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Prof. Hj. Tengku Silvana Sinar, MA., Ph.D. Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd., M.A NIP. 195409161980032003 NIP. 19920504201901101 Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Sciences University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English


Universitas Sumatera Utara

Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of

Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Prof. Hj. Tengku Silvana Sinar, MA., Ph.D. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA., Ph.D. NIP. 195409161980032003 NIP. 197502092008121002

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the

degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Departement of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences

University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Sciences

University of Sumatera Utara on February 16th 2021.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

1. Prof. Hj. Tengku Silvana Sinar, MA., Ph.D.

2. Dr. Deliana, M.Hum

3. Dr. Nurlela, M.Hum

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Date: February 16th 2021


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Date: February 16th 2021


Universitas Sumatera Utara


First of all, deep from my heart, all honors and worship just for my Almighty God,

Jesus Christ, who saved and redeemed me and called me His daughter. I am so thankful that

He gave me chance to be a university student until I could accomplish my thesis in His perfect time. I cannot describe the feeling that I have been through in all of the process of doing and finishing this thesis. It will never be going to be happened without Him who gave me a new strength every day. For all of those struggles, I would like to say, “How Great Thou


I would like to express a deep and sincere gratitude to Rector of Universitas Sumatera

Utara Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., to the Dean Faculty of Cultural Sciences Dr. Budi

Agustono, M.S., to Head of Department of English and as my supervisor Prof. Hj. Tengku

Silvana Sinar, MA., Ph.D., to Secretary of Department of English Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,

MA., Ph.D. And, to my Co-Supervisor Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd., M.A. for their supports, guidance, and advice in writing and finishing this thesis. My very special thanks also to all of the lecturers and the staffs of English Department for the facilities and opportunities given to me during my study in this faculty. And of course, my special thanks to Bang Kirno a.k.a

Bang Kibot who always being patient and helping person in fulfilling all of the administrations and he always did great with his job. May Allah bless you.

My very special gratitude, to the most beloved people in my life, someone that I missed most of the time who always stay in my mind and this heart, I called him father, Alm.

Drs. Kamaruddin Sitanggang. I am blessed to be your daughter. I promise myself to keep strong and be brave. You will always be missed. And also, for my beautiful mother even from the heart and face, Rosanna Girsang. Thank you, mom, for your endless love, supports, advices, and prayers for me. Thank you for patiently waiting for this day even it feels so long.

I promise to make our dream become true. I am on my way to make you proud.


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Moreover, thank you to my loving big family, Sitanggang and Girsang, especially for

Girs Family thank you for surrounding me with love and prayer. For my aunt, Lermiani

Girsang who always support me. I cannot survive and finish my college year until this time without your help. And for my beloved grandmother, Monta Munthe in heaven, this achievement is for you too. I miss you.

My beloved spiritual sister and brother in UKM KMK USU UP FIB, Ika Sirait and

Wendi Girsang, thank you for your kindness and prayers. Thank you for always be there whenever I need your time and ears. Thank you is not enough for everything that I already received from you bro and sis. May God bless you. I thank you too for my small group “KTB

SHYLA” four beautiful and strong girls, namely Agnesia Sihombing, Fitri Siagian, Lisa

Sitorus, and Omega Silitonga. Thank you for the supports, prayers, and make me feel loved.

May we always live a godly life. As our name says “keep on trusting God and obey Him”.

My best friends, Sabrina Ginting and Sanda Saragih, the most beautiful answered gift from God that I ever ask. I would like to say thank you for everything that you guys already given to me. Thank you for the prayer, your support and for being my favorite partner in crime. No matter how circumstances are going on, through ups and downs, I am so grateful and blessed for having you in my life.

My loveliest and adorable brother and sister, Anggi Sumbayak and Krisa Sumbayak. I thank God for your presence, it makes my life more colorful and complete. May we always keep growing in God, to be formed as what He wanted us to be. May we always stick together. I do love you guys.

My brothers in GKPS Padang Bulan Medan, Surya Sembiring, Alven Saragih,

Alfrijohn Purba, Jan Saberlan Purba, Wanris Purba, Jhon Herdin Saragih, Jimmy Sumbayak,


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and Nalon Ginting. I could not ask for more, thank you for the guidance, prayer, support, and your acceptance to be willing to remind me of everything.

My always be missed and remembered college friends, Agnesia Putri, Aynna

Hafazhah, Christine Khoo, Nini Khairani, Andrew Situmorang, Daniel Sijabat, Azmi Habib,

Teguh Damanik, Mirja, Wiguna, Nurul Azizah, Merlin Damanik, Melda Mahniza, and

Gusdini Lubis. Thank you so much, I have a wonderful college year with you guys inside.

And also, for all of my classmates in English Literature A 2014, I hope someday we can meet with the best version of us. Best of luck!

My support-system that God already gave to me until , an amazing supportive relationship, goes to sisters Ira Girsang, Selly Saragih, Jireycha Manik, Ecy Damanik, Nerlija

Hutagalung, Evita Damanik, Orde Saragih, Anita Lumbangaol, Tuti Hutasoit, Dame

Silitonga, Eva Yun Silalahi, Renny Purba, Rossy Sihombing, Reni Purba, Wiwid Sipayung,

Suci Ginting, Corry Harianja, Evi Purba, brother Hendra Sihombing and Lodewijk Girsang

(those words will never be forgotten). I always pray for a happy healthy life. I will be missing you all. God bless you.

To all peoples, friends, or anyone who already given me their silent prayer and support, a huge gratitude from me to you all. I am sorry I cannot mention it one by one in this thesis. Thank you for so kind to me, I am the most grateful person on earth.

My special thanks also go to my worth-the-wait loving brother, Okto Prandi

Sihombing. God gave me you for the ups and downs. I do thank God for having you, thank you for always listening, for always cheering and lifting me up, you made my day. Thank you for the love and the prayer. We may not know how the future will be, but we definitely know who holds the future. Let us make our dream become true. Jesus and me love you.


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Last but not least, dear myself, Frida Pahla Sitanggang, you did it girl. Thank you for not giving up, thank you for keep on struggling in those sixth years, always remember how did you start it all. For all of the battle, the life-lesson, the tears, the ups and downs, it all happened for your own good. Everything happens for a reason. The story is just begun, be grateful and be faithful. You are wonderfully and fearfully made.

Finally, I do realize that this research paper is far from perfect. Therefore, I welcome for any constructive critics and suggestions for the perfection of this paper. In addition to that, hopefully that this thesis can be useful for anyone who read this and want to know more about language evaluation. May the grace and the love of God be with us all forever. Amen.

Medan, 16th February 2021

Frida Pahla Sitanggang

Reg. No. 140705050


Universitas Sumatera Utara


This research discusses about the Appraisal theory especially the Attitude device in two speeches talked about one crucial climate issue that happened all over the world. It analyzes the speeches by Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa at the United Nations Climate Action 2019. The speech analysis was done by breaking down the speech into several clauses and analyzing them to find out the types of Attitude that being used. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The findings showed that there were 31 clauses that have been used by Greta and Jason. The using of Attitude by Greta Thunberg is 15 clauses consist of 9 clauses of Affect (60%), 5 clauses of Judgement (33,33%), and 1 clause of Appreciation (6,67%), while the using of Attitude by Jason is 16 clauses consist of 4 clauses of Affect (25%), 10 clauses of Judgement (62,5%), and 2 clauses of Appreciation (12,5%). The dominant percentage of Greta‟s Attitude is shown by the use of Affect, while the dominant percentage of Jason‟s Attitude is shown by the use of Judgement. Negative Attitudes were used more than Positive Attitudes in the speech. It means that Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa prefer to use negative feeling in delivering the speech due to the climate change address. The research revealed that Greta was more affected by her feeling and emotions in delivering her speech, while Jason could deliver his speech with more objective, powerful and has a good capability in public speaking.

Keyword: Speech, Appraisal Theory, Attitude, Affect, Judgement, Appreciation


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Penelitian ini membahas tentang teori Appraisal khususnya peranti Attitude di dalam dua pidato yang membahas mengenai isu penting tentang perubahan iklim yang terjadi di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini menganalisa pidato yang disampaikan oleh Greta Thunberg dan Jason Momoa yang diselenggarakan oleh United Nations Climate Action pada tahun 2019. Analisa pidato ini dilakukan dengan merincikan pidato tersebut menjadi klausa-klausa dan menganalisa klausa tersebut untuk menemukan tipe peranti Attittude yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 31 klausa yang digunakan oleh Greta dan Jason. Penggunaan peranti Attitude oleh Greta Thunberg sebanyak 15 klausa yang terdiri dari 9 klausa Affect (60%), 5 klausa Judgement (33,33%), dan 1 klausa Appreciation (6,67%), sedangkan penggunaan peranti Attitude oleh Jason sebanyak 16 klausa terdiri dari 4 klausa Affect (25%), 10 klausa Judgement (62,5%), dan 2 klausa Appreciation (12,5%). Persentasi terbanyak dalam peranti Attitude yang digunakan oleh Greta ditunjukkan oleh penggunaan Affect, sedangkan persentasi terbanyak dalam peranti Attitude yang digunakan oleh Jason ditunjukkan oleh penggunaan Judgement. Penggunaan negatif Attitude lebih banyak dibandingkan penggunaan positif Attitude di dalam pidato. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Greta Thunberg dan Jason Momoa lebih memilih menggunakan perasaan negatif dalam menyampaikan pidato yang berkaitan dengan perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Greta lebih dipengaruhi oleh perasaan dan emosinya dalam menyampaikan pidato, sedangkan Jason lebih objektif, kuat dan memiliki kemampuan berpidato yang baik.

