 'n numlj’cr . of keen iJan looked ihtli vtxtd, tltoap- anahsps In "A Proitram for Pros- polnted faces. She KlRRled, LauRh* Guidepost - i r res-s,” notabb^ one of the Nar.l ter started deep hulde of her and economy In whlrh It.^ cltvoriii-.'..'; and. • welled out. peal nft mlrlh and To;,Inn a rwkI dral more. A kind of imlled widely. “Sen’CJ u-t rlRht." Rhe i Library edition) sellS In fair locliill.'.tic appi-aiemenl |iroKrum, In <)eclared. 'TniUi Is, I never ted n , anillle.s. Hut f.evrii yearn other woni.s. (^nnco wltli him, anyhow, u wh}' pa.v.ed since Ihc book wa.i pub- CO-?" h.-.lied, and Mr. Sl4-aciif^''s 1033 "Ju&t U\e tame,'' Jotany unRpjwd. iirljiKcivclfs Have • beeome. In ihp PAUL T >an'l see why Ifi m darned ilRht of those seven years, conjild- tunny to Jan. She had l> rlably le.'.i stringent. Mr, Stmciiey him and food, him and ihe's always hft.s nipllowcd ft bit. Ls a bit older. fiue>l—Mrs. CeorRe OverJiober ol stewing around'abouL biiiiK bVokf.” h:is cxpi-rleiicrd n koo»T nnny'iJi!ni;ii, Kow-Yovk CllJ'. ls • '■I'll tell j-ou." »he taUI, subsldlnR. amon« Uiem a mlUI dKficuliy with home of her fattier, William Trleber. “In the first place your reaction •fiio United Stjiies nuthorllles be- and sbler, Editli Trleber. ’ l«TTlblj »lUy Rtid moit euUfihl- ftUfHwilji loo iuViVl be- Mf, and Mrn. arrniV eolnjt. ' In tha second place Derek llrfn, niomas and family Irit TueMlay Mked me only a few da)n nRO If I'd he recanl. IJIberlrt, Utah, where ^hey etpeol In Jlke to have a million dollars niul Iirw prupoMil:, in a book tiiakii Ihpir home. 1 told him to stop teasliiR me about he call.s "A PrORram for Pr(>«re;>.s,' From lowa-Mrs. M. E.- IJrnwn nf Impossible thInRsI" He rcireaL'; In Unit lie hii.s comp tf Itarlham, Iowa, nrrlvnl laM wi-cli “That li not laughable.- Jolmny believe Hint mi lntcnnrvenim<-iit MI»hm»^Halph Mur;Ion. accom­ fled, .sironn enouuii lo coiitiol al.'O tlie panied by n K. hnur'in. dauvliirr, •She llaa Whft H Takp»' national eccnomlc ba.ies of such Kffle, and nnn, Cl.sude, aud Wayne Drake, en nmie lo American l-'nlis Hoi« pliced lier hi\ndi otv Jatx’s cxpan.nloiii.'.mv from Itockland, Sunday, li,id the ilinulden and' shook her Renily, Any ;,lmpllflcatlon of hU Idea minforiune of havlrn; a Woivmil and “Slop It, Jan. I suspect a lot of thb ,dofs It liljustlcr. We liave been turning the csr over twice. All oo- Is hysteria,’' she haairded f.hrewdly, told, at le.n.t in Eimliiml, ihat the cupnnl-t of the car ('.'railed w-llh “You're In lov armament (iroKram •will furc un­ mlnnr Injurlp.v TtiP car w,-u dc- you?"" employment, It nctually 1ms done mnli.shed. TJie younRer girl bit her Up. •■! In Germany. alUinuRli there Iho'iiRht I was, 1 Ruc!.’ , b' Ihp nnmimeni-s and armies are My being In Iove\wltli a million­ committed lo wars nf coni]ue.*,i Iiuliniis Prepare aire Is as rltllculDu.s aa-as hl.i be- •hicli- .',hall It' lurn' furnish ever Ifft in love with me." lew fields for exploltalloii—until For Sun Dance “Thafs Rood.'^ itor.e raid brhkiy ither Ihc world U Rubblctl down, “because Uiat Lenorc Psse b still r the clar.ies condemned to live POCATELLO. JiHi' in /-T)-Tom. after him from,what I miderflanri, poorly revolt. Mr. Stnichey would toms will summon Rpdmen of Uu and *he cerlalnly has what U iakc.\!'^ foiieede a rlh'ldly controlled econ­ I'orfUall reservnUuii iltb wceketn' -Wan thoURhi miserably, "She omy, In which, however, the pub­ for participation in ihe Sui be the one he told me nlm’it—ilip lic works'would be llilnjcs ol so­ dance, (incient irUi.-il retlk’lous rite one who hurt .him so drradfuliy. cial value In Uie peopl'-, Tllb l.s Tlie clancp.i wlU be held on tiiri'p Maybe they made ui>—maybe slip much , like * PreMdcnt Ilou'.evrit'.*. sites, Tlipy acc scheduled to 1 went to-New York with him.:; Am )rin:»ri’ui. he udmit.i, and'he ^'dds nfler sunset Friday near EsKlr , aSniptly "H lauRhter, hy.'terleal am hat Ihe. New Deal liai. succcedccl nuffalo lodges and on Saturday othPrwbe. left her awl f.he, frii n tlie ratio that it has suc- near Schiller, of Dntmock creek. wretched because he cnne. am more wretched because :lip’d bt-r: such a 5lmpleto"n oi lo fall in love with him. Daily Cross-Word Puzzle The next day. dlimantlluR Dtrek^; tent on the roof, she founded n folded newspaper photo under ilif Acnosa “ — r " mattrcM of the army cot. A pic- L r.nllrelr > " ture of a slim, beautiful Rlrl ir I. i-mcUlihn luxurioiin furs aliKhttnR from an air­ ’•^. rncll.t. Intlr plane. It was captioned: • 'i ■1 MlM Lenore Tase, of -no-.ton. . New York and Palm lieach, soon •f to wed Derek Carter Kiionle.i ^f '* New ■Ycrk City 'In what' i> 2i to b« one of Uie rno.^t 't-olorlul and socially prominent weddinps 2i 15 •*’ of the nea-son. , Jan knew, when ahe lore Uie pic­ ii io }! ture to bits and flimg the pieces orer tho parapet, that her artbt's ]2 Ji ti r •y« would never forget one curxe or line of that eiqublle face. Yet 37 » *0 41 her metnory nt her, thb b Uie tz. —- o . «* — ~T Jsg to de.itroy himself,'

*7 ■V " "He must have.leamea somethins ‘ during all Uiese months. Oh. I\'e 73 got to slop Uilnklng about him. n'lng obout'him. 111 never sef V ^'7 Si again. I won't think any moi io ii won’t." VC ??’a\Vn4 ' During tAe next few days she endured a line torture which be­ came iflcreaslnsly unbearable. .She — T.-T.mdU.------!fc would wake In Uie momlns antici­ I t Ancient Roman jfcoratort pating breakfa-st with lUm before Biicl'nt coin js; Qtipnrfi •he r^embered he.had gone; site tS. B If""’* ' ' *' * ” ■ would walk on the beacli and turn !.t. nrnch »arl«ty WorlJ'i hlth»» to itare If a IaJI man appeared In ST. \vana>r«r 10 Supen'li* a ' rnxualxln ..the crowtl, Neplune wwilfl ro . . puVltcalInn 4». r>);encum'l>tr nljbt to Uie trap door and cry H, 11. Wrlltrn prom- ««., Ttrlr»t»« . ' U he mourned, too. Uhe caught her- -mU listening at odd moments for '“ k S ^ ths.Mund of hl» step on Ihtjralk, "OWN ffiV',"™. !!:S - oa the itAlrtfC-ay; for Ills tuneless I. Sour ;j. I’.nsinlnt to ««. r»c»n *oa whittle. She missed his mocking j, Fnl.lrr- ' ?hi.oI»tl»B *''e1«trlelt'ir*' ■onto. Dls leaslnE deep Tolce. the •- T,»iil hrlsSI S». mcmtnii • H. r^lhl« way he turned hb.hcad, the look t,-ElurK«)> . :t. Lire* Ml It bull or buv7 •mN yALU NKWS. T'WTN TAL18. II>AHO..rRlDA'£ilORKl>:Gr4Tn.Y — - -- -WlGE SEVZN- YANKS HAND INDIANS FIFTH STRAIGHT LOSS i* Champions Drop Fight Bosses^Give No Reason for Withholdi)iig ‘Cuts'

