Present: Chairman - Allan Mendum Deputy Chairman – Stannas Bellaby Parish Councillors – Doug Youngs, Keith Nunn, Peter Storey, Rowland Dunn, Margaret Johnson

In Attendance: County Councillor Andy Grant Borough Councillor Adrian Myers 1 member of the public

1. Apologies for Absence The chairman received and accepted apologies from Cllr. Fiona Cowan and Cllr. John Burton, both being otherwise engaged Absent: Cllr. Jill Rose The chairman reported that the clerk had received a note of resignation from Cllr. Fiona Cowan but he had not yet received a formal resignation note. 2. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 30th November 2017 The minutes of the meeting of the parish council held on Thursday 30th November 2017 were confirmed as correct and the Chairman was authorised to sign them. 3. Declarations of Interests Cllr. Nunn declared an interest regarding the Wild Duck Caravan Park planning application and confirmed he would abstain from participation in the debate. 4. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting 1. Japanese Knotweed at the Dell Borough Cllr. Myers reported that GYBC has now confirmed that they will take action and the Knotweed will be dug up and burned on site as by law Knotweed cannot be taken off site. GYBC is arranging for a permit to burn the Knotweed at the site. They will than arrange for the site to be sprayed once a month to destroy remaining roots. Councillors raised the question of chemicals with a nearby water course and Borough Cllr. Myers confirmed that GYBC is aware of the water course. Deputy Chairman Bellaby asked if Anglian Water has been requested to monitor the water course and borough Cllr. Myers confirmed that he will follow this up and get in touch with Anglian Water. 2. Traffic Speed in New Road and A143 Fritton County Cllr. Grant confirmed that he had offered to purchase and gift to the villages a SAM2 speed sign which will show actual vehicle speed and record the speed but not the vehicle registration numbers. The sign will have to be moved to a different location within the villages every 28 days and the recorded data will have to be downloaded. Highways will meet with representatives of the villages and determine the locations for the sign. Highways may need to carry out work for the sign to be erected at the chosen locations. Cllr. Storey asked to put New Road on the list and Chairman Allan Mendum requested that Road will be put on the list. County Cllr. Grant reconfirmed that locations have to be agreed with the Highways Department. Cllr. Nunn reported that the clerk had offered to download the data but he is still to find volunteer(s) who would relocate the sign every 28 days to the agreed locations. He had approached members of the speed watch group but so far without success. County Cllr. Grant further reported that although Safecam Manager Phil Payne had promised to look into this he did not think that there was a possibility of a speed Camera being erected


however enforced speed checks might be a possibility. Further, Highways might consider some engineering work for further speed calming. Cllr Nunn expressed his thanks to a resident who had done an enormous amount of work in order to get the speeding problem recognised and resolved. 3. Roadworks by Somerleyton Estate on Land East of Fritton to the South of the Main Road Cllr. Storey confirmed that this does not need further discussion and can be taken off the agenda. 4. Fire Safety for Fritton Woods/Bin for Fritton Woods and Donation from Newcore The clerk reported that she had emailed Newcore as instructed on 04/12/2017 requesting a reply and had not heard. The meeting discussed and decided that no further action can be taken. 5. Withdrawal of the 81 service by Anglian Bus Company Deputy Chairman Bellaby confirmed that this does not need further discussion and can be taken off the agenda. 6. Application for Mineral Extraction at Waveney Forest Cllr. Nunn informed the meeting that he was aware that 3 more members of the public had written to County Council with their comments and had received the same reply the no comments can be accepted outside the public consultation period. The meeting discussed and decided to take this point off the agenda until new developments. 5. Police Report From Police UK web site: October 17 – 1 burglary, Beccles Road near church lane November 17 – Priory Close -1 vehicle crime, No community speed watch figures available for December and January. Cllr. Storey reported about two connected incidents which had happened in New Road and the forest in December. Deputy Chairman Bellaby requested clarification why these incidents were not recorded for this meeting and the clerk clarified that in the absence of police representation she is taking the crime figures of the Police UK web site which is a month behind. December and January figures will be available for the March meeting. 6. County and Borough Councillors’ Reports County Councillor Andy Grant reported that there will be no cuts to funding for public transport in this area. He further reported on the flooding at the pig field on the A143. Several accidents had happened. Highways had carried out an investigation. It appears that 2 drainage pipes exist of which one was block and has been cleared. The second drainage pipe seems to have been damaged and Highways will carry out engineering works to repair the damage. A meeting with the pig farmer had taken place and he has carried out some work to contain the water and mud on the field. The meeting discussed health risks of this water contaminated with pig faeces. Borough Cllr. Myers reported on the progress of the CLT and the excellent work done by Debbie Wildridge in supporting and advising the trust. Cllr. Nunn confirmed that the chairman Allan Mendum and he had attended the last CLT meeting and suggested that Fritton with St Olaves Parish council support the trust. This was agreed. Borough Cllr. Myers informed the meeting that the planning application for the Wild Duck Caravan Park is on hold as the notices to interested parties had not been displayed timely. 7. Correspondence 1. 21/11/17 – email from Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments regarding Notification of external auditor appointments for the 2017/18 financial year – distributed to all councillors 2. 22/11/17 – email reminder from BA regarding free publication of events in BA broadcaster magazine and on website – previously forwarded to both village halls


