reen living G ) Find o ut Iiow, « r Cutting up in tod ay ’s paper! M Cutting-tiorsea MSS u n d a ' group growsS Se|itailber23,2007l $1,50" iyH at a gallop. ; Good Morning MAGIC 015

, HWi:5S Low 36

Cool wim widespread, heavy f l folnshowBfs, Detail*: C8 u n ces-I ------M agkVall^.cm —

Irene Robbins, 38, plays S p’ECIAL b PHOTIr o PROJECT a Russian song for othsr imnDErsnt woinfii who nurried American Sisters a n d men.'The women eather ts IN A STI^N G E LA RI regularly, this time at a picnic, b speak In their n e i.s a n Internoi Ii dater haplappy m arriages. Slill, it’s a ci native tongue. ‘When w lio c amline i for love. One, a lo3 gatherg wilh olhers from tin ne come here we do IUI rs e wwho h went without hor■omeland — to eat okroshka,ik a , s in g hive to adiust to pjiy forrm m oinhs In Hussia. folkilks songs and discuss lUissi;issian pop ' American Westylc,’ One. aefugee. religious l\vo rcfu were cultiiltu r e . Irene says. But it’s a m ail-orderJ. brides. TTi im es-N ew s photographerc r MI e a g a n comfort to look back. A ll Tive R u s s ia n immigranis im mar- Thohom pson profiles these worv o m c n , ‘Vou cannot completely riedO American m cmcn and adjusted to the!lelr club and their new lives, a separate jQurseff from life in Idaho. Already ady tiducatcd, they spcisocial story and photo packac k a g c o n your roots.' reirained in the U.S.l.s. Most have pagia g e E l.

Caught 71i(eKiimbe!i1y(crovi»d SDntape?

nvestigaiors say video

hows Blackwater guards ired w ithout provocation

y Robert H. Reid issoclated Press writer

HAGMDAD» / — Innii Invcsii- g;aiors aio havo a vidcoiape lliai sh<)

B o i m c m g

h e bad

; h e c k stigma

rlHeCssaOav&n mos-Nowa correspondont Farm (TOUd bitto pp a fils it aoewhoiolB|deTelopnHittoffU^.Ia o« s . Hlclnnj M Ofl tb i H l ^ t i of K U •c lai 'I'hell facts look iricriinlnai- . w};■ hA 10-duy long shopping Airee m lim>lving lens of diou- Kimberiy s nds of dollars of niercliiin- se, Inckuling u sporls car Eastern T.r.F. County^ town _ iambettyIto»d-U.S.High%wwny 30 Ttie city id two motorcycles, all • haverr nigiit with bad oiit-of-siaie ^g^ssiall since 2C lecks. 4 4 0 squi enduresggrowing paains B(H ut I’atrick Pr^’or. llie m an lo wn>te the ciiecks, wanis Kiple 10 know it w as all a Byind&HopUn of U.S. Highwaymy 30’ and Idaho thIsunderstandini!. ______Highway 50, comrm m o n ly referred to "Any Ioe S clinio c^n look ai os R ed C ap C omn cicr. M ore buslncss- iituuilon and j- y T h is Is K IM B ^—Fbrycais,thi,th c d riv c c s a rc sc h e d u le d tlto follow o n m o re ch Inside td'Mmbcrly on U^. Hlghwjh w a y 3 0 th a n a d o z e n acrcsatis of nearby land, The police h u t)cen one of rural , sciserenity: Red Cap Comerleris the latest Indl- ______ByMe Qulqi. open farmland-onin cither cator of GangesM 1In Kimberly, o n e Ttmw slde/of a two*lanc road. Youbu might ofmanysmaUbut>ut grow ing c ities in IS just mist- ling and, out-of-state not ^ c h downtown for a ccm o u p le o f Id a h o try in g to> 'k ' k ^ . th o t sm all- m m u tcs, b u t th e huistle-and'n d 'b u s tlc to w n fccL Ispercep- checks. of'nvin palls was long behindilndyou. ■ Theddcsofpro{rogress might make tn.“ ------growth. IIn laic luly S"” P»e» « I h a t ^ all a b o u t to that difBcult InI Ju st over sbc years, Homes arc under way soisouth of thc city limits of Kimbeiiy have id early :ity limits of Klml>erly igust. Pryor visited local th e c u rv in g highw ay, wrtilclhich has more than doublo}led. e moro thon doubled , , b e e n red o n e to acc o m m o>date d at traf* B ut, u n lik e othcther growing areas, isinesses and bouglil fumi* . 2001, jumping from ‘’3re, a m p s, tw o niotorcyclcs , . • fromboomtown.^n. Meridian to surg* jQuare acros to 911. By the end of next year, aabatchof b« Ing Jerome, Kimbcnbcriy h a s s e e n th e d a sports car using checks commercial buildings— begi>eginnlng growth generallyy ccome’In the form w him o 'his Navy iiidenil Crcdlt with an Arcdc ClnJe restauraunint, a of residences andnd not' businesses. . p mlion p i account. Wlien busl- | 2 0 0 1 sses werc unable to verify church Uld aFlrst Federalibank— bt Qty ofSclals arec hhopeful that will H H B inl-sui will grert drivers at the lntei»eiscction change. I!"An fu n d s, how ever, th e y tried ^ 2 0 0 7 t ntacting Pryor lo gel their a situ; P leases e sI e e KMBERUr, Page A3 suysrclian d lsc back. w hPryor, a t unaware of the siiua- pcnecin, Had left town for the (ck w ith friends, ll i e ilrst he iOmber|r^biddinciienninHs ard of thc problem was ten he returned to Acdon Building perm tts'forl''or Kimberly. In tiie ;c l^ 'llm l^ .,,and an in the d e s 'N Sleds to gel ascratcli . „ Kimberly area ofr ImpactIm, managed by IMn M sj County.Ci on his motorcycle and a U stadbyyear, ih a g e r cailcd th c policc. city county U 'turns out the bank had izcn Pryor’s account. In ^ llM li2005 ' 2d04 2MMl3 2002 H ptember 2006, Pryor -had 27 \6 66 4 ;.;;' 363e 13 14.: 12 • 7. H sie as e s e e ST1GIU, Page A5 '•'v ■ ' . ' : 'i-'i^ -"’ M ' V , At Wur Sorvtee dlfBctoty •.r.'.JU r, S , OaarAWy ...... ) t u ...... Cl •■ V - 8rtdge r.;...D18 . Btiploymem...... r;.lMiP4ftaCle valley...... e i . Obltuirtoi ijojxu ...... o u .04-18 . AvDUjrUto ...... V, ...... B7 OpWon . . . . Ml ...... Dl I .....D 1 4 HoiMcope ...... JW. RealE*tatt. iih e r...... ca a • Cfoiwonl......

•j A . ' ■ *. . 1 ^ — T - 21, SJ w as j lih in ( roL'-' In a n d A ugui b u sin ture, a n d a from U nlor n e ssc t h e fu c o m a m ere] Pry, tlo n , • ^ w e e k ’ h e a rd ■ w h e n ‘ • ; Orele! ■< ' flx ed i ■ ' ' m tu ia ■ . , ' •' U 'u . froizci Septei

• 'piee

...... ,....'.8 4 .0 7 - SjiWU I ...... , . , . . . 8 2 '- SltliJoiK' ...... JU4 Tlwel m ...... OTa • V^ihe « Sc«di,,S«ptembtf23,r 23,2007 Tlmt»-Nm, IWia Filt,liUlnFH TODAy’SFOl'PRECAST ' w \ ' : ^ / / / T o d a y T o n ig h t nM o n d a y Y01(UR MORRNING j " >(

Much coolOf wllh Lif»g«tlno bBhror Sumiunny ond a louch hoftvy mln nl limoa ahowofa tVUl'MVI H ig h 58 L o w 36 . 6 4 / 3 7 i R m FIING . M ag ic: V\ alley x^HIS j WEEK INTH]^TIMES-NEWS Sports Todny: Showofs conionimuincj, som o will bo h o a v y , Highu, uppof SO;: ~ Golden Eagles T onlghI: Cooi wilh1 lingoniiglin showers, but Ihey wi Monday IN ii Image 1 Low-:, 3 0s VBcnishesCEU Tomorrow: Tha suninfclurns. h Highs, mid 60s. I'he relief and e ex x clte - P.E. tools ment on Collcge^e o f Souihern Idaho i Complete we:feather report: See p: B y y How, the stuff you learned h e a d coach ileldi Cartlslls s e r ’s in gym class can keep you , voice spoke volumen e s o f fit even as an adult. h e r G o ld e n Ea;•agle.s' Saturday play att tlie Today’s HAP\PPENINGS College of liasiern UtaItah in Tuesday in CoiOUNTRY ROADS Price, Uiah. BENEFrEFITS flWDFUWDRAISEHS It w asn ’t o n ly tlie 30-21,3C Cub Scout/Boy Scoucout Pack No. 46 potato/chll 30-10, 30-18 finnl-si-sc o rc noon to 2 p.m.. Rup«upert Methodist Church, corm Composing .statement CSl m a d e a n d H s tr e e ts , R uperpert, free-will donations, 436^ CiiU that ra:ra is e d compost Cartlsser’s .spirits. Itt w as the way tfie Golden Ea HOB[QBBIgANDCRAnS Eagles Ib lley n>hM o k igeradot H ow to m a k e it broke through theirr j sea- The Monthly Indoorir FRler R ea M arket, with over- 3 5 . e n . a n d how to u s e it. son-long passing woei3es to Mirism map “ d o rs. 1 0 a .m . to 4I p.ip .m .. Twin Falls C ounty Fairgr H g e t th e w in th a t w a s mimu c ii Filer, c o llec tio n /d o>nations n at of dish soap and blesiipa-h ff,. riiere waswas a lime when 11^ more exciting to tlie: pf r o ­ cials ihought the Vl Community Oasis OutOutreach shelter and soup kitklfchPn S1 Wednesday in FFOOD & HOME gram 's se c o n d -y e a r hih e a d oil anyone would a d m issio n (no c o s t fofor children age 12 and undi c o ac h . nder), cam- wanttosiop:op In sonth-ceninil ^ H | [email protected]. Online "I’asslng was phenoro m c - Idalu) was to visit friends or nalC artisser said. "W" e relatives, finally p u t it all togeg c th - To havo an ovont llste sted In the October monthlyly K) w hen Ihe excc- A Hagerman chef films a S u z a n n e Brow ne byi e-e-mail al sbrowne@maglcvall^ dircctoctor of .Southern m - new Internet show. Idalio rally falls or by fax. 734-5538. Idaho Tourisrrisni received the most compreiprehensive study short against HusUIdes Thursday INi TNT cihout lourisrrism in the Mngic MOSCOW — Cosostly Viilleyarca. Three DAY Pllanner mistakes by the Idadah o P SEE PAGE A9 Asil Basil V andals h e lp e d th e visitliitlng Northern Illinois Huskskies - SALE Ssti te v e Miller, B ruce Willis Bouncing til earn a 42-35 nonconfinfer- Sept. 24 — Big sals9 ata t th e IVvin F alls S e n io r C e r H a n d C a ro le King ■ ( S t ig m a c n c e v ic to ry o n S a tu rd aj Bargain Shop, include!ides racks of clothing (four ifor o r S , . rock out a thank-you to Justin A n d e rso n le d N i look incrimlnut- L : 'a si

oO %! r i • Timw-Httrt. Trin fiDt, IdjhoUIw F r o m i ’a c ; i ; o)M- ^ ______Sundjr,S«p(mil>er23, 2007»7 A3 The»Kin ilyc:rowrd Continued from page AI llic ciinvni cmuTf’ is iliiiiofiibL'droomcotii “Somehow growthgr has got wiiii iicrovvdcil school district Io m ain- to pay for ththe increased , taiiiscmcL-s; "llsjiisi p;iri iifwhiii demands on1 vwater services ,In.-niiiK :il| o v e r ihi;le valley." K im berly May« lim and sewer servirvices. Your cash SiirL'iisL'ii. "Any tn w n I gol . in liiivc rciisoiiiihlc- gn if ils noiiig IO Mirvive I) flow is so mu(uch smaller in ii’s iin ic lih fiii;rili;mI tiie111 a lte r - ' naiivcofnoi j’rdwing.lg. iimii you a smaller co:orhmunity.” luivctnliiivc-Krowih th; — Johi[ohn Sorensen, Kimberiy maylyor for iisL'lf,"

Another city, r~ cCorrection Notice another g r o ^ spurt O n liio front covcr of ihe 9 /2 3 BeitBuy’Bes od inierl, we misialienly priced tlio 50" Panaonosonie TH50P277U ' ThiTL-iirL-plcniyofvs)f w ays lo (8501711) 01 '1799, bcfoiee '9' 0 savings. Wc intoncieci Iclo iiiL'asiirc Krou’il): iluainaiicially. ^ odvcrtiso tiie ^ 2" Ponosonic TH-J2P277U TH- [8501757) 01 '1799,>9, iiliysically a iu l ev en tliL'th e n u m - » belore ‘90 savingi, Oesi Bjy will wil nol be honoring ihis prico on her ol' people wim u ns se cily IhoIh. 50" Ponosonic TH-50PZ77U'U (6501711).( waler serxice.s, hi KinKimherly, Bost Buy apologizes for any incoi each one conilrins Iheilie same — '------nconvonience, and will olfer 0 '1000 0 Iiaticrn of growth. Injtoni Rtilwio on oil .Plosmo Tolovisions Toi. this week. This Inslantml berly Middle School sU rt their dally ns Roiwlo will bo rofloclod in iho in $l • ‘Jiie popnlalioilinn y «Blk Thursday afternoon lo the eleiilementary tcJiool lunch in-sloro priccs, ond will bo reduceded from /cgvlor salo pricos. Kjinhcr{y\viis2,7H21n2(lii200H .ln 2(H)(), il w as 2.RM . accc icconling ihe damage can costco millions, than 13 acrcs-•s alongal Kimherly classroon HJ to tlic U.S. Census, a d )ms and computer II ciiange I he cily’s general:ral b u d g e t is Hoad. lake 'rolnrolman, manager labs.amoi o f R pcrccn i. long O lher things. about SI.3 million,3J1. of the Ijank therc*.thi said liierc G a m e r i • In 2001, the cily wa !r made a lisi nf nearly E f l was 4<10 "'nicy don’l slop,op, they d o n ’t arc* p la n s to buildbui a strip mall 30 reason.'ms wiiy the flrst bond 1 s q u a re acrcs. Today itI isis: a b o u t b u y a n y th in g — il - Ihey jusi go and add aiiouloul a half-do/on failed, bulut h e’s m tirc confldeni H I I L C oincert n Schedule H I!. d c sp ile tw o years> wiwitliout Ihrough." Sorcnsenie n .said o f tlie b u sinesses. annexations. Ihis lim e. irucks. "ll's iheL* ciiiwnsc of "W c jusiISI d id n ’i gel th e ‘yes’ E M O c t . 22'"’ " " - ATrihuteloilic Hcallcs • l^WhnildinKpermiisnils werc Kimherly that are | roiikkinRiip Fortlieldds v o le s lh aIt t' w erc there," he said. B H itBVOLUTION N ov. 14'1 4 "' ~ .Sonjis I'roai ilic ajjprovcd in tlic pasiisi th re e th e hill." ‘I th in k I years. ’I lie ih rce years ii people got a little AniiTicaii S'lHii: Hook ■s lieforc llie heavy influxlux of home- i-roin aboutIt 111 am . uniil 1 complacei Ihal, 24 were approved. rent. I tiiink people R H ll. owners and lack ofofinisinesses I p.m.. it’s lunchlimc lu at are suppoi 2 2 " '' ~ Jcni I-lcniint; Atoiislii.' Trin • In 2(H)1, 1H‘! rc.sidi loriive. lUil I Iliink we sidences means a shnrifalifall on lax Kimiierly l-lemcrm cniary Schtjol. n e e d in a i) w ere h o o k e d u p lo w aler I Iieller Job of explain- 1 ^ 2 8 " '- A n t:d ;i Jia Her serv- money. Sorensen.‘IJ estimates Bui tiie exteiideiidcd luncii hour ingiiowiiil ice. ’I'oday, llierc a re f)i)2. liiis mtineylsgoing to S)2. al)oui two years h(before la\es isn't a rcwartlI forfor w in n in g gold b e used." 2"*' - Oil Uroadwiiy! H;-;cr-.a,r,rn) • W ithin th e yeaiyear the arc collected ,onn homes I — siars. citylilrc-d a sixth policc «: Admis.s(un is hy seasi :c officer h o m e s n e e d lo be b e occupied It's bccauscc middlen school ForecastinSng'RedCap’ H !ason membership only. and hntiKlu an addllidllional l)eforc money Ls collectedcc — students eat Ihereiher loo, A dults SJO Sludcni:lcnisS2() i-amily SI 10 pollcc vehicle for a co: c o st o f h u t city .scrviccs m u st b e prn in Nt)vembcr. has- , t{) th re e rcaso n s; people iple arc nipicy," said Sorcnrnsen. "nie therc are l,4f)3,f)3, Including lls n ’t b o ih e rc:red lo deconite his looking for a smull. afford ’ordahle services cosi moreirc than the largest kindergairgancn class of ofllce, wiiitlich was ctinstniclcd ■ and spacious comnuinii> nity: it's uix money you'll get o u t o f it." l05kid.-5. alxnit fourir n io n lh s ago. •closc lo I\v in Tails, wl w h ic h Superiniendciid c n t Jo h n lUii m a niiiiy arc* h o p e fu l tiiat doubles in sl/e during ng dny SeaicMng foT busiiISineSS G a m e r su id somo m ie signs o f th e b u s in e ssecs s will continue to . hours; and ihc quality ol / o f Ihe growUi aiv nowlow in the higli comc andid coniplemeni tlic , school district. Ofllcials said thc71C7 urc look- .school — fourir teachersit don't residentialal aa*as. i 0(her reasons migliigill be ing Into impact fee;CCS, cosls of have classroomsim s a n d in stea d In fact, ll they a d m it h o p in g is u n d e r th e .surfacc. S in cc:e 1973.1 growth asses.sed to develop- push cansIS tot cany ilieir all they cana n rcally do. ihc cily has sent ils wnwaste- crs. To prcparc, the iht cily has supplies aroundjnd. And. again "Wc’rc i trying lo rc*mind w ilier easi ih o u g h a ’IWinrin Pallsi studied Kuna andJ Piuglc.p a n d d u e to sp a c e concerns, coi mid- each othericr lhat we've got to iruiik line, ’lhat ullullow s is de v elo p in g u .siraiinilegic plan, die school studeridents arc* ta u g h t lo o k 20 yeyears In the future." Kim berly, w h ic h p a y s; aboutal: Businesses arc tricklIckling in — urt and musicsic at the high Sorcnsen s CLE I said, "'nveiity ycnrs NIC S7.0(K) m o n lh ly lo ’Avinin Ii-alls which ofllcials hope)pc \^ll bal- school. The middle mi school is wherc 1ll's going to show cily, 10 c o n tin u o u sly shuflllunie in ance ihc growili. ConsuliantsCo also turned its its library into whethcrwcwc’rc rigJit o r not." new residents. Tlieit; is alsoalsi — say ihut the commeinercial cnti- class space. N ev e rthhelcss. e It is sllll early ^ fT so far — plenty of wutcnen five tics will comc to0 Kimberly ] Gamer saidI moremt than half in this dcvevelopment riish. Rcd ' w ells a n d tw o h o ld in g lani lanks. naturally. Ihe students conrome from oul- Cup Comcricr miglit be getting a i0 « S ^ i/sidansi llie city's locationon — about sidcihecityllmilimils, many from bunk andd a new fast-food .S t r e s s o f th e cHy six m iles fro m IW■in in Falls und unlncorporatt?ds:id subdivisions, joint for thefie hundreds of ncar- Imm nflatrCM four miles from the Hansen "Wc tiy to monitormc It. It's by residenurtis, b u t th e re a re no Op«B h flow is so mmuch t suld thm urban areas:asroutlnc- oncSI0.25milllonHon, wrlU be p u t rvaclwd a tr 735-3204 7 or Jhop- NEW OPTIONS FOR REFR:F R A a iV E SURGERY smaller in u smaller comninmu- ly participate in iticc suburbans to voters In hopeopes of adding kitis& niiy." .sprawl of surroundiiiding com- -’riicru ore subdivisionsDiis in m u n ltlcs, a n d ih cire’s rc ’} f u n h e r ihe unincorporulcd purtlurt of incentive with bypas[lassingthe TIRED O F W EARING5 YOURYC GLASSES? the cily, Induding somee nnear Perrine Bridge lo10 get on W O inp W AVEFRONT GUICUIDEDLASIK y the Pleasant Valley G ipressor s / Golf Inlcrstoie04. ^ L E ] Course. Tlicy have theirir owno "U's just a matterjr oft lime," D e W . W i a l t NOT A CANDIDATE:TEFORLASIK? ' weilsandscpiiclanks.nutlut I th e sh e said. “It's go in g (o POWER cily of Kimberly resporponds for companies loo) INTRAOCUUR C0N7)NTACTLENSES w h e n po lic c ofllcers ure nc«n e e d - e asy acc css to th e hlglilgliway." COM PRELESSOR ed or fire departmentsts aro i Ofncials hope Ri NEED BIFOCALS OR READERS? called. Comer will show bu b S e S RESBYOPIA CORRECTING1 INTRAOCULARIN LENSES S o re n sen sn id ih c c iiyy p;p ro - c a n su c ce ed In KimbeIberiy. First liiblis irucks from drlviriv in g Pedcro] Bank, w h ichis h b already -I-W -++++ tlirougli Ccnicr Sircct sincc sir In full operation, cwi3w ns m o re Pol* Induction M otor ».5 CFW.«55I70-Cl WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMEMBER 26,2007 e ¥ f i U t 6 :3 0 PM>M V h h pp P O V V E R 589 SHOUP AVEW E W EST T W IN FALL^LLS bSB-.! PRESSOR

INLY ____ PLEASE CALLTO RESERlERVE YOUR SEAT - ^H.vV'«ClE4RiwW SEATING IS LIMITEDLIN/ 208.734.89;8 9 3 4 ■ O L S ^ i l t 1 4I.5HP.8C>1.,s u . 2 Pol> Induction Motof <.5! CFM.< #55570 • FlTZHUGHVlS^O^ION CLINIC i Ill Roi-j- A i r ^ IN CONJUNCTIONION WITH 1 iff’5 r/ihp LASER VISION OOF F IDAHO t isSQR Pf^ESENTMT f e COMPRES! CURRENTTECHNHNOLOGY W ^ O N I F O R A N AGE O L O0 PROBLEMP : E FINDTHE D l ANSWERS TO YOUR REFRACTIVEREI QUESTIONS' I ^6K 9 . « 7 t5SKI7-':'W K - H H Choose A FREE FranklinI BuildingI ® u Fraramlng Ham m er«■or Fitzl^ SOftExfactention Cord w/PPurchase y g h . ; . VISION Gl • LASER VISION CORRECnOfnONSPECIAUSTS . w t i r a O i i ^ W illiam c n ^ ulu g g h . MO. J a m e s M. C oo mTibs,M.D. l» M n A d b EXTRAORDINARYIY DOCTORS[ '3S-SSTI EXCEPTIONAL^L RESULTSF -I [

f f » »»■ ’ » ■■I I i M StBvtoT,S»pteflibef;b.f23.a»7 FROM>1 IPAGE ONK BTIn>e»-Nm,TirinF«U*.ld«ho ■ ■ Ira q _ Continued from page»A a 1: cameriLs at t the tl nearby head- fatal slinoluiotiiigs involving (he arruM cd tliis wcL-keek on suspi* (juaneniofthi'th e n a tio n a l po lic e M oyock,k, fN.C.-ha.sed compa- ng w e a p o n s to c o m m a n d .. lie.SjiidI li eight peo- ny In wliiwiiidi 10 Iraqis were Shiilf miiilliis. ThThe d e m a n d p ie w ere kilUdlled at the scene killed ana n d If) w o iu u le d . iid d s new .striiiiiKts i w o u n d e d A m ong; thtth e sh o o tin g s w as o n e rc'laiioiis only dayilays before a died in hospitipital-s. l-eb. 7 oui.-jut.side Iraqi slate tele- ■en I’re sid e n t Bluckwater,ler, which provides vision Inin UagluladI that killed K ush a iu l Irii(|rail's Prime most of tliee ses cu rity fo r U..S. th ree bulliiuildlng guards. MinistLT N duri al-Nil-Maliki. diplomats aan n d civ ilian olTl- K liaiafif saids Ilie a-port was In ic rio r Ministry cials in lr:iq, liiLSI insisted that "sent to to tbe judiciar)'’' spokcstiiiin Maj.. Clen.CIi A bdul- its g u a rd s came cji under fire althougli;li hh e w ould no t specify - K arin i K tialal s;said Iraip from armed■d in.siirKents and whetlierthr th a t a m o im te d lo ill- ^ auihoriliL-s luul conL-onipleted an shot back only o to defend, ingofcrimirimliial ciiarge.s. Uiuler inv’csti^aiioi) iiiluo ttl h e Sept. If. (lienis'elves. Ira q i law,iiw, a n in v e stig a tin g j sluxiliii}’ in NiSDor)or Seenb n o d e d s io n on I’ress Ihal ihe ciinclnclusion was shooting, w h e th e r loIo seek piiiiishmi'nt based on wiinessis ssi ta te m e n is K halaf alsoso sa id (he m in - for a n y lil:blackwater employ- as well as viile»)iapta p e sh o t by Lsiry w as looklr)kingiiitosixoiher ees. i !

Rice, al- THE WEEfEEK IN in/lQ ^ [-Maliki avoi P r i s o n e i l mer release ^ kosi, o r exefcise for your Iw r liack pain. Wiiicli Is (he better HHHIH 'irkti demamsn d e d ^•alleriiaiive? eachotftherastensi IIUIX ProsldomJcilJolnl Tnlnbnni nskod (or tho rolonolonsool nn Iinninn AI liriuf resi, coinliiiiL'd widi andinti-inflaminatorymedications. Sainudtl oinlnod ThurocJny by / A jL«is often recoinmendcd to) helplu rcduce acuie back pain.. JorKenson.il1.MD :oo on suspicion ot mountssover Blackkwater ig woopons irt ifio " :•’ generall)’ .idvisabJe to rctuciurn to norm al activities a n dI Kurdish cily iol Suioimanlyah. begilgill genily exerci-sing in orderr 10la strcich out bnck musclcs. By Matthew IM and tiiat 'thele incident iiad iuhkeyEY r, ,,:j Avok.:)i(liiig nciiviiy can actually maktlakc m uscles iveakcr a n d even Associated Press writwriter not been on (li(lie a g e n d a . ^

re siiscepdbie lo injury. Ask youryoi doc(or. Tht} quicker you It w u s n oo( t immediately (sui1 SulolmsnliU d,,.. die quicker you can gel back: in(oim life. UNITI-D NATICTIONS — clear when thehe last tim e iUce > iFi/.rj Secretary off State and al-Malikiki h a v e b e e n in g joMpii o*flhda^'^ The;c S p l n c I n s t i t u t e fociiscs soleii)lelyoiidisordcrsof(hi;Spine. (;i)n(lt)lee/za Ricee and a Iraqi such close proxroxlmiiyand not ^ Verska, MD laisntt? V. Ourb I’rin ie M iiiis ic r NiNouri al> spoken face-to-face. ®*“ r biiard-certilied and fellowshipip trainedt spine surgeons pro- 5 from die ncck to I Saturday as they attattended a after the meeli-•eting that Hice ^a u d i^ loivcr hack. Hy offering conscrvat•vadi'c treatm ent plans, a s w d l grdtip meeting aiuItui avoided Iiad alreadyly s p o k e n by aii.uiia (irgical iiK enendon, oiirgoniI is Ini assist patients iu getting discussion (if aI BaghdadII phone with al-al-Maliki about KUWAIT • A ' ( backk I10 Ilieir regular activities. sliootoui involvinging guards tliemader. Sun. - Potlcoitlco sold oocuniy I'rom a U.S. compaip a n y p ro - A l-M aliki .salisaid b e fo re th e conKnciorsopsoponod liro Inn tecting American dipdiplomats, session tliatI i he believed inily Sunni nrunol killing nllonsi olo’il 706 N College R d , W ith ieiision.s soar,o a rin g ov e r se c u rity w u s i li Improving In cJmns.' Samuel Jorgenson, r^O Suite A, IW ln Faia l l s (lie Scpi. Ki inciduiidem. Rice Intq and urged5ed the United Mon.-TMolrrolrnqloovornmom * jP || Joseph Verska. MD Fax (208) 73640( und al-Maliki cho.soasa n o t to N a tio n s to boosilost its p r e s e n c e onid ii wnsi ordordoring Blnckwaior u l mifimun II IDavid Jensen, D.O. 0 0 7 speak directly nt na United in ills country. socurily lo lonslonvo iMo couniry. ' O f IDAHO Nations gatlierJng5 at which Tiie presenceice of nice and Tuo.-Fouru.;ir U.S. soldiars wo'o 208.736.8b0i9 6 they were amongIlg senior ubMullkl at theiie same meet- lOtBflghdnd. ott , 0 pnmo minlsior w v diplutnai.s and offlciaicials from ing here wasIS th e cIo.sest n K CTaTrTii^^^ff inchwaioi'Q vo'sion ol lra<|s neiglibors. intincluding high-level • e n c o u n te r mo ohooiingig ih.ihnlloll 11 dond. i Irai] and Syria, weighing wi between the gig o v e rn m e n ts Thur. - Tho0 U.S.u ; socond-ln- future assistance tooiraq. Ir since the incideid e n t a n d sin c c commnnd lr> iml'fl() snid violoncu N e ith e r Hice n o rrul-Maliki ul Iticc nn I'ridayy aannounced a In Baghdnd. bui too brought up thetnatle:itterinihe full review’ of State ^""vciviiinns, broader talks, aecon nldos Q lop Shiito :ording to Department sectecurity in Iraq. klltod In Iho sopnrnio David Satterneld, the thi State They precedeide a m e e tin g cltioaol Bnsrmnnd OiwnnlyAh. i:)epartment’s coorclordinator between al-W-Maliki and Sai.-ThoUS.US.klllodr [ for Irac]. vvho said testlestily dial I’resident HusliII nnext w ee k o n insutgonis nndnno capiurod 12 In the two also did not no meet tiie sidelines of llic illlliuill s e p a ra te ly o n th e sidelines sii U,N. General As;A ssem bly.

:;APR Yf o o u r F r i e n dd : s & F a m i l y ly , ^ I Atl Torraln Light TruckCk RadialI 2 3 5 / 7 5 R 1 5 ...... 1 A r e M ee i m b e r s 109.39 rc n i 2 3 5 / 8 5 R 1 6 ...... 11 1 9 - 3 9 2 6 5 / 7 5 R 1 6 ...... 1 INMSEPTIEMBER 1 2 9 . 3 9 \ .ViWiSum* P S 6 5 / 7 0 R 1 7 ...... 1139.39 'R^igj I S “ S a f aa i r i T r e x ^ ^ R eferrRAL RewarRDS IfZ A tlS u s o nlU Ui g tit Truck Raiilat P rograAM I J h 23S/75R15...... 1 1 9 . 3 9 1 ’ 235/85R16...... 1 3 4 . 3 9 „ 265/75R16...... 1 3 9 . 3 9 ;3_265^70R17^...... 1 4 9 . 3 9

if W AHvrnnTai^ll’siiocki/sinitf': b u r FR EE A ir | | | F A ) ■ ip^ I I I S hocks 4 A M |l I leadquarters L J ^ fi StartlnsA.

\sk obout our free (Iro h j Alignment |iy Struu '. O A il L Ition sorvico. Wo’II chocl< I I I Storting A( )ur oir p ressure ond fill Chock C Wllh Any lur liros froo of charge. | | Tire * P u rc h a s e |IJ|I ...... Piu» installotfon •

is I I ftS»^irwiwir FriiiSSiiM


; Bring a fritriend o r femily nm e m b e r I n ^ d u r i n i • Iftstal brake pads or shoes A ; ; i montli of i Four-Wheel W • RtsurfBcedunsorrelors W - j rtWmr->i>a**>'UeOiMn f t Ml ; FREE .the s J • you'll

M e m blership e H ass It's R ew ari r d s ! P , h , 3 7’i 1 i:■ O x b o w A v e . : . . . , . ; . . . . . , 125 Idaho S treet...: B i k o ...... 1 8 2 ! ...... ’T M aiei :v- j* F « mT ii«y::.:....:...... i s o105 j E ..N ew lands D r..... '•V n o ...... 125C:50 E. 6th Street....;..:...... 78e:u3't < rm km ...... S MVllles il W on Hwy 5 0 ...... k ..... -a sr.M a s ■ i,t iind Hou««...i... 61 Industrial lr W ay ...... 4 4 8 . 4 4 1 1 j a In P a l l s , I D ...... 181 £19 Kim beriy R o ad ...... 2oa,»34.4a«o i Falls. ID .. in ...... 2 0 66 - 4th A ve. W eat...... apa.733.l4B 4 I we/come TWin Fa/fS \ifslnto1ii^nA.DTMmREINC.«mHi, I 3 ,

I. > t r- » . f .X, ■ T)ow»Nm,1WaF

Stigma.I ______CootoadfnmpasiU ^ p rivacy policies, (lut-ol'-siatelie checks( in a slum lokcn.out u personalnal loan for A.s soon as 1 s he found out period off Businesses A n n i 51,000. His twicc-i i v e r s aa r y ;c-monthly about the probliiblem, Pryor said originally' had lu a hard time p a y m e n ts o n the: loi loan were he returned everything e' he coiitaciliiglg him. Hut, lie supposed to be nuton itoinntlcally acquired wlihI the th bad checks, points out,t, heh< gave everything Boductcd from his c is checking He tried to0 reactivater his back, cooperipeniteil will) police tccount. Wlicn ilicit ien: was a account immedledlately, assur- and huslnejiness owners, ami problem willi the un automatic ing businesses!s he'dI retum to never triedd ttr saidsi he's especial- j “I never checkc eked (my account wason on vacjiiion, lie ly angry atIt thetl suggestion he ' account status) and and never said. It took nearL'arlyamondiio lied about: servingsei in the mili- [. : h used my card. 1 workorked heru get things sonet:le d o u t. Hy th a t tar>’. and hnd money on on hand," time, the buslu sin e sse s h a d "Y«)u :an c a n look up any Pryor said. “1 Itad casi V :ash all the either resold hethe merchandise record, ny any given day, any 1 ^ H time and never nec needed to Pryor wantedo or r refusetl lo d o lim e," h e sa>aid. id "I served," m ^Your Cl:h a m c e__I check niy account, int. never business witiiIJim.' liii A lthouglih Pl> ry o r is Slaying In I needed to do anything lingwithit Pryorthouglit-iliMhemesswas town, lie recognizesrec iliat. at I ... (When they fro froze the over until a ;torystoi about the least for iiwhwhile, he's going lo I . I account), I wasn't cor contacted, hoimced checks:k.s a p p e a re d in h a v e p robli;i)li;nis doing busi- fcjUsSI lo Vw in I No e-mail, no phor Itone call, the Tim es-^f-Nt'U's lasi ness jll ilie aan re a. | | b | B I n o th in g ,” h e sxiid, addiidding that Wednesday "It's a major ll problem i the bank hud all hislls icontact 1 Ie understamands how bad becausealoti information. th e sto ry looks.!. III le’s only lived are less likelylely to do business A representativeve from here since May.ay. lie tried to with me. even evi if I bring a 1 NFCU declined to com- buy tens nftliou*Dusands of dol- freaking casliiisliier's check from ment, citing customer cu: iars of meruliandindlse with bad lesus hiinsetf,'etr," Pryor said. ^ ^ 9 k i Thinking"twice 1 aboutt out-of-state; (checks ^ ^MeEs»D»fti sayJng all oui-of-.of-stnft? chocks iates in IdaJiJaJio, Hcidem.inn Ttti>e»^ew»cofraspondei have to be cashishler's checks siild, it's tooIO cexpensive lo lly Drawin;ngs Every from now on. StiStill, he's frus- someone lo'lV3'lW in Falls lo te sli- The law seems straijtraiglitfor- tratcd at the poliiolice’s inability fy As a result.Jlt. the police don't ward. Writing bad checks chi is to d o anything. acccpt reponsm s on bad oui-of- Friday,, Saturday5 punlshoble with up) to three “To me that's:'s i theft, a n d I s ta te c h e ccks. k s ’IWln l-alls yeai^s In p riso n a n d 550,S.'iO.OOOin d o n ’l k n o w w/by hy he hasn't County Pros'r o s e c u to r CInini fines. But If tlie checkck Is1: fro m b e e n a rrested ." he said. Uiebssaiil tliallhat aliliough there AndSSunday out of state, the policelice won't llie reason the>tiey can'l arresi Is no nile fronrom his office that p ro sc c u te It. him, sjiid Deiecti\Clive Sgt. Dave police can't acca cc ejit c o m p lain ts lamey Wills learnccn c d th a t Ile id e m a n n , Is mmoney. c on out-of-stnstate checks, he ^ ScptembtTxr7.Sqpleinb«S0 lesson the hard wayy Inli July, “F*or u s to mnake a l a case, I agrees lhat thethe high cost and Wills, m anagerof Actiontlon Cycle have to prove tha;hat the passer difficulty of' Ississu in g a su b p o e - ’N Sleds in T\vin Falls,s, accai ep t- o f th e c h ec k h a s kiknowledge of nn outside ofo f Id ah o m a k e it H ed two bad checks1 totalingtc th e co n d itio n o f thtli e ac c o u n t,“ h a rd fo r his odo d i ic e Io p ro se c u te V 523,000. The checks:ks were Heldemimn said,d. th e charges, from the Navy Federalral Crediti 'Ib do that, thehe bank must Beve Dryunt-ant of the Belter \ Union, which has no) branch-br provide documenients showing Business BuBureau recom- c s in Idaho. who dosed the account, mends that bub u exam - “W e ta k e a lo t oif f checks c when ond why theytht closed It, inc nil theirir c options before hcic, wc deal with a lotstoffarm o and how the acccccount holder taking checkscks for tmnsac- accounts,” Wills said.. ‘M“Most of was notified thatIt tht e a c c o u n t tIon.s. llic tim e, a g u y ca n shaktlakeyour had insufndcntIt funds. I Tlic Drynnt pointjlnts to dcbh and " j S h a n d a n d it's a go o d deadeal.’ Information Is subpoenaed,su crcdit cardsi a^ as more secure Wills callcd police willwhen the analy?x*d, and used usi to show fomis of paynuyment. With the customer, Patrick 1Pryor, probable cause. cards, the fundunds cun bc verl- ^tiim cd to the store2 to fix a For the prelimlmlnury hear- fied immediatela tcly ]|m (ch on one of hiss motor-tr ing, ilic prosccut(:utor Lssues a if businessesises do choosc to k ^es. Wlien pollcc arrived, an subpoena comn:nmnnding a take checks,cs, B ry a n t sa id , ttdwcver, llicy couldn't;n't arrest bank official:o to appear in make sure toto copy the cus- I b y o r bc c a u sc h e u se ddan or out- court and provldi'Ide evidence lomcr's identllntlfication Infor- » ^ J A P K P O T ^ f:S ta tc c h ec k fo r th e tmnsac-Cm: that the accouiount holder mation. such:h i os the driver's ll j(iqn.,Wills got his menlerchan- passed bad checkccks knowing Ilccnse numbimber, and think diw back and sold he won't' tlicstatusofiheacoccoiint. twicc about uc

L 1 5 *'' i ^ n n u a l s y I^THOUSAWPp Sprincs FestinV A L OFTHE A r t s W m SEPnMBER 29-:9-3 0 . SATURDAY I0-6PI6pm • SUNDAY IO-Spm Admission: *6► adt/lls-*4senlors-*312Sai 2 & undor • * 2 0 max fomllyt is havingn g a I DIREC•CTIONS: I'" .H M Southertom Idoho U nd Trust Inc. pr

*' ~ T h e F e s tiv a l a lsoIso features B E E R, SOFTDSlNKSer hcilocally-produccd W IN E !

AND MUCH MW a tu n painting by renown^ildtthoaftislFradChoata,\\ Idc fCHMOREff handcra/irec/ starling iW vorfr gj re a t blua h a r m panda'ntant mode by M tn Boyar Bcyor Jowvlry in Twin Falls, or onan o v m l g h t t ta y o f M iradae h H ot Springs oral ■Ifliinl 7h»• IHerven Safon A S p a noarr HiHogermon. >bt/ con olio try wir)n/iiOT«SOBolfpoefcoe« I I H E I I iuring sevoral of our h m l eoursos E i M l ■ H i m n n ProcetAtd t betient ce n stm llo n ottortsr tt T i m ee s s - N e w s r ’ o f tha SoSoutham Malta Land Thjst, lae.1C. m a ggUvall»y.-Rob«t1 M Fargo, Oeir L M CowiHy CU), CtooMar Sprln0i Foods. Soisa WMMyi KBSU,aSU, LACaslta. Magle SMay Otstrfbuthg,I. , . UBHi-Nww.klI. kW» Powv Co.. Pepd. Sonneo Bonn ivk«,KTRNBC38.1MnFrts Dl Cotiw. kW» OUda 8«vk», Inc, UshokW Dskyman^ Aiaodfliion, Jwoma> CaCountry Oub, Magic VWtoy ObtrSxilta.). 1 2 7 ^ o h dd A venue W .*1^ 5 . 2 6 ^ . ' mal C o r h ^ UD, SMtoom CheCi, S & Q PiDduea. Wsstam Wasta bUnagsmgsimnt, an Tlach Inn. klaho QiAworits. TWiri Falls •7 3 6 r CowttyFtowernra.'Hilr Mn n lin , Amy A J(n% Httrtr Boutkiua.B< B Caador, The Htvan SMM n l ai Spa, Omndstands. longdon ln&. Opeii M on.'• Fri. Sjain to 6|;iiim; Sah 9am to S:3I!30Dm- T&Lc«ivi«iwm F U t ^ Ob« t*; Jod. Cadta PeUPala^ Rsaort Casmo. M a ^ Ntthens,« n , Ths Monastaiy o( tha Aacansloa |WW|«IU._ - CirtvWlaoala H m n Cantar. CSI CumvK Jockion^gn^ Kantiy Komer. Pandcral Frad Quaauala, Boysr Js«nty. Mka and Branda .com Mon,MI«yVly V% 4-H. B irtv Ratllon. Amriemn CUkwyQ FadMtlan, Kavh n t ConniaIla JlJonas, klaho Outflttan and Oukta niturearidappii|Iiancequtlet.& It Hot Spilngi, fttter w m SWa Path.k. IdahoW Oapt o( Paia and Rscraatian.'Ikn.'ftiadMrtiAhaad. ■ J i

• T-. • . 1 $ ' : I ' V J 1: ^ ^ r, “ ■; -i A6 Sundn, n , 23, a DSU student E m p l o y ese e Benefits ; rival groimps before W cc! o f f e r : • HcalUi • D ental • VLsion • D isabilitv •• (Cafeteria Plarts - shootingg wounded twot • H e a l t h sS a v in g s Plan.*! • R clircnim ent Plans By Randall Chase something che a A ssociated Pross wrUorlor pliice." lie saiti. "V . d one gets shot, ihi alwiiys I l S i r e ntlW SURANCiF., • DOVI'II. [)L-I. — ■|‘ensi«m T t somebody thiitI v wiints some 1G37 AddiMmAm.n-niic KiiU • 7;Ms5.'H2 ' riv;il nrou|oups of revenge." IriL’iuls f»)iii New Ii-rsiL-rsey a n d U'iisluiiKlDi), D.C.. p recrc ed e d iI r ' I:iic-niKl>> slu iolo ii tin g ill ndawjiri' Siaic tJiiiviniversiiy thiit vvoiiiuli-'d tw oI pp< e o p le , ; Miutfiils Saiiirclay.liiy, While iiivcslifsiig a to rs V ^ ^ i/erffjy o n wireless worked lo find the• shsl o o te r \ ' will) iip c u cil lire early•ly I-ridiiyI : as M^veral MiidcnisIS leI ll a ' eainpiis dining hall,, a c lass. mail.' recalled how (h (hi e vio- leiK-e h a d c s c a la lce d d fro m alic-icaiiiiiisdtiriiit' iholie w eek, " I'hey’vc h c c ii Kcttiiiitin g in to it, New Jersey pei)pkip le a n d A Phon’h oidy's d y still I asionished ahoiit whaih a t h a p - IN E T ^ m : pe n ed ." WOFRKITr s o The shoolin(;s, reportlo rte d to p o lic e ill l2:.'->t a .m . l-riday,I- occurred aftera groiipip ofjle U. (200 BSS-UII Onih(HW(oniH«l[J9l(IUiikl Tlie Student Covcrnmii m e n t . S l H ^ BUSIHESSCUSTOMI!OMERS, pl«iM ullUDO VZW 4BQ or did WP ______Association posted a n o tict e y niv m r Illd nfb^rtlMMBm/mjrbuilncttrtt saying it plans a townn !• ■ VISITnSITTHEVERtZONWIRUESSSTOREIW NORIZEORETiUURS . meeting to discussi thi e MnMi'iw'SMuSA lATRD WITH VtnZOK vniiEussuinoms-cINSiDEOilCUITaTY: . illlTHOI «eA.Aiitha1»dKiul9tn ■ ; o o n 7 j j ^ / ; I s S ',. dents coming from dlfTenT ercnt ______• _ ooeisTj. . backgrounds. That docs ; m a k e th e m ga ng-relatedL " B cyJizljrlddsJ! J^uhammad suggest ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • thot the violcncc may' con-cc *0«HRtillM|Kltt»IM.k|^iKNi«pM ii.ttiwhtoTancUiK IM M M M i a ^ ll nn n M k : linue. I r tM lonn ind crUR n re n l, lip ID SITS I : ‘I think (herc^ going to lo n O T «egwtSWw*schKqMnayi«i».iRiiy. AtbM tt e V b 6 Mela UnW im oAn.WMtuoolMlM(Mn Mto n«y«ttm MmoA d M 'S (HV IvnMon ttaflni Mtx 5 Du. M on: m nm li m ista ^007 Vtrte WMm

• t.I, t\ f ■ r4 t TbnM^TW fai Fib, Idiho Suml

Pi»fai fc 'a e t ViMiU f I n m Sffwm j l C o n s i d e r y o u r sself e l f w arned...our annual c I case lot sale begins Octob^ober 1st. finding amm d s ta s h in g u se fu l th in g s awaynv for the winter. To enccncourage tills kind of Plcajc don't mljuncunderstand us. W c'rc not rec recommending lhat you try to grow a squlrrel-llk'like b e h a v io r, S w e n se n 's isI offeringol unbelievably lowV pricespi next week on an tong bushy tall, scarsc a m p e r u p th e n e a r e s t o a k ti k tree, or store large quantitiesties of nuts Impressive/e variety staple food Itemsns duringi our biggest casedd goodsg sale of the year, In your chqeki (allp>11 p a in fu l a n d p o te n tia lly life- Ife-threatenlng activities for‘humans). hu It's never• bbeen easier or less expenslvisive to slash away everythin!hing you'll need to stay W e are. however,r, sisuggesting that you follow IW the squirrel's well-knownI exexample of happy andid well fed all winter. So sto|lop by. Slock up. and embracirace your Inner squirrel. Sj<. Dannon Niitottral j PO w Si IRTAOE PEPS111 2 P A C K I Vlt Olympus ^ T S B I e ^ ^ ^ V SHASTiTA SPRING WII A T E R m m m WATER

^ a * I riB .2 B iu M f i H .■■AtttfSlIp My I Grandma Syci^caraorea! Betty CroILv jrorter wasterirn M ly “S WesiSfern Fan® " WeWestern Family COOKIESIE S Grandma G !jEra">''® C A K EEM 1 iX 0O IL P E A NUUT I ROTTER APIi P P L E S A U C E f / t e H As«L r **■<. J m i i IB b a [ 2 4 -aa ox. « f | m S L _ L 9 L Q l p - < ( <1P» L. b ^ H A ctnI J GanarainI M ins K e llo B i 1 - R 0 N I & w estiSepn'^miiy " ! Campbells ( ^ ■ p o p c oIR n N C E R EEAL A C E R E / F A -R O N I PlPASTAS SEUL E C T S O U P S

L l! e S&„.18 oz. WBStern Fam mmFamBy Prego amllyS W esternS Fa HI.J sarlta At lestern FamBy H ■ c » c „ S 0 U P> ^ C A N N E D F FRUIT PASTA SiS A U C E R O n e0 REANS DOI mc^i^sH'Snap & Sear ■ ■ E / i t e ■ f l Wntirn MW ljB ^ c i!. I A wn toi-pwFMiFm iI------aB8Ci;„n„ ^ HISJI' WestemFamamily Soft 'N 6eiSenna Kleenei Uauld KleeiBonexVlva ■ "1UI 'N sojJJL tr RATH TIS ISSUE TISSUIi K « S ^RGBVT SCRUE ■ PAPER TOW IB CLOTHS I ClC L E A N E R II H H s i g R o a i L j m m m

Isunflowepi F r e n c h ■ k , O n i o n B e - B o p ^ ■ BREAD ^ BREAD m p p ROLLSs DISCOTTI ^s ■ M M M isB m m m O N A T i ^ ^ ^ tiett u j ! * l i u i SF Nn s ^ I R S P O M EIHUUUATES G TOIO M A T O E S II

f e . 8 1 4 ^ 9 m l ^ - i ■ MkU ------—KS §LJiQ ^ e n H cmz n m m . piuMB lm m ■ C A R R O TS S SALAD/COLEStm iftlic E A V O^ O S R E L L PPEPPBiS PUCEjlCHES,PLUOTS M i j j h mli> 11f e jtfl I GoM'NUump Boneless Bee)eel BonelessBBeef Leann oi r Hot YliSpwi^^bI :GHIGKEN.WINGS s n t L o n u TTIP i SIRLOOUI H P p o cCKCTS j YOroeURT n saoRunii^CKS _ _ R O A S Tr S T E A K

■ iMnOMneBil*iBitpae«^4/>T0 l 4

r t - j : ■ FaltBpmdI FHIsBpand FaBs Brand BonetoM, Extra iLean s Boneless Whoto/IB / H a n RREAKFAS ■ GontFy-Stvia nSTUNKSAUSAGGE Hj r o f f e t h a w w esternpn FamBy TuT t t n w 1 1 SPARERIRS m R U T T BR t C U B E S P^UZA D I

;m A n t. u. 10 Bl. b o x ... ____ K m Ul. ■ 4 *t i a . 8 0 ^

■ www.swenserensmarkets.coi j m k TWIN FALL9 TWIN T FALLS RUPJPERT PAUL ■ Addson&WcBfiigton &SSOShostMraStMt 7S9F2 — fiJSsiai. ■ Mon^at.7am-l1pm MoMon^at.7anv9:30pm Mort^ot.;ot,7 m p ^ MoivSot,7ailvl« ■ (206)734^414 (206}73»«87 (206)^l< 3 ^ij!||tf^E438J2’, som o m e o f wntora expanding - in Iho places lliai niakcAincm e rica couid causo oconnsns loi whai it is may he slo w ly *150 b/o n o moior, or I urasL-il. ^ about 33 inchos. tilohal warininK — throi acom liiiiation ofniL'ltinKf la riae I S cicrs, tlisappearing icu shshi e e ts atul warmer waters cxpaiip an d - ini’ — is expected to c cai a u se ------io Redwood oceans K» rise hy one mem e ter, souncc unMitnty o* ^\tai AP TheSavii ■ CHy,C*W., o r alu iiit 3‘) in c h e s. Ii will\ 1‘residein liush. Sept 6. liappen regardless ol'f any;i iLxperts say ihai proicctingpr H V rnH nHm ] »lWi h im rc actio n s to c iirh nre urge, from * Peritoneal Dialysis money lowers of Siliciilicon hurricanes, winler:r s to rm s Valley. I he y will sw a mp Ihe I, and regular coasialal siorms. * Announouncing New Home Hemodiiiialysis localions of hig ciiy airpoipons Uoe.scli said. Sea lclevel rise ^ - and major Iniorslale iiigh* Iiig means higJier nnd m o re fre- Come and an see the d i ffferen ce! w ays. queni Hooding frono m th e se Storm surtjes worsened.‘d Iiyi e x tre m e e v en ts, h e Siiid.siii _ „ . 'ake pride in se a level rise vvill lloiul1 Iheil All lo ld , o n e m eter'ter of sea D a V t tt a a - 'ld a h o : , waierfrcini selaways nf■ rich rii level rise in just tiiee lowli er'IH p r o v ididing (jueiiily 5 0 ^ . politicians — the lUishcs h e s ' sla te s w ould p iit ahouiOUI25.000 Home P Kennehimkpori and lol:John square miles tinderier Wilier. ■ire to OUT /ALL FRAMES Hdwanls’ plnce on the Ouii)uier according to Jo tients with ^tVfiCT Purdiasing Lmes B anks. A nd ^ o iie will h e miiiuiy a t Overpeck, director m o c m'^djrponCmi , of ihe heaches in Texas andan Iiisiitute for liic Study Sti of ^ . frie n d ly ^ EYE B E X A M l-loriila favored hy hnd(>eigei- I’liinet liarth al Ihe UnUniversity Twui Falls,% -m 83301 conscious students on Sprii; ' iring of Arizona. That's aniia a r e a ih e m m , $ 5 0 0 0 Ureak. size of West Virginia,• , ,, . (208):.73 SUNGLASSES ; I'hai’s the troubling ouout- Tiic amouni of lost)si lund is ‘ - i i look projccied by const!nslat even grcntcr whenn H1 aw aii maps reviewed by TIiThe nnd Alaska arc in inc c lu d e d . CONTAQLENS A-ssoclaicd Press. Tho mnp;m ps, O vcrpcck said, Vita at croaicd by sclcmisis ai the th The Onviromjnmental ■ ■/""X University of Ari/.oiia, arc ar Protection Agency'si calcula- c ^ |( ^ based on dnta from ihe U.‘U.S. tion projects u landci loss1 of i ^ M E . % CJcological Survey. nboui 22.000 squarere m iles. I'e w o f ih c m o re lh a n tw iwi o T h e I-I’A, w h ic h stu ddied ie only doJcw , ' L jibonitory in O ilifo rn ia. could become far morcorc “\Ve‘re going lo gel a inctecter lar, even an everydayly o< c cu r- a n d th e re ’s n o th in g w u cnn1 dcdo rencc, wiili the projcctt about it," said Universityf ofo rise, otiier sciendsts sale Victoria climatologist Andrcv\rcw New Orleans’ Katrina c: Wcnver, n lend author of iht 1 the ence and the doily lc I'ebrunry report from ihcthe Louisiana wedands -— i w hich Intergovernmental I’nncl on serve jls n barrier lhat \ Climate Changc in Paris. "It's irc5 p rc- going to happen no matterIter vicwsofwhat'siocomeine iherc. what — Ihe question is Florida faces ii se rio u s w hen." lie health risk from risinsing Sea level rise “hns consc-sc - w a te r ta in tin g drin k inlg g w\ a te r ■ quence.s about where peoplepie wells, said Joel Sclicragr th e live and whai they carca rc EiPA's d ire c to r o f g: ahoui," said Donald change research. Andn d th e a University of Maryland sci­ici- farm-ricli San Joncjulnn D1 elta ' • ; :. ; entist who has studied ihcllic in Qilifornia faces scriou i.ssuc. “W e'ro going to b e inIto to water flooding probI this big national debate about)ut Olher experts said.. wliai wc protect nnd ni whntmt “Sea level rise Is goirS ! l i i cost.” have morc general impaipactto -T.iV^Vll This week, beginning withith the population und theIC infra-ii ' ‘ a meeting nt the Uniteded structure than almostst any- Nations on Monday, worldrid thing else that I can ihinilinkof," le ad e rs Avill c o n v c n e lo talkiilk .snidS,JefrrcssWlIllams,as,a U .S . about figluing global warm­m- ecological Survey c coi o a sta l ing. At week's end, leaders will^111 geologist in Woods H i ole. ■ gather in Washington with1th M ass.

A W ^ H | ■ * IiKWrTi^^n I KT>Tnr



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,CodMMHUene(|« »d to 0 divtrM woftforca. MmI b« el bait 31 to wMr coilD iru O c c U v |n U « t u T t O)M324700. U «2007 Codui rift..

i U l 1.75W912, . : I _ i * I

■■ suSUNDAY SEPIEMDE;mder 2 3 . 2 0 0 7 M(ONIEY' A9 TIMES-NEWS ■ BUSINI5INESS EDITOR JOSHUA PALMER:PP 735-3231 WlLONGIERA DOTONITHEIIMAP )Outh-cent]tral Idaho isi becomiring more ",Dfadestinaation for oi)utdoor recicreation

^ J okuhuaPabner s h ahoui soiith-ccninil IdaIdaho In May. said l.yic Heei ri ic ed . "I don 'l w an l lo Times-]io»New8 wrttof______w h ic h is a pe rio d w h en manypcf)- sound mean.iui, 1)111 w hen you drive p ie hcg in p la n n in g Tors)r summer on (the intersterstate) all you see :irc I'heI'hcru w as a tiiiic vvlicn Male nil:)iri- va ca tio n s a n d inivcl. dairy farmIS, s, Indusiriiilli buildings cialstJIs tJioiiKhl Ihc only a 'a s o n any-ly- .S In so u ili-I* iiulicalcdwcre: sh a m e h c ca:ause u oncc we got olf cuiilnillm l Id ah o w as lo visii frlciulss o r O f th e petipic w ho visitedvis south- (the inicrstaiitale) w c siiw ih is beauii- rchuivi:ilivc.s. central klalio. pcrcerL’c n i pa rd c i- ful hrid g c anda n t a a-ally nice looking Thnl'hal's hccausc previous rcporis,IS, p a te d in o u td o o r m creareation aclivi- lown.” w hichich \w rc hascd largely on tics. o rn cia ls diddit nol have specific nssuumpiions m made ihrough A houi '10 p e rc cn i oif f Ihcll pe o p le n u m b e rs oin n thct: revenue lhal local to uirism risr stu d ies on ih c cn iirc slalie te w h o visllcd so u ih -c eriinil n ir Idaho husliicsscs• gegenenitc ihrougli o flddaho, u h showed that mosi pcopk)Ie stayed in the area for up 10 six lourism, hullUl ih e y e stim a lc d th a l il visiiiiHlin(> placcs like 'iVvin Falls a n d.1 days. w ould c({ualal ahouiil ii{|uartcr ofiill luraiiKjn ic w ere only slo p p in g lo niccccl TiiemaiorityofvisitoiItors to th e lociil revenue,lUC. w ilhh friendsfri a n d family. M agic Valley a re a w eree aiihuvc llie S haw n Hiiri]liirigar, president of the lUitIlll Slate^ an d regional onicialsi a g c o f '10 — m o si w erce residn en ts o f IWin I'alis A a' a a C h a m b e r o f qtilckl)ckly d ia n g e d d»cir op in io n s Idaho. Commerce, saids.i the study indi- nlxiutlut sotilh-ccnlml> Idaho whenI T h e results o f d ie stuludy d will help catcsasubsiatsiantial opponunlty for Ihc cxeciiiivccxc dirccior of .Souihcrn•n Southern IdahoToiirlsmsm a n d ih c h u sin cssesi lhih: a l iniglil h a v e hc en I d a hIlo o ']Tourism a'cclvcd ihe inosiI IVvin l-alls Area C h a n ihiber c of overlookedI lnIn Ihe past. c o nipa-Jicnsivc ip n suidy aboul C o m m crcc iitili/x; ah olu u i S2(H).(«X) “I Ihink dietJie re certain ly is an louri-siirism In ihc Magic Valley aa-a. in gmnt money lhal il; receivesre opponunlty:y forft b u sin e sse s w ith "niiflliis was ihc firsi time thal a n n u a lly to m arket the an 'g io n a s a th e c ap a cityy totr serve ih o se m arkets Jctuilu(liled research has hcen done lourisi destination. 10 benefil fronrom iliis infonnaiinn." specificdflcally for our market hccauscISC 1 lowcver, so m e visitorlors to the hcsiild.miisiIlls is h ifo m ia tlo n lhal in liicie Fpiist w e hav e relied o n hnsicic M

Joshua Pain\ihncr can Ik rvaciietJ at dairy fanns, industrial buildings and junklaying IP around— ifs a shame because o n c e w e g o t o ff {the interstate) w e s a w th is

b e a u tifu l b r id g e Quick focts about MiMagic Valley tourism1 a n d a re a lly n ic e Why most people visitsit soutrvcentrat Idaho: • Thehe relaxed atmosphere andind “easy going pace of ld- Lyle R e « d , F o r t • Outdoor activities arere !the biggest attraction. Collins, Colo Source; Marked■keling Research and Ar^alysls: TcTourism in South Centra/ Idaho'^0

A master's ddegree for (cowboys pi)reparesth(lem foraa:omplexbuusiness

BjrljfiuiBrazoslqr and livestock. Nolan Ryan bccbeef. All of lhat just Astoclatdd PfMB writer It's on exclusive club,b. coming adds morc and:nd morc sophlsiica- w ith th c p ro m ise o f a Job aftergrad-aft tion." KINGSVILLE, Texas — O n c e uation. The flrst graduatiiating class Thc King Rancanch, which endowed upon B lime, in the Wild West,st.d is lU i had two students; thc cuntirrent class thelnsiiluieandind allows students lo took to raise cattle was land,I. ggi rass has four, with seven students s do fieldwork on□n Ills grounds, cplto- and cowboys who knew howlo w to enrolled in tlie programI thtt is year, mb^es th c k in dJ o f f m o d e m ra n c h th e rope the critters. Now, it mayly tat k e ' 1 \v e n ty s tu d e n ts a p p lie d foifo r a slo t, s c h o o l w a n ts Ilslls is tu d e n ts to b e a b le a n MBA. Thc program signals a ni e w c n i to m a n ag e , Texas A&M-KingsvUIe’s Inslitistitu te for thc occupation. In the, th past. At 825.000 acnacres, it Is thc largest for Ranch M anagement is ofTciffe rin g those aspiring to carecrss inii ro n c h ra n c h in th c UInlted n it Stales, so vast It what university offlcials callaU th c .management might havee pursued] appears as a dardark spot from outer ’ flrst ever masters degree progio g ra m degrees In anlm d sclcnccce or agri- space, so unspcspoiled it has morc Tor r a n c h e rs — s o r t o f a H;a orv m r d culture and rounded ouout their species of birdsrds than the Florida Business School for cowboys,jys. In resumes with on the Jobb training.t Everglades. Itit IIncludes a small a d d itio n to g ro d u aic -icv c l b uisin sin ess Ibdayls ranchers also ncciccd busl- school district:t ffor its employees’ courses, students are schooledlie d In ness and wildlife mana;nagemcnt chlldrcn. It originig in a tc d s e v e r ^ c attle rangeland specialties, includlu d in g ' skills. s tra in s a n d is consideredc or the birth- animal nutrition and wildlife! m o n - ■You can't just be an anlmiImal nutri- place of Americaiic a n ra n c h in g , a g e m e n t tlonlst and hoiBc person anand man- Dut these dayilays, catde losing is During a Friday noon sesse s s lo n agc a ranch any more." soldsal Barry only a small partu t mostm ■ 1 ■ ,. ties mariajt," he said: "DutIt howx thc and citrus. Its coicorporato headquar- beef out of your pastures’ gngrass. Optimum Stockinglg Ratio,”I follows gram forI'r land'conservationli and maricets i art! moving into0 spedal- : tersarelnHoustoiston, 200miles aw ^. Nunn's Power Point presentaUtation, another student's profltpn loss analy- another'ss sbs u b a t foiTOtilas fo r shar* Izcd I (fields).— whether itsts hI u n tin g “Searching for the. Econornomic . sis of a govemmentnt inccndva pro* ing land1 bebetween hunting lessees or ( sp^allzcd beef productlicllon.llko PIOOMSMim MNCMES, Page A ll

'■A *10 Stwdir,S«pbmb«r23,a23,2007 ______M o n e y HmM4(m.1WbiFaBt,ki,ldab( GM,UAMW resume taalks, X 7 ■>( said to b()e close to Y' JSIN health ca:are agreemelent ^OUIRBL

ByTomKrisher IJeneficlnry Assoc o r Associated Pfesa wfltorItor VHHA. :is tile lea;east painful ■ way toctitlnlowli!vhat Ihe U.S. C 7 nirniorr — .nv^f^oiiatorsoh auto companies sasay i.s a b o u l aTRlCKER ^ RA BIKE GIIVEAWAY for GcncraJ Molorsrs C( o rp . a S 2 5 -p c r-h o u r■ liiiihor cost iiiul tlic UniiudI Auto ^ap between them a n d ih e lr Workers ri.-iunic(j to llieiIil bar- j.ipanese competiKtitors. giilniiig liiblc'.Sjinirdiiylay after The lalk.s, whi p roK ross vv;is itiudee a day extended more tha carliLT on iMiisfosferriiiK heyond ihe origin retiree liealili caree costsc line, resumed from the cotnpany 10 (o llie inornin};. G M sp<.spokesman union. IWO people bribriefed Tom Wickham sa id . T h ey onthL-liilLssald. were e.xpected lo0 continue G M . w h ic h lliis Sf511 hiillon hi all weekend. VW ick h a m ht iinfiiiided reiia'e health hi would not comniinieni on ciire costs on its h«n)ks)ks and developments, ana n d m e s- 5-l(),()0() IJAW retire:es es and sa^cs were left fo f r UAW spouses, hiidly wantsi to pay spokesman Roger K th e un io n lo forni ii inlist isi and UAW Presiden Hon take on much of)f the GeitelflnBer lold ii e x pense. The IJAW is seelseeking l-riday he was li lo Kii.'ininlees of new vehi.'chicles speed up ne){otlatiiations with to he buill In U.S. planelanis in GenemI Motors ancm d w a n ie d A ribbon cutting:held hel recetrtlywHh Strieker Ranch » to rtvicfj a contrac ra c t itg a v - Twin Fill* Ares Chamber'sChai Ambaisadort. Har(;ainurs have no(.01 set- mem without a strik tiM itricker, Inc. Is a 501(cl (3| aon-prof lied on a final numberber for "Wc are contin rofit corporation dadi- Mialdoilidoka Memorial Hospital aBnnallyr givesgh away two bkyeies le children10 how much GM wouldlid put make progress; how isenratien and resteratieo of tbe hlttiIsterical‘Rock Creek at thehe MinidokaI Coonty Fair. Eacb cbUiU 1WU givea a raffle ticket frM off into the trust, hui bothth p e o - a re p u sh in g to accelt ar Home SHe' through avareness, education,ed foodniitlng, chargerge when they attended the rodeoowltban wH adoH ee Friday daring the pic hriered on ihe talksks said• negotiating pacc aia t all lev- «nd immbershlpt.It. TheT Friends of Striekar, Inc. weriuriisInpartnenhlpwKh falr.T1iTlie two winners of the bicycles this year were Breaooa Reed and ly ibuyarc closc. Hoth requ jquesi- els," he said in a meme.sKage lo tha Idaho Stste HistoricalHIsti Society. Tlie site wsi donanated to the state of Wlnmlllmill. PreseiTtlng the bikes ere MlnMonidob Memorial ambalance employ. ed anonymity becauseise the UAW members, "li "ll Is o u r Idaho It) 1965 byy theIhl Strieker heirs. The Slricker StoStore wat the first trad- ees ShirleyShi Hubbard and KralgFnnks. ta lk s a re private. desire to reach an a n a g re e - log port in the Hariiilagic Valley buitt In 1865 byJsmesetBatcom and John Bar^alnhig now is focuucused ment without u stri Strieker purchased the store In 1876 on olher economic IssIssues we have demonsini 176. People interested p RISIS n CENTE that hinse on Ihe trtrust by slaying at Ihe bai fmr*?;md presenratlon are welcome to beccKome members of the ^ ER DONATIONN inclndins pensions, wages, waj table up to this poini :er, Inc. For more Information pleasete write Friends of H H profit sharing, imdI whou Geiielfinger add<:ld e d th a t Strieker, Inc., P.O.]. B

Chrysler reca:alls nearly 300,1),ooo H H ;glanbl^^^j.„, ...... SUVsoverbniraking problem

WASHINGTON (AP)’) — There has been ont3n c crash Chrysler U.C said I-ridayJay it tied to the issue a no would recall nearly 300,»10,000 in ju rie s re p o rte d , Gai< spon utility vehides!s lo Owners will be noilf address potential brakiiaking mail beginning latea te r problems while driviiriving monih. lbeCrisiirisis Center of Magk Valley receivedhred $40,650 from the 2007 o C EJ uphill. In a separate i Charity.CiSr.Cbaitooge golf tounuoieat that w» Tlie recall involves m mo o re C h ry sle r said It w as re I WU held 00 Aug. 20. Tim e fewls irec n ilin g A 2 0 .,(.r cetobnOontUoD n s the rtasoa they cut tbe red than 156,000 Jeep Graiirand 72,333 Dodge A' ediibboDtttlieTMa wOlbent> used to repair the Crisis Center^^ SbettsrSI facQHy aod alto for geo- Cherokees and Commandm d e r s e d a n s a n d C h ry sle: r rS S n ' 674 Etstiaad Drive, TWia Falls. The:le TWin Fallt Area eral openperatloD which loclodes IsdivldntIII couoteliog,co legal advocacy, traos* SUVs from ihe 2006-20(■2007 convertibles from Uic tht 2000 ClimhrriCoiiinim,nerce's Anbassadon assisted withI tbtbe ribbon catUag. portattonJob aod cblUcare. For 25 years, tbe Critit Center of Magic Valley model years, morc thethan model year to addrcssc ss p ro b - ■ The TMn Falls Carera &Center has had Ks doon open Inn ttbe Ma^e Valley aod bas beenMfl proiMing se n rim to victims of ddomestic violence aod sezoal I 90.000 2007 Jeep Wrangli ngler lems wilh the front>nt d o o r bas proritled Ks prsfeirofesskiul se n icts to tbo residentstts for 20 years and assaultti la o Magic Valley.SenlceslBdDdeale a 24-boor crisis Roe, sbefter SUVs and nearly 50,000 200720t la tc h e s a n d locks. are chamber membenibers. They proYkie sbort-tein andi lolong-tenn rebabnita- facnKy,laf, ladtvidoal and group cooBseSag, ie p l advocacy, traosportatioo t, D o d g e N llro SUVs. Gates said the cor ro m p a n y tioB programs. Forr moremo iirfermatk)B, call 734-4264,I, FPictured frem left, aodcbikfiilM ure. For oure lofonoatioa, call 7 Chrysler spokesman MsMax discovered problems all 7334100. Plctored from left, flistrator; Meiodie Jeosee, reglrtered Gates said ihe aulomakilakcr opening the vehlclc ednarse, director of ieffWniiaimams, prtsMent of GUnbla Feedsis aiaod Deborah (iabanil, exeeatfve had received about 20 corr:om- through Its internalll m i o n i. director)r of0 tbe Crisis Ceeter of Magic VaDe]Mey. plaints of vehicles experiperi- loring program. ■Io No a c d - ______encing a delay In brakinking dents or injuries haveiv e b e e n when drivers tried lo comome reported and owneric rs a rc to a stop after coasilnIllng expecicd to be noilfllifie d o f u p h ill. To fbc th e p ro b lcrrlem, Ihe rccall next month,h. T\vayneO.BuhIe ih lc r o fB u h le r oiTcrcd to tiicIC top 200 advisors work she•hops focuscd on wealth rctiiretirement adviser who the computer conncclcdd toii For morc Informj•mation, Agcncy recently liy returned tiirou^out ilIhc United Slates accumulnulaiion, retirement bogi30gan th e In s u ra n c e b u sin e ss the aniilock brake sysien;iem o w n e rs c a n c o n ta c t C hry sle r fro m a tte n d in g ihi : the Midland from the mcnore than 10,000 incomc,1C, and tax estate plan- inn 1 1971 w ith h is fa th e r Jay O. will be reprogrammed. at (000) a53-M03. National Life Sym|ymposium In licensed saleJes professionals., ning thath a t w ill n o t b e o u t liv e d .’ Buh3uhler who founded the _ _ Sioux I-alls, S.D.,D., that was EducationalII sessions and Buhicitier is a wealth and ageiigencyln 1965.

