OMB No 1545-0052 Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Department of the Treasury Treated as a Private Foundation Internal Revenue Service Note. The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements 2009

For calendar year 2009, or tax year beginning , 2009, and ending ,20 G Check all that apply: q Initial return q Initial return of a former public charity q Final return q Amended return q Address change q Name change Use the IRS Name of foundation A Employer identification number C^D label. UBS FOUNDATION USA 04-6032804 Otherwise , c1_J Number and street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered to street address) Roorn/sude B Telephone number (see page 10 of the instructions) print Qq ortype. 1000 HARBOR BLVD, 1ST FLOOR, TAX DEPT 201-352-4324 City or town, state, and ZIP code See Specific C If exemption application is pending, check here q Instructions. ► WEEHAWKEN , NJ 07086 q D 1. Foreign organizations, check here ► O H Check type of organization. q Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, check here and attach computation q q Section 4947(a)(1 ) nonexempt charitable trust q Other taxable private foundation ► if private foundation status was terminated under Fair market value of all assets at J Accounting method: 0 Cash El Accrual r section 507(b)(1)(A), check here U q 0- El end of year (from Part ll, col. (c), Other (specify) ______------F If the foundation is in a 60 -month termination line 16) ► $ 1,110 ,904 (Part 1, column (d) must be on cash basis) under section 507(b)(1)(13), check here ► El Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (The total of (a) Revenue and (d) Disbursements amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not necessarily equal expenses per (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net for charitable income income purposes the amounts in column ()a (see pa9e 11 of the instructions)) booms (cash basis only) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc., received (attach schedule) 2,252,245 q 2 Check ► if the foundation is not required to attach Sch. B 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 0 0 4 Dividends and interest from securities . . 4,464 4,464 5a Gross rents ...... b Net rental income or (loss) d 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 -1,638 b Gross sales price for all assets on line 6a ya 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) 8 Net short-term capital gain ...... 9 Income modifications . . . . . 10a Gross sales less returns and allowances b Less: Cost of goods sold . . c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) . . . . 11 Other income (attach schedule) ...... 2,795 2,795 12 Total . Add lines 1 throug h 11 . 2,257,866 7,259 13 Compensation of officers, dlrectbrs, tru est'6-^- C y 14 Other employee salaries and wages . y 15 Pension plans, employee benefits..) .. . -^ W 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) NOY I W b Accounting fees (attach schedule) . . . . 2 • I ^^ c Other professional fees (attach sched^^ '- -- [r 17 Interest ...... ^__._UQDQEN 18 Taxes (attach schedule) (see page 14 of the instrucions- 250 250 19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion Q 20 Occupancy ...... 13 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings . . . . . CM 22 Printing and publications rn 23 Other expenses (attach schedule) . . . . . 17,402 17,402 24 Total operating and administrative expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 ...... 17,652 17,652 0 0 C 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid ...... 2,964,492 2,964,492 26 Total expenses and disbursements . Add lines 24 and 25 2,982,144 17,652 2,964,492 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements -724,278 b Net investment income (if negative, enter -0-) 0 c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-) 0 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 30 of the instructions. Cat No 11289X Form 990-PF (2009) 13; 0 0

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 2 Attached schedules and amounts in the description column Beginning of year End of year Balance Sheets should be for end-of-year amounts only. (See instructions) (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash-non-interest-bearing ...... -273,384 53 ,771 53,771 2 Savings and temporary cash investments ...... 1,832,427 849,339 849,339 3 Accounts receivable ► ______0 Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 0 0 0 ► ------0 4 Pledges receivable 0 ► ------Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ► 0 0 0 0 5 Grants receivable ...... 0 0 0 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see page 16 of the instructions) ...... 0 0 0 7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) o. Less. allowance for doubtful accounts ► 0 0 0 0 8 Inventories for sale or use ...... 0 0 0 Q 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . . . . . 0 0 0 10a Investments-U.S. and state government obligations (attach schedule) 0 0 0 b Investments-corporate stock (attach schedule) . . . 0 0 0 c Investments-corporate bonds (attach schedule) . . . . 0 0 0 11 Investments-land, buildings, and equipment: basis 0 Less- accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ► ______0 0 0 0 12 Investments-mortgage loans ...... 0 0 0 13 Investments-other (attach schedule) ...... 250,429 207,794 207,794 14 Land, buildings, and equipment: basis ► 0 0 Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule)------► ______------0 0 0 15 Other assets (describe ) 0 0 0 ► -0------16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers-see the instructions. Also, see page 1, item I) ...... 1 ,809 ,472 1, 110,904 1 , 110,904 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ...... 0 0 18 Grants payable ...... 0 0 4) 19 Deferred revenue ...... 0 0 20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons 0 0 20 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) . . . 0 0 0 ) 22 Other liabilities (describe ► 0 0 23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 through 22) 0 0

Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here . . ► U) and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. 24 Unrestricted ...... 1,809,472 1, 110,904 c0 25 Temporarily restricted ...... 0 0 m 26 Permanently restricted ...... 0 0 q Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ► and complete lines 27 through 31. U. 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds ...... 0 0 28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg., and equipment fund 0 0 Y 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds 0 0 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see page 17 of the instructions) ...... 1,809 ,472 1, 110,904 Z 31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (see page 17 of the instructions) ...... 1.809 ,472 1 ,110,904 Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) ...... 1 1,809,472 2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a ...... 2 -724,278 25,710 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► ------3 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 ...... 4 1,110,904 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► ------5 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) -Part II, column (b), line 30 . 6 1,110,904 Form 990-PF (2009) •

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 3 Cap ital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g , real estate , (b) How acquired (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold 2-story brick warehouse , or common stock, 200 shs MLC Co) P-Purchase (ma D-Donation , day, yr) (mo ,day, yr) 1a SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 7A P VARIOUS VARIOUS b SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 7B P VARIOUS VARIOUS C SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 7C P VARIOUS VARIOUS d SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 7D P VARIOUS VARIOUS e Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) (e) Gross sales price (0 Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g) a 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 c 576 0 2,214 -1,638 d 0 0 0 0 e Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 p) Gans (Col (h) gain minus Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col () col (k), but not less than -0-) or (i) F M V. as of 12/31 /69 U) as of 12/31/69 over col 0), if any Losses (from col (h))

a 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 -1,638 d 0 0 0 0 e If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) 1 If (loss), enter -0- in Part I , line 7 } 2 -1,638 3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6): If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see pages 13 and 17 of the instructions).) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 ...... J 3 0 (qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income.)

If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank.

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? q Yes El No If "Yes," the foundation does not qualify under section 4940(e). Do not complete this part. 1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year; see page 18 of the instructions before making any entries. (a) (b) (c) (d) Base period years Distribution ratio Calendar year (or tax year beginning in) Adjusted qualifying distributions Net value of nonchantable-use assets (col (b) divided by col (c)) 2008 8,299,025 5,980,153 1.387761 2007 8,713,055 13 , 940,244 0.062500 2006 7,812,085 16,661,303 0.468900 2005 7 ,369,469 25,861,232 0.285000 2004 8,559 , 979 34,230,116 0.250100

2 Total of line 1, column (d) ...... 2 3.016761 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years . . . . . 3 0.603352

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2009 from Part X, line 5 ...... 4 1,679,773

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 ...... 5 1,013,494

6 Enter 1 % of net investment income (1 % of Part I, line 27b) ...... 6 0

7 Add lines 5 and 6 ...... 7 1,013,494

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 ...... 8 2,964,492 If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1 b, and complete that part using a 1 % tax rate. See the Part VI instructions on page 18. Form 990-PF (2009) • •

Form 990- PF (2009) Page 4 ' Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e) , or 4948-see page 18 of the instructions la q Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here ► and enter "N/A" on line 1. i Date of ruling or determination letter: (attach copy of letter if necessary- see instructions) _1 b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check 1 0 q here ► and enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b ...... c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b. Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col. (b) 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) 2 3 Add lines 1 and 2 ...... 3 0 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) 4 5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- . . 5 0 6 Credits/Payments: a 2009 estimated tax payments and 2008 overpayment credited to 2009 6a 10,000 b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source . . . . . 6b 0 c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) . 6c 0 d Backup withholding erroneously withheld ...... 6d 0 7 Total credits and payments. Add lines 6a through 6d ...... 7 10,000 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. Check here q if Form 2220 is attached 8 9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ...... ► 9 0 10 Overpayment. If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid . . ► 10 10,000 11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be: Credited to 2010 estimated tax 5,000 ► 1 Refunded ► 11 5,000 Statements Regarding Activities 1a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it Yes No participate or intervene in any political campaign? ...... 1a 3 b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 19 of the instructions for definition)? ...... lb 3 If the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities. c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? ...... 1c 3 d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year- (1) On the foundation. ► $ (2) On foundation managers. ► $ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on foundation managers. ► $ 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? . . . . 2 3 If "Yes,"attach a detailed description of the activities. 3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes,"attach a conformed copy of the changes . . . 3 3 4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? . . . . . 4a 3 b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? ...... 4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? . . . . . 5 3 If "Yes,"attach the statement required by General Instruction T. 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either: • By language in the governing instrument, or • By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? ...... 7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the years If "Yes, " complete Part II, col. (c), and Part XV 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 19 of the instructions) ► ------b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No," attach explanation . . . . . 9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 49420)(3) or __j 49420)(5) for calendar year 2009 or the taxable year beginning in 2009 (see instructions for Part XIV on page 27)? If "Yes," complete Part XIV ...... 9 3 10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes," attach a schedule listing their names and addresses ...... 10 3 Form 990-PF (2009) 0 0

Form 990-PF (2009) 5

11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," attach schedule (see page 20 of the instructions) ...... 11 r 12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract before August 17, 2008? ...... 12 3 13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 3 Website address ► ------14 The books are in care of UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC Telephone no. ' 201 -354-4324 ► ------Located at 800 HARBOR BLVD , 1ST FL, TAX DEPT, WEEHAWKEN , NJ ZIP +4 07086 ► ------► ------15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 q -Check here. . . . . ► and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year . ► 15 Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Req uired File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. Yes No 1a During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly): (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? . . q Yes El No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? ...... q Yes El No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? . . q Yes 0 No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? . . q Yes El No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? ...... q Yes 21 No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception . Check "No" if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days.) ...... q Yes 0 No b If any answer is "Yes" to 1a(1H6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4941(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions)? . . lb q Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . ► c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1 a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2009? ...... 1c 2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 49420)(3) or 4942(1)(5)): a At the end of tax year 2009, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2009? ...... q Yes 0 No If "Yes," list the years ► 20 , 20 , 20 20 b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see page 20 of the instructions .) ...... 2b 3 c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here. ► 20 ,20 ,20 ,20 3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year? ...... q Yes El No b If "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2009 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969; (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest; or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2009 .) ...... 3b 4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? 4a 3 b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2009? 4b V Form 990-PF (2009) • I

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 6 Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Req uired (continued) 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to: (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? . q Yes 21 No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955); or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? ...... q Yes q No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? . . . . q Yes 21 No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc., organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)? (see page 22 of the instructions) . q Yes q3 No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? ...... Dyes 21 No b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a(1)-{5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 22 of the instructions)? 5b Organizations relying q on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here ...... ► c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax s because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? ...... q Yes q No If "Yes," attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d). 6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? ...... q Yes q3 No Ll b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? . 6b 3 If "Yes" to 6b, file Form 8870. 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? q Yes El No b If yes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? 7b Information About Officers, Directors , Trustees, Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors I List all officers. directors. trustees . foundation manaaers and their compensation (see oaae 22 of the instructionsl_ (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (a) Name and address hours p week (If not paid , enter employee benefit plans (e) Expense account, devoted to position -0-) and deferred compensation other allowances SUSAN EMANUEL ------TRUSTEE 0 1200 HARBOR BLVD , WEEHAWKEN , NJ 07086 DAVID SATLER ------TRUSTEE 1200 HARBOR BLVD, WEEHAWKEN , NJ 07086 KIM JENSON ------TRUSTEE 0 1200 HARBOR BLVD , WEEHAWKEN , NJ 07086


2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1-see oaae 23 of the instructions). If none, enter "NONE."

(b) Title, and average (d) Contributions to (a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hours per week (c) Compensation employee benefit (e) Expense account, devoted to position plans and deferred other allowances compensation NONE ------





Total number of other employees paid over $50,000. . ► Form 990-PF (2009) 0 0

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 7 Information About Officers, Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services (see page 23 of the instructions). If none, enter "NONE." (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation NOT APPLICABLE

Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services . ► • Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of Expenses organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc 1 NOT APPLICABLE ------

2 ------

3 ------

4 ------n rira:f summary of Proaram - Related Investments (see oaae 24 of the instructions) Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount 1 NOT APPLICABLE ------

2 ------

All other program-related investments See page 24 of the instructions 3 ------

Total. Add lines 1 through 3 . ► o Form 990-PF (2009) 0 0

Form 990- PF (2009) Page 8 Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, see page 24 of the instructions.) I Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes: a Average monthly fair market value of securities ...... 1a 0 b Average of monthly cash balances ...... lb 1,497,559 c Fair market value of all other assets (see page 24 of the instructions) ...... 1c 207,794 d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) ...... Ild 1,705,353 e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines la and 1c (attach detailed explanation) ...... le 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets ...... 2 0 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 d ...... 3 1,705,353 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities. Enter 1 1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see page 25 of the instructions) ...... 4 25,580 5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 1,679,773 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 . 6 83,989 Distributable Amount (see page 25 of the instructions) (Section 49420)(3) and 0)(5) private operating q foundations and certain foreign organizations check here ► and do not complete this part.) 1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 ...... 1 83,989 2a Tax on investment income for 2009 from Part VI , line 5 . . . . . 2a 0 b Income tax for 2009. (This does not include the tax from Part VI.) . . 2b 0 c Add lines 2a and 2b ...... 2c 0 3 Distributable amount before adjustments. Subtract line 2c from line 1 ...... 3 83,989 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions ...... 4 0 5 Add lines 3 and 4 ...... 5 83,989 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see page 25 of the instructions) ...... 6 0 7 Distributable amount as adjusted. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 ...... 7 83,989 Qualifying Distributions (see page 25 of the instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc., purposes: a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc.-total from Part I, column (d), line 26 ...... la 2,964,492 b Program-related investments-total from Part IX- B ...... lb 0 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes ...... 2 0 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the: a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) ...... 3a 0 b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) ...... 3b 0 4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines 1 a through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 2,964,492 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income. Enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b (see page 26 of the instructions) ...... 5 0 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions. Subtract line 5 from line 4 ...... 6 2,964,492 Note. The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years. Form 990-PF (2009) 0 •

Form 990-PF (2009) 9 me (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 Distributable amount for 2009 from Part XI, Corpus Years pnor to 2008 2008 2009 line 7 ...... 83,989 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2009: a Enter amount for 2008 only ...... b Total for prior years: 20_,20 ,20 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2009: a From 2004 . . . 6,510,147 b From 2005 . . . 6,134,555 c From 2006 . . . 7,004,456 d From 2007 . . . 8,035,677 e From 2008 . . . 8,003,645 f Total of lines 3a through e ...... 4 Qualifying distributions for 2009 from Part XII, line 4: ► $ 2, 964,492 a Applied to 2008, but not more than line 2a b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required-see page 26 of the instructions) c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required-see page 26 of the instructions) d Applied to 2009 distributable amount . e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2009 (If an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown in column (a).) 6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: a Corpus. Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e. Subtract line 5 38,568,982 b Prior years' undistributed income. Subtract line 4b from line 2b ...... 0 c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed . . . . d Subtract line 6c from line 6b. Taxable amount-see page 27 of the instructions . 0 e Undistributed income for 2008. Subtract line 4a from line 2a. Taxable amount-see page 27 of the instructions ...... 0 f Undistributed income for 2009. Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1. This amount must be distributed in 2010 ...... 0 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (see page 27 of the instructions) ...... 8 Excess distributions carryover from 2004 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 27 of the instructions) ...... 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2010. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a . . . 38,568,982 10 Analysis of line 9: a Excess from 2005 . 6,134,555 b Excess from 2006 . 7,004,456 c Excess from 2007 . . . 8,035,677 d Excess from 2008 . 8,003,645 e Excess from 2009 . . . . 2,880,502 Form 990-PF (2009) •

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 10 Private Operating Foundations (see pag e 27 of the instructions and Part VII-A, questio 9) 1a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2009, enter the date of the ruling ► b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation described in section q 4942(j)(3) or q 4942)(5) 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years (e) Total income from Part I or the minimum (a) 2009 (b) 2008 investment return from Part X for (c) 2007 (d) 2006 each year listed 0 0 0 0 0 b 85% of line 2a 0 0 0 0 0 c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed . 0 0 0 0 0 d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly for active conduct of exempt activities . . 0 0 0 0 0 e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities Subtract line 2d from line 2c . 0 0 0 0 0 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon a "Assets" alternative test-enter: (1) Value of all assets 0 (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 4942Q)(3)(B)(t) . 0 b "Endowment" alternative test-enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed . . 0 c "Support" alternative test-enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) 0 (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 49420)(3)(B)(ni) 0 (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization 0 (4) Gross investment income 0 JiMBEEF Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year - see page 28 of the instructions.) I Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2).) NONE b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest. NONE 2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant, Gift, Loan , Scholarship , etc., Programs: Check here Do- q if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds. If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc. (see page 28 of the instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d. a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed: CECILA CARTER, UBS FOUNDATION USA, 1000 HARBOR BOULEVARD., 10TH FLOOR, WEEHAWKEN , NJ 07086 203-719-8032

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include- TYPE WRITTEN ON ORGANIZATION LETTERHEAD

c Any submission deadlines: DECEMBER 1ST d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors: NOT APPLICABLE Form 990-PF (2009) n

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 11 iialfM Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or APDroved for Future Payment Recipient If recipient is an individual, Foundation show any relationship to Purpose of grant or status of any foundation manager contribution /mount Name and address (home or business) or substantial contributor recipient a Paid during the year SEE ATTACHMENT - STATEMENT #4 2,964,492

Total ...... ► 3a 2,964,492 b Approved for future payment

Total . ► 3bl 0 Form 990-PF (2009) 0 •

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 12 Analysis of Income -Producin g Activities Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated. Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) Related or exempt (a) (b) (c) (d) function income Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount (See page 28 of I Pro ram service revenue: the instructions. ) a b c d e f 9 Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments 3 IntBrest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 Dividends and interest from securities 14 4,464 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate: a Debt-financed property . . . . b Not debt-financed property ...... 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Ot her investment income ...... 18 2,794 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 -1,638 9 Net income or (loss) from special events . . . 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue: a b c d e 12 Su )total. Add columns (b), (d), and (e) . . . . 0 5,620 0 13 Total . Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) ...... 13 5,620

Form 990-PF (2009) 0 0

Form 990-PF (2009) Page 13 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable

1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described Yes No in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of- (1) Cash ...... 1a(l ) 3 (2) Other assets ...... la (2)1 3 b Other transactions: (1) Sales of assets to a noncharltable exempt organization ...... 1b 1 3 (2) Purchases of assets from a nonchantable exempt organization ...... 1 b(2) 3 (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets ...... 1 b(3) 3 (4) Reimbursement arrangements ...... 1 b 4 3 (5) Loans or loan guarantees ...... I b(S5) 3 (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations ...... 1b 6 3 c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees ...... 1c 3 d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation. If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received. (a) Line no (b) Amount involved (c) Name of nonchardable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501 (c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? ...... q Yes 21 No b If "Yes ," complete the following schedule. (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship

un r nafties er u lar tiat I hpve examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of mly owledge an bell s true, rr I

L S nature of officer ustee d

U) C_t N `C^5 Preparer's a ^y signature D Firm's name (or yours self-employed), address, and ZIP code Schedule B • Schedule of Contributors • OMB No 1545-0047 (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) jo. Attach to Form 990, 990-EZ, and 990-PF. Department of the Treasury 2008 Infernal Revenue Service Name of the organization Employer identification number

UBS FOUNDATION USA 04-6032804 Organization type (check one):

Filers of: Section:

Form 990 or 990-EZ q 501(c)( ) (enter number) organization

q 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation

q 527 political organization

Form 990-PF 501 (c)(3) exempt private foundation

q 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation

q 501 (c)(3) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule. (Note . Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule. See instructions.)

General Rule

For organizations filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or property) from any one contributor. Complete Parts I and II

Special Rules

q For a section 501 (c)(3) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that met the 33/3% support test of the regulations under sections 509(a)(1)/170(b)(1)(A)(vl), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 h or 2% of the amount on Form 990-EZ, line 1 Complete Parts I and II.

q For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year, aggregate contributions or bequests of more than $1,000 for use exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. Complete Parts I, II, and III

q For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year, some contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc , purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than $1,000 (If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc, purpose. Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc., contributions of $5,000 or more during the year) ...... ► $ ----- Caution . Organizations that are not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules do not file Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF), but they must answer "No" on Part IV, line 2 of their Form 990, or check the box in the heading of their Form 990-EZ, or on line 2 of their Form 990-PF, to certify that they do not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF)

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions Schedule B (For m 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) for Form 990. These Instructions will be Issued separately.

BKA • • Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) Part I Name of organization Employer identification number UBS FOUNDATION USA 04-6032804 P I Contributors (see instructions) (a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

1 UBS AMERICAS INC 800 HARBOR BLVD Payyrollroll q 1ST FLOOR TAX DEPARTMENT $-- 2,242, 995. Noncash q WEEHAWKEN, NJ 07086 (Complete Part II if there is ------a noncas h contrib ution )

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

_____.2 UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC Person 800 HARBOR BLVD Payroll q 1ST FLOOR TAX DEPARTMENT $ 9,250 ------, Noncash WEEHAWKEN, NJ 07086 (Complete Part II if there is ------a noncash contribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person q Payrol l $ ------Noncash q (Complete Part II if there is ------a noncash contribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person q Payroll q $_ -_-_--_ Noncash q

(Complete Part II if there is ------a noncash contribution

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person q Payroll q q $ ------Noncash (Complete Part II if there is ------a noncash contribution )

(a) (b) (c) (d) No. Name , address , and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Person q Payroll q $------N o n cas h q (Complete Part ll if there is a noncash contribution )

Schedule B (Form 990 , 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008 )0 • Page of of Part II Name of organization Employer identification number UBS FOUNDATION USA 04-6032804 ® Noncash Property (see instructions)

(a) No. (c) from FMV (or estimate) Description of noncash property given Date received Part (see instructions)

(a) No. FMV (or(estimate) Description of noncash property given Date received Part (see instructions)

(a) No. (c) from FMV (or estimate) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

------$ --

( fromf (b) FMV (or(estimate) (d) Description of noncash property given Date received Part I (see instructions)

------$ ------

(a) No. (c) from FMV (or estimate ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part (see instructions)

(a) No. (c) from FMV (or estimate ) Description of noncash property given Date received Part (see instructions)

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) • • Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or Page of of Part III Name of organization Employer identification number UBS FOUNDATION USA 04-6032804 a II Exclusively religious , charitable , etc., individual contributions to section 501(c)(7), (8), or ( 10) organizations aggregating more than $ 1,000 for the year. Complete columns (a) through (e) and the following line entry. For organizations completing Part III, enter the total of exclusively religious, charitable, etc., contributions of $1,000 or less for the year (Enter this information once See instructions.) ► $ (a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift

Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift

Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee


(a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part s


(e) Transfer of gift

Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee

(a) No. from (b) Purpose of gift (c) Use of gift (d) Description of how gift is held Part I

(e) Transfer of gift

Transferee's name, address, and ZIP + 4 Relationship of transferor to transferee


Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2008) 7188553958 • 1Z 1m 10 -03-2010 1 /1 0" "Joqw^ '011"'iqrj THE ANNUAL RETURN OF UBS FOUNDATION USA for the calendar year ended December 31 . 21109 is available at its principal office located at 800 Har- bor Boulevard . Tax Dept. 1st Floor, Weehawken NJ 071186 for inspection during regular business hours by any citizen who requests it witnin 160 days hereof Principal Manager of the Foundation is SUE EMA- NUEL 1579790 012


Customer: UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Contact: JOSEPH SHANAGAN Phone: Ad Number: 1579790 Insert Dates : 10/12/2010

Price: 125.00

Section: LGL Class: 10100; FOUNDATIONS:NY Size: 1 x 15.00 Printed By: NYCAB Date: 10/08/2010

Signature of Approval: jAA# ate: • UBS FOUNDATION USA EIN# 04-6032804 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009

Form 990-PF, Part I, Linel1

Other Income Miscellaneous Income Doral Financial 2,794



8/15/2010 Form 990PF - 2009 - 2nd Extension

5/15/2010 Form 990PF - 2009 - 1st Extension 5/15/2010 Form 990T - 2009 - 6 month Extension

11/15/2009 Form 990PF - 2008 Tax Return Overpayment - Refund Intransit - 5/15/2009 First Qtr. Estimate - 2009 (990PF) - 6/15/2009 Second Qtr. Estimate - 2009 (990PF) - 9/15/2009 Third Qtr. Estimate - 2009 (990PF) - 12/15/2009 Fourth Qtr. Estimate - 2009 (990PF) -

12/15/2009 Fourth Qtr. Estimate - 2009 (990T)

Subtotal -

2009 Excise Tax Paid with Form 4720 -

Total from below 250.00


Issued 11/15/2009 2008 NYS Return 250.00 O/S


11/8/2010 Stmt 2 Tax Payments Statement 2 UBS FOUNDATION USA EIN# 04-6032804 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009

Form 990-PF, Part I, Line 23

Other Expenses 12/31/09

Advertising Bank Charges Investment Management Fees - RMA's 12,495 Other Investment Fees 0 Loan Interest/Late Fees 734 Miscellaneous Expenses 0 Foreign Taxes Withheld or Paid -


Other Expense through Limited Partnerships 4,173

Total Expense (990PF , p.1, Col. A) 17,402

Less -

Total Investment Expense (990PF , p.1, Col . B) 17,402

11/8/2010 2009 UBS Foundation Tax Return STATEMENT 3 • 0 UBS FOUNDATION USA CONTRIBUTIONS PAID FOR YEAR ENDED 1213112008

Contribution Contribution Date Source Description Statement # Amount Paid Purpose

CY 2008 Checks TOTAL CHECKS ISSUED Statement 4A 1,435,000 Charitable TOTAL CHECKS

1/11/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4B 238,717 Charitable

2/13/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4C 343,905 Charitable

3/31/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4D 874,000 Charitable

3/31/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 9,500 Charitable

5/9/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 16,774 Charitable

5/28/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 16,081 Charitable

7/21/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 9,500 Charitable

8/22/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 5,250 Charitable

10/15/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 10,250 Charitable

10/17/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 2,515

12/5/2008 Wire Transfers Bank of America - Global Impact - UBS Matching Gift Program Statement 4E 3,000



11/8/2010 2009 UBS Foundation Tax ReturnStmt 4 - Contributions 2009 STATEMENT 4 • LJ UBS Foundation 2009 CHECK REGISTER Contribution Date Check Number Description Purpose 06/08/09 3632 TURN Community Service 15,000 00 Charitable 06/08/09 3633 Catholic Community Services 15,000 00 Charitable 06/08/09 3634 Neighborhood House Association 10,000 00 Charitable 06/08/09 3635 The Road Home 10,000.00 Charitable 06/08/09 3636 Spy Hop Productions , Inc. 5,000 00 Charitable 06/10/09 3637 Alliance House 9,300 00 Charitable 06/10/09 3638 Artspace 10,000. 00 Charitable 06/10/09 3639 Jewish Family Services 5,000.00 Charitable 06/10/09 3640 People Helping People 5 , 000.00 Charitable 06/10/09 3641 Volunteers of America Center for Women and Children 20,000 . 00 Charitable 06/10/09 3642 Volunteers of America Homeless Youth Resource Center 20 , 000.00 Charitable 07/21/09 3643 Southern Utah University Foundation 50,000 00 Charitable 07/21/09 3644 Community Development Corporation of Utah 10,000 00 Charitable 07/21/09 3645 David Eccles School of Business Opportunity Program 10 , 000 00 Charitable 07/21/09 3647 Neighborhood Housing Services of Provo 10 , 000 00 Charitable 07/21/09 3648 Guadalupe School 10,000 . 00 Charitable 09/01 /09 3649 Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund 10 , 000 00 Charitable 09/01 /09 3651 Columbus Community Center (Comm. Foundation For Disk 8,000.00 Charitable 09/01 /09 3652 Bad Dog Rediscovers America 10,000. 00 Charitable 10/26/09 3654 Memorial Sloan Kettering 1,000 , 000.00 Charitable 10/26/09 3655 Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro 15,000 00 Charitable 11/09/09 3657 Wasatch Homeless Health Care 7,700 00 Charitable 11/09/09 3658 Children 's Hospital of the King' s Daughters 10,000 . 00 Charitable 11/09/09 3660 Detroit Institute of Arts 50,000 00 Charitable 11/09/09 3661 Long Island Philharmonic 50,000 00 Charitable 11/09/09 3662 Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 30,000.00 Charitable 11/09/09 3663 YMCA of Greater Charlotte 25,000 00 Charitable 11/09/09 3664 Portland Public Library 5,000 00 Charitable

1,435 ,000.00

11/9/2010 2009 Contributions checks STATEMENT 4A UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009 • •

Charity Nm Charity Addressl Chanty City State Charity Zip Cha rt DIstrlbutlon_Match

Springboard To Learning Inc 3547 Olive Street, Suite 070 St Louis MO 63103 US $10000

American Heart Association - Greater Midwest Affiliate 208 South Lasalle St Chicago IL 60604 US $50 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Central & South Texas 2224 Walsh Tartan Austin TX 78746 US $100 00

Salisbury State University Foundation Inc P 0 Box 2655 Salisbury MD 21802-2655 US $175 00

Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $12500

Huntsville Symphony Orchestra Association P O Box 2400 Huntsville AL 35804-2400 US $1,00000

Highland Catholic School 2017 Bohland Ave St Paul MN 55116 US $30000

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $250 00

California Polytechnic State University Foundation Cal Poly Fund San Luis Obispo CA 93407 US $100 00

Check Total $2,200.00

Monte Vista High School 21840 McClellan Road Cupertin CA 95014 US $50000

Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation 8347 West Range Cove Memphis TN 38125 US $1,000 00

Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola 1940 Calle Sauco San Juan PR 00927 US $1,000 00

Virginia Military Institute Foundation, Inc P 0 Box 932 Lexington VA 24450 US $2,450 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Massachusetts Affiliate Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $50 00

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 330 Brookline Ave Boston MA 02215 US $5000

Feeding America (formerly America's Second Harvest) 35 E Wacker Dr, #2000 Chicago IL 60601 US $250 00

American Cancer Society - New England Division 30 Speen Street Framingham MA 01701-9376 US $2,500 00

Grumman Hill Montesson Association 34 Whipple Rd Wilton CT 06897-4514 US $500 00

HAMILTON COLLEGE 198 College Hill Road Clinton NY 13323 US $5000

Summit Montesson School 283 Pleasant Street Framingham MA 01701 US $50000

St George's School P O Box 1910 Newport RI 02840 US $75000

University of Rochester 300 E River Road, Suite G-100 Rochester NY 14627 US $75000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina Chapter 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $50 00

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $50 00

Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona 5546 E 4th Street Tucson AZ 85711-1452 US $1,375 00

Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation Incorporated Development Office Wallingford CT 06492 US $500 00

East Hampton Day Care Center attn Maureen Wikane East Hampton NY 11937 US $500 00

Christian Herald Association, Inc dba The Bowery Mission 132 Madison Avenue New York NY 10016 US $10000

New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 4 Chase Metrotech Center NY 11245 US $200 00

United Jewish Appeal Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New Yc 130 East 59th Street New York NY 10022 US $10000

Westchester Holocaust Education Center 2900 Purchase St Purchase NY 10577 US $125 00

Huntington Arts Council 213 Main Street Huntington NY 11743 US $25000

Harlem YMCA 180 West 135th St New York NY 10030 US $15000

Paramount Center Inc 30 Center Street Rutland VT 05701-4015 US $5000

St Francis Monastery The Breadline Of The Poor, Inc 135 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 US $2,500 00

Bideawee 410 E 38th St New York NY 10016-2702 US $5000

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind 371 East Jericho Turnpike Smithtown NY 11787-2976 US $50 00

Sag Harbor Volunteer Ambulance Corps PO Box 2725 Sag Harbor NY 11963-0120 US $50 00

Trinity's Services and Food for the Homeless Inc 602 East 9th Street New York NY 10009 US $100 00 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 1 STATEMENT 4B Wildlife Trust • 460 West 34th Street New York • NY 10001-2320 US $50 00

Comprehensive AIDS Program of Palm Beach County Inc P O Box 18887 West Palm Beach FL 33416 US $250 00

Alaska Wilderness League 122 C Street NW #240 Washington DC 20001 US $25000

Chatham Emergency Squad, Inc 45 Spring Street Chatham NJ 07928 US $200 00

Chatham Township Volunteer Fire Department P 0 Box 895 Chatham NJ 07928 US $200 00

Community Food Bank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside NJ 07205-2400 US $300 00

Great Swamp Watershed Association P 0 Box 300 New Vernon NJ 07976 US $300 00

Hudson School 601 Park Avenue Hoboken NJ 07030-3907 US $250 00

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center PO Box 27106 New York NY 10087-7106 US $20000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Chapter 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $200 00

Treasure Coast Wildlife Hospital Inc 8438 SW 48th Avenue Palm City FL 34990 US $625 00

Alzheimer's Association - New York City Chapter 360 Lexington Ave Fl 4 New York NY 10017-6567 US $5000

Cut for the Cure Inc 129 Highspire Road Richboro PA 18954 US $2,500 00

Habitat for Humanity of Dane County PO Box 258128 Madison WI 53725-8128 US $5000

United Way of Dane County, Inc PO Box 7548 Madison WI 53707-7548 US $200 00

Virginia Beach Foundation Inc 1604 Hilltop West Executive Center Virginia Beach VA 23451 US $10000

Brooks Museum Magnet Elementary PTA 700 Northbrook Dr Raleigh NC 27609 US $50 00

Sistercare PO Box 1029 Columbia SC 29202 US $12500

University of South Carolina Educational Foundation 1600 Hampton St Columbia SC 29208 US $2,500 00

JDRF - Palmetto Chapter 3608 Landmark Drive, Suite C Columbia SC 29204 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America - South Carolina Chapter 107 Westpark Blvd Columbia SC 29210 US $1,000 00

Atlanta Union Mission Corporation PO Box 1807 Atlanta GA 30301-1807 US $15000

Denison University P O Box 716 Granville OH 43023 US $10000

Children's Health Fund 215 West 125th Street, Suite 301 New York NY 10027 US $25000

Riley Children's Foundation 30 South Mendian Street Indianapolis IN 46204-3509 US $50 00

University of the South 735 University Ave Sewanee TN 37383 US $2,500 00

Houston Christian High School 2700 W Sam Houston Parkway North Houston TX 77043 US $1,500 00

American Jewish Committee 165 East 56th Street New York NY 10022 US $75000

Chattanooga Homeless Coalition 801 N Holtzclaw Ave Chattanooga TN 37404 US $250 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure Arkansas Affiliate 904 Autumn Road Little Rock AR 72211 US $100 00

Nashville Public Radio 630 Mainstream Drive Nashville TN 37228 US $120 00

Senior Citizens Inc 174 Rains Ave Nashville TN 37203 US $1,000 00

The Nature Conservancy Ozark Highlands Office Fayetteville AR 72701 US $500 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure Arkansas Affiliate 904 Autumn Road Little Rock AR 72211 US $50 00

100 Club, Inc 1233 West Loop South, Houston TX 77027 US $10000

American Red Cross - Greater Houston Area 2700 Southwest Freeway Houston TX 77098 US $100 00

Houston Food Bank 3811 Eastex Freeway Houston TX 77026 US $10000

Waco Symphony Orchestra PO Box 1201 Waco TX 76703 US $50000

University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame IN 46556-5612 US $20000

March of Dimes 7600 N Capital of Texas Hwy Suite Austin TX 78731 US $2,500 00

March of Dimes 7600 N Capital of Texas Hwy Suite Austin TX 78731 US $2,500 00

Waco Symphony Orchestra PO Box 1201 Waco TX 76703 US $50000 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 2 STATEMENT 4B Safe Haven Shelter for Battered Women P 0 Box 3558 Duluth • MN 55803 US $10000

Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Avenue Room 230 Evanston IL 60208-4305 US $50 00

Nashville CARES 501 Brick Church Park Drive Nashville TN 37207 US $50 00

Indiana University Foundation PO Box 500 Bloomington IN 47402-0500 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansas Affiliate PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $10000

Hutchinson Community Foundation P 0 Box 298 Hutchinson KS 67504-298 US $50 00

Valley of the Sun United Way PO Box 10748 Phoenix AZ 85064 US .$1,50000

Healing Center 2212 Queen Anne Avenue N , #328 Seattle WA 98109 US $600 00

Cache Education Foundation 595 S Riverwoods Pkwy Suite 425 Logan UT 84321 US $1,52500

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $50 00

Spokane Area Swimming PO Box 9920 Spokane WA 99209 US $10000

Solana Santa Fe PTO P 0 Box 8940 Rancho Santa Fe CA 92067 US $2,500 00

San Francisco Girls Chorus Inc 44 Page St Ste 200 San Francisco CA 94102-5989 US $10000

Sigma Pi Educational Foundation P 0 Box 1897 Brentwood TN 37024-1897 US $50 00

JDRF - Palmetto Chapter 3608 Landmark Drive, Suite C Columbia SC 29204 US $50 00

Rotary Club of Napa P 0 Box 3069 Napa CA 94558 US $300 00

Humane Society - Halifax PO Box 9035 Daytona Beach FL 32120-9035 US $10000

Ormond Beach Youth Baseball & Softball Corporation 23 Peruvian Lane Ormond Beach FL 32174 US $125 00

Spruce Creek High School 801 Taylor Road Port Orange FL 32127 US $300 00

Volusia Literacy Council Inc 900 S Ridgewood Ave Daytona Beach FL 32114 US $62 50

Arizona Youth Alliance 6736 E Monterosa St Scottsdale AZ 85251 US $1,000 00

Manst College 3399 North Rd Poughkeepsie NY 12601-1350 US $10000

Mylestone Equine Rescue 227 Still Valley Rd Phillipsburg NJ 08865 US $300 00

John Hopkins Heart Institue - Cameron Dietz Fund 100 N Charles Street Suite 400 Baltimore MD 21201 US $10000

