Clubs Who Lead by Example
102 - The Guardian January 4, 2007 To have Guardian delivered direct to your home every week, call our Home Delivery hotline 0800 781 4754 Clubs who lead by example HERE are the eight clubs who are in for the Warrington Sports Personality contention to win the Warrington Team of 2006. Sports Personality Club of 2006 Tickets for the awards night are on award, sponsored by Carphone Ware- sale and cost £30 each. house. They are available from The Warrington Sports Gill Ormston on 434017. Personality judges will be Warrington Sports Per- selecting the winner, who sonality of 2006 is spon- will be revealed at a glitzy sored by World of Beds, awards dinner, sponsored organised by Warrington by Unilever, taking place Guardian and supported at The Halliwell Jones by Warrington Sports Stadium on Friday, Febru- Forum. ary 2. The event can be fol- The winner will receive lowed online at warring- some wonderful prizes, while donated by businesses in the area next week the contenders in the whose logos are shown on page 101, win of the year category will be where you will also find the nominees featured in Warrington Guardian. Warrington Wolves Rugby League Club Rylands Sharks Amateur Rugby League Club IF success is measured in international selections, then it was a RYLANDS Sharks Amateur Rugby League Club enjoyed one of its superb year for Warrington Wolves. most productive years in 2006. Stuart Reardon, Henry Fa'afili, Martin Gleeson, Lee Briers, Success has arrived on the back of many years of hard work Paul Wood, Ben Westwood and Chris Bridge represented their behind the scenes.
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