Shift in Coi)ngress favo:MS Ring,riring: Numbeers on Do NoO t Call list exfq)iringsoon

y By Jennifer C.KMTT •:------^---- Companies face flnes of up t< labor, UPS!5 over FedEx Associated Press w ___ Unwannted calls »11,000 fo r e a c h v io la tio n . iorol Americans Organizations engaged ir By Dd Quentin W Dberwd years. Democrats sue»uch as WASMINGTON- I N - T h e C her. 5 S m“ oon', tho Notional Oo cliai:liarllable, political orsurvc) J«ffnyH.Bintbtiim Oberstar and unions ns had ished dinner hhot o u r v o id o f NotCaJirogi;tgiairy has noariy v o rk are e x e m p t. C o m p an ie s The Washington Post ___ b e e n an f^ in g fo r Icgisl. jislation telemurkeicrs could cot vanish thplodfrom:n2003lo2007. hat have an establishec th a t w o u ld o p e n th e wnywc for next year for mlllio illions of peo- ReolttranU,lU, llscal yoor ^ ^ Jusiness relationship with i WASHINGTON — more unionized workerkers at pie when phone m e n u m b e rs iwmimon ru sio m e r a lso m a y call fo r Uf E 'rcdcrlck W. S m ith , th ihc e FedEx. begin droppingn g o f f th e 0 10 months after the las founder of FedEx, and Rep.tep. Tliey finally succeed* eded In national Do Nott CCt ali list. 120 plurchase, u rt payment or deliv lames L Obersiar, D-Minn.,in., late lune whcn Oben lersiar's The Federaltrai T ra d e rry chairman of the Houseuse committee approved ed an Commission, whlclhich oversees ” in th e first w e e k o f th c p ro Transportallon G)mmitice.ICC, amendment that w would the list, says there!rc is1 a sim p le 00...... _ ;ram, pcopie signed up l( have not been geltlng moke It easier foror the fix. But some li : la w m a k e rs nilllon numbers. Tlie reg A couplc of months ago,Igo, Tfcamsicrs to organize F( e FedE x th in k It Is a iia sslcisIc to cxpeci . 30 ■ ■ ■ stry now has m ore than 14{ Obcrstar arrived 50 minutesItes drivers, a changc thatiat the pcopie to re-rcglicglstcr Iheir JH H oMphonenu a lllion p h o n e n u m b e rs . 1 la te fo r a m e e tin g w ith S milth ith Ibamsicrs hod long soisought. phone numbersrs evory( five 2003d2003 2007* lwMOOCetU "I think ll's fantastic," salt and Ihen gave Smith jusi 10 T h e a m e n d m e n t is n oowport w years, •*»Qt8«tlt t4« i-ea»3BM2 lonnle Darling of Arlington m in u te s to m a k e his c ase ono n of a bill to reauthorize ize the Numbers placeticed on the source: F«cter»i 'a. D arling p la c e d h e r nam < pending legislation. After his Federal Aviaviation registry, begun in J istry In Junc 2003, ou can ragMor your honw and „n |i . the | list this year aftei spiel, Smith said, Obcrstarliar Administration, whlcllich is are valid for fiveire y1 e a rs. F o r tim e a n d e f BnuirMnorlMoonwUHttW effort to say 'I signed to e ln g flo o d ed w ith cflii«i fro n ended the meeting abruptly)tly cxpcctcd come to a voi M o o v e rb y a k v "I vote in the millions of peoplepe who don't want these t kinds of callcd ihi jofing companies, chimnej by saying, “I k n o w all o f ihol,IOl, th e H o u se th is m o n lhI. . s ig n e d o n to thic e list 1 in Its calls comir ______Bom ling Into my the need weeps and consiruciior and ll doesn't make any dif­iif- The amendment reflreficcis early days, their numbershut will house,’ they : AP Va. E y shouldn't have date "con uslnesses. She hos no ference." how, as the balancc o n t ce on automatically drop-opofFbe^n* to keep a cai:alendar to find Pcopie card from those companie; "I vras shockcd I got treot-at- Capllol Hill tips tov to new customers. He bclni tovrard ning next June iff th th e y d o noc o iit w h e n thiey e ] have to re-up home ani 1 m o n th s. cd lhat way," Smith said. "It“It labor, it's spedflcally dpi Sthe FTC's position on roofi lipping enroll again. (0 keep thisB 1nuisance from bers or . !cd for an expiration swecDarling is not worrlet vrtis the rudest I’ve been!cn toward United Pared Pa "It Is incrediblyly quickc and happening,"" Doyle said In www.don omplctcly bogus." busli30UI the flve.year expira trcoted In Congress." Scrvice, FedEx's largerer and easy to do," Lyditirdia Parncs, on interview. V. ' calling)ie l-l can register ihclr heanon. She said she cxpects 1 O b c rsta r sa id h e h a d b e!cn e n more-unionized rival Inin the dircclor of the FTCTC’s bureau The FTC bul)uiii the five-year Tho reg and cell phone num* In• bemi Just as easy to re^te; lough but polite and had tolo packagc delivery buslnslness. of consumer protec>tectlon, said cxplradon datate into the pro- marketer: tr flie complaints at. I Da it was a couplc montlu ’ cut the meeting shortort "It levels the playingg fiddt in an interview« with\ The gram.todccQujunt for changcs, phone nt or by abou10- ■ .______bccausc he had to castt a from our pcrspecdve,"," soldi Associated Presss thisll week, such os peopopie who movc nM -iH 1-808.382-1222. tion. vote. But, he added, ‘I guesscss Malcolm Berkley, a1 UPS1 "It was so easy forb r p] e o p le to a n d sw itc h th e hdrphonenum- |||(||vfregistry prohibits tele- to be he^ not used to people talk­Ik- spokesman, sig n u p In th e t In ber. ' ters from calling osEmployee It Benefits ing back to him or standinging Both companies aret majorm will be Just as easyisy for them 'Just like Qa regular1 person numbers on ihe list ago. u p to h im .”. players in national poliiolidcs, to re-up." who needs to0 1dean out their The disogreemcnt was'a s sp e n d in g large su m s o)nIob- n 1 But Rep. Mikee COoylc, O- addrcss bookk e< v ery so o fte n , m o re th a n a d a s h o f pe rs o n ­ >n- t^ing and, through their tl ' Pa., says pcopie shshould not the commlsslolion felt th a t w as IvjdualH H lthandEm alities. It was also a byprod­•d- political action commlttlittees, be forCcd to re-re!-rcgistcr to something thsh o t w a s im p o r- 'I 1 uct of the dionged partisanan on campaign contributltiitlons. keep tclcmarketenters at bay. tant to do witl1th th e regisuy," ' ■ m a k e u p o f Congress. Among corporations, UPSI Doyle introducedd Icle^otion explained Pamm e s . fllwA Aw. A «ew FedEx has long been at and FedEx were Na 1 iand this week, with1 blbipartisan Doyle, howc'^rcvcr, p o in ts o u t o d d s w ilh o rg a n iz e d la b o r,; a N a 3, respectively, inri PAC1 s u p p o r t, to m a kke e rcglstra- that the list isis purged each S f Rfigence dose ally of Congress'is' gMng in the 2006 electcctlon tions permanent m onth of nummbers that have Democraiic majority. Foro r c y d e . "W h c n s o m e o nnc e Itakes ihe been dlsconnelected ond reasi 3 4«32 : •ntaaBttndaTnv^, ■ Authori» Blll^aorlOmPulllo Agentfi , I ryoaflfmmnaMeds. dAvtnmE<»t«TWInF«IU»734^ Tlme»-H««i,Trtifini, Idiho M o n e y ------!______Softwaiire desigrn researclchaddsi new 0)il prices hilitrecordsf ['■- perspecctive to i fter interes;strate cufJ high-teclih genderreap ^ i By Jessica Miirtz T heW) W oshlngton P ost______mistrongili from other arual', AssocIotoJ Press writer 10loo. (Commenis hy Uies WAVASlllNdTON — IrI'rench foreign mlnlswr,r, Sli/YITLIi — l-c»r n io ruc tili h a n . leral Uoscrvc c;hairmaii ikiiornard Kouchner. fannedd il d c c iid e . u cad cm ic.s ;i Ik -nn DI o rn a n k e m a y h a v o . fc;fea rs o f w a r w ith I ra n ovi.*rrr icchiioloBy executives Inha v e )lcd Off the credit crisis lislls refusal to open its;s hy licL‘11 frdw niiiK iic lli f w>'idcn- id i cutting iniorcsc raics. niinuclear program lo inicr-•- ill iiiB R u n d er f-jip in c o mip p ii iiie r : lie may also have licai- nan a iio n a l s c ru tin y . L.aMIt scifiicc, livcTyoiii; lias a Ihdu co - up oil prices lasi week., weekend, wi KouchriCr-r r>'. i)ut no onc has iiiiiiuif’iiaged or sovon consecutivo warned vv;i Western nations to0 10 attraci inaiiy m me u re uipui nf iialf B millkin Ihose who believlieved they feature duringng several olher ltns beileen renewed specula- ban "debugging," and it’s a crucifJcial 35 . / \ larreis a day by {he ao« could do the toskk Slsucccssful- experiments.. Wlion1 she tal- tion liy step in building program iiy in v e sto rs a n d Jied g c O:)rganization rg ^ tf|e ams ^ / >L *“ l Iy used the atautomated iied up the: numbers, i she funds I dial work. Is a fte r Ih e I-e d eral I’e'eiroleum ii Exportihg d e b u g g in g to o ls. TheT h women found that inin some experl- lloserv*rve's cut in interest Cou- o u n lrie s . Beckwith decided to invcsv e s- S3 . / . ^ wllh lower confiden dence in the ments, women e n u s e d s o m e ra te s ecji a se d c o n c e rn s a b o u t "This " i lim e it's Just spocu* tiguic why women nnd meiTicn / * lask relied instead ad on what form of the debuggingd fea- an ecczconumic slowdown, laikatlon." Peter Fusa'ro, cilair- might Interact so dlfTcrcntl;n tly ■ '*' / i ...... ; th e y k n e w — c d ldking n formu- turc almost osos often as mon 1-or eve:very pcrcentage-poinl mai with the same software. SSht h e ------nan of Global Change • las onc by one —- andat ended did. In others,s. they used the Incrcasi!ase in gross domestic Assc pored over 30 years' worth o issociaios and a consult- J up introducing mcmorc bugs debugging' tooools even morc produciuct, oil consumption anti books and academic paper int on energy hedge fuhds, . : than when they staniioried. than men did.i. in thie e United States, ihe said from psychologists, cducaS! aid of the price incrco*6. Beckwitli was factfaccd with a Although Ihese t experl- world'sJ's biggest oli market. "Thi tion rcscarchers. economistsists, ______There’s a large bet oo't ______c o n u n d ru m . P rom m qucsUon-c ments homed!d Jn on a tiny growss anywhere from a tiieriie re th a l p ric e s w ill coa^^ com puter scieniisis and oth’id l- 0» IMO*» noircs handed out ut ofter the aspcci of a computerco user's quarterler to a third of a per- tinuinue lo trend higher. Bul ers nboui gender difl'crcncc!ic e s SOunCE^ NauooalCanwtor AP experiment, >he she k n e w life — d e bugging u g spread- cent, in problem solving and comJm- ­ £oldIS out of your nsw titaniItanium rofrigerator and faito So Beckwith wondered,ed, and other errors. Whenicn th e y B eck w ith w a sn 't Intein te re s te d in wOeBfc Wnylly Not a convertible tw o-eeatsr stickstk shift mat the Wds c a n t drivo.dvo. Why Not tw a WKy fM r v could Uiat bc one ofthe cul>;ul- clicked on o numberier that changing women’ssn’s confl- •ge. Why Not* backyard high perfoirformance hoi tub that Bests six,.WbyNolBstandupMdnm^ m prits? Are women less confl-ifl- seemed wrong — a1 grade{ dence levels. Shef woswi inter- dpowermower. WhyMothaveaka tot of cash ready and wsmno for a dent thon men when I it t p o in t ove ra g e th a t lookeiked too cstcd In whetherr cc h a n g in g •c tM y syMam. Why Not a seconilnd bsttvoomI with a steam shower. comcs 10 software debug­Jg* low, given the student'snt's test the software coui tl. Why Not Italian c en rn k tHet.. WhyWl Nota Tuscan vacation. Why No ging? Arc women less willingIng scorcs, forexample—• cells ce In women over this hun than m en to try using these ;se the spreadsheet gridId that So she explored1 whetherwl a h ihe Wtchea advanced features? contained the poslossible gender presentation Fj^THEU, k buy a dog wflh a bettsr': J o n o f th e pedigree tttan< B eckw ith ta c k lc d th e s e nnd n d source of the error chaihanged debugging tool, ot o n c th a t ihst looks like' ■ , o th e r q u e s d o n s in h e r disscr*er- color. If the participantsIts were seemed to require Ies I less c o n fl- mB»tBr*» degiM a big master bedrooi), ; tadon, with guidance from>m sure a formula or valueluc was denc6, would appeal opp to WlyM(ila60-H Burnett . and Susnnon correct, they could chciheck it women. Why Not disc lYNOTi P Slw l^bTw SjS ' Wicdenbeck of DrcxclouUiSoi s p re a d o u t o v er th ei gge e n era- which deer to develop to3 Dakota, Florida, Arizoizona, Uons that the bestt w a y to attract hunters, determiningS N ev a d a, a n d N ew M exico.xt. handle management>nt Is to how many heifers to exposeB All s a id th e y e m b ra c ed d tht e o u ts o u rc e it. \ to cach bull to maxlmizoB business training and wercwi “The land that rran a n c h e r s 1 a b le to 'ro p e in th e m a th1 anda manage is really predoedous to iwbMlLoomInl888-444-BANK(2268) electro^c IdentincaUon1 c o m p le x th e o rie s w ith rela- re: all of us,” Dunn saida id . -W e ______system . for animals Ini Uve ease . produce food for all of usu and IMMMIina advance of' the -federalI "H o n e stly , fro m th e first fli we produce recreicreation.. j&ttSSlSlS National CattJe) . d a y I m e t w ith th e la n down- o w Ranchers really have ha> a t?(Ua>«wT>*K Identification System.. < crs I felt like I was lackingngIn unique role In societyIe ty a h d ^ 'SSH tL Z S w s f f i S S S S w h ic h Is d u e to s t a n In 20 0 9) 1 b u s in e s s aktUs,* sa id D3 a a v \ ld th is litU e liisU tu te Is “yi”8toti j i aaaas: to track, diseases. . . . Rlos,^who 1 has a degree»e In ratchet that up.”

i- .Y, t 1» I* » ' > A12 SundiT,S«pt«Bb>tab*r23,2007 ______N / V ^ l o)N ^ ______lnF»H*,ldihs Blad:kandwlliitefad eestogra]lyinhonnetowniofJenaSSix

ByToddLewan ly e a te rie s su c h a s th e UurjJurgcr few leaders wllh thele sch o o l A«»oclated Press v "You ha'lave good people herere and bad people here, e on both sides, Barn. Ginny’s and Mawa w & a d m in istra tio n o r local loi law This thing has been Paw's. On summer aftiafter- enforccincni wiio Slill sll talks JHNA. Ul. —• ll'sli! K»i all Ihc en blown out of propportion.” noons, sweet lea and lemo:mon- to reporters, elcmcmsofalX'liX'lia b lu e s bal- - Ben Reid, 61, a |eIena resident since 1957' ade bn a neighbor’s frofront Most townsfolk, h h e says. la d fro m th e didays «)f Iim porch are obligatory, Inlerprcted thc event}Iits o f lasi C ro w : liiin){tii!iinan’s nooses unsolved.)) IVvo flK hls niiKllI bb c e rn c e -rc la tc d h a te mix’. yard braw lI oion I3ec. -I thal led not suspespcndcd for jusi three as ’'Sir,” and “Ma’am.”’ way," says Billy Wayi;aync and dial the responsiise s from A nd (Iniu’ii by lliis story, the districllet attorney to days —- ll:they were isolated al Chillildren slill pull catfishI Fowler, a while school-boaboard authorities weren't ah'ilw ays on which evoljcs thellie worst of a chargc ihcIC Icna Six wltii an altcritcrnatlvc school for fron:>m creeks; couplcs court at member who is one of)f llthe Uic mark. ni^himarish past,1st, they camc atiemptcd numurder. The lethal about a a month, and then Jenala Giants foolball games; by thc thousand'nds Ihis weapon heci; c ite d to ju stify th e given nn an In-sciiool suspen- fumiinilics rope goats and we^-'k H) Je n a.1. I.a.I — lo c h arg c; th e-• bbi o y s' sn e a k e rs. sio n foir r tvtw o w eeks. calv(Ives at weckcncl rodeos. demand 10 sh o w In July, thhe e first to be tried, *Tlicsl:c six-member jury tliat In In a p la c e w h e re p e r c a p ita P i c ^ p Y obu \ r S u n d a y siretij’lh. to beale al h a c k ih e M ychal Hell,.‘11. was convicted convictedled Bell wa.s, indeed, Incocome is SI3,761, there forces of racismn asa did-Ihelr afler iwu Iioihours of dclihcra- all while.itc. 1 lowcver. only one nren-*n't a n y sw a n k , I'rc n c h T i m e s - N e vIW S ‘ O n f e parcnisim d (;rand;uidparcnts. lions by an1 a ll-w h ltc i.ur>’ o n in 10 pco|:cople In UiSailc Parish restaitauninis, but rather, faml- =» magitvalley.iy .K o m ih u (h ere u rc in:!many in Iona reduced ciianlargcs of aggravai- is AfrlcniIcnn American, and > j — - A < r vvlu) say llie lalele o f Ihc '’Jena e d b a tte ry anda n conspiracy to ihougli1 hiblack residents were Si.x" — Ih c blackick te e n a g e rs c o m m ii ii. s e lec ted rrandomly by com- N€€D HCLP WITH who were char;barged wiih (It was wwidely reported pulcr amand summoned for A aitcinptcd murderder and con- lhat Hell, nt)W nt: 17, was an jury sclecielection, none showed QUICKBOOKS^? “ spiracy foraitackiicklng a wiiitc honor siudenlent willi no prior up. Calall Rita a t 737-0087 COUNTRY HAVAVEN GENERAL STORE c la s s m a tc a l jena )e High criminal rcco cord. Although he AboutIt : 2 2 5 m ile s a n d a JfRAiNiNG,r/ S etup & Support I -2721 Hwy 93. Holllste ipt.31 School lasi Dccenceniber — Is had a hlgli gradc-pointgr aver- world apapart from racially I m n o i a s sim p le a s4 all thal. age, hc was,s, Iin fact, on pro- U lack a n d vvhliolilic, they say bation for at li tw o that in iis rcpcatciated retelling of battery a at n d u — enhanced by>y omissionsi criminal damamnge to proper- and nlicrailons oof f fI a c t— th c ty.) s to ry h n s la k c n o n n a . life o f its T h e re is, h(however, a morc own. ]| has transansformed a nuanced rendindiiion of events school-yard stom;o m p in g in to — o n e th n l ci bc found In a n in te rn a tlo n nll i cause ci ccle* court testlnvIniony, in Inter- b re , a n d ih o s c• accusedac of views with teachers,tet officials p a rtic ip a tin g in ll liiio whal and students Ic n a H igh, one mujor Souiliuiliern daily and In publJblic statements • came lo describelie as; "latter- from a U.S.S. attorney who d u y S c o tis b o ro Boy[3oys." review ed thtc c ■ for possi- A n d th e y s a y thattl while bic federal Intiintervention. ; Ih eir to w n ’s rac cI relationsrci are Consider n o t u n b le m ish e dd, , this t Is not •Theso-callrailed “w h ite tre e ” Ih e c a u ld ro n o f bigotrybi( that ui Jena High, often reported has been depleted.L'd. lo b c th e ddomain o only To Ben Rcid, 61, who SCI white student! n o ih in g down roois in lentfcna In 1957 of the sort, according to a n d liv e d h e re throughout ihi teachers ond ; u d m in - the civil rightsu ce ra, “th is Is lra io rs; stU' w h o le th in g a ini'i 'l non down- races, they say,saj congregated righi, racial affair."r." u n d e r it aIt t o n e lim e o r Reid, wlio Is is black, another. presently servesJS on the • 1\vo noose3SCS — not three LaSalle Parish coucouncil. lie — were found'id dangling from reads ihe papers.s. He1 hears ihc tree. Heyono n d b e in g ofTcn- Ihc lalk outside ofjf churchcl on sive to blackscks, thc nooses Sundays about howlow thc Jena were cut downvn b e c a u s e b la c k ^ Six b u s in e s s Is dividing dlvi his and white students sti "were h o m e lo w n d o w nI racialmc lines, playing withh them, l pulling ^ j H e d o e sn 't b u y'it. it. o n Ih e m , JuJump-swinging ^ n e d for didiagno5iSiv:^ "You have good3od people from them, an a black teacher , : leiris for treatitm en t. ^ been blown out of propor- who witnessede d th e sc en e . tio n . W h a t w c oughiIght to d o Is • T h e re w asIS noi conncction sll dovm and lalkIk lliisll thing between thchc September o u t. 'c a u s c o n c ci all al is said noose incincideni and ■e designed to helpt> }patienu heaL{y'j and done and you yoi media Dcccmber anaiiiack, according folks leave, we’rcc the t ones lo Donald WaWashington, an who're going lo havehnv to live attorney for theth U.S. Justicc proven'tn' technology to ! saving thche Ilives of children and • here." D e p a n m e n t w e s te r n . Clearly, somclhirlhing bnd Louisiana, whc/ho investigated has always beeiwen a priority at i newborns. occurrcd in Jena, popopulation claims that t e v e n ts ns. Surgeons M D ixie ' 2,971, an old sawmillmill town In ^^^^K^'urmountain HeHcalthcarc. For I Rcgiom l M u tilize LaSalle Parish iha insurance, I Medical Center upon a lime, was I Klan country. And,Id. ns m o si a gOOd Utah VaVaUey Regional < a remarkabkabic technique to fix w h ite a n d b la c kc resldcnlsri CallusanJwi help you Cerun Msaiscs a hyperbaric ■ ra p id a n d i readily agree, thenicre Is no gellherlBlllMIlife Insurance id irregular heartbeats. . ' good reason for cirembracing foryouanjyi1 your family. whal unfolded here.rc. ^ H ^ ^ h a m b e r cechnolcology to triple | And expert>erts at Intermcuntaln . Bu i whai happenei;ned, ex ac t- t ly? in (hele blooidstream,i | McKay-DetDee Hospital have led The story goes iha a y e a r I ago, a black student i wounds ^tei: Specialists ; research projprojects p v in g cxtiemeiiy.^ an assembly If he coicould sit in ih e s h a d e o f a Ihlive o a k , :l^ sw '^ o n e e rc d | prem aturerc !rinfants a better chance^; which, the story goes, go w as labeled “ihe whit

'V -. PRIMARY C K R V K I N ^ LDS HOSPITAL. * .^ K A l^ l mm. .UTAH VALLBY'-ijCrO^ ■ • I t * f ( t < TlmH^lm.TwinriDt,.Idtlw U» ______N a t i o n 2007 A13 U.S. cc:oUecting]: personal datac ontrravelers l)ui the colleciioii »rpi Privacy advcvocates it lias he en greatly I H CI federal IC governm ent:is i trying to build I’xpaiuied atami auioniati'd decry progra[fdlTlS sincc 2002, acaccording lo for- a sui-veillance solociety.” liter D IIS ollidliidals, — lo h n C llm o ro , a civil liberties activist EARN expansion Civil lil>iTiiTlies advocates ' have alienedll llth a t Ihe tyjje ol' exiiecteii(I ii,"ii (iilinore said, liiai llillieinivclfrmayhcHMd- iiifi)rmiiii()i)I pipreser\'ed Iiy the ."My seciinciMul re a c tio n w as, ing." ByESeflNaksshona government n< is mil die lieleliaviotoran item in die W/VSHINCri'ON-J — 'ilie tJ.S, ortlinary jieoplr g e n erally uiiaiiiaw are oi' w h at it alTordss redre.ssrc' I'or iravelcrs jiossih.ihie violation of Ihe law. ir AniLTlcans w ho lly, drive o r llieir recordss say.s;' ami tiie gov- who arelie iiiajiprojirialely is iliee front-line ollicers duly take LTuisc.s iihroad,ad, reiainin}' ernmeni hasIS inot created an stymied.. “I“1 tlatiy reject th e lo I'uri.iriiier scnitini/e die liav- daia on ihu pcrsiersons wilii elfcciive meineclianisni for premise lhatilia llie deparinieni eler." Once dial ha]ipeiis, whom lliey travelj| or o plan to ' reviewing iheie data and cor- is inleresled‘.led in whal Iravelurs KnocksL'ke said, "it is iirji uncom - ■ stay, th e i)crsonalll iteit m s lliey a-ciiiig e rro rs-s, ,;activists said. a re reatling.'ing." Iii I.S sp o k e sm a n m o n I fi for the ollicer lo ilocu- carry tliirinK ■I'l-’ir-•ir Journeys. 'llic activist:'isis alleged liiat Hiiss Kimdincke said. "We are meniI iinieraciions wiiii a irav- and even thu Ixxiksiks lliat irav- liie ilaia ciilleclleciion eirorl, as compielelyely u n in ie re ste tl in e ler llillial merited addilioiial elers have carried,<1, accDrding ; carried out now,no violates th e llie latesta 'i'om'ii (;iancy novel scn iiinliny." lo docunicnls <)l>iaiila in e d Iiy a Privacy Ael.. wliich\v bars the Kroup of dvil liliemlerties advo- gaiiieriiig ofr datatl relaieil lo ^ ^ . ' cates and .staienieiitents hy gov- Americans' exercise exi of their ie H cU m ai r9 | ernm eni ofncials. TfeaM Stine I'irst Ameiulmim e n t riglils, sucii .^ ( h v r wvcjmVtJts I’ i-jr[>i'ficna', (.'luhty IVislnsluii' U iViyiiuli/i-JSi'nia' The personal iniviFiivei rec o rd s . a s ilieir ciioicloice of reading are meant to he sioistored for as material or p | e rso n s lo n g as Ifj years. USI) A▲ IS (lart of tlte whom to assocvociaie. 'Hiey also Dcpiinmctu af Ho/tidiiftd Ih cxpa'.ssed aincincent (fiat sudi S ecurity's cITori toI) assess a; liie personal data;a c( o u ld o n e day security ihreai poseosed hy aii he used Impediede liieir right lo [ ' E A G L E P / CHECKtic Select - Super Pre•emlum Pet Food which are aniily/eiJv.ed by liie trying to buildild a surveillance Oioi,t,PretrPrc(iv«l«oievl»aM-7^3-773S J HIIGH TargeiingSysleni. helphel border civil liherlles> a in .S;iii ^ — omcials distinguishsh potenlial | rnindscowliosi SAVINGJ3S RATES. terrorisis from innocuiceni peo- requested by Body /Q Wbmcflen's Fitnejs Center p ie e n te rin g ih e c ounluntry. Project, an ad- W eig h t Loso s s C hallenge B ui n e w d elailss about al liie privacy adv XT't (>nctud« 6-wrrk n.crrlH-»l.,|i mdS39lorni(mb«.> inrormalion being lg retained California and :Ociol«r J~'’.Novctnbcf I)'", suggest titai Ihe govi;;overnnient governinent. lie n.urjdi^ altJOpm. CHECK I is monitoring ihele personal[ doing it witii tiu < tn.Goil Setting fiinenTopKt. COUTOUR h a b its u f travelers m o re close- o f in te n tio n s .... 1 m £««rcit« Clilio ly Ihan It iias previously pr building a survirveiilance data- «"!W>nner>illti(crr«l>nF m«nib«rihtp lo Dodr IQ. acknowledged. Thelie details base and popuipulating il w ilh LOSE WEIGHT w ere le a rn e d w h e nll na g ; ro u p o f in fo rm atio n abc r LCOW MTO SHAPE? nciivlsis requestedJ copies o of pening largely Coji: J?9 lor non-mtmlxrri .'ly w llh n i.r o iir S o d u \ ioOo

Bush, Deirmocrats clash1 over( IS funding helealth insuranc C H R I S T I A N CE children; billb faces veto 1 ' p f a c e o f fo u e iC /ie> WASHINGTON (AP) (/ — c h ild ren w h o wii President Dush again;ain called do not. w elco m e * D e m o c ra ts '“irrcsponsiin sib le" o n "O u r g o a l sli Saturday for pushiishing an move children v GETGl expansion he oppos«loses lo a health insuninc children's health insurance ins covenige — not t p ro g ra m . d r e n w ho already " D e m o c ra ts in Congress Cc health insuranc( PRIMI1E-1% have dedded lo piLs^«Lss a bill m e n t coverage," 1 Twill riUIs. ID they know will hee v e to ed ." mrat^'.LouIslona g g FOR SIX MONONTHS ON OUR IBusii suid of the m easi•asurethat A. . draws significant b bip ip a rtis a n .•.'v'.* HOME EQUITYFY CREDIT LINES. support, repeatinglg in h is IZsHEFl w eekly rad io a d d re ss» aia n acc u - - saiion he made eurliut in th e w eek. "M em b ers o f CQ ongress arc risking health coveiivunigc for « W O i ^ a n l Dr. » poor children purelyly tot( m a k e IKBI a political point." In tlie D c m o c n ii’s: resprcs o n se, also broadcast S Sai a tu rd ay , Hi:?:;:! ■ Pennsylvania Gov. Iki•d RenddiI lu rn c d th e ta b les o n th Idcnt, saying that“ IrSif S; SuyaNewHolllolland sub-compact, compacti < i i i ^ September 30, 2007 d o e sn 't sign th o biil., iSsiBtes IS and you pay nonothing-NO DOWNPAYMENl PAYMENTS FOR SIX will have no fundinglg leftI for MONTHS follovllowed by low rate financing*, id smart design fea* tlie p ro g ra m by tlie endofthccnc tures like superserior visibility and no-hassle si ores faster. You also m o n th . . g e t b e st-in -dlass a s! comfort with the New Holl gnor the innovative At Issue is Ihc ChiChildrens superSuite’-ca'.cab available on some models.SF^CiMON Health Insurance Progro g ra m , a statC'fedcral prograrrram lhat tU'iUGlBLE EQUIPMENT: subsidizes hcalih covcrveragefor • B millionn visiting zion; iilrcady participating.[.It It' would tors-55 and 60 horsepower ) be financed by raisinggthc th fed- cral dgaicttc tax by 61 to$l per pack. The idea ts overw hdridm in^y supported by ConCongress’ majority Democrats,ts, .who scheduled It for a vote , o lU esday In the Hous&s& It has D o n 't w a itiI G e t th e tra c to r y o u w ani IT Holland dealer subsumdal Republicancan sup- fo,.ar complete details. Offer ,2 0 0 7 . portaswell.' But Bush has proml)mlsed^a . veto, saying the mcosiuasure Is —'•»»» too costly, unacccptabljibly rals* CCnS««i— i.i— bs taxes, extends gogovern- m ent-covered lnsuran< children in families whi a n t now* S ee y o u r N ew I afford private coverage08^ And Fer e n d s S e p te m b e r 30 ,2 ' smacks of a movc: tctoward completely federalizedxi healtht .^^UUUHULiU care. He has aaked.CorCongress to pass a abnple extensiinslon of' .. , mi, tho current programm 'while ; debate continues, sayirlying It^

f. . 'M \

SUNDA'DAY AL 1 4 O p•INK ON SEPIEMQER 23,2 3 ,2 0 0 7 TIMES-NEWS ■ SEC5ECTI0N EDITOR STEVE CfCRUfUP: 735-3223 Editorial - Gen.. Petraeiusrepoiirts on BBritney W hat shou]u l d O t t e r l o o k ^ rritiiink you Jivelive Rccords, ^ |p || ni r . n I M IV, C lea rrChnnnel Cl L A I fo r in C raig’s’s replacem eni I F t a n d incii)liur.'’ (ilijcciive tiicliiciric, is ^ ingupCIov. IhKc)Itch Otter’s announcem entIt on f g o in g c o m p letelyy, , iclo ia lly .y / his replacement.n t. a w e so m e . i But even diehardg s u pCraig p o r te si rs k n o w tiia t tlie(. ssi e n - .Sure, p ro g re ss niaim a d e o v e r / y / v f P I S N I T a to r m u s t g o sa o re o n s . oM m ere e o ar< f th c q u a litie s wkve’d e' **''•’ I’**’'* ilh s h a s 1 \ WEARING. hcen uneven — (hellie n u m h e r (j / [Q Slik e to s e c in h is .successor.or. ,.inhf «rS(iirniiig;izine"n("not nor- I /O •TVansparency. After elec.■leeting Cniig to Congress eij ‘■‘K'" mal" incidents is stillstil dis- j I n l lim es, Idnlioans are waryy ofol politicians w ho profess c: tiirb in g ly h ig h — huh u t w e a re j. ^ set of values and act to theh e ci o n - hiding most ofourur timajor j- trar>'. Our view:fJ •• b e n c h m a rk s . To wl(.,vl(. n o t o n ly ] | h The next senator needs,s u n a s s a il- _ • has (here no( beenin ao n e sin g le M l a b le c h a n ic te r , b u t h e o r sheshi must i Sen. LaiTyy d iv o rce th is year, (111there also lj have moa*: a perceived willvillingness Praltf : - , haven't been any mmn a rria g es. (0 lay all thc cards on thcM ta a b le. ,v‘ . sig n ific an tly curtnlliinllingdie Ev W jpV/ O n ly tw o m a jo r I d a h o e lelc c te d assessed tlireut ofdi'fdivorce. W l// ofilcials, O tter and Rep. Mik plished'ailc Simpson, have tliat type orperson-of | ii ality: Self-effacing and candmdid, -iprJMnOjV;; they’re able to absorb critici j c ^ J o e l this chan, s Hlowingoi the 99 lowest levellev< since the New Stavriiivros N iiirchos, 'i'ravis without taking it personally R l d meals not Year's Lveve party collapse, Barkciirker, Brandon Davis. STS t e i n bllHon served i In short, we need a politici,Si„n ceMbrJ: ■ consumed byfy Ms. Spears. thanks largelylar| lo our WllmIlmer Vnlderrinia, Zsa who doesn't act like one. should,Kavi A-s .shown byly this olher Brangelln:Ilna rumors propa- Gahoihor's husband, three F o rm e r G ov. C e c il A n d ru s chart, public approvalaj of Ms. ganda. OtherOtl successes backickup dancers and. in a cxcclled at that: Mc said wh:rflLihc ’ a d f e n t KWl 1 ^ ^ — ------S p e a rs Is u proughly ro I trll- includc disruptiondli of sex- panicTllcularly dangerous ; In r e c e n t m o n lhhs. s . despite lion percent overov (his time tape dlstrilitributlon, contain- mane:ineuverin UisVegasln thought and did what hcI promisedpr personality^ to d o . y ’. ' b ru ta l s u m m e r h eeat. at. we last yenr. ihou^;ugh to properly ment off make-out ni sessions whicilich Ms. Spears .sustained •; ■ , I have achieved prognogress in explain ihe meletliodology with femalnale friends to llniileliled longue damage, a Form er Gov. Dirk Kcmptliptiiome W hatab, ^ j the underwear-vvearearing would requiree one( of those above-the-h e-neck contact, and nakedked Italian man who didn’t: Mc never forgot a per 1 ^ ; . j nrenn. Shoe wearinging in pub- nerdy laser-pollolnter thlngies the quick:k resolutiont of the • turneimed out to be an Ice ' slight and kept his counsel c :,5T lie baihrooms Is upip 238 per- Al Gore uses, sos< y o u ’ll ju s t in c id e nt t inin which Ms. Spears sculpijlptiire. ; from his party’s leaders in1 died- ^W0^WetCOIT1(inev^ ccnl, xvhilcT-.shlrtt mmessages hnve to trustme. m attackedia a photographer's IndIn describing the recom- Legislature. w ith th c p h ra s e “bbaby a b The recent ppi e rfo rm a n c e a t SU V w ithh ann umbrella, mendin d a iio n s 1 h a v e m a d e , I _, A t th is p o in t In I d a lio histclistory, thc i. daddy” nre dow n <16 ]percent, thc MTV Video!0 Music tlianks to0 ourc well-executed shouliauld note again that I p e r s o n a lity o f o u r n e x t setn n a a i to r Hair regrovvih objcciieciives arc Awards vastly' exceeded c ini- giant fan1 mn a n e u v e r c re a d n g b e llcvlieve Ms. Spears’ prob- rr m a tte r s a s m u c h o s h is o r htu e r q u a l- being met, and recenccnl tial projecdonsIS o f aw e so m e - a "M ary PoppinsPo effect” that lemsns will\ require a long- ili cations. a d v a n c e s in w ig a nndhair d ness. Not onlyy did£ the few thc mainst:isircam media has termm e ffo n , lik e <1010 45 • P o litic a l c o u ra g c : I n hlis is dI iird extension technologjlogy have dancing movesus she executed undcr-covcovered. To put this years,irs. I suggest we conllnue proved surprisinglyly eeffcc- g e l h e r h e a r t ra rspeciive, if Ms. doingIng the .same exact tiling Senate term , Craig cashed ir rate up to 145 all in persp tlve. Conducting sen;icnsltivc — prime fat-bu3Urning range Spears wentfcre a movie, and wc haveha' been doing thus far: ” of his political capital to proi ! i l bc-iii negotiations directlyrtly in the — but Ms. Speacars did not that moviet-ie w a s " T h e B o u rn e sk immpy p outfits, gyrations, immigration reform while2 m o s t o f field, we have beenn irin c re a s - fall o r cry. T h3ugh o u the time Ultimatumjm,’' Ihcn Ms. mindiindicss techno mu.sic with h is c o n s titu e n ts o p p o s e d it.i t. H : is r e p la c e m e n t n e e d s to ingly able to get Ms.Is. 5Spears lapse between1 recordedr Spears wou;ould have grossed lyricsIcs implyingI extreme e x h ib it th c s a m e fo rtitu d ei — and, we hope, on immi-»■ lo w e a r ju st th c b loond m wig music and lip ss] y n c w a s ofi' S 2 10 m illio[lion. hornirrniness. By the tim e Ms, g r a tio n re fo rm . instead of switchingn g b y a n a v erag eof o 2.5 see- Improveivcment of Ms. Spears.■ars is 65 o r 70, th is s tra t- Idaho has onc-fourth tooDo fef w a g ric u ltu re la b o re rsi — b e tw e e n th e b ln c kc ana n d o n d s , th is w a5 s an vast Spears’ iiapar re n d n g skills h a s egyt shouldsh work perfectly. ' th a t a m o u n ts to a c ris is in1 th e sta te 's field s, o rc h a rd sS, , b lo n d o n e s, w h ic h1 hshas pro- improvement: overo thc been subst.bstandal, as cvi- Thc:hc im ponant thing to dairies and processing facilitcilidcs. So Craig and Sen. vidcd a force-muUlpltlplicr House of Blues!S tour, where dcnccdby by 100 perccnt of remennember Is that to secure D ianne FCinstein, D-tZolif.,f., toti o k th e fa r m w o rk e r p ro v i cfTect on pubilc credircdlbllity. thc average was'as actually for- her childrcIrc n re m a in in g alive, o ur nationalnc interests, wc ’’ s io n s o u t o f l a s t s u m m e r ’ss failedfa im m igradon bill and While Ms. Spears’rs’ \weight ever, bccause shesl didn’t Neither hasha: been danced needid BritneyI Spears. If al- jjlj, J is not yet at pre-Fedecderllne know the wordsd s to h e r n e w o v e r a railiililing o r p la c c d n e a r Q aidIda a knew It had the power " tr ie d to g e t C o n g re s s t o p aass s s it independendy. It’s calle levels, w c th in k wc will b c so n g . T h o u g h1 shesl sdll hasn’t a crocodilellic. One already has to ddcs e stro y o u r fo rm e r te e n the Agricultural Job Opportuirtunides, Benefits and nble to achieve minlrinimum memorized the1C lyrics — b e e n w elancd a n off soda and Is popp stars,sl ll would feci Security A ct— orAgJobs. BM I b y n e x t s p rin gg. . VWe have which, for the! record,n arc now eatingIng so lid c a n d y b a rs , e mipowered p o i to mess with A g lo b s w o u ld le g S iz e 1.5.5 mr illio n illeg a l Im m ig r a n is gained thc Inidadvcvc con Ms. ‘'glmmc, glmmcnc, glmmc, Secondhanland smoke is 88 Zac: Efron’sEf Facebook profile w h o h a v e a h is to r y o f fa r mn w o rk . I t w o u ld g r a n t s p e dcial a spears’ McDonald'sI's c o n - g lm m c , g lm mic" c ' — she now perccnt tar-rcduccd,tar exacdy or exposeexp thc real idendty of v isa s to u n d o c u m e n te d w'o o rkri e rs w h o ’ve b e e n e m p loayed y e sumption by wrcstlnfting fast- mouths otherwords vu in Its on target,t. H an n n na t h M o n ta n a . In a g ric u ltu r e fo r th e p a s t ssev e v e ra l y e a r s a n d w h o c o nitin- tii food eating sanctuorllarlcs place, some off which \ clearly Wc havev e la u n c h e d a sc rie s D)cmocracy e n depends on ue to do so for three or moreo re y e a rs . I n tim e , th e im mli- l- m o s t n o ta b ly th e auKautomatic do Involve glvinI n g h e r th in g s , o f offensivelive operadons, ourr resorei lv e. g r a n ts c o u ld c o n v e r t th e ir' ssp p e c ia l v is a s t o p e rm a n e nI t w in d o w s lo c k o n hier e r .SUV— "nibloldmagagazinc covcrs many Involvolving Paris Hilton, ------U.S. legal residency and, evei from her control. lols[ a ls o a rc d o w n 22 pte e rct c n i in sbc o f a im e d a[ t nn( e u tra liz in g se n - Joel.oei Stein Is a colum nist fo r , vvould like to direct:tyouio yt thc past eight weeks,w die ior-lcvelsuitors, su including losAngalcsTimes. By July, Craig and Feinstein:e in h a d s ig n e d u p 28 c o - the Lo: s p o n s o r s , m e ^ n g o n ly 211 mit o r e v o te s w e re n e e d e d1. , ______Bu t C ra ig w ill s o o n b c g oneone, and Feinstein— a liben:e ra l — h a s n o c lo u t w h a te v e r inn thil e S e n a te G O P c a u c u s , She needs a new co-sponsorio r w h o c a n ta lk to Republicans. One oftfthefewR(lepublicannsw ithaccompass W h y n o t th e n e w ju n io r sse er n a to r fro m Id a h o ? • Bipartisanship. Senatei RRc e p u b lic a n s n e e d a n o th ej r T n th c y e a rs sin c:c e I first — I n o m in a llyiy nonpardsan,r aims Ging>ingrich told National conservative ideologue likec a fish needs a bicycle, I m e t h im in 1 9 7’4 4 , ,1 1 h a v e J a t dcv clo>plng p li fre sh so lu d o n s lo urnai’s rn a Linda Douglass They’re in the m inority—e effi ffe c tiv e ly c u t o u t o f m a jo,]■ r J L le a rn e d th a t ll'ss w lise to r to th c p ubllibllc policy prob- thatt in in 2012, "I’d b e th e sa m e , ta k e Nevirt G in g ric h sc d e c is io n s — a n d th e ir n u mn b te rs a re lik e ly to d w in d le seriously. ]D A V I D S . le m s lh aI t cd h a lle n g e th c a g c...... (that)i Reagan was -r Hc has manychnmctea cic r rom hcallh care to whencn hc 1 was elected in a fte r th e 2 0 0 6 e le c d o n s b ec a ui s e o f th e u n p o p u la ri ty o f HonrtcD nadon, fron flavors, a n d h is la n g u aga g c is BRODER immigradoidon to inner-city 1980.";0." At th e n e w s brea k fa st th e w a r in Ira q . Id a h o m u sit t hhi a v e a s e n a to r w h o c a n often exaggerated and c d u c a d o nn . w hcrc crc 1 sa w him , h c w a s a s I w o rk w ith D e m o c r a ts o n C!)apItol a p H ill, a n d so o n . im prudent. But if therh e r e is G ingrichcH is b rim m in g w ilh p u mn p p e t d -u p a b o u t h is n e w • A subservient ego. H arry'r y T h i m a n s a id it b e st: ”k Isis nny politician of thele currentd ...... —■■■...... ’ id e a s o noil oil these subjects, vcnturiturc as hc had been amazing w hat you can accon-lo m p lis h w h e n y o u d o n o tc ^ generadon who hasis c(e a r n e d G in g ric h sh iesles a w a y fro m ’ b u t is reallsilisdc enough to whencn w \ c first h a d co ffce 33 ; • care who gets the credit.” Wit]V ith C ra ig g o n e , Id a h o w on’t n ’t the label “visionary,"ff," itli is r u n n in g fo r gooilod reason. His suggest thaih a t it m a y ta k e five y e ars rs ago. a Then he was a col- b c d e a lin g f r o m a p o s itio n o f s t r e n ^ in d ie S e n a te . Wc probably thc Gcor^agla personal historyryand die years for publicpu opinion — Icgc} professor, pr engaged in a require a legisladve tcchniciaician and tacUcian, not a sen-en- Republican and formermcr scars hc bears frfro m le a d in g a n d o th er r pp o lid c ia n s •— to lo sng in gHouse : campaign, but a to r f o n d o f th e sp o tlig h t. speaker of the House.ISC. thc 1994 rcvolutiu tio n th a t b c re a d yto to c m b m c c so m e o f blcsscc» c d o r c u rse d w ith • A g o o d lis te n e r. O tte r an n d S im p s o n a rc in th e ir cle*Q. F or th a t re a so n alonilone, ll is brought Republlbllcans to them, grandiin d io sc id e a s a b o u t how rcgrcuable that Glngriig r ic h h a s p o w e r in C ongrejrcssfora , Thaifivc-v c -y c o r c s d m a ic Is th eRepublicans Rc] might — m ent vdth this skill, even ifr theyth don't take whatever virtually decidcd to} ppo a s s o n d o z e n y e a rs w oould t make it significant.n t It w o u ld ru n to a fteT r m rr o rc th a n 30 y e a rs — a d v ic e Is b e in g ofTered. T h ec gg( o v e rn o r m u s t s e n d a k ln - dic2008presidcniinliial race. hard for him lo0 imobilize die the end of)f thetl next presiden- bccomo m e th c m a jo rity in th c drcd spirit to Capitol HilL Ida! Id ah o 's n e x t s e n a to r w ill h av e Hc told mc and odieric r m o n e y a n d supi:p p o r t n e e d e d tia l te rm . GGl b ig ric h h a s a lo w C ongreigrcss. a lot to Icam , and quickly. re p o rte rs la st w ee k:, , “T h e in a n a lrc a d y crc;ro w d cd field. o p in io n 3fo f thc t Ingenuity and Itlo toe o k h im 20 ye ars a fte r • A q u i c k s tu d y . C ra ig honcr r olof clc c t- W in n in g Uic Futiu tu rc , a p o lic y By contrait r a s t h e says. Wih. ash, H a rv a rd -e le c te d s e n a to r s FraiF rank C h u rc h a n d M ike Ing G eo rg e B u sh ’s succ;ucccs5or, and advocacy'gngroup Hillary Rodio d h a m C lin to n Ifb big ig id e a s a n d b ig a m b l- C ra p o h a v e b e e n e n tir e ly con:» m f o r u ib Ic ta lk in g a b o u t R e p u b lic a n s m u s t ofTcDffcr “a e q u ip p e d fo r thh c e I n te r n e t fac es fe w' ooh b s ta c le s in w in - d o nIS s can a bring Republicans M e als o n W h e e ls a t s e n io r ccid itiz e n s c e n te rs . P h il B a tt c le a n b rea k " ftxim BuslBush’s a g c th a t w ill la u r n c h a t th e ' n in g th c Dc:D e m o c ra tic n o m i- b a ck k to to life, G in g rich is rco d y • d ro v e tr a c to r s a t c a m p a ig n1 stosti p s , a n d d u r in g d ie 199010 p o lic ie s se ta G in g richch tapart end of this momn th fro m th c n a d o n . An nd d h e Ica v cs to suLipply p p d ic m j\n d I h a v e gubernatorial cam paign, Andjidrus clim bed a 30-foot-tallilll N o o n e In th c R epubliiib lica n w e s t fro n t o f thle c Capitol. reporters. vdthwi che feeling ieamccln e d n o t to u n d c rc s d - . la d d e r a t a IVvin F a lls c o n s tmtm i c tio n s ite to sh a k e h a n djg s field c x c c p t th e sema i*c i-c c c c n - w h c r c G in g ric h^staged s his that he thinllin k s d ia t a H illary m a tee him hi . trie R o n P a u l h a s ta k er 1 Am erica" C lin to n pii^dency itu would ------with two woricers. ikcndiat “ConuoctWlthA p o s itio n — a n d th c! dedel b a te sig n in g a t th e stsjtartcfUid provide ferdertiie ground, just M ub I d a h o a n s a r e a se lf-re lia n«, t, unassumt biglot, more iubingion Post columnist h a s b e e n w e a k e r b e2causc ca i of 1994 campaign.1.. ' a s BiU C linnton's tt did, for a DavldSI d s Bwdercan be reached c o n c e r n e d w ith f a irn e s s t ha n p ro c e s s . W e n e e d a s e n a - thatsllcnce. T h is n e w c ffoort, r which is Republicanon revival. atdavlaJVldbroderiS> t o r w e c a n lo o k in th e ey e.

■ iries In today's edition. First registerre( address and phor•hone riumber. W riters who Times-]s-News Put in your £line for fre e and then give u si youryi two sign letters withth falsefi nam es will b e per- V • - centJIts . manently barred3d fromfi publication. ; Bred H urd. . . . putjllsher Steviiteve C rum p. . . . Opinion editor PAPER: The nmes-News welcoiIcomes : Letteni may b e> broughtbn to our TWin f^lis ••• ThaiMmtwrsoftfMOdltofl)toflalbewd«id wttcraof two dents 'S,ters from reeders on sub/ectsIs oc f pub-'i office; m ailed tol? li Box 5 4 8 , TWln wOtorititaraBiWNun .IfclmInterest Because of space con-cor ’ . fiBlls. ID 8 3 3 0 33; ; faxedf to (208) 734- S ta v Cnitnp,Tme(BiiMiiM «KiB»Blt»nbufg. ONUNE: At MBSlcvalley.1ley.coni,you.c8n straitalnts, please limit letters to 30030 S538;ore4nalledIled to letters^maglcval- ____ respondto any of thei« 12.52. A m e ric an Icon: ih e! friskyfri Sumner HedstDne. ■ toslowving i dow n, f 'M Thai's nol iincieni. lo beL- geezer. The frisky gee;;ee/.er is lycoon who. at li'l, ing into a L • ' » sure.' Bui I’ve always ihougju g h l s iim c o n e w h o n e v er-T goj. t th e feisiy feud guin g"vllSils w saggir iluil cruising the stalls of)f aian menu) iii stick lo golf(ilf fro m d a u g h ie r over comroniroliifhis faVOHte! chair( every l|H [ ^ airport loo was appropriatiriaie here on ont. Americaicans companies, b e h a v io r o n ly fo r a m u c:h h loday live not only longer,Ini Much of tlie revolutionrevi • night 311md reading I -*• youi]germaii. hm with mure fire ininthe i lakes place out ofsiglil.of!. n 1 X r Were I to interview Craij-raig, I helly.nisahility raie.sL's forI pen- lleceiilly wc all readrea the PopulaF' Mechanics?P w jn ild ask; W h ate v er h aip- p ­ pleover<)SgotUiwnbn by m o re fro n i-p a g e sto ryy aal h o u t o ld e r 1 p e n e d to slo w in g d o w n ,. saisag- th a n 2 p e rc e n i a year,■ar, people having sexicx likeI hun- ging into afavorilechairr acc«)rdlngloa)«iig-te;-term nies. Accoriliiig, tolo Iliei 2r)-year-olds I s loday live with whalI is liic nie:mini:’til liri;? every nighl aiui reading; national survey puhli!hlished in lhiiversiiyofc:iiic:ilicago study. tlieir parents, can I kiu>w ihc rii:iil spiriliialll |);|)alli I'or me'.’ I’o p u la r M ech a n ics? O r 2()()[>. T h e c iil iu re of bbeing • perceni ofAniein ie rica n s a g es Hiil th e oldId lions are still H<*w ^'a: woodworking in the base->e- o ld e r h a s fiin d a m en iau lly (i5 lo 7-1 rem a inI sexuallyse? prowling. Win'ho has tlie It you arc uskiiij! ijiicvtioiisIlls likeI ilicsc. % nieiu? Patrolling ihc Inwnm forf changed, says iloherljrl Hiiller. active, along withtil 2(>i percent Iiiggesi audieilence (22 million Ilic Cailiolie way ol'lil'c ina)may lie for you. crab grass? naydreamlnglg president ofthe h e iw e e n (he ag es oof 7r> anti iisleiiers) of anyai radio per- a h o u t c u tlin g th e kid s o uUl l o< f In ic rn a lio n a l Ixm gevievily H.'j, tlespiie the fadfaci Ihai 100 Minaliiy? liroao a d c a sls (h re e AC.nh.>ii.lollc in<|iilr}> IS lK.-(;iiii|lng on I Iiiir'din,hur' Sci'k'inl'cr iiiul ><>ii are , .>ci,omMj:alin:ilirml. th e will? A nd th e rest o f the (*enler-USA and a pro[irofe.ssor p e rc e n t o f th e ir kidskit! and times a day?? PaulI I iarvey. I, ''Anjnnr liviiii; in the Miiuit Vallc) i> t traditional, ulder>guy pro­ru- of geriatrics al Mountm t S inai g ran d k id s w tu ilddrailiernot r; nmvlnhis<)OilOili y e ar o n th e ■niiifJwy.Scpi. 27’7 • 7-'i pin gram generally known asIS .School ofMcdicine; in N ew p ic tu re it. N oww w e e u n d e r- jilanel. lul».ird's (.\i!li.ilk- Oiiiivh i>.iiish H;ill);iI I-:I■ 2 7 iJ,Ai c I:,1 vm»|-..IK " p u tle rin g a ro u n d " ? York. " T h e a tm o s p hlere e r iias stand ihat specialial twinklei in Myoff-the-ie-cufflist skews All ih u i is g o n e , a p p a re•entiy. n t become more robustst ini favor CJrandpa’s eye whevhen h e tells m ale, ’l ha t mn ig i h l b c a g e n er- •|>ill;itl llif I‘;iri5ll OflitC ut 7.1.VV«),V«)7 fur more iiir<>rni;iiion. 'r h e rc a rc n o o ld p e o p le any-an; of older people remaiilaining Grandma, “fli shovhow y o u a n a tio n a l thing,g. a n e c h o o f th e m o rc. T h e w o rd “se n io r"’ Isl.s in part of the human racracc," says I^irly Bird Specialal you'lly days of rigidI patriarchiesp and 1— d isra v u n th e folks a l AA!sl.


Artist gets a free ride Gary Stone's business,ss, it Mine weren't ssell e llin g o n . .so sla te d h e couiluld not chcck |B B |H makes no diffcrcncc.L‘. 1 followed her advkcivice a n d g o t o u t book.s on m: y card . I th e n r . « . wflli mural at aliport D oes th e city providi/idc the my biggest broom:mi and asked ifi couiuld drive to their It a p p e a rs to m e th a t Gar^iiary "supplies" for Lyile SigSigns to whipped them gooi{ood. I have parking lot annnd th e n call S to n e h a sn 't c h a n g c d a b)ii ll inli c h a n g c a n d /o r a d d signssig to huge tomaldes Inin abun-a them and let!i tht e m kn o w I t a the past 30 years! Wliat its displays? I rcally d o u b t it! d a n cc . W lio n e e;ds d s b1 e e s if w as th e re a ni d d th e y co u ld nerve! Could it be that becau:a u s e Uic y o u h a v e a broomiin? ? So, p e o - b rin g th e bool)ok to S he C o n th e c ity in to allow'in ing g c ity m a n a g e r a n d mlaybc ay pic, whoop themn 'maters,'n said ihai mayllybc th e y co u ld h im to sta rt u m a jo r ongolnioing others in control havev c g o tte n IRENE KING , do ll once untntil could comc an projcci and business aat t ih c ir n a m e s a n d /o r carica-ca Buhi u p w ith so mic e th in g else. S he American H- the airport that will reap himhlr lures included on thele im u ral said I should'd w rite a le tte r I R e d C r o t s K thousands of dollars In liiat th e y a rc w illing;ioict to Too many hurdleslies for the stating who cc« o u ld p ic k u p OlQtMWIOthO B J return, then not pay onc redret this happen? Wliat abt disabled at publicblic libraiy le w h ile u sin g m y c e n t to th e city fo r th e u sic e oo f o lh c r ta le n te d a n d des th e facilities w h e re th e " btjusi- u s artists in the Magic ValValley? I have to agreee UiUme the I finally jusiisi gave up. .»i: ness" is being transacted.I. Shouldn't they bcaffotT ordcd ’IWin I-alls lib ra ryy is la ck in g ' JUDYM CF;:f a r l a n d ^ , In the M agic Valley, c T hen w h e n th e p ro je c t statart rts liic sa m e ty p e ’'cxcluslLislve a n d in h e lp in g th e disalisabled Twin Fallss I______^ c a l l 7 3 3 - 6 4 6 4 . lly free" opportunities to 1funher patrons. + to wind down, con the city in lo giving ta x p a y e r m o nic e y y U ieir carccrs? I a m o n oxygen;ii bbecause of :!■ to ju m p -s ta rt U ic b u sin e sss s T O M GRIGGS s h o n n e s s o f bre:a a th th ,a n d a n d fo r su p p lie s (o d o it IVvin Falls a lth o u g li I h a v e hadha< a library ‘ .'i with. All of tills stili wlUioul c ard fo r ye ars a ni d s o m e o f ' be in g re q u ire d to p a y for Bnwm Is as good aas s a bC6 kn o w m1C, c , Ii h a v e h a d rt sp a c e u n d th e rig h t to o p"J; e r­ to flowering tomato■ flnljinfI p ro b le m s ge ttin g blb o o k s th a t . i k l a te a b u sin e ss a t th e airport. flPiani I have on hold, ^ P - I Z EED, STATE ( O U ier b u s in e sse s p a y foro r T h e la d y fro m Blissss \who I called them ancia n d sa id m y OFTHE I th e rig h t to b c Uicrc, b u t noin o t w ro te in a b o u t th e too irm a to e s so n w o u ld b c in to jp ic k u p a • < -6' M r.Stone.ifeamlng th is s p r ln g w a s rig litt oOl n . b o o k fo r m e, a n d thtiie la d y . ^ P S P I IINAL CARE SIOO.OOO fro m a n o n g o in g E RIGHT a rt p ro je c t in 12 y e a rs p lu s all o f th e p u b lic ity Uiat il ^ p E R IIE IN TWIN \f d e riv e s is n o t a b u sin e ss, I I FALLS d o n 't k n o w w h a t it is! E ven 1 w th o u g h L>ile S ig n s p ro b a b ly m a k es m a n y tim e s th a t WHY GOANYWHERI a m o u n t fro m its sig n s a t th e RE ELSE? I: a irp o rt, it p a y s a p o rtio n o f ils re v e n u e to th e c ity for b e in g allo w ed to d o so. Sign:igns ■Si a rc its b u sin e ss a n d a rt Is - i;

■ ^ N D O R T QUOTES IN IT H O rA E D iC S : '.'I ^ i ^ h i ^ e n ssen, t M.D. THE NEWS *>*. -

lone Street, Suite 200 ;.‘j: “The world is Twin Falls. ID 83301 inherently good... k 208.732.0067 ^ Columbine shouldI d Jk^ not be a word associated with something bad, w ith w hat happened. It should be associat-i t - HmmSI ! ed with hope.” K ’ !" -- ' m i — PaMck Inland at tU hh e dedication of an expan sive hllbide m em orial t< theColum bliie Hlgf K ' ■ ' f l School masM cre vktlm s Ireland w as w oundedd iIr n the 1999 attackK k .

"WeD.herelam.” H R V v E I N c i — B I - y r a M > ld C iiI » t Laser 8c Sclerothetherapy Pnsldm tFM dCaitrc David A. Johnson. M,D/l.b.F»C3 responding to niinort oi Soord Vtncuforv S SI u iB K n his death during an hour long Interview aIrM or m 7S4^0i Cuban televklon ■ I «S0 Addlton. Am. W, « • . 2«0.lAIWInFaai N ylhfdlisvelhcare.c

I » » ' ■■ f-.v'; Ttot»Hm,WnF»lb,Mifao0 A16 Sui^,$«pttmb«’23,2007D7 NA'I’ION I!______PoliticaalClirisIitianrighhtretiinns to griass rootts level

ByErkGorsU to .social issues tlia( vote.” vot< Hozell said. Ueyond gay marriage, Assoclnted Preas writer “Evenn if tliese local groupsips m erely exist for o:one e religious conserva- H Many in (lie movemeiK abortion abr remains the corner­ election eye:ycle and go out of exii;xistence, tliey can st- t i l l h a v e stone issue for conservative: HllANnON, riu.-llca(li ! off thc national stoi I inH) Ih c 200H c icc tio n soiiso ” C h ristlatian Coalition as just Christians, Chi die one that got ason. a rereal impact turning ptpeople out to vote." evangelicals involved In con- Ohrisiian conservnlivcs '. T lic ir m ovL'inciut h.h a s - t vying for p o w er a fte r i( (en place, .said I-and, of the-• losi iconic leaders andi tltlie g o t involvolved in forcign policy phi' Southern BaptistI Itcpiibllcan prcsklcntlal HeldDc withdrivittgupCOIMii’turnout, l-amlly Policy:y Council amendmentit oi n (h e fall 2000 a n d (axn isi; K M yiSwHiW'HiM j’rowiriK so strong, I needd » lo {’row sironncr." saitsalil K u n sm a n . S-l, w h o dro v e (wt hours from (he oiie-.stoplif;lii (own of Hawthorne tu join joh activists in this Tampa sub'iub- urb. Or(;ani/ed hy a scarcel>cely l i known Tampa-arca Christian group and ending Saturday (lie sum m it soun(Jcd a back* to-baslcs theme: (ba( evan­ b h h gelicals ore c alle d (o b c ncdvc^(lve BBEaBBM affliim citizens to combat thrcau from (he left: (hat the workrork must involve not jus( nndon- al advocacy groups bu( loca!DCOl people and pastors; and (he(hc flgitt retjuires padence and 2 F * persls(ence. That last sentiment is >i reminder of thc challengesIges n f i * iliiBfiMi O facing (he Christian right. Acdvisi.s lo st kc7 a llies in ^urm tureiO nK ^ Congress when th the c Democrats retook Congres; in 2006, movement pioneer Jerry Talwell and D. lame; Kennedy died (his year, aant n d (here’s apathy over (hc curcur- ren( c ro p o f GO P p re sid c nnial tia I, candlda(cs. Even this weekend's sum' mit hnd l(s disappointments:nts. O rg a n i/e rs h a d h o p e d u p (c10 350 p e o p le w o u ld a (te n d . lay­lay- SSw in g th e g ro u n d w o rk fo r a newle w Horida ac(ivis( network But only 104, nearly all from Rorlda. had registeredircd by Friday. A workshop on the basics of roois acdvism drew a handful of people — a n d o n e w a s a spy. a n aciivis(« Mbom fl for Americans UnKed for Separation of Church and State researching the opposi­osi- tion. “Therc will bc peaks andin d valleys, b u t 1 d o n ’t k n o wV if H H I people understand thc dep(hP(>< . I and breadth of our move­ive- I ment." said Gary Class, for­for- ' ' ' I mer executive director at Kennedy's Center for Kcclaiming America fo for r I Christ, which closed after dthe ie I S outh F lo rid a p rc n c h e r fellI HI.ill. “Willie wc lam ent the lossoss of our leaders, (heir Idens tha(h a i h av e b e e n se w n In to th c la■rg' rg ­ er church culture arc justu st now starting to germinatea te a n d ta k e ro o t." In a sign of Just how muchjc h Christian activists want newicw blood, (he summit drew“CW some of (he movement’s[It’s heavyweights. Including for­or- mer GOP presidential candi­idl- date Gary Dauer, Richard Land of thc Southem Dopdstlist Convention's Othics and Religious Liberty'rty ^ ^ H IIIIIIH Commission and Tony Perkins of (hc Family lie sc arch C o u n cil. However, the organizingIng group was a Himpo-arcarca shoestring operation: thcth c Community Issues Council,icll, previously known for fighdng a local bikini bar. ’The group'sipf sole full-time employee is former state Christianlan Coalition operative Terry^rry K cm ple. Such natlonal-Ioca] part­u t- nerships ore thc way to go right now, Kcmple said: ‘It means morc troops on th thc e ^ u n d and more feet on ththe e stre ets. ; *Thc old saying Is ail poU*dU- tics Is locai. It gets peoplep ie Involved." The power of state-levelv e i. 'organization was seen in ( 2004, w hen 11 states passed9ed say marriage ond^wcre credited v 'V rt-''-'-'.1', INSIDE: Learn how to B become a 'love andd logic' parent, page B7B' SUNDAY TIMES-N^S ■a CITY StPIfcMiiEii 23. 200)7 7 M^GKrv EDITOR DAVID COOPERER : 735-3246______\LL.EY INS^SIDE: Obrtuaries, B2-3I I Idaho/West, B5 I UWorid, B6 I Mini-Cassiisia, B7 No sudc h 1 lommunlty r o m thing a s ^ F I J etion

the las M H n iiarks40th ! pieturc" rR A N C H ■ B anoniversary r show H D I wil1th picnic \ f A Spectator* Wllritch from the tldellnes during thehlcuttlns.ko[»llio» ( . „ ate Poppino ywircancllwemL . T C3 A R E N, IX X Seturdsyafterrernoon at Elqulst Arena in Twin Falls is-Nows writer______m o v ie s tasi w uukt:ukend t°L“ n a n d sa w th e n eL’WWCSt- w ' j------1 Ken-•II itohinclle1 lias i|tiite a lew em ,“3:10«oYumii." friL-iulsuis — ill Icasi fir> ol'ilicni. llx ccp t tlia t It's n or n uIW. w .' T h e A nilItl all of Ihem shoivecl up o rig in a l film w a s m a d e 50 ;years [> S aturdard ay Id help Hiibineite cele- ago. ivlfh Glenn Fbrd playliayingtliL* b ra teL- the tl •!() ye:irs Smith Ceiiinil bod'guy pan now cmbract■ acedby ll CiHiinninniiiity Action I’arttuTship Russell Crowe nnd Van HufH eflin a s ha.s sunserved the elj-lit cminlies in th e h a rd sc ra b b le h e ro currently u rr i. SOUlll-Cili-c en tn il Idaho. At least 2.r)I)0) personified by Christian1 Bale.Br I p eoplelie browsed (i.'i vetidrir stalls Ford grew u p In S o u thle eri rn I M raiit’lnn from Interraith1 California and Hellin was3S frofi m I fivers lo Mad Mothers Oklahoma, so ihcir charactracters I list Metli — and liincliL'd on w erc p re tty c re d ib le . B utt CCi m w e M ;iot dogs, hamlnirners and ice is Australian and Hale is frofrom II al a coniiniiiiiiy ])lciiic putt Wales. Somehow, it Just did ^’theaKencyin'Uviii i-alls t:iiy s e e m like Arizona a n y m o re

h in e lie , ivIki had heirn clIiiK cl«)ser lo l,.'iHI) p e o p le ahout half the vendors, saidi h e vas very jileased by ilie )Ut and by how much mein- of theI jinhllc seemed lo }^et: o iu )f the event. The picnic car* a theme ol "preparedne-ss" all vendors were organi/a- lhat provide services to the Hollywood hos done 127 ic. rem a k es in th e p a s t live yea ii)ilol of people are sayiiiH. according'to Wlklpcdla. OnlO nly five se, do this anaii) nexi year.’ ’ — “T h e B o u rn e Id en tity " (S; n e tle s a id . m illion). “Chicago" {S307’ m il- aple -Stopped ai displays forr Ilon)." "War of the Worlds" {: ps such as rirst I'ederalI million), “King Kong" (S547W 7m il- S avingsIgs liank. whicli offered1 Ilon) a n d “C h a rlie a n d th e A cowboy gnldetI hithil hone u he berdi • cow Setonliyliay afternoon at the G n u Root CutGutters hone show at Qqoltt Arenaina In Twin Falls. a d v ice:e ilo nrsi-tinie hoinebiiyers. C h o c o la te Foctory" (S-172’ m il- n n d SafiSafe 1 la rh o r Inc.. a g ro u p lh a tt lion) — w erc b ig box-ofilcc I 1 1 p ro v idIdes e free lunches for thel: D u rin g th e s a m e p e rio d . eless and is irying lo open a Tinseltown has turned out ;er In ‘Uvin Falls. I'iui home- re m a k e s o f "R ollcrball." “Wlli:: cuttiiing-horse group^ gro3WS at a g(j a l l o p “ J JT less Kr seareiiing for TtxQs C h a in sa w M u ^ a c ree.""nio ." ' ByNatoPowhw0 . Slay. Danielle Schichubert. 17, of acquirelire a building somewhere in StcpfordWIvcs,” "Revenge;e o f th e ■ Tlm a»N aw > writtTiter ______Vyanna ride alonig?^ lerume, won the noinon-pro category town.I. Nerds." 'Reefer M adness,”.” "T he with her horse MontiintatiH Somebody "We'nk'e’re irying to make sure peo-I- P o s e id o n A d v en tu re ” a n d1 "Night"N ■ In 2002. a groupgr of 30 cutting- lOrS" • — sc o rin g a 74 a n d tlthe applause of pie knck n o w a b o u t u.s." sa id Janetit o f th e Living D e a d ” — In 3D, no horse riders metme at the Manhattan the crowd. Schuberts;rt sa id sh e use d to N eilso5on, n one of .several peopleL' less. N o n e o f w h ic h , I stro>ngly n g Caf(5 in Shoshorlone and started what \ live in Gooding andid participated] In mnnninn in g Ih e &ife 1 fa rh o r b o o th , feel, have Improved Amerlco rlca's they thoughtw wo ou ld b e a sim p le clu b high-school rodeo dierc.till She joined Emei^let^ency coordinators fror^i1 c u ltu rc m u c h : d e tU ca tcd to cutirutting compedtions— • ' Grass Root Cutters lastloi year and got ’ftvln Fulls,Fa Jerome and Gooding B ut th e rea l tro u b le w ithh Inwhlchhorscsics and their riders have ho o k ed . c o u nilles tlc ! joined forces In one re m a k e s is th a t y o u ahvaysys kknow to single out cowsco\ from a herd and but after oft that can only guidet tlie t "Just the atmospherhere," she said of boothll (lu p a s s o u t M onielanclI. w h a t's go in g to h a p p e n , ev!Ven ei In keep them outIt foA r 0 c c n o ln a m o u n t h o rsese with i their legs as they tryry to w h at d rew h e r to d iele dc u b . "There's a S e c u rityrlly cincrgcncy*prepnrcd>^ a w cll-d lsg u lse d film like "Four"Fo of time, k e ep tthe cow out of the hcilerd, lot of fun people." n e ss brcbrochures and talk to tht£ B rotliers." It's tlie sto ry o f foifour Today, the Gra;iross Root C u tters ha v e Bcngocigoechea sa id — th e c o m p ctltfItlon Sh o e Pre*scott. 10.3. oi f IW ln Falls. p u b licc alabout whal to do durliij; kids raised on the \vrong sidesldi of about 150 memlm b e r s a n d h o ld reg u - Is a tetest s t ofskU l fo r tlie h o rs e s a s well,w« was drawn to the clut:lub througii her everytliirthing from lires in terrorisr E>eiroit w h o c o m e b a c k to} lolown lur competitions>ns — sbc show s a lo n e "Youtou absolutely have to trust thattl: father's work as a liorsorsc trainer, and evenis.s. to avenge tlielr foster mothe:iher's this year, accorcordlng to the group's horse."5c." s h e said. her own love for horserses. She started "I thinlIiink people arc being more m u rd e r. W eb site. A nd thethi most rccent show. McmIcmbers Indude everyone frofrom rid in g a n d c u ttin g ntt aaj g e 7. s h e .s.nid, a n d mnore o r aware of how iinpor- D irec to r Jo h n S in g leto n1 wouldw t • Saturday at diele ElqulstI Arena south novlcc!Iccs to p ro fe ssio n a ls, a n d tlthe and won a state title; twtv ice. Sa tu rd ay ta n t It: is ... to be prepared.’’ said just as soon you didn't rccogi:o g n lz c oflV vin FaUs. dreiIrewabout270cntries, clubI chargesch a S40 fee for membiiber- morning, she waitedd fof« r h e r tu rn in Jackie TreTrey.‘IW ln Fails C o u n iy dls> th a t It's p re tty m u c h a co pT y yof c a fa r c ry fro m juju s s t a few y ca rs ago. ship.I. TheT l money goes to evcrythlihing the arena with 14-yc-ycar-old Cody aster serviervices coordinator, the 1965 John Wayne westentem. The dub's gro'ptnvth has been sud- from1 prizespt for die year's point wlwin- Rowe of Kimberly, wlvArho sta rte d rid- T ho.sese wandering the park rT h e S o n s o f K atie Elder."’ MiMark den and swift,, andai left some mem* ners• toto a year-old scholarship fui■und ing a t a g e 9 a n d helpsips out with her seemed.‘d in high spirits despite W ah lb e rg pla y s T h e D uke's:'s nrple; b e ts stu n n e d 3utb u t grateful. for thethe younger members, whlihicli d ad 's ho rses, n iornentdininry drlz/.les of mln that ■tyrose Gibson channels Deai)ean "Wc never ddrc re a m e d It w o u ld g e t a fter r Uilstill y e ar w ill b e d o le d o u t frorom Both teens crcdltelted the club's threatence n e d to h e m ore. M a rtin . this big," saidi KayK Bengoechea of a port!ortlon of $5,600 the club has h relaxed atmosphere —- quite differ- Ilm SantosSai of Jerome said he ■ "O c ea n ’s E leven." w h ic h\ cca a m e E d e n , a p a s t president rcs of die ^ u p . saved,:d. c n t fro m big g er showvs. s, P resco tt said. h e ard alvaliout the picnic on local o u t in 2001, Is n e a rly a s h oot-by- t-t But It did, andnd Saturday’s show Riderd e rs c o m e fro m a s fa ro s Ncvacrada "There’s not as muchmi pressure IV news,ws. "My son begged me to s h o t re m a k e o f th e 1960 Fran'ra n k a sm a ll o n e , by^comparison, cc as other or UtalJtah to competc, Bengocchi;hea here as the blg-tlmene shows," she ' gel outt ofo f th e h ouse." h e sa id . “It's S in atra m ovie, cx cet)t th a t shows last as longlor as three days — said,, and an younger riders m aybe ppn a rt said. cool." G eorge C looney, M a tt D ommon, oi was slated to go0 untU u 8 or 9 p.m . to fit o f thle e co a u s e fo r'tlic club's grow th.I. ------...... - ...... ■-sc who attended the T h o se B rad P itt a n d c o m p a n y o nlly ly everyone in. EachEac contestant^ run "ItI rcallyrc Is a grass roots whelicre Nale Poppino can be reachcd ai a g en c yy’s ’s SlOO-per-plnte dinner knock over three Las Vegasscasl- ct lasts two-and-a-1a-half minutes. Riders people3lc ci a n co m e to sta rt," sh e saidd d . 735-3237 or npoppinoi.w€>magici’al- & iiurdayay night didn’t get to hear n o s c o m p a re d w ltli th e jftww g a m - c a n u s e th e reinn ss to single a c o w o u r. Aid nd when i they start, they oftcfte n fro m ellher ell U.S. Rep Mike bUng'holl heists that Sinatra,ira, . . S im pson,sn, R-ldaho. ur Idaho Gov. Martin. Sammy Davis Jr..andm d - ^ .... c . L “I3uiculch " O lte r — S im p so n w as frie n d s c o m m it In o n e nig h t. ba ck to W ash in g to n , D.C., S o m e illm s h a v e b e e n rem i n p H ia “ said, and Otter was off j so m a n y tim e s — th e re a re“r 1( ' L e a mning to dea(alw ith thlemassm i livvlicl hostin gi; a fu n d ra ise r o f h is uw n. movie versions o f Louisa Ma^Vlay a n o th e•r r Sioo5 barbecue for the A lc o tt^ no v e l "L ittle W om en"en"and ByJmdS.Hopkbsb s = and elected officials; hashi long been Children'sin's I io m e Society o f Idaho, e ig h t o f G co tg e B a rr M cC ut-it- Tlme»New« wrttei Ir the subject of debate,tc. Govcmment Coniini:u n u n lty A ction d id n 't sell as «2!------Glovem o v m ent notebooli cheoni book "Brewstcri Mil­^ u ------often makes an effortrt ito work with many ticktickets to ihe evening din- lions" — that you actually catc a tc h F o r n e a r iy a; month, m die office of . the press, whether direhrougii spokes- ner as orforganlzers hoped — as of yourself corrccting dialogue.j e . Gov. C .L "B titch":h" O tter, p e rh a p s n o t “W^e'vc e'v been deluged with cairails men. press releases, oor r ni e w s confer- m id d a yy S i l u r d a y , o n ly !)3 o f an W h e n m y c o u sin K im w'OS ns surprisingly, hasas been flooded wlA daUy' aboutal folks who arc on ththe cnccs. In many wayslys. bolh their expecteded lao liad been pur- a b o u t 7 , 1 vran t to visit m y auiaunt ' phone calls andmd questions about list,” saidsai spokesman Jon HanloiIon. goals uldmatcly addI upu to making chased.1. B Bul Robinelle defended a n d u n c le. Kimi a n d I w ere! ssitting it who will rcplaciacc U.S. Sen. Larry ‘Frank]]nkly, w c w a n t to d e a l first vtrltvlth su re th a t ta x p a y e rs a ro iinformed. the price‘ice, which he said was in their living room one Sundinday Craig, who is cxpectedcxf to resign at you guyguys, local foUs. But everybodody Lost week, die Idnhoiho Association Intendeded ito help pny for the free n ig h t, w atch L ig a BBC verslois lo n o f th e e n d o f th e month.m c from1 theth Larry . King Show to the th of Countics tried too relayi similar lunch cvievent and to make tho "Little W omen" on "Masterpltrplecc Otter has remtimained pretty tight- Owyheehec Avalanche has been askindng ideas to Its consdtucrucncy of moro eveningg did in n e r feel fancy. T h ea te r." U pped, m a k in gJ few ft comments and ‘whatil i new today?’ Wc'rc puttlnling than 400 electcd officialcials In M oscow T h e sto ry is s e t in j u s t Issu in g a fewew p re s s releases. H is o u t wv hah a t wrc k n o w a s so o n a s po ssssl- ' a t a n a n n u a l confercncin e e. Nale I'o)I\}ppino can he readied at Pennsyivmila during the Civil:ivil s p o k e s m a n h a9 s had hi to answer many ble." 735-3237i37 or npopplno&masic- W ar, a n d th e .B ritish a c to rsI werewc of the questions.IS. • T hic e relationshipr between prc:ress Please see NOTEBIEBOOK. Page 8 4 valtey.comvm . s t r u g ^ g a b it w ith th e ir YanI^ankee acccnts.V^encver thcyspoki>oke to Marmee, a c h a ra c tc r In th e sic it so u n d e d like "M ommy" , T h a t w asn 't a b ig d e a l bc: ca i : BikersS t o h o l d f i uidraiserfor u •Special Oly[ympicathleletes today M a rm e e a c tu a lly Is th e m oith th c e r o f th e little W om en. B u t a t o nle e . ^MnE.SM]n1 "S plo ed d a l Oly m p ic s to u c h c s a loit t oc f fo rm s o r fo r trav e l to regionalreg games, six piece 3of fb b o a rd m a y n o t se e m Ilko . p o in t th e re d a (e n d c rs c e n e ■ • Tlme»KewB eoriruTwipofldeflt_^^^^^_ dlfTerenirent people and wc try to hcliclp ' ‘Their dub contactct:tcd us widi on much, butIt It'sIt actually harder than b e tw e e n M a rm e e a n d th e girls’^ ------:— • th e tRr o u u t u ^ e n w e c an ," d u b prcslesi- ofTerofhdpandwcjutJumped on the you.dilnk,"/Barber B said. : father, Robert H L E R — D on'tlctthclrblkc8,hel-. n tl dehtRedist8 ftomn thoI groupls M ^ c . $10 entrsntrance fee for dub membericrs . m u n id e s to c o m p e tc} In Ir darts, goU; ‘It doesn'tsnt matter If you ride a Steve Crump cofi be readtedh e d a t Valloy chapter wUlw be hitting Ihe or $122 forfi non-members. AU fbndnds. Ashing and an event: coUedcs ‘Riding crotch rocketJ(ct or a Honda, everyone^ 735-3223. o r scm m p9m aglcuricval- , r o a d to d a y i n. in. support of'area . raisedi wlUw go to h d p . Magic ViUeIley . the Plaiik." wclcomtj tindani we're all like famUy,” _ ^ c o m : Spccial Olympicc athletes.a Spc^Cial Olympic athletes pay for unlml- "Balancing your bike«kc on a two'*by- Barber said.Id.

•' A ' . Tlnw-Nm,1MnFilfa B2 Sundir,S«pttnb(r23tr23,2007 ______OBITUARIEES ______«g».»»Uho

For obiluory rotes andanc infofmation. call 735-32666 Mondayr through Saturday. Deadcadlino is 3 p.m. for nont-day publication.put Emma Lou Amidrew s Alice Lo(iQuise Rogers Tho e mail addres;ress fmag| Dcatli noticcs:es ore a freo service and conI bbc c placed l l/\zni.TCLTON — Emmu Uiu bored:d for Iier creative and GOODING — Alice Louiseiilse Gilir. Alice is also surviviived by until 4 p.m. every/cry day. To view or submit obituatuarios online. Andrews,s, former1 Hazellon urtlstiiitic lalenis. hut also her Rogers, R 77, of Gooding, diedlied h e r sbc g ran d c h ild renI, , Cory, i or to placo omo5m ossago in an Individuol onlinele fiuostbook.£ r e s id e n t.:. \ passed awny in expert.Ttise in brid g e. S h e loved Su(urday. S: Sept. 22, 2007,, a( Ryun, Oirion. Allison. JamJi es go to and click on "ObiObituarios.- B oise o n1 SeSept. 21. 2007, us a sports'ts from playing un her h e r resid en c e. and Richard A.; und1 ith re e resu lt co f IdgliI school s baske(ball team S h e w as b o rn Feb. 1 0 .193(),J3(). g rea t-g ru n d c h ild ro n , Rliey, I e o m p l i c a - IO hovlovvling. go lf a n d tennis, in ir Gooding, Idaho, lo Ini nndnnd Ronan nnd Noah. Shele w ns Rickckey Lee Sanchez tions from>m a w as a w o m a n o f intellect, Mubel ^ McKay Eubanks. She preceded In deulh by h e r stroke. 0 a n d b eauty. attended al Gooding schoolsjols rather. Irn Eubnnks: mono(her. Ilf-YiJlJitN — Rk le was preceded in deatli and ai graduated from Goodingling 'Mabel Eubunks; und1 th i re e S m ic h c z . 51. o f II Luti waw a s bylier parents: sister, High II School in 1910. SiieShe brothers. Bruce E„ Dawnvnne.E. p iisscd ;m a v Moiiciimday, Sept. H W jy. h o rn o n JuneInn MildrcIred Barlow; and hus- married ir Richard Rogers onu n a n d M uck Et^linnks. 17,201)7. A. Ito b a n;l. d ,D on in 1997. Aug. Ai 29 .1 9 4 8 , in lUko. Nev. Tho runenil will bc: j ni: 11 Hick was borti:i A pril 2f>. B ‘‘ J l Daniel ania n d ■■ Siiele is survived by a hrolii- She Is survived hy iior hus­IUS- u.m. I'uesday, Sept. 25, 21 ni l«5(j, in I'lilloriiin.n. Calif.,( to M in n ie LoiLou L.'' \ er, An\ndrew Jean of Melba, band. hi Richard Rogers of Demaray Funernl Sere rv ic e, ;incl I.dIs Ai in '------— Idaho:lO; Iier daughter. Dana Gooding; G one son, Anthonyiny Gooding Chapel. BurinlInl will S a n c h e z . lie lived liv In ^ ||[IH P1^^ P Greenwood.•od.Idaho. She gnid- Andre'rews Cunningiiam Rogers Ri of Arizona: and threeireo follow ul the Elmwn w ood Qilifornia unlil llie10 : ago o f 2, j CH€ ' uuled fromom Hazellon High (Gary)y) of Denton, Texas: and daughters, di Janet Moore ofo f C em etery. Visitation forr fumf l- und (hen moved t<»:o ll(he Mini- ^Lu S chool intl 1935.I! S h e m a rrie d so n , Thomas T Don Andrews Newh.'ill.CaIir..ludy N Donofriofrio ly nnd friends will be frofrr m 4 Cassia area. I le alsoIso lived in ,------DonAndrex'Irews in 1935. Emma (Mary7 Gai)ofSanlaI-e.N.M., of of Henderson, Nev., andind to 7 p.m. Monday, Sepl.. 24,2 at iio lse a n d l^aj’le.L‘. HeI was Ix)(i i a member of the us wellell us five g m n d c h iid ren , Jncgudyn Ja Bilbey orTenieciila,ilia, th e ch ap e l. . m a rrie d 10 Alice Mor:'lorrisonon 1 Presbyterian ' Jon Andrews / und Amy A iir, 27, 1!)7(). I lc cciirnod a r two Cliurch, wiierewhl she served as Ainlrev-ews (Nate) Griffin, Qise degrees from the CollegeCc of c h u rc h ichool teaciier and (Krlsuiluniie) Cunningiiam, Arlenee IL. Benoit ,Son(heni Idaho in in d u stria l W om en's; Circle loader. She Cord1 (Cara) Cunningiiam plant inaintenanc I was meml.•mber of ihe lerome and Cara Cunningham SILVER SPRING. Md. — addition to holding counin lless HVAC technician, ai Counlry Club Cli and Women's (Chip))) Kugler: und four greut- Arlene Ai was bom In othor voiunleer posltiitio n s. enrichment classes [impion for several gniiidccidiildreii. Idulio, Id on July 16, 1922, lo Aricne raised and w.i d e n in g a n d doj* (»h( e wwas a nutritionist A gngraveside service will be H Hi e rb e rt A. a n d L ouise S. devoted molher to tlth re e Throuf>h his life he fo r (he Valli/alley scliool lunch al 2:30«) p.m. Monday, Ocl. 1, (Sutmlller) (Si Smidi. She grew•ew daugliters. Susan. Nancy;:y a n d for Ore-Ida I'oods, M p ro g n u n us well as an Idaho at T\vlivin Falls Ccmeier>', foi- up uf in l\vln Falls, was a memm- ­ Kadilocn. I-umhcr and afterer offlceileer In the school lowedd byI a celebradon of life ber bc or the 1\vln Falls Highigh Arionc was predocenscise d by gradij.jiion for .Sears;a n d Red lunc}) progrogniii). She also from 44 to G p.m. ni the Turf ScJjooJ Sc d a s s o f J 9 4 0 a n d U’enL*ni i her daughter, Nancy Bcjicnoit, Lion Riverside in Boise, \ worked withdth the Honry Jones Club.. Ali , of Emma Lou's on on to attend Idaho Stateate and sister. Dorotliy Bensnson. re tu rn in g ; (o M Mi cH rides • Livestockc (Corporation as friendsds nre invited. University Ur Arlene led a verycry Surviving nre her husbana n d o f Lumber imiil theirrir closure, i bors mention<3ncd how he accountsmnmnnnger. Memororials may bc made to rull Tul life and passed away ono n 62 ycnrs, H arry B enoit Jr.;r.; a n d He was presentlyntly with loved the stufIuff bu( wnsn't Afterrcdriitiring to Mesa, Ariz., Camp1 Sawiootii, in carc of Aug. Au 13,2007, In a hospilal in daugliter, Susan Benoit,:, i b o th F re fo n ta in e G re en1 Chop C of able to go pick pic nnymore. in 1975,sheah e a n d D o n en jo y ed L ivingg Waters Presbyterian O Oli ln e y M d. of Silver Spring, Md.: doilaugh- Riirlcy. Kick was misraised and From that dnyy ono when Rick golfing. en(einicrinlning friends Churchch. RO. Box 218, Aricne / was a very lovingng ter. Kadilcen Litdo; andd . four baptized I.DS and hahas a rich picked aspanigiigus, lie picked and (nivellni:IIng extensively In WendelIcll. ID 83355. and an compa.ssionatc grandsons of Etna, N.H. Mormon history andnd is even for thu neighboiborhood. WKh Europe mdund In the United Sped•cial Ihunks for the sup- S Shi h e serv ed a s p resid en t o f thhe e A graveside servlcc wilvill b e m eiuioned in liiu hi>ihistory of gusto, he gath:uhcred wheel States in theirtin motor home porl and at cure provided by AID All for R etard ed In Slnm ford.rd. ut 11:30 u.m. Sa(urday, SSept. (he descendantsi of< (he barrows full of:)f iti und deliv- visiting frierriends and family. Bnrbamira. CInIre, m n n a g e n ie n i Conn., Co ror many years In 29, ndiiclW In Foils Ccmciiclery. Danglucrs of thehe lJ(alj ered it to whr/hom ever he Emma Lou111 left1 u legacy ror nnd stminffofAllcrra, IJfeCnro _ Pioneers. He loved;l aianimals, thought wouldlid enjoy this her childrenren and grnndchil- Ccnter•r of Boise and p f1shii)}{. gardening;,g, music, simple pleasiasure. Every dren with benutlfulqulltsslieber Harrlsoson's Hospice. I (he niounlaiiis. s st tre a m s , a c tio n in h is life lifi was made created ind and gifted on the Arrangegements are under the I* napping in (he reclimrliner. a n d b e c a u s e o f ho>flow i( would occasion ofof their( murringes. dlrcctio:ion of Wliile Mortunry, ■ m a k in g ever>’o n e laiiK:iugh. benefit the peop!ople he loved. She will no(Ol o< n ly b e re m e m - “C h apiel d by th e I^ rk .” ■ Rick is survived byly hhis par- And he loved so>o mi uny. e n ts. Lee a n d A licia11 SjSanchez 1 lis passionI nnda s(rnngc of Heyburn: his wife,i'ire, Alice connection toI animalsa wns Raymond M. Winckel I S a n c h ez o f i le y h u rnn; ; daugh-c phenomenal uniand unbclicv- ter. Brica (James) l>aParks of able to people.. HM e c o u ld pe( ALBION— — Raymond 1 Miller Slar In 2(2004. Ranching becamc H Ruperc grandchi[children, the meanest doglogs and (ame Wickel, 92-yi2-ycnr-oId Albion a way ofc life in the Albion H We.ston Wright, i:)Dustin, the wildest of creatures. rcsldcn(, died die Wednesday, Valley. Raymond I pannered H Xerica and AliAnnala Parks: Through his Ijfcfe he brought Sepl. 19. 2007,200 ai Highland with Blatlackjack Ranches for 30 | sisters, Orella (Kevin)in) Lewis home wild, wotvounded and Estates in RudiJudc*y. years. His II BcKy I.OU passed *— of Riiper(. Idaho, \U)ri m Ann alxindoned animlimnls to heni Dud wass born L Sept. 25, nwayMn/f,iy3,2003. H I doe) M astersofKuna.:Kl. Idaho, or niise nnd (hen the sel free. 19M,inElbu,)u. SurviviIvors includc his Robin Stark, and Aprilpril Stark F.verything fronrom blinded Idaho, he (he dnuglitcr:cr, Karen M arie (Gene) A o f B rookings, Ore. ducks to or|)hanluned kll fox. son of of BortzoffifDeclo:hisson,TonyR. AVERY / i BIGS THANK YOLul lie would want allull of his Then there wercre (het rrustnil- C h a rle s of Albion; five grand- _ brothers and slsters-irs-in -law in g tim e s th a t drove dr< his wife Edwin id and children,n . Holly (Mike) Terps(r.i 1 Included in his realIbrotijers bn cnizy. i-or 151 ye:years this old Lillian cl) Dcll of Riponjn. Qilir., granddaugli- I and sisters, Kevin Lew.ewls. loe suul collected antiques>■ slb- ■ ' ■ (Brook)) iHol(manofMul(nand Wi-'ri- W' |ilr iintioiiiirr llial 1 Idaho, Steven (D(Denise) r^ulrks, like dog^[)gs lhai rode lings. he The Dennis1 HR. (Sara) Boriz or'I\vin Jiiiu-> J„ liiir« IxTii riiiiknl “I lijilicM M o rris o n o f He>Heyburn, motorcycles, turkeys tu that fnmllymovedied 10 D eclo in 1920. Fulls; amind 13 grcni-gnmdchll- liiv<'^iur |„ Saii>riii'liiiii u'iih Full Si Herman Cnimmy) MoM o rriso n sw im , c h ic k e n s{ th(li a t c o u ld d o R uym ond attended nt grade dren alsoIso survive h im . I Ie w:is U rokm ip- Fimi.'. TIiriT Vnirs in o f K an sa s Ci(y,r, Kan., tricks, large herdsrdsofcatllche school in Dec!3eclo. In 192G, tlie precededcd In d e a th by his Betty \V w, ,-\r nhvuy.-. l..-lii-vnl our way c VIdito of could move from Luwnnna (lessie) VId 3m pnsiure to fnmily moveoved to Albion. Lou onM n y 3 ,2 0 0 3 :h lsg ra n d - i,,, iiitiili- for oiir cilri Visalia, Calif., Johnn ((Doru) pasture with just1st u b u c k e t o f A lbion wriLS; home he to Dad for daughier er. lajiine on Dcc 30, iiirc II) kiiDw tlicy agm-. Mahoney of Hurleyley nnd grain. m o st o fh is lifelife. H e h ad n love 1999; oncn c b ro th e r a n d o n e sis- Monica (Kelli) Dlcksi:kson of He loved musicsicand played for the outdocdoors nnd u good lcr. To seo how wo can make senseISO Uoise. Idaho, the guitar, trtmipin p e l u n d h a r- h o rse. 'Ilie life lifi of a cowboy 'Ilie ruiruneralwlllbea( 11 a.m. InveiUng In' for you, contact onee ol our f Ie was preceded in death monica. He could C( read beciime his5 dream.di In 1939, Mondayly Sop(. 24, at The financial Rn advisors today. by his mother, U>1k .Sar.Sanchez; music because;e of formal Dad hircdon on with die Utah Church1 or Jesus Christ of Ut Jbn« ftcetved the highesi fximeiiul■fiul score three years in a rw among lull a son. Lemar; all1 oof his (ruining he recelvijIved, butwus Constructionin Company,< and Lalter-duJay Sulms Albion Ward stfvice ser> btokersg* (irms in the prop greet Esmeralda on “Bewitched" 00, of Arco and formernerly of friends from 9:30iO ajn. until and Bcmlcee ono “Designing Burley, died Friday, Sepi>ept. 21. time of theIC service Women," diedllcd Friday. She 2007, at the Lost RRivers Wednesday at ,th.the funeral vras 81. Wm iT E H o sp ita l In Arco. T h e(funeral fui home. Iniermcntu wili• bc at Ghosticydlccdied o t iic r h o m e will be at 10:303 n.m. Pleasant View 0;iCemctcry in In tiic Studio0 CityC neighbor* . y 0 o r t u a &, G rem aton Wednesday, Sept. 2626, at Burley hood of Los5 AAngelesj ofter o •‘C h^pdkyltilA oPark" lo n g b a ttle wvldi ith c o lo n c a n c c r ond a series1 of strokes, sold Jim Pinkston,an, 0 longtime . Services • friend. . Ghostlcy m o d e h e r jO.k T R U S T E Di) NAME SINCJCE 1 S ) 2 4 . Claudia Kirkland MliMlckcl- Interment will bc bi ot 3:30 Broadway debuc b u t in “L eo n o rd sen ofTWln Falls ond former-fon p.m. Monday att CentcrviileC SUiman'sNcwFwFacc8 0fl952." ly of Pocatcilo, funeral■al iat 10 Cemctcry In Ccmcrville, Ct the hit revuele 1in which she n.m. Monday at HighIghland Utah. recclvcd criticoticoi acdaim for LDS Stake Center,V :214 0 singing the satisatirical sendup S a tte rfie ld D rive In P ocat)catello: Lyons H. "Pete”'e” Woody of “The Bostonton Beguine," family will rccclvc fritfriends Hagerman. cciebrajrallon of life which become:n c h e r sig n a tu re from 6 to 8 p.m. toda3day at at2p.m.Mondayai>rot D c m a ra y so n g , Mannlng-Whentlcy FurFuneral Funeral Chopel inIn Gooding: ‘She wos JustJus so wonder* 1 3 6 4 th Ave./e. E. Twin Falls 7333 3 - 6 6 0 0 C h a p c l. 5 1 0 N . I 2 lh AviAvc. in visitation for fo fai m ily a n d fui,” sa id M ilesles IK reuger, p res- ■www.l PocatcUo, and from 9I to 9:45 frie n d s fro m 4 lo 77 p.m[ . to d n y I d e m o f th e LosI Angeles- nr. wKitemorhiary.comn - -____ o.m. Monday at tho chuchurch, at the chopel. based Institutitute of tho h — ------1JT