American Cancer Society - Westchester Region - White Plains 2 Lyon Place White Plains NY 10601 US $10000

Citymeals-On-Wheels 355 Lexington Ave 3rd Fir New York NY 10017-6603 US $10000

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $10000

Middlebury College Gift Administration Office Middlebury VT 05753-6229 US $100 00

Friends of the Good Samaritans, Inc P 0 Box 328 Stanford KY 40484 US $200 00

Greater Miami Jewish Federation 4200 Biscayne Boulevard Miami FL 33137 US $1,000 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina Chapter 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $50 00

Reaching U, A Foundation for Uruguay PO Box 3251 New York CT 10163 US $750 00

River's Way Outdoor Adventure Center 899 Stoney Hollow Road Bluff City TN 37618 US $275 00

Step 2 PO Box 40674 Reno NV 89504-4674 US $300 00

University of Tulsa 600 S College Ave Tulsa OK 74104 US $900 00

Boys & Girls Club of Martin County PO Box 910 Hobe Sound FL 33475 US $500 00

Penn State Alumni Association - Pennsylvania State University One Old Main University Park PA 16802 US $18000

JDRF - South Central Texas Chapter 8700 Crownhill Blvd , Suite 407 San Antonio TX 78209 US $50 00

Lee National Denim Day PO Box 60468 CA 90060-0468 US $50 00

Skagit Valley Hospital Foundation P 0 Box 1376 Mount Vernon WA 98273 US $500 00

Anti-Defamaton League - Florida 621 NW 53rd St Boca Raton FL 33487 US $500 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $10000 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 3 STATEMENT 4B Duke University • Box 90581 D urham • NC 27708-0581 US $50000

Operation Smile Inc 6435 Tidewater Drive Norfolk VA 23509 US $120 00

Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad Inc 335 Watterson Street Westfield NJ 07090 US $50 00

Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School 801 N W 50th Street Oklahoma City OK 73118-6001 US $1,000 00

Michigan State University Foundation 2727 Alliance Drive, Suite C Lansing MI 48910 US $2,500 00

United Way of the DuPage Area Lockbox # 231196 Chicago IL 60689-5311 US $800 00

United Way of the DuPage Area Lockbox # 231196 Chicago IL 60689-5311 US $1,600 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Kentucky/Southeast Indiana 11700 Commonwealth Drive Louisville KY 40299-6336 US $50 00

Manst College 3399 North Rd Poughkeepsie NY 12601-1350 US $5000

Local 300 Scholarship Fund 515 Shatto place Los Angeles CA 90020 US $50000

New York Road Runners Foundation 845 Third Avenue, 11th Floor New York NY 10022 US $25000

Kitty Angels of Connecticut, Inc 782 South Street Coventry CT 06238 US $400 00

Children's Fund, Inc P O Box 56303 Houston TX 77256-6303 US $1,250 00

NCSU Student Aid Association NCSU Advancement Services Raleigh NC 27695-7474 US $120 00

Anchorage Community YMCA 5353 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage AK 99507 US $100 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure Arkansas Affiliate 904 Autumn Road Little Rock AR 72211 US $50 00

United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County 50 S French Broad Avenue Asheville NC 28801-3271 US $55000

YWCA of Spokane 829 W Broadway Ave Spokane WA 99201 US $15000

Claremont Graduate University 165 East Tenth Street Claremont CA 91711-6160 US $1,500 00

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association - Central Ne'441 West Kirkpatrick Street Syracuse NY 13204 US $50000

American Cancer Society - Westchester Region - White Plains 2 Lyon Place White Plains NY 10601 US $50 00

Children's Aid Society 105 East 22nd St New York NY 10010 US $5000

Feeding America (formerly America's Second Harvest) 35 E Wacker Or, #2000 Chicago IL 60601 US $50 00

Food People Allied to Combat Hunger Inc 358 Saw Mill River Road Millwood NY 10546 US $5000

New York Public Library 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue New York NY 10018 US $60 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Greater New York C ity 341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $5000

TJ Martell Foundation 550 Madison Ave/Skylobby New York NY 10022 US $1,450 00

Wellesley College 106 Central Street Wellesley MA 02481 US $325 00

Adventures 4 Wish Kids Inc 6863 Oak Creek Drive Columbus OH 43229 US $1,000 00

United Way of Miami-Dade Ansin Bldg, 3250 SW Third Avenue Miami FL 33129-2712 US $2,500 00

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy NY 12180 US $12500

College Foundation of the University of Virginia PO Box 400807 Charlotteville VA 22904 US $500 00

University of Virginia P 0 Box 400807 Charlottesvle VA 22904-4807 US $50000

Helping Hand 12346 McDougall Street Detroit MI 48212 US $50 00

Advocates for Student Achievement 701 Lawrenceville Road Trenton NJ 08648 US $200 00

St Stephens Episcopal Day School 3439 Main Highway Coconut Grove FL 33133 US $10000

Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland P O Box 74105 Cleveland OH 44194-4105 US $75000

Florida Arts & Dance Company 57 SW Monterey Road Stuart FL 34994 US $250 00

Stuart-Sunrise Rotary Charitable Foundation Inc PO Box 787 Palm City FL 34991 US $250 00

United Way of Greater Houston 50 Waugh Drive Houston TX 77007 US $2,500 00

Lycoming College 700 College Place Williamsport PA 17701 US $100 00

Doctors Without Borders USA 333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor New York NY 10001 US $60000 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 4 STATEMENT 4B World Vision International 34834 Weyerhaeuser Way South Federal Way O WA 98063-9716 US $50000

Leader Dogs For The Blind 1039 S Rochester Rd Rochester MI 48307-3115 US $12500

Susan G Komen for the Cure Arkansas Affiliate 904 Autumn Road Little Rock AR 72211 US $50 00

Loaves and Fishes Centers PO Box 19477 Portland OR 97280 US $15000

United Way of Greater Houston 50 Waugh Drive Houston TX 77007 US $2,500 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York City Chapter 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor New York NY 10016 US $50 00

Girls Quest 150 West 30th Street New York NY 10001 US $2,500 00

National Down Syndrome Society 666 Broadway, 8th Floor New York NY 10012 US $10000

Empty Stocking Fund Inc 1975 Century Blvd NE Atlanta GA 30345-3316 US $50000

American Cancer Society - Nassau Region Office - Syosset 6800 Jericho Turnpike Syosset NY 11791 US $50 00

Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation 2555 South State St Ann Arbor MI 46104 US $50000

Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation 2555 South State St Ann Arbor MI 46104 US $1,000 00

American Red Cross - National Headquarters P O Box 37295 Washington DC 20013 US $10000

Bloomington Art Center 1800 W Old Shakopee Rd Bloomington MN 55431-3366 US $50000

Lutheran Community Foundation FBO The Kelly Phillips Chartable F 625 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55415 US $10000

Autism Speaks 1060 State Road, 2nd Floor Princeton NJ 08540 US $100 00

Second Harvest Food Bank - Southern Wisconsin 2802 Dairy Drive Madison WI 53718 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - National Race for the (5005 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas TX 75244-6125 US $10000

Eau Claire County Humane Association Inc 3900 Old Town Hall Road Eau Claire WI 54701 US $50 00

Literacy Volunteers - Chippewa Valley 221 W Madison St Ste 222 Eau Claire WI 54703 US $10000

Saint Johns University Box 7222 Collegeville MN 56321 US $100 00

Mercy Medical Center Foundation P O Box 3168 Sioux City IA 51102 US $1,500 00

Siouxland Community Foundation 505 Fifth St Suite 412 Sioux City IA 51101 US $500 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $1,750 00

American Associates Ben-Gunon University Of The Negev Inc 220 Montegomery St #498 San Francisco CA 94104 US $10000

American Friends of Hebrew University 7280 W Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton FL 33433 US $10000

Hadassah Medical Organization 50 W 58th St New York NY 10019 US $10000

Dickinson College P O Box 1773 Carlisle PA 17013-2896 US $10000

Deron Williams Point of Hope Foundation 1401 McKinney, Suite 2222 Houston TX 77010 US $2,000 00

Deron Williams Point of Hope Foundation 1401 McKinney, Suite 2222 Houston TX 77010 US $2,000 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure Arkansas Affiliate 904 Autumn Road Little Rock AR 72211 US $50 00

Gleanings for the Hungry PO Box 309 Sultana CA 93666 US $500 00

Global Stragtegiea for HIV Prevention 104 Dominican Or San Rafael CA 94901 US $500 00

Southern Appalachian Ronald McDonald House 418 North State of Franklin Rd Johnson City TN 37604 US $25000

Lake Forest College Office of Development Lake Forest IL 60045 US $500 00

Trustees of Westminster School Inc 995 Hopmeadow Street Simsbury CT 06070 US $500 00

University of Pennsylvania 433 Franklin Building Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $5000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Minnesota Affili ate Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $50 00

Children's Advocacy Center 816 W 10th Street Medford OR 97501 US $50 00

Kids Unlimited of Oregon 821 N Riverside Medford OR 97501 US $50 00

AIDS Project Los Angeles - AIDS Marathon 611 South Kingsley Drive Los Angeles CA 90005 US $250 00

TRUSTEES OF THORNTON ACADEMY 438 Main Street Saco ME 04072 US $250 00 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 5 STATEMENT 4B • Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $75 00

University of Pennsylvania 433 Franklin Building Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $50 00

University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business 433 Franklin Bldg Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $50 00

Samaritan's Purse P 0 Box 3000 Boone NC 28607 US $50 00

Samaritan's Purse P 0 Box 3000 Boone NC 28607 US $50 00

American Red Cross - Summit Area 695 Springfield Avenue Summit NJ 07901 US $50 00

Hospice of the Valley 1510 E Flower St Phoenix AZ 85014-5656 US $200 00

Susan G Komen Foundation - Houston Affiliate 2425 Fountainwew Houston TX 77057 US $50 00

Di Rosa Preserve 5200 Cameros Highway Napa CA 94559 US $150 00

La Crosse Community Foundation 300 Second St N , Ste 320 La Crosse WI 54601 US $1,000 00

American Cancer Society - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 9 Riverside Rd Weston MA 02493 US $10000

Dartmouth, Inc 6175 Robinson Hall Hanover NH 03755 US $75 00

Developing Minds Foundation 934 Michigan Avenue Miami Beach FL 33139-5355 US $200 00

Aloha United Way 200 N Vineyard Blvd Honolulu HI 96817 US $2,500 00

Breast Cancer Coalition 1101 17th Street, NW Washington DC 20036 US $1,000 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Minnesota Affiliate Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $50 00

Asheville Art Museum Association, Inc P 0 Box 1717 Asheville NC 28802 US $250 00

Asheville Choral Society P O Box 7112 Asheville NC 28802 US $250 00

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo Inc 712 Main St Buffalo NY 14202-1720 US $15000

California State University - Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street, Mail Code 8 Northridge CA 91330 US $10000

West Penn Amateur Tennis Association do Dan Hackett Pittsburgh PA 15241 -1375 US $2,400 00

Fontbonne Hall Academy 9901 Shore Road Brooklyn NY 11209 US $150 00

Fordham University Development and University Relation New York NY 10019 US $15000

Taylor Haugen Foundation PO Box 101 Valparaiso FL 32580 US $500 00

Yik Wo Alternative School 2245 Jones St San Francisco CA 94133 US $50 00

Central Asia Institute PO Box 7209 Bozeman MT 59771 US $10000

United Way International 701 North Fairfax Street Alexandna VA 22314-2045 US $50 00

HORSEPOWER INC 8001 leaboume rd Colfax NC 27235 US $500 00

Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education 203 N Wabash, Suite 1720 Chicago IL 60601 US $250 00

Wesleyan School Inc 5405 Spalding Drive Norcross GA 30092 US $750 00

Isidore Newman School 1903 Jefferson Ave New Orleans LA 70115 US $750 00

Randolph Macon College PO Box 5005 Ashland VA 23005 US $250 00

Colonel Daniel Man' Boys & Girls Club of Dorchester 35 Deer Street Dorchester MA 02125 US $2,500 00

Immigration Equality 40 Exchange PI New York NY 10005-2701 US $250 00

Credit Card Total $113,912.50

United St Francis Foundation P O Box 1615 Burlingame CA 94011-1615 US $275 00

National Wildlife Federation 7735 Old Georgetown Road Suite 900 Bethesda MD 20814 US $10000

University of California, Berkeley - The Parents Fund 2080 Addison Street #4200 Berkeley CA 94720-4200 US $250 00

National Corporate Theatre Fund 505 Eighth Ave New York NY 10018 US $1,500 00

Sacred Heart Schools 150 Valparaiso Atherton CA 94027 US $1,250 00

Alzheimers Association 225 N Michigan Ave 17th floor Chicago IL 60601 US $50 00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $10000 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 6 STATEMENT 4B Ralston Middle School PTA 2675 Ralston Ave Belmont • CA 94002-1216 US $50000

United Ways of New Hampshire 46 S Main St Concord NH 03301 US $10000

Flynn Theatre for the Performing Arts Ltd 153 Main Street Burlington VT 05401 US $50 00

De La Salle School 87 Pine Street Freeport NY 11520 US $2,500 00

American Cancer Society - Making Stndes Against Breast Cancer 9 Riverside Rd Weston MA 02493 US $50 00

American Cancer Society - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 9 Riverside Rd Weston MA 02493 US $50 00

Windrush Farm Therapeutic Equitation, Inc 30 Brookview Road Boxford MA 01921 US $500 00

Beth El Temple West Hartford - Cantors Concerts 2626 Albany Avenue West Hartford CT 06117 US $450 00

Trinity Washington University 125 Michigan Ave NE Washington DC 20017 US $50000

WSHU Public Radio 5151 Park Avenue Fairfield CT 06825 US $33500

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Inc Donor Services Pittsfield MA 01202 US $300 00

Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $10000

WLIW-21 New York Public Television PO Box 2100 New York NY 10116 US $145 04

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of West Palm Beach 700 Old Dixie Highway West Palm Beach FL 33404 US $10000

Arthritis Foundation - Long Island Chapter 501 Walt Whitman Road Melville NY 11747 US $50 00

East End Hospice Inc PO Box 1048 West Hampton Bet NY 11978-7048 US $5000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer P O Box 1073 Rye NY 10580 US $10000

Boys & Girls Clubs of Northern Westchester 351 Main Street Mount Kisco NY 10549 US $25000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $5000

Villa Mane Academy 2403 West 8th Street Ene PA 16505 US $90000

Green Mountain Festival Series Inc PO Box 561 Chester VT 05143 US $15475

Marc Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation 1111 Stewart Ave Bethpage NY 11714 US $125 00

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of West Palm Beach 700 Old Dixie Highway West Palm Beach FL 33404 US $100 00

American Cancer Society - Southwest Regional Office Relay for Life 2808 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45206 US $25000

Hannah's Hope Fund P 0 Box 206 Momsonville NY 12962 US $10000

Villanova University Office of University Development Villanova PA 19085-1673 US $20000

Avon Old Farms School 500 Old Farms Road Avon CT 06001 US $500 00

Amencan Cancer Society - Lehigh Valley 3893 Adler Place, Ste # 170 Bethlehem PA 18017 US $250 00

Lehigh University 622 Brodhead Avenue Bethlehem PA 18015 US $1,000 00

Syracuse University Alumni Association, Inc PO Box 59527 Philadelphia PA 19102 US $30000

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Greater Pennsylvania & Southern West \ The Gulf Tower Pittsburgh PA 15219-1916 US $50 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Central New England PO BOX 845945 Boston MA 02284-5945 US $5000

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of West Palm Beach 700 Old Dixie Highway West Palm Beach FL 33404 US $100 00

Blue Ridge Public Television 1215 Mc Neil Dr SW Roanoke VA 24015-4706 US $5000

Dana Hills Dolphin Foundation 33333 St of Golden Lanter Dana Point CA 92629 US $75 00

Cape Henry Collegiate School Inc 1320 Mill Dam Road Virginia Beach VA 23454 US $50000

Hampden-Sydney College Development Office Hampden Sydney VA 23943 US $1.00000

THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY Attn Gift Accounting Department Williamsburg VA 23187-8795 US $2,500 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $50 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $50 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $10000

JDRF - Piedmont Tried Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $5000 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 7 STATEMENT 4B JDRF - P ied mont Tried Chapter • 1401 -B Old M ill C ircle Winston Salem • NC 27103 US $50 00

Charleston Jewish Federation PO Box 31298 Charleston SC 29407 US $2,500 00

Carroll County CASA, Inc P O Box 310 Carrollton GA 30112 US $25000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - South Carolina Chapter - Satellite t 107 Westpark Blvd Columbia SC 29210 US $10000

Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Avenue Room 230 Evanston IL 60208-4305 US $250 00

University of Dayton Advancement Records Dayton OH 45469-1681 US $50 00

Hathaway Brown School 19600 North Park Boulevard Shaker Heights OH 44122 US $1,100 00

City Mission Endowment Foundation 5310 Carnegie Ave Cleveland OH 44103 US $5000

EVANS SCHOLARS FOUNDATION One Briar Road Golf IL 60029-2000 US $500 00

Saint Ursula Academy 1339 East McMillan St Cincinnati OH 45206 US $5000

Sevier County Food Ministries PO Box 6042 Sevierville TN 37864-6042 US $100 00

University of Dayton Advancement Records Dayton OH 45469-1681 US $50 00

Ryan Gibson Foundation 18111 Preston Rd Ste 650 Dallas TX 75252 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Charlotte Affiliate 505 East Blvd Ste101 Charlotte NC 28203 US $10000

Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne 2101 Coliseum Boulevard, East Fort Wayne IN 46805-1499 US $500 00

University High School PTA 4771 Campus Dr Irvine CA 92612 US $50 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $10000

American Cancer Society - Relay for Life of Wheaton 1801 Meyers Road Oak Brook Terrace IL 60181 US $10000

Clinton Community YMCA 417 S Alexander Clinton IL 61727 US $25000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - North Dallas Team in Training 8111 LBJ Freeway, Suite 425 Dallas TX 75251 US $125 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $10000

Capshaw Elementary School 1 Cougar Lane Cookeville TN 38501 US $50 00

Capshaw Elementary School 1 Cougar Lane Cookeville TN 38501 US $11000

Prescott Central Middle School 242 East 10th Street Cookeville TN 38501 US $16000

Capshaw Elementary School 1 Cougar Lane Cookeville TN 38501 US $50 00

University of Texas at Austin Matching Gifts Coordinator Austin TX 78713-7458 US $2,500 00

Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University 505 George Bush Drive College Station TX 77840-2918 US $24000

University of Texas at Austin Matching Gifts Coordinator Austin TX 78713-7458 US $50000

Young Audiences of North Texas Inc - Big Thought aka Young Audie 2501 Oak Lawn Ave Suite 550-LB42 Dallas TX 75219 US $1,000 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure 5005 LBJ Fwy, Ste 250 Dallas TX 75244 US $100 00

Guthrie Theatre Foundation 818 2nd Street South Minneapolis MN 55415 US $10000

Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th St St Paul MN 55101 US $10000

Animal Medical Center 510 East 62nd St New York NY 10021 US $20000

Arthritis Foundation - New York Chapter 122 East 42nd St. 18th FI New York NY 10168 US $50000

Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street Americus GA 31709-3498 US $10000

Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street Americus GA 31709-3498 US $350 00

National Multiple Sderosis Society - Mid America PO Box 140128 Kansas City MO 64114 US $25000

Multiple Sclerosis Society - Mid America Chapter 7611 State Line Rd Kansas City MO 64114 US $50 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Mid America PO Box 140128 Kansas City MO 64114 US $20000

United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka KS 66604-0188 US $5000

Schizophrenia Foundation Kentucky Inc P 0 Box 1927 Louisville KY 40201 US $250 00

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Foundation 406 W 34th Street, Suite 514 Kansas City MO 64111 US $1,000 00 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 8 STATEMENT 4B St Andrew Nativity School • Box 11127 Portland •OR 97211 US $88500

Big City Mountaineers 1667 Vine Street Denver CO 80212 US $50 00

Bonny Slope Community Organization do Bonny Slope Elementary School Portland OR 97229 US $200 00

De Paul Treatment Centers PO Box 3007 Portland OR 97208 US $500 00

Portland Rotary Chartable Trust 619 SW 11th Ave 123 Portland OR 97205 US $250 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $50 00

Kiwanis Club of Redlands Scholarship Foundation P O Box 1702 Redlands CA 92373 US $10000

Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa PO Box 3335 Danville CA 94526 US $500 00

HARKER SCHOOL FOUNDATION - THE HARKER SCHOOL Melinda Gonzales San Jose CA 95117 US $1,250 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $250 00

Friends of the Glen Rock Public Library Inc 315 Rock Road Glen Rock NJ 07452 US $94 00

American Breast Cancer Foundation Development Department Baltimore MD 21286 US $50 00

Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County 230 Old Bridge Turnpike South River NJ 08882 US $200 00

Lower Lab School Parent Teachers Association Inc 1700 Third Ave New York NY 10128-2504 US $950 00

St Stephen of Hungary School 408 East 82 Street New York NY 10028 US $400 00

March of Dimes - New York State 233 Park Avenue South New York NY 10003 US $50 00

Stroke Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Blvd Houston TX 77036 US $750 00

Mt Lebanon UP Church - Off the Floor Pittsburgh 255 washington road Pittsburgh PA 15216 US $525 00

Barry L Joyce Local Cancer Support Fund 141 Saint Andrews Drive Stoneville NC 27048 US $528 00

JDRF - Piedmont Tried Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $250 00

Human Resources Development Foundation PO Box 25213 Houston TX 77265-5213 US $1,500 00

Hospice Care Network 99 Sunnyside Boulevard Woodbury NY 11797 US $10000

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day - Chicago 165 Township Line Road, Suite 150 Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $37 50

St Agnes Academy 9000 Bellaire Blvd Houston TX 77036-4602 US $1,000 00

Children's Cancer Association 433 NW 4th Avenue Portland OR 97209 US $50 00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $50 00

Crippled Children's Foundation 2019 Fourth Avenue North Birmingham AL 35203 US $75 00

JDRF - Piedmont Tried Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $50 00

ALS Association - Georgia Chapter 1955 Cliff Valley Way Altanta GA 30329 US $10000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $10000

Wildlife Rescue of the Hamptons 228 Montauk Hwy Hampton Bays NY 11946 US $50 00

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $50 00

Family Services, Inc 2022 Broad Ave Altoona PA 16601 US $80 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Massachusetts Chapter 9 Ene Drive Natick MA 01760 US $250 00

Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10017 US $10000

Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10017 US $200 00

Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10017 US $200 00

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PO Box 309 Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $2,500 00

Texas Christian University TCU Box 297044 Fort Worth TX 76129 US $260 00

Acadiana Outreach Center, Inc P 0 Box 2747 Lafayette LA 70502 US $250 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Michigan 230 Huron View Boulevard Ann Arbor MI 48103-2948 US $500 00

My Friends Care Bone Marrow Transplant Fund, Inc 148 South Main St Mount Clemens MI 48043 US $12500 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 9 STATEMENT 4B Solid Rock Fami ly Ch urch and World Out reach Center- T urke4tn 750 James Street Syracuse • NY 13203 US $2,500 00

Angels on the Bay Inc 162-45 Crossbay Boulevard Howard Beach NY 11414 US $2,500 00

Alzheimer's Association - Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Offic, 1100 Liberty Ave Ste E201 Pittsburgh PA 15222-4256 US $100 00

JDRF - Western Pennsylvania Chapter 960 Penn Avenue, Suite 1000 Pittsburgh PA 15222 US $25000

American Cancer Society - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 9 Riverside Rd Weston MA 02493 US $50 00

Pan Massachusetts Challenge 77 Fourth Ave Needham MA 02494 US $400 00

Breast Cancer 3-Day PO Box 650543 Dallas TX 75265 US $650 00

Clermont Senior Services P O Box 118 Batavia OH 45103 US $100 00

Team Continuum 575 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 us $5000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Office 733 Third Avenue New York NY 10017 US $50 00

Breast Cancer 3-Day Cleveland 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $150 00

Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10017 US $10000

Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10017 US $10000

Evangelical Homes of Michigan 18000 Coyle Detroit MI 48235 US $12500

PKD Foundation 9221 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 US $5000

First Coast YMCA 12735 Gran Bay Pkwy W Jacksonville FL 32258 US $500 00

Massachusetts Special Olympics Association Incorporated 450 Old Maple St Bldg 1 Danvers MA 01923-4009 US $100 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $15000

O'Berry Center Foundation Inc 400 Old Smithfield Rd Goldsboro NC 27530 US $2,500 00

Manst College 3399 North Rd Poughkeepsie NY 12601-1350 US $10000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina Chapter - Global Impact Alexandria VA 22307 US $50 00

O'Berry Center Foundation Inc 400 Old Smithfield Rd Goldsboro NC 27530 US $250 00

RT Autism Awareness Foundation PO Box 5804 Rochester MN 55904 US $250 00

St Croix Catholic School 621 South 3rd Street Stillwater MN 55082 US $250 00

Country Christian School W329 N4476 Lakeland Dr Nashotah WI 53089 US $400 00

Country Christian School W329 N4476 Lakeland Dr Nashotah WI 53089 US $425 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Minnesota 200 12th Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55415 US $5000

United Way of Washington County - East PO Box 305 Stillwater MN 55082-0305 US $75 00

Gig Harbor Peninsula Historical Society 4218 Harborview Dr Gig Harbor WA 98335 US $2,500 00

Carondelet Catholic School 3210 West 51st St Minneapolis MN 55410 US $26000

Guthrie Theatre Foundation 818 2nd Street South Minneapolis MN 55415 US $10000

Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota PO Box 1213 Bismarck ND 58502-1213 US $1,000 00

United Way of Washington County - East PO Box 305 Stillwater MN 55082-0305 US $2,500 00

Christen Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf 7380 Afton Road Woodbury MN 55125 US $100 00

Grand County Pet Pals P O Box 1972 Granby CO 80446 US $5000

Alzheimer's Association - East Central Iowa 1570 42nd Street NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 US $125 00

Catholic School Foundation of the Diocese of Sioux City 1821 Jackson St Sioux City IA 51105 US $25000

Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Association Go Joanna Seymour, Treasurer Cedar Falls IA 50613 US $125 00

Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota PO Box 1213 Bismarck ND 58502-1213 US $1,000 00

Prevent Child Abuse North Dakota PO Box 1213 Bismarck ND 58502-1213 US $1,000 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $25000

Rapid City Christian Education Association 23757 Arena Drive Rapid City SD 57702 US $2,500 00 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 10 STATEMENT 4B United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka • KS 66604-0188 US $5000

Multiple Sclerosis Society - Mid America Chapter 7611 State Line Rd Kansas City MO 64114 US $50 00

United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka KS 66604-0188 US $25000

United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka KS 66604-0188 US $5000

United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka KS 66604-0188 US $100 00

United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka KS 66604-0188 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Washington/Alaska Chapter 530 Dexter Avenue North Seattle WA 98109 US $5000

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $50 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day - Seattle 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046 US $100 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Massachusetts Chapter 9 Ene Drive Natick MA 01760 US $100 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $5000

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Flonda Suncoast Affiliate P 0 Box 12848 St Petersburg FL 33733-2848 US $200 00

Camden County College Foundation Inc PO Box 200 Blackwood NJ 08012 US $950 00

First Resort 1933 Davis Street, Suite 215 San Leandro CA 94577 US $1,00000

San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation 3401 Csm Drive San Mateo CA 94402 US $500 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $15000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $257 50

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $257 50

Lifelong AIDS Alliance 1002 E Seneca Seattle WA 98122-4214 US $5000

Pace Center for Girls of Alachua 1010 SE 4th Ave Gainesville FL 32601 US $10000

World Concern Development Organization 19303 Fremont Avenue North Seattle WA 98133 US $10000

Autism Speaks 1060 State Road, 2nd Floor Princeton NJ 08540 US $5000

Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $350 00

MultiCare Health Foundation 409 South J Street Tacoma WA 98405-4226 US $1,450 00

United Way of Greater Cleveland 1331 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44115 US $1,000 00

Breast Cancer 3-Day Cleveland 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $10000

Catholic Youth Organization & Community Services Inc 812 Biruta St Akron OH 44307-1104 US $10000

Big City Mountaineers 1667 Vine Street Denver CO 80212 US $87500

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $50 00

Best Friends Animal Society 5001 Angel Canyon Rd Kanab UT 87471 US $50 00

Komen Upstate South Carolina Affiliate 301 Halton Road Greenville SC 29607 US $18000

Komen Upstate South Carolina Affiliate 301 Halton Road Greenville SC 29607 US $25 00

Hibiscus Childrens Center Inc PO Box 305 Jensen Beach FL 34958 US $225 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $28500

United Way of Bergen County 6 Fosrest Ave ate 2 Paramus NJ 07652 US $500 00

Rummel Creek Elementary School PTA 625 Bnttmoore Houston TX 77079 US $250 00

American Academy of Dermatology PO Box 4014 Schaumburg IL 60168-4014 US $5000

Breast Cancer 3-Day - Twin Cities 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $10000

Nashville Public Radio 630 Mainstream Drive Nashville TN 37228 US $265 05

Little Sisters of the Poor - Home for the Aged, Inc 1655 McGill Ave Mobile AL 36660 US $50 00

St Francis Xavier School 2 Xavier Cirde Birmingham AL 35213 US $30000

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $500 00 MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 11 STATEMENT 413 Samaritan's Purse • P 0 Box 3000 Boone NC 28607 US $450 00

Kiwanis Club of Redlands Scholarship Foundation P O Box 1702 Redlands CA 92373 US $60 00

Lehigh University 622 Brodhead Avenue Bethlehem PA 18015 US $10000

University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame IN 46556-5612 US $10000

Sacred Heart of Jesus School 1317 Mapleton Boulder CO 80304 us $10000

NPT Breast Cancer 3- Day - San Diego 165 Township Line Road , Suite 150 Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $50 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $10000

JDRF - Piedmont Tried Chapter 1401 - B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $12500

Great Investors' Best Ideas Foundation 1901 N Akard St Dallas TX 75201 US $2,500 00

Breast Cancer 3-Day Cleveland 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $10000

Breast Cancer 3-Day Cleveland 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $550 00

JDRF - Nevada Chapter 5542 South Ft Apache Rd Las Vegas NV 89148 US $100 00

University Hospitals Health System - Rainbow Babies & Child ren's H,11100 Euclid Ave Mail Stop MPV-506 Cleveland OH 44106- 5000 US $2,500 00

American Cancer Society - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 9 Riverside Rd Weston MA 02493 US $50 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401 - B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $50 00

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401 - B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $50 00

Fort Bend County Fair Association PO Box 428 Rosenberg TX 77471 US $2,500 00

United Way of Greater Topeka PO Box 4188 Topeka KS 66604-0188 US $50 00

Nashville Public Radio 630 Mainstream Drive Nashville TN 37228 US $10000

University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429 Champaign IL 61826-3429 US $320 00

Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program 5900 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 2600 Los Angeles CA 90036 US $2,000 00

Direct Payment to Charity Total $95,104.34

Subtotal $211,21684

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - See Statement 4B-1 $27,500.00


MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 12 STATEMENT4B 0 • UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009 Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip ity Coi Match-Amt Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana P O Box 62166 Lafayette LA 70596-21, US $1,000 00 Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $1,500 00 Dallas Jewish Coalition - Vogel Alcove Childcare Cente 7557 Rambler Road Dallas TX 75231 US $2,500 00 Family YMCA of the Desert 43 930 San Pablo Ave Palm Desert CA 92260-93 US $2,000 00 Henderson County Education Foundation, Inc POB 1267 Hendersonville NC 28793 US $1,000 00 JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $1,500 00 JDRF - South Jersey Chapter 1415 Route 70 East, Suite 502 Cherry Hill NJ 08034 US $2,500 00 JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-40' US $2,500 00 Koats 4 Kids do Colorado Springs Conservt Colorado Spring CO 80903 US $1,000 00 Komen Upstate South Carolina Affiliate 301 Halton Road Greenville SC 29607 US $1,000 00 Oscar Cross Boys & Girls Club of Paducah, Inc P 0 Box 203 Paducah KY 42002-02' US $1,000 00 Peninsula Habitat For Humanity 690 Broadway Street Redwood City CA 94063 US $1,000 00 Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $1,000 00 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 201 E Main St Louisville KY 40202 US $1,000 00 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dallas Q 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $2,500 00 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Phoenix. 2040 W Bethany Home Rd Ste Phoenix AZ 85015-24 US $1,000 00 Susan G Komen for the Cure - Tidewater Affiliate 119 S Witchduck Road Virginia Beach VA 23462 US $1,000 00 Susan G Komen for the Cure New Orleans Affiliate 4141 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie LA 70002 US $1,000 00 Triangle Impact Inc PO Box 14608 Research Tnanc NC 27709 US $1,000 00 $27,000 00 Children's Hospital Foundation Colorado 13123 E 16th Ave, Box 045 Aurora CO 80045 US $500 00 $500 00 Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts $27,500 00

11/8/2010 MGP Jan 2009 STATEMENT 4B-1 • 0 UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009

Charity Nm Charity Addressl Charity City Charity Charity Zip CharitI Distitbution_Match

American Red Cross Lower Bucks County Chapter 1909 Veterans Highway Levittown PA 19056 US $30000

Saint Josephs Preparatory School 1733 Girard Avenue Philadelphia PA 19130 US $25000

St Josephs University 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia PA 19131 US $1,000 00

Arch Foundation for the University of Georgia Inc 394 S Milledge Ave Athens GA 30602 US $15000

WHRO Foundation PO Box 6206 Norfolk VA 23508-6206 US $25000

New Mexico Symphony Orchestra P 0 Box 30208 Albuquerque NM 87190-0208 US $1,500 00

Restoring Sight International Inc 9 Hawthorne Place # 16E Boston MA 02114 US $50000

Benjamin Private School Inc 11000 Ellison Wilson Rd North Palm Beact FL 33408-3108 US $1,250 00

Grinnell College Office of The Treasurer Grinnell IA 50112-1690 US $5000

Children's Fund, Inc P 0 Box 56303 Houston TX 77256-6303 US $250 00

check Total $5,500.00

Children's Home Society of Washington 3300 N E 65th Street Seattle WA 98115 US $50000

Make-A-Wish - Washington State, Alaska, Montana, a nd Ni 811 1st Avenue, Suite 520 Seattle WA 98104-1428 US $50000

Northwest Harvest/E M M 711 Cherry Street Seattle WA 98104-1924 US $20000

AOPA Air Safety Foundation 421 Aviation Way Frederick MD 21701 US $15000

David Horowitz Freedom Center 14148 Magnolia Blvd Sherman Oaks CA 91423 US $25000

Foundation for Economic Education, Inc 30 South Broadway Irvington-on-Huds NY 10533 US $250 00

Hillsdale College 33 East College Street Hillsdale MI 49242 US $25000

Media Research Center Inc 325 S Patrick St Alexandria VA 22314 US $10000

Milton & Rose D Friedman Foundation One American Square, Suite 2420 Indianapolis IN 46282 US $25000

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation 40 Presidential Dr Ste 200 Simi Valley CA 93065 US $25000

Burroughs Community Center Inc 2470 Fairfield Ave Bridgeport CT 06605 US $500 00

Fairfield College Preparatory School 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield CT 06824 US $41300

Community Foundation of Greater New Britain 74A Vine Street New Britain CT 06052-1409 US $1,00000

New Hampton School 70 Main Street New Hampton NH 03256 US $10000

Sudbury Valley Trustees Inc 18 Wolbach Road Sudbury MA 01776-2429 US $6000

TRUSTEES OF RESERVATIONS 572 Essex Street Beverly MA 01915-1530 US $6500

Williams College 75 Park Street Williamstown MA 01267-2114 US $15000

Amherst College Alumni Fund PO BOX 5000 AMHERST MA 01002 US $25000

Connecticut Opera Association Inc 226 Farmington Avenue Hartford CT 06105 US $1,000 00

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $250 00

Volunteers in Providence Schools (VIPS) 905 Westminster Street Providence RI 02903 US $500 00

Baylor School Attn Annual Giving Campaign Chattanooga TN 37405 US $200 00

Baylor School Attn Annual Giving Campaign Chattanooga TN 37405 US $350 00

Silverdale Baptist Academy 7236 Bonny Oaks Drive Chattanooga TN 37421 US $20000

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $5000

Center For Adoption Support & Education, Inc 11120 New Hampshire Ave Silver Spring MD 209040 US $12500

National Asian Pacific American Law Foundation 1612 K Street NW Washington DC 20006 US $500 00

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 1 STATEMENT 4C 0 • Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Palm Beach Area Ch 4360 Northlake Blvd, Ste 109 Palm Beach Gard FL 33410 US $7500

Young Audiences, Inc 115 East 92nd Street New York NY 10128 US $500 00

Prep for Prep 328 West 71st Street New York NY 10023 US $50000

Friends of the Anderson Program PO Box 307 New York NY 10024-0307 US $1,000 00

Academy of the Holy Angels 315 Hillside Ave Demarest NJ 07627 US $10000

Academy of the Holy Angels 6600 Nicollet Ave Richfield MN 55423 US $100 00

Friends of Claire Foundation, Inc 28 Hidden Brook Dnve, attn William Stamford CT 06907 US $175 00

Friends of Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Inc 241 Pleasant Plains Road Basking Ridge NJ 07920-0000 US $50 00

Jewish Federation of Atlantic and Cape May Counties 501 N Jerome Ave Margate NJ 08402 US $50000

Christopher Newport College Educational Foundation Inc One University Place Newport News VA 23606 US $50 00

Gannon University 109 University Square Ene PA 16541-0001 US $10000

George Washington University Division of Advancement Washington DC 20052 US $10000

George Washington University Division of Advancement Washington DC 20052 US $10000

Girl Scouts Troup 244 10443 Trianon Place Wellington FL 33467 US $25000

New Museum Contemporary Art 235 Bowery New York NY 10002 US $1,250 00

New London Main Street 165 State Street New London CT 06320 US $25000

Carolinas Golf Foundation PO Box 319 West End NC 27376 US $20000

Greensboro Day School 5401 Lawndale Drive Greensboro NC 27455 US $250 00

North Carolina State University Foundation Campus Box 7474 Raleigh NC 27695-7501 US $250 00

Roper St Francis Foundation 69 Barre Street Charleston SC 29401 US $500 00

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina 50 S French Broad Ave , Ste 213 Asheville NC 28801 US $25000

