Repurposing Entailment for Multi-Hop Question Answering Tasks Harsh Trivedi|, Heeyoung Kwon|, Tushar Khot♠, Ashish Sabharwal♠, Niranjan Balasubramanian| | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, U.S.A. fhjtrivedi,heekwon,
[email protected] ♠ Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, U.S.A. ftushark,
[email protected] Abstract Question Answering (QA) naturally reduces to an entailment problem, namely, verifying whether some text entails the answer to a ques- tion. However, for multi-hop QA tasks, which require reasoning with multiple sentences, it remains unclear how best to utilize entailment models pre-trained on large scale datasets such as SNLI, which are based on sentence pairs. We introduce Multee, a general architecture Figure 1: An example illustrating the challenges in us- that can effectively use entailment models for ing sentence-level entailment model for multi-sentence multi-hop QA tasks. Multee uses (i) a local reasoning needed for QA, and the high-level approach module that helps locate important sentences, used in Multee. thereby avoiding distracting information, and level, whereas question answering requires verify- (ii) a global module that aggregates informa- ing whether multiple sentences, taken together as tion by effectively incorporating importance weights. Importantly, we show that both mod- a premise, entail a hypothesis. ules can use entailment functions pre-trained There are two straightforward ways to address on a large scale NLI datasets. We evaluate per- this mismatch: (1) aggregate independent entail- formance on MultiRC and OpenBookQA, two ment decisions over each premise sentence, or (2) multihop QA datasets. When using an entail- make a single entailment decision after concate- ment function pre-trained on NLI datasets, nating all premise sentences.