ny SIO FEDFIl ' six-round thriller last night at the r. It «tir, ir.injiir^mscd Il;.n llu-re reallyj bsiitljiKP.c 'I: eye, snd sllcht Com:iii^'lon Chairman John J. I for Uip commlijlon « Cleveland fro^ NEW YORK. July IB /,T)-All kln Polo grounds, for which his end of ,..-C «hote thlni;. iro'.itli. Aminironi; Phrl.nn orilprcd tlir lUht olf. Uii-uvar-hUrlKhl- of_flrcMrka_brokt Jaose-today .in U»»-"gat«'’'«a»-|JMO4.40-totn pared 'tharfirrorp'the cottotiI':-- ■*7.rrliU'iiiTirjfnkliTiMiBfidirr7riymie '- - I hrn ttirrr'll b m o ficht.' Phelan— Uie wske'of the Henry ArmiiTOig- r,UiiulntP«l. to U ttilr iin, King Arin- sr.w VyUK.'jHly U !,Vr-Tht r,!- hajifl-.iv.' »% pio'.rclltm oil mth Uirrr'll be no lUh\.- , FirslPlac^9to6 exploilons coming from an onlcr mlulon "twist," on lop of a row slronK and Usl^ftrlslit Doss Jrii- mrii "In llir knew " rrvrsltd tnday hai’.cJ of f.irh Ihplr boxers. Thp com- rhrlan ordered PremotcT Mlk» holdlns up the purses of both bat* last Dlght over bandagn for the kiiis had to njrhc lo mnke the next Ju»t Iiou rln»f lilt nlfhl's llrnry ml^^lnn nilpi prtA’ide for only 7'., Jjcnl" lo ann.iunrc Ihe fUht was eAs and a threat from'PromoKr flthtera* hands, wlilch. for a time. tlcfrn.'rj of ilifir chiynplonshliw in ArnMlroii* - U» Jnihlns fight off. “Announce It yonrself." L’n- New Yorkers’ 10-Hit lllie Jacobs he would "quit botliii;.’’ ' (he fifht Itself, reared Now York ’.tiiip It ttfti Iciiriicd thut caiiir to brlnt rillrtt off. with M.-;iil hni hsil a rimllii'r »Krce- cir .MUp aiuwrrrd. “Von're stop- Tlie slate aUileilc coiiimlsiion, niv- Ihst If "they don't atop this In­ lhr^catiiml;.ilon orilriM loinorroWr. Kin.p IJ.OOl] f»ru .lrrs,lr In Ihflr nii-nt ^the jnaiinKPf nf.eveo' pliie II." . Attack Features Solons Score 5th ig no reaxui for lu.' action, ciiycw terference. I'm going to quit this incetliiK-nmi,_Uic « ithliolillnp - of sr;its wallln* for.^clipn, - flKliirr Armi'.rClu liaromt In r»- T!ie ncneral ietumrd\to tils ring- Jacobs, in a letter wrlitcn bclore business." the purjr^tilft set llic.-c aKrocInfiit;, It will V. clo-.e. in laKJhftt ten cent ypAr^i, nml noobjpctlonhni ever sijr seat, and ROve 1C~ a second Three Homers the bout, to withhold Uie ligiun:’ For no apparent reajton. Uie com­ clown on pnpcf, and probnbly lo re­ nljim<"i iK'forr Hip fiflWrs were bern voii-rOIn.^. mid told Ihe In- and ArwAtrociK'fe n\M\&Ktr. Efidit Jthn 3. Phtlftn. the chairman, aaW. Both llKhtcTs fhowpd sisnn ot lln lly rrhiMtl Hi If. hi.-. m«i RO nn Ihunibi liiiati. Phelan, wna cnilpil -pi-Kirs ifi 'Irl Amislrong’s band- IXlroll 10, Dottsn 8 (iPliuilnp)' Mead, were ordcrrd to be p.'t^rnt. WABUINQTON. July 16 i,i-)-The "Well tell you all about It tomor­ r;ir iiiul tear Irxluy, Jniklns slinw- IJ ;iny cliniiji^ •.vr;r made hi hl.i nnil sfllil he>anle 1. (iiirprUlng Senatcra captured their Wulilnfton 5, Cji]c»io <• fifth itrftlfht victory today, mllylni to produce two runi In the eighth Inning to dofeat ChlcaEO, 2>i. • By'BIEL WHITE Edgar Smith, relieving Jack Knott Russets Defeat Sweet Swatter’s Sad Sixth ■ NEW YORK, July 16 (-D — The on the mound for Chicago after Taraulis Rescues HOSTAK FAVORED New York Yankee.i buUl ft 10*hlt Gerald Walker and Cecil Trnvln’had alUek cvroujul Uirce l)omf njni tOr. alnglcd to place the tying run on Tnmulls pllcJaiit: .^prct.'^fll[ar for a wptk Uie rln(:»onns have coji- dy R04#r piu-ked hi* third liome mnl«is could get togelher to Hop oni--hli ball for «lx Itinlr.j.' in rr- rludrd It shuTilfN^ a (lyU'handed run of the seaMti In the loirer right them. Ilpf, 'ill'- Hroo'^ DoiIi;c-rk clioi>i>'xl 11) (;ail fowi.i:b c. null Zale vulnerable to a Ilcid Atanils, .•coring iKhbid Prank The Cowboy*, mcftiiwhllp, nan Ihn Chlcnco Ciib' IMay. 7 SEATTLE. July 18 (/F)—Al- liooi:, and JlORUk U> a Iflt Jab. CroMlU. Red Rolf® nnd Jo« Dl Mag- banging out 12 anfeflp-i nff gmllh tlioiiBh'.AI Hostak. the NBA- fii « lr!t hook-tn Zn\t't fore-— Brownies Break and DiiniertAnn, but left nine mrn Tlic Dotlspr.s .unirii nV limr.' in slo. TJiey, inercrurd ihctr mnrBln rccoRnl^Pd mldtJIfwelght box-. head ^hirli brokp Ihpy0ver-eas*r In. thp M«ond »hen Rolfo got the stranded-on the base paUis willi Uip flrn lhrr<- innlii.;.!, hiil the Hnr.uik's hand In Uietr ftrst encdun*' jrconrt of hlo lour hlLi nl llie dny badly needed nm.*!.- Pete HukIim Ctili.'. plnyln; with « nial-j-.-.hlfi line­ InK champion. wa.i sluggish In ■/cr. alter hr floored Zala, and It was —ft linmrr Into tiir iipol at Defeat Record had four aafetle*—two of them d«i- up Unit lintl .'^tnn l;^ ^ I lr M ba.'.e licavy workoiit.yc.slcr- 1th left Jnbs lhat Tony pummelled RO(Ar'.v-to score belilnd Cro*nii. • blea—In five trips, to tha plaie, but and nilly. to;pll olaf.trd WauAP dny, odd.s on the ch.implon i.» way to a 10-rouiid non-Htle de- wa.1 able to ncoro but one run hlr Tlmt. wii.1 rnouRli for Lcfly Mll- of an injiirj- lo I'slljfcjvnrrclla. lenCtJicnecl from 10-8 to 10-6 Mon In Chlciiico hut wUiler. PHILADELPHIA, July 18 f self, alUiough he bnued In two. kept llilnx.< lio; fur-.tlWf-^onlnc.i nw. who Mnrtfid. lie wn* rcllered today for hl.i IS-roiinct title Both are leirlflc hitters, but the by NftUinn Andrws.' who held the The fit. Louli Browna broke ihelr TVIn r ah r A|l r in .\|)ltr i "to 'oi’eitTnT! sevpntli, and Joe Dl b}- Uif nrowh* wn.i In 1036 when lodny and then plonnpil to dry out beiwcen ihr two hardest ^nchers • MtiRRlo Rrericd him v»Uii tiie Innky Uint didn't mean niiythhii;. Then hi I UiP middlewrlght dlvblro. they lost 13 In a row. Ihp Uiird NIchol’on lioinrred wlUi Il4llftjr»17lh home run ot the year. . ' R H E Promnter Nate Dnuman expecled II went far Into tiie Icf{/licld standJ. Ibifcn. p one on and Hnni: Leibcr .wked a aiound IS.OOO persons would psy St.'LflUl* .... ;„.001 OlO 000— 3 S 3 cinjult bloe.