Peer-to-peer Virtual Private Networks and Applications

Renato Jansen Figueiredo Associate Professor Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center/ACIS Lab University of Florida Visiting Researcher at VU Backdrop

 Virtual machines in cloud computing  On-demand, pay-per-use, user-configurable  Federated environments  End-to-end Internet connectivity hindered by address space and presence of NATs, firewalls  Network virtualization – seamlessly connecting virtual machines across multiple providers  Applications  Distributed virtual private clusters  Education, training in distributed computing  Private communication among Internet users extending online social networks

2 Rationale

 Virtualization techniques for decoupling, isolation, multiplexing also apply to networking  E.g. VLANs, VPNs  However, there are challenges in configuration, deployment, and management  Peer-to-peer techniques provide a basis for scalable routing, and self-management  Software routers, integration at network end-points enables deployment over existing infrastructure  Architecture, design needs to account for connectivity constraints, and support TCP/IP efficiently; optimize for common cases


Application Examples

 Cloud-bursting  Run additional worker VMs on a cloud provider  Extending enterprise LAN to cloud VMs – seamless scheduling, data transfers  Federated “Inter-cloud” environments  Multiple private clouds across various institutions  Virtual machines can be deployed on different sites and form a distributed virtual private cluster  Hands-on laboratories for classes  Deploy your own cluster  Connecting devices of social network peers  Media streaming, file sharing, gaming, …

4 Talk - Outlook

 Background  Architecting self-organizing virtual networks  Topology, routing, tunneling, addressing, NAT traversal, performance  Applications in Grid/cloud and end-user environments  Virtual Private Clusters  Social VPNs  Applications in education  FutureGrid

5 Resource Virtualization

 Virtual machines (Xen, VMware, KVM) paved the way to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)  Computing environment decoupled from physical infrastructure  Pay-as-you-go for computing cycles

 Virtual networks complement virtual machines for increased flexibility and isolation in IaaS  VMs must communicate seamlessly – regardless of where they are provisioned  Traffic isolation; security, resource control

6 Virtual Machines and Networks

Virtual V2 Infrastructure

V3 V1


Physical Infrastructure Domain B

WAN Domain A Domain C

7 Virtual Networks

 Single infrastructure, many virtual networks  E.g. one per user, application, project, social network…  Each isolated and independently configured  Addressing, protocols; authentication, encryption  Multiplexing physical network resources  Network interfaces, links, switches, routers

8 Network Virtualization – Where?

Virtualized endpoints Software Software

Network Network Fabric Network Device Device

(Virtual) (Virtual) machine machine

Virtualized Fabric (e.g VLAN, OpenSwitch)

9 Landscape

 Peer-wise Internet connectivity constrained  IPv4 address space limitations; NATs, firewalls  Challenges - shared environment  Lack of control of networking resources  Cannot program routers, switches  Public networks – privacy is important  Often, lack privileged access to underlying resources  May be “root” within a VM, but lacking hypervisor privileges  Dynamic creation, configuration and tear-down  Complexity of management

10 Peer-to-Peer Virtual Networks

 Overview  User-level IP overlays deployable on Internet end resources (software routers, virtual NICs)  Why virtual?  Hide complexities associated with NAT traversal, IPv4 address space constraints from applications  Support unmodified applications  Why peer-to-peer?  Self-organizing - reduce management complexity and cost  Decentralized architecture for scalability and robustness

11 The IP-over-P2P (IPOP) Approach

 Isolation  Virtual address space decoupled from Internet  Packets picked, encapsulated, tunneled and delivered within the scope of virtual network  Self-organization  Overlay topology, routing tables  Autonomously deals with joins, leaves, failures  Decentralized P2P messaging architecture  No global state, no central point of failure  Tunnels (UDP, TCP, …), routing  Decentralized NAT traversal  No need for STUN server infrastructure

[IPDPS 2006, Ganguly et al]

12 IPOP: Architecture Overview

Unmodified applications Capture/tunnel, scalable, Connect(,80) resilient, self-configuring Routing; object store Application Virtual Router


