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This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 [email protected] f't.iblished OUR PHONE Every LOWELL Thursday TW7-9262 Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUME ill THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1957 :\U.\rnEI{ 28 New Youth Organizations Formed at Enthusiastic Kent Chairmen Pian Red feather Campaign Eastmont Church to Open Sunday Two new youth organizations tary a nd J ames DeGood, Treas have been established at the new urer. These young people will be Eastmont Reformed Church, Ada gin their duties on Sunday, Octo Drive a nd Forest Hills Avenue, ber 6th. S.E. The first is a Christian En- Car Wash, Saturday deavor Society for young people The Senior C. E. will soon begin which meets every Sunday eve- its program for the year after ning. at 6 :00 P: m . · ~ st before the planning by the offi cers has been evenmg. wors h~p service. completed. However, they will get . The fir~t officers of the new so- their treasury off to a good start c1ety are. Carol Ma.rsman, Pres1- -on Saturday, October 5, when they dent;. Ruth Ann Marsman, Vice- will hold a Car Wash at the Ed President; Sharon Huyser, Secre- DeWitt Gulf Station on Michigan N.E. They invite you to bring your car. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mars · These Citizens man are the sponsors of the Sen ior C. E. In Cascade Area Junior C. E . Opens, Sunday The second new youth group is Good Swimmers the Junior C. E . They hold their meetings on Sunday afternoon un der the sponsorship of Mr. -a ntl Mrs. Fred Koetsier. The first of ficers of the Junior C. E. are: Penny Smith, President; Noel Ri go, Secretary and Dale Marsm a n, Treasurer. These children are, ---........ Kenneth E. Klynstra, 7130 Burton, and Dr. R-Obert L. Paine, brought to th& church by m eans Of the church bus. The time of w·111 Demonstrate 2005 Thornap1lle Rh·er Drive, are co-captains of the annual Unit.eel their meetings is 3 :OO P. m. I Re<L Feather· Red Cross Fund and Thornapple Valley Community Pro~ram of Lions campaign. Quota for the clrive is $3,l70.00. Both societies are looking for- B h 1• T Iward to the Christian Endeavor reat 0 1zer est I Union meetings held monthly in Scouts Alcan Trail \ f 0 D t C D 0 ?r~:d m~~~id~h~~es~ ~~~ ~~°J~= In Cascade Oct. 8 Camporee at Alaska [~rJoiI~pMee.ti~o · people who wish to join either the I· October 11th and 12th a re the b Senior or Junior C. E . may do At the meeting of the Cascade dates for the South Kent District Monday, Oct. 14 so at a ny time by coming to the Businessmen's Association on;. Tues- 1C amporee, being held at Ruehs Th es~ little Future Citizens of meetings at the Church, or calling day, October 8, in the Township Park in Alaska. Scouts and Ex- The next meeting of the Coopera- Cascade are Leigh, s, a nd Tom, the pastor, Rev. Collins Weeber, Fire Station, Inspector William plorers of Troop No. 334 of Cas- tive Volunteer Fire Fighters As- ~. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Roger at GL4-9828. Dang! of the Grand Rapids Police cade, with their leader, Milton sociation of Kent and Ottawa coun- Koops of 2995 Thornapple River Department a nd a resident of Heaven, will be attending this · ties will be held in No. 2. Fire Drive. They are active youngsters Car Str•1kes .Deer, Whitneyville Road will demon- event. Registration begins at 3 :30 Station in Grand Rapids township and attend Cascade Scllools. Both strate the Breatholizer test for P. m. on Friday a nd Saturday located on 3 Mile Road just east · d L · h drinking drivers There will be a I will be spent in hiking the "Alcan of Fuller Ave., Monday evening, are exper t swimmers an e1g I • • Th · I · " O is a baseball enthusiast playing n1ur1ng ree . 