- with tlie bn-es empty. tome 3Ti (eel from Uie ttlale. Philadelphia ..112 211 20x—10 17 3 10 spe ihp 'outdoor scrap al Toul« , Thti cnmcd Tnniiilii in be sum­ Boise Obtains ihp Civic siadlum field,. The Indlaru had no luck al all HarrLv Trotter. Mills. AuJSK Cox moned to Uii' xiiie ui UiP lourUi wlUi Spud Chandler'a ofrerlngs un­ and Swift, Susce; Babich and Hayes. I'll T 'jOl Oil OSi-IO and the Brula< never had another til Ray Mack homered In tlie flftli. rlniriil. ;r,nalil... ItiiKllll., clwnce. Serfls’ player They got two runs In Uie sUUi oil KirVh, HuchM li. IUn:Chlri(n ah r h day Bob Price, former Salt Lake elKhth with a ;wo-hlt. • two-run ...... S. b» tjnmcTUipn S. Wlnnlni Cliy rlRhlflelilcr, had been pur- blajt, J. cliiu'.rd from the San Franctseo SPECIALS! Win Over Burley Sciilfi. ■ timlih 4. Kffltntrl^n I V .•’.“ rr.'T iSJ;.'' I i 11 ? 1037 PonUac 8 Sedan, heat- Old.nbrn lu llurtil.w Duriibcn l» n»i'. to Price, who hit 318 for the Bees ^t year, will play left field, re­ Gale City Club.'Scores 94 placing rookie Al Jaa-orrkl. $450 Tlie ne.jv Pilot scored 3H ttlplea 1038 Ford Deluxe • Victory in First Game .* ....«^ ....4 1A k-...... ludor...... LEW JENKINS. Uie llghwclght cbamplan from Sweetwalcr, -Tex." U< $495 ...... o f Series shown bounclnr on one e( the three limes he fell lo tiie canvas in I03t Ford Ogden Smothers the sUth roond of his non-tllle boot with Henry Armslrong, tlu^ ludor ...... $195 POCATKixO. July 16 (A-^Mc- wellerwcliht champion, win won the boot on a teehnlea] knockout 102B Clievrolev Beth and Pyper. two of Pocatello's when Jenklni did not come out for the Mrcnth round. The bout «ra» BIG SIX ludor ...... — $65 ao«-t»lrlers,>}iitrled-th*-Oat« City Cardinals, 17-7 held In New York. .... 1B3S Pontiac Amerlcan'Xegtoa.Junlor Aquad to a' Sedan ...... „ $ 3 5 B to < wlii over tlielr arch rivnb, OODEN. July J8 (/7V-Ken Pollv kft Rave up 11 hlLs ^icre tonight, but Nlrhol~,n. I NED De GROFF Burley. Thursday evenlog.- hlv—T0.I1I- Tht~ (ill* The Rome was the flrr.t ot a tu-o he got (xma lusty support at the plate from hU Ogdm m at« and Hubbeli Victorious Pontine Company out of three srrles to determlno Uie Lionel Dean Gtroce winner of the southern .Idolio dU- breer«l lo vlfior>- over Pocatello's VYODAV" Caolinab, 17 lo 7, In the opener cf •—Tamulli: UInt rlK-h" ... p.-**'-'...... —A bMft—Oorildii. ------trlct. Winner of the aeries will be AMEItlCnN LEAGUjr S*rri(!«—llftirlfh. rv»jtiU plif.—<;rof ellRlble to play for the stale cronn. Hhree-Kame Pioneer league series. In Niglit Contest »lll, Oonlnn «mt Il»bUf«i> Tlic second game will be played In Pollvka wiu working on a 3-J Detroit .... lead when tJie Reda blew the lid off Burley Sunday. cJ / ClerfUnil .... prrrsB unaii. Juiy is (,i’)-Cftri ■T' Uie Rume In Uie sixth, "nie Beds Boilon RfcBeth allo«Td' tlie Burley squad blasted Kempe off the mound In- Hubbeli got U\E/chance lonlfihl to only four In the five . Innings New York .... hurl a nli:ht game Ihst ho has been of ball In which he was on the that frame and contlnuM their as- Chlcsfo ...... sAftlt on Capllnger lu Uiey scored Washington . SB hegglng for since his pal Dsl mound. Replaced by Pj’pcr In Uie SclvurofttUer blanked the PhlU ln&l, Tigers Move Back sixth, Uie second pitcher to.vied hiu nine runs on seven hlti four walks. Philadelphia and II 6L Lotii.< monUi, and came 'UirouRh w^Ui a lens ball. slx-lilt 6 to 1 triumph for New York The score: R U E NATIONAL LEAGUE over the rejuvenated Pittsburgh' Burley ______000 0 « OOO- 4 4 1 Buccaneers. Into Fffst Place They hsd sUrt«1 their scoring with ClnclnnaU . PdcatellO'...... OOO 730 00x-« 10 3, three run.1 in the second...... -iJ?- Faulty auppoh robbed Uie slender Simons, Brarf.'haw and Pogg: Me- Brocklfn ■... _..M 2S .611 southpaw of a shutout, two of Uio In all. Ogden drove out H hlU, Tfew York . ■ N o u r i s h e s BOStON. July 18 M>-ThB Red Beth, Pyper and Wade. Including triples by Cana\'an. Keh five Giant eireni, figuring in the Chlcato lone Pirate mnfEer In the .levenih. Sox' over-gencroiis Jnck . WlUon and Sinnott. two doubic.i bj- Duff 8t Louis ... ii.ihered the Detroit Tiger* back NainpB Wins Nonjiftn , "Bsbo" Young, tho NAMTA. IdaJio, July 18 (,TV-Tak­ and another two-bagger by Sieln- . Into flnii place today by pa-vilng beck. Giants' first Sftcker. figured proj/r^ t e f t e s h e s l ing adT&ntase ot Pltoher WlUlami' Roilon ...... J7 48 Qirt'e bftllera before Plnkj- Hlgglru remKllA lb r PhiUdtlphla------49 . J38 ineatly in the Ilrst thrte runa. WlUi flammed a lwoennant ebase with a 7-5 victory H :■> I lieved Ken Helntielmao. Joo De- 8-J lead. meetlns either Burley or Pocatello TtouU mareo tripled Whitehead and Moor* The TJfterd worked tho first triple for the itate title. ho.TiB with two .out, 'then' counted play Penwny pnrkhaa *een in many l>n>ni K>k:n1lrli ¥ hSroieW on a balk by Dick Lmiahan 2 'yean during the eo-enth Inning. I b»*~—SIB«11 New York'....;..,...101 000 13(>-e 16 I Cobb Recommends I. .ThrU- lilt hiti—C>naTmn. Karr. Pltubursh...... 000 000 100-1 0 I Jim Ttibor opened Bostoo'a.slde of tnn. filRovU. Two bM hlu—DiK i. JIL that frame with a alngl# and made (itilnrfn. liKtnbrrki Uuni b«lt*d In—KnT. HubbelJ and Dannlng; Helrxtsel- Oaklimd Plaver yftONECR LEAOUt an. Butcher (8K Lanahan <8i and second-aa Johnny Peacock beat out roll»k.. Ihjif t. AnJrxlt. U»bourn« :. Salt Uke at BoUe, 8:«S p. m.. .Mel a bunt.- Tabor then atole third be* CiTi«»*n t. ArliiBi t. flwlBbwk I, Jot- Lopet , ’ , >U. WTiIl*. SInMtl S. K»kolifU. Dooblt Rlstau (12-4) va. Con Basmsssen " foreJklmr. Owen giuunded to Char­ .SltitioH 1« C«ci»»«ti. fllmck ogl^ ley Oelirtnger. 1.T I’nIl'V* 7, br K>mp« S, br C*pllnr«r who w'M farmed out last sea.^n be- lliM on b»lli-«U^<-All>tii S, «ri i>ln Falls at Idaho TnUx/t^t . Consumer’s Wins ■njftt vctcmn second-sacker K«ni>« L. Oir c*pllnr>r s. Tim*—: D9, Sin Holdhoaen (7-81 TS. John set to tag Peacock as. he raced for s he WM a ''cream puff hitter." »nd MeQulIlaB. Zarlll-41. aecond but after the latter turned being sought today bj- thne unilinr* TocaUllo a t' OtdMl. S\15 p. ra- Over East Side back >0 first, Oelillnger toased to major league clubs on account of his ball-pulverltlng propeiviltic.i. Warrrn fiandell (2-7) w Lee Porler' The Consumer's market lean Riid/ York to pul out Owen. York'a lightened Its grip on first place ii Uiroa- to Ralph Kress-doubled up Victor Devlncenil. president < field ifl-l). Coast league tram, dlicliwed h i ___ Uie TR’ln Falls Pee-Wtfl lenijue yes­ Peacock at second base and Hlg- Bees Boost Lead • WE.STEIIN INT. LEAGUE terday, trimming &xst Bide market . stns relnycd'Krew' throw to BWle tubed down an offer from DeUolt for Immediate delivery of the husky VancoDver Y Spekan* r by ft, score cf M to J. Tebbcti, who naUed Tabor at the Victorious In 17 sUirts ftnd plate to completo' the triple-kllUng. slugger. Cleveland and ClnclnnaU Balem 4. Yakima Z. rvtnll >b r hlltiHinn r b also are reported to have put In bids To Eight Games Weaslchee W. Toeoma I (10 inj: feated only twice during the season, fM,. rf *|l)l V«'«. rt » fl 1 through their scouts. nlnpl. the Consumers.trfumph was marked UrCntkr. ff I S 4 Cmtnrr. ft » 1 * Christoff, currently rapping' the Ijyrthe hltUng of Allen and South. rrtKKn'r. lb <■ 0 OlCrenln. m * * 1 BOISE, July 18 (yPH^lt 1 Oiwn'e. >lf 7 I J Wllllimi...... all at * JSa clip, waa recommended Emerick wan a standout performer •to Delnrtt by the old Tiger alar, l y City'.