Archive of Annual Reports, Faculty of Radiologists, RCSI, 1968 - 2011
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Archive of Annual Reports, Faculty of Radiologists, RCSI, 1968 - 2011 Introduction When preparing for the Faculty’s 50th anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting in September 2011, one of our visiting speakers asked to be put in touch with the Faculty Archivist. While attempting to satisfy his request for information by pulling together records held in many formats and places, it struck me that a postgraduate training body such as ours, whose history now spans over half a century, should put some effort into preserving the records of past activity. Not only do these records have historical value, but they can also be of great practical benefit in dealing with apparently-new issues. For example, while working to formalise our financial arrangements with our parent College (the RCSI) in 2010-2011, review of old minutes revealed that difficulties such as those which led to our needing to regularise matters had arisen at least twice previously in the Faculty’s history. We drew on past experience to guide us in arriving at the present agreement, and were grateful that records and guidance from the past were available. Most of the historical records of the Faculty’s activities are contained within the reports published annually. As a first attempt at creating some kind of accessible archive, we have brought together the available Annual Reports in this booklet, starting with the first on record, dating from 1968/1969. There is, no doubt, a lot of detail contained within these which is of little interest in terms of our present activity; nonetheless, when going through these reports, I have frequently been surprised at how forward-looking the Faculty has been throughout our history. Records of past scientific meetings frequently describe techniques no longer used, and often unknown to our younger colleagues (air encephalography, diaphonography and plain film tomography figure in the earlier years), but also include early adoption of new developments. The first recorded lecture on CT at Faculty meeting was in 1976, and in 1981 a lecture on Nuclear Magnetic resonance was included in a meeting program. Reviewing past reports also brings to mind many of our colleagues who have retired or died, and on whose shoulders the present, thriving Faculty has been built. It’s worth bearing in mind that Faculty activity is done on a voluntary basis by the involved Diagnostic Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists. The numbers of our colleagues who have given freely of their time and efforts over the decades should be remembered; a high proportion of the specialists in both disciplines have freely committed to teaching, examining, committee and board activity over many years. I hope that collation of this archive will remind us of those who have gone before, and created the institution with which our generation is now entrusted. I had initially hoped to have a booklet reviewing our history ready for publication to coincide with our 50th anniversary; to this end, I asked all available former Deans to write a summary of the high points of their terms of office, and all those approached very kindly gave of their time and effort to do so. These summaries are interspersed through this document, and provide some reflective historical oversight of events, the significance of which may not always have been clear at the time some of the Annual Reports were written. For a variety of reasons, this document could not be produced in time for the 50th anniversary ASM; some of the delay arose from unsuccessful efforts to find some missing Annual Reports. No reports are available prior to 1968/1969, and we don’t know if any were produced. We have also been unable to locate reports for the years 1988/1989 to 1994/1995 inclusive. If any of you have these missing reports in your possession, we would be very grateful if you could allow us copy them, for inclusion in a future, more- comprehensive archive. Finally, please accept my apologies for the lack of completeness of this archive, and for the inevitable less-than-uniform appearances of the production. This is a poor, first effort at collating our history, and will, I hope, be improved upon in the future when more material is available, and can be edited in a more consistent fashion. In the meantime, I hope you will all find something of interest here, if only to remind yourselves of the friends and colleagues who passed the FFRRCSI exams with you, or the locations of Spring meetings, and all the sociability that goes with them. Adrian Brady Dean, 2010-2012. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND FACULTY OF RADIOLOGISTS ANNUAL REPORT 1968/69 The last Annual General Meeting of the Faculty of Radiologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland took place on Friday, 3rd May, 1968. After a break for a very enjoyable Fork Supper, the first Ann Lawson McIntyre Lecture was delivered by Sir Brian Windeyer, Director of the Meyerstein Institute of Radiotherapy, Middlesex Hospital, London. The title of his lecture was “The Progress of Radiotherapy in Cancer”. On Saturday, 4th May, 1969, the Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty was conferred on Sir Brian by the President of the College, Mr E.N. MacDermott. The citation was read by Dr. Finbarr Cross and 120 Fellows and their guests sat down to the Annual Dinner. During the year, two of our distinguished Fellows died. Mr. D. J. Riordan, the first Dean of the Faculty and subsequently the Council Representative on the Board, and Dr. S. J. Boland, who was Dean of the Faculty from 1965-1967. Five meetings of the Board were held during the year. The Education Sub-Committee had a busy year as our teaching programme has now become more extensive. The teaching programme for undergraduates continues. This is again divided into three sections (i) to illustrate normal Anatomy and Physiology to 2nd year students, (ii) to illustrate pathological conditions aided by seminars to 3rd year students, and (iii) a series of lectures to final year students illustrating the value of radiology in clinical diagnosis. A new programme was initiated during the year when a training scheme for radiologists was commenced. A committee was formed with representatives from the four teaching hospitals, St. Luke's, Hospital, and the Faculty. The selection of trainees is made by this committee. Trial candidates are prepared for the D. M. R. D. London. The Physics lectures take place at St. Luke's Hospital. In preparation for Part II of the Diploma, the Faculty has played a major role in organising lectures and demonstrations in the various Dublin Hospitals. FELLOWSHIP OF THE FACULTY OF RADIOLOGISTS: Examinations: 2 candidates sat for the Primary Fellowship. 2 candidates were successful. 4 candidates sat for the Final Fellowship. 2 were successful A major concession was passed by our Board and confirmed by the Council of the College. This is to allow exemption in the Primary Fellowship to those who possess the London FFR. During the year our Faculty has joined the European Society of Radiologists.The problem of a film library is still being considered. Dr. J. J. Magner resigned as Honorary Treasurer and Dr. D O’Sullivan was elected in his place. This year's Annual General Meeting of the Faculty was held on Friday, 2nd May, 1969. Professor J. H. Middlemiss of Bristol University, subsequently read a paper on "Radiology Developing Countries”, which we hope to publish in a forthcoming issue. On Saturday, 3rd May 1969, the Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty was conferred on Professor Middlemiss by the President of the College, Mr. D. W. Montgomery. The citation was read by Dr. J. O. Y. Cole. The Annual Dinner which was attended by 110 Fellows and their guests, took place immediately afterwards. The following were appointed as examiners for the Fellowship of the Faculty, by the Council of the College, for three years. PRIMARY FELLOWSHIP: Surgery: Professor W. A. L. MacGowan, Dr. W. Mc Hugh, Dr. D. O’Sullivan Medicine: Dr. D. Cantwell, Dr. J. O. Y. Cole Pathology: Professor D. Holland, Dr. P. McCann, Dr. D. Whyte. Physics: Dr. H. Henderson, Dr. J. E. O'Connor, Dr. M. O Halloran FINAL FELLOWSHIP: Radiodiagnosis: Dr. S. Douglas, Dr. T. Lodge, Dr. M. Ryan. Radiotherapy: Dr. O. Chance, Dr. A. R. Lyons, Dr. R. C. Tudway DERMOT F. CANTWELL OLIVER CHANCE HONORARY SECRETARY DEAN JUNE 1969 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND FACULTY OF RADIOLOGISTS ANNUAL REPORT 1969 / 70 The last Annual General Meeting of the Faculty of Radiologists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland was held in the College on 2nd May, 1969. Subsequently, Professor J. H. Middlemiss, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Medical School, Bristol, read a paper on "Radiology in Developing Countries" Prior to the Annual Dinner on the following evening, the Honorary Fellowship of the Faculty was conferred on Professor Middlemiss. The citation was read by Dr. J. O. Y. Cole. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: The Annual Subscription of the Faculty is now fixed at five guineas. EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGY: During the year we have been informed that we have been elected to Membership of the European Society of Radiology. Representatives are to be nominated by the Board. BOARD MEETINGS: Five meetings of the Board were held during the year. There were also numerous meetings of the Education Sub-Committee. EXEMPTION FROM F.F .R.R. C. S. Irel Examination, Part One: It was agreed that exemption in Part one of our Faculty Examination be granted to those candidates who possess the F.F. R. (London). A notice to this effect has appeared in "Clinical Radiology". TRAINEE RADIOLOGISTS: A considerable amount of the Board's activity was devoted to an expansion of the teaching programme.