V 1 Tlme»-Nwn,Tirlnr- a 2(H)l(M)7 griiiliiiiie OflWin I'iills eiich i cadet’s perforniiinc 'i'he Wilsons iiuivciived to metal dclectinn, panlanningfor iniining inn ’, Imililar)’justicc'sys- High:i;hSctio(il. and i' ])iijgress in olllci’r iraiiiits, ■|\vhi I'alis fiirly iti 1 :i l!)lll, K<>Id iind just heii>eing with vehicle oper(i years. graduate ofif IV jM Ulchard ToollimanT of I'iler I'omplclf the leiiiletsliih ip su p p o rt hini. Tracy liMrnwl ii-ai Pearl: daiij-liiers. r.aro!('.ai (Riiy) M in ic o i lighll iU K lisa20i'00'lgr;iduateofl-ilcr s'atlian N;it I. 'larter graduaicd idcvclopnu.'iit course. Hpii llic trade ofpliitnbur"■r" IromI Neff of Soap Wash.. School. She isis \ ^ h ^ A \ High Scho.lool. fromIII Ihc A rm y KOTC ssuccessl'iil completion of ththv Iiis fiiilier and niii-li's L'li's, In a n d Trutly (Mike) Kellanisof Ke ilie daughter-I' (Uuraiisen (Hese,-serve OITicer Triiiniiig cc ourse, d ie HO'l'C p ro g n in MM I. Tracy went Iniiium the l-;plinila.Wiish.;eiBhighi gnind- of Dennis rps) U-iiiler Develo])mriii :iand gniduiitioii from collegi.'gc, U.S. A rm y Air Ctirjis. children: 20 greiiteat-grand- imd Sherry iUK asniiisseii ne g re a t' liu p e rt. I le r graisraiulparuiusarc training iiwn iis -Operation Wiirrior sse co n d lleiileiiiiiits ill th e U.^J.S. lisli tlu- liplirata Airli\irliase . j-reiK K m ndchild o)n n ihewiiy;i Bobbie I-insenL-n > o f Hiitlcy, tlif “ “ " * "* 5gatLachland rge," at riirt Ixwis, lacom;!, /'Army. Natloriiil (ruiird. ’ iniiningin iii Lickland videe theil best possible profes- I Te.xas A^^M H niversit)■ity. Sepi.2;i. l!M2.Tliever)’i,‘rj’next loved doj;, Uyan. TrayTi wiis of Subleti. IHer brother Air I'o''orce sionalnaltraliiiiigaiideviiliiation (College Sm i ion. I le is tile soi day Trai-y had to leaveive and preceded in deathth by IWO leremy Hasmu;inussen lives in liiise. >'><>n ^ M l ^ K Cor illl Ciidels in th e iispects o f ' aale of ’IWin Palls I ligh Schoollol. In 1*J(>;(, W ilson I’liinilinihln^; A celehniiidii oflifi was estahllsliL’d in Moses Mi al I p.m. Siiiurday, 5 2s; TooHiman tinisnesfin tra in in'N g , i e L ik e w hich h e a n ti Pearl.•art m il ai N ew U fe C hristian tb e until lYacys rellreincnilent in in liphnitu. If i basic combalbat training m is- im ci. meniDriiils may hee madeti lo Army Nailonional Guard Pfc. sion. orga:^anl- f i - I'mcy w isa lifclonsnK;niem- ihe Vcleran.s’ Medical ^ Jeremey T. Toothmnn Toi has /allon, a n n d ’ her of the Pliinibcr's UUn nion C enler.'tiU S N. Asset.sembly Sl. graduaied fromjm basiccombaiI military nistoniscu und counc- No. fiS)H, a ineniher of die Spokiine. WA 9‘)2i)‘)205 or iraining al I'ori Fr lackson. sics; perforormed drltl and cer- A m erican U '^lon, Miis(lasonic .Shriners HoS|)itnitnl for Columbia. C.S.C. e m o n y marciie.s. and I.()clj{e. I'l K atif S hirin rin ers, C h ild re n , P.O. Doxlox 2472. During the.• ninenl weeks of received physical i training, Nfirlii c:etiiral I’rospecile c io rs Spokane, WA ‘)‘)210-i0-2472. iraining. he studtudied the Army rifle marlirksniiinship, field ^

Dorothy LouiseL BamfiardtIt IRoske VW hy don't yoi.DU have your II-ilOMI- — DorDorothy dau}’hters, Mlckickey (Jim) She helpedtl n iise h e r tw o th e lovinglg care ilie staffs al T l.oiiise Ilarnhardi Hoski)ske. 70. C^erdon of lerome,ie, Julie (Jim brothers iuidI kekept house for Alierra aiiimd th e n v in l-iills IRA/40 IK invivested in it? uf Jerome, died J liiir!m rsdiiy, D.) P a p p a s u f Poc;:Dcaiello and her falher. C a re C e nnier l gave to our ( B, Sept 20, 2007, al llieIle lUin Hrendn (Diivid)] Shon of She marriedled Marian O, m other'aiand grandmother Chances are, you didn't I'iills C iire Cenler. M oal), U tah; so n ,,MarkHoske M Roske in 1945IS iand lived in ihcscpasii•I monlhs. D o r o t h y _ of Sacmmcnto, CalCalif.; and a Prairie City, OreOre., until 1962 A memniinrial scrvicc will be k n o w y o)u u c o u ld . Wits b o m brother, iion (Wanda) when ihcy mrmUJvcd with Ihcir at 2 p.m.. Sunday,Si Sept. :i0. ut h h O ct. 7, 192B. ^ B a rn h n rt o f Yumla. a, Ariz. She four children1 lc10 IWln Falls, While Moro rtu ary , 13G I'o iin h . In C o lo rn d o K ' hud eight grandchil;h ild re n u n d Id a h o . In IflO1992, Dorolhy Avc. li. in'hTWin Falls, Id ah o . A This real estateite move will make you I . ;S p ri MKs. grent-grandndchildren. moved to Jeromrom e to live o n r e c e p tio n) inli Dorothy’s honor ■ • C^olo., 10 • *‘ • ? ! l^'-’ro th y w a s preiire c e d c d in ih e Ic ro m e C ounniintryClubgolf will followw from 3;:i0 to 5:30 lots of monconey if you qualify. I ril e I e n — /J death by her panlarenis; her course. p.m. at thlhe Jerome Couniry ;.I.iudstrom h u s b a n d , M .O. Boske; IU her In Oclobcrr 2i200n. due lo Club on GcC^olf C o u rse R oad in t'and Marry brother. Ted Darnhinliari; and a falling health,I, slshe moved to Jerome, Idaho. k In lieu of iliiriili:ir

‘‘ r- ■■


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______miw-Wwi.TWnr«tt’«lb,iiUbo 84 Sundir,Septemb«f221 23.2007 ______M a c k : V a i .l-, V ______Three velchicles invohIved Snalake River Artisisans name GcJooding Countaty Fair winnei?rs lw!ird.s. 9 3 « •Nows______y eat■ars liest o f F'alr w in n e r, Lilx-ne Meyer-six Ists, twtwo Mci lan-2nd; Hr>’an l-dw ;)ns; Joe A lioite laylor, was won by’ 2nds, IWO honorable nieilien* two hoiHinible mention in collisiijiononHighv il-vnns* c o oODIN'C n ~ Snake Hiver Harlirliant Sinilton nf Cooding. lions: Donnn Qirpenler-hoihon- Chapinan-2nd: Ilrlana I- .•ndl* 2 n d . h o n o rn b le mlenilon; et Timos-Nows______Hnth driver/ers involved in Artisansms liave releasi-il tlu- Detail l)i llsling of ribbons; onible nienliun: Fdeth Fend iioniblu the collision1 hadh only niiin)r Coixlingin g C o u n ty Fair 2007 .H I haminde Slalc Police report et! released. lia rh araira O n eid a o f le ro m e: i-lrdidiiian-2u(l, -ird: DoriaI m en tio n : Torie A nders-y ofo Wendell: liest ol' menenlions; l-dt'iaCill-lwoIirds, n ie n iio n : Ju stin e Koyle-2ii< ;lda- Isis, 2nd. iwo htiiioiiornblu I licailiiii! soiitii (on U.S. Vegas, had l)ue)eun swerving on Divisiono n w in n e rs. Voiilii. lioiKinorable nient ion; Mike two :irds: Barbara Onuldr mentions: lUisa Walgai;am olt* Highway wlien'11 iti' was hit the road forr somes lime, lie jiisiitiee KtiyleI of (io(idiii(;; l.emt n o n s - ls t. :ird: I.Jil’riei two lsls.;ird: by a H)‘H M ilsiiliislilislii liclipse w as la k e n int

m “ n 3;1_01? Yumo

Notebolook______------Continued front page 81Bl feren c e su far. A ‘)()-minuieL- "Media "llwasverygi y nev er 1 ^ » 4 ^ 'IriiininK " se ssio ntl w as h e ld b e e n in th e pul Sydney W hile dwc.ii)' 7.0 0 . 9 v. )-»4» Tuesday. Tho w(w o rk s h o p . — n e v e r in mny y Ilife SW.S>r1t1>.i:30-4^S*700.91! »*B4S- w h ic h fe a tu re d a cou;ountypub- 1\vin Fall C o u n ty Good Luck Chuck.« o«r 41 0.0.30 lic infornialion officer, uf a Commi.sslun C 8«I-Stf<1t»-?:4S.SC0.TJ0-»«S -8:30 newspaper publishcsher and a Mikescll. a forn coun* Dragon Wars it»0*1^7.00.9:15 television reporter,:cr, is held cilman, said lih e Ihu every’ few years sinc1S Dan Chadwick. H ut h e u n d tlie "W e w ere (eltinK them : to misundcrslandin d in g m a n y new 3;10 toYuma mowr7co-ii» Sat-Siaii;4a.3.1S-70Q.9M answer the qucstli:silons, he commissioners I honest — ilon’t lie — and " you'r th e Resident Evil: Extincttonm m a k e su re th e y tctell iheir pressor heen in sior>’." hu said. "Son^)me of it's it's dinicult Ihe'le very first Transform ers nmn 0^ 1 scvnd p re tty n e w fo r folks, full and a reporier com up 0.0,745 Sd.Sun.1?15030^7.45 som e ofit’spretty mrou u tin u a n d n o te b o o k in his h n n d a n d you Balls af Fury cn Dan/ t m - 9 45 Sdl. Sun 45. 5 « . 7 30.949 m u n d a n e for others."rs." think,'Wiial dulJu say so don't Nanny Diaries (

f f l >rfh SideI Commiunifies CCeiebraii f e September Communiii/fyEyenfs Oetober:& mmrnunity i Events ; H a g erm an FesHvivities . V H a g e r mm m F esH v iH es Sept. 2 9 & 303' - Thoujofid Springs feslivovol ■ OcOct. 31 - Holloween Cornivdl'ibliljibt ihe.Americon Legion Holl * What isis an From & 9pm Q Jero m e FesrivitifHe* - : • > ■'.-•-Ji;'' J e r o n ^^iFe^ities l F . --j •FNP? Sept. 2 9- -0 Community Conlonniol FoundciJers Day Celobralion Oci. a -27-'Haunted H ous^m^B leraine Couniy Folrgrbunds'; 8 am lo 3 pm a t iho N orth Sidiido Park downtown Food Drive i meni, lots of Food, •M ; 1 Annu Huwkcr,FNm p JeiJeromo, Livo Fomlly Enlorloinmi piipioneering exhibils, Pionoor gcgomes, wagon ridos, Oct. Oc 28*31 st Hounled House bmbndralser for Girl S ^ U and . .-^i pony rid w , Don's Mini Troins.5. Fon I for tho whole Jerom e Fire D epirfrlorfmonl.. ■ V '}y! ^ if. I • F N P' is the abbreviation for‘or Family ^fomlly celebrating lO O y o o fjo; a n d slill growing. Call Tam m y P arker ^% 73S-3276q^ii^32 • N u rsie e IPractitioner. NPs arc: a advanced A p ra c lictice c nurses who provide high-qual-hi, [email protected] fo r more ily healthcaru scrviccsscr by diagnosing andid treating a wide range ofif hhealth problem s. Beside:Jes clinical AJJ care. NPs focuss oion health prom otion, diseiseascpre- j T l i i fH t i e n vcntion, healthI ededucation and counseling. •> lo d g in g . ® C om i s t r u c t i om i , I n c . I ■ 1 provide familieilies with complete medicalcal carc at Twin Rills O rihoplopcdics. In addition to famimily prac- Concrete Contnractors •>Jea3toamrt !perience" ticc, I collaboratelte closely with the Orthoptspedic sur- "Over 30 Years o f Exp w ^ Special £vadtOa gcons, NPs frequcquentiy work in specialty'ar'areas, like 1425 S. 1800 E., Goo(loding, ID «,“Ouex. 100 yeoM af. Moi Orlhopedics. NPNPs use their expertise to manoge Phone>ne: 208-934-9137 • M olobilc: 309-1022 m Alain SM. (jwUu t^ .S d a tu . patienis' progressess from the initial call to) tlthe officc Fax: 208-934-91) 1 2 7 I L 8S~260-66S6 through the clinicnical exam ination, the surgirgical care, ...... —— and the rehabilitalitation process. This impn quality of care receivedrcc by the patient. r a itMagemum!! g

Morc and moree ppeople arc choosing NPsPs as their n e v a to m H : p r im a ry a n d /o r: sesecondary healthcare prov‘ovider. In 1 : addition to being:ing to being top-notch h he e a lth c a r e G t m e • providers, NPs; dcdeliver a unique blend of C U i i ai t e d £ i u m g . ■ and medical carc.are. NPs have distinguishebed them- lEB nMg t t o a t u•j£K a (Rocfi 9’tacc. ■ selves from othericr healthcare providers by>y fI o c u s in g oct3i»diaianA 9 SuAdivUtcn.) 9 on the whole pers)crson whcn treating specift xan, 33> 83332 ■ p r o b le m s a n d cc educating their patients ( 3 7 ^ 1 5 3 I I Q ^ c ff c c ts th o s e prolnoblcms may have on theh e m , th e ir at!RU>c r lo v e d o n e s , a n di ththeir communities. (55+ 3 iti0 c tn w ■ //you have anyy qquestions, or would like to i-iiMG i l nSteve’s QuijiCK ServiceI [ TON DRILL Beer •W ine*•P o p •S n ack s i TWn Falls Ortho(bop€dic8,P.LLC ^ • Shell V-PmverFuFuel »Daco Batter!^ 3UM PSER 2 ‘ Goodyear Tire*• Service Department ; ; S62StoupAvaineWeiWe5flWnFalls,Idaho 4 Serving fbe Mapc Valley Sina ! I 7 3 4 - i 60IM alDSt.,Go

s' I i '

I TMn Falb, Idj S«nd»r,Se[rtemb«23,20C2007 BS ______ll)A tlO A V l'>K-ST______ivoiidng(on realistItic PRetiring fore:ester sayS off-roadingo artific era coming;to end on{public land:Is icial hanc idtt'sls dsforvet(terans ® • I-oresi Servire .leiils wil.w id i Wliili^ Kivei n a d o n al io OCDI'N, Uiah (AP)—Tlif rele lir in g c h ief o f ilic U,S. growing coiillicis on lorr'iri'si for niiii-years, worked ioo n an POCATHUXt (AP)(AP —Idaho «u/p'lfe’ll use tliis study as a f •oresl Service's Iniernioun- land and a buildu]iI (jf(. itileragcncy team inin d ie Stale Universliy’ hasha received ' a potential ain Kegion says ihe days of fo rest ilel)ris lilain c d lor Id (ireaicr Yellowstone /’A rea, a n SH42,OnO gnintant from the gpjpringboard to odier possiblepo mresirieied cr«)ss-chij)hir and served terms as liloiesi Department ofr DefenseD to ^ ravel on public lands are wililllres. siijiervisor of ■ h e develop a prosilnsdietic hand reSeSsarcli in tissue engineeieeringand iimluicidy c o m in g 10 an end, •'Oneol'mygri'aii'silmiiciijU’s (:i)e(|u an u 'to n a tu l Nil'^iciilel tltat, rattier tliaillian simply , laclt Troyer will enipiy his, is: We've gol billions of Iouslou nadonal fori'sts being attached,d, will he tliee cread{ o n of artificialll oorgans,” .ic,lesk Oct, in Ogdi'n, wlien- o f fuels o u t th ere, a n d w e a r implanted and1 provide| a ■cd In — Ja m e s Lai, aiisoctatc sso director of le I'*; look charge million a couiiir)' ihai says we havliave In l!)!)7, lie inov'i:< se n se o f to u c h aind n d tempeni- icres of nadonal forests and a n en erg y issue." said Troye.uyer. O g d en as d e p u ty regi''g io n al ' ISU's B io m c d k a lI RiR c s c a rc h I n i t l t u t c ture sensation byly convertingc ;rasslands in Wyoming, w lio l)elieves d ie for(,'^iresi lori'sier for die Inter- li tinpulsc.s sent (0 (u and from Idiidaho, Ulah, Nevada, debris conld lie lurneil inin|i id m o u n ia in lleg io n , liikiii); lii th e b n iin . T h e -Sniiiniart Prosiheilc Insiiiuie.e. lie I a n d .Solomcin Ciilliilifornia and Colorado. ethanol for irans])orlaiioiiiioii , overasi'liiefin:’(H)2, “The fxisllng; cotntnercialct Hand 'lechnoinology" program ati L'ngiiieeriiig pro- His I replacement, llarv■ fuel,' TroyiT sail! fiO pertei•eiil o f te c h n o lo g y for urmirm and liand has liiree phiihase.s. Tlie grant fessor, areire ee x a m in in g l>lol<>gi- I'oi'orsgren, now regional Troyer grew up on a westlesi- his buclgel is beingt i c o n - n m p u te e s h a sn 't: chch; a n g e d sig- rec eiv e d in JulyJul by th e school cal elTeci.sLls o i f im p la n lin g ih e f(»roresier for die ern Colorado peach tarnarm sinned hy coiitinllingi wv ild- niflcantly in ihuhe past six covers the first fl IH-monih, prosilieiicllie h a n d s, Soilouilnveslern Hegion in and wum to work for ihd ie firi's. u|> froni Kl percei;cnt in decades," said D. StihbanKnI theoreticalp ph h a se . "W e ivill will e x am in e how lo NJew c M exico, will lake over I'oa'sl Service in MHiO aas s a. 1‘)‘l l . Tlial ha;i lefiI l.-ss Naidu, nn enginetneering pro- Olher ISUU professors| also bypass llie ilic tissue rejeciion inl11 necem iier. hydroldgisi. He was districiirici nioni'y Tor olher ptogrigram s. fessor at tlie schm:lu)ol who is are workingg onc the proleci. proi)lemII liial ll has occurrcd 'iVoyer, i (>(», Is retiring as the ranger in San Juan and am he said, lending the projcroject. “The Marco Schoeioen will measure when iryiiifying (o al(acl) a pros- Departmeni of■ Defense D is signals fromin tlie bniin thai (hetic deviievice.” Iiil (old (he ^ H || e m b a rk in g o n a researchrest pro- con(rol nuisciiscles, and Naidu Idaho {(a(e S(a( Journal. “We'll g ra m to fiu idI prostheilcf will convertt thosetl (o signals use (his: Studysti as a poiendal b b ™ ■ research to revfevolutionize to control the t prostheilc springboanoard IO o th e r po ssib le ______upper-body prostliisihetics und hand. A prn(rnloiype will bc research1 inin tissue engineer- to de v elo p artificial:ial arnis that built by Albaa I’ere/.I’ ing and (lieilie creation ofariifi- U wili feel, look nndand perform There are: significanlsi chal- cial organs, iikc a rc.ii hum nnn ata rm gu id e d Je n g cs lo the th e project, su}d L-il .«iidlid a ; prototype Iw nd by the central n ner e rv o u s sys- Jam es Lai, a.ssocia(e direcior could bele re r a d y fo r h u n u m te m .” oflSU'sBiomcm e d ic a l R esearch (esd n g inn fivefi' years. Siiowmolmile ShowHI J H Septem ber!er28&29.Expoltiaho Fri. • 3 p.m. to 10) p.p.m. • Sat. • 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Salt Lake att(■ttomey W ^ T he fnmily of Edward D. “Rocket”’ (C ^ a l s I can questionori Terry I w o u u i i k e (o ,j Jj tlinnkourur 9 H Nichols onI Videov; w family, frierien d s [J &colleaguiKues OlCLAlIOMACm:n-y(AP)-A 'i for the lov,o v e , ■ i E u C T E n Utah attorney InvtInvestigating : support., Ilowcrs.fl( the dcnth of hisIlls y o u n g e r A fixxlandprprayers brother at a federalmlpcnlKn- durinsthis.lis difficult tim e. A special thankanks to C lia d &. m (iary in Oklahomana City can , p , ra & Greg, Doug & Teresa forir allal th e e ffo rt H conduct a vldcotap.taped Inter- ; memorial golf scramble, view of Oklahomaa atya bomb. K"’ ingconspiratorTeri]ery Nichols. ToaJIthche hole (inti raffle spomors, Can>'onCa Sj>ring.t Q t i g L a fedcniJ ju d g e h aIS s rruled. QolfCoursursc. U.S. D istrict JudgijdgcDaleA To the TerrcrroT So/tbail teams and parcnrents for th eir Q KjBM Kimball ruled Tliurliursday that support amiar encouragement, Jesse TV entadue! cant niso To Norni'sn 's Cafe, Red Uoti Hold f f Acd'otiAct Couriers. I question nnd videotleotape con- victed killer DavDavid Paul Bonlonnio, K*ri. Andy, Erica. Aydard a n C o a ta 1 Hammer, who wasfas on death Batty Coata, Kata Paarton a^lamlly& f SpDI’c rn s c rs : row with bomberier Timothy Laura Tlppata & family S O p o m n i s ' Marla O arratt A fam ily = q p / r - McVelgli. Joan Coata A lam lly ^ ' , lY c n tad u e is workiorking a th e - NOWESTBi gBHwm— P I ory tliat l^nnethh T'Hvntaduc ■ B H jS I , was killed at thec OklaliomaC a t y Federal TYansfcnsfer Centcr I In 1995 during anin L IntcrrogQ- ; ;ion gone awry. He!Ie icontends authorities mistookok 1his brotli- cr for McVci}^^ “loh D oe 2" ivho he believess was w bank r o b b e r R ichard Gu uth th ria • J&jnneth TVcntadtaduc was a to n v ic tc d b o n k rojbber b b pickcd (jp on a paroleIc violation w h en , tw o d a y s la(e. h e w as fo u n d h n n ^ g In his from a bedsheet. His dc w as officially ruled a sui b u t his body also boreo rc u g ly . wounds and bruises h is b ro th e r believes hle e diedtl from a beating.. JessclY cntndue's searchs for a full e x p lan a tio n hha: a s le d h im to open a new lineicof o inquiry into the Oldnhorh o m a C ity bombing. He beliee llcves auUiorlties were tl (o McVel^'s plans, but failed to s to p th e b o m b in g on e rs w alk fro m p rose sec cu tlo n .

I H Ql l r m ii i s s i o r m c e .



U . 1. .-.l; M S u n ^ , September 23,200723,: AROliNDTHi; W(VORLD ______TIinet4(ewt,TwinF«iIt,

P eru(J before leavlnt;.^ .sSi a ld a a -s ld e n i. b efo re C.(isiaista Hicans head to |iublic Ic lliis njoiith. fueling w ho a sk ed i)(\t(\t to h e n a m e d th e p o lls toI d vote on a free- outrageIgc here. The document. for fear of heinj itiK h a n isse d hy ira«le {i{>reeireement with ihe dated 1J July 2‘) and written by Fonner leader FujiFujimori Uniied Stalelates and six other two hi.hiKli-Ievel governmeni . . I In the cententral ciiy of countries, A lfredo Volii) officiiil;als wilh close ties to returns to face biiinai Mandalay, a cro t:rowd o f l().(HX) sh o u ld h e a h a p p y m a n . C osta 1 I Ulcan I’resideni Oscar people, includin; linKS()me-l,(HM) As he ad1 oof l the -yes" cam- Arias, ooutlined a campaign of U M A — I'iirnii.'rr I’residcnt I’l lUuldhist rnonLs iks, marched in pai^n champmpioniiiK Ihe pact, diny tritricks Intended to sway All)LTti) riijim o ri vvascas cxtnidit- one of ihe larges^esi demonstni- known ass CC/\rrA. he has voters. fdSiiiiiriliiy IhiinCJiili:hilet<)facc i Idiis a g a in st tl the coimtrys watched pipublic support ihe-• authors proposed chiirgfs of c<)rriipii(p tio n a n d m ilitary a-^ lm e s e since a demo- climi) In receecent monibs. The smearlnring CAITA opponents s siincii(ii)in[’ deathath-si|uarcd at an i>i>en house in cclebraiio e Central American I’njsldeilent Hugo Chavez and I’cni scvfn >vars a^o COSTAI R ica cree Irade' A^A^a-ement. which Cuban I i)f his HOili hidliilay on Sunda;nday SepienilKT 2.Vd, Thc o|)cii KovvrniiiL'ni ciillaps' 1 I’residcnt l-idel Qistro. ' :ipsed in - would dismalmantle most trade I hey c^l tuHise will be held at llic lumiciimc n f his ilaiiphttT at 2 11 L. scaiulal. cjilled for a public reia- ' I up trade harriers hetwiL-tween th e U nited lio n s ca .■'H(X) N. Filer. II) l)ctWL-cn the I’cnivians. many claictaci,,.., M anoh^w :ampaign to ''stimulate thc hours o f I :(H)pni ami .'^:(M)pm. halfa dozen Litin fear" ar o th e rs iiuliKMaiit, anxiously an; agre€fnem d el among qiti/ens about Lynn I was bom aliint; with hi.slii.s iwin Lyle on .Scpi. N th l*>27,7. leOdie c«mntries, ih e allepeged dangers of sinib- ( awaiu.’d iIil* rL'luni o f o n e o f Cards may 1k‘ sent lo Lynn TinTliim iasat l* m s Hwy .10 IhiliLI. Hut thatIt ■w a s b e fo re a b in g thie e deal. I Ijiiin Americas inosi c yllJ 8,1.116. l-\ir iiKire infoniiaiii SI contro- SAN IOSI-. CoCosta HIca — memo writuritle n hy c:a ITA lalinn call 2<)«-.'^26-.147(). versial leaders. W ith ju si IWOI weck.s « to advocates waswa; leaked to liie —^ Ib rujiniDri inainiaiiisaisa stro iiK followinf> — a recen sliDued (hilt 23 perci of ^^nDHHHi IVruvians wam to sc' him i^n ^y n ra hack III politics — and worry liis return couk;)uld prt)- voke turmoil in a country c< ^ ' enierHinf’ from (iocai:■cades o f. DDD political and econoinicillic chaos. • ' ' I " Tlicru will h e a se sec c to r o f ' ^ the etnintry that willII identify Id . with him. and he will■111 play| a desiahlli/iiif'oi)position m said Javier Valle H iesin i.; I f (pressman and leadtn d e r o f I’resid en i Alnn CJarcia'sI’sAprista A J t l f S l a U ^ n p any. k JIB U; M yanmaA R ■||j|[|l

Witnesses; 10,(XM0 hold protest marchh

YANC:oN — Myar I p o lic e a llo w ed a {{rouro u p I more than noo liiidi I n»)nks to march Satuaturday W BfW if? ^ past (he house where upposi-op| MPPMHEZi^ lion leader AunK San SuiSuu Kyi l | M i P W p g » J is d e tain e d ; witne.sscs Siiid.sjiic o n a day dial saw .some of ih e larResl p m ie sts sin c e 19(«i A monk said in a spt laier i

• Alberti Excavatiniting • Apex Container, :r. Inc. • 1000 Sprirings Tours • Canyor'on Springs • )im|im & Linda Flem ing • Brizee Heating & Cooling • Circle SI WestV • Eco WaterJr G olf Club.Cl - SushiSu; Ya • Moss Cree»enhouse • Glanbia • Dell • D.L. Evans 3ia Foods • CommercialCo Tire ns Bank • Drs. Gary &,St Jared Walker • 9 Beans &Si a Burrito • Samuelsels Jewelers • Keith Kei & D aw n Kulm . • Exit Realty Conce • Ein Tisch Inn Ir •Canyonon Foot & Ankle, • Thifhe Root Family icepts • First Federal • Pandora's J r ^ . Dr. Cor'ory Pilling • CSI Culinary Institute • Active Bod • First Horizon Hon!ome Loans-leff Biick idy & Sole . Cordonon Saffrey Family • LapLaFlesta • Elevation S SporU . scarrowjw-s • Tritrribes Interiors • Hepworth, Lezan-amiz & Janis Law Offlciices • Petruzzelll h eie cy ic . ca rino's o 's • Cui“urves of Jerome •American F • Intermountain FabricationFa, L.L.C. X h • G reenaclacres Dental * LeC.eDuke Day Spa Insurance: I rwin Falls Eye C enter • KTFT ChannrI 38 • Lowe's • Mac Don • Everton Me lackson Trucking * Twi onald Construction /I H uise 5&B • Supply • Mercia's Natural f F actory ^aglc valley Bank sl & Organic Foods • P,Prescott-Craig Insurancnee • Ray Eggelst Langdon VMa) .‘ s S 'inlfera Wine • Renaldi Constructjction. Inc. • Spondorc • Banner Ban -S hakti • S W e s t daisy's .Olde Time • Farmers NataUonalBank ' ^ Confections : • St. Luke's Magicc ValleyV Regional Medic endent Meat 9?^ dical Center • Red Fish La-ake Lodge * /lagic Valley in Inn ' ^iSns T-T-Shirts & More • • The Buzz • TKO C • Black Swan )istributors ) Custom Homes • Tunjrnipseed Construction 'al Barik • C/assicc C< u t t i n g s •n • First Federa Vaddell & Reed • Twin Falls Title & M an u fa(facturing . & Escrow o f Jero m e )anner's Cabins nter • Inspired:d Uving Stores . • R enter C ent Aarod Medical Spa • Blue Lakes CcCountiy Oub • Sportsmm an Warehouse . wo,Western W aste W • Franklin Buiuilding • Claude:e S p o rts >lck . Marshall Family • Jessica N S upply I M yers llracle . Hot Springs • Sunsatio • R esto re tions .Wiib;/ilbur-Ellis C om pany ■ i ^ •Sportsman's’'s Warehouse •■ Clear SpSpnngs Foods . sawiawtooth Adventure * •Junior Clubb of • Cold Stc>tone Creameiy conCompany M ag ic Vallejey • Gem Staita te T ro p h ies • Bliplip Printing O V E R A L L WVAUKERWINm A m s SIOODASE m f a r C A m mm m ts ovmm A L L R im mE W i m E R S MALE MALE M A L E 1 s t: RIchardo Saveivedra ...1:18:35 H i ■ DrewKV M i c h e n e r 1 s t: Johrhn Ruprecht...... 0:44:01 : 0 6 . 2 n d ; Don Bordewyw/yk ...... 1:24:01 u J ...... 0:7:56 ■ 2 n d ; D re\rew Michener....0:45:3,i:35' 3 r d : Mark Griffith.h ...... 1 : 3 1 : 1 0 ^ B 3 r d ; K en“nVoung...... 0:48:5!:56^^^^^n' F E M A L E LE 1 s t: Tami Charitono n ...... 1 : 2 1 : 1 3 ^ 1 V L E H rltola Morgan.....!0:47;47:53 2 n d : )il Benefiel...... 1:25:31 :ola M organ lah M oore...... 0:55:S5:19 3 r d ; Kelly Pilling ...... 0:8:44 ■ ■ ...... 1:29:29 larllyn Tarkalson...0:56:>6:12 ------i » M H . R A I r o . c e m / ■ FEMALE I s b Arrit FEMAI 2 w d .-L eah i J t Arritoli M a r . i SU NMDAY D i 1 \ SEPIEM0ERR 223,2007: ’ in [A B7 MTIMES-NEWS • SEC-ECTION EDITOR ANDREW \WEEKS: 735-3233 Ji-OI\SSI FOR A GOOD cauJ :S E L e a rnI how to) b e c o ml e a — ‘L o v e aandLo^g ic ’p a we n t | F j tM Classes eveiy Tuesday,ly^ in tijcsc.ssitm. citolces in placeace of orders. Seiit25-Nov.6 "The grciit ihii)|ing about Giving a childId 1 the choice l S n m thi;.sc classLvs is ili:iliat they're between tw«iI) acceptable n o l ju st for. yoiingg families,"f options make ihtthe child feel & ^ B |I By Trena Tegan McComlis siiys. "Tli'i lie things empowered and Fcf tho Tlmos-Newa 11^ ______you learn w«irk wilw ilh o ld e r w h ile still k e ep iningtheparents g cliildrL'ii iiiui teens; as well." in control, You have a cliild. YouIU joy-j O n c o f tlie key croncepts o r of "I love the l.tivt.(ive a n d lj)g ic fully lake it home fromm the ihe prograni is empathy, 0 process," Winn1 sasays. "1 think hospital, unwrup it carcfirefully Trina Winn and her,T iuisbandI my family has reareally iieneflt- and look at it. You turn IIit over,o' ilrent took tlie dasse:>ses several e d fro m It." You h o ld il u p (0 th e liglit.lil.You ^ years ago. and 11 se a rc h th ro u g h tlte w rapping, p p i empathy was one Want to partarticlpate? M B Ihc various accessories!S andr things from the c cIj la ss th e y on the floor nround you.)U. No found to really wowurk with WbofBBCOmlnsa8 a Love and B f f i B j H m a tte r ho w m u c h y o u se;earch, a r their children. Logic Parent classia sse s. there Just doesn't seemI idID bc "i Joiv you respondn d fo y o u r Tuoscfays.. Sept.Se 25 E B B H an owner's manual. Whatlar do child, whether in sasac d n e s s o r Nov. 6. you do now? unger, make.s.such a hh u R e d if- W hat tim e: 7 lln View Befflentety Scbool bas Impiifflplemeoted several oew presramsn t tito help Ht students eicel otrt- B eing a p a re n t is o n c ofo f the1 ference," Winn says,/s “Tolllnc Whore: White Pinene Intermediateh Mountiii II a t Inside the cUtsroom. Parents a most challenging jobs a per-p them you're sad t foi r S school. 190 0 Hilen.liland Ave. In side « well 1 Uare ImrKed to walk with their child;hildren during their daily walks for son can have, yet mostt par-p. rather than angryf a s t th e m the Recen Club,Cl a fitness activity te help childhlldren stay pttyslcally flL ents don't have irainiiining. helps the child tol)cre.spon- bc How much: Classesscs arc free, — A free series of classu sse s, sib le fo r h is o w n aciio■lions " optional workbookoK IsI SIO. - "B eco m in g a Love n n d Logic Lo; Another Love i ant n d LohIc ^ 0^® informatiorJtion, call Katie p i n i ONEER FEDERAL c riEDlTUNiONAND-Ai: e : \ DAY FOR KIDS" ; J ’a re n t." will b c p re se n te;d d a t 7 c o n c e p t th e W in n s; u u? se is tlK- McCombs 436-6823827 or M e •5>-ni. Tuesdays, Sept.t. 2 5 id e a o f giving th eIr ir chllclren t Sfocnman 67M704704, W ish to lhank thelie follow ing contributonsr s 1 o f tim e alirougli Nov. 6 at Wliitc■ I’lnI'l e a n d fu n fora f succcssful event. rjdtermediate SchoolI in QyENTURY STADID IU M 5 a BURLEY THEATREflN IN BURLEY □ JSlirley. 'Hie program isi ppi a id I ______2 ______I Luticc ClClow. Miiyor Iincl ilic Twiti railsIs CiiyC Council for pnKlaiming:Jiini; Jiir Kili as iiJar hy a g ra n t fro m Safe ai Y i-O R K ID S" “Drug Free Schools, t I MR. BEAISNfTBpR►RAY I ncy going 10 ihc Credit Unions for Kids - Children's Minicic Ncl>Mclwork. optional workbook is avu gcM Janations collection winnerT goe»g< lo:K lK X ableforSlO. " " I holida E ip 'ai-a'a' 102.1.CANYON 106,7,'J4.3ANDND 12.70 KIKX 104 . STATIONON OWNERS The program was devi FILER FIRE DEPARARTMENTDUNKTANK o p e d by Jim Tay. C h a rles n DALE’S DOGS PIZ2IZZA Ph.D., nnd Dr. Foster CUnc'»I ]N inv BA LLSr o< F “ i SCHWANN'S ICEC• CREAM ICE CREAM BARS the Love nnd Logic Institu THE US ARMY Inc. in Golden, Colo. Lo :y I S 3:10 TO Yl EL KORAH SHRINEINE CIRCUS TICKETS ' and Logic is a philosophyiliy of I aaHfOndiaMMPA J f l NEW YORK BURRItRITO raisin g a n d te a c h in g ch ild n '(«) g p EZIs D ] n O v I MCDONALD’S OFI)F MAGIC VALLEY that allmvs adults to be hu J C S CAR WASH AT EHT OASIS ON BLUE LAKI\K liS pier, empowered and mo S'SHLTHSaS ONTHESPOTCLEvLEANING & RESTORATIONI (DONATED(Di S2.V)) skilled in interactions ^vi e I NO AND THEIR STAETET . children. Love nllows childn EZ MONEY AUTOO DONATEDI SIOO. THIS WAS.SINTHU I! DONATION JAR to grow through thclr mi IT RESERVATITIONS ^ l i i ' PEPSI FOR ALL OFD FTHE DONATED SODA takes. Logic allows children• o n to I i " I FREE PIZZA ANDS3 SCHWANNS ICE CREAM FOI live with the consequences FOR EVERYONE D n p g s d Nlw _py_lB ,P_Es_[=]ri.I n B v □ their choiccs. Love nnd Log ' is a w ny o f w o rk in g w llh chu-ch I r r—]— ------1 KOOL9696,5 - IMAGINATION STTAn-ATlON (LOTS OFTOYS)THEHEY GAVE AWAY. AND DRAWINGSS dren that puts parents a ar n d INKLEY’S - D IG rr/ tcachcrs back in contrcitr o l. ^ ITAL PRINT tenches children to b I c ROCKY MOUNTAII•AIN PULLERS ASSOCIATION-'IN-TRUCK & TRACrOR responsible and prepan PULL TICKETS young people to live In1 thtl e real w orld. A BUZZ 9999.9 The classcs arc informrm a l MCDONALDS and provide a strcss-f«;-frce ^ J GERTIES environment for pnrticipanj a n is ^ NAZZCART to Icam and share ihelr ocw w n X CACTUS PETES experiences. Videos ai MVSPEEDWAY shown cach week and hantla n d - .rs KRUZERS.NIGHTLr t i F E outs are ^ven with informirma- «M ||||aj||jHDgy| RICHFIELD OUTLALAW RODEO DAYS tlo n o n th n t w eek's to p la T h is ^ B n i M r A BR^VO ENTERTA1^WNMENT iTS. . ■ ' . session will bc presented fc H m H H MUDflOGTICKCTS fncllltaiors Julie Grecnmam a n 1 ■ IDAHO RMATTA nnd Katie McCombm b s. t w B i B G re c n m a n h a s ta k e n th e d a! s s Eli 'E j L U U j KART -PLEW S three times in additionn to t ■MBHrHffiW ' PANDORAS instructing the class prevrev i- MTOLYMPASWATEVTER niEEWATER. ously. COLO STONE CREAEAMERY COUPONS FOR KIDSIDS CONES I "W c k n o w fro m ex p erlenc n c c c LAWEIOHTLOSSC5 CENTER - - thnt the morc onc repeats thi UNlTED.DAIRYMEhIEN STRING CHEESE ■ class, the higher the succ«:c ess : rate and the better one feefeel ls B ^ t e ■ CABLE 01ONEADVERTISINO. ; about themselves," say ,..1,-1 a!T ' CABLE O01 NE PROGRAMMING G re cn m an . rf i r \ I60l0vcfla ^ S ^ 2 9 ... “ULOS.5 AND CHECKERS CU)WNSS FFOR THE DAY. ,' Amy Despnin hns attende 1 / I H ^ Buflcy • 6- Z JW-VO \ J M - - J ffiCE-70:e-70W '-TW INFAlALLS POLICE AND DAN LEWEWEN FOR ASSISTANCE th e d a s s c s a n d sw ea rs b y th / NnaialOO.itaa7H!9 \WITH THE PERMIT PROCESSiSS propnm . ‘It made such a dii P / j | V R / 421 Eoslloi ALLS COIW TY SHERIFFS DEP,lEPARTMENT fcrcncc when I took th ■ V. TNvin Falls • ' HAWK IN Q MR JIM DURST' FORFC USE OF LOT BEHIND PF(PFCU ■s G lass — ffiC8-*4 dass," Despaln snys. "It'sI nnc o t TW O B K K TO GIVE AWAYr nlwnys easy, but its sounilu n d CeCeBratinar oour SO tfi year in Bus\ %)R ADS. COVERAGE, EARLYLY SHOW It^TERVIEW, advicc and the techniquesc s lI t ------, ..-:.CHANNE1EL 7 AND LARRY GEBERT IKTl^RV IEW JUNE 2ND AT WES/ESTERN DAYS te n c h c s renlly w o rk w h e n yyoi o u ' ' TIMES NE^BWS -^ADS AND COVERAGE.3E u s e th em ." . LOWES UiSEUl OF T H ^ PARKING LOTDTON SOUTH SIDE Despaln snys she hopes;s toti i i i ALTERA/,l7.ANn^ US E OF T H ^ SO tit 3R JJUM P HOUSE ha v e h e r h u s b n n d ta k e It witlw ith J H UTH LAWN A ra POWER FOR ountain arshal a h e r . d u rin g th is se ssio n . "I ' HtOH MOI M ' ^ •- klCKI^CHINEK ■ UXS kllllC S B'iKE RObEO A- b o th p a re n ts a re o n th e sa m T W IN P A l )ATLbWK- ^LLS firedepartment f o r page It makes all the dlfler I TWIN FAL OR THE FIRE ENGINE, ■ cncc." ^ ..F.FIREMEN AND THE H R E SAISAFETYCOLORBOOKS There Is no need for regis! HiGiMDEStBT , ' TW INFALU iS CdUNTY5HERIFFTHEE SHERIFFISS CAR POR KIDSS tra tlo n a n d It Is n o t m a n d a to V. :T 0 SE T IN AND PLAY W ITHH BBUTTONS AND MATERIALS.•LS, ry to attend all of the classcs c ; C 5MUL-K") ' S A ^ K ID[DS l • F r m N G THE BIKE HELKLMETS, PAIGE And KARMAA ; , CT L U lES.MAdicVALLEY-REGIONAl ^ lALMEDICALCENTER^... . 1.“ ' 6 ro lj:^ n ^ 0 N ADDING BVl K»'^n&’M l»;iErs.,FRiz^ I Bum regulations for w k T s H i p i!,N^^UB.QBSS^CLOWNS^NS ANPHED OPF;HUhpR]^

Rupert ' J ? W 'C O K A iW A ra i>RRY R b > ^ PRy>mn The dty of Rupert’s burru m M onsanto p e rio d s ta rtin g S atu rd ay , O cta A M I . . 6 th ro u g h S u nday, Nov. A. MSn^^raUNDERPQlud SEsfeBASTVU^.'rapM^ DA' obins^ - , E q p U b P i i Persons wishing to burr- m may do so but must adherelero FWZBBK-; - J ' - V' ■■■ .!.vV'< llB C T w iE iS B S to jthc foUowlng: . ■ Ah adult m ust bc in attenr:enr I d a n c e a t all tln ics. VERTlStNO I “ .-• Cannot bum wtthin SOSG fftt of any building. . r * M u s t h a v e a g a rd e n hosoo se . >tithwa(crhandyatallUmcs.ICS. : Must have a shovel atcall all : t ^ i e i ' - y Cannot bum on days withrith ' InyersJon, heavy doud coveriver . oi>hI]gh h u m ld l^ . . Must adhere to all dty Ore : c o d es. • M ake sute that leaves andUld- grass, ct&, are thoroughly dry to prevent excessive smoke. - • Tliere is no burning afterfter dark.

I 68 $und«T,S«ptMibtr23,2007 m ______W O R L D ______7Ta»»Hm,TWinF«h,liUh0

French illegig a l immigrant i

craclcdown alight can impactr mmuch more than your seijseif esteem. It can impact your physic'sical health and quality ofloflifeaswell. takes a toll Manyy mcdical problems arc assassociated wiih obesiiy. but social indignities ;e not being able to fit in[o to an : airline seat, can be jusjust as distressing. By Bairn Ganley Aasoclatod Pfcas writer Teamed with highlyhi] skilled surgeon Dr.r. JJim Viileniine and PAHIS — AHus-siim h o y s a dedicated stafia/T. Mercy Medical Centercr iis recognized as a f m h fiu l injuries aflL-r fallifalling ^ ■ 9 9 9 |H I'roiii a w indow vvhik' ,-ing to clinical leaderr init: the performance o f surgery, uliiilf policc. A N orth Afric Mercy inviies; youy( lo attend a free worksliksliop. hosted by Dr.. iiiiiii slips from a winiiiindow and fracture's his I Valentine, lo lear;ani more aboul Roux-en-Y;i-Y gasiric-bypass .surgery. while neciiig officers, Chinese woman lies in lay, September 26“6"’, 7 to 9 p.m. coma after plimj’inj; from window diirinK a poll:)ollco l lDr. ical Center, Fall Room1 ■ check. Wednesday /Vs I'rancc nices lo depi 2ri.()(M) illet^al im m i(’nini.s Vak’ntinc Mercy Medica th e e n il o f th e y e ar — a tjur set hy {‘resident Nicol a MPSL Sarko/y — tciisidiis a please call w w w '.tnercyldaho.orgit mouniiii^ and tho crackdov . is laking a to ll ;istration rccommctided. Clritics say th e h u n t ihre; ill 463-5887. ens viilues in a nation tli ■ prides itself on bcinR a cradrnidic o f (lu n ia n rictu s a n d a (an d o f asylum. I’rolesters have gpall alh- ered by th e dtjz en s In I>aris (o i protect illegal iiJiens ils pullitolice njove in. Hut with three monihs Icf(Ic in the year, policc have cau^llugiii . ai least 11.(100 immlgmni R e e l less than half the target, .s S;irkozy hits onJea-d offlciaid a ls Ife to pick u p th e pace. i t e r s ] "I wani nunihers." Siirko/ ey Resortjowes a,.debt c H elp'U sC de. reportedly told Hriciric o : than 1,700 flreflghters Hortefeux. head of th e .' O iir Special s t Ministry of Immigratior •ked on the)^iO0S+ acr: of gratitude to. Integration. National Identiintity re and volunteers and Co-Devi-lopmfnt. whlclhich 6 their d ^ i ^ p n , w e rt Sarkozy set up after taldniking serve :re . Castle Rcwk Fire, oflicc In May. T h ere art* n o solid e.siima(e: remain open and. of the num ber of Illegal alien; In Trance, llie Inimigrailortion 5 th e Steve!KilffiH®ani .' /nc/Ud«'(Wd;iyc*l!e.-7^ Ministry puts it at 200,000 to(c QK Band ^*^benefit conceit •100,000. m a n y from form ei gHisjtvalIair& 3^^^^ colonies In Africa, l-runce hiLShas |r29th in dov^i^^'nd; the Bruce ' at a specla, a population of some Gii mnil- il­ |i h e Castle R ^ h ^r-I^g l bn Saturday, lion. night.;. . 'S j p ? . For rasarvi The president, who culti­iltl- nketchum. This vated a tough-on-crirnem e ^fighters promises : call 1:800.7, image while serving as Interior Minisier, says l-nincenee teuuisunvai needs a new kind of iinnil-m l- ?;>■'. ■ g ran t — o n e w h o is “selected,ted. t-'n not endured." A . , ■ / Mis government Is fast- MlwllWKW tnicking tlgliter Immignilion IcgLsIalion. I'arliament's lower house on ’niursday approvedved a bill that would allow con-o n- sulnr ofTicers (o request DNANA .sam ples fn>m Im m ig ran ts try­:ry- ing to Join relatives in France. Fven .some Cabinet ministers dislike the measure, whichich critics say betrays France’s;e's h u n ia n lia ria n vnlue.s. The DNA te.sts would b be e voluntary and proponents say such lesiing, which would get;e( a (rial nm imiil 2010, wouldlid speed visa processing andn d give im m ig ru n is a w ay to b o l­ ster iheir applications. Immlgnition legislation under consideration alsoso aims to ensure that immi-li- gnints joining family mem­n - bers here speak Frcnch andid grasp French values — to bei)e proven w ith icsis. In a nationally (elevi/.ed>d iniervlcw Tlmrsday. Sarkozy wenl funher. saying he wan(s(s I'rance lo adopl immigrodonin quotas by a-gions of the worldId a n d by oc cu p a d o n . "1 wan( us (o be able (o10 establish cach year. af(er a deha(e in parliament, a quota with a celling for tho num ber of foreigners wc accept on our terTiiory," h e said. Rewarrd youjrself tcoday! Just for being one of our patients, you arere eligible to receive you’Our very own BOTOX®' Benefits cardl Tliis exclusivee> card, allows(s you to earn credit towiiward your next BOTO treatment. ^Cosmetic >X® Cosmetic A yc 'Bgrox- lillk BENEFITS PROQRA.^ A M Thehe Center for Aestl-jlheics'is^heonly^ ' provider in the region able toto offer this exclusiv(ive card. '

The C enter[•forA 1 esthetitics • 1-800-5?>75-8337 •201 Catherine Duriirboraw, M.D. WITH OFFICES IN:S S i w i 935 ShoshoneI S£ treet N orth, T w i n F a l l s * JACKSON HOLE, V : SUN VALLEY •IDAH< .WYOMING < i INSIDE: Boston Bl Red Sox clinchch the MLB’s first playo with 8-6' winV over SUNDAY Spc Tampa Ba 0 4 H i H c TIMES-NEWS * SPORTS)RT SCPIEUQEn 2 3 , 2 007 TS EDITOR MIKE CHRISTENSNSEN: 735-3239 m INSIDE: Local tx)unundup,C2 I Scoreboard,rd, C3 I MLB, C4 I Yoiour Sports, C6 I NFL, C7( I Weather, C8 i C S I voli l l e y b a l l1 c r u s h eesCEU w i t h offensive l e show

jgram 's SL'cond-yu-ar lieatl coailach. West Alhletlc CimfereL-rence mark. son. Afterter Saliirdiiy. lhat passing is Golden Eagli^es pass well]linsweep 2'Passing was phenomenal,’' Tile Colden liaglegles also gain an less ofr aa (juestion mark in tlie rtisser.said. "We finally just increased level-■1 of < comfort in (ioliienI i-:agle.s'i-:a iniinls. p u lIII il alli togetlier." M Ilieir passittgg abilitiesi heail- “Oh, I I can’t even tell yon." Tlmos-News______l-iaslcrn Utah in in Pricc, Utal). TheI'he end result of solid in g liiio Hirsday's 7 p.m. CartlsserL‘r saiil,; "Il’s relaxetl ever>’- Ii w asn't onlyly ilhe:<()-21.:!()-III. ;10- p a ssin ’Sing was a blowout win W home openerier against ihe body. WeVe rmallyI have a core group riniilly. IH finai-scori! si ! Sialcment CSI miKic complnpleted with siartllng \ n a tio n 's No. 'J leam. le. Salt i^ike that’s passiassiiig really well." Tilt* relief iiiul excicetncrneni on againsi Cl-U ih: lhat raised Ciirli.sser’s quickiickness and elficiency. C o m m u n ity c;C:ollege. Solid c:.SIwilli.’ill a lso play in 'IVvin I-alls al ;t College t)f Somheni IdahIah o h e a d .spirits. It w as ll i ihe way the Ciolden TheL‘ nni ia tc h sta rte d ai 3 i».m. passing will he)c .a requisite fj)r p.m.. .SaturItu rd ay ag ain st .Sri()W{;o|Iege co:ich Mcidl Canisser's volo'oicc spoke liaKlfS broke lluIhrough their season- Ky

N i g h t m a r e B i g S l < X)SE,]B U T AVOTQlU I T E o p e n e r ff i o r B e n g aICh ISU crushed byf EasternE Washingl'gton ByMariiUptak TlmofrNaws correspondent

POCATI-LLO - ll wisn'lsn'i supposed (o l)c like this. Tori'or Idaho Since it was inconceiv-i;iv' able lhal the opeiiingKainee oof f Rig Sky Conforenee play'lay w o u ld tu m o m like ll did. HutBut k b e c a u se it did. q u e stio n s novv abound heading into next week’s game at Montana .Slate. liastcni Washington, d ic e d a n d muti*ill. . la te d th c Deii- gals 34-73111011Iolt Arena &iturda^^ay. ^ ^ ■ a ™ k a e d E i _ i a g : Idaho Sntieucli John Zimhitnberlin looki to m rd i tlie bench attim t ti: e riy ran* down lo the foortii qoartlarter 24 u a ln rt Eartero Watlilngloaoln li o f th re e ciir^y:er, Pocatello Satordar. and put up CSI2-1 points In the sccond quarter,:e's yard.s, b u t ISU .sjjcni m o basicallyS ending the conicsii;r- th e se c o n d h a lf lining uu p in before halftlme. Idaho Sinic'sall three-receiver sets (1>2, 0-1) freshman quarter­ed throwing the fuoiball. back Kussel Hill losscd >re all running game was all three picks and was removedi. abandoned, fro m th c g a m e sh o rtly beforehe So who will be under c e n - h a lftlm e . H e n e v er relu m ed>U . ter next Saturday It was tJie lllJi time In thccc Bozeman? last 12 seasons that ISUud “1 don't know." sold UikodifndinJoiliSitb Sbaw I9S) and Taykir Rust (57)1 takei d e n Nortben imaolt taUbKIback iottlB Aodefsofl Satanfay lo0 MiMoscow. dropped thc confcrencctxi Z am b crlin . "W e'll look: ata t Uie opener. Afterwards headlls film s a n d e v alu a te w h a t i c o a c h Jo h n Z am b crlin looked , ■ pencd." like a guy wltli a loi on hislie Tlie Eagles came In nui m in d . If- No. 25 in the Foot“ Idaho) rally falls3 just shorrt againstt jHuskies "I didn't cxpcct this," hclg Championship Seriess { {for- sa id . "W e c a n ’t w ait u n til half-;rs m crly. D iv isio n 1-AA)) j poll. The Associated PreiPress dovo w n field lo tie th e sc o rc . SliSimon led 100 yards wldiId) 3-1 seconds lefl in the time to start performinglit Next week's oppor)o n e n i thle c H u sk ie s w llh 115 receivingn g ya rd s. h a lf to m a k e th e s c o re 35-14. ofTensIvcly. ’Fltosc turnovers Montana State was No.Mo. 10 M OSCOW —C ostlyo m is ta k e s by th e The ’II Vandals advanced to Ihche Huskies Jackson's secoecond score of the dny, nn put our defense in a diUicultJs and figures to move upp uafler Idnho Vandals helped hi thc visiting 0 oon the following drive, btbut NlU's fl-yard run withWlh S:57 left In the ihird, situation." ur beating Weber Stale unjn the Northern IllinoisIs Huskies11 earn a 42-35 Chahasc Carter Intercepted a Nathan made ll 35-21.21. Tlie Huskies gut the Por the day thc Bengalsrn ro a d Saturday, n o n c o n fc rc n c c vlctvic to ry o n Satu rd ay . E nndcrle d pnss and took h tlic: oiother way points back on an eighl-plny. 93-yjird turned It over five times, fourre An 0-2 conference : s start Justin Andersonon led NIU (1-3) fo r a 9 5 -y ard scorc. drive capped1 by an 11-yard Anderson on interceptions. EasternIs would probably endJ .a n y w ith 167 ya rd s on35carrlestinda n 3l A fler a n o ih e r NIU toU'ouclidown TD run. Washington sophomorets id e as o f Id ah o S late sh oDcking c i . Husklcskies quarterback lhat put tlie Huskies upp 21-7,2 Jeff Idaho madele i it 42-21 on a 10-yard quarterback Matt Nicholsi s tlie Big Sky. It m a y also0 spells Dan NicholsonI wentWi lO-for-17 rccovercd pass from Endcrldcrle to freshman receiver took advantage of thc giftsIc doom , to thc goal of haviriving u a n d a p a ir o f lo uic c h h t d o v m p a sses. a n Id a h o p u n t In th e e nid d :zone for Maurice Shaw.w. 1Tlie Vandals took one going 17-for*30 for 285 yardsly winning season afterr last ldaho(l-3}waslcIS le d w a s D e o n tc liaM a 2 a - 7 le a d . last shot at tlielie H1 u sk ie s w h e n E n d erie and a score. ’Three other Eagle year's 2-9 performance,c. Bui lackson, who rushed rus for 111 ®SStmTW. NlU's Larry English>h sacked found light endid E d d ie W illiam s f o r a ir>- comc on runs byr- fo r now , n o o n e Is panlckiieking. yards and scorcdred two louch- Enderie with four minuteLilcs left In y a rd to u c h d o w nnv v lih 1:01 le ft lo play, A]cxls Alexander. st Yet. dow ns. ihe c lfirst half, knocking the ballall into thc Idaho's Ericc GreenwoodC recovered Mill had an awful after­it, "E vety b o d y 's p re tty uupset f ’Tlic Vandals Juiiifiinpod (ilicad 7-0 on an endid /.one. English fell on It foifor a 35-7 thc ensuing on-on-side kick al NlU’s 47 noon, goliig 7'for-lsTor Just:c riglit now," said linebaclackcr 0-yard Jackson touchdown, toi but thc leadad. with 59 seconionds left. The Vandals 52 yards. His replacement,1- Ryan Phipps. "But It's an long1< . Huskies (1-3) answnswered quickly when Idaiio’s Id Shiloh Keo gave thele 'V andals rc a c h e d th c NIUIIU 17. b u t E nglish sa ck e d redshlrt sophomore Luke>4 se a so n , w e’ll b c One." I .Nicholson foundJ MMalt Simon 59 yards somme hope when he reiuniedcd a p u n i E n d erie to e n d ttli h e ga m e. Butler, had imprcsslve.num- bers at 22-for-41 for ZOA COLLEGE FC' O O T B A L L > PAGE C 5

BYU H m Muck oftf y j N Upset chrgan bounces luck H H M H the Irishh p r o specialist Cougars shred on track A loss to boAir Force 31-6 ines take Michigan statate t upset CInoi Mountain down No. leaves Notre Appalachian ' West Air . Penn StaiState In Dame 0 4 for State shocked ConferenceIn opener tlie first time ■ ■ t)y Wofford in openerWc 42-31 loss Co op m h sch has caatchingu]ip to do inn Chase

hole, wilh even Ics;t;ss time to that small dcBie n cli," sa id B u sch , C h a sei drivers.d r rcc o v er. H e's 10202 points thc 2004 chaihamp. “No panic "Wce gotgc beat by a $5 part.' NASCU drin r KurtBusi b e h in d w ith n in e racacesleft mode.WeJustlist hope this week- Busch1 said. » "Wc don't ever Busch Another faulty p o r t o r a e n d a t th e MlonsterMUelsbct- on usuallyly have1 those types of HcOabs W s U t. ■BrDu6«Irioa moral* wrcck could cost BuschBi and ter for us." fallutvs.2S. 1It u su a lly d o e sn 't h a p - . A tiodrted Pre— writer Dover, the No. 2 Dodgee a .• B}usch us plummeted pen inth1 th c g a ra g e arca." ts cost chance to fitiish neilear iJOdgO fromm flflh to 12th in Hewaswas runnbig up front for DOVER, D el. — K urt oveted Bu! thc front of thc Qc! I Chasc standings thc earlyirly part of the race

Minico0 girls faall B r ui i i n s b ce s t a t ]B o b F i r m a n [ kttmonV-ti. 17*. a- i U. 17.1& miad Ml CMn Viiln 17 J, 174; WM SW «tl. HW Jttlmai 17417.10: Wnl Mtmoin 311 T w in Fallsills b o y s w in teanm title, W ard takikes girls race | CVMO MMT 174,1S1& «<(, CMn ^ a i n sit l Presto . MMMTepU-l-LJtmvxbWaM.TMiriat. Timos-Nows An. taM, 1937-, X Kwcn 1’he he guys were all pumped ^ For th e Timos-Nows______of InellKibiliiy, injury,iry, sick------, ,, , nM.l»4l;lOrtB lecaiise they w ere p la y in g no.< I; ness, being out of lowown. Wc The l\vln I'allsalls ,b o y s cross o»he»uiK«,iiia nst their huddles, and it ^ j K «a!S5S;'-' UIJl'Htrr — Thir Minkinico weren't al full sircngingth, su counlry team,1. pkkO.Ip up a K K SSVS uuOnAT,t^.»iiia was kind ki of for bragging No.lCMii«rl.Ks4IWid31>l\}Mt;Na.3 . Spiiriiins st)ccor icaileam we were playing out o of huge team w win in S a tu rd ay , uneu, ftsSSu riKbts."Is." Wliltelaw .said, ‘"riiis cm ^ 1S9. Insl 3-1 to Ihc I’rt-sioston polildon al limes." winniiigtl)e2()07)07nol)I-'irman a g o o d lest for u s a n d w c Ha. I ] CIUM iltf!oa!?SaS| i m U'U Iiuliiiiis al home on o Haynes .said the0 leam,I Invitational Dlvb>Ivl.slon 1 Boys M tiw iiw iajji44;U4,BmiSwin?sfl. c a iiiee tlth ro u g h w ith flying col- S^ittirday. N 'ciliicr leiitn, hadlia which is now -1-10-22 ono the high school .eim. lea lllk. al ors. IIf f tthey can play like thut Hansen He sweeps Dietrichh many scorhij; s e a s o n , is loilooking luiglc Island Stalel.n.c Park. out. jiguinsirisi Wood Hiver they can oppuriniiitiL-s. but fonvard lo plplaying side of Boise. iii>BsiRnw»j&sa.fra» iie at a>anyone. Bin this wns u Hansen I swept Dietrich 25- felWCicWlUimM.KJdi* „ till; vicioi^' \VL*ni (o ^ 2 rival Hurleycy next Nick Jacobs’i’ founh.,,lacof< S s 'f iauMMCw«3ni«».S4,»4. g rea tI game, g with four great 20, 20, 2,'5-23, 25-22 S a tu rd ay asIS ih c s()iukI that liadyyHnH H M jw Wednesday.y- finisl] in Iti minuiinuics. 53 sec- . s and a great almos- Abi)y Ab Curry rccordcd 10 killsIs more hard stiols ciiiQ aV "Wc'te goil;oing to onds paced theC Bruins,Bl while e. Soccer was the big and am Crysial Guerrero hadd Koul. r r I focus oir Burley,"Bu teammates Andcr An Jayo, S5,ui^"SiiS2iSJ’wS lS an JS ft?!? - w in nie e r r today." se sev v en a.sslsl.s. (;<) a I keepers h e s a id . "We're Dunia Hmmanueluiel a n d Alex le Ciutlliroats will host I I lansen also ho.stcd a jun­.- Kaliu Hrackin of I’rcsiuiston going to he ready for>r Ihcm.i Schenk finished hed seventh. .taMMMM ' Dedon0 next Saturday. ior ior varsity Iri-malch withll and iMuiico’s Melind:nda Tiial's always a big g 4 game, nintli and Klih.h. respectively,r oaeM-uctairU llckcna 2tU 40. Uii Nttten 1\vlii1\v, Falls Christian bestingy M a rd n e z (ook c are o f a fewfev especially bec.-iusesc It's Wood River's Ped Pedro Morales IGirts soccer DIctrichi’ i« and Hansen, whilee sh o ls e a c h to p re se rv e a1(1-0 ()-( h o m e c o m in g w ee kk. . und finished third overjv e n illa t lf>:f)2. DietrichD il IV bested theu lie at halfiime. 'i'he Indian:Ians that night will be senior s< Kimberly finisinlshcd sixtli eSS3tt4i9a’Si HOUMT/KTAIN HOME 10, JEROME 2 Huskies. Hu No scorcs weree scored first In the ->3rack bid w ith tw o T iic! IndiansIn lumped out on Chil:hilds and Jim Hall lend the k e e p e r char(;ed. "M y g u y s sh o w e d up u; to McKenzie Chojaiija n a c k y fin- la te tallle.s. th e Beaiears (0-7-1) early and firstirst and second nights, Pre.stun .scored lo put theIhe play today," Minico1 H I e a d is h c d elg lith a t 20:120:11. That killer ir1 Instinct pleased scored1 ofteno en route to the respespcctively. name out of reach In the Coacl) Armando Tapiaia sa s id . K im berly's KaitI;aillyn Gerard Bliss coachI Daiilel Knapp, win ovc:ivcr an undermanned 'llic Tl tournament’s nnal (•ame's final miiiuie whenlen "Wc had very good massingpas was the top urcaea ifinisher in who .said Iiit was imporinnt Bliss sqisquad missing several rouiound will begin at 9 a.m.' Mully Checkeiis took a In Ihe midfleld. andd v' e ry th e D ivision II girl*girls race, fin- given recentI 1;blown lead.s. cogs from fn the Orst-ycnr lodaoday. 't pass, beat a defender andnd good defense Preston)n is a Ishing . Hth In li 21:13. "It's super rI imponant con- team’s: Iirlin e u p . carried the ball righl up to good team, and they/ camccj Gooding's CaitllnIlin Pickens sldering\Vcwecauscise Burley. CmON JSt: ft. KA m 7. Sonh:iofiAKStKuni c o m c D cclo. 'I\icsday,ly. while Buhl hosts **'tT.F.Member-Guest *' | D ecio. lies111 abound after Day 1 of ITY SCHOOL 3, s s s i a - i a i s th1C e 22007 l\vln Falls Mcmbcr-i Mortln. Weal Rhw. WOODIORIVERI \Volleyball gucuest! presented by Gold's} S s S ■I'ravis Stonenc notched two /)• y m a t th e TVvin Falls; HBcml. IftiSSS; 7. JMm ItA T< Hamlin!shakes S!£'SS.a., Bojilsiolraimllic Community thalllSis wins1 Munlunlclpal Golf Coursc. Tlie s s a j i i s w M170121; la Wo S chool to a tli ;am of Carl Sklavos and Ken! Stfwik.TMirMi.J7mU thrilling 3-1 win finnrimp IM W o v c rlo c al rivaloilWoodHivcron ing invite oer is tied with Larry Amcni inm* - 4>.CM 17MJ tebnui n . TWnM 1 S a tu rd a y in fro'rontofnnenthU- The ChnllisCl Vikings won nndnd Gary Burkett for the sia slic cro w diin il Hailey. the 2007 Jenifer chanliamplonship flight lead offillnessstowin (thtn Uptt 19-JUat U2. Un^v.rn.r*,xm M Oman put the Koyle/Bol 17& Son Hli 2&44.I7: Bobble Jo Miller and whileh ile sbc te a m s a rc w ith in six BinyM27»^ W olverines JilKiliead in the 30tli Glanbiaia Volleyball strokrokes of the leaders. Dusdn IMlF(il> INMiKStaJ&Sia ’ 1S57M: S. Dunlt Cmiwual niao4J7;78.E«nJ7W m lh u tc . b u t SlSlone equalized InvltatlorIonal, defeating host Bleslileslngcr and Cmig Lamcrc I ia3i.«t34.ou». fo r Ihc un b caicaicn Cutthroats Goodinglg ini the tournament’s hold3ld a threc-slrokc Icad in Busch Scleriesraa (11-0) on thec .stroke of half- champioitionshlp Saturday thele i men's first filglii, while iw»j7;is«,o-t lin ic by h c adding ii in a Hmner aflernoor)on. Chains topped Colicsllccn TliicI and Kathalccn DOVER. Del. (AP) — Thehe car all day long." Thiex st Mail F lan ig a n cross,ss. Goodinglg 21-13, 21-13 after Thonlompson are nm ning away ciieckercd flag was llie per­:r- "Wc almost pulled one SiU7?l%iwiS AIcx Conn’sti’s 2 5 -y a rd fre e la k in g the the tournament's top wltliitll the women's dde with a fect Ionic for ihe ailingng on the 20. Ile was 1C rcr o ff Ora.U9;4.N^Stn^UM ^ kick, a strike wiilch seed in ppo o o l play. E lim in atio n D ayny 11 04. D e n n y H am lin. stro n g all day." iMBwijM. h e a d co nnch c Richard matches•s were played to 21 lluThe loumament wraps up reeling weak and needingng Hamlin was fastest in i Wliltelaw saidid was perhaps points, whilewl pool play was widiidi itoday's final round. iniravcnous fluids beforcrc final Cup practice earlierin Ihc W j ^ ; 7, Ihc goal of Ihl:he season, gave playedl oto l 7 . ihe racc, Hamlin nearlyrly the day. a Kimi«ntn.s«si th e C u ith ro a isIS the Icud in the The Senators S defeated 200'2007 Twtn Falls Member4!iiett ^ W i a 6 5 „ , threw in the towel. Good3d M ike a n d Ik C*4tn Pert«U.rviM7JU&a Kn e beforc Stone West Sideide 21-17, 15-21, 15-9 Ihing he held on, or else helie Sorenson round oul the t Io5 4 «.d«i* ro u n d e d o u t the tl scoring two to rcacli:li Ihc c h a m p io n s h ip would have mkscd out on}n five. Series points leac imi»i7.99;M. m in u te s later.r. M] c c o u ld h av e a fle r golnjiIng2-0-2 in pool play. [«•«» b rin g in g h o m e a irophy. ■ Carl Edwards, anotl pj£4«.QnstM fin ish e d o ff hi;Ills h u t tric k ju st Itcsu lts follow:fol Hamlin sliook olT an ill­II- driver, w a s sbcth.o th e r S anfeS r' before tiie endid but was foiled ness and found the energy ^ Hamlin struggled jusi l»iU9( 79. kMw Duen t».«Let & K byogti^acsiivii/ a 2007 JeniferJen Koyki/Bobbto Jo m m to dominate and win ihcie get in his car. I ie look flu •MiioiHw Junior goalla lk c c p c r R iley MDJeranrind^VonqM s S . caution-filled Busch Seriescs and leaned, slumped, SiSrea B e rm an w a s W lilic la w ’s m a n , racc at Dover Intemadonalal against his No. 20 Ciievrcreally. w«--6iwi«Krt,^iM0i7, ...... o f th e m a tc h , cc re d ite d w ith a S peedw ay o n Saturday, hLsLs before putting on hisVrolCt fi . MMMOMMtwi.ri5iw;i couplc of quallallty saves and • cooMtMCM m th ird w in o f th e se a so n . . rsm 7Mmnr«>lMaeeHiM.Wt.l s u it. Kyle B u sc h lo o k> lire- t (iw*.ui.tt3.c car next to his career, a n d h a s threeihi other top 10s. . “lbsTbams In this Chase are tender throat, had trouble ■: but it was too lale. Hete w a r . B u sc h p u lle d h is cn a g a m c m - H e h a d se v:n en to p lOs in tlie If B uschch if feeling th e h e a t goinn g g to i ha v e p ro b lem s." said brealhing and dijay spells. n o t g e ttin g in th is o n e ." was . Slewan's car, forcingcw to jump final nine raccss le a d in g u p to o n ly o n e! rara c c In to th e C h a se , JcffB'Burton, u 11 th in the stand- Then he got In the car for a i Hamlin could have rcsic ber of Slewan's crewthe hood, the Chose, inckeluding wins al he sure Isn'isn't sh o w in g It. ings.3. “All 7 12 tr a m s o r e n t going 200-lap race. Hamlin said 1 — and celebrated — aisicd b back and onto Busch, the and Pocono andd Michigan. “We're! only i 100 points togcti{Ct th ro u g h ittm s c a ih e d .' tlie illness shouldn't affcctt s o o n e r if n o t fo r all th e 1c atbit NASCAR parked Bus h im fo r Su n d a y 's C u p race att tions. The yellow flag can:c a u - Dover. out 13 times and 20 lapsa m < e mimmmammmmm "I get hot. I get cold." he! green-flag racing was corIS o f sold. ‘1 feel inadequate real-• sid e red a h o t stre ak . ly." *I w as h a p p y a b o u t th Thc results looked likeJ breaks for sure," he saic mHIIHH they could have come: “The longer the green Ila stra ig h t o u t o f th e C u p racc.; went, the more the achcflag M artin TYucx Jr., who won> and pains came on. Th the Cup race on the Monsterr cautions never rcally cam Mile in June, was second.. whcn It vras a bad time fc M a tt K cnscth O nishcd th ird . ua." fot' Hamlin, lYucx andI G reg Blflle tu m e d a la p c Kcnscth are port of the 12-• 154.440 to win his sccom d rlv e r field fo r th e C h a sc fo rr • pole of the season, but h the Ncxtcl Cup champi­ dropped two laps dowit h e o n sh ip . after an unscheduled pl ‘Wb just didn't have the s to p b c c a u sc o f tire Issues.p it

V T1nM»K«n,1WnF(][|,UilM S r o K r e SufK»jy.S«pt»cnb»O,a07

I sc(^OREBO)ARD / i B a s e b a l l SS!8! SK! 8 88 8 . "AUBoxm G A M EPLAN l OCUO HNCOTA i l l 11 MMWMi i WGN — Piitstwrf.n at CfiicaBo S TV SCHEDULE “Cubs AUTORACtNO------e 11:30 a.m. pc ^§ir3&‘ I. Siili slii ESPN — Houston at St. Louis sssa'fer® '"- ADC - NASCAR. Ncjtel Cup. MOTORSPORTS OodKo Ocaters 400 4 p.m. """I ill snnisij!! WHli>.ngBB4 s s s ; I S SI iwoucmr ccntorr SPEED - MotoGP World ESPN2 - NHRA. Fall cCriampionshlp (sanxxnywfio) £ Onld[ 111 pl I CliallcnKc, ai Salt U)tp Psu e»70-U« g - ' " !?;;:■! i OriilsiiMaslers, final founa NOC — Dallas at Cnic.igo ^ SOCCER IS .Nationwide Tour BelM Op«).; TGC — Cnamulons Tour. SAS ^ ''' ChnmDionslilc, llnal round ESPN2 ce — FIM?Women's World ^ I p.m. cCud, Quarterfinal. Norv..->y vs. uElHin I TGC — PGA Tour. Turning China c or, Slono Resort CnamDlonshlp. ea.m. »« riLj?* WlL*-aS.50J(4L777l r ’ W*ygKS«WUnci52!l&kr>hlrt.Itoi i „ final round ES dm H»«. “■ ESPN2 — FlfA. i^men's Wona T-?41/UWJ7HH75l “ r-I.47./U3L73M««3l g 4:30 p.m. Cup, C quarterfinal, Dra:il vs. I f ' i i i TGC — Naiionwide Tour. Boise Australia Ai . wWil£tBNLfc)xe$ “ ~VAWBU,autitftii.iflm>g5~ i Open, final round (sa m o ^ TENNIS .*■— A b5=5,5! ig. « ... I limn a. mail------S ^ssiir i §’ I I I moNun5 &wmM h i s^Ch”" I ‘ g £ ^ u M S ™ £ si i i:1 ^Saasaau- = S s ^ i i i i s « S 8 ! S E I ^ F HRGt. » S g ? J ! ! SS" ii8 J I ___ t e n n is 6 i i i i s IIU!!! I& ■ 388 i 8 - MjtMWiM I I J 1 0 I US Sa i! 8 J r I j I I I I ^ t l i l p I - h‘8 is^ U4 1 1 0 1 £55 M m a k ta ^ £ » C M S i £ i; s J S ^IV«0(0»muXWp.0irU*.PB- J|*J ‘V' S f ! I^ J w : 1 0 0 1 i ta DcM 3 0 0 0 0 ^ M j ReMck. llWM4l^ 2 Sn4m.74|4l.74IJ).M«’ ' V S S w jO M 0 0 0 1 I-&0aiU64iS7(Se,t}Tl vS I i; " mwaywcma w m M i — [[iK*nMMR]1.ABrtMBU3D_ ■ T-ia*-»i5TI|4W*n ^ ^ aeaaai.uA .'^'fi»iiiiiif iiii. i* twnu^ uaweaB !S Jj m U !! S S i “ s. I S I ii ~ Ell fc‘ i - ””;; ; 3 SSliS K ! K i ! 8 s Z i « ii i TRANSACTlON^i. 1 Wllll K ?r S I 5^?. 19 2 w l s p l i I ; ; s IS i-tst*-aun«i.r7n ^ if s i! I S ; STI ! s 5 in 11 i Ii s‘s JMMmitMMDtfMt.MsVm. I SAN ImtuMMNmOrtniaUOpA b* m^i4oSaf2.^^^ « s IIEili ^ i i w ^ u ^ ^ 1 ^ 9 J te g o l f B WlMffllWim T t 0 0 0 4 | J " j | i I ------PfflrnSSInfSCfie------K % . =••«•• S - i£i 1 1 0 1 SiSSi" ^ !S!! !J 3 | RJcnjwlW^BJWWollWail gJ \ \lll I g ^ L I S ! 8 S l - . , r a i l t& z-sssss:^^ ^ S a a esjsa s2s e i“" ss;B T * a , mimM n«s«6-aas'u chu 33T»m ffiE!sa aJJT i'* 0 0 0 0 3 wuenM SBStiSiu [^rgyuio^igjjms- ^nmtiS'i 1 0 0 0 0 1 ^ ^.'SSZ: ! I a ^ i 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 5 2 eOtfrtt T0^4>-»e-U trofiH g r g3J 1 1 0 7 IrtBryM tttSW-KS-U w I s s s S 1 SSTwM s s t I «I 10 ■ S IvwnWlCW (»«T4».«S-U MgcaOM ;o«s.7o-ra-u A-Gottn «m70-»S.U i 1 s ; s ^ W4S.7X-MS-U MU! !i ii I I LHdm T14H7~30t-a t H ii i IS f ® i; a i i IS?- s p lH y Ia lissS * ' : ! i STonMpOOO OHriI« 0 S S S? Sff.' !S M» !SS«:S sa HdAl 111 lC)np 0 Slffi. SSS18!:18 KTm F ikiH MfMtfik f eM iM K m .' & B l ll w ■rk, F Thn WMM 0 AIM Odl|MH.M|U cnampliiMToiirSte ^ntsA D (M iMM; M 01) Oentti« < Igg^ii.i S ’’j «.j " ’dfwrtlii ousmm's:} 1 Sf!"a j K - H ' OumjoniMp K ^ » H RB« *) g WMU400 OLBMrt 4 1 ] 1 S ' I 11 HO txMi ta»- C C K M M K M ^ ffi“ “ i n s ! Ki S s S a ^ ‘ i mrt 111 IWou" ll! 0 S^p' 3 W s s “ s ______. Strong secjcondhallf carries U[J.S. womt[enintoW VbrldCup p s e ^ TIANJIN, Chino — Theic Ui n ite d S ta te s to o k a 2-12-1 le a d ov e r S w e d en in th e Dav men’s dunk contcst, routl)uilncs by ihq A ir e ^ h readied tlic scmiHnols of theic Women'sV Wodd semifinallals Saturday, with Bob and P chccr squads, along wit Cup. beating England 3-0 SaturdaySa' behind Dryan defeating de Simon Aspelln andp Simrits Shorts second-half goals from Abby Abl Wambach, Bjorkmanlan In doubles 7-6 (11), 6-2,6-3; S h a n n o n Boxx a n d K risd n c Lilly.Lill; T h e BryanB p twins, who are 12-1 inin*D avls Note: Sand M«icVib]ivbrW sfaipotMmiikvaDt^^ "X CSIholds booster lul u n c h e o n ' Three goals in 12 minutesICS broke open a Cup dout)ubles, saved three set pointsI ts in th e light game ond extended1 ththe top*ranked tiebreakciker on Scandlnavlum arena'jna’s fast Moynihan fcdcrt:ral courthouse, the legal50l TW IN FALLS — T lieIC College < of Southeflfc' A m e ric a n s ' u n b e a te n stre aik k toti 51 games In Indoorcaic a rp e t. n ic cties a re few a rn d th e o b s c e n iiie s p le n tifufui l Idaho Booster Club Arillwill hold the first almost three years. Thee outcomct left ■ The tietie b re a k e r w a s th e lo n g e st ItIn U.S. In the sexual hanarossment trial of New Yorkirk weekly luncheons at noonnoc Monday in A ot^, - England winless against thee UU.S. In 19 years Davls Cup]up history. K nlcks c o a c h Islohioh T h o m a s. 276 of the 'Hiylor BuildirIdlng. CSI coaches’Viril' os th e A m e ric a n s s e e k th e irr th ird W orld C u p “I t was a son incredible breaker, prettyctty high- Four-lettcrwordirds Oy like thrce*polnt shots,ts. be on hand to talk aboutabc their progiaih*; ' title. q u a lity tctennis," Bob Bryan said. “Wc'We were along with a sicadady flow bf gender slurs andnd Anyone interested Is wclcomewei to attend an d ' The U.S. will facc the winninner of Sunday’s Just pioyirlying o n e p o in t a t a tim e a n dI thtthey Just crude sexual comime-ons — all testimony oro r b rin g lu n c h fro m th eCSI CSI cafeteria. quarterfinol between heavilyily favored Brazil kept stackacklng up. Wc kept switchingg slsides. It evidence In the $10$ million lawsuit against1st and Australia. The semlfinlHnai will bc wasstrantuige. You don't switch sides thathat many Thomas, Knlckss owner' James Dolan and"‘I Canyon-Munl Best-ht-ball n e a n . ;, Thursday In Hangzhou withth Ithe nnal Sept. times. Thtr h a t’s w h e re th e m a tc h w as,. thlTlll|f ' nals. Four years ogo. tho Amconericans lost to The reverse ro' singles are Sundaylay with Hall of Fame alsoiO used the f-word on morere a maximum spread of■sU six form enfld llTlbf , eventual champion Germany!iyS*0. Thomass JohanssiDn) starting againstfist Andy ' than once In benirating Browne Sanders, shetie women.Therelsnomoxlrulm u'm sprtti^llbr c»ii^ England was making onl;t>nly Its socond Roddick,k. followed by loachlm Johaiih a n s s o n te stifie d d u rin g thtthe p la in tiff'b case . pies. E n try d e a d lin e Is nocn o o n o n T h u ijfla y . appearance In the Worid Cup^ip quarterfinals againstJ Jai a m e s Blake. and w at m ore lightly-regardedded lhan at least The winAdnner of the bcst-of-flvc serie I C V a l l e y Gooding hosts spaghtg b eW d in ^ : two of the U.S. opponents In igroup play — play Ruseussla or Germany in the i fin S l i t magi N o rth Ito rc a a n d S w e d en . CSI hosts W let the Players N ighf GOODING — The GoG o o d in g cross country prognunn wUlVi host a ^ S B B y TW IN FALLS — The College of Southemm dinner at 5:30 p.m. Monlonday In UHtscfiMEW • T e n n i sS'' B a s k e t b a l l Idaho men^ andi womens« basketball teamsns multi-use room. The cost»st Is SS rrrffrtriB M Biyaiibrotheisn«tU .S.^.slenderlead nh..wi.H II will host their annnnual free Meet the FItiyersrs $20 per family of five.s. U7 c k e ts c a i n j M M ^ . idUes fly at Ib o n n s trial “ N ight # t7 p .m .. Moifonday, O ct L T he event v411ill c h a se d fro m S e n a to rs croizross c o u n try \ over Sw eden In Davis Cup^upseniiflm l • N EW VV Co rk — ’IW enty-three floorsirs iabove indude player introtro d u ctio n s, sc rim m ag e s, a 3>3- GOTEBORG, Sweden — Thelie United States Manhattaittan. iMlde ttie. Daniel Patrick Pi point'shooting contcstco between squads, a -CoippWfroi

- - *‘ v - i n W M i I ;. , C4 &niiT,SeptMnb«r2:*f23,M07 ______TtoH-Nwt, Twin F*1F»il«,ld«ho ______S t o r t i ^Ss ______

i- l a s A ^ S « 2 S ! f c S l J ) ; m I^ © © 9 O c to) b e r s iuir p r is e :\W illA -IR o d h i tt i n p o sitse t a so n1?