Historical Society of Martin County 825 NE Ocean Blvd Stuart FL 34996 US $2,500 00

Chadwick School (Roessler-Chadwick Foundation) 26800 S Academy Drive Palos Verdes Pe n CA 90274-3971 US $150 00

Ellis School 6425 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15206-4499 US $20000

Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge MA 02138-5762 US $50000

Punahou School 1601 Punahou Street Honolulu HI 96822 US $50000

Vassar College Development Office, Box 725 Poughkeepsie NY 12604-0725 US $50000

Virginia Symphony 861 Glenrock Rd Ste 200 Norfolk VA 23502 US $2,500 00

Society of St Vincent de Paul 1109 Jonathon Drive Madison WI 53713 US $10000

US Catholic Conference - Divine Savior Holy Angels High SAdvancement Office Milwaukee WI 53222 US $2,500 00

Johns Hopkins University Office of Annual Giving Baltimore MD 21218 US $50000

Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center 6901 Sandpoint Way NE S200 Seattle WA 98115 US $50000

EARLHAM COLLEGE Alumni and Development Office Richmond IN 47374 US $1,000 00

Roncalli High School 3300 Prague Road Indianapolis IN 46227 US $500 00

Community Foundation of Greater Rochester - Museum Eni 1005 Van Hoosen Road Rochester Hills MI 48306 US $20000

Clare Foundation 909 Pica Blvd Santa Monica CA 90405 US $30000

Indiana University Foundation PO Box 500 Bloomington IN 47402-0500 US $2,500 00

American Jewish Committee 165 East 56th Street New York NY 10022 US $50000

Diabetes Research Institute Foundation (National) 200 South Park Road Hollywood FL 33021 US $17500

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day - San Diego 165 Township Line Road, Suite 150 Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $10000

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 2 STATEMENT 4C • 0 Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago Ben Gunon Way Chicago IL 60606-5056 US $500 00

East Tennessee State University Foundation P 0 Box 70721 Johnson City TN 37614 US $10000

Rock Church Cemetery Attn Linda Frazier, Treasurer Charlotte TN 37036 US $11000

Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston IL 60201-3698 US $1,500 00

St Edward Church and School 190 Thompson Lane Nashville TN 37211 US $75000

Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs 1700 29th Court S Homewood AL 35209 US $25000

Eastern Health Foundation Inc 50 Medical Park East Drive Birmingham AL 35235 US $1,000 00

Hand-In-Paw, Inc 2616 7th Avenue S Birmingham AL 35233 US $750 00

W 0 Smith Nashville Community Music School P O Box 121348 Nashville TN 37212-1348 US $15000

Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas 6001 Summerside Drive Dallas TX 75252 US $50 00

St John's Episcopal School 848 Harter Road Dallas TX 75218 US $5000

Good Shepherd Medical Center 700 E Marshall Avenue Longview TX 75601 US $500 00

Waco Symphony Orchestra PO Box 1201 Waco TX 76703 US $50000

ALS Association - DC/MDNA Chapter 7507 Standish Place Rockville MD 20855 US $5000

Virginia Zoological Society 3500 Granby Street Norfolk VA 23504 US $30000

Herzl Camp Association 7204 West 27th St, suite #226 St Louis Park MN 55426-3175 US $1,500 00

YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis 30 South 9th Street Minneapolis MN 55402 US $300 00

New York University P 0 Box 837 New York NY 10009-9984 US $50 00

Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago Ben Gunon Way Chicago IL 60606-5056 US $2,500 00

Partnership Resources, Inc 4200 Park Glen Road St Louis Park MN 55416 US $300 00

March of Dimes 7600 N Capital of Texas Hwy Suite Austin TX 78731 US $1,500 00

Harvesters - The Community Food Network 3801 Topping Kansas City MO 64129 US $15000

Kansas City Public Television 125 E 31st St kansas City MO 64108 US $5000

Natural Resources Defense Council Inc 7735 Old Georgetown Road Suite 900 Bethesda MD 20814 US $10000

Operation Wildlife Inc 23375 Guthrie Road Linwood KS 66052 US $500 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $10000

University of Missouri Kansas City - KCUR FM 5100 Rockhill Road - AC 229 Kansas City MO 64110 US $15000

World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th St NW Washington DC 20090-7180 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Foundation - Houston Affiliate 2425 Fountainview Houston TX 77057 US $50 00

Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center 6901 Sandpoint Way NE S200 Seattle WA 98115 US $1,250 00

Consonare Chorale PO Box 10739 Portland OR 97296 US $1,000 00

Pacific Youth Choir 3716 Sw Mount Adams Dr Portland OR 97239-1556 US $500 00

Ant-Defamation League 605 3rd Ave New York NY 10158 US $80000

Corte Madera Larkspur Schools Foundation 230 Doherty Dr Larkspur CA 94939 US $650 00

California State University, Chico rf admin office chico CA 95929 US $1,000 00

California State University, Chico rf admin office chico CA 95929 US $1,500 00

USC Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 3501 Watt Way Los Angeles CA 90089-0602 US $1,125 00

Greater Naples YMCA 5450 YMCA Road Naples FL 34109 US $25000

MS 74 PTA 6115 Oceania Street Bayside NY 11364 US $20000

Parent Teacher Association of P S 46 Alley Pond School PTA President Bayside NY 11364 US $200 00

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 3 STATEMENT 4C • 0 American Cancer Society - National Chapter 250 Williams Street Atlanta GA 30303 us $10000

Christian Brothers Academy 850 Lincroft NJ 07738 US $250 00

JDRF - Mid-Jersey Chapter 28 Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 180 East Brunswick NJ 08816 US $26500

Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund One Intrepid Square New York NY 10036-1007 US $10000

Wilderness Volunteers P O Box 22292 Flagstaff AZ 86002 US $10000

Dominican Academy 44 East 68th Street New York NY 10065 us $10000

New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 4 Chase Metrotech Center Brooklyn NY 11245 us $200 00

American Liver Foundation - New England Chapter 88 Winchester Street Newton MA 02461 us $50 00

Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - Michigan Ste 360 Charles Street East Lansing Ml 48823 us $10000

Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research Grand Central Station New York NY 10163 us $15000

Atlanta Union Mission Corporation PO Box 1807 Atlanta GA 30301-1807 US $50000

Asbury College Office of Development Wilmore KY 40390-1198 US $65000

University of Tennessee Advancement Services Knoxville TN 37996-4103 US $1,25000

Alfred and Adele Davis Academy Inc 8105 Roberts Drive Atlanta GA 30350 US $40000

Robert W Woodruff Arts Center, Inc 1280 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta GA 30309 US $50000

Special Childrens League Inc - Foothill Committee 535 Knight Way La Canada CA 91011 US $25000

Teen Dance Company 223 Moffett Blvd Mountain View CA 94043 US $937 00

Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center 6901 Sandpoint Way NE S200 Seattle WA 98115 US $750 00

Gleaners Community Food Bank Inc 2131 Beaufait Detroit MI 48207 US $15000

Michigan Humane Society Development Department Bingham MI 48025 US $15000

Anti-Defamation League - Texas 4635 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400 Houston TX 77027 US $625 00

East Hampton Library 159 Main Street EastHampton NY 11937 US $1,500 00

St Marks Church - Bright Beginnings Pre-School PO Box 887 Westhampton Be; NY 11978 us $400 00

Marywood University 2300 Adams Ave Scranton PA 18509 us $1,00000

Kalamazoo College 1200 Academy St Kalamazoo Ml 49006-3295 US $25000

Musiqa 5206 Cheena Dr Houston TX 77096-5208 US $300 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $5000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Chapter 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $25000

Swarthmore College 500 College Avenue Swarthmore PA 19081-1397 US $50000

THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY Attn Gift Accounting Department Williamsburg VA 23187-8795 US $1,000 00

Berkeley Youth Living With Disabilites 1716 Milvia Street Berkeley CA 94709 US $5000

WNYC Radio 160 Vanck Street New York NY 10013 US $5000

Chase Collegiate School 565 Chase Parkway Waterbury CT 06708-3394 US $2,500 00

Dublin Foundation 129 S High Street Dublin OH 43017 US $2,000 00

Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University 505 George Bush Drive College Station TX 77840-2918 US $1,00000

Francis W Parker School 330 W Webster Chicago IL 60614 US $1,190 00

Francis W Parker School 330 W Webster Chicago IL 60614 US $1,210 00

Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge MA 02138-5762 US $10000

American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd Denver CO 80221 US $750 00

Habitat for Humanity - Bergen County 10 Banta Place Hackensack NJ 07601 US $200 00

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 4 STATEMENT 4C 0 0 New York City Rescue Mission 90 Lafayette Street New York NY 10013 US $50000

WLIW-21 New York Public Television PO Box 2100 New York NY 10116 US $300 00

Greenwich Catholic School 471 North St Greenwich CT 06830 US $5000

Children's Hospital Foundation of Akron 1 Perkins Square Akron OH 44308-1062 US $30000

Children's Hospital Foundation of Akron 1 Perkins Square Akron OH 44308-1062 US $15000

St Stephens Episcopal Day School 3439 Main Highway Coconut Grove FL 33133 US $50000

March of Dimes (Tennessee Chapter) 1101 Kermit Drive Nashville TN 37217 US $5000

Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston IL 60201-3698 US $7500

Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - The Foothill Foundation 250 South Grand Ave Glendora CA 91741 US $37500

Foothill Presbyterian Hospital - The Foothill Foundation 250 South Grand Ave Glendora CA 91741 US $37500

University of California Regents The Donald Bran School of Environme Santa Barbara CA 93106-5131 US $1,250 00

CHOC Foundation for Children 455 W Main St Orange CA 92868-3874 US $10000

Have A Dream Foundation - Oregon 1478 NE Killingsworth Street, 1st F Portland OR 97211 US $12500

Johns Hopkins University Office of Annual Giving Baltimore MD 21218 US $5000

Riverdale Country School, Inc 5250 Fieldston Road Bronx NY 10471-2999 US $10000

St Pauls School 325 Pleasant Street Concord NH 03301-2591 US $5000

Fordham University Development and University Relation New York NY 10019 US $100 00

American Diabetes Association - New York City 1701 N Beauregard St Alexandria VA 22311 US $445 00

American Heart Association - Central New Jersey - North Bi 1 Union Street, Suite 301 Robbinsville NJ 18691-4183 US $445 00

MAZON A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bundy Dr Los Angeles CA 90025 US $18000

Muscular Dystrophy Association - New York 1140 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036 US $445 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Chapter 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $44500

St Michael Lutheran School 3595 Broadway Fort Myers FL 33901-8021 US $50000

CentraCare Health Foundation 1406 Sixth Ave S St Cloud MN 56303 US $250 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $25000

Mitchell Area Safehouse 1809 North Wisconsin Mitchell SD 57301 US $36500

CentraCare Health Foundation 1406 Sixth Ave S St Cloud MN 56303 US $500 00

St Pius X St Leo School 6905 Blondo Street Omaha NE 68104 US $2,500 00

Inland Northwest Community Foundation 221 N Wall Street, Suite 624 Spokane WA 99201-0826 US $37500

Sherwood Youth Football Association PO Box 92 Sherwood OR 97140 US $500 00

Ventas School 401 Mission Drive Newberg OR 97132-1674 US $50000

Community Food Bank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside NJ 07205-2400 US $500 00

Doctors Without Borders USA 333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor New York NY 10001 US $50000

Hudson School 601 Park Avenue Hoboken NJ 07030-3907 US $1,000 00

Save the Children Federation, Inc 54 Wilton Road Westport CT 06880 US $500 00

Inland Northwest Community Foundation 221 N Wall Street, Suite 624 Spokane WA 99201-0826 US $37500

Inland Northwest Community Foundation 221 N Wall Street, Suite 624 Spokane WA 99201-0826 US $37500

Madison Fire Department 62 Kings Road Madison NJ 07940-2542 US $50 00

Babson College 231 Forest Street Babson Park MA 02457 US $12500

NORTHFIELD MOUNT HERMON SCHOOL One Lamplighter Way Mount Hermon MA 01354 US $12500

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 5 STATEMENT 4C • •

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford 333 Bloomfield Ave West Hartford CT 06117 US $2,500 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Northern Ohio Office 23297 Commerce Park Beachwood OH 44122-5808 US $5000

Alzheimer's Association - Cleveland Area Chapter 12200 Fairhill Road Cleveland OH 44120 US $5000

Children's Hospital Foundation of Akron 1 Perkins Square Akron OH 44308-1062 US $30000

Capitol College - Leonard Jarrell Scholarship Office of Development Laurel MD 20708 us $1,50000

WNYC Radio 160 Vanck Street New York NY 10013 US $12000

United Service Organization 2111 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA 22201 US $5000

Western Diocese of the Armenian Church - Orphan Fund 3325 N Glenoaks Blvd Burbank CA 91504 US $325 00

Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota 2537 25th Ave South Minneapolis MN 55406 US $160 00

JDRF - Minnesota Chapter 2626 East 82nd St Bloomington MN 55425 US $64 00

Novato Human Needs Center 1907 Novato Boulevard Novato CA 94947 US $2,500 00

New York Umverstiy School of Business Leonard N Stem PO Box 837 Peter Stuyvesant Station New York NY 10009-0837 US $750 00

World Vision P O BOX 9716 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 US $41600

Mead School 1095 Riverbank Road Stamford CT 06903 US $1,500 00

Melanoma Research Foundation 170 Township Line Rd Bldg B Hillsborough NJ 08844-3867 US $25000

University of Tampa 401 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa FL 33606-1450 US $50000

St Vincent De Paul Society - Atlanta, GA 2050-C Chamblee Tucker Road Atlanta GA 30341 US $2,500 00

Trustees of the Lawrenceville School P O Box 6125 Lawrenceville NJ 08648 US $10000

Virginia Athletics Foundation 1815 Stadium Road Charlottesville VA 22903 US $60000

Wesleyan School Inc 5405 Spalding Drive Norcross GA 30092 US $250 00

Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities 938 Lafayette Street New Orleans LA 70113 US $1,000 00

McDonogh School PO Box 380 Owings Mills MD 21117 US $500 00

Mental Health Association of Monmouth County 59 Broad Street Eatontown NJ 07724 US $2,500 00

UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey 50 Eisenhower Drive Paramus NJ 07652 US $1,000 00

University of Kansas - KU Endowment P 0 Box 928 Lawrence KS 66044 US $200 00

Notre Dame Academy Toledo Ohio 3535 Sylvania Ave Toledo OH 43623-4410 US $2,500 00

Scottish Rite 12871 Research Blvd Suite 100 Austin TX 78750 US $25000

Sequoia Hospital Foundation 170 Alameda de las Pulgas Redwood City CA 94062 US $1,250 00

Sequoia Hospital Foundation 170 Alameda de las Pulgas Redwood City CA 94062 US $1,250 00

Sequoia Hospital Foundation 170 Alameda de las Pulgas Redwood City CA 94062 US $2,500 00

Credit Card Total $118,035.00

Children's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $75 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $250 00

Communities Foundation of Texas Inc 5500 Caruth Haven Lane Dallas TX 75225 US $2,500 00

Center for Individual and Family Counseling 5445 Laurel Canyon Boulevard North Hollywood CA 91607 US $10000

Fashion Group Foundation of Palm Springs PO Box 354 Rancho Mirage CA 92270 US $2,000 00

Hunter College Foundation, Inc 695 Park Avenue New York NY 10021 US $50000

National Gallery of Art 2000B South Club Drive Landover MD 20785 US $1,041 67

Arthritis Foundation - Northern New England Branch 6 Chenell Drive Concord NH 03301 US $250 00

Kennebec Valley Humane Society 10 Pet Haven Lane Augusta ME 04330 US $10000

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 6 STATEMENT 4C • 0

John Bapst Memorial High School 100 Broadway Bangor ME 04401 US $50000

Maine Community Foundation 245 Main St Ellsworth ME 04605 US $250 00

United Way of Eastern Maine 24 Springer Drive, Suite 201 Bangor ME 04401-3655 US $50000

Wheaton College 25 E Main Street Norton MA 02766-2308 US $25000

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $50 00

American Diabetes Association - New England Chapter 1701 N Beauregard St Alexandria VA 22311 US $1,320 00

Humane Society of the United States 2100 L Street, N W Washington DC 20037 US $100 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Massachusetts Chap 9 Ene Drive Natick MA 01760 US $10000

Chabad House of Conn Inc 2352 Albany Avenue West Hartford CT 06117 US $180 00

ALS Association - Greater New York Chapter 116 John Street New York NY 10038 US $5000

Mercy High School Corporation 1740 Randolph Rd Middletown CT 06457 US $2,500 00

American Cancer Society - Staten Island Region Office - St 173 Old Town Road Staten Island NY 10305 US $10000

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic Inc 20 Roszel Road Princeton NJ 08540 US $250 00

Trustees of in the City of New York - CiAttn Lorraine Hemandez New York NY 10027-6902 US $1,000 00

NYU Langone Medical Center and School of Medicine NYU Langone Medical Center Office o New York NY 10016-5802 US $1,000 00

Seeds of Peace 370 Lexington Ave Suite 401 New York NY 10017 US $30000

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $10000

American Heart Association - Greater Pierce and Thurston, 708 Broadway Tacoma WA 98402 US $50 00

Friends of Karen 118 Titicus Rd Purdys NY 10578 US $250 00

St Charles Hospital Foundation 200 Belle Terre Road Port Jefferson NY 11777 US $10000

Westchester ARC Foundation Inc 121 Westmoreland Ave White Plains NY 10606 US $8000

Hospital for Special Surgery Fund Inc 535 E 70th St New York NY 10021 US $25000

Mill River Collaborative 888 Washington Boulevard Stamford CT 06904-2152 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Greater New 341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $5000

JDRF - Georgia Chapter 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, #750 Atlanta GA 30346 US $200 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Connecticut Chapter, Mer 300 Research Parkway Meriden CT 06450 US $100 00

Hunter College High School PTA 71 East 94th Street New York NY 10128 US $40000

National New York Tartan Day Committee 150 East 55th Street 3 floor New York NY 10022 US $50000

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $5000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $10000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $50000

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $8000

JDRF - Central New York Chapter 100 Metropolitan Park Drive Liverpool NY 13088 US $500 00

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $50 00

Educational Broadcasting Corp - WNET Channel 13 PBS 450 W 33RD ST New York NY 10001-2603 US $23500

JDRF - Westchester County Chapter 30 Glenn Street-Suite 203 White Plains NY 10603 US $5000

Alzheimer's Association - Greater New Jersey Chapter 400 Moms Avenue Denville NJ 07834 US $200 00

American Cancer Society - Metro New Jersey Region - Elizi 507 Westminster Ave Elizabeth NJ 07208 US $12500

Arts Council of the Moms Area 163 Madison Ave Morristown NJ 07960 US $2,500 00

Center for Individual and Family Counseling 5445 Laurel Canyon Boulevard North Hollywood CA 91607 US $10000

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Los Angeles County Alliance for the Mentally III - NAMI Wall P 0 Box 741029 Los Angeles CA 90004 US $350 00

Mary Claire Satterty Foundation PO Box 7482 Wilson NC 27895 US $200 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western New York/Fingei 4053 Maple Rd, Suite 110 Amherst NY 14226 US $5000

Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains - Las Vegas West 3220 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 US $5000

American Fnends of Alyn Hospital, Inc 51 East 42nd Street, Suite 308 New York NY 10017 US $2,500 00

Boston College Development Office More Hall 220 Chestnut Hill MA 02467 US $25000 jtb foundation 72 Buxton Rd Chatham NJ 07928 US $10000

Hendrick Academy of Honor 800 E Central Pkwy #100 Piano TX 75074 US $800 00

Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh P 0 Box 9350 Pittsburgh PA 15225-0350 US $25000

East Cooper Community Outreach 1145 Six Mile Road Mt Pleasant SC 29466 US $50000

JDRF - Western Pennsylvania Chapter 960 Penn Avenue, Suite 1000 Pittsburgh PA 15222 US $10000

Ellis School 6425 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15206-4499 US $2,500 00

Ursinus College 601 E Main St Collegeville PA 19426-1000 US $10000

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Los Angeles 3415 South Sepulceda Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034 US $10000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Massachusetts Chap 9 Ene Drive Natick MA 01760 US $50000

PANCREATIC CANCER ACTION NETWORK INC 2141 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 7000 El Segundo CA 90245 US $1,00000

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley - Greater Knox, 220 Carrick Street, Suite 318 Knoxville TN 37921 US $2,500 00

St Josephs Indian School North Main Street Chamberlain SD 57326-0001 US $15000

Piedmont Arts Association 215 Starling Avenue Martinsville VA 24112 US $25000

Hampden-Sydney College Development Office Hampden Sydney VA 23943 US $1,250 00

Hargrave Military Academy 200 Military Drive Chatham VA 24531 US $50000

West Virginia Wesleyan College 59 College Ave Buckhannon WV 26201 US $15000

Cape Henry Collegiate School Inc 1320 Mill Dam Road Virginia Beach VA 23454 US $2,500 00

United Way of Henry County and Martinsville P 0 Box 951 Martinsville VA 24114-0951 US $1,50000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina C 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $10000

Henderson County Education Foundation, Inc POB 1267 Hendersonville NC 28793 US $26000

North Carolina State University Foundation Campus Box 7474 Raleigh NC 27695-7501 US $20000

Komen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $5000

Porter-Gaud School 300 Albemarle Road Charleston SC 29407 US $10000

Komen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $10000

Komen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $5000

Komen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $10000

Berry College P 0 Box 490069 Mount Berry GA 30149 US $250 00

ELON COLLEGE 2600 Campus Box Elon NC 27244-0398 US $100 00

Komen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $5000

Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia 1577 Northeast Expressway Atlanta GA 30329 US $2,500 00

South Florida SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Ti 15476 Nw 77 Ct Ste 440 Miami Lakes FL 33016-5823 US $25000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina C 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $5000

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $250 00

Munroe Foundation for Munroe Region Medical Center PO Box 6000 Ocala FL 34478 US $2,500 00

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Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chapter 3507 E Frontage Rd Tampa FL 33607-1792 US $65 00

University Hospitals Health System - Rainbow Babies & Chi 11100 Euclid Ave Mail Stop MPV-506 Cleveland OH 44106-5000 US $5000

EVANS SCHOLARS FOUNDATION One Briar Road Golf IL 60029-2000 US $20000

West Contra Costa Salesian Boys & Girls Club PO Box 6120 San Pablo CA 94806-6120 US $50000

A I D S Volunteers of Cincinnati - AVOC 220 Findlay Street Cincinnati OH 45202 US $10000

Behnnger-Crawford Museum 1600 Montague Road Covington KY 41011 US $25000

Victory Church- Mission Food Bank 11777 SHERIDAN BLVD WESTMINSTER CO 80020 US $5000

Victory Church- Mission Food Bank 11777 SHERIDAN BLVD WESTMINSTER CO 80020 US $5000

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 9002 Cincinnati OH 45229-3039 US $5000

CLEVELAND INSTITUTE OF MUSIC 11021 East Blvd Cleveland OH 44106-1705 US $1,300 00

University of Cincinnati Foundation P O Box 19970 Cincinnati OH 45219 US $2,500 00

American Cancer Society - Southwest Regional Office Rela 2808 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45206 US $50 00

Space Coast Marine Institute 1000 Inspiration Lane Melbourne FL 32934-9140 US $10000

Florentine Opera 700 North Water St Milwaukee WI 53202 US $150 00

Trinity Grammar & Prep School 1370 Trancas St PMB 174 Napa CA 94558 US $1,000 00

Haven Inc 2550 Telegraph Rd Bloomfield MI 48302 US $20000

American Red Cross - Disaster Relief Fund P O Box 37295 Washington DC 20013 US $25000

National Marrow Donor Program 3001 Broadway Street Northeast Minneapolis MN 55413-1753 US $5000

Sprang Lake Schools Foundation 345 Hammond Street Spring Lake MI 49456 US $500 00

Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine 57 Ashmont Street Portland ME 04103 US $2,500 00

Children's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $10000

PACTT Foundation P O Box 492 Oak Park IL 60303 US $30000

Houston Christian High School 2700 W Sam Houston Parkway North Houston TX 77043 US $500 00

Lifelong AIDS Alliance 1002 E Seneca Seattle WA 98122-4214 US $5000

Teammates Mentonng Program 6801 'O' St Lincoln NE 68510 US $2,50000

St Malachy School 2252 W Washington Chicago IL 60612 US $50000

Reach Out PO Box A3621 Chicago IL 60690 US $56200

WBEZ Alliance, Inc Navy Pier Chicago IL 60611 US $47000

Mustard Seed Ranch 535 Terrace Hill Road Cookeville TN 38501 US $2,500 00

PTA Tennessee - Hams-Hillman Family 1706-26th Avenue, South Nashville TN 37212 US $25000

Mustard Seed Ranch 535 Terrace Hill Road Cookeville TN 38501 US $425 00

Autism Speaks 1060 State Road, 2nd Floor Princeton NJ 08540 US $5000

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Greater Nashville 2131 Bandywood Dr Nashville TN 37215 US $20000

Ducks Unlimited Inc - Memphis One Waterfowl Way Memphis TN 38120 US $35000

Kinkaid School Inc Attn Advancement Office Houston TX 77024 US $2,500 00

University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc 100 Timberdell Rd Norman OK 73019-0685 US $500 00

American Cancer Society Divisions Inc 320 Bilmar Drive Pittsburgh PA 15205 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Texas Gulf Coast Chapter 5005 Mitchelldale Houston TX 77092 US $50 00

El Paso Jewish Academy 805 Cherry Hill Lane El Paso TX 79912 US $25000

Family YMCA of the Desert 43 930 San Pablo Ave Palm Desert CA 92260-9312 US $1,250 00

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Chamber Music Society of Minnesota Inc 2136 Ford Parkway 273 Saint Paul MN 55116 US $1,000 00

Basswood Elementary School PTO 15425 Bass Lake Rd Maple Grove MN 55311-3238 US $10000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina C 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $10000

Alzheimer's Association - New York City Chapter 360 Lexington Ave FI 4 New York NY 10017-6567 US $10000

Fund for Park Avenue New York Inc 300 Park Ave New York NY 10022 US $125 00

New York Public Library 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue New York NY 10018 US $6400

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Southern Ohio Chapter 2300 Wall St Cincinnati OH 45212-2794 US $30000

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $52050

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansas / PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $50 00

United Way of the Plains PO Box 47208 Wichita KS 67201-7208 US $5000

United Way of the Plains PO Box 47208 Wichita KS 67201-7208 US $5000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansas 1 PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $50 00

United Way of the Plains PO Box 47208 Wichita KS 67201-7208 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansa s / PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $50 00

United Way of the Plains PO Box 47208 Wichita KS 67201-7208 US $5000

Susan G Kamen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansas) PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $15000

United Way of the Plains PO Box 47208 Wichita KS 67201-7208 US $50 00

Lifelong AIDS Alliance 1002 E Seneca Seattle WA 98122-4214 US $5000

Portola Valley Schools Foundation 4575 Alpine Road Portola Valley CA 94028 US $300 00

Bainbridge Schools Foundation 8489 Madison Avenue NE Bainbridge Island WA 98110 US $53 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Washington Cl 192 Nickerson St Ste 100 Seattle WA 98109 US $250 00

Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association 15 S Pioneer Street Ashland OR 97520 US $300 00

De La Salle North Catholic High School 7528 N Fenwick Avenue Portland OR 97217 US $1,000 00

Hillsboro Schools Foundation 5193 NE Elam Young Parkway Suite A Hillsboro OR 97124-6680 US $1,000 00

Providence Community Health Foundation 940 Royal Ave Suite 410 Medford OR 97504 US $48000

JDRF - Los Angeles Chapter 800 W 6th St Los Angeles CA 90017-2708 US $20000

University of California Santa Barbara Foundation 6550 Hollister Ave Santa Barbara CA 93106 US $250 00

Redlands Christian School 1145 Church St Redlands CA 92374-3553 US $75000

American Diabetes Association - Team Diabetes 1701 N Beauregard St Alexandria VA 22311 US $5000

PTA California Congress of Parents Teachers & Students If 561 Memewood Drive Lafayette CA 94549 US $375 00

Brain Injury Association of Washington 3516 S 47th Street Tacoma WA 98409 US $2,500 00

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center 200 Mill Ave South Renton WA 98057 US $2,500 00

Salvation Army - Cathedral City 74040 Hwy 111 Palm Desert CA 92260 US $50 00

Alzheimer's Association 225 N Michigan Ave 17th floor Chicago IL 60601 US $13000

Ronald Mcdonald House at Stanford 520 Sand Hill Road Palo Alto CA 94304 US $2,500 00

Vistamar School 737 Hawaii Street El Segundo CA 90245 US $2,500 00

Trinity Grammar & Prep School 1370 Trances St PMB 174 Napa CA 94558 US $50000

City Lights Performance Group of San Jose Inc 529 S 2nd St San Jose CA 95112 US $1,000 00

Tustin Public School Foundation 17411 Irvine Blvd, Ste I Tustin CA 92780 US $50000

Educational Foundation of Onnda 21 C Onnda Way, #123 Onnda CA 94563 US $1,100 00

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Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program 5900 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2600 Los Angeles CA 90036 US $2,000 00

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Los Angeles 3415 South Sepulceda Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - San Francisc 150 Post St San Francisco CA 94108 US $5000

University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles CA 90089-7090 US $2,500 00

American Cancer Society - North Central Area 3709 W Jetton Ave Tampa FL 33629 US $10000

Brandeis University Advancement Services Department Waltham MA 02454-9110 US $30000

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center PO Box 27106 New York NY 10087-7106 US $10000

New York University P 0 Box 837 New York NY 10009-9984 US $300 00

WNYC Radio 160 Vanck Street New York NY 10013 US $6000

Compassion International 12290 Voyager Parkway Colorado Springs CO 80921 US $312 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $30000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Northern New Jersey 14 Commerce Dr Ste 301 Cranford NJ 07016-3514 US $10000

Utah Symphony Orchestra 123 W South Temple Salt Lake City UT 84101 US $2,500 00

University of Maine Foundation Two Alumni Place Orono ME 04469-5792 US $50000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $10000

Chabad of Rego Park 62-38 99 St Rego Park NY 11374 US $1,41000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina C 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolina C 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $50 00

University of Tennessee Advancement Services Knoxville TN 37996-4103 US $1,250 00

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $5000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $30000

Friends of Karen 118 Titicus Rd Purdys NY 10578 US $20000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $50000

Massachusetts Special Olympics Association Incorporated 450 Old Maple St Bldg 1 Danvers MA 01923-4009 US $15000

ACT Today 19019 Ventura Boulevard Tarzana CA 91356 US $10000

Boys & Girls Clubs of America - Northeast Service Center 5 Hanover Square New York NY 10004-2657 US $1,500 00

ESCONDIDO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA 890 Escondido Road Stanford CA 94305-7101 US $25000

Palo Alto Partners In Education P 0 Box 1557 Palo Alto CA 94302 US $70000

Paws Chicago 1110 W 35th Street Chicago IL 60609 US $1,000 00

Children's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $5000

SKIDMORE COLLEGE 815 North Broadway Saratoga Springs NY 12866-1632 US $5000

Salanter Akiba Riverdale Academy 655 W 254th St Riverdale NY 10473 US $20000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Northern California Ch, 1700 Owens St Ste 190 San Francisco CA 94158 US $10000

Friendship Venture DBA Childrens Disability Service 10509 108th St NW Annandale MN 55302 US $2,500 00

Friendship Venture DBA Childrens Disability Service 10509 108th St NW Annandale MN 55302 US $2,500 00

Duke University Box 90581 Durham NC 27708-0581 US $5000

Warner Avenue Elementary School 615 HolmbyAvenue Los Angeles CA 90024 US $875 00

American Liver Foundation - New England Chapter 88 Winchester Street Newton MA 02461 US $10000

Bais Yaakov Chofetz Chaim Of Pomona 44 Camp Hill Rd Pomona NY 10970 US $2,500 00

Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association 15 S Pioneer Street Ashland OR 97520 US $459 00

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Case Western Reserve University 10950 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44106-7035 US $25000

Children's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $100 00

THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY-THE MICHIGAN 1421 East 12 Mile Road Madison Heights MI 48071-2653 US $5000

Catawba College 2300 W Innes St Salisbury NC 28144 US $50 00

CEDA P O BOX 60314 Potomac MD 20859-0314 US $1,000 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Washington CI 192 Nickerson St Ste 100 Seattle WA 98109 US $100 00

Habitat for Humanity - Saginaw 315 W Holland Saginaw MI 48602 US $5000

JDRF - Tnangle/Eastem NC Chapter 7721 Six Forks Road Raleigh NC 27615 US $10000

Auburn University Foundation 317 South College Street Auburn AL 36849-5151 US $2,50000

Kentucky Public Radio Inc 619 S 4th Street Louisville KY 40202 US $5200

Vermont Achievement Center 88 Park Street Rutland VT 05701 US $250 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $15000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $10000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 9320 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 140 Portland OR 97219 US $10000

Art With Heart PO Box 94402 Seattle WA 98124 US $30000

Citadel Brigadier Foundation Inc 171 Moultrie Street Charleston SC 29409 US $375 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western North Carolin a C 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte NC 28210 US $5000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $110 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $11000

United Way of Dane County, Inc PO Box 7548 Madison WI 53707-7548 US $55 00

Sacred Heart Schools 150 Valparaiso Atherton CA 94027 US $2,500 00

Humane Society - Lynchburg 3305 Naval Reserve Road Lynchburg VA 24501 US $50 00

Quality Services for the Autism Community Inc (QSAC) 253 W 35th St New York NY 10001 US $1,250 00

Trinity College 300 Summit Street Hartford CT 06106 US $1,25000

Assumption Roman Catholic Parish - Assumption Cathol ic ! 17 Grove St Millbury MA 01527 US $500 00

Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance Inc 7-11 Bellevue St Worcester MA 01609-1801 US $1,000 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $50 00

Neighbor to Neighbor Ministries, Inc P 0 Box 25628 Raleigh NC 27611 US $50 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $40000

American Cancer Society - Jersey Shore Region - Shrewsb 801 Broad Street Shrewsbury NJ 07702 US $500 00

Bridgton Academy PO Box 292 N Bridgton ME 04057 US $20000

EVANS SCHOLARS FOUNDATION One Briar Road Golf IL 60029-2000 US $15000

EVANS SCHOLARS FOUNDATION One Briar Road Golf IL 60029-2000 US $200 00

Georgetown University Alumni Association Dept 0733 Washington DC 20073 US $40000

Texas A&M University 12th Man Foundation PO Drawer L-1 College Station TX 77844-9101 US $2,500 00

Lutheran University Association 651 s College Street Valparaiso IN 46383 US $25000

Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Inc 903 S Capital of Texas Hwy Austin TX 78746-5209 US $50 00

Baia Yaakov Chofetz Chaim Of Pomona 44 Camp Hill Rd Pomona NY 10970 US $2,400 00

Hibiscus Childrens Center PO Box 305 Jensen Beach FL 34958 US $625 00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $50 00

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Natural Resources Defense Council Inc 7735 Old Georgetown Road Suite 900 Bethesda MD 20814 US $7500

Public Broadcasting of Colorado Inc 7409 South Alton Court Centennial CO 80112 US $30000

Yeshiva Degel Hatorah, Inc 111 Maple Ave Spring Valley NY 10977-0213 US $2,30000

ALS Association - Greater New York Chapter 116 John Street New York NY 10038 US $7500

AIDS Services of Austin, Inc P O Box 4874 Austin TX 78765 US $5000

Bais Yaakov High School of Spring Valley 11 Smolley Dr Monsey NY 10952 US $2,30000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $15000

United Jewish Community of Broward County Inc 5890 South Pine Island Road Davie FL 33328-5933 US $1,500 00

University of Miami Division of University Advancement Coral Gables FL 33102 US $500 00

Breast Cancer 3-Day PO Box 650543 Dallas TX 75265 US $10000

Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University 505 George Bush Drive College Station TX 77840-2918 US $115 00

Los Angeles Mission 303 E 5th Street Los Angeles CA 90013 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - San Francisc 150 Post St San Francisco CA 94108 US $10000

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $250 00

Casa Franciscana Outreach P 0 Box 15576 Scottsdale AZ 85267 US $10000

Yeshiva University 500 West 185 Street New York NY 10033 US $2,500 00

Portsmouth Abbey School 285 Corys Lane Portsmouth RI 02871 US $250 00

ALS Association - Greater New York Chapter 116 John Street New York NY 10038 US $30000

Washington & Lee University Development Building Lexington VA 24450 US $2,268 06

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansa s) PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $75 00

Hope For New York 1359 Broadway, Suite 410 New York NY 10016-1001 US $500 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $50000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $50000

Etown P O Box 954 Boulder CO 80306-0954 US $2,00000

Food Bank of the Rockies 10700 E 45th Ave Denver CO 80239-2906 US $200 00

MacPhail Center for the Arts 1128 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis MN 55403 US $20000

United Way of Dane County, Inc PO Box 7548 Madison WI 53707-7548 US $205 00

American Cancer Society - Mendota Heights 2520 Pilot Knob Road, Ste 150 Mendota Heights MN 55120-1158 US $100 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $1,00000

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $1,00000

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $1,000 00

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota 2485 Como Avenue St Paul MN 55108-1445 US $15000

United Way of Olmsted County Inc 903 W Center ST Rochester MN 55902 US $150 00

United Way of Olmsted County Inc 903 W Center ST Rochester MN 55902 US $156 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $50000

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $35000

WesMin RC&D Association - Smoky Timbers Camp 900 Robert Street Alexandra MN 56308 US $10000

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $250 00

Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest 1800 White Bear Ave North Maplewood MN 55109 US $250 00

Western Communities Action Network 2434 Commerce Blvd Mound MN 55364-1456 US $10000

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Budges to Learning 1633 Cedar Lake Parkway Minneapolis MN 55416 US $200 00

City of Le Mars - Community Betterment Project 40 Central Ave SE Le Mars IA 51031 US $25000

Rutherford Elementary School 115 Rutherford Road Stillwater MN 55082 US $250 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $500 00

Cascade County Historical Society 422 Second Street South Great Falls MT 59405 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Foundation - Houston Affiliate 2425 Fountainview Houston TX 77057 US $690 00

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $250 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day - Seattle 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - San Francisc 150 Post St San Francisco CA 94108 US $9500