Kata Kunci: Pidato, Teori Appraisal, Attitude, Affect, Judgement, Appreciation


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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of The Study ...... 1 1.3 Objectives of The Study ...... 4

1.4 Scope of The Study ...... 4 1.5 Significance of The Study ...... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 System Functional Linguistics ...... 6 2.2 Appraisal Theory ...... 9 2.2.1 Attitude ...... 11 Affect ...... 14 Judgement ...... 15 Appreciation ...... 20 2.3 Review of related theory ...... 23

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ...... 26 3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 26


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3.2.1 Data ...... 26 3.2.2 Data Source ...... 27 3.3 Data Collecting Technique ...... 27 3.4 Data Analysis Method ...... 27

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND DISSCUSSIONS 4.1 Data Analysis ...... 30 4.1.1 Analysis of Attitude of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech ...... 30 Affect ...... 30 Positive Affect ...... 31 Negative Affect ...... 31 Judgement ...... 33 Positive Judgement ...... 34 Negative Judgement ...... 34 Appreciation ...... 36 Positive Appreciation ...... 36 Negative Appreciation ...... 36 4.1.2 Analysis of Attitude of Jason Momoa‟s Speech ...... 38 Affect ...... 38 Positive Affect ...... 39 Negative Affect ...... 39 Judgement ...... 41 Positive Judgement ...... 41 Negative Judgement ...... 43 Appreciation ...... 45 Positive Appreciation ...... 46 Negative Appreciation ...... 46 4.2 Data Findings ...... 49 4.3 Discussion on the Similarities and Differences of Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Attitudes ...... 52


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4.3.1 Similarities ...... 53 4.3.2 Differences ...... 54

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion ...... 55 5.2 Suggestion ...... 56



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Table 2.1 Affect Type ...... 15 Table 2.2 Judgement – social esteem (Martin & White, 2005:50) ...... 17 Table 2.3 Judgement – social sanction (Martin & White, 2005:50) ...... 18 Table 2.4 Types of Appreciation (Martin & White, 2005:56) ...... 21 Table 2.5 Sub-types of appreciation (Martin & White, 2005:57) ...... 22 Table 4.1 Affect in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech ...... 30 Table 4.2 Judgement in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech ...... 33 Table 4.3 Appreciation in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech ...... 36

Table 4.4 Affect in the Corpus Data of Jason Momoa‟s Speech ...... 38 Table 4.5 Judgement in the Corpus Data of Jason Momoa‟s Speech ...... 41 Table 4.6 Appreciation in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech ...... 45 Table 4.7 The Distribution of Attitude in Greta Thunberg‟s Speech ...... 49 Table 4.8 The Distribution of Attitude in Jason Momoa‟s Speech...... 49 Table 4.9 The Distributions of Attitude in Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches ...... 50


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Figure 2.1 SFL and Attitude subtypes of Appraisal (Martin & White, 2005) ...... 9 Figure 2.2 An overview of Appraisal resources (Martin & White, 2005:38) ...... 11 Figure 2.3 Judgement and appreciate as Institutionalized affect ...... 12 Figure 2.4 Modality and types of Judgement (Martin & White, 2005:54) ...... 19 Figure 3.1 The step of Data Analysis...... 29

Figure 4.1 Use of Attitude in Greta Thunberg‟s Speech and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches ...... 52 Figure 4.2 The Distribution of Positive and Negative in Greta Thunberg‟s and

Jason Momoa‟s Speeches ...... 53


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INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study

Speech is a way to convey some ideas, feelings, statements, desire, signs, culture and behavior in every daily life. Human beings use speech in every interaction. A campaign for instance, is a powerful tool for the purpose of affecting the public.

Politics and language are so closely related, as Lakoff (1990: 13) stated that politics is language and at the same time, language is politics. Relevant to Lakoff statement that, as an activist, the capability in giving the speech is very considerable. In delivering the speech, they should use the same language with their societies. Moreover, they should capable of arranging the language systematically; these aspects are used to make the information delivered clearly.

Trudgill (2003) states that language is an important aspect to make a good interaction in the societies and it is used to intimate one to each other. By using language effectively, it can build convictions, gain power and get results, but when it fails it can have disastrous results. Language is a critical tool in politics. Language is also a weapon in the struggle of community against community, world view against world view. It is apparent that political discourse revolves around being manipulative and hedgy, giving less information about the truth of things. So, it is well enough to say that political language is the tricky and twisted use of language (Zheng, 2000: 2).

Attitude is one of the concerned ways in delivering speech. White (2001) uses concept of attitude to deal more comprehensively with feelings, including affect, judgement and appreciation. Attitude refers to values by which speakers pass judgements and associate emotional/affectual responses with participants and processes. Appraisal theory concerns a


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variety of attitude negotiation in discourse. They define the appraise as judgment of evaluation and it is the type of negotiation in the discourse, involved the strength of feeling, the source of value, and approach of classification of the reader.

According to Martin & White (2008: 33), appraisal is one of three major discourse semantic resources construing interpersonal meaning (alongside involvement and negotiation). It mainly studies how the speaker or author expresses his subjective attitude in language. Appraisal itself is regionalized as three interacting domains  „attitude‟,

„engagement‟ and „graduation‟. In this research, writer focuses on developing the attitude devices.

Attitude which becomes the focus of this study is used to evaluate the capability of two speakers in giving information through their speeches about climate change that being talked all around the world. They discussed on the effects of climate change and how it goes to our daily life. Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth‟s local, regional and global climates (NASA). It reflects changes in the variability or average state of the atmosphere over time scales ranging from decades to millions of years. These changes can be caused by processes internal to the Earth, external forces (e.g., variation in sunlight intensity) or, more recently, human activities. In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, the term “climate change” often refers only to changes in modern climate, including the rise in average surface temperature known as global warming.

Both speakers namely Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg and Joseph Jason

Namakaeha Momoa talked about protecting for a better health, for humanity and for further . Their discussion on climate change or crisis, climate actions; movement; foundation; forum; campaign; activist that built up fighting for the climate awareness has


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been attracted me since both of them are very impassioned to fight for the climate change with various commitments and strategy.

In this case, Thunberg‟s and Momoa‟s messages were in sync, but as it has been seen, Greta was more overwhelmed by her ego while Jason‟s tone was more a parental one.

These characters surely exact have their own way to express their feeling, besides they have a different range of age. The differences, clearly, we can see by how they applied the language in order to evoke people and deliberate their point of view. Greta Thunberg is a

Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose campaigning has gained international recognition that is known for her blunt, matter-of-fact speaking manner and suddenly rise to world fame due to the style and force of her speeches, while Jason Momoa is an American actor and ocean activist who made his first visit to the United Nations to deliver an impassioned speech about the dire consequences of climate change.

It is also important to evaluate their communication on how to persuade and affect people. There have been previous similar researches done, one of them such as, Rohmawati

(2016) describes and analyzes the speech delivered by Barack Hussein Obama in his inauguration as the 44th president of America entitled “Appraisal Devices Realizing Attitudes in ’s Inaugural Speech”. This research focuses on how the use of linguistics aspects, i.e., the Appraisal System to express Obama‟s attitudes realized in his speech. The study revealed that Obama was a good orator with high capability and wonderful way of thinking.

As it has been put forward above, this study takes these public figures as data source.

The general purposes of analyzing the speeches are to get more details analysis to dig in how the Appraisal theory is effective to explain their similarities and different attitudes, and to highlight how their ideas can be attracted people‟s attention.


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So, the writer chooses the title as “Appraisal Attitude in Greta Thunberg’s and

Jason Momoa’s Speeches on Climate Change Address”.

1.2 Problem of the study

There are two problems of the study, they are as follows:

1. What are the types of Attitude devices applied in Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason

Momoa‟s Speeches on Climate Change Address?

2. How are the similarities and differences of Attitude devices realized in Greta

Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches on Climate Change Address?

1.3 Objective of the study

Based on the problems of the study above, the objectives of the study are:

1. To identify how the types of Attitude devices applied in Greta Thunberg‟s and

Jason Momoa‟s Speeches on Climate Change Address.

2. To analyze the similarities and differences of the Attitude devices realized in

Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches on Climate Change Address.

1.4 Scope of the study

It is important to limit the analysis on specific data which has been chosen. In this study, the writer focuses to analyze the words that it might be including satire words, appreciation, various emotion, secret purpose, and judgment by both of the climate activist.

And also, to analyze the Attitude device, type and the realization of Attitude device in Greta

Thunberg‟s Address at the United Nations: Climate Action Summit 23rd September 2019

( dex=3) and Jason Momoa‟s Address at the Small Island Event by the UN Climate Action 27th

September 2019 (

ENR8Ojk7j_cedtUgZdLo&index=3&t=7s). This study focuses on the transcript which is Greta


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Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s speeches both taken from the United Nations YouTube channel.

1.5 Significance of the study

There are two significances of this study, both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, it shows information and explanation about the analysis of

Appraisal Theory of Attitude device. It expected to give some benefit for society

especially the student who will do the same research to expand the knowledge

about Appraisal Theory.

2. Practically, it gives benefit towards another researcher who would like to use the

Appraisal Theory for another study and interest. In addition, it expected to one of

useful references for the reader who want to perform a further study especially in

the use of Appraisal Theory.


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2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) theory is introduced by M.A.K Halliday. SFL is a theory to analyze text and their context of use. In another way, SFL aims to explain how people use language and how language is structured differently for its usage. This study presents that language is a resource for making meaning and text is a process of making meaning in context (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2014: 3). Text cannot stand by itself, it always occurs in two contexts, contexts of culture and context of situation. Context of culture describes how a text relates to the social process. They combine and make differences and similarities between one piece of language and another. It is concerned with how the speakers generate utterances and texts to convey their intended meanings through the generalized metafunctions that relate language to the outside world where interactants and their social roles matter.

SFL is built on previous works of some influential linguist such as Bronislaw

Malinowski and J.R. Firth. Bronislaw Malinowski was a polish anthropologist who did most of his works based in England (O‟Donnell 2012). The second linguist is J.R. Firth who established linguistics as a discipline in Britain. He developed Malinowski‟s theory about the centrality of the context of situation and applied it through his linguistic model. In addition, he developed an approach to phonology called „prosodic phonology‟, which enables phonological features to be shared over successive phonemes rather than each phoneme having its own unique features. (O‟Donnell 2012, p.6).

SFL, with regards to data, does not tackle the manner of language representation or process in the human brain, but would rather try to see discourse produced in the form of


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written or oral language and what is contained in the tests that are produced. Because of the concern of SFL with the use of language, great importance is placed on the function of language, such as what language is used for, rather than what language structure is all about and the manner by which it is composed (Matthiessen & Halliday, 1997).

Text cannot stand by itself, it always occurs in two contexts, context of culture and context of situation. Context of culture describes how a text relates to the particular culture.

Whereas, context of situation describes how a text relates to the social process. They combine and make differences and similarities between one piece of language and another. According to Systemic Functional Linguistics, there are three aspects of context of situation as field, tenor and mode of discourse. Generally, we can define these three terms as follows: Field, what is to be talked or written about or the long- and short-term goals of the text; Tenor is the relationship between the speaker and hearer or writer and reader; Mode is the kind of text that is being made (Butt, 2003: 4-5).

The three parameters of context of situation affect our language choices precisely because they reflect the three main functions of language (Butt, 2003: 5). They are ideational meaning, interpersonal meaning, and textual meaning.

As ideational meaning, the speaker or writer express in language his experience of the phenomena of the social world. The experiences include his reactions, cognitions, and perceptions, and also his linguistic acts of speaking and understanding (Halliday, 1971: 332 in Wang, 2010: 255). The ideational function is represented by the transitivity system in grammar.

There are six processes of transitivity system namely material process, mental process, relational process, behavioral process, verbal process, and existential process.

Material process shows action verb such as eat, go, give. Mental process expresses mental phenomena namely perception, reaction and cognition, as perception using the verbs


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such as see, look, reaction using the verbs such as like, please and cognition using the verbs such as know, believe, convince, relational process shows the process of being using the verbs such as is, become, stand for. Behavioral process refers to physiological and psychological behavior using the verbs such as breathing, coughing, smiling, laughing, crying, staring, and dreaming. Verbal process shows the exchanging information using the verbs are say, tell, talk, praise, boast, describe, etc. Existential process refers to something exists or happens using the verbs such as is, am, go by (Wang, 2010: 255).