N IW YOUK (Ai>)li’) — He's a previous year,■ar. Induding the ------Bill in the clubhoiiscuse, of you." su re I lall o f I'amLT.tier, p e rh a p s e tu i o f N ew,v York’s ^ 2001 AI, A'Rod*! whore Derek Jeter, Marlancano Through Game -t o o f till. d's playoff slide 0 last two postseasons. tlif iiL'xt iK im u-ninun king. Yet. chahatnpionship Rivera, Andy I’eliltie anda n d 2001 AIXIS, R odriguez'■ w v as a cotni! OciohcT. A lex .scries M collapse Jorge Posada are iconjo n s .:ir>3 p o stse a so n liittc rwwiiiuix i ItcnirlKiii;/ tmiMI pprove ties honicrs and I(> llBIs i MR RBI 100 300.300.400 be ca u se o f th e ir W orld .Series i ill 2:\ hdoiiR s, .ilti- g am es. Since ih c n , hc'sli. Boston. A- ^ /i -05 MwlfwrB 2 *2 *00 0 | « » rirings, players know the ulti­ ■hailall I’rcive iliiit h e hi;l o n Itodis-t-for- M k JJ T)7 Mariners 4 10 1 mate tille is the oniy one thatlhal of thrce singles and a (ioiihli-(i» ihcVaiikccs. I’rovchic h c belongs •li (.09H) , ^ 7'J■ M,, X>0 Msritwfi e 35 2 7 fS5!SSS% ?' raM>ase. iinion^; ihc (’reals.>. PProve tiiat withnoHBIsin V tM Yankooa n 60 3 s 1^5555—^ hhave been stuck on 26 Worldirld This year. A-Rod em-‘Utcn'd when iistinietocDirrom e u p hig. h is last 12 post-jstsc a so n g a m es. I'ij lj' , f l S | -os Yonktm 5 IS 0 0 ...... S.Series championships sinccncc ih c last 10 day.s o f th c h c doL'Mn’i disappear.ear. And here's: theth most shock. Yankeos 4 14 0 0 HES' ' 2i2000. when ihcy won for thcth c In a slu m p , lie h u s to rcntaiiirci Its as simple as l-i1-2-3. lrjgst.1t: He's; l]iilesshi in his last Total 35 133 e fourlh lime In five years, andind conscious of not iiftiiijiiig ills A luial o f 123 playliayers hiive 15 postseasonon ai-liats with .klllCffljki AAll-Stars have come in andind front foot too much ditriiit; di h a d HHIs diirii)({ thh e p ast tw o r u n n e rs in sc sc(i o rin g p o sitio n . sooncErMUj«UJ AP Oiout the clubhouse door withdth his swing and pulling;n g his piisiseasons. HodrigiIrigiiez isti'i striking outinic.s oul of whack,•k., o iiL 'o flh ein . Sn wlictihenihea-d- For Joe Torn)rrc. thc matii is didn'i gainain lhat credibility to reat-•adi 500 h o m e rs a n d he'll gigoing through subway lurn-rn- I’erhaps that’s a good■‘I sign. whilo-and'bltic binbunting Is farslmpier in1 fans'fii minds; No until he kvon."woi likelyy win his third AL MVP ststiles. He liad iioi Septenihct>crs ill dniped over ihe nillir:illings and World Scries lities.titl Alwaysi theih ccntcr of atien- awardrd. "Wc h a v e to p ro d u c c o r it's 200r. a n d 200fi, th e n williilhereil th e te a m s lin e u pl> alalong the "I think lhal';lal's going to foi- tion becausause of his hal and In Torre'sT eyes, A-Rod’s hig a down year for us." Johnnymy like a leaf failing from aI irci'.ii foul lines for ihe po:postseason low him.” thele Yankees' man- rccord -•ontract. con Hodrigucz regula:ilur seasons won't be for- DDatnon said. lie's not thinking alabout opener, his SO-pluslus homers ager suid, conifmparingA-Rod’s could hc: inin his final weeks gottenL>n in years to come and A-Hod, circumspect in his whai lie's accomplishedLHl; ill' iuid 150 or so RUIstlls during a situation to) that t of John with tlie YYa ankees — )il* c an ivJIl g g; a in a p p rt'c ia lio n wi(}i ccconm cnis shis season, does­es- say.s lhat, nnd it's probijbahlj- sizzling se a so n willIbe bc like last Elway. o p t OUI oif f illthe final three sea- pcrspepectlvc. At lim es, csp c- n'ln't think about whether odi-dl- true. year’s report card,, ctcollecting “I don't thinknk there was any sons of hislls S252: inllllon, 10* d u llyI’ when \ Rodriguez hit 14 erere will judge him solely on One day, one swing at, a d u st o n a shelf. doubt aboutIt jJohn Elway's year contnictnict during the 10 homcc runs during April. A- ihth e postsea.son. time. Talk about the gam gii e, Y ankees fa n s vvillII bbe think- ability and ihe the fact that hc days after:r the t World .Series Hod k■12 n in th * ista (15-11) allowed Tampa Ti Bay 63 92 .406 29 2^ L-5 3542 28-50 7-1;'•11 n g h o m c one run despite giving CentralItral Drvbk« b y Jason c hits a n d five w alks in 5 W L Pet GB n o Str Home Away Intr Inti a n d nnings. He stnick oul Cleveland Cl 91 63 .591 - z-7-3 L-1 50-29 41-34 9-9 ^9 L ugo to DDetroit 84 71.542 7V, Z-&4 L-1 42-35 42-36 14-<,44 b e a t thh c T am p a ■injured Bartolo Colon Minnesota M 75 79 .487 16 Z4.6 1-2 4040 3&39 U-^1-7 I Bay Devil Rays 0-6 SatiS aturday. 9 Rave up thrce runs and Chicago Cl 68 87 .439 23HIV, z-7-3 W-2 3441 3446 4-1^-14 The victory assuri th e hits In eight innings to KansasKi City 67 87 .435 24 z-5-5 W-1 3444 3343 iOi Red Sox of at least ith c AL .04 'or the eighth lime in WettO«t DMslon wild-card spot. Thcj h e ld decisions. He got the W L Pet GB LIO Str Home Away Intrntr ih c ir 2 V i-gam c le a dI in th c Al lecausc Kclvim Escobar Los Angeles 91 64 .587 - 5-5 L-2 53-27 38-37 14444 Easl over New York,rk, which „ . ^ . Uatisi tishcd back becausc of Seattle S( 83 71 .539 7%m z-7-3 W-2 44-31 394 0 9-9 beat Toronto 12-11II In 10 Bolt™ Rid So. [I,,(ilayers Ktirtn YouUlli, left, Royce CUytt o n ly o r )-9 imation in his slioui- Oakiendq£ 75 81 .481 16'>i 4-6 W-1 3 M 9 3&42 10^ in n in g s. Manny Ramlrtz, ricbl{{M, cheer from the dugoirt after JdIIo u p s U h iV, 04 Texas 71 83 .461 19V4m 2-B W-1 43-33 28-50 U-71-7 Boston trailed 6-53-5 w h e n homer off Tampa BBs)ay Devil Rays c lo u r Al Reyet daring 1 1-3 inn1 Seung Back, Ryan V aritek led o ff th c nlin in tth w ith a Saturday'* gameeloS lo L Petanbmg, Fla. four. ind-Smiih, George N ationallal League an oppositc-field h hor o m e r to Oft-iiiI and J.). Putz hdd the E aitOMDon ttn left olT doscr AJ Rcycslyes (3-3). rccord 10 pilchei hers nnd again ROYALS i (6 -8 ) gs a scoreless until the W L Pet G8B8 liO Str Home Away Intrntr Eric Minske ihcn dod o u b le d to o k a d v a n ta g eu ool f a de fe n siv e DUTROIT e ig h t hi when Vladimir NeNewYork 86 68 .558 - z 4 ^ W-2 4044 4 M 4 8-7^7 and scorcd one out later misplay by Gluelie Jays sccond Gnidzielanck lo sc for ero drove in Reggie PhPhiladelphia 85 70.548 1V4.V4 z-9-1 W-3 43-32 42-38 8-7t-7 when Lugo homered.d . b a s e m a n A aro n I-Hill. besiofKcnny n in e dc with an RBI ground- AtlAtlanta 81 74 .523 5V,W 7-3 W-1 43-37 3 M 7 4-11■11 Eric Gagne (4-2) ppiK itc h c d a Ing four hit^ sta r t bee 'utx stnick out Garrcl W{Washington 68 87 .439 i 8f>iIK 3-7 L4 3»41 2 946 9-9 perfect eighth for th(th e w in . ATHLETICS 9,>,1N0IANS3 If th re e tim e s n son wilh Cabrera al Ronoriita 66 89 .426 20V,IV4 Z 4^ L-2 3344 334 5 9-9-9 Jonathan Papelbon1 wworked CLEVELAND) —- An early moved DetroitUyloi,, center, and'’^ S a Z J lo earn his 39ih save CentrtfDntOMOoR th c n in th fo r h is 3 6 th;h saves in misplay on Markark Ellis’ easy elimination.nllo Logo'i two-nin je r . h a n cc s. W L Pet ( a 39 opportunities. infield fly doomed Thc lossIng the nintfi Inning of C h a S LIO Str Homa Awsy Intritr Chicago 82 73 .529 - z-6-2, W-3 43-37 39<35 844 Cleveland, DaDan Uaren Tigers H'/i g a n R ow lantHire SOX 8, TWINS 3 JSl YANKEES 12, BLUE JAYS Mllwaultee 79 75 .513 2V, 5-5 L-1 47-27 3 2 4 8 8-7•7 AYS 11, p itc h e d six stroiirong innings New York Yanl SiierlllNEAPOLIS a — Rookie SL S t Louis 72 82 .468 9V, ^ 3-7 W-1 42-38 3(M4 6-9'9 10 INNtWS and jack CusiI homeredh as wild-card I rac S 7, TIGERS 4 A n g elsO w e n s w e n t 5 -fo r-6 cjn NEW YORK -• IMelky Oakland delayed i Cincinnati 71 84 .458 11Ll Z-5-5; L-1 3 M 7 3347 7-UII ud thc Indians games left, Twh — Mark ninth,iree RBIs, and the rest hoi Houston 68 87 .439 14L4 &5 L-1 40.38 2&49 9-9 Cabrera singled homiome thc from winninglg the AL magic numbilek again got ihe GuerrenC h ic a g o lin e u p foi- pin Pittsburgh 66 89 .426 16 i winning run In thche 10th Central. Central wasiny ret Rogers, collect- Wiililshis w le ad . " 16 ^2•8 L-8 3540 3149 5-1010 WoitOli inning for his flflh RBIaiM as N ew Ellis h o m e re dJ aiand drove in Grudziclanelhits and scoring out. i’utr Vazquez (14-0) used tOMlion W L Pet ( 2 York won a wild one)ne over three runs as the/le A's built a 6- in his career:s osi Kansas City Andersoipon for an easy victo- S n o Str Home Away Intrtr Ariiona 87 67 .565 - a T oro n to . 0 lead andnd spoiled and .355 againroll to th e ve rg e o f s e c o n dlg t u p o n ly o n e h it over e - z-64 W-3 4M0 3847 8-77 C a b re ra ’s th ird big hhit it iof thc Cleveland's plan:uns of wrap- year, and 1.this ln < J I d■st iJ live innings. Jim SanOlego 85 68.5 5 6 IV,ii 7-3 L-1 47-32 3 846 6-99 day off Josh Towers■s ((5-iO) ping up its firstI divisiondi title plenty of supp•s d r o p p e d th e ■ hit career home run ,Colorado 82 72 .532 5 z-7-3i W-6 4840 344 2 1084 ended a messy, back'tc k -a n d - s in c e 2001. Kyle behind the WHIII, D a rin E rstad h it o n e ^Los Angeles 79 75 .513 8 z4<2 L-6 4144 3841 SIO10 fo rth g a m e th a t la sted e;exactly Tlic Indians' m ogic n u m - I'ankecs in tlic AL MINNIle upper deck, and San Frsndsco 68 87 .439 19Vi-4 2-8 W-1 3740 3147 5-1010 5 hours — after the starstart w a s b e r w a s lo w ered1 toic o n e w h e n SEATTLE 3,race LO witli seven Jerry 0»Wliite Sox starter x-dlndied playoff spot d e la y e d 92 m in u te s b)y y rrain. second-place Detrletrolt lost 7-4 ANAHEIM,while C Cleveland's with thrtJ b a s e a t le a st once. z-drstgamewasawln Tlic Yankees used a tteam- at homc to Kansassas City. Botlsta pitchednber in the AL of the —C TlwAiiocWedPrMi AMERttANiWllEAGUE > re d u c e d to o n e . lo w e d his FMay’tQfO m m inekishlitlng.(M7 Javier' Cievetand4,0akland3 TonToronto 5, N.Y. Yankees 4.14 innings5 er against Rogers tiie suppi Detroit 5, Kansas Qty 4 Boston 8. Tampa Bay 1 Surginjlg C ubs powI er p£;alnsi Detroit tliis ry. givingburgh Ire*as3,Baitimofe2 cChicago While Sox 6, Minnesota 4 lis lime provided Ihe first Seattle 6, U . Angels 0 ipport for starter Tliome h Sotunlay'sily'sQamat CEJlCAGO — Alfonso Alf strcak to a No. 504,1 01NALS7,ASTTOS4 ChleChicago White Sox 8, Minnesota 3N.Y.LY. YankeesY 12, Toronto 11,10 InningSs Soriano hit two of ChicIhlcago’s team in lo th c OU IS — Rick A nkiel SealSeattle 3, LA. Angels 2 Oakland 9, Cleveland 3} four homers and hadlad five rccord-tylng ;L0SAN(^2 every d fo r th c first tim e in Kan<8nsa*Clty 7, Detroit 4 Boston 8, Tampa Bay 65 as the 26 games 1, (iilif. — M Ig u d re a c h e dcs t and Albert Pujols BalliSallimore at Texes, late C u b s corcontin- and New led into the sbith ;d a key pinch hit, Sunday'sr't GamesQ u e d th ec irlr la te- Vork St. Louis over Oahl)BhIand (Braden 1-7) at Cleveland (Wes s e a s o n p p( o w e r strength- ■ ■ Westbrook 5^), 1105 a m 1. Toroi'oronto (McGowan U-9) at N.Y. Yankeej d isp lay ,, bbeat- encditshold Kees (Mussina 10-10), 1105 a.m. I got three hits, Kait!Cansas Oty (De La Rosa 8-H ) ot Detroit thc on tlic NL «fo«(Vef1ander 17-6), 11-05 a.m, last Pittsllg h is 10th h o m c ru n . Bostk»ton (Wakefield 16-11) at Tampa Bay Pittsburgh FiiPirates East by beat- H j^ Bay (Jackson 4*15), 1140 aJTi. • b e e n in a 7-for-55 Chia^icago White Sox (GJIoyd 1-4) at Mlnm 9-5 Saturday to solidifyify ( Ih clr in g Florida. i11nnesol8{Slowey3*ne l> la ChlcaxD. ■ IColorado le a d in g NAimULUU. LEAGUE Fiiilq'lOa th e g a m e in th c sc co ndanda d ai straight and V 1Rockies. Houston.IANTS2,REDS0 chl« lO n a a WesJoCiitoUPItMiirSiS tw o -ru n b la st in th c fifthIfth for Increased their dlvilivision lead Burrell, come'M bai I i o w 0 r d A nkielRANClSCO— Pinch- N.Y.MeU9,Horida6 lllvniBkM4,AIJiiiliil his team-leading 3!st homer,hot to two gamemes over 2 pitch off Chris tied his Indudlngly Durham broke up Ptiiiadeiphla 6, Washington 3 Diistta6.SI.U >ib3 The Cubs’star has fourr h(homc Philadelphia, whlctilch ployed 3) and drive ^In t corecr hlgli Hc had:ss b tic w ith a tw o -ru n Arlzonal2.LA.DodSei>3 ru n s in th ree g a m es a nId d 113 in later at WashingnIgton. New run. M for a game by' slump sin1th tw o o u ts in th c oloniiloS, San 010(01,14 Inn. Ondi^ndnnsti 9, San Francisco 8,1 1 Inn. Ihc 25 games sincc hcc camect York’s magic nuin u m b e r to ^ striking out linking hirming and thc Giants Ssbittov'afiira fim e t off thc disabled list Aug. >ug. 28. clinch division wiw a s s e v e n BRAVES 4, BRin his prcvi- hormone0 four-game losing lilcaga Cubs 9. Pittsburgh 6 N.Y. Mets 7, Florida 2 Hc added a two-run doi d o u b le w ith e ig h t g a m e s toto play. 11 INNDous four at* comc the1th a vic to ry o v e r th c ^ Uanta 4, Milwaukee 3,11 Inn. Phiiactiiiodelphla 4, W a s h in g 1.1 0 Inn. in th c se v en th . A'TLAhTIA — Sbats, but iwo-homc L Louis 7, Houston 4 SanFr8ndsco2.ClndnnatiO Aramis Ramirez, who : 10 had PHlUlE$4,IUnONWNALS1, m a n Rickie VA:eafter a single ogalnst PitFfeliz s to n e d th e go- A. Dodger* at Artuna, lata Coior»doatSanDle|o,lBte two homers Friday, adi a d d e d 10 INNINGSCS crroronorouiincby Udcy and lily vrith a pinch-hit _ _ S i n ^ ^l Q O t n w another and Dcrrck Leece alsoi WASHINGTON • I — Ryan the 11th inning0 w alk b y P a t ( With o n e o u t o ff Bii! i^ ^ p W a (Kamels 14-6) at Washingtoi«on(Hanr8han44),10:05Bm went deep os ihe CubsJbs hit Howard drove in in thc go- 'Ibbcelra foiiowcdI ba c k to l i n e a l - S A N F3). R / R ich A urilio foi* ^ ^ M a l n a 14*10) at Fkirida (SeddceddonO-D.U:OSam four homers for thc scosccond ahead run. iris Schroder (2- hitter Roy helping single, ^ving At /ith a double and Ihwukee (Capuano 5-12) at AUantBI (Reyet(Re 1 ^ 1 1 0 5 a m straight game. Tlic Piratestes lost Philadelphia keep pt I poco in the thot left Miiwaiin the go-ahead a scorciesstter Dan Ortmcicr ^***ttitufgh (Goneiaimy l « ) at cweajD0 CubaCu (Zambnno 1&13], 12^ p m their eighth straight,. iltheir NLEost single will 2 V{i-gamc deficit ntlonolly walked to (Maddux 13-10}, 2:05 p m longest losing streak of thc Chasc Uticy hoiromcred for Central eighth innibases. Ondn te o (Blackley M ), 2:05 p m se aso n . thc Phillies, w ho wonwo for the Needing ,to BREWERS 3, s n a p p e dM a ajew ski c a m e in LA.& »a(Gonz«lei8a),2:40pm ninth time in 10 gagames and Brewers were NNINGSone s t r c ^ w iBd t h O m o r V iiq u d o n Howti M«ney«34),6;05pm MnS7,M«LW$22 rcmained m gome:nes back of the 10th — wh S c c o n d b a se - R eds. Irive to shortstop i t o i M MLM^I — Oliver Perez Pc the NewYork Metsi in in thc divi- Francisco CorderiVccks m o d o a n P e d ro F t iirhom h it a b ro k e n - WsshI»»5nalN.Y.M*,6dll5!l!!’' aSLLouli8tMirwsukea,6.-Ofi|un. p itc h c d e ig h t in n in g s , MVfoises oi slon. PhiladelphiaB tnUlst: San tying homo runtincgrounderin ( ahead roil) ! to c c n tc r. Sann DiDIefo at Son Franciico, 81 6 p m Aiou extended his hilttiitcing Diego by a game InIn the1 wild- tcrScoltThormailing and Mark single will; ved «riih an RBI Dray (3*3). - V ------i - ; Atlanta a win lowed wit waukce with a pihch*hitti ficit In the NL was intent lo a d th c b a to w i n , ' th c G a ry Mi one out away in and retircd when closer a line dri tlcro gnve up a before Durl m (0 p in c h -h it- b a t sin g le ti TiRtn-Km, TMn m%,,ldiiio Idil .S l’O I C IS SoniJ*r, S«ptemt)er 23,202007 CS

C o ug j a r s se t t o n e e! i a r ly in ith r o ttliin g o f A\ i r F o rc:e

PROVO, U lali — — Urlf’lia iii Voiiii}' a b n ip ilyIy ended Air Forces h ia scoicil on three coriseciiliveve run* s iiojjes o f a -l-O siari iindiT UTES PUY UTEF 1in v e g a T] hdtiwns lo lake a 2H-7 lead on111 a 2(>- Jiew coiidj'IVayCall"allionn, [ U J utoh trailed UN1.V 13 C ,3 Oath,lit. y a rd s n .ih iKUK .IUII by I lililard w iih 'l:5fi rciie in aiii- Ii to o k (he iRars barely a niiimie to loife P ' w ' - lime in Las Vccos nl01 10:30 p.m. 11 lu rn o v e rlh a i slmLM lipii a (piick loiididow n and t Snlu/diiy nif.tit. (Icnmeiliel-alconsiiis in UYU's;U-{) w inS aliirday. ------MONTAJ STATE 21, WEBER STATE 5 . Miix I lall passedsed for yards ami iwo m m ssesli) UCIAaiiclIiilsa. liVlIiMDkllii-ii-ad i< OCni-N.'l;.'lliali — Chase Caz/erro■() a n d louchdowns, Harve;rvey Un^a ran lf)r 11 i vards liuin 4 m iiiuii's liiio ihe t;aim111- -: Saliirilay. .Michael Ilcai and Maiiase 'I'on^a:ga scored on two sliori runs Irai'li each reiurned'interccp:p iio n s k’lial we really w anied lo Ibcu-cus oil is aliiT for umchdowlowns as .Moiilana Stale tieal WU eber forilic Couf{ars(2-2,'i-2. I-D), w h o h a tl losi iw o in ;el a lead. lo b r p p u llin g jioiiiK ]io tin llll' Siaii' 2l-r> on a row hy falling bel • I - - f l on Saiiinlay. behind and not <|ulic |)L-iii}’ d." I lall said. a h le to rally, Senior qua:[uailerback lack Holovich c«nniii]ilel- illalsi) tlirewaniiiliTcejiiioM:i aniliii iiiiiii)ii-ii I'ti ]o-or-;i;( forr< l'l I yards for ihe Bobcaisls ( 2 - l, T h is tim e, iJiu Coiij^ars (^>i look and early lead I iiewasiiliiulsiiled in ilie purloi-ki-iailci llu- l-I)lllgSkv).ii'). int'iiiilin g a 2!!-yard toiiclulovt)wn to and just kepi hiiiidinldinK«in il. jiirs hail {Iriven insiilc ilie AirAi I'luct- liO. lanielk- iiaiiklinks ill ihe second yardnfs on Kiiys tluii a rc ^;ohiging tn fix Ihe iillsiakes and;l d e sjiiuin? in ju rie s i

ICqII^ge Bad; k o n t r aic k : M ic:h i g a n ttops Peisnn Stati:e Scon S y r a c uise s shocks jgBepS/i 'j FAR WEST civ * • *'• • Jotre D am e 0-41 BYU 31. Air. Force 6= N o . 1 8 1Louisville m Montana 35. Albany.y. NN.Y. 14 foor r first tim e evee r Colorado 42. MiamiI (0(Ohio) 0 ANN AIU50H.m. Mich. — Mike Hart H j DC Davis 28, Norlhcasliiostcrn 10 ran for 1S3 yard*irds on a career-high -M ^ SOUTH BEND, Ind. (APjI •— N, Illinois 4 2 . Idaho) 35 carries and scon,orcd early in the fourth s n H S e v N ootre tri Dome hit new dcpdp th s Caffoll. Mont. 10. Mom/lontana quarter, S aiturdny, tu r becoming the first teac a m Sl.-Norlhern 3 Tiie WolverineIn es (2-2. 1-0 Uig I'eii) W i inI tthe h school's 119-season hlstonory Montana-Western 24.4_ have climbedd hack to .500 and I " toI loslose Its first four gomes. Montona Tech 7 pumped lire baclack Into a season lliai I I ^ BriBrian Hcjyer threw four toucuch- E. lAtishington 34. IdahoInhn tst 7 lo o k e d d e a d aftcifter iw o w eeks. L z ^ l d oawn w i passes and lavon Ringn g e r The Wolverin Rocky Mountain 21. E. rlnes were the fifili- p V is h e d I f o t 144 y n rd s to Icile a d ran k e d te a m In tl: Oregon 9 1 the country when they Mlichlgan ich S ta te to a31 » 1 4 vlcto3ry. rj were stunned hy A pp alac h ian S tate in I J California 45. Arizona 2 The Irish hove now lost six irin a . I llie opener. Tiiele Inext week, lliey were 1-® N. Afizona 34. N. Coiora 11 ro)W, w ,' th e se c o n d lo n g e st lo sin g slsk id I 'orado 14 blownoutofilielle Uig I lo u se by O rcgon, \ K - * - * 1 <■'I Sschool ' history, and allowed:d a t San Olcgo St. 52, Dm Michiganin always: seems to gel > / Portland St, 17 ■ w r lea ast s t 30 p o in ts In e a c h g a in c. well against Joe Joi Pateriio’s Nitlany M ich ig o n S ta te (4*0) b c c a m c tht e . New Mexico 58. Uons CM. 0-1).1). Penn Sialc has lost |___f__ I A flrstrst (o p p o n e n t to vtrln six in a row)W at ; Sacramento St. 0 nine stniiglit gnn•nines to Michigan, die »iM t Notrc o tn Dame Stadium, and g o t : McNeeso St. 41. S. Utf Utah 20 longest winning[lg stre a k by o n e le a m Mlchlgi:blgai] defensive end Brandon Crabanlam (55J celebrates his famble recoecovery with teammates soime m e revenge for last year's stutu n * : Soutiiern Col 4 7 . Washl ashlngton over the famedd c< o a c h hy m o re th a n Denevalevaa Waireo (6) and ieho Fem niI (94){S during (be third quarter again;alnsl Penn State In Ann n inng g Fighting Irish comebackk in .: St. 14 double tbe secoicond-best run uguinst «r, MIcb., | Saturday. E aist s tl Lansing. San Jose St. 23. UtohDh 5St. 20 him. TheT hi Spartans blew the ganim e Montona St. 2 1 . Weberber St. 5 passe2 ployr t to Boston Collcge 37, ArmArmy 17 r touchdowns to help startrt and i allowed the Rebels: (1*3) ( nearly fumbled awny n tiieir first makeike It 31-14. Davis also had aj 3; - ‘ Navy 46, Duke 43 s lu n No.N o 1B Uuisviile 3(1-35 back:k intoii die game at the start ofol the chance nt a louchdoidow n a n d w e n t In to y a rdrd TD1 cntch and Devin Thoman a s Baylor 34, Buffalo 213^ on Satiirdiiy. fo uirdi rd i quarter. the fourth quarterrtn tr iilin g 10*7. h n d oa 7 -y a id sc o rin g catc h . Connecticut 34, Pittsbunburoh 14 ''») cangl’Ight four piLsk‘s for 173 Biut ut lebow’ came up with a baniiiidful yards and two) toiichdownsli for the of cioi SOUTH ciock*kilIing runs after he e:engi* NO. 14 BOSTON COUJ)U£GE37,ARMY17 (formernerly Division l-AA), scorli(ring ,,, „ O ra n g e (1-3, 1-00 J:Big Hast) a s Syracuse neerc*c.*rc*d two second*iiaif touchd(idown BOSTON — Mali Syracuse 38. Louisville all Hyan threw for three toto u c h d o w n s a n d tw o field got;onls I ended Louisvilleille’s 20-game home drives,ves, scoring on a 6-yard ninn a n d 35(5 y a rd s a m i acc24 ranked team sihsince beating Boston MOI40H G A N T 0W N . W.Va. -■ l’lit carcer passing list behindhel toiiciidclidowns nnd ran for anothith e r Virginia Tcch 4 4 . Wlllianiliam & College a t th e e n d o f die 2004 se aso n . Wlito liite thrc'W for tw o to u c h d o w ni.H s innd nnd Glenn Foley with'ith 5,147 yards. The score,:, lending the 21st-rnnkck e d Mary 3 Brian Brohm1 completed c 45 of 65 ran fofor r tw o m orc. senior quanerbackk finlsliedfi 35-for*51 Wildcat}cats (4-0, 1-0) to their sccono n d LSU 28, South Carolinaina 16 p u sses for u c areee er-high r 555 yords n n d Sievileve Slaton rushed for 110 ynrdsyti widi ilirce touchdowlown passes and a consecue cu tiv e fo u rth -q u a rte r rally, UCF 56. Memphis 20) four sc o rc s fo r U)iUniisvillc. and1 aa scorei to match a school rccecord TI) nm. and conneinecied with Kevin Keenaenan Burton caught n 32-ynimrd Wako Forest 31. fo r carcer cji touchdowns, andI the Challenger nine timiimes for 1I)-J yards touchdoidown from WoocJson with 4:C1:02 ' Maryland 24 (OT) N0.24NEBMSK»SKA41,BAliST.40 Mountu n ta ln e c rs (4-0) rolled u p 599) toti ta l b e fo rc b e in g replace*ced by Chris Crane remniniiin in g to give th e W ildcats tlith e VAifford42,An}al9CfiianSanSU31 LINCOLN. Nel^eb. — Sam Keller’s yardslls againsti the Pirales (1*3), who v for garbage time, lead for good. List week, Woodsoso n Auburn 55. third touclidownwn pass finally put suffercfercd tbeir most lopsided 1lo ss beut I^uisville with n last-minute TIT D I New Mexico Sl. 20 . Nebraska in tlie[J leadIc with 3:13 left In underle r thi ird -y ea r coach Skip 1 NO. 15 CLEMSON 42, N.C. STATE 20 p n ss and a m thot led to Kentucky's firUrst Troy 48, Louislano-Ui^tl!yeno31 III' Bomc, ondid the 24th-ranked IIAU-IGM, N.C. —- CJ. Splller and APTop2)p 25 n p p e n ra n c c sin c e 1984. Mississippi St. 31. C o m h u sk c rs surviirvived an upset bid. NO. NO. 6 CALIFORNIA 45, ARIZONA 2727 Jn m e s D avis e n c hI c a u g h t n touch* Gardncr-Webb 15 T lic C a rd in alss movedn' in position to BERIERKELEY, Calif. — Justin For?irsett down puss and rushcih e d for a n o ih er. NO. 2323! S. FLORIDA 37, N. CAROUNA1010 : Tennessee 48, w in th e g a m e InI ththe final scconds, but rushedIicd for 117 yards and two toui)uch* Davis rushed for' n senson*hIghi l(i(> TAMP/VIPA. Ma. — S o u th Florida val-all- ! Jake. Mogue’s 55-ynrd Sf field goul downs,ms, ond No, 6 Catlfomla sett Arkansas St. 27 itd e d yjird s w ith a 3-y ardJ louchdown it cntch dated1 itsits first Top 25 ranking and th e 07 attempt was wide wl left, allowing nnoihctherycor-old scorc. Tulano 35. SE Louisiana ' andal-yardscoriiigrlg m n . w hile Spiller Bullsset set liieinsclves up fornextweekek ’s Cornliuskers fanfans everywhere lo Nate'ate Longshore passed for• <235 — n week nfter Furn;irman lield him to much*ar Georgia 26. Alabama 23 i*antlcipa(cd Big East showdowiwn b re a th e a sig h oif f relief.rt y a rdJs s anda a touchdown, while Jahshvid minus-1 yard — finfinished with 114 againstst No.^ 5 W est Virginia, MIDWEST Keller passedI forf< a school-record Bestt andai James Montgomery mtnode ynrds with un 11 -yardiird TD cntch n n d n M att tt Grothe ( led long touchdow Akron 27. Kent S t. 20 438 yards, a n d Neblebraska needed every scoringring ru n s fo r th e G olden Bearsrs (4* 4 4 -y ard sc o rin g ru niforlhc’ngcrs(4-0, fo drivcsor5 on USF’s first two possession:m s, Bowling Green 4 6 . Tempi o n e o f th e m . 0, 1-0).•0), w h o se 24-20 loss in IXicsicson 2*0 Adnntic Coast CoiZonfercnce). while theth Bulls' swarming defens Illinois 2 7 , Indiana 14 la st season SCO denied them an outri]iriglit fo rc edJ fourfc turnovers ond kept th e Nebraska 41. Ball St.■40. 4G N0.1USC47,W/WASHINGTON ST. 14 Pac-IO-10 c lia m p io n sh ip a n d a probal3ablc Na22GE0ftGlA26,Nai0.16 AlABAMA 23, OT yo u n g , rcbulIdlng'Rn ir H eels o u t o f thth e Missouri 38, Illinois S5M7 t. 3 LOSANGELES-S — Jo h n D avid B o o ty trip toto Col’s( first Rose Bowl In n c aarly d a . TUSCALOOSA, Ala. A — Mikey end zoneo n e u n d l o m in u te rem a in e d . Wyoming 3 4, Ohio 33> completed 28 of 35 posses for 279 lialf*cci*ccntury. Mendcrson caught; a 25-yard touch- Michigan 14, Penn St.:• 9 yards and four‘ K touchdowns before down pass from MntiIntih e w S tn lT o rd In NO.2 25 5 MISSOURI 38, ILUNOtS ST. 17J Michigan St. 31, coming out earlyly InI the founh quar* NO. 7 TEUS 56, RICE 14 overtime to lift Georgiirgla to n victory. COLUfLUMBIA, M a — Chase Danieile l Notre Dame 14 ter.andthc’IVojan:a n s o p e n e d th e ir Pac- AUUSTIN. SI Texas — Colt McCcC oy 'T he C rim so n T idie e starteds overtime dinnv three th touchdown passes anitn d :i Ohk) State 58, Noithmastern ste ? 10 se a so n w ith theiheir 3Sth consecutive passedicd for 333 yards ond three touclUch- w ith th e ba ll b u t f adied lb to gain a yard No. 25) MissouriM: had 581 yards of tots)tal E. Michigan 3 8 , Howardird :15 ' v ic to ry a t h o m e . d o w-ns n s toI Icod Texas to nn e a sy win in In and Leigh Tlflln putLit Alabamav nhend ofiensc.iC. N. Dakota St. 4 4 . C, U SC (3 -0 ,1 -0 Poc-lO)Pai is attempting itslastgist gam e beforc die stort of thec B1 ig w ith a 42*yard field1 gonl.gc . D anieldel was 21-for-34 for 294 yardrd s Michigan 14 to win at least aI shsl o re o f d ie confer* 12 scchcdulc. h c The Bulklogss (3-1, 1*1 ond twovo Intercepdons.I He has throwiw n K ansas 55. cncc champlonshlship for an unprece- Tlie1C LonghornsI (4-0) rolled up) 5560 Southeostcrn Confeiiference) needed 13touchcichdown passes this season aftefter Fla. Intematiorial 3 d e n te d sixth stralgllight season. yardsIs ooi n offense. one play to win It.. Stn^ordSi lofted o sctdnga:3 a sc h o o l rec o rd w ith 28 in 2 0X)6 « Toledo 3 6 , Iowa S t. 35 pass to tJie left sidee ofc the end zone inhlsflisifirst year os a starter for Mlssouiu ri ^ N0.2iSU28,Nat2 W. Michigan 51, Cent. 12S0UTHCAR0UNA16 N). 0.8 8 OHK) s r . 58, NORTHWESTERN17 7 for Henderson, who10 mnde nn over- (4-0). BATON ROUGE,3E, La. ~ Tho Na 2 COLIDLUM BUS, O hio — To(fodd the-shouldcr cntch1 anda ended the Connecticut St. 14 II J. ■ngcrs used a fakekc field goal to scorc Bocckm:kman tossed thrce touchdo>lown ’Tide’s hopes of o secoic o n d sim lg h t d ra- WOfFOi Cincinnati 40, M arshall 1 FF0RD42,APnUACHUNST.3L one touchdown1 oand plied up 288 passescs toi Brian Roblsklc In the ilf h s t m a d e victory, SPART/RTANBURG. S.C. — Theupse Wisconsin 17. Iowa 13 s e t 'i- ya rd s ru sh in g . h a lf andan< just about everything wewent Alabama (3-1.2-1}1} scorcds< 10,|iolnts specialistillsis w ere u p s e t SOUTHWEST Midway IhroughIgh the second quar* wronglg fofi e Wildcats. In th e final 6:30 to forcorce overtime. Appaloalachlon State, three wceki!ks Oklahoma S t 49. (cr, the ’ilgcrs setct iup for a Qeld goal - TheIC B1 uckcyes (4*0) c o u ld ’ve hih a d rem o ved e d from virinnlng at MichiganUl, Texas Tech 45 attem pt from 32l yiyards. However, the their‘ startersst leave ot halftlmet ffor N0.17VIR.1EtH44,WIIWILUAMAMARY3 h o d Is ils 17-game winning streal!0k ' ! Houston 38, Colorado S t ' 27 holder, quortcrbirbDCk somee ta ilg a tin g o u ts id e tlth e BLACKSBURG. Vo. — Brandon snappeded by Southem Conferenaic e Kentuciv 42. Arkansass 2!29 fljppcd die ball ovover his shoulder to Horseshleshoc, where they've won1 IS Flowers returned ann Interception1 49 rival WofF/offord,42>31 Saturday, RorfdaAUantic 3 0 . North•>’th iclciccr C o lt D avid,d, who\ ran It in for a straight.ght. yards for a touchdoidown and Eddie Woffonfonl’s Jeremy Marshall scorec» d ') T e u s 20 T D ru n a n d a 2 1-7haUUmolead. - 7 1 Royal scorcd ono 60-yii-ynrtl punt return, on a revei2vcrae and a halfback pass. Thih e • Texas 58. Rice 14 _____ N a NO. 9 WISCONSIN 17. nWA 13 . ’The HokIes.(3-l) dominated d( from IVirrlersrs (3-1) took it to th'ih e '• i TCU 2 1 . SMU 7 N0.3FUMM30,30, MISSISSIPPI 24. M ADIEDISON, Wis. — Rf.HIUranf1 for the beginning againstis t th e IVIbe (2*2) M o u n ta in ln e e rs fro m th e s t a r t . I OXFORD, Miss.iss., — Tlm Tbbow 113yaniiiuds and the go*ahcod scorcre In of the Championshl -itoteodM PnaiM . . ;

r . \ . . . X-r ... . ______Ttots-Nm.W n Fans, IdihoIha ...< : C6 Sundiy, Stptimbw 23.2007007 y o u r S p o r -i :s — G olf------T ; ; ^ Clompletec RRim to Rim1 I HUH raiace results) released] »>Kew8______■

C omo n ip lc lc rc.suliK from th e I R imI 10l( Him nicc ran hist I kcnd were rL'cently I [isccl. ITcru iliuy na>. sc p a- I I cl by ii^e group. H

Rim to Rim B FlntlrtHlU'^r IB undtr-l.PadenBangrdt ■ CumiMi - in -| C«l»it 1:4 >•29 - 1. Die* MIMner 45:35.173; J. K Tlie AKri-Senrice No. 2 tMtnI wonwoi took f!rst place in the A.M. metmen's dhrl* The AmeriPrfde UnenInen and Apparel team took first placIace in the A.M. u ” tloa of the Scramble for Books,oks gotf toumanient on Sept 15 wHhnrith a score ladlei/mlied dhrlsloadoa of tbe Scramble for Books golff tournamenttt on Sept 021m*57o of 48.6. Plctuml, from left, are Doug Ottersberg, Geoff Mclnnet.nes, Frank 15 wtth q score off 50.550 Pictured, from left, are Sbami.mi Mynear, Dave s.'s;r^.aa!r | Wllliatnt end Riley Brownins. Hirdy, Dee WagesI andant RickCariand. 4 JM; 9. RriMoIer J«hmon. Nirrpa, L . ^ ______tia.17.72:7,723.10. Thomai Labtecque. Solic, I r 9.908:11. Nathan J«t1i«,r>lRF4tli. C U.^Jawn Banbuiklrk, T«in £ ^ 9 - 1 John Ruptechl. Solu. ■k llly ^ sH' Overall winner lohn Ruprecht. B«auS«etrSiK SSSgic,,. »" ti.fttome, 5411.031-5. Shawn tirpSsssK s.™ ■ lill, 58:42.862:8. Ccoff Smth. Tnln • ■

lili:02.07.467: U. lonnla Ahlqultt. TWln BA

1-01:32.401L401; 14. lot Panter, fVrfn ralli. M i i S i 1:07:03.479ilsas:* I EM a»TSM i n s a . I 21. jafi auck.8Uc Twin Falli, 1:14:02.922:22. K

Etit. Twin Fatli. 124:13.179:2S. ^ Tbe Falls Brand/lndependetrt MeatMei team took f!rtt place In thei PP.) . M ^ n T The Ae-lndustrial EquiEquipment team took first place in theth P.M. ladlet/mixed ^ » a ; a s , ‘ig3i. 1 35:2. Jeff Eatlei 53 J6.S30:3. B i m o n of the Scramble for Bool3oeks sotf touminieitt on Sept. 155 «Kith a division of the Scrambamble for Books goK tournament onm : S,|>ll5.«h. R«io 55:46.9914. Oalo EldiMSe. B score of 4 8 J . Pictured, from lefi It. 57:14.906:5. flotert Adsmv ! ■ 1 left, are Chtit Schmahl, Mike MarsIarsing, Byron >cere of 48. Pictured,red, from left, are Rick Reinsteln, Ihll!Rel.ilelii,K«ii It. 100:16.730; 6. Randi McNeil Lm Snyder aod MKchWood. Scheibeand Seth Schlch 49:55.285: First ptace: Agrl-Scrvicc No. 2 1 (Tony Watkins. Robinn Sharp.Sl Garland Equipment (Ric^ick Relnsieln. Ui Olft'a.^r^n'BelL KeyBm - ■ {Ooog OttersberB. GeoK Mclnneinnes, Steve Hart and Gary Fniii=raley). 53.5 Reinsteln, Ken 636; 4. Robert Im Ii, Wetwr. H sn Scheibo ond Seth t o m S189:5. l i Jamtt Kmli. Twin Falli. H Frank Willioms and Rllcy Noto: Wilklhs Electric ticctied with P.M. resultisults Schelbe). 48. 023; 6. John Pohtrty, Jerome, H Browning). 48.6. Walklns Oistrlbullon (OcbDcbbic Men^ Second place: L 713:7. Mike Lemfli. Mltf^leto^ H 1: Latham Motors v j o 'j i910:8. i S Jeff Andenon. Twin FaUi. S«eond ploce: Freedom Elcctrictrie Magaw, Tom Magow. Kurt(urt ScppI R rst placo: f^lls (Dave Easier., AiAmanda Brownficid, i:30:44.690; {Josh Madsen. Oan Christensen»scn. and Ann Seppi). bul wonon In a Brand/independentnl MMeal (Chris Mlchoilc Phlnnc |w9!67B^2.MBS'uOlX"ly, M Rome Pins and Brandon Drake),Ike). scorecard playolf. Schmahi. Mtkc Marsirjrslng. Byron Phlnney), 49.9 49.4 Lodles longest drive: Amaimanda Snyder and Mitch WoeWood), 48.3 Lodles longest;t drive:c Janet Cantor lowii • 1 John Hu(h«t. Twin F«Ut. H 969:2. Unknown pailldMni. ^ Lodles/Mlxed Hyer Second ploco: Platttt EliEleci/lc Supply Ladles closestt tto the pin: LIr i:37a7,b59 First place: AmeriPrldc LinenI andan< Ladles closest to the pin:jIn: Kflsta No. 1 (Dean Roddick.lick. Gary Cole, Reinsteln Women ;avA :rsK :.'"«. S 3:17.397:3. S««tl«na Harari, T«in ^ S K i S6:45.577:4. i i Aihley Brutman.TwIn £ ! 2J6J74:5. Madlion Folkman. ^ 1,148:07.813. ',M- 9 - L Lesh Moote. Twin Fallt, ^ bl u r Scoo res a n dd S ta ts 85719 JBt's: Y L-03:23.16e;i i S S S r M LADIES SERIES; Ann Brcvrtir!« r 550. SlokesDcrry 529, VI CrosCroshaw 513, 180. Glenda MeelICCham 176, Donna . BOWLING _____ Bonnlo Draper 523. JeanI McMcGuire Ool Van Kook 470. Banner 160. BOWLADROME, TWIN FALLS s 485. Susan McCann 470.>. OAMES: Kaihy Gray 224,224, Mano Oruco LADIES CLCUSSICTI1ID5 I SUN. EARLY MIXED LADiES GAMES; Bonnlo Drop>ropcr208. 209, Wilma Lancasterer 206.2( Noncy SERIES; K>m Davi!avis 518, Mlllssa P4ul.l:10KI8 . MEN'S SERIES: Erik Oywatcr 691.I. BcBob Susan McCann 194, Ann BrcwrBrc 191. Lewis 198. Wikiox 479. Claricirtco Leslie 445. Noncy K iSJibW is.;-” s«olecond-piace male and Oa^fTr*** - Loontr 663. Rick Ftedonkcscfl 666.>66, Shirley Kunsimin 172 EARLY FRL. Ml)MIXED Jensen 438. <^1-Ush winner Drew Michener. Shano RacUum 596. LAMES CLASSICIC MEN’S SERIES: Bloyno10 HThompson QAMES; MlllssaI WWiicoi 185, Nancy 1.-12JL575; MEN'S OAMES: Dot) Louer 277., RielRick SERIES; Angle Hillman 559,9, DianaD 625. Miko Goodson 604, Tod Wasko Jenser* 180. KymjnDavlsl77.Denlsc i9^14:uia“lMSlfl-13:55.4J7; j,*'*'"' • RwJonkcsen 269. Erth S)^«iief 255,255, Brody 545. Crystal Shull 537537, Gerogia 586. Shirivn Woodruffff 575.57 Hlltertrona 169. ly ^ l^ ^ E m i^ 114:29,562; 16. Ooug Simcck 227. Randall 521. MEN'S OAMES: Slewa HOiHort 244. Miko raILRLROADERSi n g y p l i y JMoUen 11?':58.694; 18. *** “ LADIES SERIES: Klm Lcanir 697. QAMES; Bccky Horton 207,7. CrystalCi Goodson 234, Ted Woskt(osko 223. BUyne SBIIES: Kym Son ! ss.'iiss';;?™ "'-"' )n 531. Usa Hutchison t t 20-29 • LSimanthi Hlte, Flier. Tinnoy Hjigflr 582, GrotcAen eioc)<:»< Shull 200. Georgia Randallill 1!196. Thompson 222. 180. Janet Gram:nt 173, Anita Phillips ftir 550. NIcoto freorlkscn 534. s s i k - i Anglo Hllirrun 195. LADIES SERIES: BoWle)ie TlThompson i69. Raelitl Duraajraasnl Prow, 148:56.359; 22. “ 7:1 LADIES OAMES; Grticrwn BlacK 208, SUNSET 519. Paula W)kJoy 491,91, JJullo Capurro GAMES: K>m Son)n I201. Jamie stewort Klm Lea«r 208. TlfTinoy Kager 202.:02. SERIES: Bemie Smith 526. Lc ' Ainande'mu * ' ^‘" tlll ih u V 6 Leanna 488, Jullo Shatter 484.M- • 489. Jancl Grantnt <476. Debbie Pfeifer Elfe?^,eftp|M SteS ffig :!S Nkcole Fieonkscn 195. Magco 520, MlchcIc Scckcl<01517. £ LADIES OAMES: Bobbie)la TlThompson 404, MON. FOLUES i S S l S S S ™ ’ Mary Cooka 511. 319, Jullo Shaffer 181.ll.KxlsUlWikley K THURS. M Reyrolds 200, Sunny MciietveyMcK 195. ‘^ '" S { 5 nMYM Shull 572. Brad Grceno 571. Oalo0 OOfiS Brown 181. Jean McGuli■Guire 17b. noinij Lflfjon ig4_ 'MARIIADERS gateR M jf'-"-- Slock 569. Kelly J«rouo 569. Bemlo SmIUt 171. SERIES; Derry SmilTilth 569. Eunice i l 2 5 ^ ^SL-22. 5 Kalla UM, Jeramf X*H. 7« VAUEY Merrlgan 475. Allc.Jice Fomn 442, Lort LADIES SERIES; Jullo SttuH 535, CSI FRIOAV SERIES: Mlko Tackett 663. Bartara Rcynolflj 524, Kaihl Jcrouo t S i p i F * lUO MEN’S SERIES: Patrick Hams: Worden 656. Leon Kllmes ^ ‘‘23- 517, Jom Groone 506. Roy Deieon 360. Oarrel Jone: «iraa54.Bon o»na:D,TOSmllTilth 205. Eunice ilSSS’w?' S Dawson 627. ;aihryn Stangor 157. Fill*. US:&e.< lADIES OAMES: Jutio Stiuli 198. Aaron Brim 300. QAMES: Mlko TlKkott 246. Gietchcn Black 194. Boit»ra MEN’S OAMES: Darmi Jone 22 8.K.„VK],.S«, fieynciai 192, Polly Skiuo 191. Pat«k Nanis 215. Roy DoleorI m 189 s . IS ■ MID MORN. MIXED Aaron Brim 183. mth 279. Jordan lillnfiiiiLi:*! MEN'S SERIES: Maury Mlllor 682. THURS. MIXED :in Sluder 253. Dave iillliis.. : lADIES SERIES: Halllo Ramsey MEN'S SERIES: Robbie Ma Myron ScJiroedor 626. Oick DoRochocho Jonn Lewis 267. Tammy McCal • 619, Bill Reemon 585, 248.Jasno1l King 241, Jim Brawley 602, Charlesties iLewis 584. qam£s . oeno Smiutilth 704. Jordan l O m a s J * II LADIES SERIES: l^ll Cederiund 588,}8, LADIES OAMES: Hallie Ramsey Joel Johnston S63. Jn Studer 648. Dee 5 Vk;kl Kiesig 578. Joyto Larsen 486,16, Cassandra Namjo 137. Jenn L MEN’S QAMES: Kai Motfwathews233. S T « 2 Urwa Cllno 473. Charles Lewis 229. Robbl(.bbioMaxfleld '""‘•'tJll'SC LALASSIC l TRIOS 135,Jasheli King 124. 225. Jim Brawloy 224, LADIES OAMES: Vk:kl Klesig 223, Gall MOOSE 1IE SERIES) 1:2101.01^9 LADIES SERIES: Gall Coder R70 ■ (40AME i Cederiund 204. Margie Hownrd 192.)2. SERIES: Cooey Mogee 613. Ker Ith 794, Brad Holm J?- p iiiiii. Unda Clinc 183. N«'Wy Lewis 508. Edie>Ba,Wey499; Bai Kiassen 588. Don West 579.1 »r 779. Doll Smith S o iS J /uIt f l1 2 .^ a y Thielt. Filer. TOES. A.M. TRIOS Rlctor 557. Kathy McClum 492. rome, 1:4734^38; 19, Thateti Jinucn. SERIES: Amanda Monon 515. BarDara3ara OAMES: Bob Leonr 245. Donon VW««i LADIES QAMES: Gall Cedor <^'^=B»Bywatcaier 356. Dan Smith . Fnui 502. Jcar»McGulro 487, Londada 225. Todd Hscus 224.Cobey^ tf Dovectu Hamrtch 189.I. KaiKothy McClure 244. oell Smith 23 =i Stout 486. 219. ^iwigce 180. ftancy Lewis 175. QAMES: Amanda Morton 198, Oiiiioe MOONSHINERS ' SNAKE RIVER BOWL. E Mason 193. Dawna Liitler 191, Joanan SERIES: Oanlelfa) Human 517.7 C Deanta LOONEY WOS McGuIr® 190. SERIES: Andrew Morgan 49 Hell 481. Meicnoie Koepntck 4: rty Holland 605, tSS FJui: t i l LATECOMERS FOwier 439. Francis F ^ e r II Jackie Bo^ 423. 51. Annette Hirsch Wn F«iil 2«3 SERIES: Kilsty Rodriguez 541. Liso OAMES: Danlello Human 193,,j QAMES: Andrew Morgan 17 .nnrui Hkii 163. Ffflncis FMors r s s r s Alien 534. cnarteno Anderson 498,}, Mekawlo Koepnick 183. Dcanr g OAMES: Tyson Hlfscrsch 357. Golan • i . 1 Betty Wartflcrw 466. 171. Becky Chambers 166. PINHEADS SERIES: Riggm Maier 375.175Duentwi Rogers 245. Marty.-tyHoiiand215. I:28:«}.a86;4. QAMES: Usa Allen 205. Kristy UL'OIAKTS Gayle Erekson.174,74, Jeri Holland 169, Roailgucj 204. Chaneno Anderson Roberts 314. Logan Kollint 1 BOYS' SERIES: Michael Telley 3 S i e p L r a A~«tte Hirsch 160 - 189. Srwma OlMnchaln 180. Simon Haisel 292. Michael Full ADrir>aOJount369.Cheyeru • 1. Uulw SlMtet. Jerome, W W I ; -Emwinngs. w Matlock SERIES: CaltUn Schafer 423423. Klara Despaln 221. Garyry I Bartlome 213, 2 4 d i 6 » . Somantho eeverly 271, EJysa ^ I • UUMES SERIES: MicDelM Wiiwlngof1 246. GatH Alvarei 221. Hleb 384, Jacob Schafere r28i. 3i Jor>et Grant 180, KrKrIs Rodriguez 166. “■ WataiB w m . 217. Lindsey vanDusien 216. Rrwndanda OIRLS' OAMES: Sarnamha BeveXverfy Dackotah Hk)b 235, SerairaSchefer S Koy Poole 161. Men jerarnt ' Martinet 302. AnunoaSchlpoef 184..84. 103. Manna Aspeylia lO l. EMeEl>» 103. TUESOAYAY MIXED AM3&39-L>L Jeffrey MulH.KIm6trf)P. p e n w ' LADIES OAMES: mlcrteiie Winelr«eff Maiiock96.GablA>v8rez8T.r. QAMES: Caiiiln Schafer 157 Klara SERIES: Bob Bywetei«er 614, Jordan , 125. Undsey VanCXisen 119. SarahIh OUNTS HM) 155, Jacob Sdufsrw l11 W . Perish 537, Shalnew I Herrlf« 520. SsMHwliIni T • Loper 117. Rhonda menin« 113. BOYS' SERIES: 1 ^ Lort>lecM«J393. 3' DackouhHieb84,SarsScaScfiaterei. Slecy Hleb 501, ParPam Rooch 476, & 4 M S ^ i MEN'S CONSOUDATED ZNs Kriitle Johnston 45: i V a 'S S '" ' Matthew Fiiliet 368. Junior CorrCombs TUESPAY TEENS *51- ■ . SHOES: Rick Morrow 661. CoMy 311. SERIES: ArurewMorgwi50e.DaM 501 OAMES: Bob By«teiner243,John gStgga I • Magee 650. Josh Pereira 643, Boo} BOYS’ QAMES: Matthew FUierliefl54. Amen 493, Jared Studerjf437. 4< Johnston 315, Shanlalne HenMg 213, Ntv. U B dliu Leaier&39. Kyle Lort)lecfcl 139. JadenTbmaumal37. Amanda Studer 496. BMg«rtdget Tina Herrtng 210. TJ, Theresa Knonillon i QAMES: Bob Leater 390. Josft Pereira9lra Oeukjs Williamson 121. Alberuon 405, Rachel WatsonWat) 244. 205, Stacy Hleb 19< 2S7, Ken Oavts 349. HenMd Rodd OIRtS' SCRIES: Bfooke Newlan:Ian385, QAMES! Andrew Morgan«193.Dal« 19: EARUri . SI • 247, liw Balrfl 247. CaltUn Boat 381. Ko(J Jo Mosai»«s338. Amen 182. Jared Studer^ 158, 1! SERIES: Duane SmlUnlth593,Dan1n f e i MV. SENIORS Miranda Cuftl#312. Amanda Studof 178. Brtdgeddgst Carter 590, Dee MaMaler 674, Georgia S m S i mW-l.y«nioaKoluitoep, . fi& SS - 1 Dabble Morfin, Rupert, • ^ - M IN t SCRIES: Ed Oul/y 539. jm OIRU'OAMES: Brooka New : r^Nman 190, Del McGuira 189. Jimm MASONUHOUK A&ert447. Schultz 344, Normana Carter 184, ; • IteVrles 188. SERtO: Kathy Gray S71, Jeann OAMES: DoOySiair 193,,7e»tlAiI>ert Tbn . Bed«ySmiihl7a

V ■{ ■ Tlme^Nm, Twtn F

NI-W YORK (AP) —- ■'I'lie PhlladolphIa is winlcsilcss, but liic ______N F L W E E K< :3 ______Dalla.s on'unsc c;in scorc.ire. tiie U ons hove beaten reirelativo soft------rciison tlie Qjwhoys an:ire 2-0 Ics, Besides, Philly Iis: isn't bod w ith :i .defense litu is iillmilluwed enough to go 0-3 and)nd tho Lions COW DO]oys iook to poony up over BiSears polni.spurKame. aren't'Eood enoueh tc Dallas canimimprove f lo 3-0 and shovi^ iti( isi ready to osm pete with tl Chicago's offense c c; a n 't which they last did in h the NFC's best. Rex Grossossman hopes to put his • score, liut (he Kejirs stillill hii av e EAGLES. 31-20 recent struggltsgtes behind him a s the Covowboys have allowed 55 pointspc in wins over the Gianiiants and Dolphins. ' liiiit KfCiit tlffe n se a n d DcDevin Hester lo jnii up points. Buffalo (plus■15V4) 1£ So Sunday nighl's ganuu n e in a t Now Engloi eland I Chiuigo figures to i)e ooiu n u o f There's only one score ore (or (his ^ ' those irreslstiljle fo for rc e / ' cam e. ! % i B ' A ^ 0 Arizona atIt BBaltlmoro I San Ologogo at Green i I n d la r im m o v a b le o b je c t {-an:5am e s. PATRIOTS. 3 8 1 4 . Bay lanapolis at Houaton MirMinnesota at K ansas City . A nd }}i\given ■ (1-1) (1-1) ' (1-1) (2-0) ! (2*0) (2- (2-0) I(1*1) (0-2) (ilu siahsarts (if San Oloso (mlnu inu, 4] Edgorrin Jnmosnos had bost ; Tho Chargog o rs a ro in d a n g e r '■ C o ltss lostIc Ihroo ol four of DofD ofonso will c arry Vikings. th e tw o a t Greon Boj Boy game as a Cardlardinal last ! of equalingig la st s e a s o n 's lo ss : thoir lolo: s s e s la st s e a s o n o n ChtiChtofs stayed closo in te a m s■ and L.T. is averaclng 1.9) yayards per wook: 128 yards3rdson24 j total horo againsta; tho j the •oadroa to AFC Soulh ChiiChicago only boeauso aching carrics. Ravens'is' {Stovo McNair | rojuvcnated weak- carry. Brett's approacf cjd P a c k e rs le d by ; opp ojnonts, n c Texans' QB Malt RonRox Grossman was his ■ e x p e c t bock hoi i of (hu another record. [ hom grtjin injury. 1 B rett Favro,•0, I Schautl u b giving toam a lift, usuusual turnover-prone self, m ='■ il PACKERS. 2 0 1 9 c o u ld bbu e a preview of suniu-son Tonnossoo (plus W t)>A )atN ew i tlilnsto come in Ianuar>’.y O rleans (Montfoy oy1 night) ^ I ^ m m ^ / i 'i'he Honrs are favored ed liy Tho S aints figure to bebc moro Buffalo at NevVew England | Miaminl a t N.Y. J e t s D etrcitrolt at Philadelphia San Francisco at Pittsburgh' llirce polni.s, which is for emotional Inlho first \ s t Vtnco (0-2) (2-0) i (0-2) (0-2) (22-0 -0 ) (0 -2 ) (2-0) ( (2-0) home-fleld advimtiige. 'I'hat Tl Young/Reggie Bush m. 1 matchup, Patriots hawiave been I Dolphins artare rushing for only Donova3van M cNabb is the Nine might bu (uo tmici). SAINTS. 24-20 'Jinors managed to eke out dom inant In theirle ir two w in s j 6 3 .5 y a rd s ea g a m e, w o rst In ta rg e t o It's early, h u t T ony Homcim o I.S 3 It of th e E agle fares' ire, , wo two division wins by four a g ain st J e ts aind n d Chargers. tbe NFL. Erirric Manglnl is huJ rece stiird n g (o iook like d ie (luur-({ui fndfanapoKs (mlnu Bceivers d o n i ge t o p e n I poinKints. Th'e S fo e fe rs ha,ve Bills h a v e ju s; t17 l ? points in being secrel terback he followed gmwinwing nt Houston relive on whether regulari:arty. Ltons haven't bealleaten Cleveland and Buffalo up in Wisconsin. Tiiat's earn-car The Texans beat tho CoColts 27. WO Bam es. Chad Pennltnlnglon will start. sta rtedkJ 3i -0 sin c e 1980. | b)y y a a c o m b in ed 6 0 -10 . ■< ing h im praise fro m tiiis ycnr’syea 24 in this home game■ne last sea- coach that hc would n nev e v er son. earn {puhlldy at least) frofrom COLTS, 27-24 last year's I3ailas coacli.1. HillIi m % i S « I’arccll.s, whose standaidard Son Francisco (pluplus 9} SL Louis a tt TflT a m p a B a y J a c k e o nivllle v at Denver Clovejveland at Oakland , CiiCincinnati at Seattle reaction to good playly byI a t Plttsburgii •gh (0-2) ( M ) ( M ) (2-0) (1-11-1) (0-2) i (1-1) (1-1) youngsters was: "Don't p t p u t The 4 9 e rs aren't a s goodgoc as Joey Galloway hadhadcalchesfor Bcthteamsts have scored 61 Raiders9rs still lack talent on I Beneiengals allowed 51 points in h im in C a n to n yci." their rccord. 135 yards a n d 2 TDsTl Irom points betwev e en them In tw o o ffense. se, If Browns’ Derek toss)s s to C leveland last w eek, Wade I’lililips isn’t ; t M> STEELERS, 19-7 Je lf G o rd a : n oat t theIt way to games each,:h, or 35 less than Anderscrson coniinues to ! Seatleahaw ks c a m e ba ck from a ' reserved. build for th e future.ure. Nothing to B engals a n ddBrownscombined 1 Ihrow' live li\ TD passes a ' 17-07-0 delicit in Arizona only to "I ie made some scnmibl nb lo s New York G iants (pluplus3V4) show Ior R am s; in ttwo g a m e s, (or In o n e go:jame last week. game,), BE rady Q uinn will sit. give i lhat you don't see many pc' ive up winning kick on a fumble. peo- at Washingtonton pie make. lireit i-avre-lsli•Isli. Southern Cal moy bo■ strongersti ^ 3^ I’lillllps said of Romo aft . i aftJ-T than tho Giants a t LBB and0 OB. g last week's 37-20 win" 'f’; REDSKINS. 37-27 M iam i. m ^ '.'J "i ic made some really ou Carolina aat t« Atlanta N.Y. G iantsIs at Washington Dali: Clnclra»tl(plu.3)«t; a l i a s a t C h ic a g o ib n n e s s o e a l N ew O rle a n s standing plays nnd lie's s( (0-2) (0-2) ’ ® Like tho G iants, th e BenJengols *'■'< I (2 -0 ) (2.(2*0) (1-1) (1*1) (1 (0-2) Jooking downflcld ail tl had b e tter find defensensociulclily. N eithar Byron Leltwich,1^11 nor G ia n ts allow*wedNFL-hlghSO TonyRoR o m o g iv e s C ow boys Sainiaints a re o n e of th e N FL's time. That's witai real ^ SEAHAWKS. 35-30 Jo e y Harringtonin v»will do m u c h p o in ts In Iwo^0 g a m e s. Still, e d g e aa t t th e g a m e 's m o st mwst ost disappointing teams, amn/x‘s m c aboul him. A 1< behind a b a d offei)ffensive line, could be danangerous (or Red- importertant position. Bears' Titanitans scared Colls last of guys, 1I1C7 cun gut nw: Jacksonville (plus 3)latDom^or at Carolina gave> up 31 straighi skins becaususe NFC East OB Rexex Grossman (55.1) wealleok alter an opening week from people at times, bi points In H oustonBn kjss.I games are uiunpredictable. ihlrd froifrom last in ratings, win c tiicy don't see what's golii-nine Take th e under, fln o v e r Ja ck so n v ille, ^p< on. I Ic secs receivers." BRONCOS, 13-12 Romo's agility could cnui PANTHERIERS. 2S-2 (str(straifiht up) ; Balllmoro pn)blcms for thc Hears. *\’Illtk * Bi plus 3%) MinrxwMota(plus2) SEASEASON: 14-16-2 (spread): 20- .von'i Cardinals havo yet t' I};ill:is defense proliably w or ta Bay a t KaKansas City LAST WEWEEK: 7-9 (spread): 1 0 6 12 (straighi up) : r ' t , M,„ to win on th e road. 12 tolully sijut down Chicago. Hi The Rams havo lost)st twicet a t The Vikings picploy good dofonso RAVENS. 20-13 (hinkof Romo's mLslukc-pron homc and play sixix ofo tho next but have noI offenso.o The Chiefs counierpan, Rex Gru.ssmnn. ,, eight on the road,J, TfTfoubie, don't play muinuch of eitficr. 'I'lie QBs a re th e dlfferenci"ce. Miami (plus 3) CHIEFS. 12-9 ,•^1. BUCS, 24-23 9 i COWBOYS. 23-22 a t Now York JoU ^Ai4cition ■ S S jots Clovolond (plus 33) )1 at Oaklond Both team s aro due. The 1.1 J ;'!). it's tho Carolina (mitninus 4} ot Atlanta Detroit (plua eVi) are hom c (Ihc thrce pol Raiders. The Rijfons haveht scored 10 Caami a t PhllattoiphUi a n d ... RAIDERS. 31-20 points fn two i — . - } ■ Detroit is unbeaten ond JETS. 20-16 JNDAY,SEPT.23,1K)0pm SATURDAY, SAT SEPT.29, 11.-00am Swatw atiel Auction, Twin Falls Berry Berr Estate Auction. Twin Falls I MobioblldlomoAppllanccs Mul(iili(mie*'niictnnt<9lop M n. • Sponlns 8i Shop item s MiKliliKrySponliwthxisdiokl M»c! Patriots’ BBelichickt(tops at findding role pi)layers Ad: 7TmM.A'eK'«9>21 Ad: TImes-Ncws 9-27 MASnSTERS AUCTION SERVICE MASWASTERS AUCTION SERVICE ti NEW YORK (AP) — A fewfe\ this5 s1 e a s o n w h at ih c lr ro le Is,"is." Bclidiick n broad basase, that's' really . Giuilcn so well in llie NPL when1 hcIk mate, Wes Welker. ThcThi one- losophy. A lot of pupeople credit (hc Ilcgulgulor Furnliufc Auction Ad: Tlme$-New$ 9-27 Wtisn'l even a starter at LSU.;U. limu San Diego Chargers Cli ‘Ifyou put ihernm inii one par- trade that brbrouglit Moss to 734-1635 73' •734-4S67 J/J AUCTIONS LLC “We thougln hc was prctt;reiiy castoff and formerT Miami ticular spot, you mi(miglit have a the I’atriots fcfor alm o st n o th - IDAHIAHO AUCTION BARN \v\v\v,J|micll(in<( I ready hus guy that's better rut a t (h at o n e in g — u fourtirtii*h)und pick — www,.vw..i..cilot»»ldi.lH>,com good in college." BellchicIhick Dolphins rccclvcr alrea >UNDAY, SEPT. 30, 11:00am ;om ‘s tw o th in g ihnn th e y arc.ire. But when for tliu obviou rep lied . "I Ic vvns ju st b e h innd d ai M catches in tiie tean ou-s im p ro v e m en t t h uIRSDAY, r s SEPT. 27, 12:00n >chmldt Schr Estate Auction, Buhl u n d 30*I<] w ins. you lookai the playilayer's versa- in the New En[•ngland olTense. r„ ,| guy who will be a first-rount toike Auction, Jerome Sli(}|>s Ik li<|iilpmc-iil & Tools , W elker, G ay a n d: startingsi tillly, his inlclllgcllg e n c e . h is Yc.s. M o sshhas i made a huge draft pick. C>)llcall)Iv Gln^^wIla• Colk-ciltjlcs Coll • Guns • Ijiwn 'Hie guy Gay wus bebimlind guard Stephen Neal,I, a< one- physical skills, hislls ability to ditfcrcncc. Uut (ypically. _ AppllnnccS'l'umlmn.- IlniisL-hulil | • Gnrdcn tumed out to bc a sccondind- time collegc wrcsUcrcr whom adapt to differentI ts situ n d o n s, B elichlck refu.>fuses to inik nb o u t HouHvhold Ad:7Yrr«*i./Vu«9-25 MAS1lASTERS AUCTION SERVICE who's currenlly strugglingg inir coupic of years to letea< a d i th e i— « I MASTEITERS AUCTION SERVICE mvw.innsiersnuctlon.comw v \ thc New York Giants’ overver- fundamentals of oH^ ■ SATI whelmed secondary. Mean;an- line play, are imponoi ATURDAY,OCT.6,10^w while, Gay starts for a (cansam only because they ~car \ A u ctio t n Noimce -isIDAY, SEPT. 38, 11;00*m Sweriwensen's Market. Twin Falls thnl two weeks Into Ihc seasea- Tliey're also good playeily e rs w h o Id a h o) Pow Pc er • Qw est Communleatia tio n s Boutiiutlcr Estate, Hagorman SurjV>ur)>lt>-'> ^'cK-IiikK'I'Utulpmcni so n h a s folks u t(c rin g (hc "U'U '" a re relatively c h ea p , allowing all Surpijrplus Operations EquipmenIint SliopUxjU.AjukiiiCT A M l SIjui Ilirtii word, os in unbeaten. tlie Patriots to splurgerge every Undergroundid & £ O verhead ConstructionlEquipment- I I loiiNduikJ Itnin Coniplcti- Dkprmil B ellchick's sc crct to succcs:ccss so often on stars who0 fitfl their ~ - Open< to the Public ~ (d: Tlmet-Neu’f 9*36 Ad: A T1met-\ews 10-3 TERS AUCTION SERVICE is not spying. Almost cvcrjbvry schemes, as they d dli id la st Tniel(»,Dump»,T«llcialien, Pkkupi, Autoi, ExcavKon..n»ckho«i,Uader», I)i MASIEf ESTESAUCTION learn in Uie NFL docs thotItin ir spring on Moss andnd line- Griden,Trcnehen.Tle■.nollen. Lowboyi, Underground ft(i Overhead< Equip,. w,mi»iersuuciUin,com w^w.m-w.ldnlionuctlnnccrs.otR so m e fo rm . H e ju sth o p p c nned e d backer AdaliusThomas.las. BuckctTruck(,DI|I, Digger Derrlcki, Truck Shop Equipjip.&SuppUei. SATtATURDAXSEPiMi SATUATURDAY, OCT. 6, 11:00am inile«-REA Govt. Agenclct-Area Co to g e t c a u g h t u sin g a m cdtodhod Beyond that, almost□st all of Citlet-Counile Contracton »a Hatfield Living Estate ' AnnUBinuBlFallAnllque&Collett,SaU«Mgr. th c to p o f th c NFL fo r m o st ol j Sale sito Phoihone JOB-362-1428 Ad:Ad: T7mes-Neivs 9-21 7731-1G3S* 731-1567 this ccntury bccausc theyhey at inside linebacker,; o0 u tsid e C onducted blll9a-4-auctuctlonecfj,tom ElESTESAUCTION IDAHO ID/I AUCTION BARN put linebacker, safety andid d( c fc n . Br- understand how to pul ‘T i l l 1 1 ' Auctioneer*: v.ldolioauctloncen.orK together a team of playerss ttc o slv e e n d . 2250S.IUymon(iSl.IS,. ChjdLowry.l nil specific roles and keepc c p "A lo t o f dm c s, a playla y er h a s Boiie, id ih o . At TargheeT«r Street • I-R4 Eziti SO-B btiS2 5 Formore, o^ click Auctions on www.moglcvalle,w/fcy,comor ✓ Classifieds I8U Q ndlng u n h e ra ld e d ro le ploy-lay* alotofvcrsadllty.That^a t^ really 20s-3«2-si93 / 362-162-1428 • FAX 308.362-0720 AUCTICTION SALES REP: JIII. 73S-3222! • [email protected] ieen.eem e rs s u w o s Gay. Yes. th e y got what their strcngUi1 is li a n d

mU9rMui»BB ^ it

'1 I ^ M ; W i l k i n s o n D^braR^IH Century2l Nelson

Greater VaU^Pr, Greaterer VaUey Properties '■ '"■'rttiz Magic ValiieyyiifqinffeSellerar button oh1 our homepipage :^ ^Rw mora I n f i ^ i o n 0^ ' oiiliiieI bdwbd fttng oppwltiiiilte on rtioglnoSa;roStyxom oil iiisM Woodslila at tha«TbiHS-Hn^2()8-735:32()7oramai l

' ; - V ll *' < ; C8 Sundiy,S«pttntMr23.aM77 T1nn-N«wt,'MQFtilf,idibo

Today: A cool ot.iti 10 t.ili wiiti w.i Itl wiclOGivoiid, Muiivy i;iiti Today Tonignight Monday Inesday 'muisday city ^ HI Lo Piep r.iiowmij Hifjtis, &0r. Tuesday Wedne : Tonlghl: Show.its v.ilii Jiioutul.ll. buibi Iho will bo li(]iX('t .111(1111,111 clu^it oul Mlu Low;;, 30s S 3 Z Z 2 S H ' f i i r - Tomorrow: Sutmy;;; buiI Jl will ;,lill bif cool I 60s - '"m fi > w a (BBSOZ # 4I « lo«<» 69 4g.0.(W Mucn cocJoi win Unoonnginglightar li Sunny and a touch Sunny ACundsnlinl suntlunoi Waim and tunny ^UaM ______Today: Si'owofs coiilinurtiij. wm hanvy rnm al limes stwwciowen wnimor uppof 50;; Tonlghl: Cool witu liti(ii.Tin() siiovi;HOW(;is. t)ut lliuy will Oi; li()tili'f High 58______Lowtf ae: ______64/37 7 0 /4 1 ______7n y / 4 5 ______7 7 /4 3 StSU>nl»K S7 sa 0.01-

Tomorrow: T»o luin reiutn;; Hi(] m.U COr. ^Tem perature^ Pre As, Sunrise and Precipitation Humidity S u n s e t v^sasssEBasaaMMMUOKsa ly SuflHM; 7:37 AU 8un*M:7:MPUPU a»9»u„^...... SUN VALLEY,Y, SURROUNDINGS MTS. ~*lffSTBrSBlS^iietibsiaaa^^ mBMKOMtlMaMIHSSn • HMvy Jhowofs wnwn mmil wflti snow at lunog in m« higlioi, n»co«tHi9n «*lnlOr» VMrWDil* U«- Toa»^l*«n/n IU.% WmlnMd*»dirmw7>iirM IMous will D«como i>gnior itx Moon Phases M oonrlse U.V. INDEX id M o o n set Low Uwtofila HlQti BOISE A iroliougn ol loo piessuro Mill Unng ^ ... •Iflsspieaa, fto.ivv jho«o(s 10 liio 0 L Q\_ : «:UMI UooxMt: 4:41 AM A i i . DayWeather, Inc Tl« r.cfiai ns nd«i tna '®o'°reoignloOAy. localnod llooding f ^*** StMSsSKZMMMtKilfiM I Wmtlil*Mgg»nMC m*)i Ba of a concoin «ail» Tno »no«inowoit will lapoi Oil lomgni. I s a Tutidlr Todiy T»meinoriow TMay Temsiroi aw Tndiy Tomoirow n n p B |H B Q M 't7 .w « « atto «r: L»WCII» u 'w HI lo V* r; c, jygya-.W Clly HI Low HIUW NORTHERN UTAH f. is-ii st„=.™ ajiiuitis Showsis And much coolof g ^ M ^ M » condilions will movo in c 40 in IVW«aM :^-»iawt>i

n 47 tu OwMuaWV Ilf !« au SI ej angs;».'&V4>t:«swBiiMiwe»*l**=e*iia*-i».eezi4S«ee siaa-™ aiaiii££& 73 40 IU Ommm n U au ic U ■nmM DMMruw»cL«3«:RmnM s.xs.-i..a!?.b .'!.“.ai saaa^S AisjUtS ! iu asK i^ it^i;.s.e . i i a a M34W PPM> tT W tl M «3 A ff-ar7?-iiifinrr.r^ri.“ i°i;y WiMvovK B U au n a w rSSw iiiiitt& iiMiiiitiiitii a S ...... iSSSiMMnSBHvnSiw t»rftV i,aa'iffl.i?i.a.6^Sia»«&6 iS£S^riiiigrSiliS wm i a • ^G 0 70_ DO 00*00 !u !m”'i° m SSim fii w iiS ifjiiiiNSM& n wSoMcsavTSmMSM g r r r ^ - K T ^ «)W*« IBHUenr.l»4.7.b». h ^ & Bit i»«S|i oaaj. mi wrurf im. pe-p«rt>( cicmJi MT 40 }» m. *S 27 PC M M W f LT C p ^ l ^ ^ Warn LEKAUFF'S QUOTE OFTHE rofc caoBQUtloa ts Iht word neUrbtodwqutlliyoiMn 1 TgiS-fiigTi «.»gij;gw yf v^id lo il tip; M : .1 , YMMI«y% KtUwol EHramn: ItoffiM » U I u < ■“ ”LS;SSS2.i5;

r Stillenary GOLF, The Magic VaGalley’s uttimaie sport Oectudad Flesch fires; i i i i t wvvw.m;

66, leads byf 9 rts blog four shots 5 s V lillON A . N.Y. — S teveve 1-lusch shot a O-tindur 6G un Siiturdiiy to lake u four-shol le a d n v u rC a rl P c tle rsso n a n d Charl(.‘s Warren nfier tlircc rounds iii thc inaugural ■I\jrning Stone Re.sort Championship. nescli, seeking Ills sccondId victory in tw o m ontJjs, w as at 19-iinder 197, tying tlic PGA Tour's lowest 5'1-hoie scorc inin relation lo par this year. I’c ttc r s s o n (GG) briefly tie d Tor th e le a d a fte r e o n se c u t ivc hlrdles on the hack nine, but Ilesch rallied witli four ofhlsE own over the final five holes to keep the top snot to him- self. ■ H '4 W arren (Gfl), w h o finished in«siooi wim3.yr.» se c o n d 10 I'lescli nt K cno in eariy August, birdied his final h n K ^ H i hole to tie E’cttersson for sec­ » 3 m j -MP ond. They were two shots in front of I’arkcr McLachlin • Bluolo49^* (65). M ich ael A llen (Gfl) a n d • Availat(lOOnHi-lnrMMM Dill i Inas (60) \vcre a n o th e r l-yr.t«yi6..0f.* stro k e b a c k nt 12 u n der. Justin Leonard and Scan 1 P 3 playor O’Uair shot 66s and were ) MP cam ora with vIdoo tied at 11 under with }arrodi LOAXltOO jolooth* I.ylc (GO), Jo h n M a llln g c rr ailablo in bluo, (Gfl), Joe O gilvie (68), R ant cam|asilW41>l ^ CABY: K C — MSikWlcbo wiVl^vM,«linini.MK shot a 6-under 66 to take a {asau,p««.T»n» jwSLt^t one-shot lead and break thc SlMp«*|Mfilcirtda«nid i : ® 5 K S 36-hole rccord in thc SAS MpnM t pc«MS«*l