1 live_ demonstration of tl:e unit a nd IT rail. ctober 14 .. at 7 :~O. jn the minor league this summer. ! a d1 scuss1on of its merits. Inspec- T_he P_arents of the boys part1c1-J The meet111g will be devoted to They have an unusual pet- a baby Three women on their way to tor Dang! says that this unit ana-, patmg m this Carnporee are m- Civil Defense activities , including alligator and also a dog which is Iatte nd the Medical Society meet- lizes the. breath of . a suspected v1ted to brmg the!l' ~1c111 c sur:per 1 mass feeding, a training program their almost cons ta. nt companion. mg rn Grand Rapids Thursday were drunk driver and will accurately and eat with their 1 roop at .-:> :30 Ito be taught for use 1f the need / Mr . Koops is employed with the injured as t heir car rolled down tell the percentage of alcohol in P. m. Be su re to be there on time, arises. Also other units of Red Michigan Inspection Bureau in . an embankment between Lowen I the body. as _the. boys will be hungry after I Cross and Civil Defense \\'ill be Grand Rapids. The boys ' mother a nd Ada. A deer r em in front of This idea was developed in 1954 their hike. At 6 :30 P. m. there w1u j brought out. fl light rescue truck is a real home mother and her the ca1: a nd as_ the driver. swerved for a laboratory testing device to Ibe a camp fi re, Presentat10~ of will be on d1splay, and emergency outside interests include Mothers' to avoid stnk111 g the amm al the test drinking drivers. Grand Rap- . awa~ds ~ nd a n Eagle . S~out .court I1 commumcations will be demon- Club and she is also a Den Moth- car went out of control. ids Police purchased one of the of Honor. The boys \·\ill return strated. er in the Cub Scouts. Mrs. Juliann Campbell, wife of first commercial units and now home after the campfire. Grand Rapids Town~hip Civil De- The family have Ji ved in this IDr . R. E. Campbell of Ionia suf-1 check suspects for all poli ce in fense unit and Fire Department are a rea for a year, coming to Cas- fered a . broken right leg and frac-1 this a rea. The test is not now ad- Tax •ncrease co-sponsors of the meeting and all cade from Rockford. l tured nbs . Mrs. Ada N. Woudter, missible as evidence in Michigan I Personnel of the member depart- , wife of Dr. HaJ Woudhter of F lint , courts but is in 27 other states a nd T ments and also some of the in- Group to Do Odd Jobs Iand driv_er of the car, and Mrs . police a re working to get the leg- urned Down dustry per sonnel . should find 1his .Fr _ed Zeigler of Muir were also islature to permit these tests to be · meetmg mtere tmg and cduca- 0 n C • Y• F• Wo.rk Day ImJured a nd a!J three were removed brought into court as evidence in Voters of this area, along with t1onal. 'D , f th S t d Ito Ionia County Memorial hospital. Michigan. most sections of Kent County, on t o_rget at a ur ay, 0 c- Kent county sheriff's depart- turned down the proposal to in- Car Hits Gravel; Is tober. 5th 1s the day you can have ment reported Mrs. Woudhter said 0 dd b d b tl C Y F Mothers Club Groups crease taxes to fi na nce capital im- Completely Demolished JO s one Y . ie · · · 1s he swerved off the road to avoid provErnents, in !he special election I of the Casca?e Christia n Church. striking the deer, whi ch unexpect- Plan Next Meetings Tuesday. Kay DenBoer, a junior at Low- Also ~t1ere w_i ll be a_ car wash at edly jumped out in front of the Th B d G . f th C Lowell fax paying residents vo- 0JJ Hicrh School and daue-hter of Slaters Service Stat10n. vehicle. e ur e 11 roup o · e as- ~ <r . ' • • 1 . " ., Ab~·t cade Mother s Club will hold their Iled 129 to 14 a,,amst the p1 opo al, Mr. and Mrs. ea! DenBoer of ADA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL v~ $2,000 damage was done th! f M d Ada 119 to 67; Bowne 62 to 19; Ada suffered a broken nose and to the car according to the sher - mon Y tmbee mgth on tl on lay evef- Cascade 152 to 84; Grattan 62 to min~r bruises when the car ' he TO HOLD FIRST P. T. A. iff's officers nmg, 0 co er 7 at 1e 1ome o . v . · The Ada Christia n School P . T . A. · · Mrs. Allene Hussey, 6469 \Nendell 15. ·t h'0 n1 ~ 1 ~. ~I-~enn~s township 1\·as driving hit a pile of loose 111 15 1 1 will hold its first meeting th· fall SE at 7 :45. Co-hostess will be · ec ion vo ers approve gravel and turned over in a ditch. 15 CARL l\IOTHERS CLUB TO ' . the tax; tax payers there voted• Tl .d - on Thursday, October 10 at 8 :00 HOLD LUNCHEON OCTOBER 8 Mrs.