*' opportunlsu took adrantaj* for the loatttc club. • Cobb. of a pair of walk< ttnd a pair of East Side market, Mtdford's and singles In the ninth inning here Schwelckhardfa are tied for second tonight lo win the first game of a place In league standings. three-game series with the Boise Batteries: Consumer's — Al.^... Police Assisi Pl!oti<. 8 lo 4. Rogers and SouUi. Rogers; EaA Side -^■^Senatbr’-jawnH PlftCt pllou In tlie Pioneer league stand* And'Associates Innt- Oen QulnUnli In. right field, drove CINCIKNATT,-July 18 yp>—He Alorpork - may be Umpire Dill KJcm of tha U\e wtrmlRB ttms for the B«et National league lo you. but he In the ninth frame after Boise had htW a lead most of the way. APRICOTS _ hlU-McCokr i. r<«. Tabor was I, -Senator- in. Chicago, and Crotiln. Dorrr. Tlir«- b«»». hll—rirln-' first ImilDg. on.d added one run in .Umpires Lee. Bftllaafanl and the fourth and anoUiep.^n the aixth. 9 8 c Dick Campbell who with Klem Salt- Lak«-Clt7-.ha4-.«corMl-three are •officiating In the currcot In Uie first of the alxth and another ' Frtsh’ Sweet • Ucds-Doslon series, told about It In the elshth to set the stage for Arizona Grapefruit ■ rliclMi—WlUoa. todfty. □ulnUnl. Msmn< lo Raballfk Pim« ...... They stepped Nrom the hotel iM I. t. ^irack eat—Ar Bom* ip n B M Uraani, meleni . . Larrj' Susee. Pilot' hurler • who br Jani.n •- Umplim-Caaapbtll and RTAU »U kloda ef seasonable Tueeday ^ight, found no taxli »inick out 11 durlj\g U>e game, mI DetlatU. T\m*-ViW. AtUsUnta—UM- Sclimeling Serves available, and were all but hem­ do«7» Ray Peny'and WWley Bur ond.Ttretoblti. med In by a Deraocratlc conw i- luon on strikes in tha flnt of ths il ha?e j n t epeaeJ sp mj own In Nazi Air Corps tlon crottd, ninUi and Uien walked Tom Bo-- Crin-In Market la the FUt- ' ‘Tills way »enfttor," boomed BERLIN. July IB (/P) r- Max bclb. Ro^ Partee slnsled and A1 Anto Dealer* -> 8«nric< SUUens Iron Felal Bldx.,' MO block. Ballanfant to Klem. Steele a-alked. Gulntlnt then step* SoBttaeait end of tUln. Was- Sehmellng, former world heavj-- *T1ie crowd spilt,' he ehutkled. We have genuine AC fuel pump* • welglit champlon.-was called up for jcd up to r»p tC ilntlt Into left field ■tn stock, for all .mokta of can fomertr iriUi Grswtn Market, ''Ihree policemen showed up out lo'Kore RobeHo and parUe wlUj training with Uie German air, force of nowhere, made tho crowd »t*i> asd. tfucki.' Factory • oschabge .Main Soa(h> last Monday. the wtoalBg rxtni. tenrloe. Hli military duUcs wrre not dls- back and actually went .around Bnse* baffled the B « * meet of dc»ed,'but informed sources-denied tha comer to get u*' transport- the way, but lack of-'control coat 'V 'SCULLY’S Earl 0. Baines aUon lo Uia aUtlon." Phoo* 3121 ' Twin r>Ui a repiat that M ‘ itwiSd b* ta tbe ,Wsv--- theitnktouta^lie^v*. 8Uft«. lR “addlUon4ip-*l» to7 en hi* TW IN FAI.LS NEB’S. TWIN FALLS. IpAI?0,FRroAY.MqRNIhT., JUI.Y W, ______

Jerome Delegates mm i [ IN New HI iBKEI jniOME. July 18-Mlu fWtna II. S. PRESERVES At.Summer Camp Hi^phrty, new senlnr reitenl of thn York JEROME, JulySft—Hev. W.^P. Jerome Women of the Mocne Iiai STOCKS Wllb, net, Virgil Galneii nnd dele- annojinccd new commltleos who will RiKei attendlHR the Sa«-tooUi sum- . Q U E SESSION »en-e for Uie yenr n.s follows; Mfm- LOSES LOWEB FIRID >ner conference for yoiinis people left Jerome Tueudny for the Presbyterian bersiilp— Prj’. chairman; Ppsrl Willis and Oertnide Coat-i; publlciiy. Turnovcr*o('^21,640 Shares Prices Off • Fractions After E n cro ^ m e n ts on American camp north of Ketchum. Delejtite.5 inclufltd Mary Durka, imtsme nirtf. Mtn- t-.telln Hem pierce; Moose- SmaHest Since 1918: Recording Small Net Territory' by .Foreign Hetty Hopkins, Esther Eaton, Flor­ heart, Mar^- Flick, chairman. L'.il'J ence Sorrson and Katherine Web­ PO' and Myrtle Robbltw; Mooie. ' Average Unohanged ■ Gains Powers Unsuccessful ster, Tliey will reUim home Tutv haven, Mary Maim, chairman. Es- day. July 34. lella Pierce and Leora Uluc; library. QertrMde CoaU, chairman, IWyl« , 11) KIlANiaiN MULLIK W/SHIKOTON. July l^-Ttirfc Tliero will be no preachlne service CIIICXUO, July 18 ..... Innxirtnnt encrowlimeiiti on Anirr- lUby; social service, Maude Hert- t .the Jerome, church nexi Sunday ricki eiinirmnn Ueltn Kcnncdj' and Kul'l.Ptinil-inarllcl-Uitlai'-rccorUert lcau-t£rrllar>--by- forslfiiw poxcrt momtnr.-Jtilr?l.--All-mirmbtT!i ar lift liiilns but Him retrcaitiJ linve been Uircatened since Uie an- OeorKin Schwinn; Iiomrmaklnir. IrivlteiJ to attend aervlre.i at Uie con Oeorftla- Slockton, chairman. Iran rin-pfl Irnclloiiftlly lower. nouncenieni of Uiu Monroe doctrine ference KTOund above Ketchum. Ser Ill llif nb\ciict of oulAl^lc *|wcu- In 1B23. bul nil hove been un.Mireen- Jlchol.wn and Ethel Humphrey: on Kin b« delivered by Prof, Join ilumnne, Penrl Wlllb. chalnnan. ful. (laj-s a bitllelln frum Uir K»- nderwn. confcronce dean. mnrkctV iiciloii. Eariy tlonnl OeoRraphle wcky. OeorKla Stockton and Eulalia Down­ Annual picnic of the Pre.^byterlan ing; clilld care and iralnlnK. II# fiao •rJllfd to mllLi nna ■ "Tlie first Incident wlilcli brouslii S\vi\day school tsm be held on Mnn- on lilKli innptnilurc.i In [uru from Uie Uiilteil. iiuviM Hendrlck.'