------^ —

a S S w " : ^

. ' INSIDE: ^ Mississippi i town holds D festival for i L the iate SUNDAY r Johnny Cash, 03 SEPTEUiiEf) 23. 2001'07 YOUR GUIDE TO (AVITHI T THEWORLD • TIMES-NBlEWS • SECTION EDITORR rMEGAN o n e : 735-3291

IhINSIDE: Classifieds, D3- j 13-16 I S u d o k u ,D ll I Jumble,J D12 I Servicece directory,M. D13 I Cro!rossword, D14 I Bridge,ge,D 15


P la c e si to go, t]th in g s t(0 s e e iniNampi)a

County: Ciinyoii ‘ in greaterr concentrationsc than at onon displ.iy in liiu 20,000 .s(|uan:arefo(>i ous progninis andm d c u ltu ral e v en ts to I2.()0(,000 ye ars ago, Take a self-guid-d- F o u n d e d : IHHG any other■ placepl in North Amcrica. facfacility. I'eaiured are raiion'h1 book-s. and aciiviiius inclueluding an Intcrnui ed lourur ort stop in at llie visitor cen- IVivla: l( is not know irnv for c crtain You c an se-•c c tht e i)lrds o f prey In th e ir "V■'V Mail", Mothers Flags. "VI‘V ictory caf(5 for th o su nein e e d in g to ■'toiicli ler. (iuiuided ii tours are available hy whure ihu njiini; 'Nar Nampa" caniu natural rivuiver canyon habitat on a Pu;Puz^us" and numerous otiierLTllunis b.xse" w hile avvayly from home. For reservatvalion. (Nnnpsiics are alsoso from , h u i os tliu O rcrgon t’on Siiort Line sc cn ic fioatat trip. Ulrdwalching and lhathat reprusuni liic homefrontmt dur- morc Infornuiiion.ill. < call .|.|2-()82;i. avaiiahliihle. w a s b u ilt Ib ro u g h IdaliIdaho, unusual slghtsuulnglg trips aru offured on in}^inf? W orld W ar II. T h e re a re: l;two o f , n a m e s w ere givun to.10. s(some of thu niotorlzud :t pontoon boats each onionly a few remaining Ciiriississ p-to Celebration Park"k N am ppa a IRecreation Center su iiio n s. M nny o f itiu;lliusc unustial spring into0 thei summer. These are WoW orid W ar II fighter airp lan u;s s IiL'ft in tiiim us w cru bulicvud m l liolieoflndian scenic tripsips only. I'iicrc arc no ilicthe world and a very rare VVorliirklWar 'I'his park was;is establislied as Openen to all ages, this year roundid origin. It is bulievcd ili :I ihiii il c a in u ra p id s o n tillstill stru tc li. IIII P I’-5 K ; n iz o rh a ck M u sta n g fl|figliter. Idaho’s only archaelaeological park in HO,1)1)1)00 s(|uare foot I'aciiily iiouses from Ihu Indian woniroiil For m o c ca sin , TThe lu two i'-IOs, on display aat th u it is lo c ate dlontliuSnakeitlvur Ol one of Ihe l.'trgcsi indoor rock:k niiinb. WartiawkAiAir Museum mumusctiin. werc'Usud in theiL' film at the wcsturn h Ix o u iu la ry o f tiie cliinliiiif^ling walls in Idaho, three colie- "Pe"Pearl Harbor." Snake Iliver liirdsIs o< f Prey N alionni j’iaie size sj; hiisketball courts, an Snake River Birds of)f I.ocatcd aial the Nampa Municipal Conservation Area,LM. This area was a iiiilonrir runningr track, three dance Prey River Trip Airpon. thi:this is an educational HisHispanic Guttural Center w in te rin g g ro u n d.1 forfc I’aiuie Indians studios,)s, largeI gymnastics fioor. five/e museum dudludicatcd to the prescrva- along tlie Siuikee iliver.I Travelers sivinimiiming pools, spa. sauna :indid South of Bobu, thele SSnake River lion of Amcrlic rica n W orld W ar II av ia- This T regional altraciion incliciiidus worldwide have totoj m e tt) v n jn y iJie ntv:im} roDtii.roi Iand aiimuil p a sses has cut a canyon whiwhere eagles, tion history)ry. Rare and unusual a mmuseum, gift shop. SpanishIt cclass- high desert fioni,1. scenics tand fea- are availvailable. I'or more informa- haw L s a n d falc o n s iiesiKicnch i spring World Warr II aviation artifocts ore es,cs, IPHS Fam ily W ork sh o p s andid vari- tures, and unicjuce IndianIi an dating tliincallali .|()l!-r>777.>

MMy UUvJv^l l HEDU :------] ^ O r e g o)n’s i c o a st i;i s a n

imlikel];lyparadis(56 f o r s a n d - s p3 ( o r t e n t h ui s i a s t s

ByHogoMfftla reoch theboitono m o f th e hill a few l-oa Angates Times______sc c o n d s later, 1I shiftsl m y weight to m y h e e ls a nid d , , fo r th e first tim e nLORENOi. O re.-TlicTlic po l- d ia t day, c o m ci totc a grac efu l sto p . S. Isb c d b o a rd stro p p e d lo:o myrr fee t A ge o lo g ica lIphenomcnon p l / • fuuls fast and llglit. I shihlift mr y m a d e O reg o n 'ss ccntralci coast a . ; I . w ciglit ^or^va^d a n d launctjnch paradise for sandmd-sportenihusl- m y sc tr do w n a 50-foot sandsan asts, and thot's{the th reason an . d u n u , th ro u g ii a w id e curv:urvypath estimated 2 mlllliIlllon p e o p le eac h bordca'd by spiky Gurapc;jpcnn y e ar lu g sa n d bto o a rd s ancJ tran s- . b c a c h grass. p o rt A'IVs, m otorcycles, to r quods E3cnd y o u r kn e es. I was/as told.l a n d d u n e buggle:Ries to these parts. . - P o in t y o u r le a d a rm in the direc - T h e h u b o f thish is sa n d play- ' tio n you w a n t to gb. Canm itil b e g ro u n d is Florenc2nc c, o n c e rated th a t easy? th e n u tlo n ’s to p ren tire m e n t tow n...... '■■I U's 0 c lo u d y b u t w amHI i sumifiersi Now the streetss rumblen with ■ '■■■ i"'- a rtc rn o o n a lo n g th e ccntrantral irucks, RVs andJ trailersu loaded V O rc g o n c o a st, a n d this is myn with knobby-tlrccIred moiorcyclcs, th ird a tte m p t a t san d b ooanling. n n ATVs a n d d u n e bi ; To tlie'south, the nation'sn's largestIs all plastered wllliItl) a ^ u m p e 'r ^ expanse of coastal duneses stretch-s sticker that reads:ids: “G ot & n d ? " ^ H H j P c s to a h o riz o n o f honey-c(^ •colored W iie th e r it’s o n1 fatfa tires or waxed m o u n d s, sp rin k le d w ithll bib u n c h es b o a rd s, sa n d Isi thth e o ttra ctlo n . o f gold a n d g ree n b cachh To And there's tons c th e w csl, w h ite -c restc dI waveswa Tliree rivers — "' . . • ! --'i la p o n th e b c o ch . T o thec cast,ca (h e U m p q u a a n d th e Sulslaw River cradles the1C tmtc vn o f d u m p stre a m seic d lm e n t In to tlie , Florence, h o m e o f th e natl(nation's o c c a n o ff a gently first sa n d b o a rd in g pork.c. stone terrace, sireitrctchlngaboui ■j^H H Surfing d o w n th e dune,nc. I'm1 40 m iles, fro m CCo o o s Day to th e ga in in g s p e e d a n d cruisingsing a t a . ic o n ic H ec eta Hot^cad lighthouse. H B jjlS n ic e clip, th e w in d blowingdng b a ck O ce an c u rr e n tsi aai n d o ffsh o re m y hair. I’m p ro b a b ly travcraveling winds toss the ggni ra in s b a c k o n to le ss th a n 2 0 m p h , b u t it'st's anai adrenaline Jolt nonetheless‘less. A s I P lea se sees e e SAND. Page D2 M i k n ______M trin a BB u u l h , 9, n a v ip tn a gaatle gn d i..HomatatbtOrecea Hi DaBMKtUoilUonal Recreatios Ana, tba ita ta 'i«iCMtnil coatt is a If you g(go... p a n d lttfoforuBdi|Mrtt,wltbaoattimatod2 r i2nBj.troi. Wheretoitostay M d U fUir rln li a l a f taadboardi and tnupoitlo -Holidaylay Inn Express, 2475 Highway 101,.01. nofcncc: (541) 997-7797, • idi and dona buolM to the re ^ n . Doubles from $ 1D9. 0 9 . • Best WeWestern Pier Point Inn, 85625 HighHighway 101, Florence : (541) 997-7191l91,www, Double;;bles from $ 1 7 4 . • Old Towrown Inn. 170 Highvay 101. Florenctunce; (800) 5708 7 3 8 . www.old- lEFHSaadbuIbeardir Matt WaKon, 19, Uckt opI tiu td and catcb n town-lnn.cin,com. Doubles from $64 . albHmdUallri all tbat taw l form la tb b araa ofrOrtfDB?Tbn« Ol rir«n dnspp itiitrtaiii aadloMDt Into tba eeaan offaftBtfjriiopinioff WberetoI to eat UMbtoMtorrtamca.itrttebl8f abort 40 iantt,fitfranCoMBirlo .Beactaincomber Pub & Grill, 1355 Boy St.,St.. Rorenco; (5 4 1 ) 997-6357. HMdaKttdliId Bgktbessa. Oceaa c srn a ti atd offibortwinditouoR Eninwsfn5 from $7. ttagralnbacibach OBb tba le ti, flat iM f, w btrt:ftHpOatapbi • Bridgewaewater Restaurant & Loungo, 1297!97 Boy St.. Florence: (541) « m t,b m f|srla a id flat plaiBS. 997-9405105. Entrees from $12. • Bliss' HotHo Rod G till, 1179 Highway 101.01. norence: ( 541) 997-6769.' EntreesJ fromfrc $8.

les Master Park. 87542 Highwy 101.:01. Rorence: (541) 997-6006. : www.sorxliindmasterpartccom. Sandboard rentalsreni from $16 fr>r 24 hours.: Dunes Rwitier, 83960 Highway 101.10: Florence: (541) 997- ToursITS fromf $12 for 3 0 minutes, ion Caves, w orkli la>gest see lionon caves,c 1 1 miles north of Florence,e, ealong Highway 101; (541) 547-3;7-3111, Admission; $9 fbr adults. RWfnibttMW toi,M,n(.MllMfeTMfivaMwMida , «tpMMO(Nft.MglKttl( nmore ujftboritN ^iunF')RlilM hf Ihal bt ta d M qrieim Oreson, 6 7 0 Hawthorne Ave. S.EE.,.,! Suite 24 0 , Salem OR ! UnM rntudmmin^tN|M1htwfU,BMiingM4i : ( 800) 547-7842 or (5 0 3 ) 378«8J« 8 5 0 . vww.trBwek« : tbiiud«Mi

A. ' ‘ : D2 Sind«r,Sep(«(nbef23,M0717 \ T I W E L Ttoe»Mm,TWarab.ldiho

■ ■

Josh Tenge give* new meaning; to the expression Mding the rails'Is* «i i he glidet oa « sandboard ia Flor«Florence, Ore. Tense is exhibiting his skill at SandSat Master Parh, the oatktn’s firstIrst undboardioc park, at the nortfall enden of tbe Earn a1 ggeneral MBA, or an MBA focuscdfo< in Healili Can: or ChtChurcli Administration nation's largest expanse of coastiastal dunet.TIie Sttisli* Rhier endlfridles the fonner lo a ln s t e n of H omgrtflce, i Ore. ffrom Nonhwesi Nazarenc UiUniversity’s naiionally-accreditedited program.

Clasiisics meet just two nights percr iweek, o r taltc th c program1 cccompletely online, S a n d _ __ Conuct NNU todayy flfor more information and to apply. Continued from pace Dl th e m .” h e d e ad p a n s, slip my feet Into thcth c board's till* loD^, Hal sla'If. vvlicrc il I h a n g oh its Callahaih a n red- b in d in g s n n d shift mii y w eiglit pili-s lip in w aves. hovvLs am n d lines h is air-cooled VW/W fonvard. llai plains. Author I'nink en g in e a n d la u n c h e s5 theth Bend your knees,*es, 1 tlilnk. I icrlKTt visiicil lliis w s in uess s s buggy siniiglu tip the sidsl e o f Point y o u r le ad airm rm forward, (il'siindin I9ri;iaiul wns so m e o f th e n a tio n ’s tallesttal u n d r e m e m b e r Ifit'sIf it: n o t fust iiispiruil to write "D uhl*." hIlls is ■ dune,s. 'I'he rid e Is a louloud, slid- enougli to hurt youi'ourself. classic sciencc'fiction novel.vei. ing. siuid-spcw ing rolleiller not fun. riic w in d s, tid e s a n d ciir-ir- coaster, l-ountnlns off quqt a rt/. ftmmtmmrnmmmmmm irnis ilial wash and a'washsh and feklspnr shoot fron-om the /W /^ Ihe salinicnt ^rind out whnth a t fat iire.s. n n y gnilns c m nii^ht he the sotiesl and h e iw ee n niy te eth . c lea n est s a n d o n th e coast,It. F rom ‘1.'>0 feet up, alat tthe < 2 j k ! just nskl4)n Beale. summit oflloneymnnlin D une, I Ic c a m e Ici I-loreiicc. a for-for a forest of olive-greenn shoresl in e r lo(;}’in}’ c o in in u iilty on>n pines stretches into thehe ensl- the north end ofOa-gon's e rn h o ri/o n . a n d th e deepd e d u n e s. 10 y e ars n^o lookinglg b lu e I’acific sw ells to Ihe(In for the hest sand on whichll to(ci w est. m Y o u popiilari/e saiidhonrding,. a 'All you n e e d is th e: bobc a rd cnux- h e h o p e s will su rp n ss>s a n d n dune." FoorYourSupiiport! Q snowboardlnt'nnd skntu- Tiiat’s why 19-ycar-or V . ■uWDKl hnnrding. M att W alton, o n e o f Beaie d e 's ^ K a i U L © • Inside an old ntetnl etniiloyees, says h e love; ■ AMajor Sponttsors Q u o n set In u — th e h e a d ­ sandboarding. !Vc jolncr , I f lB SBUBRARY n i q u a rte rs fo r Beale's Snnd W alton n n d B calc n n d a few ' v f l F o uJNDATION r inc. F i r s t F e d e ral a M a ste r I’-.irk — he displays{ others at n inoderate-sb•size ne!irly4l) ja rs o f sjin d from1 d u n e for n m ini-sym poslo slu m C ity o f Tw in FcFalls ^ dunes around the world. o n th e sp o rt, w h ic h bcglicglns l‘g>'pi. S;iudi A nibia. C hina.]. with its sheer simplicity.Ity. It'sa ______Hnizil. Peru. Henlu a n d his relntlvely inexpensiveip pr n s------cGold Sponsts o r s ------em p lo y ees h av e rid d e n siund id time, they explain. Youucan c Agri-Serviceice hills all over th e w orld. Hutt rid e in sh o rts a n d a T-sh•shin. lagicV alley Bank Platt^ Rotary ClubJ b o f Twin Falls the sjind around Horence,, heh e N o p a d d in g o r h e lm ets, s ni » d . Cooper Nonorm an CPA's TheTlmes-hs-News says, is am onj* th e best. ed, a n d y o u r b a re feetir.iim fit o K & T S te e lI Elelectric Supply T h ro u g ii a m n^'nifyinf; }^l! padded bindings, W atkins Ele(■lectric h e says, th e g n iin s look likec T h c on ly draw btick; isIs t h a t ------SifUver Spanssors— ------tiny hall bearings. th e d u n e s can't su p p o3rt rt a Ag*lndust(ial Equipijuipment 0.1).LEvansBank . Longview/ Rbrebre , Ueale. a 50-yenr-old fonnerner clmirllft, so climbing sta .Albemoris . ON}NAConstrudion ' Jan & Mike McBi«cB ride' ' high school teacher, looks a n d m e n ty le g m u sc lc s I! m o re like a c o p lh a n n sim d-d - req u ire d , l b rcd u c e frlctJiction A lexandw D entalal G Group Do)odds&Assodates Team: MorrillL Pinther,Pi Keyt, Grinsted' h o a rd in g pioneer. I Ie stn rtce d «nnd Increase sp e e d , yououalso Amalgamated Sugaugar EdvidwardD.Jones&Co. Obendiaininsuinsurance sa n d h o a rd ln g in higli .school)ol miKst w ax tlie bo a rd bcfc and began designing boardsJs each ride. AmeriPrfdeUnen'&h'&AppareJ Fallalls Brand/Independent Meatit 'Pepsl-ColaBottIottllngCo. and organizing competitions■ns A fter a few p o in te rs fromfrc Ataraxb Aa»untlngting & Advisory Sendees Fanami Bureau Insurance Jack&Bland)eFhe Rasmussen In th e early 19‘H)s w h e n h c Josh ’Itn g e , a tw o -timesand- e si lived in Qilifornia City, Q ilif.if . b o a rd in g c h a m p io n a nnd d Benoit Law. Fre.reedbm Electric RS Mechanicalcal T h e ow n er o f :i p a re d nlo n g B eale em ployee. I'm shu!hushing Cable One Gardner Charitable Touraist SMnnerTruckincking, Inc the l‘Ioa*nce coast heard dm vn tlie d u n e w ith rclai Afeston . . Glai about Hcale and ofi'ered lo c ase . I w ip e o u t a fcnv tinUm*S ConAgrartjmbWes llaribia'Foods , Stepiian,KvanvIinvIg,Stone&TraInor lease him th e Q u o n set h u t flipping he ad o v e r h e e:b b , b u t CED, ConsolidatedxlB E ectrlcaiD i^ Herlenningseii Cold Storage US Bank a n d 10 acres o f du n e s. Uenle.Ie, B eale sm iles n n d snys:; “II“If it's Con Paulos, In c Brairad Hodges, CPA ’ ' Watkins Distribuributing know ing th e qu a lliy o f n o l e nougli (o h u rt y rtyour- cu||[gan Water Conti rio ren c e s a n d , agreed. self, it’s n o t fun." bnditioning Thehe Kingsters YOUBEDAJUD(UDGE I .;ist year, Heale's p a rk d rewuw It's a n im p o rta n t lessoison DC Engineering Latiatham Motors l(MM)() hoarders, aboul 2,000}0 th a t b e co m c s c lea r tlieL*ncxt n more than the previous d a y w tie n I jo in Ib n g e aon n d h is ------^ ------Broome Sponsts o r s ; To gel a b e tte r se n se o f tlieie b u d d y W alton to sc o u tI ouloi a si/^' a n d sc o p e o f th is giant "locjils only" sandboardl:rd ln g Ace P rin tin g . FoxFloral:;, ,-: , ! . . 'V John& KarKaren Rosholt Donn & Georgina W olverton / Siindhox, I hire Hob Oillahunin nrcn, overlooking nenrby Babbel’saeanen^rs Gamahd Markirketlng^Inc.. . 'Sav-MorDrDrug MarkFrk R. Wasden, A ttorn^.; lo lake m e o n a bu g g y rid e Clenrl.ake. Paul Becks, A ttorniimeyatLaw Hampton inn < Ihrough Oregon Dunes O n th c drive, T cngc sa] n o f TWln Fails Dr. John) ShussSI : atIt LLaw N ational K ecreation A rea u n d he's goin g to sh o w m c sollicsoi : Usa Burgett, MD,3 ,PP. .C Hertz of MagicjtcV all^ . Stoei Rivesves LLP . WellsilsFargoBank f . th e ad jo in in g lessie M . e x tre m e stu n ts. Tbngc Isonis t CPR, C enter for PhyPhysical; ; U. Waiteliter Sinclair) MarkBrk B. Wright, M D ; ' ; ; 5 I lo n e y n ian M em orial S tate a th lctlc 2e-ycar-ol(l san'l- n d .'.fchabllltaHon » , l^P^ffhaiTO^^lacyft Hallmark .TI«eFict,ljt,lnc. I’ark. b o a rd n n d sn o w b o ard Ic . . P ^ ^ l e r Insura Cjillahan w orks fo r Sand in .stn icto rw iio h o ld s a, wiw orid CmmrtneElearlcv tance TwInFallsll[sTitle&&crow D u n es 1-rontier, o n e o f tw o rcc o rd in d lsm n cc for bacback- PEU, Inc. . Pr^lorial'HHearing i Aid VanEngeNielenChtd,CPAs ■ 'M S shops in riorencc thnl rent flipping ne arly 45 fc^et oona n Donnell/Sports W esterafla Real Estate Group ATVs. q u a d s a n d buggies. s a n d b o a rd . M ost visiiors see th e d u n e s Me p a rk s his tru c k a tttljC tli ...... ■ / : ■ from a io p a .siind-churnlng foot o f a d u n e a n d unloacoadsQ ■. . . : • , ■ ■ • ; 'P g l iions . ; ■ ; n ia d ste r like th e p a d d le ­ sh o v el a n d rake to b u ildijQ c Agrl*5ervlce , , ; '. WaWrisOIstrlbutiiig..v.. ' wheeled buggy Cnllaban ramp over a bcach-grassiss AmertPflde Lirien'aMi&Apparel drives. A n u rsin g -h o m e m an n - ­ m o u n d a t tlie b o tto m o f : ■ AqoCompany. ■ ag er in tow n says h is retire ess stt'op Incline. W b ik StrVk»;:,f like h aving th e d u n e buggy A ftcra few Jumps, Ttng;nge City of Tvrtn Falls S ’ . . ' \ rid es nn d o th e r activities a n n o u n c e s he's rca d y to:o ttry a Falls Brand/Indepei•pe^identM ^:^J^;;g^|t nearby, because it means b a ck flip . KMVttCBSj m o re visiis by th e ir fun-lov­ Me c lim b s to th c (op ofihco f Prto-Lay . ' ■ '■ ' ^ ";V!,;i,'7- (^illahan has a‘d. sun­ stre ak s dovm w ard. Just1 as h is . B arb H u rlb u tt. b aked skin a n d blue eyes, board catclics air, hc arch w hich h e co v ers w llh n p ro ­ h is back, throw s hla bod y tective m a sk — like a hockeyy a b a ck sp ln a n d flips, bare ______' goalie's facc protector — c lea rin g Ih c tips o f th c ncin cc* ' ' . when he's behind the wheel.I. dle-tlppcd bcach grass.. HcH An»teb^N^hborhoiidioodGilljaear ", ".Some o f th e se lilll,s nre la n d s graccfully In th e Oal Dat AmonTotif;.:.' :, steep, so I'm going to have too slo p e s below. ‘B a r m & M b la ,.'v d o m y b u sin e ss to ge t over O n e m o re rid e, I th inikosl k ( taddhRobl^- p y r * : , , ' t 1063 Blua UkwJIwtfa^-TWtn-WHFaKr(3007»M4H»1*800-62S«QM


f « Tto»»Wm,T»fairitlt. Idiho T r a v e l Sond

By Kathy Hanrahan A»«oclBted Pfets writar

JACKSON, M iss. — M Miore than 40 ycnrs ofter tlicle late1 singer Johnny Cash1 v HB arrested In Starkville. rcsi- rc dents of the cast Mlssissljissippi town plan a festival in his h o n o r th a t will In clu d c n ccr-c K if^ P J ful emoDlal pardoning for)r thi e "M an In Dlnck.” The Johnny Cash Fldv'lo w e r Pickin’ Festival Is schoduldule d fo r Nov. 2-A w llh .som e cvci’vcnts brill*] ^111*1 on the campus of Mlsslsslr B 1 1 J l U n I I 1 1 1 1 State University, said «obl Ward, executive directorlor of the festival. Ward, a rcsearcii writerte r at MSU, started talking to) resi-re dents two years ago aboui MnilclinlohnnrCuhrnlIn 1977. festival — and a pardonin forf Cash. He gathered 500 sign (h e n e x t m o rn inng g theyc m c tu re s o n a p e titio n a n d h[icad* c a IdjMfeMiaiSlH out when they' knkr e w m s c d u p a c o m m itte e o f 25■resi- re: agBSBfi888l8MM dcnis, Including a localI ppa a s- song about tor, alderman and a b c a llin g ow ner. fail." a n d la te r "A lot o f p c o p ie w/ould o u at'StarkvlltrintfoM the inmates la u g h a t m e a n d a c t like I w;was f/:!StBrkvl|llertJ)aK?® kind of crazy," Ward said.1. ^ rddi)|ohi)n^'@ low k n o w n by Dut on Aug, 7 the Starkvll song)," Board of Aldermen approve•oved the closing of downtown1 cci ity b u s in e s s o ffa lrs I fc Cuh vm)te a^vww.Johnny s( streets for pedestrian traffraffle Johnny Cash Estate the ordeal ca ' d u rin g th e festival. T h e boai)oard died in 2003. “Starkville C ity Jail,'c message of also agreed to serve as annin* it There are dlfferer perform ed It forfestival th will kind sponsor of the festivetlval, sions of what happer a t S a n Q u e n tin Prisption, some- meaning the city will donaimate night of May 11, 1£ “Starkville is now:osh ex em p li- firc, police, elcctric and sansani- Starkville. fa n s by v in u e (ofe the tl pardon ladon services for the festfcsti- One told by Cash I said Bill M iller, fourlls arrest in D V IR R val. W ard sa id . in his autobiographyfor the Web site http://m' In on Aug. 21 meetingI thoth he wos arrested Cash icTZS i&MI Board of >Udermcn authoi[hor- w h ile w alk in g fro m hif W ord sa id th etters n: Js what ized Starkville Municipi:ipal to a grocery storerent ver- the Starkville ) fes th o se m is- Court Judge William Esheecc tot attending a party at}cned a the focus on redempth rev ie w th e sy m b o lic, p o sith th ut - n ity h o u se o n d ie M iss1965, in thing he feels Coshth e e v e n t will m ous pardon of Cash. Esheshee State campus, fled. “We believea tl- suggested jM SnW ruV promised a fair and impartiiirtiai Another versionh himself 1: Is not about histo beneflt o HfiBBRBlff review of the pardon. WarVard Cash was arrestedhy Is that Starkville, it's :irls ret C lu b a n d said. picking flowers in son:}y policc that whcn people n C o u n ty ’*! think it would be funin tot yard.his motel takes what motter huve John honored cvci2vcn Cash admitted in}re hi: a f te r th e y le a m fro me tl: event, the though it started out as kindklm "I wos scrcoming,tafratcr- c takes,” Word said,llin g T -sh irts o f a n e g ativ e re a so n ." said soil and kicking at the lississlpplcei Admission to the b e a rin g les-News Lou Robin, Cash's manageager oil night long until I be free, with a s I'm aglfvallmy.tom for 31 years, now handledies broke my big toe.I At Is that donation of SIO to sd w h ile lo c al Boys a n d Girls omeonc's the Oktibbeha Heritoge Museum, his book. To flnonce the e y y u p cussing committcc is scllin cell door (black, of course), 1 I finally the words “Pardon jgEfltTQ At a a.m. Pickin’ Flowers.” ‘ iCom nM l^sribindir'f ! - ■ ------— I D v O Um B m W K m 1 Saturday, Sepspt 29, 2007 tt North SicSide Park ' S D o w n t o wv n J e r o m e

ILn 8 : 0 0 am t(to 3:00 pm j

K u F a m i l y F lu n F o r J E v e r y o k1ii

B rO O o m -^ Live Fpmilimllv Entertalnmenl: ? (Fuixhiwforl 8Mam-9:30Bn-Nn - Musk prExhd B H b M lOiOOon-DmDoi10 Oflvis presents Jef0Ri«Hi5t0(y C«n>»nniolb(»ll M M IB C lO-iOon-ltiUioisSOIS S Sows SquoreDonters spinnins,buttBrdiumhS- ■ b K ^ IldHom-AitslGor1 Gory Stone & Author Bereriy Slone wLnaqudUnilinO,iopiii^ OUFosMoflCoui presents Oregorregon Tnd noueringtibpli ^BB»2.-00;m.11iefewlfew&the Fotliyvilli Singer TJ On L odl»tiMJHJ&WMlen » sipg Counlry,flitry,Blue Grass, ond CowtiyGo^ l:30pin-KinR(iniRotkVoBienBonj WltnonMoMoUaywlllbebooitslgnltio - ' fH l | ^ H | y | . 2 : 0 0 |m - HStSBondCflrinnyperfmmi^ Bo

C om pare d u r Chec: ograms K fsHIH R and you'll find ther It in fP IC the Moglc Valley.; F I R S T S'■ te ch n o lo g y can’l be m ing I A I _ Bridge Account to Cob int Gnqr Satt bov FEDER> TbuUly Free Check ^kU ,tm kila,tdkhm \ when you need usi ^■uOii-On^lUMi.SUOFHi7m ■n.^«-h>rBki-SUIOffiU-w - ; esc North ♦7»-4222 Jerom. TwinROU- 38}ShoshoneSt lecking; Deposit, and Loan Progr146663 llomisAvcnuev x • 73«085 Rupw effiikeUBnKiO«lNQnh«7»91Z2 Burleytiem to be among the very bestM302 in . 14fl Eaadand Dr. ■•737-0792 y. A lw ays a leader, o u r service9900 an . B o h l-. ISDtoadwayAie.AK.Nonh>9-06B8l Kmb*be beat. From the interest eamln156226 Pin^N eiro'B TMily FfW Chiddng teotiib n ^'PlwNcalibriM *.; to Student aecking. Kids Cash, w king A cc o u n ts'^ w e're rig h t h er i s l ;- . • x n e - I91SSouthlincoln0243< p e tt- 701 Tth S t •-0 6 0 5 0 5 0 rley- 20590vertandAvc.*87S«3 1095 East Main S t • S7&990 nbe tly-22349 Klrnbetly Rd. • 4 2 5 ^ [M Tlmo^owf. Twin Pallf,1, liJihoIdl SuiHlajr, September 23.200707 prO]CS^W HB| h u n t ing. IOD- , - i l m d s u i i a b l e ■ ',f 5 ,isen S ll'.':'* ______- ni^ h u n t e r - N ' '

II El < u i I mjnflPinjob.M unter & C lSl a s s i f i ei d s

M ^uniei -N ^ i ' l ih|iiiiiin^f% l*^ 0202...... ■ ~ : ■a — •rn nzr—' m .' -- - ■ amical : Dri^rivers, i . D riv^Sr':'-i I:'Drivers ■ ; ' E d u S o tij ^ REC! " l' DRIVERS CHILD CAHE CHILOC lECEPTIONIST I DRIVER ^ DRIVERS •( L 1 QENERAL Musl havo compulor, "L— Drivers wonlod,led. Local Otivors A OTR Toddler Teacher Aga:^gapo Christian' QENERAL ' I ' lotophorio & cuslomor Closs A&BB drlvors lor Dodicniod noodod. 7:30-12:30 Childcaro Ch has sorvico skills. V ffiflp L Rondy Adoms CusKCuslom Northwost toulos. Mon-Fri. Immednedlolo oponings . f e f c l - : ' < Bonoliis. Bon, Mon-Fil 9-5. Forming, Inc.:-in in Teams wolcomo. Contact Kelherine at forirlullorporJ-llmo lul ' <50 hrs/wk. Shoshono. Pleasele cell:ci Schoduiod poy 208-324-7S33 Prescreschool Teacher Fl»h Procei heo Eiiiplo',iiienI . _ 3W hiring 20fl-88S-7192 foi ’s8*(w?hr, CEHSttnSttFFINC 20\ AcccutilJftO Sond resumeto b „. ri 2 for incronsos & doys 1734-3693 or pick Full-timo, S8,( I BOX 94=71 ? “; ? ELECTRICIAN------I an application at ^58 Foils Ave/ I FULL-TIME 202 Cltf>cal r , M 70N homo wookiy. C% E DO Times Nows WA.inm < ““In'sVoXriolllo fill quojlloy saloly bonus, 81 Morrison SI - 203 ConsliiJCMn ' IVJTH BENEFITSs PO Box 548 c m Vd^ atlon. Exc, bonolil package, ' Twin Falls 1 " ■ ' ■ 20J CusioractS«fvicc TwIi ir^7“ " 8 § ra :------1 ii..i..ij.ii,u jiiijj Twin Falls. ID 83303 —i DRIVERS ------Applyat ______GENERAL a ?05 D.Lty ____ 40 hra'wk Apprenlice diSPAT i------1 Dnvors Wnniod.^ Rich Thompson ■ATCHER n r t i r V v E irlvBr Company & 0/0. Trucking Inc I 207 Edirtaticn Receptionist Roci noodod Pfopaw rre., 323 West Nez Perce oedod lor locnl •30 Positions avail111 203 Faim forlott busy dontal office. X s o u m In Jerom e o r c«» s«*ing s . company. Get e Jumpjmp on •1S 0/S & 15M « Full limo wllh Conlral KtolIdnho locoilon. curroni ^ h o Stale Compimpuierlwowlodge .um m irfun 209 General 5d Dov and Call Tammy at 208-324-3511 ♦Forkim Opcr 210 bonoliis. h^n'Slin Is roqulrod, slarteem ’Us^HVAC ____gO H 4 2 j0 8)6 6 _ . DRIVERS Ueonso. olootlcinn pioase. tQ()ay| ^5 poslllons avail 211 HMical Mall " resum e lo '®' ise mali resum es money tod lilicallon a DRIVERS ------Night dlipatcher (or erallons Manager 212 MiscenanMus BOXM993C/0 ® JonghouUiwWng^ ♦N/S Supervisor Times News. O'®groot work Drivers wanlod. P.O. Box S84 Qay f, Swing 213 Piotcsswl P.O.I Box 548 omoni. Cell Class A COL 5io"^i'E' IZi ?v? Blllno„M«pu. 214 Hctail Twin Tw Falls, Idaho. 2oe^36-o18-0141 and Local commodiiy Salary bosod on district ? csll s7 3 2 lS ^ .® ® ^ Positions Ava Oroat Pay DOE or Human hauling, Groai poy.' Io 6 AM & Saturdays solory schodulo. yvooo D 215 S.VC5 53303 o sk fo rl 0 DOE & bonellla. «No SalosI InvolvodiInv 2IC ItiKles '------' Resourcesces DepL for Call 208-420-7597 BAM 10 5 PM, Apply onlino at ______‘Boso Payly UpI To 2IS Ni-vrtpgpCT Carnets ; - - ' - ' 203 - ■ <'«tolls.Yo PI- Dispotch^ox^rionco , l j = I S 5i5E 5s ^KUFT Sll.OOanhOi1 hout! Apply today MECHANIC j X , 200 G^onsim oi clioii itwui.C[, S> X ‘All Paid rrainlnglTrair 870 Bluo Lakos N. — — poitunityi eek ^lolophono skills, cCassia Sctiooi Dist. is ‘Floxiblo Schodul- Se 7 3 5 - 5 9 9 9 Mm Indopondont hiring a Diesel & Employment = ------1 Controetoro J Pk:k Iho So Habla Espanol Aulo Mechanic to Fork!orklift Drivere oJyg It Want ^ to Never a Fool FulMimo Insulallon DRIVERS; Wllh Cargo Vans, wotk on school busos. Fuil-limi•time, S9,00rtiour wortI Installer noodod for gufloy.y. PnulP ond trucks with Trollors dislik:t automobiles 758 PUBUC SERVICE Won references & wage '58 Falls Avo .shn, M sinrl Timos g e n e r a l LABOR MESSAGE Wood Rivor Aroa. Twinfin Foils ‘Slfl" on Bonusus requlremenls and othor oquipmonl. ixpotlonw ptoloifod. Class A CC = . Coincide with VVe curronlly hovo . COL Drrvors 'Wookly Soillomonlsenls ideho Milk Transport Full-tlmo 12 month » - I School SchoD Fodorol Top Top Slarting wogo for noodocdod loll & 'Hoolih Bonolit Opilor posilion. ASC Coni- 06NER, :hodulesl openings for Generairsi pllons Attn: Safely Director olforod Labo, In Twin Foils, Eniploymom qual 0 yoor round ‘Local Aroa RoulosJlos 208-678-500t Ilod prolorrod. valid Allaillles Towing ‘Bonuses c Intotmaiionis Iroo. Call Cal 208-78S-701S tocol houll driver's liconso. CDL SenErvice. Inc. onmonlhlybiy basis! Joromo and Gooding. Romombor. no ooo ------S "“bo -» B8».VEX?;lUop, DRIVERS roqulrod. Salary do- 1339»Ciydesdsle Ci Rd ‘Fun, PositlvoJtivo wori( Wo aro looking (or can promise you a jNsraucnoN TrSS™Jo modical, www voiodlyoxp.coit^ ‘ 5 No Experience? tormlnod by oxpori- Ssltiehie Mountain, NV onvironmonlljni! haidworWflg, NoProMim Gronl lor firsfirst tlmo dopondobto individuals lodoral job. For froo Jborors noodod for 40lkondi,nd vocaiton. Drug Froo Envlronmot onco and education, ___ _ Apply online al IOW occopling job or caroor!9orl oblo to lift up to 40 Inlormation aboui qqH o " '« R S Providod by licailons for iho pounds. Short lonn or lodornljobs. _____ FulHlmo Exp. Drfvenvers, WSETronsportoiion SSiwing positions: p ie a.e applypply al iong tenn • day and 38-8888 or Local runs Homo ai Call Caroor OPERi’ERATORS 208-733- 10 al Assigned Flool r ------' - 2 0 8 ' ' - ^ ^ Cutlcutler/Uborer, S40 MeadowsIWS Dr1 II nighl shifts available, Amorieo Oponlr>g8 Opt (or Exp ^ ^ S 5 7 night. Class A CDL.;DL Pay Allor Eoch Trip .. . •; fard Yen Person, Twin Fallsalls or Pay up to $13.75. 11 Salary pold on porconi I Comi-CliOil. Grader, O' Dozer, InntuF R c •cont- E*P- Olivers & O/Co -i'F ann.''- ■'■■■ oDrivers pleasee csll ce Apply in person at S ago of (ond nvorogo,ago Also Wolcomo —: (CDL j] ■178-757.3nOO I craper.Excavalor :OLamost) (208)735-66S-6601 754 N. ColleQe Rd.. 4 Water Truek loss A. Milk S14-SI7 hr. Bolt,JH, Q77-973-5327 p ------,1 Exp'dp'd Mechanic walkingng Sulle B, Twin Fails Oporol«ralors. Locol wotk, r, ^lulMimo. Sllngor Irailor, Goodlood www, C l a s s i fie d musttboqunlifiodln bo dislonco fromomCSII ( I or caii 735-5002 20 1 ■: lackson J bcI. Trucking lor Trucking ritivtng rocord P r i v a t e thefollowing: foil: Hoavy , — ' (or moro informatioo. I4/318-1030 roquirod, Musl bo obkj' DRIVERS 20M24<1004 543-8044/3 oolo Opporlunily for P a r t y A d s oquipruipmont repair. 1------Accounting! “ ' ' ' — to rood & tnjck&k 4 trnilor ropair, GENERAL I OENERAL ; I loltow directions, motivotod long haul Iding oxporionco Intolllgoni Em; . 204;.v:-^ I d r iv e r s *■ liuck drlvors. Dry vans Roquiros WoWini Employ- NORTHWEST DESIGNiN ACCOUNTING * Call 208-280-1125 pto-poymoni all 0" a must. mom Sduiiorjiions Is is hiring for C u s to m e r:^ 21__ 4 roolors. 48 sioios. Now HiringI lor Iho Press Operators, CPA lirm looking ior ' P _ G U N DRIVERS walking Hoots, (jarapfolosslonol wdh -J pu»on. Sian^ng wagos based folkjwing posHlOTHions. Mold Changes & Service Com Siolo Drywall,gll 11 wosiom slatos. oxporionco and Productlon-Twii 3-5 yrs oxootionco ' ’ ■ ■ — Class “A“A CDL is oooking o Compotliivo wage MalorcrodlWoblt °"®*P •Twin Cutting Une. wim booktiooping. p.i«n-r cnrds. nnd cosh ‘i "Jtion iiI opplles lor. Falls & Joromoomo. We oro looking (or ISTOMER SERVICE I'nsirueruction COL Driver/Stocker.L .. & bonolit package, Jlicanis musl be Clerlcsl-Twln Quickbooks, nnd/or ;-6 6 5 6 S13-Sl5ffirw/ovonimln(vol troi ' J . qerica:; / ^ noodod to work nights OENERAl i.,D airy • ‘ I id r iv e r s i raking & baling hoy. Boys one ADMINISTRATIVE = i f - K N l Willing io tram, o'Mog to 0 ADMINISTATIVE DAIRY Cali 208-324-7148 >91 occopling 00 sn malKnmions PROFESSIONAL Milker Mill noodod. ------appUcalUcallonslora . ow . Busy local clinic is Exp Ex{ prolorrod. ?.* 'ARM Branchich Director. WnAmnAwnffnrforing a n S m curronlly looKino (or a Callall MikeK 410-9208 Tractor Operators Competi ______Call Aaron i 10 oporato disc & plows and BonoSR S., “'“ffl-' w™l?ajfckBookflPro' GENERHERAL SooWhnU Cail 208-539-5494 Contact oxporionco & oxcollonl Lookliooking for porson ■fOf'' ______detailed i • JSiSSS?" lordcmmii cuslomor sorvlco skills. oxp.«p. tnH hord hoallh. 'ARM tlon 4 a JES iS Pl.~«Appl, EOS/Modicald billino maloiiQlomity & hospilal Now Equ^ Truck & Tractor Ortver. »» 9 Fronllor F person at oxpotionco prolorrod. Iroalmonts. >r< JTP2?'"y No CDL Yoor round TwinFslis, Fall 736.7011 1201 FS1ISAV. II 8-5pm Mon.-Sat Frtondly Envi AveE Moy bo Intoracllno Call 8-: Call 208-687-8744 ______------*24, Twin1 FalisFa wiihdionts.insum^o ____^ Q.ALI> S.H.W .E.p»,ol o e NEBAI’AL = TECHNI:HN1CIAN IMMEDIA'>IATELY - — , ■ = 1.1 ...... Ill C00K/D1{ I'd Service Toch lo 800^8M}-3968or £ DRIVERS DRIVERS i afil ^ B m g m a Local r IDISPATCHI ExMlioni MV M E ® ie City ol Twin Falls is Call for an aool ' » lr miflt oquipmont. 208-33t>;31-2339 IdaWost Transport. Sun Volloy Stages has , Communilunity currontty ” ie C GaitsalJ 208-639-3580 www.knlghtlrihtirons,com LLC based in (ull-tlino position fora looking foranlfldlvkJiiolfor accept;epling applications for I Ropon. 10 Is looking porson wHh CDL wllh ( ri( full-limo In Iho COMMUNHJNICATIONS SPECIAUST/ AUTOMOTIVE '° S f2 t« DRIVERS for CDL, Doubles. & a passongor endorse- oteria. Somo DISPATCH. j moni to drive bus & p^lAuto Toch wanted. « x S S « ^ D r iW iP Q y iM Driver wonlodiiod.iodilvo 3-4yf8 0xppnjforrod. *««“ BeginningIng bl-weekly sa laiy $1077 somi cottlotioimcklor I Hiu-Mal a plus, work In shop doing j (S13.4e/hr).ir). The primary responsibility cloonlng i llgfil Must bo familiar wllh . B cM t ^ ar)d n criminal ' ------Tilly Cotliolo 7Tfucklna rogkinal. nil typos ol diagnosis ake, prepare, process and ONie« M a n a ^ ' OEUVEIIVEHY Mostly ID. W mainionanco. r '.NVCA.S & repair of lato model Ich both em eig e n cy and FulMimo. work olono. 7-UpIp Oellvery/Ware-0 aZ. Exp or Cali 208-733-3921 _ Exp in invonlory houso hou position. apply calllEwtek^W Eg 208-436-7500 BSk for Linnea pAicots 4 trucks. Flat adpN™/ in person at • non-emerglergency calls lo r service. holplul. Pay DOE. Win W train. 200-320-1|^%08°' or20B-312.44ie rale oxporience a . tKZLCollagaRd., r. Appiy immediaBdlately - A job descHptkxi and ------, Tm plus. Pay DOE. Fax rosumo 326-SSS6 Applypply 9am-3pm al .n iv p n -i------DRIVERS N tB , Twin Falis employmentent appllcalion are available at 67 Easiland Dr d r iv e r s DRIVERS Sand returns to „ " ,ill | 7735-6002 for 1 80X90028 BFreeWorkplace odod lor 53 Local conslnjctlon itKNIGHT ' a Information. F o r a d d itiolonal n Information you may ..... IS. Closs A company has an R t f n I o I a AT c 0 C/O TImea News ______c o n ta c t thla a l-Human Raaouree omce, has posilion available oRIVER CDL foqulTclunod. No immodlnio openings PO Bos 548 ------“ I YouVe Soon the EQTwin Fails, ID 83303 QENERALIAL 321 2 n d Aveive E, TWln Falla, ID 83301, lor individuol Wllh ,owhootihool tmck drlvors. ^ foroxporloncod „ Rost. Come Join B S siiOng cloncsl skills/ willing wUO to iroln. hoUdays.nowi> wookonds. ond-dump truck drlvors, or»r8 tudenisl h rO tn dlorg. .o i Open until filled. To request an Inler* ______S M L . K 5 and Bolso *,,h tmck ond pup% Maintained Trucks a U t Attendant. The City olTTwin w Falla Is a n E qual Oppor* view send resume 10 ORIVERIER runs. Qfooi opportunityopi ond/or irarislors. UTOMOTIVE ea^tima' ’ * #Groat Pay Scale Ai ployer. Drug Free W ort^ace. Porsonol PO Box 007 n.ivorir woniodwc (or wook- (or a somisoi Compotliivo wogos. Automoliva Parta ^ q, r *• *3 Ralsos in Your I* 3. Puller needed, E ^ ^ m Haybum. ID 83336 |y dodk:aloddodi roulo to P"" with somo bonoliis Yoar h somo mornings' ilKomla. Compnny Call 208-280280-2030 available after a 00 Must hove own tools, onwknds.ds. RexIbiB his. CLERICAL •Friendly. Support- Some ol oxp. necassary. Call 208- day probationary hia DISMlcti Team x 108-734-7609 CUSTOM ERS Chlfopraclle niiwillfl**in9umv:a DRIVERS M-F, 45-60 hrsAvk. R SERVICE P«"«l "Wf® *Mllos, Milos. Mllosi Asslsianl ,-niifln 9 .,r«ftTo' Dfivora noo Pay DOE. -su j a a.Bc■ iesdb COUNTERS/fSALESmACKUP DRIVER noodod In Goodmg, FT. . ^ 1 " i,]2 Central Rofrig , Coll today, A p " S : i s « _ Start Tomonxjw n.M«kesurs , forAlRQASI ' Call 206-fl34-5000 In «« « /« M ■ Sanrfco Ir * i M C T T w ------AskforJoff J wufundentsntf Looking lor)r a a c aree r opportunity with a CDLtraWngav or call 208-739-3743 «K?«oorroon>pweiy.8p « Stable comp RECEPTIONIST D«nnl« i r » “ ' ^ 800-635^736 oaMupaninttrvIm tteutC^ Knpany a n d Industiy leader? Denial receptionist Truck“uno.“ La si “J’S™ ssiaodi 7330831 Tired ofworking wo long unpredictable .ID,»e-»3«73 Buhl, ID, Qd.CQffl SBJEfiSC------1 hours andi sc8C h ed u le s with your c u rre n t. p^ui^ ^n i8. I I ■ I . | i » » n f I I — Class A COU • T» CK2M HILL OMI, p a rt of empio]sloveeowned position?n? AIROAS.thecountiya NSTRUCTION ” 4 mos OTR distributor of Industrial a n d ” rt OvmerOpa «rCH2M HILL a n d o n e of Fortuneune 100 Best ^ S H r S FOREMEN/CREW PERSONNE 80(M37-6907 -----Companies to Work For 2006.M .ia se eld n g Specialty gas<)Bsas a n d related pro d u cts la olforod. 208-538-5441 l-OOJ.ooking lor an EXCITiNG CAREE ® I ------AUI qualified can d id a tes for thee fcfollowing reliable p e tso n (or a C ounter T he com o to woric lor i. TTTTTTT ' positions: ackup Driver postlion In. our RECEPTIONIST CiMry Building Corp. •Maintenance Mechanic (jobb Burley tocation.locf 0 q » r ie n c e with Foti pocod busy oKlco Wl9 e area conlinuousfy growing com] M CLASSIFIEDS »«20989BR/NP) . Id g a se s a n d s a le s a plus, sooking luil-iimo lhai thai specializes in manulacturtngra^a'^d iilB ^Operator Cob #20985BR/NP)=, C lass B CDL with H azM at RscepttonlsL Musl cone fiy 11 pays to road tho u ;onstruclJng pre-englneered buildulldlngs. 7 M H l B RSfine prinii • C u r a to r in T rain in g (20976BI, b ™ p , tg n e ss to obtain) strongly have profossionai WO'/Ve ollor competitive wage and e d excel- 9d. Mon-Fri, fuD-ttmeday lenttml benelits. w e a re ioolong forir peoplep M l Call Tho Tlmes-Nows Af F o r o u r w a a ta w a te r factiit:tiity In schedule,I funfur atmosphere, and great compulor Utorale, havo wilh conatnjctton expertence thaihat can flR flWBfJ,m' toplacoyourad TWln Falla, ID. benefitslincfuding irK Medk»l, Dental. orK Independently a n d a re goalal corient- CO M 20B-733K»31 exi. 2 " ‘?s,ssz:ss‘' « > * Opttcai.RxlRx Ins.. 4 0 1 ^ ), E S P P a n d skills & t» able lo 1 but we wili train th e right candicidldates. flp HolUtf, AAAAAAA Please apply w ilt^ from T o view com plete job postinglingaand Tuttion;ion R eim bursem ent multi task. = = S = ! | HB to apply on line, p l ^ivfslt: vli C o m p ltte a r Call20»-733^t. aam -5pm Moo-Frt at: I an appiioatlon In person ICLEARY BUILOINQ CORP. I MoFaOl,B C)tittps//www.careerexn2in.conilom/omlor wHhyourrMreaume at 400 N. O i ^ n d UKMmg lor extra vacuwn 2281 E 10108 H n all y o u r r e tu m e via W ordddoeutMnt t Av..0urtoy,iey,IOM>F8:00«m-S:06pm money? The cUulfMs Hazslton, 1083335 o n ly t e c a re a ra O e h Z m . Ba 1 iaaon^fythttalrgaaxom tiruc ife ° ra n o a to Iha jo b * In th e aul can h ^ you sel thoee • u b jte tlln « . Join Die t oim r n aI t one of F btt)ee'T op 100. a«miyounolono*rr>eed CH2M HILL OMI la an ■creenln^iSH'b* requSed lanaaedCompanteat^E forouidcctsn, 73»083t 11— rnss\mm _____ E q ia l Oppom m lty E infS 10, S v . , " '

Iq « ( j WmUfSttemmti ArAMmtfPtftrMnft* lm m e $ ‘ 401K I I • J nt t-fl I______Sunday, Septemberer 23,20072 Tlmes-Nows, Twin Folli,.Idaho Id IVS ■airTPTTi 209 • v-.T : .2 0 9 Alr^TENANCE ' aeia ^ s Gmeral i Generid . MAINTENANCE MANAGERiR = i l GENERAL ^ i . r . , / LABORERS:RS ' lOTNERAU " ll intoroiaio Foodloi has 0 IHIIHTERPRETER Immodlatoto oioponing (or ------1 NANNY Basic Amorican Foods, a loadorJor in ' '‘iPTnAMIIinT. Nighl Watchman«. MustI havo PT, 3 days/wk In my dohydralodd( Iood products hass ai n Joromo homo. Good 1 position ovoll. Drug drivorsi IlccIiconso with imnimmodlato oponing for a Mainloni3nanco payitranjportnticn 1| scroon and ditvors good drivirIrrvino record, fvlanagorMa In tho tioautilul Snako0 IRivor oorch Sond rosumo to: iiconso required prior Applypply at PhonoBoso Rosoo Valloy ol S oulhoasi Idaho.0. I ;filanolChoorlnc 403 S Rslllall StI W.. tn currontly has ImmtS Bo* 90912 c/o I loohir>otorA[litar TImes-Newa f Call 20a-&45-2221 for 886-2297. oto oponings in c his position is rosponslblo for assissuring .. ChMrlondlng/ 'Ots Septic Intorviowlng dopa:-art- P-0- Box 548 Johor's Gull Is hlhng details. EOE Interpreter mi port-tlmo Sweets: )ptimum ulilization ol materials, c ‘ Tumbling Coach. k Service mont. This posits Twin Falls, Idaho lor Servers and oplij , capital, Expotionco a must. poolilons oro Tank S< and porsonnol lor tho Blacktoot,t, IIdaho ’■ q I n ERAL 1 ni involves conductircting ®3303 ^Hostess. Musi bo oblo and Poy OOE. noodod throughout . — Iho school Hoar IMANAGERER I public opinion po toworkdoys.Pickup facillacility. Minimum qualifications rcroquiro CalttOMlupan Aootoiniions con loaa la nppllcaiion ot: aian Enginooring dogroo, prolorajrably working vbtlouo hrs. Plant MaiManaoor '“lophor conluiion. Mnko #jiu I appt 208.735-1270J I ” PhonoBaso Jakers Grill mochonical or oloctrfcal, Muslbolluonlln position1 openingOpi lor Rosoarch oHoro;’ t»nOou Mil utxfotsinna ------•Worohouso S7/hr EEnglish, Amorican u|-|, -fJ, 1598 Blue Lakes n|iplus a minimum ol throo yoars8 Ol( ''®- yeuf HI) comploioly. Spell Blvd. N, ofo OENERAL I ‘Fofm Hond Sa/hr Sion LonQuogo. ^Onus II out. CttwAxM. 7330031 provon loadorship ability and proirojoct Find details manulacluniaunng tociliiy •FIoxIOIo ovonlng,>g. ____ Twin Falls, Idaho I [ ^ managomonl oxporlonco. •COLAorBS12|obs. JoromoDmo, Idaho. tjay oritj wookond ■®'' ‘Fotklill Apply lo Woodwodworking hours, [ l a w iNFORCEMENT;n t ^ p,flPloaso submit lottor ol opplicalioIlion, ,3 *COL A S9/hr «Scolt Scholes, oxporionco.rtco. (trading, • U p io jll an hououf Tho Twin Falls Couniyinly Sheriffs Ollico is I ’ rosum o a n d reloroncos lo: id •Producilon, 208-732-6250. and ccmoiimputor skills •Cosual working ilions 10 ostablish an j 0 Immodloto Hire. S9/lir ' roquirod,!od, Collogo onvlronmont ’ oligibillly rostor foifor tho position ol Basic American Foods J *Productlon Workora. ANrTORlAL dogrooI proprolorrod. 'Monthly IntonriowB„or D oputy Shorlff in(1 Ihoih aroas ol Palrol I Human Rosourcos ■ > 9oponlnos . SSH FutMimo Janitorial Organizatior and Dolonlion, Appippllcations aro also ' i 415 W. Collins Road ’9 •Bookkoopor, S10/hr posliion ovoiioblo lor and mulliIII taskingto ar‘o ‘Absoiuioiy no solimlos t)oing accoptodI lorloi a N arcotics j Blackfoot, Idaho 83221 orr •Chlropracllc Tw In v estig ato r (which ro Twin Foils, ond Buhl, -, c, 1 roquiros a minimum I Pl Aaslaionl. S9/hr SailOur. Sl Must hovo «9h nfp ,’n« ssr TS'pX"”=p..ycy our of 3 yoars law ontorcc)rcomont oxporlonco). j ^ ‘Pond Cloonor. roliroliaOlo Ironsportollon _ salary po D Applications must.jst bo rocoivod by j Wo ^ aro an Equal Opportunity.Ity/ SC.50/hr CallCj 208-736-8408 rcsumoE ° 2 0 3 - , f P - - :o 112 O clobor S'*, and tosiincting will lako placo on I Afflrmatlvo, Action Employer'tr IOl Twin Falls ------______726-2415IS oremc all m Twin Fain oreall r e O clobor ie"". Slartinning wago is S16,30 | ...... V 733-7300 MANlANAQER valleydoofQCfQcOX.nOt| UB at 208-736-261Z651 I p er hour, wil full bone Jo ro m o Pormonont, Po/i port-limo ______bo 21 yoars ol ago,go, Applicants m usl • • • • > lob, lloxiblo schodulo, 324-9400 I* IAL — p a s s Iho TFC SO hirirliring procoss, which ' ■ Grool opponunlty lor G tN eR A L will includo bul is notI limitediir to, a physical P | 0 Burloy oonlors ° & roliroos, SHIPPINCuNG/RECEIVING COORDINATO agility & fiiness tost,;t, writtenv tost, vorbal Plant Coiiirolli ot 6 7 8 ^ 0 4 0 This Thi oppiicont must SimSImplot Grower Solutions iP j [ | potpossos good poopio j.R . sim _ tnlorviow, polygrapiaph, psychological SImpIot Company Joromo, ID^ tosls. dnjg screon.I. TlT here will b o a S I S McCiln Foodt. the*vwuHd't • Wa§o’o!oE °V rt' skills, mt 50 lbs, y owned • GENERAL and) (cnsh only) to cove;ver the co st of Iho OHor good bonclits res product availability icn rood I IncUidlr^ paid hoiidaysys Water/ u written testesting, ■Tn .g M Tcl ffS-V ’s(UfTmtly , , ond Insuranco. W astewater Operator. ilctios A p p lic atio n s a re) avaiiabioav a t Iho liont (of < • Tho City of Gooding Rick’ickupaoppiicoiksn; • Ratal!I agricultureag experionco Twin Falls County HumanHu Resources, W r al tlie • Uutlry, IJilui pUnl.m. • PiM ta apply In has an oponing for a 24313 North^ Blue U ke* • G reatI communicationcoi skills 4”* Floor Courthousiuse, 425 Shoshone ' p« n o n at 1625 wolorAvnstowolor Xtromo x Clean • Excollenlllenl custom er son/ico Of il* rr'ponvbllitlri: • oporator. S t N o r TFCSO> 0 w obsllo at Klmberiy Road. Car Wash vvfvTjmldirrtllhrFininctJnd l\ifchi»in) , Applications and job 20 • •inR I W« are a drug free Jdltlonal details end to apply, I’paiinirnI >ldll and JCIiviiirt workplace. Information are avail : t Fom alo a n d mlnoritority applicants ~ at Qoodlng City Hall ------loaso visit o u r w obsllo at oncourag^sdd totc apply -jJ jnJ ihc Ji-vcliipmrrM iil jccurjlt www,slmploLcom. \xiiici «Ki smittun-* (ur lluilr>’ product* OENERAL - I 308 Slh Ave West r - - - EOE/Dnjg Froo'ooWortplaco Qoodlng Idaho mrfH.nulniitunpr md npwttngttj" • Thb Idaho School lor in-li)p cinl 4ml li‘j\il)|liiy oHm4lt-> 0)0 Dool and Blind, S3330oryoumay I EOE/AA call 934-5669 to I IlLAWENFORCEMENf\fX 1 rj>|wiKni'IKiiciTii|Uiinl: isaccopllno obtain more Info. I li'dpllctilloos rof Iho POLICE DEPARTME : In jfnmntinR or liruncv. ot ■.iRnlfiMni rrincirvant • Salary DOO. EOS | MENT CAPTAIN: • Wlowiftg poalUon; 1 ^ _ T h e City of Jorom o is sooklngs a Caplain lukriprrirmT ' ■A Of CMA prvlcrrrd Bua Monitor/ GROCERY ■ ------• w ho is responsible for com m anding ono * Cottage Alda - Smiths Now hiring lor Sptnmgco..Sp< y ^ of Iho two m ajor diviilivisions within the * 2-3) jTJrx of «uprf\i«)fy opcficncr Oufioslndudo but oro tho following po&iilons isovorysloblo is r_.^_ , police department. Gemeneral duties includo * 5* yroMil>«t numilKturini; nimpjny opcrimccncn • r>ot llmllod to super- Freight person and omp n>umrf pn«Ioct^or (nod rtprncnor i ilcfinilc.nilcplui • .■vising students on a mployor ond is ac- V v 6 1 T m anagem ent ol poll'solice oporations, i’re Growing!* probTom solving,I, pperlorm ance ‘ idiT^ljiulinfi ol CWI mjruRMncnl and «oni^inllns : bus and supervising copting applicalions *lcm« > m anagom ont, Interilorpfetation ol childron In cottagos. for tho foliowing i)r>i; inhnlul analyilcat jnd »y>lnnii »UII»II»(£>ctI. ( • Ml departm eni policies,js. and enforcing 'Crsa, I’owrrl’oinI) I department standards.' btaroslod condklalos’ oratth ea to re K lo sk liQ iii& s ^anlfjliorui and problrm-Milving tklllt ~r: shou Id send 0 position which repor^StV tlio Police^' •Worehouae K-mollvatal, Indrpcndmt ihlnVrr with nctl.ctllcnl ; resume 10 ISDB. UVBOBERS ChioL The starting sal •Plastic titm/vrrtul cvtnmunl«llon ililth Oopiarunont ol Tho Amolgomloiod position will b e $47, Human Rosourcos. Sugar Compony, LLC. FalFabrication annually (OOQ), pluslus a compotitivo Apph«nh»lion dcjdlinr: Octobcr IS. SX>7 : . 1450 Moln Sl. locolod In Paul is 'Ms■"“"'"'•I Now bonotit pact'ackage. Fur««t'>irotviiilfrJlloa > - ’ For more Info, S9.t1/hf4'0vortlmo. position) .McCjin Foodt li » dfUg'ltrcwollpUa. please contact City E m ploym entI A|A pplication to: tOE M/F/D/V______Must bo oblo to work conOmpany t»no(it3, • L u b i „ Jeff Woods or u b e T e c h n ic ia n s Travis RothwIhwollor, from eom-flpm omployoo hoallh. Shelley Cometock at■ Mon-Frl. Season . 15 2 E a s t A venue A, Jo ro m o , ID 83338. = '"20S>934-44S7. begins In Mid Sepi & dooiol, life insur- ^ T ho full Job descrlF / a s h B ay T e c h n ic ia n s viptlon Is on tho [g e NEF5e r a l EOE/AA, lasi opprox. 6 weeks. onco, vocalton, * c tty 's wobpib p a g e a t Voioron's Prol. pold holklays, & RoceMng stolions ore p( I 1 — locoted through out 401k plon, Tha closlnB c rimes-Newi/ s OE»lERAL MlnkJokai Cassia Appli, ig dato Is ^plications ovall. ot W c a rre e ac Drug-Free Com pany S e p te m b o r 2828,2007. m agi€¥alhy,€oo m ' Tr«« Trimmers Couniios. 401(k) Redrement111 PlPlan r • Diner Roor Dr., T o rg h ee e IDr., Elnn St. N. ,GOODING: , o ro -m a •Employee Stock OwtOwnenhipPIan • 3 2 6 0 0 N.. Skyline Dr., Sky>kyllne Trailer Pork • Three In Town Route SPAPER '' •LlfelRiurance r •• Storfire Si Dr., R re DIrd Or.,r., Mi onoco St. Appllcanu m uit apply In piperson between the • U toh Sr., N ebrosko Si • PRESS APPRENTICE hounore;00am snd4:00pi00pm, Monday-Friday fc •• TTwIh Porks Dr., P orkw oyly IDr., Poriw lew A ve. . • ll NEWSPA at the Processing Operailor Collfomlo Sl lUonsofllcelocaied? y ^ e rhe Tlmes-Nows has a career mile* north of Duhl on QctaearLakesGrade. *• ^1Spring Lone, M o p le Sf.,., Ii l t h A ve. E. I St., . • PR lortunity for an entry-level workerir ' Poriw lew Dr., Pork Terrocrace Dr., Porkw oy Dr. , a desire lo leam a 12-unIt Urbanlt«ihe Proceulng Op DURLEY: ' i U ls 1579-A aear Lakes Roa(Tw f .T u w lw a h o 83316 ! •’ Fremont Fl St., Lynwood DrDr., W olnutSt. ' ■ opportis. Great opportunity to leam a Irac-ade An Employee-Own)wned Company # • Jj • Substinjtes Wonted $ V wilh aI a dc p ress operator. Starting pay Isla AA/EOE/M//M /P/D/V I ■ "MOTOR ROUTE $ 6 0 0 -$$ 7 7 i 0 0 * press.1.25 G por hour Mith opportunities loilor i/ancement and pay Increases asis LeAnn Dr., D eu o n Dr., Meodows M< Dr. ) $250-$500< RUPERT: you leam the irado...... ; ^ «DDelnrtor Dr., A ltovlsto Dr.,>r., S heny Ln. ' . advani k»nls musl be knowledgeable on3n :> .KHarrison St., Tyier, Von OiDuren '• Substitutes Wonted J • U ng safely with heavy machinery,ry. Q uincy St., M o n ro e St.,, TcToylor St. ty lo dim b ladders, stand and wallalk l$250-$500g ) majority of Ihe work shllt; some i> * abilityIng tc up to 60 pounds. Hours are 4 thenarlly mi 6 p.m. to 3 a.m ., Including1 : p ♦ lilting w eekends. OiB M ik a« world-) IvpM-* . ^ prlmarl ffer an excellent benelits package uding medical, dental, vision, IlieT Coll r\ow for moreire information obo'out routes in your...... c J We offerinco, 401(k) retirement, employeeee < purchaso plan, paid holidays ancind I QlcQ. • Insurancea tlo a Ctieck out our W eb site atit • stock puwww,magl cvalley .com EOE. Drug-free workplace, ■ S S S S i a Tw in Foils. . . 7 0 1 vacatlc '05-3346 ^ V n lend EG a re tu rn * o r fill o u t an 'taSZ^oneklindeDetdinis S S S i * Burley, R upert,, P Poui. . .678-220' appllcMlonat xfkM I n d i ^ M | h ^ ' • j Sw)( TlmM-Newt, 132Falrfl«ld8LW.. iptrlctKi.Abtdiilar'idftnt • tiMcxribMdfkldinIS* • K im berly, Jero'mW , Buhl. . .735-1• 0 3 4 7 • A rm : MaryKwTM, irMxy fijMtkna prtfmtd. J # G ooding, Shoshshone, Hollley. . .77 0 5 -0 3 0 2 • • / r i : !■ : « T « lr T im es-N e irimes-News m atknU pf^tom m a g t f v a i hews } ] Ti ' • • • • . • • M Twtn M il.i.ldn.lIn p£. HuI (unctiofla oro roquirod. with, vflU- dodfcalod PoiHlont = 598 B luetja Lakaa Blvd ' Bring reaume lo no (34315 Idohoilconso. pailonicoro. __ 208-733-3. ------Call208077-1801 SS.OO/hour & up fPROFESSIONAL r a Twinwin Fttlla RESTAURANT Tho TTmos-Nowa ^1415 N Flllmor*, Suite callIll 208-736-72802 PROFESSIONfl j 7U Fans Avt Park p, Halntananeo ------WaltarWaltraaa.laa. toservos ttm tfgtil to 701, Twtn Falla k tor (g Rbaeanna. OevelopmaifXtL - * * Foraman, F Cliy ol iRANT Sofvo lood ofdoradors. odIL abbrovialo ~ ------Therapy'Agoncy Agt MECHANIC Recks. FT.bonofits. ihanHalp. bus tablos ond Jsoatsoi doclino or proporty \ ICAL sooking Indlvkliihfkfualswltn Exporioncod Twin Falls danial Call 624-5519x101 MusiDon>0 roiiablo. on poopio if nocosur^‘“ "V' dusllyonyod. l-tlmo or port-tlmo high school}0l diplomad Mechanic, I.. ------1 llmo,, ondon oasy lo Intarvlawa only oflico looking lor an a / Rocolpt ol copy via RNSLPN. towort(wltnwith Kids. 10 start Immodlotcfy. wcrkwiuwim, ProlofQ • withraauma Orthodonllc p,leaae ” , apply In M-F 3pm-6pmpm ond 1 Sot BonolitS/ Wago OOE.r lu , romolo ontry (lax. Aaalatant. „ " ------1 backgrot[round in lood Paraonnel Plua o n at 500 Polk St 9am-3pri-3pm. CallWaatac Ploaao sond rosumo to ^ p , MEDICAL prop work'ork. It posBlblo 735 Overland AveAve o-mall, olc.) Oooa E tn Kimberly Fax reaumtlUma to 208-324-3427 but nolslnocoosaiy. n Burley, ID 833183^9 not coniilnjio final Box 98359 c/o Tlmea ____—__ —— — — 208-733-a; w l a w a o n l y ______occoplanco by this Newa, P.O. Box 548 m m m 2 ^ ^ S i i 5 i 5 ------^ reaume nowspapor. 77»o Twin Falla. ID. B3303 MEDItS l C A I ^ ^ ^ n PROFESSIONSDNAL Wantod Operalor to) HEonnal Plua S s t aovortlsor, nol tho ------1 Full-iull-llme HN lor PSR Spaciaaciallat. run CNC plasma 735 Ovarvertand Ave i'in tU MUt t t U f1^ f l l 1' nowspapor. MEDICAL Hlosplcoost visions. BA dogroi'g'os. cuttor. outo cad Burlay,ly, IID 83318 . V ■ n r ■ ‘ aasumoa lull icrPosiitvo work SianSl7.Sl. •oxporlonco noodod. - ; T | — =T MANAGER I rosponslblllty lor onvlronmonl. Call208-B78878-3350 Call 208-539-075C= ttio injtMul contor]! BSunBridge ^ ------or206-836-685»:x rory Solutions propane Managoi PROFESSIONA i N O W H I R I N G : r S snow occopting nooflod lor South ol tholr odvorilsor "HHlthtare ^ wW Mtlon, I moa5flflo, | Exi PSR Worker,er. noododr WELDERS I Life C are C enters ofOf .A m erica, th e moslorlho • Conlrol Idoholocollo K }«,» >0 work wllh c; piiowino; Esinbllshod compa RNH.PN oppo KaTSloolCoipriaS ; nation's largest privprivately o w n ed .Adminiai mpony ______& odulta. PT ttmE ilalrallva stoning a nowlow DENTAL J$2000 Hire on iMnua t>0| ! skilled care provider,jer, has a full- Aaaiiiam “i,';r'y “ avail. Bonoliislollls ovall. l l b o i S S ant businoss and >‘9Is DantalAsalitant/ DIacount paaaea to solf- Sond rosumi time opportunity forrthe thi following: •LoanProProeoaaora looking (or an Oolda Gym. E in Front Otllca. ^^.Ihln nnSkn ^’'0 S c •Bankingng Individual who willwin Mon-Tliur. Flolaxod, Now offering your rospor M Twin™ ID rsVpffS I 'Cooka, bo 0 workingg Irlondly onvlronmonl. choice ol 8 o r 12 RN houra ahlrta. “ n( “ r«hn g Of ’ “ss?=rHa£ ,„H elp nr?[; 'ory. Expprolonod. . 1 tank sols olc. OrocGrool Sand resum e lo xporionco. Roll- PROFESSIONA3NAL ‘>**y * ghUwr— $7500.00 SIGN'OI•ON BONUS Wandollls Apply In peraon .. schanica toom onvironmontnont. Box 91653 Apply In peraon ilo iransponoUon ' Tho Dty ol Wat •ocoss o 322 Diamond Ave VW Increased Shift 01Differential •Waldara Roquiro 5 yoors'ars c/OTImaaNawa orconlact: 0 must. Salory In tho procoi j Full-time, 6:00I pnp m - 6 :0 0 •Tachnicailcal oxporlonco In thomo PO Box 548 Pal Makay J,basod on buildingr o or now ^ Twin Falla ' PI009'90S0 call propono Industrytry c or Twin Falls, ID 63303 640 Filer Ave W, wastowaior tro I AOoms 0 HVAC cortllicatlonItlon. ______Twin Falla 1208-735-0121 facillly. whicf RNA\ T am p oary « ^ Solutlona Qood pay andnd HEALTHCARE PH(20B)734-894S EOE______roquiro a ! Full-time, (nc. al 20S.7Sa-8S6620e bonolllS. RESIDENT AIDES B R S sa ee sie sijJ CarKTfed Waafi or Fa* youryoi reaume Call 208-436-0141141 No oxporlonco I 10:00am-6:0C * EOE MEDICAI^ T h I l 'M * '•00pm to 206-7iS-760-1690 and aak for necassory, all training — • In homonoSoivk»noeda tlon*wlll I ■ Or •mall1 youryo reauma Human Raaouroaii«aa will bo provldod. [7 ihWiy TIMES-NEWS MEDICAL 0 motiloturo parson, to 5i.skitiad "W‘ % to NATofli•flipSoIutlon Dapl. for datalla.alia. Asslstod Living/ , cooking, houso- CNA >Ml-com I You can also« Roilromont Community ialwlth3 Tho Timos-Nows Is Full-time _____ sond your rosumonoor 0 In Twin Foils U ]0SunBridge jround chock roq. powisoryi . I curronlly looking for j Day, Evening or NkN ight Shifts BoSboTT, BoHoard.Bi inqulrios 10) curronlly looking lor Heafihcaie caiiR oa. ixporionco. indapendani Route Uso Iho CloClassiflods IdQhoopponunliyOyiOyo- Rosidont Aldoalo 1°""”^-”° . " C r squsiiliM- s C a n le rs 1 0x1.2 assist tho oldorly In a ' tlons aro ClassClai 111 J 733-0931 0) I CN/UNA ! LPN Rotlromont Homo , ?o Visions Omup: I Oporolor ^IQ N ON BONUS soiling. Day, awing ond 'Ol.countp..M .lo I Nighl shill, 6:00pm'p m -6 ;0 0 am || MEDICAL:a l OoM.Oym, SPICE VISIONS, Op , grovoyord shllts avail. hoa FTE (lioxlbJo Blainene Counlyi Senior Connection Is paybasMlon or Wfoc- ng for some devoled people who ■ .>^, KluioJbonollts) & . ■Ullcallon' iX Eaat S'*, 4". 5’". 5*^“:^9^oomE. irt.iimoCNA WAITSTA•AFF le working with seniors and the' Full Modical lowator la- Weat C, 0, E, F, 0 off.r1?B«rtmc«tlon Ilona availablo. ^ , j Must b e able to workHk weekends commurnunity. The Conneclion providesS3 eonollls avallatilo. ° OME CARE land oppll- — 1 full-time & 2 part-timtime positions health1 1nsurancein and Paid Time off andind Apply In peraon at claaaeaforthoae option« lorsomont - — 10 become CNA-a. JNS nooda CNAa V to obtain II you livo In those- availablejle mhoroppiipporlunlties within the community,lity. 754 N. College Rd., n a yoar aroasandaro TTieConrannecllon Is a non-profit organize-Iza- Suite B, Twin Falla ^ a ^ r n t t b v 0. Closing Intorosiod In boIng a Iary or call 735-5002 for Apply In paraon Salory DOG. C >cated in Hailey, Idaho. The salary orconlact: “J" 4/2007. nowspapor canior.,, HOUSEKEE■EPER !i” Sotiable for all poslUons and benefitlefll more Information. ^Womat'lon ‘*“‘® mplftted Pleeae contact- Experience neceiwessary packagia g e s a re available. The following posiliorlions a re needed: C o o k full-time Twin Falla ______‘■ "Io e ""'"'' .“SL "'?;!Si'r BrldgeView oflers: shouldlid havei previous cooking exp. PH(208)734.8845 RECEPTKPTI0NI8T reauinam aand4 i ...... ♦Competitive, Above A’ vers/CNA , Registered Nurse llfor M ;FAX(2(W7|4-4M5 ^ Medicidleal Office profession ullallon in the Outreach Pn»ram, sllonlal noodod. relerencea I I TIMES-NEWS ♦Two W eek Paid Vacal Driv.™irs. , Activity Coordinator, Event : computor skills PO Box(208 20( ♦Sick a nd Holiday Fay ^ C oordlndinator, Outroach Coordlnstor. MEDICAL mqulfOd.od.Fu reaume Wendail.1083383355. Clinical Aaalatant to20e I packota .... ♦Paid Comp DaysIS tor Good Thasa>.) a re vital posilions in sen/ing Ihe 208-733-0438 AppllcaUon pac (WIC Program) for c/o c/e Gena canbeoblalmlalnsdat Attendance seniorsse of Blaine County, : n L H M M u M ^South Contml Olsiilci the Clly/ HallHs Tho Timos-Nows la’ ♦401k Retirement Planlan Becomi>me e pari of our T eam . E O E Hoolth- lull-timo g g a a g rT! E or call curronlly looking lor' ♦Health, Dental anand Optical Call 788-38-3468 lor detailed informalion or position In Twin Falls. 1-5161 Independent Route Insurance Slop0 byb tho Connection locaied al S9.96yhr. Wook day W v S I Carrtera . hra, oxcollont bonolits. ' ' ' ♦College Tuition A ssista n c e Third A venue South In Hailey. jesfel BURLEY (Scholarship) w ^ S K K o v ELLANEOUS | Please callill by Sepi 25. n n p n ELECTRICIANN SUaSTfTUTES 208-736-393)9 3 3 MEDICALAL For quaatlona, call Froodom Eloctrtloctrtc Is WANTED •' o r s e n d resumu m ' e to , Caroline Dolazal at .BArf,nt,klilt/Cok) hIrtnglorJoumejmeyman in Tovm Rooto« & 208-737-5828 ago 4 e.3 4 4 Earn $280-1600'■ 1628 BrldgeViewew Blvd. Jhj Family Health ScrvlCM EOE/AA. Votoran-a prof Idor yoor for commcmmofcial (ovory4weeka)^' Twin Falls, 10 83303301 E O E ^ MEDICAL «Ag niiiMiiOio 8 induslrlal.irlal, F ax 20S>736»3£W 9 4 1 ^ “« 0, call 208.280-0 is aaccepting c c eppllcatlons for CMA or LPN lor busy >10-Whi RUPERT ; ; ; aurgoons ollico. ^ D LLA A MECHANIC th€the following positions: Expononco 0 musl. U Inc. SUBSTTTUTES__ Exc. pay & bonolits. «ouso»aokoopora Ag Express In isimcilon Mochanlc noododKlodtodo WANTED u k e ^ I .C h aarge ri RN, Twin Falls Fox reaume to •Consin sorvicos In Town Routos'-' ijpStLul 208-732-8484 *McCair nalntOA Earn S1000-$1500 my*\ Magic ...... I I— •CatorinorlngAsst. nowor modolollnidts In (ovory 4 wooks); -C h airge rs RN/LPN. Rupert I MEDICAL •Equip.'lip. Oporator & Uallors. Expofl<:poflonco " I I . *Gonoraloral Labor and own tools1 roquirodroc OAKLEY 8i S t. Benee d i c t s 'Kimr.honAWaltross Wogoa DOE.. BonolitsBoi MALTA AREAS . l p n4,, Buhl dll-Hoavy Duty ‘nciudo modical,Ilcal,401k c a l c e n t e r NOW HIRING NEWNE RN Family M edia Cnahlnr OndvaCOtlOfOtIOfl. SUBSTTTUTES' Plaaaa “call I' , , WANTED A, various locations «Carpon ^ 208-678-4625 X GRADUATES! APPL>PLY TODAY! -CMA, ♦ Clinic N urse/LPN (FT)(F •Concrocrolo FInlshora ______zsxni Earn $1400-*2000 ■ " I (ovory 4 wooks) ♦ Clinic Nurse/LPN - H 1 a ile y (FT) ‘Palntor.tora Im ECNAUIc ALSO HIRING5 FOR... Pleae a s e s e n d r e s u m e to : ♦ CNA/RNA-LTCUJ (I(FT, PRN) 735 7947! Eastland Drive tLZT" C i l M l ! MOTOR ROUTES Twin Falls, ID 83301 ♦ H o u sek eep er (FT)' CalMall 678-4040 AmoUhllSSir m m w m OfESSIONAL ♦ ERTech-Emei^ienency (PRN) I------Coinpan^ja‘to looli f f i Kimboriyoftd ,^ 7 ? " Hanson Aroas ♦ Infection Control Co Excellent benefits and S ’ St,10041,200. • • MECHANIC. Filiatc6a4n.l-2ifcn(fo;t I competitive wages ♦ LPN - Long T erm Ci S o o (ovory 4 wooks) DonBbUvooRbiiraiti^nl; n l MdloUotdii ♦ Monitor Tech (PT) "modranto wSl 4houreaday_ liis'i bv (atc& Sdd i^ransiiTmiiiiftgni (r EOE______♦ RN - Long T en n Cai s n potontlal to mov Ir w ! fioid tnxsk. 2-5 SIQNONBONl^ » PBN to c/Q OCOBiiBj S ♦ R N - M e d S u rg /O B^bT p S p t , ^ 3 0 I oxporlonco^co for a u routes sded(<;fanDxriitkeinnnc 8 83338 «H SALES agrlcullujllural producers, is seeking a pmirMi I______EOE I Uv—dvi Seeking Outslijtsld o S s le s P ro fe ss lo n si for G .oan Closing Specialisl. c aree r oppom>onunity In the Twin Falls area NURSING ------1 to work( wllhwll school district benefit Respons)nslbilltles Include assisting in M l programs. ReReceive base pay and bonus • B B y $ n 8 B u m 5 - M , ering and verifying customer H I incentivess b(beginning at ^ 0 ,0 0 0 ,4 0 1 k, ation. Coordinating closing andI . I I W pension pl ICU,MQI,«MIQJCbi3t»is(.M(n in plan, full paid ex penses, Uwpifaip» servicinging of various ^pes of complex benefll£eflls and com pany car. knmUb. loans withrith a n e m p h asis on real property Fax yoour u r resume Illustrating transacllictions. VVoik closely wilh other JH) s u c c e s s e>s s aand sc e o m p llsh m e n ts In... • CHA-Potrtmoiitffwiosito. nm ents lo accurately prepare RslflB S alsa>IS»t0 42 5 -S 7M 247. documentalItatlon and monitor transactions.iS. IW docum ents, title reports and PHYSIQANSSBMR V K B public re

' 4 Sunday, September 23, 2007 TImevNswt. Tlr Twin Falls, Idalw O;-? Ille a r f f a cla!is s if ie dd s J Open Houses;!i : 5 : Homes For Sailale: 112