Textual meaning deals with the way text is organized in relation to its context and its message. The relationship between language and context make a different living passage from the random list of sentences. The textual meaning of language (clause) is realized by the theme system of language (clause). This system is represented by the thematic structure of the clause which comprises two major elements: theme and rheme (Wang, 2010: 256).

The interpersonal meaning describes language usage to express social and personal relations (Hu Zhuanglin, 1988: 313 in Wang, 2010: 255). As Halliday (1997: 333 in Wang,

2010: 255) said that the speaker uses language to express the speech event as the relation of the social and himself. The speech event can be the expression of his comments, attitudes and evaluations, and it also can be the relationship that he sets up between himself and the listener in particular, and the communication role that are informing, questioning, greeting, persuading, and the like. The interpersonal meaning can be analyzed using two elements: mood and modality. Mood expresses what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and what role he gives to the addressee and modality refers to the intermediate ranges between the extremely positive and the extremely negative (Wang, 2010: 256). The concepts of mood and modality construct the appraisal theory by Martin.


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2.2 Appraisal Theory

Appraisal theory is based on tenor in context situation and interpersonal meaning in

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). This study presents the theoretical framework as diagram below:

Figure 2. 1 Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) and Attitude subtypes of Appraisal (Martin & White, 2005)

This theory is taken from M.A.K Halliday‟s interpersonal meaning in language at the level of discourse semantics (Martin & White, 2005: 11) for expressing the speaker writer opinion in particular context and expressing linguistic meaning with whom they communicate (Martin, 2000: 142). Appraisal theory concerns into three point (1) the way speakers/writers approve and disapprove (2) the way text can produce feeling, values and the linguistic mechanisms share emotion, taste and normative (3) the way speaker/writers


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construe their particular authorial identities or personae (Martin & White, 2005: 1). In addition, Martin says (2015), appraisal is a theory to describe and explain how the speaker/the writer uses language to show their feeling, and their relationship to the listener/the reader.

Appraisal has three types namely attitude, engagement, and graduation as the interacting domains (Martin & White, 2005: 35). Below is the example of realization appraisal in ABC Radio Interview taken from

Well, there's a lot of [graduation: force] anger [attitude: affect] about many [graduation: force] of the fees and this is really why, I say again, [engagement: proclamation] the more competition we can have the better [attitude]. And there's no doubt that [engagement: probability] home loan interest rates, in particular, are lower now because of competition.

From the example above, engagement is realized in the clause, I say again, there’s no doubt, that. Engagement itself deals with how speakers/ writers deliver their meanings, the way they or disagree the diversity of view-points as risk and negotiation by their utterances

(Martin, 2015). Graduation attends to grading feeling are amplified into two (1) speakers graduate (raise or lower) the interpersonal impact, force or volume of their utterances, and (2) by which they graduate (blur or sharpen) the focus of their semantic categorizations (Martin,

2015). Graduation is found in a clause a lot of, and a word many.

Attitude is found in the words anger, the better Attitude is divided into three regions of feeling affect namely affect, judgement, and appreciation. Affect deals with resources for construing emotional reactions, judgement is concerned with resources for assessing behavior according to various normative principles, appreciations as the resources for construing the value of things resources (Martin & White, 2005:38).


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Figure 2.2 An overview of Appraisal resources (Martin & White, 2005:38)

This study only focuses on one appraisal subtypes, attitude and here are the explanation attitudes of appraisal theory and three sub-categories of attitudes as follows:

2.2.1 Attitude

Attitude is the ways of feeling. Martin and White (35) remarks attitude concern with emotional reactions, judgments of behavior and evaluation of things. Attitude is appertaining the different option for expressing positive or negative evaluation. Attitude itself divided into three regions of feeling, „affect‟, „judgement‟, and „appreciation‟. From figure (2.3) it can be stated that Judgement and Appreciation is the institutionalized feelings that take us into uncommon sense feeling and sharing values, besides Affect as the heart of institutionalized because it is the first step before we judge and appreciate something.


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Figure 2.3 Judgement and appreciate as Institutionalized affect (Martin & White, 2005:45)

Attitude will discuss about the way people use their feeling more or less instance and amplified. It explores feeling into two realization namely the positive (or, the likable) attitude and the negative (or, the unlikable attitude). The negative feeling is differentiated from the negation of positive feeling and vice area. This is because the two are different, although on certain contexts they may look similar. For example, sad (which is negative attitude) is differentiated from not happy (which is a negated positive attitude) because in the fact, a person can be not happy without being sad (Martin & White, 2005:73).

As simply, attitude refers to the three semantic regions covering emotion, ethics and aesthetics. Attitude itself is divided into three types:

AFFECT: the characterization of phenomenon by reference to emotion. JUDGEMENT: the evaluation of human behavior with respect to social norms. APPRECIATION: the evaluation of objects and products (rather than human behavior) by reference to aesthetic principles and other systems of social value (Martin, 2015).

Affect take role as the basic of system or the heart of organized feelings. As

Judgement, affect takes part as an evaluation framework for behavior, with a view to controlling what people do, how we should behave or not; some of these proposals get formalized as rules and regulations administered by church and state. As Appreciation, affect take part as an evaluation framework for products of behavior that evaluate what people achieve, what they are worth or not; some of these valuations get formalized in systems of awards (prices, grades, grants, prizes, etc.).


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Three types of attitude, affect, judgement, and appreciation commonly realizes in the adjective form. Martin & White (2005:58-59) make different each type from grammatical frames. For affect and judgement is relational clause and mental clause for appreciation. In affect, person feels affect about something and it makes person feel affect, for example:

- I feel happy (about that/that they‟ve come).

- It makes me feel happy that they‟ve come.

For judgement, it was judgement for person/ of person to do that and for person to do that was judgement, for example:

- It was silly of/for them to do that.

- (For them) to do that was silly.

For appreciation, people consider something appreciation and people see something as appreciation, for example:

- I consider it beautiful.

- They see it as beautiful.

Besides the grammatical frame, we can distinguish three regions attitude from target evaluation and points of evaluations. For affect, the targets are human and conscious being, the point of evaluations are emotion, feelings, things that happen in the heart. For judgement, the targets are human and conscious being, the point of evaluations are behavior, conduct, characters. For appreciation, the targets are things/ phenomena, the point of evaluation are value, composition, and the things impact on speakers.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Affect

Affect is the emotional evaluation related to the things, person, state of affairs etc. We can have a good or bad feeling, so affect can be positive or negative. It is about whether we feel happy or sad, confident or anxious, interested or bored (42).

There are six factors that construct the types of affect: (1) Are the feeling positive or negative? (2) Are the feeling a surge of emotion or an ongoing mental state? (3) Are the feelings reacting to some specific external agency or an ongoing mood? (4) Are the feelings as more or less intense? (5) Do the feeling involve intention rather than reaction? (6) Are the feelings to do with un/happiness, in security or dis/satisfaction?

From the six factors above, it can be clearly divided affect into four types (Martin &

White, 2005:51):

1. dis/inclination deals with the way the speakers/ writers inclined or disinclined to

something. The typical words classified in this region are miss, long for, etc.

2. un/happiness deals with emotional of the speakers/ writers whether they are happy or

sad. The typical words classified in this region are cheerful, gloomy, buoyant, etc.

3. in/security deals with how the speakers/ writers share their peace, anxiety, fear,

confident and trust emotion in relation to our environs. The typical words are

confident, comfortable, trusting, etc.

4. dis/satisfaction deals with feelings of the speakers/ writers about achievement and

frustration that can be displeasure, curiosity, respect. The typical words are engrossed,

satisfied, pleased, etc.


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Table 2.1 Affect Types

Affect Positive Negative dis/inclination miss, long for, yearn for wary, fearful, terrorized un/happiness cheerful buoyant, jubilant; like, sad, melancholy, despondent; love, adore cut-up, heart-broken … broken-hearted, heavy-hearted, sick at heart; sorrowful … grief-stricken, woebegone dejected, joyless, dreary, cheerless, unhappy, sad; gloomy, despondent, … downcast, low, down, down in the mouth, depressed …; weepy, wet-eyed, tearful, in tears … in/security together, confident, assured; uneasy, anxious, comfortable, confident, trusting freaked out; startled, surprised, astonished dis/satisfaction involved, absorbed, flat, stale, jaded; cross, engrossed; satisfied, angry, furious; bored with, pleased, chuffed/ sick of, fed up with impressed, charmed, thrilled

The following sentences is the example about how affect appears in a sentence:

I simply adore his own self-portrait.

According to Oxford Dictionary, based on the example above adore is an attractive feeling and easy to feel love for. It shows positive feelings that to like or love something very much. It is categorized as happiness and adore. Judgement

Judgement deals with attitudes towards behavior, which we admire or criticize, praise or condemn (Martin and White, 2004:42). Judgement is the evaluation of human behavior towards how they behave and how they measure their character up. White (49) state


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judgement encompasses meanings which serve to evaluate human behavior positively and negatively by reference to a set of institutionalized norms.

In general terms judgements can be divided into those dealing with „social esteem‟ and those oriented „social sanction‟ (Martin & White, 52:2005). Social esteem tends to be policed in the oral culture, through chat, gossip, jokes and stories of various kinds  with humor often having a critical role to play (Eggins & Slade 1997). Sharing values in this area is critical to the formation of social networks (family, friends, colleagues, etc.). Social sanction on the other hand is more often codified in writing, as edicts, decrees, rules, regulations and laws about how to behave as surveilled by church and state  with penalties and punishments as levers against those not complying with the code. Sharing values in this area underpins civic duty and religious observances.

In the table 2.2 Judgement of esteem divided into three subtypes namely normality, capacity and tenacity. Normality focus on how special someone is using verb such as normal, natural, familiar, cool, etc., capacity focus on how capable they are using verb such as clever, gifted, fit, experienced, etc. and tenacity focus on how dependable they are using verb such as tireless, persevering. Resolute (Martin & White, 53:2005).