Wide-area Virtual Application Overlay network Router Isolated, private virtual VNIC address space P2P Overlay (Brunet)

 Bi-directional ring ordered by 160-bit IPOPid’s  Structured connections: • “Near”: with neighbors n4 IPOPid • “Far”: across the ring n3 n5 n2 n6

Multi-hop path n1 n7 between n1 and n7

Far n12 n8 Near n11 n9 n1 < n2 < n3 <……. < n13 < n14 n10 Overlay: Edges and Routing

 Overlay edges  Multiple transports: UDP, TCP, TLS  NAT traversal (UDP hole-punching)  Greedy routing  Deliver to peer closest to destination IPOPid  Constant # of edges per node (average k)  O((1/k)log2(n)) overlay hops  On-demand edges  Created/trimmed down based on IP communication

15 Creating Overlay Edges

Overlay path

CTM request CTM reply Link request A B A’s endpoint URIs: B’s endpoint URIs: tcp:// tcp:// (local) udp:// udp:// (NAT – learned) • A sends a Connect-to-me (CTM) request to B’s IPOPid • Contains all its URIs (UDP/TCP IP:port endpoints) • Routed over P2P overlay to B • B sends CTM reply with its URIs – overlay routed • B initiates “linking” with A • Attempts linking with parallel requests to A’s URIs 16 NAT Traversal

Direct edge between A and B


Technique for “cone” UDP NATs:

A’s link request message to B creates ephemeral state in A’s NAT allowing messages from B to pass through NAT (and vice-versa)

Overlay: manage keep-alives so NAT mapping “holes” stay open; re-link if NAT mappings expire 17 Naming and Multiplexing

 One P2P overlay can multiplex multiple VNs  E.g. multiple virtual clusters from different projects  IP routing within the scope of a namespace

 User-provided string identifies IPOP namespace  Each IPOP node is configured with a namespace

 IP-to-P2P address resolution:  DHT-Get(namespace:IP) -> IPOPid

18 Managing Virtual IP Addresses

 Address assignment: static, or dynamic  Supports DHCP  Store configuration (including base address, mask) on DHT entry bound to namespace

 DHCP proxy runs on each IPOP node  Pick DHCP request  Lookup DHCP configuration for namespace  Guess an IP address at random within range  Attempt to store in DHT; wait for majority to acknowledge; retry upon failure

19 Optimization: On-demand edges

 At each node:

 Count IP-over-P2P packets to other nodes

 When number of packets within an interval exceeds threshold:

 Initiate connection setup; create edge

 Trimming on-demand edges no longer in use

 Overhead involved in connection maintenance

20 Optimization: Tunnel Edges

 Peers X, Y may not be able to communicate directly if they are behind symmetric NATs

 X, Y exchange list of neighbor URIs  Each attempts to create edge to common intermediary Z to serve as proxy

 Routing – abstracted as regular overlay edge  X-Y connected by virtual edge  Useful to maintain ring topology in the face of failures (routing outages, symmetric NATs)

21 Implementation

 IPOP open-source system  C# user-level router  Tap virtual network device  Performance  1GbE physical LAN

Latency (ms) Bwidth (Mb/s) Mem (KB) Host 0.27 941 n/a IPOP 0.52 284 38312 IPOP+sec 0.75 55 50976

22 Performance (WAN)

EC2/UF EC2GoGrid UF/GoGrid Netperf stream 89.2 35.9 30.2 native (Mbps) Netperf stream 75.3 19.2 25.7 IPOP (Mbps) Netperf RR 13.4 11.1 10.0 trans/s native Netperf RR 13.3 10.7 9.8 trans/s IPOP Related Work

 There exist several VPN technologies:  Enterprise VPNs (e.g. Cisco); Open-source (e.g OpenVPN); Consumer/gaming/SMB (e.g. Hamachi)  Not easily applicable to federating cloud resources  Proprietary code; difficulty in configuration/management  Research work in the context of Grid/cloud computing  VNET (Northwestern University), VIOLIN (Purdue University), Private Virtual Cluster (INRIA), ViNe (Tsugawa, Fortes @ UF)  Smartsockets @ VU