/ih. elialrman, M y r 11« day. July 23, Cars will leave (he .Myers and I.eorn Blue; rlluaUMlc, . if Ihp v.Ju'ni belt llfu-cl prices idcr Uic Monroe docuUie." eon- Preabyterlim cJiurc\i at 1 p. m, nnd .5 much nj s cciit. HcilslnK sulei tlnup.i the bulletin, "waa Uie proc- Elltabeth Ilcr.slcr, elialrman, Helen .ml tnrrcii;,! ' _ ...... all have been a.'TlRned to Kennedy and Sarah Shower*. lamnUoii by Orcal Britiln In 18H ■ arlous Items for Uie plcnk dinner, larli ol llie norlliwrjl ucrouiil«! of n protectorntc over the 'Mn-.qulto ^trn, Wnila^ I. Spaeth and .Mm, READ THE NEWS WANT AM. of the jire;.nire pli broken coaal' of NIcnrnRu.!, on a .tlalin m* Delno McMahon art In ctiarKe. lid lilt Uoo^.cvcli rcnofiilnnllon hnd tftblL-ihed UiroilKli Jainnlca. After » (>,markPl eflret. Ions dUpute beiBccn the United \Vlic:il clO'.nl lit or lirar llie SM- Stntctt and Greiii nrimin, tbb < American Legion oil'd loa.i. '.i-'s iDttpr tlinn vr'it/r. waa »iUi'de Welch was Sanlo DoinlnRO iHbpnnloIni Invlt. reelected adjutant; C. P, Ollver,-vlce «1 Bp.iln to re.Miine conlmi of Uic commander; Henry p . Jasper, mt- country-. mdrpentJencp frwn Spam Eeiinl at annn; lliinTj' Shirk, re­ PLYM O U TH ; hnd-pVevtoiisiy bmi «on'in iCl. elected hl.'itorlnn, aiiJl R, K, DllIlnR- AlUiouKh the Civil war wa.i In ham reelected chnpliiln. > ■C.M In lUfll. Uie MTbp tllnt Uie ]>ro[x»ed would Ije op- convenilon wlUch will be held nt I>05«l. A mcasiiro of Ep.nil.'li Corur d’Alene. Farl V. Jolinsnn nnd llAITY lo ’ lel Uiority was maintained iliirliitc Han'ey Shirk wrif named alter-, rliulrs,” Gdierlrre Lawwiii, Urlt- wnr In Ihc United Sinirr., bill In BINDER Ml tin who e#mr lo II. S. for 1B05 Spiiln nbnmloned Ifir hland ■(luraUon of w»r," Miotn lirr Joy and Hie 0nlt<":n c te.i to Mtablbh Utlc lo Icnliorj' In Tlie first carload from Twin Falla Decision jr;. Amerlcn.1 In Uie 117 yen loved Tue.'.day. Uic promiilKallon of Uio Mnni IIOISK, July IB (,T) - ni:iovrn trine all were bailed on claims lit: niir Mlliiuiiitr fnr tUnll ouL’ before Uie doctrine wns formu- LEGAL A Pyi^TISKMKNTS lirr til Idnlio lincl f.liiiini nomlimt- latetl. Great BrlUln's flaliiiA lo tlii n mnion.1 for nn cpunji.-iit-niii Falkland blaiid.i, in tlie Allnnile or NpTICE TO cfiilnTOIlM iimunccinMit ot llii- |>Uiforiii o; southerfl AtKciiiliiR. i IM—'rHB-PROB’ATT-L'OUR'l' OF (inntlifr—fraHired iwllllnl itrwn li lre.ity wlUi SpaU> In 1771. After i TWIN FALLS COUNTY, STATE Vs I'ln Falb, ins llir M.-Me." Idaho, till? beUiK Ihe fixed IVrnre TlreMon iiln. Oennanr and llnly to collpct di-bi.i lit 1D03 by blockndlnK for the Ir.msftCtlon of buslne.'j of It tlir;| asplranU PAUL, July Ift-Frrt Siroh. 73, Uin nonilnnllmi. ■veil known fnrmer ot the Paul Ons-.rl •oniniunl^ who had been In de. •I believe wllli :llninK;ifallh for a number ot wccki Hltunllnn lu It li.. Idaho ba.1 nr ind. was /;ufterine from a stroke porhmlty to tl ■vrlop lt.i mlr nf paralysis, died nt Uie Siroh farm lumber. nRrleiili inl and other r«B northeast of Paul at I o'clock WTd- (iaurce.i ns tliev lave never been Ti'mbcr. (!al(lwell Picnic T o II(!ar Thomas SUN VALLEY, Idaho. July 18 W) -Sc iiaiw John Tliomas said here jpHOMr (:()fi’i.f; WTi) «l:iy he would attend the Annual AT VOr.^TIO.VAL .KCIIOOI, Icnu- of the D,>1iyinen's CooperaUve OEnOMK, Ji/!5' Ifl-MUn Jeanetle •'•amcry u,l CaSdweU Monday Prllon ftnd Alin Ktonell were united ■avi' imnipsllaleti' _aft-A coroner's IVwi Monr. eln.v.mat^ of thn Inquest Into the traln-lmei eraah croom, anil Mivs Janee Fellon. aWer which, clnimed Ihe life ot Lelond, of UiP bride. ,'Tlie rouple Imve been nmiey. 31-yenr-old Ocon truck driver attenaint the reRlnnnl vocational -■re la.-,t Sunday; last night found Khool at Wrlre^ Tliey will make ■ accident wii.s ■■imnvo1dabl(‘," #c- their home In Jcrrtn^. -dhiR to Olaf Jensen. Jefltraon ...... To Selcel OiiceiK

TDAIiO , Pnt.—• -ctiarlle Chan'* Mur­ ' EXPERT der Cnilje."-3iilney;Tmfr. Marjorie i„ Miin., Tlie.'i.—”U All Civme Shoe Repair " Ann Slieridan. Humphrey ' ■ DoRftrt. no.icT FtL Sat.—"Glia-.t Valley riaJd- HALF SOLES ff." Donalrt Harr>', Btnrta Sunday — "Dr. Christian Meet.1 iht Wnmrn." Hersholi, Wed, Tlturs.--Mll1tBry Acnd- _.ny." Tommy Kelly, Ikibliy Jnnlnn: "Exllo BSprerj." Anna Stea Alan 69 Mivnilial. PAIR ORPHEUM prt, I Had Mr Way." Bing Cro.'by. Gloria Jean. euiu ^^on-. Tues,— "Siuan . ftad SEARS _iod.“ Jo.'\n .Cmrford. Predrlc Selling FALK’S Agents March. ^rc5.. Thun. — "Yfiu’t* ' ttol Bo ■ Balcony . ToURli." Dead Rnd Kids, Nan OtfT- TW W FALLS NEWS, -nVIN FALLS, mAHO. FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 10. 1940 Want" Ads Produce RESULTS Quickly, Economically and Satisfactorily!

want An RATES LIVESTOCK—POULTRY 'flOUSEHOLD Life’s Like That By Nehr n a PubUoiUon in BoUi WANTKD FURNISHINGS •mr e a and NEWS SPnmOFJl C0R»; nlio htvve wmn iJMALL elw. ranses «nd re(r1i:fra- B R I I l LOSES BATM PEB UN* PER DATf freah to ecJl. L. J, ilnnloti. 03Q3;J3. tors. Aiiitalilo for ap'-i Good cond Six d»j». p«r llM pe» 4»T - . . . PHONE... ^elu..o.^■abIe. Pir I>;of or 1581. Thrt* d*rfc per Un« p « «Uy . . . Jfa lUOItSST prlf^M paid (or *our fai Oo» lUy, p « Un*...... Me cftlckeai'and turteya Independ- USED EQUPIMENT BAROAKJa lOOOWARPiANES tnt Meat Company, / 33 ^ Discount F o r Cash WANTED TO BUY Replacements Prime Problem Ciuli dueounto mllowed if ftdvertlw- iVirEAT and b»rlc'y. Ph 34. Filer. • ,ol Empire’s-Roval— ^------' muil U P»ld (or irtUUn Hveo (U7t of tint laafftJon.' Air Force ‘ No elmtnad »d Ukea for leta Uitn :Ck3 lncludli)« dbcouct. • nv miKw M1HDLI.T0N Un» of cUnmpd adrertlilns con- I.0MX5N (Cn.-Te'pand'-nce of the i--«-Uiird Pir-..'i—Thr prime prob- pul«d 00 busb of t)vo mKUum Untib ti-orili per Uno, MISCICI.LANKOUS ■m of the royal air lorce, fared with FOR SAIJC COMPLETE COVERAGE RADIO AND MUSIC AT ONE COST./