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Table 2.2 Judgement  social esteem (Martin & White, 2005:50)

Social Esteem Positive (admire) Negative (critise) normality lucky, fortunate, charmed …; unlucky, hapless, star-crossed ...; „how special?‟ normal, natural, familiar …; odd, peculiar, eccentric …; cool, stable, predictable …; erratic, unpredictable …; in, fashionable, avant garde …; dated, daggy, retrograde …; celebrated, unsung … obscure, also-ran … capacity powerful, vigorous, robust …; mild, weak, whimpy …; „how capable?‟ sound, healthy, fit …; unsound, sick, crippled …; adult, mature, experienced …; immature, childish, helpless …; witty, humorous, droll …; dull, dreary, grave …; insightful, clever, gifted …; slow, stupid, thick …; balanced, together, sane …; flaky, neurotic, insane …; sensible, expert, shrewd …; naïve, inexpert, foolish …; literate, educated, learned …; illiterate, uneducated, ignorant ..; competent, accomplished …; incompetent; unaccomplished ...; successful, productive … unsuccessful, unproductive … tenacity plucky, brave, heroic …; timid, cowardly, gutless …; „how dependable?‟ cautious, wary, patient …; rash, impatient, impetuous …; careful, thorough, meticulous hasty, capricious, reckless …; tireless, persevering, resolute …; weak, distracted, despondent …; reliable, dependable …; unreliable, undependable …; faithful, loyal, constant …; unfaithful, disloyal, inconstant ..; flexible, adaptable, stubborn, obstinate, willful … accommodating …

Besides social esteem, the next types of judgement is social sanction. Judgement of social sanction deals with „veracity‟ (how honest someone is) and „propriety‟ (how ethical someone is) including positive and negative evaluations. We criticize what we admire and we praise what we condemn. Social sanction is more often known in writing, as rules, regulations and laws (Martin, 2015). Judgement of social sanction concerns with legal and religious rule. From the religious perspective, breaking of social sanction will be seen as sins, from the legal perspective they will be seen as crime. Those who break the social sanction can get risk legal or religious punishment, hence the term “sanction”. Clearly, we can conclude that if you breach social sanction you may well need a lawyer or a confessor but if


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you breach social esteem you may just need to try harder or to practice more or to consult a therapist or possibly a self-help book. (Martin & White, 2005:52, Martin, 2015).

Table 2.3 Judgement  social sanction (Martin & White, 2005:50)

Social Sanction Positive (admire) Negative (condemn) ‘mortal’ veracity truth truthful, honest, credible …; dishonest, deceitful, lying …; „how honest?‟ frank, candid, direct …; deceptive, manipulative, devious discrete, tactful … blunt, blabbermouth … propriety ethics good, moral, ethical …; bad, immoral, evil …; „how far beyond reproach?‟ law abiding, fair, just …; corrupt, unfair, unjust …; sensitive, kind, caring …; insensitive, mean, cruel …; unassuming, modest, humble …; vain, snobby, arrogant …; polite, respectful, reverent …; rude, discourteous, irreverent …; altruistic, generous, charitable … selfish, greedy, avaricious …

As interpersonal meaning, modal also works on attitude. Below explanation how modal can realize in judgement subtypes (Martin & White, 54-55; 2005).

1. As Judgement of veracity, modalities of probability using modal such as surely,

maybe, probably, certainly. For example:

He‟s certainly naughty.

It‟s true he‟s naughty. [Judgement: veracity]

2. As Judgements of normality, modalities of usuality using modal such as often,

usual, normal, average. For example:

He can naughty.

It‟s usual for him to be naughty. [Judgement: normality]

3. As Judgements of capacity, modalities of ability using modal such as can, able,

strong enough, capable of …. For example:

He can go.

He‟s able to go. [Judgement: capacity]


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4. As Judgement of tenacity, modalities of inclination using modal such as will,

intend to, resolved. For example:

He will go.

He intend to go. [Judgement: tenacity]

5. As Judgement of propriety, modalities of obligation using modal such as should,

supposed, expected. For example:

You should go.

You‟re supposed to go. [Judgement: propriety]

p robably truth s a n c probability usually fate t Modalization i o Types usuality supposed to ethics n obligation e resolve Modulation inclination keen to s readiness t e ability capacity able to e m

Figure 2.4 Modality and types of Judgement (Martin & White, 2005:54)

Here is the following example of Judgement:

She is a clever sort of person.

The word clever means intelligent, it is a positive judgement that is related to capability (how capable someone is). It is one of judgement because it evaluates someone behavior.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Appreciation

Appreciation is the evaluation of text or process and phenomenon, including reaction, composition and valuation. It is closely related to Martin & White (2005:43) statement that appreciation is the evaluation of object and products that relate to aesthetic principle and other systems of social value. Appreciation deals with how people appreciate something.

Appreciation covers value which concern aesthetics and non-aesthetic. Appreciation can be thought as the system of human feeling towards process and products. Appreciation is different from judgement. Appreciation usually evaluate natural objects, human artifacts, human individuals (but not of human behavior). As with affect and judgement, we can classify positive and negative evaluation of things.

There are three types of appreciation namely reaction (do they catch our attention or not), composition (balance and complexity), and valuation (how innovative, authentic, timely) as presented in figure 2.1. The three types will be discussed below (Martin & White,

2005: 56):

1. Reaction describe the emotional impact of the work on the reader/ listener. The

product/ process is evaluated into impact (whether the phenomena grabs our attention)

that use words such as arresting, captivating, engaging and quality (whether the

phenomena is liked by the speaker) that use words okay, fine, good.

2. Composition describes our view texturally. The product/ process is evaluated into

balance (whether the phenomena is orderly, has a sense of balance and connectedness

in it) that use words such as balanced, harmonious, unified.. and complexity (whether

the phenomena is easy or difficult to comprehend) that use words such as simple,

pure, elegant.

3. Value deals with cognition or our considered opinion using words such as

penetrating, profound, deep.


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Table 2.4 Types of Appreciation (Martin & White, 2005:56)

Appreciation Positive Negative Reaction: arresting, captivating, engaging …; dull, boring, tedious …; impact „did it grab fascinating, exciting, moving …; dry, ascetic, uninviting …; me?‟ lively, dramatic, intense …; flat, predictable, monotonous …; remarkable, notable, sensational … unremarkable, pedestrian …

Reaction: okay, fine, good … bad, yuk, nasty …; quality „did I like it?‟ lovely, beautiful, splendid …; plain, ugly, grotesque …; appealing, enchanting, welcome … repulsive, revolting, off-putting ...

Composition: balanced, harmonious, unified, unbalanced, discordant, irregular, balance „did it hang symmetrical, proportioned …; uneven, flawed …; together?‟ consistent, considered, logical …; contradictory, disorganized …; shapely, curvaceous, willowy … shapeless, amorphous, distorted ...

Composition: simple, pure, elegant …; ornate, extravagant, byzantine …; complexity „was it lucid, clear, precise …; arcane, unclear, woolly …; hard to follow?‟ intricate, rich, detailed, precise … plain, monolithic, simplistic …

Valuation penetrating, profound, deep …; shallow, reductive, insignificant .. „was it worthwhile?‟ innovative, original, creative …; derivative, conventional, prosaic .. timely, long awaited, landmark …; dated, overdue, untimely …; inimitable, exceptional, unique …; dime-a-dozen, everyday, common authentic, real, genuine …; fake, bogus, glitzy …; valuable, priceless, worthwhile …; worthless, shoddy, pricey ….; appropriate, helpful, effective … ineffective, useless, write-off …

There are the types realized in mental process, so Suzanne Eggins (as cited in Martin

& White, 2005: 57) describes how to identify three types of attitude with metafunction.

Reaction is related to affection (emotive  „it grabs me‟, desiderative „I want it‟) and related to interpersonal, composition is related to perception (our view of order) and related to textual, and valuation is related to cognition (our considered opinion) and related to ideational.


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Table 2.5 Sub-types of appreciation (Martin & White, 2005:57)

Appreciation Mental process type Metafunction Reaction Affection Interpersonal Composition Perception Textual Valuation Cognition Ideational

The example of appreciation as follows:

It is such an authentic voice of young black Americans.

In the example, authentic is adjective, it means true and accurate. It evaluates the word voice; it is appreciation from the person that consider something as appreciation.


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2.3 Review of Related Study

In supporting the idea of choosing the topic, some previous studies are needed because it helps to understand this study clearly. They are as follows:

Martin and White (2005) stated in their book entitled “The Language of Evaluation”.

They used Appraisal to analyze a magazine entitled “Daily Express”. This article was published on October 2001. The content of the article is the government of the United States was ready against Afghanistan with terrorist cases in Word Trade Attack in New York. In this research, monogloss becomes an evaluation that often occur in the text where it represents the source of the context of the attitude that comes from the author.

Wicak (2017) in his thesis entitle Appraisal theory of Attitude in Michelle Obama speech towards Presidential candidates of the United States 2016 examine more deeply about appraisal system especially in attitudes devices in a speech Michelle Obama in New

Harmpshire in 13rd October 2016 by using prior research and book Martin & White (2005)

The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English as a guideline research. There are 176 manageable chunks of Michelle Obama‟s Speech in New Hampshire. In the term of Attitude,

Michelle Obama used three kinds of attitude which affect, judgement, appreciation. The writer found 97 system which is consist of 11 (11.34%) positive affects, 13 (13.40%) negative affects, 41 (42.23%) positive judgements, 10 (10.30%) negative judgements, 15

(13.40%) appreciations and 7 (7.20%) negative appreciations. The percentage showed the dominates of Michelle Obama speech is judgement system.

Ida Rohmawati (2016) conducted a research for her Journal Vision, Vol.5 No.1 entitled Appraisal Devices Realizing Attitudes in Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speech. The study revealed that Obama was a good orator with high capability and wonderful way of


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thinking. There were 323 clauses consist of 51 Affects, 155 Judgement, and 117

Appreciations. Positive Attitudes in the speech were used more than Negative Attitudes.

Wael Abdulrahman Almurashi (2016) conducted a research for his Journal for the

Study of English Linguistics, Vol.4, No.1 entitled An Introduction to Halliday’s Systemic

Functional Linguistics. This journal contributes in giving information about Halliday‟s SFL with a focus on an overview of SFL as a linguistic tradition largely developed by Michael

Alexander KirkWood Halliday (often M.A.K. Halliday). It also explains the key elements of

SFL, SFL as an applicable tradition, examples of the value of applying SFL in detail, and finally, presents the benefits associated with working with SFL as a communicative motivation in learning a language.

Zhang Siyou and Pei Zhongwen (2018) conducted a research for Advanced in Social

Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR) Article, vol.248 entitled Analysis of

Political Language Based on Appraisal Theory: The Mutual Construction of Language and

Power]Taking Xi Jinping and ’s Speeches at as

Examples. This article contributes in giving information about how they convey ideology in their speeches, how they make use of language resources to coordinate emotions, judgements and appreciation, as well as how they engage and graduate semantic contents, thereby exploring the mutual construction of language and power.

Muhammad Arfan Lodhi (2018) conducted a research for his International Journal of

English Linguistics, Vol.8, No.6 in the Comparative Study of Linguistic Features Used in the

Inaugural Speeches of American Presidents. This journal contributes in giving information about the significant differences among the different linguistic features, discursive practices and rhetoric devices used in inaugural speeches of the two US presidents.

Suprihatin (2016) in his thesis entitle Appraisal in Joko Widodo’s and Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono’s Speeches at APEC CEO Summit, concludes that the three devices of


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appraisal are applied in both speeches. In the both of the speeches, the using of positive attitude is more dominant than negative one. The number of positive attitude is 81,25%

(49,99 belongs to Joko Widodo and 39,59% belongs to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono).

Besides, negative attitude is 19,52% (10,98% belongs to Joko Widodo and 8,34% belongs to

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono). It means that Joko Widodo and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono prefer to use positive feeling in delivering the speech. Whereas, they also use negative attitudes in their speeches, Joko Widodo uses negative judgement, but Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono does not use it. The most dominated engagement in both speeches is monogloss,

Joko Widodo is more subjective in delivering the speech. It can be seen from the using of monogloss, 65,85% by Joko Widodo, and 37,50% by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The most dominate graduation in both speeches is force.