Stanford University Gift Processing Stanford CA 94305 US $50000

Pueblo Symphony Association 301 N Main St, Suite 106 Pueblo CO 81003-3298 US $30000

Childrens Hospital and Clinics Foundation 2910 Centre Pointe Dr Roseville MN 55113 US $10000

Second Harvest - Heartland 1140 Gervais Ave Saint Paul MN 55109 US $10000

Special Olympics Minnesota 400 South 4th Street Minneapolis MN 55415 US $5000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $10000

Collicot Shool PTO 80 Edge Hill road Milton MA 02186 US $10000

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $50 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $2,50000

City of Hope - Northwest Region 1309 114th Avenue SE Bellevue WA 98004 US $100 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $2,50000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $50 00

Children' s Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $50 00

American Cancer Society - Staten Island Region Office - St 173 Old Town Road Staten Island NY 10305 US $10000

Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center 8324 Skokie Boulevard Skokie IL 60077 US $500 00

Charles Davis Foundation P O Box 60464 Nashville TN 37206 US $10000

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, Inc 223 East 30th Street New York NY 10016-8299 US $2500

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $15000

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $10000

Sparrow Clubs USA 906 NE Greenwood Ave Bend OR 97701 US $125 00

American Cancer Society - Central NJ Region - North Brun; 2600 US Hwy 1 North Brunswick NJ 08902 US $50 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $2,035 00

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park P 0 Box 6537 Cincinnati OH 45206 US $350 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $72 00

JDRF - Greater Cincinnati Chapter 8041 Hosbrook Rd , Suite 422 Cincinnati OH 45236-3830 US $50 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $50 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $100 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $50 00

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United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $10000

Hathaway Brown School 19600 North Park Boulevard Shaker Heights OH 44122 US $25000

St Ignatius College Prep High School 1911 West 30th Street Cleveland OH 44113-3495 US $600 00

Urban Community School 4909 Lonan Ave Cleveland OH 44102-3353 US $20000

Catholic Chanties Corporation 1404 East 9th Street Cleveland OH 44114 US $20000

Central Ohio Breathing Association 1520 Old Henderson Rd Columbus OH 43220 US $75000

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $50 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $50 00

Dunham Tavern Museum 6709 Euclid Ave Cleveland OH 44103-3913 US $50000

Ohio Historical Society 1982 Velma Avenue Columbus OH 43211 US $50000

Shaker Historical Society 16740 South Park Shaker Hts OH 44120 US $50000

Western Reserve Historical Society 10825 East Blvd Cleveland OH 44106-1703 US $500 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $100 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Northwest Ohio 405 Madison Avenue Toledo OH 43604 US $200 00

American Service to India 1640 Corsica Place Costa Mesa CA 92628-2456 US $2,50000

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $100 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $50 00

EVANS SCHOLARS FOUNDATION One Briar Road Golf IL 60029-2000 US $200 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $2,30000

All Saints Catholic Church - All Saints School 504 2nd St SW Puyallup WA 98371 US $500 00

Harvest Chnstian School 3700 Lakeville Hwy # 210 Petaluma CA 94954 US $2,00000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

American Red Cross - National Headquarters P O Box 37295 Washington DC 20013 US $10000

University of Florida Foundation P 0 Box 14425 Gainesville FL 32604-2425 US $1,00000

Konen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $100 00

Komen for the Cure - Lowcountry Affiliate PO Box 31304 Charleston SC 29417 US $110 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $100 00

Junior Achievement of Central North Carolina 3220 Northline Avenue Greensboro NC 27408 US $300 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Massachusetts Chap 9 Ene Drive Natick MA 01760 US $100 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

Chicago Symphony Orchestra 220 S Michigan Avenue Chicago IL 60604-2585 US $2,500 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $5000

University of Pittsburgh 500 Craig Hall Pittsburgh PA 15260 US $10000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

National Wildlife Federation 7735 Old Georgetown Road Suite 900 Bethesda MD 20814 US $50 00

American Diabetes Association - National Shared Services 1701 N Beauregard St Alexandria VA 22311 US $70 00

American Cancer Society - Houston 6301 Richmond Houston TX 77057 US $300 00

Cold Sprang Harbor Laboratory PO Box 100 Cold Spring Harbc NY 11724 US $18000

I'm Too Young For Thisl Cancer Foundation 34 - 71st Street Brooklyn NY 11209 US $5000

Bishop Chatard High School 5885 N Crittenden Ave Indianapolis IN 46220 US $100 00

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 15 STATEMENT 4C • 0

Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota 2537 25th Ave South Minneapolis MN 55406 US $50 00

Save the Children Federation, Inc 54 Wilton Road Westport CT 06880 US $168 00

Washington Women In Need 2285 116th Ave NE Bellevue WA 98004-3041 US $2,00000

Ayala Foundation USA 255 Shoreline Or Ste 428 Redwood City CA 94065-1495 US $500 00

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $7000

Crippled Children's Foundation 2019 Fourth Avenue North Birmingham AL 35203 US $1,120 00

North Carolina State University Foundation Campus Box 7474 Raleigh NC 27695-7501 US $149 60

United Way of the Plains PO Box 47208 Wichita KS 67201-7208 US $5000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $50000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Greater New 341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $60000

Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $10000

United Way of Dane County, Inc PO Box 7548 Madison WI 53707-7548 US $50 00

Loma Linda Children's Hospital Foundation P 0 Box 2000 Loma Linda CA 92354 US $400 00

International Fund for Animal Welfare USA Inc 290 Summer Street Yarmouth Port MA 02675 US $5000

Metropolitan Maltese Rescue 420 W 23rd St, 2D New York NY 10011 US $5000

Diabetes Research Institute Foundation 150 East 58th Street New York NY 10155 US $50 00

Diabetes Research Institute Foundation 150 East 58th Street New York NY 10155 US $100 00

Save the Children Federation, Inc 54 Wilton Road Westport CT 06880 US $450 00

WNYC Radio 160 Vanck Street New York NY 10013 US $45000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, San Diego CA 9150 Chesapeake Or, Ste 100 San Diego CA 92123 US $15000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $2,500 00

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center PO Box 27106 New York NY 10087-7106 US $50 00

Sacred Heart of Jesus School 1317 Mapleton Boulder CO 80304 US $735 82

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $5000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $10000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $10000

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

JDRF - New England Chapter/Bay State 60 Walnut Street Wellesley Hills MA 02481 US $50 00

Machon Bais Yaakov - Hilda Bim High School 1681 42nd Street Brooklyn NY 11204 US $20000

Machon Bais Yaakov - Hilda Bim High School 1681 42nd Street Brooklyn NY 11204 US $200 00

Machon Bais Yaakov - Hilda Bim High School 1681 42nd Street Brooklyn NY 11204 US $20000

Machon Bais Yaakov - Hilda Birn High School 1681 42nd Street Brooklyn NY 11204 US $200 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid-Kansas / PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $50 00

Bucknell University Cooley Hall Lewisburg PA 17837 US $30000

Komen Upstate South Carolina Affiliate 301 Halton Road Greenville SC 29607 US $11000

Southeast Communities Prevention and Intervention 4401 S Crenshaw Blvd Los Angeles CA 91607 US $10000

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $20000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - San Franci sc 150 Post St San Francisco CA 94108 US $13000

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 16 STATEMENT 4C JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $1,00000

Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine Inc 5100 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20016 US $5000

Autism Speaks 1060 State Road, 2nd Floor Princeton NJ 08540 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Florida Chz 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Hollywoo Hollywood FL 33020 US $50 00

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $10000

JDRF - South Jersey Chapter 1415 Route 70 East, Suite 502 Cherry Hill NJ 08034 US $200 00

American Cancer Society - Central New England Region 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $17620

University of South Flonda 4202 East Fowler Ave Tampa FL 33620-5545 US $200 00

University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429 Champaign IL 61826-3429 US $320 00

Direct Payment to Charity Total $205,609 85

University of Illinois Foundation PO Box 3429 Champaign IL 61826-3429 US $1005

Offilne Pledges Total $10.05

Subtotal $329,154.90

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - See Statement 4C-1 $14,750.00

Grand Total $343,904.90

MGP JAN 2009 11/3/2010 17 STATEMENT 4C UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009 0 0

Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip ounti Match-Amt

American Cancer Society - Desert Palms Unit 73161 Fred Waring Dr Palm Desert CA 92260 US $1,000 00

Catholic Academy of West Buffalo 1069 Delaware Ave Buffalo NY 14209 us $1,000.00

Grace Place for Children and Families Inc PO Box 990531 Naples FL 34116 US $1,500 00

JDRF - Orange County Chapter 17872 Mitchell North Irvine CA 92614 US $1,000.00

Junior Achievement of Northern Colorado 151 South College Avenue, S i. Fort Collins CO 80524 US $1,000.00

Miami Children's Museum - 980 Macarthur-Causeway - --Miami -- ---FL- 33132- - -US - $1,000.00

Mustard Seed Ranch 535 Terrace Hill Road Cookeville TN 38501 US $1,000 00

People Working Cooperatively Inc 4612 Paddock Road Cincinnati OH 45229 US $1,000 00

St. Paul Lutheran Child Development Center, 2302 South Presa San Antonio TX 78210 US $1,000 00

West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation 708 W Forest Ave Jackson TN 38305 US $1,000 00

Group Timeslot Total $10,500 00

Alexander Findley Community Library PO Box 74 Findley Lake NY 14736 US $250 00

Bainbridge Schools Foundation 8489 Madison Avenue NE Bainbridge Island WA 98110 US $500 00

Barnett-Searing National Cancer Foundation 9690 Deereco Road Timonium MD 21093 US $500 00

Chattanooga Symphony & Opera 630 Chestnut Street Chattanooga TN 37402 US $250.00

Erie Philharmonic 1006 State Street Erie PA 16501-1878 US $250 00

Pace Center for Girls of Alachua 1010 SE 4th Ave Gainesville FL 32601 US $250 00

Reach Out PO Box A3621 Chicago IL 60690 US $250 00

Rotary Foundation of Coral Gables Rotary Club of Coral Gables Coral Gables FL 33114-1446 US $250 00

SANCTUARY FOR FAMILIES P.O. Box 1406 New York NY 10268 US $500.00

St Patricks Catholic Elementary School 20500 West Maple Road Elkhorn NE 68022 US $500 00

United Way of Buffalo & Erie County 742 Delaware Ave Buffalo NY 14209-2295 US $500 00

We SPARK, Inc. 13520 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks CA 91423 US $250 00

Individual Total $4,250.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts $14,750.00

11/8/2010 MGP JAN 2009 STATEMENT 4C-1 • 0 UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009

Charity Nm Charity Addressl Charity City Charity St Charity Zip Charity Distribution-Match

Chester County Futures 704 Haywood Drive Exton PA 19341 US $220 00

James Prendergast Library Association 509 Cherry Street Jamestown NY 14701 US $250 00

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Hawaii 414 Kuwdi Street , Suite 105 Honolulu HI 96817-5050 US $250.00

Lamar University Foundation P O Box 11500 Beaumont TX 77710 US $50000

Friends School of Wilmington Development Office, C/O Jennifer Wilmington NC 28403 US $25000

American Cancer Society - New England Division 30 Speen Street Framingham MA 01701 -9376 US $50 00

University of Tampa 401 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa FL 33606-1450 US $150 00

Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Avenue Detroit MI 48202 US $2,500 00

International Humanity Foundation 3266 & 1/2 Rosecrans St San Diego CA 92110 US $25000

St Peters Preparatory School 144 Grand Street Jersey City NJ 07302 US $2,500 00

Taylor Haugen Foundation PO Box 101 Valparaiso FL 32580 US $1,000 00

Pug Rescue of North Carolina , Inc PO Box 94 Summerfield NC 27358 US $250 00

Calvary Christian School 5955 Taylor Mill Road Covington KY 41015 US $25000

Salvation Army - Central Kentucky 736 W Main St Lexington KY 40508 US $2,500 00

Curtis School Foundation 15871 Mulholland Drive Los Angeles CA 90049 US $2,500 00

Check Total $13,420.00

Monta Vista High School 21840 McClellan Road Cupertin CA 95014 US $250 00

Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon One Old Main University Park PA 16802 US $100 00

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum PO Box 90988 Washington DC 20090 US $1,000 00

Habitat for Humanity - Rockland P 0 Box 329 Spring Valley NY 10977 US $150 00

Arkansas Food Bank Network , Inc 8121 Distribution Drive Little Rock AR 72209 US $100 00

Morita Vista High School 21840 McClellan Road Cupertin CA 95014 US $500 00

Habitat for Humanity - Greater Bridgeport 1470 Barnum Ave Bridgeport CT 06610-3237 US $200 00

Global Heritage Fund 625 Emerson Street, Suite 200 Palo Alto CA 94301 US $225 00

Rockland Family Shelter, Inc 2 Congers Road New City NY 10956 US $10000

Central Asia Institute PO Box 7209 Bozeman MT 59771 US $50 00

People's Regional Opportunity Program 510 Cumberland Avenue Portland ME 04101 US $100 00

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gift Processing Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $500 00

University of Rochester PO Box 270032 Rochester NY 14627 US $125 00

World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th St NW Washington DC 20090-7180 US $5000

Rock School for Dance Education 1101 South Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19147-4410 US $625 00

Out-of-Door Academy of Sarasota Inc 444 Reid Street Sarasota FL 34242 US $825 00

Wagner Free Institute of Science 1700 W Montgomery Avenue Philadelphia PA 19121 US $350 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 1 STATEMENT 4D Rock School for Dance Education 1101 South Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19147-4410 US $62500

The Town School 540 East 76th St New York NY 10021 US $1,250 00

Pennsylvania Ballet 1819 JFK Blvd , Suite 210 Philadelphia PA 19103 US $25000

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine 195 Lancaster Street Portland ME 04101 US $50 00

Trustees of Tufts College 80 George St, Ste 200 Medford MA 02155 US $15000

Food For The Poor Inc 6401 Lyons Road Coconut Creek FL 33073 US $50000

United Jewish Council 6465 Sylvania Ave Sylvania OH 43560-3918 US $92500

TRUSTEES OF THORNTON ACADEMY 438 Main Street Saco ME 04072 US $62500

Hospice Care In the Berkshires , Inc 877 South St Ste 4E Pittsfield MA 01202 US $250 00

Carrabassett Valley Academy 3197 Carrabassett Valley Dr Carrabassett Va ME 04947 US $100 00

Little Rock Public Education Foundation , Inc 300 Sprang Building Little Rock AR 72201 US $250 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $5000

Baylor School Attn Annual Giving Campaign Chattanooga TN 37405 US $250 00

Darien EMS Post 53 Inc PO Box 2066 Darien CT 06820-0066 US $500 00

YWCA of Darien -Norwalk 49 Old Kings Highway North Darien CT 06820 US $500 00

Community Fund of Darien PO Box 926 Darien CT 06820-0926 US $500 00

Notre Dame High School 2701 Vermont Avenue Chattanooga TN 37404 US $200 00

TRUSTEES OF THORNTON ACADEMY 438 Main Street Saco ME 04072 US $625 00

Berkshire Medical Center Inc - Annual Fund 725 North Street Pittsfield MA 01201 US $1,000 00

Bicycle Coalition of Maine PO Box 5275 Augusta ME 04332 US $250 00

Cross International Catholic Outreach 490 White Pond Drive Akron OH 44398 US $500 00

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Berkshire County 292 North St Pittsfield MA 01201 US $250 00

Springfield Rescue Mission Inc 19 Bliss Street Springfield MA 01101-2435 US $15000

Springfield Tech Community College 1 Armory Square Springfield MA 01102-9000 US $10000

Person To Person 1864 Post Rd Darien CT 06820 US $100 00

Saint Raphael Healthcare System 1450 Chapel Street New Haven CT 06511 US $500 00

Tower School In Marblehead Inc Attn Kelly Klocker Marblehead MA 01945 US $25000

Rhodes College Office of Development Memphis TN 38112-1690 US $2,500 00

Adironack Museum PO Box 99 Blue Mountain L NY 12812 US $50 00

Vermont Law School , Inc PO Box 96, Chelsea St South Royalton VT 5068 US $50 00

A Better Chance in Darien Inc P 0 Box 3204 Darien CT 06820 US $250 00

Vermont Academy PO Box 500 Saxtons River VT 05154 US $1,500 00

Timothy Hill Children's Ranch 298 Middle Road Riverhead NY 11901 US $10000

Centers for Youth and Families Foundation P 0 Box 251801 Little Rock AR 72225-1801 US $100 00

Union Rescue Mission Inc PO Box 164057 Little Rock AR 72216 US $10000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 2 STATEMENT 4D 0 9 World Vision P O BOX 9716 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 US $15000

Duke University Box 90581 Durham NC 27708-0581 US $50 00

Ronald McDonald House - Connecticut 501 George Street New Haven CT 06511 US $10000

Trustees of Dartmouth College 6066 Development Office Hanover NH 03755-3555 US $200 00

Catholic Chanties of Buffalo New York 525 Washington Street Buffalo NY 14203 US $250 00

Old Trail School PO Box 827 Bath OH 44210-0827 US $100 00

Washington & Lee University Development Building Lexington VA 24450 US $2,500 00

Community Food Bank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside NJ 07205-2400 US $200 00

Hudson School 601 Park Avenue Hoboken NJ 07030-3907 US $100 00

Tampa General Hospital Foundation Inc PO Box 1289 Tampa FL 33601 US $2,500 00

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to P 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $50 00

Salvation Army National Corp - Salvation Army - R, 20 Riverside Avenue Red Bank NJ 07701-1005 US $5000

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum PO Box 90988 Washington DC 20090 US $100 00

Make a Wish Foundation of Hawaii 745 Fort St Suite 315 Honolulu HI 96813 US $35000

Jewish Community Center of Akron 750 White Pond Drive Akron OH 44320 US $2,500 00

Boys & Girls Club of Bastrop P O Box 1449 Bastrop TX 78602 US $100 00

Paramount Center Inc 30 Center Street Rutland VT 05701-4015 US $50 00

American Red Cross - Central South Carolina PO Box 91 Columbia Sc 29202 US $500 00

Santa Fe Community Foundation PO Box 1827 Santa Fe NM 87504-1827 US $2,20000

Museum of Arts and Design 2 Columbus Circle New York NY 10019 US $50000

Williams College 75 Park Street Williamstown MA 01267-2114 US $200 00

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum PO Box 90988 Washington DC 20090 US $100 00

Humane Society of the United States 2100 L Street, N W Washington DC 20037 US $10000

Samaritan Center 310 Montgomery Street Syracuse NY 13202 US $50000

Joan Dancy and PALS Support Group 1 Riverview Medical Center Plaza Red Bank NJ 07701 US $50 00

Hillstead Museum 35 Mountain Road Farmington CT 06032 US $1,500 00

American Brittany Rescue 914 Oyster Cove Grasonville MD 21638 US $250 00

Gilbert Hart Library Association PO Box 69 Wallingford VT 05773 US $50 00

Joan Dancy and PALS Support Group 1 Riverview Medical Center Plaza Red Bank NJ 07701 US $50 00

Wildlife Rescue of the Hamptons 228 Montauk Hwy Hampton Bays NY 11946 US $50 00

Marty Lyons Foundation Inc 326 W 48th St New York NY 10036 US $500 00

World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th St NW Washington DC 20090-7180 US $10000

WSHU Public Radio 5151 Park Avenue Fairfield CT 06825 US $5000

Columbus Children's Hospital Foundation 700 Childrens Dr Columbus OH 43205 US $250 00

East End Hospice Inc PO Box 1048 West Hampton I NY 11978-7048 US $10000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 3 STATEMENT 4D • • Gildas Club South Jersey Inc 300 Shore Road Linwood NJ 08221 US $500 00

Hillsdale High School 3115 Del Monte St San Mateo CA 94403 US $200 00

San Mateo Police Activities League 2000 South Delaware Street San Mateo CA 94403 US $225 00

Severn School 116 Maple Ave Severna Park MD 21146 US $2,500 00

National Jewish Medical & Research Center 1400 Jackson St Denver CO 80206 US $500 00

Eblen Chanties 12 Regent Park Blvd Asheville NC 28806 US $500 00

Under One Sky PO Box 2411 Asheville NC 28814 US $500 00

American Cancer Society - Huron Valley Area Sen 2010 Hogback Rd, STE 4 Ann Arbor MI 48105 US $20000

Society of St Vincent de Paul 1125 Bank Street Cincinnati OH 45214 US $200 00

American Antiquarian Society 185 Salisbury Street Worchester MA 01609-1634 US $200 00

Educational TV Endowment of South Carolina Inc 401 East Kennedy St Spartanburg SC 29302 US $100 00

Gannon University 109 University Square Ene PA 16541-0001 US $50 00

American Heart Association - Metro Atlanta/Southe 1101 Northchase Parkway, Suite Marietta GA 30067 US $10000

Catholic Relief Services 228 W Lexington St Baltimore MD 21201 US $10000

American Cancer Society Ohio Division - Pickaway 870 Michigan Ave Columbus OH 43215 US $250 00

Hartford Stage Company 50 Church Street Hartford CT 06103 US $2,500 00

Houston Christian High School 2700 W Sam Houston Parkway I Houston TX 77043 US $12500

San Francisco Opera Association 301 Van Ness Ave San Francisco CA 94102 US $1,250 00

Rwanda Partners 12420 NE 7th Place Bellevue WA 98005 US $25000

Victory Junction Gang Camp Inc 4500 Adams Way Randleman NC 27317 US $25000

Stepping Stones for Women of Domestic Violence PO Box 721156 Roselle IL 60172-7156 US $500 00

KPFT 90 1 FM Pacifica Radio 419 Lovett Blvd Houston TX 77006 US $5000

University of Houston - Houston Public Radio KUH 4343 Elgin Houston TX 77204 US $50 00

Coastal Conservation Association of NC PO Box 58629 Raleigh NC 27658 US $362 50

Toledo Opera Association 425 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 41 5 Toledo OH 43604 US $750 00

University of Toledo Foundation 2801 West Bancroft Toledo OH 43606-3390 US $85000

Shady Grove Adventist Hospital 9901 Medical Center Drive Rockville MD 20850-3357 US $2,500 00

River Oaks Baptist School 2300 Willowick Houston TX 77027 US $1,500 00

Rhodes College Office of Development Memphis TN 38112-1690 US $25000

Lifespan Incorporated 1900 Fairgrove Avenue Hamilton OH 45011 US $50000

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Texas Gulf Coast Ch a 50 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 310V1 Houston TX 77027 US $400 00

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina 50 S French Broad Ave , Ste 21 Asheville NC 28801 US $500 00

St Marks School of Texas 10600 Preston Road Dallas TX 75230 US $250 00

Brain Tumor Society 124 Watertown Street, Suite 3H Watertown MA 02472-2500 US $10000

American Cancer Society - Waco Cattle Barons 1700 Lake Success Waco TX 76710 US $500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 4 STATEMENT 4D • • Catholic Chanties of the Archdiocese of St Paul & 1200 2nd Avenue South Minnapolis MN 55403 US $250 00

YWCA of Asheville and Western North Carolina I ni 185 S French Broad Ave Asheville NC 28801 US $50000

YMCA of Greater Cincinnati - Blue Ash Branch 5000 YMCA Dr Cincinnati OH 45242 US $200 00

Jeremiah Program 1510 Laurel Avenue Suite 100 Minneapolis MN 55403 US $25000

Listening House of St Paul , Inc 215 Ninth Street West St Paul MN 55102 US $25000

Feeding America (formerly America's Second Ha rv 35 E Wacker Dr, #2000 Chicago IL 60601 US $200 00

Humane Society of the United States 2100 L Street, N W Washington DC 20037 US $10000

University of St Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue - DEV St Paul MN 55105 US $12500

Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Admi 3838 Livernois Road Troy MI 48007 US $750 00

North Central High School Alumi Association 1801 E 86th St Indianapolis IN 46240 US $251 00

Oprah's Angel Network PO Box 96600 Chicago IL 60693 US $50 00

Jewish Foundation for Group Homes 1500 East Jefferson Street Rockville MD 20852 US $100 00

Indiana University Foundation PO Box 500 Bloomington IN 47402-0500 US $1,00000

Ronald McDonald House Charities-Upper Midwest 818 Fulton Street SE Minneapolis MN 55414-3118 US $10000

YMCA of San Diego County 3708 Ruffin Rd San Diego CA 92123 US $750 00

Little Theatre Centre PO Box 4023 Chattanooga TN 37405 US $500 00

Johnson City Area Arts Council PO Box 1033 Johnson City TN 37601 US $10000

Community Foundation of East Mississippi P 0 Box 865 Meridian MS 39302-0865 US $500 00

Farestart 700 Virginia St Seattle WA 98101 US $125 00

Hillsborough Schools Foundation 300 El Cerrito Avenue Hillsborough CA 94010 US $500 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $500 00

Arthritis Foundation - Greater Chicago 29 E Madison Ave Chicago IL 60602 US $500 00

PKD Foundation 9221 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 US $500 00

Meridian Art Association Inc PO Box 5773 Meridian MS 39302 US $250 00

Easter Seals Arkansas 3920 Woodland Heights Road Little Rock AR 72212 US $50 00

Memorial Assistance Ministries 1625 Blalock Rd Houston TX 77080-7320 US $50 00

Humane Society - Seattle-King County 13212 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98005 US $100 00

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic Inc 20 Roszel Road Princeton NJ 08540 US $500 00

Stanford University Gift Processing Stanford CA 94305 US $500 00

Alabama Shakespeare Festival Inc 1 Festival Drive Montgomery AL 36117 US $10000

Junior League of Houston Inc 1811 Briar Oaks Lane Houston TX 77027 US $50 00

Hockaday School The Hockaday School - Office of Dallas TX 75229-9965 US $250 00

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $50 00

Kidney & Urology Foundation of America Inc 152 Madison Ave, Ste 201 New York NY 10016 US $5000

Star of Hope Mission 6897 Ardmore Houston TX 77054-2307 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 5 STATEMENT 4D • 0 Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, Inc 1386 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Atlanta GA 30306 US $25000

Vanderbilt University - Annual Fund PMB 407727 Nashville TN 37235-7727 US $500 00

Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee - Bro 3833 Cleghom Avenue, Suite 40( Nashville TN 37215 US $25000

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $60 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch.501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $25000

Southern Methodist University Office of Development Dallas TX 75275-0402 US $500 00

Oxfam America 226 Causeway Street Boston MA 02114 US $51000

Bergen Catholic High School 1040 Oradell Ave Oradell NJ 07649-9962 US $150 00

Litchfield Performing Arts, Inc PO Box 69 Litchfield CT 06759 US $50 00

University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Bu 433 Franklin Bldg Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $50 00

Catholic Chanties USA 66 Canal Center Plaza Ste 600 Alexandria VA 22314 US $55 00

Panther Foundation 8000 Hwy 65 NE Spring Lake Par MN 55432 US $2,100 00

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $65000

Central Texas Senior Ministry P 0 Box 85 Waco TX 76703 US $500 00

Methodist Children's Home 1111 Herring Ave Waco TX 76708 US $500 00

Greenhill School 4141 Spring Valley Rd Addison TX 75001 US $500 00

Hartwick College One Hartwick Drive Oneonta NY 13820 US $100 00

Peninsula Open Space Trust 222 High Street Palo Alto CA 94301 US $10000

Winston Preparatory School 126 West 17th Street New York NY 10011 US $100 00

American Friends of Magen David Adorn for Israel 888 Seventh Avenue New York NY 10102-0009 US $1,000 00

University of Missouri - Columbia Mizzou Gift Processing Columbia MO 65211 US $1,850 00

Women for Women International 4455 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington DC 20008 US $51000

Catherine Cook School 226 W Schiller Ave Chicago IL 60610-1808 US $25000

Special Olympics Inc 1133 19th Street, N W Washington DC 20036 US $250 00

Hospice of the Valley 1510 E Flower St Phoenix AZ 85014-5656 US $500 00

Junior League of Daytona Beach Inc 122 S Palmetto Ave Daytona Beach FL 32114 US $60000

WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY P O Box 7227 Winston-Salem NC 27109 US $5000

University of Kentucky Sturgill Development Building Lexington KY 40506-0015 US $50 00

Chamber Music Northwest Inc 522 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 725 Portland OR 97204 US $50 00

Children's Cancer Association 433 NW 4th Avenue Portland OR 97209 US $50 00

Habitat for Humanity - Ventura County 167 Lambert Street Oxnard CA 93036 US $50 00

Educational Foundation Inc PO Box 309 Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $250 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Tidewater Affiliate 119 S Witchduck Road Virginia Beach VA 23462 US $20000

Kentfield Schools Foundation 699 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield CA 94904 US $750 00

SPCA of Central Flonda/Orlando Humane Society 2727 Conroy Road Orlando FL 32839 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/20110 6 STATEMENT 4D • • Christian Medical & Dental Society Po Box 7500 Bristol TN 37261-7500 US $1,75000

Trustees of Dartmouth College 6066 Development Office Hanover NH 03755-3555 US $50 00

YMCA of Central Kentucky 239 East High Street Lexington KY 40507 US $1,30000

University of Toledo Foundation 2801 West Bancroft Toledo OH 43606-3390 US $50000

Youth Recreation Association of Riviera Beach 3005 Bernardo Lane West Palm Bea (FL 33407-1107 US $1,400 00

Liberty Humane Society Inc 235 Jersey City Blvd Jersey City NJ 07305 US $100 00

Manhattan College 4513 Parkway Riverdale NY 10471 US $1,00000

WikiMedia Foundation, Inc PO Box 78350 San Francisco CA 94107 US $100 00

Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston IL 60201 -3698 US $500 00

American Heart Association - Central New Jersey - 1 Union Street, Suite 301 Robbinsville NJ 18691 -4183 US $250 00

University of Oregon Foundation - Duck Athletic FL 360 E 10th Ave Eugene OR 97401-3273 US $500 00

4 Kids of South Florida , Inc 2401 W Cypress Creek Rd Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 US $600 00

Redwood High School Foundation 395 Doherty Drive Larkspur CA 94939 US $1,250 00

UCLA Foundation 10920 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90024 US $250 00


German Shepherd Rescue of New England Inc P O Box 299 Wayland MA 01778 US $250 00

Nature Conservancy 4245 N Fairfax Drive , Suite 100 Arlington VA 22203 US $150 00

Sebago Canoe Club 731 E 22nd Street Brooklyn NY 11210 US $7500

St Paul's Church - Community Outreach 451 Van Houten Street Paterson NJ 07501 US $50 00

Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga In( 1270 Market Street Chattanooga TN 37402 US $1,000 00

Rockhurst High School 9301 State Line Road Kansas City MO 64114 US $220 00

Blake School 110 Blake Road South Hopkins MN 55343 US $1,500 00

Alley Cat Allies 7920 Norfolk Ave , Suite 600 Bethesda MD 20814-2525 US $10000

Barnard College attn Office of Development New York NY 10027 US $100 00

Downtown Soup Kitchen PO Box 202684 Anchorage AK 99520-2684 US $150 00

Groton School PO Box 991 Groton MA 01450 US $40000

Make-A-Wish Foundation - MidSouth 1780 Monah Woods Blvd, Suite 1 Memphis TN 38117-5713 US $50000

Saint Peters College 2641 Kennedy Blvd Jersey City NJ 07306-5943 US $15000

Friends of the Good Samaritans, Inc P O Box 328 Stanford KY 40484 US $17500

Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts 1645 Trap Road Vienna VA 22182 US $7500

Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation Incorporated Development Office Wallingford CT 06492 US $50 00

Belvedere Cove PO Box 786 Belvedere CA 94920 US $250 00

U S Committee for Refugees and Immigrants 1717 Massachusetts Avenue Washington DC 20036 US $1,250 00

Chesapeake General Hospital Healthcare Foundat 736 Battlefield Boulevard North Chesapeake VA 23320 US $2,500 00

United States Catholic Conference - Maiden Catho Office for Institutional Advanceme Malden MA 02148 US $300 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 7 STATEMENT 40 • 0 Salvation Army & Its Components Aft Finance Dep P 0 Box 757 Medford OR 97501 us $10000

Humane Society - Asheville / Buncombe County Fi 81 Thompson St Asheville NC 28803 US $500 00

Temple Beth -El School 579 North Nova Road Ormond Beach FL 32174 us $52500

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest Inc 151 W 30th St New York NY 10001-4017 US $1,00000

United States Naval Academy Foundation, Inc 291 Wood Road Annapolis MD 21402 US $2,500 00


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County 445 Rosewood Ave Camarillo CA 93010 US $5000

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $125 00

Safe Passage PO Box 712849 Cincinnati OH 45271-2849 US $400 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Office 733 Third Avenue New York NY 10017 us $20000

YMCA of Greater New York do Lisa Wainer New York NY 10001 US $500 00

University of California - Berkeley - Haas School of 520 Student Services Building Berkeley CA 94720-1904 US $25000

United Way of Greater Houston 50 Waugh Drive Houston TX 77007 US $600 00

United Way of Central Virginia, Inc PO Box 10008 Lynchburg VA 24506 US $1,00000

Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New Attn Lorraine Hernandez New York NY 10027-6902 US $50 00

Connecticut Opera Association Inc 226 Farmington Avenue Hartford CT 06105 US $10000

St Ignatius of Antioch Church 552 West End Avenue New York NY 10024 US $250 00

Ronald Mcdonald House at Stanford 520 Sand Hill Road Palo Alto CA 94304 US $1,200 00

Home for Life Animal Sanctuary PO Box 847 Stillwater MN 55082 US $10000


National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Ohio Buckeye 6155 Rockside Road Ste 202 Independence OH 44131-2217 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 201 E Main St Louisville KY 40202 US $100 00

Kent Place School 42 Norwood Avenue Summit NJ 07901-0308 US $1,000 00

LAUREL SCHOOL One Lyman Circle Shaker Hts OH 44122 US $10000

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fun 99 Hudson Street New York NY 10013-2815 US $10000

Humane Society - Tn County (FL) 21287 Boca Rio Road Boca Raton FL 33433 US $100 00

Mountainside Youth Baseball PO Box 1164 Mountainside NJ 07092 US $300 00

Pet Helpers, Inc 1447 Folly Road Charleston Sc 29412 US $75 00

Camp Olson YMCA 4160 Little Boy Rd NE Longville MN 56655 US $1,200 00

United Way of Story County 315 Clark Avenue Ames IA 50010 US $50 00

Greater Chicago Food Depository 4100 W Ann Lurie PI Chicago IL 60632 US $25000

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $5000

Feeding America (formerly America's Second Harv 35 E Wacker Dr, #2000 Chicago IL 60601 US $50 00

Sherwood Youth Baskeball Organization Post Office Box 1024 Sherwood OR 97140 US $25000

NCSU Student Aid Association NCSU Advancement Services Raleigh NC 27695-7474 US $625 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 8 STATEMENT 4D 0 • American Committee for Shaare Zedek Hospital in 49 West 45 Street New York NY 10036 US $72 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Southwest Human Development 2850 N 24th Street Phoenix AZ 85008 US $10000

Valley of the Sun United Way PO Box 10748 Phoenix AZ 85064 US $400 00

Sacred Heart School 1095 Gage Street Winnetka IL 60093 US $2,500 00

Alzheimer's Association 225 N Michigan Ave 17th floor Chicago IL 60601 US $10000

Manne Toys for Tots Foundation 18251 Quantico Gateway Dr Triangle VA 22172-1776 US $5000

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy NY 12180 US $20000

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati OH 45207-7740 US $2,500 00

Kimball Union Academy P O Box 188 Meriden NH 03770 US $2,500 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Loyola School 980 Park Avenue New York NY 10028 US $100 00

Del Sur Elementary School 15665 Paseo Del Sur San Diego CA 92127 US $2,500 00

German Shepherd Rescue of New England Inc P O Box 299 Wayland MA 01778 US $10000

Hospital for Special Surgery Fund Inc 535 E 70th St New York NY 10021 US $50 00

Church of Christ - Food Pantry 16150 St Clair Ave East Liverpool OH 43920 US $60000

Doctors Without Borders 333 Seventh Ave New York NY 10001 US $50000

McGilvra Elementary School 1617 38th Ave E Seattle WA 98112-3133 US $2,500 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch. 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $250 00

YMCA of Boulder 2850 Mapleton Ave Boulder CO 80301-1122 US $2,500 00

University of Virginia P 0 Box 400807 Charlottesvle VA 22904-4807 US $100 00

Mid-Ohio Food Bank 1625 W Mound St Columbus OH 43223-1809 US $1,000 00

Trinity Dyslexia Education Center 4223 Poplar Springs Dr Meridian MS 39305 US $250 00

Youth Home, Inc 20400 Colonel Glenn Road Little Rock AR 72210 US $5000

Trinity Espiscopal School 1315 Jackson Ave New Orleans LA 70118 US $550 00

Association for Community Television 4343 Elgin Houston TX 77204 Us $100 00

Houston Food Bank 3811 Eastex Freeway Houston TX 77026 US $50 00

Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance PO Box 791155 Baltimore MD 21279-1155 US $25000

CHOC Foundation for Children 455 W Main St Orange CA 92868-3874 US $12500

Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Cente P 0 Box 127 Boston MA 02127 US $1,000 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 9 STATEMENT 4D 0 • Food Bank of Alaska 2121 Spar Avenue Anchorage AK 99501-1886 US $25000

Special Olympics Alaska 3200 Mountain View Drive Anchorage AK 99501 US $300 00

Toys for Tots 15920 27th Street Elmendorf AFB AK 99506 US $300 00

Austin Children's Shelter P 0 Box 684213 Austin TX 78768-4213 US $100 00

Capital Area Food Bank of Texas 8201 S Congress Ave Austin TX 78745 US $100 00

Virginia Zoological Society 3500 Granby Street Norfolk VA 23504 US $1,90000

Birthright of Walla Walla 5 W Alder, Suite 317 Walla Walla WA 99362-2863 US $500 00

Bard College Office of Development Annandale-on-H NY 12504-5000 US $200 00

Belvedere Cove PO Box 786 Belvedere CA 94920 US $250 00

Institute of International Education - West Coast Ci 530 Bush Street San Francisco CA 94108 US $25000

Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon One Old Main University Park PA 16802 US $50 00

ST ANDREWS EPISCOPAL SCHOOL, INC 8804 Postoak Road Potomac MD 20854 US $1,650 00

American Cancer Society - Denver Office 2255 South Oneida St Denver CO 80224 US $100 00