24 IPOP Social Networks

 Users now commonly manage relationships to social peers through Online Social Networks  Facebook, Google+  Communication hindered by OSN provider APIs, privacy concerns  A generic IP network can enable existing and new social network applications  But users don’t have public IPs, don’t want to necessarily open NATs/firewalls to all users  Users don’t want to configure and discover network services manually

25 Social VPNs

Alice's Compute Node Alice's Friend's Compute Node Bob's Compute Node on EC2

IP-over-P2P Tunnel OSN


Alice Bob Carl Social VPNs

 From a user’s perspective: it’s simple  My computer gets a virtual network card  It connects me directly to my social peers  All IP packets: authenticated, encrypted, end-to-end  Leverage well-known PKI techniques  No configuration besides establishing social links  All I need to do to is log in to a web based social network  Applications, middleware work as if the computers were on the same local-area network  Including multicast-based resource discovery – UPnP, mDNS

27 Applications

 Social VPN is not the application  It is not tied to an application either  It enables applications that are of interest for collaboration  Security – needed beyond network layer  Authenticated end-to-end private IP tunnels provide a foundation  Traditional applications  Media streaming, desktop sharing, file sharing, cycle sharing  Platform for decentralized social network applications  Fault-tolerant micro-blogging, private file sharing, ..

28 Social VPN Internals

 IPOP  NAT traversal and routing core  Private end-to-end tunnels  Peer discovery and certificate exchange  XMPP – Jabber, Google  Facebook APIs (was in first prototype; no longer in the code)  Dynamic IP address assignment  Facebook: more users than IPv4 24-bit private space  Also must avoid conflicts with local private networks, and support mobility

29 Addressing and Mapping

 160-bit P2P IDs used for overlay routing  Each node generates random P2P ID  Node issues a self-signed public key certificate with its P2P identifier; publishes through OSN APIs  Certificates of friends’ nodes are discovered, retrieved, revoked through OSN APIs  IPv4 addresses seen by applications  Dynamically-generated non-conflicting private subnet  Local node and friends’ nodes are mapped dynamically to addresses within range  Naming possible through SocialDNS  IP src/dest addresses translated (ports are not) [COPS 2008]

Address Translation

Alice's Compute Node Alice's Friend's Compute Node Bob's Compute Node on EC2

Send-to Alice BobP2P Recv-from 0.1 2.2 AliceP2P 3.4 0.1

SVPN: SVPN: Alice: Bob: Bob: -> BobP2P Alice: -> AliceP2P Group-oriented Social VPNs

 SocialVPN focuses on unstructured peer-to- peer communication  User’s VPN scoped by their own social links  Powerful abstraction, but there are applications require all-to-all connectivity  E.g. a virtual private cluster  How to use relationships established through Web-based portals to create virtual clusters?  Group-oriented VPNs  Software packaging in virtual appliance images

32 Use case: Education and Training

 Importance of experimental work in systems research  Needs also to be addressed in education  Complement to fundamental theory  FutureGrid: a testbed for experimentation and collaboration  Education and training contributions:  Lower barrier to entry – pre-configured environments, zero- configuration technologies  Community/repository of hands-on executable environments: develop once, share and reuse

33 Educational appliances in FutureGrid

 A flexible, extensible platform for hands- on, lab-oriented education on FutureGrid  Executable modules – virtual appliances  Deployable on FutureGrid resources  Deployable on other cloud platforms, as well as virtualized desktops  Community sharing – Web 2.0 portal, appliance image repositories  An aggregation hub for executable modules and documentation

34 What is a virtual appliance?

 A virtual appliance packages software and configuration needed for a particular purpose into a virtual machine “image”

 The virtual appliance has no hardware – just software and configuration

 The image is a (big) file

 It can be instantiated on hardware

35 Virtual appliance example

 Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP A web server Another Web server LAMP image

instantiate Virtualization copy Layer


36 Clustered applications

 Replace LAMP with the middleware of your choice – e.g. MPI, Hadoop, Condor MPI image An MPI worker Another MPI worker

instantiate Virtualization copy Layer


37 Grid appliance - virtual clusters

 Same image, per-group VPNs

Hadoop Group + VPN Virtual Network A Hadoop worker Another Hadoop worker instantiate

copy Virtual GroupVPN machine Credentials Repeat… (from Web site) Virtual IP - DHCP Virtual IP - DHCP