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3.1 Research Design

This study used descriptive qualitative method to describe and analyze the spoken data from the observed behavior of Greta Thunder and Jason Momoa. Qualitative research is described as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the actual experiences (Creswell, 1994).

This qualitative research is effective in obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinion, behaviors, and social context of a particular population. Besides, it goes purely with words, clauses or sentences in the form of data. Indeed, the researchers are allowed to make their own interpretation toward the phenomenon based on the theory”

(Rahayu, 2012:41). Based on the explanation, this research is included in descriptive qualitative method, because this research discussed the social phenomenon about climate activist speeches. The reason of using descriptive qualitative research is due to verbal transcript data from speech.

3.2 Data and Data Source

3.2.1 Data

The data are information or facts used in discussing or deciding the answer of

research question. The data may appear in the form of discourse, sentences, clauses,

phrases and words which can be obtained from film, video, magazine, newspaper, novel

and so on (Rahayu, 2012:43).

The data of this research are the utterances that consist of the clauses spoken by

Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa in their speeches at the United Nations 2019 based on

the attitude concept.


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3.2.2 Data Source

The source of data in the study is the subjects from which the data can be collected for

the purpose of research (Arikunto, 2010:129). This research focuses on the scripts taken from

Greta Address at the United Nations: Climate Action Summit 23rd September 2019


dex=3) and Jason Momoa‟s Address at the Small Island Event by the UN Climate Action 27th

September 2019 (

ENR8Ojk7j_cedtUgZdLo&index=3&t=7s). This study focuses on the transcript which is Greta

Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s speeches both taken from the United Nations YouTube


3.3 Data Collecting Technique

According to Marshall (2006) “Qualitative approach typically relies on four methods

for gathering information: 1) participating in the setting, 2) observing directly, 3)

interviewing in depth, and 4) analyzing documents and material culture.

The writer conducted the analysis of document from the script of the speeches. This

research used some techniques of collecting data. The first step started from watching and

listening to the videos closely and repeatedly. The second, reading the script for the purpose

to understand it deeply. The third, collecting the clauses contained of appraisal devices. The

fourth, categorizing the types of appraisal device of attitude more specific.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the data. Wiersma (1991:85) stated

“Data analysis in qualitative research is a process of categorization, description, and

synthesis. Data reduction is necessary for the description and interpretation of the

phenomenon under study.” In short, data analysis is systematically process to analyze data

which have been collected.


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The steps of data analysis are as below:

1. Identifying the types of appraisal device of attitude.

2. Classifying the types of appraisal device of attitude.

3. Measuring the Distribution of Attitude to find out the percentage of Greta

Thunberg‟s Speech and Jason Momoa‟s Speech by using Nawawi‟s (1991:68)

formula below:

x 100% = N

X = the number of attitude in Greta‟s and Jason‟s speech

Y = the number of all data

N = the percentage of attitude in Greta‟s and Jason‟s speech

4. Interpreting the data to find out the dominant types of attitude.

5. Making conclusion about how the appraisal theory of attitude realized in both of

climate change activist address between Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa based

on the results.


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Qualitative Descriptive Method

Wiersma (1991:85)

Identifying the types of attitude categorization Classifying the types of attitude Measuring the classification

description Interpreting the results


Similarities Differences

Drawing Conclusion

Figure 3.1 The techniques of Data Analysis


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The problem of the study, as stated in chapter I, are explored in this chapter. The problems are about 1) what are the types of Attitude devices applied in Greta Thunberg‟s and

Jason Momoa‟s Speeches on Climate Change Address and 2) how are the similarities and differences of Attitude devices realized in Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches on

Climate Change Address. To answer the first problem is by classifying the types of Attitude; the second one by measuring the dominant types of attitude, and the third one the discussion of the results.

4.1 Data Analysis

The speech was analyzed using the Attitude analysis by classifying into three regions of feeling namely affect, judgement, and appreciation. Here is the brief explanation about the three sub-types that concern in Attitude in the corpus data.

4.1.1 Analysis of Attitude of Greta Thunberg’s Speech Affect

The table consists of the result that the writer found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech.

The Affect consists of positive and negative feeling of Greta Thunberg that is separated

into four categories such as dis/inclination, un/happiness, in/security, dis/satisfaction.

Table 4.1 Affect in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech

Inclination Happiness Security Satisfaction  Affect

(+) - - - - - (-) - 3 1 5 9


Universitas Sumatera Utara Positive Affect

Positive affect is the expression of positive feeling (inclination, happiness, security and satisfaction) which in the data are not found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech at the United Nations of Climate Action. It reveals that Greta was lack in giving the positive emotion while delivering her speech due to climate change issue. Negative Affect

Negative affect deals with disinclination, unhappiness, insecurity and dissatisfaction. It can be bad feeling, sad, anxious and bored. The writer found several negative affect of Greta Thunberg.

(1) How dare you!

(3) And yet I'm the one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are


(4) How dare you!

(6) How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you're

doing enough when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in


(7) But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that.

(9) How dare you pretend that this can be sold with just „business as usual‟

and some technical solutions?

(10) There will not be any solutions or plans presented in line with these

figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable.

In datum (1) how dare you is classified as dissatisfaction. The phrase of how dare you has meaning of angriness. It shows that she was angry about something that somebody has done. Greta was angry towards the government or the world‟s leader or


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might be everyone who lived in this world who gave the young people hope for a better life and promising for a bright dream. So, it is categorized as dissatisfaction that shown angry feeling.

According to In datum (3) suffering means feelings of pain and unhappiness. It reflects a very sad situation. Greta was feeling very upset due to the that caused suffer for people who lived in this world. She also stated in datum (3) that people are dying. Greta was feeling extremely sad because of something that happened. Especially the death of somebody. Since it shown the negative feeling, in datum (3) is categorized into unhappiness in form sorrowful and grief-stricken.

We can find the phrase How dare you in datum (4), (6) and (9). The same phrase also that we can see in datum (1). She repeated this phrase very frequently and

I think we are extremely agreed that she was very angry towards the world leader for the things that they already done. She was angry because in fact there were still no an obvious improvement besides, the world leader stated that they already did some technical solutions in handling the issue. She was quite outspoken in expressing her feeling and very brave to convey her intention while she is still very young to critize the leader by the way she was talking. I do really appreciate her braveness. It is still categorized as dissatisfaction of negative feelings.

In datum (7) sad and angry is an adjective that has meaning of unhappiness and unlikeness about something. The point of this datum, Greta explained her feelings towards the leader that even they were saying that they heard the young , the protester and other claimed about the world urgency, the truth is, she did not want to believe them. I guess if these two feelings are blended, just for sure it will be so


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hard for us to accept any explanation or such a good thing even they admitted they

already did their very best. It is clear because our ego is stronger than our willingness

to hear and see the good things in one problem. Since Greta was showing her strong

negative emotion towards the world leader, it could be categorized into unhappiness

and dissatisfaction of negative feelings.

Uncomfortable in datum (10) shows the negative feeling of Greta Thunberg

that categorized as insecurity. Uncomfortable is an adjective that has meaning of

anxious, embarrassed or afraid and unable to relax. It shows that Greta was feeling

worried about the possibility that the world leader could figure out any solutions for

taking the climate urgency out and solved it immediately. What was done by the

world leader while facing the climate crisis made Greta felt uncomfortable and

insecurity even for any solutions that already made up. Judgement

The table consists of the result that the writer found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech. The

Judgement consists of positive and negative feeling of Greta Thunberg that is separated into two dealing namely social esteem and social sanction. Social esteem is divided into three subtypes: normality, capacity and tenacity; while social sanction is divided into two subtypes: veracity and propriety.

Table 4.2 Judgement in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech

Normality Capacity Tenacity Veracity Propriety  Judgement

(+) 1 - - - - 1 (-) - - - 3 1 4


Universitas Sumatera Utara Positive Judgement

Positive Judgement deals with the evaluation of human behavior by the way they behave that positively assessed by reference to some set of social norms which in the data are found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech due to the climate change address.

(3) And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying.

Lucky (3) means having a good luck. It is classified as adjective. The case of this point is showing that Greta was one of the luckiest survivors on their life besides, people were extremely struggling in order to keep survive while those crisis situations. It represents Greta‟s positive judgement to her own self life. Negative Judgement

Negative Judgement deals with the attitudes of people and the way they behave that negatively evaluated which in the data are found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech due to the climate change address.

(2) You have stolen my dreams in my childhood with your empty words.

(8) Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to

act, then you would be evil and that I refuse to believe.

(9) How dare you pretend that this can be sold with just „business as usual‟

and some technical solutions?

(11) But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal.

According to Oxford Dictionary, empty words (2) means something that somebody says or does with no meaning: not meaning what is said. It refers to Greta

Thunberg‟s negative judgement for all who listened and watched this speech especially to the older generation for their irresponsibility in keeping the world safe and she was expecting for having a wonderful childhood while they could enjoy and


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lived in a stable world ecosystem. So, it can be categorized into negative judgement in form of dishonest.

In datum (8) evil is adjective. It means having a harmful effect on people; morally bad and cruel. It reflects the negative judgement of Greta to the world‟s leader as the one who has a huge responsibility to the situation and Greta emphasized them that they could be more morally bad and cruel if they kept on doing nothing while they were saying that they understood about the situation and they choose for not believe in the world‟s leader anymore.

Pretend (9) means behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe something that is not true. It is classified as adjective. She informed that actually the world‟s leaders were behaving in a dishonest way. They were claiming that this problem could be easy solved just as business as usual and some technical solutions. The world‟s leader pretended that they were still on going to make sure that everything was fine while in fact it shown nothing. In datum (9) pretend is categorized as deceitful that shows negative judgement.

In datum (11) betrayal is the act of betraying somebody or something or the fact that being betrayed. It is Greta‟s negative judgement to the world‟s leader that the young generation has been realized their fakeness. It reflects the same case as datum

(2) has clearly explained, the same categorization as dishonest form.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Appreciation

The table consists of the result that the writer found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech. The

Appreciation consists of positive and negative evaluation of things, can be natural objects, human artifacts, human individuals (but not of human behavior). There are three types of

Appreciation namely reaction (do they catch our attention or not), composition (balance and complexity), and valuation (how innovative, authentic, timely).

Table 4.3 Appreciation in the Corpus Data of Greta Thunberg‟s Speech

Reaction Composition Valuation  Appreciation

(+) - 1 - 1 (-) - - - - Positive Appreciation

Positive Appreciation deals with aesthetic evaluation of humans – with

appreciating the value of things which found in Greta‟s speech will also lead us to

uncover Greta‟s attitudes due to the climate change address.

(5) For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal-clear.