iKid been lost AUTOS FOR SALE Lcava Kii ai IN. ttUPJaiT Lcuve Ad.1 at ResIdenCt ot Mri, Iclft WUceler. 713 D St »4»i :!2 or ;18 if jiou want to rnisc som e “ extra Coupe, recond. ___ , IN BUia • cnsli’ ’ by .sellini; nrliclcs you no lonRor usp, •35 Ford Tiiilor ...... J225 . Josllnl 4-IT. 1510 TlinniiiMm Mnt, 10 Il.P. ■31 Cliev. C-Wliri-I Cnuix- ...... tl35 Shell Super Service SUUoa blit which art' .still in Rood condition. An mntor, both boiiRht this year. Ph. iui-laker will jnit a small but c/ficic n t snlc.s- ■30 Ford A ' 200 Uroadv&y South MO-J or 107-W. M,it 0 pick f -ThU poper «ubserlbe4 to Uio code ot iniin (a News-TimeH’ -Wnnt A d) to work for you — lu-’ll «ot RESULTS . . . *'Ex- YAItD .Meam thovrl, 38rt0 screcn. ■ eCblu of Che AMoelntloo of News- a-l:i. pump pl|)e; dlinr rfjutp, P, pjpcr .ClaMlfletl AdvcrUtlng Mart- ira cash” for YOU! 0. Dox 3. Ph. 3.F1110. Fairfield. Ihr Wellington. ^eeri uul reiervci Cho rtstit to edit TRUCKS AND TRAILERS WliUlry, 11 Beaufoit and ...'or m]ccl an; clBsslIlod ndverthltu: CLO.sma OUT Blenhrim ; Uie Spitfire, -Dlind'Adj-'canTUiB « News-Timts ALL KOUCtH LUMDEO EXCEPTIONALLY «ell built Uallef JIurrlciiii'-. and Glndlator Box nuuibef »ro •trlcUy confldonUal Try a News-Times Want Ad IBAHO JUNK HOUSE hou.'.e. Phone S43. TWIN FALLS LUMBER c a end no informfiUoa e.nn bo ilven U i-K. P, BlnKle ph.ue elec. mot rrcsrd Co Uie adrefUea • Today — for an Ad-Taker a Kood 'iin ...... S l^rora should bo reported Immedl' FOR SALE OR TRADE alely. No nllowancB will be nmd( HARRY'rilUSGRAVE • than on# Incorrect lp«r- 3 IN. a>id 4 In. flue plpr, , y flKhU tion • WANTED — MALE HOMES FOR SALE • ;r5n1 Reuvrnrook Ix-rame mlMl.strr SUMMER CABINS ilrei.ift prtSUK-Utin In Prlnir Min- MAN nnd wife or Jingle Indy to o move, n i Alexniider. and RESOHTS vel. Gooed, VACATION In the cool Sawtooth IS mllM. 4-ln-; IS'iutlw, i-m Tax Kviul(‘r Fails m-i n (Intlt soMU^trn Enc'nvxl nintl ^ If Jilrr:uly liis aniiouiiced that MU. DenuUlul cnblni, ea. with P l [ [ m WANTED: Good liend foliler Marlon Pip# J-ino Co., OakJcy. Idj lir-,1 nlKhl -viw a big ear loom cat prtxlurtlon for June, 1040, wa/, double. fireplace; moderately priced. Pit. prtj.t Ktrl. '^iigrs Jia wk. and up lOdern 5.m. To'W iii CIciiieiicy of Uie blni-l:iir.'\...... injo. lliit brcnusc par- r. Mr*. D. P. aark. Snowflake lJ\iindr>', Elko. Nev. ., nUit: FOR SALE chrnp. 3 elct_. light •'Halt, «tio Koes there?- 'he llamrntarT estlmntps of nlr strcngtii . plantji wlUi baltl•rlt•^; I etcc. el.i- CHICAGO. Jllly'in M'.—M. L. An- Cast Rehearses for Annual elmlleliKed.' oil tlirpercrntagr t'.m pump; 1 Qrnvbar Viieuiim , pnlirrK. who n (oitiinr in •’Hh niiijrjly llir replied GOOD THINGS TO EAT Historical Event' at that nf previous BUSINES^OPFORTUNITIES elcaner; 1 S-fL Krr. relrlg. .403, I)llbll^llhlK Turf a ltvcrlee MONTMORENCY plo cherrlei lit Peterwn, 405 Blue L.xkr.1. Pli, SI'R, one mile {ran Dulil.Ollioiul;r N. Wa.'.hlnKton Khool. FAIRnANKS, Alft.'.ka, ■July IB (/ll illUlS.'' iiirvelously built, but of metal Drenfs-lc lb., you pick. 3 ml. txlclty iMid Irli-[)lione Mr —Far'\trom the Klnmor of Unil«l "Tlie ImjicrlaliM war creates a •hicli In placet Ls weak and .shodd>-. Edit. 3’V 8. of Kimberly. School bus ruRNriTHtF; f or s room s .^latiM iwlltlr:.. E.'E. 'fflllkle, bmlher eal threat to Lnthi Ainrflcft," sftld whereas In oUier planes of Uie samn FURNISHED . cnner f;iri-ll IJI:D3, ,\prliit;>i. lluiU of tlie ncpubllcaii prcldentlal l-i Mrs. Marj^ •flionipnoii and Hill ntou-itcr. Cnmmunlit pteildet'tlRl type the metal iraty ba flawler.v . APARTMENTS S, of SF. CO T of Buhl. drf^.•.'•^.^; I /Jilffoiilrr; .plan iininlnre, iircdlctrjl io Av.N cry. 4045 Vnli Dykf. San DIckO. rciiicl. Prlcrd rens. C,in be frr brother north •'n[t<'r lie hecnmM •ly life of the pioneer Mormon.s •3 repii-sented by Uie Roo-'evelt tore on U. S. nnd .Canadian fae- Calif 63C Main W. J.D. Roser*, o'. president.•' they eroued irfe.s, far beyond tha range of Ger- BUSINESS Uw clBM.atnrU Jiily b>RM. ftim." Dimgalow Apia. 2nd E admlnlstrallou and equally by thi —-. Balance after em- 4B arrc.' for Ir.i tlmn whal tallun, ilie Imndcnrt scene, feeding lon of Jerome assumed duUea ■ ploymfni, Wdte or aie Mr. Wat- water l.s w?)rthl Hero Ti you: . of the Indians, the triumph of faith Tuesday ft-i agent ofjthe locnl rall- W. C. T. ll,-Mrs. 1.’. H. Winslor. rond ftntlon. Mrs, Harmon and wood. Perrin# hotel portunlty to work Into a good DIRECTORY and tlie pioneer mother. Included ftMlMed by Mrs. linns Anilrrsou, en- In til# presentation will be the elab • - lined ttie W. C. T. U. at her clilldren will Join him later. AinCfWfT )obf„ Meti who complete orate KiiKcbru.sii nnd rti't dance Bill Bailer, who ha* been acttnc our shop training ar« being placed e afternoon. Mn, A. agent since the death of F. L. Mc- CLEAN, eomfortalne, quiet, atuat- dotie In costume by dancing »tu M,’ Iloorer hnd charge' of the pro- In California Airplane Plants Uvs apL Call at ApL tfi. CalU. Bicycle Sales & Service Moneu to Loan dent-1 of ML'.s AlU Deck, Jeromi Connalt. has been transferred to ever}' week. Board, room funilJh- which included n talk, 'Tem- Shoshone. Apta. 360 3nd Ave. N Ph. 1604. d.mce ln^tructor. DurliiK tlir seem nce education In Un' schoob," ed while training. Low ooit. Z.v.3 BLASrUS CYCLERY See J E. White first for loan.s on of the pioneer motlier, Tlint Wond. . Get I nrted .Siwid homes or bu.nine.i3 property Low by Mtvs Laura Hale, ' teacher at HEAVY Fryers. G. Bradley. O403J3. erlul MflUier of Mine, will hr muic Salem, Ore., wlio Is spending the SiroSHONE COrrLE ^VEO In Callfomloi.I. For HOUSEliEEPlNG ROOMS UicijclcH for Itenl —.Rntes quick service. 135, Main t and scenes of the traKcily of thi AT JEltOME CEREMONY interview and piione. ummer with her stater. Mrs. E W, Mormon, the'tflumph of Inlth anc Moorman ' Mri. L. E. Biel led a JEROME. July 18-^ames Daniels Box 37, News-Tlme: I RM., fum. or unfuni, 142-lOth N, OLOYSTEIN'3-PHONE 509-R tlie pioneer mother, will nil be pre. lid ML-ui Irene Sturgeon, both o f, dlscu.ulon on “What Shall I Teach sented In .statue work.’ With flood Shashoije. were united in mnrrlaeo FARM IMPLEMENTS My Children?" LOST AND FOUND ROOM AND BOARD • CabiiiH and RcrovIh '•$25 to' $1000 lights thrown on the group, cos. aub. Hottrt*-M™. Howard .Hall Wednesday morning, with Itev, W.'^. tumed In pure white, an impre*»lvf. reading the Mngle rlnir cefe- I, 3 « nih E, i\t>TiaU\ta tl\e IHonter Crtdjo club niony. Wltnever«ins attended the anniml QUIET rm. in home. Ph. 3D0-W, Mujgrave, honor and Sunday Mrs. E. S. True eiuertnlned at a family dln- plcnl* given Tuesday evening at tho ' FRONT RM. gamKoUU 8tl> Ave, N, W. E Sinclair residence by UieTnem- MRS. ALFJCANDER BLACK. h« Good UM-.I C-ft. Mc-Drg. binder. CAREY tractor hllch ■...... J7J Rellef Snelety—The L. D. 8, Relief ber* of Ui# O. E. 8, chapter for the LiiiMlle Grceo. of Pocatcllo-Ii- Eastern Stars, the Masona and their naiiclal UifonnaUon for you. Write 32-lnch C.i:e Rralij machine wiecl Hunter Fined — Dr. f. M. /fn- )clety met Tue.sday at Uie home In Rood, rrpiilr ... 