1 15 December 2010 AFGHANISTAN REVIEW Inside This Issue Economic Stabilization This document is intended to provide an overview of relevant sector Governance & Participation events in Afghanistan from 01 December–14 December 2010. More Humanitarian Assistance comprehensive information is available on the Civil-Military Overview (CMO) at www.cimicweb.org. Hyperlinks to original source material Infrastructure are highlighted in blue and underlined in the embedded text. Justice & Reconciliation Security Social Well-Being For further information on CFC activities related to Afghanistan or inquiries about this publication, please contact the Afghanistan Team Manager: Valeria Davanzo,
[email protected] or the Afghanistan Editor: Amber Ram- sey,
[email protected] ECONOMIC STABILISATION Steve Zyck,
[email protected] / +1 757-683-4275 Back to top Headlines this past week were dominated by the perspective on the prospects of saffron cultivation signing of an agreement concerning the Turkmeni- in Afghanistan, an article by the Institute for War stan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Natural Gas and Peace Reporting (IWPR) claims that insurgents Pipeline Project. United Press International (UPI) have recently attacked saffron cultivation projects in reports that, while questions concerning natural gas Herat province. The destruction of numerous hec- pricing remain un-settled, officials from the four tares of saffron fields and an attack on two trucks countries signed an agreement to move forward with carrying saffron bulbs to Herati farmers has report- the pipeline at a meeting in Ashgabat, the Turkmen edly undermined the willingness of many farmers to capital, on Saturday, 11 December 2010. While sig- grow the crop, says IWPR.