12 5 0 2 ; 5 0 2 5 1 8 . Homemes For Sale H om ^ Foi'orSale HomesForSalele Hom esForSale H q3 b [m e s F o r S a l e H o m e s; ForF Sale Homes For SaSale MobfleHomes i i ' ' n ^ C L O Throoiroo bod- HOME INSPECTIONSS JEROME 1 bdim V 1 MANINUFACTURED TWIN Fli FALLS WENDELL 3 bdim.Jim., t QOODING 1972 Mobilo room homoB oon iaigo vvwx ihomspoeiionco comm oxlia loom. 12x12 CO- HOfcOME ■98, 3 bdrm,, 2 ILS SonfcJi bnth, coinorlor loi. Home. Up lo codo, 10- - loncod loi. Rodwood Rl For buyo'9 & soHors• moni basomoni, laigo boihIlh homo. Musl bo ,»Uom.ffi'ConimeftiaI Property Ih $130,000 Mn CUsnfKKis, The answor S S ’ Vxe'^":8' woDs. In oxc cond. 1 bdrmrn Call 208-219-2089 I ^iJ 09^9 ■ 5 1 2 iSt6 VaealionProp ------. , • — — I and 3 cor garoiofogo w/9‘ coltago wiih upgrodod r a ° p S S : lU o c / 'o nil your quostions. ; ^ rmeShare t fly Owner In doors or* m ocros, kilchon. Both havo'0 SHOSHONE- 5289.000 ^111/III p a y c lo sin g TWIN FALULLSN M y Fainis/Ranche■U w / 733-0931 oxt, 2 <5UlCendomir»ums ifc» River 5364.000 motal siding & rool,ll, wilh 57,000 buyor In- c o s ls l remodeled»d I home on Dairiss coniivos! Musl Mil, PriPriced to sail acreage fc closo to ^ s q n - gorgeous 3,300 sq, 11. Poifoct lor RICHRELD Now rwalor - . — hoQl a N E L S ( 5113,900 P®' ^ _ JEROME 2200* sq, II- ll. homo. S bodioom, 3 32; Ihe market dairy. 1000 10 ■fflpen House nklof/drip Inlga- REALTYT LI L C Including lull finishodid balh. Full bosomoni. }22VanBuron h^lh“n; n3 2.5 acros ^ 03(, ,0 Q o n bosomont. 4 bdrm,. 1 1 onk cabinois, iilo. L _Id l coll 731-5745 wilh wator^f, p.i5luf0. 5100 bam = 734-393i i i ------both, now kilchon. up-> loigo bodrooms, hugo rwuso, out- 240 ncios with 1 r a S S « o 'a r i 1 — lod 16* lllo r l e r Buy Dr or ront i lo dalod plumbing, yard, much moro, S lnrgo ehnnihnios, rs, alriom. Indoor own, 3 Mrm.n. 1 i balh. woodslovo, sunroom. Agonis wolcomo. Call f l k $ 1,100,000. ■*■ r riacuizi. . : lots ol total romodol.}ol. 57SO dbl cornor k)t w/mo- 308-2124______unw homol c a,, Hadden RoalK vrincfowilows ond dock por monlh w/fwfl w/n to- turo londscopo. lorgo ; 10 waic ? SHOSHONE Noihing 686-2269 or waich pond and (undablo doop. OR C buy shod, dbl carport. ■ I Cb" -1135 602 Unlurnisticd Homes wildlifolilo,Also.nio o o lodoy (or 511 }' downi Homo In I ^ L *M10 DaloKohtt213-113 5114.900, St4S,000 420 E. Avo. 420-20 603 Furnished ApbfDuplei 2435 E. 3856 N. sq (I II '( corolakor of 400 Slovons,IS, comor Q. 308-9994 Iv msg. Shoshono. 3 bdrm.. 2 I M -rrrrr:^ 5 1 3 -3Mmi..2laUi. m I. 44 horso stall WostMaln.731^31-5745. ------boih, updoiod kilchon TWIN'IN FALLS B o a u l i ------" UnhjmtshedAflB (ocro.S199.SOO oxoa I. hi hoy bom A o ----- JEROME bolhs wirirvg plu[nbing *ulI 1tie homo, fools i , . Acreage and LoiLots Ouple« Saiurday iCKJpm storogo/ogo/shop bWg.. Now constnjciion, & windows. 1 cor do- iw. 4 bdrm. 2V4 flf i * l 605 ftooffljforRent Sundayl2-3pm bridgego ocross , - lochod garago. Pay- )lh. 2 car garago. GOODINQ 3.8 ocri with water, pastu “ 6 Mobile Homes Call20&-731-2154 s l r ^ . k S U " ’avail.” I25o'^ . ' h’.!^ mont only 5965/30 2 family rooms, 360 sq. fl. Fully groat viows, soasoi" j 607 0lftca& Retail RenUh ■ . ■-! swimmlf 3 bodroom. 2 both, yoars. Coll Kevin et I06C “ 608 Commfrclal Propeny FICER Sept 22 2-4pm 5675.00 odscopod. sprin- ...... crook. $59,000, 5.000. Mip; outo sprinklors. 731-0880 or Jonny at 5S4 609 Condimlniun) • ' 1854 E 3700 N //4001.W4 ■ ■ ■ garago. AC. S135.900, 801-5648-351-0982 or windows,a ; N E L S O5 f N 6 0 1 91 quonors. lilo counlor 4 bdim,. 2 rt bam, 3 jofll ;wood floors, Itvlno 2!!.®! >8-351-0983 Includos oila ly luxurious Park Iiko car garago. 2 lami- I - - ± ------* Uigo tot»• “ K R e a l 7 „ u.LC.( Furnished Homes ■ room. lomlV m ™3||Bo fy rooms. RV pod. initios. On .50 w/sprlnklot8.I " R S "p"°CEREDl,CED, 0 addilion. 734-39300 ____ ■ ■ = ■ , foc room, porch, . . . .I, Konoka lawn mowof in sprinklor systom, tWINm FALLS B iaM l •dock, 2x8 wolls, ouio S “w, r indud- Ownor motivalodi Us wllh vIows od. $199,500. Musl sool 3.000 oq. fl,. docoralivo cuibing now»w 3 bdrm.. 2 balh I moikol.C TWIN FALLS LotXII lor I C la s s ifie d : aprjnkloro, and 3 cnr SINof Lako. Call 206-731-2 on W oa o toi, Fi»o- wol\ salo. 95‘x125', Wo( •Ooroga with 9' doors- ,. 4 bdrm., 2 balh ♦ 2 'olvorton homo.l financing! B 10 OOll COUfSO ploco. Wack oppls.. Bphililt bdcm dosign. lg Call 208-42 oosS- ! Departmont oHieos, tols ol storago. pantry, rolrig,, & lot ixwood I Classiliod Solos rivor A MUST French doora. largo t. n v parking.! i. & wolor ooltonor, t 1(K100 sq It homo. . ~|"|' i'i — I Dr, Coll208-308-613-6189 1 Ropiosoniativos are i r k ^ ’^ Nowconsifuctiuction. dock, finishod boso- rk306-3030 2140 sq, ft.., 3 1bdrm. moni. now carpot & doublo sinks In manany upgrades, I ------avallablo from mosior, Ig showor, dost '^ N B I W tw in FALLS NELSON I 2 bolli, swingg fcroom. laminato Ikjorlng. RV osologoifcourso.l YOUCAf. - 8.-00 om-5;30 pm 2ctosots.Noigh- linisJlisiiod 2 carl Morey Housirusing Idaho Lota for sale, •REALTY LLC S\ l i y ^ 9 lorgo bonussroom, ro pkg., 20x30 Insubtod acco^ng ExcLoeatlonJn, Mondoy-Friday •,pontry, srtop, now lacuzzi, borfwod foatufos , Mmirago. $122,300,1 Isnowocc. brooklost bar, p« poik, wolking poih. call mv fnr Ihn $69,900. 308-707C?070. Call our ollico ■ -734-3930 ^ stucco occonconts. sprlnklof eyslom. a to »lt 208-734-48141 OPpJiMltons S269.900.733-9095 - orSJ•S5M67-2030. I Solf-Holp pHi Housing TViriN FALLS Momi:— I— in Twin Falls sprinklor systiystom. for $220,000. — ■ ■ — i Progmm PUBUC SERVICE I J o S ek S HI B f lR y sod. $165,901.900. 351 MaxInoLaneor 'f’. Sun sub'd. vio5 5 =: MESSAGE 7 39-9 3 , n A H A 208-543-4852(852 call 208-423-5971 7 TWIN FALLS 1345 (RHRT alley Area crook. .38 oci SoPIng Proporty? •3 '’ 3 *f -0 4 0 4 or206^<»Sft Prico foducodi 2 balh oo 3 ocfotcfos, ox- 2 balh. lamlly room , ottochod garogo, “hly^S^T' 5 1 4 ‘ ^ain(om«.lton , 5169,900, To soo call ^dolod, 3 bdfm 2ll monlsaroa;0^ad]uaod i n c o m e . f t o p e i t n„ 2 bath, lamlly coOonl k>catk)n,on, 2441 ond living- room. Ofi ih, 2 liroplocos. 10 your ine obout n«WlnO llmo room, ollico, ol gamo sq, (L wim Jlfico, olfic all . 2.56 ocros, olroodyr 208-349-4010 or 435- 30 ^ landscaped Bharo nnd rool room. 3000 30 sq, fl. now ftoor covoring co> ' subdMdod Into 4I «I-M90. JW = BUHL -d. largo workJ There/#/liN O FILER 3 bodroom. or ostaio scoms, contraill off. oh moin floor and nowpalnl. buildablo kils with dly 1, ono 2 bodroom. 2 balh. rtWIN FALLS IB M “ S>p ’, In back. Musd Ootmpeymlymenir bath roniol hon> “ wrllo lo: laundry,y. oako cablnola. $265.000,324-2<4-2427, wotor. Afl now Insidoo. )l 20 8 -4 0 » a2 5 11 FundodSi I lomo- Why font whon you ------oxcollonl liNoslmont sq. It. 4 bdrm. IK lu S S L jy USDA Zonod fosidoniiiisniial/ canbuyodoubto Fodoral Trada Tg l , o « 6 d S ' OOODINQ 4 bd.bdrm. 2 proporty, $139.900.. bath brick homo, • Rural Dovoloi(olopmont commorciol, LoLow wWo lor ooV $9,500. room & Call 206-308-0208, nico fomlly room, TWINI IFALLS Charm- J _ mainlononco curroni:ronily Coll Jim 308-5371 “J,!,rarS.lhSd!^mlli N ng roc woli carod lor, 3 loasod, groot inves Washington. D.C. |;gos 302 30: S. 1« W. 2102100 sq, - - largo------toundry/crofl y on -34^ OAKLEY For sato by room, rwwly romod' f. '5 bdrm., 2 both moni, $135,000. (20( 20560 Of con tho 654*M69oi districi, Includ- 206-737-l‘r f i 7n HANSEN Now dupioiiplox. Call 543-4371 iCIossllkxls 5107 or garogo. Fruit A Gtiodo garogo wlih poou- 15-2087 comploto Ooc, thrthru , , - l-eOO-876-7060. UsoltloCH ______troos & borrlos. lorgo malic ran car lift. ^ ovor sized 1 cof 1-866-335-! ' " . ' - . . II 733^)93131 0oxt.2 356-3120 igo. 2 yr okl lur- . ~ I Jan, $222,000. Call Ca IBUHL 3 bodroom. $137,000, Roady lo 0 " “0O ■' 208.306-6436 ____ 2 boih. olloioclric. Are you pUmng a in movo Inl ) «& AC, molnt Iroo -Z 0«s«Soclawl point5 ^y< sri'i.T'ss 11 applloncos Includod. TWIN FALLS room. 208-862-3225 443 Madlaon K>, Largo bock- M K B X U ihortgMdrwdonionf . gropo srbor, 1 S ___ • nlco counlry homo, twuMycudMk».733 Of 208-312-1613 Roneo 208-825-5418 ■ small shop. 1 Vt ^^^r280;1777_ Ion spol. small co- I lish pond 4 owwmSr W ocros. 2 mitos south ^*1 ol Buhl, $650 mo,-f m i l > covorod dock. EQUAL HOUlOUSINQ TWIN F“ > ^ 5< ’■m dop. Call 206-308- bdrm. 2 both, up 208- n UNITIES ' ■ 2521 or 208-404. grodos, foncod beci IS aovenit- I 9141 yord, nltracilvo land- ' " J " FALLS For solo mb i'i JWoper I* 1 manulocturod 3 «ob|*ci 10 tno1 F«iFair Mous- I 4-ptox's. 2 bdim., Price R educed S290.00I scoping, wirod loi " oom. 2 both, 2 mg I makes it U. I 2 bath. AC. 2 unils. eom lortaW e 1.1 acreage, 22012200 sq . ft., hot tOb, Sovo Rool- lor lool 599 Codoi “ f garogo.i groot >»gal » oathrooms, p r i Brook Dr. $156,000 4 large bodroom s, 2 big bath >R1CE REDUCED Sorious inquires ®P""WciWors. $155,000 oncnmhittonI babated on . I side, $209,900,r s w o w f ? .wonderful open spacious kltchctchen. dining Custom 4 bednadroom, 3 bath, 3,916 sq .ft., I only. 258-725-734511 fcCall 206-731- «c«. «*3r, tMgKMgion, M>. I Soilooparatolyof living a re a with som e unlqinlquerouiKf- o„ 214 acreI lotlol horse property. Gas lire- ■ (or Inlo. niaisuiu*. I pkg. Groat rental01 EQUAL HOUSINQ ' ed walls. Vaulted ceiling, coz]» z y sitting place, custoritom oak cabinets, tile (kxirs, tv or nttioiwl origin«lgift or an I history call OPPORTUNITIES TWIN PALLS 2200*^ 4 -nviN FALLS Fi for aato imeneon to matmake any I 208-660-4654. All roal oslalo odvor- ,„ p o m . Walk in d o se t & walkk In show er, geotherm alI heating, h wilh tolal utilities at t tMdrooot homo, 2 firo- hu ownwnor. 3 bdm>., 1 hjcTi prelwencanco tonita. * .1 1 — 1 I Using In Ihls nows- ;; ;jet tub Irt m aster bathroom1. . SprinklerS| $144 a monthnth average, la rg o deck with p piocos. hordwood both Soo ' at 1165 tion w oitenmrtmlnabon. P07™SiBrffPy3L'QS8t m popof is subject to 'system a n d easy lawn malntenjitenanwwllh vlewolTWlnPn Falls. Auto sprinkler system , n S u nwrst ^ " St. Call 206- -fomiiuu MiutMinckide* ir H is tho fair housing act curbing. Drive around roadI waway. G reat bam /shop 24x3024x with 2 oversized doors. $142,000 S 420.13J1323 or 539-3204 etHkiion und«r»r Iho II oge ilti0ltllti6K Il8l|a | 9 which makes II ilto- a rea Tor large shop. G reattkjcallon. kx ^ Onlyq $410.000 fk ------of ts kving wttnittn parvntlI ^ 9 gol lo advertise any Must see to appreciate.ate. 1512 251 Laurie Lane NELSON T FALLS Fof Soto orlooaiajwdiarOian; peg. discfimlnotton basod O pisn H o u se S a tu rd a y 1-4pmm. . C( all any* clall a ll 208-735-8048 t Ownof. 4 bod- nant wom«n indpeoplfland , rr ~ S . on roco, cotor. roll- « > jlm e fo r a p p o in tm e n t 20B-73)-731-5322 or: REALTY LLC Si™”’I. 2 both houso mwiing cuttooy “ T| Qion. sox. handicap, or20»4200505 WHO can help [I ___ 3810 PylLOJympue Way.fay. 734-3930 5*1!2 I IMng rooma. 1 OronunOw H. ' ramlliai status, of D room, approxi- YOU sell yourr naltonal origin or on ^ a k e HighwaY 30 W. to 2 600OO \E, lu m r —~ — r r - r r iy 2200 squaro Thit newtpoperxr wll< nc( property? Inlontlon to moko go to 3600 N. turn w est & folh in size. This knowkigty aecei«epi any C laM llleds istatefiitiireil 9 haa lota of ox. Cam ffiltaUon o rd to S ^ - tras, susuch oa: a nowly “ “ law. Our 733-0931 ex t. 22 rutton. ‘Familial sta- gflrtl- romodoldeled kitchen. hereby In- MnMSnugiMtfycom„ lua Indudos chUdran stale of mo an alf lil- Ihot U ^ undor the ago one imttonn «y«le«n, and (tMinga adv«oi ■jsi living with parents or eapacHy walor #>i» n«r*p«p« ^ logal custodloni iw /T h e outakto avaitaw w w ^ pfognant women I • r»w in. 2 5 2 ^ “ IH ontfpooptosocurino ■ — custody Of chiWron ^ p rtv a to d e c k i»i#phena numt WENDEli'zero down undor -10.

■ S aSSS p IS ^os. This newspaper wHI .000. PiMso coll n w * « b ^ thh«he«M ^ aalo or ront, owner' w ^ knowingly no- Mjp^i^^ntmeot | ^800-927. wUI cany, agents 3%S’t cept any advofttalng i^^^35NM ?Av?B!i!P I Todd 200453-1777T for r«al estate K l> im .,l balh home, COMF)MPL^LY j _ — Mtteh la In violotton I REMODELED! Home features I of tho law. Ogrrsad. I new roof, windows, vinyl, sidingS C tt Coimtitry Living oflora**^■OPPORTUNITYI orv ara hereby In* . I painli remodeled kitchen &bathiathroom , In- ground lonned that an Mm, sn^ ^ H N I cc ibttf-plex with Luge dwelling adveniawl lih fio r &.exterior doora. tandacaisc a p b g ane with ^^H Rl tinlts and a good ren& In Ihla newspaper E S naw drivttwiy on a comerw lo C T h i ■ JC wBter(ali^ ^ H h i « t o i ) i Great im«ttment.Mt. are avaitabla on an F o rfc ^ haidwood floors hcvovo-been l re- $160,00 I I m it o te d & m ake this ho m e lookimma»loot ■. ' to se tu^ i ■ M a k e an oaeri 1209.000XK) '-^SA W TODOfH?.ACRES;^^ C -1^ 20»-30a alohd with th e plumbini liS m Induded - new hood .mJcrowave,mk . . Only MlaiteiPis Ptooi Twin FalU & Jerome’ ^^^CA^JDH^raDMaw U zoBTTavfis^ I BiavB rdshwM h«r S 8 4 .0 0 0 View Vli ad d l-, •.CkMoibM^ijorOolfCo^; v AU The Extras! I flonai pictures and Intomutibnnaboutltiis a • NuahJOu.. I j)^iiiroft8ALEBY0W NER.(ER.COM,:-': ^ ' ■ S « « ; ^ ‘ | _ S u b h e r CQ o n d u c t io n CqmpAmv

' o( dscilmlnatkm cal i l l HUD toD-frM lela. phono number at eOO.«6»-B777. Tha 'to».frM talophona JPH nwrtMr for the hear- JV- 644-1'54l j IjiL li

*.■ ■' l.\ 0 4 Timet^owt, Twin Falii.I. IdahoId. Sundny, Septembor 23.2007107 302 602 ~ 6 ^ ,■ . . ; 6 0 2 ^ ~ : & a ~ ~ ~ 6 0 2 ' 602 602 Unfurnished Unjfumlshed TJ] Unfiu’iirnished Unfuinishished iUnfiirnished Unfurnished Uni mished Unfumisto Homes Homes HeHomes Homeses__ Homes : Homes : 1 )mes Homess .LS 2 bdim 1 TWINFALLS BUHL 3 bdrm.. 1 balM, f n iler U Nowor 3-4 jPDOME ^ r JEROME Closo1 to pnrK1 tw in FALLS 1322 4, TWIN FALLS TWI^< with c.i/poti, SCOO » t)d amily lOOm, Lovoty 3 Dodroom'm' Cdim., 2 bniM. 2500 boih 1I5, car- 1404 Valoncta- 2000; 3 bodroom. 3 bnih. nico ikup. no pols Houso S950 • SCOO dc!p. No pols, sq H e r « pon, (oncod yd S7! r.q (t , bnck mnch wilh (oncod y 3 5750 3 bdrm., 2 bolh. 1200t tocaiton, lomodoiod, (-734-7033 1 Small Pot O.K.., C.ill 208-731-0937 2 2 ncros nnd canyon j [,,5, ncious 3 i t375 W}. (L, 2 cnr no smoking/pola OO'OQ ,7 , ■ I • 2563 Polnlbrush Drrv VJ0W5, surroundod by ,.,,o q 21 lup stor- garago, rolrig.. (oncodI SIOOO mo.* SIOOO " “"C* BURLEY Almost Iroo 3^ X 208-539-9569 ILLS Largo, 734-4334 30 ncfos. hnrdwood ° >760 yojd, landscapod. dop. Avoilnblo nowl []o P' location, 2 ------— (ont in oxcl'nngo lor floors, nitachod dbl. ------Tho Mgml 733-0!13-0739 Orogor) Trail, Oloary 1220 Staniro Avo. S89S Now wofK on a Mtgo ° , 1 V, bath. TWIN FALLS -N« (jaxngo. CorrnI sp.ico og, " Inmily room, JEROME smollI 1 bOrrnb 208-732-60S9 or Iiy homi.v 43t-16Gl ]“[, ------TWIN p. Coll 208- deposit, S950' p Iniornot pholos nvnji. gn'ngo.0, 1 loncod bnck- botwoon JoiomoX J Ch,l.7l4.««.7S75 ) month. . 962 StdiliO, c t ‘. Insl & dop. Wondoll. No alee TWIN FALLS 4 bdrms. Oct. l “. Inst, nnd SSOO '[‘’'f ' ’ • ■ 2.5 both. 1 yr loaso. '932 - I - i ' Loop. Vory N ic i^tJall i dnmnoo St,050/mo. 280-1382 drugs. S375 * S250/SI FALLS 2 4 3 LLS .539-9294 for infi:.. ------dop. 324-7901 4200sq. II. 2l48Cnn- fOom, 208-326-3320 or 208- ______bdtm., 2 balh. 1 cor diowood Avo, Colt up x a l i o n ------308-3320ii JEROME bdrm, 1 Oafago, ono-lovol 435-M1-9055. 'hclufl 2bnth. WiD TWIN FALLS 3}iow w ^vir>o^“ r ^ d o a KIMBERLY 2 bdTn C.J. Property —------bnth. iivlr Air & ' townhousos, handl- ollocri I nil kilclwic. homo in now«M- Mnnogomont GOODING 3 Dodroom. siOOO)*dop.Nopot5 icludod r cop nccossiblo. S795- • cor gnrt'Di', sion. 3 bdrm.. ^wlh, 1 t bnth. nowly romod- or smokir ----- ^------Iral f FofRont... V ,;324.8^04 asmoK: S89S. Call 734-1900 •TWIN FALLS klors, tashonl. conlinl AC A “IJo.joat. olod homo in couniry, o r324-81 «ap- Twin Fnlls intvU s SOSO.) J208- • :S46 3" Avo Woat borho S700do|), Foncod & Iandt«a; o 2 t 9 4 AlinVisinOi, S7S0 mo. ♦ dop,, (itSt nsg TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm ; aior, sc'woi ing C'eat (loorptaBlQn. nnd Inst. Availnblo je sn M i:------734-8772. ^. msg. 2 bdrm. 1 both and loll SW® o Ollico ipaco av.iii- i" ' ______. houso. No smoking. Wllh bonus room in 420-2 lorvico poid. No pots or smoltinking. iiDlo. 22-1 Mntlin St. OCI. Of 1 - Cflll 208-539- Avo E. 2 bdrm., KIMBERLY 2 bdrmxirm., 1 Big yard. W/D garago. S725 month + tw iN I 1-280-1809 S87S dop. 736-OeC»07 . o Bcnutilul Cusiom ______.S580m) month i ♦ dcp. balh, SSOO ♦ dop. don. In- hookup. SS2S * SSOO S725 doposil, 3 to biiitl homu in Knna- uHAGERMAN a r 3 bdrm, 2 Cnll 200200-539-1403. eludos wnior. sovwjowor & dop. 208-732-8937 JEROME homo: RLLS Noar TWIN FALLS tftfto ? ’ i»,i aipicts nnnch. , dim.. 2 baih,. Polnio. nowor Jjcmsme. , balh, largo living — ------gnibago. 940-ot0-0655, ,902 14* . Cnll 208-734-4001 room, soparalo dining LEASESETOOWri nll...lpm«3-556-SSG7 TWIN FALLS 2 BDRM 1700 * sq.ft. 3 bdrm.. 2 t j o t hOB ^ 3 bdmi,, 2 both, $1,100 Mnnai . AC, deck. 2 gorago. quiot ^ toom, nowty romod- Evoryono Laundry hook ups, Ig monih * S l.100 dop. 21321 CASTLEFORD SocIutJ- I SHOSHONE 2B«,!Bdr, yd, somo ulils pd. - mo. loncod. boihood In cul-dSSs l olod, alt nppls, pollol Dnd cri TWINFALLS =777” •««) oc) couniry homo. 2 Slovo, pot tiiondly, only SS.OOO SS down Iflbulous nvorr frontfroi SSSO. . X or pots, W/0. oil npplrj;^ L'fdiooin. 1 bnm. . DUPLEX ™ JN UJs. avnil immodintoly, paymonilont gois yoi t'omo w/holtubHub. 200 Bracken SL , 750 dop. Call amoklng/pols, a u ncx)iii (or animols. No gpj 674 Monroo I or 420-5052 S950 * dop, 7 2 9216 a g SOOO loaso A dop. 10- siartodId. 1 Build oquily groonhousoanc, and 208-733-6095 '. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, S52S ao():; S-150 olu5 do- quirod. 208-837.4060 towly [!OMi. Cnll 537-9141 _ 2 1 ,nal ownor 1, All nowlwitiv TWIN FALLS 3 bdim, 1 , month + S525 doposil ,ns purolOBO 363 W 4" Avo East HOLLISTER Counlry irnnd bnlh,- 220 Hnrrlson ' ■URGENT SALE!” FILER 1 Ddrm. country 1 bdrm.. 1 balh, S3S0 ‘’ 20 collngo, 2 bdrm.. 1 ty/im fp a ., I I s moinor-m-inwf guostgut St. SOOO month ♦ dop. 3drm. blow-out prices starting>g coitaoc .ivait. Now. 500 10 Water paid. 208-306- monlh -► $350 deposit 000 sq II. wiiM smoll bnth, °J!' Wllh domchod ? 50!! Find yourself at HOME ata t oHico on 4 acros, Pols n k Avail- 2167 or 208-734-4464 >Aparlmonts > conol, born nnd pas- " ■ s L - r r s 563 Quincy »B bt*""- nbrook Apis, located behind.'!• ok. S6SQ - dop. & ? \n.J. nbloOct.irCnlCall ; uro. Web photos ° ‘‘; 2 bdrm,, 1 both, S525 0«>go SET & WINCO on Blue Lakes.JS ,o,s.!0MSB^2S2 ' rrWIN FALLS 3 MrrtlJ ‘ nv.iil, S4S0 mo., f.rst, month + SS25 doposit S8?5 Each home has A/C. privatee last. S200 damage. ------2 boih, 2 yoars rww. , lEROME 1 bdrm* 674 Monrofl balcony w/extra storage, free Cflll 208-326-3320 or S c n o 'L b - TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm,bdm I conlrol AC & honi, 2 ‘2 bdmi.. 2 bath. S525 ‘" 0 '« 208-30B-332Q______NICO. cloon, largo ^ o n w d yard 220^4 Hnrriiarriton cof gorogo. foncod ‘ iter/sewer/trashl! Fantastic • - yOfO, S485 mo, * '“j* " - ''' monlh + S525 doposil 0 ° ” ^ ilor svstorn' St. S400 monlh> * dop.d yard. Avoilablo 9/24 , IV rooms and playgrounds! — FILER counlry homo, 3 S48S S4£ dop. No pots. «or .ysiom 200-306-308- S925*dop. *Also hpve on sssorl- tw in F bdrm. 1 both", no Call Cai 324-9413, ;B L Y 4bdrm : 2167 or 208-734-4.14-4464 |_ C o n 2 0 8 ^ 7 eM 2 7 mont of 1 tJdrm.. 1 ^Igh & rWO WEEKS FREE - smokjnjj, pols nog. ------bolti and stiKllos 2 batt I now before they disappearl•I- • rots roQ. S700 ♦ SSOO JERilEROME 1900 sq, 11. Bath, bri avolloblo. Starting ot ovor 1 clop. 208-420-3503. ranch. ran 4 bdrm., 2 modol,I j al 117 Pmo ™ '|^ L y * w M d !m TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,. S350 wilh same dop. gas 208-734-1600 bnlh.t]Ol< now construe- Si,200 J ooro 2 2 9“'“0O- BRAWLEY garage Fawnbrook Apts, Bo Soon. Bo Hoard. lion. lO.OOOsq. II. lot. S155.00CS o o ' - p . c r : ^“s:?2s^25 somo flppls., 5805 no PROPERTY MGT $650 1 ridge Real Estate Services9 Uso Itio Classlllods roi Ront lo own. Also lor Ownor ,0 DOis omoklng/pols. 734-5861 pols Oi jal Housing Opportunity 733-0931 o*t.2 SOl(salo, 360-446-3000 }2%.20l S . T ^ ? , ; o T,25. 2s" Call 208-735-0473, , EVES DAVE 731-5861 420-602 =

S O H S j j M i ©


l n ^ i

20 Milner St., R 2BA 2 LARGE LOTE

I PARKING #9830460

7 4 . 9 0 0 ,LL GERRY 420-6101

W endell s hom e is (|()()(l coiiiiln ;iy liom thi! ni.iin loncl I i/;i(;y. Ldls ol hoiiiii loi I iiii;y l-:;l;i ciisn iisla pci ly ijinnilii y piiviiiln, :> lii

III I lJ;iiiii;y;i! M LS"'JG j LL LII LY 30S-5R5G

SB bSl][SH]3S N g S Q H

J “ i _ r n j “ M u s d

,, iuu«v' t • « D-9 i. . . ; / - : 6 0 2 . . U n& ii^hed; ' pts. ' ■ Hbmes ■ ' = i^2^^H||E!3!E2S2S9I1 I___ . ' V, >dim. WHO can hoip YOU | \ ronl your rontal? p S525 3742 Classiflods ^ C ani f arm., 733-0931 6*1.2 i tw.n^On^gl».l.«y.ean, F pois. D Rd S500 6 0 4 0. UnftunlshedApts.; ■ andllqilei- ;

^■H ear th e q u le tl U urotPark il?\TV7l . Apartmonls 176Mourlco Si ■ I !'■: ■ /.■'-S'! Twin Foils 734-419S. :u U W - uU ; AFFORDABLE HOUSINQ 2 4 3 txJmi. 2 baih apanmonis Spactoua oportmonls wilh oppllancos. laundry hookups. GuraQO wllh oach opt. two pIoy< nrounds, filnoas room, Como and Apply at: Carriage Lano Apartmontt 2S10 Whispering Pine Drive * "M n Falll ID. 03301 20S-735.2111 S- h BUHL 1497 sq fl brofld now w/HV porklng, hugo. hugo kiichon. 3 bdrm 3 baih 734-3S43 BUHL 638 4 S39 Kothorino Sl. Brand now 3 bdim.. 2.5 baih. Hugo kiichcn, garogo. ' S1150 Sl Habla Es­ panol. 260-1492

QOODINQ i Avollablo Now! Ckian. nico 1 bdrm units for 62* or -*iv. disoblod. AC. appls, laundry room, cobte TV. Ronl basod on Incomo. WoMtlde fl' Court Apt*. 1447 Idaho St. e34-4eS6. I m f e .

QOODINQ Cloon 1 bdrm. 1 baih. W/D In- I "f M, AC. Sopi. Spo- clal. V4 olf 1- mo. wllh 1 yr looso. No smok- Ina/Jjols. S395 mo. + SaSOdop 734.117S HAQERMAN 1 bod- room unfumlshod opt. S32S « S325 so- curtly dop. No pots. r i j Tononl rosponsiblo ' ' ' :.'1 for power and phona< 206-36®-OT47 tor B p' - pdnlrrwnt onor Spm. JEROME 2 bdm bsm t apl. vntler, rafrig a stovo Irtdudod. S400 J ■.y * dop. No pals/smok- Ing- 206-539-3221 JEROME I Unks Apanmonis 2 bodroom Immodiato movo In. AHoppUaflcoa.W/D hookups. AC. High spood Intornot, Cablo and storage. IHAoccoplod. . Contact Cindy 20S-324-0S72 ■r . m h

■ TWIN FALLS 1 bdm)., 1 bath studio In rolln-. Ishod bsmI wilh car­ pon. On RUmoro Sl $300 •*- SSO utlUlfes 4- dep. Col 916-870- i- 3484 (or open houso showings. 'I TWIN FALLS 1 bod- toom. stovo. roMgont- tor, 4 water. No pols. S29S mo. * dop. Call 209-734-8325 T TWIN FALLS 1300 sq A R now duplox with dbl car garago, 3 bdrm 2 w. bath, doso (0 ovety* , rf Ihlng. SfiSO. 734-3843 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrni., 1 bath, SS2S + $300 dep. Waler Includod. 1336 EtmwDOd Clr. Call 208-212-1678 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm., 1 bath, apt. W/D '■.4* hookup, caipon, sto^ age, wator pold. $500. Coll 206-306-2220 TWIN FA LU 2 bdrm.. AC. gaa hool. now ■ paint,' carpot, Ino, ca- ble TV, no pets. $485. 206-732-6406 TWWFAUJB^^^I V I ■ TURNOFTTie CeNTURYCHARM 'z£r‘.'s . ■ opts, from $395. 633ShosbonaN. 20M 204192 ■ j i g f i c m ym s n ITW1NFALL8 T^ LOVeWHBRBYOU -. uva ^ r a c 2 U i n 3 . SparMngctean t,2.3bdmiapta. ' . M andpeoL . ■ 798-ieOO . 8a n te 0tA p(« ' 1 CaawlltWandalt t ' " ' . J h ______;______...... BBSS D-10 Tltnoi^aw*, Twin Fallt, IdahoIaho Sumt«y.S«pteml>«r33,2CK)7

M |M K n T ^ 3 |k

WALT HESS hOtoltr.lhvncr GEM STATE F Oc£u CUK

la^kVdk] Since 19!. erties, call... OOROTHYCEIST InGRIJ-lieMUcn Dolv RON FREEMAN h | | I V T^VTiT^H ot« Auoc B'Oket. GRI ■ ■ H ■ > Mu:i')UcnBB DcAir CUi Zto©!® __737^3915^^^"IW

ttUOO JJm r o t MLSnnTSK ^ H S IISXSIOI IC TUtaFib ML&nCTUN 9 ^ ■ S 9 9 M Hotarn I^tLSMOU69ltS69l Sir^tW -MBFOi K IS0 IXTchaUtvlIfavVioAoaa'Ikti^silifale NaNixb^'EbxnvNcwaiihwn } JbDhonUb^biMf-Ti^ ue. 5bDtam.2ti^Apaln

TtabFib MLSnS32nn St«5D0 Jt« BbU MLMC7M1 Sl< ^ Is i H M O T\ttaFA MLSMOUaKSa SI5SJ100 ThtaFib M.^MtiianD l ^ )hahun.2tcAi Kcdawblt^S«iBotoKn^cBm.31i^G»n»ni MidMUon Oobr CU

51f&,m TMaFA TM MUSnOMtM $159X1i9xo T ^ F U i MLsnsmzu Sli SI69.9C0 TMaFab MUSNDltfn TMnF«b [^Jt9SZ9l90i 5tatn«m,2hi■>,;htf».5Jin»glychini«j. Ibatonkium. Itate Lib new oiTiq^iccO }t> }lc4uinI(itf>^EaiyBh>llnd)inE.n , 4lBtain.}lxA> CAROLYN CUTLfR bisl>>»i IsuAillMnaBiRaimtiitRV Arimkc! REM.TOR* GRI.CRS.ASR ^ ■ \L > ta iL n te « KtfhKtffalScbiA73l-98l9'W-a9l7 TMkaToaoB A n WMi Wdi HMWi.}W inUK?9 HlbloEsfaMI Mub'LlAin DoOif CU _£20^33e^^HS!K


^Isiazjuo ThisThii Fib MLSI9>}2S90( Sin.m7.M0 TWfaFib SlUOO TWtoF* M l£m iin91 7 1 9 ^ 1 S19MI IMp FOi MLM.s«9om »^15lahLllcaa(aaw»•All Jtatecrttec>ni.3liiaitlktep!MiVt(it«c oiy 4lxdi>CRik3W>lk>«Ulynigyn»«ilm lUfllANNA TDMICUMMINCS nbU ! lileAlinlrailRVrBb« Denlby CcteSoSTSOmSST' IW XRACHUKOV ^ j3 ftB w a H 5 ? D flEAlTOB* LH»Aitw«WHWiliriHP> Krt?r»gr»irt»n»n*iwrr—aTiwu t REALTOR* ■■I^^Sg^OOB

All Of our residential listings can be lound [' on the INTERNET at 0 to the Twin Falls site, ISttaFib Ml^lWUMO^ S rnm)M> KMnty MLS«90t(M]a H S S W O O TMlFril MI5I90Q869» 9 ^ |ss9 > n i -MaFih MLSl9t.SI9SUS965 AHDREAPEHEZ 4tokuixm.]U,]bAi.Atiitf«‘«n3Kicnn. 4U oz ■ 3h»ka»2b*EE«qtml«ee«h™ 3tatam.2W>.T1>:-S»nA- enter the IVILS number ■ J0ANNREAVE8 REALTOR* XtSKnn«.UaUi)«l pp737-3905 UOwntfaraiMWI KbrtMittMM5i»«ofS5d>«W519 found in oiir ads. JdPtSMgUCT IWteTfaBLMaUUilkaT]' REALTOR* ■ B H ^ ^ ^ 308^84«

f c _ L r ••

sznjxn TMsFdi"[*k MUnOlflSS s »L900 m AnsM MLSI9081S2 S l P{W ~lfa F^ MI^I4(T94 6 T 9 ^ H 0 0 ;n D TMaFdb MLSHKsnoi9U7 g g g m lOKtim Ita«)adiiM.G.}W<-TUnUiil niaiBailan**cpinAKRiK m T mooehooges swSSwdSw’yfl? lhiyC*iiMil9H«wir7wS» T •WH tofa—TWlUKiflyf^T!%HUIS REALTOR* 737-3927 ill mm ■ B |H 404«^

049.900 1>.taT>>taFA S t uUOO n TWta M MUnCMm SK H s(7>;SN IWiMi MUMllSniD T I ^ I K19.0M M MtSROS!aaa a c n U Fnkrflkna ■ ttkiMtaK&MpteR^andEd bnrfiawaow NICHOLE WEIS l»Mlltanic»Hw&nin| tae >1_____ AiacwnflBU rOMWIMiHiaa^IMm ^ ■ t^ K J JdPMWuoaUCT TWiiyOflWM3(i«r737- iPREALTOR* r13^9909 w M b CR 737-3906 HtbloesiaMI r?'

strwI nF k MUMKauaf ^ I s m i Nm -Mnii K taD sunr^lm H n j« o ,m iMiFA MLsnoitis ■ 4tetaa.UtafailMUS|>8Mte sntmte .4b^taBdUTtnlnK ^■'JbBkxB t e !ae*hB( TSST ■ ’“si‘3cnatea.Go**n>R . IbckQ ‘ - ^■■DuimBnenE' REALTOFt* mtCm * in k o « ♦Oiti»lCMfcf<2MS *” Pl (WIW f^TS/RESTAURA

JEOPTTBIUN ^ ^ H dBBKMcM cousxr^^l Mosm( ^^■tinunruniau^^H ■ l o w ' M a t n i F REALTOA* ^ ^ ■ A t t o c . BiBnto.CnS^^H r e REAUon.Pin REAOOn* ' ^ 1 280-4570 p M ^ 42M? 0 ^ 420-6170ro 94W8fl8 ^ ar- W ^ ‘P|P| ’w f f i" ’' i, . , J i - - V ' •- ■ ' ■ . r Sunday, September 23.2007 TlTImovNBM, Twin F.ill*, Id.iho 0-111

f: " =, 6 0 4 6 0 4 ' 6; 0 0 - 4 6 0 5 • , . ' ; 6 0 6 6 0 8 I------lUnAmlshedApls. UdifiunlshedAu y^ls. Unftmiti^h* t i i Mobfle Hgmes CommeFcial c g y ' andDuplex andDuplex a : .andPus r JI do Iku i_ _ l FALL IN TO A REAL Propeity TVflN FALLS 3 bod- TwtwIN FALLS lafQO TWINFALLS ------DEAL! Only S325 a — —--- © Puzijzztes by Pappocom room, 1 bath, AC, rw ' T "oan, 1 bodfoom. Tho Fallo Apli monlh buys 3 or 2 OHI)Hlc«#, Shop. ____ pots, SS50 mo. . no ) smokino S360 onl Viow Tov lj;?«!fo.rloormoiraior bdrm mobilo homo WofohouM S300 dop. Coll 208- monlhonm doposil. Coll 1 .2 ,&3II S M ^ r r CalHorprlcoo. 410-2332 1300 1: Kimborly Road 1G3-12.&00 sq. II. “T l 7] )e-490-0643 No pots. M05S3! S525 No P®'®- ^OP'' . 6 0 7 ' I. ; : 2 : TWIN FALLS No«or 4- ______.______208-734-• w ie M 20B.733.6452. 734-4334 q IEL Ofiiceand ^ Plox, 3 bod/oom, 2 ------TWIN FALLS MOTEL WIN FALLS 10,000 O3 4 bom, onrooo. W/D TWININ FALLS F Spacious TWIN FALLS.LS Tylor St Oolly and wookly rolos. 6 RetallRmtals sq II. plus ollico & 1 hookups. 319 Lonoro 1-22 bdrmbe units, oppls, dupJox, linono hordwoodI Quiot, 733-6620, aero lull/ loncod bull •1. S700 month ♦ watof convonloni Itor Incld, SSOO. ^ pin. 1106 Addison s ' SSOO doposit. No NEAR)AR CSI 2 bdrm appi 3 ^ bdrm 2 — ■ iTOlN FALLS |! |l J l 6 9 0.734-3043 TWIN FALLS room Avo. 6. 208-736-4500 ------omoWng, 206-734- AC/oIt:/oIoc hont S575 I’O''’. S680. 7 ' commotdol propor- Of 208-351-0470 1400 or42t>-0733 ThoMfl ------molo noodod. Pilvalc Ilos ovailablo. 1.700 TW.NF.LLSLS bodroom & balh p®" ol sq. tl. and 900 sq. II. ~ 3 2 5 Vory nico ion.jonovatod 3- kilchon pnvilogos.y™* Pri 141 Blue U ko» TWIWIN FALLS 3500 sq. 4 bdrm. 2; balbam duplox, vato Irooior & W/D Btvd. .North. Cnll It.. "•• 4 ovorhond doo'S, q (I. SOOO ♦ Evoiything lurnlshod 200-734-4120 for o"oltico, rosiroom. Look­ ' 8 4 734-4120 Excopt (ood & phono mofo Inlormaiion ing lor commiitod ^ — —— 1 « B '’ AvoN,TF,;____ I louso loi rolationsiilp. C TWIN FALLS 2 ollicoj »Nosi 10 Addison Colli- O5^__ 4 ' 8 W l r = tw in FALLS sloopinc sion Ropair al 1190 ------•t lo bo room, kilchon & Inun- & wa/ohouso 40x40. — 'O B ” E*4etu Biuo Ukos South 8 Addison Avo. W. 208- improsi«ss«d ‘I'V Prtvtlogos, ulilitios Minidoka S700. 736-1500 ^3 0C.351-B476 , lY bdrm includod. 543-6130 ■2 5 9 Spacious 1 S ___ 206-733-BS48______raRlvercrest ; „ r „S . r S n d ° S tw in FALLS Vory niconico TWIN FALLS Ottico TWIWIN FALLS Contrac­ 9 ; 2 8 .-s'.s m:\X'i:st mg 357 biuBiuo Lokos fumishod bod sHttnGilttno spaco. Old Towno. Z" toitors shops & olfico. ill 6^4-3432 room. micrownvoi'nvo, Avo S. 1 largo opon ' hohooted. 1200 #q It. _ .■idNICBT j-n fl 'Oirtg,, prlvolo both.30th. ollico. SSO sq II, uiils SeSO se mo. Brand now. K • NrH-cianilarr VlwVU’ of llic (iinwin ...... - V .. . : I Call 208-737-0612J incld. SSOO, 208-837- Coll Cn 208-404-6742 ^3 |3 5 • KiNiri S15I0H’cHiland.Spa l’(H WENDELL Lo 4532 or 208-358-3040 ,‘■^'^^'1''''? Abbio^ia't;on»canlo..d lo rying lo find n godd uMO HARDRD fl87 ' *M Hour hull'siniwCi'nliT now, quiot 2 TWIN FALLS sm busi- nZ'oulomoBilo? Cnock out •Carani'sandSKdSioniKfL'nlLs bathiniM-pi V) noss ollico for ronl. ih«

r W UIUIUI.I.m ciQ icY ciililey rccilly .ccom I q * W L ^ £ i h s " 0 ^ PUBLIC NOTICE ^ I Actions plaplanned and taken by your governhrcmment W I H oro itaincd In public notices, Thoy are p 0 8 ) 7S( 4 - 1 9 4 w B H your rightght 10 know and to bo inlormod ol your govoovemment Is doing. As soll-govofn I 101 lS Found s all citizens to bo Informod. ihis r 102 CaiOsofTlunu m^^Resldentiaial • Commercialal • Land • Investstment J urgos ovory citizen to read and : Ihoso noiicos. Wo adviso llioso citizensS s f f i Hjcpyto funtiiirltior Inlormatlon to oxorciso thoir rIc t06 S«ciaJNoiic« • public records and public mootings.'’9®- 10/ PrecfuncyAneiMtivw i: q , m o v e IIN! ] 5-AC_INTTWIN NE LOC■CATION IM PO R T A N T 108 Piofcssionji Strvice sSraTSiffilh «~ '^ A B n W lfW fc Ploaso addiiddross all logal advoilising lo: 109 HcaiiniWtiiicss SSS b h I * 3 Bedrocroom s I LEGAL ADVERTISING 110 Home/HcaitnCaic I H I U H • 1.75 Batllaths Tho TImos-Nows lit EntertaifimwlScrwcs • 1599Sq.5q. PO Box 548 113 CttidCaieS«fv . S n H I | i s H H H ’ uNrreD&i) St a t e s oFAME^iiCA, FOUND dog. blondo & Plalntill.itiii. wWio. male, biuo col- lox, lound on Quincy' VANOEVER and VICKI VANOE^JDPVER Sl. 206-734'7S50 or tM B B m W siLUE c. ' 208-293-7832 i m i ^ | | ^ 3 m FOUND Gomion Shop- Civil No..CV-06-0144.E-EJL C\ pnord, long hair, wilh : IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihol on tho0 S”3" day Slack lob. Found noar KIMBERLL l t a N 2 A C E R L l^ H E I CG H T S ol Ocloboi)bor. 2007, at 11 AM ol sa|d day.V on01 Iho nonhwosi Joromo. ops of tho Minidoka County Courthcjfjfiouso. Call 208-948-5005 I • 6 Bedroo ^ A . ] * Nc . Idaho, tho Unitod States Morshall w in tho Dodo • 3 Baths 'I'oo Buildi! obodlonconoo to tho Order o( Solo and Docrr. tFSA. ot (208) 436-4777, oxl 14.14. ions. Rowardl Call ■ 543-4817 or 316-3889 i: Soptombor 23 ond 30.2007 LOST cat, kjng haired, ' ' . lomaio. Groy wilh 'JOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE brown, groon oyos. Voiy Iriondly. Losl on STATES OF AMERICA. Maple Avo. & ElmrLo- It. cusi oron. Pkiaso call 40^-3t44 or 733-4552 PUBLISH: S CLOSE TO JACA C K F O T HOME^ :. VANOEVER and VICKI VANDEV°^V£R. LOST Shih Tzu lomaio a - A C R E S 7 mos okJ. white, NOICV-06-0144-E-EJL • snake Riverver Views brown & black. Losl oil ol Flier Sl. CASH • Great Horsf UNrrED ST-IS HERESY GIVEN thot on tho 33- day REWARD 736-8731 Prt^>efty . PlQlnllK,aor. 2007. at 11 AM ol said day,; on Iho ■ ■ ■ >p9 of Iho Mink)o)(a County Courthorthouso Iri-eolorod lo- ’ b I llie C. V Idoho. Iho Unitod Stotos Morshall wi h„'SS„'?‘“ SiE; 01 al c e to tho Ordof ol Sale, and Docro^i-rfkn /\f ' noru/Doruor ooti.o CMI No. suro,CV. sell |5« follovring-doscribodi : s f (137.8 acres ol lami ground) locoto :250 W. Hoybum, Idoho (for a comp • 3 B Bathsiths^^H ^SoB M cSnl! cS'SiZM •1279Sq.Ft.: tscrlpUon, contact Iho MinMoka Coi - HHBHffll*2404■ ervico Agency) to the highest and 1 for cosh In lawful monoy of iho Ur .REMODEL],ED PARK-LI*[KE-SEXEIN^ of America. A personal chock’n in s of 10 pofcent ol tho bid will bo occo]ccoptod , .•4Bedi/3Bathi n o of Iho solo wllh a cashlor's chec> K ifc j: J -2 Beds/IB Thanks to all my I • N ew Roof, amouni of. ihe bid wlihin 24 hours of NOTICE hoIS Unitod Statos of America.^ FannF cm'Whors ond Irtonds C arped &F m of Octobor, lor Iho last 30 ♦years. Afloncy*8 (lormorly Fomwrs H( Joo fnm Honker^ front stopstration) bid will be $ 181,118,00 7with , " ™ Supremo (now • Ruport. bralueIda ol $225,000.00 for parcels f l closod) Thanks agalnl obodionceyog havo questions, .contact t Forodosurii: Farm Loan Manager. FSA. al (5 7,0X1.14.. eds^3 Baths STs^'l I: Soptombor 23 ond 30,2007 B ® i >4Sq.R. K Si ■ bidders for S O M 3 3 S H S ^ Stales ot TSX Pregnani? Worrtod? I N V E S T M ^ tf Is plpi» a fImsllM9 0 f FrooPfognoncyTosa ■iBIfe'y iM t M amouni o f ' • 3 Units ' BS!QSBH'*3B4 U u 9 Conlidontlal ■ b c S q I ^ H al the timoImt to (all ot ttop by‘:®X« 209.734-7472 • CoodRoilal > 1 7 4 the a m l o g o n to H is lo i y l • L a i l solo. Tho Service martotv^L■Find tlie ad owl button «3. It yo .. ooMpio: f 2 . C l ic k i h & B K I W ■ . ^ 4777,4 3. Follow the steps PUBLISH: & atU .3tUtralMig«wy. frwCorwuttittort STYLE On.l-BftMW-OW. . BedsrtBah i,.,. BBEBISBDBII '41 Sq. a "* ™ ■w* i i s e U X . *vw ■ : I.:Fi

3 Iny ai > w v D-12- Tlm»««wi, TWln Falll.'alli. Idiho SuniSay, Stptombet 23,2

- ; 7 7 0 3 ; ^ n o ~ f j 9 THAT SCRAMBLED WORO GAIIAME H O M E / I ic h o o l by H*nrl Arnold UKl Mika Aigirgirton HEALTH CAM x:J.SAcr** TW/nFj//f »i . mc Cnli;06-731-9930 B'ofitntJoSoutnCcrlml 1;,Imo print. ■■ ■ ...... ______pups, 11 wooks dd, 1 LOVE BIRDS pooch ^ ia.ihok«>,oo, $450,000 COIIT111 Timos-Nows HORSES (i)4yoayoar roa malo, 1 fomalo. Call" focod. odorobloi 2 lott. MEDICAL PtPtrTfRinulBuilnau, papers, 208-543-4899 or 208- S6S cash onlv, bring __ MAYLIF CNA.SlO/hf. 3-4 oosiiyftandfoalmQO 90, o/,a iptacoyourad s« °n d II) whito 280-0670.______your ovm carrlor. Coll Ooys/wk. 6-9(im. [).rrTonngs\M)dairi)i. f.,-,] tfUO-'J.•703-0931 oxt. 2 maro S800. 731-G31-0434, phEE Dachshund Jack« 208-73S-0867. __ , CnIJ 2O8-735-7-J07 ivc :.i i l J n iVoooR~orV.iliay A A i Pnnins Russol aoss, molo. ' 1 MINI DACHSHUND loc.-|lion. $430,000 — ■■ HORSES 3 P( 113 ______I groon. 2 yr oldOld i Z r yoa' P" B''"-; puF^los, CKC rog. 4 NEPOTT dunn goiding. 4 yvf old '0 '“ lomolos, 1" shols. 8 — Child Care MJI91Citi Vmioy. PB I U Y ITJ black maro woll:.nit Call 208-32S-■ wooks old, S300 Con RMiJCM pr>col lvm “ 3351 20B-404-9S51. - 1 . L l i □ S e r v i c e s - SELL ITI od. 969-0697 Ivm . 208-436-4495. ^ 2.J2.30 Acnt onOrtfUna S E HORSES Rog ]Q 18 vooT Dalmatian to' MINI RAT TERRIER \M O O D D E ' ARE YOU LOOKING joultiofnvorinOiirley, sen Id. oW. Ouanor Rod puppios. purobrod, — lor Child Caro in o G't on trn?Ia ‘f'-C nixf f»00ds 0' 2 fomalos. S200. polonlul' Srooo.000 ^ TIMES- tnhro. riddon on t I n I i I'omo soiiino? A stny poi ■,ii—tji/Q & in ' Vflrv 'OfCO340 or trainod, oicollont with on Wuij I fg' ______children, groot lomily j Sl.25porehiia/Tiour. NEED ______L A B E R V ,Now arrango iho circlod lotlors8 CallJonnn HUNTING HORSEDISES oil Au##lo X. to lorm Iho surprise ansviror. os 208-318-8070 foldings, goodd meMdino .) n I i"] Isuggosiod by tho obovo cortoon. 3 0 4 h o /'ji' ''f '’ livosiock but not pups, 2 yoor hoollh I. LICENSED Child Caro r BUY ITI mountain hon guarantoo. whllo 4 dnyr, & cvonirios, ^Investments 3^1*PI I ITI Horso shooingn O'avai\ “ 500. duck hunt. 326-3610 In homo day caro. J' S400 oach. AKC & Trust. Mongagos and ^ h | | | | | Call 208-280-067e ICCP ccrlifiod FREEIorrol ACA rogistorod, r 3 FT openings, Roal Estato Contracts. PAINT APHA. blockjlock & to o good homo. 208-S44-7611 Call today lor a Iroo, Call 208-735-2520 ^ whito, goiding, 7 yts.; Tomo. nomo Is 2iggy. •MINI SCHNAUZERS u |» S ] no-obligallon quoto, Rlly 4 yra. voryrygon- g. Call 206-431-6172. ' (208)733-3821 ■ AKC. S42S-S375 TINY TOES DAY ___ Uo. 208-733-5789!? ____ FREE kitton. king molos. sollpoppor, W W l! CARE now nccopllr>g PALOMINO 6 yooroor old tiolrod, fonulo, vory toy SIZ03. Coll 208- npplicalions. S:aio li- jloand cuiol Utior box . 431-0296.______BACKH:KH0E in good i^EEMAN P200bolkir.P20 r o g P S B S a H W consod. ICCP com- H 701 Uvntoc‘itixk S RmIdv soddio t Iditlon. Dump tmck toody lo JSO,uso, wllh big iy Cattic A SutDl« lack, S1200 CailIll 2i208* Iroinod. Dark gray in PITBULL c puppios 6 (lOd. Moiil provided. 702 Dairy Ca jfi.212. color. 208-423-5064 1 26' hoovy duly or 9 lltllo tracior, Coll 208-679-8C37 703 Horsnj wook purobtod 2 )so nock irallor. S700/oKor. C< ______Of 208-539-2964 moio. 4 lomalos, SlOO '. Csll 208- Gooding 7CH Pctsand ooch. 208-608-1015 ffS-SS5,900. Call 206- 308-0749 n£quipm^^ QUARTER HORlORSE FREE killons (1) Coil- )-9662or404-441S — ------______G reen Chop Fam£qi or 208-219-1015. SU sgoC oni& 706 Farnm og.. 4 co ,(l] silver tabby, (2) 0, vory Slomoso C wks old p BU8BA ’07 80 lon noww sosoodlng, E ailage Chopping. 707 triigjlior PUQ PUPPIES ®i° - 9- gontlo. Bosi horsoifSO lor groot mousors 4 1* 2 matoo. S200 cosh, 401« l School Instnjcwn <'08 SocdSF3&Feriili;n tho dollar. S9S0iO Coll C shols, 208-96»0666 toady to gol Call 206- ro,.s«'?s * 'a™ ! 22 4- S (lol (okl 402 Music L«s«is 709 Hay, GraierainiFcfd 208-731-3232------FREE kittons 410-9802______403 lutotifio ''10 Crops/Pti ips. S89S0, Coil HAY BY THE s/Produca QUARTER HORSE,)SE. 2 to o good homo, s SCOTTY puppy, AKC 731-52 ^ H O G S T O R 2 n i ------— 711 CusiomI;omFaimStrvic« yoor oW. giWlng. p •5216______SOUTHEF g. por- vorlotyofcotors. roglslorod, family _ , FEEDS SA L E „ , 712 MisceostlesaneousAg formanco broad, h F CHUTE, groon. ^ d, hal- Coll 539-1600. tolsod. block, 1 malo ^ * ‘■5 ‘ nod $7,00 Grown AQKuunl unaod I loblo, good con- S c h o o l ;i3f™sP!is/Paslurt Dentals torod and lung< Shola 4 dow claws ro- d$8.69 KoAnUblotlct ufC3Wantt!d SSOO/offor. Call1, 21 FREE KillOflS, (4) , n ^ c . l 2 0 « . f03_i 714 PastufCj " 6 wooks old, long 81 movod. S450. 208- $3.79 DoUveiyATallabJaI mstructionr' 71s i ^ aS w S J S t S I i l ______— shon halrod, linor box 326*3199 or 208-316- °37-63:S 1 S ------208-732-522-5270 208-312-2122 . 716 Ao Businlusine»& QUARTER HORSORSE. iralnod. Cuto and _ 0218______CASEE 5700 chisel 5 ray, 14 (uni 206-539-7306 SSHIH T7U e wooks old, P lwV. , 24 (I. now nVIIWBIfVMirf PUBUC SERVICE S ^^ =I 5 5 ! S ! ! t J O/olfor. I JOt BiBifltss Opportunities • moio. purobrod, S250. poinis.Its. $10,000. E a B i i l f t s i MESSAGE r-:.-rr:T7C7 0 1 " Coll 208-316-093S)3S FREE klRons, odoroblo , 111208-316-0766 jR S ( S » e tS P 302 Money To loan 'I I __ morklngs. Call 206-734-7163 o r ^ " 2 Bio prolns usually 206-308-6123 ------394 InmtmenB S tock/ , p-ra704-7;W .! Coll 208-946-0414 for - 7140 MFWD. POTATO STORAGE ST( 305 Conlracis S Mottgdges py moro Inlo, SHIH-APSO SI puppkis. 8 14.9x4£1X46 w/duols. 150.000 Ml. cwt. poioto Boloroyoudo ' • , ifcu wooks. 1st shots, do- poworsi businoss with a FREE klitons. playful oil ! orshin. 6000 hrs, slorooo for' rentron Kim- I I wormod. 326-4412 or 32.00000 731-5216 S ° a V “ 7?? company, chock ll BOAR BIUIILLY full blood ^' ! cotors. In Paul oroo. 280-0825-______i s B B H U O 30 1 out “j wllh tho Bolior 2 yro old. :------Coll 206-)38-4334 for - IDE HOPPER TOMATOES S8/: ikl, 23hoadO l BASSET HOUND' oioro inlormotion. SIBERIAN SI HUSKY, iS8/5gol. B u s i n e s s Businosst Buroou, cross brodirod moat with- aKC, hod firot shotshols, ------r in ollminolor. will hovo llilIlii Frost.F U C T purobrod. fomolo, 4 cntt2M208-731-2219for 283 W 300S J< For Iroo Inlormalion R ?;hinr'^oody now, 2 ihroo cotorslocftoosDooso FREE U b Holplll Oki- months. | $300 (im,. O pportunities } soil wator 5350 or. lomolo, block lob ( oro Inlonwillon. 324-4034 - corabout avoiding (ountolnsB Good homo only. ^»5^-'-754e 53B-5716w53»571•5718 noods good homo lo 801 AntiQuesiCoiiectaies!S invoslmont scams. ------Andrew 329-0722 FREIGHT3HTUNER -91 aCooper Nornion I - — — livo oul hor goldon _ l-S C T 802 Appliancss 120, woi kll, 450 ■SatBHOMSttOmOM wrilo 10 Iho Fodorol In’r j^) (n rffi' ^ER COLUEE mixtT yoors. (Jwnor wtll not STANDARD SI POOT ------ForTrndo Commission, ack & iQko coro of hor ony- [ lotrolt Sortos 60. tjU U B H nU jrJ r a l l l n 603 Bazaais&Ciafts ISO?n rColl i l l 5208-m ’ P“PP'o Avoilablo®' <2) black 10 OLES AKC, largo issional molni. Woshir>g1on. D.C. 5«-9897 » 10/S moto-l am 0 3” porty pups. c SS00-S550 cosh g § g g i‘,gj 804 Builijing Materials Tho Rosourco lor *1______550 00. Coll 732-12: houiod oul ol t a s a f l S BtCB 20580 or coll tho UMOSINE ' '•^ ^ 9 iryir»g to koop hor only. c Twin Foils (208) , S0 ““ono limo. Inckis «— 805 Dectroiics Businoss COWS. 15 p n an p c, r n)LUE/ i 1. *”’'*’0 put to 737-9244 / or 404-4725 53' ^ I NallonoJ Fraud ,5?® Sprir 4 Sloop. 206-260-2000 — ironsaolt drop CuslomI BeanBei 806 Hot Tubs iPooiS Opportunlliosin jfj,, ° he"s c S r Information Cot)lor $1200 or ^ANDARO ~ dockUo: Uolior. wl boovor Thrashinghing 807 (3oWng&Iin ’ Idaho! VVi1-800-879-70G0 208-328-33>•3301. Hoolor/Fu«y croscross, FREE puppy, swoot (0- POODLESr Amorteo'8 >“*' plus P*"' romps 35T WrfghtFotmOtms. ona bolh littora havo wor 0 wolghi Coll 208-539-139-1301 ®0® Computers 20 MINIATURE "^'k- maJo, 5 months, Bor- (11 family dog/hunling, irome 1 / ’f Kl '"O Pwonis. goodd coc , horns. S6SCa r . ” “ fomlly c;oj8. Call 208-731- 509-662-6012 ?" ">“<> pi^Qconn 810mES.p.™ FumitiniCaipel , (208) 733-6581 Me <>43-5941. 1. Yoliow Lab, tnalo, chokoo. JoKcfSon Bualne or omall bocky®ffiog- inchos In 4 undor. Rod 823 Me(tcalSup|i£es * 1 molo, t fomolo pup. pup icvonoydossKiods.- 4 4 Bluo Morio tnakis. MASSEYEY '06 1540 m e S S | i B H e. > DIroclory 5375, a u q oJui, malo, gold eyos. Sorvic# di Tuilo- com $600,678-1173 $i Traclor.or. Iliko now. 116 H ga W B H tiMiB M 824 (^SRIfles 2. Jack Russoii Cross, rod 733-0931Ml ext. 2 ExcoDanl marks oni 1. 4WD, setup (or F ^ ^ iW ^ ^jWM aia B M 825 Campin9MiittnoEi]ulp tnalo Muofico '* porsonolily. S2S0 GERMAN SHEPHERD JSrOY POODLE, AKC iJSiof P lathor collar...... 3 months, biack & lon, ,« r, $15,650/0f(0r. „ . Q , r VALLEYLEY wont- 826 Sporting B)uip 3.M lnPin Cross, female. J C»IIS39-38S4 togisiorod. 14 wook Call 208-'OB-320-3X0. ^ t o r e n t ^ p ____ 1* shots, Z (omokts. 3 oki /,l (omolo, chocoloto 1 ^ PM iw * 827 a^isASnowtoaids 4. Yollow Ijib, big pup. mal BOSTON TERRIERSERS, malos. Coll 208-733- a malo. Grand- 4 croam phanlom. STORAGE^QE CONTAIN- ^“ 37“ 1828 Garay s ^ Walnut. 2 yrold brindlo, blociJlock 5927 ollor 7pm. Wholpod (v Juno 3rd. ER 40',0 ° S t o rio S ! ! . C.^'208.324.69: a rtf - AraSii.H & whlto moki. 2 yr ok 5. Yoliow L ab (omalo, loath Hos had nrsl shols lolnor.. reart 4 skio B n m a n H a i Tiaio, rod collar ” . • lomolo block S whlto G E R M A N orand boosters, do- doors,• Exc cond. Longbow Dr. n IS yoors. ^ 0 0 ooch. AKC a BAY PONY ® * SHEPEOBRDS womiod. toils dod(od, S2750) 731*521673 6. R ottw oilor C ro ss, trI. m a (o moro od- ACA roglslorod. dowclows romovod. ______M m B m to on Chost. (0- child horso. 208-544-7811 viow Vot hoollh chock. U y jB B■ U S M H H f I AUCTION ir Avo W ost ) S L : l o10 (ollor. coll CHESAPEAKE pup ssVoty sodol and ^ l a M —I 7. H o u n d C ro ss, tan , (omaii f H r m H n H H b l a c k anoi,NOUS ick. nouterod 208-731-0350355______pios AKC tog, boouil Irlondly. Puppy pkg. B W gB W FEMALES ------4000 N onh .ES I ItKludod. $500 CASH. 0 East. C DiamondId .J olfors 6 Sito by champion >ctober6 ria n o AnUque 1901I 8. B iack L ab C ro ss, whito c jr m ale, black & gowings. 2 imofos. oil *ondorful Iiold one [i g a h o n I . Ar^us vv.W, KImbail Co,, up-h m alo. loalhor collar. Fllor A broko andd ggoing. Call *how. $600-900, s Cal ssrtzr- J3 Ronch, Melba. I rtoW. $300. BeautifulII 944-0642■Ivmsa hr I picturos & podl (15 miles 3 olil^ Na m p o ) p5u,o_ 9. Hound lj)b Cross, black, « ! • ttHvKtntxcm WAVALKER BLUE TICK L dor. noutored gree 208^50-1564 H( k s^ S p tin k k r Pairs, Brod HHo» o«w, a08-32W)755 malo, purple collar. 2500 E HOUND pupplos, 6 oExil. EQUII ^ GERMAN SHORT- wooks wc oW. $200. Call ^ R e p a i r BredCovfS,a U IN E CHIHUAHUA puppkiB, [obiloPram 2007 Hollorf ShShow ~ 10. Cockor Spanioi. oldor01 Cross,n fo- small, molos & HAIR AKC. now liitor. 206-53S-S099. 20 EE-DA-HOW Fatm. — dLina,M nin Prospects.lets. POSTAGE STAMP brown. Sunglow CIrelo. tn ir h tt n fomakn. $225 rise Blvd. Paul Struir u c n e n 2oe-643-4066e e Call 208-324-5082 Of MLKER HOUND, po- Linoaft)i&WhoolLinos, 206-(0S-112;1122 COLLECTION 11. Rottwoiier Cross, oldor.hfiold ID. T rimim m in g ------_ 208-308-0073. pored, P« fomolo, 4 yoors (oveninninthofield). omall: now & used, $3800. malo. ton & brown. Tuttio E Wo can harhondlSall COCKAPOO puppios oki. $200. Coll any- 431 Sertous Inquirva only. JW K RUSSELL pups, Umo Un 280-1572. s i i E U S I CaO 2 0 8 ^ -9 8 6 9 12. Border Coliio Spanioi C your trimmingtrim - 3 (omokw. 1 trwdo'*®o- dowdows romovod 4 — noodsods. buK, 8 wooks. toili LINES a wheel malo. purplo collar. Sunrise ‘“I's dockod toils. 206-B61- WEI^MARANER pups. VcJ'(Of sokt. used. layod. lom alo. 30 yoors oxp>oxporlonco. dockod. dowclaws ro- 4276 oltoreotkack, bluo bii and gmy, shots. I . ' — 13. S h ih Tzu (omalo, Richfio:ro s s , adult, tri -734*3976 movod. 1" sholo. 20B- iOkeo((er. T / ^ dowomiod. lolls and 208-788-2^3 IV T 358*3876 654-9391 or 431-9491H91 JACK RUSSELL pups. dowdowa done. AKC a i E P U P ADOPTiONS tofllslofod wilh tho f p = ^ Jle adulL GELOINQ 2 °°".°°° -“r f 1. Aussie Cross adult spaye (^«n PAini mom uorooi puppy. 539-0820 . RIVEA^ BENDB PIPE ll ‘ V C T f ' . p u p p l ... (11 . « irtor copltonol pups, S32S. JR-ForSate: J 1 I ± .T H T H E 2. Shepherd Maiimute Crot -Brt. Cdllo/McNob dod(tod www.aogowood)ock«.- WEI/ElMARANER, t ! ^ "^ThilSl Hoeior $45.324-4432*32 com. 208-431-4141 yoi colored male. and loads. » yo« o u mate. ACA main” pup. Som 731-05«^ 7 DABBLE roglslorod, up to dato p b e ft h QCTIONS 3. Elk Hound BasenjI mole i JACK RUSSELL TER* S s . A U '^ 0 RtERS 6 wka Old. 2 Shota, S? noeda e good a in 20s.»)»431-«W7 4. (2) Shophord cross f GELOINQ e ? r r r k a * fM. f i maloa Komole $300. homo. $200 Of bost puppy Buckskin. olfor. 280-1611 malo (1) female. 15.1. ronch c«» C*1I208.28W150 _2!I 5. Boxer Cross malo big pu( ____ Of283-71»1 YOF o ss Whito/tn fo- ORKIE AKC reg.. 2 6. S ta c k L ab C ro s s pup (em Jl-,®®®' DACHSHUND Pup-“up* KENNEL 12V12W, makis, 12 weeks. 1- Call 200-731- ahota, dow daws ro- 7. Shepperd Cross malo pup ^31-2303. pi5j_ maiea, no pa* chain link wKh goto. " J moved. $700. Pup- 8. Heeler, adult malo GELDINOSI C (3) PaJt«. P on.J^60. C l l 206.M6- Uko now. $175 Of ^ . brown c ro ss. 2-12 yr. okliokla, 1-5 yr 431*2053 ___ bost o((ef. 736-173a 9. Husky Shepherd cross -A HAY n old. gonUo/ronch o«(i ENQUSH BULLDOQS[OS KITTEN Stunning pas* ^ Soodlng. ^Check the malo. btoke. Qrool001 (Of hunt- AKC.afemotea 0RKIE8 (2) 1 yr oki, Sm al bale Ing. $2,5000 each« oflor. can ‘ lel coDco girt aeoks 10. H ee le r rod & whlto tnalo . forever hotne. Bom AKC reg, $1000 for $140-$i - T['tm i n es-N ew s — ^Craloafl^lko Cfi Cell 20a-W)-’317Z both. Cell 206-922- 731* 11. H ee le r C r e s s whKe &r rbr< u s i Boors toom ^ outaWe, I hsva spend 2? C llassifieds, WMks Inside ft I tove lom alo, big pup. fradcpUonl ^'l6 rt "m o? FERRET Malo. cage 139-4218 o r snd supplies Includod, M a g i c: ' VV alley Sections, ______S150 Cell 20M 31* a r . M I play but wouM prefer ■ aindlogonto n c D O N T FO R GETf"- L ‘ H0R8E (Ofr somSI . $650 ______— B quioC homo. Please J pm buys a boauoouliful. (hr* FREE Many c*f*Jr/ffena tor a> cal me humwis s l ■ oK(%«ij wvvw.m,magicy^Iey.coin year old. orsigroon broke, Mack WRons « » -p ^}O S T .______■ iP Tuiro that to a good twme. UTOCAR'*82 Heavy Bui ) p m . 71,100-1,200 ? 0*11206-662-3631.. LAB puppies. 8 » UMipec dutnp ttudt, Nofvtas Houra: Mon-Fri.iHolld«y> iSlotoll — weeks old. 1“ shots. cS n time to fln* r r = — : r - Cummins, 13 spd., . Qrs< T i m es-N ew s 10:00 a m ^ a olals p r 46 ho u rs, ish for hunUluntlno C al FREE dawomted; great per- uaiHandtlxson . wsUng. CalU Saturday •Sm O YEO 208-431-2682 BkjeTtekBosoleI sonaliies. 2 Nety fe- seam: 12 yd. 22SK 30M W more inform ^oQ \ msJea, 1 yeliow msle. 10:00 a m -2 :0 0^Ily p r 7a0p.m. Tilas. $32,000 C«B . 2O M Pllon 208-735-3222 ______cair:5^i” CT2.I »160.734-S396 ■ 731731-8216______C lo se d S u n d a y a n d Hi W e c a n only ke ep a nim als ' they are thon sold or DEST T P le a s e c h e c k dan Sur>dsy,S«ptember23,20(,2007 Tlmei^twt, Tivin Falls. IdatM0 0-13

7 \ ■;.... TTTsr^irtfi^ rjrf'V'OTlBBBl y .Fnnltuie& MAYTAG oloctric i l i G a ^ q rnngo 2000. coll lop. . COMPUTERS 51 miicm t"': A, oxcollont. Uko now MATERTRIALS from a B«k 10 school Of I WEEKEND I BEDROOM GROUPJP MATTRESS SET $119 — 9NOW0LO''LOWER MTD h AIR SALON :STA- corxl. S250. 20&-320- DORMRMATORY built 1^ 5^ Boauillul all wood 7 lull onhopodic, now in 5/24, runs lowol • MARKET 0765______In 1921920. Wood IkJor- Call 208-732-0! ptoco BOI. Oovoioiloil plastic. Con dolivor. DQWNDd awo N 'nA3 .v u?^T c T inijliaN | 2*''0 0 3Chains, .7 3"a*;,??®® ,^ • cabinois. mirrorr &I hy- IS BACK zREFRIQERATOn Kon- '"J *2- 3 2 ohz flfowors, Brorxl now>w Cflll208-420-G350. ----- WeY* Ulkfng iho " drauiic choir. $1,$1,000. moro 20 cu ti. sldo-by- ^ ; List S2500, soil S899, ER on cort 208-308-6114 HoHaitoy Indoor Rlor ^ g b r S Coll 208-420:6350. MATTRESS SET (208) /• 467-1712 t ., R e t Market sklo, Ico A wotor. "®“ ' _ NASA MEMORY ^ ig booms. 1.8 j a v c o -06 Jov £ boioo, oxc eond. ' Slight Sept 22^ 9 -5 ) 4 b e d r o o m SET 5 pc..6., Foem. Conlorms 10 c nallons pi J350.206.734-0831 JIdno coblnols S s n Commlilod to Bntlorv r. king S«pl2T^(1(M) solid wood, now novoror body. Now, novor icn, 2 O'/or 35 vendors. R r , ; S s c i l a l s : 324.6921 ol,or4""'•-J'.’- usod. Ust $1295, Will/ill usod. Usi $t499, sac- t—~ ^/ouio sh!!"!?? REFRIQERATOR. Olhor i — 14 gol.1 lonk Il $150 524,000.3. ‘95 CoSedlng dloh AmoAO top Iroozor ’Cat)1208-948-0561 20 - X TTrrrri soil lor $499. Callail rillco $499, Coll 208- [—TT . great soop & Wooch for iw/lco mokor. 20 cu ft ^ 420-6350 Con dolivor,,r, 420-0350 Con dolwr. 'Hhr(fj:[uction 'M 206-324-sew;:;- s IS,> Co- Community Oasis iIvory $200 733-3579 jr. "jliVj; . - f l i e y ^ &,^ppraisaCs ____ S™ i Z l ! 53S3.500.. Outroncti. — COUCH noulrol color^ OAK b e d ro o m SET. C! 30 quoon slzo pillowtop 'PutPuning valuo to your YARD MACHINES MAC by 206-420-0380. $1.00 Admission R,REFRIQERATOR/ i QB ^ C t r b l l i C S l FIREWOOD ctlleul nfwl •’'0* " 9*<>o . 12 & undor (roo 'Freezer Amano. ' ...... ''' ' opiil wood. Sioo5inn/nipk SlSO (or boih,h, matlross ond box valunblos' m etal BUILCLOINQ ,11 springs wiih hood- Porsonol Poi P/oporty ® Como Iroosu'o hunt 'oxcollonl condtlton. o m eiSCREEN TVS, upJood.Sl40coo S 't;: , 7Q1C .2^*30. >0 ^ P«'MJl up. .,. (or nniJquos. JCall 208-420-0700. 5,50 ' 5 cord do- 356-0526.______board ond sido cobi- Approisols- 208-731-79’ ■^935, Roducod prtool p 0 orxJ up. Must Pj'* “P- — nots. Also lull slzo------AAuciion Son/ico ‘ S R i el ; ; , ’; . : . ''’ Coli 20B-543-563;533___ I books, Avon. Hoi vvWASHER & ORYER OOO. 415 4 Eosl' Main llvorod. 206-324.324-7697 CUSTOM LOQ RJRNI-ll- drossor Wllh mirror,------(: Whools, 4 tols , Noroo. Burioy.oy. 208-878-5725, firewOOO Lodg JO S050.206-431-7711 *------M j s c edliuuiods' l l i POURIS'89 250.0. 4x4. more! Coll l^ d ^ “ M rS4,M o! rw 6 a 1 a ' ** Whoolor. $800/c0/OflOf. Vendors wonlod! ; plno. Split ondind doliv- 7. kiichon toblo. 8 6 SLEIQH BED solid 208-420-0700. i oraaie..j : s p e a k e r s twovo 12' Call Blue Cow - chairs. 2 oxtonslonj.S. wood, brond now. siill 814 — M— - ^ ■■■ Kickor CVR spoolookors . .. Antiques al WWASHER ' Whirlpool scrooi STpiii 0, in box. Ust 5699. soli • I a i l a w n G a i d m TRAILER 15 w/box SSOO/olfor.r. 20S<}12-4900 rlorgo capacity, oxcol- ropairpair. You hool. .all 206- Couch & lovo Matat S249. Can dolivor, - ir $600, Ford Call 208-539-973'739 ' = = lont ll condillort. $100. 324-145;I4530f316 0829. 677-4182{'"»g- S1400. Qlldor rodinoror Call 208-420-0350, I '88 Rangorigor SI,500/of- oftor 3pm 208-73&-4B05. ------RREWOOO w/ollomon. $550. Call A-1 lor. HIde-a-bedt ------TABLE 48" round oak tin .down ProlessionallyIlly cut.c 206-358-1574 R O TO T IL L IN O couch, mco nh cond. SOFA big 9 'long. (* — lablo Wllh 24' loai. 6 8-731-0316 »i»od. Bomhnhanjt $170ocorddolivilolivorod DININQ ROOM Tablele high back choirs Wood mowing. $75, 208-73 blade worlt. dump riinru „l.„ )mfort- tocolly. (Twinn FaFalls) 1930's Duncan Phylo.B. $325, Call 734-5787 "nlco , ' $70. Din-;: r - oblo, ''°'y good co ORYER Konmoro. [jns. r? 208-420^)95< ,0 ------m=kmdlo.a., tn cond., D954 $200/ollor. 543-9200 lie, farmhouso $650. W aaher/dr whllo. Blnfnloss slool *°^morolntom'ollon. TABLE La;go kilchon, and an Conugatlng L"V",7’ tub. monuola, 2 yoars JS QUALmr RREWC — smoll kilchon toblo. anywhere an In tho -lylo w/4/4 choits c $85. siockoblo, good cood!d OW. $175. Call 208- Cul. spill, dolivdolivoiod FREE bod, twin sizo0 couch, 18" rims ond Maglo ^ Vallov Treadmillllil $60. TV 8200.423-4611 Buy It! I 58' loar projoc ond olockod $16i 0 y o « a e x ^ Z c e RCA 27-$3"S3S ------3 9 ^ 2 6 $160 por Iramo & hoodboordd tires. 208-280-1132. .735.9379 STARCRAFT ‘97.r iioS T Sell It! lor HDTV, HC tiowtosj cord. Joromo10 1oroQ. Indudod, motirossos 208-326-4631 206-735 ORYER. A cond.J. $750. Enlor Coll Oavkl. 324- 1 con- 324-4932 moy bo usod bul noi * EASY OOvBOGoiic™ K . up I firopano, whllo, looks „ ^ toinmonnonl conlor, ofCoB2S3-988-3/18-37J2. focommondod. BodJ ■: ^SK 4' A harrow S', otocrrtc. no« now battorlos. compo'r, $5000/o1i/oflor. & works greal $150/ Times-News 1 hardwocwood. $250. Va l i » i i i i i | ^ ' as draw bar for lull covor,/or, oxcollont Bowtek ‘06 a , oBw. 20e-420-07aB T-T in rij '^ '” 0 >> I'' you allo- Classified haul. 208-410-1105 ulling Wllh ATV or condillon,n, $3500 $ Cell gio^SS, 34 IrKh. 60-7060 acior. Groat lor land- 208-536-67:^7 7 4 pouna. ion ha FREE ralrloeralor. 16 MANOFATHER hand, . cu. ft., froozof onlop, . A fl conditioning Mplng and wood r r p p uCE c e INSERT S500 vrilh OxtrttS.1. Call< CLOCK modo In Gor- jniroi. Pold $800 will - , Q ^ working condl- Will ^ fill every ^ mony. loss thon 1 yrr UNIT. Iroo sttmdlng. OSI iron, dou- 206-324-6785 tioii. Call 733-7116. J high olficioncy with I lor $475. 734-3257 , need. Y, 38*31 cul. $200. Coll ««of- 208' & lum. Loifl moro. or 208-539-2742 208-4 ad in Ciassineda lodty. I8-490-0761 or 431-5697>697 dayo 206<106-e564i____ ------TV 60*. sofa bod,. k lovo sool, dining withIlh 6 _____ chairs, nrmoiro. W.W/D, drossor. storoo cacabi- not. Olfor. Buhl. 21208- 1 ^ 9 293-7496. VIDEO GAME Vlntontoge MMr Ms. Pac Mon vidvideo M °^i°2^^-e50i01___ m l i r e c B t o n iW m WANTED Live, EviEver- groon & moplo IXOOS Ixo ; C sH iactallH m es-N aw sclasB sfflarisranrasaninnadiialB raiirlai 15:733-0881 axL!L 9 up to 30 It., loll. CColl ■wmoatlily rates Halloy WholosiMale Nursory 934-4594.t,