4— ...... »23i Dry Cleaning of Mrs. Annia Goodtuarv. DaugUters fnmllles. ' Box 45; Ncws-Tlmea. Twin Falb. LOCAL CO. drewj. formerly a- Uuclier In th* Slilen VUIt-Mn. Ada Wagner of UNFURNISHED HOUSES h a r r y M USGRAVE ParL-imn. Dry Clear Carey sclyxil syswm. now living In of the members were guests and the BEAUTY SHOPS Dorn'm- on your earl Califomla. paid *40,75 fine here Ume was .spent sewing carpet rags, Miami, Okla.. and Wrs. 'Bett>- Danghter Bom — Mr, and Mrs, Phillips of Puyallup, Waah, are here I, SLkr,, EOT. 148 PIcrce. QUICK-CONFIDF-NTIAL Wednseday for ahootlnK three t.age to vi.'>lt their sUters. Mrs, *J. H. Maj- Household Needs heni.-5Jb gun uL'o wa.', coiill'cnted. erbert Anderson are the parents of McCormlck-DeerlnR combine. 10 ft, 1. 0 A N S Caw. Car Collide—A ooui)f owned dauKlitcr bom July 13 at the Nell and Mrs. E. C. Jotwrxm. This Is Uie cut. folding pick-up type, In good Jeawn home In Twin Falls, first time that all four abten have WESTERN' FINANCE CO, and driven by Mlis Clco Pond of ten logtUier In more than 40 years, repair Next to Fidelity Bank Dolse was damn'gtd to Uie extent of •acation Trip-Mr. and Mr*. Al­ CtieiU—Guests at Uie 8. B. Ho]>- • h a r r y . M U SGRAVE Insurance ■ OWNED BY IDAliO-AlONEY about $123 when the ear lilt a cow bert Grhhnm left Tuesday lor a klns residence last week have been on th# highway-) about nine miles - weeks vacation with Uuir »on. Mr. and Mn. J. E, Shirk, 8U Louis. iw and daughter, Mr. and Mn. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Osteopathic Physician east of Carey la-H Saturday evenfng. Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank 6hum»te The fender*. headllghU and radi­ Oarrol Milla, at ■ KlamaUi Falk. and 'daughter. Audrey. Chicago, IlL. WEANER pig*. Pl>- 03aiJ13, Ore, n,NORA DICKABD Beauty Shop, Miller CUnle. 413 MaUi.N, Ph. IBTf. ator of the car were deinolWird but and Mrs. phllllp Uickett and son. - HO Blue Lftkea. Pb. 1471, ev. ' 3-RM. home. 1 A. at J53 N., nelUier Miaa Pond nor her girl com­ At Moacow—O. E. Hansen, Smlth- Jolui of Swger. Calif. T^e Shu­ appu Soft wattt ahampooi. lale or rent. Inq. SOI 3rd W, Ph Dr. O.-W. ROIC, 114 Main N. Ph, 937. panion were Injured. Hughes teacher, last week aecom. mates and Mrs. Loekrtt alto Tlsited H ll-J.- ^ Relief 8»«lelr—Mni, Vlnreiit OLson partied a group of P. F. A. boys to BPtXlUL-«8 vats ioi (3£0; «4 and Mr. and K » . 3. T. filrtrk. ptoneer . Job.Priniing had cJiarge of the literary leison at Moscow where they attended alour- residents of Filer. JS »aT« prtcc, Idaho Darbcr it PARTIALLY fum. 7 nn. howe with Planing Mill Ui# July meeting of the Cawr ward day COUTM lo Judgln*.--Tlia-group • Beauty Shop. Pa. 434. 3 rm. apt. Adulta. Inq, 335.etij '-Ueensed-James Oanlals-sndUlB,^ E. PlL Tati. • ______QUALITY JOB PRIOTING Relief society Tuesday afttmoon. Included Olen and Walter Morrison, Irene Sturgeon. boUi of BKbsliooe. Herbert Rees, Albert Graff and John ----- MARCniE'S^ 181 TUIhI A7R NT The She completed Uie review of the obtained a marriage license here . ahop nf uniitii.l pfnnanrntj_«!»l F imMTSTTRn n n iiq p Q iw A o J c a L -___ - • ‘ -Savaffc._Jr. Wh'ile there Herbert Oliasday, ------,1. ^ ,-... «h m i-*avei:^ It naw^nth'am.^ ------M feH iJij'S- G R A SS I^KHTnshtrrMn, ------Reea received his state farmer* de< VacaUon -Trip—Mbs'Jean .0»8r-_^ ''Voo aJid finfer icare Me. Ei-cnlngi l-RM. pU^ fum. house. 133 Eltn. Orcii'r now for fall plantlnul gave • paper on.healthfuTkltchens. m e .------field. necreUry lo”TT. M ine fihtnm, by appointment. Phone 383. QLODE SEED t PEED-CO, Pliimbinq and Heating Mrs. .Wllford Patterson gave ft'dve ^ }.-rem McMlnnville-Mr. Jmd Mn. supeHtilendent of schools, has ar­ mlnuta talk on the hUtor>' of Inde­ C. L. Earl and sons, Clinton, Dean rived home after a vacation trip t* ARITSTIO BEAOTY SALON UAY, GRAIN, FEED pendence day. and Reid, returned Sunday f«toa San Francisco; Yreka. Calif,; BeatUe ■ OU permanents 11.50 up.'Pb. 109. REAL ESTATE LOANS To Boise — Ml.u Beatrlc* Hunt, MeMInnrtlle, Oh. and Klamath ruis,' Ore. Am-CONDinONED •EED only i lb, Kalo nog Tonic KifU Shop Al ArtesUn—Mr, and Un. Edset LOANS on PAHMS u d HO___ daughter of Mr. and ' Mo, P. B. a s b PIcnlfr>OoId(n Rod club BEAUTY ARTS ACADEMY mineral per month per head-lt Hunt, expects to leave Sunday for Hale are operating the Artesian memben ctve tbelr annua! pleole ds Radio Repairing OU PennanenU lliW up. Jtotlar eta* Prcd P, Bale»-Northera LUf I . paya bigl Bblse where she Is to be employed. natatortum. at the Jerome falrgtoundf lu t 8un> , Oo. Peavej-Taber Bldg. Ph. 13» GLOBE SEED S: PEED C a deal 199 Mlatn W«L POWELL BADIO-PnONE 809. VUIt nrtde—Mr. and Mrt. LiiVour VlslU r-kln. JuUan Johnson. U day afternoon when more -than 80 l4 all Land Bank borrowen Money to Loan Coates and con, Swln. drove to. year old pioneer of Murtaugh, now meml*rs. thctr imslaodi in d mtai’ SnOATTONS WANTED CUST^JM GRIN DIN G Pocatello Monday to vUlt Uielr a resident oT Paima, Is vUlUng her bera of Uielrfamlliaattended. .. aro currently paying. Why p4j Grind It wher# U gtowal TraUers daughter. MlWred, who was married -nephew, Francis L. Johnson, and BuuDened-CttlRl .b m .Om .a . ZXP. titl waoU hrm. mod. - - - -and Jack PaxwiU o f Olrl-Mr. and Mn. — Bo* 43. Newg-Tlmct, fum. house, good cond. All around. . LIVESTOCK-iPOULTRT Burkhart, all members of the Carey ward Barton ai« the parenu.ot a membera win hart a party July 39. Clubi fittt^SbOibeaMj:; Good loe. Perm. No cliUdrei•eB-am. ‘ W A N T E D LOANS ■■ Boy Scout bt»p, with thtlr adult daughter bom July- U at T »tn Falls. HELP WANTED — ilALE leaden. Ludell and U o ^ WUde. left HaselUo and Tula An tndoctzT peculiar to -florth (nnted. FoUowUwtitf anM r, 'tlM .-; L 1 or 3>roaffl houM. 0PRINOER eowB. Ct»M, FIow^ bw. ONE-ROUR. EERV7CE VacmunCleaning Service by bus for Stanley lake on Monday WANTED: A-I mf;*anle. Must dean and reasonable. May b# out. morning. TTiey wIU bb Joined by erstlng tpeot tn .d u d a r . liavtown hand tooU. Shark’* Au­ aW# cliy Uttilla, No eiilldren. Wrttfe. CASH CREDIT CO. • olhtr Seoul troops liwn lhl» lUitrtel 0T> thv.gaUicTlaB ot Soil&l tbe Tnetl. » .