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $200 00

Rideability P 0 Box 995 Pine Island MN 55963 US $150 00

City of Hope National Medical Center 1500 E Duarte Rd Duarte CA 91010 US $500 00

Arkansas Community Foundation 1400 W Markham, Ste 206 Little Rock AR 72201 US $2,500 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Jupiter Medical Center Foundation 1210 S Old Dixie Highway Jupiter FL 33458 US $25000

Idaho Humane Society 4775 W Dorman Boise ID 83705 US $450 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Idaho/Manta 921 S Orchard St Boise ID 83705-1992 US $40000

Hibiscus Childrens Center PO Box 305 Jensen Beach FL 34958 US $50 00

Fordham University Development and University Rela New York NY 10019 US $100 00

St Philip the Apostle School 161 S Hill Avenue Pasadena CA 91106 US $2,50000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 9320 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 140 Portland OR 97219 US $10000

Innocence Project Inc 100 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10011 US $22500

Rock School for Dance Education 1101 South Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19147-4410 US $62500

Rock School for Dance Education 1101 South Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19147-4410 US $62500

American Heart Association National Office 7272 Greenville Ave Dallas TX 75231-4596 US $50 00

Anti-Defamation League 605 3rd Ave New York NY 10158 US $135 00

Sweet Briar Institute - Sweet Briar College PO Box G Sweet Briar VA 24595 US $250 00

Columbia University Attn Gift Systems New York NY 10115 US $250 00

Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street Americus GA 31709-3498 US $5000

Neighborhood House 179 Robie Street East St Paul MN 55107-3390 US $50 00

Kinder-Mourn, Inc 1320 Harding Place Charlotte NC 28204 US $25000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 10 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Aim High for High School PO Box 410715 San Francisco CA 94141-0715 US $1,250 00

Johns Hopkins University Office of Annual Giving Baltimore MD 21218 US $25000

Southwest Community Health Center Inc 968 Fairfield Avenue Bridgeport CT 06605 US $200 00

Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge MA 02138-5762 US $20000

Dalton Schools, Inc 108 East 89th Street New York NY 10128 US $8000

Brearley School 610 East 83rd Street New York NY 10028-7988 US $1,000 00

Chapin School 4101 Princeton Pike Princeton NJ 08540 US $20000

Denison University P 0 Box 716 Granville OH 43023 US $90 00

Stewarts Caring Place 2955 West Market Place Akron OH 44333 US $250 00

Best Friends Animal Society 5001 Angel Canyon Rd Kanab UT 87471 US $50 00

University of Pittsburgh 500 Craig Hall Pittsburgh PA 15260 US $5000

American Friends of Magen David Adorn for Isra el 888 Seventh Avenue New York NY 10102-0009 US $100 00

International Game Fish Association Inc 300 Gulf Stream Way Dania Beach FL 33004 US $50 00

Ohio State University Foundation 1480 W Lane Ave Columbus OH 43221-3919 US $5000

Elton John AIDS Foundation PO Box 17139 Beverly Hills CA 90209-3139 US $2,500 00

Gleaners Community Food Bank Inc 2131 Beaufait Detroit MI 48207 US $1,000 00

Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank 350 Opportunity Parkway Akron OH 44307 US $500 00

U S Fund for UNICEF 125 Maiden Ln 10th FL New York NY 10038 US $25000

Health Care Access Clinic 1920 Moodie Road Lawrence KS 66046 US $300 00

University of Iowa Foundation One West Park Road Iowa City IA 52244 US $200 00

Wesleyan University 318 High Street Middletown CT 06459 US $10000

Restore NYC, Inc 1359 Broadway, Suite 410 New York NY 10018 US $10000

St Mary's Food Bank 2831 N 31st Ave Phoenix AZ 85009-1518 US $25000

RHODE ISLAND COMMUNITY FOOD BANK ASS 200 Niantic Avenue Providence RI 02907-3150 US $55000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $200 00

Governors School for the Arts Foundation Inc 700 East North St Greenville SC 29601 US $750 00

Educational Foundation Inc PO Box 309 Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $550 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Community Food Bank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside NJ 07205-2400 US $75 00

Hospice Care Ohio - Hospice of Visiting Nurse Ser 3358 Ridgewood Rd Akron OH 44333-3118 US $250 00

Regent University 1000 Centerville Turnpike Virginia Beach VA 23464-9800 US $2,500 00

American Liver Foundation - New England Chaptei 88 Winchester Street Newton MA 02461 US $10000

Childrens Center of Wayne County 79 West Alexandrine Detroit MI 48201 US $1,000 00

NCSU Student Aid Association NCSU Advancement Services Raleigh NC 27695-7474 US $300 00

Salvation Army - Phoenix 2707 E Van Buren Phoenix AZ 85008 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 11 STATEMENT 4D • United Way of Miami-Dade Ansin Bldg, 3250 SW Third Aveni Miami FL 33129-2712 US $2,500 00

Fnends of KIPP Academy Lynn Foundation Inc 25 Bessom Street Lynn MA 01902 US $250 00

New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 4 Chase Metrotech Center Brooklyn NY 11245 US $50 00

PET HAVEN INC OF MINNESOTA PO Box 19105 Minneaptolis MN 55419 US $1,000 00

Rondout Esopus Land Conservancy P O Box 352 High Falls NY 12440 US $300 00

San Francisco State University Foundation Office of University Development San Francisco CA 94132-4028 US $250 00

Hartwick College One Hartwick Drive Oneonta NY 13820 US $75 00

New York Universtiy School of Business Leonard P PO Box 837 Peter Stuyvesant St: New York NY 10009-0837 US $750 00

Heath Evans Foundation 1128 Royal Palm Beach Boulevai Royal Palm Bea FL 33411 US $500 00

Catholic Charities USA 66 Canal Center Plaza Ste 600 Alexandra VA 22314 US $100 00

Columbia University Attn Gift Systems New York NY 10115 US $100 00

USC Department of Intercollegiate Athletics 3501 Watt Way Los Angeles CA 90089-0602 US $1,375 00

American Cancer Society - Greensboro (NC) Offica 4-A Oak Branch Drive Greensboro NC 27407 US $50 00

Morristown Neighborhood House Association, Inc 12 Flagler St Morristown NJ 07960 US $100 00

St John Fisher College 3690 East Avenue Rochester NY 14618 US $250 00

Middlebury College Gift Administration Office Middlebury VT 05753-6229 US $50 00

THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY Attn Gift Accounting Department Williamsburg VA 23187-8795 US $250 00

Fordham University Development and University Rel a New York NY 10019 US $0 00

University of Tennessee Advancement Services Knoxville TN 37996-4103 US $750 00

Catholic Charities of Buffalo New York 525 Washington Street Buffalo NY 14203 US $200 00

Miracle Foundation 1506 West Sixth Street Austin TX 78703 US $500 00

AAUW Laguna Beach Foundation 2240 Hillview Drive Laguna Beach CA 92651 US $375 00

World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th St NW Washington DC 20090-7180 US $9000

Chai Lifeline - Greater New York and International 151 West 30th Street New York NY 10001 US $40000

National Cathedral School Mount Saint Alban Washington DC 20016 US $5000

Project HAPPY - Hunter College Department of C&T New York NY 10065 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Inc Donor Services Pittsfield MA 01202 US $100 00

Shady Grove Adventist Hospital 9901 Medical Center Drive Rockville MD 20850-3357 US $2,125 00

University of Denver - The Bndge Project 2148 S High St Denver CO 80208 US $50 00

Community for Youth 999 Third Avenue, Suite 1570 Seattle WA 98104-4015 US $25000

Safe Passage PO Box 712849 Cincinnati OH 45271-2849 US $25000

Connecticut Junior Republic Association, Inc 550 Goshen Rd Litchfield CT 06759 US $500 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Dela%i 1 Reed St, Ste 200 Philadelphia PA 19147 US $1,000 00

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation 1004 West 9th Avenue King of Prussia PA 19406 US $1,000 00

University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles CA 90089-7090 US $2,500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 12 STATEMENT 4D 0

AmenCares Foundation, Inc 88 Hamilton Avenue Stamford CT 06902 US $10000

Darien Library Inc 35 Leroy Avenue Darien CT 06820 us $10000

Middlebury College Gift Administration Office Middlebury VT 05753-6229 US $2,500 00

Kansas Public Radio 1120W 11th St Lawrence KS 66044 US $200 00

Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey 1301 Springdale Road, Suite 150 Cherry Hill NJ 08003 US $2,500 00

Temple University - School of Law 1719 North Broad Stret Philadelphia PA 19122 US $2,500 00

Penn State Alumni Association - Pennsylvania Sta One Old Main University Park PA 16802 US $750 00

Berkeley Preparatory School Inc 4811 Kelly Road Tampa FL 33615 US $1,000 00

Lycee Francais de New York 505 East 75th Street New York NY 10021 US $20000

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami & Mento Interamerican Plaza 701 SW 27tt Miami FL 33135 US $300 00

Mill River High School - Friends of Music 2321 Middle Road North Clarendon VT 05759 US $62 50

Summit Montessori School 283 Pleasant Street Framingham MA 01701 US $5000

Summit Montessori Scool Inc 283 Pleasant Street Framingham MA 01701 US $5000

Community Food Bank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside NJ 07205-2400 US $250 00

Community Foundation of the Lowcountry Inc 4 Northridge Drive, Suite A Hilton Head Islai SC 29925-3019 US $600 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Salvation Army & Its Components Aft Finance Dep P O Box 757 Medford OR 97501 US $10000

Cornell University 130 E Seneca St, Ste 400 Ithaca NY 14850 US $20000

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $170 00

Social Investment Forum Foundation 1612 K St NW, Suite 650 Washington DC 20006 US $300 00

Project Pet Inc PO Box 1777 Columbia SC 29202 US $20000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $350 00

United Jewish Community of Broward County Inc 5890 South Pine Island Road Davie FL 33328-5933 US $500 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin St Denver CO 80218 US $10000

Boys & Girls Club of Lee County Inc 8359 Beacon Blvd Suite #402 Fort Myers FL 33907 US $300 00

Hospice of Dayton Foundation 324 Wilmington Ave Dayton OH 45420 US $100 00

St Francis De Sales High School Endowment Func 2323 W Bancroft Toledo OH 43607 US $12500

Catholic Community Foundation In the Archdiocese One Water Street West Saint Paul MN 55107 US $500 00

Ronald McDonald House Chanties of Idaho 101 Warm Springs Avenue Boise ID 83712 US $15000

US Fund for UNICEF 125 Maiden Ln 10th FL New York NY 10038 US $10000

Philadelphia University School House Lane and Henry A; Philadelphia PA 19144 US $5000

Vermont Public Radio 365 Troy Ave Colchester VT 05446 US $50 00

WSU Foundation 255 E Main Street Pullman WA 99163 US $300 00

American Cancer Society - Central NJ Region - No 2600 US Hwy 1 North Brunswick NJ 08902 US $50 00

Cantus PO Box 16321 Minneapolis MN 55416 US $50000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 13 STATEMENT 4D I University of Colorado Foundation Inc 4740 Walnut Street Boulder CO 80301-9922 US $100 00

Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties 470 Andalusia Ave Ormond Beach FL 32174 US $900 00

Wounded Warrior Project 7020 AC Skinner Pkwy Jacksonville FL 32256 US $50 00

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Marion County 460 Kensington PI Marion OH 43302 US $250 00

University of Kentucky Sturgill Development Building Lexington KY 40506-0015 US $2,250 00

Cornell University 130 E Seneca St Ste 400 Ithaca NY 14850 US $10000

Ridgeview Institute Inc 3995 S Cobb Dr Se Smyrna GA 30080-6342 US $250 00

Impact 100 Baldwin County P O Box 1903 Fairhope AL 36533 US $1,00000

Arkansas Festival Ballet PO Box 25812 Little Rock AR 72221-5812 US $100 00

American Cancer Society - Houston 6301 Richmond Houston TX 77057 US $50 00

Czech Cultural Center Houston 4920 San Jacinto Houston TX 77004 US $50 00

Doctors Without Borders USA 333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor New York NY 10001 US $50 00

Habitat for Humanity Houston 3750 N McCarty Houston TX 77029 US $50 00

Camp Fire USA - Central Ohio 1890 Northwest Blvd Columbus OH 43212 US $500 00

Animal Refuge League PO Box 336 Westbrook ME 04098-0336 US $50 00

Texas A&M University 12th Man Foundation PO Drawer L-1 College Station TX 77844-9101 US $1,950 00

American Heart Association - East Bay Division 426 17th Street Oakland CA 94605 US $100 00

Catholic Chanties USA 66 Canal Center Plaza Ste 600 Alexandria VA 22314 US $50 00

San Francisco Food Bank 900 Pennsylvania Ave San Francisco CA 94107 US $1,200 00

Catholic Youth Center 26 Melville St Pittsfield MA 01201 US $250 00

Compassion Ministries of Waco, Inc 1421 Austin Ave Waco TX 76701-1709 US $50000

Salvation Army - Minnesota 2445 Prior Ave Roseville MN 55113 US $500 00

Cameron M Neely Foundation for Cancer Care Inc 30 Winter Street, 2nd Floor Boston MA 02108 US $750 00

Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge MA 02138-5762 US $10000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $50 00

Inter-Faith Council for Social Services 110 W Main Street Carrboro NC 27510 US $5000

Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street Americus GA 31709-3498 US $250 00

Fontbonne Hall Academy 9901 Shore Road Brooklyn NY 11209 US $100 00

Buchanan Brothers Memorial Fund Inc 4 Mendonshire Drive Honeoye Falls NY 14472 US $50 00

I Have A Dream Foundation - Oregon 1478 NE Killingsworth Street, 1st Portland OR 97211 US $1,230 00

CALVIN COLLEGE Development Office Grand Rapids MI 49546-4301 US $100 00

Huntington Foundation for Excellence In Education P 0 Box 552 Huntington NY 11743-0552 US $500 00

TROUT UNLIMITED 1300 North 17th Street St Arlington VA 22209-2310 US $10000

Chesapeake General Hospital Healthcare Foundat 736 Battlefield Boulevard North Chesapeake VA 23320 US $2,500 00

University of Pennsylvania 433 Franklin Building Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $2,500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 14 STATEMENT 4D 0 • Greensboro Symphony 200 North Davie Street Greensboro NC 27401 US $500 00

Villa Maria Academy 370 Old Lincoln Hwy Malvern PA 19355-3026 US $1,500 00

Community School Association 900 Lay Road St Louis MO 63124 US $1,000 00

Salvation Army P 0 Box 13970 Grand Forks ND 58208 US $50 00

St Edward High School 13500 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH 44107-4697 US $12500

United Way of Greater Knoxville 1301 Hannah Avenue Knoxville TN 37921 US $2,500 00

Fundacion Save A Sato P 0 Box 37694 San Juan PR 00937-0694 US $1,000 00

Careers Through Culinary Arts Program, Inc 250 West 57th Street New York NY 10107 US $500 00

Friends of Public Radio (KEMC) 1500 N 30th Billings MT 59101 US $350 00

Ecumenical Hunger Program 2411 Pulgas Ave East Palo Alto CA 94025 US $100 00

Menlo School Development Office Atherton CA 94027 US $200 00

Ormond Beach Police Athletic League 170 West Granada Blvd Ormond Beach FL 32174 US $50 00

Spruce Creek High School 801 Taylor Road Port Orange FL 32127 US $100 00

Timothy Hill Children's Ranch 298 Middle Road Riverhead NY 11901 US $10000

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum PO Box 90988 Washington DC 20090 US $10000

Habitat for Humanity - Western Monmouth P O Box 62 Freehold NJ 07728 US $10000

Hospice and Palliative Care of Alamance-Caswell 914 Chapel Hill Road Burlington NC 27215 US $25000

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - North Carolina 2301 Stonehenge Drive, Suite 20 Raleigh NC 27615 US $1,125 00

Fletcher School Inc 8500 Sardis Road Charlotte NC 28270 US $2,150 00

Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund One Intrepid Square New York NY 10036-1007 US $20000

St Johns Feed The Hungry Program 22 Mulberry St Newark NJ 07102 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dell, 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $200 00

Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Researct Church Street Station New York NY 10008 US $100 00

Essex County Greenbelt Association 82 Eastern Ave Essex MA 01929 US $50 00

TRUSTEES OF RESERVATIONS 572 Essex Street Beverly MA 01915-1530 US $6500

Westminster Academy 5601 N Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale FL 33308 US $25000

Chesapeake General Hospital Healthcare Foundat 736 Battlefield Boulevard North Chesapeake VA 23320 US $2,500 00

Humane Society - Atlanta 981 Howell Mill Road NW Atlanta GA 30318 US $500 00

Welcome House, Inc 20575 Center Ridge Rd Rocky River OH 44116 US $15000

United Way of Greenville County, Inc 105 Edinburgh Ct Greenville SC 29607 US $1,500 00

Belvedere-Tiburon Library Foundation P 0 Box 483 Tiburon CA 94920 US $250 00

Center Theatre Group 601 West Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90012 US $5000

Lake Forest Preservation Foundation 400 E Illinois Road Lake Forest IL 60045 US $125 00

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Foundation, Inc 1687 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta GA 30329 US $10000

Habitat for Humanity - Bergen County 10 Banta Place Hackensack NJ 07601 US $100 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 15 STATEMENT 4D American Cancer Society Inc 1636 N Swan Road #151 Tucson AZ 85712 US $10000

White's Residential & Family Services 5233 S 50 E Wabash IN 46992 US $250 00

University of Miami Division of University Advanceme Coral Gables FL 33102 US $250 00

San Francisco Senior Center 890 Beach Street San Francisco CA 94109 US $250 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

University of Virginia Darden School Foundation PO Box 400807 Charlottesville VA 22904 US $50 00

KUNC - Community Radio for Northern Colorado 822 7th Street Greeley CO 80631 US $125 00

AngeMnsh Inc 48 Arthur Drive Rutherford NJ 07070 US $150 00

University of Wisconsin Foundation US Bank Lockbox 78807 Milwaukee WI 53278-0807 US $100 00

MD Anderson Cancer Center Annual Fund PO Box 4486 Houston TX 77210-4486 US $20000

Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest 1800 White Bear Ave North Maplewood MN 55109 US $50 00

Rochester Symphony Orchestra & Chorale Riverside Building Rochester MN 55904 US $100 00

Toledo Museum of Art PO Box 1013 Toledo OH 43697 US $12500

Chelan-Douglas Land Trust PO Box 4461 Wenatchee WA 98807 US $2,500 00

MAZON A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bundy Dr Los Angeles CA 90025 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Ronald McDonald House of Akron 245 Locust Street Akron OH 44302 US $250 00

Akron Community Foundation 345 W Cedar St Akron OH 44307-2407 US $500 00

Oklahoma City Community College Foundation 7777 South May Ave Oklahoma City OK 73159-4444 US $85000

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford 333 Bloomfield Ave West Hartford CT 06117 US $400 00

Heal the Bay 1444 9th Street Santa Monica CA 90401 US $50 00

University of Mary Washington Foundation Jepson Alumni Executive Cente r Fredericksburg VA 22401 -5412 US $25000

San Jose Catholic School 3619 Toledo Rd Jacksonville FL 32217 US $75000

Akron Area Soap Box Derby PO Box 2795 Akron OH 44309 US $500 00

Sisters of St Joseph Ministeries Fund 1884 Randolph Ave St Paul MN 55116 US $25000

American Cancer Society - Broward Area 3709 W Jetton Ave Tampa FL 33629 US $75 00

PTA Oregon Congress - Alameda Elementary Sch, 2732 NE Fremont St Portland OR 97212 US $2,500 00

Camp Kudzu 577 Concord Road Smyrna GA 30082 US $2,500 00

Manllac Social Center 212 S Francisco Ave Chicago IL 60612 US $200 00

American Heart Association - Houston 10060 Buffalo Speedway Houston TX 77054 US $50 00

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo P 0 Box 20070 Houston TX 77225-0070 US $100 00

NATIONAL REYE 'S SYNDROME FOUNDATION 426 N Lewis Street Bryan OH 43506 US $5000

Briargrove Elementary - Parent Teacher Organizati 6145 San Felipe Houston TX 770571 US $75000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 16 STATEMENT 4D A r Neighborhood House Inc 7780 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR 97219-2477 US $500 00

Oregon Food Bank PO Box 55370 Portland OR 97238-5370 US $500 00

Humane Society - Escondido Foundation 3450 East Valley Parkway Escondido CA 92027 US $1,50000

Crime Stoppers of Northeast Florida PO BOx 15224 Daytona Beach FL 32115 us $5000

PANCREATIC CANCER ACTION NETWORK INC 2141 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 71 El Segundo CA 90245 US $35000

Congregation Shaarey Torah - Food Programs 98 West End Avenue Brooklyn NY 11235 US $1,00000

University of Florida Foundation P 0 Box 14425 Gainesville FL 32604-2425 US $250 00

Catholic Charities USA 66 Canal Center Plaza Ste 600 Alexandria VA 22314 US $10000

St Michael Catholic School 1833 Sage Road Houston TX 77056 US $2,500 00

American Cancer Society - National Chapter 250 Williams Street Atlanta GA 30303 US $200 00

Kinkaid School Inc Attn Advancement Office Houston TX 77024 US $250 00

Catholic Relief Services 228 W Lexington St Baltimore MD 21201 US $10000

Autism Research Institute 4182 Adams Ave San Diego CA 92116 US $5000

Juma Ventures 131 Steuart Street, Suite 201 San Francisco CA 94105 US $20000

Sunset District Community Development 3918 JUDAH ST San Francisco CA 94122-1121 US $20000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $25000

Hibiscus Childrens Center Inc PO Box 305 Jensen Beach FL 34958 US $10000

Hibiscus Childrens Center Inc PO Box 305 Jensen Beach FL 34958 US $100 00

Obie Harrington-Howes Foundation Inc PO Box 2221 Darien CT 06820 US $250 00

North Carolina Outward Bound School 2582 Riceville Road Asheville NC 28805 US $100 00

HomeBase Youth Services, Inc 931 E Devonshire Phoenix AZ 85014 US $2,500 00

YWCA of Spokane 829 W Broadway Ave Spokane WA 99201 US $350 00

Broward Partnership for the Homeless 920 NW 7 Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33311 US $400 00

American Cancer Society - Philadelphia 1626 Locust Street Philadelphia PA 19103-6305 US $25000

Coalition for the Homeless 129 Fulton Street New York NY 10038 US $50 00

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Washington Chapter 520 Pike St, Suite 1075 Seattle WA 98101 US $50 00

ALS Association - Arizona Chapter 4520 N Central Avenue, Ste 56C Phoenix AZ 85012 US $10000

Indiana University Foundation PO Box 500 Bloomington IN 47402-0500 US $15000

Phoenix Police Reserve Foundation 620 W Washington St Phoenix AZ 85003 US $150 00

Austin Trinity School 3901 Bee Cave Road Austin TX 78746 US $260 00

Hill School 717 East High St Pottstown PA 19464 US $12500

CHOC Foundation for Children 455 W Main St Orange CA 92868-3874 US $200 00

Loaves and Fishes Centers PO Box 19477 Portland OR 97280 US $20000

American Cancer Society - East Bay Metropolitan 11700 Webster St Oakland CA 94612 US $10000

Suffield Academy 185 North Main Street Suffield CT 06078 US $12000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 17 STATEMENT 4D A 0 Salvation Army - Denver 1370 Pennsylvania St Ste 100 Denver CO 80203-5022 US $10000

Bolder Options 2100 Stevens Ave Minneapolis MN 55404 US $2,000.00

Animal Humane Society 845 Meadow Lane North Minneapolis MN 55422 US $500 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $250 00

Doe Fund Inc 232 East 84th Street New York NY 10028 US $100 00

Bideawee 410 E 38th St New York NY 10016-2702 US $5000

THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY Attn Gift Accounting Department Williamsburg VA 23187-8795 US $2,500 00

Carter Center One Copenhill Atlanta GA 30307 US $250 00

Quogue Wildlife Refuge PO Box 492 Quogue NY 11959 US $5000

Family Service/Morns County 62 Elm Street Morristown NJ 7960 US $50 00

Denison University P O Box 716 Granville OH 43023 US $50 00

Alzheimers Association - New York City Chapter 360 Lexington Ave FI 4 New York NY 10017-6567 US $50 00

Kentucky Horse Park Foundation Inc 4089 Iron Works Parkway Lexington KY 40511 US $250 00

Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind Foundation In P O Box 698 Talladega AL 35161 US $50000

United Way of Story County 315 Clark Avenue Ames IA 50010 US $75000

RunltBackSports 10940 SW Barnes Rd PMB # 1 2, Portland OR 97225 US $150 00

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $12500

Care and Treatment of Strays (CATS) 633 Franklin Avenue Nutley NJ 07110 US $600 00

V Foundation 106 Towerview Court Cary NC 27513 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

United Way International 701 North Fairfax Street Alexandria VA 22314-2045 US $50 00

Bideawee 410 E 38th St New York NY 10016-2702 US $7500

UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey 50 Eisenhower Drive Paramus NJ 07652 US $250 00

Providence House 2037 West 32nd Street Cleveland OH 44113-4017 US $150 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $50 00

Atlanta Union Mission Corporation PO Box 1807 Atlanta GA 30301-1807 US $50 00

University of St Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue - DEV St Paul MN 55105 US $12500

Second Harvest Food Bank - Southern Wisconsin 2802 Dairy Drive Madison WI 53718 US $650 00

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to P 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $100 00

Arkansas Food Bank Network, Inc 8121 Distribution Drive Little Rock AR 72209 US $5000

Second Harvest Food Bank - Middle Tennessee 331 Great Circle Road Nashville TN 37228 US $230 00

Senior Citizens Inc 174 Rains Ave Nashville TN 37203 US $75000

American Cancer Society - Houston 6301 Richmond Houston TX 77057 US $50 00

Salvation Army - Houston 1500 Austin Houston TX 77002 US $100 00

Triad Stage Inc 232 South Elm Street Greensboro NC 27401 US $12500

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 18 STATEMENT 4D St Mary's Food Bank 2831 N 31st Ave Phoenix AZ 85009-1518 US $50 00

United Way of Camden County 196 Newton Avenue Camden NJ 08103-1708 US $2,500 00

San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center 1757 Waller St San Francisco CA 94117 US $0 00

Kinkaid School Inc Aftn Advancement Office Houston TX 77024 US $50 00

Salvation Army P 0 Box 13970 Grand Forks ND 58208 US $200 00

Food Bank for Monterey County 815 W Market Street, Suite 5 Salinas CA 93901 US $20000

St Paul the Apostle School 10750 Ohio Avenue Los Angeles CA 90024 US $36000

Stanford University Gift Processing Stanford CA 94305 US $100 00

Hartwick College One Hartwick Drive Oneonta NY 13820 US $250 00

University of Virginia P 0 Box 400807 Charlottesvle VA 22904-4807 US $250 00

St Bonaventure Indian Mission & School PO Box 610 Thoreau NM 87323-0610 US $0 00

Downtown Soup Kitchen PO Box 202684 Anchorage AK 99520-2684 US $1,000 00

Hawaii Performing Arts Company - Manoa Valley 12833 E Manoa Rd Honolulu HI 96822 US $10000

Humane Society - Halifax PO Box 9035 Daytona Beach FL 32120-9035 US $100 00

Free Wheelchair Mission P 0 Box 513538 Los Angeles CA 90051-3538 US $100 00

Dickinson College P O Box 1773 Carlisle PA 17013-2896 US $50000

U S Fund for UNICEF 125 Maiden Ln 10th FL New York NY 10038 US $100 00

Immaculate Heart Academy 500 Van Emburgh Ave Washington Tov NJ 07676 US $150 00

American Diabetes Association - New York City 1701 N Beauregard St Alexandria VA 22311 US $50 00

Catholic Relief Services 228 W Lexington St Baltimore MD 21201 US $500 00

Orphan Voice, Inc 1510 Newtown Pike, Suite 146 Lexington KY 40511 US $20000

KZV Armenian School Krouzian Zekanan Vasboui 825 Brotherhood Way San Francisco CA 94132 US $1,000 00

Doctors Without Borders USA 333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor New York NY 10001 US $15000

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin - Northwest Disti 505 Dewey St S Eau Claire WI 54701 US $90 00

Cornell University 130 E Seneca St , Ste 400 Ithaca NY 14850 US $15000

Strathmore Hall Foundation Inc 5301 Tuckerman lane North Bethesda MD 20852 US $1,250 00

Nature Conservancy 4245 N Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington VA 22203 US $10000

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy NY 12180 US $10000

University of Maryland College Park Foundation 4511 Knox Road College Park MD 20740-3380 US $2,500 00

Colony Theatre Company 555 N 3rd Street Burbank CA 91502 US $1,000 00

UCLA Foundation 10920 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90024 US $25000

Wellesley free library 530 washington st wellesley MA 02482 US $200 00

Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF P 0 Box 30215 Walnut Creek CA 94598 US $200 00

FLORESTA USA INCORPORATED 4903 Morena Blvd #1215 San Diego CA 92117 US $18000

World Vision International 34834 Weyerhaeuser Way South Federal Way WA 98063-9716 US $42000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 19 STATEMENT 4D • Holy Trinity Interparochial School 336 First Street Westfield NJ 07090 US $600 00

American Cancer Society - Philadelphia 1626 Locust Street Philadelphia PA 19103-6305 US $400 00

Grass Ridge Equastnan Foundation 197 Curly Hourse Ranch Road Sonoita AZ 85637 US $375 00

Providence Country Day School attn Sharon Doyle East Providence RI 02914 US $2,500 00

Natural Resources Defense Council Inc 7735 Old Georgetown Road Suite Bethesda MD 20814 US $12500

Groton School PO Box 991 Groton MA 01450 US $150 00

University of Florida Foundation P.O Box 14425 Gainesville FL 32604-2425 US $2,500 00

Metro Group Homes - M A S H Services of the BIB 536 West Third Street Lexington KY 40508 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Nature Conservancy - Maine 4245 N Fairfax Drive Arlington VA 22203 US $500 00

Anderson Animal Shelter 1000 South LaFox South Elgin IL 60177 US $10000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch.501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $5000

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano PO Box 6324 Concord CA 94524 US $100 00

University of Pennsylvania 433 Franklin Building Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $200 00

Careers Through Culinary Arts Program, Inc 250 West 57th Street New York NY 10107 US $2,500 00

Cornell University 130 E Seneca St, Ste 400 Ithaca NY 14850 US $150 00

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 6931 Arlington Road Bethesda MD 20814 US $50 00

American Friends of Magen David Adorn for Israel 888 Seventh Avenue New York NY 10102-0009 US $180 00

MAZON A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bundy Dr Los Angeles CA 90025 US $50 00

Johnson City Area United Way, Inc PO Box 4039 Johnson City TN 37602-4039 US $50 00

Jupiter Medical Center Foundation 1210 S Old Dixie Highway Jupiter FL 33458 US $25000

American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 455 Arkansas Street San Francisco CA 94107 US $000

Stanford University Gift Processing Stanford CA 94305 US $1,000 00

Children's Museum of Eau Claire 220 S Barstow St Eau Claire WI 54701 US $75 00

Children's Museum of Eau Claire 220 S Barstow St Eau Claire WI 54701 US $250 00

Heavy Hitters USA 367 Bank Street New London CT 06320 US $500 00

World Vision International 34834 Weyerhaeuser Way South Federal Way WA 98063-9716 US $10000

Brown University Box 1877 Providence RI 02912-9936 US $100 00

Traffic Safety Association of Macomb County Inc 32100 Utica Rd STE 20 Fraser MI 48026 US $100 00

Credit Card Total $302,778.00

TRUSTEES OF PHILLIPS ACADEMY 180 Main St Andover MA 01810 US $949 65

St Vincent's Foundation, Inc 2565 Park Street Jacksonville FL 32203 US $2,500 00

Crane Country Day School 1795 San Leandro Ln Santa Barbara CA 93013 US $2,50000

Healing the Children Northeast PO Box 129 New Milford CT 06776 US $215 00

Our Lady of Sacred Heart School 170 Siebenthaler Ave Reading OH 45215 US $2,500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 20 STATEMENT 4D s • NORTHFIELD MOUNT HERMON SCHOOL One Lamplighter Way Mount Hermon MA 01354 US $2,500 00

Guthrie Theatre Foundation 818 2nd Street South Minneapolis MN 55415 US $2,500 00

Grove City College 100 Campus Drive - Developmen Grove City PA 16127 US $1,875 00

Childrens Center of Wayne County 79 West Alexandrine Detroit MI 48201 US $2,500 00

United Way of Greenville County, Inc 105 Edinburgh Ct Greenville SC 29607 US $1,000 00

National Council on Economic Education 1140 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036 US $2,500 00

United Way of Greater Kansas City 1080 Washington St Kansas City MO 64105-2216 US $1,000 00

Nativity Preparatory School 1515 Linden Street Wilmington DE 19804 US $2,500 00

Opera Columbus 177 E Naghten Street Columbus OH 43215-2613 US $2,500 00

Saint Raphaels 525 Dover Center Rd Bay Village OH 44105 US $2,500 00

University of Kansas - KU Endowment P 0 Box 928 Lawrence KS 66044 US $2,000 00

Little Sisters Of The Poor Home For The Aged 4291 Richmond Road Cleveland OH 44122 US $2,500 00

Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra and Music si 667 Waterman Ave East Providence RI 02914 US $2,000 00

Greater Twin Cities United Way 404 S Eighth St Minneapolis MN 55404-1027 US $2,500 00

Christian Brothers Academy 850 Lincroft NJ 07738 US $1,500 00

Cathedral Trustees Inc 5225 E 56th St Indianapolis IN 46226 US $2,500 00

Sun Angel Foundation Inc PO Box 872205 Tempe AZ 85287 US $2,400 00

Mercy Academy 5801 Fegenbush Ln Louisville KY 40228 US $2,500 00

Trustees of the Lawrenceville School P 0 Box 6125 Lawrenceville NJ 08648 US $2,500 00

University School - Hunting Valley Campus 2785 SOM Center Rd Hunting Valley OH 44022 US $500 00

American Heart Association Inc - Pacific Mountai n 2929 S 48th st Tempe AZ 85282 US $1,800 00

Jesuit High School 9000 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hw Portland OR 97225 US $2,500 00

Adelphi University 1 South Ave Garden City NY 11530 US $874 63

Lyric Opera of Chicago 20 N Wacker Dr Chicago IL 60606 US $2,383 13

Lima Memorial Hospital Foundation 1001 Bellefontaine Ave Lima OH 45804 US $2,500 00

Louisville Free Public Library Foundation, Inc 301 York Street Louisville KY 40203 US $2,500 00

Erie Philharmonic 1006 State Street Erie PA 16501-1878 US $1,450 00

Orangewood Children's Foundation 1575 E 17th Street Santa Ana CA 92705 US $2,500 00

United Way of Greater Portland PO Box 15200 Portland ME 04112-5200 US $1,600 00

Indiana University Foundation PO Box 500 Bloomington IN 47402-0500 US $2,500 00

City Year 20 West 22nd Street New York NY 10010 US $2,250 00

City Year 20 West 22nd Street New York NY 10010 US $2,000 00

University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles CA 90089-7090 US $2,500 00

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 600 Memorial Or, W98-2nd floor Cambridge MA 02139 US $2,500 00

Stephen Gaynor School 148 West 90th Street New York NY 10024 US $2,500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 21 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 The Art Museum of South Texas 1902 N Shoreline Blvd Corpus Christi TX 78401 US $2,500 00

John C Lincoln Health Foundation 250 East Dunlap Avenue Phoenix AZ 85020 US $2,500 00

Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive Arlington VA 22202 US $1,00000

PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY SOCIETY 600 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15222 US $1,250 00

Lutheran Family and Childrens Services of Missoui 8631 Delmar Blvd Saint Louis MO 63124 US $2,500 00

Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation 8347 West Range Cove Memphis TN 38125 US $2,500 00

Big Sister Association of Greater Boston 161 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Boston MA 02115 US $2,500 00

Virginia Stage Company P 0 Box 3770 Norfolk VA 23514 US $2,500 00

Ursuline Academy 85 Lowder Street Dedham MA 02026 US $2,500 00

4 Kids of South Florida, Inc 2401 W Cypress Creek Rd Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 US $2,500 00

Southwest Christian High School 103 PEAVEY ROAD CHASKA MN 55318 US $2,500 00

Wildlife Conservation Society Bronx Zoo Bronx NY 10460-1099 US $2,500 00

Boys & Girls Club of Taunton Inc 31 Court Street Taunton MA 02780 US $2,500 00

Fort Thomas Education Foundation P 0 Box 75090 Fort Thomas KY 41075 US $2,500 00

Teach for America - Greater Philadelphia-Camden 714 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19106 US $2,500 00

Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund P O Box 61075 New Orleans LA 70161-9986 US $2,500 00

NORTHFIELD MOUNT HERMON SCHOOL One Lamplighter Way Mount Hermon MA 01354 US $2,500 00

Mesivta Nachlas Yakov School 185 Wilson Street Brooklyn NY 11211 US $2,500 00

Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport - Office For 238 Jewett Avenue Bridgeport CT 06606 US $2,500 00

Mesivta Nachlas Yakov School 185 Wilson Street Brooklyn NY 11211 US $2,500 00

Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey 1301 Springdale Road, Suite 150 Cherry Hill NJ 08003 US $2,500 00

Children's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $2,100 00

Cornell University 130 E Seneca St, Ste 400 Ithaca NY 14850 US $2,500 00

Woodlynde School 445 Upper Gulph Road Strafford PA 19087 US $2,350 01

Society of St Vincent de Paul 1125 Bank Street Cincinnati OH 45214 US $2,500 00

WVU Foundation Inc One Waterfront Place, 7th Floor Morgantown WV 26507 US $2,500 00

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago 1147 W Jackson Blvd Chicago IL 60607-2905 US $2,500 00

Zieger Health Care Corporation - The Botsford Fou 28050 Grand River Avenue Farmington Hills MI 48336-9929 US $2,500 00

United Way of the Greater Dayton Area 184 Salem Avenue Dayton OH 45406-5804 US $2,500 00

Quality Hill Productions 303 West 10th Street Kansas City MO 64105 US $2,500 00

Parish Day School of the Episcopal Church of the' 14115 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75254 US $2,500 00

Cherish Our Children International P 0 Box 540007 Houston TX 77254 US $2,500 00

Richmond Children's Foundation Inc 272 N Bedford Road Mount Kisco NY 10549 US $2,500 00