In datum (5) crystal-clear means completely clear and bright; very easy to

understand; completely obvious. It is classified as adjective. Greta reminded that the

science was completely clear and no doubt at all which is the data was exactly correct

and clearly, we can directly feel it besides there were still a lot of unbelievable issue

due to the world crisis. Negative Appreciation

Negative appreciation is about the negative evaluation about things or natural

phenomenon which in the data are not found in Greta Thunberg‟s speech at the United


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Nations of Climate Action. It reveals that Greta was lack in giving the negative

evaluation while delivering her speech due to climate change issue.

In the aspect of affect that involved in Greta‟s speech, the writer found none of positive affect and there are nine negatives affect contained in her speech analysis. Since affect is concerned with moods or emotions, from the result and the analysis above, we can see how Greta deals with her feeling. Greta expressed her negative feeling all out while she was delivering the speech in warning the world‟s leader about the climate change crisis.

She was definitely very disappointed that clearly seen by the way she is delivering her speech, the vocal tone, and the words that she used to express her feeling. It can be seen from the very first time while she was delivering her speech, that shown by this sentence “My message is that we‟ll be watching you”. She was really mean it, in order to warn the audience and catching their attention.

The phrase of “How dare you” has meaning of angriness. She used it from the beginning of her speech and she repeat it for several times that showing her emotion or negative feeling was the most dominant than another two regions of feeling. From all the negative feeling that can be seen from her speech, we can see that dissatisfaction is the most emotional reaction that been expressed by Greta.

In the aspect of judgement, the writer found one of positive judgement and four of negative judgements from Greta Thunberg‟s speech. Judgement is the evaluation of human behavior towards how they behave and how they measure their character up. In contrast, we can see that instead of giving the positive judgement on the world leader or the audience, she gave the positive judgement on herself because she felt lucky enough for not suffering or dying while other people are surviving for their life in that crisis.


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Greta expressed her negative judgement towards the world leader due to what they already did for being dishonest and irresponsibility. She negatively judged the world‟s leader because it was mostly affected by her negative emotion, as we can see from how she expressed it above. The point of her negative judgement was revealing that the world‟s leader was behaving like everything that they already did to resolve the climate crisis seems like it makes sense, but in fact, she extremely judged that they do nothing.

In the aspect of appreciation that reflected in Greta‟s speech, the writer found one of positive appreciation and none of negative appreciation in her speech analysis. Appreciation deals with how people appreciate something. The point of evaluation is value, composition, and the things impact on speakers. As with affect and judgement, appreciation can classify positive and negative evaluation of things. That only one positive appreciation is addressed by Greta to the fact that already exist by the science for more than 30 years, even she was prefer to be unwilling to give any negative appreciation. The appreciation value is certainly influenced by the affect and judgement as the ways of feeling. That is why there is nothing to appreciate for, whether to appreciate the world‟s leader or may be the issue that being discussed.

4.1.2 Analysis of Attitude of Jason Momoa’s Speech Affect

The table consists of the result that the writer found in Jason Momoa‟s speech. The

Affect consists of positive and negative feeling of Jason Momoa that is separated into four categories such as dis/inclination, un/happiness, in/security, dis/satisfaction.


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Table 4.4 Affect in the Corpus Data of Jason Momoa‟s Speech

Inclination Happiness Security Satisfaction  Affect

(+) - - 1 - 1 (-) 1 - 2 - 3 Positive Affect

Positive affect is the expression of positive feeling (inclination, happiness, security and satisfaction) which in the data are found in Jason Momoa‟s speech at the

Small Island Event by the United Nations of Climate Action.

(11) We must work together as a global community to best steer our canoe in

the right direction. The direction of the healthy and abundant future on

earth that we call home.

The word together in datum (11) is categorized into positive affect “security”.

Security deals with feelings of peace, confident and trust emotion in relation to our

environs (Martin and White 51). According to Oxford dictionary, the word together

has meaning so that two or more things touch or are joined to or combined with each

other. It is categorized as adverb. Since security deals with confident and trust

emotion in relation to the environs, it shows Jason‟s positive feeling in his speech in

order to inform all of the audience to work together as a global community to reach

the goal. Since it holds positive feeling from the speaker, it is grouped into positive

affect in form together of security. Negative Affect

Negative affect deals with disinclination, unhappiness, insecurity and

dissatisfaction. It can be bad feeling, sad, anxious and bored. The writer found several

negative Affect of Jason Momoa.


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(3) However, with the foothold in two worlds I quickly began to see how the

problem for one will soon become a problem for all.

(5) Yet our ego, our fear and our relentless drive for profits have made us the

only species willing to force this harmony with the natural balance of our


(7) Even at the depths of Mariana Trench we are discovering nano-plastics.

And shockingly there are more plastic particles in the ocean than the stars

in the Milky way. It is shameful.

In datum (3) the phrase of I quickly began to see how the problem for one will soon become a problem for all is classified into insecurity. The phrase has meaning of feeling worried or nervous. Jason shows his worried feeling towards the situation of the country. This sentence refers to the statement of Jason which said that all things that matter in this world will matter for all who take part on it. It means that the world which we are lived in faced many problems such as great garbage was floating, entire islands were drowning, and there were still so many problems that shockingly damaged our planet. He was warning us to be more conscious about our planet. It denotes his anxious feeling.

In datum (5) fear is the example of negative feeling. Fear means the bad feeling that you have when you are in danger, when something bad might happen, or when a particular thing frightens you. It is classified as noun. The word of fear refers to the statement of Jason which said that people are afraid of losing profit. But in fact, people as a human being are the disease that infecting our planet, we have to take the consequence if we are not willing to taking care the harmony with the natural balance of our world. Since it is feeling fearful, in datum (5) categorized into disinclination of negative feeling.


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In datum (7) shockingly is an adverb. Shockingly means a strong feeling of

surprise as a result of something happening, especially something unpleasant; the

event that causes this feeling. Shockingly hold negative feeling that categorized into

insecurity in form of startled. It reflects Jason Momoa‟s frighten feelings towards the

fact that there are more plastic particles in the ocean than stars in the Milky Way. He

compared the plastic that have been overrated than the sky above that full of stars. It

must be warned us a lot and make us aware with our planet. Judgement

The table consists of the result that the writer found in Jason Momoa‟s speech. The

Judgement consists of positive and negative feeling of Jason Momoa that is separated into two dealing namely social esteem and social sanction. Social esteem is divided into three subtypes: normality, capacity and tenacity; while social sanction is divided into two subtypes: veracity and propriety.

Table 4.5 Judgement in the Corpus Data of Jason Momoa‟s Speech

Normality Capacity Tenacity Veracity Propriety  Judgement

(+) - 2 - - 1 3

(-) 1 - 3 - 3 7 Positive Judgement

Positive Judgement deals with the evaluation of human behavior by the way

they behave that positively assessed by reference to some set of social norms which in

the data are found in Jason Momoa‟s speech due to the climate change address.

(1) I‟m honored to represent those who continue to fight as stewards of this



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(4) As a human family through innovation and creativity we have elevated

ourselves and perceivably stand as the most powerful beings on earth.

(11) We must work together as a global community to best steer our canoe in

the right direction, the direction of healthy and abundant future on earth

that we call home.

In datum (1) honored has meaning something that you are very pleased or proud to do because people are showing you great respect. It is classified into adjective. Jason Momoa shows his respect and admiration feeling for those who continued to fight as earth stewards. It represents his positive judgement for himself to be chosen as the one who continue to fight and for those who already took part as the planet fighter. It is categorized as propriety in form of respectful as positive judgement.

In datum (4) powerful is being able to control and influence people and events. It represents positive judgement from Jason Momoa for human family as the most powerful beings on earth. The most powerful through innovation and creativity who took a huge part for protecting the planet. Powerful is classified as adjective. It is categorized as capacity in form powerful as positive judgement that realized in Jason

Momoa‟s speech.

In datum (11) is the example of capacity that shown through the phrase the direction of healthy. Jason wanted to persuade all of the audience to work together as a global community to be in the right direction to avoid sickness. He gave positive judgement toward us as a human being that still capable in directing “the canoe” back into the right direction and fulfill the earth with abundant resources in the future that makes us feel safe and comfort. It denotes that Jason liked to judge people from their


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capability to do something. Based on findings of positive capacity, it is formed as healthy in positive judgement. Negative Judgement

Negative Judgement deals with the attitudes of people and the way they behave that negatively evaluated which in the data are found in Jason Momoa‟s speech due to the climate change address.

(5) Yet our ego, our fear, and our relentless drive for profits have made us the

only species willing to force this harmony with the natural balance of our


(6) The oceans are in a state of emergency

(7) Even at the depths of Mariana Trench we are discovering nano-plastics.

And shockingly there are more plastic particles in the ocean than the stars

in the Milky way. It is shameful.

(8) If you continue to watch unsympathetic to the issues of island nations this

realization will soon come.

(9) I‟m standing here today because I am ashamed that not all of our leaders

have wanted this agreement.

(10) We must right the wrongs we have done against our children and

grandchildren because we are gifting them with the world that suffers from

our irresponsible stewardship.

According to Oxford Dictionary, ego (5) means sense of your own value and importance. It refers to Jason Momoa‟s negative judgement about people as a human being which only care about themselves rather than about other people. Ego is classified as noun in form of selfish. He also stated in datum (5) relentless shows that people are having a desire to cause pain and suffering in chasing profits. Relentless is


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classified as adjective means not stopping or getting less strong in form of cruel. Both of these words reflect negative judgement of Jason Momoa to people as a selfish and cruel human being. He negatively judged human being for less-ethical creature.

In datum (6) emergency is classified as noun. It means a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation which needs immediate action to deal with it. It refers to

Jason Momoa‟s negative judgement about the ocean. He stated that the oceans are in a worse situation. In datum (6) shows the example of normality in form of retrograde.

Shameful (7) means something that should make you feel ashamed. It is classified as adjective. It shows Jason Momoa‟s negative judgement due to the bad reality of plastic particles in the ocean. The point of this case also effected by his negative feeling about the fact and he strongly stated that we should feel ashamed by the condition of our planet that we finally know and find that there were so many plastic articles in the ocean than stars in the sky. Human being who contributed to this plastic pollution must be aware and feel ashamed. Based on the findings of judgement, it shows Jason‟s negative judgement as timid.

In datum (8) unsympathetic shows the example of propriety. It means not feeling or showing any sympathy, classified into adjective. It refers to the world leader, the audience or anyone who hear his speech. He said that that if we stay being careless, we will become the witness of the death of the world. Except datum (5) it shown the same result, he judged human being negatively and categorized in form of insensitive.

The same word that Jason used in datum (7) has a same meaning in datum (9) ashamed. According to Oxford Dictionary, ashamed means feeling shame or embarrassment about somebody or something or because of something you have


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done. It is classified into adjective. This word is example of tenacity in form of timid.

It reflects negative judgement of Jason Momoa to himself, shows that he is

embarrassed of the fact that not all of the leaders have wanted that agreement. He took

an immediate action by standing there at the climate event and negatively judged

himself which it should be replaced by the world leader.