• » ntviiw Xn n •' to Service Co, BUW. Ida. - _ ' P. O. Box 414. T«la Fans. rtmi. 1-3. BurkholSer Bldj. Ph. T7«. and wlH~iltiy-untll..6aturday nUht. Oeimany win »pe*k. . ; . - , ' 'nV IN T A L L S N EW S. TWIN' F A LL S. ID A H O . FPvinAY MDRKIKfi, .rULY IP, laiO Friday and Saturday — the last two days of the IDAHO DEMRTMENT STORE’S SEMI- ANNUAL c l e a r a n c e S A LE MAIN FtOOIl SHOE DEI’AUTMENT M A NY ITEMS Rf - ITE DUG EDI • .MKN'S STOHK MEN’S STORE iMI5N’S CATA1.INA AND BRADLKY SWIM TRUNKS A L L M EN ’S DRESS ST R A W S' 2 5 < ^ ' REDUCED FOR FINAL CLEARANCIi:' / o OFF sot M EN ’S .STORE Oiu-' special j:roiip woiticii'-< luivclly styles jro at, ...... ^1.00 7 Only Natural ,Color ISUSH COATS BOYS' DRPAni.MENT Ki-K'iiliir ? l . l f values. II pocket A A ^ ' ' ONi; I.AIK^: (;_itoi;i* i.a d i k s ’ - R E G U LA R 79c ,SWIM T R U N K S full iH'It ...... 4 7 C NOVHLTY SANDAI^ and imcN’s sToiiic W ool kriilH. Soma have zipper key pock ets. Sl'OltT OXFORDS ' . 96 KNIT SPORT ^HIRTS Si'ofito 21...... 35c ^ Ke^rular Hk and.$1,00 v;ilue.><. carry Ihr :?2 famous. lahfLs o f Muii.'-iuK. McGrcKor and $1.97 Arrow, f'laiii C A m ci'liirs, slvvi» s ...... BOYS- D E IT .- mf:n's stohk - 15 Only One LnrRo Group Women'K Un(; Liirjcc (Jroup Women’s 30 SHORT SLEEVE SPORT HIGH GRAD E SHOES. NOVELTY SANDALS, SPOIIT Jackie Jumper . Poiicock.H, .lohun.sfns, V’ilnlilv. Values iij) to - SH IRTS OXKORDS and SPECTATOIi • Kcj^’ular 70c values. In and outer slyle.s. In ■ ?S.7.5. Don’t fnil to 'SHORT PANTS plain colors. i r ' SCO this lo t ...... PUMPS $4.95 All .M«s ...... 4 9 v RcfTiilnr 70c values. SizM 2 to 8. All i!.«).l . vies aiui were FlilDAY'! SATURDAY! In colors of Krcen, jg . Onlv Two Mo'ro I);ivs to Ihn j:oo(i valiit < at ?1.95. Now $2.97 M i:vs”sT()in" blue nnd tan - ...... 4 « C Dii. LOCKE' SHOES S NATURAL COLOR All mun's .ind womeii'H go Cliililren’M Wlulc Kid The Last Tivo Days to Save SLACK SUITS nt Hiile prices...... $9.90 BOYS’ DEPT. SAN'DALS and OXFORDS Ret:ular .S2,!»8 viilue.i. H op sackinp fnbrir.'t. One small ^roup wonien’n A i! c;o 1 / Exceptionally finn tailoriijK’. Sanforized Dr. Locke sIioc.h rcduceci to U Only Jackie T ot $6.95 AL ...... P>'i< .■shrunk, All 6 4 A < D One Smnll Group Wonicn'n .s ix c .s ...... 9 A * 7 9 2-5% to 50% PANTS l a i ) if S’ ‘ k e d k t t i -:s NOVELTY HOUSE SLIPPERS MKN’S STOUE Repulnr79c values. Fancj' print* I o n ^ All ill llic final 3 ONLY SLACK SUITS in fizc.n o f m 0 m ^ S' ...... ;....79c clcuraiice lit ...... $1.44 Hcjrular $1.1(8 v.ilties. NAt11r.1l color. Linen 2. .«in iiiM ...... Irt and out. .short sloove .shirt! Slack' model panl.i with 6 4 *9 A Re-Kniupc‘d and Re-priced GOOD SUIT Felf beltH ...... 9 BOYS’ DEPT. ' FOR FINAL CLEARANCE MEN'S STOKR o n l y ' Our entire stock'red^iceil "ith the .4 SALE. FLANNEL SPORT COATS Hfjriilnr ?6,90 vnhiu.i. P lain hWkJo.s of trrcen, Palm nonch .suits. KAYNEE SUN SUFIS M en's all w hile'and Xentilati'd s)>ort brown and bhuva button A Q RoRulnr 79c values. oxford.s reduced aKaili. Values up to ' Htylc.<. Sizes 3-1 to {2 ...... ^ ?r,.oa. AI) ' Sizes 2 nnd 3 only .... 47c K o a t ...... X... I> 2 «9 4

.MEN’S STO RK • ^ MEN’S STORE ' , MEN’S KEDSMEN DRESS SHIRTS One Small Group .Men's ‘duced for final I'lenraiice. \’ahic;.s up 11 40 iMEN’S FELT DRESS HATS' All n'KiiIar $2 valiip.s. A cican-up of otir bet. ■WHITE OXFORDS >".'?-.i“.All C l O S These are late .style hat.s nnd the colors nre K'O at ...... ter dre.'^s^hoicQ LINENS ANDI) COCOTTAGK SPITS ' SiiP.rr.s and lace:*, Viilues to Incltidinj,’ scarfs, luncheon -?1 .0 8 .-Y o u r clioice— ‘ Prite sot.s nnd cocktail n.ipkins. FRIDAY! SATURDAY! 1 A Special of Brand New 1 4 9 c 1 Price 2 Price Price DHV r.oons niTT. 2 imv. Goon."? riKr<\nT.MKNT nnv ooon s DftrARTMKNX Summer Dresses I LoU.Ii'ifanl Sheer and DRY OOODS DJTAUTMKNT nuY GOftns nrr.MiTMKNT I I.ot infant Piquo' M LOT 1 I^t Plain nnd Fanc)' 25c $3.90 Small I.«l L.Tdies’ All regular $o.90 and S7.90 Kurments as closed BONNETS SHEERS CURTAIN SUN SUITS out at the factory by our own bliyer now in the Sheer Values to .'illr i’liiiii and novelty patterns. SCRIM eastern markets. GOWNS Sizes 12-to .^0 ■ • \’aliii's to clean- Fancy while Kronnd.s.and Crepe print. 69c vnliic.i. A few salin and taffela if ybii ni'ed a sniarl new div'.ss to fitii.-^li out tlie color.'i: I’each, rose, irrcon this is . opjiorlunity to save! In wliito, li;,'lit shade.s and .<;lips. t>8c values. and ecni. cool .sheers, 10^ 10< 15< 3 9 ^ ECONOMY DASRSirNT READY.TO.WK.VR DEI'T.' • KCONOMY BA.SE.MHNT 49^ — K< n.V0MV nA^;^:^4^;NT .'(r nilK.ssllS > ' / IH!V COODS nKPAnTMKNT One Group o f Men’s and 4 S 25c DICY o o o n s nrPARIMflNT 50 MEN’S Boya’ PANTY CURDLE AND GIRDLICS -i3 \V(im'-irv K.MT lll.orsKS In ft-v.orircl rolnm 1 Small l.n\ Chilflrcn’n I Ix.t RrKulnr ii''c valiir.s ...... 44c Rayon A Close-'Out o f Rek'ular 98c G arments 8 l..\n»:s' SI..U'KS :n •';rli>.'cl ptvtlcrii.^. ■ N O V E LT Y llwilnr Oflc viilii,...... n 6 6 c Wash Medium ami litrht ■eii,'hl t;arni*^.'; in It Rwilar ?fic F,MOtHni:TTKS ( Rayon tea rose color BRIEFS for v,i>;nrn ...... 66c SLACKS ' 6 niildrVo'.' KPc PANTIES VESTEES KAitMi:iti:riKs ...... 44 c • One croup ot .Ciiilrt.-rn'i ' . W hile Iiiui colored I S s HEADV-TO-WiOAR DEPT. rcRiilar <:>c .SI.ACKS ...... 29c 5 0 ^ Re^:ular lliic vnluc.s. C olors i .hwtrAmvriy. ------1 o f peach, blue, whiU*. ■RcKUfffr 'SSc vnliieii. A Factory o f ' — m>NO.MY BASEMENT ------10^ Price sizes of small,,mediumNin»l forized shnmk fabrics i n - '- ■ • CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS One Group of 2 Inrffc. ■ light chcckn nnd slripe.s. A factory dose-ovit o f rejiular 9Sc KarnVents. .Size.s WOMEN’S’ DRESSES 8 to 16. Short.s and dre.^s in fast irf-nular values lo SC.OS^A nice sclcction « A A color prints ...... at a .sale p rice ...... : ...... V A ENDS SATURDAY NKGHT!

IUIDGET IIUE.SS SHOP— ECONO.MY H ASEM ENT' .■i? REGUEAR $2.98 A N D S3.98 DRESSES ' Our Annual ItKADY-TO-AVKAIt PFI'T. Pl,niu shades. lirints. Sizc.s 12 to 1-f . $2.44 One Group of Summer BL AN KET E veht WOMEN’S SKIRTS * ECONO.MY BASEM EN T : RcRulor ?1.DS lo $2.'IK valuc.s. Sizes 2-1 to :!n.- In One Larjyc G roup of Now is tjme to prepare for next winter, A 25% deposit w ill. liffht sutnmcr ^ « A A LADIES’HATS hold .iny blanket'til fall. ^ Bhaden ...... ReKular 80c v.-ihies. In w hite,'blfle nnd' black straws __ !„ ...... 44c ■r^