MHllllllllllIjlll WASHER^RYER " m 8 T H e H m S $200. now froo startand- f i n iBHBMB ESI BBBB ■ R I H H n 6 B S 0 E I g w y . * ™ stovo $300 Call 2Cr UTOBDULE I rsCollins Cnstom 431-2S70______BOmSCZfSNINO t r i e ~ ■ n ^PaiNB T?! dicmu S ld ln o ^ew W lUdoatTsraljob IniInaid e o r out. TOURS WOLFFE tanning bod b 81di.^.S.^^Vlnyl >n. at a budgot pricel w/loco lonnors. GoQood I M aye*VaS^& 8^' Tstructlon & tto S le S h ^ tao a s S k L , fhee^EE ESTIMATES. ^ a n tle r * auTounding treas. Soffit Padt. hand 'ing. General repairs, uor your condiUoo, $550. (2C(208) Ing drywall, painting, m m m m s i A a O ordablo, memori ,..CaU R a b v k ab MelelRoot*. Windows, Pailoi, H t u o s r .T suMd- s ; & much more, XCIOJ[iloroncos avail. Call Stevea I I 20MI6-B666 | ' ance. Senior discount. Lawn cate. a u n d w o rk ii IfcJj W B 'B iig W li 739 Regal 208-423.4004 | guaranteed. 208-734-r34-4724 m 2 2 w S o04 ^20^0^739 ' Cuel&Bobbr* I 208-280-3004 CW16818 Outdoc?’ightlng. caU^allMagloValleT Q a u l s g Dannia 839-7662 7 t# 19347 PalBlweika. CHAP MAIlUUf TILE - j w a iiD 1208-404-6fl62» | HoiMS,ne*r . S s s Ul iS S ^ ^ o e t CB ORUM SET SP 8 C O N C R E T E TNWFHT-W «PKrrP~1 coN sxaocnon o N CaU206-420.B25I biyotten" t Serrlng the Magic c o o i Concrele & Ught- ^ o>08-320-2627 CaUAulo^iloW iQ X ond 11 ooods to go A!AS- ; SERVICES CONSTRUCTION CC Bobezoi208-643-8111 Valley area 34 yrs. ing. Patio Covers 187-0889 AP- $60d Sloragoi Repairs, Ramodel,■ transplants < H a p p y a S T a n d HJHJIINO cover, yard dean- * or 200-320-0650 shedsds. Shops, Replace Fauceis,MU. IVeeior services, up. mowing, hedge 44 yeai S r i l J “or" PIANO KuTzweil RCE«12B44 TVsnorWcWork, Wood Toilets, Sinks and^ loader, rolottUlng, trimming and tree Locatecued 2AJ ml soulh n ^ t S l EnsombkIble I___ ' Fendng,Ing, Interior Counter Tqpa.„ blade work, posi and Comznerdal fli trinunlng. ofa 0-0364 S3400 Ing&Home' Ptlnllngand1 hole digging & CaU 206-410-0781 KS li^ t r a n d M t midentiil. DCD O Z E R w o r k ] m alrs. Wheelchair Ramps„ p g . dump n e k services. Bood*d& Insured. Hourlr rates. erS08-324.2483 . 6im 6u .&Tues. = = = =------= ■ , 208.737-9179. ^4.5514 208-324-812626 C a ll 208-316-0918 L______Pieaae aae cll berore SAWTGO ZM-1300 Turin Land 1- deanup & O O T H PIANO WWtnoy ChicaST daariiui. Ucense> 0RCE-14128Hf = = ^ ^ = = M E T JU i go. upright. $500 01 678-4040 Bnrlay I luSr . s s s ’H S ,. J a c k F o r d ------= = ! . Frank &Son Landscaping 208- rice and bosl oflor. Goodlrtg"9. o n Q ean ups, weed I o i m z m i T s „ p '£ ’Simmerdal S i 539-9633______d cutting. Oower beds S < p r in g a e a n -U p s Haazts&Ewida | I—^ r c T o u c h I ------and Rasldei STUDENT C EUloT O IpeeliatrSMTtosi r sndotheroddjobs. Umn Mowing ecometoyoul TWINFMPXLLS 3731 OT420-7197 >— AUDono? DriDtivewayiandanr m J oi m m S t yo'> " * w It-DELINO Sapain Look nofuRherl J e ftn^ S i 5 f« M IO O W ED D IN O S >>«n«and Inlerior/exterior, —* Rents&SeUsDi H.11II1.010UI " S s or. We will respond] ^^7M-W310xt.2t I PlusOemoUtion. ------— — ------1 Bridesmaid R« i p a J o h n 's 6hawl>-VeUs4 Call Paul BrKir W e do s o d ^ l | dla^pa AAAAAAA tiedweean Ci^trrem^ Matt^l^2316 U R e p a i r s Homecoming C 208-539-92092( d?S?liq>& delivery. Long & Roundn d tables t Swrlag an o< Idaho. ^ F o m t t ' i T r e e ^ IdrssleorrenL Reasomlonable nuee. Brown&whlteiiltedisirs MltypMcfeealen, Froo CoBsuliatian. r S 7 'i .V ' ■ S e r v ic e Delivered to your . Call201208.131.0322 llO S e ttliK ' 'cncknsalr »0M «>4«11 133-8838 In y t Im tamodela, Additions R i g h t - J home, b u sin M o r j or»06 O p m 7 days a WMk. constnetion site | ,. ID “ TwrtlBOlota. and Malntenanea. C o B S tn ' s s s g r a2] - TrM&Shnib : r - r .— l 1300 hta. trai-II- New Construction. Roob. wli "ftSoSSSi^ Nei wlndawa. Homerepsirss ‘Mioining& L— «o»-”»-T<»ti I ri™mvy.wtrM^ Window WaaV aahlng erod. Immaculata.I*. Tto«.d*b«md. ioenaad & Insured. PslntliIntlng. Andrwnodallng ig ReaavBL h Lotas al $5700.208-293-$5a77 "9 0 0 JUPHIX/T JCallSyla EgrMiwliwlndowB. U evw edainsnrod. 2 |» . R ™ a 208-131-2144 Conerets •d - 14 Tears Bip. ■ p m p t QENERATER 4,00030 .1^08m0.H46 ret* sUbe. RCMiasa? to n a t . *Commerdal -MMKWMIO Rafaraneea a * avail. P em EiftbM M imI CaU 208-308-2886 '19S0 JalTi Patatiag! axtarioirior & Inteilar 'Gutter Qeeni S40020M20.4701 ■ I— .... I O fiiaaUa 834-tSOa B E U A T » g w i i iperty repair. ‘Insured ia l ------JjUe«>^ pnpe J2B SpaeiaiLubrlcatkM B & S I N C . RCIW» iralheUtileHepair^ insured. rMlden- WaoOo O a ra w ld e •MamberBBB I rVaSPMLT^ iSniohMicDdBaiha i - - — — ' th e ^ fa r t^ u e l^ r ^ r i ' tial, oommerdal. . ra n g e ofaervlcea.< Dr. 8qaea{ •modal spedalists. ______t Fbr tha beet priees rentals. 89 yts. esp Call 212-08832 208-138-H f&OJUphaU ^InsndngtrtUabla. SOUTH:•It H IM — I C^TWiU, Palm, TUeUe C a U ' Rreaeetimatea ...... ' UmbwandThiwaa. klaho AutriSen Bam R K M O D l ^ ClorerLemf i S S S S l K I0e.I38.4M4 1B38EMradMAva .Uttojobi. R C T O tM ST^ TaxdSyttems »RCT-i7B7a S30pmMon8^24*I* Deaa t084l0-IIU eedoora, i' ' ' ' C a ll 208.131-3192 l _ ■'^^aCTWoas I —“SSS” I— m H u z — 1 L D P H B l . S id tc h aaetbinata. n a Btusart ■■— ------^■•=7 T H IN K SUETT U I KXDKTaadBOn Flooring,a. drrw< aO . Solo tio n s TIQUES ft Tnawo i ^ P t l i > o n | |0M Orti7 I p,pxnfTiNo ofc. m m [ o Feinting. U T I P dnlno WANTED 1 c v towm j C o B s tr e o tl o a smati •- O a i d e a S e x v l e e AndBctvlor. naming, groond Reaodelingi mior dolyorsfflalMlsr. IVfrbo«nMi.»palzi, An ____ ^^axturino Accredit)dlted8«Uar Ol IBoatlon. Call a0M 2O.28M ramedel* *ep^ ace Flnaa .oorar, powar s s s s r s s . - otdebda. •ral tildng, tiaa trln* FiMEstimales liniha for IniotmaUon 2 3 i S ? S l £ . aeespiaa. WadoHaU-fBwe. RCE-8010 WANTCO m I n m * . Homixl8nd( ► ? :‘-"to»>n»4n» 201X08-73frSei8 ItoW t X abea I0s>n4480lm Tt— m J a S ^ O eU Bin Insnrancanoe dalna. lOMUaill (L :^;^Malii^tg^91W RCB»W. . RCT#«aaBOQ K c m w a __ nnitmi«-it6i wM44426 TIMIII CalltOB SH^SSSSIXl'M I . I

• V D-14 T1iM»Mm;Tw

' v ” 902 : n ^ 907. • .' i I------r CrogeSales ■ Mot[Qtonycles l^ v e lT i^ ^ S u n dday C rosswv i o r d Edited by Wa>/ayne Roberl Williams WANTED Mull Tticy- TWIN r FALLS Sal S YAMAH,AHA '00 TW200, DESERT FOXC'04 '04 Toy do. Ront, borrow of Sun 0-4pm. Lols ol o»c cond., coi 500 mllos. Houlor. 40000 OiOnan SLAMMERS bvRoi obert A. Doll, H attiesburg, MisMississippi buy Jof cfwap. Cofi baby | lloms. slrollof, 'onr rack, ro molo Jack Qonoralor, 21',’ '■2 2 t«i- r:— n — IT— 20a-733-2013 If no high I chair, baby (uml- rack,1. groalq (or hunt* lorlos, micrownvo/nvo. AC, 1 2 3 nnawor pkiaso NmsQ. luro, i adull clolhing, ing. irails In & Birool. good cond.. $19,000.$19 _ _ _ _ _ lola Ol shoos & winior S2138.38. 760-5631 or 436-8189 ollorlor 5Spm, ‘0 WANTED oil Tropt I ck)iho3. < Qomos, loys, 720-74,-7470 26 ft. 5* 23 Of folni(KJ lloms. dryor, { somo smnll np- YAMAH/.HA w aiocc. 25 “ “ Now or oU. Local pis [ & lurniluro, books, good o 1 supor buyor. Cash pttkl. & ; low moto. imgalini o..»i 3 r - „ . : “ond. „d. only h aling t>iko. usod a toww Call208-731-a296 1170Valencln Si,000.00.206-678-1784 ' oil 206- ■ ■ ■ ■ H i - n orOOl-! i^e^oSDOnho^r's,or Spm. 30 31 32 WANTED Booksi I HTWINFALLS poy cash (or old Snl.9-34Sun9*12, < )” or KEYSTONE'03)3 SSprint* 3o“ “ — books. Woslom Hisio- Roslauranl Jj tlh whool ^ ^ ^ ry. Childfon’9, Ulorn- oquipmoni salo. Slido oul. ^ — luro. LOS. Mitiury. Misc. w tosiourani iiotid oo’o*'*“■* lull couch, big Win* olc. I Iravol to buy. . 9 0 3 ' dows, donn onond in r 7 - *“ — • 600-823-9124. “ so 67 — — n a K A n d o'om shopo. sq$9,900. ■ ” WANTED Cnmoras TVTWIN FALLS u a u ^ A m 208-720-5500. o or r m * ------35mm, manuaJ. (or Sunday S 9-2 ond Mon- A C O 9 day 6-12, Mons XXL ccessones ”ii. i;s Buhl pholography ' = . KEYSTONE '06 ^ ------class. CaJi 3g6-45oa nndWomonsO-lO cqURWIWINNS '84 opon Cougar 3I4BHS. doibos, dosiflnor . HS. dou* I I/O. runs good, bto bunk bods,Is, Slldo. ! ^ WANTED I CO “ Cash polo (or oldor US ' "’‘’"m i-ciiS m s''"'' 'indor, lito vosi 4 , groal cond.. $21,000. S21, modals, badges, ;333s7'o‘„ n S D , . r akis includod. 206-961-1020 ■ I ■ ■ palchos, uniforms, — :— . ■>. 7 , s, TWINFALLS ^08-7» l ” i ^ 6 3 KEYSTONE-06 souvonus, (loW and TW W-/J1-U1UJ Springdalo M-260260TBL, 73“ ““ “ (liflhi (joar, Paul Uddorly Fnmiiy . .' c9 0 4 quoon bod. Ibunk 733-1691 Of 420-0414 insldo/ouisido yard , Gronl — ------snio. On now ihough L o lZn ip p e r s A n d S . . u r . .vory ^ 111- “ “ “ ^ ■ bT ' ” ” ” 00 5 WANTED Colomnrj ‘ Soplombor 29". ' & scanoo, squnro ondod g, C h p n c llo. Call atior)r ‘Spm. ______Evoryihir>g musl go. . ’ JJ $13,500,637*40814080. 09 canoo. Musl bo In ^ i h i h p ^ I oood shapo ond roa- — ED SHELLS"" K i f r i ------!•' Im 05 IH pr 07 oonobfy pricod. y—Low Pricos- Cnmp trmior.or. ” Call 20S-S39-4483 [ ■ w e e k e n d I Sot0dl0f>. 16'-S1200. III MARKET 312 HHH ^ ■ l O I 102 WANTED (arm oround 312*1525 Call 203-358-157•1574 I- lor loaso. Dodo or , , IS BACK ALArdoiaits dl CO, oxeolloni ci slammer? io Mc 20M78-2936 ------dlilon. $6,000/oti Moro comfy ol wisdomlom 112 Actress Urono " • SHELLS (6 E r .B c S s , 93 RAM and ROM II Corrida Co shoul 77 Mado dinyiny 113 Noun-tormlng " WANTED . (85) in Slock, Call 208-436*9449 oxomplo10 Ford Supor 208-431-5900 " ■ jr»mmor7 (undion 12 1965 19 PGA winner 78 Vague imo*moat suttlx Trailer (Of 14' Outy, $551 ______30 Tido compoilior 96 Spiny onloator 13 Slngor Sir Shirtoy 80 Scottishinogativo not llODoblchit -ir. aluminum boot. gni»1 ,AIVS 206*43M“ ■ WILDERNESS-64M 119(1 33 AnDocoonisi 98 Sups 14 TholmaorTox Th 82 Clnrltiodtol(tal l17Ta-tal Coll 206-637-4399. ^ j — ■ tandom oxlo. soil>11 ctcon- 35 Bruco or Spike 99 H. Rider 15 Sp »2 Motflfcyles TRUCK Spot 83 Spore sacsacs 118 Unsonlo CAMPER lalnod. good ' coicond. 37 Middling grado Haggordnovot 16 um. Uii blit 88 ’Root like a 903 I keo 119 Cotleovossol »3 BoatsiMolors -771. 8'8 ovorshol. S2200/otfor, 731-231-2354 36 Pass Inio law lOOManuscripl 17 Greek Gn iollor bultorfly*'boxor bo 120 Moo _ gai pan XM CanpersS Shells hoalor.noinowportapol* o r 734-6116 41 Prosoivors submission end. 18 Bibiicol Bit goxden ______9051 )r pump, carpol ------o( 0 son 101 Smalt, horned 21 Physldsi Ph; Echvord [Q|H|ri[aujii* his Includod, WILDERNESS -90 906:m SnowVelWe seoo/?l(or. ! ! l j r “3 Uke somo poolry/ • ■ vipors 24 Fre Ilor. 316-3661 whool. 27 W It.. Oxc ‘•8 Cold slommor? 103Summenlmo sc S | i | z r r r r ------— lont condilion, S50MOOO 50 Atlor*sch, grp, ELECTRIC WHEEL g08 I bovorogo 29 Poc-iOsch, Poi ^ s ; s — . Call 206*42(M727 52 Anno Slon movio CHAIH Foftross, 2 '------lot campor. ox* » 104 Outer spaco 30 Oocopifvo Ooi 5 3 H I o ■» brand rww battorios, 2 T— “ ,. - V - o r n c o i i o m shapo, shi $1500. '• ■■•■''T,'gij8'»r.r» n r- l 53 Snodior olammor? m chargofo. S750/o(ler. '...vl';■ ■ Call206-5 100 Sonto and raise 31 Long-halrod Lor cat a 7 h a 7 n M Excollont cofxJ. Con ™ = "’° . HtflltyrTraflbiy “ s r chicks 32 Fragrant Fro wood 5 2 I * J £ H dolivof. Coll 3e8'2669 -lli—m m m A = . 55 BVroy Ihoator 111 "Bom Froo’ 34 Lao-uu Lac (otiowof S £ £ M u i ir HnihM 'i cargo trailerIR ' '02 sign lionofts 36 CoHee Col choice ! ^ y TV TRAILER 4 placo. 16-, sido door,If. V* 56 Radon and noon 114 Sharon and 39 McConhy's Md ; ^ 7B 7 J llll. 7 V4X14. liko now, f.r, • ' ' I a RVS/ ••. noso, intorior limlined 56 Possagos Duronl oilomoy allc Roy j j k ^ S1200.orlrado(oro2 t ’ • wilh plywood. 6'6' 4* 60 Military 115 Smalt, adobo 40 SocSock onrti 7 IH? TT plMiDlaco Irlr. 734*4769 ALLEGRO: 0 -80'i Class A. sldo to sldo, oloaa A. 36 (qdi GUNS 30S Savago low miios.OS. Slide ouli f o r d '68 pickup be modol 99C w/scopo, ------It condition, w ff lalkjolo, S S3& 3 ^ ’ '* '' '• i~ ' ...... — I DODGE -95 3513500. du- FORO '91 F-150 XLT5 Elhkro 12 ga sholgun FOLADLARIS '03 oDy. utility bod 1, Call 208- FORD-73 pickupObod bo ENGINE Oodgo 3.3L. DUMP D‘ TRUCK -93. U t M bod. Cum* oxt cab. 4x4. 2QKQK modol 37 foathorliio, P>Prodaior SOOcc. « -or 206*280- tailgate, S250, IHC 4900 with 6 yard mins diesel.ll. AAT, AC. miloa on b fobulirte? S2.900 or bost olfor. ■O. V6. Low milos. $450. " CC. low mito!nitos, vory molor. AT. AC. > w ; CaU 206*308*1299. S2.0 ______Call 206-539*7700.’00. Coli 206-731*5266 Or dump. 0 466 DT diosol. B | S | - - pinnPloaso call 308-4811, **”'*• cloan & worksorks roady PL Now liros. baltory; HI STANDARD ARI5______208-S39-1689 Allison, AT. hi low m m s 'y; :H '02 30'. HAULMARK '02 28'. \ roar, low miles. Work $8900. Call1293-5587 29: oilomalor 4 slortof !, wim oxtfiui. 200 POLA^ R-i?^2W D,4 « S r ‘^"AA, loadod. noso drlvo*ln/oul ul' 5 RANGE ROVER '00 roody. r $14,500, 293* b VCKE- 2;: rounds ammo. $725/ wtiocvtioolor. vory good 7.300 mitos. mllo Asking place, wllh oxiro:'Xiros, 4x4. good cond, now g ■KET TRUCK OODQE '99 ( ssa?______Ford '0 offer, 1892 Winch- condwnd. $1500. Coli $58 500 Call ' 206* srtowmoblio irailoraliof. Irons, noods work. — d '01 F*550, 4x4 biuo,rogulorcoir cab. 4x4, FORD "gs F-250 HD oslor partially ro* 206-:-06-293-5567. 733-53144 or 0 420*2351 llko now, $5400.. CallCi SSOO/olfor. FORD FC '81 9000 GMC I 42' wh. Atloc, cnjiso,- AC., oulo.ou V6, Modol XLT. staraoraI storod. S400/offor. — ^ JZUKI 07 Quod wood Cl- Bob 01206-731-0002X102 206-356-1567 ^ 1 hit. power Onty k 55k milos. cab, king bod, 176K>K Olhof guns as woll, SUZUi ko diosol, AT. $7999. CoD 324324-2279 mikis, 5.8 EFt. conWsBS 206*543*5691 |P0^Ipon 2400 Spoclol PACE ABRC1R0W 77 27- TRITON '03 12' snow ldiik)n. mint condl* convortod long - whool baso, ^kw miles, woB wilh •84 Vacaiionooror Id 110. now mobllo/ATV troll* niainod, “ FORD '00 F*2Si Xl UEUPOLO Vor( X2, 6- ,7^on. No limo to rtdo - tiros. S1.65< Wook molors S3.500 ovor Shot campor..ox-, 16 powor nno scopo. "llntopeoBtboioliis^Olosa ooodi/oKor 420-7602 .500.293*5587 68K milos. ox 5 ^ oollont shopo, « ? 035 5 iy loss Is yoor gain, 5610 or736-4677 736 covor wllh rom; flrw duplox cross *5 ^ I cab. $ 10,000,OW, W l or will soil soporaioly.'ly-; holrs. oxcollont condl* ,208) •M Rnvnlf ®P"0, $3,195 Of• twsit»l IffINTERNATIONAL '66 cHEVY '( 46 or 208- Call 206-639-149^ ; I or CASH PAID 446 4 Cummins, vory Nonh f tion. 1 year old In tho , Fne« odillon: ------box. 40mm ob^odlvo, YAMAl for unwanted cars. fow fr miios on ongirw. h|»ck. i jr iMAHA '06 Kodloc with twoL “ ' S ' ■ , toadod, 7SK FORD 'Ot F-150 ------Irucks. vans. Froo goodahapo.825*5214 «c " I j j ; . XLT 71K 0x1 cab, 6 cyl, $350, Ryin 639-9545 400cd modois, f];jTiffERM-ATlONALMl J ! ±>43-6553 ^ ml, nico j ahoil. $4595 7 3 4 * ^•9 9 9.600.733-3667 oling. Ford Fon Supor ------$11,500,308*65 Win,, slaJnloss wllh Duty V*10, t I j l 206-320-7001 COE. model 9670, CHEVY 'I composlto slock, two whool * '60 pickup. 1 ------cor tow. mamany oxtros. vory woll maintainod (on, fto FORD -94 F*150 M.T,T, Loopold VXII scopo. (tolbod, singlo FORD ■ '01. Suoer oxiondod cnb.b. S56.000. cCall 775- somi-troctof, Detroit whoolI work trudc LOAOEDI liko now. ssgs/oflof, r,-JnQ 60, groal fuel ocono- Runs g p. 206*54»669t = = 755-2430.h______good, $1000. crow, loaihor, m y ^ d rongor 10 (208) 421-0367.42; sunrool. 4x4.4. Sloroo,1 Call 539-6359. RUQER 220 Swift MPER 8', %' ovor- SUNCREST.'l Doluxo spood transmission, » l. doan, boon in 36' wtlh oil ------low milos. $17,500 $• Varmint $650 or best f"®'- londom drivo oxlos, CHEVYf -92 -i 4W 0 ox- 733-9018 oHor. Call 208*720- orogo $295. 206- Onty 28KC milosIm Musl JUM* CHEVY '69 El Comino. oirt rido susponskin. toivind c »-S190 KImberty soo lo opprodoto. o 1001 Aviation now point, now on* oircondiUortng \ 8278, Holley______------1— $6,000 cash ? “JJD'SliS' FORD-03 Range M3-MW 1002AutofWto«SSOf/wy gino, now Uros.. now c ). Coil 206*608* 2x4 AC fl7K SAVAGE Model 12. HARLERLEV DAVIDSON Call 206-543 l003AutasW&nt8d cojtxjroior, $4950, , )ol r t e ‘W o n i or 206*219-1015 c’«ll » SWH?" 22*250, Accu trfogor. 'OSS ■ Sofloll Ooluxo. Coll 206-539-7700. syniholic slock. Bush* *5000iOOO In oxtms. 4000 >, 26 * ft,, (uoi lOMArtlQwiWectible r '94 Silvofado. ------1105, Only $14,300. I'')o«od 460 . t X ' S S i n non 6x16x50 scopo, milos, •fp CHEVY 7 0 Nova, 1 n, V9, loadod, FORD-04 F-250!S0dlo«H, < 5JBL. \S " AT, t e ill toko guns 08 pan orator, dool, oxcoitont condition ivNlo, sin* crano, 16 mpg, IIM w/100 routJds o( om* Will to runs slrono *M6TfUdiS Strooi or strip roody, $9.250,208kW1-469l| $9 00. 31K mlku. wNli mo, extromoly occu* payme cond. now cond., low alkir puller, 1007Ttuckf>2itsS noods point, minor In* — 206*946*9557 gk) cab, oxc con - $24,000, 206-667867*6663 miles. $7900. — HLEY DAVIDSONS sk»ps 6. $8900 $€ Cail Actessory torior, $6300/o((or L0<.M DER BUCKET (ita Brian 20»4t2-0662 ( o r u Call 206-308-4692 nat*AIHsFii k»der. Exc. CHEVY *t ■ solo. Coll 206- 206-543-9061 1008SUVS Y-98 1 ion. f o r d ‘05 F-160 STOEGER 12 gougo, 731-K shopo. S3.000/pnor 4W0, du 1*1009 for moro in* f n w f n s o n f! 1009 Vais & Buses CHEVY 7 7 Comoro *c , dually, diosol, 17,000 milos, 3W Inch, ovor/urtfor. formal■mallon.______Call 208-461-2412 runs&cidrtvoagood, 4x4, oxiondod lOtOAutnWanled LT. Con bo rostorod. ------totaol ”i 3 i IDA '05 lOlfKrwporta, lots ol oxtms. $2 lOlHmoortiSecrtCarB $1,000 or bo« offor. ' r r : 1,' plus case ot shells, sharinyidow Spirtl. 750CC, i ^CONili^CT'^ I Call206-306-6» S950Wfor Call 206- 20Mai-2412 . tX)milss.blad(wlth LookingM f o r I 10l2 StoekCafj 734-2060______I FORD ’60 4x4, shot 1 redflamoaon Cnni^^ 1013AutoSHVIe«/nep^^ FORO -61 Unlbody, ^ m . r a«M 57o TtKKA gasjaslanlc 1 $4,500. pickup, great thapo, CHEVY 'i modol 695 338 col Call3all »6-a2g*0672. MachuStees — ■ Can BMay at 208* 2“ $ ! ^ «>Ro REMF Editloo $700 or r r m _ 637-4114 ^ IBSK mikS A ™ " ' ' ^ condlUon, rona bdWoWof. 731*4682. 4DA -65 Gold Wing Call 206» » a o - 2 2 » H FORD ‘65 Muatortg, S vb“.“ WINCHESTER 7 m n bikors?K “°"-,sr ‘A ■ t vory hlc«: S6,TO0. i s CH EWT; Se ------PW, $3re0A3f(er* . c ] i '5 ^ ' WSM, brand new. tuo $3,700,700 or will trado lor m Call Betay at 208> Sllvorado, In box. sa. aynthotlc ATV.V. 2 208-536-6264 or Check ua c 637-9114 W bi « “ ® NOTICE WgBgMg’tfgTj' S”wh«whaet plate, FORD *88 F*250 d QMC ; SJerrs 2 6 » . «0C*. $550AJffer. W it 206*326*329*0214______now Urea r 1 Ing 10 trado for good uqm qa Ctasalflad FORO‘67Muat^ . M lm,Slt.OOO ptoled. atmight 'IDA '97 Xn 200, Advaitiaara convertible, 11 OK actu- | S Call20e*4ie*43»*»440or needa engineS-S. SjSfflS •a t cortdliion. runs almiles,«xocond., _ ...... ' 806-< «-<31-«000 no nist. $500 i laL $1,500, Call >' *^^S.73fr693g ■ ------206-94B-9300 6>«7IM043 Pleasa check your CHSVY'W*90 Z-71 extra ------H______206-73i-40a2 , i •a» 6" ^ ter accuracy thehe N S8 AN -69 Patrol, H cab 4x44x4, matching FORO '66 craw KTM *0 QMC W 3600 extr<5«>. 9'. awning, firel day It runa. ■ 4*4, 6 cyllrjdar, on* = ehol..'kMloaded, extra dually, tuns 1 yflo heater, T>ieTlmM*Newaw1ll«1tl ownar laal 30 veara. 1, very good. S2000A>l(er. 'w»n ,u immaaiiSel »900. All TRUCKS S S 'lS il. HONDA G«Mr»tor, $16001 lod cond. only be raesonalbla nlea, 439-6696 FORO tX) F-250, Can293-66e7 . 8< -5697 daya ontroke, ext 3000EU wtth cart. Ul* KTM ‘0 l o r t r v i S a n qulat, hardly uaad ture,s, rrac* bika, vary CONCORD 770 0 20 H n, ropotlad on the flrst « TOYOTA 7 4 Land : <03, 4WD Si?!ooo/bSS.‘ ‘ S1.600. Rm8«, 16K. willI malntafned.m naw Ml> contaJrMaJned, AC, day o( publicationn CrulaerWa0on.lotsof ^c / S ? s s » Y i ° ° ,a i„ 6* whaal Mich (iMa pwia.ia. IS900 Call 206- naodi minor lna,6apd,eh«>, TOYOTA • « 4Ru nor repair*, Pl«a*aCal » radio, 76,000 6 apd., nice I ra»a).«200. CaH20e- 404^30M 003ora0«-3W - S1600totfar *1 « ______Call 206-73373»4461 733-0W1axL2 a n a ,SSO,000. ” CaU blown motor. $1 734-WSa.______a061 ■ J ao»45 a -i5«r 6-0769. offer. 260-1492 \ " i Sunday. Septombor 23,2007 IITlmes-Nows, Twin Folli. Idaho D-15L5 1 0 0 6 1 0 0 9 101 0 1 0 1 0 9 9 1 0 9 9 S u n d a y , S e p t. 2;j, 2007 : ’n i l C k S ^V an s^ Buses ALu U t o s AutoDealersers AutoDealers •OHD '91 Aorostnr, ^oWnKfor [I »«.□ 11 homo o, bo, '05 Rono 4 I a IIVe"c HICLe"s~ Iho pans, SOOO I??- XJK, ; AC, cruwo, WANTEDll T H E A C E SS ON BRID Gt E I ^ B o b b y W o lff T r u c k s rtiomo whools Soil your vohielo lor S8^700‘ gB°0280.0000 Immodiolo LookinK for SUZUKI •07 'fl F«lnnm CASHTODAYI‘'I' CHEVY '05 S-fvorndo, D ear M r. Wolff: D ear M r., W o lff : f V a n e A/C andd hoath( J' OKtra cnb. 26,000 W hat is llie strongest liaiiiand you've In today’si climcli ate of five-card ma- V d l l b lorior. NowJniu r n ninufvr mokos at>d modola miloa, cuslom whools. Chock U3 oul O vowIransmlsslon OD pinyor. 1-800-574i.aoo-574-1240 1248^ ever picked up, and were•re you able jors it is ver;'ep ' difficult lo m ake the .^•mi>gcvall»ycam ^ -- J nnd lims. Only ■500 or bosi ol- 523,950. to bid it scientifically? right decisicision to play in a 4-3 fit, liirrUliiirK. I'u, YoU u d v o c u TOYOTA “Oe Tundra, H s)nso call 208- H 324-0069 OrriimlnK lilK. lliiri icate that opener raise Qund Mb, 9.900 f 358-2017.17;______• J 2011 So. Lincoln responder’st ’s m ajor directly with Chock U3 oul C? TOYOTA •(! •A • Joromo, ID. miloa, SZa.SWO. Coll J l I '01 Echo. S ANSWER: I had 29 HCPCP once. (I thrce trumpnips and an unbalanced ' ' 206-410-2329 b L , milos, PW. B h SmalleyJji^rs went m inus by shootinfing out six hand. SoI Inhow does responder I TBUCKS I ^ A N S WANTEDll I ^niM'’sG»(S&0539-22” ' no-trump with six clubs3s cold, be- know w hetlether to look for the WANTEOII Soll Soil your vohielo lof ____ i_____------50,000 milos. t Owniowner 1^ ^ - causei my club.s w ere toetoo good to M oysian fiifit. or stop short of k '89 Camry 5 poarl whilo. sunroc Soll your vohlcio lof immodiaio TOYOTA '8 rcach dummy.) Newsp, immodiaio CASHTODAYI C spd, 102K 10! milos, navigown syslon spaper re- game? CASH TODAY! Buying Bl atl yoora, SiSOO/olIoijllor. 543-C532 cuslom whools arand ports about stronger hanla n d s c o m e ' soSdiiny'M Hoy. Chiirlrsluti. .S.C. Buying all yows, makos mj and modois nllor 6pm.m. Iifos. Only S32.950. up a fow time.s everyy ; y e a r , s o makosondmodois ------324-0069 i-8oo-574-i24a. 7 : loollo. Slock. 5 2811 So. Lincoln,ln CHEVY-oe 1500 oxl ' therc • m usl be more exanamples un- ANSWER:I: IO pener raises with 1 0 1 0 92K milos. Jeromo. ID. cab LT. 5.3L ve. reported. I But I would nonot be sur- any semib*ibalanccd hand with • • . y • loaded. 1 ;• •. 1008 1.8L lurtx), Boso Sound Syslom, prised . if this was thct slstrongest tiiree decentent trum ps if no conve- .Autos """« low pkg, alloy wtiools,' { : SUVs =__ • . Sa.MO Call2M^83?: Cnl _____ GM Coitiilod. 'hand I ever gel to hold1 -— time is nient alternarnative rebid exists. Im- I ACUFCURA '03 TLS, 77K 6571 S23.995. Block* running I out lo beat it! plicit in thishis method is lhat re­ Tiitos, whito pontl 3409. sponder caican initially bypass a I a ll SUV'S I :olor wllh acconls. '^'.f^TEDFED CARSII I WANTEOII 1,517,500.316-0302 7 ! Soiiyoury.jr vohk;lo lor r « i i | D ear M r. Wolff: very poorr nm ajor — especially Soil your vohlcio Ior ____— .1 immodar> rjwdols colado ESV, navigd3 Irump. My partner translnsferred to pattern. Als(Uso note lhat after the makos and modois Call C 731-9695 1-800-57.-574-1248. lion, roar DVD. pon hearls, then bid three didiamonds, raise, responponder can cater to the 1-800-574-1246. —I whllo In cotoi ! JDI '00 S4. 60K, sil- —— ------1 S34,995. Slock, Should I have driven loLo slam, or possibilityy 0of facing three-card iCAOILLAC '99 'Or. 0 spood. twin lur- V^fAR^iRNING 4307. ; ; i „ . —s ; e ttle d f o r g a m e ? support byy nnol bouncing to game >0 V-6, 325 hp, Boso whonoufc pscalado. 4*4. powor „ lurefiasing a _ .. ponii ^ .1 J Unilrcldrd. Moiiloiitrrry. Cullf. UnlCSS h c WWANTS i to play in a 4-3 I ovorything. roar AC. n„T,i«iloroo, HID head- ^nhiP.St, moke m suro f O J J je v R D u rrcotor. l' s . . ^ t ; OnSiar, block. Immac- Ohis. gray looihor. fit. Jnce you (Wvo. youll itiilolslniho > L_P*t5r lock* J t a a / o i m B ^ L " • ulaio. S9500. Call 3l Iho soiior. /VNSWER: There is a mim id d l e a c - »anl II. Sorious In- IlnrtAr Idaholrl molor 208-733-3033 l ^ s only. $15,999. tion betw een the extrcr•emes you Dear Mr. WtW o lff: CHEVY '01 Blazor LT. 42»^ describe. U is sim plesest to bid My hand waiA'as A 7-2, V A-Q-2, ♦ ^1.°n“ ° b o D CHEVY '06 Sllvorado. f i4WD, V6, 114,000 BUICKJICK '98 Conlury, sold unlos!'loss Iho tlllo LS. oxt. COD, 4x4, 5.3L three , hearts (implying interestinl in K-lO-0-5-4. ♦*f» 0-7-5 in fourth chair, • milofl, powor ovory- c:D. q AM, FM. AC, isinlftor higher things), then pai ; thing. AC. CD. silvor. , 35« I____ V8. long bod, cuslom t pass part- Afler hearinging one club on my left, 35K mlloa, S3900. tho s( ner's sign-off In gam e, or 1 • oroat eond. S7,900, call:all 208-733-93975 (cxeoplloi M ►, CHEVY '00 2500. sor- )r move on one spade fnfrom partner, and two ' Csll 208-420-8737. ------nd “"'l to the stratosphere ifif 1partner clubs on my right, w hat would '■ ...... CHEV’(EVY '85 Ei Camino. ' 50k mllos, oxcollon shows any signs of life. you advocateil e ? CHEVY '99 Tohoo. LS. supolupor spon. good . " “i?®"fo Tho n o l condition, S13.900. fully loadod. loalhor. condi IlcliinK Tor Actioiclloii. I-'orl Wnllon llracb. H a. ondillon, S4200/oIIor „n,?hL,„5or 0' Slgnod • low paeknao. oxc. Call:.ll20a.4a.513D J D ear M r. Wolff; cond. 92K milos = = 275 S. Idaho Sl,. ll tho lollowi When an opponent overcjrcallsm y ANSWER:.: - A d i r e c t r a i s e in se.eooorbostotiof. X o M i ’O Wondoll 208-536-1900 Call 208-7B8-S931 C t a s s l f le d doscripiio partner’s minor-suit openiening with spades is : riright on values but P r i v a t e vohielo.lo. vohielo\ )uld I have \vrong on trutrum ps, a takeout dou- DAIHATSU '90 Rocky. P a r t y A d s idoniiiicillticolion p C Q l l B i i B l M a major, w hat range shoul (aboul CJS ci20) (uns numbor.or. iamouni .• 1900 for a one-no-trum p bid? I says it re- ble shouldJ ddeliver more hearts i good, now llros. wlnd- Require paid andX) namo(s)r S H m a in s 6- 10, b u t m y p a r t nier c i argues than this, soso I'm reduced to bid­ ; stiloid & rsdlalor, plus pro-pro-paymont prior to and addroidross ol tho I pans car $2,000. publpoWkMllon. Ma|or "now purcho Tho that a free bid should shouow more. ding two dianiam onds. I’d like anoth- : /20a-837-9050 cro.crodit/doblt cards. of solomus) bo Prlcr-Chfck, San Antointonio. TrxoH c r d ia m o n dd oor a better suit, but I & cosh oaoplod. signed,, doteddo ortd CHEVY '03 Suburbon. ^EXT.'^ 3rVMotI“ toar „ was not dealtalt it, so w hat can I do? F O t» '00 Exptoror XLT oir. crulso. CO, low showw 01acluol kjoded, toothor, run- ANSWER: Your partne:n e r h a s a 733^)931 OXL 2 mileageI ot ot tho timo ning boards, low pkg.. pkg.. S21.995. “ , ovo(yih)ng. roar nir. Tlmoa^owa ol sah). IIIfy you hovo CO. $16,995. point. W ith most six-coilounts I'd ' 94K milos. $6,500Aj I- jl___ IJ = U nny quojluostlons. Slock* 2290D. Slock* 22830. pass here. I might easilyly have 10 : for.208.420-6169 53535 DOE '04 Noon. or even a terrible ll poi:loints, ex- fOHD '94 Explorof V6. atrto.Jto. oir, ondor 40K = ' m m m £ mmm apecting partner to bid onn ii if h c h a s . AC. 157K, good liros. mllos. S lies. S8200 Coll 0"":' Call 208-733-5776 P ; njns and looko good. 208-T)8-734.5153 or208- » Coll 208-733-5776 anything but a balancec: e d 1 2 -1 4 , ii>.in.Ill ronlact IhiUiy Wiilir. i- niall him ul . $1895. 208-284-0128 410-5i knowing we won't make:e i g a m e if i>"W'y»-‘ifr:'iminUMiriil%|irinttniiii I.P-5012______I WHO conn hTiKM:iw.iiin. Ilnlln) Ki-ulurr S>Tiair3ti.-. Inc. OMC '03 Envoy 74K FORDRO '00 Tourus soil your that is w hathe holds. milos. Looks good >'6^16,000 ' mllos. Asklr>g rift«*slfl ona mns groaL 1.000. Will consldor CiaSSJtl ; - 1 0 9 9 ; ' . 10<.0 9 9 . ' 1 0 9 9 , ,1 0 9 9 ’■ 513,000.731-1S59 I bkfs. Can AatoD^eis AutdOi Dealers Auto Dealerlers AutoDealeis; I FIratIrst Federal Bank 733-0931I31 ox t 2 CHEVY ‘04 Impalo ~LS. HONDA '04 c n v . 733-'33-4222 e x t 3112 MhM«ih.0>c«>0lcvall*y.Gcm OUlO., V6, PW. PL. AWD, porfoci condl- CHEVY'94 Sllvorado'■ —H ' CC, GM Cortilled with 2500. PW, PL. PM, ; lion. Sunrool, tunning B G 9 JH' ...... IOOK milo powortroln boards, luggago rack. * ■ wortonty. $11,995. C0playorsi5,900. I' lm poitI t A n a Sl0ck»c3483. C»ll 206-308»77e7- | f | | ODQE '01 Durongo' FORD '00 Expodlllo ^O-S2 Custom Uno SLT, 3rd Soot. Only JEEP '82 CJ7. now PORO,’! PL. ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 4x4. XLT. 3rdd saoai Davidson supor crow. polhL k)is ot oxtros. ,* Vp- 900a. VOUSWAOE S S9,950. DODOE '05ua Irwignum “ ^ ioa'for. AC. PW.PU 3244069 CO. cnils S5S00 or bost oBor. "oln ------7 ” * ^ ° ° | i | CO. $23,986. , Call 208-280-0201 iuib8-308424e 2811 So. Lincoln soat. $13,9S i s S ”; '«»■ yslom. now Jeromo. ID. 52480. MlDDLEim U T JEEp '89 V/ogonoor ^0^*°W '98 Contour. 4 «<>«» .p j j t Of. AT. PW. PO. J 3 .o.000 a mllos. ^ ^ j n ' i m i l J i 275 S. Idaho Sl.. ' Limllod Edition. 4x4. "P®^- ir bosi oflor. i n u H e y J ! ^ Wondoll 208-536-1S0.^900 208-738-2480 ' runs groot. Good ick. . groot corxJ. Exc >g. $3100 731.1966 208-539-(I9-9391 . stonor CO/. Si.200 or Coll 8-733-5776 • ..>-■» •_hfist ollor. I S S CHEVY'04 Impoio. V6. CHEVY *95 Comoro. 21 (208)731-7280 I FREEREE JUNK C A im ^ S f t C kC•Cffl^8^CA. C 3.4L. oulo. . FWD.= aulomallc, AC. PW. M I R:REMOVAL I ------' S10,986. ■ PU CD. $3,986. I___ LooldiiRfor I 1'flOl-aOO-267-0869 I i ; ' V ■ ' 208-678-7580 I [MUSTANG m m m S a t j S U V s l U g —^1 I tock #77? rtrOM^car M IDD^^AUIT■ MlPDLeKAUFr ------lub cab, V6, 3.9U ■ B B FORD'03 Focus s e . uio. 4W0. S14,966. taiLX wagon, 4 cyl., 2.3L. JOA '00 Ch-lc SI. ■ I 208-738-2480 ^ 208-738-2480 Q FORD'OOWIndStorlfH 1, ini’, O U IO .F V ^ .986 K miles, k>OdOd I misc nnrta MlPDLeKAUfT crulso. CD, quod o p m z.900 : Coll 208-891- flrm.C^SOj" £ 5 ° ! SI for moro Inlo. I ■ .. 1 1 208-738-2480 4x4. quad-jod-cab va, n » lr a c k ^ 7 j95. 9 ^ MIDDLEKAUFT I Chock us out <9 dod wllh only HONDAIDA '03 S20Q0. 6 j'^ '^ C ^ O S E Clufi ^ 208-738-2480 g S j S 17.000 millmllosl Only Md Roodslor, k A W t h i n « IBIn ouic $22.995.19i 000 mllM. Ajikbio CHEVY'04 K1500OX1 W ^A N ~89 Palhnndor 35.000 ___ CHEVY-98 Lumlno. SSL rtjns grool. looks S2LOO1.000. Will conaldef r r : ------cab l s . running ^ ■ m i ■ ■ h M boards, chrome rock-^ V6, outo. olr. PW. PL. 2 0^ . SieOO/ollor. oDMbids. s — g low milos. now rat Foctaral Bank S S S B or ponols. vory doon, ■ ■^Ctfl208-731-5048. Flf»tF H $3,986. 8-788-2225 ------7334)34222-«xt3112 OM Conlliod with Coll 20*® IOOK mllo powonroinI m ji ^ cyl.. 2.0L. 5 spd ------;;SOVS WAKTEDII HOwnAIDA ‘91 Accord, S ^,^11 yoor vohlcio for warranty. $18,995.I? MIDDj^MUiT ■lanual, ■ FWO. V8. oulo. koyloss on- Sl0ck#c3415. 7,988. Ing 208-7U-7700.' Snaw try. chromo whools, FORD '01 Muslano. CAsliTODAVI a ’30ai«l.'^' B ck- m m Sl1.0eO,#6T661A. -■;;BuylngoIlyoor«, MIDDLEKAUtT PW. PU PM. t makos ond modois HYUND/NDAI '05 EJontro $23,880. tTTI “[fi D0 D( crulso, CO. wheo '.,;j-flOO-574-1248. GLS,S. dotollod/sor- M W H IH IIfro oin c BStratl^^ $2:995;______>:,"u . vk»d.)d. doon. 33.000 ■ H M M n 95. man SXT, PW.V. PU PM. ■ * 1 9 5 5 9 3 5 1 TOYOTA ’03 Soquola. mllosis ^ wilh warronly. ■ E H W H jH I CO. cc. $9,955. m M m m m m Alljfor. fully loodod. S10.44J>.449.30^3058. \ CHEVY-99 Tohoo, 2 to Slock* 52101 •mUrt eend. 79,000 rn T ^ T ; chooso from, 1 cloth. ,» :OUN ‘80 Town .miloa. $19,999, Must UNCOU > ^ looihor. 0 r»ly H— H H P M fT i H j n — ...... aoHI32#-5759 , Completoly rt»- S 9 H B H D $7,950. o o S e ‘04 Cummins. T C r l c n s i ______atorod.■ed. Show quolRyl 1 ^ ^ ^ cob. LS, 2x4. PW.— 324-0069 ------no lomily sinM w) cob, SLT, toad- Call 208-73: ZfflOTA <96 Lond Somo ■ j | | » PL. crulso, air. hord 2811 So. Lincoln —I. oxtra cloani Only ______^ • ■ s a i B i 'S S lH r, block wilt) ton ‘84. MmMusl aool $3,995/ B B B U P Joromo. ID. g!4,9S0 J B laSaiior. outo. AC. CO, Conlliod wnn ' ’looK, 324-0089 'S jr a . very good cond, S S S S ^ S powonrain worronly. Sm allejr^^rs | 2811 80. Lincoln iXRtoO. 208*2804570 LOOLooldna for 11 BUICK'01 Lo&• o ^ ro . $16,995. Siod(# Jmme.lD. H H H lor cob, XL p k g , ^ . olr. lill. crulso A aholil Autos Slto.S;..i T O R D ?2 e!5Ip5 T wiaXLT. 4x4, auio, cruisi^130 Only S10.995. m m m ■ ' ' oxcollont conoitwn, ( CO, olloy whools.S!®"' #9069T. S9.99S. Slodof 2293CS3D. KHWTTOJL*** IXiXVANS WANTEDI I 733-4000wo______208-733*^5 IHI >ieckU8oylg __BS 11.111 = IS Sobring, convortiNo, 275 S. Idohc, ^ 3 1 m m s^IA Call 208-788-2225 ^ f ^ A S H TOOAYl V8. aulo. air, powor Snu Wondoll 208-5 cil80e-7M-5778 M '92 323. orool I lop, PW. PL. AM-FM, ****“ I CD. only 44K mllea. DQe*04Roffl,quod . ' . oonty CV $1400. b 2600. Cummings t e s - “s 208-731-1009 lor • Now $1^986. ' i g g g a Inlormatkirt. ■eol, SLT, 4x4. auio. CHBVY '04 Suburban ), a l l ^ $25,980. ~ WBODiuM^ r r xkrrT748A. FORO -04 F-350 Pow- S 20(^m7700 ontroke. crow cab. 1 , .2^.' l» "’“•sll lon diesol. loathor. S i « aunnjof. tong bed. .ftirrty or rooni (or DODGE‘98I DuDurango. cyl., 2.0L, auto. FWC ^ . o T $18,998. Slock# Only $24,950. M M ' 3420. SLT. PS. PW,>W. PL. PM. $8,988. 324-0089 , casa. CD. & J | 2811 80. Lincoln 1 •97 88, grMi Ctll20«<78» — ; y, ^ W lDDtffM MT Jaroma. la 1.. 78K mSoa. - - i£8PAN0L. S3,80aio a 0*11731-4268 S i ^ ^ S 208-738-2480) S n u l l e y j q i ^ i n w o Infomiillon.- ? CHRYSLER *99 300M. CHRYSLBR M Town PS. PW. PU PM, Hit. ■ irCountiY Umllod, poNTUC1AC 'M . Flero crulaa, cosa. CD, ■ ■ 000 • ^ ' 3,8L; ortly 26K ’ oSomam rtm« & U tm. loather, aunroof, 733-4000 mOoa. must srf. ofltf wJ»o|fc»j9M. I jKSit,eoo.54»aa« 3S ,\|S MM !^M (£n.4^r, 4 OObOE ‘96 Ram van, 41frg797 ■ ■ ■ ■ I -;t54>«M«near. $4000/ POKTMC1AC '96 Qr«>d BH FORPtaFISOSupor WO- - ■ I ^ H P I Crew, 4x4, Larlai■imi .^ rsr:sr’«.. offor. C«ir .20* « 6- Prt* 8E, 8 E, ow. ahapo. S zJlh hS? ^ I M46or731.T17a nowUrw Ourango. s.4L V8.. laalhei 3n55',i:?o E s i s i i i r ■ent condl- chrome aUo bara S f l ' 9 T ^ “ a s y 's ; :K ^«»..A T, SU^UAU ‘99 Improza. m to m r n M i D 2B118o.Uieoln . B bW agoodused »’«>.«»• JM J«tNno,IO.-: now W m tuna 4VV0,I, AC.AC caaa., good W -aSSB wbtiTChMkout non. $5600«ll«r, ' « •r * ! - e ® ihost.. SSS4548 aftof Spm. CalJ20»-7W-; 20».73»a033 , tfM M xTM Lbi* 275 8 . Idaho>-S36-1900 B S m i D e y ^ ^ jrawatedwTaXBli WendOl20e-S3 -.)• ' Aa ;:- . 0-16 Tim«.N8wi. Twin FalljFalli. Idafto Sunday. Soptember 23.20.2007 1)099 1099 ^1 09 9 1099 »9 1099 1 S u j d oj|ku |k Answers:______A uto Dealers A u t o D e a l e r s A uU t( to D e a l e r s A u t o D eealers a l Auto Dealers 4 :6|5 2 M 18 i3 i71 7 ®L1 iff1 :7 6:9^3 5 ,4:2'2 FORD '02 £«ploror, ■ I A nsw ere r : 3 i55,2 8 7 4 6 9 ;;1 i V6, GOK milor., " '3K tnilos. LINCOLN'01 Conti- CMC'03 \i lon, quad 3,9 7 4,8 2 ,6 !J vufv, only cnD,, SLT. 4x4. short GMC '94 3.900. nonfal, FWD. V0,/0, AFRAID POTENTNT BANTER ^ Sl3.!iOO bod, t ctiiomo wtiools, 2500,0, 4x4,• PW. PL, loathor. dual powor-or FAMILY DOOMECED VERBAL 2 aoaio, only46K mitos, 166 8 9:1 5 4 7 ±3 5.3 Vonoc VO. loathor, PM 1.11, till C.U|S0, COGS, 275 s. Idaho S: NowSl7.98G. slidor, 1 10 SI., NowStl.90B A successful diet is a.a.matter of - 5 ,7 2?5S IcJnhoSl.. ^ ’s5 995 Wondoll 208-536-536-1900 | j ^ 7,4 2 3,6 1 8'9_9_ i L f l W.'t'Jcll2Qti-S36-l900 niddlekauff WIPDLEKAUFF - —— iiovn*-" 7 2 5 4:8:9 3 1 i66 200-733-7700 | l - - - S i V 208-733“7700 B B M IN D OV 4 9 ^ )VER : 9 :: 3 1 ; 6 ' 2 7 5 '88 . FORO'05Mu:;Mng, V P FA T TEIER ______I \Q'8'8'1|3 5:7|9 2 ~ : '4 VG. PS, vcty clonn. W i j m ^ ' i 2‘>K mcli-r,. only j d Chorokoo, ovetl I 1099 1099 . 1051099 1099.“ 516 SOO S ; HH s HH) loddod. GMC '04 Yukon, 4x4, , I A u t o D e a l e r s Auto A i Dealers AutoD loadod, DVD. ^ roof, tow pkg. S ts ) Dealers A utoDeaa sunroof, only 44K ' '•■ Stock' 2262C :-o s la.iiio 51. milos. ^ llko now HONDA': ^ ^ R S WANTEDll I , iV.'-Col(2CJ-53G-1900 S25.900. j: S4j99^ n i i l lor, AWD 4 door, fully SoliSolt your vohicfo for I Z L m u m— |V*,7 loadod with onlyjy it^modioio 208-733-573-5776 28.000 miloall Only CASH TOOAYI 523,995,'9109T, 271} S Idalio St.. E S il... MERCU'r Y '00 Grand BiBuying all yoors, '^ ^ ^ 8 Wonarjll200t>36 1900 733733-4000 Marquis LS, loathor, mfmakos ond rrxjdols p o n t Iac -rv! TOYOTA-99 Comrytiry. loadod. low mllos. t-i . 04 Grand i c pwiV. PL. ! tfr.o iK n Now $0,006 ------T2. 3800 VG, am.FM Now f .lulom.Hic. 4.4, AC, i i Coll 20*788-2225 — ^------^ auto, air.r.W PV P L A M . ' f’W, PL, mnninn ^ m m a ', all!alloy wtiools. m « MiPDLgMurr 9 B NowStO,900.900, B U B 1.0,wdf., Sfl.980. & JE E P '99 Grand | j ^ l>llDDL E M O ri B lM ' 5 Uit I 20S-733-7700 | | j MIDpLLhAm’ im MIDDLEtLEKAUFF 208-733-7791^ i S E T ° r v ' ° T c i 5SAN '02 Frontior. 208^'ra3'^3-7700 208-73e-2480 cncab.LS.V0, PW.PL FWD,510,986 «-’O O lo^w S8,9 row cob, SE, V6, cc, tow pkg, GM Cor- m.M ■ Ui lathor. sunrool. Only B H B S S tiliod usod Wllh 0 )DL^AUIT ■ MIDDLEKAUF I' S13,<13.950, tOOK powottrain war- ^ 'f S ' ^ cTs'S- 324-0069 1 ^ 7 ^ 700____ MITSUBISHI '03 281 ranty, $23,995. joa-j 2811 So. Lincoln V ^ O ^ o u o l ^ W Slock* C3427. J ” / Qalani, ES, suriroof. Joromo, ID. CD. crulso. air. w ogonlT:rvB. :'05Q6G T. Emotion, o n ly-«6K -^ f ^ ^ v n o u e f ) m a l l e y i j ^ 733 .^ 0 0 ISS' hor Bunroaf mItOS, $ 1 2Ifflg. ^ CI— S?i!Sr«u.i sound X Stock'8T049A.-^ XLT. 4x4, PW, PL ;: - - I , - promiom soi =oa-733.Tor3 spollor. nlloy nlloi whools. PM, llll, cruiso. CD, —_ i i p w m tunning boufds, .'TT LEXUS Stock* B i T f f & n B o H B ivliocis, roof rock, ' I Ca1tS0S-733-577S S7.995. ; '06 ' m I, P'Otnlutn 601twuhd. f o ovpl.o,sa.995. . Slo outo, air. runs groatl S10Ckff121, 324-

S ^ U e y i ' ° . i g E a CMEVHaLETl 1 1 ‘ *10,000 3 lb gvwr, MIDDLEIM U fT VW'06 Joiio, 4 door,r. S2495. Siockff t2S > a W ^ C 2 . _____ 208-733-7700 3 3 loothor, 34K (Tlllo:Ilos, 6*10:x10' onclOMd K B K ; f only $16,900. 208-733*^33 |[ |^ 9 P S1895 S to c k '126 E MITSUfllSHr9fi Mon- = 5 ~ ' placo ATV trailor toro. XLS. PW, PL ■ » ' j TOYOTA-022CollCo' C( -• ■ S950. Stock* 127 ' GT. auio.>. sunrool. : 275 S, Idaho Si, K B ’ MPM, mi. cruiso, CD. whools, norf bars, roof ■ ■ ■ f i a L spollor. olkiystoy|,^ CO. . Wondoll 206-53^901»00 n Q u m p ' ^ j 2378 E 990 S JE E P '02: Grond Gr loolhor. sunroof, gro S12.9S0, »X55 GMC'02Yukon.4x4.4 : Hozoltotl. ID. 83335 C hL koo)0. 4x4, COS- color, only 23,0( rack, lintod wirxlowo, * ■ ■ ! Coof, SLT pkg, lifiod. i____ 206^29-5000? S c D t • $7,995, 0>-DSS '01'0 Aurora, load- r R V n m I WANTED’- D. tow pkg,, milos, 527,68 Od, loc fully loadodll Only ------groat MERCEDES BENZ '99 loaihor. sunroof. M I M i l HH W n M i l l VECHICLEStI alloy whools}ols. $10,995, Stock'X578, W , M d r ^ ^ locolll cor,c only 72K ■ i m H H f i Sl9,995.*fl202T 7^ k« 2274D. !3,000 E-320, PS. PW. PL. 1 ||B |H hU Soil your vohicio for w 'to'lindnoood uMKi SlOCk* I 7,660. PM, tilt, crulso. CD, S. S8050. ^ U U S U BM Q ]m B M Immodiato ^ 6 i;tto« * 8 oh» „uiom( itomobUo? Check out M l F l loaihor, sumool, 733-4000 m i ^ H i CASH TODAY) aciassitkKtsloriNi whools, S12.995, owl MioetWn avaiiabio • > >m i liH I ClaMifiebT^FSrSli ywr " 2755 S-IdahoS St.. S S S SKS fs Call 208-7ee-222S n ^ . I6-733-5776 yttJKUooKxJdy 73M031 Ca»208-7 roods. 733 0931 o«l. 2 WondolldOll 206-536-1900 „3, 1.000.574-1248;.

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/ /

Eveiyooe s ln p «lonjilong KfUi suHarltt Irene Robbloi Ii I i ;a {royp of Ruulio Immisrant wfretrfretendiH stununer picnic In TwinIn Fallt' Ceotenaial Park to iate toh i f f u i Tbe n m to trjr lo sitb er mmotbb' ii — aod on Rouiaa bolldtjntjt — to Ulk about their hemclMd'ifld'i pelitict, moWn and corrent eventventfc

R u s s i a n Vw i v e s ’ c l ulb l gives w oo m e n c o nn m u n i t y ii n a f o r e i gg n p l a c e

m a te vo icicc c sinJ g in g K usslan speuleuk th e ir na tiv e la iig u a g e a nid d ssin g pop imisicliic b o u n c e s o il th e itussusKiun folk songs. Snake- Hiverv er Q in y o n w alls us It To o u ts id e rs th e g a ilie rin g s cou b e hlarcs fromim a .sinall tape player, calleliled a club: the women meet mm'o n th ly ■JTiujilnyerLMwcen rests food,beiw d rin k s Tortr R11 u ssian holidays, to w a tc h Ru: arid elaboratelytin ted bow paint ls o n a pic* mlovics, ov and to celebrate mlle.sion for n ic ta b le.vith co v eredbrlgltt w illlapesiry. Russu ssia n w ives — ev ery o n e nt this m e et- Ki/sslan immigrant;a n ts M a rin a W ells, inlg g mr a rrie d a n A m erican. B ut to tth e se S vctlayt Sclnickcri a n d l-lena at H utlcr cir* won:o m e n , w h o m o v e d a ro tin d th c g clc the tabicI out laying kvass, ou a sweet andid awayi from family, friends, foe carbonatcd dtinkwitlw ith a n e a rth y afte r- thicir c lr fam ilia r to n g u e , th is ga th crli Ata ste ; o1cr6tihl(a. a colccoW v e g eta b le so u p ; mlore o n like a fam ily afTnir. and sweet icepcs —— so s m e w ith m e a t B Be e tw ee n b ite s o f flufTy c re p e s ni and otlicrs wUh creancam ch'ccsc and raisin souptup, die women talk about housl fillings. T lie si^svadI Is a fe a st su ite d Tor priccic es in R ussia, m u sic a n d th c sn any(raditlonal\blcclc d u r in g s u m m e r In dc!talls tai o f th e ir days. R ussia. \ OlgaOil Alien, 43, leans over and apa| o lo - B ut tills is l \v in FillPAlls. glzcszes fo r n o t sp e a k in g in English. As o th e r w o m e n Ihclr way “We're “V\ not trying to Ignore you," s h e a c ro ss tJie law n a t CerC e rh p n n ial Park, saysys o< f th c sim u lta n e o u s co n v ersa checrfuI greetings rin(rin g (Jyt — b u t n o t In arouio u n d d ie p ic n ic tab le. “ Wc ju s t r English. spealleaking in R u ssian .so m u c h ,” slu On thlslatc*summcimcr afternoon thc explap la in s a s se v eral w o m e n w orkrk totc c le a n , „ . . . . women come logetheth e r, s o m e w ith u p> theth main course and othersI lalay v o u t SwBaiu Scbsckiftft.MDto'.ofTiriaFatitloloiInasni < gypty ssDf as Katrina Sergeeva, 21,21, righti and Madna children In tow. to cat Russian food, IccJ cci re am . WeII^35,lo«tnichckoftbewenlt.

Iga and Iier daughtciitcr, m o u th s. By th at timtii: e sh e was K a trin a S e rg ee v a, 2J,21, arc dlvorccd from iicriicr first husband, and u tiM reg u la rs at th c ga thherings. er th c c c o n o m y wa as s in i su c h a b a d s ta te oU lletlaM ,^^^S O lga c a m e fro m a [port tiint she started totoi took fo r o th e r tow nvn o n R ussia’s e a ste;c. rnS h e e d g e .! o p tio n s, in ad cW d ef like kens It to th c O regonand c o a st am “The people got{Ot p| o o re r a n d p o o r ­ btrbM baid. E 3 S im c m b e rs sn o w so atd e sh e p e th a t s cr,” s h e sa id . "It's's like111 y o u h a v e a 3uld Ju m p In to it fro:ond m a sc co n good life and onedle d a y it all ch an g c d ." o ry o f h e r c h ild h o o. d She h o m e . Sl Olga and Katrina PMpit tkat tr t I n a co m e lo th c U.S. !calls p le a sa n t s u m md d e ais y a s n d d eig h t ye ars a g o □no n a\ g u e st visa, a n d u h r apart — )c n t sv tlm m in g in th c w a rm1 oo< c ea n . O lga b e g a n ta k inn g g classesi a t th c fron tiiv □A fter ^ d u a t i n g fro m collegc.'gc, slie College o f So u thleni e n Idaho. On her o rk ed os a n u r s e in R ussia's p ut b ilc daily blcyclc co mn m u te se v e n y e a rs c e n t r f t i ~ :a lth sy ste m , b u t by th c '9 0 s tlth e a g o s h e m e t Paul,ll, aa farmer from Filer »a|M tbavt|^^^H ivernment began holding budtuck a n d a div o rce d fatha th e r o f five, a n d fell ages, so m e tim e s for u p to sixbl in love. M B nebla • i COM M ,' lajrt P lease se e StST!ST S S IN A STRANGE lANO, PageIge E2 - PHd, right. ueiiitliita^^^^^^^H R ead more: O F THEIR STORIES S, ON PAGISES E2 AND 1E3 . ‘•j: rem c o u sto r rec i ii ' • • • . spci >1 Al w o r heal gow w ng



I E2 Sondjr. S«pt»fflb«r 23,213,2007 ______I'A M II.V l.ll'i;-E______Tlfliw-Hm. Tirin r*lls, ^

S t e r : s in a St: r a n |g e l ;l a n e Continued from page El1

r.lUl, llOWf.ll, |H'1|U.'■l|u.'cl her Oljia.saUl somiitiie pcopie w ilh Ik t 1-iiijlish i-snsNays,;i\ bill h e re still j’ive heihern hard linic j Ilf in sisls ii \v;is ()l|;a'^i;a's ow n a b o m h e r accemeni. Slie cried ;iii)liiiion that tiiiiik-hle luT a about il al Ilrst1 hbill now ll ^ H l riuhdld^isi lor S i . I.iiki.iike\ accepts ihtacce.:cent as a pari 1 ; .\taHirVaIU;y iU'f^ii)iialinal ol'herself. .M edical C riili’r. Still, speakingng freely is jiH j ••II yo.iatir a sin.nC;nc person, importiini loOl^:)lga.W hhthe it s ii-ally cMsy in AiiiltiiiL-rii-a," ('rm ip o f ih is s iaian n wives, slie s i l l '.saiil. c an .

Olga Allen helps a ndlologyilogy patient at the donntomi clinicIc ofc SL Luke's Magic Valley Regional Medl

rom behind the bowl ofo f r ------TTTr;------^ okroshka, Marina lisis' o ff \^H ‘ — » Ihe fresii ingredients of i _ F■ vegelable-l>ased soup.. A fter B - I soup is served and eaien she ids oill tiny, ornately deconilc ,vls filled wilh v:milla ice creaii Mnr:/tnriiia c a m e to th e U.S. Jusi tw iv o y e airs rs :iago. in N o v em lier 2()0f>. Sht m e t David, .'il, an aneslliesiologi! ;i. Luke's Mngic Valley Hegiona DUgli a n In ie rn e l d n iin g a genciic y )nvid said tliai aficr years of d: in l\vin Fnlls and a divorce, h< ildii'l find a coinpalible, educii •vonian in tills area. Su lie lool t)ss Ih e o c e a n . A fler n ie e lin g II .several Russian and Ukrainii w o nncn, ie i lie found Marina. iihe jusi grabbed me," he said,d « f I____ flrsi impression. Marina WeDs gets sttuatedi«d in her Tuesday-momlns nutii dasslass at the CoUege of Soutlieni kiahotoo 01 Vou are a had man," she said. I Aog. 11. Marina says R has been difficnK b adjust to the inditIndMduaQsm of American schools. In1 Ing th e c h id in g w ith a la u g h , Russia, she uys. tbe scboolbool system keep* college classes toge u only married me because 11 togetherfor eight hours a day, nine ing enciugh. cducaled enough months of the year for fourour years, gMng tt a strong connonit)mHybase. I ppn re iiy e n o u g h ." Davil•avid smiled, slirugging his mer irips lo tlnclias-s— Ihesummer "1 lon'ldon need too much (food), litile uld c rs. h o n ie s. T h e g n rd en1 foodfc was doesn'li't eat c it," slie said. "In Russia11 1If Afler o n e w ee k o f d a iin g lie proro- c a n n e d for w in te r 1 hnveplum pl s on Ihe trees 1 need to:o p o seed d marriagei and used a fiancecee Whcn she wantedid 10I m arry, s h e uso ii.. I I cc a n 't ju s t le av e it o n ih e IO bring her lo the U.S. lurncd to an Inlerneilei dailng ngency. trees," \ ■v^S Horn[>rn in ih e U k ra in e to p a re n tsIS "Afler so m a n y yearears of war and Mnrln:rlna said the gutiicrings of V | i , ^ xvluiI imm im igniled lo Russia, Mnrin.inn oppression, the men:‘ii in: Ihe couniry itussinn'an wives are a happy reprievere ^ id c nitifles tin herself principally as a re de ad ," s h e sa idI, , cllingci w:ir and fromlife life in a new. foreign culturc. lliissiai^ian, from a place of woods andnr liard times lhat leadid s o m e lo sui* " S o metinies e tir 1 jusi wani to lalk lo v^' Inkess wwhere people are concentrairai* c id e, a m o n g o tiic r ends.en Russiansans," sho snid, adding thai shehe t -^IV edincitl city apartm eni buildings amind Wlien Marina camtm e io 'l\v in Fnlls, h a s aII n incrediblein husband who isi k e e p) ssmnll n homes in the countryy IOi David iried to iieljiI herhe plant a gar- irying; IO lo learn ihe language, ;y growV vcvcgctnbles. d e n . Sllll,i, tliere'sth conifuri In similar S hle e tldescribed "a bcauilful chiklild- But Marina couldn'iln't see ihe point cultural•al roi u ts. h o o dd" " wilh\ tmin rides to her gnunUltl- iiere, where groceryy storessi provide "Myf husband lu brouglit me to Russian food and colorful RuiRussian disbes fill a picnic table at iCentennial fia reints' n ts hom e in Ukniine or sum-n- produce witliout Ihele w> o rk . S vellnna,ma." she said. Park as Marina Wells, left,1, senresse up okroshka, a cold Russianlian Mup tradi' tionally eaten in summer.

.s sh u .se rv e si thUi e o th e rs a t ih c A u g u st p ic i S v e tl!u in ,5 3I, , dtil a n c e s n ro u n d th e ta b le lo tht e Hiissiiin pop\) music.m She says iliilc, oH'erir inic-rjcciiorisiiis and laughter lo som e uf iheh e coiiver* snilDns (luriit)'eai. (hu incul. SliL'has been in llieUe U .S. sin c e 195)6, n n d o n iliislis niglit— u'liL'iiihuKronp Is iiul>l inir full force hecnuse of vacaicailons or * otiier .suninier enttiigcrneinents — she takes on theI ro le o f , SvL'(lan:i cc)iicurri.s herseU'witiiher ihe flow oftlie pii you have enough honey:iey7" s lie offe rs w ilh ih e c re p t llien ^hA e d is h e s e x tra friiil Sillsalad licrc or lce cream ihere, She came io’l\vip rail:\ilis after three years ofcorrc.s d e u c e xvitii h e r h u s b nm n d , M nrk. "M e w ro ie m e !)t) ielteiIters, and I had tb sliow ihem to Ihc cotisulaie wlien I camne e intoI the Uniled Stales,” siic Despiiu liial measureire IOi I'nsurc u Icgiilmale mar Sveilann was nol awareire o( f iie r h u s b a n d ’s convictioi offender — a pan ofhisIlls life s h e sa y s h e h a s w o rk e t lo im change and reiiahilitate.lte. "il happened heforee I camc,"< Svetlana said. SheIC i wilh him and his friendsnds nnd fnmiiy nhoui it nnd w lia p p e n e d d e c a d e s a j’o.;u. ■;To Ihe couplc, Ihe convictii longer an Issue. “H's very diflicult lofir) find people who don’t have s problem s in the past,"" SvetlanaS\ snid. “Wlien he mc m e was years after Ihc siliiatluation nnd he compleiel)' cht I’eopic should have a chuncechi for rehnbiliintion, ant lie m ade ll." T h e c o u p le s h a re s ilmilim e — fro m dully w alks, toI trl ID C a lifo rn ia a n d e v e n to0 Svcilnnn’sS\ Ukraininn hom ec rn e a r ih c U lack S ea. To Svellim a, ih e 'I\vlnIn l-alls1 group of Russian worro m e n Is lik e a se c o n d fam ily uwiw a ay fro m h e r ow n. "MeclinK logeihur, wc hnve a chnncc lo pul oursi irsclvcs In SnHau SdndwtHt mn f ti In m frem Ih t fob at tba Celk iv ilSiaan tUo II sift. lBliMiFali.ShataytiiRMAil»UI I tba waftad to and froa mill to ckarlar . ihe Russian world." sheh e sa! id . "W c d o n 't feel th a t w ctfc o s o fn r from nur native land." ytnftedhRBttla,milkadtiKiMli■larfilwilaUael-ttaiinailiitboaiMdtoinUvtbeH.' P lea se s e e SISTERTERS IN A STRANGE lAND, Page:e E E 3


\ •

7J J I' J i Tlmw.Hm.Twin Fini, ldbtr23,:007 □ > t e r s5 in;a s t ]ran^ ContinuedSis fnxn page E2 kand

uri,If.iuK Ihe picnic meal, each work. V' So she followed her hui to w ntii;')it)an's (llsll f;ets compli- Ihe ll U.S. Afler three years, her n ice iitn ts . riiige ri ended In divorce. In 20032Q(. i:ici;-:ieiia, -12, s il s a l Ihe e n d joined jt a Christian Internet dti o f Ull.- iiiblf iiiulnd confesses thal slie on o the Iasi day of her subscri] (Ini'sii'l c o o k ItiissiaiiItii! food much. "In m n et M ark Duller, ‘tli, ii father i IWO iny fiiinily I Imvia v e tw o ste p c liik lre n a n d fro fi in 'lW in Tails. Ilicytioii't eat1 IUlliissian food. So I don'l Afler SOO hours of commun ciiok iu(i nnicli.-ll Ib e c a u s e I d o n ’l w a n t viii v Iniernet, Mark snld, he bn 1(1 (.-at it by inysL-yself," she says, She saves i'lenji ii to ’i\vin Falls and propc licT ro cip c s Tur»r hli e r trip s to iinincdiately. it over cheesecnki Sacrauicnio,D Calif.,Cal where tier oldest local k restauranl. (litiij’h tfr lives.s. "Tliere has to be a phoio so Sacriiim;»l()w;) w a s th e Tirsi p la c e where w ofmyjiiwdroppinB,’ I- liteiia lived wheih e n s h e c a m e to th e U..S. said. s; Several m onlhs Inter the in MISir.asa relij-L'liKioiis refiif-ee w ilh h e r niiirried, n "Hverythin^'just seei to lu is h a n d a n d twtwi o c h ild ren . fall fi Into place when I moved toi Shfdeserihedled her lioniclown as 1-illlS." 1-; heavily indtistriiiirial, aloi)}’ Ukraine's She vviis im m e d ia te ly offere jo b Dnepr Hiver. ShtShe worked as a teacher at ai CSi wbere she met Svetlan: fordiechiklreiiL-n iof fiiciory workers. eventually, e' the oilier womenCll ini th e Alter the Sovietel UnionI collapsed, she K K iissian wive.s’ O n c e a} said, everyihiiin11}; vveni down — includ- ^ets IO heiir and speak her nai Ar.llglou.r.fnge. in n th e fa c to ryy thattl owned (he school. KUiiKe.k' gee: Elena BuUer makes a phone callcal to her husband during a Thursd.irsday-night band prac- l-tena c o u ldihavesiayed h:i with relii- "I'm not really wild aboutII mn u sic o r tice at the Rrrt ClChurch ofthe Nazarene In Twin Falls.Fall Oena says that it one choseearelifiious a life In tive.s. ivJio wfjiildiiJd have .supporled ber. m n: ovies or politics, but Jt’s nictDice i» b e Rnula he wat tublubject to scorn in the community.Y. ‘it‘I didn't maKer what religion you'OU werei because In com- but she wauled;d :ia job iiml liked lo around ar it." she said. nrnnltm (here It; oionly atheltm.’

f te r thhe e foodI is put aw ay,’, thllv e w o m e n r a n B E S g a th e r aai ro u n d ih e p ic n icc ta U ^ H ^ H in h a nRobhln.s,:ined. Inthepasi for a hellie lie rlife — ta k in g Hiver Hivi Canyon rim, bringing all ire exceptional b e c iu u meI dedecided to take on tlilt new 11^,'.'fhs il u n she calls "the vlbcibc o f th e b ig y e a r sh e .sepnp a ra ie d fro m h e r o n lin ee ccl liissc o h tiiin :i ihe ih e picnic nearer ils end. city" In Moscow. of the Ruttlan women the meetsets wlUii regulariy. V. husbnnd andid is in the rnasier’s;r's degree in human ')lg:i Olg; adds her voice lo S h e o b ta in e d a master'sr process of di

T h e s uL ib tex t 1b e h i n dI g e t t i ni g n o t (e x t i n rr e t u r n

By DeNeefl L Brown hall };roivK in belly. spllt.s Inside withinlln those sec- delusion, Indidlgnaiion. Indo- siiys Kipl:ipltng W illiam s, ii psy- nelvlelwork lhat hiis gone down, The Washington Post______^ ’l\vo m in u te s . Therhoughls onds, and the foreforees w ith in le n ce , friigilil;lily, detachment, chology;y p| ro fe sso r iit P u rd u e The;hey worry about their weave, WHY DIDN“r D creep out whisperperlng negn- denial, depependency, cyni- Uiiiverslirsliy and author ofthe stan'landing wilh Iheir frlcnd.s, T h e sile n c e -|k ihreatunin^;.ing. lU-TIpfrMl-HACK? tlon to you, a pliiftliiful genera- cism. curses,i, c curiosity, confti- b o o k •Usinicism: "Os The Power Theh e thing th e y w o rry n b o u i is *riic sllcncc otiiwttcn ihcIC e-u 'l\vo hours of check,'cking e- tlon tlint needs InstantInsi grati- slon? o f Silencinee." Ilul Williams hiis thelie mosti threatening option" m a il s e n t n n d ...\ mail nnd slill no res|-esponse. ficntlon. Silencei mocks.rr No What do yoio u Siiy to y o u rself re se a rci;hed h t hetuivior around —-Isoliilion. Is No response. \ ' i3iD sin;G irrniEE.E*MAIL? re s p o n s e a n d y ou sisink. Those in thatat silence? lext ine>iiessagtiig iind found 'I'iiiie ‘Hi h a s b e e n stre tc h e d by The icx( message iiuiiciia c > . DID MI- OPEN ITT DlDID HE voices of chlldhoiIhood come Vulnerabilliic:ics exposed like ihiitifpeip e o p le w h o are e x p ec t- insiiiisiiini niessjiging. wrapping knowledgcd. Screes blankank, CHOOSE NOT FO' VWRITE back, remindingJ yiyou of the In those Ciningular Wireless Ing a lexi ii message don'l uss sosi lightly tn its instanta- w a itin g . :)•(!?' T h e d to p pp e e i d HACK? DOES MB NOTOT LIKE time you sent a1 notenc across commercials,ts, populiir receive; ilil im m ed ia te ly , th e y neoteous grip, seconds become call left clnngllng Inip an ai ME?WIIA'n the room, “I likeI you,yo do you you I ccan see yourself begin qiieslioning i] them- chitstiiisms of doubt. A minute, abyss of ticks. EVn, AREVpl( p u in n n c ra o f in s ta n tt cC£ all a n d like m c7Yes7" Box.IX. ““No?" Box. on either end.d . se lv es,Tlieir self-esteem elenlerniiy, withholding blessed T1-1ERE7 \ \ response, what doesI Itit mean No response. "It would s- :ihout the Nobi'obody likes you.