3. various – invoice from South Norfolk Council for dog bin services – dealt with by clerk – the clerk reported that after questioning the invoice and suggesting it might be intended for Morningthorpe and Fritton Parish Council it was withdrawn by South Norfolk council. 4. 23/11/17 – email from BT confirming that previous announcement of price increase was an error 5. 23/11/17 – email from Fritton resident with contact names and details regarding traffic calming 6. 24/11/17 – email from GYBC with revised precept setting form 7. Various - weekly Norfolk ALC newsletter – available to all councillors on web site 8. Various – email exchange with member of the public regarding St. Edmunds Church – passed on to church warden 9. 30/11/17 – email from BA regarding Local Plan for drop in sessions – distributed to all councillors and published on notice boards and on web site. 10. 03/12/17 – email from St Olaves resident requesting copies of speed record data for A143 Fritton 11. Various – weekly email from BA with validated applications list and the decisions list – shared with councillor Johnson 12. 04/12/17 – email from chairman Fritton Village Hall confirming 2018 meeting dates booking 13. 04/12/17 – email from Norfolk ALC detailing increase of subscription fees for 2018/19 14. Various – email exchange with smartwheelie.co.uk regarding order of wheelie bin stickers 15. various – email exchange with County Councillor Andy Grant regarding speed sign – distributed to all councillors 16. 06/12/17 – email from treasurer St Olaves Village Hall confirming 2018 meeting dates booking 17. 07/12/17 – email from Norfolk ALC with listing of grants and funding available – published on parish web site 18. Various – email exchange with Hoxne parish clerk and trainer for Norfolk ALC to clarify rules for new audit system 19. 08/12/17 – email from Norfolk CC regarding Budget Consultation Have Your Say – distributed to all councillors 20. 11/12/17 – email exchange with Belton parish clerk regarding experience with speed sign 21. 13/12/17 – email from BA regarding e-subscription to newsletter – distributed to councillors with internet access 22. Various – email exchange with Phil Payne, Road Safety and SafeCam Manager – forwarded to all councillors 23. 21/12/17 – email from Borough Councillor Adrian Myers regarding CLT meeting – forwarded to all councillors 24. 01/01/18 – email from organizer Community Car Scheme with information pack of the scheme – to be published on parish web site 25. 03/01/17 – email exchange with BA regarding Local Plan 26. 04/01/18 – email exchange with Belton parish Clerk and Borough Cllr. Myers regarding Wild Duck Planning Application – partly forwarded to all councillors 27. 08/01/18 – email exchange with member of the public regarding flooding on A143 at the pig field 28. 09/01/18 – email from Belton parish clerk regarding combined Data Protection Training 29. 16/01/18 – email from member of the public regarding filming rights in Fritton Woods – dealt with by clerk 8. Financial Matters The clerk had distributed to all councillors before the meeting the bank reconciliation per 31/12/2017. Cllr. Nunn requested clarification of £129 HMRC tax against salary and the clerk confirmed that this had been deducted from her gross salary and had not been paid by the parish council.