38 Grid appliance clusters

 Virtual appliances  Encapsulate software environment in image  Virtual disk file(s) and virtual hardware configuration  The Grid appliance  Encapsulates cluster software environments  Current examples: Condor, MPI, Hadoop  Homogeneous images at each node  Virtual Network connecting nodes forms a cluster  Deploy within or across domains

39 Grid appliance internals

 Host O/S  Linux  Grid/cloud stack  MPI, Hadoop, Condor, …  Glue logic for zero-configuration  Automatic DHCP address assignment  Multicast DNS (Bonjour, Avahi) resource discovery  Shared data store - Distributed Hash Table  Interaction with VM/cloud

40 One appliance, multiple hosts

 Allow same logical cluster environment to instantiate on a variety of platforms  Local desktop, clusters; FutureGrid; Amazon EC2; Science Clouds…  Avoid dependence on host environment  Make minimum assumptions about VM and provisioning software  Desktop: 1 image, VMware, VirtualBox, KVM  Para-virtualized VMs (e.g. Xen) and cloud stacks – need to deal with idiosyncrasies  Minimum assumptions about networking  Private, NATed Ethernet virtual network interface

41 Configuration framework

 At the end of GroupVPN initialization:  Each node of a private virtual cluster gets a DHCP address on virtual tap interface  A barebones cluster  Additional configuration required depending on middleware  Which node is the Condor negotiator? Hadoop front-end? Which nodes are in the MPI ring?  Key frameworks used:  IP multicast discovery over GroupVPN  Front-end queries for all IPs listening in GroupVPN  Distributed hash table  Advertise (put key,value), discover (get key)

42 Configuring and deploying groups

 Generate virtual floppies  Through GroupVPN Web interface  Deploy appliances image(s)  FutureGrid (Nimbus/Eucalyptus), EC2  GUI or command line tools  Use APIs to copy virtual floppy to image  Submit jobs; terminate VMs when done

43 Classes in FutureGrid

 Classes are setup and managed using the FutureGrid portal  Project proposal: can be a class, workshop, short course, tutorial  Needs to be approved by FutureGrid project to become active  Users can be added to a project  Users create accounts using the portal  Project leaders can authorize them to gain access to resources  Students can then interactively use FG resources (e.g. to start VMs)

44 Use of FutureGrid in classes

 Cloud computing/distributed systems classes  U.of Florida, U. Central Florida, U. of Puerto Rico, Univ. of Piemonte Orientale (Italy), Univ. of Mostar (Croatia)  Distributed scientific computing  Louisiana State University  Tutorials, workshops:  Big Data for Science summer school  A cloudy view on computing  SC’11 tutorial – Clouds for science  Science Cloud Summer School (2012)

45 Deployed Systems

 PlanetLab bootstrap overlays  Grid appliance deployments:  Archer - ~700-CPU cluster  SocialVPN deployments:  Thousands of downloads, hundreds of deployed nodes

On-going Work

 Integration of IPOP with IPsec for dynamically- provisioned cloud virtual networks  Collaboration with Thilo Kielmann (VU), Guillaume Pierre (Rennes) and the Contrail/ConPaaS teams  Overlay by-pass, integration with OpenFlow software-defined networks  IPv6/IPv4 overlays, virtual clusters for high- throughput computing, education  Archer (computer architecture)  FutureGrid (virtual appliances for education)  PRAGMA (Pacific Rim Grid)

47 Acks and Thanks

 ACIS P2P group (IPOP)  Over the years: P. O. Boykin, Heungsik Eom, Arijit Ganguly, Pierre St. Juste, Kyungyong Lee, Yonggang Liu, Girish Venkatasubramanian, David Wolinsky, Jiangyan Xu  FutureGrid, National Science Foundation  Awards 0751112, 0758596, 0910812  Vrije Universiteit and Contrail  For more information and downloads:   