G r a n d p al’s ’{ ab u siv ee n a m e s fbr o child b) p e n o l d viATOimds \ fcbrm om

DEAR ABBY: I a m th e s in ­ ofmychlldhoodanda n d re m in d s e x p re ss h is e mmotions. engaged d b u t h a d b ro k e n It innm fromfi ouislde. gle m o th e r o f a w o n d e rfu l 13- me of how little I ttthought of Some sesssslons with a off. Thele problem Is, I just — DEVASTATED IN year-old son. His father and I myselfwhenlwashis h is age. lic e n s e d pspsychotherapist found out)u t th a t sh e Is m a rrie d , DELAWARE werc divorced w hen he was 1. a b bBY' How can I keepip IDad from could help yoyou to p u t y o u r w h ic h ha.stia.s h o n e stly sh a tte re d DEAR D i­ DEVAS'EATED: Aside from some help anda n d c a llin g m y s o n d ielese sc na m e s? . c h ild h o o d lntelf. P nllllp!lips DEAR GOT NO3 RRESPECn received os ia child. This divorcc !a and just "finalizing of■ lies.11c To morry someone Nona and Dad looked afterfte r I------M ay I be frank? Thefhe chances vrould be thee logical w ny to s o m e dllTiIITercnccs." with:ith such a lack of character "Tbdd” while I was at work,3rk. W hen my siblings andd I I were ofjvupehuadlngyogyourlather work It throu;ugh so you cnn My question qi Is, even woulimild be lo Invite disaster which allowed them a lotI of young, Dad was verballyillyabu* to changc at his agelge oreI virtu* finally put it bcbehind ^u. thougli shshe came ciciintibout (for>r you,; not her). If you time together when he wusAfus slve. W h en h e g re e ts Tb bb( e ta k e n . I isn 't a p r o bilenl. lc We have • « Otiz>t^anic Fruits * Or|Drganic Snacks . h is b e s t a t w h a te v e r h e d oICS. e s. w a n t to d ista n c e m y s oon n from don't know how youryoi father plans to build1 a h o u s e o n m y | ° Friends and neighbors saysay him. The love betweenin ithem was raised, but I'll bct the property, get ™ r m c d , „ n v e Im or* St N o rth . Twin Falla _ I’m raising a terrific youngmg Is enormous. But eachch time farm that the enviinvironmcnt kids, etc. e r c i a ' s - -CoU> G > w .208-734-06« I m a n . Dad colls Tbdd onc of)f thoset was such that h(he never When WondiIda and I mcl. | m rl 10-7. Sat 10-6. Sun Q osed I ' ' • The problem Is my names, ll opens the woivounds loomed how to3 properlyi she told me shes hnd been |, ^ ^ _ J f Sundiy.Snrtwiber 23,2113,2007 ______F a m i l y L i i -■i; i i ______tt.idih» S h o p3 S e n i o r^CALENDAR

TwinI Falls Fi ll::) c o rn b broad, fruit, pickled forfor c h ild re n u n d e r 10. 436-9107 or Kilty Andrewiw sa i y p.m. beets, c . Senior CitizeK zen C e n te r ’ !’•' . c o o k ies 878-0727 fornppointmencn ts wisely W ed n e sdd a]a y : i>uzzles, 11 ::i0 T u e s t isdoy: Sloppy Joes or AMenus: Friday: Pool, I p.m. iieSi.W. a.m. b a rb e■cue c i meal on a bun, l\iesday: T Sloppy Joes,s. Pinochle. I to 4 p.m. fi3() .Shoshone T h u rs d a y : ly: Blood pressure, steak fries, fr vegetables, frull frleries, vegetables, fruii, ice:e Bingo, 7 p.m . ,'cd from noon ll::iOa.m. m edley,ry, carrot cake cre;rream, cookic Saturday: Dinnerfcsi,st, 8 ' P i s c eiC s Dinner servedm. Suggesteil Bingo. 1 .m . W edn Inesday: Roust turkey, Wednesduy: V ClieeSy pota-1- p .m ., fundrui.ser fo r c ity ppi o o l 0 IO I2:;i0 p .ml.SO . fo r sen io rs. p o ta to e i IE- SEI»T. 23 IS YC )es and gravy, Bmssels too casserole, i baked beans, d iin a tio n isS-t.f>(0 for people Ageles‘less Senior sp ro u ts,IS, Jell-O. frull cocktail, culi BIRTHDAY: The next :ule slaw, fruit, roll, applete Golden Heritage YOUR C o st Is S5..'-.01 S2.50 for chii- CitlZe iiioiulis can lurn im c risrlsp ifxt 12 under GO. ami S2 ' l l i u rrsday: , Chicken breast. Fi „ Senior Center friiiH'iil litHL' if yon Friday: Ham, potatoes au in to a d re n u n d e r to-l ;U()MainStII St. N., Kimberly baked p' iiidiisiriotis and locus potatoes, heels, pasta grat;ratln, salad, fruit, roll, nngel.•I 2121 OveriondAve., Bururiey ' Ill :tre Pool room opclay liiroiigh sa la d , fnfruii salad, pudding foot aclufvii)j> succcss. Y :iod cake CHS on p.m. Monday;e ro o m avail- M ilk, coffceffce. juice and tea Fridfijfly: Lasagna, green Menus: tiieiik-aiKlcluinicicrco. Your Friday. l.ouiiKe'ision, i pui'yles served, b e a n s, aa| p p le sa lad , fruii, g a r- Aclii'itirs: /!( Monday: Meatballs, chch e d - ' h e ic sie d duriiiK d't-'r could • able for iclevisiiiargain Center I’ull-serveX* s.salad bar, Il:;i0 lie bread :id, c a k e a n d Ice c re a m Quilting. Q pool. tablee dar pasta, corn, roll, stmraw - six weeks, Tlial is ale pnexi and reading. Har. lo J p.m. a.m. lo I \ p.m. Monday, tim e IO m a k e ki-y dccLsii a m e s. p u z zle s, TV. v id e o s berry-rhubarb crisp :i p o o r o p e n i) a .m .gh i l-riday. W’ednesdayaii/ a n d I'rid ay : ta k e- Activii’itivs: a n d ihai could alTect yi nd visiiiiig available 9 a.m.I. lUcsdoy; Bacon, egg aia n d -■ cisions Monday tlirough out availablable; sugge.sted Mondiiday: SilverSneakers to fimirc or lo lakc on lo > 2 p.m. I'uesduys. cheese sandwiches, v vc c g - : y o u r d o n a tio n isi S-tS-l fo r se n io rs RO e xercise. e, 10:30 a.m. Wed,^ednesdays and 1-ridays. etable soup, colesiailaw, ' ■ financial tlcbl or 1 ink c x in i Mi'hus: ried chicken, and above, S ;, Sr> fo r p e o p le Bridge,:{e, I2:;i0p.m. TlThursday: Art class, 9 a.m.I. desserts rcsponsibiliiics, I-atneaddctl Monday: I'rleiMid gravy, u n d e r (iO, S2.f5>2,50 for children 1\jesdr day: Piiiftchle. 1 p.m. lo> 1 p.m . Wednesday: Roast beiic cf, ' flectiii};. s o lake iidvant;tn e is p o ta to e s :iniJ;s, fniii salad; under 12. S n a ck Iliar, (> p.m. PrFriday: Birthday parly fol-- potatoes and grovy, ro ll, ■■ of your Jime in ihcantage sp corn/vef’ciahles, Bingo,0. 7 p.m.: eariy hird, lowiiwiiig limcli squash, fruit cup, applp ie - • liKhi a n d h a sk in: spoi- i bread, dcsserlOl d o g s a n d Mcmts: (5:45 p .mn . s a u c c cu k e approv-:il of olhers durII the Tuesday: Holcd potatoes, Monduy: (•rilled ( tuna Wedne nesday: Silver- Blaine County Thursday: Stir-fry, rlc•icc, la n u a ry jinil M a a h . Jiiring Thi saiierkraiil. red■'un . sa n d w ic h e s,!, s[spud buds, ori- Sneakers rs fitn e ss class. IO;;j() carrots, apple-cobbajlage . are ihe hesi monlhsThose fruii salad, desscrliirihday din- enial vegelabltibles, de.ssert a.m. Senior Center .salad, roil, rainbow cakc make a successful chaihs lo Wednesday: liirpotatoes and Wednesduy:!uy: Meatloaf, loliii a and Dick enierialn- 721 72 Third Ave. s.. Ilailey Friday: Meatlonf, bakek e d - of career or enier inichange ner, roast huef. povegetables, potato casscisserole. green ing commitied romaniic re Ipotatoes, gnrdcn producJcc, Into a gravy, bread. I. cake \ beans, dessertt-’rt I’inoclil:lile. 7 p.m. A/t lionship. Mcniix: ;Jell-0, chcesecake : fda- salad, ice crcam.>rn c b e e f w ith F rid a y : Hoa.'i:oast beef, pota- Bridge, ,e, l2;:U )p.m . ’iXi.’iXiesdoy: Ciieeseburger Friday; Date night mem■nu: Thursday: Corniread. carrots, toes and gngravy. Harvard Friday: y: SilverSneakers fit- mealeatloaf. potatoes und (cordon bleu, baked pott)to ------] c a b b a g e , c o rn brc; b e e ts, a p p le d e H o r o s c o p e ; dessert classISS, 10:30 a .m . grav)fiv)'. broccwJi. biscuits, o r ttoes, vegetables, roll, strawDW- 517 raisin siilad >alnd. vegeia- B irth dJa a y d in n e r sa ladlad bar, pen a n d h a m so u p , 1berry whip Jell-O, chocolat alad, clieese- Activities: late . Jeraldine Saunders^ iT id a y : T aco sal! I>lnochlhie, 1 p.m. ice! crcream sundae jp a rfn ll b les. W ald o rf salm M o n d a y : NiNu-2-U Thrift WIVednesday: e French dip, S io re o p e n 9 a.i >a.m. loSp.m . Sllvliver and Goid p otato ta t planks, coleslaw, fried 'Activities: ARIES (M arch 2 1 -Ap: lixercise, 10:30:30 a.m. ^ pies, oatmeal cookies Monday: Pool ) 19): Your week ahej•April Aaiviiies:lin g , i) a .m . AA m e e tinig g , ,flp f .m . lenior Center should contain plenty rhursday: (Carey) roust Pinochle, 1 p.m. h e a d M o n d a y : Q u lltin;t-’ Ai-Anon meeileeting, 0 p.m. liden , smoolli sailing and seren p o rkrk. , potatoes and gravy. E x e t ^ c ty of Monday iiridgeei’luesday ’I\jesduy: BiiBingo. 7 p.m.: ; ly. A ccept sin c cre apologii rolls,Is. peas, coleslaw with 'nicsdify; Pool ?reni- ’Hiesday: Ilckeie, ’ 10 a.m. to everyone overL*r I a welcome from others or peacemal .Sled donaiion Is apple:iles, peach pie Wood carving, 8:30 a.m. ogies Blood pressure, Wednesday:y:Nu-2-U I TIirifl S:i.50 for ; in g efToris w iih ^ o o d gnic r seniors and S.") for FHcYldny: Roast pork poia- Radio shoiv, 9:06 a.m. m ak- n o o1.:»)p.m. n Store open 9 a.m.a.n to 3 p.m. nonsenloiors. All meals toes ; TAURUS (April 20-Mii s nnd gravy, rolls, peas, lixercisc ;nice. lixercise class, Q1.-; u iltin g , !) I-xercise, 10;3(0:30 a.m. include sa 20): Don't spin yoi salad, dcsseri, fruii, colesi:eslaw with apple.s, peach C o m m u n ity b in g o , 7 p .mn. . •May Wednesday: Qi Thursday: N/NA meeting. 7 milk and w heels. You m a y th in k llu d coffee. 'IXiesdays pie W ednesday: Pool y«)ur a .mur . p .m . are cookic , vniranced i>y a nierb e MIks Q ird C lub.Inociile, 7: 1 Bingo, 11:500 an. .m . Mlassage as iherapy, 9:30 a.m. Board meeting, 1 p m m irage. nere Thursday: PInc Pinochle, 1 p.rP-m . Menus: T\lC!uesday: Tabic tennis, (i:30 GEMINI (May 21-Jum p .m . 1:30 p.m . Community plnoclijft. 6 : ly: Konsi beef, poiu- n.m. p.p .m . ' . 20): You may he able lo upu n e E xorcise class, 1:3 B.9o.m. Gooding Counounty Senior io c s a n d gravy, g corn, salad, Kncjneadcry lunch, Carey, Mumpiy Dumpiy bnclpul Friday: Quilling. ‘ W o o d ca rv in g , 6 p.m . c, ic e c re a m 10:300 Friday: Pool together ngnin. A delicaiiinck Lunch bingo C H iz e n C i I in tm p e rso n a l siiiin ilo n can lay: Beef and noo- Bloolood pressure, 11:30 a.m. E xercise :a ie id 300 Senior Avef\ve., Gooding dies, vej be repaired this week. Bc ^’egetables, beet Wedcdncsdoy: Yoga. 5:30 Plnochlc, 1 p.m. West End borscht, fru up from nnd tniihful and ns Inci ^]| jij ruli, raisin bars p.m. Bingo, 1 p.m. ; are at noon, you may bc surprised by Senior Citizens T hmrsday: u i Tubie tennis, Date night, 7 p.m., SIO 5uhl Suggesied donaimaiion S3 for Activities: positive a-sults. I's: Ji:30 a .i.m . by IOIO Main St., Bui se n io rs. W cdncsd;id a y : B ake d n y Bing< CANCER (June 2I-Iuly n go, 5 p .m . Til a t n o o n B ingo. 7^ . Uiree Island Senior CenterJT 22): Bench ouiside youruly Lunch served T a h u rsd a y : Mcttiis: comfori zone. You may Minidnldoka County Senior 492 E. Clevclond Avc., our Monday through3n Tl is S4 for Monday: Tacoiico bar. fruit Goldenn Years Senior ^ Glenns Ferry prefer to eat bonboas andnay suggested donationunder 60. cocktail, custard Citizens Center lay on the couch, bui It ind seniors. 35 for 11 un I p.m.: Tliesday: Crab^bs„,ncl,clcv. Cittfc e n sh c . 2 1 Ilh St., Rupert Meals 1 served ot noon could be time lo flex someI It Sunday buffet , ni $5.50 for iled eggs, cucun 'O .... cumber salad, 21B N.1. H ail St. W.. Ml ' unused muscle.s. Don'tme S4.50 for seniors.for S 12 and applcsauce ba Mondoy, 'niesday ond,d ...... bars, garlic Siioshone Meal:?ais are served at noon Th \ shrink from trying some­jn't under 60; S3.50 for b re a d Thursday: beverages withh th in g n e w Ihis w e e k a n d home hc delivered upon mcols. m( Rides arc a\^obIe by n e - u n d e r. W e d n e sd a y : ChickenCi fet- FruitjulciIce, milkand coffee request LEO (July 23-Aug. 22); est. Juice nnd assorted phoning ph the ccnter at 368- tuccini aifredo,do, noodles, served daily 7- E: Ily. bevcmrages g arc served every 2051. 20; Suggested donation IsIs _ r . ' lixert the nece.ssary efforti2); Menus: en noodle broccoli, Jeli-O,1-0, pudding d a y with w l meals. Gift shop S3 S3 for seniors, S5 for peoplee " to settle a feud ihls weekon Mondoy: Chickenicat sand- bread Menus: Purchase lovely things tliat h o u rss arc c 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m. under un- 80, and S2.50 forchll-1- : : r : ck soup, lunchcon mcc Thursday: RoRoost beef. 'niesday: Chicken a la Mondaj demonstrate your good r. day Ihrough Friday. dren drc under 12, lat w ich fish, meat potatoes and gravy,gra' vegeia- king, peas arand carrots, salad, taste. Your kindness and od 7\jesdoy: Baked (Is:cd spud bles, carrot-raisraisin salad, biscuits, broro w n ies M enu compassion may cam you nus: M A enus: nd loaf, Idaho bakedn, bread, Texas sheet coke,ce, roi lls W c d n c sday: d t Hot dogs, Mond a few extra b ro w n ie poini.s. inday: Lasngna, garilc Mondoy; N Usagno, vegeto- ou salad, fruii, corn, potato soupip, banana cream toast, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. , vegetables, salad, bles, ble hot apples, salad, garlicc IS. d e s s e rt co sa la d . Activities: pie 22): Charity begins at c h e rryy turnoveri: to toa a st It. Wednesday: Tacot M o n d a y : Pool,)1,9:30a.m. 9 Fridoy: RcR o ast b e ef, p o ta - TXiesd h o m c. S p e n d y o u r p e n n ie s jsday: Chickcn nuggcis, ■niesday; I Fish fillet, at chips, fruit, dessertin barbc- Pinochle, I2;30j30 p.m. toes and graravy, green beans, fries, vej on tilings lhat add to your vegetables, roll, Jcll-0 cheesy che potatoes, tomatoes cs Tliursday; Korconegetables. Wild one, 6 p.m.-m. salad, rolls, c , cake, icc cream Wedndncsday: Pork chops, Thursday: T Chickcn friedi - prcsdge or on items lhatur cuc, rice, stir-fry, vegclineappie ‘niesday: Pool,ol, 9:30 a.m. make family members feel p o ta to0 casscrolc,c vegetables, steak, stci potatoes ond gravy, at egg roll, baked pinJc and I p.m. Activities: chcrishcd. One of your " roll, shciherbct p pea e a s a n d c a rro ts, fru it, w h e a tI :cl rin g s, fo rtu n e c ooldc Hand and foot,3t, 6C p .m . M o n d a y :: EExercise, 9 a.m. Thursi financial w ish e s m ay c o m c irsday: Tacos, ricc and roll roll nr Bridge, 6:30 p.m,>m . C offee, 9:31 tm c this w e e k :30 a .m . b e a n s,i, sisa la d , c ris p lio s 1C Activities: Icken d in - W e d n e s d a y : Pool, Pi 9.-30 Quilting, 1(10 a .m . to 3 p .m . Fridoy UBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): loy; Chickcn, flsh. pork AActivities: Today; Baked chlcki a.m . Tuesday; P in o ch le , 1 p .m . c h o p s, lc Someone else might rock i, la sa g n a , sa la d b a r, ice Tuesday: Quilting, 1 pjn. !]: n c r, 1 p .m . rSncakcrs Shufilcboard, 6 p.m.p Fridoy: Pin inochle, 1 p.m. crcam1 Friday: Fl TOPS, 9 ih c boat, b u t y o u have yo u:k r Monday: SllverSn10:30 a.m. Thursday: Quill uill social, 9 Cords, 1 p,m. ^ . hand on thc rudder. Yourjr exercise program, 10:;loes, 6 to a.m. ability to negotiate a Cama!las County acimivities: ir Cards and dominoc Pool, 9:30 a.m. idoy: Plnochlc, I to 4 fQ thorny situation can tuma 9 p .m . g, 8 a.m. Birthday ponyy Senloilor Center p RIclifleldSenlw Center you Into a hero. Expect to n Tuesday: Quilting, Plnochlc, 7 p.m.m, 127 WlllcHow Ave. W., Pool. 1 bc applauded for your 1,1 p.m, FlFruit Juice, milk and coffee 0 to 3 p .m . p.m. Fridoy: Bridge0 aand dupll- Fairfield efforts th is w e e k T U esdtsdoy: Pool, 9 a.m. to 3 servierved dally. ir Board meeting, 1 p.ih pickup, cate bridge, I p.m.m . p .m . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. Bus runs for lunch30o.m. p Bowling, 1:30 p.n P-m. Notm mencols arc served WedneInesday; Pool, 1 p.m. MM enus: 2 I):Y ou can 't rc s to n laurelsV. cail 543-4577 by 10:30 Silver- Saturday: Plnochochlc, 7 p.m. 'niesdays, Wt /Vcdnesdays and Plnochichlc, 1 to4p.m. • Mondoy; M Fried chicken, ; thai you haven't earned.Is W e d n e s d a y : p ro g ra m , .. - . Fridays. Thoc ccntcr is open Thurscrsd o y ; P ool, 9 o .m . lo 3 pot£lotatoes and gravy, peas, Don't delude yourself or1. Sneakers cxcrcisc pn ^ Hsgetman Valleylley Senior fro m 9 a .m . to 2 p .m . o n m e a l p .m . soIoiolod, Jell-O forget to face th e facts. YouT 10:30 a.m. sted donation for SHIBABA and Medicare T Tt h u r s d a y ; BLT, c a r ro t \vill find that If you ask theu Farmers’ market C o m m u n ity Center 54 for ages 10-59; ossistancmce. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; stickticks, potato soup, choco* right qucsMons, you willc spudnuts, 4:30 p.m. th « 0 E Lake S3 for 60 ondid above and S2 call Geor]!orge Schwindeman ot lat^jitjip lo reccivehonest answers thisII September Ig, 8 o.m . w e e k s Thuoday; Quildng, O p e n 6 a .m .• to tc 2 p.m. ■_* SAGnTARIUS (Nov. 22- 10 3 p .m . 1 pickup, Mondays, Wcdncsilesdoys ond Dcc. 2i): Pour oil on trou­ Bus runs for lunch30 p a.m. Fridays; lunch Is servedi at ^ bled vraiers. A potcntl^y call 543-4577 by 10:301 ■ n o o n . W e b r in gg t h e w o[>rld*s offended party might be/ B ingo, 1 to 3 p .m . Suggested donatination is S4 impressed by your finesse: Foot clinic >ncakcrs for seniors; S5> for f< other Cf as dlls w ee k unfolds. D on't :e c h n o lo> j gy t o I di a h o . : 1 Fridoy: SliverSnc):30 a.m. adults; ^ d S2 for children bc bashful about asking fort c x crcisc p ro g ra m , 10:3( under 12. Thrift: shopsh open favors or special treatment.r iven 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.m . M ondoy, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Filer Senior Havei W ednesday and Friday.Frl Free Jon. 19): Make wise finan­ high-speed Interni a v ail- cia] choices. Put those 222 Main St. able on public c co o m p u te r s quancrs In thc bank It n o o n , d u r in g c c n te r h o u rs account Instead of In the: Dinners served ati: i S 3.50 slot machine. You will Qnd! Suggested donation:Icllvered M enus: people are anxious toI for seniors. Homc-dcllh meal- Monday; Pork rib soucr* coopcraic with you as thisI mcols availobic cach i kraut, potatoes a an n d grovy. week unfolds. I lim e. vegetables, solads AQUARIUS(Jan.20-Ffeb. bread, dessen 18): Pretense doesn't M entu: id bean Wednesday; Tam bccomc you. If you have Hiesday: Ham andtossed vegetables, solada been neglecting your own soup, corn bread, tc bread, dessert ■ M sSinus I needs, you arc in no posi­ salad, cherry pie burgers, Fridoy: Potato b tion to help others or play Wednesday: Hambuicarrots, beans, solad, breod,.d,dcs.m .On-site d ie g e n e ro u s bc ncfacior. tater tots, peas and rscai c o tc h B CT Scanner Center' PISCES (M . ig-March fruit, salad, buttersc Jenmw Senior 0 Id ih o 20): Be a wrlse shopper. p u d d in g :h lck en , .Instatralak Visualization Under thc peaceful stars of ; green 212 First Avc. E. , Thursday; Fried chii Technolijlogy System JohpA . Boyajlan, MDD R ick S t.ln b u r9 , P A ^ thc week to come, you poiotoes and gravy,ik g e a n d Hf n e e d n 't sa crifice qu a lity fo r beans, salad, rolls, cakc All d in n e rs s e rv e d I Get a Sinus Spedai tdatnoon. . Idaho's5 Only( Certified clallifs help today, s:.: quantity. Bc at peacc with Icc c re a m S u g g e ste d d o n a tio n I your possessions and take Physidaian in Balloon Sinuplasti s t y pride In owning die very 732-( Activities: t.m . Menus: ■0700 E best. M onday: Bingo, 7 p.m■uzzies, Monday; Ham one 1 191 Addison Ave.,A\ Twin Falls Tliesday: Puz ” I

t 1/ ^i i^; ~ . . . . ------. - - Sl'- Ttam-Ntn, Tirin Fib,»,l«Uho kb ______FM III.V L.II'[FK ______Stmdiy, Septeml^ 23.200m E5

\ Ie n g a g eMENT n ____ STQ'ORK REPORT

b o i o r q^ uU E Z - .SLU. Luke's Wood River ii“iiugliler >i of Kallle i.ynn daughter of I'eanna Mariilarie 2007. Hunsak iikkelsen and Maitliew (;an i|)l)e ll a n d D avid AlaiMan Ashlyii Kilty Hammm o n d , M.Medical Center J’Slllia m M ikkelseo o f l-iler, Ciimplicll of Huhl, was linnloni liaugiiter of Kitty’ I-yn MUHTAIJCJII — MiciR'iif ylan lames Whalen, wasas born .Sepi, 10.2007. Sepl. 12,2007. Ilaniniond and C>rereg o ry O'Neil of Crcsw of Amanda Fredricks Mucraye M Matthias Dirk iivnn Rlcliurdsnnson, Itichard Hammondd o f announces ihu cn ILric la m e s W h ale n o f Hruning, ru son of lennifer son of Rebecca llichardsoi:Imhi Kimberly, w;is born Sepi;pt. M. o f h e r diiiigliiLT, AngelAl Miirio ^ ly. w a s i)o rn S e p i, li. Chlihloe Brtining and Matthias a n d M ich cal Hoburiburt 2007. liojorqui;/. in T T:i nylor l)arvvin a r Bruning of IWin W ilkinson o f ’lU'in i-alls. wa>^vas D on R ussel C a p p s, scso n o f Hiuisukcr. son of ix-c- !lu m M a lay N a u m e s, i-ail:ills, was born Sepi. II, Ixirn.Sepl. !2,20t)7. Sheila Leavitt Cappss a n d laynellunsakcroflorMunnuKii. hier of Jessl Cyr and 20o:)07. Jo h n a th a n D oiuiid Ward,ard, Roben Cllendan Cappjp s o f liojuitiiic/. Is a (;i William Naumes of Kathryn Ki lillsnbeih Scolt, snn of Dianna Coiiccpcioii:i(in IWin Falls, w a s lu irn .Sepi-•pt. 15. V ictor I liKh SchcKil in ;y, wns horn Sepl, 7. dauuigiiter of (Ireiclien Ward of lerome, was bori)lorn 2007. Mont., iind iiitfiulfd . a c:iyilynne .Scoti and liarl I’rice Sepl. 12. 2007. R hylai Ashlee Renee Shihilley. University of Mor .lonlniin and .1 . so n uld o f Thomas Schenk, Scoi:oll Ir. of lUin i'alls. was Dunae iilixabeth Baker,ker, daughler of Kimberiy D aw n ihc CollcKc of.r Siiuila.m a n d ILrii)f Shanyn Schenk anil bon)n iS e p t. 11.2(M)7. <lllHiiiukir son orsMichael McLean of Mararcus Iordan Koepnlck of Micali Williani Perkins,Ins, (latigliier of Kalheriiiclie Io :y, i le is e m p lo y ed Kirk ;ue, .Scl was bom Sept. It, i\viii’al l-alls. w as b o rn Sepl, 12. snn ; of I.ois Jean I’erkiiis and Siroschein and PaulI Eric Nt Iind the Itock vvast)orr 2007'07. 1W illiam U-ori Perkins n f’IWinWin S lro sc iie in o f le ro m e . ANNIVEKRSARIES k'piirlniunt. Ten/Iii IsaacIsi Potiglas Olio, son of 1Falls, w as h o rn Sept. I!).i:». b o rn Sepi, 1 7 ,2(H)7, liiit;is])lamiL'(ir()r daughterLuke’s Magic Valley ibecca |oy Ono and :2007. liursday. .Sept. 27. I'ashl ionalNa Medical Center |’™iiiglas lUlwin O tto o f 'IWin Paydon Skylar Sinrk. son S t Benedicts Famil)ily lls. was born Sepi. 12. of t Siirah (iabrielle Stark and uigli I.D S C Inirch. w as horn S;| Medical Cenier linn vvill follow M aby rlet Lorraine 200707. Skylar Jason Stark o f l\viii :il), ila u g himson, ie r daughter ofTori Mcrcedes Mi Brannon, I-alls. I w a s b o rn ' Sepl. Kl. Job C iso n Houndy, soiio n o f a n d MilTorgrimson and Jason dau^ughter of lennifer Ixlgli i2007. Sam and Amy Roundyd y o f Bellevue,T o rg rim so n o f 'iVvin Bnmimnan and I’jiirick lames Mnlnky Vnldez, son of leronie. wns born Septp i. 1, 2007. Lvas h o m S e p t. 1.2 0 0 7 . D eai•an Bninnan oflWin Fails, V \ irginia M arie Valdez oflWkvln lii 2007. Ityln Rose Holland, waslIS bom Sept. 12.2007. i-alls, i w as b o rn S epi, Kt. Ki. H u n te r J o h n W hittalta k e r, ______S t ItcrLul of Heather Ann Sawyer Sa Layne Hancock, 2007.2 son of George nnd Jodi ] lire and Fric David snnII of Kalhern Doni Claire Mln Chnnte Unibaugh,gh, Whittaker of Jerome,, w' as id of ’iWin Falls, was Silvever and Davin Roy daughter t: of Hebucca Dawn,wn b o rn Sept. 4,2 0 0 7 . L ibbyk p i.2 .2 0 0 7 . Hanand cl U ia n . '■ •P laiM te: J The autumnal equinox>x A rizona. gm n d ch ild renIdren 0 are Wiley d ^ a rk e st p tid s o f tlie Ofle hour txjfc^swW tsi.'; ‘ arrived Just before 4 tills> H e WIS em ployeelyed iiy llie Maul, Hawaii,no b l)s o f 'I\vin T ■ " 'I >ake surface (the lunar rocksks. , 'Saturn: E, low ' morning, meaning that thisth ix-slie) D oi)bs o f I o Wee r maria) a rc m a d e o f Plu'luck a m a ria rock off the •; vbnus:B,iow ' .I'j w eek's "lia rv e st m oon" wilftdll e, N .M .; a n d JL omoi f ro ck fam iliar to a n y m ooro n a n d d ro p ll here, und ;; Mars: SSEi very high .: "\j .■ rLseiu'ound th e tim e o f susun- ) Hnbhs of'lWin the liglitm ai Id ah o a n : volcanic it prorobably wouldn't get a fi.Ofiehourafteirsunset:'''.' -:t! i'i set a n d siny above th e horlori- iiuple has four that make:. lliey maylook secoro n d glance. ;;JupltenSW.low-:'t;-i'^T:,i;;-:t: zon all niglit tlirouglioutt tht: e ,;j II. Ihc M oon,in shade than the Thih e brig liter area.s a ro u n d M oon^Fuli;n»6n li45'j';-{- week That should give u will c e le b ra te io n co mQva p i rock yo u 'd Hnd in d ic nm - a ria a re th e U m ar high- e v ery o n e a groat cliJince; tti o children and ofgniy.»;n, b u l d ia l's Just n ' la n d s o r lcrro£. ’nie s c a re u ^ Sludy tlie m o o n 's varyinglg II on v a ca tio n in T lie darl|ucncc of tlie moon mouru n ta in o u s are as o f p- ^ shades. i, m o o n 's)rightly sui illuminated by anort:irthosilc rocks w h o se Nexi tvccb CelebratingSihe I “seiLs" o1 wh r n ile s u rro u n d e d by o n lyy Idaho I c o u sin s o c c u r in si)oa‘age's/irsi luilf-cenluttury. ■ O tllM 11 ty p e opace. r n tw oI smSI all a re a s n e a r th e bor* bibiLsalt in i)oih de n sity nnd soutlicmtnaria I formed in derbtb e t w e n S h o sh o n e n n d acolor. Chris Antlcrsoti Is produiuc- ba.salts.nih e sa m e w ay a s o u r C leaniinvater counties. Finnlly, th e re are th e briglil;iit lian SfMxiatlst atui observa liglitcrinslc.sen lava, oozing out Anon>nlioslics arc ancient rarays thnt radinie awny fromI ry manager at ihc Faulknener black lavaly e ru p tin g fissures to rocksics th a t floated to th e su r- ihth e m o o n 's you n g est craters.^ Plnnetariimi a t the Herrett?« road flood basalt face! oo f th e m o o n billions o f MMost conspicuous among T h e H a nIK k s S E S “ " '“ ■■'I’ th e d c se n , Ccvift’r fa r Arts an d Scienceceat c o n scqand u c r rcprcsent some yearsrs ago, w h e n it w as slill thtiiem is Tycho, found near the College o/5oiir/it’m BURLEY — Philliiliilip “Pliii" and beets for A b e in g briglnoon's youngest molteIten. nic^'rcligliler than lhthe Mnn in the Moon's Idaho. und Buelah Hanlcsa o f B urley S ugar D>. th e s u n wl will be lionorcd at ia family 'Hiey liave ser black sp a c g a th e rin g S unday, SSept. 23, positions in Hn r h e m a t for tlielr C2nd vw e d d in g Je su s C hrisi nl m u c h th e : anniversary. Siiints. I Id ah o P h il in x\ks a nnd d Buelah Tlielr children o f ge n tly Cl Silcoclc wcrunmarricrried Sept. Dennis Kay Ilnid PUI Haak* fo n n broace v e r sayf ^ f o r e v eg r o n y oo u r sk ill1 ii 2 0 .194S, at the SaltIt LLake LDS (George) Shaw plains, and T em ple. Ga.; Donald r ScAmalgamated of the mootemporary latloo \~rT B She callcd m e ihat first day. w a n te d to be, a n d c o u ld thtl e .>•: Tliey have ilv8d.1ri,*1n B urley H an k s o f I’lun! lasts about two bjAM PERSONAL “1 am sillin g o n m y front sy m b o l c h a n g e m e? in ihc Stnrrh's I'erryrry area for Utah; nnd Dallasserved in many ...... —weeks, the man with j^H porch looking out nt my W lien I get hom e, 1 callII o'- 6 2 years. '•'i Ixgan, Utali. Ilm Church of •rush pen tells mc. MW f t f ile hohorses. 1 am ilie happiest Cindy. I tell her our poodleile H e fa rm e d for 70)years,'and ye 'Die couplc lmnf Latter-day T ^T n w a rm sm ile n n d no r a a W w(w o m a n alive." T h ere are needs a trim. I don't leil hhe e r she was the Cnssinsin Couniy children and 101 a tlo o s o n h is ow n g| H n H Jeanne Marie m mi n n y dnys 1 thin k : Live w ithII the real reason I want her:rto ( recorder for 23 years.:irs.Shcalso 'diildren. run a re tlic la ic I ^ u st sp rin k le It vd lh iill tlic drive n n d d e te rm in aI- ­ sto p over. W licn sh e a rrivves. e • • w eig h ed grain for UnlU n lo n S c e d )wdcr every day," lie r. W^ ' ■ 1 Sotio n o f Cindy. I strut. I don't say anything Hanks; Dcl-ttc ^ ^ ------1 I ng. IW of Marietta, )r m a x im u m sta y in g ’------C indy d e c id e d lo ge t h er H er eyes b u g o u t. “it^ a Scmt (Debra) \ Icm H oco o k a t th e p ic tu rc offer- ta tat tto o last year, it w as. Joke, right?" 1 say yeah, sorort ll- th em cCraci\ c k e n s N. luasant Grove. l \ last:for minimum?" I Ings.. H 1- ow a b o u t a little unfortunately, un o present of. B ut 1 te ll h e r th e ta tto0 o ... lias A. 1 ta n k s o f X ^ wee S o u tirJiwcstem feather thing fro fro m a m a n w llh w jio m she:* h a s c h a n g e d m c , h a s m aidc d ( L ec n n d P a u lin e ' th e a irbpes ru s right off with — bluiluci He a d d s th e fe a th e r would wc eventually have bad mc think of myself differ* M cC rack cn o n \v in1 FaFnlls cele- I Ims 17 g rand* l l c h a s n w dling,g. ste p s ba ck . “It's a luck ku But the tattoo: She endy. "I’m so m u c h brated their 50ih1 uw e d d in g 10 gnat-grand- visible tatliIK, w h a t th e h e ck . A p a nsy sy ta tto o ," h e says. “It's wanted wa a horse, a feather, u1 stronger!" nnniversnry Sept. 19. body. -JustI’m a t a c o u n ty fair pretty,ty, b u t it's n o t to u g li.” siring sir of vines around her “G o o d fo r you," sh e says,ys, Lee Ronald McC/IcCracken ba b y po3ts w d o f pc o p ie ha v e I looook at the picture offer- a an n n . S h e sa id : L o o k T h is Is u n c o n v ln c in ^ y . "I'm s e ri­...... 1 a n d P nulinc C ra n e wwc ere m a r- says, “foplenty r n of tlicm Ingsoia n d k n o w w h a t 1 h a v e who wli 1 am . This is who I've ous!" I tell her. “I'm c h a n - ried Sept. 19. 1957, nt th e pow er." y p e rm a n e n t. A renl to d3: o :a i rin g o f fat, m e a n alw all­ ays b e e n , n n d this is who0 ne lin g m y in n e r Cindy." Logan LDS Temple,'.T n h e y set* “An d afor s n e v e r b e e n a barbecied w ire, all th e w a y I'll I'lt alw ays be. 1 get all worked up posit­It- tied in IVvin Fnlls, wl osk. Jon for mc. I missed arounim d m y a rm , sto p p in g at Tlic 1 latloo would be her in g th a t p o w er b e ^ n s w ithth worked for Mouniam a in Bell JC w h e n y o u kn o w tlic lorse/featlierho: design. declaration. dci It's on her right1 th e m in d a n d th e skin, thlat a t Telephone fot mnnjinny y e a rs 'well enough to “Doit,'it," I say: “Do itl" As he a arr rm . p e rh a p s th e sy m b o l c a n u n til h e retired. a symbol that you docs1 It, It 1 r c d iz c in a flash M t y ta tto o Is, well, actu a lly c re a te th e actutil.1. They have been1 a< a ctiv c in p „ |iB , ,od Lh I clieve wiU, yes, w h at tis b go in g o n : H oly in k crooked. crc But it's very... “Let's a rm wrrcstle." sh e T h e C h u rc h o f JcsusIS C h rist o f :ly still be )«ur Iden* spot,, I'm I' c h a n n e lin g m y Cindy. Cit I give the man a says. Latter-day Sainis.. SiShe hns McCracken of Fl n y o u a rc in th e old in n er r Cindy. C healthy hci lip and head off Into0 "You d o n 't v ran t to d o been Qctlvc in sevenbTcrol book (Kcily) McCni m e . A little ro se su r- Clndn d y is tlie o n ly p e rso n th th e t m o b . I'm a Hide w orried1 th a t," I w a m h e r. "I'm s e ri­1- Z'. dubs and Daughterssrs .1 \vill c e lc b ra tc n cck . Yes! Tl y with, a fam ily th e sig n a iu i entire sense y o u a re 60, t ' I m is s e d t

ofoUthesyi b e m y te m p Ichooscnsi u p "y o u woni block?" th e I

it to lo o k toi H cm & kes steps back.’ lonely there, w a n t to I SINDAY E66 I SEPIEMDEH 23. 2 0 0 7


Its p ro b ab ly in y o u r ro o m o r iiy staff itpoitcfs Amiiii'Ha herorc anotherier play er b reed s we nevnt'vcr kne%v existed. It’s h ts up £ £ ^ doe.s. To get th e .sceptre,>, you> need Samantha wuiw as thrilled to .sec lh a t p pta layroom . T h e b a ck b o a rd ligliti adoy ______IU have to Tind sc am b tiles th n t irmatch the the poochifiecfled UNO version had b bui u t you h av e to m ake su re you ilder. key. Afler y o u g e ith c s creptrc. e i yo u th e im age of)f h her dog's breed, a batteries. bat Il is for ages 7 a n d old Z oom box jges. have to return to Alcxandndria. Ifsuc- Hoston lerrlcr,icr. o n o n c o f th e ciirds. h hui u t w e th in k it c an b e fo r all agi LIITi l ■ I ic Z o o n ih o x (S2a!)/nR er cessfiil, y o u will w in th e j:gam e. In U sing im ages;es o f do g s In stead o f It's It's available al a m az o n .co m . H H mcctrotronlcs) Is a faniastic item. Kidsds Ihe g a m e, th e re aru ciirdsds that help dots on doiniiininoes wsis a great Idea, iball c a n connectCOI any .system to il, and protect you and eliniinutiute your but we thougfLight this version w :ls Front Ff( Porch Classics Bascbi ti)c iip1 play l th e Ram e o n a 60-iiich e n em ie s. O n e of th e m nnst s valuable l)elter f6r youioungerkids, agesSto B. I-ront Porch Classics Baseballall is a ection. IIjc Zoonihox also is th e H(.’vctmiI o f I'o riu e Hublk-sCuhei)e is alw ays fu n a n d fn is- I p^ojl.‘ct nd toy (■nable)lcs kids to w atch I3VD.S a n d c an g n u u you a n o th e r tuiturn, clear tniting becausiiuse it challenges your great gre ga m e for th e baseb all and talgic playsliislideshows from their cam- a n y ob sta cle, b e u s e d ais s ai reso u rce hi;iin. a n d thi^Ihis versio n featu rin g lover.T lov his gjinic brin g s a nostal sei>all e nis.. 'Ilie'II p ro jec tio n c an go to 60 card o r get rid o f th e m uummy r curse, dog images ; ininstead ofdifTerent-coU (a (a memoryi from the past) base! :me. inches,ie.s, a n d it c an go anjiivhere: onn T liere a re also c h a n ic teir r c< ard s in o a-d cu b es isis im o re In terestin g bu t look loo to a cool, n e w pin b a ll gam t m ay Ihc cci!:ciling. th e wall, o r ev en thu th e ga m e th a t p ro v id e th([he player doesn't makeke iit easier to play. 'Ilie 'Ilu ga m e is fun to play, b u l it n lloor.r. TheTl linaKes produced hy the w ith a b e n efit a n d fac tsJ aab o u t Ih c O venill. w e ni(nile th ese ga m es 3 to •! take tak a w h ile to p u l togeU icr e w in Z o oinbox m b show iit> well in dark people and their cnemle;les. W e all stars (5 being(igthehigliestl.’Iliey i ' he(h e ca u se It re(juires you to screv kid arcJLs,.s, noti: as well in lighted area.s. I agreed lhat everyone willdllenjoy cosiS12.‘J.')eaie ac h a n d a rc av;tilable pans pai underneath tlie board.'HiHie th in k thit e Z oo m b o x is a n a m a /ln g; p laying it. at U arnes annd d Noble. game gai is fun. and you can play h e n tic nviD.), videovl g a m e, anil .slide show againstag:i a friend using the authc .I t is I give tliis item <1 i 12 sta rs AKC to y s Nerf Nite Jamam Nerfoop si-orehook. sco whicli Ls included. Ii ■ H m (o u t oofr>). f vet>- h a rd to Iiit a h o m e rxin upip ih e te I lave y o u ever p layedJUNO. I Wepla>’cdvd w ith th e N erf N ite la m ram ran p th e h o le fo r homim e n in Is sm all. T liere Is a very smmall : I Iff Valleyjy Iof the Pharaohs d o m in o e s o r llu b ik ’s C ubjb e? N ow N erfoop (Sa-J.iM.99.1 la.sbro). It was nir th e se g a m e s an ; available3lc by th e fun to play>vldi >vit in th e dark, b u t If c chi h an c e th a t th e ball w ill m a k ec ili I W Vatic;iH cyof th e Pham oJw {SS5, Uratitin Amcriain Kennel C Jub aor n d S a b a b a Jtls J u rin g liiclie d ay ivJiere liicre'sv Uiroug}) Uir Ilic hole, so b e prep aired re to P orchh QC osslcs) is a fun a n d easy 'Ibys featuring lop dog bnbreeds. By llglit. It's nol l a a! s m u c h fu n .'T h e c o k b bas a se y o u r w in n in g stra teg y o n ( bir b o a rd•d g(j a m e to play. ‘Hic ob je ct o f play in g n ( w ve rsio n s o fftlirc tl c cla.s- ors o n th e holo o c p llglii u p red a n d - ling lint singles, doubles and triplesr - th e gan;a m c Is lo ge t th e S c e p ter o f sic gam<;s, w c le a rn e d ab(ibouidog llie color onth1 the ball is neon blue. n Hii i l s ga m e Is m o rc fu n w ith frie:le n d s. Wie l|

H V ' r l l . : i m M mm 4

J J . ^ Leonard Edwin 3, Canyon,n . 6,'c:Chico 9, Jenna 10, Kahne

16,Pcppensroni (Roni) 17,, PossumF 18. Roxy 19, Shiloh


! ■ 22, Sox 25, Stellala 26,>, Teko 28, Yogi Bear

H owt tc o V o te : • Volete for1 your favorite pet by subtlubmittlng a ballot along withth a suggested voluntary donationdo o f .25 c en ts ■ r T to II'Sthe T im es-N ew s' N ew sp ape er r InI E ducation Program ($.<125 = O n e vote). T i m e &i-J r N e W S -Allpr,p ro ceed s from th e p ro c e e dj s willv g o to support th e Timtn es-N ew s’ N ew spaper in1 EEducation Program. • waller-tom ■ 'Aiivovo tes for round 1 m u st b e redevedrec by Noon Saturday.jy. S ept. 15th 2007. nfg'T ■ m KM mm ■ T a m e :______• Ph(l o n e : I IT VM.)tJng For: lik mT i a r t . I P e)t’s t’i Name & Num ber:_ # o f V otes:___ L l I P eit’s t’i N am e & N u m b e r:_ ____ # o f V otes:___ i ' }t’s N am e & N u m b e r_ _ __ j» o f V o t e s : _ __ ■ I )t’s N am e & N um ber:_ ____ It o f V otes: V ED*03• O V r L T I Tota)tal number of V otes:_ ____ X 25 0 p e r vote:b : $ ------■■■'; I re d ilC a rd #______J ______- E x pp. . ------^------_1 M a ste rc a rd Visaa D isco v er AMEX ! I ■ ■ iWART ; S^ n a tu re : ______,

f i . G(OC5r

■ lit" '

oney and th(i e E a r t h H : I N S IID I E: B right iiideas to savee energy, m o

>v' L O ci:/''cior' :•„■, . lifc sry ie in tlth e iV lagic V alleyy I

lose 'green' cars?s ? I V vii.iiabout i'h(

y. 3,2007■ , : J_____ 1 2 2 1 Ameriiica is cl:hanglngJ — one n T.F.'biilldlngs go green B i'Rmlture blends ecolo ligghtbulb ) P A < m oney,ey. loo.i y STEEL &s. RECYCLfNG . TliisKIs guide to going green will ralla help yoiyou — at homc or work or these tl types o( changes. Australii will phase out use of the Incancan- play, ama n d even w h en traveling or w ana- sh o p pping. in d e sc e n t b u lb by 2010, a n d C ana d a will o u d a w its sale by 2012.12. /A • W ljyIjy Ip u t a Ilglit b u lb o n th e d ould ■ covcrr oro ftliis guidcT T liccom pact proposal p In Congress wouli R e c y ccling l Service: e s n 10 Huorcsc•cscent light has become a phase p oul incandesccnis in li I S18 sym bol3ol of the new everyday cn- years,yt shaving an estimated SH imentalism. and this small billion b a year from U.S. clectrlc trlc » We bu:uy ferrous m etalslls, non- H IlgiK bulb bu also symbolizes how bills. b joard, n o re ferrousus metals, cardbo sim pleJle stes p s c an brin g a b o u t big Some grccn Ideas make mor sense In certain regions or com changcsIgcs. newsp.paper, stainless, copper,c munitlcs. And some rules andd iolo - T hle e irIncandescent bulb invent- n radiatetors, scrap iron, eetc. j H c d s o>lonj5 to i ago byTliomas Edison ccal practices vary. Does your util ' e m itss 959£ pc rc cn t h e a t a n d only 5 Ity, It for cicample, let you bu city p e rcent cn t liglit. Compact Iluores- “green" “i energy? Docs your clt ave containers fofor scrap c an • » We ha' c c n tsns arc r morc expensive, but for make n recycling easy? Whcrc ca you dump those hazardoud o u s Is and jobsites. m o ree efflclenLel They use a quar- y . m etals ly in te r oif f IIIthe energy to generate the cleaning c fluids tucked away i th e s a mcbrlghtncssasthelncandes- c b i your y basement? Whcrc la th !iiing > ' ; »Weha'ave roll-off binsifor f big H ccn t buibulb. A nd C P U lost u p to 15 closest c farmers’ maricct sellln tim ets s aas long. Because lighting local It producc? / jobs. B ut n o m a tte r w hcrc y o uI Ilvilive, Qccounilunta for a fifth o f d ie typical ^ id e houschischold electric bill, switching yyou've got options. This guid to ihcsthese more efndcnt CFLs wrill v Inspirc a n d m otivate yo HHHHH » We prcirovide after hoururs j H ibout savess Clenergy and money. v in fro n t of - [sopic ■ : recycli:ling containers ir Com3mmunltlcs i — and even lth e vmyn that everyday peopl w h olie le

*' ’ .*'•“ ' ‘ •••• ‘ \ : ■ 1 '. . ' ' S crapp shear, ; balers, an3nd electrcro-magnet are avavailable. -rH

, 1 9 339 S Highland E. Twiir/in Falls H | 7 3 4 - 7 4 4 0 roll Free 1-800-388-8 - 3 8 7 8 ■ C 3 2 00 'W est Main Streete t B u r i e y .678-2321 V — Troll o : Free 1-800-292-2 - 2 3 2 1 H O pen e r Mon-Fri 8-5 • Ss T t S - 1 2 Price kceeps SOIunefrom1 seekingg greenesr homes;s sign steps. Sawrey said: nniuiniumi BYMQEPOPPMO0 Wills of wills Inc.ic. In 'l\vln FalLs. to p a y for greejreen houses is nno lh - lure ninl Keichum. s e architecture firm tninsi- warmth v from tlie sun. twu-int-incii- TimGS-Nows writert “Wc don't h av e• llthe excess in- cr. Wills snid,id, especinllyi In a n of- H ie ^ lliick walls filled with concrcncrcte. comc, and peoplejilc aren't willing fordnble marklarketllke'fWln, tloncdd to designing “green" I lings full-time in 195)0 and nidiant r heat from lubes In t th e U looks good on pnper-LT— more to pay the extra.” “It hiLsn'tI't reallyI caught o n buildin r looked back. 'Hie change floor f und healthy products:ts for e ffld c n l henting, bbackup 'lliat's extni mornotiey for every- around here.'tre." 'IWlii Falls city never |i ed — the key. Saivrey said, the t Indoors. Uving Archilectiecture sourccs from alicmalivcvc cenergy, thing from vinyl sicisiding— friend- plans examlntliner lenny Nickerson worked : m arket in th e W ood Hiver homes 1 never contain wall-■all-to- building maicrlals (hntnt Ibenefit Her than some wowood sidings — said, is the n y. Hniiier thon designing wall v car])eis, h e said, a n d Insteiistead both ihe environment-art-andhu- to radiant heatal provided by In westernrn W V ashingion, vvhere Valley, previously lived, envi- people'lie's first h om es, lie does use i floors m a d e ofbam lxin.t». c(cork m a n hcahh. tu b e s o f h o t w aterIter running un- Nickerson pre second or retirement a ii n d w ood. Uut •'grccn’ home corconMruC' der tlie floorboardsrds.lnfact.therc ronmentaii design dt Is huge, it's their es. a n d people ore Willing lo The end result is an energy-rgy-ef- Ilon has yet to catch on across nrc enouj^i wayslys a conimctor somelhing; shesli liasn'i seen re- homes, I few m ore extras in to iliose. ficlent f design, a n d ilie firmilsex Isi - much of south'ccntmlml Idaho, c an claim he's grcercen th a i th e N a- fleeted in llie tin Mogic Valley — putafc lid. Add In an active, health- p [ a n d ln g Ihc sc ope o fits projerojecis . Tliai's due less lo oplnloinions nnd llonal Assoclatioition of Home thougli somem e com m unities ju st h e .sold Ih c r n o rth have em - focuse

Toxic cl::hemicalss a th re a t outdoorse 5 a s w e l l aas indoonrs ticldes. eat non-orgjinlc: fofood ByTONriMMS1 roofs.— all souroirccs of harmful .slons.Whafarifare Mme of tliemoin becaususe ii's difficult to ailculaie t nnd buy all the cleaning prod-pn c o m p o u n d s. - threotsr . th e odi)dds that low levels of each i pound found Inside the . ucts i on ihe cleaning produoducis Ttadc chcmicals aren't:n't Just a Even the dustt thattl collects In •r6rm^3ellaehydc Is ^ v e n o ffb y com po ew lll cau se Illness. aLsle.” i says University o f ArizrTi/-ona threat In the outdoorr erenviron- carpets can contanlaln pesllddes. • many Wndads ibt pmicle board, home^ wood cabincts and “ifyiyou’ve got a chemlcjil In a p | rofessor M ary Kay O'Rourkejrke. ‘ I ment. "nie/rc creepinf3ing Into lead, cadmium,. bacteria,bi mold, plywood, wo follow the dlrcclions. makele sisure d u st m ites a n dI ajanimal dander composUcwoiwoodproducts. Jaronan a shelf and the jar is closed I roiardants. contained and nothingm is coming oul of the i liouse is well vented. 1I knknow O ver th e p a st d e ca dle, e, a grow- th a t have b e e n linkinked to asthma, • Rome rou ers.lclevlslonseisand thal jarja there Is no risk. If you that I non-loxlc altematives ; Ing number of sdeniincfic istudies allergies, lead poisoning, pol birth Incompuiers. Jn some cases are' open1 aa Jar. a chemical can get out i there, but I use whateveiever is have wamcd of healthth threatsi defects, canceramand learning dis- carpeting, Jn Itb the air nnmrolly. inioth^nyi Anotlother expert soys she has and bleaches, long hawlave been wherc they typlalically spend 65 •Phtltalate: plastic products softer leamecled to live with the uncer- 'Ibny Davls Is a rc/xirterforfor tlw criticized for containing[lg co rganic p c rc en t to 90 perccnt pei of their . andotherpla: y of Ihe risks even ns she has Arizona > D

So whai kind o[ moniloney can seardies and planlans soil and w a-. gallons to coicontrol poliulonis In you make in a grcen>collcollar job? ter conservation,r air.watcrandin d so il. Anything from a barelyrcly living Environmenialal cn^ncer Ecologlsi:il; $G0,950, invesU- ] ■ hourly wage to a slx-llgurc six $50,000, applies5 mmany basic scl- gates adaptaptabiiiiy of different salary. Some hourly posilions po ences in testinglg olr, soil and species to> cchonging environ- V H jndltlons. Alternative In li stock Futly Equippedd & 4 Finished • Steel Roof>f that fit tho green labelel IncludeI mora ' mental cond r anotlier burgeoning d • Heavy Insulation bicycle repair, recyclinglg haulers.h ConservationI blologisu energy te an • 80 Ib. Snow Load < l £ £ Shioom a tn Idaho9 (for(t purxhotmt b r Ortob^ I. 200TOO/] non-toxic housekeepinjplng nnd $52,480. studiess aanimals, birds, field wilh Job growth across the FRE R oady to dolivofitirjoyouijocatior^^^^ more. Wilh addllional edled u catio n a n d th e ir h a b itatsIIS ito p ro tcc t a n d boord. o r training, y o u m ightt firfind Jobs rcstoreblodiverslrslty. • ------H R s u c h os: Pollution contnntrol technician: Salary daudata sourea U.S. Bu- H U Hydrologist: $51,080080, rc- $32,000, conductsicts fleld investi- reauofLaborborStatistlcs Gireen l I gandeniin g ^ t hoime O r a t C( S I i f y o u d o nI't ’l

h aave \ th e space

ByMATTCtUUSTBISENBY fimcs-Ncws wrllcf

liccontini’inj; morc environmentallyIlly rriL-nclly couliould b e {LS easy as stepplii}* intono ymirhiickyar:yanl. Well, nlmo;most, if ytju've got a homc gar-ir- (Icn. A l)iicky:ia>^ird garden can bc inoa* eco- friendly ihiinKin buying nt th e supennarkcl: VinrrL'iu>t|).')]p.iyiMB forjpisolhie recjuircd for shipplnK. and Jim yon can conimi what, if any. cliL-iniciilicais are appliwi to yonr fruits iiiulvejaiics. Thai's oneme rL-ason C^irl I iatncld grows jllSI illxillt everyCVI ve}’clahlc im aginable on Iiis sm all ncrcI'creagcncar Ihilil. "Its Ihrsticr,■tier, you can grow .spcclal vari- d ie s iticy don'ldoi Iiave iit thc.stoasindyou ciincorurul)1 liillic fertilizers." hesiild. Miiinckl illsiilso helps supervise ih e 'IWin l-ails I'anncrsicrs Miifkel. whca- dozens of]f vendors sciiioill lociilly grown fare. lUii is frcsli■esher tiiste w ordi nil digging, wuedinK andjlid picking? Siiids Jim W ilson, an iigricul- luru professorvsor iit tiic College o f Souihem n A tall row of com can be soorloon a t th e College of Southern Idahotd community garden Fridaylay afternoon InTWin FalisT*’ * * " Idalio. About flvuyi.-e years iigo. W ilson helped or* j-anizeiicomiiminunilygardcnaiCSl, where anyone wllli111 S^O* can rent a plot 2R feet wldcliysorccifeet long. It's mostly for iipan* incni dwellerslers iind rolk.s w iihoul cnougli space at homeline. ily this timimc e o f year, th ere iire alwiiys a few plots wherhere weeds outnumbBttynia- . toes, h u t forir llIhe most part, Wilson sal'dj * Ihc Knnlciiersers take pride in their vcgglcs a n d enjoy thhcfruiisofthcirlabor. e f 'I1)c cornminuiniiy ti garden seems to be }{citln}; m oren* popular.p Tlic year tlie pro- Knim started.;:d. 24 people signed up for a plot.'niisycJir,:ar, thereI wcrc-lG plots, a n d It^ nottinusuiiltoI to e n d up o n ii w aiting list, W liat^ tlicnjenppenl? ‘Wc let peo|)cople do what they wnni to do," Wilson said.snk Growers caican control thc chemicals u se d on tlicir!lr food.f All CSI d o c s Is w ater theplanlsnndrnd remove llic noxious weeds. "l-ocallygnjw?Dwn food Is harvested iit th e tlm clt^ ripest."st.'W llson added.‘TlicrcfoiB, it's ntit.m Idaho community aarden Frldiriday afternoon in IWln Falls. BSSHHI B u ildd in g s b) e c o m i]i n g e n ee r g y - e if f ic ie nIt i

Sinks will have automatic shut*nut* b h b h i h r h h ne Fallow. M o r e T win i r Falls ":onserve water. . building will hove skyliglus; u ns will have occupancy sensorsSSO so lluorcsccnt light bulbs that r businesses,s , s c h o o l Jibs, which will be envlronmcn* nergy use by 20 perccni: lowlower t toUy-fricniendly, a rc n o t o n In e m p ty room s. } use to 75 perccni InI tlth e g o i n g ‘gp:een r Thcib.Jistrict Is currently reviewing tlictlie gs; a n d have w h ite roofs — osiso oj p - n u m b er ofc skylights the building will to black ones — to rcducc enur]nergy ■ Y J M B I&NOnORS m i hove. The:■here arc also plans for windowJow nption. Tmcs-Nowswrlswrtttf coveringsgs in some locations to keep'd dl- l- akcrs se n se no t only to rcducc oi rc c ts u nI ooff i som e classrooms. foolprint^nt o n th e e n v iro n m en t, bu t itta ol: lso A]l a cro ss th e country,try, greener build- *We feefeel that we are hopefully goodood dows that will be angle;led to maximiri: maicesgregreat b u sin e ss sense," Tallowtfsald sa Ings arc sp ro u tin g up. stew ardsIs of energy and natumi rc- re- sunlight, ond the buildinling structure will ofbcingcigcncrgy-cflldcnt. IW in Falls Is n o dUTcrcnirent. sources,'1i.'Thom5berrysald. be constructed to minimim lzc w in d expo- T he U.SU.S. Green Building CouncilII hi has As the dty continuesues to gnnv, new Theeneinergy cflident also will mean ththe e sure. certlfledd rnearly 900 buildings undere r Its1 buildings are taking theJie Initiative to be buUdlngwg will be more economical. TTic m ech a n ica l sy stectns n forair-condi* Leadershi|ship in Energy and Environmeimen* cncfgy'CfRdcnt. LeodlngIlng the charge Is 'If wo} piput In energy systems it willI be tloning and heating will111 be energy cffi- tal DesignIgn (LEED) program , a n d anothiother the constnictlon bubblelie ati the comer of ' less cosdy>dy for fud costs,' he said. 'Wc'Wc dent and therc will beJC re c y d in g pro- 6,500 pro)irojccts owait certificotion. m ahington Street Northirth and Pole Une think It^^ aia n In v estm en t u p fro n t th a t will grams for employees ancnd visitors. Water IdahoJ is1: behind the curve in encrilergy Road that Indudes a newew hospital, a new payofTdiv:dividends, thot will poyoffduringing consumption will alsoI bbo observed for conservatlration compared to olher nortlo n h - high sc h o o l a n d a Wo]>Ma■Man. th e life oo f fth t e bu ild in g .' conservation. west state:Dies b u t it Is m aldng strides,, saidsal Whcn Canyon Rldgcige High School The nevlew St. Luke's Magic Valley Rc- Re- * 'It's environmentally tltlie riglit thing to SucSeifcrfen, a senior energy specialistlist int opens in 2009, It w ill boosijastaslewofgrecn glonal Mc(vledical Center will also have ccn- n- d o ,' sold Jeff H ull, w h o is overseeing tlie the Idahcaho Department of Water R Bccauscise hospitals ncverdosc, they orearc Wal-Mart, which will! bbe located along "Tlierere arei things thot are happeninning. tr ic t working; t

RADOIN i s i n tt l h e a i r y^ ( o u b r e ai t h ! A sim ppie ] test is all yc need to knclow how muchh RADON is inir your home.

RA]L D O N F A C T S Radodon is a radioactive; jgas found in somee rocksi a n d soils. You ca n ’t see, ssmell, feel, or taste:e rad o n . S i t Radolion is the leading catluse of lung cancerr ini; non-sm okers, Radon has been fou)u n d in e v e r y co u nnty t in Idaho.

T aake l action NCO W by dialinn g 2 -1-1 to

each the Idahho;6g5feL ine; ian d get a

F R E E easy t(to use radon a te s t k it!

Idnhciho Caroline • IDHW ^ ' WIDAHO0 DEPARTMENT 0 G et m ected S ii Conm Get Answers. H E A ULTH scWELFAR O i a r 2 1 -•1 1 O f 1 - a 0 0 - 9 2 6 - 2 5 f lf l To learn m ore: aboutt radon, visits i t o u r w e b s i t e : w^rw i w .healthy.idahi h o . g o v

.:tV ^ ' J SiittingS p r e tt ^ , s i g g r e (! e n Envircironm ent Fumilliture line b len dis s ecology, desig

BYAlYARiaHAHSai liiTies-NewswtlicrliiiK “T he old w ood hass sso much character, it does have a prspresence. It’s got I'WIN i-AI.LSi-AI — Som e w ays li> help Ihf tTenvironment are nu- beautiful lines ancind stress cracks.” hnilncTs: recycle,rei drive less, buy — Dynn Pcttcrsicrson, ow ner Tribes ln(cr! forward fi lo sliowing her Envirviron- llie n a tu raal l rresources that might fromm abandoned buildings and1 menln Purnliurc to her son. wv ho have beenm cconsumed lo create derelirelict barns, and responsibly' runs r a dry cleaning businessisth i a t Ihiit comforifonable couch? harverveslcd mahogany. uses u ecologically sensiisitivc W orry ntio o imore. Siyle and eco< ThcI he company also minimizes1 m n e th o d s, b e ca u sc h e also mn aak es loKicuI iiwartra re n e ss ble n d in a sin- th e! li Impacr of iis produciionI furniture. fi gle line nfof furnishings, now proce)cesses. ‘ 1 rcally w an ted him to see‘e thi is aviiiiable in Keichum and ’IWin “TliTlie idea of using ibai recy- piece p and maybe do thc sa ta ils allV ibeibes Interiors. cled.d. mixed wlih Ihe new ma- thing." tl sh e said. “Il's trying to do The line,IC. .allied simply linvl* liogar[(any wood: 1 just tove lhal thc tl best you can do withll oi u r ro n m e n t PiPurnliurc, uses rc- combnblnailon and that thought planet." p claimed anca n d su.sialnably h ar- o f reirecycling." said Rosi Mar- Many of ’Wbcs' custom>mers vested woocood to crenic designs ilnez-e/-l:ckcrt. a Hagerman rcsi- share sl Martinez-Eickert's vie'lew s, thnl mix theihe nisilc and modern, dentit \who has purchased picces. Pctlcrson P said they're Intcrese sle d W lien Tribesties ow n er D y an P etler- from ith c E nv iro n m en t F u rn itu re In It th e history o f th e w ood ant in s o n first saw the furnilure in a lineJ frfrom Tribes, “tf you’re going: doing d their part to make p ur- Ij >s A ngelesles ishowroom, she was to doio Ifurniture, w hy no i d o recy- chases cl lhal minimally impiipact Green furniture Is findlniling its niche In th e expanding] environmen ental immediuiel/tely a ttra c te d to it. cling?lg?" the tl environment. And theyy ]|1;q1 m arket. This 'groon' bedled and tho decorative stools'otflt ItsII foot are "W e just:i sc ra m b le d to find o u l WVlille lil recycling llsclf w as the tl design a mix of sleek polu.ii«h inBdo from recycled rainalnforost wood. The Environmentlent Fum lturo lino emphasizes tho naturalBl grain1 and weight of the recycliy cled wood the wliollwasars a n d h o w to ge t It." sh e inviilriling lo Martlnez-Rckert, she and ai rustic charm. , company uses, while incorporatinoinc sustainably hanesvested mahogany siild.‘li wnsj■ns ju st a look th a t real* alsoD liked knowing lhat thc "Tlie old wood has so min u c h pleccs a s smoothly finlsllish ed , m odem design elem ents.nts. ly ap p e a le•d d t9yn U . C . , l-urniujfc Hnlin e «ihirRi?m?i^ tm d - > ^ i hhout o i showing scratches. , PellerBonis Pi ofTeringa 25 pcH;n ofrMltIiig7; monetary value lue to the cost of iitahic crcd:rcdlt p ro g ra m s will th e trurue value o f carb o n credits, yourcarbc)on A: C arbon olT s^ln(!tlngcompcn* polluting the nir nir- h av e nn audit aui tnill or similar’ Criticscs say dieap credits sfitcs for grecnlioiisoISO gas eink. Politicianstout toi carhun emis- docutneniail nation that they'll cluaiisiise the coiiscicnce hut not slons wllll nncijulvnlertilent carbon sions trading si 5 schemes as the .share, thoiij-Diigh th e y som etim es footprintI t the environment, dlaxJclu reduction. best mcatis.ofti if tackling cilrnate cliurgc a fet as It is e asie r to Anything wu doo (that con- change, argiilngIng liial by BYTOM BEAL b u y siimes energy in (urnjrn produces putting a keep pi)lliiiing th e se em issions. Drivi:riving a vciii- pricc on VViiy dl) Ihey call It a “carbon“cai ll) cleorhcnilngorcoolltollngahome carbon , fnotpriril?" After all. iher:here Is iia> only th e m o st obobvious cx- c in I -s - A niilliing wrong wilh ciirbonh on. It's (imples. slons J th e building block of, lint firms V c arbon dioxide— thu mostisiubiii- u QillowdololTsct?!t? have a n - ■ minus of Ihe greenhouseie g gases A: First y o u figure■re out. your nandal in- 1 — Is given off ns carbon d:hanges ia i 'c a rb o n fo o tp rin t" uusii sin g o n e o f centlve to \ form . W lien ctmi is biirneirned lo er technology or ciinngc the many calculators3rs available reduce their gencnite eleciridiy forr yourj ■IP j P " vide It. your liftlifestyle. online. T licn y o u c anini^c;8tdRs ii carbon foot- ' homeorgasoline is consumelined to ^ Any credit llie! onlyo sure way to make a to red u M y o u r footpriiprint or buy prim. Manyly , power your car. your "car'carbon progm m sh o u ld dlfTcrcncnce Is to reduce yourC02 'carbon offsct' crcdlu-iItt-fromcn- companies st footprint" expands accordd ingly.ln| be fully traceable, emissloiIons directly by being vironmcntal projecis. airbpn credits to llie U nited Stales is aI wwi orld to com - • I5uiI rtresults are some- deanercr and greener In your m crciai a n d Ini leader In p er capiia emissionilons of Individual cus- tim es ha rd1 to |prove. ow n liau.sehoid ii and tnivel Q: Whai arc tlic oploptions for tomers. greenhouse giisus. HieIb ei-n - hiibii.s. > crediiA7 vironmenial Proieclion AgeAgency Q:Sodocrcicrcdits rcally mnkc a A: C arbon c rc d its trytrytocrcate, i Q: How do 1 estimates tiie averjige emlsslilsslons I know crcdits diffcrencc?^ Soiirvinrs: Gnwi Hus/ncssNiws. a morket for rcduclnfcing green* , arcn’l a scam? for a h ousehold of two ni ■1I,S(H)•! I, A:ljickofv.[)f verification m akes FinniicUil Tinu’s, liuusc cmis.



I E 5 sSimplestitepstore(gduceimipact C cl o m m u n ii l t y i d e a s

■YNKES1NK grease, and rcducc stairtains and Less thailanSSOO Indivd ividual CfTorts a d d u p , cs:Tis:To cut tninsponatlon and smells. •Siopyourhcatiiitingblll tom liter* butndneighborhood and com- packlackoging of many types of oods, suppon local shops EveEvery day, you can take anyy oof •PackschoolluncheslnnIn reusable ally going through the roof. Adding munitylity projects can moke gooc doizx:ns z er o f sim ple ste p s to rcduciluce containers. The avcrage-slz•sized clc* Insulation yourselfclfsavcs money In an eveeven bigger dIfTcrcncc. [lot that p ro d u c e o r sell local y our u r Iimpact on tlic environmentIt— — mentary sciiool generatesates morc the long run. AI {professional Job Here: aiore simple ways lo in* prodroducts. You'll find good o lu e s a n d also h e lp th e Io* a nid d ssuch measures don't havecio K than 18,000 pounds of lundm ch w aste m ay yield even mimore savings, but volvcc your friends and valui a l c c o n o m y grow. breake ak Ilte bank. in a school year, says Friendi;nds of tlie costs morc up frominL n e ighbors: h b calc • Scale up the effort: Orgo- FromchanglnglightbulbstobuyFro )uy- E anh. • C hcck w ith yoin u r local utility to • ShiShore the wealth: Svrap •£ Ing mmorc em dcni appliances, yoiyou • Join a group. Coopcraiicmdvc ef* sec Ifyou hav e a n1 co p tio n lo b u y rc- toolss and do-lt-yourself ilze nlze community residents to crsuode locol govcrn- c ann t h e lp rcducc greenhouse ga:gos forts raise aw areness, gainIn politicalp ncw ablc energy frofrom sun. woter or cquipiiIpment among your pcrsi c mlissions lss — and while you mlghIght d o u l a n d u lilm a id y m akekc a difTcr- wind. nelghbihbors. Docs every menlents, schools arid other haveve to spend extra moncy-noMlow, encc.LocaIgroupscngagciri'C in activi- M oretho)un$SO O h o u sesc sivc, th e y virUl. payay for thcmschw Itemsis ssuch as vacuums can homom e. cmlss:ilssions assodated with man}a n y • O n c e a week, b u y a busforetobus ovcrafcwycaT8.An\ndyoumaybed- bcshartiorcd. • • JoinJ 0 group: Coopcra* cvcrytcryday activities: w otk o r shopping. T h e avcnivcragc 12* Igiblc for tax ereTcdits. lb chcdc • i Cut consumption: vc tlvc cflbrts raise avrareness. Free or alm ost fm mllc daily commute geigenerates R athericr than spending mon* gainaln political dout and ultl* •* CCompost grass dippings ancand 2,750 po u n d s o f C 0 2 a n nnually.Just u a • Use environmim entally friendly ey o nn yyet another unnecdcd motela te ly m oke d difference. T h e re arc th o u sa n d s o f to ­ o thicr e r biodegradable1 itcmsat homemc. cutting back oncc a weekc sa'saves 550 constnictlon mateiteriols in building ItemI asas a birthday gift, look Th Duyintying packaged com post can cosixst pounds. or remodeling a home. Green for wojMiys to give the gift of calol groups g Involved in prec- S2 to SS and usually uses plasticistlc • Buy Q tap-w aicr filter lhathat elimi- builders arc prolifeIferating and stan* time! toto relatives and fdends. tlcolcal activillcs ranging from packa,c k a ^ n g . A h e a p lucked aw ay/In Ir nalcslcadondothcrconiamtamlnants. dards and practlaIccs a re available Offerr tito dean a bosement, roadsadside dcanup. recycling, ih cI bbackyard a costs nothing. Then drink tap instead of Ibottled online. babysit/sit th e kids, o r ta k e o n o “CC tree planting and more, •K* Keep c your vehlde tires properl)erly water to help eliminate wastrastca sso ------______task tJthat someone never Con'tlan't find one? Stort one. inflateIated. dated with slnglc-usc plastlastlc boi- Mike Suxrk is a reporter fo r the q u itec 11finds the time to get •TV* 1>y le m o n Juice o r baking sodcoda tics,only lOperccntofwhidilich are re- BUUnss Gazette! In Moniana, d one.t. Sources; TYueCrvcrt. to clcclean kitchcn spills, dissolve)lvc cyded each year. ntsloHc& • Su[Support local business- FHendsoftheEarth

PS g "h a r ^ W s ti ' iT il

^ h e m ! ™ i eI r ^ H O I C ^ s o u j f f o j J P■m a r m o l IS i Goii n g igreetn (anid yebIIow1) ' E t h a ntiol, m eth«l a n e p r o diuction i co:) m e s t o M/[agic V allel e y

- . I BY MATTICHRSTCNSCN CH R|||Z Times-Nci;-NowsVi^lcr What is it?? (iim in llic Magic;lcValIcyhasI()iigmcanl V s i E s r s s s srjlgcnor s IWO things: Tccd foro r ilivestocic a n d din n er s S H S S isuch as sugar bed s, can boiiscd. t!il)lcfiia-.In«fcwmoiTiontlis, it'll m e an a diird ontainlnoeitianol sold in iho Unitedtod Slates, callcdEIO. is abouHOpc — gasoline. on EIO. i l>adflc n ihanol Inc.,nc., a Galifom la altem a- Jslors ag ilve-cncrtor com pany,my. a n d Rcnova Unergy, uiluro, im k K S iu t'’onQ unil ol enoi willi ofnccs in Boise,iC. p la n to op e n eth an o l. a.peoplQwhoDuyEIOcansavoasi production fadlitJcsC3 iin .southern Idaho in jn.mJowrnmSo^ 15.1 cents per gallon a s a la x creditGStlooli llie next several monlondis. ilthanol, a fud> asolinc. according to tho American ( liascdnddiilvc, lessen;H;ns the a m o u n i o f fossil ! fiiel-bn-scd gasolineB ncneccssary to m n a air. J to d e r in ethanol use, Many carsars tlictc run on a luci blend of abo City o m d a ls amd n d aa-a fanners are iliriilcd. and they expexpect a wide ripple ef- fcci. 'riie Padfic plainlani will bring a b o u t <1U R g f l johs 10 th e couniy, strengthensin a market for H ||ff nn eadier interview,M lUlianol. also called cliasciiscd linul near llnine;iu, vvherei-itiiilends it i com growers and provirovidca source for alter- gmin nicohol. hns gni7 iineni dairyry trm anure, nearly doubled fronrom about S2.05 per cdiamlanolfadlllicfiinMaf^cValley.Anddiddicy’ll veisiflcallon for diee agI Industry, and this At leu.* o n c Mngic Valley dairy alrcaiready pro- t)ailielt0Qb0Ut$4,thiithanks mostly lo a surg- likely;ly bc die first among many propiroposed will ca*atc morc jobsIS 1here." ducesu s m ethane from a gas dlgestc;ester. and Ingdcmandforcom-fcTi-based etlianoi. ethanftt5>iingiIngton Street a n d 100 Idaliollio State D ep a n m e n t o f Agricuiiuulture In Altemate Oncro’ 11lloldings Inc. has pur- diascLsc digesters.

Footpriii n t ______Con(landfttB|M«i7 bring'ng w ater to o u r tap s a n d a lot oof f fifud Is heal and coot an oldciicrhome. learotr oul your law aio saviTwiicr. pounds per year. Thatiiat m«ms you and your bumcmed to give us our daily bread. Ilieilie av e r- IJabystep: Loweryour yc water heater tem- Ba^la^jacp': Catch rainwater andd u-seUf il for community can makelake a big difTerence by age! foodfo Iicm on the American lablcable has peratureondsctyourjr thermostat no hi^iec^Hrri^ti^ lio n . measuring your carborbon footprint and tak- tmvckrelcd 1,500 miles to gel llierc. than 70 degrees in win/Inter andno iowertrian iiigsleps to reducelt.It. Onc)ncc you’ve Identified the majorrsources soi 7B degrees in su m mier. er F o ood d Wliat do I need1 tcto know? You’ll need of you^ u r carbon footprint, whal canly yo o u do llg step: Becom c a vc-getarian.:i. 1=Ix-eding some hard dalalnhariilandbtiforeyoucancal- to redreduce il? Most online calculatorslots give O n t h e r o a d c rops p s tocowsI and pigs requires.scveijveii times ciilate your carbon fobtprlnt.fob you1 a chanccI to lower your score Iryry II:listing Uig steps: O in n g e: yyour work sdic*dule lo die cnenergy Input of eating diose! cropscn di- V * How m udi electrcctrldty, gas and water yourir recydingr habits and then showlow you avoid stop-and-go IniImrric at rash hour. Or rcctiy.'liy, G row yourow n produce, ili)UiyourhouscholdId uuse? hownivniudi you can sa vc wllh funhcrre•r reduc- move doscr to where■e )you w ork or lo a m .^« Bjih;liihy steps: I'.at fm its or vegetableslies in sea- • Mow many milesUcs do you drive each tionsliis in consumption oroihcrmeasun5urcs.1b Iraivslt route lhat gets;isyoutlictc. son.I. I If we all changcd o u r livtlives, we x pcns sny year? m akeikea difference, you can lake blgstei;stepsor Baby steps: Carporool. walk. bike, take a amidlid diange the worid. Hut cxpci *llo w o R cn do you(outravdbyairandhow babyojyoncs.llercarosomctlpsnndsom wmere- bus or work from lioilome a t least o n c day a e v en n ssmaller .steps make a dlfferencvnce. And far? sourccirces fordoing that: week. Keep your carir tuned, your air niter yourir chancesc of sticking lo a rwluctiuced-air- dearandyourilresinfnflatedioa'commcnd- bon1 dietd increase when you seln realisticn Invisible footprird n t A t hl i ( o m e ed pressure. goals.Is. Ikyond this obviouI o u s energy c o n su m p - DigsIig Step: Buy a new M odem 7bmbm lical (sarejmnerfortlieArlzarlojiuiDai- lion, som e o f ou r carba rb o n u sage Is h id d e n , structijctlon tcdinlques and proper matenaterials A t I h e t a p Cnr1)on-bascd fiicb» powpc er d ie p u m p s d ia t c anI halveha dieam ouni of energy rcqiiln{Hired to Dig step: PIU in th1C e swimming pool and lyStnr.tar, il>cal&azslamcl.cot>L F o rrMVdriiv e rs , hy j b rid s viv o rth tlth e ir whliile

BY NOEWEPOPPWO m | | B "I actually m ake mmoney on the mileileage I tum in” onn 1the job. ■nmcs-N£s-Ncwsvitiln — Jane Miller, spedaOal-ed consulting teachersr w ith the ISvin Falls SchaO io o l D is tr ic t

Itlch C iirlsono n i(Irive.s a lot. U f lives inn tthe couniry. for wjBiM oif(>— justnul.siulsid e Filer. And his jobasiilawycrkcrkeopshimonthe roiid m orv ofterrten limn nol. So two years.irs ago. when Carl- so n n e e d e d ninewcar.hesetiled n u ^ W b H onaZOOSToyolJyotnPrlus-'niccar’s ' distinctive sliqpiqpc a n d quirky de- sign have madeide lithe symbol of pon thc thc technology,” Miller modem hybridsrids—vchlclcsihat said, pair two sourc'urces of power — And theth savings on gos is a and CarlsonI cocouldn’t ever give nice bor)ontis. Thougli she only h is up. g e is a bloul o t <13 miles pcrgollonas ■Noi m e. No way," he said, opposedcd to Ihc 50 mpgTbyota’s •It’sfaniostic." W eb sliclie listed, sh e said, th c car 1 lybrld autclulomoblles have is perfccie ct for h e r job. been around1 shsince thc Ix>hner- “i aclcdually make money on I’orschc Oirria]Tlage appeared In themllcollcagelium ln'onlhcjob, thc 1900s, accoi:cording 10 a guide Mlllersalsaid, a b o u t Ihc icchn:hnotogypuioulby When;n Sarali Harris pur- ' Toyota. Dut thcthe concept never chascdJ herI 2003 Honda Civic really cau g lilI oion until rccently. Hybrid,d. she s said she was actual- spurred by envlinvironmentai con- ly steeretrred away from ihcToyoia c c rn s a n d liighligh gas priccs — cars byy salespeoples who didn't bolh reasonsIS CarlsonC said lie think they'd^ c c a ic h on. jeleny m Kraft, a car salesm an withI Will'sVi Toyota, sta n d s by a 200707PtIusSept12onthecarlot "inTWInFalls. In i Idahoans like b o u g h t h is Fivef yeorsyi a fte r h e r A ugust KraftCrsft says th a t everybody has diffiiffsrent rea so n s (or purchasingig Uiet hybrid car but lie thinks ld< “Tltc morcV jyou read about 2002 punlurchase, she's still driving ItI for its good g a s mileage. i * cmLsslons, thclie imorc seriously I thc carir anda said she's glad she j (hink you haveavc lo take ll," hc goiajumu m p In o n th e technology. I said. It even•n meant a federal lax 1 That's somclhicthing lone Miller, breakfor for her one year, ; a sp c cio l-c d COIconsulting tcachcr The eightcl boitcrles take up I fo r th e T W nI FtFalls School Dis- someof of the trunk space in the ’ trlcl, look Inlonio accouni when small carcai and ihc oil Is a Hide . she boughi betier Prias, also a morc Bxpcnslvc.,butlnatlmc'ofexp ' 2005 model.. AfAfler her cliildren gas priccIces that fill near $3, ihc . grew o ld enougough thnl her ‘soc- car hassbconallfcsaver. b cer-mom" van/an was unncccs- 'lllkcikc it a lot. Il drives like just I sary, M iller stistarted shopping a regularliar old car.’ said H arris, a . I a ro u n d a n d rcsircseardioLhybrlds biologyO 'lab li m a n a g e r at CSI. on lin e. B uiww h h a t sh e fin d s even m orc i "I w a n te d1 sisomething morc v^uQfolc.jlcjs^ihc screen constant- cnvlronmcnialliially friendly, with lydlsplaj)layingTho;Tiilcogeihecar b e tte r m ileage,’gc," sh e snid. ^ -r gets: anin average o H s m p g . All T h c hyb ridd mmarket lias grown cars, nol noi just hybrld.s, should by qulic a bll in thc last two have theIhc readouts, slic said, as ye ars — H ondaIda, Ford and Gen* peoplec wouldv notlcc thc little eral Motorss aare among thc things,i, likeII th c fact th a t driving manufacturersers who ciihcr have at65mpn p h o n In tersta te 84 saves existing hybridirid cars or plan lo morc gnsgn than speeding at 75 producc them:m within thc next mph orrir m ore. few years. E)utut IIn 2003, a friend “Peoplopie would be morc con- of Miller's whiwho worked as a siderale:ile aboul how they drive.” pans mechanicinic ai another car ______dealership sugguggcstcd Toyota as NatePe Poppino can be raielicd Ihc b c si, if n o01 io only, w ay to go. a t 735-31•3237or npopplno&mag- “Basically, wc wanted lo sup- icvalley.cycom . , r 1 N e w s pp a p e r cc o n c e r nn e d a b io u t re cc y c lin g9r CAsgormBNUN I 'niisyeararnlone,the'/Imi»-/V<'iw 'A paperless society!' I’alnier Tlmes-Nows a-c y d cd <13437.<186 po u n d s o f new s- bellecllows from his desk, wiiiiouiOUI p a p e ro n dd ccardboard betw een Jan ceasi.•aslng lo type. Sincc Ihc 77/«a*/'/cn«ndde(Jded an ■ I. a n d Aug.lg. 31. according to hiclf- And An I larnion's green conscidtis- iiluminum can compactorir Inli Its - |a |j|||||^ A Ic m anagerer Hass Taylor. nessess depends on ihe silualiiin. break room. Oty Mltor- DavidD ^ ;ets extracted and reused "ilie "I' siid thing Is lhat at lionieie l1 C ooper h a s flIlL'd il w ilh e cn m p ty - from fllmI plpla tes— o rp ro to ty p e — ' a-cycTycle." I lannon s;iid. ,• • (lletsodaouis. lake copies of the paper. Murd I li sa id rec>’cling.c(insci()us-us- None of (he empties bclon:long lo 1 aluminumI plates are nessL'SS Iliis no t becom e a s infeciUius tlclivcry m a n ag e r Katliy i Iomlarm on. dovlown in Boise iiy Inter- iii: thth e 'ntnrs-Ni'ws a s it neecisi i«10 Shi! drinks lier Frcsca less ofien o m ountain1 Precious M etals, w hich be. than Cooper crushcs Did DriDri>cp- pays pa p er a cu t o f more than "We iiaven't pro m o te d il per cans. But \N*cn th e last (Indro p Is S300 p er itimonth. Current markel enoulougli in our paper and In tlie gone, she tosses her canI IntoIni a niiuroralurumlnum cans Is-10 cents comiimniunily.''lie said. wosie bin below her desk. per pound,d. Som So e environm ental cre-atlviiy.iiy *I w ould ^ v e U3 a.B -m ip r (^umnMikNtfMin Althoughgh several print paper althithe paper goes undocumented,ed. said publisher-Bnid HutiL.tU ee, Glgl Contardb, loads ca^ 'board'KOmapjper,-.: s,„,|„„5 arc „„ localed a ro u n d d ie Tlikcikc ad representative Ctiris Gar- r alternoon lor recyclino: Eacli yeatirMrJh»ne»spa'- ,,j, , the T\mes-New^ green habit*lit® onlo a track Monday af hcaiili reporter Nate cin.a. w' lio reuses h e r ow n colTeeTee per recycles tons ol paperpai and cardboard and utilizes..reccleapap.r rt i garbage contains muglUgand often refills thesjimewa- Ml n ew sp ap er Is prim e dlo or n re- (or Its newsprint. c yded p a p e t M new sp rinII t pp< a p er tossed popiipcr that won’t i>e rccy- ierb(rbottle. gets re<7 dedotb-oti' W hen em ployee; don'tdo recydc, twc«nthettTO'coinK )tnpanlc& .' waste. posajsable coffee cup.

M»ducin8. Attm»d*olog. Th«« T«o0iin 0ln« and a to c t^ motor. It povinrs j (twosM lnPrtustlM ^ol ' T i p f ^ . Itetdy to Join th«ni7 'C r'--. "■ ’ - I

i <

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S v r .

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