In datum (10) irresponsible stewardship shows the example of negative

judgement, categorized into tenacity in form of unreliable. Irresponsible means not

thinking enough about the effects of what they do; not showing a feeling of

responsibility. It is classified into adjective. The phrase irresponsible stewardship

refers to human being who lived in and spend their whole life in this planet. Jason said

that people is cannot be trusted to do something well in case on the earth‟s

stewardship. He negatively judged human being who actually have a big

responsibility in order to protect the earth and be queath it to the next generation, but

they did not. Appreciation

The table consists of the result that the writer found in Jason Momoa‟s speech. The

Appreciation consists of positive and negative evaluation of things, can be natural objects, human artifacts, human individuals (but not of human behavior). There are three types of

Appreciation namely reaction (do they catch our attention or not), composition (balance and complexity), and valuation (how innovative, authentic, timely).

Table 4.6 Appreciation in the Corpus Data of Jason Momoa‟s Speech

Reaction Composition Valuation  Appreciation

(+) - 1 - 1 (-) - - 1 1


Universitas Sumatera Utara Positive Appreciation

Positive Appreciation deals with aesthetic evaluation of humans – with appreciating the value of things which found in Jason Momoa‟s speech will also lead us to uncover Jason Momoa‟s attitudes due to the climate change address.

(11) We must work together as a global community to best steer our canoe in

the right direction, the direction of healthy and abundant future on earth

that we call home.

In datum (11) abundant is an adjective. Abundant means existing in large quantities; more than enough. It is one of Jason Momoa‟s positive appreciation for the situation of the earth, that still has good possibility for having a wealth earth supply to survive called home. The phrase abundant future used by Jason Momoa to inform that we must steer our canoe in the right direction that will containing or providing a large supply in the future. Datum (11) shows the example of positive appreciation, categorized as composition (complexity) in form of rich. Negative Appreciation

Negative appreciation is about the negative evaluation about things or natural phenomenon which in the data are found in Jason Momoa‟s speech at the Small Island

Event by the United Nation.

(1) As a native Hawaiian born to a mother from Iowa, I have seen how one

place can be oblivious to another.

In datum (2) oblivious shows the example of negative appreciation categorized as valuation in form of forgettable. The word oblivious is an adjective. It means not aware of something. The point of this case is that any places can be forgettable. It is about how something can be ignored by everyone because it may be not giving a big


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worthwhile for the living. In another hand, Jason said that how the problem for one

will soon become a problem for all. Even for a little disregarded island, it took a big

impact for other places too. He negatively appreciated this attitude for not giving

attention to another small and faraway places.

In the aspect of affect, the writer found one positive affect and three negatives affect that contained in Jason Momoa‟s speech. Since affect is concerned with moods or emotions in relations to environs, from the result and the analysis, Jason expressed his trust emotion when he was in the Small Island Event. He convinced the audience to combined with each other to work together as a global community for reaching the goals for living a better future.

Besides the positive security, he expressed his negative feeling since the very beginning of the speech. In his speech, the feelings that mostly expressed by Jason was insecurity. He gave reaction to the situation that actually caused by human being for lose consciousness of taking care the harmony of the planet. Opposite to his positive feeling, he expressed his trust issue towards the earth of mankind more than once. He emphasized that people as human being is the disease that infecting the planet, should be more conscious and willing to taking care the balance of the world. The words that he used to define his feeling are definitely clear how worried was he.

In the aspect of judgement, the writer found three positives judgement and seven negatives judgement. He gave positive judgement for the people who already fight for the planet and human as the most powerful beings on earth. Judgement is the evaluation of human behavior towards how they behave and how they measure their character up. He positively judged human as the most powerful beings which has capability in protecting the planet. Jason also positively judged himself for being chosen as the one who continue to fight and for those who already took part as the planet fighter.


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In contrast, there are seven negatives judgement that Jason pointed out the evaluation towards the world leader for not taking the responsibility in order to reduce the climate crisis.

Jason also implied his negative feeling and judgement because the world‟s leader was prioritizing their self-interest too much that made them being insensitive in solving the climate issue.

In the aspect of appreciation, the writer found one positive and one negative judgement in Jason Momoa‟s speech. Appreciation deals with how people appreciate something. The writer found that Jason appreciates the situation both in positive and negative. He positively appreciated that the world will containing or providing a large supply if only human as a powerful being were working together for protecting the earth, but in the other hand, it might be a big problem if human were not being aware of any places in the world that might be give any impact to the natural balance. Both positive and negative cases are related to each other.


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4.2 Data Findings

The data was collected from the speech of Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa in the

United Nations for climate change. Greta Thunberg‟s speech was held on 23rd September

2019 and the duration is about 04 minutes 27 seconds, while Jason Momoa‟s speech was held on 27th September 2019 and the duration is about 05 minutes 56 seconds. The result appraisal device of attitude is explained below:

Table 4.7 The Distribution of Attitude in Greta Thunberg’s Speech

Appraisal System Sub-System  % (part) Attitude Affect (+) 0 9 60% (-) 9 Judgement (+) 1 5 33,33% (-) 4 Appreciation (+) 1 1 6,67% (-) 0 Total 15 100%

Table 4.8 The Distribution of Attitude in Jason Momoa’s Speech

Appraisal System Sub-System  % (part) Attitude Affect (+) 1 4 25% (-) 3 Judgement (+) 3 10 62,5% (-) 7 Appreciation (+) 1 2 12,5% (-) 1 Total 16 100%


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Table 4.9 The Distribution of Attitude in Greta Thunberg’s and Jason Momoa’s Speeches

No Greta Thunberg No Jason Momoa  Attitude 

1. Affect (9) 1. Affect (4) Greta Thunberg: 48.4% 15 2. Judgement (5) 2. Judgement (10) Jason Momoa: 51.6% 3. Appreciation (1) 3. Appreciation (2) 16

Total 31 100%

The Percentage Distribution of Attitude in Greta Thunberg‟s Speech

× 100% = 48.4%

The Percentage Distribution of Attitude in Jason Momoa‟s Speech

× 100% = 51.6%

As stated in the previous chapter that the speech was broken up into clauses in order to know the distribution of the Attitude in each clause. The table above is the answer of the first problem of this study. From the table, the writer found that both of the speech is used three Attitudes, namely Affect, Judgement and Appreciation.

The total number of Attitudes among all that have been used by Greta and Jason is 31 clauses. The using of Attitude by Greta Thunberg is 15 clauses consist of 9 clauses of Affect

(60%), 5 clauses of Judgement (33,33%), and 1 clause of Appreciation (6,67%), while the using of Attitude by Jason is 16 clauses consist of 4 clauses of Affect (25%), 10 clauses of

Judgement (62,5%), and 2 clauses of Appreciation (12,5%).


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The realization of the use of Attitude device that found in Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason

Momoa‟s speeches due to climate change issue can be seen by the total number from the percentage table above, there are 48.4% applied in Greta Thunberg‟s speech and there are

51,6% applied in Jason Momoa‟s speech.

The analysis and calculation have shown that more attitudinal values occur in Jason

Momoa‟s speech rather than Greta Thunberg itself. It shows how Jason represented his feeling through the climate address in a good way and high capability in public speaking.

Thus, by considering the total number of the percentage which is almost equal between Greta and Jason, it is reasonable for us to know how they expressed their feeling through the speech in purpose to provoke or to persuade the world leader or the audience to be more responsible to protect the world, the discussion about their similarities and differences attitudinal aspect is explained below.


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4.3 Discussion on the Similarities and Differences of Greta Thunberg’s and Jason

Momoa’s Attitudes

The results of the finding reveal that Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa use all types of Attitude, they are: Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation.

Figure 4.1 Use of Attitude in Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches

After the detailed analysis and calculation about how Greta and Jason applied the attitudinal values in their speech, it is important for us to know how both of them as the intelligence public figure arranges or conveys their ideas and feelings by how the Appraisal

Device is effectively applied by the subject compared based on one aspect.

Based on the sub-types of the Attitude classification, each clause was divided into

Positive and Negative. For the clearer explanation and understanding, the following chart and discussion of Attitude calculation in each sub-type below will reveal how the subjects share similarities and how they are different that is broken up into a number of sub-chapters.


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Figure 4.2 The Distribution of Positive and Negative Attitude in Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s Speeches

Based on the chart above, it was found that the percentage of positive and negative realization is varied among Affect, Judgement, and Appreciation from both of the climate activist, namely Greta and Jason.

4.3.1 Similarities

Firstly, both of the climate activist, namely Greta Thunberg and Jason

Momoa use all types of Attitude with varied percentage in each sub-type by the

way they are use the language to share the facts about climate change issues.

Secondly, in presenting their arguments, both of them gave priority in

negative realization of the Attitude devices towards the world‟s leader and the

audience who properly have responsibility in solving and protecting the planet for

a better health. It is clearly figured out in figure 2.7 the distribution of negatives

Attitudes. The total numbered of negative realization is more dominant than the

positive one that reflected by Greta and Jason. The percentage of negative

distribution by Greta Thunberg is 41,93% and the percentage of negative

distribution by Jason Momoa is 35,45%.


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Furthermore, be sides the dominant negative realization, both of them also

contributed the same sub-types in expressing their feeling through the speech. It

can be seen from the used of positive Appreciation that consists of one clause or it

equals to 3,22%. The result of their evaluation should be added the world‟s leader

consciousness through the phenomenon that happened in our environs. It is

indirectly warned their awareness for the importance of public interest.

4.3.2 Differences

Firstly, considering the distributions of Attitude between Greta Thunberg

and Jason Momoa that presented in figure above shown that Greta used more

psychological aspect, feeling and emotions while delivering her speech rather than

Jason that used more judgemental aspect. The overwhelming used of emotional

aspect by Greta could be influenced by her stage of age that classified as a teen. It

also can be influenced by their gender. Greta as young girl while Jason is a mature


Secondly, we can see from the distribution of attitudinal values between

Greta and Jason found that the positive affect and negative appreciation are not

used by Greta in her speech. It reveals that Greta did not give any positive feeling

and any negative evaluation in her speech. It is different with Jason that used all

the sub-types both in positive and negative realization in his speech.


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5.1 Conclusion

This research applies Appraisal Theory by J.R Martin and P.R.R White (2005) to analyze Greta Thunberg‟s and Jason Momoa‟s speeches towards the climate change issue. In the term of Attitude, Greta and Jason used the three kinds of Attitude namely Affect,

Judgement, and Appreciation. Based on the finding and analysis, the writer found the total number of Attitudes among all that have been used by Greta and Jason is 31 clauses. The using of Attitude by Greta Thunberg is 15 clauses consist of 9 clauses of Affect (60%), 5 clauses of Judgement (33,33%), and 1 clause of Appreciation (6,67%), while the using of

Attitude by Jason is 16 clauses consist of 4 clauses of Affect (25%), 10 clauses of Judgement

(62,5%), and 2 clauses of Appreciation (12,5%). The dominant percentage of Greta‟s Attitude is shown by the use of Affect, while the dominant percentage of Jason‟s Attitude is shown by the use of Judgement.