Via Rehabilitation Services 2851 Park Avenue Santa Clara CA 95050-6006 US $2,500 00

Franciscan Renewal Center Inc 5802 E Lincoln Dr Paradise Vally AZ 85253 US $2,500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 22 STATEMENT 4D • 0 (Roessler-Chadwick Foundation) 26800 S Academy Drive Palos Verdes PE CA 90274-3971 US $2,500 00

Columbus Foundation 1234 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43205-1453 US $2,500 00

Jewish Education Center - Rav Teitz Mesivta Acad 330 Elmora Avenue Elizabeth NJ 07208 US $2,500 00

University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Bu 433 Franklin Bldg Philadelphia PA 19104-6285 US $2,500 00

Yeshiva Degel Hatorah , Inc 111 Maple Ave Spring Valley NY 10977-0213 US $2,500 00

Kent School Corporation PO Box 2006 Kent CT 06757 US $2,500 00

Builders Beyond Borders 8 Willard Rd Norwalk CT 06851 US $2,500 00

Chinese American Medical Society 41 Elizabeth Street New York NY 10013 US $2,500 00

Eddie's House PO Box 391 Ardmore PA 19003 US $2,500 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Minr Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $2,500 00

Quill Entertainment Company P 0 Box 209 Greenwich CT 06836 US $2,500 00

Pinelake Christian School 6073 Highway 25 Brandon MS 39047 US $2,500 00

TACT - The Actors Company Theatre Inc 900 Broadway New York NY 10003 US $2,500 00

Prostate Cancer Foundation 1250 Fourth Street Ste 360 Santa Monica CA 90401 US $2,500 00

Dowling Catholic High School Foundation 1400 Buffalo Road West Des Moine IA 50265 US $2,500 00

Iowa State University Foundation 2505 Elwood Drive Ames IA 50010-8644 US $2,000 00

Bais Yaakov Chofetz Chaim Of Pomona 44 Camp Hill Rd Pomona NY 10970 US $2,500 00

Janus Youth Programs , Inc 707 N E Couch St Portland OR 97232 US $2,500 00

Tn-County Technical College Foundation Box 598 Pendleton SC 29670 US $2,500 00

Bais Yaakov Chofetz Chaim Of Pomona 44 Camp Hill Rd Pomona NY 10970 US $2,500 00

Hathaway Brown School 19600 North Park Boulevard Shaker Heights OH 44122 US $2,500 00

South Sound YMCA 1530 Yelm Highway SE Olympia WA 98501 US $2,500 00

Harvard-Westlake School Office of Advancement Los Angeles CA 90077 US $2,500 00

Pomfret School Incorporated 398 Pomfret Street Pomfret CT 06258-0128 US $2,500 00

Donate Life Northwest PO Box 532 Portland OR 97207-0532 US $2,500 00

Miracle Hill Ministries Inc PO Box 2546 Greenville SC 29602 US $2,500 00

Harvey School 260 Jay Street Katonah NY 10536 US $2,500 00

Pace Academy Inc 966 West Paces Ferry Rd Atlanta GA 30327 US $2,500 00

EdVestors, Inc 140 Clarendon Street, Suite 305 Boston MA 02116 US $2,500 00

University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame IN 46556-5612 US $2,500 00

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach VA 23454 US $2,500 00

Children 's Village , Inc The Childrens Village Dobbs Ferry NY 10522 US $2,500 00

New York University - Hassenfeld Children 's Cente 317 East 34th Street New York NY 10016 US $2,500 00

St Jude the Apostle Catholic School 7171 Glenridge Drive Atlanta GA 30328 US $2,350 00

Marty Lyons Foundation Inc 326 W 48th St New York NY 10036 US $2,500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 23 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Greater Kansas City Community Foundation - Bad 1055 Broadway , Ste 130 Kansas City MO 64105 US $2,500 00

Good Health Ideas - Walk Away From Colon Cana 115 S Ewing Louisville KY 40206 US $2,500 00

Marty Lyons Foundation Inc 326 W 48th St New York NY 10036 US $2,500 00

Boston Symphony Orchestra Inc 301 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02115 US $2,500 00

Notre Dame Preparatory School 815 Hampton Ln Towson MD 21286 US $2,500 00

Regina High School 1857 South Green South Euclid OH 44121 US $2,500 00

Penobscot Theatre Company 131 Main St Bangor ME 04401 US $2,500 00

Lamar University Foundation P O Box 11500 Beaumont TX 77710 US $2,500 00

Arthritis Foundation - Eastern Pennsylvania Chapte 111 S Independence Mall E Ste E Philadelphia PA 19106 US $2,500 00

Yeshiva Degel Hatorah, Inc 111 Maple Ave Spring Valley NY 10977-0213 US $2,500 00

Jewish Community Federation of S F Mann Penins 121 Steuart Street San Francisco CA 94105 US $2,50000

Boys' & Girls' Clubs of New Rochelle 79 Seventh Street New Rochelle NY 10801 US $2,500 00

Saginaw Valley State University Foundation 7400 Bay Road University Cente MI 48710 US $2,50000

Denver Street School 1567 Marion St Denver CO 80218 US $2,500 00

Montalvo Arts Center PO Box 158 Saratoga CA 95071 US $2,500 00

Branch School 1424 Sherwood Forest Houston TX 77043-3802 US $1,750 00

Trustees of the Berkshire Museum 39 South Street Pittsfield MA 01201 US $2,500 00

Chinese American Medical Society 41 Elizabeth Street New York NY 10013 US $2,500 00

Shining Light Foundation P 0 Box 60602 Lafayette LA 70596 US $2,500 00

Shining Light Foundation P 0 Box 60602 Lafayette LA 70596 US $2,500 00

Denver Dumb Friends League 2080 S Quebec St Denver CO 80231 US $2,500 00

Academy of the Holy Angels 6600 Nicollet Ave Richfield MN 55423 US $2,500 00

St Mary's Catholic Church - Father Russell Emerg 419 W Lyon Ave Lake City MN 55041 US $2,500 00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $2,500 00

St Monica Academy 301 N Orange Grove Blvd Pasadena CA 91103 US $2,500 00

Brooklawn Child and Family Services 2125 Goldsmith Lane Louisville KY 40218-1206 US $2,500 00

Cookeville Crisis Pregnancy Center 694 South Willow Suite 3 Cookeville TN 38501 US $2,450 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $2,400 00

Agros International 4528 8th Ave NE Seattle WA 98105-1738 US $2,400 00

St John School 120 N 79th St Seattle WA 98103 US $2,400 00

Michigan State University University Development East Lansing MI 48824-1005 US $2,303 50

Healing the Children Northeast PO Box 129 New Milford CT 06776 US $2,285 00

John Burroughs School 755 South Price Road Saint Louis MO 63124-1866 US $2,200 00

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Inc 1858 West Grandview Blvd Erie PA 16509 US $2,166 25

UCLA Foundation 10920 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90024 US $73503

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 24 STATEMENT 4D 0

Albion College Advancement Services Albion MI 49224 US $2,066.54

University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee UWM Found 3230 E Kenwood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 US $1,650 00

Trinity College 300 Summit Street Hartford CT 06106 US $1,00000

Ralston Middle School PTA 2675 Ralston Ave Belmont CA 94002-1216 US $2,000 00

Peabody Essex Museum Inc East India Square Salem MA 01970 US $2,000 00

Canine Companions for Independence (FARMING! Po Box 205 Farmingdale NY 11735-0205 US $2,000 00

Third Street Alliance for Women and Children 41 N 3rd St Easton PA 18042 US $2,000 00

Scott Gallagher Soccer Club 1851 Horsham Circle Chesterfield MO 63005 US $2,000 00

University of Miami Division of University Advancem e Coral Gables FL 33102 US $2,000 00

Camp Acorn P 0 Box 1383 Paramus NJ 07653 US $2,000 00

University of Louisville Foundation Inc 2323 S Brook St Louisville KY 40292 US $2,000 00

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit 6735 Telegraph Rd Bloomfield Hill MI 48301 US $2,000 00

Los Angeles Retarded Citizens Foundation 29890 N Bouquet Canyon Road Saugus CA 91390 US $2,000 00

Benedictine College 1020 North Second St Atchison KS 66002 US $2,000 00

Memorial Foundation of Allen Hospital 1825 Logan Avenue Waterloo IA 50703 US $2,000 00

Shining Light Foundation P 0 Box 60602 Lafayette LA 70596 US $2,000 00

Virginia Wesleyan College 1584 Wesleyan Dr Norfolk VA 23502 US $2,000 00

Prince of Peace School 625 Pike Street Covington KY 41011 US $2,000 00

Everhart Museum 1901 Mulberry Street Scranton PA 18510 US $2,000 00

Gehlen Catholic School 709 Plymouth St, NE Le Mars IA 51031 US $2,000 00

St Mary's Elementary School 807 East Thayer Ave Bismarck ND 58501 US $2,000 00

Marlborough School 250 S Rossmore Ave Los Angeles CA 90004 US $2,000 00

Duke University Box 90581 Durham NC 27708-0581 US $2,000 00

Catholic Relief Services 228 W Lexington St Baltimore MD 21201 US $2,000 00

Monarch School 808 W Cedar St San Diego CA 92101-2411 US $2,000 00

University of Colorado Foundation Inc 4740 Walnut Street Boulder CO 80301-9922 US $2,000 00

Trinity Community Ministries 250 Georgia Ave SE Atlanta GA 30312 US $1,920 00

Artscenter 300-G East Main Street Carrboro NC 27510 US $1,905 00

Breast Cancer 3-Day Cleveland 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $1,875 00

Cornell University 130 E Seneca St. Ste 400 Ithaca NY 14850 US $1,810 00

Child and Family Services of Erie County Development Department Buffalo NY 14209 US $678 57

University of Wisconsin LaCrosse Foundation 615 East Aveune North La Crosse WI 54601 US $1,170 00

Austin Symphony Orchestra Society, Inc 1101 Red River Austin TX 78701 US $1,750 00

Educational Foundation of Orinda 21 C Onnda Way, #123 Orinda CA 94563 US $1,650 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Palm Beach 4360 Northlake Blvd, Ste 109 Palm Beach Gai FL 33410 US $1,645 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 25 STATEMENT 4D • 0 Hyde Park Golf & Country Club Employee Scholar. 3740 Ene Ave Cincinnati OH 45208 US $1,600 00

Ravinia Festival Association 400 Ins Lane Highland Park IL 60035 US $1,54000

Swedish Medical Center Foundation 747 Broadway Seattle WA 98122 US $1,500 00

St James Church - Mt Carmel Guild 115E Delaware Ave Pennington NJ 08534 US $1,500 00

University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame IN 46556-5612 US $1,500 00

North Shore United Way Inc 248 Cabot Street Beverly MA 01915 US $1,500 00

Community Foundation of Greater Greenville, Inc 27 Cleveland Street, Suite 101 Greenville SC 29601 US $1,500 00

Bon Secours of Maryland Foundation Inc 26 N Fulton Ave Baltimore MD 21223-1624 US $1,500 00

Virginia Tech Foundation Office of University Development Blacksburg VA 24061 US $1,500 00

YMCA of Van Wert County 241 West Main Street Van Wert OH 45891 US $1,500 00

Guardian Angels Elementary School 6539 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati OH 45230 US $1,500 00

Capital Partners for Education 650 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington DC 20003 US $1,500 00

Traverse City Christian School Association 753 Emerson Road Traverse City MI 49686 US $1,500 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Kansas Cha 555 N Woodlawn Building 1 Wichita KS 67208 US $1,500 00

Parent Teacher Association of P S 199 Inc 270 West 70th Street New York NY 10023 US $1,50000

Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260 Tempe AZ 85280-2260 US $1,500 00

Misty Meadows Mitey Riders 455 Providence Road South Waxhaw NC 28173 US $1,500 00

Lyman Allyn Art Museum 625 Williams St New London CT 06320 US $1,500 00

Lynden Christian Schools aka Society for Christian 417 Lyrics Drive Lynden WA 98264 US $1,500 00

United Jewish Federation of San Diego County 4950 Murphy Canyon Rd San Diego CA 92123 US $1,500 00

Mayfield Junior School 405 South Euclid Ave Pasadena CA 91101 US $1,500 00

Trickle Up Program Inc 104 W 27th St 12th Floor New York NY 10001-6210 US $1,000 00

Father Flanagan's Boys' Home 234 Monsky Drive Boys Town NE 68010 US $1,500 00

Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child 44 Blackburn Road Summit NJ 07901 US $1,500 00

OhioHealth Foundation 180 East Broad Street, Floor 31 Columbus OH 43215-3707 US $1,500 00

YMCA of South Hampton Roads 250 W Brambleton Ave , Ste 10C Norfolk VA 23510-1542 US $1,500 00

St Francis College 180 Remsen Street Brooklyn NY 11201 US $1,500 00

Kids In Distress, Inc 819 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors FL 33305 US $1,500 00

Lafayette Arts and Science Foundation PO Box 923 Lafayette CA 94549 US $1,500 00

Buffalo Seminary 205 Bidwell Parkway Buffalo NY 14222-1295 US $1,500 00

Ronald McDonald House Chanties of the Intermou 935 East South Temple Salt Lake City UT 84102-1411 US $1,500 00

Ducks Unlimited Inc - Memphis One Waterfowl Way Memphis TN 38120 US $1,422 00

Nassau Suffolk Services For Autism The Martin C 80 Hauppauge Road Commack NY 11725 US $1,326 00

Miramonte Booster Club 2614 telegraph ave berkeley CA 94704 US $1,400 00

East Hampton Day Care Center attn Maureen Wikane East Hampton NY 11937 US $1,000 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 26 STATEMENT 4D • •

St Anthony's High School 275 Wolf Hill Road Melville NY 11747 US $1,150 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Rhode Island 757 Park Avenue Cranston RI 02910 US $1,300 00

Child Share Program Inc 1544 W Glenoaks Blvd Glendale CA 91201 US $1,300 00

America's Foundation For Chess 608 State Street S , Suite 110 Kirkland WA 98033 US $1,260 03

Peninsula Community Foundation - Portola Valley 1700 S El Camino Real San Mateo CA 94402-3049 US $1,250 00

University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame IN 46556-5612 US $1,250 00

Manst College 3399 North Rd Poughkeepsie NY 12601-1350 US $1,250 00

United Way of Greater Portland PO Box 15200 Portland ME 04112-5200 US $1,250 00

University of Virginia P 0 Box 400807 Charlottesvle VA 22904-4807 US $1,250 00

Addlestone Hebrew Academy 1639 Wallenberg Blvd Charleston SC 29407 US $1,250 00

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western WA 5130 40th Ave NE Seattle WA 98105 US $1,250 00

Seattle Aquarium Society 1415 Western Ave Seattle WA 98101 US $1,250 00

Collegiate School 260 W 78th St New York NY 10024-6516 US $1,250 00

Saint Joseph High School 800 Montana Avenue Natrona Heights PA 15068 US $1,250 00

Nightingale-Bamford School 20 East 92nd Street New York NY 10128 US $1,250 00

Columbus Foundation 1234 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43205-1453 US $1,250 00

Williams College 75 Park Street Williamstown MA 01267-2114 US $1,250 00

Cooper Foundation Inc 1 Cooper Plaza Camden NJ 08103 US $816 00

Association of Notre Dame Clubs - Notre Dame Cli PO Box 3311 Stuart FL 34995 US $1,250 00

Homeless Families Foundation 651 W Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 US $1,100 00

Los Angeles Hillel Council , Inc 6505 Wilshire Blved Los Angeles CA 90048 US $1,250 00

Educational Foundation Inc PO Box 309 Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $1,250 00

Americas Junior Miss Scholarship Foundation 751 Government Street Mobile AL 36602 US $1,250 00

Portland Art Museum 1219 S W Park Ave Portland OR 97205 US $1,25000

Agros International 4528 8th Ave NE Seattle WA 98105-1738 US $1,250 00

Kidspace Children 's Museum 480 N Arroyo Blvd Pasadena CA 91103 US $1,250 00

Camp Max Straus Foundation 6505 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90048 US $1,250 00

National VIsionary Leadership Project 1218 16th Street , NW Washington DC 20036 US $1,240 00

Our Lady of the Lake School 3520 NE 89th Street Seattle WA 98115 US $1,215 00

Guardia Care Services , Inc 215 W Breckinndge St Louisville KY 40203-2219 US $1,200 00

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $1,200 00

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $1,200 00

Freestore Foodbank 1250 Tennessee Avenue Cincinnati OH 45229 US $375 00

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Foundation PO Box 1856 Evanston IL 60204-1856 US $1,200 00

Bill Wilson Center 3490 The Alameda Santa Clara CA 95030 US $1,200 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 27 STATEMENT 4D 0 •

East Bay Community Foundation - 1200 Foundatio 1200 Foundation Piedmont CA 94611 US $1,20000

Central City YMCA 110 East Palm Avenue Tampa FL 33602 US $1,200 00

Minds Matter, Portland P 0 Box 820023 Portland OR 97282 US $1,20000

Second Avenue United Methodist Church - The RC 130 Second Avenue Altoona PA 16602 us $1,163 00

United Way of Paducah-McCracken County 612 Broadway Paducah KY 42001-6868 US $1,136 25

McGilvra Elementary School 1617 38th Ave E Seattle WA 98112-3133 US $1,110 00

YMCA Eden Family 301 S Kennedy St Eden NC 27288 US $1,100 00

Purchase College Foundation 735 Anderson Hill Road Purchase NY 10577-1400 US $1,021 05

Lamar University Foundation P O Box 11500 Beaumont TX 77710 us $1,10000

Holy Family Home 6707 State Road Parma OH 44134 US $1,100 00

Austin Symphony Orchestra Society, Inc 1101 Red River Austin TX 78701 US $1,055 25

Stephens Memorial Hospital, Inc 181 Main Street Norway ME 04268-5664 US $1,046 25

Surprise Lake Camp 307 Seventh Ave New York NY 10001 US $1,041 75

Our Lady of Fatima School 3307 West Dravus Street Seattle WA 98199 US $1,040 00

St Paul Foundation 55 Fifth Street East St Paul MN 55101 US $1,025 00

Hearts With A Mission 711 Medford Center #334 Medford OR 97504-6772 US $1,000 00

Barstow School 11511 State Line Road Kansas City MO 64114-5501 US $1,000 00

BOSTON LYRIC OPERA COMPANY 45 Franklin Street Boston MA 02110 US $1,000 00

Doe Fund Inc 232 East 84th Street New York NY 10028 US $1,00000

Hospice of Naples, Inc 1095 Whippoorwill Lane Naples FL 34105-3847 US $1,000 00

Selfhelp Community Services Inc 520 Eight Avenue New York NY 10018 US $1,000 00

Saint Augustine School Eagle Park Ossining NY 10562 US $1,000 00

St Marys Home of Erie 607 E 26th St Erie PA 16504 US $1,000 00

University at Albany Foundation 1400 Washington Avenue, UAB Albany NY 12222 US $1,000 00

Scholarship Foundation of the Union League of Ph 140 S Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19102 US $1,000 00

Childrens Harbor Inc 1 Our Childrens Hwy Childrens Harbo AL 35010-8620 US $1,000 00

Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania 5432 Butler Street Pittsburgh PA 15201-2626 US $1,000 00

YWCA of South Hampton Roads 5215 Colley Avenue Norfolk VA 23508 US $1,000 00

Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School 4552 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach VA 23462 US $1,000 00

Sweet Briar Institute - Sweet Briar College PO Box G Sweet Briar VA 24595 US $1,000 00

YMCA of Greater Indianapolis - Fishers Branch 9012 E 126th Street Fishers IN 46038 US $1,000 00

Big Brothers & Sisters of San Diego County 8515 Agons Drive San Diego CA 92126 US $1,000 00

Outpost Productions Inc PO Box 4543 Albuquerque NM 87196-4543 US $1,000 00

United Way of Paducah-McCracken County 612 Broadway Paducah KY 42001-6868 US $1,000 00

UCLA Foundation 10920 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90024 US $640 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 28 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 St Michael Catholic School 1833 Sage Road Houston TX 77056 US $1,00000

American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Cass Cc do Carole Schuler Atlantic IA 50022 US $1,00000

San Jose State University Foundation One Washington Square San Jose CA 95192-0183 US $1,000 00

Lighhouse Family Services 5650 Marcone Ave Carmichael CA 95608 US $1,000 00

United Way of Fulton County 604 S Shoop Avenue, Suite 122 Wauseon OH 43567-1725 US $1,00000

St Martin de Porres Academy 208 Columbus Ave New Haven CT 06519 US $1,000 00

Society of St Vincent de Paul 1125 Bank Street Cincinnati OH 45214 US $1,000 00

Salvation Army & Its Components Aft Finance Dep P 0 Box 757 Medford OR 97501 US $1,000 00

East Texas Communities Foundation - Shine You r 315 North Broadway Tyler TX 75702 US $1,000 00

Chagrin Falls Dad's Club PO Box 810 Chagrin Falls OH 44022 US $1,000 00

Augsburg College 2211 Riverside Avenue Minneapolis MN 55454 US $1,000 00

Trinity College 300 Summit Street Hartford CT 06106 US $1,000 00

Columbus Kiwanis Foundation 197 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 US $1,000 00

Central Arkansas Rescue Effort for Animals PO Box 7604 Little Rock AR 72217 US $1,000 00

The Joshua Kahan Fund, Inc PO Box 16 Voorhees NJ 08043 US $1,000 00

Second Harvest Food Bank - Middle Tennessee 331 Great Circle Road Nashville TN 37228 US $1,000 00

Hamilton College 198 College Hill Road Clinton NY 13323 US $1,000 00

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $500 00

Pine Manor College 400 Heath Street Chestnut Hill MA 02167 US $1,000 00

Life Services of Spokane 2659 N Ash St Spokane WA 99205 US $1,000 00

Luther College 700 College Drive Decorah IA 52101-1043 US $1,000 00

Catholic Youth Camps Inc 2131 Fairview Ave No #200 Roseville MN 55113 US $1,000 00

Rochester Rotary Foundation 1112 11th Avenue NE Rochester MN 55906 US $1,000 00

Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street Americus GA 31709-3498 US $1,000 00

Families Moving Forward 1808 Emerson Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55411 US $1,000 00

Owatonna Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Fc 320 Hoffman Drive Owatonna MN 55060 US $1,000 00

Arizona State University Foundation P 0 Box 2260 Tempe AZ 85280-2260 US $1,000 00

Oregon Masonic Charitable Foundation Inc 2150 Masonic Way Forest Grove OR 97116 US $1,000 00

Cancer Care Services 623 South Henderson Fort Worth TX 76104 US $1,000 00

Cancer Care Services 623 South Henderson Fort Worth TX 76104 US $1,000 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $1,000 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $50 00

Charles F Heeran Foundation 458 Beach 129th Street Belle Harbor NY 11694 US $1,000 00

Lynchburg College Development Office Lynchburg VA 24501 US $1,000 00

Notre Dame Educational Center 13000 Auburn Rd chardon OH 44024 US $1,000 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 29 STATEMENT 40 0 0

Action for Children of Franklin County 78 Jefferson Ave Columbus OH 43215 US $1,000 00

Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Ave Evanston IL 60208 US $1,000 00

McGillis School 668 South 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84102 US $1,00000

Moraga Educational Foundation P O Box 34 Moraga CA 94556 US $1,000 00

Ohio Future Farmers of America Foundation 717A 17th Avenue Columbus OH 43211 US $1,000 00

Stephen Gaynor School 148 West 90th Street New York NY 10024 US $1,000 00

Guide Dogs of America 13445 Glenoaks Blvd Sylmar CA 91342 US $1,000 00

Louisville Events, Inc 614 W Main Street Louisville KY 40202 US $1,00000

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc 1307 North MacDill Ave Tampa FL 33607 US $1,000 00

Francis House 108 Michaels Avenue Syracuse NY 13208 US $1,000 00

St Ignatius College Prep High School 1911 West 30th Street Cleveland OH 44113-3495 US $1,000 00

Swing For a Cure 343 S Silvershire Dr The Woodlands TX 77382 US $1,000 00

Memorial Hospital Development Fund 500 London Ave Marysville OH 43040 US $1,000 00

Columbus Academy 4300 Cherry Bottom Rd Gehenna OH 43230 US $1,000 00

Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns & Rockaway 389 Central Avenue Lawrence NY 11559 US $1,000 00

Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive Arlington VA 22202 US $1,000 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $1,000 00

Notre Dame Educational Center 13000 Auburn Rd chardon OH 44024 US $1,000 00 lamar school foundation 544 lindley road meridian MS 39301 US $1,000 00

University of Kentucky Sturgill Development Building Lexington KY 40506-0015 US $1,000 00

Minnesota Medical Foundation 1342 - University P1420 Delaware Street SE Minneapolis MN 55455 US $1,000 00

TOWN SCHOOL FOR BOYS 2750 Jackson St San Francisco CA 94115 US $50000

Diocese of Bridgeport/Annual Bishop's Appeal - Th 238 Jewett Avenue Bridgeport CT 06606 US $1,000 00

American Cancer Society - Orlando Metro Area 3709 W Jetton Ave Tamp FL 33629 US $850 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $1,000 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $1,000 00

Salvation Army - Minnesota 2445 Prior Ave Roseville MN 55113 US $1,000 00

Fairfield County Community Foundation 383 Main Ave Norwalk CT 06851-1543 US $1,000 00

INOVA Health System Foundation 8110 Gatehouse Road, Suite 200 Falls Church VA 22042-1252 US $1,000 00

Newport Central Catholic High School 13 Carothers Rd Newport KY 41071-2415 US $1,000 00

Bais Shaindel High School 685 River Avenue Lakewood NJ 08701 US $1,000 00

Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave St Paul MN 55105 US $1,000 00

Rock School for Dance Education 1101 South Broad Street Philadelphia PA 19147-4410 US $1,000 00

Year Up 93 Summer Street Boston MA 02110 US $1,000 00

University of Kansas - KU Endowment P 0 Box 928 Lawrence KS 66044 US $1,000 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 30 STATEMENT 4D 0 0

Mann Humane Society 171 Bel Mann Keys Blvd Novato CA 94949 US $1,00000

United Jewish Chanties of Greater Charlotte Inc 5007 Providence Road Charlotte NC 28226 US $1,00000

Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council 501 S College Ave Newark DE 19713 US $1,000 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $1,000 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Kansas Cha 555 N Woodlawn Building 1 Wichita KS 67208 US $990 00

One Way Farm of Fairfield , Inc 6131 River Road Fairfield OH 45018 US $92924

Children 's Educational Opportunity Foundation of C 21 Ann Ucello St Hartford CT 06103 US $95000

Lighthouse Youth Services, Inc 1501 Madison Road Cincinnati OH 45206 US $942 00

Camping and Education Foundation 230 Northland Blvd Cmcinatti OH 45246-3691 US $941 55

Brick Church School 62 East 92nd Street New York NY 10128 US $937 50

World Vision P O BOX 9716 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 US $74000

Dunham Tavern Museum 6709 Euclid Ave Cleveland OH 44103-3913 US $90000

Human Resources Development Foundation PO Box 25213 Houston TX 77265-5213 US $1,800 00

Metropolitan Museum of Art Membership Office New York NY 10028-0198 US $735 00

Alcove Center for Grieving Children and Famlies I n 950 Tilton Rd Northfield NJ 08225-1234 US $850 00

National Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation 3131 Maple Avenue , Suite 7E Dallas TX 75201 US $850 00

Working Boys Center 12750 STEPHEN PLACE Elm Grove WI 53122 US $825 00

Spence-Chapin Services To Families and Children 410 East 92nd Street New York NY 10128 US $800 00

Family Service of Chester County 310 N Matlack Street West Chester PA 19380 US $80000

Bill Wilson Center 3490 The Alameda Santa Clara CA 95030 US $800 00

Girls Haven 3380 Fannin St Beaumont TX 77701 US $800 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $80000

RRCA - Chattanooga Track Club PO Box 11241 Chattanooga TN 37401 -2241 US $800 00

St Vincent's Foundation , Inc 2565 Park Street Jacksonville FL 32203 US $800 00

Los Altos Educational Foundation PO Box 98 Los Altos CA 94023-0098 US $800 00

Midland Christian School 2001 Culver Midland TX 79705 US $800 00

Altavista Area YMCA Inc Steve Jester PO Box 149 Altavista VA 24517-0149 US $79600

St Cecilia Music Society 24 Ransom Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503 US $775 00

Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center 210 N Santa Fe Ave Pueblo CO 81003 US $77500

Catholic Chanties SouthWestern Ohio 100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati OH 45202-2129 US $750 00

Sister Cities International 1301 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20004 US $250 00

Oak Hill Academy 347 Middletown -Lincroft Rd Lincroft NJ 07738 US $750 00

McDonogh School PO Box 380 Owings Mills MD 21117 US $75000

West Virginia PTA Congress - Colliers School PTA 270 Pennsylvania Avenue Colliers WV 26035 US $750 00

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation PA Char 1407 Peninsula Dr Ene PA 16505 US $75000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 31 STATEMENT 4D S • Old Dominion University Educational Foundation #129 New Admin Bldg Norfolk VA 23529-0026 US $75000

Perrysburg Heights Community Association P 0 Box 612 Perrysburg OH 43552-0612 US $75000

CLEVELAND INSTITUTE OF MUSIC 11021 East Blvd Cleveland OH 44106-1705 US $75000

Camp Fire USA - Central Puget Sound Council - K 8511 15th Avenue NE Seattle WA 98115-3199 US $750 00

Chanties In Action P O Box 131 Excelsior MN 55331 US $390 00

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1241 Elm Street Cincinnati OH 45202-7531 US $750 00

Trinity Catholic High School 926 Newfield Ave Stamford CT 06905 US $750 00

West End Neighborhood House Inc 710 North Lincoln Street Wilmington DE 19805 US $750 00

National Conflict Resolution Center 625 Broadway San Diego CA 92101 US $750 00

Alexander Findley Community Library PO Box 74 Findley Lake NY 14736 US $750 00

House DC Inc PO Box 30958 Washington DC 20030 US $750 00

Canterbury School of Greensboro 5400 Old Lake Jeanette Road Greensboro NC 27455 US $750 00

House DC Inc PO Box 30958 Washington DC 20030 US $750 00

Cardinal Shahan Center 1494 Main Street Bridgeport CT 06604 US $750 00

Opportunity Village P 0 Box 622 Clear Lake IA 50428 US $750 00

St Bedes Catholic School 4524 Crown Ave La Canada CA 91011 US $75000

Samaritan's Purse P 0 Box 3000 Boone NC 28607 US $750 00

KIPP Academy Lynn 25 Bessom Street Lynn MA 01902 US $75000

St Cecilia Music Society 24 Ransom Avenue NE Grand Rapids MI 49503 US $730 00

Manst High School 1241 Kennedy Blvd Bayonne NJ 07002 US $725 00

RFH High School Education Foundation 74 Ridge Rd Rumson NJ 07760 US $700 00

University of Minnesota Foundation PO Box 70870 - Lockbox B St Paul MN 55170-3854 US $700 00

United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ 901 Rte 10 Whippany NJ 07981 US $70000

Montessori Training Center of Minnesota Inc 683 Dodd Rd Saint Paul MN 55107 US $690 00

National Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation 3131 Maple Avenue, Suite 7E Dallas TX 75201 US $650 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $650 00

Hewitt School 45 E 75th St New York NY 10021 US $65000

Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Society Inc 2417 North Tyler Street Little Rock AR 72217 US $65000

East Bay Community Foundation - 1200 Foundatio 1200 Foundation Piedmont CA 94611 US $64400

Stanley Middle School PTA 3455 School Street Lafayette CA 94549 US $600 00

March of Dimes 101 Jomela St Lafayette LA 70503 US $62500

Boston Symphony Orchestra Inc 301 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02115 US $62500

Breast Cancer 3-Day Cleveland 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046-3593 US $62500

Fairfield County Community Foundation 383 Main Ave Norwalk CT 06851-1543 US $62500

Rosehedge Homecare - Aids Housing & Health Ca 12718 15th Avenue, NE Seattle WA 98125 US $625 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 32 STATEMENT 4D 0 0

March of Dimes 101 Jomela St Lafayette LA 70503 US $625 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dai l; 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $622 00

Children International 2000 E Red Bridge Road Kansas City MO 64131 US $618 00

Charleston Jewish Federation PO Box 31298 Charleston SC 29407 US $613 00

Lighthouse Of Oakland County Inc PO Box 430508 Pontiac MI 48343-0508 US $600 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $600 00

YWCA of Greater Austin 2015 South IH35, Suite 110 Austin TX 78741 US $600 00

Melanoma Research Foundation 170 Township Line Rd Bldg B Hillsborough NJ 08844-3867 US $50000

Bais Yaakov High School of Spring Valley 11 Smolley Dr Monsey NY 10952 US $600 00

St Pius X St Leo School 6905 Blondo Street Omaha NE 68104 US $600 00

Reicher Catholic High School 2102 N 23rd Waco TX 76708 US $60000

John Carroll University 20700 North Park Boulevard University Heig h OH 44118 US $600 00

Project One Junior Golf Academy 460 Lynn Valley Road SW Atlanta GA 30311-2359 US $600 00

Focus Humanitarian Assistance USA 7777 Leesburg Pike Falls Church VA 22043 US $600 00

Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater LaCrosse 1331 La Crosse WI 54603 US $600 00

Special Kids Inc 202 Arnette St Murfreesboro TN 37130-4663 US $60000

Miracle Foundation 1506 West Sixth Street Austin TX 78703 US $585 00

Dunham Tavern Museum 6709 Euclid Ave Cleveland OH 44103-3913 US $57500

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Inc 1858 West Grandview Blvd Ene PA 16509 US $553 75

Morton Plant Mease Health Care Foundation Inc 1200 Druid Road South Clearwater FL 34616 US $45000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $531 00

Monument Crisis Center PO Box 23973 Pleasant Hill CA 94523 US $520 50

York Preparatory School Foundation 40 W 68th St New York NY 10023-6092 US $520 00

Help From People to People, Inc 121 West Nyack Road Nanuet NY 10954 US $50000

YMCA of Long Island, Inc 121 Dosoris Lane Glen Cove NY 11542 US $500 00

Association of Former Students of Texas A&M Um 505 George Bush Drive College Station TX 77840-2918 US $490 00

Husson College Development Office Bangor ME 04401 US $500 00

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Out 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005 US $50000

Elder High School 3900 Vincent Avenue Cincinnati OH 45205 US $500 00

UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey 50 Eisenhower Drive Paramus NJ 07652 US $500 00

St Andrew Elementary School 606 Raspberry Street Erie PA 16502 US $50000

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation 103 Old Iron Ore Rd Bloomfield CT 06002 US $500 00

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps PO Box 1960 Ranchos De Tac NM 87557-1960 US $35000

Part of the Solution Inc 2763 Webster Ave Bronx NY 10458 US $50000

Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation 130 South Bryn Mawr Avenue Bryn Mawr PA 19010 US $50000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 33 STATEMENT 4D 0 • Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute Office of Development and Publ ic Buffalo NY 14203-1102 US $50000

Thunderbird School of Global Management 15249 N 59th Ave Glendale AZ 85306-6000 US $500 00

North Shore United Way Inc 248 Cabot Street Beverly MA 01915 US $50000

YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles - East Valley F 5142 Tujunga Avenue North Hollywood CA 91601 US $25000

Devon Horse Show Foundation PO Box 865 Devon PA 19333-0865 US $50000

H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institut 12902 Magnolia Drive Tampa FL 33612 US $500 00

Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center 2460 Fairmount Blvd Ste 312 Cleveland Heigh OH 44106-3164 US $50000

Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School 4552 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach VA 23462 US $500 00

Camp AweSum, Inc 1410 Birchwood Drive St Germain WI 54558 US $50000

Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington 409 NE Anderson Rd Vancouver WA 98665 US $500 00

Via of the Lehigh Valley Inc 336 Spruce Street Bethlehem PA 18018 US $50000

Childrens Hospital Los Angeles 4650 Sunset Blvd - Mail Stop #29 Los Angeles CA 90027 US $500 00

Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater 6160 Kempsville Cir Norfolk VA 23502-3933 US $500 00

East Cooper Community Outreach 1145 Six Mile Road Mt Pleasant SC 29466 US $500 00

Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Foundatio 401 North Robert Street St Paul MN 55101 US $500 00

Lake View Cemetery Foundation 12316 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44106 US $500 00

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park P 0 Box 6537 Cincinnati OH 45206 US $500 00

Catholic Diocese of Wichita - The Lord's Diner 520 North Broadway Wichita KS 67214 US $50000

Louise S Mcgehee School 2343 Prytania St New Orleans LA 70130 US $50000

Pisgah Legal Services P 0 Box 2276 Asheville NC 28802 US $500 00

The Friends of the Levitt Pavilion-MacArthur Park 2230 West Sixth Street Los Angeles CA 90057-3117 US $500 00

Masonic Charity Foundation 22 Masonic Ave Wallingford CT 06492 US $500 00

Galveston-Houston Knights of Columbus Catholic I P 0 Box 690292 Houston TX 77269-0292 US $500 00

Creighton University Office of Development Omaha NE 68178 US $500 00

Community Action Organization 1001 SW Baseline Rd Hillsboro OR 97123 US $50000

Delbarton School Development Office Morristown NJ 07960 US $500 00

St Michael Catholic School 1833 Sage Road Houston TX 77056 US $500 00

Gonzaga Preparatory School 1224 East Euclid Avenue Spokane WA 99207-2899 US $500 00

Denison University P 0 Box 716 Granville OH 43023 US $500 00

Children's School 118 Scofieldtown Road Stamford CT 06903 US $500 00

Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson 197 East Toole Avenue Tucson AZ 85701 US $500 00

RMHC of Tn State P 0 Box 7809 Paducah KY 42001 US $500 00

Capital Partners for Education 650 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington DC 20003 US $500 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $500 00

Congregation Beth-el Zedeck - Daisy Baker Zaft CI 600 West 70th street Indianapolis IN 46260 US $500 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 34 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Allegheny-Kiska Health Foundation Inc PO Box 92 Natrona Heights PA 15065 US $50000

Mitchell Area Adjustment Training Center - LifeQ ue 804 N Mentzer St Mitchell SD 57301 us $500 00