• Precept 2018/19 – As agreed at the previous meeting the clerk had send an updated budget for 2018/19 to all councillors for review. No objections had been received and the precept request was set and submitted at £6,754 Precept (2.85% increase to cover increase in costs due to new regulations, data protection and loss of Transparency code funding and inflation) plus council tax support grant £141 (reduced from £193 for the previous year) plus concurrent functions grant £550 – total of £7,445. • Training outcome - 2017/18 Audit Regime – The clerk reported that she had attended Norfolk ALC training as authorised in May 2017. PKF Littlejohn has been appointed as auditor for smaller authorities for the five financial years from 2017/18 to 2021/22. The exact audit regime was still unconfirmed however, it was believed that smaller councils with a precept up to £25,000 could declare themselves exempt. If and what end of year documentation had to be submitted still to be confirmed. The end of year accounts have to be published on the parish council’s website and an internal auditor has to be appointed. • Appointment of Internal Auditor 2017/18 -The meeting authorised the clerk to contact Pauline James to carry out the internal audit as in previous years. Income 13/11/2017 - £187.60 – VAT repayment period 31/03/17 to 26/09/17 Payments 1. Donation 5 Villages Community Car Scheme - £50.00 (paid – authorised in November PC meeting) 2. Contribution to St Edmunds PCC Fritton - £330.00 (paid – authorised in November PC meeting) 3. Contribution to St Margarets PCC St Olaves - £165 (paid – authorised in November PC meeting) 4. Donation Fritton Village Hall - £150 (paid – authorised in November PC meeting) 5. Donation St Olaves Village Hall - £150 (paid – authorised in November PC meeting) 6. KJ Isaaks – wheelie bin stickers - £80.00 (paid – authorised in November PC meeting) 7. BT invoice period 01/12/17 to 31/12/17 - £34.68 (funded costs – paid) 8. BT invoice period 01/01/18 to 31/01/18 - £34.68 (funded costs – paid) The clerk requested authorisation to set up a direct debit with BT. This was unanimously agreed. 9. Fritton Village Hall Hire on 25/01/18 – £27.00 - authorised for payment 10. Expenses Clerk and salary Expenses December and January £22.50 (mileage claim for training in ) Salary December and January – each - £322.50 per month plus transparency code funding of 3 hours per month of £32.22 9. Planning Matters • Planning Application 06/17/0745/F – Wild Duck Caravan Park Belton – Proposed change of use to convert existing touring and camping site to form additional 63 static caravans, relocation of existing touring site to provide 75 pitches, new touring services building on part of existing golf course, change of use existing Belton common for new golf course - Reply submitted: Fritton with St Olaves Parish Council is concerned with above planning application in regard to this development appearing to be outside building lines and on green belt land, the capacity of our roads to cope with the additional traffic generation and capacity of the public physical infrastructure, e.g. drainage and water systems. The drawings provided are too small and difficult to read with not enough landmarks noted to identify the extent of the development and the layout. Therefore, Fritton with St Olaves Parish Council does request more detailed information and drawings in order to be able to make a decision. The clerk reported that she had received an email notification from GYBC Planning that the application is invalidated. She also circulated a map received today with close up of the lane.

• Planning Application 06/18/0017/F – Redwings Caldecott Hall Estate – Erection of a portacabin for use as a temporary visitor centre, café, gift shop, office and toilet block –


response required by 02/02/18 – response required on 02/02/18 - still in circulation amongst councillors

10. Broads Authority Local Plan Cllr. Johnson reported that she had attended a public session to represent Fritton with St Olaves Parish Council. There is no mentioned of Fritton in the Broads Local Plan and St. Olaves is mentioned with minor projects. She informed the meeting that she had instructed the clerk to inform the Broads Authority that Fritton with St Olaves Parish council has no concerns or comments. Cllr. Johnson continued to explain that she had approached the Broads Authority during the meeting regarding the Mineral Quarry at Fritton Woods and they had recommended to contact the local councillor. Cllr. Storey informed the meeting that St Olaves Marina has been bought by an Offshore Company. 11. Data Protection Act 2018 – Shared local training As reported at the last meeting parish councils will have to employ a data protection officer from May 2018 under a new legislation. Conflicting information has been received if the clerk can fill this roll or an independent person needs to be employed. NALC is working to get clarification. The parish clerk for Belton had approached the council if interested in attending shared local training by Norfolk ALC at the end of February/beginning of March with a cost of £50 for 5 members of Fritton with St Olaves Parish Council. This was discussed and the meeting agreed and instructed the clerk to confirm with Belton Parish Council. 12. Flooding on A143 between Caldecott Hall and Cherry Lane Garden Centre at the Pig Field County Councillor Andy Grant had reported on this under point 6. County Councillor Report 13. Training Parish Clerk – Outcome The clerk had distributed a full set of model standing orders completed in draft and requested councillors to discuss and agree these at the March Parish council Meeting to be in place for the audit. Planning applications – The clerk reported that she had boxes full of old planning applications. She suggested to establish an electronic log and destroy the paper copies as these are held at Planning Department for review if needed. This was discussed and councillors could not agree. Borough Cllr. Myers offered to get clarification from GY Borough Council 14. Fritton Notice Board The Chairman Allan Mendum reported that he had built a new front for the notice board but was waiting for the weather to improve as he could not fix this in current weather conditions. 15. Items to be considered at the next meeting Cllr. Nunn reported about a 3 car crash in the Haddiscoe bends and should the parish council campaign for a reduced speed limit. Cllr. Youngs reported that he had read the speed limit is scheduled to be reduce to 40mph. Therefore, no need to follow up. Cllr. Storey reported about motorcyclist riding their bikes in Fritton Woods. He had been informed that for the police to take action they have to receive at least 5 complaints in one day. He had informed Newcore and they confirmed that they would write to the police.

Date of the Next Meeting: Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m. followed by the Parish Council Meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on 29th March 2018 at St Olaves Village Hall

There being no other business, the meeting closed at approximately 9:00 p.m.

Gabi Roesch, Clerk to the Council 12th February 2018