In both of the speeches, the using of negative attitude is more dominant than the positive one. The number of negative attitude is 77,4% (41,93% belongs to Greta and 35,45% belongs to Jason). Furthermore, positive attitude is 22,6% (6,5% belongs to Greta and

16,12% belongs to Jason). It means that Greta Thunberg and Jason Momoa prefer to use negative feeling in delivering the speech due to the climate change address.

While considering the distributions of Attitude between Greta Thunberg and Jason

Momoa that presented in figure above shown that Greta used more psychological aspect, feeling and emotions while delivering her speech rather than Jason that more parental and used more judgmental aspect.


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The study revealed based on the Affect percentage, the audience‟s emotion was attracted by the way of Greta delivered her speech, while Jason with his background and experiences, he could deliver his speech more objective and shown that he has a good capability in public speaking.

5.2 Suggestion

In this study, the writer analyzed Appraisal theory of Attitude device in climate change addresses. The writer hopes this study is useful for the readers and another writer to get better understanding about Appraisal theory. For the linguistics student, who are interested in analyzing speech, they can use another sub-type in Appraisal Theory or maybe the Attitude realization itself and make it more perfect for increasing the number of references about the Appraisal Theory since there are no many theses about Appraisal Theory in English Department and other universities. It also suggested to combine and compare the

Appraisal theory with another theory which is discussing about language evaluation. For them who are interested in writing, this theory is properly good to support the discussion about another crucial issue or phenomenon that happens nowadays. And for the speakers, adviser, public relations or anyone who are interested in public speaking, this Appraisal

Theory is highly recommended to be applicated for more directed speech, arranged in proper structure, more communicative, reached the goal, and for a straight to the point purpose. The

Appraisal theory must be very helpful for those who are working in public service.


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Internet Source: Video of Greta Thunberg‟s Climate Address at the Climate Action Summit 201 to be retrieved from ENR8Ojk7j_cedtUgZdLo&index=3 (23rd September 2019) Video of Jason Momoa‟s Climate Address at the Small Islands Event to be retrieved from ENR8Ojk7j_cedtUgZdLo&index=3&t=7s (27th September 2019)


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APPENDIX I The Transcript of Greta Thunberg’s Address at the United Nations: Climate Action Summit 23rd September 2019

My message is that we'll be watching you. This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm the one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you! For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal-clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you're doing enough when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight. You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And that I refuse to believe. The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in 10 years only gives us a 50% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees [Celsius], and the risk of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control. Fifty percent may be acceptable to you. But those numbers do not include tipping points, most feedback loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or the aspects of equity and . They also rely on my generation sucking hundreds of billions of tons of your CO2 out of the air with technologies that barely exist. So, a 50% risk is simply not acceptable to us  we who have to live with the consequences. To have 67% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees of global temperature rise  the best odds given by the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]  the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on January 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons. How dare you pretend that this can be sold with just „business as usual‟ and some technical solutions? With today's emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less than 8 ½ years. There will not be any solutions or plans presented in line with these figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable. And you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is. You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you. We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not. Thank you.

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APPENDIX II The Transcript of Jason Momoa’s Address at the Small Island Event by the UN Climate Action Summit 27th September 2019

Aloha. Your excellencies, distinguished gelid, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. Today I stand before you as a singular representative of all island nations. I'm honored to represent those who continue to fight as stewards of this planet. As a native Hawaiian born to a mother from Iowa, I have seen how one we place can be oblivious to another. The issues facing an island can feel so far removed from that place that is landlocked in the middle of our country. However, with the foothold in two worlds I quickly began to see how a problem for one will soon become a problem for all. As a human family through innovation and creativity, we have elevated ourselves and perceivably stand as the most powerful beings on earth. Yet our ego, our fear, and our relentless drive for profits have made us the only species willing to force this harmony with the natural balance of our world. We are the living consequence of forgotten traditions. We suffer a collective amnesia of a truth that was once understood. The truth that to cause irreversible damage to the earth, is to bring the same into ourselves. We, the island nations and all coastal communities, are the front lines in this environmental crisis. The oceans are in a state of emergency. Entire marine ecosystems are vanishing with the warming of the seas, and as the waste of the world empties into our waters. We face the devastating crisis of plastic pollution. We are a disease that is infecting our planet. From the atmosphere to the abyssal zone. We are polluted. It is a known fact to the great Garbage Patch floating in the Pacific is larger than larger than the country of . Even at the depths of the Mariana Trench we are discovering nano- plastics. And shockingly there are more plastic particles in the ocean than the stars in the Milky Way. It is shameful. Yet the greatest threat to Small Island Developing States is the fact that entire islands are drowning into the sea due to the enormous volume of emissions generated by the first world countries. Island nations contribute the least to this disaster, but are made to suffer the weight of its consequences. Our governments and corporate entities have known for decades that immediate change is needed. Yet change still has not come. And when the frontline is gone, we are doomed. There is no undoing. If you continue to watch unsympathetic to the issues of island nations this realization will soon come. That you stood by and witness the world across the critical tipping point rushing the death of our planet. 69 of the hundred richest entities in the world are corporations they are not governments. Obviously, it is not a naive to believe that one does not influence the other. But we are watching and the people will hold our governments and corporate powers accountable for the destruction you are allowing to our environment. Three years ago in Paris, the world stood united and vowed to keep the earth below 1.5 degrees of warming. We pledged to hold ourselves to a higher standard and to do what is right.

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I'm standing here today because I am ashamed that not all of our leaders have wanted this agreement. Delegates, I ask you now, do we still stand in unity for this cause? Do you intend to honor the commitments for a betterment of mankind? Or will you continue to chase short-term profits above our children's basic human rights to live on this earth? Change cannot come in 2050 or 2030 or even 2025. The changes must come today. We can no longer afford the luxury of half-assing it as we willingly force ourselves beyond the threshold of no return. As a human species we need the earth to survive. But make no mistake. The earth doesn't need us. We are demanding global unity for a global crisis to once again bring harmony between mankind and the natural balance of our world. We must right the wrongs. We have done against our children and grandchildren because we are gifting them with the world that suffers from our irresponsible stewardship. I leave you with an island proverb that states “He va‟a he moku, he moku he va‟a”. These words teach us that all land, no matter how big or small, floats on the ocean like a canoe in the middle of the sea. And that our planet is nothing more than an island floating amongst an ocean of stars. Life on a floating vessel has limited resources. It requires strict conservation practices and carefully planned navigation to ensure survival. We must work together as a global community to best steer our canoe in the right direction. The direction of the healthy and abundant future on earth that we call home. Mahalo Nui law please join us the Samoa pathway and unified commitment to protect and heal the planet is for all of us. Aloha.

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APPENDIX III The Function of Attitude device in Greta Thunberg’s Speech

Kinds of Attitude

Expression Form Affect Function No. Judgement Appreciation (Bold) (U) (I)

1 How dare you! angry (-) To show that dissatisfaction she is angry about something that somebody has done

2 You have stolen dishonest (-) veracity To show her my dreams in negative my childhood feelings with your empty towards words. the world leaders

3 And yet I'm one lucky (+) To show that of the lucky normality she is lucky ones. People are suffering. People sorrowful (-) To show a are dying. unhappiness very sad situation Grief- (-) Feeling stricken unhappiness extremely sad because of something that has happened, especially the death of somebody

4 How dare you! angry (-) To show that dissatisfaction she is angry about

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something that somebody has done

5 For more than clear (+) To inform that 30 years, the complexity the science is science has been completely crystal-clear. clear and bright

6 How dare you angry (-) To show that continue to look dissatisfaction she is angry away and come about here saying that something you're doing that enough when the somebody has politics and done solutions needed are still nowhere in sight. 7 But no matter sad (-) To show her how sad and unhappiness sad feeling angry I am, I do not want to angry (-) To show her believe that. dissatisfaction strong feelings about something that she dislikes very much

8 Because if you evil (-) To show the really propriety world leaders understood the that they can situation and be morally still kept on bad and cruel failing to act, if they keep then you would on doing be evil and that I nothing while refuse to believe. they say they understood about the situation

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9 How dare you angry (-) To show that pretend that this dissatisfaction she is angry can be sold with about just „business as something usual‟ and some that technical somebody has solutions? done

deceitful (-) veracity To inform that the world leaders is behaving in a dishonest way

10 There will not be anxious (-) insecurity To show her any solutions or worried plans presented feeling about in line with these the situation figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable.

11 But the young dishonest (-) veracity To inform people are starting to the world understand your leaders that betrayal. the young people has been realized their fakeness

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APPENDIX IV The Function of Attitude device in Jason Momoa’s Speech

Kinds of Attitude No. Expression Form Function Affect Judgement Appreciation (Bold) (U) (I) 1 I‟m honored to Respectful (+) To show his represent those Propriety respect and who continue to admiration fight as feeling for stewards of this those who planet. continue to fight as earth stewards 2 As a native Forgetable (-) Valuation To inform that Hawaiian born any places can to a mother be forgetable from Iowa, I have seen how one place can be oblivious to another. 3 However, with Anxious (-) Insecurity To show his the foothold in worried two worlds I feeling quickly began towards the to see how a situation of the problem for one country will soon become a problem for all. 4 As a human Powerful (+) To inform that family through Capacity human family innovation and is the most creativity, we powerful have elevated beings on ourselves and earth perceivably stand as the most powerful beings on earth.

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5 Yet our ego, our Selfish (-) To show that fear, and our propriety human is relentless drive caring only for profits have about made us the themselves only species rather than willing to force about other this harmony people with the natural Fearful (-) To show that balance of our disinclination people are world. afraid of losing profit Cruel (-) To show that propriety people are having a desire to cause pain and suffering in chasing profits 6 The oceans are Retrograde (-) To inform that in a state of Normality the oceans are emergency. in a worse situation. 7 Even at the Startled (-) Insecurity To express his depths of frightens Mariana Trench feeling we are towards the discovering fact that there nano-plastics. are more And shockingly plastic there are more particles in the plastic particles ocean than in the ocean stars in the than the stars in Milky Way the Milky way. Timid (-) To show his It is shameful. Tenacity negative feeling due to bad reality of plastic particles in the ocean 8 If you continue Insensitive (-) To tell that if to watch Propriety we stay being

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unsymphatetic careless we to the issues of will become island nations the witness of this realization the death of will soon come. the world 9 I‟m standing Timid (-) To show that here today Tenacity he is because I am embarrassed of ashamed that the fact that not all of our not all of the leaders have leaders have wanted this wanted that agreement. agreement 10 We have done Unreliable (-) To tell that against our Tenacity people is children and cannot be grandchildren trusted to do because we are something gifting them well in case on with the world the earth‟s that suffers stewardship from our irresponsible stewardship. 11 We must work Together (+) Security To inform all together as a of the global audience to community to work together best steer our as a global canoe in the community to right direction, reach the goal the direction of Healthy (+) To persuade healthy and capacity all of the abundant future audience to on earth that we work together call home. as a global community to be in the right direction to avoid sickness

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Rich (+) To inform that Complexity we must steer our canoe in the right direction that will containing or providing a large supply in the future

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