Worcester Fresh Air Fund - Camp putnam 291 Gaffney Rd Oakham MA 01068 US $50000

Taft School Corporation 110 Woodbury Road Watertown CT 06795 US $500 00

Hollins University P 0 Box 9629 Roanoke VA 24020-1629 US $500 00

Maryville University of St Louis 13550 Conway Rd St Louis MO 63141 US $500 00

Saint Norbert College 100 Grant Street De Pere WI 54115-2099 US $500 00

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $50000

Nature Conservancy 4245 N Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington VA 22203 US $500 00

Vitesse Soccer Inc 308 Delmer Salts Road Gray TN 37615 US $500 00

Marian High School 7225 Lahser Road Bloomfield Hills MI 48301 US $250 00

Chattanooga Symphony & Opera 630 Chestnut Street Chattanooga TN 37402 US $500 00

Chesapeake Youth Symphony Orchestra Inc P O Box 863 Arnold MD 21012 US $50000

Hartford Arts School University of Hartford West Hartford CT 06117 US $50000

Danville-Boyle County Humane Society P 0 Box 487 Danville KY 40423 US $500 00

Mitchell United Way PO Box 729 Mitchell SD 57301-0729 US $50000

Delbarton School Development Office Morristown NJ 07960 US $500 00

Columbus Academy 4300 Cherry Bottom Rd Gahanna OH 43230 US $500 00

International Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia Fo 3932D Swift Rd Sarasota FL 34231-6541 US $50000

Cream City Foundation 759 N Milwaukee Street, Suite 2 ' Milwaukee WI 53202 US $500 00

Lynchburg College Development Office Lynchburg VA 24501 US $500 00

Wesleyan University 318 High Street Middletown CT 06459 US $500 00

Childrens Aid & Family Services, Inc 200 Robin Road Paramus NJ 07652 US $500 00

American Cancer Society - Suffolk Region - Haupp 75 Davids Dr Hauppauge NY 11788 US $50000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $500 00

Eastside College Preparatory School Inc 1041 Myrtle Street East Palo Alto CA 94303 US $500 00

Christian Academy of Louisville Foundation Inc 700 S English Station Rd Louisville KY 40245-3912 US $50000

Girls Incorporated of New Hampshire State Administrative Offices Manchester NH 03101 US $50000

Roswell Park Alliance Foundation Elm and Carlton St Buffalo NY 14263 US $500 00

Masters Academy 1500 Lukas Lane Oviedo FL 32765 US $500 00

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford 333 Bloomfield Ave West Hartford CT 06117 US $500 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $500 00

United Way of Weld County PO Box 1944 Greeley CO 80632-1944 US $50000

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $50000

Brainerd Community Action - Warrior Way 11610 Andrew St Brainerd MN 56401 US $50000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 35 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Hal's Haven Inc 2108 Wells Landing Road Danville KY 40422 US $500 00

United Way of Greater Cleveland 1331 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44115 US $30000

Center for Food Action in New Jersey 192 W Demarest Ave Englewood NJ 07631 US $500 00

Newport Heights Elementary School Foundation 300 East 15th Street Newport Beach CA 92663 US $50000

YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles - East Valley F 5142 Tujunga Avenue North Hollywood CA 91601 US $25000

Alliance for the Great Lakes - Chicago 17 N State Street, Suite 1390 Chicago IL 60602 US $500 00

St. Elizabeth Medical Center Foundation 1 Medical Village Drive Edgewood KY 41017 US $50000

UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND Office of Development Portland OR 97203 US $500 00

RABBIT RESCUE INC 9838 Pangbom Downey CA 90240 US $500 00

Rutgers University Foundation Winants Hall New Brunswick NJ 08901 US $500 00

Xavier High School 30 West 16th Street New York NY 10011 US $50000

Road Home 210 S Rio Grande Street Salt Lake City UT 84101 US $50000

Sharing Place Inc 1695 East 3300 South Salt Lake City UT 84106 US $50000

Duke University Box 90581 Durham NC 27708-0581 US $500 00

Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Bostor 126 High Street Boston MA 02110 US $50000

Cathedral School for Boys 1275 Sacramento Street San Francisco CA 94108 US $50000

Virginia Symphony 861 Glenrock Rd Ste 200 Norfolk VA 23502 US $500 00

Educational Foundation Inc PO Box 309 Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $500 00

Mitchell United Way PO Box 729 Mitchell SD 57301-0729 US $50000

Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary 400 Rolling Dog Ranch Lane Ovando MT 59854-9671 US $500 00

Mid-Ohio Food Bank 1625 W Mound St Columbus OH 43223-1809 US $50000

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $500 00

Chattanooga Area Food Bank 2009 Curtain Pole Rd Chattanooga TN 37406 US $500 00

TIRR - The Institute for Rehabilitation and Researc4605 Post Oak Place Houston TX 77027 US $500 00

Minnesota Orchestra Association 1111 Nicollett Mall Minneapolis MN 55403 US $500 00

Brunswick School Inc 100 Maher Ave Greenwich CT 06830 US $50000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $500 00

Bucknell University Cooley Hall Lewisburg PA 17837 US $500 00

Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater LaCrosse 1331 La Crosse WI 54603 US $500 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $500 00

Volunteer Center of Bergen County, Inc 64 Passaic Street Hackensack NJ 07601 US $500 00

University of Wyoming Foundation 1200 E Ivinson St Laramie WY 82070 US $300 00

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $500 00

City Mission Endowment Foundation 5310 Carnegie Ave Cleveland OH 44103 US $500 00

WKMS 2018 University Station Murray KY 42071 US $50000

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Louisville Events, Inc 614 W Main Street Louisville KY 40202 US $500 00

Lamar University Foundation P 0 Box 11500 Beaumont TX 77710 US $500 00

Old Library Studio 3924 NE Hancock Street Portland OR 97212 US $50000

Portland Rotary Chartable Trust 619 SW 11th Ave 123 Portland OR 97205 US $50000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $50000

University of Georgia Foundation Milledge Centre Building Athens GA 30602-5582 US $500 00

NPT Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 US $500 00

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $500 00

Delaware Theatre Company 200 Water Street Wilmington DE 19801 US $500 00

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $500 00

Dakota Wesleyan University Development Office Mitchell SD 57301 US $500 00

Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation 601 N Maim Mitchell SD 57301 US $500 00

YMCA of Pueblo 700 N Albany Ave Pueblo CO 81003 US $500 00

Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns & Rockaway 389 Central Avenue Lawrence NY 11559 US $500 00

Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute Office of Development and Public Buffalo NY 14203-1102 US $500 00

Bright Side of the Road Foundation PO Box 192 Chagrin Falls OH 44022 US $470 00

Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association 15 S Pioneer Street Ashland OR 97520 US $459 00

Brooklyn Kindergarten Society Tomkins Children C 1360 Fulton Street, #519 Brooklyn NY 11216 US $40000

Sevier County Food Ministries PO Box 6042 Sevierville TN 37864-6042 US $450 00

Austin Symphony Orchestra Society, Inc 1101 Red River Austin TX 78701 US $44625

Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital 1 William Carls Drive Commerce MI 48382-2201 US $425 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $420 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $405 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dail, 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $40300

Bais Hamednsh Netzach Yisroel - Community Outi 49 Forshay Road Monsey NY 10952 US $40000

Hamburg Counseling Service Inc 97 S Buffalo St Hamburg NY 14075-6212 US $400 00

Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Washington 409 NE Anderson Rd Vancouver WA 98665 US $400 00

University High School 4771 Campus Dr Irvine CA 92612 US $400 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Inc 9320 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 140 Portland OR 97219 US $36000

WAFER 403 Causeway Blvd La Crosse WI 54603 US $400 00

Doctors Without Borders 333 Seventh Ave New York NY 10001 US $40000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $40000

Marty Lyons Foundation Inc 326 W 48th St New York NY 10036 US $400 00

United Way of Midland, Inc 1209 W Wall St Midland TX 79701 US $40000

Father Flanagan's Boys' Home 234 Monsky Drive Boys Town NE 68010 US $40000

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Franciscan Skemp Foundation Inc 700 West Ave S La Crosse WI 54601 US $400 00

Seashore Gardens Foundation 22 W Jimmie Leeds Road Galloway NJ 08205 US $388 00

Parenting Center 2928 W 5th Street Fort Worth TX 76107 us $387 50

Islamic Relief USA 6131 Orangethorpe Ave Ste 45C Buena Park CA 90620 US $384 62

Islamic Relief USA 6131 Orangethorpe Ave Ste 45C Buena Park CA 90620 US $384 62

Carleton College Gift Accounting. 1 -CENREC Northfield MN 55057-4070 US $250 00

University of Miami Division of University Advanceme Coral Gables FL 33102 US $375 00

Missouri Slope Areawide United Way 1223 S 12th Street, Suite 2 Bismarck ND 58504 US $360 00

San Ramon Valley Education Foundation - Green `PO Box 851 Diablo CA 94528 US $358 50

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Minr Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $350 00

Childrens Aid & Family Services, Inc 200 Robin Road Paramus NJ 07652 US $350 00

International Society for Animal Rights, Inc 965 Griffin Pond Road Clarks Summit PA 18411 US $350 00

Manhattan New School Attn PTA President New York NY 10028 US $350 00

Asian Festival Corp 1881 Brandywine Dr Columbus OH 43220 US $35000

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit 6735 Telegraph Rd Bloomfield Hill MI 48301 US $350 00

Boston Symphony Orchestra Inc 301 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02115 US $210 00

Norfolk Academy 1585 Wesleyan Dr Norfolk VA 23502-5591 US $325 00

United Food Bank 358 East Javelina Mesa AZ 85210 US $325 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $320 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $32000

Colquitt Regional Medical Foundation 3131 South Main Street Moultrie GA 31768 US $252 50

Colquitt Regional Medical Foundation 3131 South Main Street Moultrie GA 31768 US $20402

Compassion International 12290 Voyager Parkway Colorado Spring CO 80921 US $312 00

Children's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 75581 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $255 00

Children International 2000 E Red Bridge Road Kansas City MO 64131 US $303 00

Pan Massachusetts Challenge 77 Fourth Ave Needham MA 02494 US $300 00

Food Bank of Western New York 91 Holt St Buffalo NY 14206 US $300 00

Towne Lake Arts Center 6576 Commerce Pkwy Woodstock GA 30189 US $30000

Buffalo City Mission, Inc 100 E Tupper St Buffalo NY 14203 US $30000

Hoboken Rotary Club Foundation PO Box 1027 Hoboken NJ 07030 US $30000

Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Inc 1327 North Main Street Fort Worth TX 76106 US $300 00

La Canada Flintridge Educational Foundation P 0 Box 869 La Canada CA 91012-0869 US $300 00

United Way of Greater Portland PO Box 15200 Portland ME 04112-5200 US $30000

Ramsey County Historical Society 325 Landmark Center St Paul MN 55102 US $300 00

St Edward High School 13500 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH 44107-4697 US $300 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 38 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Missouri Slope Areawide United Way 1223 S 12th Street, Suite 2 Bismarck ND 58504 US $300 00

Friends of Public Radio Arizona 2323 W 14th St Tempe AZ 85281 US $300 00

Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation PO Box 530834 Birmingham AL 35253 US $300 00

Gordon Bubolz Nature Preserve Inc 4815 N Lynndale Drive Appleton WI 54913 US $30000

Cradle Beach Camp, Inc 8038 Old Lake Shore Rd Angola NY 14006 US $300 00

American Cancer Society - Making Strides Against 9 Riverside Rd Weston MA 02493 US $300 00

Cincinnati Hebrew Day School 2222 Losantiville Ave Cincinnati OH 45237 US $300 00

Boston University Gifts and Records Boston MA 02215 US $300 00

Chartwell School 2511 Numa Watson Rd Seaside CA 93955 US $300 00

Polytechnic University Polytechnic University Brooklyn NY 11201 US $300 00

Association of Graduates of the USAFA 3116 Academy Dr USAF Academy CO 80840 US $300 00

Gildas Club New York City 195 West Houston St New York NY 10014 US $300 00

Calabasas High School Parent Faculty Club 22855 Mulholland Hwy Calabasas CA 91302-2047 US $300 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Flc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $300 00

Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation PO Box 530834 Birmingham AL 35253 US $300 00

Claremont Graduate University 165 East Tenth Street Claremont CA 91711-6160 US $300 00

St Francis Xavier School 2 Xavier Circle Birmingham AL 35213 US $300 00

YOUNG ADULT INSTITUTE INC 460 West 34th Street New York NY 10001 US $270 00

Nassau Suffolk Services For Autism The Martin C 80 Hauppauge Road Commack NY 11725 US $176 00

Mark Rypien Foundation 926 West Sprague Suite 580 Spokane WA 99201 US $250 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Greater San Frai 1390 Market St San Francisco CA 94102 US $250 00

Humane Society of Taos PO Box 622 Taos NM 87571 US $250 00

American Cancer Society - Northwest NJ Region - 7 Ridgedale Ave Ste 103 Cedar Knolls NJ 07927-1120 US $250 00

Friends of Casco Bay 2 Fort Rd So Portland ME 04106 US $25000

Derby Academy Trustees 56 Burditt Ave Hingham MA 02043 US $250 00

Widows Wood Society c/o Cheryl Hallett Portland ME 04103 US $25000

Rodman Ride for Kids Inc 10 Lincoln Rd Foxboro MA 02035 US $250 00

Cardinal Shehan Center 1494 Main Street Bridgeport CT 06604 US $231 25

Oak Hill Academy 347 Middletown-Lincroft Rd Lincroft NJ 07738 US $250 00

Western Reserve Academy Alumni and Development Office Hudson OH 44236 US $250 00

Kids In Distress, Inc 819 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors FL 33305 US $250 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Office 733 Third Avenue New York NY 10017 US $25000

Family Services, Inc 2022 Broad Ave Altoona PA 16601 US $250 00

Nativity School 5935 Pandora Cincinnati OH 45213-2017 US $250 00

Little Theatre of Winston-Salem, Inc 610 Coliseum Drive Winston Salem NC 27106 US $25000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 39 STATEMENT 4D • •

Literacy Volunteers of Atlanta 246 Sycamore Street Decatur GA 30030 US $25000

Associated Catholic Chanties Inc 320 Cathedral Street Baltimore MD 21201 US $25000

Thunderbird School of Global Management 15249 N 59th Ave Glendale AZ 85306-6000 US $250 00

Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, Inc 1386 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Atlanta GA 30306 US $25000

Children's Organ Transplant Association 2501 COTA Drive Bloomington IN 47403 US $250 00

SEVEN ACRES JEWISH SENIOR CARE SERVIC 6200 N Braeswood Houston TX 77074 US $25000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Gateway Area 1867 Lackland Hill Parkway Saint Louis MO 63146 US $25000

Susan G Komen for the Cure 5005 LBJ Fwy Ste 250 Dallas TX 75244 US $250 00

Salvation Army & Its Components Aft Finance Dep P 0 Box 757 Medford OR 97501 US $250 00

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $250 00

El Paso Jewish Academy 805 Cherry Hill Lane El Paso TX 79912 US $250 00

Autistic Treatment Center Inc 10503 Metric Drive Dallas TX 75243 US $25000

Retina Research Foundation 6560 Fannin Houston TX 77030 US $250 00

City of Moorpark - High Street Arts Center 45 E High Street Moorpark CA 93021 US $250 00

Shelter Network of San Mateo County 1450 Chapin Ave, Ste 2 Burlingame CA 94010-4044 US $25000

New Jersey Center for Outreach and Services for 11450 Parkside Ave Ewing NJ 08638-2951 US $250 00

Thomas A Edison High School 9020 SW Beaverton Hillsdale H%A Portland OR 97225 US $250 00

Barnett-Searing National Cancer Foundation 9690 Deereco Road Timonium MD 21093 US $250 00

Brunswick School Inc 100 Maher Ave Greenwich CT 06830 US $25000

Carolinas Clean Air Coalition 1100 Ardsley Road Charlotte NC 28207 US $250 00

Encino Elementary School Booster Club Inc - E-TE 17328 Ventura Blvd 306 Encino CA 91316 US $25000

Campbell Hall School 4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd North Hollywood CA 91607 US $25000

Archer School for Girls Inc 11725 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles CA 90049 US $250 00

Neighbors Helping Neighbors 443 39th St Brooklyn NY 11232 US $25000

St Croix Catholic School 621 South 3rd Street Stillwater MN 55082 US $250 00

Apple Tree Dental 8960 Springbrook Dr Minneapolis MN 55433 US $250 00

JDRF - Western Pennsylvania Chapter 960 Penn Avenue, Suite 1000 Pittsburgh PA 15222 US $25000

House DC Inc PO Box 30958 Washington DC 20030 US $25000

NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 200th St And Southern Blvd Bronx NY 10458-5126 US $250 00

Peoples Library Inc Barnes And Ninth Sts New Kensington PA 15068 US $250 00

Westfield Foundation PO Box 2295 Westfield NJ 07090 US $250 00

Columbus Kiwanis Foundation 197 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 US $25000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Nort P 0 Box 8489 Toledo OH 43623 US $250 00

Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education 5890 South Pine Island Road Davie FL 33328 US $250 00

Keep a Child Alive 45 Main Street Brooklyn NY 11201 US $250 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 40 STATEMENT 4D • 0

Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education 5890 South Pine Island Road Davie FL 33328 US $250 00

Wilmington Symphony 4608 Cedar Ave, Suite 105 Wilmington NC 28403 US $25000

Doctors Without Borders 333 Seventh Ave New York NY 10001 US $25000

Beth Medrash Govoha of America 617 Sixth Street Lakewood NJ 08701 US $25000

Elm Shakespeare Company PO Box 206029 New Haven CT 06520 US $250 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern FIc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $250 00

Abbott House Inc 909 Ct Merrill Mitchell SD 57301 US $250 00

Big Sister Association of Greater Boston 161 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Boston MA 02115 US $250 00

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Florida Chapter - Orla 1850 Lee Road Winter Park FL 32789 US $250 00

Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc 231 West 39th Street New York NY 10018 US $25000

OutRun Ovarian Cancer P 0 Box 40332 Bay Village OH 44140-0332 US $250 00

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Spin4SL Attn Katie Kotkins New York NY 10017 US $250 00

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - The Jimmy Fund Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brookline MA 02445 US $250 00

PathWays PA 310 Amosland Road Holmes PA 19043 US $250 00

Beth Medrash Govoha of America 617 Sixth Street Lakewood NJ 08701 US $25000

Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America National C 386 Park Avenue South New York NY 10016-8804 US $250 00

House DC Inc PO Box 30958 Washington DC 20030 US $250 00

Student Volunteer Foundation 40 South Seventh Street Minneapolis MN 55402-1644 US $250 00

Metropolitan Maltese Rescue 420 W 23rd St , 2D New York NY 10011 US $250 00

Beth Medrash Govoha of America 617 Sixth Street Lakewood NJ 08701 US $25000

Goodwill Industries of Central Ohio 1331 Edge Hill Road Columbus OH 43212-3123 US $25000

St Pauls School 325 Pleasant Street Concord NH 03301-2591 US $25000

Human Understanding & Growth Seminars, Inc 39 Mill Road Westhampton B NY 11978 US $25000

St Louis Second Wind Lung Transplant Organizati 3440 Halliday St Louis MO 63118 US $250 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $250 00

Atlanta International School ATTN Office of Development Atlanta GA 30305 US $250 00

PTA of PS 261 k 314 Pacific St Brooklyn NY 11201-6313 US $250 00

Rotary Foundation of Cincinnati 441 Vine Street Cincinnati OH 45202 US $250 00

Miami University Foundation Inc Office of Development Oxford OH 45056 US $250 00

Liberty Wildlife P 0 Box 14345 Scottsdale AZ 85267 US $250 00

Beth Medrash Govoha of America 617 Sixth Street Lakewood NJ 08701 US $25000

HARBOR COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL 17 Three Sisters Road St James NY 11780 US $25000

Ross School Annual Fund 18 Goodfnend Drive East Hampton NY 11937 US $250 00

Piedmont Educational Foundation PO Box 11192 Piedmont CA 94611 US $250 00

University of Kansas - KU Endowment P 0 Box 928 Lawrence KS 66044 US $250 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 41 STATEMENT 4D • 0

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Flc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $250 00

March of Dimes - Greater Hampton Roads Divisior 860 Greenbnar Circle, Suite 502 Chesapeake VA 23320 US $250 00

Quogue Histncal Society P O Box 1207 Quogue NY 11959-1207 US $25000

Pencil, Inc 30 West 26th St 5th Floor New York NY 10010 US $250 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $250 00

Central Minnesota Community Foundation 101 South Seventh Avenue St Cloud MN 56301-4275 US $250 00

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art Inc 125 West Bay Road Amherst MA 01002 US $25000

American Heart Association - East Bay Division 426 17th Street Oakland CA 94605 US $250 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern Calif(2440 S Sepulveda Blvd Los Angeles CA 90064 US $250 00

St Joseph School 1225 Gallatin Pike South Madison TN 37115-4698 US $25000

Mothers Against Cancer Inc 5807 Juniper Knoll Kingwood TX 77345 US $250 00

Alternatives, Programs For Urban Youth of Promi s. 1108 West Broadway Avenue Minneapolis MN 55441 US $25000

OREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION 923 SW Washington Suite 200 Portland OR 97205-2800 US $250 00

Hellenic Women's Benevolent Association Inc - He 601 Sherman Street Canton MA 02021 US $250 00

Pencil, Inc 30 West 26th St 5th Floor New York NY 10010 US $25000

University of Rhode Island Foundation 79 Upper College Rd Kingston RI 02881 US $250 00

Brainerd Lakes YMCA 602 Oak St Brainerd MN 56401 US $250 00

Shelboume Farms Resources Attention Ms Sue Dixon Shelburne VT 05482 US $250 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dalk 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $25000

Denver Ballet Guild P 0 Box 2656 Littleton CO 80161-2656 US $250 00

Equine Assisted Therapy at Mountain Valley Route 3, Box 524 Carmel CA 93923 US $250 00

Human Understanding & Growth Seminars, Inc 39 Mill Road Westhampton B NY 11978 US $250 00

All India Movement Aim for Seva Inc P O Box 639 Saylorsburg PA 18353 US $25000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Minr Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $25000

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $240 00

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $240 00

SEVEN ACRES JEWISH SENIOR CARE SERVI C 6200 N Braeswood Houston TX 77074 US $230 00

Washington and Jefferson College 60 South Lincoln Street Washington PA 15301 US $211 90

Albany Komen Race for the Cure P 0 Box 13535 Albany NY US $225 00

Rochester Rotary Foundation 1112 11th Avenue NE Rochester MN 55906 US $22500

Hampden-Sydney College Development Office Hampden SydnEVA 23943 US $21000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $200 00

EVANS SCHOLARS FOUNDATION One Briar Road Golf IL 60029-2000 US $200 00

Portland Museum of Art 7 Congress Square Portland ME 04101 US $20000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Con n( 659 Tower Ave FI 1 Hartford CT 06112-1269 US $200 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 42 STATEMENT 4D • •

Animal Refuge League PO Box 336 Westbrook ME 04098-0336 US $200 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $20000

Ronald McDonald House of Bangor, Inc 654 State Street Bangor ME 04401 US $200 00

Milwaukee Youth Symphony 325 W Walnut Street Milwaukee WI 53212 US $200 00

JDRF - Mid-Jersey Chapter 28 Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 180 East Brunswick NJ 08816 US $20000

Harvard University 124 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge MA 02138-5762 US $20000

Shady Side Academy 423 Fox Chapel Road Pittsburgh PA 15238 US $20000

Lighthouse Of Oakland County Inc PO Box 430508 Pontiac MI 48343-0508 US $200 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mmr Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $20000

Capital Area Food Bank of Texas 8201 S Congress Ave Austin TX 78745 US $200 00

Musiqa 5206 Cheena Dr Houston TX 77096-5208 US $200 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dalh 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $200 00

Children International 2000 E Red Bridge Road Kansas City MO 64131 US $200 00

Creighton Preparatory School 7400 Western Ave Omaha NE 68114 US $200 00

IRIS 235 Nicoll Street New Haven CT 06511 US $200 00

Care and Treatment of Strays (CATS) 633 Franklin Avenue Nutley NJ 07110 US $20000

Pace Center for Girls of Alachua 1010 SE 4th Ave Gainesville FL 32601 US $20000

National Fatherhood Initiative 101 Lake Forest Boulevard, Suite Gaithersburg MD 20877 US $20000

Marian High School - Omaha 7400 Military Ave Omaha NE 68134 US $20000

Hal's Haven Inc 2108 Wells Landing Road Danville KY 40422 US $20000

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $20000

Gonzaga University 502 E Boone Spokane WA 99258 US $160 00

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $200 00

East Bay Community Foundation - 1200 Foundatio 1200 Foundation Piedmont CA 94611 US $200 00

Mead School 1095 Riverbank Road Stamford CT 06903 US $200 00 nghtstart inc p o box 726 norway ME 04268 US $200 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $200 00

Eau Claire County Humane Association Inc 3900 Old Town Hall Road Eau Claire WI 54701 US $200 00

Excel Aquatics 920 Heritage Drive Brentwood TN 37027 US $200 00

Fritz Institute 50 Fremont St # 1150 San Francisco CA 94105 US $20000

Marlborough School 250 S Rossmore Ave Los Angeles CA 90004 US $200 00

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $200 00

Muscular Dystrophy Association - New York 1140 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036 US $200 00

Blackburn Center P 0 Box 398 Greensburg PA 15601 US $200 00

Down Syndrome Advocacy Foundation (DASF) P 0 Box 12173 Hauppauge NY 11788-0848 US $200 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 43 STATEMENT 4D 0 0

Clare Massa Scholarship Fund c/a Gordon Massa Mason OH 45040 US $200 00

American Heart Association - Grand Rapids 3940 Peninsular Drive SE Grand Rapids MI 49546 US $200 00

St Mary's Episcopal School 505 E Covell Road Edmond OK 73034 US $200 00

Bellarmine Preparatory School 2300 S Washington Street Tacoma WA 98405-1399 US $20000

YM-YWCA/Westfield-Westfield Y 220 Clark Street Westfield NJ 07090 US $200 00

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation, Inc 1900 South Avenue La Crosse WI 54601-5494 US $200 00

Rideability P 0 Box 995 Pine Island MN 55963 US $200 00

La Casa Norte 3533 W North Ave Chicago IL 60647 US $187 50

Susan G Komen for the Cure 5005 LBJ Fwy, Ste 250 Dallas TX 75244 US $180 00

Shen Wei Dance Arts Inc 246 W 38th St New York NY 10018 US $17500

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $175 00

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $17500

Ducks Unlimited Inc - Memphis One Waterfowl Way Memphis TN 38120 US $175 00

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $17500

Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland P O Box 74105 Cleveland OH 44194-4105 US $17500

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $16800

Habitat for Humanity International, Inc 322 West Lamar Street Americus GA 31709-3498 US $165 00

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $16000

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $16000

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $15600

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $15600

JDRF - Northern NJ-Rockland County Chapter 560 Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliff; NJ 07632 US $15400

Catholic Inner-City Schools Education Fund (CISE 100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati OH 45202 US $15000

Buffalo Inner-City Scholarship Opportunity Networ* PO Box 1134 Buffalo NY 14205 US $15000

Frisch Yeshiva High School E 243 Frisch Court Paramus NJ 07652 US $15000

Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater M 707 Alexander Street Suite 102 Princeton NJ 08540 US $150 00

Mercy Montesson 2335 Grandview Avenue Cincinnati OH 45206 US $15000

Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Association Inc 330 E Fourth St Fort Worth TX 76102 US $150 00

Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Inc 1327 North Main Street Fort Worth TX 76106 US $15000

United Way of Paducah-McCracken County 612 Broadway Paducah KY 42001-6868 US $15000

KLRU-TV attn. Lindsey Neuhaus Austin TX 78713 US $15000

University of Virginia P 0 Box 400807 Charlottesvle VA 22904-4807 US $150 00

Corpus Christi School 535 West 121st Street New York NY 10027 US $15000

Music Before 1800, Inc 529 West 121st Street New York NY 10027 US $15000

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Gift Processing Chapel Hill NC 27514 US $15000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 44 STATEMENT 4D 0 • Community Foundation Serving Greeley and Weld 711 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 US $15000

University of Houston Foundation PO Box 867 Houston TX 77001 US $150 00

Rochester Rotary Foundation 1112 11th Avenue NE Rochester MN 55906 US $15000

Park Place Child Life Center PO Box 6068 Norfolk VA 23508 US $150 00

Flintndge Sacred Heart Academy 440 St Katherine Drive La Canada CA 91011 US $15000

Cretin-Derham Hall High School 550 SO ALBERT ST SAINT PAUL MN 55105 US $150 00

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $15000

Kennebec Valley Humane Society 10 Pet Haven Lane Augusta ME 04330 US $15000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Flc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $150 00

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Philadelphia 600 Reed Road Broomall PA 19008 US $15000

Urban Choice 545 Humboldt Street Rochester NY 14610 US $15000

Abbott House Inc 909 Ct Merrill Mitchell SD 57301 US $15000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 201 E Main St Louisville KY 40202 US $15000

Monmouth Health Care Foundation 300 Second Avenue Long Branch NJ 07740-6303 US $15000

George Eastman House 900 East Ave Rochester NY 14607-2219 US $15000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Flc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $150 00

Liberty Humane Society Inc 235 Jersey City Blvd Jersey City NJ 07305 US $150 00

Toledo Animal Shelter Association 640 Wyman Street Toledo OH 43609 US $150 00

Virginia Tech Foundation Office of University Devel opment Blacksburg VA 24061 US $150 00

New World Foundation - Emerging Practitioners in 666 West End Avenue New York NY 10025 US $15000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch, 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $15000

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to P 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $150 00

United Way of Greater Cincinnati 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati OH 45202 US $150 00

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic Inc 20 Roszel Road Princeton NJ 08540 US $150 00

Virginia Tech Foundation Office of University Devel opment Blacksburg VA 24061 US $150 00

St Thomas High School Annual Fund 4500 Memorial Drive Houston TX 77007 US $15000

Columbus Rotary Foundation Inc 5 E Long St Columbus OH 43215 US $15000

Community Foundation Serving Greeley and Weld 711 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 US $150 00

Save the Children Federation, Inc 54 Wilton Road Westport CT 06880 US $15000

WNYC Radio 160 Varick Street New York NY 10013 US $10400

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch. 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $150 00

Single Parent Resource Center, Inc 228 E 45th St New York NY 10017-3303 US $14750

JDRF - Orange County Chapter 17872 Mitchell North Irvine CA 92614 US $145 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Eastern Pen 555 North Lane Conshohocken PA 19428 US $60 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $135 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 45 STATEMENT 4D • •

Parenting Center 2928 W 5th Street Fort Worth TX 76107 US $13500

Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra Association PO Box 1535 Greeley CO 80632 US $13000

Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra Association PO Box 1535 Greeley CO 80632 US $12600

High Point University 833 Montlieu Ave High Point NC 27262 US $125 00

Norfolk Academy 1585 Wesleyan Dr Norfolk VA 23502-5591 US $12500

Equine Assisted Therapy at Mountain Valley Route 3, Box 524 Carmel CA 93923 US $12500

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to P 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $125 00

Linfield College 900 SE Baker Street, Unit A476 McMinnville OR 97128-6894 US $125 00

Big Sur Land Trust P 0 Box 221864 Carmel CA 93922 US $12500

Food For The Poor Inc 6401 Lyons Road Coconut Creek FL 33073 US $125 00

Blair Concert Chorale 1212 12th Avenue Altoona PA 16603 US $125 00

Children's Organ Transplant Association 2501 COTA Drive Bloomington IN 47403 US $125 00

Women's Funding Alliance 603 Stewart, Suite 207 Seattle WA 98101 US $12500

Columbus Rotary Foundation Inc 5 E Long St Columbus OH 43215 US $12500

Boston College High School Office of Institutional Advanceme Dorchester MA 02125 US $12500

Rochester Rotary Foundation 1112 11th Avenue NE Rochester MN 55906 US $12500

Mitchell United Way PO Box 729 Mitchell SD 57301-0729 US $125 00

Think Detroit Incorporated 111 W Willis Detroit MI 48201 US $125 00

Philadelphia Fringe Festival 32 N Front St Philadelphia PA 19106 US $125 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chapte 3507 E Frontage Rd Tampa FL 33607-1792 US $12000

United Way of Greater Chattanooga PO Box 4027 Chattanooga TN 37405-0027 US $120 00

New Lebanon School PTA 25 Mead Avenue Greenwich CT 06830-6812 US $12000

Senior Services of Seattle-King County 2208 Second Ave Seattle WA 98101 US $116 00

Have a Dream Foundation 330 Seventh Avenue New York NY 10001 US $11000

Nature Conservancy 4245 N Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington VA 22203 US $11000

Heifer International 1 World Ave Little Rock AR 72202 US $10500

Susan G Konen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dalh 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $10000

Salvation Army - Food Pantry P 0 Box 673 Vallejo CA 94590 US $10000

VSA Vermont 20 West Canal Street Winooski VT 05404 US $100 00

Salvation Army - Food Pantry P O Box 673 Vallejo CA 94590 US $100 00

St Francis De Sales High School Endowment Func 2323 W Bancroft Toledo OH 43607 US $10000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chapte 3507 E Frontage Rd Tampa FL 33607-1792 US $100 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P O Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $10000

Land Trust of Darien Inc PO Box 1074 Darien CT 06820 US $10000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 46 STATEMENT 4D • S Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $10000

American Red Cross - Adirondack-Saratoga 74 Warren Street Glens Falls NY 12801-4564 US $10000

JDRF - Long Island Chapter 532 Broad Hollow Road Melville NY 11747 US $10000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Northern Calif 1700 Owens St Ste 190 San Francisco CA 94158 US $100 00

Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave St Paul MN 55105 US $25 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey 1034 Salem Road Union NJ 07083 US $100 00

Agricultural Stewardship Association 14 Main St Greenwich NY 12834-1210 US $10000

Pan Massachusetts Challenge 77 Fourth Ave Needham MA 02494 US $100 00

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $100 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $100 00

NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally III) Nation : Colonial Place Three Arlington VA 22201-3042 US $100 00

Treatment Advocacy Center 200 North Glebe Road Arlington VA 22203 US $100 00

International Health Partners - Tanzania (IHPTZ) 1811S 39th Street Mesa AZ 85206 US $10000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Illinoi s 525 West Monroe St Chicago IL 60661 US $10000

Have A Heart Community Trust PO Box 2316 Southampton NY 11969-2316 US $100 00

Weld Food Bank 1108 H St Greeley CO 80631-9100 US $10000

New Jersey Audubon Society 9 Hardscrabble Rd Bernardsville NJ 07924 US $100 00

Community Foundation of West Kentucky Inc PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $10000

Penn State Alumni Association - Pennsylvania Sta One Old Main University Park PA 16802 US $10000

Lighthouse Of Oakland County Inc PO Box 430508 Pontiac MI 48343-0508 US $100 00

Virginia Tech Foundation Office of University Development Blacksburg VA 24061 US $100 00

Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston IL 60201-3698 US $10000

Princeton University 330 Alexander Street Princeton NJ 08543-5357 US $10000

Resident Home Corporation 3030 West Fork Road Cincinnati OH 45211 US $100 00

Virginia Symphony 861 Glenrock Rd Ste 200 Norfolk VA 23502 US $100 00

Sweet Briar Institute - Sweet Briar College PO Box G Sweet Briar VA 24595 US $100 00

University of Texas at Austin Matching Gifts Coordinator Austin TX 78713-7458 US $10000

Greeley Chorale Inc P 0 Box 336848 Greeley CO 80633 US $10000

University of Wisconsin LaCrosse Foundation 615 East Aveune North La Crosse WI 54601 US $10000

Minnesota Public Radio Development St Paul MN 55101 US $10000

Humane Society - Missouri 1201 Macklind Avenue St Louis MO 63110 US $10000

American Cancer Society - Arlington Heights/North 1114 N Arlington Heights Rd Arlington Height IL 60004 US $100 00

Boys and Girls Club of Camden County 1709 Park Blvd Camden NJ 08103 US $5000

Twin Cities Public Television Inc 172 East 4th St St Paul MN 55101 US $10000

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $10000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 47 STATEMENT 40 Humane Society of the United States 2100 L Street, N W Washington DC 20037 US $10000

Catholic Diocese of Wichita - The Lord's Diner 520 North Broadway Wichita KS 67214 US $10000

Avon-Walk for Breast Cancer One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $10000

Texas Christian University TCU Box 297044 Fort Worth TX 76129 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Dalla 12820 Hillcrest Dallas TX 75230 US $10000

Capital Broadcasting Association - KMFA 3001 N Lamar, Ste 100 Austin TX 78705-9980 US $10000

AGBU Alex and Mane Manoogian School 22001 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI 48075 US $100 00

NELSON GALLERY FOUNDATION 4525 Oak Street Kansas City MO 64111 US $8000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Fk 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200 , Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $100 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern FI< 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $100 00

Guardian Angels Elementary School 6539 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati OH 45230 US $100 00

Community Foundation for Monterey County 2354 Garden Road Monterey CA 93940 US $100 00

University of Rochester PO Box 270032 Rochester NY 14627 US $10000

YMCA of Greater Rochester 444 E Main St Rochester NY 14604-2508 US $10000

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mi nr Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $10000

JDRF - Southern Arizona Branch 4560 E Broadway Blvd , #214 Tucson AZ 85711 US $10000 lolani School 563 Kamoku Street Honolulu HI 96826 US $10000

ALS Association - Western Pennsylvania and Wes 416 Lincoln Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15209 US $10000

National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia ai 60 Cuttermill Rd Great Neck NY 11021 US $10000

AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School 22001 Northwestern Hwy Southfield Ml 48075 US $100 00

Fort Wayne Center for Learning 3310 Mallard Cove Lane Ft Wayne IN 46804 US $100 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $100 00

Camp Haiastan of the Armenian Youth Federatio n PO Box C Franklin MA 02038-0813 US $100 00

TURN Community Services 850 South Main Salt Lake City UT 84101 US $100 00

Children 's Memorial Hospital 75 Remittance Drive , Suite 75587 Chicago IL 60675-5587 US $10000

Saint Mark's School 1050 East Altadena Drive Altadena CA 91001 US $100 00

Amos House 415 Friendship Street Providence RI 02907 US $100 00

Second Harvest Food Bank - Inland Northwest 1234 E Front Ave Spokane WA 99202-2148 US $10000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $10000

JDRF - Palmetto Chapter 3608 Landmark Drive , Suite C Columbia SC 29204 US $10000

Make-A-Wish Foundation of America 3550 N Central Ave Phoenix AZ 85012 US $10000

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $100 00

Jack Martin Fund Inc PO Box 4952 New York NY 10185 US $10000

American Heart Association - Los Angeles County 816 S Figueroa Street Los Angeles CA 90017 US $100 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 48 STATEMENT 4D Community Preparatory School 126 Somerset St Providence RI 02907 US $10000

Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund 825 College Blvd, Suite 102 Oceanside CA 92057 US $100 00

Humane Society - Kansas 4218 SE Blvd Wichita KS 67210 US $100 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Northern Ne 14 Commerce Dr Ste 301 Cranford NJ 07016-3514 US $100 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $100 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $100 00

Union Gospel Mission Association of Spokane 1224 E Trent Spokane WA 99220-0066 US $100 00

Providence Country Day School attn Sharon Doyle East Providence RI 02914 US $10000

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $10000

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $10000

Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County 1300 North Dutton Avenue Santa Rosa CA 95401 US $10000

Boys & Girls Club of Redlands P 0 Box 8416 Redlands CA 92375 US $10000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - South Central 250 South Laura Wichita KS 67211 US $10000

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $10000

Bolder Options 2100 Stevens Ave Minneapolis MN 55404 US $100 00

Habitat for Humanity - New York City 111 John St NY NY 10038-3109 US $10000

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to P 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $100 00

Children's Brain Research Foundation P O Box 6597 Chicago IL 60680-6597 US $10000

National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia ai 60 Cuttermill Rd Great Neck NY 11021 US $100 00

JDRF - South Central Texas Chapter 8700 Crownhill Blvd , Suite 407 San Antonio TX 78209 US $10000

JDRF - Mid-Jersey Chapter 28 Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 180 East Brunswick NJ 08816 US $10000

Bridge Family Center Inc 1022 Farmington Ave West Hartford CT 06107 US $100 00

Spokane Valley Partners - Food Bank P O Box 141360 Spoklane Valley WA 99214-1360 US $10000

Connecticut Forest & Park Association 16 Meriden Road Rockfall CT 06481 US $100 00

Colgate University 13 Oak Drive Hamilton NY 13346 US $10000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $10000

American Cancer Society - Central New England F 59 Bobala Rd Holyoke MA 01040 US $100 00

University of Florida Foundation P O Box 14425 Gainesville FL 32604-2425 US $100 00

Sea & Sage Audubon Society P 0 Box 5447 Irvine CA 92616-5447 US $100 00

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch.501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $10000

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $100 00

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta 1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta GA 30309 US $10000

Confidence Learning Center 1620 Mary Fawcett Memorial Dr East Gull Lake MN 56401 US $100 00

Warren Washington Counties Big Brother Big Siste 65 Ridge Street Glens Falls NY 12801 US $10000

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $10000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 49 STATEMENT 4D • Washburn Child Guidance Center 2430 Nicollet Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55404 US $100 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Michigan 230 Huron View Boulevard Ann Arbor MI 48103-2948 US $10000

PKD Foundation 9221 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114 US $10000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105 US $100 00

Alzheimer's Association North Central Texas Chap 101 Summit Ave, Suite 300 Fort Worth TX 76102 US $100 00

Houston Grand Opera Association, Inc 510 Preston #500 Houston TX 77002-1594 US $10000

Deborah Hay Dance Company 1703 Alta Vista Ave Austin TX 78704 US $100 00

Stewpot First Presbyterian Church Dallas TX 75201-5697 US $10000

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $10000

Mcgill Toolen Catholic High School 1501 Old Shell Road Mobile AL 36604 US $10000

St Josephs Indian School North Main Street Chamberlain SD 57326-0001 US $100 00

World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th St NW Washington DC 20090-7180 US $100 00

City Lights Performance Group of San Jose Inc 529 S 2nd St San Jose CA 95112 US $100 00

AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School 22001 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI 48075 US $100 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $100 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chaptr 3507 E Frontage Rd Tampa FL 33607-1792 US $100 00

Camp Odayin P 0 box 2068 Stillwater MN 55082 US $10000

Houses of Hope 870 Forest Avenue Glendale OH 45246 US $100 00

St Francis Academy Incorporated 509 East Elm Street Salina KS 67401 US $100 00

St Andrew Nativity School Box 11127 Portland OR 97211 US $10000

Charity Newsies 4300 Indianola Ave Columbus OH 43214-2221 US $10000

University School - Hunting Valley Campus 2785 SOM Center Rd Hunting Valley OH 44022 US $10000

Boys Hope & Girls Hope of Cleveland 9619 Garfield Blvd Garfield Heights OH 44125 US $10000

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to P 424 E 92nd St New York NY 10128-6804 US $100 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey 1034 Salem Road Union NJ 07083 US $10000

Seattle University 901 12th Ave Adm 120 Seattle WA 98122 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Grei 341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $10000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $10000

Hillel of Broward & Palm Beach 777 Glades Road Boca Raton FL 33431 US $10000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National C h.501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $10000

Children's Cancer Research Fund 7801 E Bush Lake Rd Minneapolis MN 55439 US $100 00

As You Sow 311 California St San Francisco CA 94104 US $10000

Cardinal Shehan Center 1494 Main Street Bridgeport CT 06604 US $81 25

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Con ni 659 Tower Ave FI 1 Hartford CT 06112-1269 US $100 00

Memorial Ambulance Corps PO Box 387 Deer Isle ME 04627 US $100 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 50 STATEMENT 4D Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $100 00

Church of Christ - Food Pantry 16150 St Clair Ave East Liverpool OH 43920 US $10000

Southwest Health Center Foundation 18697 Bagley Road Middleburg Heig OH 44130 US $10000

Leader Dogs For The Blind 1039 S Rochester Rd Rochester MI 48307-3115 US $100 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $100 00

Companion Animal Placement , Inc P 0 Box 3365 Hoboken NJ 07087 US $100 00

Kids In Distress, Inc 819 NE 26th Street Wilton Manors FL 33305 US $100 00

Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Ave Evanston IL 60208 US $100 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P O Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $100 00

Options Unlimited 205 Castlerock Dr Shepherdsville KY 40165 US $100 00

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $100 00

Alzheimers Association - Southwestern Pennsylva 1100 Liberty Ave Ste E201 Pittsburgh PA 15222-4256 US $100 00

Blues Foundation 49 Union Avenue Memphis TN 38103 us $10000

MEDAILLE COLLEGE 18 Agassiz Circle Buffalo NY 14214 US $10000

St John Fisher College 3690 East Avenue Rochester NY 14618 US $10000

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $100 00

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $100 00

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $100 00

Lamar University Foundation P O Box 11500 Beaumont TX 77710 US $10000

University of Iowa Foundation One West Park Road Iowa City IA 52244 US $10000

Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Avenue Detroit MI 48202 US $95 00

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $93 75

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Fou406 W 34th Street , Suite 514 Kansas City MO 64111 US $90 00

Tumalo School Parents , Teachers & Community (F 19835 2nd Street Bend OR 97701 US $85 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $85 00

World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th St NW Washington DC 20090-7180 US $8000

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $8000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South , 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $8000

JDRF - Orange County Chapter 17872 Mitchell North Irvine CA 92614 US $8000

PTA of PS 261 k 314 Pacific St Brooklyn NY 11201-6313 US $7500

Charitable Gift Fund - Christopher Shatagin Sports UBS Paine Webber, 60 Farrell St South Burlingto r VT 05403 US $75 00

Greater Lehigh Valley Radio Reading Srvc for the 13835 Green Pond Rd Bethlhem PA 18020-7568 US $75 00

JDRF - South Central Texas Chapter 8700 Crownhill Blvd , Suite 407 San Antonio TX 78209 US $75 00

Salvation Army of Mitchell 724 N Sanborn Mitchell SD 57301 US $75 00

Hudson County Animal League Inc PO Box 3589 Jersey City NJ 07303 US $75 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 51 STATEMENT 4D I • Best Friends Animal Society 5001 Angel Canyon Rd Kanab UT 87471 US $75 00

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mid- PO Box 780294 Wichita KS 67278 US $75 00

Ameflcan Cancer Society - Chicago Regional Offic 3870 Paysphere Circle Chicago IL 60674 US $75 00

Pittsburgh Council for International Visitors 425 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15219 US $7500

St Huberts Giralda 575 Woodland Ave Madison NJ 07940 US $75 00

Museum of Fine Arts 465 Huntington Ave Boston MA 02115-5523 US $7000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $70 00

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $6818

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Performing Arts Center Foundation , Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Performing Arts Center Foundation, Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Performing Arts Center Foundation, Inc Clearwate 1111 McMullen Booth Road Clearwater FL 33759 US $68 18

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Minneapolis 7401 Metro Blvd, Suite 325M Edina MN 55439 US $65 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Minr Mall of America Bloomington MN 55425 US $60 00

Rotary Foundation of Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston IL 60201-3698 US $6000

AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School 22001 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI 48075 US $60 00

Northwestern University 2020 Ridge Ave Evanston IL 60208 US $60 00

AGBU Alex and Mane Manoogian School 22001 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI 48075 US $60 00

Road Home 210 S Rio Grande Street Salt Lake City UT 84101 US $60 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $55 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $55 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chaptt 3507 E Frontage Rd Tampa FL 33607-1792 US $5500

Kidney TRUST 1350 Old Bayshore Hwy Burlingame CA 94010 US $54 00

Susan G Komen for the Cure 5005 LBJ Fwy , Ste 250 Dallas TX 75244 US $1800

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $52 00

Lyric Theatre Company VT P O Box 1688 Williston VT 05495 US $50 00

S D Ireland Cancer Research Fund P O Box 2286 South Burlingto r VT 05407 US $5000

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $50 00

Swim Across America-Nassau/Suffolk P 0 Box 7878 Garden City NY 11530 US $50 00

WSHU Public Radio 5151 Park Avenue Fairfield CT 06825 US $5000

Peace House Foundation 6581 City West Parkway Eden Prairie MN 55344 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 52 STATEMENT 4D Wyckoff Family YMCA 691 Wyckoff Ave Wyckoff NJ 07481 US $50 00

Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains - Las Vec 3220 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 US $5000

Food -Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network 11781 Lee Jackson Hwy Fairfax VA 22033-3309 US $50 00

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Greg 341 West 38th Street , 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

American Cancer Society - Broward Area 3709 W Jetton Ave Tampa FL 33629 US $50 00

Cleveland Foodbank Inc 15500 South Waterloo Road Cleveland OH 44110-3800 US $5000

Hawk Migration Association of North Amenca Inc 51 Pheasant Run North Granby CT 06060-1016 US $50 00

Ursulines of Cincinnati 1339 E McMillan Street Cincinnati OH 45206 US $50 00

American Heart Association - Western Virginia 4504 Starkey Road SW, Suite 11 Roanoke VA 24014 US $50 00

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 6931 Arlington Road Bethesda MD 20814 US $50 00

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $50 00

University School - Hunting Valley Campus 2785 SOM Center Rd Hunting Valley OH 44022 US $50 00

Johns Hopkins Children's Center - Sadie's Gift 100 N Charles Street Baltimore MD 21201 US $5000

Notre Dame Academy 1699 Hilton Drive Park Hills KY 41011 US $5000

JDRF - South Central Texas Chapter 8700 Crownhill Blvd , Suite 407 San Antonio TX 78209 US $50 00

American Cancer Society - Eastern Division 132 W 32nd St New York NY 10001 US $50 00

Lasalle University -The Richard C DiMascio Scien. 1900 W Olney Ave Philadelphia PA 19141 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Caritas of Austin 611 Neches St Austin TX 78701 US $50 00

Victory Church - Mission Food Bank 11777 SHERIDAN BLVD WESTMINSTEFCO 80020 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $50 00

College of the Holy Cross Trustees One College Street Worcester MA 01610 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Day Spring Foundation , Inc 3430 Day Spring COurt Louisville KY 40213 US $50 00

Wears Valley Ranch 3601 Lyon Springs Rd Sevierville TN 37862-8257 US $50 00

Cleveland Foodbank Inc 15500 South Waterloo Road Cleveland OH 44110-3800 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Fl c 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200 , Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 53 STATEMENT 4D I • SEVEN ACRES JEWISH SENIOR CARE SERVIC 6200 N Braeswood Houston TX 77074 US $5000

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $5000

Brenda and John H Duncan Rise School of Housto 8080 N Stadium Dr Houston TX 77054 US $50 00

Young Audiences of Houston 1800 St James Place Houston TX 77056 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $50 00

Westminster Free Clinic 5560 Napoleon Avenue Oak Park CA 91377 US $50 00

Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Inc 903 S Capital of Texas Hwy Austin TX 78746-5209 US $5000

Wichita State University Foundation - KMUW 89 1 3317 E 17th St N Wichita KS 67208 US $5000 carmel youth center, inc p o box 2399 carmel CA 93921 US $50 00

Hartwick College One Hartwick Drive Oneonta NY 13820 US $50 00

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Headquarters 6931 Arlington Road Bethesda MD 20814 US $50 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Greater Pennsylvania f The Gulf Tower Pittsburgh PA 15219-1916 US $5000

JUNIOR LEAGUE OF SAN JOSE, INC 1615 Dry Creek Rd San Jose CA 95125 US $5000

St Jude Children's Research Hospital National Ch, 501 St Jude Place Memphis TN 38105-2794 US $5000

Victory Church- Mission Food Bank 11777 SHERIDAN BLVD WESTMINSTEFCO 80020 US $5000

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $50 00

Pittsburgh Council for International Visitors 425 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15219 US $50 00

Greenwich Adult Day Center 125 River Road Extension Cos Cob CT 06807 US $50 00

AGBU Alex and Mane Manoogian School 22001 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI 48075 US $50 00

Tower School In Marblehead Inc Attn Kelly Klocker Marblehead MA 01945 US $5000

THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY-THEM 1421 East 12 Mile Road Madison Heights Ml 48071-2653 US $5000

Lighthouse Of Oakland County Inc PO Box 430508 Pontiac MI 48343-0508 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Gres 341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $50 00

University of Notre Dame 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame IN 46556-5612 US $5000

Nature Conservancy 4245 N Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington VA 22203 US $5000

Homeless Families Foundation 651 W Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 US $5000

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $50 00

Pittsburgh Council for International Visitors 425 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15219 US $50 00

JDRF - Southern Arizona Branch 4560 E Broadway Blvd , #214 Tucson AZ 85711 US $50 00

Anderson Animal Shelter 1000 South LaFox South Elgin IL 60177 US $5000

Smile Train 41 Madison Ave New York NY 10010-2202 US $5000

Breast Cancer 3-Day 165 Township Line Road Jenkintown PA 19046 US $5000

Children's Home Society & Family Services 1605 Eustis St St Paul MN 55108 US $5000

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fox Valley Region, 117 S Locust Street Appleton WI 54914 US $50 00

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 54 STATEMENT 4D • 0

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 1 8th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $50 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $50 00

Carnegie Hall Society 881 Seventh Ave New York NY 10019 US $41 00

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Tacoma 633 N MILDRED ST SUITE D TACOMA WA 98406-1725 US $50 00

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery 1004 E 8th Ave Spokane WA 99202 US $5000

International Primate Protection League PO Box 766 Summerville SC 29484 US $50 00

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Greater Conn c 659 Tower Ave FI 1 Hartford CT 06112-1269 US $50 00

Pediatric Dental Initiative/Andrews Memorial Fund 1360 19th Hole Drive, Suite 205 Windsor CA 95492 US $5000

Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy 1012 North University Blvd Middletown OH 45042 US $5000

YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis 30 South 9th Street Minneapolis MN 55402 US $50 00

Florida State University Foundation, Inc 2010 Levy Avenue, Building B Tallahassee FL 32310-2739 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern FIc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $50 00

Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital 1465 South Grand Blvd St Louis MO 63104-1095 US $50 00

Cat Adoption Team 14175 Sw Galbreath Sherwood OR 97140 US $50 00

Los Angeles County Alliance for the Mentally III - N P 0 Box 741029 Los Angeles CA 90004 US $50 00

United Way of Weld County PO Box 1944 Greeley CO 80632-1944 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Suncoast Chapt( 3507 E Frontage Rd Tampa FL 33607-1792 US $50 00

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $50 00

Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs 1700 29th Court S Homewood AL 35209 US $50 00

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Gre.341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Gre:341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $50 00

University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc 100 Timberdell Rd Norman OK 73019-0685 US $5000

Camp Twin Lakes, Inc 600 Means Street, Suite 110 Atlanta GA 30318 US $50 00

Humane Society - Toledo Area 1920 Indian Wood Circle Maumee OH 43537 US $50 00

Maumee Valley Save-A-Pet P 0 Box 140782 Toledo OH 43614 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $50 00

Williams College 75 Park Street Williamstown MA 01267-2114 US $5000

AIDS Services of Austin, Inc P 0 Box 4874 Austin TX 78765 US $5000

Brown University Box 1877 Providence RI 02912-9936 US $5000

American Cancer Society - Northwest NJ Region - 7 Ridgedale Ave Ste 103 Cedar Knolls NJ 07927-1120 US $50 00

St Agnes Academy 9000 Bellaire Blvd Houston TX 77036-4602 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Grei 341 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10018-2918 US $5000

Long Ridge Fire Company Inc 366 Old Long Ridge Rd Stamford CT 06903 US $50 00

Interreligious Fellowship for the Homeless of Berge 479 Maitland Ave Teaneck NJ 07666 US $5000

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 55 STATEMENT 4D • 0 RIVERDALE MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION, 115676 Riverdale Avenue Bronx NY 10471 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $50 00

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest 490 Concordia Avenue St Paul MN 551032441 US $50 00

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Foundation In 214 Schofield Hall Eau Claire WI 54702 US $5000

Catholic Inner-City Schools Education Fund (CISE 100 East Eighth Street Cincinnati OH 45202 US $5000

St Xavier High School 600 West Northbend Road Cincinnati OH 45224-1424 US $50 00

Performance Zone, Inc - The Field 161 Sixth Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10013 US $5000

United Way of the Lakeshore PO Box 207 Muskegon MI 49443-0207 US $50 00

US Catholic Conference - Blessed Sacrament Sch' 2407 Dixie Highway Fort Mitchell KY 41017 US $50 00

University of Tennessee Advancement Services Knoxville TN 37996-4103 US $5000

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $50 00

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $5000

Forest Park Forever, Inc 5595 Grand Drive st lows MO 63112 US $5000

American Heart Association - Western Virginia 4504 Starkey Road SW, Suite 11 Roanoke VA 24014 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Mas Donations - P 0 Box 845037 Boston MA 02284-5037 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $5000

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampden County 101 State Street Springfield MA 01103 US $50 00

Habitat for Humanity - Greater Bridgeport 1470 Barnum Ave Bridgeport CT 06610-3237 US $5000

United Way of Buffalo & Ene County 742 Delaware Ave Buffalo NY 14209-2295 US $50 00

Muscular Dystrophy Association - Tacoma 633 N MILDRED ST SUITE D TACOMA WA 98406-1725 US $5000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Los Angeles CA 6033 W Century Blvd Ste#300 Los Angeles CA 90045 US $50 00

Gonzaga University 502 E Boone Spokane WA 99258 US $25 00

JDRF - Western Pennsylvania Chapter 960 Penn Avenue, Suite 1000 Pittsburgh PA 15222 US $50 00

AIDS Project Los Angeles - AIDS Marathon 611 South Kingsley Drive Los Angeles CA 90005 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $50 00

American Diabetes Association - New York City 1701 N Beauregard St Alexandria VA 22311 US $50 00

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - NY One Avon Plaza Rye NY 10580 US $5000

Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School 101 North Warson Road St Louis MO 63124 US $5000

American Heart Association - New York City Regio One Union St Robbinsville NJ 08691-4183 US $5000

Duke University Box 90581 Durham NC 27708-0581 US $5000

Food For The Poor Inc 6401 Lyons Road Coconut Creek FL 33073 US $50 00

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

MGP FEB 2009 1113/2010 56 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - CenI2 Princess Rd Ste D Lawrenceville NJ 08648 US $50 00

College of the Holy Cross Trustees One College Street Worcester MA 01610 US $5000

Catholic Residential Services of Archdiocese Corti 100 E 8th St Ste 5 Cincinnati OH 45202-2129 US $50 00

Great Falls Public Library Foundation P 0 Box 742 Great Falls MT 59403 US $50 00

Special Olympics - Washington 2150 North 107th St Ste 220 Seattle WA 98133 US $5000

Hospice Of Cincinnati P 0 Box 633597 Cincinnati OH 45263-3597 US $50 00

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners 110 Grand Ave South Wayzata MN 55391 US $5000

St Louis Children's Hospital Foundation One Childrens Place St Louis MO 63110 US $50 00

American Heart Association - Western Region 20 Northpointe Amherst NY 14228 US $5000

JDRF - Western Wisconsin Chapter 7818 Big Sky Drive Madison WI 53719 US $5000

JDRF National Office 120 Wall Street New York NY 10005-4001 US $50 00

Lighthouse Of Oakland County Inc PO Box 430508 Pontiac MI 48343-0508 US $50 00

Another Chance for English Setters c/a Trish Bloemker Sowers Robertsville MO 63072 US $50 00

St Baldncks Foundation Inc 1443 E Washington #650 Pasadena CA 91104-2650 US $5000

Community Hospital Foundation P 0 Box HH Monterey CA 93942 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $5000

United Way of Forsyth County 301 North Main Street, Suite 1701 Winston Salem NC 27101 US $5000

Hole In the Wall Gang Fund Inc 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven CT 06511 US $50 00

Homeboy Industries 130 W Bruno St Los Angeles CA 90012 US $5000

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Inc 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $5000

JDRF - Piedmont Triad Chapter 1401-B Old Mill Circle Winston Salem NC 27103 US $5000

Wyckoff Family YMCA 691 Wyckoff Ave Wyckoff NJ 07481 US $5000

Alzheimer's Association - New York City Chapter 360 Lexington Ave Fl 4 New York NY 10017-6567 US $50 00

United Way of Weld County PO Box 1944 Greeley CO 80632-1944 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $5000

Church Health Center Clinic 1210 Peabody Avenue Memphis TN 38104 US $50 00

Hathaway Brown School 19600 North Park Boulevard Shaker Heights OH 44122 US $50 00

Junior League of ST Paul 633 North Snelling Avenue St Paul MN 55104 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Fl c 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $50 00

Alley Cat Allies 7920 Norfolk Ave , Suite 600 Bethesda MD 20814-2525 US $50 00

Down Syndrome Association of Northern Virginia 98 N Washington Street Falls Church VA 22046 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The Southern Flc 2 Oakwood Blvd Suite 200, Holly Hollywood FL 33020 US $50 00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 57 STATEMENT 4D 0 0 Christian Herald Association, Inc dba The Bowery 132 Madison Avenue New York NY 10016 US $5000

Volunteers in Providence Schools (VIPS) 905 Westminster Street Providence RI 02903 US $50 00

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - CenI2 Princess Rd Ste D Lawrenceville NJ 08648 US $50 00

Los Angeles Mission 303 E 5th Street Los Angeles CA 90013 US $50 00

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The New York Ci 475 Park Avenue South, 8th Floo New York NY 10016 US $5000

Courage Center 3915 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley MN 55422-9958 US $50 00

Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $50 00

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN 56302 US $50 00

Montana State University - Billings Foundation 1500 University Dr Billings MT 59101 US $50 00

Elder High School 3900 Vincent Avenue Cincinnati OH 45205 US $50 00

SPCA of Wake County 200 Petfinder Lane Raleigh NC 27603 US $50 00

University of the Pacific Hand Hall 3rd FL Stockton CA 95211-0110 US $5000

Direct Payment to Charity Total $838,111.03

Charlotte 601 East 5th Street NC 28202 US $250 00

Berkeley ATTN Matching Gifts Unit CA 94720-4200 US $15000

Offline Pledges Total $400 00 $1,154,709.03

Amount paid from GIL UBSA (280,709.03)

Grand ota $874,000.00

MGP FEB 2009 11/3/2010 58 STATEMENT 4D • • UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009

Charity Name harity Address Charity City harity Stai Zip Cntry Match-Amt WIP

MISCELLANEOUS MARCH 2009 Various Various Various US $ 9,500 00 4E-1

MISCELLANEOUS MARCH 2009 Various Various Various US $ 13,273 83 4E-2

MISCELLANEOUS APRIL 2009 Various Various Various US $ 3,500 00 4E-3

MISCELLANEOUS APRIL 2009 Various Various Various US $ 6,581 25 4E-4

MISCELLANEOUS MAY 2009 Various Various Various US $ 9,500 00 4E-5

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - Total 0611612009 $42,355.08

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - Total 0712312009 Various Various Various US $9,500.00 4E-6

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - Total 0913012009 Various Various Various US $5,250.00 4E-7

MISCELLANEOUS JUNE 2009 Various Various Various US $ 2,51500 4E-8

MISCELLANEOUS AUGUST 2009 Various Various Various US $ 10,250 00 4E-9

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - Total 1011912009 Various Various Various US $12,765.00

Other Volunteer Matching Gifts - Total 11120/2009 Various Various Various US $3,000 .00 4E-10

Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts $72,870.08

11/8/2010 MGP OTHER STATEMENT 4E UBS FOUNDATION USA - 2009 E Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip Cnt Actual Hours Match_Amt Citymeals-On-Wheels 355 Lexington Ave 3rd Fir New York NY 10017-6603 US 2 5000 $2,500 00 Community Food Bank of New Jersey 31 Evans Terminal Road Hillside NJ 07205-2400 US 2 5000 $2,500 00 Jurn4r Achievement of the Upper Midwest - Central N PO Box 808 St Cloud MN 56302 US 20000 $1,000 00 New Horizons in Autism 600 Essex Road Neptune NJ 07753 US 1 0000 $1,500 00 Group Timeslot Total $7,500.00

Arts Council of Erie 3 E 4th Street, Suite 10 Erie PA 16507 US 120 0000 $50000 Chattanooga Homeless Coalition 801 N Holtzclaw Ave Chattanooga TN 37404 US 100 0000 $25000 Junior Achievement of the Cape Fear Region P 0 Box 2362 Wilmington NC 28401 US 432 0000 $500 00 RFH High School Education Foundation 74 Ridge Rd Rumson NJ 07760 US 200 0000 $500 00 Tarbut Vtorah Community Day School 5200 Bonita Canyon Drive Irvine CA 92612 US 60 0000 $25000 Individual Total $2,000.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts $9,500. 0

11/8/2010 MGP March 2009 STATEMENT 4E-1 • •


Charity Nm Charity Add ressl City state Zip Cntr) Match

United Jewish Federation of Bergen County & 150 Eisenhower Dr Paramus NJ 07652 US $250 00

HiUsdale High School 3115 Del Monte St San Mateo CA 94403 US $250 00

Holy Innocents Episcopal School, Inc 805 Mt Vernon Hwy NW Atlanta GA 30327 US $250 00

Leaders Legacy , Inc 2451 Cumberland Parkway Atlanta GA 30339 US $1,000 00

Trinity Community Ministries 250 Georgia Ave SE Atlanta GA 30312 US $1,500 00

Brown University Box 1877 Providence RI 02912-9936 US $250 00

Wildlife Conservation Society Bronx Zoo Bronx NY 10460-1099 US $2,500 00

Berkeley Symphony Orchestra 1942 University Ave Ste 207 Berkeley CA 94704 US $2,000 00

Mount Saint Mary's University 16300 Old Emmitsburg Road Emmitsburg MD 21727 US $2,500 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - Metro St Louis 1324 North Rock Hill Road St Louis MO 63124 US $50 00

Direct Payment to Charity Total $10,550.00

TRUSTEES OF PHILLIPS ACADEMY 180 Main St Andover MA 01810 US $1,550 35

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation 103 Old Iron Ore Rd Bloomfield CT 06002 US $500 00

Grove City College 100 Campus Drive - Development Grove City PA 16127 US $625 00

Colquitt Regional Medical Foundation 3131 South Main Street Moultrie GA 31768 US $48 48

Oftline Pledges Total $2,723.83

' 7 4. Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts 3273:83


Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match-Amt

Friends of the Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military P O 748 Chattanooga TN 37401 US $150000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Office 733 Third Avenue New York NY 10017 US $100000

New York Cares 214 W 29th Street, 5th Floc New York NY 10001 US $1000 00

Group Timeslot Total $3500.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts


Charity Nm Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match

YMCA of Westport Weston 59 Post Road East Westport CT 06880 US $625 00

Cardinal Shehan Center 1494 Main Street Bridgeport CT 06604 US $500 00

St Bamabas Development Foundation 95 Old Short H ills Road West Orange NJ 07052 US $50 00

St Barnabas Development Foundation 95 Old Short H ills Road West Orange NJ 07052 US $10000

St Barnabas Development Foundation 95 Old Short H ills Road West Orange NJ 07052 US $50 00

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Inc 1858 West Grandview Blvd Erie PA 16509 US $44625

University of Richmond Advancement Office Richmond VA 23173 US $100 00

Human Rights Campaign Foundation 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington DC 20036 US $10000

Midland Festival Ballet PO Box 52034 Midland TX 79710 US $250 00

Center Serving Persons with Mental Retardation 3550 W Dallas Houston TX 77019-170: US $50000

Art beCAUSE 9 Chickatawbut Road Framingham MA 01701 US $30000

Saint Edwards School Advancement Department Vero Beach FL 32963 US $575 00

St Charles Hospital Foundation 200 Belle Terre Road Port Jefferson NY 11777 US $200 00

Make-A-Wish Foundation - South Dakota 1400 West 17th St Sioux Falls SD 57104 US $500 00

Angels of Animals , Inc 34 Craig Place Clifton NJ 07013 US $20000

Freestore Foodbank 1250 Tennessee Avenue Cincinnati OH 45229 US $10000

Catholic Charities Corporation 1404 East 9th Street Cleveland OH 44114 US $ 1,000 00

Freestore Foodbank 1250 Tennessee Avenue Cincinnati OH 45229 US $10000

Autism Society of America - Minnesota Chapter 2380 Wycliff St Suite 102 St Paul MN 55114 US $185 00

St Lawrence Martyr School 1950 S Prospect Ave Redondo Beach CA 90277 US $500 00

Direct Payment to Charity Total $6,381.25

American Heart Association Inc - Pacific Mountain A 2929 S 48th st Tempe AZ 85282 US $200 00

Offline Pledges Total $200.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts $6,581.25

11/8/2010 MGP MAY 09 STATEMENT 4E-4 •


Charity Name Charity Address'! City State Zip Cntry Match

AIDS Walk New York Old Chelsea Station New York NY 10113-0010 US $250000

American Heart Association - New York City Region One Union St Robbinsville NJ 08691 -4183 US $100000

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Greater New York Chapter - Westchester 245 Main Street White Plains NY 10601 US $1000 00

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Western New York Chapter 4976 Transit Rd Depew NY 14043 US $2000 00

Jersey Cares 10 Bleeker Street Newark NJ 07102 US $250000

Group Timeslot Total $9000.00

Camp Kudzu 577 Concord Road Smyrna GA 30082 US $500 00

Individual Total $500.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts

11/8/2010 MGP MAY 09 STATEMENT 4E-5 9


Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match-Amt

Foundation for Investor Education Inc SIFMA Foundation for Investor Edu c New York NY 10271 US $250000

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Western New York/Finger L 4053 Maple Rd, Suite 110 Amherst NY 14226 US $250000

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, NY Chapter, WNY 385 N French Rd, Ste 100 Buffalo NY 14228 US $100000

New York Restoration Project 254 West 31st Street, 10th Floor New York NY 10001 US $250000

Roswell Park Alliance Foundation Elm and Carlton St Buffalo NY 14263 US $100000

Group Timeslot Total $9500 00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts

11/8/2010 MGP JUNE 09 STATEMENT 4E-6 0 0


-Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match-Amt

Community Foundation of West Kentucky I PO Box 7901 Paducah KY 42002-7901 US $1,000 00

Fresh Air Fund 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York NY 10017 US $1,00000

Hawaii 3R's 735 Bishop St, Suite 336 Honolulu HI 96813 US $1,000 00

Niagara Falls Family YMCA 1317 Portage Rd Niagara Falls NY 14301 US $1,000 00

Group Timeslot Total $4,000.00

Community for Youth 999 Third Avenue , Suite 1570 Seattle WA 98104-4015 US $250 00

Redlands Baseball for Youth PO Box 7875 Redlands CA 92375 US $500 00

United Way of Buffalo & Erie County 742 Delaware Ave Buffalo NY 14209-2295 US $500 00

Individual Total $1,250.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts

11/8/2010 MGP JULY 09 STATEMENT 4E-7 • •


-Charity Nm Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match

Georgetown University Annual Fund Department 0734 Washington DC 20073-0734 US $15 00

Direct Payment to Charity Total $15.00

monsignor donovan catholic high school 590 lavender rd athens GA 30606 US $2,500.00

Offline Pledges Total $2,500.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts

11/8/2010 MGP JUNE 09 STATEMENT 4E-8 0 0


Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match-Amt

-Children for Children Foundation 6 East 43rd Street, 25th Floor New York NY 10017 US $2500 00

God's Love We Deliver 166 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10013 US $2000.00

Habitat for Humanity - Paterson PO Box 2585 Paterson NJ 07509 US $1000 00

Hoboken Clergy Coalition Shelter 300 Bloomfield Street Hoboken NJ 07030 US $2500.00

The Second Wind Foundation 4601 Hamblen Court Seabrook TX 77586 US $150000

Group Timeslot Total $9500.00

American Cancer Society - Suffolk Region - H: 75 Davids Drive Hauppauge NY 11788 US $250.00

Closter Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Cor 72 Ruckman Rd Closter NJ 07624 US $500 00

Individual Total $750.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts

11/8/2010 MGP AUG 09 STATEMENT 4E-9 n L J


Charity Name Charity Addressl City State Zip Cntry Match

Candlelighters for Childhood Cancer of Southern Nevada 601 S Rancho Suite B-11 Las Vegas NV 89106 US $100000

Mount Saint Mary's Hospital and Health Center 5300 Military Rd Lewiston NY 14092 US $100000

Group Timeslot Total $2000.00

autism society of amenca - east tennessee chapter p o box 30015 knoxville TN 37930 US $50000

Uptown Dance Academy 1425 Amsterdam Ave Apt 5G New York NY 10027-7457 US $500 00

Individual Total $1000.00

Grand Total Other Volunteer Matching Gifts


2009 Form 990-PF, Part 11, line 10: Quantity Cost Basis Adjusted Basis Market Value

10a. U .S. and State Government Obligations See Attached - Statement # 5a 0 0 0

10b. Corporate Stock See Attacched - Statement # 5b 0 0 0

10c. Corporate Bonds & Notes See Attacched - Statement # 5c 0 0 0

TOTAL 0 0 0


Form 990-PF, Part II, line 10: Quantity Cost Basis Adjusted Basis Market Value

10a. U .S. and State Government Obligations See Attached - Statement # 5a 0 0 0

10b. Corporate Stock See Attacched - Statement # 5b 0 0 0

10c. Corporate Bonds & Notes See Attacched - Statement # 5c 0 0 0

TOTAL 0 0 0


Form 990-PF, Part II, line 13:

Other Investments 2008 BASIS 2009 BASIS 2009 FMV

Millenium Technology Ventures 243,556 206,233 206,233 Sequoia Capital Growth Fund EES Distressed Securities Fund 6,873 1,561 1,561

Global Opportunistic Fixed Income

Total 250,429 207,794 207,794

2008 BASIS 2009 BASIS 2009 FMV

Global Opportunistic Bond Fund - Mutual Fund

TOTAL 250,429 207,794 207,794

STATEMENT 6 0 UBS FOUNDATION USA EIN# 04-6032804 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 Form 990-PF . Part IV. line 1:

1/1/2009 Through 12/31/2009 Capital Gains SIT & L/T Realized Account Security Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Gains / Losses

Resource Management Accounts STATEMENT 7A Various Various

LT Capital Gain Distribution - RMA STATEMENT 7B Various Various

Through Partnerships STATEMENT 7C Various Various 576 2,214 (1,638)

Other Investments STATEMENT 7D Various Various

TOTAL 576 2,214 (1,638)

11/8/2010 2009 UBS Foundation Tax Return STATEMENT 7 0

UBS FOUNDATION USA Capital Gains I Losses Short Term and Long Term For Year ended 12131/2009

Account Security Shares Bought Sold Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Realized Gain Realized Loss

UT 90277


Stmt A Cap G - (L) by Acct 2009 11/8/2010 1 STATEMENT 7A 0


L / T Capital Gain Distributions 1/1/2009 Through 12/31/2009

Date Account Security Category Cash

_LT CapGnDst 0 TOTAL 0



UBS FOUNDATION USA EIN# 04-6032804 FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 Form 990-PF, Part IV, line 1:

1/1/2009 Through 12/31/2009 Capital Gains S/T & L/T

Realized Account Security Gross Proceeds Cost Basis Gains / Losse!

Short Term Millenium Tech Ventures LP 576 576

Total Short Term 576 - 576

Long Term Millenium Tech Ventures LP - 2,214 (2,214)

Total Long Term - 2,214 (2,214)

Total Partnerships 576 2,214 (1,638)


2009 2009 Gains Gains / (Loss) Sale of Other Investments Proceeds Basis (Losses)



Form 990-PF, Part III, line 5:

Beginning Net Asset Balance 1,809,472

Excess Expense over Revenue (724,278)


Other Increases Non Taxable Dividends & Interest Federal Tax Refund in Transit Received 1/2010 25,708 Net Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investment in Limited Partnerships Tax Exempt Income through Limited Partnerships K-1 Distribution in Transit Return of Capital Other - RMA Timing Differences - Interest & Dividends 2 Unreconciled 25,710

Other Decreases Net Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investment in Limited Partnerships Book Tax Differences through Limited Partnerships Tax Exempt Income through Limited Partnerships Quicken Timing Differences for Interest & Dividends Outstanding check NY State Unreconciled

Ending Net Asset Balance 1,110, 904

Net Asset Balance per Balance Sheet 1,110,904

11/9/2010 2009 UBS Foundation Tax Return STATEMENT 8 s •




AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY GRANTEE: $ 55,000.00 12/31/2004 $ 55,000.00 12/31/2005 $ 56,250.00 12/31/2006 $ 66,500.00 12/31/2007 $ 67,550.00 12/31/2008 $ 50,000.00 12/31/2009

$ 350,300.00



11/8/2010 STATEMENT 9